NX Missile Nerf... Why - Elite Dangerous

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 97

  • @cmdrterrorfirma4244
    @cmdrterrorfirma4244 7 лет назад +13

    I agree that having a HUD display of the news in a playback news style would be much more interesting and attention getting. Like a *** BREAKING NEWS ALERT *** when there is an important message or story that affects all players

    • @N7Tigger
      @N7Tigger 7 лет назад

      You mean like them resetting my two straight years pledged to the same power for no good reason. Newsflash Frontier, I don't read your fucking tweets. Put that shit in-game.

  • @cmdratridenrsm5288
    @cmdratridenrsm5288 7 лет назад +8

    I like that the Thargoids adapt but the damage is severely nerfed as a volley of 4 ax- missiles against the heart does only 2-3% now and it used to do around 12%. That's too much in my opinion.

  • @valdarsh
    @valdarsh 7 лет назад +12

    Off the top of my head... start spawning USS with NPCs fighting Thargoids, screaming their heads off “OMG THE MISSILES DO NOTHING!!!” would have been better imho

  • @kidcreamola
    @kidcreamola 7 лет назад +2

    Great idea with the news feed on the HUD !

  • @Metzwerg74
    @Metzwerg74 7 лет назад +3

    WOW my ships are thargoid ships !!! theey adapted to the ax missles as well....

  • @dmain6735
    @dmain6735 7 лет назад +5

    Your right of course. Engaging in the story line is essential to a narrative like this update intends to be. But narratives need player 'buy in' and therefore plausible reasons why things happen. The Ax missle becoming ineffective against Thargoids is a solid story arc but if that includes against human ships then it seems like just a cheap card trick (and not a very good one). It insults the intended audiences intelligence. A cardinal sin of story telling.

  • @mermanvideoindustries7854
    @mermanvideoindustries7854 7 лет назад +7

    So...yeah...perhaps I understand that the Thargoids can adapt, that's fine, but it's the timing of it all. We are now facing an alien race that can adapt to whatever we throw at it in 4 days or less. Because of this, we would realistically stand zero chance of ever winning this war. This was a terrible decision by FDev with a very lazy excuse.

    • @Wimpymind
      @Wimpymind 7 лет назад +2

      Being immune to physical damage doesnt make sense to begin with. Thats not how physics or biology work, at all. Needing a scanner to find vulnerabilities to kill them in reasonable timeframes is a reasonable thing, as are weapons that do bonus damage to them by using toxins etc. However they should never be immune to damage. Thats lazy and bullshit game design what belongs in an action rpg if at all.

    • @wolfe8035
      @wolfe8035 4 года назад

      @@Wimpymind A crab forms a shell for protection, but of course, under certain conditions that shell can crack, chip, or outright shatter.
      A venomous snake is immune to its own venom. While yes that's a liquid of some form, damage is still damage and if a venomous snake is immune to its own venom, its safe to say a crab can form a shell that will not shatter under some extreme circumstances.
      That being the case then, Thargoids adapt. While yes its probably lazy of them, in a way, makes some sense too... they adapt with our technology, thus, we must adapt. Though of course, I'm going to have to agree ith Merman here about the adaptations... if it took Thargoids 4 days to become nearly immune to certain AX weapons, then what's to say, they wont become immune to the Guardian tech that we all run now? Seeing as how they fought against it before, its safe to assume they didn't need such protection from it (due to the Guardians extinction), and now they're fighting against it again? Either humanity comes up with something new every 4 days, or it perishes. Taking the Borg from Star Trek as reference: They eventually become immune/nearly immune to the frequency of the phasers that hit them. That being the case then, all humanity really needs is to just slightly change its technology to make the Thargoids adaptations completely redundant. Thus, the Thargoids realistically have a choice: Ditch the old adaptation for the new one, or keep the previous one and add it to the new one. With the first choice, the Thargoids run into the problem of facing off against a frequency they previously adapted to. With the second one, well... eventually when you add too many layers, things don't work so well. Realistically, all the Thargoid ships would have to grow in size at some point to handle the continuous adaptations, and seeing as how they're biological, growing in size makes them: Heavier, clunkier, stiffer, slower, a bigger target... if they dont grow fast enough, perhaps, their Thargons wont be able to launch because the space had to be used for a new adaptation... or there simply not being enough room anyway. When we look at all the moving parts of a Thargoid Interceptor, the more tougher variants have more moving parts and are larger... thus if any of the Interceptors didn't grow in size, but continuously adapted to whatever they get hit by, at some point, they wont be working so well.
      Like cat and mouse, or a game of chess... at some point, the Thargoids are going to adapt to something we use a LOT to kill them, and its really going to hurt us to try to find a weakness for them. Perhaps, a new weapon... or perhaps? The AX missiles might suddenly do more damage to them (going off the ideas mentioned above). Thus, if the Thargoid adapts to human technology, we likely would use Guardian tech. If they adapted to that? Perhaps, the AX weapons will do more damage, a new weapon would be created, who knows...
      While I agree with something being entirely immune to a thing, it more over would just scratch the paint... but as said before, the intensity and frequencies are key. If the initiative is able to make a weapon that completely deconstructs Thargoids at a molecular level, that be game changing eh? It would, but... for the Thargoids to counter that, would mean they'd have to change their entire genetic makeup to nullify it, even slightly would work as well.
      Though I guess, my take on it? I think if we were to obliterate the Thargoids, I reckon the one thing we need to do is remove their biggest strength: Their ability to adapt. Sure, we could go after their hives where they spawn, but then in 4 days the rest of them are more heavily guarded, and, are far angrier than before. How would it be done? Give it something it cant adapt to. A human can adapt to a poison or a disease, but fill em with lead we could grow thicker skins... or, use that metal as a poison? Or perhaps, something to neutralize their corrosive biology. Everything in life has a point and a purpose, thus, what if we take away the Thargoids corrosive aspects? What could possibly happen? Perhaps they'll no longer function properly.
      Unfortunately though, fighting an enemy that can adapt to whatever you throw at it in 4 days is like trying to defend your home planet from an alien invasion that can see the future.

