Matt, love that you took this to the range. I don't think you had it set up right for people's swing faults. I bought it and watched the training video that went with it. I had been slicing all my life and it really helped me to stop slicing. It's not a miracle fix but it does work. The teaching pro at my range didn't even know what it was and took one look at it and said to me, "I assume that's supposed to help from coming over the top" I replied "yes". Maybe not for everyone but it worked for me. Thanks, Matt for the video!
Great video! I love watching you interact with the beginning golfers and the high handicappers, just encouraging them and giving them a couple of helpful tips.
haha loved the video. Fun to see you out on the driving range with the people. 30 bucks tops is what they should sell for and they would get far more sales.
I actually own a Launch Deck and find it to be a great training aid. In your session, you ended up reversing the upper orange pylon which negates the one of the intended purposes of the Launch Deck. The fact that the players kept hitting that Pylon is an indication that they were coming over the top. When you were using the LD in your studio, you were hitting the ball crisp and clean and using an inside out swing, never touching either pylon. The LD has helped me create a similar swing path. Good video, Matt. Keep up the good work, we appreciate you.
I have it as well and it seems to have helped the drive some - I'm a major slicer - however I was not always sure if I hit the little attachment or not unless i did video. However I'm going to try to spray the little orange things with foot powder spray and see how that works. I should see a mark if hitting the little orange things.
@@careydunn8227 Genius! I have learned to slow down enough so that I can see the strike on the orange pylons. However, I'm getting pretty good at making it through the gate without hitting either pylon. When I do have a mishit, I'm hitting the top pylon which suggests that I came over the top on that swing.
Matt, I just bought this a month ago. It definitely helped my drive as I just started golfing two years ago. I like how you can see if your swinging outside to in by hitting that outside pylon, which is what I normally do. Thanks for the continuous great content, big fan here in Columbus, GA.
Matt, loved that you took this product to the people, because we all know you hit the ball well, so it would be hard for you to show how it would fix your swing! I bought one of these a few months ago and literally in about 7 minutes, I was able to correct my swing and no longer have a heavy slice, which I have had since taking up golf about a year and a half ago. I had even took lessons and I couldn’t consistently get rid of the slice. The Launch Deck allowed me to see what parts of it I was hitting and be able to self figure out what to change immediately so I don’t hit any of the pylons. Best $99 I have ever spent! I didn’t understand how people where having the orange pylons come out of the Launch Deck, as you are supposed to put them in from the bottom and pull them until it snaps into place. They shouldn’t come out. So that seemed weird. You could of watched the people that where having problems with their swing first and then offer to see if this Launch Deck would help them, rather than just asking anyone to try it. I think it would of been better if you explained to the people trying it out that they should be paying attention to which part they hit so they are aware of how the are swinging wrong. Then you would have a lot more people seeing how amazing it is that they have corrected bad swings. It would of made for a better video. As far as my opinion of does the Launch Deck let you hit farther, I was averaging 156 yards with my Driver and when I could replicate the swing on my own it was averaging about 172. So not as far as they claim (for me). But hitting it more straight and not slicing with the same capable swing speed I have will automatically give you more yards and better course positions. I have folded it and it does go in my golf bag (you didn’t try…..just threw it in the car…LOL). To me it is a really well made product and in NO WAY is cheaply made. It is made of heavy rubber, not plastic. It doesn’t move very much if you don’t slam your club wildly into it as a few people did. Overall, I think if you slice or hook a ball and can’t hit straight, then this is a fantastic training tool and worth every cent. And it has a 1 year return policy. You can’t beat that! If I don’t have time to hit some balls before I go to play, I put it in the grass outside and make a few swings to get a mental picture of the Launch deck and my correct swing. Then at the course on the tee box, I imagine that I am hitting off of it. Works for me!
I bought this about a month ago and it's really helped. Playing on the simulator this past winter, I saw that I was getting too much backspin with my driver and this has helped me work on making an ascending swing.
Thank you for doing a review of this product , I’ve seen many ads pop ups about this training mat & as a beginner golfer had me wonder on if it actually helps or is another mimic product BUT $100 bucks it’s steep … THANK YOU for all you and the Mr short game staff do !!
