I love the theology presented by Horton but the well-known study by Whitehead and Perry that Horton cites ("Make America Christian Again: Christian Nationalism and Voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election") has huge problems. In this study, the authors asked questions that could elicit agreement by evangelicals that have absolutely nothing to do with Christian nationalism, giving a false measure of their views. Here are the questions evangelicals were asked to measure their level of Christian nationalism (1-5, strongly disagree to strongly agree). I've included my reactions. 1. "The federal government should allow prayer in public schools": Because it doesn't say 'require' prayer but only 'allow' prayer an evangelical might have in mind Bible studies after school or private prayers over lunch, not necessarily teacher led prayers. 2. "The success of the United States is part of God's plan": This could be understood simply as an affirmation of Job 12:23 ("He makes nations great, and destroys them; he enlarges nations, and disperses them.") This statement could be understood simply as an affirmation of God's "sovereignty", not necessarily Christian nationalism. 3. "The federal government should allow the display of religious symbols in public places": Who is doing the displaying and in what context? Is the government displaying a religious symbol or is a private individual? Where is this happening? The statement doesn't specify. Even the ACLU says, "The government may permit a private organization to place a religious display on public property under certain circumstances...Private groups may display overtly religious symbols, like crosses or menorahs, on public grounds if the government maintains a neutral role and if other non-religious displays are also allowed." 4. "The federal government should enforce strict separation of church and state": Again, this may uncover a Christian nationalist bent but not necessarily. The key word here is "strict". To an evangelical, that word may bring to mind organizations like the American Humanist Association that believe any governmental reference to God, including in the Pledge of Allegiance, is a violation of the separation of church and state. 5. "The federal government should advocate Christian values": How would the government do this? Would they be explicit about it? There is a strong case, as has been made by secular historian Tom Holland, that the west is so completely saturated with Christian assumptions that secularists themselves don't realize how their own humanist values are influenced by it. In advocating for basic values as human rights and dignity, the rights of the pre-born, and so on, does this count as advocating for Christian values? Do values even make sense to the Christian apart from God? 6. "The federal government should declare the United States a Christian nation": This may be the only statement that gives a measure of Christian nationalism. I personally would not want to see this declaration by the federal gov. However, I think it needs to be born in mind that 'declaring' the US a Christian nation by the federal government may be understood as an affirmation of perceived heritage only (similar to H.Res. 397, an affirmation of "the rich spiritual and religious history of our nation's founding and subsequent history"), not necessarily seeing the United States as the new Israel. So at this point, there just isn't evidence of a widespread belief among evangelicals that the U.S. is the new Israel, addressed in Horton's talk.
Roman's chapter 13 Verse 1 Commands christian's to submit to and obey the government and the leaders for they have been established by God. Many Christian's are in rebellion. There is no Scripture which commands 'christians' or The Church to be involved in politics or things that pertain to this world's kingdom. Scripture says our Citizenship is in Heaven.
@andrewortiz5797 Have you read the Old Testament? The books of the prophets? The Book of Daniel? Or in the New Testament when John the Baptist confronted king Herod of his sin? It seems as though they didn’t stay out of politics or the affairs of their country when they constantly warned their government leaders (kings) if they continued in sin and their idolatry that God would bring judgement upon them and their nation. Seems like the Believers then and all through the Bible were definitely engaged in politics to me.
@@andrewstaples8677 How does one ignore the international body of Christ? Seeing drug cartels pump up the prices in developing nations where everyone pays the full price thus only rich people in those countries will get vaccinated..
This was 2 years ago. This is much more clear, then the confusing swirl and debate around the G 3 conference today. Still the clearest explaination yet in the topic.
this is one of the few sermons I've heard that gives me hope of an impending unity in Christ that actually stems from devotion to loving Christ and his character and his desires vs a unity rooted in our own pride and ego and desire for comfort.
wake up, christianity is a false man made religion. it was forced on the slaves, why? because they are the chosen of the Most High. As long as they stop worshipping and following their god, they can be ruled over. REad Deuteronomy the 28th chapter in the bible, and meditate on it.
@@cmapp1969 you, like many other groups...including many who call themselves Christian today, are interpreting a God that caters to your ego. I'm reading a Word that caters to the character of the God who is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. YOU should read your Bible...not from the perspective of pride and a need for validation for your hatred toward others as a means to esteem yourself (hmmm, doesn't that sin sound familiar for this country??? Wonder what the common denominator is...) Instead, read the Word to see the character of God and let THAT challenge you. Because when you see the nature of God, how he is unbiased, cannot be bribed by neither the poor nor the rich, loves without favoritsm and yet applies justice in the same manner...THAT God that's in the Bible will challenge you....because there is no human that could deny the worthiness of Him to be followed over our own paltry egos.
@@missq5200 establishing God's justice in the criminal justice systems of the world has nothing to do with pride or validating hatred, but rather love for those oppressed by injustice.
There has never been such a thing as a Christian nation, other than the spiritual Christian nation that is the worldwide church (1 Pet 2:9). In history, some countries have been influenced by the Christian faith, some of them greatly influenced by it. But there has never been a truly Christian nation. Nor could there be, because only relatively few people are saved and make Christ Lord (Matt 7:13-14). So, in any given country, only a few people would qualify for Christian citizenship anyway. Therefore, the whole concept of a Christian nation is deeply flawed.
Your comments perfectly mirror what I have always thought about this problem! There's never been a Christian nation and there'll never be any because it's not God's intent to make any nation Christian. Like you said, God's true family is culled from all countries and we constitute a minority of the total population of the human race throughout history.
@@indridcole7596 We as human beings are commandedd to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to conform their culture, including government to the law of God
This was awesome. So many of our Christian brothers and sisters have gone astray. They're caught up in racial identity politics and political parties. It's very disturbing. Thank you for the honesty. Unfortunately this isn't received to be received well by man .
Because we have two side who use religion to get votes. We also have media groups that use religion to pit people against each other. You can be a a Christian and a Congress men. You just can't push your views of religion on to others. You also can't do it when the nation was founded with freedom of religion.
@@evacody1249The reason is because the Media is Conservative and Right Wing leaning. Racism has always been ingrained in our society dating back to Columbus and the Pilgrims. Let’s not forget forcing Native Americans off of their land who were here long before Europeans came here and the arrival of African slaves in 1619. We as a nation must deal with this historical issue, not hide from it.
@@Globalman43 Don't forget the 200 years of white slavery prior to the War of 1812, much of it brutal African oppression of white's on the Barbary Coast. "From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli". The 3% of African slaves that arrived in America were better treated on the vast majority of Southern Plantations than under the Black Codes in the North. Not to mention that it was Jewish owned slave ships operating out of Rhode Island that created the Triangular Trade.
@@robertdavidson9674That comment from you is ignorant. Slavery in America didn’t end until 1865 as a result of the Civil War. This sermon is the reason why ignorance like yours continues to exist in America. Let’s not forget Jim Crow and it’s damaging policies that existed until the 1960’s. There is nothing good about Slavery at all.
@@evacody1249 Are you serious? Have you ever read Romans 13:1 which says the Christian magistrate bears the sword of God's judgment to repress evil in society. All law is an expressoin of someone's religion being forced on society. You mean freedom of religion like when Elijah called down the fire of heaven on hundreds of Baal worshippers? Elijah must have skipped class the day they covered the First Amendment. Or maybe he got it confused with the First Commandment?
American history and civics classes are needed now more than ever. And EVERY American should be required to read the treaty of Tripoli, Roger Williams, and Thomas Jefferson.
That's just it we threw out American History and civics classes because we can't have the people know that we do not worship a government. No the people in Washington want us worshipping them. While Americans do that they are able to write are freedoms away.
this is a good word and a warning to believers to not stray from your mandate, which is to testify and witness to the power of God unto salvation. We also see a lot of media trying to define Christian nationalism and it is important for Christians to own the narrative and make sure we understand it.
I’m an atheist conservative, and I fear Christian nationalism just as much as I fear the ultra woke left. If either of these groups gained power we would live in a dystopia
@@dickhardpicard That's right, but that doesn't mean that it should not have been founded as a Christian nation. Article VI should have said, "This Constitution and the laws of the United States made in pursuance thereof... shall be subject to the supreme law of God in the Holy Bible" That would have made America a Christian nations, rather that the pluralistic anarchy into which it has devolved.
@@robertdavidson9674 I am so glad that America wasn't founded on Biblical principles. We have actual freedom instead of being force to follow your cult.
The only time Christendom was ever actually tried in the history of the church was by Alfred the Great and his ancestors for about 200 years prior to the Battle of Hastings in 1066. England was blessed with two centuries of peace and prosperity under God's restitutionary system of justice, which was overturned by "civilized Vikings" and their system of retributionary justice in 1066, which plagues us to this day
This was very helpful and clear. I'm not sure it's founded. I don't think Christian Nationalists are talking about a conflation of American patriotism and Christian ethics. They are talking about an abandonment of the predominant philosophies associated with America, namely, the autonomy of the self and the various expressions of sin and idolatry that it breeds. The emphasis of Christian Nationalists is not on the nationalism of America but on the Christianity that should predominate over it. I would alert that many of those opposed to Christian Nationalism in America are pro-Christian Nationalism in other nations, for example, Israel. The problem that originates from an antagonistic position to Christian Nationalism is an overemphasis on the separation of Church and State. The problem with this worldview is that it undermines the position it seeks to defeat. Isn't the idea of separation of Church and State an American and political idea rather than a biblical viewpoint? This position seems to elevate America and its constitution above the Bible. Isn't that what we're trying to avoid in the first place?
I agree with Michael. Being a Christian in any nation doesn't mean you can't participate in the political process as a citizen of that nation. There is nothing wrong with Christians participating in the political process for matters like abortion, sex, marriage, etc. (on the right) and social/racial justice (on the left), as long as the Bible remains the final and absolute authority, faith in Christ the only atonement for our sin, and our motivation based on love for our neighbor and love of God. HOWEVER, Christians need to also remember we live in a fallen world where most people are not believers and legislation of ANY sort will do nothing to change this (make them believers). Therefore, if you view politics or activism (positive); or violence, coercion, deception, manipulation (negative)--or any other method apart from sharing the gospel and walking as children of light--as the end to achieve the goal of the great commission, then I believe you are in danger of falling into "Christian Nationalism". This is idolatry. The problem with the unregenerate world is this life is all they have and they are capable of and willing to use any means (evil or otherwise) to shape it to their will. We, as Christians, are not to live like them. Our hope is in Christ alone. The world WILL NOT conform to Christ because the world walks in the flesh and is unable to so (Romans 8). Be politically active, stand in solidarity against injustice, protect innocent life, promote biblical views of marriage and sex, fight racism, AND DO ALL OF THIS IN LOVE. But don't confuse these as a means to the end. That is in Christ's atonement alone.
