charly jarrett haven’t played the metal gear solid games... well kinda but I got the full collection. I could argue with you about the other thing but instead I’m gonna ask you what are your thoughts are on the metal gear solid games? I played 5 for like 5 hours but then stopped playing because of other games and didn’t return because I wanted to finish the others first.
Sam Percival I hated rdr2. I know most people really liked it but what can you do you know. It just wasn’t really my thing and I ultimately didn’t enjoy it. Oh well, outstanding graphics though. I thought the last of us was more cinematic anyway but you know that’s just what I think.
For me top five to this current date goes 5. Assassins Creed Syndicate 4. Assasins Creed 3 3. Assassins Creed 2 2. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag 1. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
My favourite game of all time; Renaissance Italy is the perfect setting for a game like this, Ezio was such a rich and relatable protagonist and the storyline was simply phenomenal and incredibly emotional. Not to mention the beauty of the city locations, esp Venice, or the touching soundtrack, esp "Ezio's family" and "Salvation of Forli"
One of the things i liked most about the old assassin's creed games were the beautiful landscapes. Sure, the graphics have improved in the newest releases, but they don't offer cities as rich on places to visit and see as Assassins's Creed 2 did. The atmostphere in this game was magical. Exploring the recently found America with its puny villages and huts was nothing compared to exploring Reneissaince Italy.
1:45 I've always appreciated how the soldier's buddies patiently waited for you to finish brutalizing their friend before attacking... The only part of this game I didn't really appreciate... even though I said I did a second ago.
This game will forever hold a special place in my heart. It was my first PS3 game back in the Christmas of 2009 when I got my PS3 slim. I stayed up all night playing it, amazed by the open world. It was my first true open world game.
He was right, the Ezio trilogy is amazing. The real decline of the series only came with Unity, that besides all the issues it had/has, still a good game in some ways.
MrSnufflesFTW Just played through it again, at any point in time I can say that this game is the best of the series, but every time I reach the end of an AC2 playthrough, I not only say that it's the best one but I also sing it's praises
I'd give this a 9.5/10. The only thing that is keeping it from a 10 is the combat system. Countering with a hidden blade is hard and swords are basically useless (they take a long time to kill someone). Overall a great game
This game will always be one of my favourite games. It's story, missions, Assassin's Tombs, DLC and Ezio himself are a good improvement to the original's repetetive and forgettable story driven gameplay. This game is a blast, no other game like it 10/10
I miss this, its magic, the simpler, happier times in my life when I played through it and the rest of the Ezio Trilogy. I think one of the last things I'll reminisce about as I'm on my deathbed will be how I spent hours going around Venice, Florence, Rome, Istanbul, taking in a... virtual environment, listening to the incredible ambiental music. I wish we could get the Ezio Trilogy on the go.
In my opinion The first one was good but repetitive. The Ezio trilogy is phenomenal. 3 Was pretty lame. 4 was pretty good, but nowhere near as good as the Ezio trilogy.
I played the first when it was released and thought it was amazing- even replayed it twice. The Ezio games were an improvement, AC3 was.. Let's not go there, AC4 was back on the right track. ;)
Funny. It looks like everyone forgot that this game was incomplete and that you had to pay for 2 sequences in the middle of the game. People also seem to forget that you can't replay missions at all in AC2, which was a terrible mistake from the developers' part. Yet many people refer to it as the best game in the series. My favorite is Brotherhood. It's what AC2 should've been in the first place, IMO.
Brotherhood was too short. AC2 had enough story to not feel like more of the game was in side missions, and enough side missions to not feel like once the story was done, the game was done. Brotherhood is easily the second best, if not tied with AC2, but I wouldn't put it ahead. And the missing sequences weren't really necessary to put in the actual game. If they had gone from sequence 11 to sequence 12, and made 12 the Vatican, the story wouldn't have made a difference. The additional 12 and 13 only filled in the time between almost killing Rodrigo, to him becoming Pope. And I don't particularly mind not replaying missions. I don't know. My opinion, really. Hope it made sense.
John Doe I hadn't seen it from that perspective. You're right, AC2 is longer. However, I found myself playing a lot more AC:B for 2 reasons. First, I loved the combat. I could spend hours slaughtering guards all over Rome without getting tired of it. Second, the multiplayer. It was new, fun, and it gave the game lots of replay value. The DLC sequences were fillers, I agree. My problem with it was that it felt like a gimmick to get more money out of the fans of the series. I personally do mind not being able to replay missions. It's a huge part of the game's replay value. Some missions were more enjoyable than others. Some missions had more possible approaches than others. Trying out new things is always fun. Anyway, that's just my opinion and I appreciate that you took the time to share yours.