  • @Phoenix-mi9bb
    @Phoenix-mi9bb 7 лет назад

    I think you are spot on with the idea of a HUD news channel. It would tie a lot of loose ends in the game together & would make it MUCH easier for Frontier to deliver 'narrative' led gameplay. It would certainly make the ED universe a much richer place.

  • @philipschneider7806
    @philipschneider7806 7 лет назад

    You can access the Galnet through the galactic powers button on the left panel

  • @sephirothprudiise1865
    @sephirothprudiise1865 7 лет назад

    My biggest issue with the CGs is simply not knowing where they are half of the time and especially the ones that require you do deliver specific cargo item & quantity to a specific deep region system. It doesnt tell you where to find it. I end up just snowballing it until i eventually find the system and focus in on the bounty hunter CGs. Although sometimes they xeliver far less payouts

  • @cmdrwaylander1213
    @cmdrwaylander1213 7 лет назад

    I totally agree with comment on how Galnet is viewed. Right now I rarely read Galnet News cos it's deadly dull. The news feed idea like news shows we have now is a great way of making this more fun.

  • @sjparkinson
    @sjparkinson 7 лет назад

    Context is everything. Thanks VJ, you got a sub for that. Cheers.

  • @Umbator
    @Umbator 7 лет назад +28

    So its going to be a never ending roll to do CGG (Community Goal Grinds) to unlock new weapons constantly as the old ones are nerfed as they "adapt", until the end of time? :)

  • @anarchyandempires5452
    @anarchyandempires5452 7 лет назад +1

    .I just paid 2 million for those Fucking Missiles............

  • @Ebbo
    @Ebbo 7 лет назад

    Better presentation of GalNet news in game would be awesome. At the moment my news source is the GalNet news digest at the end of each week’s Lave Radio podcast. “We read the news, so you don’t have to.”

  • @MrFoster91
    @MrFoster91 7 лет назад +29

    so everyone spends a while doing a CG to get said weapon, only for that said weapon to be completely useless now. Fucking bravo FDV..... bravo...

  • @CMDRGreyWolfe
    @CMDRGreyWolfe 7 лет назад +2

    Spot on. As usual.

  • @hellscorpio82
    @hellscorpio82 7 лет назад +1

    Adaptation by nerfing the enemies weapons now that's the real shit of alien warfare

  • @redwulfxiii511
    @redwulfxiii511 7 лет назад +4

    First Rhea, now this? Bad week for ED sadly... I personally think that the Thargoids shouldnt have been so easily killed so quickly. We go from nigh invincible to soloable in adders in the span a week. I think that Fdev seriously underestimated the players of this game's skill, tenacity, and resolve and did this just to bring things back to what their story/idea was. Then to nerf the missles as opposed to buffing the Thargoids? Seriously? I can understand the Thargoids adapting, but If my immune system is attacked, it gets stronger, the viruses/bacteria don't just magically get weaker. 2.4 started out really cool but quickly went south a week or so in.
    I'm going to just steer clear of this Thargoid nonsense and associated CG's until something changes. Maybe after Thanksgiving i'll revisit this situation.

