The clarity I now have has lifted a great weight off both mind and body. My devotion to Christ Jesus is now absolute. I will spend my final days here in Ardmore OK. I confess to having a very new introduction to the bible. I owe my thanks to Chuck for explaining the good book in a way a left-handed aerospace engineer could grasp. I will still honor my military oath but only to the people and our Constitution. l will continue my bible studies and keep watching Chuck and praying. GOD BLESS KOINONIA!
Q & A.. I read the bible twice from front to back without skipping a word. The second time I read it I think I found the meaning of Life, it hit me like a ton of bricks as I read it... Revelation 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:➡ for thou hast created all things,➡ and for thy pleasure they are and were created.⬅ In other words...... ,➡ and for thy pleasure they are and were created.⬅..... IS THE MEANING OF LIFE ? This to me in a nut shell sums of the Question ''what's the meaning of life'' ? What say you..?
This was then. Isa_53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. 1Jn_3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
Billy Sciarrino found it my brother. And that truth, that we are created for HIS pleasure also settles the issue of freewill. In order for God to have pleasure in us we MUST have the ability to choose to obey or disobey. What pleasure is there in it if your child MUST do what you ask....none....but when you ask your child and they willingly obey, that is pleasing.
I love these video. I look forward to them every week. Like many others , my husband and I have listened to Chuck M for many years. I didn't grow up with parents who taught us about the Bible but I'm forever grateful that I found Chuck M so many years ago. I consider him my spiritual father. Thank you for continuing to teach us and sharing your wisdom. I have been meditating on something powerful you said many months ago. You tend to repeat it and I LOVE when you do. The fact that the Lord has an unquenchable desire that we should trust HIM. So many teaching so many lessons so many conference speeches throughout your ministry & all the things you've ever learned and studied and this nugget of information so moves your heart. It's simply priceless and its something I will carry with me forever sharing it with my family generations to come. We love you Mr Missler & your belated beautiful bride Nancy. She taught me so much about Gods Agape Love. Blessings to you.
Im with ya. I have been meditating on that as well, and often share it with friends and family. I love that Chuck repeats it too. So beautiful. Thanks for the graceful reply, its so good to see on this comment thread amongst other things. God bless You. I too am so grateful for Chuck and the Koninia house ministry. Such a huge blessing.
Thank you Chuck and Ron for 'putting into word' my floundering with what the lack of an indictment meant. I knew lawlessness was becoming more rampant in the US but this was the nail in my balloon. I am thankful for your teachings about this time to help me understand. Praying for my friends and relatives that cannot/will not see the significance.
Thanks for helping me understand the situation here in the USA. I shared this information with my husband and he agreed and was so glad to be alerted to the gravity of events. I enjoy all the discussions. Thank you Chuck Missler.
Maybe a little off here but it seems to me when it comes to our culture here we have been counter educated for many years in many areas of life. I thank God for Chuck he is a very unique and wonderful man.
OSAS doesn't set well in my spirit. 😔 *2 Peter **2:21**-22 (KJV) For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them* *22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire* *Revelation **3:16* *So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth* In a chilling reminder of the possibility of losing salvation by separating oneself from Christ, Paul says, he fears that, after having preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." (1 Cor. 9:27). Here are a couple of additional passages that pretty much spell out the fact that one can lose one's salvation: *Hebrews 6:4-6* *For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost* *5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come* *6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame* *Matthew **24:13* *But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved* *Matt: 6:15 Matt: 19:21-35 Matt: 10:22-32 Luke 12:41-46 1 Cor. 15:1-2 Colossians 1:22-23 Hebrews 3:6, 14 Rev. 2:10, 25-36, 3:1-5, 2 Peter 2:20-22 These passages give a pretty strong witness to the fact that we can fall away and, if we do not repent and come back to Jesus, we could suffer the consequences for all eternity. *Philippians **2:12* *Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling* *Ephesians **3:14* *For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ* 💕🕊💕
Thank you, K-house. I love Chuck so very much. I'm so very thankful for his insight and his teaching techniques. His legacy will continue on... invaluable.
I think there are many of us feeling totally frustrated living in the USA, and want to move desperately. I have contacted the New Zealand office of employment and Visa registration. I have gotten several e-mails. It looks like it will be costly. Hoping it works out! Also, just can't wait to see your show on youtube. Really enjoy it. God bless you both. Chuck you are really looking well, so glad to see it. Alot of us have been praying for you. Ron you as well. We need truth such as you give in such a dark world, Bless you both in Yeshua's name.
Thank you so very much gentlemen for this wonderful Q&A. These video's are a great way to get or minds and hearts pondering questions we may have, and going before our Great Redeemers throne for truth and guidance. Hallelu-Yah.
I can understand, when I realized the truth of 9/11.... Cried for days and moved on with a new knowledge of the world as it truly is. RIP Chuck Missler.
Justification, Sanctification and Glorification! Amen! Love your book on "KINGDOM, POWER & GLORY" What an eye opener! No more confusion on our part when it comes to losing our salvation after you have become a christian. I love this book so much I must have read it more than 5 times. I love the "Way of Agape" by you and Nancy as well. I am a deep researcher. If I want to understand something, even a word I would research it to death. Thank you for bringing deep deep materials to satisfied my hunger for the word. Love you Dr Missler and Ron!
The thing that I love the most when you do these Q&A's is that although you are speaking to eachother you both assume that you are speaking also to the listener in which may have NO idea about what you are explaining. Thank you for always being so thorough. You shed a bright & shining light for many seeking truth. I cannot tell you the many hours that I have spent listening to your audio information as I do not have any time to read. I was so blessed to have been lead to you a few years ago. Loads of Love to you all & may YHWH place a hedge of protection around you all while you continue to help us to not be deceived & to give us tools to sew seeds.
Back shortly after July 4th, 2016, Chuck Missler was asked: "What is your opinion on the ruling by FBI Director Comey regarding the recently concluded investigation into the use of a private email server by the former Secretary of State where he (Comey) says that 'There will be no case to answer for Hillary Clinton.' Is there a Biblical precedent here?" Chuck Missler's response: "I don't know about biblical precedent, but we have just had another bubble burst, and that is the concept that we live in a rule of law. The concept of America was that our allegieance isn't to a person; it's to a rule of law. I have had that deeply seeded conviction from the beginning. My whole career, my naval academy background.. all of that was a reinforcement of the idea that America was not a nationalistic thing, it was a philosophical root of a rule of law. I took refuge in that. And all that was punctured today.. it was a total denial of the rule of law. Here, by Comey's declaration, he is putting the exclamation point, that we are not any longer ruled by law. The laws are clear. ..there are people in prison for far less than what was done here. *This issue accentuates the breakdown of the rule of law within the United States and elsewhere really. ..and that is one of the biggest shocks I've ever had in my life, to realize that everything I signed up for, when I was in Memorial Hall at the Naval Academy being sworn to defend the Constitution, we swore a serious oath in that. My whole intellectual life, from a teenager on, through my whole executive career, was a commitment to the rule of law. To suddenly discover that was a myth, that is a premise that has been punctured. We aren't under the rule of law. The disenfranchisement of all of us that occurred when the FBI denied the law was broken and punctured the rule of law. Intent should have nothing to do with it. The laws were clear, and the laws were broken. To discover I no longer live under the protection of being in a rule of law, ..that exposure terrifies me."