This is a great video, get to see a variety of people try it out..... I'd definitely hit that, not sure if I'd want to bring it out in public but if I had a golf net I'd definitely set it up... I golf about 80+ rounds per year and am sitting at a 5.3HDCP primarily because I golf so much so the bad rounds wash away quickly. I am awful off the tee, very unpredictable and inaccurate so I'm taking a bunch of penalties which causes me to rely more heavily on chipping and putting to salvage my score (I do a lot of chipping and putting for par unless I'm taking numerous penalties off the tee on a single hole). I do struggle with slotting the club and swinging the club in-to-out so my misses are either a slice or a straight pull 60+ yards left of target.... Occasionally my hands get too involved at impact which leads to a duck hook.
This was great, Matt! Always appreciate your reviews of gear and gadget and getting random, honest feedback at the range was very interesting. I've seen this before, as you noted it's heavily pushed online, but had no idea it cost $99. No way would I pay that but I'd agree with the early fellas who felt it might be worth $30 or so. Looked a rather toasty North GA day out there, so stay cool this summer!
Matt like you I like to try some of these aids. I bought this one and have to say it actually works. I took it to the range about 7-10 times. In all seriousness this fixed at least 15 players swings. The key is to let them take smooth practice swings first thru the gates. Then tee up a ball and gave them hit it. I don’t get any compensation from performance golf. But I wish I did. Out of the 15 people that benefited from this 6 of them bought one off the website right there at the range.
These kind of training aids really do work. I used to have the Hank Haney plane finder & a same product. Great product for feel & visual aid! Instant feedback helps so much rather than thinking of something mechanical.
Modification they could make so that you know which ones you hit: Have the “post pieces“ on some sort of coil or vibrating material that continues to vibrate or shake after contact to give the user time to assess.
I have something called the Golf Speedtrap that is similar. It doesn't work well with a launch monitor (at least Forsight ones) but it will help to eliminate excessive slices and hooks and promotes a straighter path. I haven't used it in a while but when I got back into the game it did help correct some issues 25 years of not playing had created. This looks like a similar thing.
Thank for this review of this. Saw the ad for this many times and thought about it and I can see how it can help. You can have a great swing path and upwards angle of attack but still have an open face (as I struggle with). Can see show this can help path but don't see how this will fix getting the face closed at the right moment of impact. Saw a few hits that didn't hit the markers yet still saw slices and hooks. All I can say is for basically for $100 I thinks it's too much, I'm sure most can find a cheaper alternative.
Would be better if they were flippable gates rather than rubber pegs so you saw what you hit. But like others said you can use free / cheap stuff to do the same. I use a pool noodle
Thanks for giving us real world feedback. I’d like to see you do the same type of video for that Straight Away thingy that David Leadbetter is schilling for. Looks interesting and has the added advantage of fitting in your bag and being able to hit shots with it attached to any club in your bag.
Thanks Matt! I've seen this thing advertised all over the place but it's cool to see your average golfer try it. I think it's good in theory, like most training aids, and you just have to put in the work with it. Can it help, yes. Will I pay $99 for it, no. Might be a bidder in the $49 - $59 range.
Ok so I just got this and set it up in front of my backyard net .I don't get how anyone in your video can't know what pylon they hit. I instantly knew what pylon I hit and sure enough it was consistently the outside one because guess what, yep I regularly slice the ball. It's funny that people will spend $100 on a pair of golf shoes without hesitation but are too cheap to pay for something that may help improve thier game. Thing that wasn't mentioned is actually comes with quite a few videos for different drills that you can try out. Some I found helpful in some I didn't. I feel like it's fairly well built and heavy-duty so it will last a long time and I like that it does force you to pay attention to your setup and swing path. Within 20 balls I found myself hitting the Bulls-Eye target on the net or close to it more often. After I give it a good workout in the backyard I plan on taking it to the driving range and see how well it may help in real time. I haven't tried it for any irons yet so the jury is still out on that but I do hit my irons pretty decently so that's not the area I was looking for some help. Overall my first impression is I like it and I think it will help me clean up my driver swing. ✌️
ive got a terrible slice and ive toyed with the idea of getting this thing but its hard to want to spend $100 bucks on it. if it was 60-75 that sucker would be in my back yard and i would be out swining the clubs right now! good to see people liked it, and found it helpful, hopefully it goes down in price soon or amazon makes an exact knock off
Matt, really enjoyed this and gave it a 👍. Would really like to see you give it a good go both at home with track man and on range to see the ball flight. Considering this for my daughter.
