I Left The Marine Corps Reserves

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • ►INSTAGRAM: @sheldonl__
    The camera I use: Sony A6500

Комментарии • 155

  • @SheldonLeeFit
    @SheldonLeeFit  4 года назад +148

    I should have clarified “leaving”: I served my original 6 year contract honorably and decided NOT to re-enlist. Technically I am still in the IRR (6 years drilling, 2 years IRR), but I am no longer drilling.

    • @gamerking5282
      @gamerking5282 4 года назад +1


    • @eelyeoj5799
      @eelyeoj5799 4 года назад +2

      Good move. You probably will be called back to active duty in the next few months. Please Read your KJV Bible. America will be destroyed and invaded by Russia Putin and many other nations in the next few months.
      Here is how to count the number of the beast. You must be in the KJV Bible to get the correct translation. The number of the beast is 313 and not 666. Must unveil the word number SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE AND SIX to get the hidden manna.
      Rev.13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
      Simple English Gematra A=1----------Z=26
      SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE AND SIX = 19+9+24 + 8+21+14+4+18+5+4 + 20+8+18+5+5+19+3+15+18+5 + 1+14+4 + 19+9+24 = 313
      VLADIMIR VLADIMIROVICH PUTIN = 22+12+1+4+9+13+9+18 + 22+12+1+4+9+13+9+18+15+22+9+3+8 + 16+21+20+9+14 = 313
      God said count the number so we have 26 letters in the number. We need to count TWENTY AND SIX to get his birth date.
      TWENTY = 20+23+5+14+20+25 = 107
      AND = 1+14+4 = 19
      SIX = 19+9+24 = 52
      10-7-1952 President Putin birth date and is the beast of Rev.13:18
      Pope Francis is the 2nd beast the False Prophet in Rev.13:11. He became the Pope on 3-13-2013 which is the same number as the 1st beast 313.

    • @dems2145
      @dems2145 4 года назад +2

      Congrats bro people love making drama out of nothing

    • @FD1CE
      @FD1CE 4 года назад +2

      @@eelyeoj5799 Hahaha xDDDD

    • @bangochupchup
      @bangochupchup 4 года назад

      Glad you clarified that. I was starting to think you were some sort of bedwetting non-hacker. Most Marines DON'T reenlist. Semper Fi brother, 83-87.

  • @ggamba9729
    @ggamba9729 4 года назад +41

    You did your time as a Reservist. As an 0369 active duty Staff Sergeant retired myself let me say that completing your obligor time is an accomplishment. I used to trained reservist at 2/25 Golf Co. Dover, New Jersey few years back. Some reservist never completed their time. Stay motivated Devil Dog... Semper Fi.

  • @TheThompson425
    @TheThompson425 4 года назад +20

    People grow that is part of life. I have enjoyed your journey.

  • @jimmyt444
    @jimmyt444 5 лет назад +20

    Man, you hit the nail on the head. I’m leaving the Marine Corps Reserve after 10 years as an 03.I joined from active duty thinking it would be a good way to keep the spirit alive, but the balance of Marine and civilian professional careers is a difficult one. There’s always going be one that suffers. I looked at it as what I wanted to do for life and as you mature you begin to value what it has done for you but begin to look ahead to what it has enabled you to become. Great video!

  • @unklemikesplace1900
    @unklemikesplace1900 4 года назад +47

    Once a Marine, Always a Marine! 4 years active, 28 years inactive here brother. I feel you on how we tend to hold ourselves, and at the intensity we handle things. It took me 10 years, easy, to find a way to control what they put in us. You're not alone brother! Semper Fi!

    • @Berzerker1-3
      @Berzerker1-3 4 года назад

      When you say inactive, do you mean inactive reserve or active reserve?

  • @7Sevenx7
    @7Sevenx7 5 лет назад +14

    I love how real and honest you are about everything that’s what I came here for nothing less thank you and keep pushin for what YOU want !!!!!!