A Simple Servant Shares the bible tells it all PSALMS 34:21-22 says " Evil (satan)shall slay the wicked, and those who hate the rightous shall be condemned. The LORD REDEEMS THE SOUL OF HIS SERVANTS, and none of those who trust in HIM (JESUS) shall be condemned..' AMEN
the music overlay in these advert videos really need to be quieter. it takes away from what the speaker is saying and makes it harder to hear the voice. thanks for the videos. praying for you all.
Philippians 2:12 tells us tat we hv to wk out our salvation w fear n trembling although it's a gift fr God. Then, Matthew 7:21 says tat not everyone who says to Jesus, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter d kingdom of heaven, but he who does d will of His Father in heaven. These two verses remind us tat we can't take our salvation for granted.
+fourteen Yes, tat is d Will of God but God still gives us a choice. “If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask, and God will give him life-to those who commit sins that do not lead to death. There is sin that leads to death; I do not say that one should pray for that.” 1 John 5:16 ESV If we walk in d Spirit n in d fear of d Lord, we shld not fall into tis category. God bless. 😊
Dear Chuck and Ron, Thank you so much for your RUclips ministry. I look forward to it each week and am edified every time! I HAVE A QUESTION: ...or should I say, "I am looking for clarification". On more than one occasion, I have heard Chuck teach that prophecy is not for predicting the future. However, I am not sure if I misunderstood as it appears to be doing just that in Acts 11:27-30 and 21:10-14 Can you share any insights within the context of these specific passages? Blessings, Mike Bennett Windsor Locks, CT
That rule of law brought a thought to me about salvation. Because I broke Gods laws many times. God being the top judge, I deserve hell. Thank you Jesus for paying my fine.
One thing with OSAS, there are those who refuse to worship the Beast, who is this? What does osas doctrine say, it’s impossible to take the Mark if you are saved? There are going to be believers here pointing to Christ during the Tribulation, can they take the Mark?
I like to believe our names are already in the book as a pre-paid ticket. (My savoir Jesus died for me long before I was born) and when we believe in our hearts what is written of him in God's word that it confirms the reservation he paid for with his life. If we choose to deny him as our only salvation is when our reservation is erased. Hope this helps.
You know what would be great? It'd be great if some technician had some AWARENESS of the different volumes of these two guys' voices....If you turn it up so you can actually HEAR Chuck, then Ron's voice is blaring....COME ON PEOPLE...figure this out please.
Chuck I was wondering who you believe Jeremiah chapter 50 and 51 is talking about? I would love to know what your view is on this? Thank you, God Bless you and yours.
The conference details are shown on the website: It will be held in Coeur d'Alene Idaho but the closest airport is Spokane, Washington. If you need any more information, please contact our customer services department in the USA 800-khouse1. See you there.
Thanks! It took me 30 mins to find it and finally I got it from the Facebook event. I may be a country physicist from Virginia, but I think you ought to put "Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho" on the actual event page, near where you'd click to buy tickets. I mean this respectfully and helpfully. I do intend to go, thank you.
Does anyone know how to submit question to Chuck? I have a question concerning scalar weapon technology and the development of such things. Is scalar weaponry real and is it being used? How successful was Tesla in his development of this type of technology? In answer to your question just streamed the 4 th prophecy in the news conference and one of the speakers addressed tesla. Chuck spoke via satellite. Anyhow both Cern and Haarp are based on tesla' research Look up Anthony patch who was the speaker at this conference. He also wrote a fiction book which is written around all this to make people aware
Come on people,The Word of The Lord is holding this entire universe together,nothing exists apart from God. He is absolute sovereign and it's His Wroth that is punishing the wicked and bringing a remnant of the Jewish people to recognise Him who they pierced plus whoever else He might choose to save...
I have looked at "ask Chuck" on and cannot find a place for asking my question, which is: What does Harpazo mean? I can't find it in the dictionary and have never heard it anywhere except from Chuck Missler. If I don't know what it means, I can't follow your logic. Thanks for your answer.
He is referring to 1 Thessalonians 5:17 " Then we who are alive and remain shall be "caught up" (the Greek word translated here is Harpazo, meaning to be snatched or taken away, or carried away by force) together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. " He is talking about the Rapture of the church here. Rapture is a state or experience of being carried away. The english word comes from a latin word, rapio, which means to sieze or snatch in relation to the actual removal from one place to another.
It's also a reference to how the Jewish Groom came and took His Bride back to His Fathers house a year after making the marriage covenant, John 14:1 - 3, Rev 19:7 - 9, be blessed.
A person who has had their heart regenerated by the Holy Spirit, has Jesus as their Lord and Savior, cannot lose their Salvation. Salvation does not depend upon you but on Christ, otherwise you can boast. Study the letter to the Ephesians, especially chapter 2. BTW. I will not debate anyone on this because there is nothing to debate. Only prideful, man centered, unsaved people will debate this.
True. I heard that you can't be unborn, whether physically or spiritually. As to the claims of "losing" their salvation, who is to say that they were saved in the first place.
Q & A... People say all the time the 7 seals are happening but.. wouldn't we HEAR our pets and then some saying...Revelation 5:13 And ''every creature'' which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them,> heard I saying, ''Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.'' ??? We would have heard our pets and then some saying these things out loud ???
Matthew 28 :19 , Father, Son & Holy spirit were added not in original text. This lady has legitimate question, we are instructed to baptize in the name of Yeshua ! Water baptism not required !! Read Acts 1:5 Words of Jesus, pay attention to 'but' over there.
Salvation: Past tense: from the penalty of sin which means missing the mark. Present tense: from the power of sin. Future tense: from the presence of sin.
I believe that God Himself will soon be dealing with Hillary over the emails as well as the arming of rebels that then destroyed Libya and Syria creating millions of refugees. The murder of our Ambassador, was also part of this and I feel that God will reveal that the RUclips link was in Hillary's email prior to the day of the attack. If Russia or some other agency that hacked into those emails can reveal this then we have an effective "Smoking Gun in Hillary's hands" Strangely enough we must look to Russia and a possible International court case to handle the aggression of Hillary and Obama against two sovereign Nations leaders. AN international court may hear charges, because our own government has broken any reasonable rule of law regarding this matter, that Hillary and Obama fed the violence by arming the rebels illegally and that the emails can show this with a serious investigation of the timeline of events. And this should be both to punish Hillary, Obama and their co-conspirators as well as to make an example to stop such events going further
Truth as a static structure vs a dynamic system. To simplify, think of a stack of copy paper with one word on each page. In time, we see each page one at a time, outside of time all of the words, on all of the pages combine to make a single word. This single word is truth, it is the entire story, told in an instant of time. The fractal version of this story has another feature. As each page is presented to us, our intent creates a slightly new meaning that branches out, changing the story, an effect that turns the stack into a tree like structure. Special note; the law is static, but grace, mercy, and redemption are dynamic. The direction of time's arrow is the breaking of the symmetry of the potential of the boundary condition. In other words, if I toss a coin and it has perfect symmetry of potential it will land heads half the time and tails half the time. The symmetry of the potential is broken if the coin tosses are not 50/50. In a perfectly random system, after a sufficient number of tosses, the symmetry for all even number tosses would always be 50/50. Coin tosses are a lot like squaring the circle. You get closer and closer to the true value but you never reach it, like an infinite recursive iteration. If meaning is always fluctuating then we do not ever really see truth, what we see are truth values. In the example of the coin tosses, We have a resolution that gives us a value something like, yes that is definitely heads. But if the time scales are very small, we can't see the result of the toss long enough for it to register, and if the scales are very long, we would not live long enough to see the result of the toss. We appear to be right in the middle of these scales. Is this a coincident? A metastable state is Buridan's donkey, such that, as the choice between two options becomes increasingly equal as a possibility it reaches a decision peak in critical systems. It is this middle state between sub-critical and super-critical where the magik (unknown power of self referential randomness) happens. This peak is a knife edge in self organizing systems, not to be confused with Fredkin's paradox.