I have followed AC since the first game informer article a year before the first game launched, and I have loved every single one of them. My favorite game series of all time
Playing AC Unity makes me long for the two hidden blades that ezio had. The horses. Multiple cities to travel to and not one fucking huge city with districts. Storylines that fucking make sense, Epic assassinations unlike assassinations oblivious to intenseness.
As modern games get worse and worse, we look back on games like this and replay them to reexperience their glory. It almost makes you feel sad for the newer generations that get to play watered down games like fortnite.
If you were a real fan of the AC series, all of them were amazing except AC 4. AC4 isn't even about the assassins, really. It's more lighter, which isn't meant for an AC game. The story kinda sucked. AC3 atleast was good. AC4 may have had a good gameplay, but it's not an AC game. It's simply not
The Best Assassin's Creed game, and my personal favourite game of all time. Jesper Kyd's music for this game is just so perfect. So sad to see what it has become nowadays...
Playing through 4 right now. I have to say once I complete it, I'll be done with the series. I'm just bored with it, not sure why. Ezio was definitely the highlight of the series. I was happy with 3, and 4 is also excellent, but I just don't want anymore. I don't care to go onto unity and syndicate
Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can’t savor all the… little emotions. In… you see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which of them were cowards?
+Stjepan Furlan I agree it's the best AC (haven't played Rogue or Unity yet though), but it's because every game from AC2 to AC4 just improved on the game before it.
AC4 was not the best. AC3 in my opinion is far superior to 4. I absolutely hate naval combat and which Ubi would stick to the original plan with crowded cities
SquidDoesMinecraft That only explains why you personally *like* AC3 more than 4; it doesn't make a case for it being better. And I don't understand what you mean about "crowded cities". I didn't notice any fundamental difference between the cities in AC4 and the cities in AC3, except the ones in AC4 had more detail, and more opportunities to practice your stealth.
Thanks a lot guys. Just finished AC2, will be starting Brotherhood once i am done with Drakes Fortune Uncharted. Really enjoyed AC 2. Funny thing is i played AC3 first and noticed a major difference.
this game is good but it doesn't deserve a 9.2 it deserves an 8.0 the reason is not that it is easy, it's that ubisoft wastes too much time teaching you the controls slowly, the first half of the game is boring the second half is good, if you think i'm being stupid please stop lying to yourselves.
I've no clue why companies dropped the idea of creating stories like AC2 or Mass Effect, which consists out of 3 games. The main reason why both AC2 and ME were so great, is bc devs built layer upon layer, ultimately creating engaging story and the sequel would start from nearly the same point you've finished original game.
K Hewett Okay so I went to my local game place and got AC2 amd Red Dead Redemption and the guy said thay this was suppose to be in the back but this is a risk game which means we will sell it for 75 cents and so far it's working on my Xbox One just fine 😂😂😂😂😂.
so hard to choose which game is the best . ac2 amazing story and characters . ac4 huge open world and adventure or ac3 deep story brutal combat and hunting. I loved all games tho
Who could say this is the best AC game? I expected so much from what I hear on the internet. But no, I struggled trying to figure out what was so amazing. The story was "good" it's nothing close to amazing. Goodness Gracious... AC4,Revelations and 3 were FAR better then this. Highly Over Rated...
It's obvious that you didn't play the game when it was first released. This game was released in 2009 and was arguably the best game at the time. The story was amazing, an interesting tale of revenge that saw a man go from an arrogant aristocrat to the master of Assassins and the greatest fighter of his time. His taster for revenge also brought him to something larger than he could ever imagine, and then he understood the true meaning of his life. Revelations had an OK story, but amazing gameplay, AC3 should not even be mentioned it is a disgrace to all games, and AC4 while it was good, did not feel like an AC game, but more like a pirate game. Overall, you really needed to play AC2 when it was first released to understand how amazing it was, it's like out parents telling us about the Atari, they go on about how amazing it was, but when we try to play it, we think it's shit. It had a generic revenge plot, And what the hell do you mean Revelations had an OK story? It wrapped up the story of Altair and Ezioand had an emotional ending! Just another AC fanboy doing anything he can to protect his sacred game...
