1. No longer living for yourself, being ambassador for christ. 2. No cussing, crudeness or gossiping out of your mouth, taming your tongue. 3. No longer consuming whatever you want (food, social media, shopping etc.). 4. Do not keep to yourself, reach out to others, to help. Start with your kids. 5. Do not put your marriage on the back burner. Make it a priority. 6. Do not think poorly of your children. You are their number one person. 7. Do not neglect your mental clarity. Have a stance of LGBT issues, financial situations, war etc. by digging into scripture. 8. Do not disregard modesty. Your outward appearance is a reflection of what’s inside. 9. Do not neglect your home. The home should be a refuge for the family and others, nurturing and cozy. 10. Do not waste your time on nothingness. 11. Do not be rebellious. Submit biblically to your husband, to nurturing motherhood, to homemaking and living for Christ and God’s word. 12. Do not live as a citizen of this world. You’re a citizen of heaven, that’s where you focus and investment should be.
I’m not a Christian but I’ve been called to read the Bible. Slowly it has started changing my conduct for the better, i realised my own shortcomings and each day i try to live less pridefully. Everything you said here resonated with me.
@@johnnyschmidt6945reading with doubt without your heart R E A LL Y listening comes across as rules, but are soul guidelines that unblock blessings and have you rcv God's purposes to restore what religion attempts to do that only Biblical faith reaches, as Jesus shares in New Testsment Book of John, chapter 15: 'for His joy to remain in us and your joy, Johnny that it might be full' Bible prophecies have already been 84% proven true; last 16% relate to endtimes and are, as Iran (Biblicsl Persia) and Russia (Biblical Mogog) now for first time in 2500 yrs have formed a military alliance Old Testsment Ezekiel chapters 37 & 38... and now Israel .... heaven is real, but so is eternal separation from God for uncleansed sins' ugly jagged wretched blackness from off your souce of life, your soul, Johnny. Revelation end of chapter 13, the mark of the beast, grows closer with WHO trying to pass it as a globally #'ing system upon everyone this past May and UN trying it again this past Sept and G20Leaders thru AI this summer starting in trying to bring a QR numbering system globally too. Only the Holy and Divine Power of Jesus and Spirit of Truth, God will work through to save you, as His from that globally billionaires dictatorship taking all from you. May you be given eyes to see and ears to hear God's justice, love, restoration, power and faith for you, Johnny.... what would any sport or stock car race be without rules.... and we also know what a quarterback is when their heart isn't in the game, nor having learned the plays (our Bible has them)... discernment and wisdom that are from above as spiritually imparted, no world dictator can block... in Jesus' Name, for you, Johnny, Amen and Forever Allelulua!
I had to delete Facebook. I truly believe the Lord wanted me too because I spent too much time on it. I read my Bible more because I downloaded it in its place. Your video is really good! Thanks for your time an teaching.
Best thing I ever did! All it did was bring out anger and frustration and anxiety and took me away from what is important. Bravo!! Social Media is Satan's playground.
I am 72. Everything you are saying is what I'm sure God has been telling me all my life. I just didn't want to listen. I'm listening now. And I know it's not too late to be the woman God always wanted me to be. I want my two daughters to hear this too. You are making this so easy to understand. When we hear the truth, we know it. Thank you, and God bless you❤
Oh my goodness-- thank you for sharing! 😭 PRAISE GOD! It's NEVER too late-- maybe your girls might want to join you in the study? We'll be praying for you all as the Lord continues to work in your life! XOXOXOXO
The title grabbed my attention. I am a 76 year old son, brother, husband, father, uncle, and grandfather, and I praise God for the work He is doing in and through you by your influence, encouraging many women to live as Godly wives and mothers in their homes and communities. Stay faithful to God and His word and keep growing. See 2 Peter 3:18.
Thank you for your videos and your Bible Studies on Biblical Womanhood! I started on this journey 1 year ago at age 48 having accepted Christ at age 39 while within a same sex marriage where I gave birth to 2 children via sperm donor. God blessed me with a husband 18 months ago and I am home now! It’s never too late! We have 7 grown children and 9 grandchildren between us and God is awesome! God bless you ladies!! ❤
Oh, sweet friend!!! 😭🙌🏼 ALL glory to God! What a testimony!!!! I would love to chat with you about sharing this testimony if you would be willing. Email me- heavenlymindedhome@gmail.com Thank you Lord for your grace & truth!
I agree with everything you are saying. Only one thing I would like to add. Do pay attention to the news and what is going on in this world. We are watchmen on the walls. And yes, our priority is our family but also our country. Pray for our country even though our citizenship is not here.
The media is the enemy of the people and has been used to propagandize, spread fear so that people can make poor and destructive choices and publish materials to destroy and divide. If you're referring to true news, that's good but you cannot depend on MSM(Main stream media) for that. They are the devil's tools against us.