There is no Scripture that Commands Christian's to be involved in politics and things that pertain to this world's kingdom. The Apostles Peter and Paul were not republicans or democrats or patriots or any such things. They were too focused on The Great Commission and didn't involve themselves with the worlds problems and concerns. Our Citizenship is in Heaven. The only duty of a disciple of Christ is The Great Commission.
No Christian Nationalist is confusing America with Israel under the old covenant. Christian nationalists say that ALL nations have a duty to order themselves according to God’s Word. Just like it is for individuals, families, churches and… nations
Enjoy saying goodbye to most of your amendments as they aren't biblical and in fact are the opposite of the Lord's commandments. Consider yourself privileged to not being in a Christian nation. We know how theocracy tends to go.
@@haydenmichael2134 Theocracy means "Rule of God." YOu prefer the rule of man to the rule of God? You get the anarchy you deserve when you so blatantly reject the justice of God's law.
@@haydenmichael2134 Theo Cracy means God's Law, which you so cavalierly reject. If you won't be ruled by God's law, then whose law will you be ruled by.
@@emmemaile5531the reason this faith began was supposed eyewitness testimony of the resurrection of a dead man. Believe it or not but I’d imagine witnessing a man come back from the dead would change your life to put it mildly
@arnkriegbaum In no should it need to change as the courts who interpret the laws would be decide cases with biblical priciples foremost. The leaders of such a place would also be assumed to be christian but again, that is up to the voters.
You're right on, Mike !!! The True Elect have NO citizenship ANYWHERE on this planet; their Citizenship is in Heaven. Alot of church-ianity will allow for people to hold on to ethnicity, experiences, nationality, neighborhoods, countries for identity. However, the True Born will be pulled out of every attachment to this world by the Holy Spirit because a Child of God is only acceptable when no trace of this physical world is left in him / her and when the denial of self (accomplishments, attachments, link to family, traditions, culture.....) is a daily walk until one is 'found in Him' only. America is nowhere close to a Christian Nation; it's not even close to a moral nation!!!
As a foreigner I will tell you history of this country speaks for itself been oppressive, divisive, exploit of any kind of poor American people, unjust to the people, lying to the people , stealing from the people , and perusing to be like the “image” of god in saving the nations from evil? You got to be kidding me ! Lies and more lies . We all have been deceived and now comes judgment time from above to do justice for all the innocent lives that no one tried to protect less save from the evil of so many in power. This is just an evil experiment and is coming to his final days.
@@AnHebrewChild That is because America has rejected it's original oath-bound commitment to execute justice in terms of God's just laws because antinomians like Horton gained control of the culture.
That's ridiculous. Paul was a Roman citizen and used it to advantage I think its more accurate to say that America is a Christian nation in rebellion to her original oath-bound, colonial commitments to govern under God's law. In 1788 America abandoned that original commitment to God's law for a neutral, pluralistic, godless social contract whose humanistic god is "we the people." She is now reaping the anarchistic results of that rebellion in cultural chaos and a church that is too confused to even know what to do about it as this milquetoast video makes evident. Horton says, O its just fine for Christians to get involved politically, just don't insist on the crown rights of King Jesus and try to carry His just ordinances into the public arena. Is it any wonder that America is teetering on the cliff of God's judgment.
I am so sorry but because of my background in managing a menswear clothing store in Perth Western Australia I see the bottom of your trousers and I cringe. I know it’s nothing to do with your message which I enjoy very much but men’s trousers should break just once over the shoe. It’s very inexpensive to have your trousers altered but it makes a lot of difference. It will make a person look taller and your trousers bottoms will not look like they belong to someone a foot taller than you are. I apologise if this offends anyone at all as this is not my intention. May God bless you and keep you.
Thank you Dr. Horton for pushing back against Preterism and its antichrist-facilitating view of a world without Jesus physically present. We are not to triumph here without Christ, but to suffer increasingly until His glorious arrival! Maranatha!
He's pushing back against Bible truth. Daniel 7:18, 22, 27 are all about the Christ rulling in and through His saints following His ascencion and enthronement in Dan 7: 13, 14.
If as Christians with get our identity from a particular political affiliation/ ideology rather than the Gospel, we have a serious problem. The Gospel has the power to change the heart and are we (through our witness) being examples of people with tender hearts?
antinomian rejection of the ordinances of Christ the King. You speak as if the Bible says nothing about criminal justice, government, and Christian obligation implement these things in society. Tender hearts are ineffectual sentimentalism if not governed by God's laws.
Really helpful. This talk provides resources not just to defend against nationalism but to bring it to heel. 1 Peter 2:9 is now my key nationalism verse - note the three words in capitals below - isn't it amazing how words in scripture which we just pass over in one decade can become extremely important in another decade? ESV But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, A HOLY NATION, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. It isn't just the structure of God's plan - that he intends that the world church be the holy nation - that is necessary to understand and explain to defeat nationalism. It's also understand the SPIRIT with which God wishes to establish his kingdom. Related to that someone who is nationalistic in their thinking (and the problem in the US is not that some all out Trump voters are nationalistic - it's a spirit which has invaded the church generally - keep reading) might still say that the destiny of America as a nation can effect whether the US church will effectively do what God has called it to do. This is not an illegitimate concern however it reveals ignorance about how God establishes his kingdom. The Bible tells us how healing is facilitated in our land - it is by people humbling themselves before God and seeking his face (2 Chron 7:14). Yes engagement in the political process can be an expression of that - but not when it is taking the country by siege - Jesus chooses to work alongside earthly leaders - to infiltrate instead of dominate. Hopefully we will come to see that the church not politicians leads the nation - it is God's sole appointed agent of healing - and that any healing God intends to happen in politics FOLLOWS the direction of the church - not the other way around. America's current crisis is NOT political - it's spiritual. It's about whether in ordinary every day decisions believers are foregoing power - choosing the last place - choosing to be the servant of all and the greatest in the kingdom - or seeking to grasp it. WE are only serving the Lord when we have a godly relationship with power - when we don't rely on intellect, knowledge and theological qualifications, charisma, or strategy - but on the Holy Spirit - when the power of our ministry lies in our having BECOME our ministry instead of our simply doing it. PS When I was writing this I initially wrote that it's very important that church leaders (as distinct from believers) operate in the opposite spirit. But then I realised that I was contravening my own message. Those who operate in a godly spirit ARE the leaders of the church - there is no need to convince those who might be SEEN as church leaders to operate in an appropriate spirit any more than we must coerce politicians to do our will - we simply choose to become leaders ourselves.
@@hexahexametermeter Asking help from fellow Christians a copout? James 2:16 “And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?”
The fact that Michael Horton repeats and validates the leftist "Janary 26 insurrection" trope in his opening sentence tells us that his perception of Biblical reality is seriously warped. He says that "Jesus didn't have in mind a geopolitical entity set up in some part of the world. The misuse of Scripture for civil religion has plagued the churches across the political spectrum." In conclusion he reveals that he has little or no grasp of "God's global mandate and mission for His people" He quotes Matthew 28;19,20 to "make disciples of all nations", then immediately truncates and invalidates its meaning: "Christ, not America is the last, best hope for mankind." Of course not, but that does not invalidate America's obligation to implement God's laws into it's criminal justice system. On the other hand, it does not invalidate the fact that America abandoned that obligation in 1787, when it affirmed that "this Constitution and the laws of the United States made in pursuance thereof (not the Bible)...shall be the Supreme Law of the land." In effect, he sets up a straw man and then huffs & puffs to blow that man down. Instead: 1) God has set up nations in the world with boundaries 2) God has defined justice (with specific penalties) for all nations in the Mosaic covenant of Exodus 20-24 3) The Mosaic covenant is meant for all nations, following Israel's example, according to Dt 4:6-8. 4) Obligation to these oT laws is repeated throughout the NT; e.g., Mt 15:4, I Tim 1:10-12 5) A nation that commits by covenant oath to obey that just law is a "Christian nation." 6) A nation is defined by the word "ethnos," in Mt 28:18-20, meaning "common culture, including governement." 7) God has told us to "make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey all things, including points 1-6. The prophets everywhere predict the success of this commission. Daniel in particular, following the ascension and inauguration of Christ in Dan 7:13,14 prophecies that Christ will exercise HIs dominion of "all the peoples, nations, and men of every language" (v14) via the rule of Christians. Daniel 7:27 in particular: "The sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of sants of the Highest One; His kindom will be an eaverlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him." Horton, via smooth words and obfuscating speech would deny this dominion to Christ and his saints.
In this excerpt, the speaker never defines "Christian nationalism." As a result, the talk is pretty much useless. It seems as though he is setting up a strawman argument if he doesn't tell us EXACTLY what he is warning about. If he defined the term in an earlier part of this talk, then that's good, but then the editor did us a disservice by editing that portion out.
It is implied as defined according to our current context in the U.S.A. Which is defined by the media and by the insurrectionists. It is challengingly useful to anyone who believes this country is "Christian" in some core or foundational sense. It is educationally useful to those who would defend against that philosophy, but perhaps have not considered the scriptural agenda for an ultimate, spiritual and borderless national identity for those who worship Jesus Christ as Lord above all. I hope that helps you find some value here. Peace.
@@jeremiahgrubert947 Regardless of your rowing direction, you have missed a short and helpful talk on the most important and true national and religious identity for anyone claiming Christ. Give it a listen. I can guarantee that you have spent >8min doing worse things for your soul and mind. Maybe even see if you can counter-argue the speaker's point with context appropriate scriptural evidence. Post it here if you can. Perhaps it will result in an edifying debate amongst us all. Peace.
