I was an atheist for all but the last 7 years of my adult life. As an atheist, I wanted so much to believe in God, but had very deep questions that no Christian could answer. Christians would try to witness to me but then got frustrated because I knew more about the bible than they did. I'm a thinker so they always told me to stop over thinking and just have faith. Having faith without answers wasn't enough for me. Chuck Missler's teachings helped me answer many of the questions that I had and many more I didn't know I had. I became a Christian in 2009 and a bible college grad in 2013. Now I'm living for God and ministering to people that have the same questions that I had. I encourage you all to keep praying for the atheists in your life. They are on a spiritual quest and don't even know it. God Bless Chuck Missler.
Amen! I was kind of the same way. I had to do a lot of study on creation before I could even truly admit there is a GOD. It's an incredible journey and now that I have come to the knowledge of Salvation through JESUS CHRIST, I received the SPIRIT of Truth and my journey has just begun.
It is because logic cannot present logic to someone who can't see through the veil, that I don't try to interpret the Bible for them. Instead, I tell them my story and let them begin to glean what stands behind those stories.
Bless you Ron and Dear, Dear Chuck! I just finished Bob Cornuke's book on the Temple because of your last video! Wow! Thank you for these River Lodge updates! I've listened to HUNDREDS of HOURS of you Chuck! Currently, I'm listening to one of your recordings of Isaiah. Our Lord and Master Jesus is more amazing to me and the Scriptures are RICHER and DEEPER and more INTERESTING to me because of how the Lord has blessed me with you! Wow! Thanks for everything! Blessings from Muncie! (which, okay, Muncie. But, Hey!)
ahhh Its so sad to see his strength vape away.. My Grandfather is literally in the same boat. Its like just at a certain point these great men lose their strength. God bless you Chuck!! Its a real sad thing to realize we will one day not have you with us teaching us all your wisdom! But we will see each other in Heaven with Christ!!
Solid answers. Solid teachers. No shaky sensationalism. Refreshing! I so look forward to these Q&A sessions. Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding me to these!
I watch yalls videos every night religiously. Love you chuck. Thanks for recording rverything that i may enjoy your presentations and teachings for the rest of my life as well..
Thankyou for putting the topics power point style up so many can keep up and study the scriptures carefully. God Bless you both and the behind the scenes crew..
What is the best for me, is that when a question is asked requiring a definitive answer(Question hoping to have a particular answer provided) if there is not a clear answer there is a honesty from Chuck to say "I don't know" or "This is my view based upon ....... etc". I myself assume that with the tremendous revelation Chuck and Ron have from The Holy Spirit and years of study that they will know everything and of course the more I read the Bible sometimes The Lord just says "trust me on this" as if I knew exactly what was really coming down the road in the future I would freak out possibly(Well let me honest at present I WOULD freak out).These Q & A sessions are Gold to me, honest dialogue based upon the word that help me and all of us who are so fond of KH/KI is something I so look forward to...................... hope you read this Ron and the staff to know how much all of what you do means to all of us.
Chuck Missler, I seem critical some times when I tell my view of some thing for people. If I believe some thing in my heart and if I have to back it up from the Scriptures for what I believe I will not shine to tell the TRUTH to any one, it doesn't matter who they are for me. I also want people to tell me the same. We all are learning each day and it will go on until we see Jesus face to face in life or death. we will not done learning until either we are rapture or die the physical death.. You are one of the great people I admire for your understanding of God's word and I always see your reverence to God. That is what God looks in our heart for no matter we are in this side of the world. That is what the modern day preachers and this big big names luck. It is a great teaching. I discovered now you have this session every week now I will follow you on youtbue. I want to say some thing about God's abandonment. This is what I feel Jesus will do to the Church in general as Himself said it in Matthew 24 and 25. There are ten virgins , there will be two men and there will be two women. That tells me 50% of the people only will be rapture from the church not from the world but from the church who are called by His name. And we must ask ourselves what makes 50% of the Church???? Children. It will be most children and few adult will make go in the Rapture and what will Jesus do with the reaming. He will just walk out of the church. He is already doing in so many churches right as we speak and when He walks out completely the church will feel His abandonment. That is what is going to happen in the entire earth. I cry for the church I have been part for 22/24years of I following Jesus Christ after I accepted HIM in my life when I was 20years old. I will not want to be here the day after Rapture in this world. That is what will happen whether it is in America or in the smallest island on this earth. God is there in America right now because of the believers not because of the unbelieving ones any ways. That is what will happen the Laodicean church of this generation sadly and they have to buy from HIM, gold and silver by then they will know what it mean gold and silver for Jesus Christ in this earth. 50% of the church people think they know Jesus Christ but they do not know who really is in there life. He is the only one who will cast the fear out of us by the power of the Holy Spirit of God. The fearful has no place in His Kingdom He said. Who are the fearful those who fear for there life and do not stand for HIM when they needs them. Any one can teach the Bible by going seminary or reading the Bible but only the Holy Spirit can caste out the fear in us if we only allow the Holy Spirit of God to live in us.This is the verse indirectly talks about the Rapture, the Bride. Joel 2:-gather the people. Consecrate the congregation; assemble the elders; gather the children, even nursing infants. Let the bridegroom leave his room, and the bride her chamber. The whole Joel chapter two actually talks about the Bride and God's people how we should long and pray and seek God to come and rescue us from The Enemy. Does it talk about Israel absolutely it does.