Leslie Kendall Your YADDA YADDA YADDA commrnt is very discouraging. I now feel isolated. This idea of the metaphor of the living word (Jesus) is something Chuck Missler would be very interested in. I know this because I have attended many of his Bible studies going back to 1983. I have also listens to his Bible studies on the radio for all of these years. For the most, I have a reasonably good understanding of The holographic nature of the Bible. Jesus is on every page. I have also listened to many of J. Vernon McGee teachings. And yes I read my Bible.
+Ann Sumners if you think she is guilty of that you must also prosecute Condoleezza Rice and and Colonel Powell because they used a private email server also
Why don’t Baptist’s OBEY ACTS 2:38. Then Apostles OBEYED IT! 3000+ obeyed it after Jesus COMMANDED that they be re-BAPTIZED IN HIS NAME! and they asked: Have you received the Holy Ghost since you first believed?
*OSAS* ( Once Saved Always Saved) doesn't set well in my spirit. 😔 *2 Peter **2:21**-22 (KJV) For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them* *22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire* *Revelation **3:16* *So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth* In a chilling reminder of the possibility of losing salvation by separating oneself from Christ, Paul says, he fears that, after having preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." (1 Cor. 9:27). Here are a couple of additional passages that pretty much spell out the fact that one can lose one's salvation: *Hebrews 6:4-6* *For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost* *5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come* *6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame* *Matthew **24:13* *But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved* *Matt: 6:15 Matt: 19:21-35 Matt: 10:22-32 Luke 12:41-46 1 Cor. 15:1-2 Colossians 1:22-23 Hebrews 3:6, 14 Rev. 2:10, 25-36, 3:1-5, 2 Peter 2:20-22 These passages give a pretty strong witness to the fact that we can fall away and, if we do not repent and come back to Jesus, we could suffer the consequences for all eternity. *Philippians **2:12* *Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling* *Ephesians **3:14* *For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ* 💕🕊💕
Margaret Jones - I agree with your statements but I think we’re confusing salvation with whatever more is offered like inheritance/ rewards. They briefly talk about this around min 26
Salvation is a gift,determined by the giver as to who He gives it to. God doesn't make mistakes. He gives the gift of salvation without repentance and He said He will never leave us or forsake us. The gift is The Holy Spirit,God can never deny Himself. If anyone is in Christ He is a new creation,a child of God. Salvation is NOT a intellectual achievement of man though the way the Gospel is often presented these days you could be forgiven for getting that impression. And all children of God are participators in Gods plan of salvation,therein is the fruit that demonstrates the reality of their faith...
OSAS is very simple for me because it is shown plainly for us in the Holy Bible. Yeshua said in Luke, “For the Son of man has come to seek and save that which was lost,” (19:10). Paul further states, in First Timothy, “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners . . .” (1:15). First of all, Yeshua CAME to save man. That was His purpose. Then, In Luke is is told to us, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should NOT PERISH, but have EVERLASTING LIFE" (3:16) and again, in John, "He that believeth on the Son hath EVERLASTING LIFE" (3:36). How plain is that? I love the insight of Chuck (Chuck always has great insights) saying first that it was Yeshua (Jesus) who provided our salvation for us and we have had nothing to do with it. There are probably a couple of ways to think about that. My immediate thought was, "He gave us salvation as a gift. Why should he take it back?"
Dr. Missler made one of those rare errors. Hell is not synonymous with the Lake of Fire, in fact the Word of God reveals that when Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire, then Death and Hell are also cast into the Lake of Fire. Revelation 20:10 and Revelation 20:14.
On another point, regarding Satan in Hell etc. It's my understanding that Satan is the Prince of the Air, not yet in hell, but on the earth with the other fallen angels. That he still has access to Heaven and the throne of God as an accuser of the saints until the tribulation when he will be thrown down and his access to Heaven will be further denied. At his judgment, he will be thrown into the lake of fire which is hell. Am I wrong here?
It's sad that kids when they are born into this world and become adults they follow the illusion the material world that was created which does not help one to open their eyes and realize that something isn't right with this world. We all know very well that evil has taught humanity wrong. Those who do not obey and behave and take full responsibility in their own action can be either judged or crisscrossed by something that takes away their happiness because of being a bad person and following idols. We all know that most are waking up but others are not and that is because spiritually they can not due to the influence of this world and not being able to grasp God's truth that is by his love Yeshua to save us all from the darkness that over shadows truth.
My Question is in regard to the last chapter of Ecclesiastics. When Solomon tells us to "6 Earnestly remember your Creator before the silver cord [of life] is broken, or the golden bowl is crushed, or the pitcher at the fountain is shattered and the wheel at the cistern is crushed; " what is he referring to? The silver cord, I think I understand as the spirit leaving the flesh we dwell on earth in, but what are the other refernces to? Thank you, Patricia from British Columbia, Canada.
Thank you for addressing the issue of baptism in Jesus' name, only. My close friend was recently re-baptized because her pastor taught that if one is baptized in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, he has done so wrongly. There was no arguing with her about it, because he proved it to her from the scriptures, and her husband was also convinced. Then came the arrogant attitude--that everyone else is doing it wrong and following a non-biblical tradiion. To me, it was really a non-issue, and I had never before heard of a theology that taught the Jesus-only baptism as a point of salvation. This is a strong bible church and they are careful to interpret the whole of scripture. They seem to be balanced, otherwise. So the whole thing left me feeling confused.
To my knowledge there is one place in the scripture that says to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. (The name of all of these would be Jesus.) There are several places where that baptism when practiced was done in the name of Jesus. To my mind, Jesus name baptism is much more scripturally backed up than the Father, Son, Holy Ghost baptism. As to whether or not it's wrong I am unsure. I've often wondered why so many baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost when baptizing in Jesus name is what was actually practiced in the very early church as noted in the scriptures, mainly Acts.
Of course one can lose their salvation. You can’t just believe in Jesus and then go on living sinfully, willfully. Once saved, always saved is lie that can cost a person their soul. Of course if we sin, we can turn to Jesus for forgivenesses, but that is different from a person who has accepted Jesus and then willfully continues an unrepentant life of sin. If we Love Jesus, we will follow His Commandments. Don’t be fooled!
