Japanese "かっこいい" isn't just "good-looking" but also about actions. For example, when I see someone help others who are in trouble, I feel the person is かっこいい. When a player do a good job in a game, I feel they are かっこいい. How do you describe such situations in English?
women may say "he looks so cute!" = 彼カッコいいよね! Men may say "she is so gorgeous!" = "あの子は美人だ!” とか I agree with you. Cool does not mean ”カッコいい” Beauty is very subjective measurement so I don't say who I think カッコいい日本人の俳優. But, I do understand your point. Japanese women seem to like actors who looks like women(なよなよした感じの人). I think average American women may not be impressed by them unless the person is Otaku.
今回は奥深い。単なる「かっこいい」の表現から、外国を学ぶとは、コミュニケーションとは、という方面にまで拡がっていて、It was a really interesting video! Thank you. By the way, can I say かっこいい in English, "You look nice", "You are handsome". でも、特に米国人にいきなり「かっこいい」というと、I know, but pay attention to my personality more、とか言われそう。
cool = good looking. unless you are a high school girl talking about a new kid in school, you probably should not use the word. as far as i know people use the word in similar situations like these: i saw the big shrine in nikko. hey that's cool! do you have any questions about your assignment? no i don't. cool! people seem to use the word all the time but they are not talking about handsome boys
it’s really nice to a native english speaker who takes teaching seriously. i’ve met quite a few english teachers and they all thought the profession as a sign of failure and were really miserable. yet your explanation is original. shows your intentions for making contributions to the field. let me give you an advice. try not to over do it. by doing so, you revile your subconscious desire to mock the japanese people’s innocence. i didn’t know that telling new acquaintances you are cool is the first thing japanese do. they really adore you white people don’t they? i wish appreciate the popularity. rather than make light of them like all he other people i’ve met in your profession. you might not get my advice at this point, so let me explain. i thought, when i saw the thumbnail, you were going to suggest adding just “looking” to the phrase. it will limit the compliment to appearance alone and solves the problem, but you suggested to say “you are good looking.” that’s overdoing. you should never say that in an normal initial social contact. “hi. how are you? you are looking cool.” a possibility. never, “hi. how are you? you are good looking.” but you actually did this here. if you think japanese are too nice to the point of being funny just say so. tell them their child like straightforward expression of admiration can be viewed as a sign of inferiority. tell them most of the english teachers in japan are miserable because they were sick of teaching to people who they thought were inferior to them. maybe you are not one of them. if that’s the case, try to be polite and look for a way to make the least correction to what they do. adding looking should have been the natural suggestion for this reason, too. you better think why you couldn’t reach this such a simple solution seriously, or maybe have to think why you have problems hiding the answer. by the way, the answer is either you are a racist, someone trouble thinking straight, or both.
Excellent comment! I'm just passing by as well, but watching some of his videos, I feel like he has a tendency to over-complicate things due to trying to put out new content. I also wondered, why didn't he just say "you look cool"? People say that all the time, seriously. It's really weird to call some random person handsome or good-looking from the start, since that's essentially telling them you are attracted to them. No one does that unless they have that intention. And most people are not that forward in everyday situations, at least in my neck of the English speaking woods. I don't know him well enough to decipher if he has ill intentions. I also disagree with his point that kakkoii is mostly about looks. Perhaps because of his experience being called it he has concluded that, but it's used for both genders and other non-human things fairly often and a variety of situations that pretty well encompass the same as the English meaning, in reference to someone's or something's overall presence or aura. Sure it can mean good-looking, but telling someone to replace it as such in most situations is odd. As well as not particularly well-mannered. Oh well. He has to make sure in his quest for creating buzz-worthy content he's not making up things that aren't actually accurate.
Even though かっこいいdoes have the meaning of good looking and handsome, it isn’t just appearance. It can be an action or gesture. So sometimes it can mean the same as cool. It’s situational. But it’s good to point out if you want to compliment the looks, don’t say cool. Americans often say “hot” which is the opposite of cool lol.