@@danielferguson2282 Thank you Daniel for the response. Warren E. Berkley wrote an essay in 2003 on the sin of pandering, "When we seek the favor of men above or at the expense of the favor of God, we betray any claim to faith in God. It is proper to commend good people (Col. 4:7-15). There is no issue when we act toward others out of appreciation, courtesy and even honor (Romans 13:7). We can praise men, as Paul praised Timothy and Epaphroditus in Philippians two. We can love and serve one another (Gal. 5:13). In the contextual sense intended by the apostle, we should follow his example to please all men (1 Cor. 10:33). The problem is, seeking the favor of men equal with or above the favor of God." Clearly the speaker Horton is seeking the favor of man above God with his silly talk.
@@danielferguson2282 Your answer that the definition is IMPLIED by the media and insurrectionists doesn't really help. If the speaker didn't give a VERY specific definition, then please why don't YOU give a VERY specific definition? I mean it. I would like to know EXACTLY who he is talking about. Thanks.
Can someone give me an example of a Christian who fits the description of a “Christian nationalist”? I feel like I need a real example. Like a name and some quotes. In my mind there are a lot of professing “Christians” who are not actually Christians but just people who hold to conservative values that may fit his description, but I can’t think of any actual Christian who believes the things that he is describing. Like a popular Christian like Horton. This kind of thing, though true, seems to me to discourage people from seeing the good in America and standing for the values America does uphold that are biblical and good, by putting a label on “pro-America” talk as if it’s a bad thing. Not a “Christian nation” - Agree A totally bad nation that Christians should not support - disagree America has a lot of great qualities Christians should value and fight for.
No, you're right, this is just a leftist political speech. Anyone can hoist a cross and even many pagan atheist try to corrupt the gospel by co-opting it. A man of God should preach the gospel and leave politics alone, politically EVERYONE is emotion driven and wrong. Horton, and those supporting his comments, are no exception. I would only warn against being overly concerned with the affairs of this world. We have no commission to "fight," for this nation or any other worldly thing. Our commission is to keep ourselves from sin, bring the good news of Christ and let the Holy Spirit worry about how that effects the world around us.
I've heard many, many Christians say that America is, was or can be a "Christian nation." That's the most straightforward definition of Christian nation-alism I can think of.
@@keithkraska3193 well what do you think they meant when they said that? And I’m assuming you believe these are true Christians and not just cultural “Christians” who identify as “Christian” but really have no fruit of righteousness or an understanding of biblical salvation. Correct me if that is a wrong assumption.
@@alreyindustries There can be a range of beliefs and applications associated with that starting point. That, as well as their salvation, can only be determined on an individual basis. I don't assume anyone I don't know is a true Christian.
Thank you for reminding everyone with that truth. I thought believers knew that until I witnessed otherwise. I’ve tried to re educate people I heard people saying we need to get the 10 commandments and prayer back in school. My question is always was why maybe the teacher is an atheist and you’re going to have them lead the prayer. I’m not sure what happened but The church became a national entity and here we are. It breaks my heart when other Christians get upset with you because you will not jump in on the political fight.
Yes he’s very good. I’m surprised he’s with the gospel coalition. There are some people that I don’t think are very good in the gospel coalition. Michael Horton is an exception.
I wish he had more thoroughly defined Christian nationalism in this speech. He seems to be describing it as either ethnic tribalism or a sort of exaggerated jingoistic patriotism. But that doesn't seem to represent many people who support some version of Christian Nationalism. I'm still not sure what it means, if anything.
I would say it’s trying to mold the world into the church instead of being the church in the midst of the world. Basically the most foolish of fool’s errands, because the church is told to separate itself from the world
No the Jews were not saved by grace alone through faith alone that's a complete and total life scripture. And the New Covenant hasn't started it won't start until after the tribulation of those days read Jeremiah 31:31 and Romans 11.
America (The U.S.) is not a Christian nation. But a great many Christians are Americans. They are separate kingdoms. One is physical, the other spiritual.
Revelation Chapter One says Jesus was/is "ruler of the kings of the earth " in the first century, gradually manifesting that rule through His obedient saints.
Thank you for calling out the January 6th terrorist attack, I don’t hear no other “sound” teachers/preachers speak against that blasphemous day, especially that ungodly prayer in the Senate chambers. You only touch the surface. May God continue to bless your ministry to be more bold today.
Their are hundreds of nations in the borders of the US. Many of the people that make up those nations consider themselves to be Christians. Relatively few are those are saved. Besides, " ...our citizenship is in Heaven"
He's telling baptized Christians to retreat from the world, rather than reform the world per Jesus last great commission. "teaching them to observe all things" in the Old Testament, including the Mosaic Covenant of Exodus 20-24, which is God's definition of Christian Nationalism.
Idk. A lot of people say insurrection, and even if it was on a technical level, it wasn't a very serious one. If it was, I think you would've seen a lot more violence, you know, kind of like the summer of peace and love. Those fiery but "mostly peaceful" protests in a bunch of US cities.
As a Christian, I am very proud of my nation's Christian heritage. I am also sorry to hear that Michael Horton has become so brain washed by the current woke movement. But even theologians can be deceived. America was declared to be a Christian nation by the Supreme Court in 1892 and for good reason. So many of the founding documents were based upon Biblical principles. No, not all of the founders were Christian men but most, if not all followed Christian principles. If the current Marxist lies are not refuted, this will cause Americans to hate our nation's origins, then we will lose the great benefits we have for freedom for all of our people, Christian and non-Christian. So, I say, "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof," (the Liberty Bell), Source: Lev. 25:10.
I am well aware of this argument. John Eidsmoe has done a good analysis of the Treaty of Tripoli. This Treaty was conducted with an Islamic nation and the effort was to demonstrate to them that there is no official church either controlling or being controlled by the United States government as is the case with Muslim nations. But this does not take away the fact that the heritage of the US is substantially Christian and Biblical. @@guacamole7493
But there's a difference in true followers of Jesus and church goers. The Jan 6th attack was "church goers" being exposed as just that. Christ was proven to not be a motivating factor at all !
Excellent and needed topic except I would humbly submit for this... would it not be much more helpful to use the word countries or kingdoms referring to geopolitical land masses instead of nations. The words for nations in both old and new testaments referrs to ethno linguustic people groups broadly divided into gentile nations and God's Great Nation. There are still a few who understand our mission is that we do our part to reach the nations with the gospel of Christ. Ingraining the equation of nations to countries into minds I am afraid contributes to christian nationalism in that it reinforces the idea of reaching countries we call nations. Therefore we try to inflict top down theocratic control through political systems when our job really is to use a bottom up approach to reach the nations or groups of people who have not had access to the gospel in whatever country or kingdom or political system in which they reside. Lord bless and thank you for addressing this topic.
Justin, show Scripture, verse and chapter! Christian's need to stop rebelling. Roman's chapter 13 Verse 1 Commands Christian's to submit to and obey the government and the leaders for they have been established by God!!
@min. 5:25, Matthew 25:32 and verses onward says Nations will receive salvation as a brother mentions on another site, " conformed and summiting to the Law of Christ " makes you eligible for redemption. God bless!!!
Of course we are not a Christian nation, but our founding was in part based on Judeo Christian values. In fact so was the abolition of slavery and all human rights
@@cwkay6847 "The U.S. government is in no way based on the Christian religion. America is no more a Christian country than it is a Jewish or Muslim country."- John Adams, founding father, signer of the Constitution, second president. Written, spoken and signed at the Treaty of Tripoli, 1797. Ratified by the U.S. government and signed into law. It's been the law for 225+ years. It's the law today. You don't have to like it. But you do have to do it.
Horton is just one more sophisticated version of pietistic, retreatist theology that denies Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the ethnos (cultures, nations).
I have tremendous respect for Horton and his contributions to theology, however, this was tremendously misguided. His definition of Christian Nationalism and a Christian Nation are deeply flawed. Nationalism is the alternative to globalism. This was not even addressed. It is not wrong for citizens to believe that the priority should be for a people to address the problems at home before worrying about helping the rest of the world fix it's problems. And, what worldview do we want addressing what is broken in America if not Christianity? He has approached this topic entirely wrongly and as much as he is an exceptional theologian does not understand what is going on with this issue at all.
Yes, but it all springs from his pietistic, antinomian theology that got us in this mess in the first place. Because of God's mercy it takes 200 years to work itself out into the anarchy we experience today..
Wow.....just wow. That was terrible and so dishonest. Ya, hate is bad. Making things idols is also bad. But you didn’t address the loving your country part. You didn’t address if we’re supposed to love and give thanks for living in the country God has placed us in......this was really dishonest cowardly stuff. You straw manned nationalism to mean what MSNBC thinks of a trump supporter.....or David French for that matter.
@@dickhardpicard That's from the treaty of Tripoli, written by Joel Barlow, not a John Adams quote. But this is "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." I see your fake John Adams quote and raise you an actual John Adams quote.
@@wishweknew2800 The civil government functions with complete success by the total separation of the Church from the State.” Founding Father James Madison
@@wishweknew2800 Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.” James Madison - Letter to Wm. Bradford, April 1, 1774
Jesus Christ is Lord over all of creation. All aspects of society, including Civil Law and Governance, should reflect this. Agree with much of what was said (apart from the social justice comments based in the false secular worldview of critical theory) but if there is one unified nation that is the people of God, and this nation has a common worldview and a sovereign King whose reign is everlasting, how are we not nationalist? All this video seems to be arguing is that our ultimate national identity is the Kingdom of God, as opposed to a geographical area or ethnic group. It isnt a challenge to the idea of nationalism, it is merely a redefinition of what our nation, as Christians, is.