FreeRoamFTW AC2 had more than a generic revenge plot my friend, you are simplifying the story too much while taking Revelations story and glamorizing it. Revelations was ok, not bad, it wrapped up things too fast, and TBH didn't give the best ending that Ezio and Altair deserved. AC2 however is the pinnacle of greatness in the AC franchise, it had an enormous plot, that started out as a revenge story, but then developed into something bigger and epic. You see only a revenge story, but you fail to see the other elements as well, a man trying to find his place in the world, choosing right from wrong, and becoming the Master Assassin and controlling the Apple of Eden. And again, it's obvious you didn't play this game when it first came out, therefore you have no understanding of how much this shaped up the entire AC franchise and embodied all the themes and stories we loved about AC. AC 2 had everything, it had revenge, power, corruption, prophecy, sex, symbols, hidden meanings AC2 was an EPIC itself, it embodied soo many aspects of life, and was able to portray all these aspects within an Italian playboy.
You tell me I'm simplifying AC 2's story yet you say ACR's wasn't good either. Hypocritical, it's just my opinion don't understand why your shoving yours down my throat and getting all butthurt...
FreeRoamFTW Come on guys, we can all agree on one thing. The franchise as a whole is epic, no matter what discrepancies come along the way. Let's just pray to god the next game does not happen to be a buggy mess :D
Assassin’s Creed 2 is awesome. You can go and play side missions when you want. Whenever I moved into a new area I located and climbed all of the viewpoints, I purchased all of the paintings and treasure maps and collected all of the treasures. I completed most of the assassination tasks and found them a great part of this game. I enjoyed all of this because I am a plodder and not so good at all in timed events, and from comments left on-line I’m not the only one to get frustrated with the timed events and believe they spoil a good game. This however is another great asset of this game; if you accept a side mission and then find it too difficult, you can abort the mission and try it again later. Or leave it undone. I have just completed the game having amassed 1,302,126 florins (what’s that in euros?). I have collected 47 feathers and have returned to a couple of cities to complete four or five assassination contracts that I didn’t complete during the game and also completed a timed horseback ride (unusual for me). I never went back to the tombs to complete the two timed runs, which I hate. I could not have done it without the very helpful help and videos on RUclips; it was nice to see how different people did the tasks and how the differed from my solutions. Thanks guys for this help. It is another good reason for tackling the game such a long time after its release. And being able to buy it used from Ebay.
Did you ever get all of the feathers? That was the only collectible/side quest I found to be tedious and never bothered with the feathers. The assassinations and beat up missions were fun though. Too bad that there were less than 30 of those. The tombs were not bad, but without the RUclips guides, they can be tricky.
[95/100] AC II [90/100] AC Brotherhood [90/100] AC Revelations [85/100] AC IV: Black Flag [85/100] AC Unity [80/100] AC Rogue [80/100] AC III [80/100] AC
Ezio has and probably will have the best story and setting EVER, i'm kind of dissapointed that here wasn't a season change like in Ac3 but.... Best AC game EVER!!!
I remember the fascination I felt when saw this on my uncle's computer. Play it for just a few minutes before he gets back to the machine, is one of my best memories from my teenage years. And now I finally have a computer to take the most of this legend, after all those years.
AC3 is pretty damn good. The developers put a lot of love into the setting and that might be my favourite part. There's just something cool about the 18th century, and I think they nailed it.
That thumbnail is the most 2009 thing I've ever seen 😂
Is This Rain? Looks more like 1999 then 2009
i was literally coming to comment this but okay then 🤣
@@sh_i_ro yeah yeah
Well it was uploaded in 2009 :/
This is the most 2018 comment I’ve seen
2 reasons I loved this game:
-masterpiece soundtrack
Story? Seriously? That was my main problem with this. They destroyed the plot of the original.
The true pinnacle of the assassin's creed series
***** Yes I agree, I like it how Edward also has a bit of charm to him, that really makes me like him. It is like Ezio if he was a pirate!
AC2 and AC Brotherhood truly Legendary. AC4 was a very nice step for Ubisoft getting close to what AC was, hopefully they keep it going.
tbh ac2 wasnt rly that great most overrated ac game and i cant wait for ac unity to take that spot ac2 doent deserve
The burgerflipp If you didn't enjoy AC2 then I don't know what to say since its the best out of all of them just FYI but thats your opinion
Hao Luong i did enjoy ac2 but if compare it with all the ohers ac games its not that great imo ofc im not forcing anyone to agree with me
"your sister seemed quite satisfied with the handling I gave her earlier" - ezio
get rekt
get rekt
get rekt
get rekt
"Don't you recognize me? It's a me, Mario." LOL
Guys this was the first game which resonated so strongly with me it felt like a movie or tv series in some points.
