Have Jehovah's Witness leaders ever given false prophecies?

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024
  • Have Jehovah's Witness leaders ever given false prophecies?
    This clip is from our series entitled, "The Apologetics Roundtable".

Комментарии • 52

  • @jesse86jesse
    @jesse86jesse 10 месяцев назад +2

    The JW organization stole my childhood and youth. I remember being told to not plan to go to college or University because Armageddon would come before I even finished highschool. Because of that I didn't strive to get good grades, instead focused knocking on doors and giving out pamphlets.

  • @MixtapeKilla2004
    @MixtapeKilla2004 12 лет назад +2

    The John Ankerberg Show is good!

  • @reslight
    @reslight 10 лет назад +5

    Charles Taze Russell, who disclaimed being a prophet, in 1904, reversed his thought that the end of the time of trouble was to end in 1914; he realized TEN YEARS BEFORE 1914 that the time of trouble was to begin, not end, in 1914. The only prophecies, however, that Russell believed in were the prophecies of the Bible; he did not present his expectations as prophecies, nor was did he present his expectations as being any divinely appointed authority of an organization, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses. Russell was never a member of the JW organization.

  • @MixtapeKilla2004
    @MixtapeKilla2004 12 лет назад +4

    You are right! More cults are already here trust there will be more!

    • @cwdor
      @cwdor 5 лет назад +1

      Libertarian Prince .... Jesus is Satan the devil.... repent accept Jahovah an do good works.

  • @MixtapeKilla2004
    @MixtapeKilla2004 12 лет назад +1

    Also 1999 was the end if you ask them now today when it will happen they say they don't know it gets to me how Jehovah don't know when his own son will return.

  • @reslight
    @reslight 10 лет назад +2

    Charles Taze Russell, who was never with the Jehovah's Wtinesses, did present some parallels that indicated the harvest would end in 1918; he did not say that the world was going to end in 1918.

  • @evanwindom3265
    @evanwindom3265 7 месяцев назад

    Wrong question. Have their ever been RIGHT?

  • @reslight
    @reslight 10 лет назад +2

    Revelation 1:3 KJV
    Blessed is he that readeth , and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein : for the time is at hand.
    Revelation 22:10 KJV
    And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.
    Should we throw away the Book of Revelation? (Indeed, there are some who claim that we should).

    • @cwdor
      @cwdor 5 лет назад

      ResLight ..... Jesus is Satan the devil.... repent accept Jahovah an do good works.

  • @pootdaggy2657
    @pootdaggy2657 5 лет назад +1

    And yea, Biff came down from the flaming mountain with five fiery rings. And upon those rings were written the Elvish language that could only be translated on Tuesdays by the Spaghetti Monster. And it came to pass that the athletes foot never healed on Biff's toe due to the magic humidity and non-white socks. Therefore they plucked the toe from amongst them and tossed it into the bottomless glass of beer, whereupon the Knights Who Say Ni swallowed it in jest. Now, go and sin no more.

  • @user-lq8xl1fz9l
    @user-lq8xl1fz9l 5 лет назад

    Why NWT Bible is impermanent/not eternal being/not everlasting word of God? (because of monotheism without Trinity God).
    John 1:1-3: in the beginning was the Word & the Word was God (eternal being).
    But in NWT - The Word was created (not Eternal God) because of monotheism ,if the NWT Bible is eternal being too so there are two eternal being (God & NWT) or polytheism.
    Conclusion: The Truth must be eternal being (psalm 119: 89; matt 24:35)
    In the KJV/ NASB tell about monotheism in Trinity God- The Word/Jesus is Eternal God, so KJV/NASB are also eternal being/everlasting word of God/The Truth & Life/salvation (John 14: 6)

  • @reslight
    @reslight 10 лет назад +3

    No where did Jesus ever say that one should not study the time prohecies of the Bible; one may make erros in the application of those prophecies, but God did not put those prophecies in the Bible for one to ignore them.

    • @01Mary02
      @01Mary02 9 лет назад +3

      +ResLight It's one thing to 'study' these things. It's quite another to predict a specific date for the End and it doesn't happen. That's called being a 'false prophet' plain and simple.

    • @reslight
      @reslight 9 лет назад

      I am not sure what you mean by "the End", but I assume that you are referring to the "end of the world"? Brother Russell himself did claim to be predicting "the end of the world".

    • @reslight
      @reslight 9 лет назад

      +Mary Patterson Brother Russell was expecting "the end" of the Gentile Times and the beginning of the time of trouble in 1914. I believe that both did happen.