I’ve been using empty water bottles to do the same thing for the past few years. The nice thing about the water bottles is they fall over if you hit them so you know which one you hit. Can’t believe someone’s actually paying $100 for the same idea
Marketing. It probably does what it says as long as you have feedback like a video to watch of yourself doing it. I think the water bottle idea is brilliant provided it doesn’t damage your clubs. Maybe a small foam tube found in a home improvement store would accomplish the same thing or some rubber tees? Idk, but I’m with you, $100 is steep when I could spend that on lessons, rounds, or balls.
@@Golf101inc Just make sure the water bottles are empty and your clubs will be fine. Sometimes I put just a small amount of water in them so they stand up. Like I said…been doing this for a few years now and no damage to my clubs
Before even starting this video, im glad you did it. I was considering buying one but for 100 bucks was a bit nervous... Hopefully in 12 minutes my mind will be made up!
Tough call... took lessons over the winter and my coach wanted me to work on the inside out swing path, might have to give this a try. Definitely seems like it could help zero in the path
I had one of these and sent it back. I feel it’s too bulky to use at a a range on a regular basis. I was very frustrated with it not staying put if you mishit the ball.
If you wanted to do a simple approach to determining which orange pylon you hit, you would use two different colors of chalk and then youll know which one. This definitely looks interesting and I may have to try it out. Great video.
Great video! Allowing others to use the product really shows if it could have a benefit. I am not in for $100. I agree with some of the other comments $30 tops.
You would think the design and looks of this device an awesome tool to eliminate slicing or hooking, but unfortunately after ordering it the reality just another gimmick. CON 1: Much heavier than it looks. For 1 average person it’s a hassle to lug to-&-from car & range along with golf bag. That means TWO trips to get to range from car then another TWO trips to get bag & mat back to car. It does NOT fit in a golf bag unless you have one of those Tour jumbo bags. Obviously if this device improved my driving I WOULDN’T CARE how heavy or inconvenient it was to get out car and to range. CON 2: Follow thru you can’t feel if driver hitting orange gates therefore purpose defeated. 8:10 into video notice man couldn’t tell if driver head hit front gate or heel gate? That reflected my experiences too. Same with yellow launch pegs - driver’s base supposed to brush them but you can’t feel them so don’t know if touching them or not. Purpose defeated because if can’t tell if missing or hitting the gates you can’t gauge what to work on so still slice and hook on traditional tee and grass. CON 3: No distance gained as advertised. I tried this mat at range 5 different occasions and didn’t improve my driving. Only experience the hassle getting it to-&-from vehicle to range. CON 4: Non-driver clubs on this device too awkward because without using the tee my irons or fairway woods snag into mat (ouch)! The white tee base also impedes where at impact the mat flew farther than the ball. All these cons I returned for refund.
Perfect timing. Saw this on Facebook and Googled for reviews and you showed up. I would like to hear more on your thoughts though...can't help but feel your lack of any opinion on it is you trying to tell us something....(it is not going to help)😮
Man I wish I had a dollar for every dollar I spent at that driving range when I live there ... used to play often off of Hopewell at a golf course .. but now I think it's Bell Memorial Park ....
I would like to own one...but not for $100. Also after I had one I would add a small bell to one of the back rubber things, this way you could tell which one you hit.( hear the bell its the close one. no bell but feel the rubber thing hit club, far rubber thing.
Seems to work for intermediate golfers that have a basic understanding of club path, face angle, and angle of attack and not for beginners. It really looked like some of the guys there that were just starting golf had no idea what the point of the training aid was.
If me, as a newbie, could instantly understand the concept, with that few seconds instruction. It seems to be pretty good. Yep needs a mod or 2, but.....
Between RUclips and just being an athlete, this isn’t for me. But out of the 6 or 7 times I’ve been out this year with friends and randoms, I would say it’s a product that could help 70% - 80% of the people I’ve seen. It has a place for sure. Yeah there’s a lot of videos that teach the same things and show how to set up drills, but a lot of people don’t seek that out on RUclips. This mat would be good for those people.
I like these reviews, have you seen this thing called the "straight stick?" I believe it's advertised by Rocco M. Would be interesting to see a review.
Honestly I think having real people at the range testing it was brilliant. I think the product is a waste of money, but it was an interesting watch. I would love to see more things tested at the range with normal people though.
