By "original," do you mean TCG version of LOB, because if you include the OCG, the Anime art aka "starter deck" art was first. Obviously it was used in the manga and the Bandai card game before Konami ever started OCG/TCG, but surprisingly it was also in the OCG over a year before LOB was even a thing in the OCG! This means it actually came out over 3 years before TCG even got LOB! See the facts: In the OCG, there were no SDY, or SDK, and LOB and MRD were released far later in the OCG. These are the first overall OCG sets: "Vol 1." January 23, 1999 & "Booster 1" March 1 1999: First print of OCG Blue-Eyes came next: "Starter Box: Theatrical Release" was released with "Yu-Gi-Oh! the Movie" in Japan - March 6 1999 (This was over 3 years before the TCG's LOB in March 8th 2002.) LOB was actually released in Japan over a year later (May 18, 2000), after MRL (April 20, 2000): LOB was then finally released nearly 2 years later in the TCG on March 8, 2002: Within weeks, SDK was released in the TCG on March 29, 2002: Also despite being the original, there are no TCG prints higher than Ultra Rare other than the insanely expensive DDS variant: Gold Secret: MVP1-ENGV4 (Darksides of Dimensions) Gold Ghost: GLD5-EN001 (Tablet) Ultimate: YSKR-EN001 (Tablet) Secret: DDS-001 (Anime), PCK-001 (Tablet), FL1-EN001 (LOB), BPT-003 (LOB), BPT-009 (LOB), CT14-EN002 (LOB) Funnily enough, there are 4 secret rares that are quite affordable, but they are all LOB art. Meanwhile, the Tablet version was the only version released as "Ultimate" and "Ghost" while also sharing the spotlight of "Prismatic Secret Rare" with DDS. Perhaps most surprising of all, the 7th OCG art (Kaiba art) still hasn't been released in the TCG, but perhaps that will change March 9th with LEGENDARY COLLECTION: KAIBA!
TCG has it as well, i own one copy and i do agree wih you, it's the best artwork. The only other artwork that comes close to being as good as that one is the currently OCG exclusive art that has Kaiba in it.
Love the profile! Normally I'm a fan of the Chaos build but I'll have to give this a shot. Also I agree, cut the second spirit Replace with magic cylinder
I prefer cutting on hand traps and going all out on just the draw and combo engines to get out neo blue eyes ultimate dragon and go straight for the otk.
Out of all the blue eyes builds that I’ve seen, this is one of my favorite builds. Not a huge fan of the brilliant fusion engine, but I can’t argue with something that works so well with the deck. Throwing master into the grave with brilliant fusion is an awesome play I never thought of. 10/10
Dragon spirit of white is classed as a blue eyes normal monster allowing you to special summon with maidens effect from hand or graveyard, the banish a spell/trap makes it a good substitute for mystical, and being able to recycle it pretty easily makes it a power house. Plus then you can send it to the graveyard to special summon a blue eyes white dragon, underrated card
Thanks, man. Times change, always. I've seen some dude winning the 5th place in a regional defeating true dracos and pendulum magician. I think Blue-Eyes still has a chance to be great again. I believe it c:
Try using devine felgrand, its effect that banishes something of you opponent's is good enough on its own but it also revives a level 7/8 dragon (besides another copy of itself) when it destroys an opponent's monster by battle. Not dissing your build, I really like your build, I just thought I'd bring it up.
My deck has Shining and Critis together, it has some monstrous power once I build it and all my friends are afraid of dueling my blue eyes so I had to make a casual deck to face them instead
Dzeef I personally don't like the build at first look, however I will try the build and see if I like it next time at locals. I had heard of brilliant blue eyes and never tested it. However you declared some very valid points. I admire your approach to one of my favorite sets, even if I don't exactly agree with it. If you never got around to it I would suggest, 1 maiden w/ 3x aliester, and 1-2x spellbooks of knowledge it was really smooth for me and is what I still use today. The invoked engine is a wonderful addition, and a great bait for ash. I would greatly appreciate if you could please test my approach for your preference.
If you play dragons ravine and you draw either the goliath or arkbrave you can ditch both to grave and continue with a different play keeping the goliath lock live
would splash in underclock taker for proxy now that he is out. and how do you deal with seraphinite taking up the extra deck spot, i mean u need sage or master to remove her, but at the same time you want their normal summon effects, for me this was always tricky. That's why i decided to also play the invoked engine too.
Dude I feel so glad my duel links look damn near identical (monster cards) i too get torn about spirit of white. I run with one solid blue eyes when not running two spirit of white
When skulldeat gets released I think you’ll see a couple tops from blue eyes just bc it can make rank 8 plays very easy with that card thus making Goliath plays a lot easier
Brilliant Fusion I've decided to start trying and I actually really like it in Blue Eyes, being able to send ANY light monster is really nice, the Master combo like you mentioned in the video, or if I need a blue eyes in my hand for an Alternative summon, I'll send White Stone of Legend. Or sending an Ancients if I have something I'm already going to put in gy with Trade-In. The seraphnite giving you an extra normal summon is helpful for Synchro plays. It has alot of possibilities in Blue Eyes. It does suck drawing the garnet tho Me I play the deck a bit differently though, I like going second and going for an OTK. Similar to the Cyber Dragon strategy. For the most part its been successful.
You should do a video on the reasons why people run Tachyon Dragon over Prime Photon for the middle Xyz target of 95. Maybe include reasonings as well for Utopia Prime and Utopia Ray for The Lightning targets
Terraforming/Mausoleum better at sending blues-eyes to the gy and it lets you get a Maiden in the deck which is still insanely powerful if you know how to loopit with sage or master. Also get that second normal summon. I do also use felgrand and Arkbrave. But the Goliath is an awesome tech. Definitely agree with that 100%. Id drop the desires for CoC for discarding the eggs even faster for draw 2s.
I like the profile and I like the Goliath but in today's Meta it's easy to get over the Goliath, maybe not every time but if you're opponent side against it you'll be in trouble cause after getting over your first turn board it's hard to comeback. For me the 40 card build it's nice to be for going second cause you got effect of dragon spirit and alternative to remove anything with no protection. It's true that blue eyes can be easily stopped by many interruption so run some but not too many remuvel. That's what I'm trying right now it's fine but still bricks although not so bad.