Do not agree. Some are watchers. Some are fighters, others are worshipers or teachers etc. We all cannlearn from eachother because everone has a talent or mission, but not everyone has the same mission. So not everyone is a watchmanor woman. But its great if the watchers can warn the others who are doinhmg other things.
I agree with your list, and reasons. I am much older, a senior to citizen, and been through more, so doing #4, helping the younger women. True, we need to submit to God's word, and know it. But Jesus, Mary, Joseph, also submitted to the religious authority of their day, their church. Scripture alone, the Bible, is not the authority, anymore than it was in Jesus' day. They also had to submit to their elders in their church. Same for today. We don't baptize or confirm our own selves. We don't anoint ourselves with oil when sick ( St. James 5: 14-15. ) Jesus spoke of how we need to accept the church ( St. Matt. 18:15-20 .) Also, St. Peter said many things are difficult to interpret on our own, so we need guidance from the church ( ll Peter 3:16.) Did you know that Jesus built his church on Peter and said the powers of hell will not prevail over it? ( St. Matt. 16:18) I learned all you spoke of, and more, by reading Church documentation on all these topics, as well as Scripture. For instance, St. Thomas Aquinas wrote extensively on modesty, a fruit of the Holy Spirit, using scripture as well. We can know what is right, but where do we get the strength to follow through? God is the vine, we are the branches. Certainly not apart from him. Just as we need to be baptized to enter the Kingdom, and Jesus told Peter to "confirm" thy brethren, we also need other sacraments. Communion. Jesus said unless we eat his flesh and drink his blood, we will not have life in us," spiritual life ( St. John 6:53-58.) I believe in submitting to the word of God, but the whole word, that is why I am Catholic, which means "whole." Jesus told the apostles, the first priests and bishops, to preach the gospel throughout the world, so Catholic also means "universal." Means we all are to believe, and observe all he teaches. The fact there are so many Christian denominations, means, so many are only observing x amount of what Jesus said, and not all, or there would be one flock with one shepherd ( St. John 17:21 as he prayed for ) and a nation/ world that is indivisible. Keep studying, your coming along.
We don’t have yo watch the news to pray solely on the the Bible commands in 1 Timothy 2:1-7 2 Tim 3:1-9 The command and prophecy is already there and written We don’t have to sit and soak in negativity of the news to follow our individual and spirit body instructions. Don’t be deceiving or deceived. ❤
@@Ilja-Novacorrect I don’t agree with her either 1 Tim 2:1-7 2 Tim 3:1-9 None of the “news” is news, there’s nothing new under the sun. We don’t have to sit watch and soak in bad news to pray is we are command and instructed. Not all ppl are born again nor do they read the Bible to know that WE DO NOT LOOK TO THE WORLD FOR ANYTHING!! We look up and abide in our Bible for all truth to be revealed to us Be blessed ❤
I didn't expect my latter years to be so difficult. I have always been a practicing Christian woman. Yet now, I have lost my motivation to enjoy doing any of my hobbies as well as my housework due to past injuries. I pray daily to be restored. I am happy I have found you and your words for help. 🕊🕊🕊🤲
Please don’t ever feel ashamed over not being able to physically do the things you used to do, owing to illness or injury…..that is something which is out of your control!! “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1Samuel 16:7). I myself am living with a disability, and I am not able to clean and tidy our home the way I used to. I also have a toddler! All my physical energy goes in to taking care of her 💖 So, my husband and I try to handle the housework and cooking between us, and whenever we can afford it, we bring in cleaners to give us a little extra help. I know some people who would be outraged at the thought of a young Christian wife and Mama having external help with her home making, but I don’t believe there is anything wrong with it, especially when your body is too sick to do it!! I hope and pray that you have love and support around you as you navigate your injuries? And that you know your worth comes from your heart and your soul, not from the housework you can or can’t do. Sending much love your way 😘🙏🏼💖
God bless you dear. I'll pray for you. Your struggle is real, I know because I have similar struggles at times. God knows your heart and He knows you love Him. With God's love, from Diana
it may be is simple as a chemical.imbalance...changing your diet to increase a healthy gut which leads to a healthy mind, eat more omega fats and take a fish oil supplement and B complex.
@@Gallery44-vt1tuI agree-a healthy gut is key to improving our overall health. My reference is Dr William Li, medical physician, biologist, cancer researcher, author, etc.
I fall short. I'm thankful for the Lord's forgiving me. I try my best everyday. But, when I look at myself, most times I see so many flaws. I just thank Jesus for forgiving me.