    • @DanTKD87
      @DanTKD87 6 лет назад

      Redwulf XIII I'm from the future. You haven't seen anything yet.

  • @Warjah104
    @Warjah104 7 лет назад

    Because it's part of the plan. Thargomids are advance species who will adapt quickly in our tactics. That's why :)

  • @mobiuscoreindustries
    @mobiuscoreindustries 7 лет назад +6

    The Nerf has not really any relation to the lore. It's just a fancy way to day their are nerfing players again cause they want to push everyone into open so better not be able to solo any one of those things.

    • @VindicatorJones
      @VindicatorJones  7 лет назад +1

      I semi agree with this. I dont have a problem with them making thargoids tougher, but how this was handled was not the best way.

    • @mobiuscoreindustries
      @mobiuscoreindustries 7 лет назад +1

      Vindicator Jones yup, I agree. I'm just worrying that this kind of things could Doom the update, and with it, the entire game for good. It's simple, FDev need to take an idea, and fully commit to it no matter the obstacles. If their idea was to push out multiplayer to the forefront and for once use the MMO aspects of the games, then I am 100% for it. But when you commit to something you dont half bake it. If killing thargoids can only be done with multiple people, then you must comit to the systems allowing said thing to happen smoothly. This is not the cases. Elite is still plagued with poor netcode and a ridiculously restrictive 5 man wing.
      If you want the thargoids to be launching an invasion and look intimidating, then it needs to happen MASSIVELY. Not some random conflict zone in a random system. No the effects need to be seen far and wide across the bubble. And tho they still have some time for that, I hope they have assets ready for it because it will have to be MASSIVE. And it needs to happen soon. No matter if we have been fighting the right thargoids or not, it need to be fast, it needs to be brutal. Incremental content can quickly devolve into a slugfest if you are not carefull.
      And finally, if you want players to engage the thargoids in any ways, it need to be rewarding. And I will stress this for good, NOT WITH MONEY!
      Elite has always had trouble rewarding players well. And even with money only they always failed to do it. This is a huge opportunity to reward people with someone other than credits. Instead, rewards players who take the risks of going against a thargoid with equipment! Something worth going after. Not more powerful, not OP, but fundamentally different in the way it works. For example, a small EMP generator that replicate on a smaller scale the thargoids EMP pulses (and is countered by the same modules as thargoids). It would be something traders would want to get their hands on for sure, or Rez hunters to stun their prey for some good damage. To balance it out, the launching ship would suffer the same downsides as the target if not equiping the anti EMP hardpoint, and reduced impact if he does. The target would take full effect if not protected but no effect if protected.
      Or something like a drone swarm, based on the swarm the thargoids use. Basically creating a mechanical drone swarm. It could be housed in a fighter bay, and had the special querk of having a maximum damage cap for each damage tick that isn't explosives. The downside is that the drones are extremely vulnerable to PD, and will only have 5, charges of rebuild. The swarm comes with its own AI and cannot be remote controlled nor gain levels.
      Maybe a special laser similar to the ones thargoids have been using on us. Basically a downscaled version that shares some similar effects.
      Or a form of nano hull, based on thargoids ships. Unlike thargoids hulls, this one is considerably weaker and posess almost no resistances. But it does have the unique ability to be the first toogleable armor in the game, being fierable from the the control pannel and slowly repairing the hull and reactor by consuming materials (like materials used in hulls, so mostly low rarity metals). How good would that be for an explorer?
      On a small sidenote, I would actually love more armors with special effects to be used. Ones they are not purely stat related.
      This system would be based on the current engineer system but with a big twist. Unlike normally where you upgrade modules, you build them from scratch here. It requires a certain amount of low/medium levels materials and most importantly, specific thargoids related materials. For example, the EMP module would require unkown probes (since they produce the EMP), the nano armor would require a combination or meta alloys and tissue samples. The laser would be obtained from materials directly droped by thargoid ships being killed. And the drones could be obtained by killing the thargoid without killing the drones and scoop them afterwards.
      Also, unlike engineers, material costs would be fixed, and you know what you get each time. All special proprieties are guaranteed and, If the balance requires it, are not engineer able.
      Just throwing ideas around here. I feel at least some of them would be a good addition to the game.