Much, much, much respect to Dr. Missler. However, the position he takes on 'Once save always saved' I must disagree with. Jesus makes clear there are ways in which you can lose your salvation. The parable of the Unmerciful Servant probably depicts the most common reason for losing salvation, Unforgiveness. Matt 18:21-35. The man who was forgiven was in a complete state of Grace, Total Forgiveness. But lost it all because he would not 'forgive his brother from the heart'. God LOVES you, but He will not tolerate you taking His forgiveness, then spitting in His eye by not forgiving your brother from the heart. God is LOVing but he is not a punk.
Topics regarding Salvation should not be viewed as a contest and having the free will to believe whatever we choose has nothing to do with what the scripture is saying, but seems like an all american statement. Chuck clearly said to not take his word for it, but to study it for ourselves. That is an exhortation from a respectable bible teacher and scholar. I enjoy listening to Chuck because he teaches and digs in the Word of God. I listen to him because I love reading the Bible. If we respect and love Chuck that much, then as Bible believers why wont we take him at his word and search this out ourselves in Gods word to see if these things be so,because he (Chuck) obviously has. I have yet to read a good argument for God losing His own. And I dont think it should be an argument, but an all out race to run to our Heavenly Father and seek Him thru His Word regarding this issue. God bless us all with His abudant grace and understanding. Maranatha!
My opinion is not the one that need be counted, because unlike you I did not give it on this reply line regarding eternal salvation. May God bless you in your endeavors to seek truth out. This is my last reply. God bless!
K grove; 1 Cor. 15:2. By this gospel you are saved, IF you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. Jonah 3;10 And God saw their WORKS, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.
Can A Believer Lose Their Salvation This issue, due to the fact that our free will is never violated by God, and that our understanding is part of that will - may very well determine if someone will go to heaven or not - and therefore is very important because it reveals one’s understanding of the true nature of God and how His plan of salvation / His covenant of salvation actually works. It should be the desire of every fellowship that claims they are part of God’s true Church, that all persons who come in contact with His Ministry receive accurate teaching regarding God's nature and to draw into a closer relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ - subsequent to salvation. 1) We are not saved by our own efforts but by that grace of God the Father and our subsequent trust in the finished work of Jesus on the cross being drawn by the Holy Spirit knowing in our hearts that Christ's shed blood has paid for our sin debt in full. Eph 2:8,9; Rom 10:9. 2) Since we can not do anything to save ourselves we also can not do anything to earn the continuance of our salvation and that God in His love, sovereignty, omnipotence and omniscience is the only reason that we can expect to spend eternity in heaven and that if the way we live our lives here on earth are pleasing to Him it is also because of His grace and the power given to us by the Holy Spirit. 3) We therefore can not lose that which we did not earn or do not have the ability to keep that which is not attainable by our efforts. Positions contrary to God's clear teaching on this matter would seem to indicate a belief that says we are not God's children, under His complete control and desires, but only visiting relatives to His kingdom and that we are still free to come and go as we please as is the case with the unbeliever before all rights to self are forfeited at the time of the freewill acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! John 6:37,39,40,44; 10:28,29; 14:3; 17:12,24; 18:9. Acts 20:32. Romans 8:16,17,27,29-31,31-35,38,39; 10:9; 11:29; 14:4; 16:25. 2 Corinthians 5:13,14. Ephesians 3:20. Philippians 2:12,13; 3:20,21. Colossians 3:3,4. 1 Thessalonians 4:14,17. 2 Timothy 1:12: 4:18. Hebrews 2:13; 7:25. 1 Peter 1:4,5. Jude 1,24. Revelation 22:21(Amp) Deuteronomy 33:3. Psalms 17:15; 31:5; 37:24; 73:24. Proverbs 24:16 The fact that God does whatever He desires and that Jesus wants us to be with Him and requests this of God the Father, it is truly a matter of - “If saved always saved” - and not assuming we already know a person’s mind and heart thereby declaring the oft heard by some “once saved always saved”. As well as not believing we can lose something we can't earn or keep on our own - for then we would have had to work for it in the first place! Amen.
Continue in faith - not once saved always saved as some preach. Jude 1:5 > I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. Colossians 1:22-23 > In the body of His flesh through death, "to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in HIS sight": " If ye continue in the faith" grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister; It's not "if you believed" but "if you believe" indicating a continuous belief or at the least a belief still held at the time of one's passing away from this world.
It could be, because we could not pray to the Father or receive the Holy Spirit until Jesus died on the cross. the veil in the temple was torn to where everyone could co to G-d our Father freely and Jesus is the sweet favour filtering out our sins
Ron, I just want to say thank you for the honor you show our brother Chuck.
I love Chuck Missler. So thoughtful, humble and able to clearly convey the message in accordance with the Word of God. Bless all of you!
The clarity I now have has lifted a great weight off both mind and body. My devotion to Christ Jesus is now absolute. I will spend my final days here in Ardmore OK. I confess to having a very new introduction to the bible. I owe my thanks to Chuck for explaining the good book in a way a left-handed aerospace engineer could grasp. I will still honor my military oath but only to the people and our Constitution. l will continue my bible studies and keep watching Chuck and praying. GOD BLESS KOINONIA!
Q & A..
I read the bible twice from front to back without skipping a word. The second time I read it I think I found the meaning of Life, it hit me like a ton of bricks as I read it...
Revelation 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:➡ for thou hast created all things,➡ and for thy pleasure they are and were created.⬅
In other words...... ,➡ and for thy pleasure they are and were created.⬅..... IS THE MEANING OF LIFE ?
This to me in a nut shell sums of the Question ''what's the meaning of life'' ? What say you..?
This was then.
Isa_53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
1Jn_3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
the purpose of all life is to glorify and praise the Son of God , that is my belief of the meaning of life same as yours i think
Billy Sciarrino found it my brother. And that truth, that we are created for HIS pleasure also settles the issue of freewill. In order for God to have pleasure in us we MUST have the ability to choose to obey or disobey. What pleasure is there in it if your child MUST do what you ask....none....but when you ask your child and they willingly obey, that is pleasing.
I Love Chuck Missler's Mind !
Me tooooooo and I love your name @Kami Potter
I love these video. I look forward to them every week. Like many others , my husband and I have listened to Chuck M for many years. I didn't grow up with parents who taught us about the Bible but I'm forever grateful that I found Chuck M so many years ago. I consider him my spiritual father. Thank you for continuing to teach us and sharing your wisdom. I have been meditating on something powerful you said many months ago. You tend to repeat it and I LOVE when you do. The fact that the Lord has an unquenchable desire that we should trust HIM. So many teaching so many lessons so many conference speeches throughout your ministry & all the things you've ever learned and studied and this nugget of information so moves your heart. It's simply priceless and its something I will carry with me forever sharing it with my family generations to come. We love you Mr Missler & your belated beautiful bride Nancy. She taught me so much about Gods Agape Love. Blessings to you.