  • @brendanderiso7304
    @brendanderiso7304 5 лет назад +19

    Joined up in December and I’m about to graduate my MOS school in a couple of days. I am ready to come back to Maryland and figure out how my civilian life progression and Marine Corps reserves progression is going to work out. I’ll be at Quantico...already warming up my saluting hand. Your videos are awesome and I’ve watched them for insight throughout the whole process. Thanks brotha! Good luck in the civilian life, give em’ hell!

  • @ricev7071
    @ricev7071 4 года назад +21

    I agree with what you said bro, even when you walked in the door your dog looked at you like you were going to make him do 20 push-ups!!! The Military is a awesome place to grow mentally and physically, but I just never understood why someone with a family would sign up. You pretty much sign your divorce papers when you sign to join the military full-time.

  • @jahreigns888
    @jahreigns888 4 года назад +61

    This happens often in the military. Don't look back. You're moving into a new chapter. The military is an institution and one can easily become institutionalized. I saw it in the USAF.

    • @RedBonkleMan8534
      @RedBonkleMan8534 4 года назад +12

      What always surprises me is how people treat their service like it was a defining moment in their life, I’ll admit it’s definitely taken me places and taught me new things about myself. But I don’t want it to be what defined me, but just another part of me.

    • @SuperSuperswag101
      @SuperSuperswag101 4 года назад +2

      infantryfeels that’s powerful man

    • @RedBonkleMan8534
      @RedBonkleMan8534 4 года назад

      Jeovany Rodela thanks brother

  • @dylanw4207
    @dylanw4207 5 лет назад +11

    This video really helped a lot. I was really focused on doing USMC Reserves and that's why I watch your videos. But in reality, I care about my personal growth more than an oath to change myself and family life for years straight unless under wartime. Thank you so much for your openness and help. You should keep making videos & vlogs, I really enjoy your content!

    • @SheldonLeeFit
      @SheldonLeeFit  5 лет назад +2

      Thanks for the appreciation! I wish you luck in all your endeavors.

  • @jakemiller4495
    @jakemiller4495 5 лет назад +5

    Congrats on moving on bro, it’s a hard step but you do what’s right for you! Glad to see you posting again, you have a lot of useful insight for these young guys and gals who we tend to forget about!

  • @comm2531
    @comm2531 4 года назад +2

    Same here. USMC 1982-85. I got out of reserves, like you, it was a stepping stone. All you say is right on. I never wanted to stay in for life. I felt like reserves hindered opportunities to work jobs in the civilian sector. Especially overseas. Once I got out, I worked on boards ships on a military contract. But saying all that, I am proud of my honorable discharge. Yes, we Marines don't mix to well on the outside. Its a shocker. Been out 31 years. (1988 obligation complete) so I'm ok now, 5 more years left to retire from the airlines. I think you did great and you will succeed in life. Semper Fi.

  • @DanaWebb2017
    @DanaWebb2017 4 года назад +15

    It sounds like you got your head screwed on straight, that's more than I can say for a lot of people I've known.

  • @Turf-Whisperer
    @Turf-Whisperer 3 года назад +2

    I’m a active duty Sergeant with 37 days left. And I feel you on how it can hold you back. I feel exactly that way. I owe a lot from the Marines and it will always be apart of me but your so right on it can become a threshold. Gota say though I’m extremely nervous about being a civilian again!

  • @ianiverson07
    @ianiverson07 5 лет назад +4

    Proud of you man. Thank you for making the video!

  • @sgtstetsonbennettiv2075
    @sgtstetsonbennettiv2075 4 года назад +10

    The Corps was cool, but I enjoy life WAY MORE now that I'm out.

  • @rtrThanos
    @rtrThanos 4 года назад +3

    Dude, there’s no shame in your game and you owe nobody an explanation. The simple fact that you served in any capacity in the armed forces, even if you were “only” an Airborne cook, is enough to earn my respect. I was an Army reservist back in the 90s and while going through BCT
    and AIT i noticed that most of the kids where there just to learn a skill that would translate to the civilian world or to get college money.