    • @daelra
      @daelra 7 лет назад

      Honestly, I thought it would take a few weeks of hard graft for anyone to kill a Thargoid. The fact that it could be done in one relatively underpowered ship means FDev did get the balance wrong. I also have no issue with making a few enemies 'open only'. However, as Vindicator Jones replied, it could have been handled way better.

  • @sebasr1
    @sebasr1 7 лет назад

    That gold paint job, so pretty:)

  • @ziljanvega3879
    @ziljanvega3879 7 лет назад

    Frontier said a month ago that any conflict would be escalated via an arms-race. Why are people so surprised? And even *angry*? If anything, maybe Frontier needs to lower the success threshold for the CGs to reduce the downtime. And eventually give us a suite of weapons that can adapt dynamically to Thargoid defenses.

  • @bharatbenie
    @bharatbenie 7 лет назад

    It's funny how so many only see their POV. Atleast you see it from both.

  • @Zelisius
    @Zelisius 7 лет назад +1

    So next time players engage, it will be with the new multi cannons. Still, I think I'm gonna wait until the thargoids attack me before I start fighting them.

  • @workingjoe6424
    @workingjoe6424 7 лет назад +1

    6 days after the long awaited AX missiles and they're directly nerfed to a state of uselessness. Will it also be six days for every other weapon that comes out? The play mentality now is; "Stop playing until the new weapon comes out, new weapon gets nerfed, stop playing till the new weapons come out." - Repeat. Good gameplay with 2.4 thats for sure!

  • @orcnet976
    @orcnet976 7 лет назад

    EDDi addon reads the Galnet news items to you while you are flying

    • @VindicatorJones
      @VindicatorJones  7 лет назад +1

      Yes, but even that can get a bit repetitive... Frontier need to make their own system. Not rely on third party software

  • @ecevansevans2566
    @ecevansevans2566 7 лет назад +4

    Mr VJone, Hello mate, I must disagree with you on your comment, You usually do your math, but not this time . How many human ships does it take to kill one thar ship? Answer a fucking lot. How many missiles does it take a crap ton. When one thar ship can take out twenty human ships and use minimal weapons. WHY WOULD THEY Need TO EVOLVE OR UP GRADE THERE WEAPONS. The only one that has lost a lot of ships is humanity. Did you count how many missile it took to just get down to 90% damage on the thar and then they regeneration is almost instantaneously . Battle are still one sided in favor of the Thar. There no reason for FDev to nerf anything. They just want us to keep on grinding and for what. Only to nerf 4 days later. You do the math.

    • @qclaracaille8257
      @qclaracaille8257 7 лет назад +1

      Several people had been soloing thargoids on day 2 after the missiles release. I killed one with a friend of mine without too much trouble. Once you knew the gimmick behind them they weren't so hard anymore. Just kite and shoot as they follow you around in a straight line. That explains the missile nerf and the thargoid AI buff. I believe we just have to be a little more patient to see how the story unfold and hope FDev finds a better way to deliver their narrative. Otherwise there is going to be an outcry every time they change something.

  • @stevemiller6053
    @stevemiller6053 7 лет назад +26

    They haven’t adapted, the missiles got weaker and and now ineffective against every target.
    Also, why participate in a CG if your work is rendered useless a few days later?

    • @psyantologist
      @psyantologist 7 лет назад

      True, frontier was sloppy there and reduced the damage instead of alterting the thargoids resistances - now the Ax are useless against human tech (they probably still display the "exceptional explosive damage" info on hit though - exceptionally low explosive damage.
      The path itself is fine. Making them stronger is a good call now that players figured out how to trick them or beat them in numbers - it's a work in progress and I would rather have tuogh boss fights with aliens that cannot be outsmarted and are tough to kill.

    • @Warjah104
      @Warjah104 7 лет назад

      And who says they haven't adapted? You? Get real!

    • @psyantologist
      @psyantologist 7 лет назад +2

      Frontier lowered the weapons damage instead of increasing the thargoids resistance to its damage.

    • @mareck6946
      @mareck6946 7 лет назад +1

      this probably has also to do with teh effectivity in certain pvp scenarios using the AX.