Im with ya. I have been meditating on that as well, and often share it with friends and family. I love that Chuck repeats it too. So beautiful. Thanks for the graceful reply, its so good to see on this comment thread amongst other things. God bless You. I too am so grateful for Chuck and the Koninia house ministry. Such a huge blessing.
Such a privilege to have you guys wonderfully in NZ!! Thank you Lord, my God in the name of Jesus!
"I am SURE of this, that He who began a good work in you will(and SHALL) bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6)
NO ifs and buts about it. The WORD is TRUTH.
Thank you Chuck and Ron for 'putting into word' my floundering with what the lack of an indictment meant. I knew lawlessness was becoming more rampant in the US but this was the nail in my balloon. I am thankful for your teachings about this time to help me understand. Praying for my friends and relatives that cannot/will not see the significance.
"You might lose your salvation if you don't subscribe." - That was hilarious Chuck! That's a good one!!! : )
What a wise man. A powerful soldier and teacher for the kingdom of God.
Chuck and Ron, truthful & reliable sources. Praise Jesus Christ
Thanks for helping me understand the situation here in the USA. I shared this information with my husband and he agreed and was so glad to be alerted to the gravity of events. I enjoy all the discussions. Thank you Chuck Missler.
Excellent! Keep these types of videos coming....very true and helpful.
Maybe a little off here but it seems to me when it comes to our culture here we have been counter educated for many years in many areas of life. I thank God for Chuck he is a very unique and wonderful man.
Exactly...Let NO man deceive you...NO MAN!~~~!
OSAS doesn't set well in my spirit. 😔
*2 Peter **2:21**-22 (KJV) For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them*
*22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire*
*Revelation **3:16* *So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth*
In a chilling reminder of the possibility of losing salvation by separating oneself from Christ, Paul says, he fears that, after having preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." (1 Cor. 9:27).
Here are a couple of additional passages that pretty much spell out the fact that one can lose one's salvation:
*Hebrews 6:4-6* *For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost*
*5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come*
*6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame*
*Matthew **24:13* *But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved*
*Matt: 6:15 Matt: 19:21-35 Matt: 10:22-32 Luke 12:41-46 1 Cor. 15:1-2 Colossians 1:22-23 Hebrews 3:6, 14 Rev. 2:10, 25-36, 3:1-5, 2 Peter 2:20-22
These passages give a pretty strong witness to the fact that we can fall away and, if we do not repent and come back to Jesus, we could suffer the consequences for all eternity.
*Philippians **2:12* *Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling*
*Ephesians **3:14* *For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ*
Woe be to the man that tries to deceive me.
Thank you, K-house. I love Chuck so very much. I'm so very thankful for his insight and his teaching techniques. His legacy will continue on... invaluable.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding... good one to support chuck's view :)
I think there are many of us feeling totally frustrated living in the USA, and want to move desperately. I have contacted the New Zealand office of employment and Visa registration. I have gotten several e-mails. It looks like it will be costly. Hoping it works out! Also, just can't wait to see your show on youtube. Really enjoy it. God bless you both. Chuck you are really looking well, so glad to see it. Alot of us have been praying for you. Ron you as well. We need truth such as you give in such a dark world, Bless you both in Yeshua's name.
Great stuff as usual.. much love to both of you! God bless!
Well said.. Our allegiance to the Most High first. What a comfort when living without RoL
Thank you so very much gentlemen for this wonderful Q&A. These video's are a great way to get or minds and hearts pondering questions we may have, and going before our Great Redeemers throne for truth and guidance. Hallelu-Yah.
Word of God is truth he doesn’t change his word !
For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to
keep that which I have committed unto Him against that Day. 2nd Timothy 1.12
I can understand, when I realized the truth of 9/11.... Cried for days and moved on with a new knowledge of the world as it truly is. RIP Chuck Missler.
Same here.... crying... 🙏🇺🇸🙏🌎
love Mr. Chuck's clear and knowledgeable teaching of the Bible! God bless you guys! please help me pray for my family and my salvation, thank you
Justification, Sanctification and Glorification! Amen! Love your book on "KINGDOM, POWER & GLORY" What an eye opener! No more confusion on our part when it comes to losing our salvation after you have become a christian. I love this book so much I must have read it more than 5 times. I love the "Way of Agape" by you and Nancy as well. I am a deep researcher. If I want to understand something, even a word I would research it to death. Thank you for bringing deep deep materials to satisfied my hunger for the word. Love you Dr Missler and Ron!
"He did it all." AMEN!!!!!
The thing that I love the most when you do these Q&A's is that although you are speaking to eachother you both assume that you are speaking also to the listener in which may have NO idea about what you are explaining. Thank you for always being so thorough. You shed a bright & shining light for many seeking truth. I cannot tell you the many hours that I have spent listening to your audio information as I do not have any time to read. I was so blessed to have been lead to you a few years ago. Loads of Love to you all & may YHWH place a hedge of protection around you all while you continue to help us to not be deceived & to give us tools to sew seeds.
just signed up for conference oh i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come LORD Jesus🙏❤️✝️
I believe God won't abandon His righteous ones in America but America can't escape His chastisement because He is a God of Justice n Righteousness.
Back shortly after July 4th, 2016, Chuck Missler was asked: "What is your opinion on the ruling by FBI Director Comey regarding the recently concluded investigation into the use of a private email server by the former Secretary of State where he (Comey) says that 'There will be no case to answer for Hillary Clinton.' Is there a Biblical precedent here?"
Chuck Missler's response:
"I don't know about biblical precedent, but we have just had another bubble burst, and that is the concept that we live in a rule of law. The concept of America was that our allegieance isn't to a person; it's to a rule of law. I have had that deeply seeded conviction from the beginning. My whole career, my naval academy background.. all of that was a reinforcement of the idea that America was not a nationalistic thing, it was a philosophical root of a rule of law. I took refuge in that. And all that was punctured today.. it was a total denial of the rule of law. Here, by Comey's declaration, he is putting the exclamation point, that we are not any longer ruled by law. The laws are clear. ..there are people in prison for far less than what was done here. *This issue accentuates the breakdown of the rule of law within the United States and elsewhere really. ..and that is one of the biggest shocks I've ever had in my life, to realize that everything I signed up for, when I was in Memorial Hall at the Naval Academy being sworn to defend the Constitution, we swore a serious oath in that. My whole intellectual life, from a teenager on, through my whole executive career, was a commitment to the rule of law. To suddenly discover that was a myth, that is a premise that has been punctured. We aren't under the rule of law. The disenfranchisement of all of us that occurred when the FBI denied the law was broken and punctured the rule of law. Intent should have nothing to do with it. The laws were clear, and the laws were broken. To discover I no longer live under the protection of being in a rule of law, ..that exposure terrifies me."
Powerful comment. 😥🙏🇺🇸🙏🌎
Some very good answers Chuck...
I was watching Chuck Missler on astronomy & constalations touch screen (not meaning to) lost video, plz, name of it & where I can find?
I believe you’re referring to when he covered the Mazzaroth.