Dr. Mistler I just came upon you in RUclips but I used to listen to you years ago on television and I thoroughly enjoyed all of your sermons I have subscribed and looking forward to your RUclips channel as a way that I can increase my knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ thank you so much🙏🏻
Thankyou for your broadcast and your insights into the Bible. I love the Lord. Excited about the times in which we live. God bless you Chuck and your crew.
I look forward to seeing a new video from you every single week!!!! There really isn't any other program that I've found that has a honest and candid question / answer format like this. Well done!
very insightful as always I really enjoy these Q&A videos. thanks and God Bless !!! ,both Chuck And Ron as well as all those working behind the scenes within KHouse
Such great teaching Chuck and Ron. Love the Q&A! Questions we all have now answered! May God bless you immeasurably. Chuck, you are looking healthy again! Mary Magdalene
A Wonderful Lecture on God's Knowledge of Yearning, and Subsequently Frustration. this indeed is fascinating and awe inspiring, as a person of questioned and doubtful faith in most Christian faiths or Christians that i know..., Mr. Missler is a wise sage and voice of a gifted teacher. i have listened to his lectures for years. .and with my own personal challenges, i admire his understanding, his wisdom and study has the power to illuminate , as few Christians do. thank you for a lifetime of deep linguistic acumen and application. M.M.
I love and appreciate this program. Like you said, this is our fellowship channel and keeping in touch. You can't really answer a complete question in just an hour program. The reason why I'm well verse with you here in terms of different questions and topics is because I read a lot of your books, and did a lot of bible study with you and of course I do my due diligence as well. Love you Dr Missler Ron!
Love being able to calm my nerves listening to you two 😍 my bible college taught me to use oil to establish a point of contact to release my faith for the need I was praying for. I was also taught to visualise Jesus standing next to the person and do or say only what he wanted as even he only did what he saw the father doing. I hope the Lord uses these gifts more as time goes. THANK YOU FOR POSTING THESE♡♡♡♡
Wow I remember seeing Chuck at Calvary chapel Downey California back in 98 and Chuck talking about getting a new computer and time continuem. May God bless you and your ministry Chuck.
If I have to be as smart at you two to make it to heaven I'm in trouble. I see you both, Ron and Chuck, as shepherds standing on two feet, I'm still on all four as a sheep. I give thanks and pray for teachers like you. I will subscribe.
So much better now that you guys are labeling what you discuss in your video titles! Good job! Now I can know if it interests me before starting the video.
I learnt not to worry about feedback to see it effective for the Kingdom after reading about a fellow that handed out tracks in Kings Cross, Sydney. He didn't get feedback, but one of his tracks changed a young man's life and he went on to change thousands of lives.
Thank you so much gentlemen as always. You both have a way with bringing clearer understanding to the heart and mind, when it comes to YHWH's Mighty Word. All praise for that is to our Great Redeemer. Yahshua bless you both and all that bring us these wonderful Q&A sessions. Hallelu-Yah.
im a im a born again christian tattoo artist from the UK and my drawing days are every thursday and these interviews make my week!! God bless you both!
I believe this 'act of scarification & Worship' was towards their Pegan Gods. 'For I AM the Lord. they were clearly turning there back on God and worshiping in their own way towards other gods. This was a pretty horrific act wich also resulted in human sacrifice. wich God did not want us to do! I believe God has given me a talent. And i also believe God has placed me in this business to reach out to the people who have no clue who or What Jesus has done. :)
Anointing with oil. When my prayer triplet and I were praying one time, the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit was SO strong, it FELT like warm oil, it was tangible and so strongly physical. It only happened that once but ice never forgotten the experience.
In connection to Isaiah 26:20-21, there is this verse that fits with it perfectly as I see it: "For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me high upon a rock." (Psalm 27:5) .....and also this one: "for God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:9)
Not trying to insert the prophetic in the Brexit, but sure interesting the intense storm that day that effected the vote and brought a month of rain in 2 hours! Hope to see you in ID!
Dear Chuck, can you please help me understand Luke 19:27? I have been trying to understand what Jesus meant by this and I have not come to solid answer. I would love it if you would share your thoughts and knowledge of what this verse means. Thank you and God bless.