We will never be perfect, but we can read God’s Word daily, get to know Him and do our best to be like Christ whose main focus was doing His Father’s will. If we do that, we will always be growing. I find that when God shows me an area, I work on it, and then…up pops another area I need to change. Romans 12:1 says we are changed or transformed by the renewing of our minds. It is a lifelong journey, but the rewards for following Christ are eternal. Keep searching the Scriptures and growing! God bless you!
Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18, Paul's answer when asked the will of God(which is to rest in the Inheritance given/received). Let the Lord the love you in thanks.
We have to be very careful not to compare ourselves to other Christians. When I hear what someone does or doesn’t do because they follow Jesus, it feels like they are telling me they are “better Christians than the rest of us.” Everyone one is at a different place in their walk with Jesus. My father always told me to not look around at the other Christians to compare myself to but only look up to Jesus. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Pray for one another with humble hearts ! God Bless You All !
Amen- it's never about comparison. This is about looking at the Biblical points of what we, as women, are called to be when we walk as ambassadors of Christ! XO Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. 4These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, 5to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God. -- Titus 2:3-5
This in no way compared people to people but women to Gods word. Don’t let your refusal to bend your knee to His word look like you’re living in grace. It’s complete disobedience to Christ and His precepts. I’m afraid you’ll miss so many blessings because you don’t want to let go of sin. Give this study a try. You might be set free and experience a new joy & freedom.
@@victoriae-pi9bbI didn’t see her say anything about living in sin and refusing to obey God etc or endorsing abusing grace etc. please be careful not to bear false witness or have a sharp reply. There are many babes in Christ, as well as people who were abused very badly by legalistic churches with the Pharisee spirit, and our replies to these people should reflect the fruits of the Holy Spirit🙏🏻😌
@@gwengwen4535Preach..., I grew up in church to learn and love God, only to find the most judgemental and hypocritical people. I was so confused by their contradictory actions when compared to the ministry of Jesus who although he had the authority of judgment given to him from his Father, he rarely used it towards the lost unbeliever. The Church has been responsible for so many wars, slavery, racism and division while remaining silent when the downtrodden and oppressed are in need. Jesus said that if you love him to feed his sheep. They come in all colors. Blessings
I started crying when you talked about how we treat our children. It has been heavy on my heart to give my daughter more grace in my presence. This hit on every point I have been trying to actively change with prayer. Thankful for your kind words.
Never insult your child, in front of them, or to someone else. Make it a permanent rule for the family, no insulting each other, no matter what. Compliment them daily. These two things alone work wonders.
Remember, dear mother, that the Spirit brings conviction to guide us into Truth, but never condemnation. That grace is extended to you as His daughter. Walk in grace. ❤️🌹🙏
I’m 77 (from India) and been a Sunday School teacher and Bible Study guide to young women for almost 30 years. The title of this video attracted my attention and without knowing it’s content I said to myself, ‘ I need this’. And truly I did! You have presented the Truth in such a profound yet simple way. It’s wonderful to see how the Lord has called you to encourage and build women spiritually. God bless you and your family.❤🙏
ALL glory to God- what a blessing it is to get to be connected by the Lord all over the world! Welcome! Definitely come and join our study, if you haven't already, as it has been a wonderful time working through these topics from a Biblical perspective! XO
Sister in Christ, I just happen to see your video and also subscribed. My biggest obstacle in my walk with Jesus was listening to worldly music. It took many years to be set free. Praise God, I am free and I just listen to Godly praise that nourish my walk with Jesus daily. What a difference that has made in my walk with Christ. God Bless You. Greetings from Arizona.
May I ask what worldly music might be since I have never thought that listening to music would be a sin? I am a Catholic. Perhaps we are different there! I don't listen to much more music than classical and also to songs like The Prayer, but also to gregorian music, taize music, etc.
In Bible is says, A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. If that artist sings songs about God but then also will make a video with and artist who sings for another master, then look who's well you've been drinking from?
I would encourage you to lean into the Holy Spirit on this matter, and to think rationally and logically about it. Remember, there is no condemnation in Jesus Christ. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. There is much music that I will not listen to you anymore, because I simply cannot, it just grosses me out. I am a human, though, and I enjoy being a human in the ways that God designed me to be, and one of those is to enjoy music or good food, or even a glass of wine, etc. Everyone will have different convictions based on their personal walk with Jesus, so make sure that your conviction is actually coming from your new heart that he gave you, and not from what religious organizations are potentially shaming you with. The devil will literally try to condemn every single thing that you do until there is nothing left at all and you’re not listening to any music at all, or celebrating any holidays, and wearing gunnysacks and head scarves for the rest of your life lol. Those things are all from the spirit of religious Pharisees, and not from the Holy Spirit. Just rest in Jesus and Bis salvation, renew your mind in His Word daily, and He will speak to you about the things troubling you🙏🏻💗
@@liliyasholom4369 I believe that this passage is speaking about the fruit of the Holy Spirit in Galatians chapter 5, but what you are referring to seems to be more about works. The distinction is important to our walk, since one is evidence of salvation, and one is not.