Can't wait to be at the conference!
such great videos just wish the volume was higher
A Simple Servant Shares the bible tells it all PSALMS 34:21-22 says " Evil (satan)shall slay the wicked, and those who hate the rightous shall be condemned. The LORD REDEEMS THE SOUL OF HIS SERVANTS, and none of those who trust in HIM (JESUS) shall be condemned..' AMEN
the music overlay in these advert videos really need to be quieter. it takes away from what the speaker is saying and makes it harder to hear the voice. thanks for the videos. praying for you all.
Philippians 2:12 tells us tat we hv to wk out our salvation w fear n trembling although it's a gift fr God. Then, Matthew 7:21 says tat not everyone who says to Jesus, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter d kingdom of heaven, but he who does d will of His Father in heaven. These two verses remind us tat we can't take our salvation for granted.
The will of the Father is expressed in John 6:39,40, be blessed.
+fourteen Yes, tat is d Will of God but God still gives us a choice.
“If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask, and God will give him life-to those who commit sins that do not lead to death. There is sin that leads to death; I do not say that one should pray for that.”
1 John 5:16 ESV
If we walk in d Spirit n in d fear of d Lord, we shld not fall into tis category. God bless. 😊
Dear Chuck and Ron,
Thank you so much for your RUclips ministry. I look forward to it each week and am edified every time!
...or should I say, "I am looking for clarification". On more than one occasion, I have heard Chuck teach that prophecy is not for predicting the future. However, I am not sure if I misunderstood as it appears to be doing just that in Acts 11:27-30 and 21:10-14
Can you share any insights within the context of these specific passages?
Mike Bennett
Windsor Locks, CT
To rebelled against His principles, His protection as promised return to bondage.
That rule of law brought a thought to me about salvation. Because I broke Gods laws many times. God being the top judge, I deserve hell. Thank you Jesus for paying my fine.
God bless you both.
Great interview...Good advice Ron with Castors question
One thing with OSAS, there are those who refuse to worship the Beast, who is this? What does osas doctrine say, it’s impossible to take the Mark if you are saved? There are going to be believers here pointing to Christ during the Tribulation, can they take the Mark?
If Jesus said he would blot your name out of the book of life what does this mean if it does not mean you can lose your salvation
I like to believe our names are already in the book as a pre-paid ticket. (My savoir Jesus died for me long before I was born) and when we believe in our hearts what is written of him in God's word that it confirms the reservation he paid for with his life. If we choose to deny him as our only salvation is when our reservation is erased. Hope this helps.
We Need Law..! God Help Us Lord!
You know what would be great? It'd be great if some technician had some AWARENESS of the different volumes of these two guys' voices....If you turn it up so you can actually HEAR Chuck, then Ron's voice is blaring....COME ON PEOPLE...figure this out please.
Chuck I was wondering who you believe Jeremiah chapter 50 and 51 is talking about? I would love to know what your view is on this? Thank you, God Bless you and yours.
Why in the world isn't the location of the strategic perspectives 2016 conference posted anywhere? Don't people need to book travel/hotels?
The conference details are shown on the website: It will be held in Coeur d'Alene Idaho but the closest airport is Spokane, Washington. If you need any more information, please contact our customer services department in the USA 800-khouse1. See you there.
Thanks! It took me 30 mins to find it and finally I got it from the Facebook event. I may be a country physicist from Virginia, but I think you ought to put "Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho" on the actual event page, near where you'd click to buy tickets. I mean this respectfully and helpfully. I do intend to go, thank you.
y isn't in world ha ha
Does anyone know how to submit question to Chuck? I have a question concerning scalar weapon technology and the development of such things. Is scalar weaponry real and is it being used? How successful was Tesla in his development of this type of technology? In answer to your question just streamed the 4 th prophecy in the news conference and one of the speakers addressed tesla. Chuck spoke via satellite. Anyhow both Cern and Haarp are based on tesla' research Look up Anthony patch who was the speaker at this conference. He also wrote a fiction book which is written around all this to make people aware
will yas do a conference in aotearoa/new zealand in the near future?
Any way y'all can make Chuck's mic a little hotter? Have trouble hearing his voice compared to Ron's.
Come on people,The Word of The Lord is holding this entire universe together,nothing exists apart from God. He is absolute sovereign and it's His Wroth that is punishing the wicked and bringing a remnant of the Jewish people to recognise Him who they pierced plus whoever else He might choose to save...
I have looked at "ask Chuck" on and cannot find a place for asking my question, which is: What does Harpazo mean? I can't find it in the dictionary and have never heard it anywhere except from Chuck Missler. If I don't know what it means, I can't follow your logic. Thanks for your answer.
He is referring to 1 Thessalonians 5:17 " Then we who are alive and remain shall be "caught up" (the Greek word translated here is Harpazo, meaning to be snatched or taken away, or carried away by force) together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. " He is talking about the Rapture of the church here. Rapture is a state or experience of being carried away. The english word comes from a latin word, rapio, which means to sieze or snatch in relation to the actual removal from one place to another.
Thank you Matthew and Firestarter.
It's also a reference to how the Jewish Groom came and took His Bride back to His Fathers house a year after making the marriage covenant, John 14:1 - 3, Rev 19:7 - 9, be blessed.
Jesus preached the Gospel of The Kingdom, that Gospel was put aside and now the gospel About Jesus is all that is preached.
A person who has had their heart regenerated by the Holy Spirit, has Jesus as their Lord and Savior, cannot lose their Salvation. Salvation does not depend upon you but on Christ, otherwise you can boast. Study the letter to the Ephesians, especially chapter 2. BTW. I will not debate anyone on this because there is nothing to debate. Only prideful, man centered, unsaved people will debate this.
True. I heard that you can't be unborn, whether physically or spiritually. As to the claims of "losing" their salvation, who is to say that they were saved in the first place.
Q & A...
People say all the time the 7 seals are happening but..
wouldn't we HEAR our pets and then some saying...Revelation 5:13 And ''every creature'' which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them,> heard I saying, ''Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.''
We would have heard our pets and then some saying these things out loud ???
Matthew 28 :19 , Father, Son & Holy spirit were added not in original text. This lady has legitimate question, we are instructed to baptize in the name of Yeshua ! Water baptism not required !! Read Acts 1:5 Words of Jesus, pay attention to 'but' over there.
Past tense: from the penalty of sin which means missing the mark.
Present tense: from the power of sin.
Future tense: from the presence of sin.
I believe that God Himself will soon be dealing with Hillary over the emails as well as the arming of rebels that then destroyed Libya and Syria creating millions of refugees. The murder of our Ambassador, was also part of this and I feel that God will reveal that the RUclips link was in Hillary's email prior to the day of the attack. If Russia or some other agency that hacked into those emails can reveal this then we have an effective "Smoking Gun in Hillary's hands"
Strangely enough we must look to Russia and a possible International court case to handle the aggression of Hillary and Obama against two sovereign Nations leaders. AN international court may hear charges, because our own government has broken any reasonable rule of law regarding this matter, that Hillary and Obama fed the violence by arming the rebels illegally and that the emails can show this with a serious investigation of the timeline of events. And this should be both to punish Hillary, Obama and their co-conspirators as well as to make an example to stop such events going further
Hi. Great comment. I'm interested in knowing how you feel now, 3yrs later??🙏🇺🇸🙏🌎
are you not making an assumtion about the third temple being desacrated it was allready done during the time of the early church
I like Chucks North Face jacket.