In my opinion, Hiroyuki Sanada, who played the role of a Samurai warrior in the movie, “Last Samurai”, is so good looking. Nowadays, I don’t see movies at all. I’m not sure about what kind of movies he star at, but he might have played some of Hollywood movies aside from Last Samurai.
I usually use "You look really good!" is this sentence strange? My English teacher said "You look very cool" so I use "You look really cool" How do you think about it?? And My English teacher is not good for us (in Japanese student) I think. Because she has a lot of mistakes many times. I don't think to have mistakes is bad but she is our English teacher, ah I don't like her.
I think that you can use cool also. Like " Your cool looking guy" " you look cool" or I think there is nothing wrong saying like " your cool" "that is cool T-shirts" You can use cool in all kinds of places. To girls you can say " Your so beautiful" " you look so cute" " you look amazing" " your so cute" etc .
I think the type of preference depends on the generation. It quite difficult for me to understand the charm of actors who teenagers say cool. I'm 40's.
I feel a good-looking Japanese actor is Masao KUSAKARI (草刈正雄),and a good-looking American actor is Tom Cruise. 「それかっこいいね」 に対して "Super" と書いてある本があったんですけど。 実際使うのでしょうか??? クールガイといえば、Top GunのTom Cruise でなくて Iceman なんですね、映画古いけど。
金城武が日本人なら彼に一票!すごくハンサムだと思います。 アトラクティブやキュートを女性から男性に使うと、話の流れにもよりますが相手に好意があると勘違いもされそうです。私はあまり関係が近く無い男性で、でも単純に顔立ちが美しいとかカッコいいとか感じた場合でそれを言う時はハンサムと言うようにしていますがどうでしょうか?ハンサムは相手が小さな子供からおじいちゃんまで幅広く使える気がします。体型がムキムキでカッコいい場合は”let me. Just say that” you have a great physique”とか、来ている服とか髪型がカッコいいなら”I like your ●●” とかスタイルを褒めるとかしてますが、どうでしょうか
Interesting. So my 78 aunt said Yujiro Ishihara in her heart forever, My grandma used said Warren Beatty and Kohtaro Satomi are the best, my 63 mom said Hiromi Go, Tohru Kazama, etc. 文字制限
コメント欄見たら、結構みんな勘違いや理解してない奴ら多いから、俺が代行でもっとフランクに説明するわ! 基本的には、アーサーの説明は正しいよ!何も間違ってないし、ただ説明が丁寧過ぎて、英語が苦手な奴らには少しピンと来ないかもしれん(笑) えーとね、まず『COOL』=カッコイイではないって論点からスタートしちゃってるけど、これに関しては、『COOL』=カッコイイ(日本でも良く使う)で合ってる! 『お前クールでかっこええなぁ』とか『クールな女性ってええよねえ』とか、日本でも英語圏でも同じ意味! ただ使い方で大きく変わって来る!アーサーも説明してた通り、『You are COOL!』って初対面では、ほぼ使わない(笑) え?なんで?って言うと、『you are ~』ってのは内面的なニュアンスが大きいんよ!だから、初対面で分かるのなんて外見程度で、相手の中身や本質なんて予想程度になるやろ? それなら、どうしても『COOL』を初対面で使うなら、『Hey、Good to see you!!! You look COOL!!!』って感じで、『you look ~』で、『COOL』なのか『Attractive』なのか『Pretty』を使えば、相手も理解して、褒めてくれてるんやなってコミュニケーションが取れる! あと、コメント欄に多かったのは、『Handsome』はカッコイイで合ってるの?に関しては、合ってるよ! ただこれ要注意(笑)『Handsome』は『Attractive』と同様、異性に対して魅力的なニュアンスが大きいから、基本的には同性同士では使わない! 『Attractive』は男性から女性へ、女性から男性でも使える共通語やけど、『Handsome』は女性から男性限定への誉め言葉! まだ俺も英語が喋れんかった時、同性に『Handsome』を冗談でも使った時、『Are you Gay(ゲイ)??(笑)』って俺も茶化されたから(笑) こんな感じやけど、もし間違ってることがあれば、指摘よろしく! その他分からないこともあれば、質問よろしく! 個人的にアーサーの動画好きなんで、今後も頑張って下さい! I support you Arthur!!!