But he's only useful with flute of summoning dragon which I think is less consistent as you need Lord of D,Flute of Summoning Dragon and 1 or 2 dragon monsters.If you run a dragon deck then it should be easy to get 1 or 2 dragon monsters but trying to get both Lord of D and flute of summoning dragon also in a deck that also has more spells and traps sounds like you need to get lucky to get the combo
David Hoch same, I run the invocation setup as well and with 3x aliester, 1 maiden, 1 master, 3x sage. It allows me to Play 1-2x spellbooks of knowledge very easily.
dude. i use the kaiba tin blue eyes because secret rare varient of that artwoek. although i do wish i had the lob ones. for nostalgia when looking at the more contrast in the yellow.
I like this profile. I have bad luck with brilliant fusion tho. This is my build. Monsters. 3x-blue eyes 3x-alternative 2x-dragon spirit 3x-ancient stone 1x-stone of legend 3x-sage w/ eyes of blue 1x-master w/ eyes of blue 1×-akrbrave/Goliath 3x-ghost ogre(can be 2) 1x-maxxx c Spells. 3x- melody 3x-return of D/L 3x-trade in 2×-silvers cry 2x-D shrine 2x-twin twister 2x-pot of desires 1×-cards of cons/soul charge (Total 41 cards, 40 if u play 2 ogre) All blue eyes will brick. But I have good results with this build. Also I play the kaiju engine in the side. 1 kaiju sumbler 3 gameciel 1 koumungous the sticky string (cause all I have atm) and raigeki To go strictly second. It all works quite nice just depends on how you want to play.
Hmmmmmmmmm.... Lot of fat you could trim. One less Alternative, getting rid of Ghost Ogre and Maxx C, add two Cards of Conascance, One for One, Soul Charge... A lot I'd change, but not HORRIBLE. And with Raigeki banned in Worlds, Synchro Summoning to constantly reuse Alternative's effect is the best ALTERNATIVE.
I do play soul charge. It and cards of cons. Are both singles. As far as the ogre and Maxx c, I mean. You not gonna go first every time. And they don't throe the deck off much. Top decking Maxx c in mid game is every players trigger lol but I just side it game 2 and 3. I see where your comming from. Giving the deck more ways to move through the deck, but blue eyes doesn't have any interruption besides hand traps and silvers cry into spirit. So sitting on dark matter with gloiath and return in grave with ogre in hand and possibly a cry set and/or another lvl 8 on feild is pretty strong. But Again that's just me. Yaya or nay?
chris sharpe I find going second to be the ONLY way to play. This is an agro deck, and much of the decks plays are punching your opponents field to oblivion. Hard to do if you go first. Maxx C rarely has benefit because then people just don't special summon. I prefer fast and active card rather than cards that REQUIRE your opponent to make a move. As such, I don't play hand traps and rely on my monsters to do the negation and removal.
Blue eyes can be both agro and Control. Setting up first and locking out your opponent is just as viable as steam rolling there feild. You cant just go second every time. Or you will be sided against and lose; unless you get your best hand every time, which never happens. You play this deck so you know this. And as far as the hand traps go. They don't fall into the same category as other cards that need a specific action to use. Every meta deck uses monster effects and special summon. So stopping my opponent from special summon is amazing and them ending on a lack-luster board give me more opportunity to just run them over. In saying this i have been testing back and forth between solemn warning and max c for going first. There both decent, Warning in the mid game does good work when were both battling back and forth and really really good when I have advantage. Both Maxx c and warning are horrible late game but this deck don't often see late game. Your not wrong. But You just can't say I'm wrong either cause neither of us are topping are arg's and ycs's with blue eyes. And the last person to top that I know of at a ycs had ogres in the main.
Since I don't have handtraps for this deck, I like to splash in the predaplants. Scorpio pretty much gets you two link materials and lets you go into underclock taker if you enjoy using link monsters. But to be honest, I'd still rather use handtraps.
Well iF its not Brick eyes alternative cement dragon. Good to see you doing these again. And make Red-eyes great again Word from the wise. You need to learn what negative comments actally matter
Nice deck, not trying to be THAT guy, but, in my opinion,you're being a biased player when it comes to brilliant fusion, personally, i think it's not good on blue-eyes, since you barelly benefit from the extra normal summon and there are better ways (and less bricky) ways of sending stuff to the grave, especially when you're playing desires, that's the only diference from my build tough, instead I play 1 more Ash, 2 Twin Twister and a upstart. (I'm not trying to be that guy that says "your deck suck", I'm just saying that I have a different opinion on using brilliant fusion)
isn't the actual Seraphinite being summoned pretty important wth the Master with Eyes of Blue combo? I'm just reading Brilliant Fusion as another revival spell
Ok, the combo works, but it's not optimal, you would do better just running other stuff on my opinion, if you want more revival you can even play a second silver's cry
I've played a lot of builds of Blue Eyes and I gotta say this is a great build. I do like to play Kaiju Blue Eyes, since I think the deck going second is really good. However, I do side Arkbrave and Goliath (and other various cards for going first) for those games where I want to go first. I just don't think Goliath alone is the best turn 1 board nowadays, but tbh before links I played that build because I could consistently get out Spirit dragon and dark matter with Goliath turn 1. Either way, there are a lot of ways to play the deck and with the right build it can be a very viable rogue deck. Your build is pretty sweet
I've been gone for a while from yugioh and your videos really help me catch up with the state of the game, as I am planning to come back with master rule 5. Just one question, is this build still viable with 95 being banned?
I really think the brilliant fusion engine is a good way to link summon in blue eyes, but we need that crystron needle fiber for it to work properly. I'm not sure about the arkbrave though. And finally, a blue eyes player that realizes that you shouldn't play too much handtraps
Beginning at the 14:02 mark, you say that you could still cut the brilliant engine provided you keep the Arkbrave/Amorphage to floodgate (which I strongly agree with). Assuming we keep them, what's on your shortlist of things to replace the brilliant engine?