The Uncharted games are the closest I’ve ever seen to movies or tv shows.
charly jarrett haven’t played the metal gear solid games... well kinda but I got the full collection. I could argue with you about the other thing but instead I’m gonna ask you what are your thoughts are on the metal gear solid games? I played 5 for like 5 hours but then stopped playing because of other games and didn’t return because I wanted to finish the others first.
@@wakkjobbwizard Played rdr2? That and the last of us are the two games I'd say are the closest to a film I've played.
Sam Percival I hated rdr2. I know most people really liked it but what can you do you know. It just wasn’t really my thing and I ultimately didn’t enjoy it. Oh well, outstanding graphics though. I thought the last of us was more cinematic anyway but you know that’s just what I think.
@@wakkjobbwizard Oh really? I loved it, personally.
Still the greatest Assassin's Creed to date
I liked this game, too.
I like Syndicate better but 2 is great
I liked brotherhood more, but both were great.
For me top five to this current date goes
5. Assassins Creed Syndicate
4. Assasins Creed 3
3. Assassins Creed 2
2. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag
1. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
@@DC-Supreme how have you put Assassin's Creed 2 as number 3 😯
My favourite game of all time; Renaissance Italy is the perfect setting for a game like this, Ezio was such a rich and relatable protagonist and the storyline was simply phenomenal and incredibly emotional. Not to mention the beauty of the city locations, esp Venice, or the touching soundtrack, esp "Ezio's family" and "Salvation of Forli"
I need to find a life and stop replaying this game
You're not alone. I'm on my fourth replay. Nothing beats the storyline and music.
Still holds up 15 years later.
One of the things i liked most about the old assassin's creed games were the beautiful landscapes. Sure, the graphics have improved in the newest releases, but they don't offer cities as rich on places to visit and see as Assassins's Creed 2 did. The atmostphere in this game was magical. Exploring the recently found America with its puny villages and huts was nothing compared to exploring Reneissaince Italy.
9 years ago.. damn
The atmosphere of the cities was something else
1:45 I've always appreciated how the soldier's buddies patiently waited for you to finish brutalizing their friend before attacking... The only part of this game I didn't really appreciate... even though I said I did a second ago.
Assassins Creed 1 is an unpolished diamond. Ubisoft polished that diamond and realeased Assassins Creed 2.
Assassins creed 1 was a repetitive diamond.
VULCAN1135 lol but you still played that bitch though so
R.I.P logic
NIGHT2PWN Yea and?
VULCAN1135 ...And have a nice day buddy!
This game is phenomenal.
This game will forever hold a special place in my heart. It was my first PS3 game back in the Christmas of 2009 when I got my PS3 slim. I stayed up all night playing it, amazed by the open world. It was my first true open world game.
For me, it is the best game of all time.
Completely agree. This one was perfect before the AC series started to decline and just rehash new game after new game.
MATti Gedeon Lol, you must've not played any other game then, cause this shit does not hold up.
but it has no guns.
absoloutely not i've played it twice and it just isn't play other games ffs
The AC2 fanwanking is real.
Anyone here because of the remaster hype?
me !
hhhhhhhh yup
Yes I am! Come on Ubi, officially announce it already!
"In the path towards greatness" I bet this guy regrets saying that nowadays
Midgardsormr he does not... only haters like you who just follow the common trend for hating ubisoft do... dumbass
He was right, the Ezio trilogy is amazing. The real decline of the series only came with Unity, that besides all the issues it had/has, still a good game in some ways.
Silvers Rayleigh lmao
Silvers Rayleigh ea>ubisoft
Still my favourite game of all time!
MrSnufflesFTW Just played through it again, at any point in time I can say that this game is the best of the series, but every time I reach the end of an AC2 playthrough, I not only say that it's the best one but I also sing it's praises
mine too dude
Mine too. It's a shame the series didnt improve after this.
Adam Anwar it actually improved i like AC2 more but BF,Bro,Rev,Syndicate are superb too.
MrSnufflesFTW me too
I'd give this a 9.5/10. The only thing that is keeping it from a 10 is the combat system. Countering with a hidden blade is hard and swords are basically useless (they take a long time to kill someone). Overall a great game
The hidden blade counter is EASY as shit. It takes me like 10 seconds to kill 3 guys
TheJonnie44 And the sword of altair kills really fast
TheJonnie44 It takes you 10 seconds to kill 3 guys?, your slow my friend, I can kill 6 guys in 10 seconds
I can kill fast with swords, just use dodge skill and it's easy, and you do it with style :D
***** Assassins creed II.
AC2 will always be the best in the series, Ezio ftw!