Thank you for great video as usual!
Mifune Toshiro is the most good looking Japanese actor in my humble opinion ;)
personally i think so too
Fujii Kaze
You’re good looking! I love your video😘
『cool』は 冷静・沈着な思考を意味すると解りました。
thank you!
叶姉妹の「good looking guy」って勝手につくった造語かと思ってたら正しい英語だったのか。
Japanese "かっこいい" isn't just "good-looking" but also about actions. For example, when I see someone help others who are in trouble, I feel the person is かっこいい. When a player do a good job in a game, I feel they are かっこいい. How do you describe such situations in English?
Your lessons are really great! I wish I had you as my English teacher.
You’re cool (性格や考え方がカッコいい)
You’re good looking (見た目がカッコいい)
You’re cool の説明が少し分かりづらかったけど
yeah youre right!
IU-Connect 英会話
でもgood looking って良いルックス
lemoned green わかります。なんか日本語の「カッコイイ」の範囲を狭く取りすぎてる感じがしますよね。
Good Looking
Ken Watanabe : 渡辺謙
Ken Takakura : 高倉健
Takeru Satoh : 佐藤健
you're coolの使い方の感覚はちょっと慣れが必要です。要は「あなた結構面白い・イイね」っていう意味合いです。まあ「かっこいい」なんですが、外見ではなく中身がかっこいいです。あと状況によっては「(あなたに対して)問題はない・OKです」みたいな形で使うこともあります。(私は基本的にアメリカ英語ですが、地域によって異なった意味もあるかも。)ちょっと話ずれますが、外国人(特に欧米人)と接する時あまり外見のことは話題にしないほうが無難ですよ。場合によってはタブーです。服装に関してはまあいいとして、外見より中身(性格とやセンス)を褒めると好感持たれやすいです。あんまり外見重視だと「この人私のことまだわかってないな」とか「軽い人・浅い関係」って思われるかも。
アメリカ系だとNo problem.のほうが多いけど自分がオーストラリアにいた時はひたすらNo worries.でした。言語は個人差すら多いので何が正解かわからないですね。
J TOEICer そもそも英語は日本語とおなじ日本語と同じ「言語」ですし、伝わればいいものです。正解はそもそもないと思いますよ。
「一緒に世界と繋がりましょう」と言われる度 何だかやる気が出ます!
thank you!
女性が男性にyou are cuteって言うのもカッコいいと同じ意味になると聞きましたがいかがでしょうか。
You're attractiveと似てます。自分がその人に惹かれているニュアンスがあって、ナンパっぽい感じです。
women may say "he looks so cute!" = 彼カッコいいよね! Men may say "she is so gorgeous!" = "あの子は美人だ!” とか I agree with you. Cool does not mean ”カッコいい” Beauty is very subjective measurement so I don't say who I think カッコいい日本人の俳優. But, I do understand your point. Japanese women seem to like actors who looks like women(なよなよした感じの人). I think average American women may not be impressed by them unless the person is Otaku.
日本語の「かっこいい」は、人の外見だけでなく、その人の態度とか行動とか能力について評価するときにも使うので、good looking だけだと、すごく狭義にとらえられてるように感じるんだけど。
In my opinion, Sato Takeru is one of the best-looking actors in Japan.
人を助けたのを見た時など、行い.行動がかっこいい時はどう言うのでしょうか? 知りたいです。
Good lookin 俳優は新田真剣佑でっせ
今回は奥深い。単なる「かっこいい」の表現から、外国を学ぶとは、コミュニケーションとは、という方面にまで拡がっていて、It was a really interesting video! Thank you. By the way, can I say かっこいい in English, "You look nice", "You are handsome". でも、特に米国人にいきなり「かっこいい」というと、I know, but pay attention to my personality more、とか言われそう。
cool = good looking. unless you are a high school girl talking about a new kid in school, you probably should not use the word.
as far as i know people use the word in similar situations like these:
i saw the big shrine in nikko.
hey that's cool!
do you have any questions about your assignment?
no i don't.
