Do the Jehovah's Witnesses believe Salvation is a gift?

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 48

  • @marianomndz
    @marianomndz 12 лет назад +1

    @4evrChrist1 atheists, or agnostics) that we are all equal and we are given this life freely. IF we truly set our heart on Christ and give Him complete control of our life. I know this as a witness. My life before Christ was bad, but reading His word gave me hope and saved my life from suicide. God is good :)

  • @MixtapeKilla2004
    @MixtapeKilla2004 11 лет назад

    John Ankerburg you are a very insightful person!

  • @paulrm_7917
    @paulrm_7917 6 лет назад

    Tell em Dr. Martin! Thank you

  • @LOVE-JC777
    @LOVE-JC777 6 лет назад +1

    Just as Abraham believe God promises of God, he would have a child 100 year old and 90 year old women. So believers in Christ Jesus salvation is free salvation. Works are a good faith out of love for Jesus Christ!!!

  • @johnankerberg
    @johnankerberg  14 лет назад

    This is Cathy at JAS Show, we have numerous articles on Roman Catholicism on our website, here is a link to one of them.

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    Page 2 John Smyth
    At one time, no denomination believed this doctrine. The Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran and Anglican Churches still do not. It is a relatively new notion.
    There was once an Anglican Priest named John Smyth. He came up the idea. He was defrocked and disfellowshipped. He started his own religion, which he called the Baptist denomination. He eventually renounced all his own teachings and became a Mennonite.

    Mr. Martin did not mention any of this history.

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад +2

    Lets take a look. Zechariah 2:10-11 Jehovah (Yahweh) sends Jehovah (Yahweh) to dwell in the midst of men (us). Now we basically have God sending God to dwell among men. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us Jn 1:14 -who is this Word who was made flesh? And the Word was God. Jn 1:1. So according to John 1:1 God was made flesh. Well this is by common sense Jesus Christ. Jesus says " I came down from Heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me". Jn 6:38 God sends God.

  • @marcdellorusso180
    @marcdellorusso180 6 лет назад

    That would really bring JOY to them.

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    Page 3 Jehovah's Witnesses and works
    Acts 15:28, "For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to YOU, except these necessary things, 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication."

  • @marianomndz
    @marianomndz 12 лет назад +1

    @007bfitz the good news is that we are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, and that is only possible because we are graciously given this gift. This is pretty cool, this passage in the bibke shares what it takes to get into heaven: Matthew 6:28, 29.
    "28 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
    29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”
    The good news tells us (EVERYONE in this world, believers or non-believers...

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    looking forward to your answer on this.... The Faithful and Discreet Slave has no requirements for salvation that do not involve obedience and works? Now out of all the Watchtower and Awake Magazines out there that have been printed by TWBTS-There has been nothing printed requiring strict obedience and works to inherit eternal life on the paradise that is soon to come for the Great Crowd? Your answer should be revealing of your truthfulness about this subject-look forward to your response onthis

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    Page 4 Jehovah's Witnesses and works
    These are the laws by which the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses live. We DO NOT believe that preaching, handing out tracts of other such sacred services are required for salvation. We do preach, but not for money or heavenly reward. We do so, because we love our savior Jesus and our God Jehovah.

  • @MixtapeKilla2004
    @MixtapeKilla2004 11 лет назад

    I love the John Ankerburg Shows!

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    But I can assure you John did not have a demi-god, or a godlike, or divine being such as an angel in mind either. The construction of the sentence that John chose carefully guarded against just such a belief. The construction of the sentence is very important and it would be good to look at what John could have said as opposed to what he did say. Now The Watchtower and Bible Tract Society are notorious for quoting unqualified people and quoting qualified people either partially or out of context

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    Page 2 Jehovah's Witnesses and works
    Mark 12:31 "The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
    We follow the ruling on the law of Moses from governing body, the Apostles and elders in Jerusalem, who said that you cannot be saved through works of the Mosaic Law, but only by the grace of God. They added the following restrictions. Along with the law of Christ, these replace the twelve words and the three books of the laws.

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    Page 1 Jehovah's Witnesses and works
    Jehovah's Witnesses live under the law of Christ.
    Mark 12:28, "Now one of the scribes that had come up and heard them disputing, knowing that he had answered them in a fine way, asked him: “Which commandment is first of all?” 29 Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    Page 2
    James 2:22, You behold that [his] faith worked along with his works and by [his] works [his] faith was perfected, 23 and the scripture was fulfilled which says: “Abraham put faith in Jehovah, and it was counted to him as righteousness,” and he came to be called “Jehovah’s friend.” 24 YOU see that a man is to be declared righteous by works, and not by faith alone.

  • @mvgiles45
    @mvgiles45 15 лет назад

    but if you keep reading that same translation, it reads, "and put my finger where the nails were." So as you can see it's there in the NIV as well.

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    Page 3
    James 2:25 In the same manner was not also Ra′hab the harlot declared righteous by works, after she had received the messengers hospitably and sent them out by another way?
    26 Indeed, as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    Page 1
    James 2:18, Nevertheless, a certain one will say: “You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith apart from the works, and I shall show you my faith by my works.” 19 You believe there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder. 20 But do you care to know, O empty man, that faith apart from works is inactive? 21 Was not Abraham our father declared righteous by works after he had offered up Isaac his son upon the altar?