Seems like nobody recognized you. I would have been ecstatic if you showed up at the range I go to. I would of been trying to get you to work with me on wedges and everything else lol.
Ordered one. Haven't used it yet. I will say the order process is absolutely horrible. They spam you with ads to try additional bolt ons, capture your phone number to call you and offer more products/lessons etc. Got a call one week after the product arrived. Online, I literally couldn't complete the purchase until I saw an offer for the straight stick. Made me watch it and suggested my order wouldn't go through if I clicked off of it. Since ordering, my email is destroyed with spam. I just wanted the freaking launch pad stop bombarding me with offers. One more thing and I'll update if this happens..... They gave me a "free for 30 days" video/lessons/consultation package of some sort. If they auto bill for this after 30 days I'll lose it. Word of advice if you do order, use an email you don't care about and a fake phone number. Use a credit card you feel comfortable contesting an unauthorized charge with as well.
All those people that turned you down probably are watching this and are kicking themselves in their asses now! Probably had no idea who you are and regret turning you away. I’d gladly try out any device you were showing off(within reason AYO)🤣
I love the idea of this. Definitely not worth 100 bucks. Rubber, fake grass, and plastic, but if it was like 35 bucks, I'd buy one just to try and fix my iron striking.
I think the people saying they would pay $30.00 to $50.00 sounds about right and $50.00 being top dollar. I would not pay $100.00 for that thing no way no how. That being said I think it could be a good training aid if those orange pegs were a little longer (maybe 8" to 12" long), because like you're saying it is hard to see which ones you are hitting.
I really like these vids you do, but i gotta give a little constructive criticism on this one. The sales pitch was pretty lousy to get people involved. A little more info about what you guys were doing and Im sure a lot more would have taken part.
Not sure why anyone cares if other people at the range see you using this. I'd use it. Btw, these were being sold on Amazon years ago before the Haney endorsement for $30-50
Thanks for your videos but think this is rubish,if anyone hits down on the ball with driver the flight will be low and will lose yards nothing really you can't do with golf tees or practice sticks ❤
Flipping the orange thing around defeats the whole purpose. If you hit the orange thing it means your swing is messed up. If you just move it out of the way then there's no feedback.
I gotta say, watching random people swing golf clubs makes me feel significantly better about my game. 🤣
love that you took this to a driving range to get people opinions. Being able to see them use it was fun to watch.
Matt, love that you took this to the range. I don't think you had it set up right for people's swing faults. I bought it and watched the training video that went with it. I had been slicing all my life and it really helped me to stop slicing. It's not a miracle fix but it does work. The teaching pro at my range didn't even know what it was and took one look at it and said to me, "I assume that's supposed to help from coming over the top" I replied "yes". Maybe not for everyone but it worked for me. Thanks, Matt for the video!
Great video! I love watching you interact with the beginning golfers and the high handicappers, just encouraging them and giving them a couple of helpful tips.
Probably the most honest way to review such a product. Thanks!
More of this please!! Also, the YT Golf world needs a REAL, adult news person. You are perfect for it.
haha loved the video. Fun to see you out on the driving range with the people. 30 bucks tops is what they should sell for and they would get far more sales.
“Excuse me, you wanna hit this?” Not the most informative or inviting question I can hear from a stranger. 😂
Depends how hot she is....
best way to make new friends
Great video, Matt. Big shout out to your boys for all their behind the scene hard work making it look so good!!!!
I actually own a Launch Deck and find it to be a great training aid. In your session, you ended up reversing the upper orange pylon which negates the one of the intended purposes of the Launch Deck. The fact that the players kept hitting that Pylon is an indication that they were coming over the top. When you were using the LD in your studio, you were hitting the ball crisp and clean and using an inside out swing, never touching either pylon. The LD has helped me create a similar swing path.
Good video, Matt. Keep up the good work, we appreciate you.
I have it as well and it seems to have helped the drive some - I'm a major slicer - however I was not always sure if I hit the little attachment or not unless i did video. However I'm going to try to spray the little orange things with foot powder spray and see how that works. I should see a mark if hitting the little orange things.
@@careydunn8227 Genius! I have learned to slow down enough so that I can see the strike on the orange pylons. However, I'm getting pretty good at making it through the gate without hitting either pylon. When I do have a mishit, I'm hitting the top pylon which suggests that I came over the top on that swing.