people seem to use the word all the time but they are not talking about handsome boys
thats exactly what i said in this lesson
it’s really nice to a native english speaker who takes teaching seriously. i’ve met quite a few english teachers and they all thought the profession as a sign of failure and were really miserable. yet your explanation is original. shows your intentions for making contributions to the field.
let me give you an advice. try not to over do it. by doing so, you revile your subconscious desire to mock the japanese people’s innocence. i didn’t know that telling new acquaintances you are cool is the first thing japanese do. they really adore you white people don’t they? i wish appreciate the popularity. rather than make light of them like all he other people i’ve met in your profession.
you might not get my advice at this point, so let me explain. i thought, when i saw the thumbnail, you were going to suggest adding just “looking” to the phrase. it will limit the compliment to appearance alone and solves the problem, but you suggested to say “you are good looking.” that’s overdoing. you should never say that in an normal initial social contact. “hi. how are you? you are looking cool.” a possibility. never, “hi. how are you? you are good looking.” but you actually did this here.
if you think japanese are too nice to the point of being funny just say so. tell them their child like straightforward expression of admiration can be viewed as a sign of inferiority. tell them most of the english teachers in japan are miserable because they were sick of teaching to people who they thought were inferior to them.
maybe you are not one of them. if that’s the case, try to be polite and look for a way to make the least correction to what they do. adding looking should have been the natural suggestion for this reason, too. you better think why you couldn’t reach this such a simple solution seriously, or maybe have to think why you have problems hiding the answer. by the way, the answer is either you are a racist, someone trouble thinking straight, or both.
Excellent comment! I'm just passing by as well, but watching some of his videos, I feel like he has a tendency to over-complicate things due to trying to put out new content. I also wondered, why didn't he just say "you look cool"? People say that all the time, seriously. It's really weird to call some random person handsome or good-looking from the start, since that's essentially telling them you are attracted to them. No one does that unless they have that intention. And most people are not that forward in everyday situations, at least in my neck of the English speaking woods. I don't know him well enough to decipher if he has ill intentions. I also disagree with his point that kakkoii is mostly about looks. Perhaps because of his experience being called it he has concluded that, but it's used for both genders and other non-human things fairly often and a variety of situations that pretty well encompass the same as the English meaning, in reference to someone's or something's overall presence or aura. Sure it can mean good-looking, but telling someone to replace it as such in most situations is odd. As well as not particularly well-mannered. Oh well. He has to make sure in his quest for creating buzz-worthy content he's not making up things that aren't actually accurate.
私は 英語が話せるようになるのに 必死で弁当したいけど どのようにしたらいいんでしょう?
Handsome はどう使いますか?おかしいですか?
RUclipsの動画で凄技を披露している人へのコメントに、よく『your cool』を使っていたのですが、外見を褒めたい訳ではないので間違っていないのでしょうか?
「あなたはとてもハンサムですね!」も「You're good looking!」で良いのでしょうか?
Maru Maru ハンサムは英語ですよ!(handsome)
@@Mako-yc4qy ありがとうございます!
You are cool でいいと思います。混乱しないでください。
Your English is so clearly!
I will improve my listening skill😎
目標なら want to とか intend to かな、、?もっと英語に詳しい方いたら訂正お願いします😂
Your 「よろしくおねがいしまーす!」 is so cute 😄.
Yoshizawa Ryo
Arata Makkenyu
they are both good looking i think
ち おも コミュニケーションの取り方がちゃんとできれば、むしろ興味をもって喜んでくれますよ。見た目が何人かではなくて、、中身は日本人、見た目はハーフ、という立場を逆手にとって体験してきた良いこと悪かったことをネタに話せば、ウケると思います!
Even though かっこいいdoes have the meaning of good looking and handsome, it isn’t just appearance. It can be an action or gesture. So sometimes it can mean the same as cool. It’s situational. But it’s good to point out if you want to compliment the looks, don’t say cool. Americans often say “hot” which is the opposite of cool lol.
I think 吉沢亮 is good looking Japanese actor!!!!!