Nation: a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. The church is not a nation, because it has no land or borders. So I don’t think your premise makes sense. The church is a spiritual family made up of all types of peoples living in the midst of an unbelieving world that is made up of many nations/governments. The church is supposed to be persecuted, that doesn’t sound like ruling the world to me…
@@tylerdavis520 Mind providing a source for that definition of the word "nation"? I assume you wouldn't apply that definition to say that Israel, for example, ceased to be a nation while they were enslaved in Egypt or during the Babylonian captivity, the diaspora, or at any other time when they didnt posess or were not primarily confined within a particular territory. While it is true that nations MAY be identified by the particular lands they inhabit, those lands are not the only source of a national identity, or even the most fundamental source of it. Shared blood, history, language, culture/customs, faith and other factors are far more central to a national identity, as it is those factors that preserve said identity in the event that a people are expelled from lands they previously inhabited. Of course we as Christians are united in a much stronger way than any Earthly nation. Not only do we IN FACT HAVE our own territory, the Kingdom of Heaven, which we are citizens of and long to enter into while we toil temporarily on this Earth, which is not our home, in service to our Lord (Philippians 3:20, Ephesians 2:19-20, Hebrews 11:13-16). But even more than this, we are united together by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ who has united us with himself to be like his very body and given us his Spirit to always dwell with. We are all utterly dependent upon him such that no temporal force can sever us from his salvific and nourishing grace. It is THAT unity which makes us EVEN MORE of a nation than any other. Because while other nations will cease and be destroyed, we will persevere because the Lord has promised to preserve his Church, which is the Kingdom of God operating right now on Earth (Mark 1:15, Matthew 16:18-19). And as for persecution, of course that is the normative reality for Christians when the Gospel is proclaimed where wicked men rule. Any Christian should expect to endure persecution and is in fact promised by God to recieve it if they are faithful to him in the great commission (I assume we both agree here). The mistake you make is assuming this is a universal prescription rather than a description. The point of the great commission IS NOT to endure persecution. The POINT is to build Christ's Church by bringing new sheep into His flock by the power of His Spirit. We are trying to lead people to Christ. And If we are successful in that mission, which God has promised and shown throughout history that we will be, than persecution will CEASE (though not completely until Christ returns). When Nebuchadnezzar converted, he stopped persecuting God's people. When Paul converted, he stopped persecuting Christians. When Constantine converted, Christianity flourished throughout the Roman empire and our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the land were freed from the bondage of state oppression. Dont divorce the PURPOSE of the Great commission from the act of evangelism itself. We have been given All authority in Heaven and on Earth to transform this world and its people into one that serves and glorifies God. God has equipped us to do that, commanded us to do that, and layed the groundwork for our success by preparing the hearts and minds of our persecutors to hear us proclaim the Gospel and repent unto salvation.
@@agenttex5748 yeah, the dictionary. Apparently we read things differently, because last time I checked it’s gonna be like the days of Noah when Jesus returns. You remember those days, when things were so evil that God destroyed everyone? ““But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:36-39 NKJV Satan is the “god of this age”, that’s why things are not going to be made right until he is dealt with
@@tylerdavis520 For One, Satan is NOT and will never be God over this world. This world belongs exclusively to Christ and he is reigning over it in heaven right now: Psalms 103:19: “The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.” That’s true now, and that’s true always. Psalms 47:2: "For the Lord , the Most High, is to be feared, a great king over all the earth." Proverbs 8:15: “By me kings reign.” There’s no reign of any king anywhere at any time except by God’s decree. Daniel 4:17: “The Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will.” Proverbs 21:1: “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.” 1 Corinthians 15:22-25: "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet." Satan is a rebel leading a failed revolt against God, but he possess no real authority here or anywhere. Second, what does your view of eschatology do to rebut my point? I mean we could debate the Olivet discourse sure and discuss whether it refers to the destruction of the temple in AD 70 or some future event, but what would that matter with regard to my previous points? Even IF the Church will be completely surrounded and oppressed by her enemies at some point in the future only to be rescued in the second coming, how does that affect the great commission right now? Is it seriously your position that Christians shouldn't seek to actually make disciples in fulfilling the great commission (and thus create Christian nations) Today because of something that you believe will happen in the future? What about all the times that kings, emporers, cities, and even whole nations came to Christ in the past? Was that all in vain? Were those foolish endeavors by Christians who forgot that its our job to "lose down here" as opposed to the physical manifestation of God building his Church on Earth right now? I dont understand how your point about eschatology in any way addresses the points I offered. The same argument could be used to dismiss all evangelism in general. It sounds like little more than "the future is bleak therefore we shouldn't try"
@@agenttex5748 “But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.” II Corinthians 4:3-4 NKJV I wonder who the god of this age is? I never said he is more powerful than God, I’m just quoting scripture
So you’re saying Satan is God? This world has always belonged to GOD, he is the creator, Satan usurped it during the Fall but God reconquered it after the Crucifixion. If you still believe this is Satan’s world, you are a blasphemer.
For the most part, Dr. Horton is making good points, but I would argue that American-style slavery and ethnic segregation were not from Christianity. Truth be told, a great many of the pastors of early America denounced American slavery. I would argue that a LOT more of America's issues should be traced to the fact that many of the Founding Fathers were freemasons and not Christians.
The Bible was never against slavery, as a matter of fact, it was still normal in Christendom during the Middle Ages. Of course the masters have to treat their slaves as part of the family and not mistreat them.
I am a Christian saved by the blood of Christ. And also, a patriot, I believe the United States is a Christian Nation. Our U.S. Constitution names "our Lord" in Article VII. But believing in the Bible and the Constitution I in no way agree with rebellion as there was on January 6th, as rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. I would not brand myself as a "Christian Nationalist" as they are extremist just like those of the circumcision. But I believe God created us for His will, and we are a Christian Nation that should honor His Holy Bible and allow people to read it if they choose and believe the Word as he leads, and they can choose His way or any other way or religion, and they are still my fellow American, because God's freedom and the Constitution also allows that. I want all American's and all people of the World to come unto salvation in Jesus Christ. But there is nothing unchristian about being a Citizen of heaven first and a Patriot of whatever Nation God has placed you.
The nation is under the mark of the beast. The way of Christ is not what most Christians think. Sabbath is the seventh day, Saturday. Most Christians of the USA are Sunday Sabbath keeping Christians. The communion practice reveals details about Christ's body that we should know, such as; the bread (grain), and wine (fruit). The clues help each Christian learn that The body of Christ is vegetarian. Visit The Book Of Life Project on Instagram.
If as a Christian you are going to follow the ideals of your nation first over the ideals of Christ you're going to be decieved. Jesus paid taxes to Caesar. Its Jesus, our Lord, and he paid taxes. We as Christians are part of a nation we were born in. We pay taxes and are obedient to its laws. It shows we are followers of Christ. We are followers of Christ first because we are not of this world, but while we are here we must live like Christ did.
antinomian rejection of the ordinances of Christ the King. The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19,20 obligates Christians to followup the salvation message with instruction to the nations/ethnos/cultures how to govern justly under God's righteous ordinances.
I guarantee, if this guy defined Christian Nationalism the way most Christian Nationalists do, he wouldn't call it heresy. It has nothing to do with America or about any particular nation taking on the same covenant relationship Israel had with God in the OT. This guy should have done his research before speaking out against his brothers. Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, as James said.
A Christian Nationalist is simply a Christian who believes their faith can and should interact with politics and culture. For example, If you're a Christian you should want Christians to rule over your unbelieving neighbor because Christians will do a better job than non-Christians. Christians should seek to pass laws that align with the Word of God. Laws inform what people believe to be good. Laws against abortion inform the population that killing babies is wrong. When laws that align with good as defined by God are passed they aid conscious instead of binding it. They prepare people for receiving the gospel. These concepts are indisputable. It's Christian Nationalism.
@loganholdaway769 the church is the body of Christ. There is no division in the body of Christ. There are believers involved in politics but as a believer you have to use discretion and discernment before involving yourself in them. There were zealots in Jesus's time and one followed Jesus and he no longer was a zealot. His discipleship to Christ was first and foremost.
I love the theology presented by Horton but the well-known study by Whitehead and Perry that Horton cites ("Make America Christian Again: Christian Nationalism and Voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election") has huge problems. In this study, the authors asked questions that could elicit agreement by evangelicals that have absolutely nothing to do with Christian nationalism, giving a false measure of their views. Here are the questions evangelicals were asked to measure their level of Christian nationalism (1-5, strongly disagree to strongly agree). I've included my reactions. 1. "The federal government should allow prayer in public schools": Because it doesn't say 'require' prayer but only 'allow' prayer an evangelical might have in mind Bible studies after school or private prayers over lunch, not necessarily teacher led prayers. 2. "The success of the United States is part of God's plan": This could be understood simply as an affirmation of Job 12:23 ("He makes nations great, and destroys them; he enlarges nations, and disperses them.") This statement could be understood simply as an affirmation of God's "sovereignty", not necessarily Christian nationalism. 3. "The federal government should allow the display of religious symbols in public places": Who is doing the displaying and in what context? Is the government displaying a religious symbol or is a private individual? Where is this happening? The statement doesn't specify. Even the ACLU says, "The government may permit a private organization to place a religious display on public property under certain circumstances...Private groups may display overtly religious symbols, like crosses or menorahs, on public grounds if the government maintains a neutral role and if other non-religious displays are also allowed." 4. "The federal government should enforce strict separation of church and state": Again, this may uncover a Christian nationalist bent but not necessarily. The key word here is "strict". To an evangelical, that word may bring to mind organizations like the American Humanist Association that believe any governmental reference to God, including in the Pledge of Allegiance, is a violation of the separation of church and state. 5. "The federal government should advocate Christian values": How would the government do this? Would they be explicit about it? There is a strong case, as has been made by secular historian Tom Holland, that the west is so completely saturated with Christian assumptions that secularists themselves don't realize how their own humanist values are influenced by it. In advocating for basic values as human rights and dignity, the rights of the pre-born, and so on, does this count as advocating for Christian values? Do values even make sense to the Christian apart from God? 6. "The federal government should declare the United States a Christian nation": This may be the only statement that gives a measure of Christian nationalism. I personally would not want to see this declaration by the federal gov. However, I think it needs to be born in mind that 'declaring' the US a Christian nation by the federal government may be understood as an affirmation of perceived heritage only (similar to H.Res. 397, an affirmation of "the rich spiritual and religious history of our nation's founding and subsequent history"), not necessarily seeing the United States as the new Israel. So at this point, there just isn't evidence of a widespread belief among evangelicals that the U.S. is the new Israel, addressed in Horton's talk.
Roman's chapter 13 Verse 1 Commands christian's to submit to and obey the government and the leaders for they have been established by God. Many Christian's are in rebellion. There is no Scripture which commands 'christians' or The Church to be involved in politics or things that pertain to this world's kingdom. Scripture says our Citizenship is in Heaven.