Matt, I just bought this a month ago. It definitely helped my drive as I just started golfing two years ago. I like how you can see if your swinging outside to in by hitting that outside pylon, which is what I normally do. Thanks for the continuous great content, big fan here in Columbus, GA.
Matt, loved that you took this product to the people, because we all know you hit the ball well, so it would be hard for you to show how it would fix your swing! I bought one of these a few months ago and literally in about 7 minutes, I was able to correct my swing and no longer have a heavy slice, which I have had since taking up golf about a year and a half ago. I had even took lessons and I couldn’t consistently get rid of the slice. The Launch Deck allowed me to see what parts of it I was hitting and be able to self figure out what to change immediately so I don’t hit any of the pylons. Best $99 I have ever spent! I didn’t understand how people where having the orange pylons come out of the Launch Deck, as you are supposed to put them in from the bottom and pull them until it snaps into place. They shouldn’t come out. So that seemed weird. You could of watched the people that where having problems with their swing first and then offer to see if this Launch Deck would help them, rather than just asking anyone to try it. I think it would of been better if you explained to the people trying it out that they should be paying attention to which part they hit so they are aware of how the are swinging wrong. Then you would have a lot more people seeing how amazing it is that they have corrected bad swings. It would of made for a better video. As far as my opinion of does the Launch Deck let you hit farther, I was averaging 156 yards with my Driver and when I could replicate the swing on my own it was averaging about 172. So not as far as they claim (for me). But hitting it more straight and not slicing with the same capable swing speed I have will automatically give you more yards and better course positions. I have folded it and it does go in my golf bag (you didn’t try…..just threw it in the car…LOL). To me it is a really well made product and in NO WAY is cheaply made. It is made of heavy rubber, not plastic. It doesn’t move very much if you don’t slam your club wildly into it as a few people did. Overall, I think if you slice or hook a ball and can’t hit straight, then this is a fantastic training tool and worth every cent. And it has a 1 year return policy. You can’t beat that! If I don’t have time to hit some balls before I go to play, I put it in the grass outside and make a few swings to get a mental picture of the Launch deck and my correct swing. Then at the course on the tee box, I imagine that I am hitting off of it. Works for me!
I bought this about a month ago and it's really helped. Playing on the simulator this past winter, I saw that I was getting too much backspin with my driver and this has helped me work on making an ascending swing.
Thank you for doing a review of this product , I’ve seen many ads pop ups about this training mat & as a beginner golfer had me wonder on if it actually helps or is another mimic product BUT $100 bucks it’s steep … THANK YOU for all you and the Mr short game staff do !!
This is a great video, get to see a variety of people try it out..... I'd definitely hit that, not sure if I'd want to bring it out in public but if I had a golf net I'd definitely set it up... I golf about 80+ rounds per year and am sitting at a 5.3HDCP primarily because I golf so much so the bad rounds wash away quickly. I am awful off the tee, very unpredictable and inaccurate so I'm taking a bunch of penalties which causes me to rely more heavily on chipping and putting to salvage my score (I do a lot of chipping and putting for par unless I'm taking numerous penalties off the tee on a single hole). I do struggle with slotting the club and swinging the club in-to-out so my misses are either a slice or a straight pull 60+ yards left of target.... Occasionally my hands get too involved at impact which leads to a duck hook.
This was great, Matt! Always appreciate your reviews of gear and gadget and getting random, honest feedback at the range was very interesting. I've seen this before, as you noted it's heavily pushed online, but had no idea it cost $99. No way would I pay that but I'd agree with the early fellas who felt it might be worth $30 or so. Looked a rather toasty North GA day out there, so stay cool this summer!
If someone of your stature walked up to me, I'd be happy to take your advice and improve my game. Awesome video.
Matt like you I like to try some of these aids. I bought this one and have to say it actually works. I took it to the range about 7-10 times. In all seriousness this fixed at least 15 players swings. The key is to let them take smooth practice swings first thru the gates. Then tee up a ball and gave them hit it. I don’t get any compensation from performance golf. But I wish I did. Out of the 15 people that benefited from this 6 of them bought one off the website right there at the range.
These kind of training aids really do work. I used to have the Hank Haney plane finder & a same product. Great product for feel & visual aid! Instant feedback helps so much rather than thinking of something mechanical.