Yes! Women should absolutely be silent whenever possible, especially hold your tongue outside your home. The Taliban are on to something there. And inside your home, always keep a sweet and soft voice. You should never share or show your feelings. Better yet, just don't have feelings!
Referring to the video -- when I was young, my pastor said 'the tongue acts as a ladle that reaches back and Scoops out what's in the heart' ( wrote that one in the back of my Bible 😉
Thank you for this video. I was saved last year and my life has taken a 180 degree spin. With my heart and eyes set on the Lord and following His word, it's been difficult for everyone around me. From my husband who isn't 100% all in, to my family who aren't believers, to my friends who recently referred to me as "sensitive" Girl it's not sensitive to the world, it's sensitive to the Holy Spirit! I am not about to disobey God to prove my worth to anyone in this world.
Wow I can relate to this so much. Family rolls their eyes, friends cut their eyes, and I'm just trying to keep my eyes on the Lord and not on this world while planting seeds for my loved ones and those I touch. That's it. This road is not easy but God is worth it. ❤🙏🏾❤️
I’m still struggling with being a “strong, independent woman who don’t need no man”. I teeter between being a good Christian woman and one that lives for the world, but I’m glad I found this video. You have this glow about you and it makes me feel that the Spirit is with you! Thank you for speaking the truth, I certainly feel convicted.
Oh, friend! 😭🙏💕 ALL glory to God! I totally understand the struggle- meek and gentle spirit doesn't come easily for all of us... I know it doesn't for me! 🙈 BUT God! I love sharing on this because it made such a difference in my life-- and my prayer is that the Lord's truth could be shared with many for the same type of freedom I experienced! 🥰
I was married to my first hysband to 19 years I was divorced for 19 years I got saved 6 years after we married but my hysband didn't I found out when I was pregnant with our 6th child that my husband was deep into porn ( which he hud) and started staying late at work with an evil receptioist . I worked after my xhildren grew and I had no interest in marriage . The Lord brought me my 2nd husband. Being married to a believer was very different.
You are an incredibly wise woman. I wish I had known any/all of this 45 years ago. What land mines I could have avoided. What a train wreck I made. Picking up the pieces as a born-again Christian hasn't been easy but it is worth more than anything I could have believed. I love what you are saying. Truth!
As a 32 year old wife, working full time and homeschooling mama of 3 who is focusing on becoming the woman Yahweh created me to be, thank you for sharing. All of this has resonated with my heart and spirit. This has been a blessing and so encouraging 🤍
Isn’t it amazing the strength and energy the Almighty gives us to do all the things we do in His glory! I see all the things you listed and think “I could never do all that!” But I also know others see all that I do and don’t see how I can possible do it all. All the glory to God. He calls me and I answer 🙏🏻
Shouldn’t she be a good submissive work and stay only in the home though ? It must be nice to be so pious that you can judge other Christian women who dedicate their whole lives to teaching the word of god….. gives Christianity a bad name . Joyce meuers and such have reached more people for Jesus than you ever will
@@lauramcclain8651 Women in the Bible worked. They had different jobs and roles than men did. A woman can submit to her husband and work as long as her focus is her home/family after God
Wow, I randomly came across this and really needed to hear this. This was very convicting and has me crying thinking about all of this. I’m in a hard place in my marriage and recently been in my flesh. I’ve been on my phone too much, focused on calorie counting, working out, etc. and on everything else than what I should be. This has caused me to feel consumed and anxious, etc. Just today, I sat on my phone talking to my mom about my marital issues (which I know better than to do) rather than taking it to God in prayer and giving my full attention to my daughters swim lesson, which she picked up on and was upset about. Recently, I’ve been treating her like you described ( “do I act inconvenienced or bothered?”) But if I’m being honest, this is something I’ve more often than not. I struggle being present and always feeling rushed, busy, overwhelmed, etc. So so wrong of me. So sinful of me. So of this world. There’s no excuse because I have a choice in Christ. However, when things are not right with your spouse and your in your flesh it effects the whole family. And the reverse is true when you talked about pouring into your husband, he pours into you, and you both pour into your family. Tomorrow is a new day and I plan on apologizing to my family and making some changes. I’m so sick of being a hearer and not a doer. I know what I should do, but fail to do it. So tonight I need to get on my knees and repent and take all of this to the foot of the Cross! Thank you for this video!