@@andrewortiz5797 "Or things that pertain to this world's kingdom". I think the anabaptists lost that argument, IMO.
@andrewortiz5797 Have you read the Old Testament? The books of the prophets? The Book of Daniel? Or in the New Testament when John the Baptist confronted king Herod of his sin? It seems as though they didn’t stay out of politics or the affairs of their country when they constantly warned their government leaders (kings) if they continued in sin and their idolatry that God would bring judgement upon them and their nation. Seems like the Believers then and all through the Bible were definitely engaged in politics to me.
A sober reminder and warning for all Christians.
A sober warning to flee pietistic irresponsibility that refuses to disciple the nations, per Mt 28: 18-20
If conservative, people wants America to be a Christian nation until you bring up James 2 in the context of welfare economics.
You can't be a Christian but ignored the worldwide body of Christ
@@andrewstaples8677 How does one ignore the international body of Christ? Seeing drug cartels pump up the prices in developing nations where everyone pays the full price thus only rich people in those countries will get vaccinated..
This was 2 years ago. This is much more clear, then the confusing swirl and debate around the G 3 conference today. Still the clearest explaination yet in the topic.
this is one of the few sermons I've heard that gives me hope of an impending unity in Christ that actually stems from devotion to loving Christ and his character and his desires vs a unity rooted in our own pride and ego and desire for comfort.
wake up, christianity is a false man made religion. it was forced on the slaves, why? because they are the chosen of the Most High. As long as they stop worshipping and following their god, they can be ruled over. REad Deuteronomy the 28th chapter in the bible, and meditate on it.
@@cmapp1969 you, like many other groups...including many who call themselves Christian today, are interpreting a God that caters to your ego. I'm reading a Word that caters to the character of the God who is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. YOU should read your Bible...not from the perspective of pride and a need for validation for your hatred toward others as a means to esteem yourself (hmmm, doesn't that sin sound familiar for this country??? Wonder what the common denominator is...) Instead, read the Word to see the character of God and let THAT challenge you. Because when you see the nature of God, how he is unbiased, cannot be bribed by neither the poor nor the rich, loves without favoritsm and yet applies justice in the same manner...THAT God that's in the Bible will challenge you....because there is no human that could deny the worthiness of Him to be followed over our own paltry egos.
@@missq5200im human and deny your god .
@@missq5200 establishing God's justice in the criminal justice systems of the world has nothing to do with pride or validating hatred, but rather love for those oppressed by injustice.
There has never been such a thing as a Christian nation, other than the spiritual Christian nation that is the worldwide church (1 Pet 2:9).
In history, some countries have been influenced by the Christian faith, some of them greatly influenced by it.
But there has never been a truly Christian nation.
Nor could there be, because only relatively few people are saved and make Christ Lord (Matt 7:13-14).
So, in any given country, only a few people would qualify for Christian citizenship anyway.
Therefore, the whole concept of a Christian nation is deeply flawed.
This is what I’m starting to believe. It’s not possible to create a Christian nation god himself has to do that. But we has human beings cannot
Your comments perfectly mirror what I have always thought about this problem! There's never been a Christian nation and there'll never be any because it's not God's intent to make any nation Christian. Like you said, God's true family is culled from all countries and we constitute a minority of the total population of the human race throughout history.
In the marvel universe the Christian heaven exists for Christians only
@@indridcole7596 We as human beings are commandedd to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to conform their culture, including government to the law of God
@@robertdavidson9674 LOL No.
Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world.
But it’s in this world!
@@TheMcGloneCodein this world but not of it.
His kingdom will come to this earth after the rapture happens and after the tribulation happens so it kind of is just not yet.
Anything out of this world, by definition, is extraterrestrial.
It’s all in your mind
This was awesome. So many of our Christian brothers and sisters have gone astray. They're caught up in racial identity politics and political parties. It's very disturbing. Thank you for the honesty. Unfortunately this isn't received to be received well by man .
Because we have two side who use religion to get votes. We also have media groups that use religion to pit people against each other.
You can be a a Christian and a Congress men. You just can't push your views of religion on to others.
You also can't do it when the nation was founded with freedom of religion.
@@evacody1249The reason is because the Media is Conservative and Right Wing leaning. Racism has always been ingrained in our society dating back to Columbus and the Pilgrims. Let’s not forget forcing Native Americans off of their land who were here long before Europeans came here and the arrival of African slaves in 1619. We as a nation must deal with this historical issue, not hide from it.
@@Globalman43 Don't forget the 200 years of white slavery prior to the War of 1812, much of it brutal African oppression of white's on the Barbary Coast. "From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli". The 3% of African slaves that arrived in America were better treated on the vast majority of Southern Plantations than under the Black Codes in the North. Not to mention that it was Jewish owned slave ships operating out of Rhode Island that created the Triangular Trade.
@@robertdavidson9674That comment from you is ignorant. Slavery in America didn’t end until 1865 as a result of the Civil War. This sermon is the reason why ignorance like yours continues to exist in America. Let’s not forget Jim Crow and it’s damaging policies that existed until the 1960’s. There is nothing good about Slavery at all.
@@evacody1249 Are you serious? Have you ever read Romans 13:1 which says the Christian magistrate bears the sword of God's judgment to repress evil in society. All law is an expressoin of someone's religion being forced on society.
You mean freedom of religion like when Elijah called down the fire of heaven on hundreds of Baal worshippers? Elijah must have skipped class the day they covered the First Amendment. Or maybe he got it confused with the First Commandment?
American history and civics classes are needed now more than ever. And EVERY American should be required to read the treaty of Tripoli, Roger Williams, and Thomas Jefferson.
That's just it we threw out American History and civics classes because we can't have the people know that we do not worship a government.
No the people in Washington want us worshipping them. While Americans do that they are able to write are freedoms away.
@@filledemusique-18 Roger Williams and Thomas Jefferson both rejected any oath-bound covenant to rule in terms of God's righteous and just laws.
this is a good word and a warning to believers to not stray from your mandate, which is to testify and witness to the power of God unto salvation. We also see a lot of media trying to define Christian nationalism and it is important for Christians to own the narrative and make sure we understand it.
The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.
John Adams
I’m an atheist conservative, and I fear Christian nationalism just as much as I fear the ultra woke left. If either of these groups gained power we would live in a dystopia
@@dickhardpicard Not surprising that he would say that, since he was a Unitarian.
@@dickhardpicard That's right, but that doesn't mean that it should not have been founded as a Christian nation. Article VI should have said, "This Constitution and the laws of the United States made in pursuance thereof... shall be subject to the supreme law of God in the Holy Bible" That would have made America a Christian nations, rather that the pluralistic anarchy into which it has devolved.
@@robertdavidson9674 I am so glad that America wasn't founded on Biblical principles. We have actual freedom instead of being force to follow your cult.
Very brief, to the point, scripture-saturated, crystal clear and delivered in love. A good word.
Rather a false gospel limiting the power and extent of Jesus redemption and Great Commission to disciple the nations/ethnos/cultures.
Excellent! So refreshing to hear the clear view of Scripture and how poorly Christian Nationalism has done in the history of the church
The only time Christendom was ever actually tried in the history of the church was by Alfred the Great and his ancestors for about 200 years prior to the Battle of Hastings in 1066. England was blessed with two centuries of peace and prosperity under God's restitutionary system of justice, which was overturned by "civilized Vikings" and their system of retributionary justice in 1066, which plagues us to this day
Excellent. Spot on.
Excellent distinctives both biblically and historically.
I've never seen this explained so clearly and thoroughly, wow.
This was very helpful and clear. I'm not sure it's founded. I don't think Christian Nationalists are talking about a conflation of American patriotism and Christian ethics. They are talking about an abandonment of the predominant philosophies associated with America, namely, the autonomy of the self and the various expressions of sin and idolatry that it breeds. The emphasis of Christian Nationalists is not on the nationalism of America but on the Christianity that should predominate over it. I would alert that many of those opposed to Christian Nationalism in America are pro-Christian Nationalism in other nations, for example, Israel. The problem that originates from an antagonistic position to Christian Nationalism is an overemphasis on the separation of Church and State. The problem with this worldview is that it undermines the position it seeks to defeat. Isn't the idea of separation of Church and State an American and political idea rather than a biblical viewpoint? This position seems to elevate America and its constitution above the Bible. Isn't that what we're trying to avoid in the first place?
I agree with Michael. Being a Christian in any nation doesn't mean you can't participate in the political process as a citizen of that nation. There is nothing wrong with Christians participating in the political process for matters like abortion, sex, marriage, etc. (on the right) and social/racial justice (on the left), as long as the Bible remains the final and absolute authority, faith in Christ the only atonement for our sin, and our motivation based on love for our neighbor and love of God. HOWEVER, Christians need to also remember we live in a fallen world where most people are not believers and legislation of ANY sort will do nothing to change this (make them believers). Therefore, if you view politics or activism (positive); or violence, coercion, deception, manipulation (negative)--or any other method apart from sharing the gospel and walking as children of light--as the end to achieve the goal of the great commission, then I believe you are in danger of falling into "Christian Nationalism". This is idolatry.
The problem with the unregenerate world is this life is all they have and they are capable of and willing to use any means (evil or otherwise) to shape it to their will. We, as Christians, are not to live like them. Our hope is in Christ alone. The world WILL NOT conform to Christ because the world walks in the flesh and is unable to so (Romans 8). Be politically active, stand in solidarity against injustice, protect innocent life, promote biblical views of marriage and sex, fight racism, AND DO ALL OF THIS IN LOVE. But don't confuse these as a means to the end. That is in Christ's atonement alone.
While there are some documented historical events in the Bible's old testament; the New Testament is fiction, entirely.
There is no Scripture that Commands Christian's to be involved in politics and things that pertain to this world's kingdom. The Apostles Peter and Paul were not republicans or democrats or patriots or any such things. They were too focused on The Great Commission and didn't involve themselves with the worlds problems and concerns. Our Citizenship is in Heaven. The only duty of a disciple of Christ is The Great Commission.
@@andrewortiz5797 antimonian rejection of the ordinances of Christ the King
Christian's are in most number in world but why is there no Christian theocracy in world countries !?!?!?
A breath of fresh air.
Thank you for teaching truth! So many Americans are deluded on this issue.