These are some of best videos by Mr, Short Game.. like the old days... Thank Matt...
Very interesting and thank you for going to the driving range to get feedback. Great review!
Great video Matt love how you got average golfers reviews,nobody else does that kudos
Love those reading glasses 😂 the struggle is real!
Modification they could make so that you know which ones you hit:
Have the “post pieces“ on some sort of coil or vibrating material that continues to vibrate or shake after contact to give the user time to assess.
Or pressure sensitive so it changes color for a few seconds after impact.
I have something called the Golf Speedtrap that is similar. It doesn't work well with a launch monitor (at least Forsight ones) but it will help to eliminate excessive slices and hooks and promotes a straighter path. I haven't used it in a while but when I got back into the game it did help correct some issues 25 years of not playing had created. This looks like a similar thing.
Thank for this review of this. Saw the ad for this many times and thought about it and I can see how it can help. You can have a great swing path and upwards angle of attack but still have an open face (as I struggle with). Can see show this can help path but don't see how this will fix getting the face closed at the right moment of impact. Saw a few hits that didn't hit the markers yet still saw slices and hooks. All I can say is for basically for $100 I thinks it's too much, I'm sure most can find a cheaper alternative.
that is something I would use at home with a net, wouldn't be caught dead at the driving range with it.
Would be better if they were flippable gates rather than rubber pegs so you saw what you hit. But like others said you can use free / cheap stuff to do the same. I use a pool noodle
Thanks for giving us real world feedback. I’d like to see you do the same type of video for that Straight Away thingy that David Leadbetter is schilling for. Looks interesting and has the added advantage of fitting in your bag and being able to hit shots with it attached to any club in your bag.
Thanks Matt! I've seen this thing advertised all over the place but it's cool to see your average golfer try it. I think it's good in theory, like most training aids, and you just have to put in the work with it. Can it help, yes. Will I pay $99 for it, no. Might be a bidder in the $49 - $59 range.
Ok so I just got this and set it up in front of my backyard net .I don't get how anyone in your video can't know what pylon they hit. I instantly knew what pylon I hit and sure enough it was consistently the outside one because guess what, yep I regularly slice the ball. It's funny that people will spend $100 on a pair of golf shoes without hesitation but are too cheap to pay for something that may help improve thier game. Thing that wasn't mentioned is actually comes with quite a few videos for different drills that you can try out. Some I found helpful in some I didn't. I feel like it's fairly well built and heavy-duty so it will last a long time and I like that it does force you to pay attention to your setup and swing path. Within 20 balls I found myself hitting the Bulls-Eye target on the net or close to it more often. After I give it a good workout in the backyard I plan on taking it to the driving range and see how well it may help in real time. I haven't tried it for any irons yet so the jury is still out on that but I do hit my irons pretty decently so that's not the area I was looking for some help. Overall my first impression is I like it and I think it will help me clean up my driver swing. ✌️
I have one of these and it really helped my swing.
It was surprising how it helped people pretty quickly.
I wouldve done it just for a free lesson from Matt... Glad to see you're doing these types of videos again MSG!
ive got a terrible slice and ive toyed with the idea of getting this thing but its hard to want to spend $100 bucks on it. if it was 60-75 that sucker would be in my back yard and i would be out swining the clubs right now! good to see people liked it, and found it helpful, hopefully it goes down in price soon or amazon makes an exact knock off
Matt, really enjoyed this and gave it a 👍. Would really like to see you give it a good go both at home with track man and on range to see the ball flight. Considering this for my daughter.
I was terrified watching that one guy swing so close to the white post. Yikes! Good thing his follow through was so upright
I see what the mat can provide, but 2x Tee's in the ground would provide the same results.
I’ve been using empty water bottles to do the same thing for the past few years. The nice thing about the water bottles is they fall over if you hit them so you know which one you hit. Can’t believe someone’s actually paying $100 for the same idea
Marketing. It probably does what it says as long as you have feedback like a video to watch of yourself doing it. I think the water bottle idea is brilliant provided it doesn’t damage your clubs.
Maybe a small foam tube found in a home improvement store would accomplish the same thing or some rubber tees? Idk, but I’m with you, $100 is steep when I could spend that on lessons, rounds, or balls.
@@Golf101inc Just make sure the water bottles are empty and your clubs will be fine. Sometimes I put just a small amount of water in them so they stand up. Like I said…been doing this for a few years now and no damage to my clubs
😂 good one. Made me laugh.