I'd drop the master, add another Stone of legend, and remove something (possibly one of the melody) for 2-3 cards of consonance. I built my friends blue-eyes deck, and while you are right, it's not the best most competetive deck, inconsistent it is not. Also, take out that damn brilliant fusion engine.
x steviemachwano yes, and...? Running 3 melody will probably leave at least one of them, more likey 2 of them, dead while running 3 trade in, 3 cards of consonance, 2 desires, and 2 white stone.
Richard Welch if there's one left in deck that's attrition not consistency. The odds of drawing all 3 are so low it's not even funny. Plus, any actual semi-competitive game would be over way before you'd draw through your whole deck onto your 3rd melody a large amount of the time. Melody is the most consistency boosting card in the deck. You wanna open it as much as possible, it's the only single card in the deck that guarantees you a play, everything else is combinations of 2+ cards for a play, draw spells are just draw power, searchers are consistency cards.
x steviemachwano that's why they are run in tandem, and why cards of consonance and dragon shrine are important. With all the deck thinning and drawing and adding, the odds of drawing (searching) into that melody, or the cards it would search, are pretty damn good. I see what you are saying too, and it's making me want to tweak the build my friend has to see if I can make room for that 3rd copy, and if it helps even more.
Richard Welch definitely play the 3rd melody, also you can go online and type in yugioh odds calculator and it helps you find the right ratios through math 🤘
I have a holo master with eyes of blue that I got last year, but I don't know if it was released before or after you did this deck profile. Regardless, I like this deck profile and think you illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the blue eyes strategy really well.
Yugioh is getting so complicating with those Synchro xyz pendulum and link monsters, I can comprehend these cards but I don’t think that we need that much of special cards its getting crazy
Edgy McEdgeface, agreed, with all the special summons, mon reborn may have a hard time negating all of them. but what is you thoughts on 2 localized tornadoe
my build also resolves around Goliath and Arcbrave but I play ancient rule. I know the card is a minus 1 but you can get the Dark Matter Dragon on board with only two cards (melody and ancient rule)
Interesting take on the deck. I don't agree with the brilliant engine tho. I've tried it myself and it never really worked for me. Good to hear it works for you tho.
Hey Doug as a long time blue eyes player I think you've done a fairly good job at adapting this deck to your style, but I have a few suggestions for some things that you should try in the future: 1. Ancient rules. Ancient rules looks like a horrible card on paper in this deck, but it essentially fills the same role as a card like return of the Dragon Lords, enough so that you can treat it as an additional 3 copies. Essentially your main combo, summoning alternative, requires you to have a vanilla in your hand meaning that ancient rules is almost always live. It is both a starter card and an extender card. I have found that anytime I open it no matter how bad the hand is, I can usually do some sort of play. It makes the amorphage engine so much more consistent as well. I have tested to lots of success, and I know Billy brake did as well. 2. The VFD combo. So this deck can make a vfd as long as you can normal summon a glow-up bulb or special summon it off of one for one (additionally if you foolish it and already have a lv 1 you can normal). You do this via shenanigans with cloud castle, and can also do this later game by synchroing into cloud just to bring back spirit or azure. It only adds two cards to your main and two cards to your extra, but it can be a complete blow out.
I loved the starter deck kaiba blue eyes myself, but I'll admit, when I opened LOB packs I wanted that secret rare. It kinda sucks that if normal monsters nowadays are just objectively worse than a monster that have a big effect; I guess you can't avoid that without set rotations, not having them just makes it to where they're in the deck just as a token mostly. The game is like 16-17 years old at this point though I guess; it's gotten so much more complicated, and I have so much less time than I use too.
Hey dzeeff i agree with your build, i am trying to test out lord of red in the deck and have more disruption on your opponents and your turn. If you haven’t tested that ritual build i think its more responsive. Try it and let us know how it works.
Had a friend that tried it. Because it doesn't negate, it's not a great ENOUGH card. If it negated, it'd be good. But because it doesn't, it's risk of bricking and card ecomony dedicated to it isn't worth it. There are better cards in a Red-Eyes deck you can use, and other cards that do virtually the same thing (Like Red-Eyes Gearfried) that won't brick your hand that you can use to combo.
I was confused as to why you'd run brilliant fusion in blue-eyes, but that combo with Master is actually pretty great and made me check out both Master and Brilliant Fusion for my Blue-Eyes deck. Thanks for the insight!
So if I didn't have maxx c yet or ash blossem, maxx c due to it not being shipped yet. Could I run 1 effect vailer with 2 with two winter cherries, and one ghost ogre? Or is that iffy?
how do you summon the level 8 and 7 synchro monsters like Micheal? I get the level 9 ones just a level 1 tuner and a level 8 dragon, but I can't see how you bring out the level 7 or 8 monsters at all. The only way I can see is to get the level 8 using an ash blossom and saraphanite but you wouldn't want to summon ash blossom. I don't know if I'm just being dumb, but if someone could clarify, that would be great.
Ah for some reason I forgot that spirit can be used to bring out other things even if its just for that turn. I was pretty sure there was a massive oversight on my part. Thanks for responding.
Level 8 recycle is best utilized with throwing in the graveyard, then reviving. Malefic is it's own thing and doesn't mix well with a straight Blue-Eyes. Mausoleum of White is the only good Blue-Eyes field spell if you wanna be Synchro Summon heavy.
I think it is better to run galaxy eyes cipher dragon over tachyon becaus it gives you the option to steal an opponents xyz monster and overlay into your othe galaxy eyes.
I actually like using 1-2 Ancient Rules. Yeah it's a -1 but it can still facilitate an easier Rank 8 play at times. Melody+ Ancient Rules and you got your Galaxy-Eyes already. I saw some builds with it it top some events not too long ago, so it's not complete poopie. Also Dragon Spirit of White is a target for it as well so it has a bit more utility in that regard.
Trust me when I say I've tried this... I really have... And it's not worth it. There are better ways to summon Blue-Eyes. But you're on the way to a good deck, just keep trying. And look at the World Championship decks more than the regional toppers. You can learn more from them.