No Christian Nationalist is confusing America with Israel under the old covenant. Christian nationalists say that ALL nations have a duty to order themselves according to God’s Word. Just like it is for individuals, families, churches and… nations
Enjoy saying goodbye to most of your amendments as they aren't biblical and in fact are the opposite of the Lord's commandments.
Consider yourself privileged to not being in a Christian nation.
We know how theocracy tends to go.
@@haydenmichael2134 Theocracy means "Rule of God." YOu prefer the rule of man to the rule of God? You get the anarchy you deserve when you so blatantly reject the justice of God's law.
@@haydenmichael2134 Theo Cracy means God's Law, which you so cavalierly reject. If you won't be ruled by God's law, then whose law will you be ruled by.
Thank you brother for addressing this counterfeit Gospel which is a threat to the true gospel of Christ. This is an excellent presentation.👍🏾🙏🏼
@@emmemaile5531 Yes , but God's word is a River of life. ✝️
No evidence to support the existence of God. It's all in your head
@@emmemaile5531the reason this faith began was supposed eyewitness testimony of the resurrection of a dead man. Believe it or not but I’d imagine witnessing a man come back from the dead would change your life to put it mildly
if 100% of people in a given town, county, state, or nation self-declared as christians how would/should governance change?
In no should it need to change as the courts who interpret the laws would be decide cases with biblical priciples foremost. The leaders of such a place would also be assumed to be christian but again, that is up to the voters.
You're right on, Mike !!!
The True Elect have NO citizenship ANYWHERE on this planet; their Citizenship is in Heaven.
Alot of church-ianity will allow for people to hold on to ethnicity, experiences, nationality, neighborhoods, countries for identity. However, the True Born will be pulled out of every attachment to this world by the Holy Spirit because a Child of God is only acceptable when no trace of this physical world is left in him / her and when the denial of self (accomplishments, attachments, link to family, traditions, culture.....) is a daily walk until one is 'found in Him' only.
America is nowhere close to a Christian Nation; it's not even close to a moral nation!!!
As a foreigner I will tell you history of this country speaks for itself been oppressive, divisive, exploit of any kind of poor American people, unjust to the people, lying to the people , stealing from the people , and perusing to be like the “image” of god in saving the nations from evil? You got to be kidding me !
Lies and more lies . We all have been deceived and now comes judgment time from above to do justice for all the innocent lives that no one tried to protect less save from the evil of so many in power.
This is just an evil experiment and is coming to his final days.
@@AnHebrewChild That is because America has rejected it's original oath-bound commitment to execute justice in terms of God's just laws because antinomians like Horton gained control of the culture.
That's ridiculous. Paul was a Roman citizen and used it to advantage
I think its more accurate to say that America is a Christian nation in rebellion to her original oath-bound, colonial commitments to govern under God's law. In 1788 America abandoned that original commitment to God's law for a neutral, pluralistic, godless social contract whose humanistic god is "we the people." She is now reaping the anarchistic results of that rebellion in cultural chaos and a church that is too confused to even know what to do about it as this milquetoast video makes evident.
Horton says, O its just fine for Christians to get involved politically, just don't insist on the crown rights of King Jesus and try to carry His just ordinances into the public arena. Is it any wonder that America is teetering on the cliff of God's judgment.
I am so sorry but because of my background in managing a menswear clothing store in Perth Western Australia I see the bottom of your trousers and I cringe. I know it’s nothing to do with your message which I enjoy very much but men’s trousers should break just once over the shoe. It’s very inexpensive to have your trousers altered but it makes a lot of difference. It will make a person look taller and your trousers bottoms will not look like they belong to someone a foot taller than you are. I apologise if this offends anyone at all as this is not my intention. May God bless you and keep you.
Amen my brother~!! Thank you SO much for this message... it saddens me that so many are so confused about this~
Thank you Michael
The symbols in the ground seem to indicate that the Feudal system from Europe survived the move and multiplied.
Amen! Wow!
Yes, one of the most exquisite denials of the Kingship of Christ I have ever heard.
Thank you Dr. Horton for pushing back against Preterism and its antichrist-facilitating view of a world without Jesus physically present. We are not to triumph here without Christ, but to suffer increasingly until His glorious arrival! Maranatha!
He's pushing back against Bible truth. Daniel 7:18, 22, 27 are all about the Christ rulling in and through His saints following His ascencion and enthronement in Dan 7: 13, 14.
If as Christians with get our identity from a particular political affiliation/ ideology rather than the Gospel, we have a serious problem. The Gospel has the power to change the heart and are we (through our witness) being examples of people with tender hearts?
antinomian rejection of the ordinances of Christ the King. You speak as if the Bible says nothing about criminal justice, government, and Christian obligation implement these things in society. Tender hearts are ineffectual sentimentalism if not governed by God's laws.
Really helpful. This talk provides resources not just to defend against nationalism but to bring it to heel.
1 Peter 2:9 is now my key nationalism verse - note the three words in capitals below - isn't it amazing how words in scripture which we just pass over in one decade can become extremely important in another decade?
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, A HOLY NATION, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
It isn't just the structure of God's plan - that he intends that the world church be the holy nation - that is necessary to understand and explain to defeat nationalism. It's also understand the SPIRIT with which God wishes to establish his kingdom. Related to that someone who is nationalistic in their thinking (and the problem in the US is not that some all out Trump voters are nationalistic - it's a spirit which has invaded the church generally - keep reading) might still say that the destiny of America as a nation can effect whether the US church will effectively do what God has called it to do. This is not an illegitimate concern however it reveals ignorance about how God establishes his kingdom. The Bible tells us how healing is facilitated in our land - it is by people humbling themselves before God and seeking his face (2 Chron 7:14). Yes engagement in the political process can be an expression of that - but not when it is taking the country by siege - Jesus chooses to work alongside earthly leaders - to infiltrate instead of dominate. Hopefully we will come to see that the church not politicians leads the nation - it is God's sole appointed agent of healing - and that any healing God intends to happen in politics FOLLOWS the direction of the church - not the other way around. America's current crisis is NOT political - it's spiritual. It's about whether in ordinary every day decisions believers are foregoing power - choosing the last place - choosing to be the servant of all and the greatest in the kingdom - or seeking to grasp it. WE are only serving the Lord when we have a godly relationship with power - when we don't rely on intellect, knowledge and theological qualifications, charisma, or strategy - but on the Holy Spirit - when the power of our ministry lies in our having BECOME our ministry instead of our simply doing it.
PS When I was writing this I initially wrote that it's very important that church leaders (as distinct from believers) operate in the opposite spirit. But then I realised that I was contravening my own message. Those who operate in a godly spirit ARE the leaders of the church - there is no need to convince those who might be SEEN as church leaders to operate in an appropriate spirit any more than we must coerce politicians to do our will - we simply choose to become leaders ourselves.
If you love me, feed my sheep.
@@hexahexametermeter Try asking your local church.
@@hexahexametermeter Asking help from fellow Christians a copout? James 2:16
“And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?”
The more I hear these so called "authorities" the least I want to. People. Please read your Bible and break from blaspememous chruch doctrine.
Because of "christians" such as the channel upholder?
The fact that Michael Horton repeats and validates the leftist "Janary 26 insurrection" trope in his opening sentence tells us that his perception of Biblical reality is seriously warped. He says that "Jesus didn't have in mind a geopolitical entity set up in some part of the world. The misuse of Scripture for civil religion has plagued the churches across the political spectrum."
In conclusion he reveals that he has little or no grasp of "God's global mandate and mission for His people" He quotes Matthew 28;19,20 to "make disciples of all nations", then immediately truncates and invalidates its meaning: "Christ, not America is the last, best hope for mankind."
Of course not, but that does not invalidate America's obligation to implement God's laws into it's criminal justice system. On the other hand, it does not invalidate the fact that America abandoned that obligation in 1787, when it affirmed that "this Constitution and the laws of the United States made in pursuance thereof (not the Bible)...shall be the Supreme Law of the land." In effect, he sets up a straw man and then huffs & puffs to blow that man down. Instead:
1) God has set up nations in the world with boundaries
2) God has defined justice (with specific penalties) for all nations in the Mosaic covenant of Exodus 20-24
3) The Mosaic covenant is meant for all nations, following Israel's example, according to Dt 4:6-8.
4) Obligation to these oT laws is repeated throughout the NT; e.g., Mt 15:4, I Tim 1:10-12
5) A nation that commits by covenant oath to obey that just law is a "Christian nation."
6) A nation is defined by the word "ethnos," in Mt 28:18-20, meaning "common culture, including governement."
7) God has told us to "make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey all things, including points 1-6.
The prophets everywhere predict the success of this commission. Daniel in particular, following the ascension and inauguration of Christ in Dan 7:13,14 prophecies that Christ will exercise HIs dominion of "all the peoples, nations, and men of every language" (v14) via the rule of Christians. Daniel 7:27 in particular: "The sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of sants of the Highest One; His kindom will be an eaverlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him."
Horton, via smooth words and obfuscating speech would deny this dominion to Christ and his saints.
In this excerpt, the speaker never defines "Christian nationalism." As a result, the talk is pretty much useless. It seems as though he is setting up a strawman argument if he doesn't tell us EXACTLY what he is warning about. If he defined the term in an earlier part of this talk, then that's good, but then the editor did us a disservice by editing that portion out.
I stopped listening before that. As soon as I heard his silly voice mention Jan. 6th. Glad you are rowing the same direction I am.
It is implied as defined according to our current context in the U.S.A. Which is defined by the media and by the insurrectionists. It is challengingly useful to anyone who believes this country is "Christian" in some core or foundational sense. It is educationally useful to those who would defend against that philosophy, but perhaps have not considered the scriptural agenda for an ultimate, spiritual and borderless national identity for those who worship Jesus Christ as Lord above all. I hope that helps you find some value here. Peace.
@@jeremiahgrubert947 Regardless of your rowing direction, you have missed a short and helpful talk on the most important and true national and religious identity for anyone claiming Christ. Give it a listen. I can guarantee that you have spent >8min doing worse things for your soul and mind. Maybe even see if you can counter-argue the speaker's point with context appropriate scriptural evidence. Post it here if you can. Perhaps it will result in an edifying debate amongst us all. Peace.