Thanks To both of you God bless You Greatly have a question also when did really happened mathew 25:32 that Our Lord and Saviour make this distinction separete the sheep's from the goats. GOD keep His BLESSINGS TO BOTH OF YOU THANK YOU
Thanks to you as always Gents. Great conversation! I have a question I would love your/others' thoughts on. Chuck, you have pointed out in the 7 letters in Revelation that Jesus makes promises to the overcomer. Some promises in the body of the letter, others are postscript (after the 'let everyone listen to what the spirit says to the churches' statement). You always point out that this is an interesting observation - but what is the significance of this?
I like Chuck's comment about the " militant " attack against those who don't believe that all in heaven will be equal. If you want a real fight on your hands then go up against tradition. Its like trying to pull an old vine out of a tree. Our Lord Jesus spoke of 1 person becoming ruler over a certain number of cites while another person will become ruler over more cities.
I wish to ask you to expound on the Hebrew when Jesus responded to his favorite sheep feeder "get behind me".. Are there more possible interpretations of the Hebrew used? Thanks in advance for your input.
Interesting that you brought up the yearnings of God and likened it to our trusting Him. When my grandson was 8, we have walks through an old cemetery. Not only was it cooler there and a nice place to walk, it was also the best source for me to talk to my grandson about values. It was during one of these walks and talks that I told him that the worst thing that can happen to him in life is to lose someone's trust in him. Losing trust in him by others meant a stumbling block for him. It would damage his relationships with anybody. I told him not to ever do anything to lose my trust in him because it takes a flash second to lose it and who knows how many years to gain it back. So I told him not to ever tell me a lie. I explained to him a special gift God gave me and that was the inability to absorb a lie. That a lie actually has a crushing effect on my chest and so to lie to me is to instantly lose my trust because I instantly know when I hear a lie.It wasn't 2 months before he actually told his grandma a lie. I immediately informed him it was a lie and that he had just lost my trust in him. That boy suffered deeply for the next year until the day I told him, I could trust him again. We both learned something from that experience and you're right....it's our trust that God wants. Why? Because He is the Father and nothing can hurt any father more than having lost the trust of his own child. In order for us to lose trust in the Almighty Father, we have to worship ourselves. We think He is no longer there for us when the truth is, we are no longer there for Him. In our ignorance, we stop trusting Him because He doesn't seem within reach any more and we begin to doubt our own memories. That we lose trust in Him is not His doing but our own and I can just imagine, as a Father, how that must hurt. Remember we are create in His (Their) own image. That has to include our emotions.
Genesis 5:4 gives the reference and verses 1-5 gives the context. Genesis 5:1-5 1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. 3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: 4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: 5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.
Yeah, Chuck clearly said that Adam & Eve had brothers & sisters, was this just a mistake by Chuck or was it intentional? The Bible gives no reference to them having other family members other than Sons & Daughters, Grandchildren etc.
no, i thought i heard that too at first, but he was talking about the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve having brothers and sisters. Not Adam and Eve. I think he may have rushed through that statement, but he was clearly talking about Cain and Abel etc.
Have you noticed that the widow of Zaraphath being rescued from a place where she otherwise would have experienced great disaster, returns at the end of seven years, and demands her land back from The King, and it is restored. I see a pattern.
On the matter of Rome II you mentioned I have long held that we forget that the Roman Empire represented by two legs was a split empire of western and eastern. Western being Europe and Eastern being modern day Turkey. I personally think that the later is of more significance in prophecy than Europe concerning the antichrist kingdom etc.
For the Adam and Eve question, the bible doesn't say how long they lived in Eden before the fall perhaps hundreds of years?, therefore they could have procreated before the fall. That would mean that Cain and Abel were the first to be born after the fall. His older siblings would have already grown up and procreated many times over....
Science is the study of evidence. Dr. Missler once stated (and correctly so) that, science is observation backed up with empirical evidence. which is a good solid textbook statement, and one that shows us at this point in time, a revealed and expanded creation process.
There is no doubt in my mind that Isaiah 26 is about the rapture and that it clearly shows that it happens BEFORE the indignation (wrath, Tribulation) and since it says UNTIL the indignation is over, also shows that Christ will return to the earth WITH His bride.......in addition to the references listed there are also places in the Psalms where it speaks of having our feet plucked out of the net. Maybe that refers to the rescue of the Church just as the AC is about to get his control set up. As Chuck would say, I find this INTERESTING that the computer network that could be used by the AC to control the world could be called a NET.
The opposite of love is indifference, not fear. We begin our love of God by fear, as in the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. That PERFECT love displaces fear, like water can displace air out of a glass, doesn't mean fear is thd opposite of love. Fear is in a different category. The opposite of fear is faith, which is confidence, trust in that not yet seen. Now we see darkly, and our faith is weak.