Sphearex On my way to a good deck, just keep trying? There's no need to patronize, if you have a different suggestion, then just say so. We're all here to share ideas. The Worlds decks are far too outdated if you're referring to the 2016 lists. Blue-Eyes got creeped out hard in 2017. And you mentioned better ways to summon Blue-Eyes, why not share them? I'd like to hear how you pilot the deck. I also prefer to keep up to date on what's working right now so I check for Blue-Eyes tops within the last 3 months and see if I can draw inspiration from there. I saw Ancient Rules on a few, both TCG and OCG, and I've also been having success with it. From my experience, looking at decks from far back banlists to be counter intuitive because you're basing the build off strategies that don't exist in the game right now, especially when cards like Vanity's are banned. That is how Worlds 2016 was won after all.
JetstreamWafers Amorphage is essentially the new Vanity, and I've never played Vanity so that strategy wasn't what I was referring to. The best ways to summon Blue-Eyes (at least as far as I pilot the deck) are to use cards like Trade-In and Dark Matter Dragon and Galaxy Soldier to throw as many stones and Blue-Eyes in the graveyard (after summoning Alternative, mind you). You can then use ROTDL to essentially Monster Reborn them, and build a power monster to swing with before ending your turn and summoning another 2+ with the stones effect and Arkbrave (presuming you used Dark Matter Dragons effect). I've filled my field rather quickly, overwhelming the opponent. Ancient Rules is cool in a slower duel, I've used it and it can be good for fun. But for swarming and speed, the above methods work best.
Sphearex That's essentially what I do as well, minus the Galaxy Soldiers. I used to run them, but cut them out. I use Ancient Rules as more of an extender than anything, and an option for a quick Dark Matter. I don't like dumping everything in the grave immediately because your ROTD's are unsearchable, and it's easy to find yourself with a bunch of beefcakes on board, but no real protection, and can get outed fairly easily. I see Ancient Rules as an option for what to do with the Blue-Eyes that's stuck in your hand. You won't always see your Trade-ins, Melodies, and Galaxy Soldiers, and increasing the odds of getting a card that will get a Blue-Eyes out of your hand and on the field quickly works for me. Its all a matter of preference.
Ooh I've been doing that in my Legacy of the Duelist deck. I'm guessing Dzeeff didn't use it cuz it can sometimes be a brick that prevents level 8s from hitting the field. Not sure though, I think there could be some cards it could replace. What here would you replace with REDMD?
"This card is bad; we play it at three" - dzeeff 2018
So its either summon big bois and block the extra deck for otk, or brick and lose. Neat!
*and. It's and brick and lose.
miss my domain monarchs bois
Nice toxic comment, mate.
That’s why blue eyes is my favorite deck
@@dan-lm4ms it's funny huh? Because what he said isn't even toxic, but still true
This isn't a true blue eyes deck without Obelisk the Tormentor
Vectant HD lol 😂 even I have to laugh at that 😆
I tribute my obelisk for my blue eyes white dragon
Cause why does consistency matter? Lol
The original Blue-eyes art is the best IMO. Brings back so much memories.
By "original," do you mean TCG version of LOB, because if you include the OCG,
the Anime art aka "starter deck" art was first.
Obviously it was used in the manga and the Bandai card game before Konami ever started OCG/TCG, but surprisingly it was also in the OCG over a year before LOB was even a thing in the OCG! This means it actually came out over 3 years before TCG even got LOB! See the facts:
In the OCG, there were no SDY, or SDK, and LOB and MRD were released far later in the OCG. These are the first overall OCG sets:
"Vol 1." January 23, 1999 & "Booster 1" March 1 1999:
First print of OCG Blue-Eyes came next:
"Starter Box: Theatrical Release" was released with "Yu-Gi-Oh! the Movie" in Japan - March 6 1999 (This was over 3 years before the TCG's LOB in March 8th 2002.)
LOB was actually released in Japan over a year later (May 18, 2000), after MRL (April 20, 2000):
LOB was then finally released nearly 2 years later in the TCG on March 8, 2002:
Within weeks, SDK was released in the TCG on March 29, 2002:
Also despite being the original, there are no TCG prints higher than Ultra Rare other than the insanely expensive DDS variant:
Gold Secret: MVP1-ENGV4 (Darksides of Dimensions)
Gold Ghost: GLD5-EN001 (Tablet)
Ultimate: YSKR-EN001 (Tablet)
Secret: DDS-001 (Anime), PCK-001 (Tablet), FL1-EN001 (LOB), BPT-003 (LOB), BPT-009 (LOB), CT14-EN002 (LOB)
Funnily enough, there are 4 secret rares that are quite affordable, but they are all LOB art. Meanwhile, the Tablet version was the only version released as "Ultimate" and "Ghost" while also sharing the spotlight of "Prismatic Secret Rare" with DDS. Perhaps most surprising of all, the 7th OCG art (Kaiba art) still hasn't been released in the TCG, but perhaps that will change March 9th with LEGENDARY COLLECTION: KAIBA!
OmegaPyron Starter Deck art. The Blue-eyes art from the first episode of the anime as well.
The only reason one I really don't like is the LOB one. My favorites are the anniversary pack one and the kazuki Jump one.
Damn straight, ma nigga.
My favorite is the one where its flying out of the tablet, i think its the battle city variant art but im not sure
it blows my mind that there are people who dont realize that the 5th ocg artwork with blue eyes on that badass tower is clearly the best
TCG has it as well.
TCG has it as well, i own one copy and i do agree wih you, it's the best artwork. The only other artwork that comes close to being as good as that one is the currently OCG exclusive art that has Kaiba in it.
I use YAP1-EN001, JUMP-EN068 and MVP1-EN055. My 3 favorite artworks of Blue-Eyes.
OG blue eyes best art
Gotta look it up again cuz im pretty sure its tied with the blue eyes coming out of the tablet and the kaibas blue eyes for best art
Love the profile! Normally I'm a fan of the Chaos build but I'll have to give this a shot. Also I agree, cut the second spirit
Replace with magic cylinder
i do have the chaos version as well but 2 spirit works well for me
Pkmnlover yea it's not a bad card by no means. In my opinion it's a season to taste kinda thing
In my deck I run 3 of them. Whats funny is I have never drawn them ever. So I am always able to special summon them.
I prefer cutting on hand traps and going all out on just the draw and combo engines to get out neo blue eyes ultimate dragon and go straight for the otk.