@@danielferguson2282 Thank you Daniel for the response. Warren E. Berkley wrote an essay in 2003 on the sin of pandering, "When we seek the favor of men above or at the expense of the favor of God, we betray any claim to faith in God. It is proper to commend good people (Col. 4:7-15). There is no issue when we act toward others out of appreciation, courtesy and even honor (Romans 13:7). We can praise men, as Paul praised Timothy and Epaphroditus in Philippians two. We can love and serve one another (Gal. 5:13). In the contextual sense intended by the apostle, we should follow his example to please all men (1 Cor. 10:33). The problem is, seeking the favor of men equal with or above the favor of God." Clearly the speaker Horton is seeking the favor of man above God with his silly talk.
@@danielferguson2282 Your answer that the definition is IMPLIED by the media and insurrectionists doesn't really help. If the speaker didn't give a VERY specific definition, then please why don't YOU give a VERY specific definition? I mean it. I would like to know EXACTLY who he is talking about. Thanks.
Can someone give me an example of a Christian who fits the description of a “Christian nationalist”?
I feel like I need a real example. Like a name and some quotes.
In my mind there are a lot of professing “Christians” who are not actually Christians but just people who hold to conservative values that may fit his description, but I can’t think of any actual Christian who believes the things that he is describing. Like a popular Christian like Horton.
This kind of thing, though true, seems to me to discourage people from seeing the good in America and standing for the values America does uphold that are biblical and good, by putting a label on “pro-America” talk as if it’s a bad thing.
Not a “Christian nation” - Agree
A totally bad nation that Christians should not support - disagree
America has a lot of great qualities Christians should value and fight for.
No, you're right, this is just a leftist political speech. Anyone can hoist a cross and even many pagan atheist try to corrupt the gospel by co-opting it. A man of God should preach the gospel and leave politics alone, politically EVERYONE is emotion driven and wrong. Horton, and those supporting his comments, are no exception.
I would only warn against being overly concerned with the affairs of this world. We have no commission to "fight," for this nation or any other worldly thing. Our commission is to keep ourselves from sin, bring the good news of Christ and let the Holy Spirit worry about how that effects the world around us.
I've heard many, many Christians say that America is, was or can be a "Christian nation." That's the most straightforward definition of Christian nation-alism I can think of.
@@keithkraska3193 well what do you think they meant when they said that?
And I’m assuming you believe these are true Christians and not just cultural “Christians” who identify as “Christian” but really have no fruit of righteousness or an understanding of biblical salvation.
Correct me if that is a wrong assumption.
@@alreyindustries There can be a range of beliefs and applications associated with that starting point. That, as well as their salvation, can only be determined on an individual basis. I don't assume anyone I don't know is a true Christian.
I r 😂
Thank you for reminding everyone with that truth. I thought believers knew that until I witnessed otherwise. I’ve tried to re educate people I heard people saying we need to get the 10 commandments and prayer back in school. My question is always was why maybe the teacher is an atheist and you’re going to have them lead the prayer. I’m not sure what happened but The church became a national entity and here we are. It breaks my heart when other Christians get upset with you because you will not jump in on the political fight.
thank you
No! He is selectively reading scriptures changing God’s truth. Therebiss no Christian nationalism.
I love this! So thankful to this man of God
Finally a person who actually make sense. Praise God for Mr. Horton.
Have you listened to or read much of him?
Yes he’s very good. I’m surprised he’s with the gospel coalition. There are some people that I don’t think are very good in the gospel coalition. Michael Horton is an exception.
@@Janice_1979_ that's cool :) I really enjoyed Core Christianity and the White Horse Inn podcast from him.
I wish he had more thoroughly defined Christian nationalism in this speech. He seems to be describing it as either ethnic tribalism or a sort of exaggerated jingoistic patriotism. But that doesn't seem to represent many people who support some version of Christian Nationalism. I'm still not sure what it means, if anything.
I would say it’s trying to mold the world into the church instead of being the church in the midst of the world. Basically the most foolish of fool’s errands, because the church is told to separate itself from the world
So is this guy a progressive Christian?
Not at all, he’s a conservative evangelical. White nationalism is not part of biblical Christianity
TGC apostasized quite a while ago. Their material in talking to Muslims is heretical and abhorrent.
@@toomanymarys7355 can you give a link or a specific example? what makes them heretical?
No the Jews were not saved by grace alone through faith alone that's a complete and total life scripture. And the New Covenant hasn't started it won't start until after the tribulation of those days read Jeremiah 31:31 and Romans 11.
Thank you for this ✨
America (The U.S.) is not a Christian nation. But a great many Christians are Americans. They are separate kingdoms. One is physical, the other spiritual.
Revelation Chapter One says Jesus was/is "ruler of the kings of the earth " in the first century, gradually manifesting that rule through His obedient saints.
Thank you for calling out the January 6th terrorist attack, I don’t hear no other “sound” teachers/preachers speak against that blasphemous day, especially that ungodly prayer in the Senate chambers. You only touch the surface. May God continue to bless your ministry to be more bold today.
Their are hundreds of nations in the borders of the US. Many of the people that make up those nations consider themselves to be Christians.
Relatively few are those are saved. Besides, " ...our citizenship is in Heaven"
Thanks for telling the truth.
He's telling baptized Christians to retreat from the world, rather than reform the world per Jesus last great commission. "teaching them to observe all things" in the Old Testament, including the Mosaic Covenant of Exodus 20-24, which is God's definition of Christian Nationalism.
Thank you so much my brother for speaking the truth!! 🙌🏼🙏🏼✅
There wasn’t an insurrection.
Agree to disagree
Um, you’re wrong.
Idk. A lot of people say insurrection, and even if it was on a technical level, it wasn't a very serious one. If it was, I think you would've seen a lot more violence, you know, kind of like the summer of peace and love. Those fiery but "mostly peaceful" protests in a bunch of US cities.
As a Christian, I am very proud of my nation's Christian heritage. I am also sorry to hear that Michael Horton has become so brain washed by the current woke movement. But even theologians can be deceived. America was declared to be a Christian nation by the Supreme Court in 1892 and for good reason. So many of the founding documents were based upon Biblical principles. No, not all of the founders were Christian men but most, if not all followed Christian principles. If the current Marxist lies are not refuted, this will cause Americans to hate our nation's origins, then we will lose the great benefits we have for freedom for all of our people, Christian and non-Christian. So, I say, "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof," (the Liberty Bell), Source: Lev. 25:10.
Read the treaty of Tripoli. It's very clear.
I am well aware of this argument. John Eidsmoe has done a good analysis of the Treaty of Tripoli. This Treaty was conducted with an Islamic nation and the effort was to demonstrate to them that there is no official church either controlling or being controlled by the United States government as is the case with Muslim nations. But this does not take away the fact that the heritage of the US is substantially Christian and Biblical. @@guacamole7493
This couldn't be better said...thank you Micheal Horton ❗❗❗
Need to do more talks on this! People are being led astray! God bless
But there's a difference in true followers of Jesus and church goers. The Jan 6th attack was "church goers" being exposed as just that.
Christ was proven to not be a motivating factor at all !
America is a continent, not a country or a nation.
An American is from the Continent of America, not just the USA🇺🇲
About time some said that! Good for you !
• Republication ✅
• 2K Theology ✅
• Law /Gospel Distinction ✅
• Christ, the only hope for this world ✅
Republication? pretty sure Horton rejects that...
Excellent and needed topic except I would humbly submit for this... would it not be much more helpful to use the word countries or kingdoms referring to geopolitical land masses instead of nations. The words for nations in both old and new testaments referrs to ethno linguustic people groups broadly divided into gentile nations and God's Great Nation. There are still a few who understand our mission is that we do our part to reach the nations with the gospel of Christ. Ingraining the equation of nations to countries into minds I am afraid contributes to christian nationalism in that it reinforces the idea of reaching countries we call nations. Therefore we try to inflict top down theocratic control through political systems when our job really is to use a bottom up approach to reach the nations or groups of people who have not had access to the gospel in whatever country or kingdom or political system in which they reside. Lord bless and thank you for addressing this topic.
Some good points in principle. However, some statements are not backed up by facts or are blatantly false.
Such as…?
Justin, show Scripture, verse and chapter! Christian's need to stop rebelling. Roman's chapter 13 Verse 1 Commands Christian's to submit to and obey the government and the leaders for they have been established by God!!
@min. 5:25, Matthew 25:32 and verses onward says Nations will receive salvation as a brother mentions on another site, " conformed and summiting to the Law of Christ " makes you eligible for redemption. God bless!!!
It never was that’s why it’s not now a Christian nation. All the Christians worshipping Christ don’t seem to know Jesus was Jewish.
Well yeah, but he called the antinomian leaders of the Jewish nations a "brood of vipers'
@@robertdavidson9674 and that’s wrong! Duh!
Of course we are not a Christian nation, but our founding was in part based on Judeo Christian values.
In fact so was the abolition of slavery and all human rights
@@cwkay6847 Absolutely NOT.
@@cwkay6847 "The U.S. government is in no way based on the Christian religion. America is no more a Christian country than it is a Jewish or Muslim country."- John Adams, founding father, signer of the Constitution, second president. Written, spoken and signed at the Treaty of Tripoli, 1797. Ratified by the U.S. government and signed into law. It's been the law for 225+ years. It's the law today. You don't have to like it. But you do have to do it.
Then where do we get our inalienable rights from? Oh that’s right our creator
I agree with most of this...but don't call it a insurrection....no one that was involved on jan 6th has been charged with insurrection!
Yes, Horton's adoption of these socialist tropes is very revealing.
In spirit it was. The bar is high to prove it in court but that doesn’t make it incorrect to name it what it really was.
Horton is just one more sophisticated version of pietistic, retreatist theology that denies Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the ethnos (cultures, nations).
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. KC Comanche tx
I have tremendous respect for Horton and his contributions to theology, however, this was tremendously misguided. His definition of Christian Nationalism and a Christian Nation are deeply flawed. Nationalism is the alternative to globalism. This was not even addressed. It is not wrong for citizens to believe that the priority should be for a people to address the problems at home before worrying about helping the rest of the world fix it's problems. And, what worldview do we want addressing what is broken in America if not Christianity? He has approached this topic entirely wrongly and as much as he is an exceptional theologian does not understand what is going on with this issue at all.