Sarah was Abraham's sister, so they did marry family members quite awhile after Noah even, so this practice of marrying sisters, brothers, cousins, etc. went on traditionally for several thousand years after Cain took possibly a sister or a cousin or an aunt as a wife.
yep- the book called The book of Adam and Eve goes into this quite well. A very old book that dates back hundreds of years and has been kept in Ethopian churches. Cain did marry his sister which was his twin. And Abel also had a twin sister.
If we are to take the apostle Paul at his word, then it seem that the gathering together unto Him "shall not come" until AFTER the man of sin is revealed. First Thessalonians two clearly says: 1 - Falling away 2 - Man of sin revealed. 3 - The gathering together unto Him. "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition" How do you place the rapture happening between the falling away and the man of sin being revealed unless you have been deceived?
I'm very surprised Chuck said Brexit has no prophetic implications. Many people identify Tarshish of the Bible with Great Britain. Ezekiel 38 speaks of Tarshish and the young lions. The young lions being a fairly obvious reference to the English speaking nations whose heritage is from Britain, the lion being a classic symbol of Britain. The implication in Ezekiel is that these nations will be separate from a European empire. Brexit is very prophetic in my opinion, and I'm glad I played my part in it by voting Leave.
Howzabout Mathew's gospel having been written to the believers in Israel accounting for the reason he uses 'heaven' and not 'God'. As it was not permissible for the to use the name of God he simply uses the word which is more acceptable to them. In the same way, Paul insisted that Timothy be circumcised, so it that it wouldn't become a stumbling block to those he was trying to reach - any thoughts
Hi Chuck, Revelation 1v20 describes the 7 churches as 7 golden lampstands and you suggest the 7 lamps in Revelation 4v5 are the 7 churches in heaven following the "after this" comment. however the Bible clearHi Chuck, Revelation 1v20 describes the 7 churches as 7 golden lampstands and you suggest the 7 lamps in Revelation 4v5 are the 7 churches in heaven following the "after this" comment. However the Bible clearly describes the lamps as the 7 spirits of God. Is there a confusion concerning the lampstands and the lamps? Also, if the lampstands and lamps ARE one and the same thing this suggests that the 7 churches are thus in heaven by Rev. 4, however you suggest that a few of the 7 churches may enter the great tribulation, how can they both go through the tribulation and be in heaven at the same time? I hope you will take the time to clarify as I am very confused by this apparent contradiction. many thanks, Philip
I was an atheist for all but the last 7 years of my adult life. As an atheist, I wanted so much to believe in God, but had very deep questions that no Christian could answer. Christians would try to witness to me but then got frustrated because I knew more about the bible than they did. I'm a thinker so they always told me to stop over thinking and just have faith. Having faith without answers wasn't enough for me. Chuck Missler's teachings helped me answer many of the questions that I had and many more I didn't know I had. I became a Christian in 2009 and a bible college grad in 2013. Now I'm living for God and ministering to people that have the same questions that I had. I encourage you all to keep praying for the atheists in your life. They are on a spiritual quest and don't even know it. God Bless Chuck Missler.
Amen! I was kind of the same way. I had to do a lot of study on creation before I could even truly admit there is a GOD. It's an incredible journey and now that I have come to the knowledge of Salvation through JESUS CHRIST, I received the SPIRIT of Truth and my journey has just begun.
Thank you for this Ben. God Bless you.
It is because logic cannot present logic to someone who can't see through the veil, that I don't try to interpret the Bible for them. Instead, I tell them my story and let them begin to glean what stands behind those stories.
Praise the Lord!! Ben your testimony is beautiful!!!
I am so grateful to koinonia House and Dr Missler for years of teaching from God's word and the encouragement to study and prove all things.
Bless you Ron and Dear, Dear Chuck! I just finished Bob Cornuke's book
on the Temple because of your last video! Wow! Thank you for these River Lodge
updates! I've listened to HUNDREDS of HOURS of you Chuck! Currently, I'm
listening to one of your recordings of Isaiah. Our Lord and Master
Jesus is more amazing to me and the Scriptures are RICHER and DEEPER and more INTERESTING to me because of how the Lord has blessed me with you! Wow! Thanks for everything! Blessings from Muncie! (which, okay, Muncie. But, Hey!)
ahhh Its so sad to see his strength vape away.. My Grandfather is literally in the same boat. Its like just at a certain point these great men lose their strength. God bless you Chuck!! Its a real sad thing to realize we will one day not have you with us teaching us all your wisdom! But we will see each other in Heaven with Christ!!
Love You Chuck and Ron you are very patient and loving with honoring the man of God’s! Love your ministry! Ron you are also steeped in the word.