I won’t forgive you for ending yesterday’s stream abruptly :’(
i forget the backstory to this, but why do you use the movie pack sleeves? Is it so you know that the cards are yours?
+Jojo's ASMR Jeff Jones won a tournament with them. Then his boyfriend topped YCS Toronto with them. They use them as memes for good luck
May the scrambled egg be forever in your favour, duelist.
FullTimeSlacker But the videos themselves are very good
Do some more yugioh videos please
You forgot to add chaos max dragon :)
Inu San No Please Stop
LOL, but seriously, chaos max SUCKS and it's more of a black luster deck
I liked the drunk deck profile where you just said that every card is either bad or will trigger casuals
jogabonito1848 I don't recall that happening
I was hoping you’d just posted the highlights from the drunk stream.
Do a chaos max deck profile for us, budget players
Amorphage Goliath doesn't stop Chaos MAX rekt
Out of all the blue eyes builds that I’ve seen, this is one of my favorite builds. Not a huge fan of the brilliant fusion engine, but I can’t argue with something that works so well with the deck. Throwing master into the grave with brilliant fusion is an awesome play I never thought of. 10/10
So this is the infamous Blue-Eyes bricklayer deck, huh? You need to run 3x Pot of Generosity for the extra consistency.
Dragon spirit of white is classed as a blue eyes normal monster allowing you to special summon with maidens effect from hand or graveyard, the banish a spell/trap makes it a good substitute for mystical, and being able to recycle it pretty easily makes it a power house. Plus then you can send it to the graveyard to special summon a blue eyes white dragon, underrated card
What about twin burst?
Thanks, man. Times change, always. I've seen some dude winning the 5th place in a regional defeating true dracos and pendulum magician. I think Blue-Eyes still has a chance to be great again. I believe it c:
Try using devine felgrand, its effect that banishes something of you opponent's is good enough on its own but it also revives a level 7/8 dragon (besides another copy of itself) when it destroys an opponent's monster by battle.
Not dissing your build, I really like your build, I just thought I'd bring it up.
Dude it's all about Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon. If you're not using this, you're not winning games. Period.
My deck has Shining and Critis together, it has some monstrous power once I build it and all my friends are afraid of dueling my blue eyes so I had to make a casual deck to face them instead
But.....I thought he was gonna build blue eyes chaos max deck?
he did.
it sucked, watch his streams.
Replace the second Dragon Spirit of White with Card Trader to trade away all the dead draws for something useful. It improves the consistancy alot.
That is a great idea, I didn’t even know that card existed I might invest!
Isnt card trader a -1 that can be ghost ogred twin twister?
Daigusto emeral you don't understand the meta
+Joaquin muñoz
That's because he hasn't seen play in quite some time.
(It's because he was banned from the game.)
"I want to go big instead of going home." - dzeeff 2018
Well said sir!
Dzeef I personally don't like the build at first look, however I will try the build and see if I like it next time at locals. I had heard of brilliant blue eyes and never tested it. However you declared some very valid points. I admire your approach to one of my favorite sets, even if I don't exactly agree with it. If you never got around to it I would suggest, 1 maiden w/ 3x aliester, and 1-2x spellbooks of knowledge it was really smooth for me and is what I still use today. The invoked engine is a wonderful addition, and a great bait for ash. I would greatly appreciate if you could please test my approach for your preference.
kiba Akuto you should play wonder want over knowledge if u run maiden so u can trigger her eff
If you play dragons ravine and you draw either the goliath or arkbrave you can ditch both to grave and continue with a different play keeping the goliath lock live
This is a cool homage to Kaiba, definetly a good deck profile and with the brilliant engine, it is obviously your build, that´s awesome
Can we get a combo guide please. Especially the brilliant fusion combos. Thank you :)
normal maiden, activate sage. get another blue on the field and fuse through various methods, done. ;)
I just want to find a way to at least make blue-eyes tier 2 in link format
would splash in underclock taker for proxy now that he is out.
and how do you deal with seraphinite taking up the extra deck spot, i mean u need sage or master to remove her, but at the same time you want their normal summon effects, for me this was always tricky. That's why i decided to also play the invoked engine too.
if you Brilliant, You sent Master. You have Master in grave to send the shit already.
Angel Olvera only if you have blue eyes already in grave. And trust me, you don't want to send the master with brilliant...
Been waiting for this video for forever
Dude I feel so glad my duel links look damn near identical (monster cards) i too get torn about spirit of white. I run with one solid blue eyes when not running two spirit of white
When skulldeat gets released I think you’ll see a couple tops from blue eyes just bc it can make rank 8 plays very easy with that card thus making Goliath plays a lot easier
Brilliant Fusion I've decided to start trying and I actually really like it in Blue Eyes, being able to send ANY light monster is really nice, the Master combo like you mentioned in the video, or if I need a blue eyes in my hand for an Alternative summon, I'll send White Stone of Legend. Or sending an Ancients if I have something I'm already going to put in gy with Trade-In. The seraphnite giving you an extra normal summon is helpful for Synchro plays. It has alot of possibilities in Blue Eyes. It does suck drawing the garnet tho
Me I play the deck a bit differently though, I like going second and going for an OTK. Similar to the Cyber Dragon strategy. For the most part its been successful.
You should do a video on the reasons why people run Tachyon Dragon over Prime Photon for the middle Xyz target of 95. Maybe include reasonings as well for Utopia Prime and Utopia Ray for The Lightning targets
Both are trash. Who's playing those over Full Armor?
Terraforming/Mausoleum better at sending blues-eyes to the gy and it lets you get a Maiden in the deck which is still insanely powerful if you know how to loopit with sage or master. Also get that second normal summon. I do also use felgrand and Arkbrave. But the Goliath is an awesome tech. Definitely agree with that 100%. Id drop the desires for CoC for discarding the eggs even faster for draw 2s.
I like the profile and I like the Goliath but in today's Meta it's easy to get over the Goliath, maybe not every time but if you're opponent side against it you'll be in trouble cause after getting over your first turn board it's hard to comeback. For me the 40 card build it's nice to be for going second cause you got effect of dragon spirit and alternative to remove anything with no protection. It's true that blue eyes can be easily stopped by many interruption so run some but not too many remuvel. That's what I'm trying right now it's fine but still bricks although not so bad.