@@meghanc5793Matthew 6:21 here Jesus makes it clear that storing our treasures in the wrong place, leads our hearts to being in the wrong place. What we treasure most controls us. Whether we admit it or not, what we think about, talk about or spend our money on can dominate us. If possessions or money become too important to us, we must reestablish control of our hearts. We need to get rid of the things that have become idols to us. Jesus calls for a decision to live contentedly with whatever we have because we have chosen eternal values over temporary, earthly treasures. 🙌🏻🙌🏾🙌🏼🙌🏿🙌🏽
Congratulations for making the most important decision anyone can make in their lifetime! Don’t be too hard on yourself. You will grow as God reveals things in your heart that He wants you to change. Thankfully God does not show us everything at once-that would be very discouraging to say the least. As you read the Bible and listen to His word, you will grow one step at a time to become the godly woman God wants you to be. Grow from the heart, ask God to give you wisdom, and depend upon Him for strength to break old fleshly habits. God is faithful and loves you-remember He gave his only son’s life as a substitute for payment of your sins so you could be forgiven and heaven bound. Such love! Don’t let Satan discourage you. Keep your eyes on God. Remember we never “arrive” as a perfect Christian-we are still in our fleshly bodies. Your growth will continue throughout your life as you seek God’s will until God calls you home. Welcome to the family!!!.
So true! I've been in the church my whole 43 years, and NEVER have I seen a study for women on Biblical womanhood... I found that HERE on your channel. And I'm so thankful for it! Thanks for your ministry!
ALL glory to God!!! 😭 I would love so much, and pray for the opportunities, to partner with churches and start helping to see these studies happening in local churches!
I have heard of them, but too often, they were framed as how to become a traditional woman, not truly a godly one. When flattery is extolled as a feminine good, one that men supposedly need, you know you're hearing about traditionalism, not godliness from a truly Christian, born again perspective. The Bible tells the truth about a flatterer, and God does not think that women should become one, nor that their husbands need it. It seemed that churches wanted to teach thar their traditions were the same thing as the gospel, but they aren't. Today, it's Christianity equals political conservatism, but it does not, anymore than it equates liberalism. What was a putoff about those courses was that they were prissy, frothy, fluffy, unreal, and they were unreal because they weren't based on what is eternal and real, but on conformity to humankind. When we really look at these biblical teachings, from a point of view that looks to God to tells us, being as truthful and profoundly caring about the quality of our walk in Jesus,, as He is, it is a very different message,
My own mother told me once that you can be so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good. That was like stabbing me right in the heart, my mouth opened and it still is.... That's wrong.
I totally agree that living like this is a must. If we turn our eyes upon Jesus, and look full in His wonderful face, then the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace. Living for the moment we will face Him, and being content with being regarded in this life ONLY by Him, is the way to true peace, joy and hope. God bless you and your family. 💜
The song you just quoted! Thank you! I just received news that my friend's home in Kelowna, Canada, burned down. I'm sending her these great words.♥️🇨🇦
Needed this video, God called me to homeschool this year I’ve been a stay at home for 8 years but since God wants me to do this I want to take it more serious, treat my kids better, learn how to become who God called me to be as a women and a wife and mother and most importantly Gods child ❤ this was so helpful God bless my friend I’m new just subscribed ❤❤
ALL glory to God! I'm so glad you're here with us! I LOVE homeschooling and we share a TON about it- we've got some great stuff coming out here within the next couple of weeks that I pray will bless you all! XOXO
It took me to die of a pulmonary embolism 10/13/19 and the Lord giving me another opportunity to see these truths... Right down to the eating, and spending time with the hubby, so he knows his worth. This is definitely a great study... DEFINITELY sharing and keeping!!!
I survived a pulmonary embolism too in 2009. Would have left my husband a widower with a 5 yo girl and 15 mo boy. I look forward now to my birthdays because I know they aren’t guaranteed.
Thank you so much for this! My children are grown (technically lol) and there are so many things I wish I had done differently, but the Lord has gathered me back now and I'm so grateful for the guidance of sisters like you! 💗
You are such a woman of wisdom for your young years! Keep encouraging and teaching your generation! You encouraged me as a 60 year old…I have been thinking of all these things that I need to do better and be more focused on what’s important in this life!
Aw, ALL glory to God! Thank you for your kind words, I am just thankful that the Lord pursued me and brought me to Him-- not just in word, but in deed! XOXO
Hi, I am a catholic wife and mom and I work full time outside the home and the daughters are now 21 and 18 years old, I have not been with them as I would have liked, today I discovered you with this video, it is splendid, thank you
Good list! I have downsized my habits too. Most of my decor is either thrifted or handmade. I love replacing the new things with old, sustainable pieces. Getting rid of plastic and replacing it with glass, wood etc. has been important to me. I look for longevity in items now. Also, I do a lot of needle work. It brightens my home, relieves stress and it's something I can teach my granddaughters. Always trying to make life a bit more simple to focus on what is important.