少しだけ留学したとき、周りが先生にヘルプを求めている間、1人で作業してたら cool girlって言われたのを思い出した。その時は「冷淡」っていう意味に捉えてしまったけど、良い意味もあると知って安心しました。
I’m cool now と言うと、いま元気ないとかテンション低いって言う意味になりますか?
I'm cool. は、誰かが Are you OK? 「大丈夫かい?」とか言ってきたときに I'm OK.「大丈夫だよ(平気だよ)」という返事とほぼ同じような意味の表現として使うことがあるようです。
expn99 寒いはit’s cool or it’s cold !とかなのかな?
Akkietiger なるほど!そう言ったニュアンスが!
@@Channel-pp3xo 英語は簡単な(単純な)語ほどいろいろな意味を表わします。It's cool. は「涼しい・さわやか・ひんやりする」など気候、気温に関連した意味も表わすし、I'm cool. と同じ「大丈夫です」という意味を表わす場合もあるし、要するに状況によって様々な意味を表わすということです。cool のような簡単な単語ほど要注意なんです。I'm cool (about others' things). は「俺は(他人のことには)冷淡だよ[関心なんかないよ]」という意味にだってなるんです。
For meYutaka Takenouchi is one of the good looking guy here in Japan 😍 and ofcourse you(Arthur )too💓☺️
you are cool!って映画で言ってませんでしたっけ?
“かっこいい” japanese actors I think are 佐藤健, オダギリジョー , and 館ひろし.
I think Takahashi Issei is good looking.
In my opinion, Hiroyuki Sanada, who played the role of a Samurai warrior in the movie, “Last Samurai”, is so good looking. Nowadays, I don’t see movies at all. I’m not sure about what kind of movies he star at, but he might have played some of Hollywood movies aside from Last Samurai.
I think so too. i remember when i saw him in the Last Samurai years ago and thought "wow, he is so 男らしい"
I usually use "You look really good!" is this sentence strange?
My English teacher said "You look very cool" so I use "You look really cool" How do you think about it??
And My English teacher is not good for us (in Japanese student) I think. Because she has a lot of mistakes many times.
I don't think to have mistakes is bad but she is our English teacher, ah I don't like her.
Saga Omars
Ohh really?? Thank you for your reply in Japanese!! I could understand.
@@スナ-w7q no problem! i'm glad you could understand ☺
I think that you can use cool also. Like " Your cool looking guy" " you look cool" or I think there is nothing wrong saying like " your cool" "that is cool T-shirts" You can use cool in all kinds of places. To girls you can say " Your so beautiful" " you look so cute" " you look amazing" " your so cute" etc .
I think the type of preference depends on the generation.
It quite difficult for me to understand the charm of actors who teenagers say cool.
I'm 40's.
日本人が表現したい「かっこいい」=( 外見と内面を結びつけて言及したい。なぜなら容姿だけを褒めることも、反対に容姿に全く触れないことも失礼に当たるのではないか・・・ )
そういったニュアンスを簡潔に表すとしたら''You are nice gay''もアリでしょうか
I feel a good-looking Japanese actor is Masao KUSAKARI (草刈正雄),and a good-looking American actor is Tom Cruise.
「それかっこいいね」 に対して "Super" と書いてある本があったんですけど。 実際使うのでしょうか??? クールガイといえば、Top GunのTom Cruise でなくて Iceman なんですね、映画古いけど。
英語の「good looking」にも多少は中身を褒めるニュアンスがあるのでしょうか?
for example dancing
「good Looking」
oh,good looking guy.
男から女もyou’re good looking!ですか?
om tw 多分そうじゃない?
還暦過ぎたおやじです。good lookingは竹内まりやさんの歌「不思議なピーチパイ」の歌詞で
Not an actor but Masaharu Fukuyama, Japanese singer, is known to be a good looks at least among people around me. Might be a little old tho :P
「かっこいい」はGood lookingなら、「可愛い」の言い方はなんでしょうか?英語使う人は「かわいい」があまり使わないと思いますけど。(実は英語国だけじゃない、日本以外大体「かわいい」があまり使わないでしょ…)
アメリカ出身の母親が子供に Cool!と言っていたのですがどういうことですか?