And your normal shot is? 😂
Yeah most people were stumped when I asked them that.
Thanks for sharing. A lot of training aids are gimmicks and I bought them too. Lol
Before even starting this video, im glad you did it. I was considering buying one but for 100 bucks was a bit nervous... Hopefully in 12 minutes my mind will be made up!
Tough call... took lessons over the winter and my coach wanted me to work on the inside out swing path, might have to give this a try. Definitely seems like it could help zero in the path
I had one of these and sent it back. I feel it’s too bulky to use at a a range on a regular basis. I was very frustrated with it not staying put if you mishit the ball.
If you wanted to do a simple approach to determining which orange pylon you hit, you would use two different colors of chalk and then youll know which one. This definitely looks interesting and I may have to try it out. Great video.
Great video! Allowing others to use the product really shows if it could have a benefit. I am not in for $100. I agree with some of the other comments $30 tops.
Love your reviews
bro, you are on to something here. Real world reviews.
Makes me want to go to the Georgia golf center to practice now lol
Just a great video!
You would think the design and looks of this device an awesome tool to eliminate slicing or hooking, but unfortunately after ordering it the reality just another gimmick.
CON 1:
Much heavier than it looks.
For 1 average person it’s a hassle to lug to-&-from car & range along with golf bag.
That means TWO trips to get to range from car then another TWO trips to get bag & mat back to car.
It does NOT fit in a golf bag unless you have one of those Tour jumbo bags.
Obviously if this device improved my driving I WOULDN’T CARE how heavy or inconvenient it was to get out car and to range.
CON 2:
Follow thru you can’t feel if driver hitting orange gates therefore purpose defeated.
8:10 into video notice man couldn’t tell if driver head hit front gate or heel gate? That reflected my experiences too.
Same with yellow launch pegs - driver’s base supposed to brush them but you can’t feel them so don’t know if touching them or not.
Purpose defeated because if can’t tell if missing or hitting the gates you can’t gauge what to work on so still slice and hook on traditional tee and grass.
CON 3:
No distance gained as advertised.
I tried this mat at range 5 different occasions and didn’t improve my driving. Only experience the hassle getting it to-&-from vehicle to range.
CON 4:
Non-driver clubs on this device too awkward because without using the tee my irons or fairway woods snag into mat (ouch)! The white tee base also impedes where at impact the mat flew farther than the ball.
All these cons I returned for refund.
Is there any doubt Mr. Shortgame is a Man of the People? With his popularity soaring through the masses, a crown and robe may be in his future! 🤣
The look of surprise when you realised there was a running camera in the box 😂
Perfect timing. Saw this on Facebook and Googled for reviews and you showed up. I would like to hear more on your thoughts though...can't help but feel your lack of any opinion on it is you trying to tell us something....(it is not going to help)😮
Man I wish I had a dollar for every dollar I spent at that driving range when I live there ... used to play often off of Hopewell at a golf course .. but now I think it's Bell Memorial Park ....
I would like to own one...but not for $100. Also after I had one I would add a small bell to one of the back rubber things, this way you could tell which one you hit.( hear the bell its the close one. no bell but feel the rubber thing hit club, far rubber thing.
How does that compare to your 5 buck DIY swing board from 4yrs ago ?
OMG! this is great! Hilarious!!!!!!
casey neistat filming style and golf, doesn't get much better than that!
I wanted to try one to help fix my slice but that's kinda high
Normally when someone walks up and says “ Do you wanna hit this ? “ it’s usually from a girl at a party , club , or bar 😂😂 IYKYK
You're awesome, bro
I'd pay 39.99 for it. I would set up my camera to observe my shots to determine which marker I hit. Thanks for the review.
Ahahaha, was looking into getting one being a higher handicap golfer. 👍👍👍
Seems to work for intermediate golfers that have a basic understanding of club path, face angle, and angle of attack and not for beginners. It really looked like some of the guys there that were just starting golf had no idea what the point of the training aid was.
If me, as a newbie, could instantly understand the concept, with that few seconds instruction. It seems to be pretty good. Yep needs a mod or 2, but.....
Who could pass up $890 in value for $99 🤣
Between RUclips and just being an athlete, this isn’t for me.