Amen to this video. This one was God speaking through you to me. I no longer do the same things that you no longer do. But I needed a reminder of who I am and what I am doing here. " I am an ambassador a Citizen of heaven." I love that. Thank you friend.
I did appreciate your video. Sometimes we all do not live in a bubble, we cannot. I have been a law enforcement victim advocate working with women who are abused. The church was the hardest group I worked with. This is good information for those with good husbands, but if your husband is an abuser, this is not good information. No one deserves to be abused. I wish you the best, but I will always work with women who are abused, no matter who they are.
Hi My name is Bonnie I two husbands abuse me mentally the other physically and now I am 66 and in the nursing home with health issue I got sepsis about two years ago which almost took my life and now I am in a wheelchair because I can’t walk unless I use a wheelchair I am born again and being in this nursing home I have more time to be with God I got married two time and neither work out both abused me mentally the most but the first one was physically too the only Time I get to go to church is when they have services it is not like going to my church I am new I had to talk to a psychologist I try to stay to myself is that wrong pray for me the Bible says we are not to wear pants I do wear them I heard that God does not want us to wear make up I sure could use some help to have a human to talk to beside Jesus
Hello Bonnie, we can talk, if you would like. I am a retired Law Enforcement Victim Advocate and am an Expert in Domestic Violence with over 25 years. Just to inform you, please know that women are not taught within our churches that rape and domestic violence is wrong. They are taught to be submissive, just like this woman is teaching. There is no room for a woman to think and believe that a Christian man is to be divorced. God hates abuse, and if God's grace is sufficient then it is also sufficient to woman who flee domestic violence. What you are going through today is that residue of your past abuse, and that is real! I am glad you are living free from abuse, and may God bless you. Know that you did nothing wrong, and go wear your pants, lipstick etc. @@bonniehuff3901
Bonnie, I would recommend you pick up a book by Chris Moles, who is a law enforcement officer and wrote the book to show biblical view of abuse and how to help inform and counsel victims of domestic abuse.
Many of us are not taught how to run a home once we are married. How to make the right priorities and we learn as we go. Your church is doing a good job already teaching about Godly womanhood, something that is lacking for the lot. I have learnt a lot today. Thank you and stay blessed
This is exactly why I homeschooled my children and chose to be a homemaker. It can be a lonely walk but much better than the alternatives. So many people on the wide road. You describe the wide road and the narrow road very well.
As the adult son of a homeschooling mother, I want to tell you that you're doing one of the greatest works possible. I thank God every day for my mother's sacrifices in staying home and teaching us at home. It was a cultural battle then, and it's only harder now. I just want to encourage you that it's worth it. Thank God for women and mothers like you, you're a treasure.
I wish I had these teachings as a young girl. I pray God gives me the grace and humility to teach my daughters through loving correction and not to be how my mother was towards me.
You explained these complex things so simple and good, that me, a 15 year old girl from germany, whos english isn't the best, understood the meaning of all of it. Thank you so much! ❤
ALL glory to God- amen! I'm so glad you're here! These things are so important as we learn through God's word what His desire & will for our lives really is! Titus 2:3-5 AMEN! XO
Es ist nicht einfach, eine Christin in Deutschland zu sein, aber es lohnt sich. Ich hoffe, du hast Gemeinschaft in einer guten, biblischen Gemeinde. Ich bin mit 16 in den USA beim Austauschjahr Christ geworden und fand es anfangs schwierig, in Deutschland als Christin zu leben. Was mir geholfen hat waren die lokale Gemeinde und mein Mann, der ebenfalls Christ ist. Was mich überrascht hat, war dass es viele wiedergeborene Christen gibt, man muss nur etwas nach ihnen suchen. Ich wünsche dir Gottes Segen als Schwester in Jesus, gib nie auf und prüfe alles in der Bibel
Great video. I was saved at 35 and so in just 3 years the Lord has gone to work in me. Praise God, I don't even recognise my old self. I am a new creation completely. So relate to all of these minus husband as I'm a solo mum. I appreciate you speaking on this. So many profess Christ but they look exactly like the world.
We need to have bible studies for teens in our church. Just like a bible study for women. This can possibly help teens or tweens feel confident in the Lord. They can learn their true purpose of being a godly young girl. They need a safe place to come together and enjoy their company while learning about Jesus. I pray this idea will go out to the world and we can save our young generations. In Jesus name Amen
A HUUUUUUUUGE problem I have with "youth group" and "children's ministry" in most of the church today... it milky and not discipling. This is a HUGE error we've made... but what the bigger problem is would be that the duty of discipleship is placed on the father, parents, home. And that is sorely lacking in the world today.
They should be getting this from the preacher of said church. If he is not preaching this, time to find a new church. Shouldn't have to have classes and studies.