I have started to listen to Chuck for a time and love his teaching, my question is, tnow that President Trump
People are always asking can they lose their salvation. I think the real question is are you really a Christian?
Truth as a static structure vs a dynamic system. To simplify, think
of a stack of copy paper with one word on each page. In time, we see
each page one at a time, outside of time all of the words, on all of the
pages combine to make a single word. This single word is truth, it is
the entire story, told in an instant of time. The fractal version of
this story has another feature. As each page is presented to us, our
intent creates a slightly new meaning that branches out, changing the
story, an effect that turns the stack into a tree like structure.
Special note; the law is static, but grace, mercy, and redemption are
The direction of time's arrow is the breaking of the symmetry of the
potential of the boundary condition. In other words, if I toss a coin
and it has perfect symmetry of potential it will land heads half the
time and tails half the time. The symmetry of the potential is broken if
the coin tosses are not 50/50. In a perfectly random system, after a
sufficient number of tosses, the symmetry for all even number tosses
would always be 50/50. Coin tosses are a lot like squaring the circle.
You get closer and closer to the true value but you never reach it, like
an infinite recursive iteration.
If meaning is always fluctuating then we do not ever really see
truth, what we see are truth values. In the example of the coin tosses,
We have a resolution that gives us a value something like, yes that is
definitely heads. But if the time scales are very small, we can't see
the result of the toss long enough for it to register, and if the scales
are very long, we would not live long enough to see the result of the
toss. We appear to be right in the middle of these scales. Is this a
A metastable state is Buridan's donkey, such that, as the choice
between two options becomes increasingly equal as a possibility it
reaches a decision peak in critical systems. It is this middle state
between sub-critical and super-critical where the magik (unknown power
of self referential randomness) happens. This peak is a knife edge in
self organizing systems, not to be confused with Fredkin's paradox.
Leslie Kendall
Your YADDA YADDA YADDA commrnt is very discouraging. I now feel isolated. This idea of the metaphor of the living word (Jesus) is something Chuck Missler would be very interested in. I know this because I have attended many of his Bible studies going back to 1983. I have also listens to his Bible studies on the radio for all of these years. For the most, I have a reasonably good understanding of The holographic nature of the Bible. Jesus is on every page. I have also listened to many of J. Vernon McGee teachings. And yes I read my Bible.
conjecture and sublimation since you pronounce judgment on the Secretary of State can you provide us with the exact stature she violated
Lying under oath. That is perjury.
Gross negligence in handling classified material; careless handling of classified material
+Ann Sumners if you think she is guilty of that you must also prosecute Condoleezza Rice and and Colonel Powell because they used a private email server also
Selling our Uranium. Selling out our Country.😥
Can they be those that are saved and are on earth for the 7 years?
Why don’t Baptist’s OBEY ACTS 2:38. Then Apostles OBEYED IT! 3000+ obeyed it after Jesus COMMANDED that they be re-BAPTIZED IN HIS NAME! and they asked: Have you received the Holy Ghost since you first believed?
Speaking of sloppy ... The answer about the Harpatzo & Feast of Trumpets. Remember this ? No condemnation before investigation....
It looks it's winter in there, here in Spain is summer :D
*OSAS* ( Once Saved Always Saved) doesn't set well in my spirit. 😔
*2 Peter **2:21**-22 (KJV) For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them*
*22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire*
*Revelation **3:16* *So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth*
In a chilling reminder of the possibility of losing salvation by separating oneself from Christ, Paul says, he fears that, after having preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." (1 Cor. 9:27).
Here are a couple of additional passages that pretty much spell out the fact that one can lose one's salvation:
*Hebrews 6:4-6* *For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost*
*5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come*
*6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame*
*Matthew **24:13* *But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved*
*Matt: 6:15 Matt: 19:21-35 Matt: 10:22-32 Luke 12:41-46 1 Cor. 15:1-2 Colossians 1:22-23 Hebrews 3:6, 14 Rev. 2:10, 25-36, 3:1-5, 2 Peter 2:20-22
These passages give a pretty strong witness to the fact that we can fall away and, if we do not repent and come back to Jesus, we could suffer the consequences for all eternity.
*Philippians **2:12* *Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling*
*Ephesians **3:14* *For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ*
Margaret Jones -
I agree with your statements but I think we’re confusing salvation with whatever more is offered like inheritance/ rewards. They briefly talk about this around min 26
Is Cern tearing the veil that God has placed here to separate us from the angelic realm? And is there any truth to this Mandela effect?
Salvation is a gift,determined by the giver as to who He gives it to. God doesn't make mistakes. He gives the gift of salvation without repentance and He said He will never leave us or forsake us. The gift is The Holy Spirit,God can never deny Himself. If anyone is in Christ He is a new creation,a child of God. Salvation is NOT a intellectual achievement of man though the way the Gospel is often presented these days you could be forgiven for getting that impression. And all children of God are participators in Gods plan of salvation,therein is the fruit that demonstrates the reality of their faith...
OSAS is very simple for me because it is shown plainly for us in the Holy Bible.
Yeshua said in Luke, “For the Son of man has come to seek and save that which was lost,” (19:10). Paul further states, in First Timothy, “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners . . .” (1:15).
First of all, Yeshua CAME to save man. That was His purpose. Then,
In Luke is is told to us, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should NOT PERISH, but have EVERLASTING LIFE" (3:16)
and again,
in John, "He that believeth on the Son hath EVERLASTING LIFE" (3:36).
How plain is that? I love the insight of Chuck (Chuck always has great insights) saying first that it was Yeshua (Jesus) who provided our salvation for us and we have had nothing to do with it. There are probably a couple of ways to think about that. My immediate thought was, "He gave us salvation as a gift. Why should he take it back?"
Wow CHUCK MISLER just described the election 2021
the clarity is there are no lies anymore, it is blatantly out there and soon it will be evident when her days come to a close
Dr. Missler made one of those rare errors. Hell is not synonymous with the Lake of Fire, in fact the Word of God reveals that when Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire, then Death and Hell are also cast into the Lake of Fire. Revelation 20:10 and Revelation 20:14.
Energy can not be created nor destroyed. So who created energy?
On another point, regarding Satan in Hell etc. It's my understanding that Satan is the Prince of the Air, not yet in hell, but on the earth with the other fallen angels. That he still has access to Heaven and the throne of God as an accuser of the saints until the tribulation when he will be thrown down and his access to Heaven will be further denied. At his judgment, he will be thrown into the lake of fire which is hell. Am I wrong here?
It's sad that kids when they are born into this world and become adults they follow the illusion the material world that was created which does not help one to open their eyes and realize that something isn't right with this world. We all know very well that evil has taught humanity wrong. Those who do not obey and behave and take full responsibility in their own action can be either judged or crisscrossed by something that takes away their happiness because of being a bad person and following idols. We all know that most are waking up but others are not and that is because spiritually they can not due to the influence of this world and not being able to grasp God's truth that is by his love Yeshua to save us all from the darkness that over shadows truth.