Blessed to partake. God is amazing...so very much so. You reflect His glory and message. Bless you!!
FABULOUS video! I continue to support you in every way! Love you Dr. Chuck Missler! God bless you guys!
Solid answers. Solid teachers. No shaky sensationalism. Refreshing! I so look forward to these Q&A sessions. Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding me to these!
Ron. We all like to hear your answers and appinions too as well as Chucks!
Grace of God be with us all.
I watch yalls videos every night religiously. Love you chuck. Thanks for recording rverything that i may enjoy your presentations and teachings for the rest of my life as well..
Thank you for your Bible study sessions. Awesome teacher.
Thankyou for putting the topics power point style up so many can keep up and study the scriptures carefully. God Bless you both and the behind the scenes crew..
me too,,i like the power point very much...love this ministry..God bless
What is the best for me, is that when a question is asked requiring a definitive answer(Question hoping to have a particular answer provided) if there is not a clear answer there is a honesty from Chuck to say "I don't know" or "This is my view based upon ....... etc". I myself assume that with the tremendous revelation Chuck and Ron have from The Holy Spirit and years of study that they will know everything and of course the more I read the Bible sometimes The Lord just says "trust me on this" as if I knew exactly what was really coming down the road in the future I would freak out possibly(Well let me honest at present I WOULD freak out).These Q & A sessions are Gold to me, honest dialogue based upon the word that help me and all of us who are so fond of KH/KI is something I so look forward to...................... hope you read this Ron and the staff to know how much all of what you do means to all of us.
Chuck Missler, I seem critical some times when I tell my view of some thing for people. If I believe some thing in my heart and if I have to back it up from the Scriptures for what I believe I will not shine to tell the TRUTH to any one, it doesn't matter who they are for me. I also want people to tell me the same. We all are learning each day and it will go on until we see Jesus face to face in life or death. we will not done learning until either we are rapture or die the physical death.. You are one of the great people I admire for your understanding of God's word and I always see your reverence to God. That is what God looks in our heart for no matter we are in this side of the world. That is what the modern day preachers and this big big names luck. It is a great teaching. I discovered now you have this session every week now I will follow you on youtbue. I want to say some thing about God's abandonment. This is what I feel Jesus will do to the Church in general as Himself said it in Matthew 24 and 25. There are ten virgins , there will be two men and there will be two women. That tells me 50% of the people only will be rapture from the church not from the world but from the church who are called by His name. And we must ask ourselves what makes 50% of the Church???? Children. It will be most children and few adult will make go in the Rapture and what will Jesus do with the reaming. He will just walk out of the church. He is already doing in so many churches right as we speak and when He walks out completely the church will feel His abandonment. That is what is going to happen in the entire earth. I cry for the church I have been part for 22/24years of I following Jesus Christ after I accepted HIM in my life when I was 20years old. I will not want to be here the day after Rapture in this world. That is what will happen whether it is in America or in the smallest island on this earth. God is there in America right now because of the believers not because of the unbelieving ones any ways. That is what will happen the Laodicean church of this generation sadly and they have to buy from HIM, gold and silver by then they will know what it mean gold and silver for Jesus Christ in this earth. 50% of the church people think they know Jesus Christ but they do not know who really is in there life. He is the only one who will cast the fear out of us by the power of the Holy Spirit of God. The fearful has no place in His Kingdom He said. Who are the fearful those who fear for there life and do not stand for HIM when they needs them. Any one can teach the Bible by going seminary or reading the Bible but only the Holy Spirit can caste out the fear in us if we only allow the Holy Spirit of God to live in us.This is the verse indirectly talks about the Rapture, the Bride. Joel 2:-gather the people. Consecrate the congregation;
assemble the elders; gather the children, even nursing infants. Let the bridegroom leave his room, and the bride her chamber. The whole Joel chapter two actually talks about the Bride and God's people how we should long and pray and seek God to come and rescue us from The Enemy. Does it talk about Israel absolutely it does.
This ministry is an incredible blessing!
Dr. Mistler I just came upon you in RUclips but I used to listen to you years ago on television and I thoroughly enjoyed all of your sermons I have subscribed and looking forward to your RUclips channel as a way that I can increase my knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ thank you so much🙏🏻
Thankyou for your broadcast and your insights into the Bible.
I love the Lord.
Excited about the times in which we live.
God bless you Chuck and your crew.
I'm so grateful to Jesus for You encouraging Chuck Missler many years ago to create thousands of his precision Bible scholars teaching videos!!!
I look forward to seeing a new video from you every single week!!!! There really isn't any other program that I've found that has a honest and candid question / answer format like this. Well done!
Thank you, thank you both and to all those who made this presentation possible! You all encourage my heart! as a pilgrim presently in Plymouth.
chuck only a few hours drive from new plymouth
Love the teachings and insights brought by this ministry. God bless and keep you both strong in the Lord.