@@baus7 Titus 2 calls the older women to be admonishing the younger women on these things- so there is nothing wrong with gathering and learning in these specific areas as scripture has called us. :)
@HeavenlyMindedHome I guess I am just severely old fashioned. One-on-one training would be better. The group setting is just not for me, and in todays time you have to be very careful and mindful of it because most of it is not genuine. 😔
Thank you for making this video! I loved the part where you say a sinful world is only going to sin more. That speaks to me as sometimes I worry too much about the direction of the world. Great reminder to turn to scripture!
Amen- it goes from "bad" to "worse". We do NOT "make it great again" -- that's Christ's job! ;) But until he returns- we have a lot to do! We live for Him, we share His truth and we store our treasure up in Heaven! Amen!
How refreshing !! Honesty to the bone! I needed to hear this. A few points I can relate to. Thank you for this mind opening truth about how to be a better person...for ourselves and others! Praise the Lord for Godly guidance. ;))💛💚💜
One of the things an older woman admonished me for in regards to foul language is not saying words that replace bad words (i.e. fricking, gosh, etc). As good as I think I'm changing, there's always more things I can work on. This keeps me humble.
I have heard this before, but I don’t understand it. Why would it be bad to exclaim something if it doesn’t have a foul meaning? I kind of understand if it sounds really close to an offensive word, but “gosh” is pretty bland.
I’m 61 , we needed to hear this back years ago. Maybe my family life could of been better. Yes I was forced to attend church, but later in years it was my choice to make and not my dads. Marriage was just being married and raising your children the best you could. It was all about surviving. Now relationships are what can I get from this? What does that person look like? What can I hold on to? Nothing is about sharing. Dress code for me at my age regardless of what someone else thinks is am I dressed honestly appropriate. Thank you for sharing your point of view. Jesus does help us to see our hearts in how we’re living. Mostly our hearts are important in how others see us as Christian women. Living perfectly is all a lie because we will fall short of the glory of God. ❤
This video blessed me! You do a great job living out Titus 2:4-8 - “These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the Word of God.”
Amen, us older women need to lead by example. If the older women in your Christian community do not have the fruits of the Holy Spirit, then they should not be in a position of influence. For example, I grew up in an extremely legalistic, IFB church, they wouldn’t even let us associate with other churches, unless we were directly associated with their corporate ideals. There were only three families out of about 250 people, that truly showed the fruits of the Holy Spirit and lived biblically. The rest of the families were contentious, with many secrets behind closed doors. There was lots of obesity, lots of pride and finger-pointing, and lots and lots of gossip. They were very quick to tell others how to live, but they did not lead by example. And if they tried to, it was all a lie. Because they had their own sins that overshadowed any of the things that they were trying to say other should be doing. Praise the Lord, that the few good families there were a wonderful example, or I might not have ever came back to the faith. But those few examples gave me hope that the Holy Spirit is our helper, and that the Bible is in fact true, and that the Pharisee spirit is prideful and not of God. So, in a nutshell, you will know a good church by first and foremost, their stance on the gospel of grace, and the holy trinity, and the fruits of the Holy Spirit, their community outreach, etc. and yes, the elder women leading by example and showing the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians five.)
What a thrill to hear you teach these things. Thank you so very much for wanting what God wants for us as Christian women. I want that, too. The bible is our foundation if only we would go to it.
YES! It's not our ideas, it's not some trendy women's study... it's scripture. And living that out! I love this topic- it's been such a blessing to my life. And sharing these studies with you all- it's the best! Definitely come join us if you haven't already! XOXO
Dear Heavenly Father .... All the things I did not do right, our family is blessed in spite of it.... You are Real❤ and to be worshipped❤ and❤ praised forever ! Amen ! ❤❤
I am so grateful I just found your channel! I’m a young, married Christian woman trying to seek biblical womanhood and motherhood when that time comes. Even in the church it can seem like a lonely walk to take unfortunately. Thank you so much! 💛
Amen- that is very true.... another reason why I do love sharing and getting to connect! We have a lovely community here and I am so grateful. (Come join us for Biblical WOmanhood if you haven't already! 🥰) Truly we can be the change we wish to see- we can impact our homes, our churches, our communities. BIG hugs, friend! XO
This is a powerful on point video!!! Thank you for sharing what a true CHRISTIAN women should be!!!! Your study of the word has given you great insight!!!