New microphone was perfect, keep the setup for sure. Also, catch me netdecking this
Where's ma boi Lord of D? Hes super OP in Dragon Decks
But he's only useful with flute of summoning dragon which I think is less consistent as you need Lord of D,Flute of Summoning Dragon and 1 or 2 dragon monsters.If you run a dragon deck then it should be easy to get 1 or 2 dragon monsters but trying to get both Lord of D and flute of summoning dragon also in a deck that also has more spells and traps sounds like you need to get lucky to get the combo
Paladin of white eyes is better
Caleb Chometa it’s called paladin of white dragon
pbrian26 he was kidding
Ultra mega hyper brick deck version
Played this build on ygomobile last night. It bricks or otks no in between. Very enjoyable
I like running 1 Maiden so I can target it with Sage and get 2 Blue-Eyes out
David Hoch same, I run the invocation setup as well and with 3x aliester, 1 maiden, 1 master, 3x sage. It allows me to Play 1-2x spellbooks of knowledge very easily.
dude. i use the kaiba tin blue eyes because secret rare varient of that artwoek. although i do wish i had the lob ones. for nostalgia when looking at the more contrast in the yellow.
I like this profile. I have bad luck with brilliant fusion tho. This is my build.
3x-blue eyes
2x-dragon spirit
3x-ancient stone
1x-stone of legend
3x-sage w/ eyes of blue
1x-master w/ eyes of blue
3x-ghost ogre(can be 2)
1x-maxxx c
3x- melody
3x-return of D/L
3x-trade in
2×-silvers cry
2x-D shrine
2x-twin twister
2x-pot of desires
1×-cards of cons/soul charge
(Total 41 cards, 40 if u play 2 ogre)
All blue eyes will brick. But I have good results with this build.
Also I play the kaiju engine in the side. 1 kaiju sumbler 3 gameciel 1 koumungous the sticky string (cause all I have atm) and raigeki To go strictly second. It all works quite nice just depends on how you want to play.
Hmmmmmmmmm.... Lot of fat you could trim.
One less Alternative, getting rid of Ghost Ogre and Maxx C, add two Cards of Conascance, One for One, Soul Charge... A lot I'd change, but not HORRIBLE.
And with Raigeki banned in Worlds, Synchro Summoning to constantly reuse Alternative's effect is the best ALTERNATIVE.
I do play soul charge. It and cards of cons. Are both singles. As far as the ogre and Maxx c, I mean. You not gonna go first every time. And they don't throe the deck off much. Top decking Maxx c in mid game is every players trigger lol but I just side it game 2 and 3. I see where your comming from. Giving the deck more ways to move through the deck, but blue eyes doesn't have any interruption besides hand traps and silvers cry into spirit. So sitting on dark matter with gloiath and return in grave with ogre in hand and possibly a cry set and/or another lvl 8 on feild is pretty strong.
Again that's just me.
Yaya or nay?
As far as 1 for 1 goes. We have a love hate relationship. I play it and I don't play it.
chris sharpe I find going second to be the ONLY way to play. This is an agro deck, and much of the decks plays are punching your opponents field to oblivion. Hard to do if you go first. Maxx C rarely has benefit because then people just don't special summon. I prefer fast and active card rather than cards that REQUIRE your opponent to make a move. As such, I don't play hand traps and rely on my monsters to do the negation and removal.
Blue eyes can be both agro and Control. Setting up first and locking out your opponent is just as viable as steam rolling there feild.
You cant just go second every time. Or you will be sided against and lose; unless you get your best hand every time, which never happens. You play this deck so you know this.
And as far as the hand traps go. They don't fall into the same category as other cards that need a specific action to use. Every meta deck uses monster effects and special summon. So stopping my opponent from special summon is amazing and them ending on a lack-luster board give me more opportunity to just run them over.
In saying this i have been testing back and forth between solemn warning and max c for going first. There both decent, Warning in the mid game does good work when were both battling back and forth and really really good when I have advantage. Both Maxx c and warning are horrible late game but this deck don't often see late game. Your not wrong. But You just can't say I'm wrong either cause neither of us are topping are arg's and ycs's with blue eyes. And the last person to top that I know of at a ycs had ogres in the main.
I enjoyed this because im building a dragon and it gave me a few ideas
What phone have you been using to film, the quality is quite nice.
+DiverseStyle LG V20
Solid deck profile good to see you've joined the brick side with me and th monarchs. :)
Since I don't have handtraps for this deck, I like to splash in the predaplants. Scorpio pretty much gets you two link materials and lets you go into underclock taker if you enjoy using link monsters. But to be honest, I'd still rather use handtraps.
Well iF its not Brick eyes alternative cement dragon. Good to see you doing these again. And make Red-eyes great again
Word from the wise. You need to learn what negative comments actally matter
Nice deck, not trying to be THAT guy, but, in my opinion,you're being a biased player when it comes to brilliant fusion, personally, i think it's not good on blue-eyes, since you barelly benefit from the extra normal summon and there are better ways (and less bricky) ways of sending stuff to the grave, especially when you're playing desires, that's the only diference from my build tough, instead I play 1 more Ash, 2 Twin Twister and a upstart. (I'm not trying to be that guy that says "your deck suck", I'm just saying that I have a different opinion on using brilliant fusion)
isn't the actual Seraphinite being summoned pretty important wth the Master with Eyes of Blue combo? I'm just reading Brilliant Fusion as another revival spell
Ok, the combo works, but it's not optimal, you would do better just running other stuff on my opinion, if you want more revival you can even play a second silver's cry
literally every video someone comments on him being biased about something
I've played a lot of builds of Blue Eyes and I gotta say this is a great build. I do like to play Kaiju Blue Eyes, since I think the deck going second is really good. However, I do side Arkbrave and Goliath (and other various cards for going first) for those games where I want to go first. I just don't think Goliath alone is the best turn 1 board nowadays, but tbh before links I played that build because I could consistently get out Spirit dragon and dark matter with Goliath turn 1.