  • @FutureDevilDog
    @FutureDevilDog 5 лет назад +11

    I am a Marine Reservist. I like the idea that I can better myself while still being attached to the Corps. Like if I'm gonna be away from my family and opportunities for civilian eduction, I better be a damn body selected for a conflict. If I were ordered to go to a warzone, I'd already assume my death. I have no problem going to fight and die. It's my oath. It's my will. It's ok to die and you shouldn't worry.Once you're gone, you won't know anything about it! We are all going to lay in dirt with each other in the end! Anyway, I don't want to be in Okinawa, Pendelton or 29 Palms for 4 years, day in day out working for no ultimate conflict? Fuck that. Either I'm going into the danger without my family or I am going to be with my family until I am ordered to the urgent danger. That's my mindset. I can't deal with that in between lifestyle. I need to know what I am doing, If I am building myself or just having my time wasted.

  • @emilianorangel8798
    @emilianorangel8798 4 года назад +3

    Great video bro, thank you for share your experience and feelings. I feel you and your story helped me realize some things too so thank you. I wish you the best brother.

  • @rubengonzales9150
    @rubengonzales9150 4 года назад +22

    Shhhh. I left the navy because I'm an actual alien really a navy doctor got to close to my secret he found out i have no pulse in my body

  • @Southernmyles
    @Southernmyles 3 года назад +1

    I joined and this video actually makes since now as a 1371 reservists definitely takes a toll on yourself and lifestyle

  • @rickestrada3332
    @rickestrada3332 3 года назад +1

    Did some time in active Army, as 15U.. Well communicated brother! You joined, you served, you overcame.

  • @551223
    @551223 5 лет назад +5

    Hey you’re back. I agree with almost all these points. I’m in the Air Force reserves and obviously it’s not as hardcore as the marines corps but the people in my shop are straight up fucking assholes. I’m tired of all the shit talking, I’ve never liked that and I don’t like the person it made me become .

    • @SheldonLeeFit
      @SheldonLeeFit  5 лет назад

      551223 I feel you man. That sort of environment can really affect you in a negative way. I hope you can find a way to cope or deal with it.

  • @cat-lw6kq
    @cat-lw6kq 4 года назад +4

    I was in the reserves it's a bummer spending weekends drilling. Plus is some extra pay and retirement benefits. I was working full time and sometimes putting in overtime during the week so when the weekend comes I want to go to the beach.

  • @tyrannyofexperts
    @tyrannyofexperts 4 года назад +5

    Yes, I hear you. I spent 4 years on active duty in the U.S. Army and when I PCSed I just got in the reserves in my hometown where I was enrolled in college. Drill consisted of scraping paint off our amphibious vehicles and there was a whole lot of racial shit and political correct bullshit that I wasn't about to put up with. My reserve unit was extremely unprofessional and almost all of these guys were permanent weekend warriors that had never been in the regular Army. I told my commander that I was blowing this half assed Popsicle stand and moving on. Since I had completed my regular term of service the reserves could be served as inactive so that was the route I chose.....and glad I did!

  • @intotheabyssoftheunknown4479
    @intotheabyssoftheunknown4479 4 года назад +2

    Hey it helps you learn life skills you hadn't done. It builds self discipline and survival. I'm a retired 24 yr combat veteran. I couldve stayed in but I was ready to leave, finish my degree & start a second retirement. Which I've done! I have no regrets. I enjoyed the job security serving & defending my country! I was married when I enlisted and the benefits for my wife & future children also added extra security. Medical & dental costs too.
    Thanks for you sharing your thoughts! You made the best good decision for the right reasons! It's a good start to learn a trade or develop skills!