Chuck is with the Lord now. Amen. Praise Jesus
very insightful as always I really enjoy these Q&A videos. thanks and God Bless !!! ,both Chuck And Ron as well as all those working behind the scenes within KHouse
Such great teaching Chuck and Ron. Love the Q&A! Questions we all have now answered! May God bless you immeasurably. Chuck, you are looking healthy again! Mary Magdalene
Gentlemen... I am thankful to our LORD for your ministry. What a great work indeed and what an exciting time to be alive and awake!
tremendous job guys....such a blessing to have you all sharing (Nashville, TN)
A Wonderful Lecture on God's Knowledge of Yearning, and Subsequently Frustration. this indeed is fascinating and awe inspiring, as a person of questioned and doubtful faith in most Christian faiths or Christians that i know..., Mr. Missler is a wise sage and voice of a gifted teacher. i have listened to his lectures for years. .and with my own personal challenges, i admire his understanding, his wisdom and study has the power to illuminate , as few Christians do.
thank you for a lifetime of deep linguistic acumen and application.
This is the best!!! Thank you
I love and appreciate this program. Like you said, this is our fellowship channel and keeping in touch. You can't really answer a complete question in just an hour program. The reason why I'm well verse with you here in terms of different questions and topics is because I read a lot of your books, and did a lot of bible study with you and of course I do my due diligence as well. Love you Dr Missler Ron!
Love being able to calm my nerves listening to you two 😍 my bible college taught me to use oil to establish a point of contact to release my faith for the need I was praying for. I was also taught to visualise Jesus standing next to the person and do or say only what he wanted as even he only did what he saw the father doing. I hope the Lord uses these gifts more as time goes. THANK YOU FOR POSTING THESE♡♡♡♡
Dr. Chuck, I'm so glad to see your energy level up these days!! Waiting patiently on the paper edition ISV. :)
Wow I remember seeing Chuck at Calvary chapel Downey California back in 98 and Chuck talking about getting a new computer and time continuem. May God bless you and your ministry Chuck.
Time goes by so fast listing to you guys. Thank you!
Fantastic, Ron ... thank you ... so glad you are now serving us with you unanimous endorsement with Koinonia House, continuing the ministry.
We need your voice for Jesus in this chaotic world. God bless.Read your books Chuck & listened to your tapes...I believe you make Jesus smile, lol.
What a blessing to hear from yall
Thank you! And thanking the Lord as you both look healthy. Blessings.
I love Chuck Missler!
I so appreciate your program so many of my question are being answered. Also I get so encouraged to see your open affection for Him.
God bless you both and thank you so much. Always enjoy time spent learning from my faithful brothers in Christ :)
Thanks guys. We really appreciate this ministry. God bless you both.
If I have to be as smart at you two to make it to heaven I'm in trouble. I see you both, Ron and Chuck, as shepherds standing on two feet, I'm still on all four as a sheep. I give thanks and pray for teachers like you. I will subscribe.
So much better now that you guys are labeling what you discuss in your video titles! Good job! Now I can know if it interests me before starting the video.
I learnt not to worry about feedback to see it effective for the Kingdom after reading about a fellow that handed out tracks in Kings Cross, Sydney.
He didn't get feedback, but one of his tracks changed a young man's life and he went on to change thousands of lives.
God bless you greatly gentlemen for for such a clear explanation of God's Word
Thank you so much gentlemen as always. You both have a way with bringing clearer understanding to the heart and mind, when it comes to YHWH's Mighty Word. All praise for that is to our Great Redeemer. Yahshua bless you both and all that bring us these wonderful Q&A sessions. Hallelu-Yah.
Love u guys!!! God Bless You!!
Your ministry is so enlightening. Thank you.
im a im a born again christian tattoo artist from the UK and my drawing days are every thursday and these interviews make my week!! God bless you both!
What are your thoughts about Leviticus 19:28?
I believe this 'act of scarification & Worship' was towards their Pegan Gods. 'For I AM the Lord. they were clearly turning there back on God and worshiping in their own way towards other gods. This was a pretty horrific act wich also resulted in human sacrifice. wich God did not want us to do! I believe God has given me a talent. And i also believe God has placed me in this business to reach out to the people who have no clue who or What Jesus has done. :)
looking forward to coming to my 1st Strategic Perspectives conference with my son this fall.. (Y)
I love and look forward to every episode....Godbless you xxx
Anointing with oil. When my prayer triplet and I were praying one time, the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit was SO strong, it FELT like warm oil, it was tangible and so strongly physical. It only happened that once but ice never forgotten the experience.
And knowing that because He loves me which, gives me strength, which takes away my fear I was able to go on.