I just beat this game for the 1st time today.I love the world.
Me too
Ah..this guy wasn't prepared for the corona virus.
I beat it yesterday
It was such and good gaming experience 7 years ago. Getting to play it again along with its sequels is dope
What gets me is that he said whores, were as in todays worth he could NOT get away with that. How times havd changed
This is one of my all time favorite games. The soundtrack is so nostalgic
3:48 little did they know...
It has to put the series path toward greatness? they did know a little indeed. to this day AC2 is the best AC game
@@parhamabedian2620 nostalgia holding u down
"Its a-me, Mario" is still one of the best lines in this game.
In my opinion, this was the best game in the whole franchise. There were multiple big cities , and it was the biggest leap from 1 to 2
Can’t believe this is 10+ years old I wil come back to this on the 20th anniversary
This game will always be one of my favourite games. It's story, missions, Assassin's Tombs, DLC and Ezio himself are a good improvement to the original's repetetive and forgettable story driven gameplay.
This game is a blast, no other game like it
dont forget the soundtrack too
I miss this, its magic, the simpler, happier times in my life when I played through it and the rest of the Ezio Trilogy. I think one of the last things I'll reminisce about as I'm on my deathbed will be how I spent hours going around Venice, Florence, Rome, Istanbul, taking in a... virtual environment, listening to the incredible ambiental music. I wish we could get the Ezio Trilogy on the go.
I’m playing it on the Switch now
Saying that AC4 is the best one, on the reviews of AC2 is disgraceful
+Enzo M87 really. I though acbrotherhood came pretty close to matching it.
Assassins creed 1,2,3 remastered on next gen please.
yes, Especially AC1, add a currency system and better camera angles, some music and it'll be like AC2 ... sorta
Assassins creed 2 is on Xbox with backwards compatible
Really? I was thinking about getting it, maybe I will now. Thanks
Yea no problem, many other good titles coming, bioshock, fallout 3 is already out to
1:38 "It's me! Mario!"
Got that right man! If it sounds like Mario, it IS Mario!
2020 and it’s still the best of the series!
This is probably on my top 3 list of the greatest games of all time along with AC Brotherhood and Skyrim
TadejVig truth 👍
TadejVig Actually, I need to go outside at least once a year
hhyukhyhhg today, i opened the door for my mom, and i saw sunlight, yeah
I'm old, bros, i'm old...
First game is old enough to drive a car
2:46 kinda surprised by “whores.” Damn IGN
He just threw it out there LOL
This video was 10 years ago
Damn it! I jumped on the AC train late! I played this one back in September. Gonna get AC4 as soon as i'm done with 3.
In my opinion The first one was good but repetitive. The Ezio trilogy is phenomenal. 3 Was pretty lame. 4 was pretty good, but nowhere near as good as the Ezio trilogy.
I played the first when it was released and thought it was amazing- even replayed it twice. The Ezio games were an improvement, AC3 was.. Let's not go there, AC4 was back on the right track. ;)
I never noticed how similar ezio and Desmond look
9.2 because its easy?! Might as well make it as hard as dark souls! YOU DIED
Exactly my point i agree
Actually he's right
I'm disagree I don't like that game
I'm totally not an achievemnt hunter, but this was a 1000/1000 points together with 3 other games for a good reason.
I remember talking about how awesome this game was at recess with friends in fourth grade, man good times.
CraZoVideoZ I'm 14, almost 15 and a freshman
@@Batterup9777 hey now you're like 19
"Your sister seemed satisfied from what I did earlier"
You ruined the quote
You butchered that quote
who are watching in 2015?
me XD
+The Idiot me xd
+The Idiot is watching.
My only problem is the story in the present time! I hate 'The end of the world' story :P
Im so happy they didn't use it in AC4!
I am the complete opposite.
Time flies by so quickly doesn't it? 😌
It sure does!
Funny. It looks like everyone forgot that this game was incomplete and that you had to pay for 2 sequences in the middle of the game.
People also seem to forget that you can't replay missions at all in AC2, which was a terrible mistake from the developers' part. Yet many people refer to it as the best game in the series. My favorite is Brotherhood. It's what AC2 should've been in the first place, IMO.