  • @toddspring534
    @toddspring534 2 года назад

    I had the exact experience as a communications reservist from 1984 to 1990. Joined as a 17 year old kid got out as an E 5 Sergeant. Went to college during that time graduated in 89 and worked 6 months on Wall Street as an analyst for Merrill Lynch. At end of 6 years life had changed and I was no longer seeing value in staying in. Great video thx for sharing. Semper Fi

  • @bivotarshamble3672
    @bivotarshamble3672 4 года назад +2

    Hey first and for most dude, once and Marine always a Marine. Godspeed my friend!

  • @Mearyeaurng
    @Mearyeaurng 4 года назад +4

    There are ONLY two ways, either you don't want to stay or you do want to stay and making a career out of it. If you are in between, you will make your own life miserable. One weekend a month and occasional activated can and will get old. Good for you on your decision!

    • @jorose5050
      @jorose5050 4 года назад +1

      You're right! It's all about choices. Mine is an AD Marine goes to work everyday AND then has to babysit the reservists that come in on drill weekends. His words not mine. He says all they complain about is their pay, being reimbursed etc. Nothing on a real mission. Im a spouse not a marine I don't hold rank or wear a uniform...But...The reservists that mine gets are the ones that are twice passed over for promotion. Know as the dumping ground. Talking about officers. Can be "promoted" in the reserves as they couldn't hack it or let me say the USMC didn't think they should be that rank in AD but it's ok in reserves. Mine also sat on a board and said it was horrible. Also reserve marines can get a DUI and still stay in?! Didn't happen on a drill weekend you're good. AD that Marine is gone. Words from the AD SgtMaj. Ask the current Commandant how he feels about reservists. He is not a fan. He was just here on our base. This video was insulting. Stepping stone? Good for you and your one weekend a month. The question is asked all the time...why reserves when someone makes more out of the military. Recognition. Military discount. Wearing that uniform even if it's once a month. Wives dig it from what I gather. Whatever. Mine retires soon. Last tour and he hates it due to reservists. Semper gumby.

  • @TienBuilds
    @TienBuilds 5 лет назад +4

    It’s been a Journey watching you.

  • @agyei1515
    @agyei1515 5 лет назад +5

    A while is a understatement 😂

    • @SheldonLeeFit
      @SheldonLeeFit  5 лет назад +1

      LOL tried to be nonchalant about it...

    • @agyei1515
      @agyei1515 5 лет назад

      It’s all good I’m just glad your happy you really inspired a lot of us young marines. We appreciate putting your time into even making videos and giving us the info some of us needed. I hope you are living well brother✊🏾

  • @xxCOKERxxPWNxx
    @xxCOKERxxPWNxx 4 года назад +4

    Felt the same way when I was debating leaving the MCR

  • @josephdedominicis887
    @josephdedominicis887 3 года назад +1

    I hate The Marines after what I just figured out.

  • @srtshaun547
    @srtshaun547 4 года назад +1

    Juss wanted the car😐.. nahh I’m playin😂

  • @xrstian30
    @xrstian30 5 лет назад

    Watching this video just gave me advice for being a Marine in the future.. specially the behavior part around your love ones 100%

  • @bradleysanders88
    @bradleysanders88 5 лет назад +1

    More Vids!!!😆 Love all the vids bro! Semper Fi!

  • @djyoshdepaz
    @djyoshdepaz 5 лет назад

    Great video man was glad to see you posting again

    • @SheldonLeeFit
      @SheldonLeeFit  5 лет назад

      Sorry it's been awhile - will try to upload more often!

  • @808INFantry11X
    @808INFantry11X 5 лет назад +3

    Damn you out bro congratulations and sorry to lose you from the force but you off to better things.

    • @SheldonLeeFit
      @SheldonLeeFit  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you!

    • @808INFantry11X
      @808INFantry11X 5 лет назад +1

      @@SheldonLeeFit continue killing brother hope to meet in real life sometime love to get into a Army and Marine Corp Reserve comparison.

  • @heribertogarciajr6362
    @heribertogarciajr6362 3 года назад

    Thank you for your comment, I’m in the same situation, semper fi 🙌🏼

  • @carolg2821
    @carolg2821 5 лет назад +6


  • @anthonyprogress578
    @anthonyprogress578 4 года назад

    Great job brother.