  • @darrenpask
    @darrenpask 7 лет назад

    Excellent vid MR JONES keep them coming bud I totally agree with what you said I just hope they take heed 👍👍

  • @Nox210
    @Nox210 7 лет назад

    I feel Elite Dangerous would be a truly transcendental game if they would include ideas like yours presented, as well as some of the wealth of critical third party apps and tools the E:D community creates - into the game itself.

  • @FevnorTheWolf
    @FevnorTheWolf 7 лет назад

    My only issue is instead of keeping the weapon the same and increasing the resistance of the thargoids they nerfed the actual weapons. They could of bumped the Thargoid resistance to the weapons. Then I would of bought that "Adaptation" thing.
    When you put on a bullet proof vest does the gun theoretically aimed at you all of a sudden turn into a pellet gun when it was a fucking cannon before? Yea that's a crude comparison but damn, It feels like that's basically what FDEV did and called it Adaptation.

    • @VindicatorJones
      @VindicatorJones  7 лет назад

      Dont quote me on this, but I think whats happened is that the thargoids have not got tougher, but have become more immune to a certain weapon type. From a developer point of view it is most likely easier to decrease the damage potential of the weapon than playing around with the thargoids defenses... If Frontier didnt put the change in the changelog, then no one would have known that they affected the weapon and not the thargoids themselves. While I dislike how Frontier have handled this whole thing, storywise and gameplay wise I dont have a problem with it. Its just how Frontier have portrayed the story, and then clearly shown on the changelog the weapon change with very little explanation why.

    • @FevnorTheWolf
      @FevnorTheWolf 7 лет назад

      Agreed, They definitely dropped the ball in that respect. They need to work on the delivery of information. In regards to your Galnet Proposal. That sounds like a fantastic idea to help get urgent information out. but have that limited to Important information not local stuff that can stay at stations.

    • @turriffterror3881
      @turriffterror3881 7 лет назад

      They are professional programmers. Why the fuck does it need to be 'easier' for them?
      Also, whoever the guy is that sat in a meeting and convinced those present that this nerf made sense is in the wrong job. He should be selling oil to the arabs.

  • @bubbabenali
    @bubbabenali 7 лет назад

    Man yeah, Galnet should be implemented like Euronews (the news channel) - short newsbits in an endless loop with some pics, a short video and FD could even use a voice synthesizer.Turn it on and its the background of the info window and gets muted or turned down when a coms message comes in.

  • @Just_som_Ottur
    @Just_som_Ottur 7 лет назад

    The only way something can become biologically adaptable is by the process of evolving over thousands of years, or surviving an initial, extreme insult of health (be it physical or mental (in one such case, is a human's ability to no longer suffer grease burns after being repetitively burned). So how the hell all these Thargoids are now suddenly "immune or mostly immune" is kindof interesting. I highly hope that frontier has good reason for this.
    Or maybe they could make only the ones that have survived player attacks stronger, as an "elite" variant?
    Either way it's not that much concern to me, yet, as I picked the absolute worst time to restart my account and move out (I was unable to play for months with my parents, and now I'm here - a ways away sure, but some serious shit's on its way).

  • @Kaleban
    @Kaleban 7 лет назад

    You know, I remember blasting endless Thargoids in my Cobra Mk. III with a front mounted Military Laser, and then setting off an Energy Bomb when it became too overwhelming.
    If a game is going to have a Solo Mode, then content needs to be engage-able at that level as well.
    If Thargoids are "adapting" then FDev SHOULD have upped their resistances, rather than nerf the missiles. If it's a question of effectiveness against other players, then they could have just "fixed" the AX missiles so that the payload was ineffectual against standard non-biological hulls. Nerfing the missiles was stupid, we all know it was stupid, and FDev knows we know. They should revert the change and figure a better way to do it.
    As for Galnet, I've said since day one that FDev should either have someone in house or pay a bunch of RUclips Streamers to create video content along the lines of news broadcasts that we can watch on our ship monitors. There is a HUGE unexploited content gap that could be filled by simply allowing us to open a floating UI "monitor" that can be moved anywhere on the screen (i.e. not having to look at a panel) and is able to stream content created by FDev, RUclips streamers such as VJ or Blind Pew, ship build tutorials, engineering stuff, etc.
    Just having it in game rather than having to Alt-Tab everytime you need to find an out of game reference would do wonders for immersion and gameplay. I LOATHE the trend in games development these days that allows designers to rely on the community surrounding their product to "fill in the gaps" of lore, technical specs, tutorials, and all the other content that requires 30 browser bookmarks as reference.