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    in speaking about God's word -what does God's word say about "his word" as it relates to John 1:1 ? See if we have the wrong Jesus (the word) to begin with then all our works are for a false Jesus-thus you then have faith in a false Jesus and then you enter the world witnessing a false Jesus, thus all those works are placed on a faulty foundation and not on the Stone which the builders set at nought Acts 4:12 what does scripture say about this Stone and who is he according to scripture?

  • @teriiura
    @teriiura 14 лет назад

    the sign was above his his hands.Therefore he could only been crucified on a cross

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    Page 1 John Smyth
    Looking at comments you have made on other channels, impartiality on your part would be quite a feat. However, this video is an example. Mr. Martin wrote books, went on television and radio to tell his tale and was well paid for it.

    With regard to the specific issue raised here. Salvation through faith alone. Mr. Martin implies that Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is unusual in its' attitude towards the doctrine.

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    Wow God was Before John the Baptist. John the Baptist says that Jesus was preferred before him(John) because he was (BEFORE) him (John). Jn 1:30, so this must mean that the Virgin that conceived baby Jesus must have brought Jehovah God into the world Matt 1:23 -that must be why they called Jesus Emmanuel-which means God with us. Matt 1:23 The Greek actually says "with us is the God" ho theos... So Jehovah did send Jehovah to dwell among us. Zech 2:10-11 What a revelation.

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    Trying to be impartial here - can you give an example of what you mean?

  • @RodrigoSegundeiro
    @RodrigoSegundeiro 14 лет назад

    why you think so?

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    well, i guess i deserved that a bit-i was not trying to come off as rude to be honest. So are you saying that works do not play a role to inherit eternal life as it relates to the great crowd? As defined by the Watchtower's Governing Body? If I am correct we have the 144,000 that are the spirit sons and there after Jehovah began gathering in the great crowd. Obvious that the great crowd is the group in question here. Do they have to also have the works?

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 13 лет назад

    @PleaseCallSecurity what is the Good News?

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    My first impression was a correct one. You obviously have a fixed set of quotes from old WTS articles you wish to use in order to rebut whatever my answer. So, you really don't need an answer at all, now do you?

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    How was Jesus (The Word made flesh) Jn 1:14 Before John the Baptist? John the Baptist is also referred to by Isaiah as "The Voice of One Vrying in the Wilderness" Isaiah 40:3. Isaiah said that John the Baptist "The Voice of one Crying in the Wilderness" would prepare the Way of Jehovah (Yahweh) God.... hmmm? Now we know that John the Baptist prepared the Way for Jesus hmm? It makes you wonder if Jesus was indeed the God with us? Matt 1:23 Who is God? ? Jehovah (YAHWEH) is God- he was BEFORE John

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    so a person could NEVER find within the writings of the Watchtower and Awake Magazines any works minded obedience to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in order to inherit eternal life on the soon to come Earthly Paradise. Now keep in mind I am speaking of The Great Crowd specifically. So from the above statement your saying that no works minded requirements are needed in order to inherit eternal life in a paradiseEarth.So i canfind NO writings from the F&D slave requiring works 4 salvation?

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    @4evrChrist1 Thank you for your testimony. Can I believe this but and yet believe that it was Jehovah God himself that came as a man and as a man his blood was shed for all mankind. I believe all those things you posted but I believe that this one called Jesus was Jehovah manifest in the flesh and that his blood as a man was spilt. This is what I do believe as well as believing what you have posted.

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    well all evidence should be considered from old and new light but as you have shown by your answer your statement can be rebutted. so why are you here?

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    So let me ask? does IMJW1000 "Honor the Son even as he Honors the Father" ? Jehovah sent Jehovah into the World then he really should. But, IMJW1000 does Not Honor the Son even as he Honors the Father-John 5:23. IMJW1000 does NOT give the Son the same Worshipful Honor that the Father receives. Thus he doesn't obey scripture thus he does not have the correct Jesus to build any works upon or much less place his faith in the correct Jesus. Do you? Jesus is God. Matt 1:23, Jn 1:1

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    The man made a good living telling people who knew nothing about Witnesses what they wanted to hear.

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    Where was God born into humanity? Bethlehem. Micah 5:2 out of Bethlehem shall come one out who will rule Israel-his goings forths and origins are from days of old, from EVERLASTING. No angel can meet that qualification -angels are not from everlasting only God is by common sense. But IMJW1000 believes Angels are? not logical. Can't build upon that false foundation. .. What does John the Baptist say about this person? He is preferred before Me because he was BEFORE me. Jn 1:30 But How?

  • @jonnyneo53
    @jonnyneo53 11 лет назад +1

    James 2:24. Argument destroyed

  • @007bfitz
    @007bfitz 12 лет назад

    What is the subject of this John 1:1? No Trinitarian basis his belief on any single verse but on a collection of verses spanning throughout scripture. Now do not a build straw man with this senario strawmen burn up easy and get knocked down easily. But I agree John did not have the Trinity in mind. The Trinity of course was not the subject of this sentence. What is the subject of the sentence?

  • @lilraf123______4
    @lilraf123______4 6 лет назад

    These guys are mean

  • @IMJW1000
    @IMJW1000 12 лет назад

    This Walter Martin and his sources are weak. Daniel B. Wallace has demonstrated [in his book Greek Grammar Beyond The Basics] that it can be translated as a indefinite theos (a god), definite theos (Modalism), and qualitative theos (Trinitarianism). The fact that John used pros ton theon instead of pros theo shows that John did not have the Trinitarian position in mind.

    • @EMan-cf8lv
      @EMan-cf8lv 7 лет назад

      IMJW1000 are you a Jehovah's Witness?