  • @charlesdavis7461
    @charlesdavis7461 4 года назад +3

    Maybe a full time Navy Seal would have been better.

  • @sesarman
    @sesarman 5 лет назад +2

    Do you think another branch would've been more appropriate?

  • @arbitrarylib
    @arbitrarylib 3 года назад +1

    2:15 the video starts

  • @ravenbeast813
    @ravenbeast813 4 года назад

    I see that you were supply! I’m a 51 transitioning soon, and I am terrified.

  • @Staychill2094
    @Staychill2094 5 лет назад +2

    Finally an update lol

    • @SheldonLeeFit
      @SheldonLeeFit  5 лет назад +1

      After nearly 2 years haha sorry for the wait.

  • @NgJackal1990
    @NgJackal1990 4 года назад +1

    So what’s next? Life as an ex-Marine Reserve?

  • @gamerking5282
    @gamerking5282 5 лет назад +2

    Could you have switched your mos ? Have you ever heard of Lt Avery soong ?

  • @teesad
    @teesad 3 года назад

    Totally understandable

  • @mr.m1garand254
    @mr.m1garand254 4 года назад +1

    Do the reserves get deployed more than active or is that only for the Guard?

  • @TheTyee1997
    @TheTyee1997 4 года назад +2

    Was there a penalty for leaving early?

  • @caleblammers6032
    @caleblammers6032 3 года назад +1

    What’s a reserves chance of deployment

  • @emmanuelnocum6048
    @emmanuelnocum6048 5 лет назад

    I was a reserve contract for OCS. But got dropped on week 3 for injury. I plan on recovering and re-applying. If I can’t qualify for OCS due to my injuries, I may very well enlist.
    My question is do you have any experience with any Reserve Officers? I know you are out now but if you have any insight, it would be very appreciated

  • @roselinebouquette7525
    @roselinebouquette7525 3 года назад

    What happens to you if you quit the Marines corp after job school because you do not wish to honor an order

  • @rubengonzales9150
    @rubengonzales9150 4 года назад +1

    Marines are ok but some are a lot of nuts

  • @_danieljr
    @_danieljr 5 лет назад +2

    I’m thinking of doing reserves but I’m confused?! The 6 year contract doesn’t have to be followed? Did you finish the contract

    • @MmaFreak93
      @MmaFreak93 5 лет назад

      Pretty sure it was time for his reenlistment and he decided to not do that and just get out.

    • @SheldonLeeFit
      @SheldonLeeFit  5 лет назад +3

      Yup, finished my 6 year commitment. Chose not to reenlist.

    • @_danieljr
      @_danieljr 5 лет назад

      Sheldon Lee got it I understood your reasons why. Thanks for serving and good luck in the civilian world👍🏻

    • @johnnyboy2618
      @johnnyboy2618 5 лет назад

      You do your 6, or stay in til your IRR time of total of 8 years or go UA or pop on drug test or dui and get admin separated. You cannot reenlist unless you pick up Sgt.

  • @Sonncee
    @Sonncee 3 года назад

    did they still use the atlass for supply i was a 3051 supply warehouseman

  • @rubengonzales9150
    @rubengonzales9150 4 года назад +1

    Hmm. You look familiar

  • @ajk9420
    @ajk9420 5 лет назад

    Hey I remember one of your friends that was a reservists but got deployed. I had some questions about that. Do you still get the 30 day vacation like active members do yearly? Can you travel to countries nearby to visit from where you’re deployed?

    • @ezzy7151
      @ezzy7151 4 года назад

      I can answer your second question, reservists generally don't get deployed unless the main force is decimated in one form or another.