Either way, there are a lot of ways to play the deck and with the right build it can be a very viable rogue deck. Your build is pretty sweet
I've been gone for a while from yugioh and your videos really help me catch up with the state of the game, as I am planning to come back with master rule 5. Just one question, is this build still viable with 95 being banned?
I really think the brilliant fusion engine is a good way to link summon in blue eyes, but we need that crystron needle fiber for it to work properly. I'm not sure about the arkbrave though. And finally, a blue eyes player that realizes that you shouldn't play too much handtraps
Beginning at the 14:02 mark, you say that you could still cut the brilliant engine provided you keep the Arkbrave/Amorphage to floodgate (which I strongly agree with). Assuming we keep them, what's on your shortlist of things to replace the brilliant engine?
what about brionac since you have seraphinite + level 1's?
I'd drop the master, add another Stone of legend, and remove something (possibly one of the melody) for 2-3 cards of consonance. I built my friends blue-eyes deck, and while you are right, it's not the best most competetive deck, inconsistent it is not. Also, take out that damn brilliant fusion engine.
Richard Welch you're talking about consistency but telling him to cut a melody lmao
x steviemachwano yes, and...? Running 3 melody will probably leave at least one of them, more likey 2 of them, dead while running 3 trade in, 3 cards of consonance, 2 desires, and 2 white stone.
Richard Welch if there's one left in deck that's attrition not consistency. The odds of drawing all 3 are so low it's not even funny. Plus, any actual semi-competitive game would be over way before you'd draw through your whole deck onto your 3rd melody a large amount of the time. Melody is the most consistency boosting card in the deck. You wanna open it as much as possible, it's the only single card in the deck that guarantees you a play, everything else is combinations of 2+ cards for a play, draw spells are just draw power, searchers are consistency cards.
x steviemachwano that's why they are run in tandem, and why cards of consonance and dragon shrine are important. With all the deck thinning and drawing and adding, the odds of drawing (searching) into that melody, or the cards it would search, are pretty damn good. I see what you are saying too, and it's making me want to tweak the build my friend has to see if I can make room for that 3rd copy, and if it helps even more.
Richard Welch definitely play the 3rd melody, also you can go online and type in yugioh odds calculator and it helps you find the right ratios through math 🤘
I have a holo master with eyes of blue that I got last year, but I don't know if it was released before or after you did this deck profile. Regardless, I like this deck profile and think you illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the blue eyes strategy really well.
Yugioh is getting so complicating with those Synchro xyz pendulum and link monsters, I can comprehend these cards but I don’t think that we need that much of special cards its getting crazy
Maxx c forbidden
Edgy McEdgeface, agreed, with all the special summons, mon reborn may have a hard time negating all of them. but what is you thoughts on 2 localized tornadoe
Run galaxy serpent for brilliant, brilliant plus a lvl 1 is a draw 1 plus crystal wing via making stardust charge warrior
my build also resolves around Goliath and Arcbrave but I play ancient rule. I know the card is a minus 1 but you can get the Dark Matter Dragon on board with only two cards (melody and ancient rule)
+Helmi You actually need a card for Melody too so it's a 3 card setup for one xyz monster
YEA! Running my 2 favorite engines for blue eyes! Already best blue eyes deck.
MrFrankybeanz Really because of 2 cards he have which you like that means it's the best deck.Logic
Dzeeff, what do you think can you put inside this deck for the Max c because you are not allowed to use it anymore?
Interesting take on the deck. I don't agree with the brilliant engine tho. I've tried it myself and it never really worked for me. Good to hear it works for you tho.
What about twin burst or galaxy soldier and cyber dragon infinity ?
No to Twin-Burst, yes to Galaxy Soldier. I've already discussed why in the other comment threads.
Hey Doug as a long time blue eyes player I think you've done a fairly good job at adapting this deck to your style, but I have a few suggestions for some things that you should try in the future:
1. Ancient rules. Ancient rules looks like a horrible card on paper in this deck, but it essentially fills the same role as a card like return of the Dragon Lords, enough so that you can treat it as an additional 3 copies. Essentially your main combo, summoning alternative, requires you to have a vanilla in your hand meaning that ancient rules is almost always live. It is both a starter card and an extender card. I have found that anytime I open it no matter how bad the hand is, I can usually do some sort of play. It makes the amorphage engine so much more consistent as well. I have tested to lots of success, and I know Billy brake did as well.
2. The VFD combo. So this deck can make a vfd as long as you can normal summon a glow-up bulb or special summon it off of one for one (additionally if you foolish it and already have a lv 1 you can normal). You do this via shenanigans with cloud castle, and can also do this later game by synchroing into cloud just to bring back spirit or azure. It only adds two cards to your main and two cards to your extra, but it can be a complete blow out.
what does vfd stand for?
It's calamities
I liked it better when drunk zeeff did it
Why do I feel like dzeeff's the kinda guy to run brilliant fusion in monarchs
+Mik Master Send Jacks Knight add back with Lazuli activate Return summon Knight search Ether summon Ether over Knight ;)
your deck is very similar to mine only that mine uses the kaiju engineer instead of the brilliant
I loved the starter deck kaiba blue eyes myself, but I'll admit, when I opened LOB packs I wanted that secret rare.
It kinda sucks that if normal monsters nowadays are just objectively worse than a monster that have a big effect; I guess you can't avoid that without set rotations, not having them just makes it to where they're in the deck just as a token mostly. The game is like 16-17 years old at this point though I guess; it's gotten so much more complicated, and I have so much less time than I use too.
Doug how do you feel about linkuriboh being legal on February 2nd are you going to get one to put in this deck?
Most of the cards are pretty cheap (since I already have my Blue Eyes deck). Can it be run without the Brilliant Fusion engine?
Hey dzeeff i agree with your build, i am trying to test out lord of red in the deck and have more disruption on your opponents and your turn. If you haven’t tested that ritual build i think its more responsive. Try it and let us know how it works.
Had a friend that tried it. Because it doesn't negate, it's not a great ENOUGH card. If it negated, it'd be good. But because it doesn't, it's risk of bricking and card ecomony dedicated to it isn't worth it. There are better cards in a Red-Eyes deck you can use, and other cards that do virtually the same thing (Like Red-Eyes Gearfried) that won't brick your hand that you can use to combo.