  • @egood1225
    @egood1225 7 лет назад

    I for one applaud Frontier for lessening the effect of the missile system. I participated in the first CG, but didn't do it to gain an insight into how I can cheapen the Thargoid presence. When 2.4 was released, everyone scrambled to get an idea of what the Thargoids represented, and their role in future action. Now, I see RUclips videos showing how best to kill a Thargoid ship in mass amounts. It's sad that some people grow angry at the missile being nerfed. I think the Thargoids should be seen as a major challenge within the game. Less than a week after 2.4 was released, and people now yawn at the concept of a Thargoid attack. There are people within ED who have accumulated billions of credits. A rebuy after a failed Thargoid attack means a ship is out of the fight for 10-15 minutes -- maybe less. So now that Frontier has responded in a great way, people cry and complain that their toys don't work as well as before.
    Plus think about it this way: Frontier developers worked for a long time to bring the Thargoids into existence. Imagine how these developers would feel after their hard work has become a mere bump in the road.
    As far as having Galnet become a more responsive system, rather than something few people use, I like it. Before 2.4, I felt as if I was 2 steps behind everyone else. There are too many external posts and ideas that are valid and useful -- but someone who doesn't scan the extra information is lost. I can't imagine how difficult it could be for a new player to get acclimated to ED, but I really doubt some of the advanced people will take the time to do this -- instead, they're too busy working on buying their fifth Anaconda.

  • @LunchboxGaming
    @LunchboxGaming 7 лет назад

    Still not going to Open FD... I'll play when I can manage in Solo.

  • @chioxin
    @chioxin 7 лет назад

    You are very correct about the story elements of the game. I quit playing because I found instead of experiencing story elements, I was just youtubing and reading about them. I simply said "F this" and uninstalled after I got tired of grinding. Gorgeous and amazing game, but ultimately boring (for me.)

  • @Eclecticsignal
    @Eclecticsignal 7 лет назад

    The news pop up is great idea! Come on FDev sort this out!

  • @LedoCool1
    @LedoCool1 7 лет назад

    I actually would say that this nerf is bad. Some people didn't get onboard and now they've lost the chance to start with weaker thargoids. As a result there will be 5% players who do these raids and others will do other stuff.

  • @MrGhosthacked
    @MrGhosthacked 7 лет назад +2

    Put The Story In The Game. Not On Reddit.

  • @stevenjolliffe1521
    @stevenjolliffe1521 7 лет назад

    great ideal

  • @senseisprotege3632
    @senseisprotege3632 7 лет назад

    This entire approach makes me not even consider community goals or interacting with Thargoids now.
    I'll wait until a relatively hardfast rules are established after Frontier has finally decided they've got it balanced or whatever. Like a goty edition of a game with all DLC & major bugs worked out.
    I'm finding less & less reason to continue playing this game.
    Shooting, Jumping, Scanning, Scooping, Starport.
    It's all just numbers, like an Orbital Oregon Trail. Zero personality.
    I finally understand the phrase, Lost in Space. What is there to do in this game anymore? Make money?
    Frontier-"Nope, Nerf!!!

  • @satanswombat
    @satanswombat 7 лет назад +1

    Ok. Now explain why the thargoids evolving made the missiles less effective against human ships? I work for knee-jerk lying assholes and can spot lies like this a mile away as a result. They went in a huff because people discovered how to kill their "big bad" and flat out nerfed the game content in a fit of pique. ** rolls eyes** Watch them do it again to the new multi-cannon ax's now people are still solo-ing interceptors using them.

  • @cmdrvonroerich9947
    @cmdrvonroerich9947 7 лет назад

    Lets not forget that the Thargoids are capable of measured response. They do scan our ships after all. We are in this situation because of Thargoid Gankers and very good solo combat pilots. So why are the rest of us paying the price for that ? Could the developers not have devised a method of Karma ? I mostly only use my weapons in self defense as do many others. If the Thargoids are to be an all out aggressive alien race, then they should have been that from the beginning. The whole storyline is illogical and not very believably immersive.