Brotherhood was too short. AC2 had enough story to not feel like more of the game was in side missions, and enough side missions to not feel like once the story was done, the game was done. Brotherhood is easily the second best, if not tied with AC2, but I wouldn't put it ahead. And the missing sequences weren't really necessary to put in the actual game. If they had gone from sequence 11 to sequence 12, and made 12 the Vatican, the story wouldn't have made a difference. The additional 12 and 13 only filled in the time between almost killing Rodrigo, to him becoming Pope. And I don't particularly mind not replaying missions. I don't know. My opinion, really. Hope it made sense.
John Doe I hadn't seen it from that perspective. You're right, AC2 is longer. However, I found myself playing a lot more AC:B for 2 reasons. First, I loved the combat. I could spend hours slaughtering guards all over Rome without getting tired of it. Second, the multiplayer. It was new, fun, and it gave the game lots of replay value. The DLC sequences were fillers, I agree. My problem with it was that it felt like a gimmick to get more money out of the fans of the series.
I personally do mind not being able to replay missions. It's a huge part of the game's replay value. Some missions were more enjoyable than others. Some missions had more possible approaches than others. Trying out new things is always fun. Anyway, that's just my opinion and I appreciate that you took the time to share yours.
0096luke What other games do you play?
back when ubisoft was good
Arizona Cardinals meanwhile, Watch Dogs 2...
Anybody here after it is free on uplay?
AC2 had the best story, Brotherhood the best setting and AC3 the best combat. at least for me personally
Are you kidding? AC4 has the best setting. Brotherhood and Revelations are too much like 2 and the setting is very similar.
2:45 whores?? really? from a professional review site?
Well thats what they were called back then.
Brandon Miller *Courtesans.
Skamkel Tjorvason No women were called whores to.
HAHAHAHAHHA ''professional''
Go be buttthurt elsewhere
I have followed AC since the first game informer article a year before the first game launched, and I have loved every single one of them. My favorite game series of all time
Playing AC Unity makes me long for the two hidden blades that ezio had. The horses. Multiple cities to travel to and not one fucking huge city with districts. Storylines that fucking make sense, Epic assassinations unlike assassinations oblivious to intenseness.
Still a masterpiece
Assassins Creed Unity-the only assassins creed game capable of competing with the awesomeness of assassins creed 2.cant wait for it!!!
What a thumbnail
A true product of its time
Back when assassin's creed was truly assassin's creed
best game soundtrack ever
Almost 10 years since the best game ever made came out. Miss those days.
I fee you, I’m on a nostalgia binge
4 years since this comment 💀
@@LadyFinger_I’m an old man now
Came back to search what is now gone from current ubisoft
As modern games get worse and worse, we look back on games like this and replay them to reexperience their glory. It almost makes you feel sad for the newer generations that get to play watered down games like fortnite.
All of us Assassins creed fans can agree that all Ac games are amazingvexcept for Ac3
If you were a real fan of the AC series, all of them were amazing except AC 4.
AC4 isn't even about the assassins, really. It's more lighter, which isn't meant for an AC game. The story kinda sucked. AC3 atleast was good. AC4 may have had a good gameplay, but it's not an AC game. It's simply not
the villans were the best things in 3
Revelations was also kind of weak but still a good game, 3 had it's moments but for the most part it was sort of dull.
milly gribben 3s best part was until he spent the night at achillies
there's a lot of hate on AC3 but i liked Connor, the time period (even though far less amazing monuments to parkour) and the Frontier map
The second Assassins creed was most definitely without question one of the best!
The Best Assassin's Creed game, and my personal favourite game of all time. Jesper Kyd's music for this game is just so perfect. So sad to see what it has become nowadays...
Playing through 4 right now. I have to say once I complete it, I'll be done with the series. I'm just bored with it, not sure why. Ezio was definitely the highlight of the series. I was happy with 3, and 4 is also excellent, but I just don't want anymore. I don't care to go onto unity and syndicate
Play unity its awesome imo i loved the story you will love it
KingBlake picked it up for $10 actually, got past the intro but haven't touched it since, it feels really tired, I'll try to get through it
+adriandude85 Have you finished assassins creed black flag or are you still on it?
+Sammy Lastion 100% it already
Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can’t savor all the… little emotions. In… you see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which of them were cowards?
I think AC4 is one of the best because I wanted a Pirates of the Caribbean game so much and they didn't make it, and AC4 is a mix of those 2 games
Is it like the classic PC game Sid Meier's Pirates at all?
+Stjepan Furlan I agree it's the best AC (haven't played Rogue or Unity yet though), but it's because every game from AC2 to AC4 just improved on the game before it.