    • @01Mary02
      @01Mary02 9 лет назад +3

      ResLight, give it a rest. Charles Russell believed that Armageddon was coming in 1914, that he and his followers would be raptured up to heaven. I've provided the quotes for you, but in true cult fashion, you refuse to acknowledge the truth even when it's written in black and white and shoved under your nose.
      The 'Gentile Times' did not end in 1914 because his erroneous date of the destruction of the first temple (607 BCE) was not the date. There is no historical or archeological evidence for it. The first temple was destroyed in 586-587 BCE. Even if it had been destroyed in 607 it still didn't mean squat because the '7 times' mentioned in Daniel was obviously talking about the 7 years Nebuchadnezzar went insane. There is absolutely no indication it meant anything else. So please---don't embarrass yourself by trying to claim that Russell didn't try predicting things that never took place. He was a false prophet whether you want to admit it or not.

    • @reslight
      @reslight 8 лет назад

      Yes, he did, at least from 1904 onward. (Before 1904, he believed that Armageddon would end in 1914.) However, just stating this would be misleading to most people because of the concepts held by most people concerning Armageddon. Additionally, just saying this usually brings to mind the JW concept of Armageddon, because most people think that Russell was a JW, and that he started that organization, and they often attribute the JW beliefs to Russell. What he described as Armageddon that he was expecting to begin in 1914 was a period of time -- the foretold time of trouble -- which he believed would not last very long after 1914, but he never set a date for how long it would last. Russell was not expecting the kind of Armageddon that the JWs preach, nor was he expecting the kind of Armageddon often presented by others. He was expecting a period of time when the peoples of the nations would be chastised (not eternally destroyed as the JWs teach), preparing them for the kingdom blessings to follow. I believe he was correct in this, and the time of trouble did begin in 1914, and we are still in that time of trouble now, and may be in for many more decades. You want quotes, I think I gave links before concerning this, but here is a link with quite a few quotes from Russell related to this from 1904 up to 1914:
      The use of the word "rapture" is misleading. Russell, in his earlier writings did a few times refer to the glorification of the joint-heirs as being a "rapture, but if one studies what he was saying, one will find that he did not mean "rapture" in the sense that most people speak of "the rapture." In other words, Russell did not believe in the doctrine that is usually attributed to the words "the rapture." He did present the thought that all the joint-heirs (whether they be associated with the Bible Students or not) would be glorified before the time of trouble was to begin. At the same time he cautioned that there is no scripture that directly states this.
      So many have chop-quoted Russell and often made it appear that he was saying, sometimes the very opposite of what he was saying. Sometime, God willing, if time permits, I will examine what Russell did say and did not say about "the rapture" and the glorification of the saints, and when, as he changed his viewpoint several times.
      Regarding Russell and 1914 on...
      my new site:
      my old site:

  • @reslight
    @reslight 10 лет назад +1

    Charles Taze Russell openly stated that he was NOT expecting the end of the world in 1914. Russell never "predicted" any about 1874, since before 1874 he never accepted any of the dates the Second Adventists presented for Christ's return.

    • @01Mary02
      @01Mary02 9 лет назад +1

      +ResLight Maybe you should check out your own history ResLight, because Russell most certainly WAS expecting the world to end in 1914. Here's a few quotes on the subject:
      The Watchtower Reprints, January 15, 1892, p.1355 “...The date of the close of that ‘battle’ is definitely marked in Scripture as October, 1914. It is already in progress, its beginning dating from October, 1874...”
      “....But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble....”------Watchtower July 15, 1894
      The Watchtower Reprints, July 15, 1894, p. 1677: “....We see no reason for changing the figures - nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God’s dates not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble....”
      The Watchtower Reprints, September 15, 1901, p. 2876: “...The culmination of the trouble in October, 1914, is clearly marked in the Scriptures; and we are bound therefore to expect a beginning of that severe trouble not later than 1910;”
      The Time Is at Hand (SS-2), 1907, p. 101: “...The ‘battle of the great day of God Almighty’ (Rev. 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth’s present rulership, is already commenced.”
      Thy Kingdom Come (SS:3) (1908) p.228: “...That the deliverance of the saints must take place some time before 1914 is manifest, since the deliverance of fleshly Israel, as we shall see, is appointed to take place at that time, and the angry nations will then be authoritatively commanded to be still, and will be made to recognize the power of Jehovah's Anointed. Just how long before 1914 the last living members of the body of
      Christ will be glorified, we are not directly informed...”
      "The year A.D. 1878 … clearly marks the time for the actual assuming of power as King of kings, by our present, spiritual, invisible Lord - …" The Time is At Hand (1911 ed) p.239
      "The seventh trumpet sounds from Aug. 1840, until "the time of trouble," or day of wrath is ended. Hence, it doubtless ends with the times of the Gentiles, and this forty years of conquest; and therefore, sounds until A. D. 1914; at the end of which, Babylon the great, will have fallen, and the "dragon" be bound: that is, the nations will be subdued, and "the prince of this world cast out."" Three Worlds and the Harvest of This World (Barbour & Russell, 1877) p.27
      "True, it is expecting great things to claim, as we do, that within the coming 26 years all present governments will be overthrown and dissolved…..we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished at the end of A. D. 1914. Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the "battle of the great day of God Almighty" (Rev. 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced.”--- Studies In the Scriptures Series II - The Time Is At Hand (1889) pp.99, 101