  • @bangalorewolf5952
    @bangalorewolf5952 7 лет назад

    They didn't"need" the missiles. The Thargoids adapted.
    Why do gamers always freak out when developers put things to make the game more challenging?

  • @solidus3168
    @solidus3168 7 лет назад

    LOL this MUST be MINI's fault.....

    • @solidus3168
      @solidus3168 7 лет назад

      FDev: "Mini ganged up on Thargoids with 3 Wings, Hundreds of AX missiles, instant death to Thargoids......So the Thargoids have 'Evolved' "

  • @DrJun187
    @DrJun187 7 лет назад +1

    you wont feel the impact of all the nerf are throwing at the players like crackhead throwing money at crack if you stop playing the game, think about it. thats what i did #Feelsgoodman

  • @razorian100
    @razorian100 7 лет назад +3

    I've been waiting for this nerf for a long time (1 day ) I always wanted the thargoids to be an enemy that cannot be taken on solo, something that would make you go Nope'' mode. The harder the better. (No puns intended)

  • @donwald3436
    @donwald3436 7 лет назад

    Oh come on, we all know that the real reason is players were getting through the "content" (such as it is) too fast for their taste and they wanted to stretch it out more. Same reason Diarrhea got nerfed, stacking got nerfed, any time someone finds a way to do something faster FDev makes it much slower.

  • @pukalo
    @pukalo 4 года назад

    typo in title

  • @suavevalen
    @suavevalen 7 лет назад

    It should be very difficult to destroy them. I agree with the nerf

  • @Kalas82
    @Kalas82 7 лет назад +13

    probably one of the worst moves FDev pulled since along time. do they not posses the ability to increase the Goids resitances?
    nerfing the weapon doesn't make any sense whatsoever....buffing Goids would've and if they just offered the GalNet post-> alright, but through patchnotes the community got see the disaster unfold.
    also many people, myself included feel like community goals do not serve any purpose anymore. you grind-goal to push the narrative and bäm all progress gone. this might make sense on a story Level, but is realy shitty gameplay.

  • @virdog
    @virdog 7 лет назад

    Unsearchable Galnet. What a joke in its current state.

  • @senseisprotege3632
    @senseisprotege3632 7 лет назад

    2.4 The Nerfurn

  • @RicardoFerrariBRKs
    @RicardoFerrariBRKs 7 лет назад


  • @davidkennedy6208
    @davidkennedy6208 7 лет назад

    Great ideas there mate, they should employ ya I think!!! You are spot on with the points you make. This would make things far more 'alive' than what they currently are. I love the game, but I've only been playing since May this year and don't want to end up losing all interest in the game. At the min I'm still working my way through things, and trying out this and that. When ive tried everything and grown tired of my favourites, and got all the ships (and kitted them all out) I need something to keep my Interest up. Already I've noticed that there is a fairly limited variation on planet types. Surely when you've landed on all types (I think I might have near enough done that already) and driven round and seen all the types of surfaces and installations, what then??? Another great vid thanks again mate!!!

  • @le_med
    @le_med 7 лет назад

    They have no idea wtf an mmo is and what is needed to make immersion fun.
    Galnet sucks, there is no global chat channels and that for a start is utterly ridiculous for a game set in the 34th century

  • @hellscorpio82
    @hellscorpio82 7 лет назад +3

    What a lazy dev!reason for this?hmmm nerf it reason for that nerf it what to do about it? grind it! don't know but i have this feeling if nms gets the it right in one more or two updates or star citizen nail it when released and the way frontier takes to release engaging content alot of players will begin to abandon this sinking ship it's getting real dificult to stay interested in this game in it's current state!

  • @solduspython
    @solduspython 7 лет назад

    Ppl crying nerf, how do you think the thargoids felt. After many months, humans went from tiny squishy dots too a force capable of killing thargoids in a day. Thats 1 huge buff, if thargoids could cry over theyre nerf n humans buff, im sure they would

  • @anulovlos
    @anulovlos 7 лет назад

    Sensible or not, the way it was given to us looks like a terrible rationalization of a dumb decision.

  • @lukedudley5030
    @lukedudley5030 7 лет назад

    I agree the nerf is a good thing whats the point of thrgoid invasion if its not scarey.

  • @kevinedward6132
    @kevinedward6132 7 лет назад

    They fucked up an update and then just made it lore instead of admitting they fucked up weapon stats. You can still zerg with many ships making the adaption excuse even more pathetic.