AC4 was not the best. AC3 in my opinion is far superior to 4. I absolutely hate naval combat and which Ubi would stick to the original plan with crowded cities
SquidDoesMinecraft That only explains why you personally *like* AC3 more than 4; it doesn't make a case for it being better. And I don't understand what you mean about "crowded cities". I didn't notice any fundamental difference between the cities in AC4 and the cities in AC3, except the ones in AC4 had more detail, and more opportunities to practice your stealth.
The soundtrack of ACII. Omg it is so beautiful!!
im getting AC 2, Brotherhood an Revelations. Can i expect them to be good fellas?
+Jordi Catalyst best trilogy in the world dude, enjoy them!, I wish I could forget everything about the games and play them again :(
Lucas Marinero Holy Fak ! Thanks man.. im looking forward to it!!
Its a little late but i guess so lol
+Jordi Catalyst so what did you think of them?
Thanks a lot guys. Just finished AC2, will be starting Brotherhood once i am done with Drakes Fortune Uncharted. Really enjoyed AC 2. Funny thing is i played AC3 first and noticed a major difference.
My favorite game of all time
this game is good but it doesn't deserve a 9.2 it deserves an 8.0 the reason is not that it is easy, it's that ubisoft wastes too much time teaching you the controls slowly, the first half of the game is boring the second half is good, if you think i'm being stupid please stop lying to yourselves.
You have a good point but for me it strengthens the deepness of the story
but for me it drastically weakens the gameplay
So people with opposite opinions are lying to themselves? -_-
no people who pretend to like the fact that they hold your hand for half the damn game are lying to themselves
I've no clue why companies dropped the idea of creating stories like AC2 or Mass Effect, which consists out of 3 games. The main reason why both AC2 and ME were so great, is bc devs built layer upon layer, ultimately creating engaging story and the sequel would start from nearly the same point you've finished original game.
That thumbnail 👌👌👌
7. ac1
6. unity
5. revelations
4. brotherhood
3. black flag
2. ac3
1. ac2
6. ACR
5. ACU
4. AC4
3. ACB
2. AC3
1. AC2
+stephen serna
1. Assassins Creed 3
2. Assassins Creed Unity, disregarding the bugs and performance issues
3. Assassins Creed Revelations
4. Assassins Creed 2
5. Assassins Creed 1
6. Assassins Creed Brotherhood
7. Assassins Creed Black Flag.
ac rouge
1.ac2 unity
4.ac1 brotherhood
6.ac3 revelations
Berserk Llama nah
1. ac2
2. black flag
I just purchased it for £1.50.
clear steal doe
K Hewett best 1.50 you ever spent my friend
K Hewett Okay so I went to my local game place and got AC2 amd Red Dead Redemption and the guy said thay this was suppose to be in the back but this is a risk game which means we will sell it for 75 cents and so far it's working on my Xbox One just fine 😂😂😂😂😂.
Holy crap that is cheap yo
K Hewett I just got it for £1. Best. Deal. Ever!
I’m replaying this on my Series X and I’m surprised at how well this 11 year old game holds up even today.
damn he said whores XD remember when you could say that? where has this world gone to
so hard to choose which game is the best . ac2 amazing story and characters . ac4 huge open world and adventure or ac3 deep story brutal combat and hunting. I loved all games tho
The best Assassins Creed game ever made
Who could say this is the best AC game? I expected so much from what I hear on the internet. But no, I struggled trying to figure out what was so amazing. The story was "good" it's nothing close to amazing. Goodness Gracious... AC4,Revelations and 3 were FAR better then this. Highly Over Rated...
It's obvious that you didn't play the game when it was first released. This game was released in 2009 and was arguably the best game at the time. The story was amazing, an interesting tale of revenge that saw a man go from an arrogant aristocrat to the master of Assassins and the greatest fighter of his time. His taster for revenge also brought him to something larger than he could ever imagine, and then he understood the true meaning of his life. Revelations had an OK story, but amazing gameplay, AC3 should not even be mentioned it is a disgrace to all games, and AC4 while it was good, did not feel like an AC game, but more like a pirate game. Overall, you really needed to play AC2 when it was first released to understand how amazing it was, it's like out parents telling us about the Atari, they go on about how amazing it was, but when we try to play it, we think it's shit. It had a generic revenge plot, And what the hell do you mean Revelations had an OK story? It wrapped up the story of Altair and Ezioand had an emotional ending! Just another AC fanboy doing anything he can to protect his sacred game...