  • @GamingMxds
    @GamingMxds 3 года назад +1


  • @gamalielzap3679
    @gamalielzap3679 4 года назад

    Hey I have a question my future MOS is warehouse clerk do you think you could talk about what they do and how I can ready myself before getting shipped off? I am going in as a reserve. (MOS 3051)

  • @myitt4864
    @myitt4864 5 лет назад +1

    What is your career full time now

  • @godness7770
    @godness7770 3 года назад

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing! I always wanted to join the Marines after high school but they tell me that I am too short. I have an question. When you left, whats the process unordered for them to let you go home for good? For ex, this guy who keeps telling me that he will be home at Christmas blames me for not giving him my personal information so he can add me onto his payroll. He said they needed the info so it will be easier for him to transfer when he does come home. Don't he already have direct deposit? When he does come home, his money us already in the bank? Please, let me know the process. I need to know if he is lying to me. So, what I end up doing is getting upset with him because he wanted my bank acct number and routing number. I told him that I won't do that. Thank you so much!

    • @maxb4210
      @maxb4210 2 года назад

      I know it’s a year later but yeah there’d be absolutely no reason he wouldn’t have direct deposit while still in, your buddy’s either dumb as fuck or was trying to scam you

    • @patrickibarra2191
      @patrickibarra2191 2 года назад

      Join hurry up go to school after

  • @shvargo1155
    @shvargo1155 4 года назад

    in the marine reserves do you get stationed or do you get to stay home?

  • @tanicwhisper0647
    @tanicwhisper0647 2 года назад

    Do you still recommend the reserves till this day?

    • @freddyj5845
      @freddyj5845 Год назад

      That depends on you, age, and life style. If you’re young and don’t have much going on in life and want to full benefits then join active and make sure you get the MOS you feel you will enjoy. If you have other things going on in life but still want to serve then do reserves. Just know that drill sometimes lands on inconvenient dates and depending on your unit it could be hard to be excused.

  • @kalensustaita1719
    @kalensustaita1719 3 года назад

    How many years were on your contract?

  • @justsoblessed
    @justsoblessed 4 года назад

    At 20 were you active or reserves ?

  • @2460joel
    @2460joel Месяц назад

    I was in the Marine Corp. Aside from the special forces, our military is so weak now.. too many punks and individuals that have no reason being there

  • @moreofjosem5363
    @moreofjosem5363 5 лет назад

    What’s the oldest you can be to join?

  • @jimmybolf2001
    @jimmybolf2001 4 года назад

    What was your rank at discharge?

  • @Erick-hr5mv
    @Erick-hr5mv 4 года назад

    Whats your job right now brother if I may know

  • @reeaelliott8149
    @reeaelliott8149 3 года назад

    so... do you have to go into jrotc to be in the marines

  • @123Collins
    @123Collins 5 лет назад

    How long have you been out the reserve?

  • @josephmccoy2672
    @josephmccoy2672 4 года назад +3

    One thing I must have missed is that he joined and became a Marine to SERVE HIS COUNTRY. Sounds like someone who is more interested in himself and what his country can do for him. Millennial?

    • @xxCOKERxxPWNxx
      @xxCOKERxxPWNxx 4 года назад +2

      Not much to serve ones country in peacetime. You can really only “serve “ your country in wartime imo

  • @chased.758
    @chased.758 5 лет назад +2

    Did you earn 100% benefits?

    • @michaelmorales2158
      @michaelmorales2158 5 лет назад

      Chase D. No you definitely don’t in the reserves because it’s a part time job so you get part time benefits

    • @chased.758
      @chased.758 5 лет назад +3

      @@michaelmorales2158 I know a guy that was in the Marine reserves and did a TON of orders and was able to get 100% benefits.

    • @johnnyboy2618
      @johnnyboy2618 5 лет назад +2

      If you do active duty orders you start to gain benefits. Reserve is part time or less.

  • @filibertogomez5395
    @filibertogomez5395 4 года назад

    Can my current job fired me if I join the marine corps reserve

    • @LanceCriminal
      @LanceCriminal 4 года назад +2

      No they can not military obligation comes first over civilian jobs. I know from personal experience lol.