Yes, but it all springs from his pietistic, antinomian theology that got us in this mess in the first place. Because of God's mercy it takes 200 years to work itself out into the anarchy we experience today..
Nothing in your comment is biblically supported.
here you are totally wrong !
Wow.....just wow. That was terrible and so dishonest.
Ya, hate is bad. Making things idols is also bad.
But you didn’t address the loving your country part. You didn’t address if we’re supposed to love and give thanks for living in the country God has placed us in......this was really dishonest cowardly stuff.
You straw manned nationalism to mean what MSNBC thinks of a trump supporter.....or David French for that matter.
The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.
John Adams
@@dickhardpicard That's from the treaty of Tripoli, written by Joel Barlow, not a John Adams quote. But this is
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
I see your fake John Adams quote and raise you an actual John Adams quote.
@@wishweknew2800 The civil government functions with complete success by the total separation of the Church from the State.”
Founding Father James Madison
@@wishweknew2800 Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.”
James Madison - Letter to Wm. Bradford, April 1, 1774
@@wishweknew2800 🤡
Jesus Christ is Lord over all of creation. All aspects of society, including Civil Law and Governance, should reflect this.
Agree with much of what was said (apart from the social justice comments based in the false secular worldview of critical theory) but if there is one unified nation that is the people of God, and this nation has a common worldview and a sovereign King whose reign is everlasting, how are we not nationalist? All this video seems to be arguing is that our ultimate national identity is the Kingdom of God, as opposed to a geographical area or ethnic group. It isnt a challenge to the idea of nationalism, it is merely a redefinition of what our nation, as Christians, is.
Nation: a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
The church is not a nation, because it has no land or borders. So I don’t think your premise makes sense. The church is a spiritual family made up of all types of peoples living in the midst of an unbelieving world that is made up of many nations/governments. The church is supposed to be persecuted, that doesn’t sound like ruling the world to me…
@@tylerdavis520 Mind providing a source for that definition of the word "nation"? I assume you wouldn't apply that definition to say that Israel, for example, ceased to be a nation while they were enslaved in Egypt or during the Babylonian captivity, the diaspora, or at any other time when they didnt posess or were not primarily confined within a particular territory.
While it is true that nations MAY be identified by the particular lands they inhabit, those lands are not the only source of a national identity, or even the most fundamental source of it. Shared blood, history, language, culture/customs, faith and other factors are far more central to a national identity, as it is those factors that preserve said identity in the event that a people are expelled from lands they previously inhabited.
Of course we as Christians are united in a much stronger way than any Earthly nation. Not only do we IN FACT HAVE our own territory, the Kingdom of Heaven, which we are citizens of and long to enter into while we toil temporarily on this Earth, which is not our home, in service to our Lord (Philippians 3:20, Ephesians 2:19-20, Hebrews 11:13-16). But even more than this, we are united together by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ who has united us with himself to be like his very body and given us his Spirit to always dwell with. We are all utterly dependent upon him such that no temporal force can sever us from his salvific and nourishing grace. It is THAT unity which makes us EVEN MORE of a nation than any other. Because while other nations will cease and be destroyed, we will persevere because the Lord has promised to preserve his Church, which is the Kingdom of God operating right now on Earth (Mark 1:15, Matthew 16:18-19).
And as for persecution, of course that is the normative reality for Christians when the Gospel is proclaimed where wicked men rule. Any Christian should expect to endure persecution and is in fact promised by God to recieve it if they are faithful to him in the great commission (I assume we both agree here). The mistake you make is assuming this is a universal prescription rather than a description. The point of the great commission IS NOT to endure persecution. The POINT is to build Christ's Church by bringing new sheep into His flock by the power of His Spirit. We are trying to lead people to Christ. And If we are successful in that mission, which God has promised and shown throughout history that we will be, than persecution will CEASE (though not completely until Christ returns). When Nebuchadnezzar converted, he stopped persecuting God's people. When Paul converted, he stopped persecuting Christians. When Constantine converted, Christianity flourished throughout the Roman empire and our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the land were freed from the bondage of state oppression.
Dont divorce the PURPOSE of the Great commission from the act of evangelism itself. We have been given All authority in Heaven and on Earth to transform this world and its people into one that serves and glorifies God. God has equipped us to do that, commanded us to do that, and layed the groundwork for our success by preparing the hearts and minds of our persecutors to hear us proclaim the Gospel and repent unto salvation.
@@agenttex5748 yeah, the dictionary.
Apparently we read things differently, because last time I checked it’s gonna be like the days of Noah when Jesus returns. You remember those days, when things were so evil that God destroyed everyone?
““But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”
Matthew 24:36-39 NKJV
Satan is the “god of this age”, that’s why things are not going to be made right until he is dealt with
For One, Satan is NOT and will never be God over this world. This world belongs exclusively to Christ and he is reigning over it in heaven right now:
Psalms 103:19: “The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.” That’s true now, and that’s true always.
Psalms 47:2: "For the Lord , the Most High, is to be feared, a great king over all the earth."
Proverbs 8:15: “By me kings reign.” There’s no reign of any king anywhere at any time except by God’s decree.
Daniel 4:17: “The Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will.”
Proverbs 21:1: “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.”
1 Corinthians 15:22-25: "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet."
Satan is a rebel leading a failed revolt against God, but he possess no real authority here or anywhere.
Second, what does your view of eschatology do to rebut my point? I mean we could debate the Olivet discourse sure and discuss whether it refers to the destruction of the temple in AD 70 or some future event, but what would that matter with regard to my previous points? Even IF the Church will be completely surrounded and oppressed by her enemies at some point in the future only to be rescued in the second coming, how does that affect the great commission right now? Is it seriously your position that Christians shouldn't seek to actually make disciples in fulfilling the great commission (and thus create Christian nations) Today because of something that you believe will happen in the future? What about all the times that kings, emporers, cities, and even whole nations came to Christ in the past? Was that all in vain? Were those foolish endeavors by Christians who forgot that its our job to "lose down here" as opposed to the physical manifestation of God building his Church on Earth right now? I dont understand how your point about eschatology in any way addresses the points I offered. The same argument could be used to dismiss all evangelism in general. It sounds like little more than "the future is bleak therefore we shouldn't try"
@@agenttex5748 “But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.”
II Corinthians 4:3-4 NKJV
I wonder who the god of this age is? I never said he is more powerful than God, I’m just quoting scripture
Because this is satan's world
So you’re saying Satan is God? This world has always belonged to GOD, he is the creator, Satan usurped it during the Fall but God reconquered it after the Crucifixion. If you still believe this is Satan’s world, you are a blasphemer.
For the most part, Dr. Horton is making good points, but I would argue that American-style slavery and ethnic segregation were not from Christianity. Truth be told, a great many of the pastors of early America denounced American slavery.
I would argue that a LOT more of America's issues should be traced to the fact that many of the Founding Fathers were freemasons and not Christians.
The Bible was never against slavery, as a matter of fact, it was still normal in Christendom during the Middle Ages. Of course the masters have to treat their slaves as part of the family and not mistreat them.
I am a Christian saved by the blood of Christ. And also, a patriot, I believe the United States is a Christian Nation. Our U.S. Constitution names "our Lord" in Article VII. But believing in the Bible and the Constitution I in no way agree with rebellion as there was on January 6th, as rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. I would not brand myself as a "Christian Nationalist" as they are extremist just like those of the circumcision. But I believe God created us for His will, and we are a Christian Nation that should honor His Holy Bible and allow people to read it if they choose and believe the Word as he leads, and they can choose His way or any other way or religion, and they are still my fellow American, because God's freedom and the Constitution also allows that. I want all American's and all people of the World to come unto salvation in Jesus Christ. But there is nothing unchristian about being a Citizen of heaven first and a Patriot of whatever Nation God has placed you.
Reference to no god, as ruled and stated by the writer. The U.S. government is in no way based on the christian religion.
The nation is under the mark of the beast. The way of Christ is not what most Christians think. Sabbath is the seventh day, Saturday. Most Christians of the USA are Sunday Sabbath keeping Christians. The communion practice reveals details about Christ's body that we should know, such as; the bread (grain), and wine (fruit). The clues help each Christian learn that The body of Christ is vegetarian. Visit The Book Of Life Project on Instagram.
God >>>>>>> Government. Keep crying.
4:21 what a straw man.
If as a Christian you are going to follow the ideals of your nation first over the ideals of Christ you're going to be decieved. Jesus paid taxes to Caesar. Its Jesus, our Lord, and he paid taxes. We as Christians are part of a nation we were born in. We pay taxes and are obedient to its laws. It shows we are followers of Christ. We are followers of Christ first because we are not of this world, but while we are here we must live like Christ did.
antinomian rejection of the ordinances of Christ the King. The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19,20 obligates Christians to followup the salvation message with instruction to the nations/ethnos/cultures how to govern justly under God's righteous ordinances.
Straw men… straw men everywhere
I guarantee, if this guy defined Christian Nationalism the way most Christian Nationalists do, he wouldn't call it heresy. It has nothing to do with America or about any particular nation taking on the same covenant relationship Israel had with God in the OT. This guy should have done his research before speaking out against his brothers. Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, as James said.
Care to enlighten us?
A Christian Nationalist is simply a Christian who believes their faith can and should interact with politics and culture. For example, If you're a Christian you should want Christians to rule over your unbelieving neighbor because Christians will do a better job than non-Christians. Christians should seek to pass laws that align with the Word of God. Laws inform what people believe to be good. Laws against abortion inform the population that killing babies is wrong. When laws that align with good as defined by God are passed they aid conscious instead of binding it. They prepare people for receiving the gospel. These concepts are indisputable. It's Christian Nationalism.
@loganholdaway769 the church is the body of Christ. There is no division in the body of Christ. There are believers involved in politics but as a believer you have to use discretion and discernment before involving yourself in them. There were zealots in Jesus's time and one followed Jesus and he no longer was a zealot. His discipleship to Christ was first and foremost.
Lies stacked upon lies.
We defend our Judeo/Christian heritage . WHAT DO YOU DEFEND ???????
Naw, actually it’s a Freemasonic/deistic heritage. You should read more history
It was not an insurrection LOL
It is a Christian nation yes
Freemasons and deists built this place