    • @reslight
      @reslight 9 лет назад

      None of the quotes given say anything about the end of the world. One may read that thought into what Russell stated, but Russell himself did not claim that the end of the time of trouble, or that the end of the battle of Armageddon, was the same thing as the end of the world. One should also realize that Brother Russell's view of "Armageddon" was not the same as that of the JWs.
      "The year A.D. 1878 … clearly marks the time for the actual assuming of power as King of kings, by our present, spiritual, invisible Lord - …" The Time is At Hand (1911 ed) p.239
      I am not sure why this is quoted, and that from the 1911 edition; the 1911 edition is the same as that of all earlier editions. Regardless, it says nothing about the "end of the world".
      Nevertheless, all of the other quotes given appear to be written before 1904. In 1904, Brother Russell realized that the time of trouble was not to end in 1914, but that it was to begin in 1914 and end sometime after 1914, thus, even from the standpoint of the earlier quotes, Russell was definitely not expecting the end of the world in 1914. He was definitely expecting that the time of trouble was to begin and extend for some undefined time after October of 1914.
      I have presented, on my website, many quotes from Russell related to this:
      Futhermore, in January of 1914, The Bible Students Monthly presented an article written by Brother Russell related to this. In the headlines of that issue, we read: "End of the World in 1914 Not the View of Pastor Russell or of I.B.S.A." Yes, Russell denied that he was expecting the "end of the world" in 1914.

    • @01Mary02
      @01Mary02 9 лет назад +1

      +ResLight "...Russell himself did not claim that the end of the time of trouble, or that the end of the battle of Armageddon, was the same thing as the end of the world...."
      Russell believed that he and his followers would all be raptured up to heaven in October of 1914. He believed that "the end of the time of trouble" or "Armageddon" would happen in 1914. Whether or not he meant the end of the physical earth or merely the destruction of 99% of the population--it makes no difference since nothing he predicted ever came true. He was a false prophet, no matter how much you want to play semantics.

    • @reslight
      @reslight 8 лет назад

      Brother Russell did believe that it was possible that the last member of the joint-heirs with Christ would be changed from earthly to heavenly glory in 1914; again, he was dogmatic about this. As to "his followers", I assume that this is meant those associated with the Bible Students. No, Russell was not expecting that all associated with the Bible Stuidents movement would be "raptured up to heaven" before October of 1914. Russell never wrote about anyone being "raptured up"; indeed, that expression would imply something that Russell did not believe in.
      Russell's view of the last member being changed in 1914, however, was presented after 1904, thus it definitely had nothing at all to do with an alleged "end of the world", or the end of Gentile kingdoms, for Brother Russell was no longer expecting that the Gentile Kingdoms would be gone in October of 1914. Nevertheless, any expectations of being changed in or before October of 1914 does not mean that Russell was expecting the end of the world in 1914.
      I did a search through the Bible Students DVD Library of Russell's writings for "raptured up", and it did not produce any results. Brother Russell did not believe in what is often theologically called "the rapture". He did a few times in his ministry use the word "rapture" (or he quoted others who used the word rapture) as related to the resurrection of the saints in the first resurrection, but what he described would not fit what is often called "the rapture". Mostly, however, especially after about 1890, Russell seemed to not use the word rapture as related to the resurrection of the saints, except when quoting someone else.
      As I pointed out, what is stated above was Russell's expectation (without being dogmatic) ****before**** the year 1904 -- this was the view Russell adapted from Nelson Barbour; in the year 1904, he came to realize that this was incorrect, and that the end of the Gentile Times would not see the end of the time of trouble, but rather that it would see the beginning of the time of trouble. Thus, as applied to what Brother Russell was saying from 1904 to 1914, the above would be incorrect. The point of emphasis, however, is that he reversed his view concerning the ending of the time of trouble in 1904, about ten years before October of 1914. Although he discussed several views floating around concerning when the time of trouble may end, he stated that he could not find any scripture that actually gives how long the time of trouble was to last. IF the time in the "time of trouble" is referring to 360 years, this "time" of trouble could end at any time within that 360 years, since the days are cut short, and no one knows the day nor or hour when the present heavens and earth are to pass away.
      For quotes from Russell between 1904 to 1914 regarding the time of trouble, see:
      While I definitely know he was not expecting the end of the physical earth; nor do I have any reason to imagine that Russell was expecting the destruction of 99% of earth's population. The latter statement appears to be based on later teachings of Rutherford, and projected back to Russell. Russell did not believe that Armageddon was to bring eternal destruction upon all "unbelievers", or even that it would bring destruction upon all unbelievers. He believed that it was to be a period of time in which the heathen are chastised, not eterally destroyed.
      Some time ago, Christian Questions discussed Armageddon. Although the Bible Students on that program were not especially speaking of Russell's views on Armageddon, much of what is stated reflects what Russell taught.