  • @MichaelJones-hq2qr
    @MichaelJones-hq2qr 4 года назад

    Tbh can you pls be a vlogger

  • @patriciagiguere8109
    @patriciagiguere8109 4 года назад +2

    ...... There's more to the story. Some truth has been left out.
    I think I know why he really left, but I'd rather he'd be more forth coming. The timing and what's going on, its too coincidental.

    • @dems2145
      @dems2145 4 года назад +1

      Patricia Giguere what happened I don’t think he is going to tell us

    • @xxCOKERxxPWNxx
      @xxCOKERxxPWNxx 4 года назад +2

      Dems the MCR has been activated to Active Duty status currently.

    • @SheldonLeeFit
      @SheldonLeeFit  4 года назад +3

      The truth is I got out Nov 2018 (when my 6 year contract ended) and this video is me addressing old news. Another truth is that the Marine Reserves has NOT been activated, so please do more research before posting alarmist comments.

    • @ezzy7151
      @ezzy7151 4 года назад

      @@xxCOKERxxPWNxx shut up pussy, you're probably the type to judge veterans but still not sure if you want to join. Fuck you and Daddy Trump.

  • @King-hp4km
    @King-hp4km 4 года назад +3

    How many years did you serve?

    • @johnnys1027
      @johnnys1027 4 года назад +2

      The one and only , He said he served 6 years in the comments.

    • @King-hp4km
      @King-hp4km 4 года назад

      Pure I appreciate it

  • @wesleydaniels503
    @wesleydaniels503 4 года назад +2

    How was this stopping you from growing you basically go once a month with a few extra days so almost a total of 40+ days out of a year like wow , how was this slowing you down or stopping you from your life

    • @RedBonkleMan8534
      @RedBonkleMan8534 4 года назад +8

      Clearly you’ve never been in the reserves to make that assumption and just how it can fuck you career wise. Lot of guys in my guard unit complain about how they’re actually losing money by being at drill because they can barely make ends meet, and they aren’t single dudes. Some of them are guys with a wife and kids, and they’re the sole breadwinner. I literally can’t go to college for a quick two quarter cert as a biomed tech because I have to go to NTC mid april-may so fuck spring quarter. Class isn’t offered in the summer and I deploy in the fall. But you wanna know whats the icing on this shit cake? I cant even get the army to pay for some of my schooling because I haven’t been “active” for 365 days, and I’m halfway through a 6 year contract . But hooah right?

    • @Jasonxg487
      @Jasonxg487 4 года назад +5

      Depending on the reserve unit, some reservists waste more money just to show up than they make for drill. Hotels are given to reservist that live outside a certain radius like 50 miles or more.(it varies between branches and units) the reservist wont rate a hotel room even they live 49miles away from base( it varies between branches and units)so they have drive back home and to base

  • @nicolasmendez5170
    @nicolasmendez5170 5 лет назад +1

    Dame so long

  • @diegoreyesfoster5573
    @diegoreyesfoster5573 5 лет назад +1

    A year later

  • @adlaiurbina8895
    @adlaiurbina8895 4 года назад

    You became a person who wanted easy, you became another follower of the materialistic world.

    • @Jsmoove9627
      @Jsmoove9627 4 года назад +9

      Shut up pussy you probably havent done half the things he's done bitch.

    • @SuperSuperswag101
      @SuperSuperswag101 4 года назад +1

      You saying that is so stereotypical man lmao

    • @RedBonkleMan8534
      @RedBonkleMan8534 2 года назад +1

      Maybe he wanted more than what the reserves could offer him. There’s literally nothing wrong with wanting more, it’s part of growing up.

  • @deangeloisdifferent
    @deangeloisdifferent 5 лет назад +2

    First to comment

  • @Paul-yt5xc
    @Paul-yt5xc 5 лет назад +1


  • @nathanhendricks9061
    @nathanhendricks9061 4 года назад

    Liberal !!