FreeRoamFTW AC2 had more than a generic revenge plot my friend, you are simplifying the story too much while taking Revelations story and glamorizing it. Revelations was ok, not bad, it wrapped up things too fast, and TBH didn't give the best ending that Ezio and Altair deserved. AC2 however is the pinnacle of greatness in the AC franchise, it had an enormous plot, that started out as a revenge story, but then developed into something bigger and epic. You see only a revenge story, but you fail to see the other elements as well, a man trying to find his place in the world, choosing right from wrong, and becoming the Master Assassin and controlling the Apple of Eden. And again, it's obvious you didn't play this game when it first came out, therefore you have no understanding of how much this shaped up the entire AC franchise and embodied all the themes and stories we loved about AC. AC 2 had everything, it had revenge, power, corruption, prophecy, sex, symbols, hidden meanings AC2 was an EPIC itself, it embodied soo many aspects of life, and was able to portray all these aspects within an Italian playboy.
You tell me I'm simplifying AC 2's story yet you say ACR's wasn't good either. Hypocritical, it's just my opinion don't understand why your shoving yours down my throat and getting all butthurt...
FreeRoamFTW Come on guys, we can all agree on one thing. The franchise as a whole is epic, no matter what discrepancies come along the way. Let's just pray to god the next game does not happen to be a buggy mess :D
this is 1 of the few games that truly deserve a 10/10 but hey its not cod and it's ign
You know the horse has maggots infesting it now... You should probably stop beating it.
superb game! great storyline, great scenarios and great gameplay! ohh how i miss playing this, this game is just perfect, worth every penny.
Oh how far this series has fallen
He called those women whores people in 2023 will throw a tantrum if you said that today. Times have changed
Here because of the free game on uPlay?
Just image AC2 remake with the game engine from AC Odyssey
I absolutely loved this game...I hope Unity is similar
k99krig This reply gets me every time.
Assassin’s Creed 2 is awesome. You can go and play side missions when you want. Whenever I moved into a new area I located and climbed all of the viewpoints, I purchased all of the paintings and treasure maps and collected all of the treasures. I completed most of the assassination tasks and found them a great part of this game. I enjoyed all of this because I am a plodder and not so good at all in timed events, and from comments left on-line I’m not the only one to get frustrated with the timed events and believe they spoil a good game. This however is another great asset of this game; if you accept a side mission and then find it too difficult, you can abort the mission and try it again later. Or leave it undone.
I have just completed the game having amassed 1,302,126 florins (what’s that in euros?). I have collected 47 feathers and have returned to a couple of cities to complete four or five assassination contracts that I didn’t complete during the game and also completed a timed horseback ride (unusual for me). I never went back to the tombs to complete the two timed runs, which I hate.
I could not have done it without the very helpful help and videos on RUclips; it was nice to see how different people did the tasks and how the differed from my solutions. Thanks guys for this help. It is another good reason for tackling the game such a long time after its release. And being able to buy it used from Ebay.
Did you ever get all of the feathers? That was the only collectible/side quest I found to be tedious and never bothered with the feathers. The assassinations and beat up missions were fun though. Too bad that there were less than 30 of those. The tombs were not bad, but without the RUclips guides, they can be tricky.
2:46 ay yo my man said what? xD
[95/100] AC II
[90/100] AC Brotherhood
[90/100] AC Revelations
[85/100] AC IV: Black Flag
[85/100] AC Unity
[80/100] AC Rogue
[80/100] AC III
[80/100] AC
Best AC game. Those who voted Black Flag are just 14yo kids. If you haven't played AC2, do it right now.
Ya I played back flag I find it kinda boring cuz there's not much land to explore ac2 will always be a masterpiece
Ezio has and probably will have the best story and setting EVER, i'm kind of dissapointed that here wasn't a season change like in Ac3 but.... Best AC game EVER!!!
best ac game
they need to make a game kile this again
1. AC 2
2. AC 4
3. AC revelations
4. AC 1
5. AC brotherhood
6. AC 3
In my opinion :)
Funny the only good game in the series since ACII is Black Flag in my opinion
I think brother hood is the best
+Xbox Live Party Rampage me too
ac 4 missions are kinda repetitive
I remember the fascination I felt when saw this on my uncle's computer. Play it for just a few minutes before he gets back to the machine, is one of my best memories from my teenage years. And now I finally have a computer to take the most of this legend, after all those years.
"whores" 😂
*"It'sa meee. Maario!"*
It's me Mario is in ac 2
AC3 is pretty damn good. The developers put a lot of love into the setting and that might be my favourite part. There's just something cool about the 18th century, and I think they nailed it.