    • @01Mary02
      @01Mary02 8 лет назад

      ResLight Is English your second language? I gave you HIS OWN QUOTES where he most certainly DID give prophets. Sadly, you are too brainwashed to be able to see the facts even when they're written right in front of you.
      Keep drinkin' that Kool-Aid ResLight....

  • @albertguzman8849
    @albertguzman8849 6 лет назад +1

    Alpha and Omega, has to be Jesus. Because, Jehovah did not had a beginning or end. Jesus had a beginning, but now he won't have no end.

    • @vickymooney5704
      @vickymooney5704 6 лет назад +1

      The beginning and the end does not mean Jesus was created... Alpha and Omega are the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet OR the BEGINNING and the END of the Greek alphabet... That's what it means. Colossians 1:15 firstborn of all creation... The Greek word used is prototokos which actually means preeminent... Jesus is preeminent of all creation and created ALL things and is before ALL things according to Colossians 1. Jesus says in Revelation 1:8 that he is the Almighty.

    • @josephikegwu6305
      @josephikegwu6305 6 лет назад

      The Lord in Revelation 1:8 represents Jehovah God not Jesus. Confirm with other translation, e.g. Living English, American standard version, Kingdom Interlinear etc.

    • @vickymooney5704
      @vickymooney5704 6 лет назад

      @@josephikegwu6305 In other translations it says I am the Alpha and the Omega says the Lord God... The tetragrammaton YHWH is not found in the Greek New Testament at all... Look it up... In the Greek interlinaer Thomas says to Jesus in John 20:28 "The Lord of me and The God of me". Research that in the Kingdom interlinaer if you wish. Jesus gets the definite article... Also Alpha and Omega (Aleph Tav in Hebrew) is translated in ancient Hebrew drawings... Alpha (Aleph) is a picture of an ox head. Which is a sacrificial animal... Omega (Tav) is a picture of a cross... So Revelation 1:8 I am the Alpha (sacrifice) and the Omega (cross).. I would encourage you to research this for yourself... Alpeh Tav in ancient Hebrew drawings... It's a sacrifice and cross... The Alpha and Omega is the one who is coming... At the end of Revelation the one who is coming is Jesus..

    • @vickymooney5704
      @vickymooney5704 6 лет назад

      @@josephikegwu6305 Also Colossians 1:15 firstborn in the Bible refers to a position or an heir of preeminence... Prototokos means his preeminence of all creation... And also Colossians 1:16-17 the Watchtower says Jesus created all "other" things... (Other is NOT in the Greek text at all)... Greek interlinaers say By him ALL THINGS were created, and he is before ALL things. ALL things were created by him and for him.

    • @vickymooney5704
      @vickymooney5704 6 лет назад

      @@josephikegwu6305 I believe Jesus is God, however he is NOT the Father... John 1:18 No one has ever seen the Father at any time... Isaiah 6:1, Isaiah said he saw God sitting on a throne... Genesis 32:30 Jacob says "I have seen God face to face yet my life has been preserved... Moses saw God face to face in Exodus... So people have seen God in the Old Testament, but in John 1:18 no one has ever seen the Father at any time... So people saw God, but it was not God the Father, it was Jesus. Isaiah 44:6 you have Jehovah the King of Israel >AND HIS< repurchaser Jehovah of armies... That's two persons in that verse named Jehovah.. Interesting right... YHWH applies to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And also the Holy Spirit is clearly a person... Acts 13:2 the Holy Spirit speaks... Hebrews 3:7 Holy Spirit speaks again. Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as "He" in John...

  • @scottjackson4437
    @scottjackson4437 8 лет назад +1

    True prophecies wrong dates.

    • @mr.g3642
      @mr.g3642 6 лет назад


    • @pootdaggy2657
      @pootdaggy2657 5 лет назад +7

      Wrong dates, wrong people, wrong prophecies, wrong reasons, wrong comment, wrong altogether.

    • @BrentRF
      @BrentRF 5 лет назад +2

      Wrong dates multiple times over. Proof the JW's are false prophets which is the "fruits" of false religion. The governing body has shown they are not guided by Holy spirit or any form of divine intelligence. Truth is right forever and doctrines from truth should never change. But JW's change doctrines as often as the seasons change. More proof they are false prophets.

  • @stephanobuddle1282
    @stephanobuddle1282 5 лет назад +1

    These people being interviewed are complete mooooooooooooorons