My Question is in regard to the last chapter of Ecclesiastics. When Solomon tells us to "6 Earnestly remember your Creator before the silver cord [of life] is broken, or the golden bowl is crushed, or the pitcher at the fountain is shattered and the wheel at the cistern is crushed; " what is he referring to? The silver cord, I think I understand as the spirit leaving the flesh we dwell on earth in, but what are the other refernces to? Thank you, Patricia from British Columbia, Canada.
Look here gentle goat's love lifted US PLUS 1968!!!
acrost is not a word...I can't find it...think it's 'back woods' for saying 'eye-talian' instead of Italian
Where could I find the email address where we can send the questions?
I can't seem to find it anywhere...
Send your questions to
Perfect, thank you very much.
I just added it here in the comment space. They will read it.
I will answer yours if you will answer mine
Thank you for addressing the issue of baptism in Jesus' name, only. My close friend was recently re-baptized because her pastor taught that if one is baptized in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, he has done so wrongly. There was no arguing with her about it, because he proved it to her from the scriptures, and her husband was also convinced. Then came the arrogant attitude--that everyone else is doing it wrong and following a non-biblical tradiion. To me, it was really a non-issue, and I had never before heard of a theology that taught the Jesus-only baptism as a point of salvation. This is a strong bible church and they are careful to interpret the whole of scripture. They seem to be balanced, otherwise. So the whole thing left me feeling confused.
To my knowledge there is one place in the scripture that says to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. (The name of all of these would be Jesus.) There are several places where that baptism when practiced was done in the name of Jesus. To my mind, Jesus name baptism is much more scripturally backed up than the Father, Son, Holy Ghost baptism. As to whether or not it's wrong I am unsure. I've often wondered why so many baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost when baptizing in Jesus name is what was actually practiced in the very early church as noted in the scriptures, mainly Acts.
Of course one can lose their salvation. You can’t just believe in Jesus and then go on living sinfully, willfully. Once saved, always saved is lie that can cost a person their soul. Of course if we sin, we can turn to Jesus for forgivenesses, but that is different from a person who has accepted Jesus and then willfully continues an unrepentant life of sin. If we Love Jesus, we will follow His Commandments. Don’t be fooled!
Sealed by the Holy Spirit? God doesn't make mistakes.
I absolutely agree. You can't willfully keep on sinning and expect to be saved.
Do you have Twitter? God Bless
Oaths are know longer respected.
Isa_43:25 I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.
Much, much, much respect to Dr. Missler. However, the position he takes on 'Once save always saved' I must disagree with. Jesus makes clear there are ways in which you can lose your salvation. The parable of the Unmerciful Servant probably depicts the most common reason for losing salvation, Unforgiveness. Matt 18:21-35. The man who was forgiven was in a complete state of Grace, Total Forgiveness. But lost it all because he would not 'forgive his brother from the heart'.
God LOVES you, but He will not tolerate you taking His forgiveness, then spitting in His eye by not forgiving your brother from the heart. God is LOVing but he is not a punk.
Topics regarding Salvation should not be viewed as a contest and having the free will to believe whatever we choose has nothing to do with what the scripture is saying, but seems like an all american statement. Chuck clearly said to not take his word for it, but to study it for ourselves. That is an exhortation from a respectable bible teacher and scholar. I enjoy listening to Chuck because he teaches and digs in the Word of God. I listen to him because I love reading the Bible. If we respect and love Chuck that much, then as Bible believers why wont we take him at his word and search this out ourselves in Gods word to see if these things be so,because he (Chuck) obviously has. I have yet to read a good argument for God losing His own. And I dont think it should be an argument, but an all out race to run to our Heavenly Father and seek Him thru His Word regarding this issue. God bless us all with His abudant grace and understanding. Maranatha!
My opinion is not the one that need be counted, because unlike you I did not give it on this reply line regarding eternal salvation. May God bless you in your endeavors to seek truth out. This is my last reply. God bless!
+SnapDLizard sounds a little impatient and a bit arrogant. Is this how the saved respond to one who just wants to add to the conversation?
K grove; 1 Cor. 15:2. By this gospel you are saved, IF you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.
Jonah 3;10 And God saw their WORKS, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.
Can A Believer Lose Their Salvation
This issue, due to the fact that our free will is never violated by God, and that our understanding is part of that will - may very well determine if someone will go to heaven or not - and therefore is very important because it reveals one’s understanding of the true nature of God and how His plan of salvation / His covenant of salvation actually works.
It should be the desire of every fellowship that claims they are part of God’s true Church, that all persons who come in contact with His Ministry receive accurate teaching regarding God's nature and to draw into a closer relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ - subsequent to salvation.
1) We are not saved by our own efforts but by that grace of God the Father and our subsequent trust in the finished work of Jesus on the cross being drawn by the Holy Spirit knowing in our hearts that Christ's shed blood has paid for our sin debt in full. Eph 2:8,9; Rom 10:9.
2) Since we can not do anything to save ourselves we also can not do anything to earn the continuance of our salvation and that God in His love, sovereignty, omnipotence and omniscience is the only reason that we can expect to spend eternity in heaven and that if the way we live our lives here on earth are pleasing to Him it is also because of His grace and the power given to us by the Holy Spirit.
3) We therefore can not lose that which we did not earn or do not have the ability to keep that which is not attainable by our efforts. Positions contrary to God's clear teaching on this matter would seem to indicate a belief that says we are not God's children, under His complete control and desires, but only visiting
relatives to His kingdom and that we are still free to come and go as we please as is the case with the unbeliever before all rights to self are forfeited at the time of the freewill acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!
John 6:37,39,40,44; 10:28,29; 14:3; 17:12,24; 18:9.
Acts 20:32.
Romans 8:16,17,27,29-31,31-35,38,39; 10:9; 11:29; 14:4; 16:25.
2 Corinthians 5:13,14.
Ephesians 3:20.
Philippians 2:12,13; 3:20,21.
Colossians 3:3,4.
1 Thessalonians 4:14,17.
2 Timothy 1:12: 4:18.
Hebrews 2:13; 7:25.
1 Peter 1:4,5.
Jude 1,24.
Revelation 22:21(Amp)
Deuteronomy 33:3.
Psalms 17:15; 31:5; 37:24; 73:24.
Proverbs 24:16
The fact that God does whatever He desires and that Jesus wants
us to be with Him and requests this of God the Father, it is truly a matter
of - “If saved always saved” - and not assuming we already know a person’s
mind and heart thereby declaring the oft heard by some “once saved always
saved”. As well as not believing we can lose something we can't earn or keep on
our own - for then we would have had to work for it in the first place! Amen.
:D Thanks
What would undermine Gods Torah ?
ChiliMcFly1 For the
The Talmud undermines Torah.
Continue in faith - not once saved always saved as some preach.
Jude 1:5 > I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.
Colossians 1:22-23 > In the body of His flesh through death, "to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in HIS sight": " If ye continue in the faith" grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;
It's not "if you believed" but "if you believe" indicating a continuous belief or at the least a belief still held at the time of one's passing away from this world.
It could be, because we could not pray to the Father or receive the Holy Spirit until Jesus died on the cross. the veil in the temple was torn to where everyone could co to G-d our Father freely and Jesus is the sweet favour filtering out our sins