私もこれを注意されました。相手は日本のことをよく学んでいた人だったので、普通は「You are cool」とは言わないよ。と言われたことを思い出しました(^^)
You are good looking 💞
Your explanation is very easy to understand.
You are good looking” still sounds like ナンパ. I would say simply “looking good” if you don’t want to appear like you are trying to hit on them.
You might even want to isolate one thing to complement. " hey, your hair looks good" or " your jacket looks good today!"
My favorite Japanese actor is 阿部寛. Your smile is attractive!
Cool! で「カッコいい」、「スマート」の意味になります。 (日本語の「スマート」と英語のsmartの意味は違う。) you を付けるから問題になりかねない。
アトラクティブやキュートを女性から男性に使うと、話の流れにもよりますが相手に好意があると勘違いもされそうです。私はあまり関係が近く無い男性で、でも単純に顔立ちが美しいとかカッコいいとか感じた場合でそれを言う時はハンサムと言うようにしていますがどうでしょうか?ハンサムは相手が小さな子供からおじいちゃんまで幅広く使える気がします。体型がムキムキでカッコいい場合は”let me. Just say that” you have a great physique”とか、来ている服とか髪型がカッコいいなら”I like your ●●” とかスタイルを褒めるとかしてますが、どうでしょうか
Interesting. So my 78 aunt said Yujiro Ishihara in her heart forever, My grandma used said Warren Beatty and Kohtaro Satomi are the best, my 63 mom said Hiromi Go, Tohru Kazama, etc. 文字制限
グッドルッキンは福山雅治さんかな。小池徹平クン好きだけど、キュートな雰囲気が好きです。ところで、相手に向かってgood lookingって言うんですか??『その服ステキだね!(似合ってるね、なニュアンス)』なら、自分もよく言うので分かるのですが。
Stop criticizing. Just find a POSITIVE side.
たしかに叶姉妹もgood looking guysを連れているな。言われてみれば納得した
Absolutely Mansai Nomura(野村萬斎)is one of Japanese good looking actors. Especially, he was awesome when he was young.
ただ使い方で大きく変わって来る!アーサーも説明してた通り、『You are COOL!』って初対面では、ほぼ使わない(笑)
え?なんで?って言うと、『you are ~』ってのは内面的なニュアンスが大きいんよ!だから、初対面で分かるのなんて外見程度で、相手の中身や本質なんて予想程度になるやろ?
それなら、どうしても『COOL』を初対面で使うなら、『Hey、Good to see you!!! You look COOL!!!』って感じで、『you look ~』で、『COOL』なのか『Attractive』なのか『Pretty』を使えば、相手も理解して、褒めてくれてるんやなってコミュニケーションが取れる!
まだ俺も英語が喋れんかった時、同性に『Handsome』を冗談でも使った時、『Are you Gay(ゲイ)??(笑)』って俺も茶化されたから(笑)
I support you Arthur!!!
同性に対してなら、普通に『you look ~』で、『COOL(カッコイイ)』なのか、『GREAT(完璧)』なのか『Awesome(すごい)』って組み合わせでええかな!
@@nyarohashikihira ニュアンスというか、これに関しては、日本と英語圏での文化やコミュニケーションの取り方の違いかな!
As example of Japanese good looking man,I recommend you Ryoma Takeuchi. He is also really kind to every person and a famous actor.
That was so cool!
That was so cool!
You're nice guy.だと どんな感じになるのかな?
優しい人ですという意味です :)
I think 坂口健太郎(Kentaro Sakaguchi) is a Japanese good looking actor.
私も以前 your coolを外見がかっこいいという意味で言っていたのですが、後から聞いてみたら日本ではcoolをかっこいいという意味で使うけど、英語では見た目じゃなくて性格についての意味で、見た目についてはlooks goodやhandsomeって言った方がいいって言われました。
岡田将生が私の考えるgood looking guy です!
oh thats interesting! thanks!
cool beautyってなんなんだろう?
Owl Crazy 和製英語では?
@@耳をすませば-p8s そうなんですね。ありがとうございます。