But out of the 6 or 7 times I’ve been out this year with friends and randoms, I would say it’s a product that could help 70% - 80% of the people I’ve seen.
It has a place for sure. Yeah there’s a lot of videos that teach the same things and show how to set up drills, but a lot of people don’t seek that out on RUclips. This mat would be good for those people.
I like these reviews, have you seen this thing called the "straight stick?" I believe it's advertised by Rocco M. Would be interesting to see a review.
the good good tee flip LOL LOL LOL only been used since before those chumps were born......
liked this content
Honestly I think having real people at the range testing it was brilliant. I think the product is a waste of money, but it was an interesting watch. I would love to see more things tested at the range with normal people though.
I think turning around the outside orange piece away vs leaning in kind of defeats the whole purpose of the trainer! LOL
The guy that knocked the orange thing further than the ball says he wouldnt buy it but he needs it the most. lol
I thought the training aid was made to teach you to hit up on the driver. Thats why they have the cones in the front.
Seems like nobody recognized you. I would have been ecstatic if you showed up at the range I go to. I would of been trying to get you to work with me on wedges and everything else lol.
So, Georgia doesn’t yet know they have Mr Short Game in their mist? Shocking 😮
Like most things in life if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is
That was fun, not perfectly smooth like infomercials. I wouldn’t get one as I think it’s geared for 18+ handicappers
I suddenly feel much better about my golf swing
Great review
I saw that and agreed...$20 is the top limit
Ordered one. Haven't used it yet. I will say the order process is absolutely horrible. They spam you with ads to try additional bolt ons, capture your phone number to call you and offer more products/lessons etc. Got a call one week after the product arrived. Online, I literally couldn't complete the purchase until I saw an offer for the straight stick. Made me watch it and suggested my order wouldn't go through if I clicked off of it. Since ordering, my email is destroyed with spam. I just wanted the freaking launch pad stop bombarding me with offers. One more thing and I'll update if this happens..... They gave me a "free for 30 days" video/lessons/consultation package of some sort. If they auto bill for this after 30 days I'll lose it. Word of advice if you do order, use an email you don't care about and a fake phone number. Use a credit card you feel comfortable contesting an unauthorized charge with as well.
IDK...looks like it could be useful. But i do know why it retails for $99.00 and not $800+ that is minus Hank Haneys hourly fee....
All those people that turned you down probably are watching this and are kicking themselves in their asses now! Probably had no idea who you are and regret turning you away. I’d gladly try out any device you were showing off(within reason AYO)🤣
I love the idea of this. Definitely not worth 100 bucks. Rubber, fake grass, and plastic, but if it was like 35 bucks, I'd buy one just to try and fix my iron striking.
$99 is to much for the benefit of the device imho. $30 seems right. Or just set up a couple of foam noodles sticking up. ($10 )
I don’t think the people at my range would like me running down the range picking up pieces!
I'd rather hear your honest opinion that that of random strangers.
Super fun video, nice to see total novices use something like this
With that $800 savings, I can't afford not to get one!
I think the people saying they would pay $30.00 to $50.00 sounds about right and $50.00 being top dollar. I would not pay $100.00 for that thing no way no how. That being said I think it could be a good training aid if those orange pegs were a little longer (maybe 8" to 12" long), because like you're saying it is hard to see which ones you are hitting.
Go Vols
Cool training aid and review Matt!!🏌♂⛳😀
I really like these vids you do, but i gotta give a little constructive criticism on this one. The sales pitch was pretty lousy to get people involved. A little more info about what you guys were doing and Im sure a lot more would have taken part.
A y o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 🚀
Not sure why anyone cares if other people at the range see you using this. I'd use it.
Btw, these were being sold on Amazon years ago before the Haney endorsement for $30-50
Good idea for the folks that are the target audience 👍
Thanks for your videos but think this is rubish,if anyone hits down on the ball with driver the flight will be low and will lose yards nothing really you can't do with golf tees or practice sticks ❤
Interesting video. Different from your normal ones. I doubt I would pay 100 for this, especially if you cannot tell which orange stick you hit.
That thing just screams cheap and cheesy
It's not a bad training tool. 100 bucks is crazy.
Your right the turf came unglued after 2 uses.
I don’t feel so bad about my nights now. I’d try that.
Flipping the orange thing around defeats the whole purpose. If you hit the orange thing it means your swing is messed up. If you just move it out of the way then there's no feedback.