Most balanced research anywhere
In connection to Isaiah 26:20-21, there is this verse that fits with it perfectly as I see it: "For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me high upon a rock." (Psalm 27:5) .....and also this one: "for God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:9)
Great info guys. God bless you!
God bless you. I am learning so much from you. Thanks a lot.
Thank you.
God bless you too.
I am waiting for "Tenses of Life" Part 2!
Not trying to insert the prophetic in the Brexit, but sure interesting the intense storm that day that effected the vote and brought a month of rain in 2 hours! Hope to see you in ID!
I love you guys
Dear Chuck,
can you please help me understand Luke 19:27?
I have been trying to understand what Jesus meant by this and I have not come to solid answer. I would love it if you would share your thoughts and knowledge of what this verse means. Thank you and God bless.
chuck seemed to be a bit sharper this week. Loved this show.
Thanks To both of you God bless You Greatly have a question also when did really happened mathew 25:32 that Our Lord and Saviour make this distinction separete the sheep's from the goats. GOD keep His BLESSINGS TO BOTH OF YOU THANK YOU
Thanks to you as always Gents. Great conversation! I have a question I would love your/others' thoughts on. Chuck, you have pointed out in the 7 letters in Revelation that Jesus makes promises to the overcomer. Some promises in the body of the letter, others are postscript (after the 'let everyone listen to what the spirit says to the churches' statement). You always point out that this is an interesting observation - but what is the significance of this?
I like Chuck's comment about the " militant " attack against those who don't believe that all in heaven will be equal. If you want a real fight on your hands then go up against tradition. Its like trying to pull an old vine out of a tree. Our Lord Jesus spoke of 1 person becoming ruler over a certain number of cites while another person will become ruler over more cities.
Chuck Missler at his very best blessings theageingrocker
I wish to ask you to expound on the Hebrew when Jesus responded to his favorite sheep feeder "get behind me".. Are there more possible interpretations of the Hebrew used? Thanks in advance for your input.
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
Interesting that you brought up the yearnings of God and likened it to our trusting Him. When my grandson was 8, we have walks through an old cemetery. Not only was it cooler there and a nice place to walk, it was also the best source for me to talk to my grandson about values. It was during one of these walks and talks that I told him that the worst thing that can happen to him in life is to lose someone's trust in him. Losing trust in him by others meant a stumbling block for him. It would damage his relationships with anybody. I told him not to ever do anything to lose my trust in him because it takes a flash second to lose it and who knows how many years to gain it back. So I told him not to ever tell me a lie. I explained to him a special gift God gave me and that was the inability to absorb a lie. That a lie actually has a crushing effect on my chest and so to lie to me is to instantly lose my trust because I instantly know when I hear a lie.It wasn't 2 months before he actually told his grandma a lie. I immediately informed him it was a lie and that he had just lost my trust in him. That boy suffered deeply for the next year until the day I told him, I could trust him again. We both learned something from that experience and you're right....it's our trust that God wants. Why? Because He is the Father and nothing can hurt any father more than having lost the trust of his own child. In order for us to lose trust in the Almighty Father, we have to worship ourselves. We think He is no longer there for us when the truth is, we are no longer there for Him. In our ignorance, we stop trusting Him because He doesn't seem within reach any more and we begin to doubt our own memories. That we lose trust in Him is not His doing but our own and I can just imagine, as a Father, how that must hurt. Remember we are create in His (Their) own image. That has to include our emotions.
thanx for scratching my itch😉
43:11 Adam and Eve had brothers and sisters? Have I understood that statement correctly? Where is the scriptural reference to say this?
Genesis 5:4 gives the reference and verses 1-5 gives the context.
Genesis 5:1-5
1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:
4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:
5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.
+Koinonia House I can understand that Adam and Eve had sons and daughters, but where are Adam and Eve's brothers and sisters mentioned in scripture.
Yeah, Chuck clearly said that Adam & Eve had brothers & sisters, was this just a mistake by Chuck or was it intentional? The Bible gives no reference to them having other family members other than Sons & Daughters, Grandchildren etc.
no, i thought i heard that too at first, but he was talking about the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve having brothers and sisters. Not Adam and Eve. I think he may have rushed through that statement, but he was clearly talking about Cain and Abel etc.
Have you noticed that the widow of Zaraphath being rescued from a place where she otherwise would have experienced great disaster, returns at the end of seven years, and demands her land back from The King, and it is restored. I see a pattern.
Spot on about the UN.
A Question: Do you see a connection between the 5 unwise virgins, Lot's wife and Orpah from book of Ruth?
How does 2 Cor 5:10 mesh with Hebrews 8:12 and 10:17 - do the Hebrews verses only apply to believing Jews and not the church?
hey guys I have a question in regards to the Torah. Where there any writings that Jesus studied that are not included in the Bible?
Chuck, will the Holy Spirit be here for people left after the rapture?