I was confused as to why you'd run brilliant fusion in blue-eyes, but that combo with Master is actually pretty great and made me check out both Master and Brilliant Fusion for my Blue-Eyes deck. Thanks for the insight!
But what if your opponent plays a card that prevents you from special summoning or has a card that allows them to steal your special summons?
Do you think the build using galaxy soldier is still viable?
I actually like the deck profile. :)
So if I didn't have maxx c yet or ash blossem, maxx c due to it not being shipped yet. Could I run 1 effect vailer with 2 with two winter cherries, and one ghost ogre? Or is that iffy?
Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore because maxx c is on 0 now. Just look at the banlist it is not any longer at 1.
Why do you have a pendulum monster in there? Very bad deck
pea-cats - it's a joke
Super Saiyan Marth how you know ?
Sorry Lord Zeus.If I punish him can I get money on fathers day
Hey dzeeff! Can you expand/elaborate on why you would not want to draw Spirit of White? Thanks!
It just sits in your hand
dzeeff aaahh, okay, yeah duh. Thanks
Two dragon spirits are very necessary in a format whereby pendulums are the meta
I want amorphage!!! but what if you're opponent's running them? :o
How's the hangover?
pukalo [CDN] 😵
how do you summon the level 8 and 7 synchro monsters like Micheal? I get the level 9 ones just a level 1 tuner and a level 8 dragon, but I can't see how you bring out the level 7 or 8 monsters at all. The only way I can see is to get the level 8 using an ash blossom and saraphanite but you wouldn't want to summon ash blossom. I don't know if I'm just being dumb, but if someone could clarify, that would be great.
Give the Level 9 Synchro a read and that should answer your question :)
Ah for some reason I forgot that spirit can be used to bring out other things even if its just for that turn. I was pretty sure there was a massive oversight on my part. Thanks for responding.
How do you play this without ancient fairy dragon
that moment you realize you either give one of your friends your number 95 or lost it ;-;
Also, can a malefic blue eyes tech with a more field spell oriented deck work for bringing out more lvl 8 monsters?
Level 8 recycle is best utilized with throwing in the graveyard, then reviving. Malefic is it's own thing and doesn't mix well with a straight Blue-Eyes. Mausoleum of White is the only good Blue-Eyes field spell if you wanna be Synchro Summon heavy.
I believe Foolish Burial should be in that deck. Considering that you are using the Amorphage
I'd play Linkuriboh and Underclock Taker instead of Proxy and Decode come next week. They both point down and are easier to summon than Decode.
Can I suggest builds for you?
Triggered me yesterday saying casuals are to poor kappa
I think it is better to run galaxy eyes cipher dragon over tachyon becaus it gives you the option to steal an opponents xyz monster and overlay into your othe galaxy eyes.
Im sold on that number 95 combo
you dont need an engine to play blue-eyes because this legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction all on its own
Can you make exodia deck?
Did you try driven Dragon Lord ?
I actually like using 1-2 Ancient Rules. Yeah it's a -1 but it can still facilitate an easier Rank 8 play at times. Melody+ Ancient Rules and you got your Galaxy-Eyes already. I saw some builds with it it top some events not too long ago, so it's not complete poopie.
Also Dragon Spirit of White is a target for it as well so it has a bit more utility in that regard.
Trust me when I say I've tried this... I really have... And it's not worth it. There are better ways to summon Blue-Eyes. But you're on the way to a good deck, just keep trying.
And look at the World Championship decks more than the regional toppers. You can learn more from them.
Sphearex On my way to a good deck, just keep trying? There's no need to patronize, if you have a different suggestion, then just say so. We're all here to share ideas.
The Worlds decks are far too outdated if you're referring to the 2016 lists. Blue-Eyes got creeped out hard in 2017. And you mentioned better ways to summon Blue-Eyes, why not share them? I'd like to hear how you pilot the deck.
I also prefer to keep up to date on what's working right now so I check for Blue-Eyes tops within the last 3 months and see if I can draw inspiration from there. I saw Ancient Rules on a few, both TCG and OCG, and I've also been having success with it.
From my experience, looking at decks from far back banlists to be counter intuitive because you're basing the build off strategies that don't exist in the game right now, especially when cards like Vanity's are banned. That is how Worlds 2016 was won after all.
JetstreamWafers Amorphage is essentially the new Vanity, and I've never played Vanity so that strategy wasn't what I was referring to.
The best ways to summon Blue-Eyes (at least as far as I pilot the deck) are to use cards like Trade-In and Dark Matter Dragon and Galaxy Soldier to throw as many stones and Blue-Eyes in the graveyard (after summoning Alternative, mind you). You can then use ROTDL to essentially Monster Reborn them, and build a power monster to swing with before ending your turn and summoning another 2+ with the stones effect and Arkbrave (presuming you used Dark Matter Dragons effect).
I've filled my field rather quickly, overwhelming the opponent. Ancient Rules is cool in a slower duel, I've used it and it can be good for fun. But for swarming and speed, the above methods work best.
Sphearex That's essentially what I do as well, minus the Galaxy Soldiers. I used to run them, but cut them out. I use Ancient Rules as more of an extender than anything, and an option for a quick Dark Matter. I don't like dumping everything in the grave immediately because your ROTD's are unsearchable, and it's easy to find yourself with a bunch of beefcakes on board, but no real protection, and can get outed fairly easily. I see Ancient Rules as an option for what to do with the Blue-Eyes that's stuck in your hand. You won't always see your Trade-ins, Melodies, and Galaxy Soldiers, and increasing the odds of getting a card that will get a Blue-Eyes out of your hand and on the field quickly works for me. Its all a matter of preference.
I have a mildly dumb question, but why doesn’t anyone run Red-Eyes Darkness Metal in Blue-Eyes?
Oooh, good idea! I wanna try that now!
I mean any deck that has dragons should have a red eyes darkness metal lol
Ooh I've been doing that in my Legacy of the Duelist deck. I'm guessing Dzeeff didn't use it cuz it can sometimes be a brick that prevents level 8s from hitting the field. Not sure though, I think there could be some cards it could replace. What here would you replace with REDMD?