  • @jasonthacker2912
    @jasonthacker2912 7 лет назад +9

    You're DEFENDING this garbage?
    I clicked Subscribe because you made a video explaining it.
    Then I heard you Defend it...never unsubscribed from something that quick in my life.
    There's no excuse for this. It's poor design. It's disrespectful of player time, effort and agency. It clearly displays a lack of planning and care.
    This is the work of an amateur DAM whose Friday night D&D campaign has allowed players to become overpowered. The ONLY reason to defend this would be some sort of financial interest in the games continued existence.

    • @VindicatorJones
      @VindicatorJones  7 лет назад +5

      Thats fair enough, everyone has an opinion. The idea of the thargoids adapting to our new weapons is not unreasonable. If the borg can do it, why not the thargoids. However, how frontier have implemented this change sucks. Their is no denying that. But instead of just whinging about the topic, I try and see both sides of the argument, and then offer some creative solutions on how it could have been handled better. If that dosent resonate with you, thats perfectly fine. My channel is not about bashing, but constructive criticism.

    • @FevnorTheWolf
      @FevnorTheWolf 7 лет назад +1

      My only issue is instead of keeping the weapon the same un increasing the resistance of the thargoids they nerfed the actual weapons.
      They could of bumped the Thargoid resistance. I would of bought that "Adaptation" thing.
      When you put on a bullet proof vest does the gun theoretically aimed at you all of a sudden turn into a pellet gun when it was a fucking cannon before? Yea that's a crude comparison but damn, It feels like thats bassicly what FDEV did and called it Adaptation.

  • @praetor47
    @praetor47 7 лет назад +22

    no. it doesn't make one iota of sense. it's completely and utterly nonsensical to explain a WEAPON NERF (to reduce damage to normal ships) with "thargoids are adapting", particularly when they nerfed the WRONG STAT by a whopping 98% and tried presenting it as "working as intended"). just no. that's just fanboyish excuses to "explain" FDev's bullshit. there's nothing positive or sensible in this.
    you used to make good videos. why turn to irrational fanboyism defending an inept developer?

  • @nezurrak
    @nezurrak 7 лет назад

    People forget that the game is focused on realism, we are going to have to find a poison, or a toxic element that they cannot become immune to, like humans cannot become immune to cyanide, or arsenic.

    • @GK-wn6ur
      @GK-wn6ur 7 лет назад

      Lol, your first phrase is comedic gold! If you think this game is focused on realism you may have a serious problem with the concept of real. Even the 'fiction' elements of this Sci-fi game are implausible and inconsistent. Of course I'll grant you it's a matter of perspective. If by 'realism' you mean capturing the mundane, repetitive aspects of every day life then yes, this game maybe the most realistic game I've played.

    • @nezurrak
      @nezurrak 7 лет назад

      If it is so mundane then why do you play it. 👈🏻

    • @GK-wn6ur
      @GK-wn6ur 7 лет назад

      Such a typical canned response. I played it because I enjoyed the genre, I've largely stopped because it's failed to live up to its potential. I still watch vids and comment because of the great potential I feel for of what this game could become. However, once again this 'update' just seems to confirm that this game's fatal flaw is the developer and what appears to their overwhelmingly lazy approach to this game. A laziness that should have been laid bare to all but the most delusional of fan bois with how the AX missile nerf was handled.

    • @nezurrak
      @nezurrak 7 лет назад

      If that is how you feel that's fine, but you would be better going on the forums if you want to preach.

  • @lurom5657
    @lurom5657 7 лет назад

    cannot agree more. ... gameplay is Way to shallow

  • @N7Tigger
    @N7Tigger 7 лет назад

    I had already pretty much quit the game when I found out the hundreds of hours I spent engineering my ship was a waste of time because the Tharoids can't be damaged by existing weapons and bypass shields. This bullshit just vallidates my decision. Fuck Elite Dangerous and fuck Frontier.

  • @SusannaSaunders
    @SusannaSaunders 7 лет назад

    sorry but this is all just bullshit. FDev screwed up and are now covering their arses! You didn't add the forum link to FDev's whitewash of this nerf...

  • @arcisexcelsior3504
    @arcisexcelsior3504 7 лет назад

    Because this aint yo game. Its fdev's game! They do whatever they please with it

  • @bangalorewolf5952
    @bangalorewolf5952 7 лет назад

    Reading through the comments...I see quite a bit of butt hurt crying.