27:30 is where the evidence of ets starts.
What is the difference between human and humankind; man and mankind? I've always wondered about this.
Chuck you said in the Bible in 24 hours that the pharaohs of Egypt ology is easily shredded I just like to know where you go to get that information
Ezekiel 38:13 Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish
There may be a big difference between ten kingdoms and ten nations. Kings may not necesarily be national heads but those with strategic power bases.
On the matter of Rome II you mentioned I have long held that we forget that the Roman Empire represented by two legs was a split empire of western and eastern. Western being Europe and Eastern being modern day Turkey. I personally think that the later is of more significance in prophecy than Europe concerning the antichrist kingdom etc.
For the Adam and Eve question, the bible doesn't say how long they lived in Eden before the fall perhaps hundreds of years?, therefore they could have procreated before the fall. That would mean that Cain and Abel were the first to be born after the fall. His older siblings would have already grown up and procreated many times over....
Science is
the study of evidence. Dr. Missler once stated (and correctly so) that, science is observation backed up with empirical evidence. which is a good solid textbook statement, and one that shows us at this point in time, a revealed and expanded creation process.
There is no doubt in my mind that Isaiah 26 is about the rapture and that it clearly shows that it happens BEFORE the indignation (wrath, Tribulation) and since it says UNTIL the indignation is over, also shows that Christ will return to the earth WITH His bride.......in addition to the references listed there are also places in the Psalms where it speaks of having our feet plucked out of the net. Maybe that refers to the rescue of the Church just as the AC is about to get his control set up. As Chuck would say, I find this INTERESTING that the computer network that could be used by the AC to control the world could be called a NET.
The opposite of love is indifference, not fear. We begin our love of God by fear, as in the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. That PERFECT love displaces fear, like water can displace air out of a glass, doesn't mean fear is thd opposite of love. Fear is in a different category. The opposite of fear is faith, which is confidence, trust in that not yet seen. Now we see darkly, and our faith is weak.
Sarah was Abraham's sister, so they did marry family members quite awhile after Noah even, so this practice of marrying sisters, brothers, cousins, etc. went on traditionally for several thousand years after Cain took possibly a sister or a cousin or an aunt as a wife.
yep- the book called The book of Adam and Eve goes into this quite well. A very old book that dates back hundreds of years and has been kept in Ethopian churches. Cain did marry his sister which was his twin. And Abel also had a twin sister.
What do you think about the fact that Israel and Turkey are negotiating to reinstate diplomatic ties?
If we are to take the apostle Paul at his word, then it seem that the gathering together unto Him "shall not come" until AFTER the man of sin is revealed. First Thessalonians two clearly says:
1 - Falling away
2 - Man of sin revealed.
3 - The gathering together unto Him.
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition"
How do you place the rapture happening between the falling away and the man of sin being revealed unless you have been deceived?
I'm very surprised Chuck said Brexit has no prophetic implications. Many people identify Tarshish of the Bible with Great Britain. Ezekiel 38 speaks of Tarshish and the young lions. The young lions being a fairly obvious reference to the English speaking nations whose heritage is from Britain, the lion being a classic symbol of Britain. The implication in Ezekiel is that these nations will be separate from a European empire. Brexit is very prophetic in my opinion, and I'm glad I played my part in it by voting Leave.
I love Chuck but the narrow view of dispensationalism is hindering.
Howzabout Mathew's gospel having been written to the believers in Israel accounting for the reason he uses 'heaven' and not 'God'. As it was not permissible for the to use the name of God he simply uses the word which is more acceptable to them. In the same way, Paul insisted that Timothy be circumcised, so it that it wouldn't become a stumbling block to those he was trying to reach - any thoughts
Hi Chuck, Revelation 1v20 describes the 7 churches as 7 golden lampstands and you suggest the 7 lamps in Revelation 4v5 are the 7 churches in heaven following the "after this" comment. however the Bible clearHi Chuck, Revelation 1v20 describes the 7 churches as 7 golden lampstands and you suggest the 7 lamps in Revelation 4v5 are the 7 churches in heaven following the "after this" comment. However the Bible clearly describes the lamps as the 7 spirits of God. Is there a confusion concerning the lampstands and the lamps? Also, if the lampstands and lamps ARE one and the same thing this suggests that the 7 churches are thus in heaven by Rev. 4, however you suggest that a few of the 7 churches may enter the great tribulation, how can they both go through the tribulation and be in heaven at the same time? I hope you will take the time to clarify as I am very confused by this apparent contradiction. many thanks, Philip
If you want to know more about Chuck's reference to Islam and the oversell of a 10 member European group then search Joel Richardson.
Here's a question, did Adam and Eve have children pre-fall? If so what became of them?
Do the nephalim or their offspring have souls if they inter married with humans?