Great advice! The one thing I have to say though is that my husband and I believe in MUTUAL LOVE AND RESPECT. We do not believe that the husband calls all the shots and makes all the decisions or that women are not allowed to work outside the home. We were both raised in homes like that and it was all very legalistic and unbiblical. It caused a lot of harm and trauma, so we decided to raise our girls differently and in a God-honoring, authentic Christian way. One of the ways we do that is by my husband not being controlling. He actually doesn't like the word submission because most people in charge in churches have used it as a way to control and abuse women for a very long time. Many people just focus on that verse in the Bible, twist it to fit their narrative, yet ignore the verse about how husbands are to love their wives and that there should be mutual submission. God does not want marriage to feel like a prison, where one person is controlling and the other one doesn't have much say. He gave women just as much intelligence as men. He values women just as much as men, too, despite my husband and I being told differently growing up. Honestly, we don't understand why people put so much emphasis and seem obsessed with submission (not saying you are like that, just speaking in general lol). If people focused more on just loving and respecting each other and working together as a team instead of trying to control the other spouse, far more marriages would be successful and happy. I hope this all made sense. Sorry if I rambled on. English is my second language (I'm from Europe). God bless! I hope you have a lovely day! :)
It's amazing- people get hung up on scripture instructing us as women to submit to the headship of our husbands... yet fail to read on that our husbands are tasked with loving us as Christ loved the church! Yikes! That's huge! So thankful the Lord's ways are so much better than our own- marriage is a beautiful thing when Christ is at the center! XO And your English was beautiful- great job!
Totally agree. I was married to a controlling and abusive man who said he was a Christian and knew the Gospel. It was a nightmare. Apparently his father was this way with his wife as well. I think the newer generation realizes that they way we were taught in the 70’s and 80’s was wrong and they respect women much more than they did in my generation.
Exactly! A lot of people and women focus on the submission, but never on the fact that men should aim to be like Jesus. Jesus gave his life for the church, gave her love and freedom. Jesus was right and knowledgeble. Any man who trys to be like Christ will never think to submit any one neither think he has the right to. Plus husbands should love their wives like themselves, that means that they should never adk or expect from their wives something that they don't want for themselves. I think that every couple should find their balance in their way inder the shade of the Lord.
Thank you for this. I’ve been feeling convicted in several of these areas for a while and know I need to make some changes. Specifically taking better care of myself and my home. Another challenging one is gossip. It’s become such a cultural norm to sit around talking about everyone (especially since social media), that it can be difficult to find women to have edifying conversations with. It can be a very isolating sin to eliminate, and I don’t think I’m alone in that. This was very refreshing and encouraging. Subscribed ❤
Amen! Amen! Amen!!! I am so thrilled to have just found your channel. Thank you for creating a channel that speaks truth and light into this lost world. I couldn’t agree more with all that you said. Thank you for this! I am also a homeschooling mom who is trying to live counter to culture and teach my kids to love Jesus. God bless you and your family!
That’s where my mind is and have been for 20 years. I’m 54 now and have seen a lot. I want everything the lord wants for me and my family, love y’all beautiful sister and fsmily in Christ ❤
Thank you sister! The world is quick to tell us to retaliate, divorce, buy this, follow fads, think about self self self, therapy that gives selfish advice, blame everybody, blame our mothers, treat yourself, me time, constant redecoration, self affirmation...people are more understanding of a rescue dog than they are to their spouse. Nice to see real strength. Way to be a chayil woman ( a virtuous and courageous woman like proverbs 31 )
I have never seen your channel but I was asking the Lord in silent prayer to show me what a Biblical women looked like! Exactly my prayer just 2 days ago! This popped up on my feed and I am so blessed to have found this!
I personally began my journey as well so I started taking Hebrew classes to really dig into the scriptures and really understand the context culturally and linguistically so I can really grasp the real teachings and significance of the texts. It’s been liberating. I’ve also started complying with the 4th commandment which is keeping the Sabbath. I’m finding my weekend last so much longer ❤
God bless you and your family! I am 64 and everything you have said in this video is 100% on the mark. You are definitely wise beyond your years. I’m sending this video to my 3 daughters who are your age and have families of their own. They strive to bring glory to God in their homes. This video will help simplify many things for them. Thank you!
Good stuff!! I as well was convicted of what I’m feeding my mind. I as well had to ask myself why I care so much what this wicked world is doing. I found it had caused anxiety and depression. When The Father’s Word and His Ways consume my mind I have peace and joy!! Thank u for sharing your thoughts!! ❤
Thank you for this video as a baby christian we don't know how to be disciplined or discipled to. I appreciate your effort and stand point on this. Thank you so much!!
Thank you for sharing this! I feel convicted, yet encouraged to not grow weary of doing good. To continue to grow into Christlikeness. This video was a blessing ❤
Love this!!! I need to pray about it but I feel God is putting a class on my heart to teach the ladies in my church/community about Biblical womanhood.
How awesome! I'm really hoping we can start putting these videos together with materials to go to churches individually and be a resource for many! Maybe we should chat? XO
Thank you so much! I’m glad it was able to connect with you, and so many other sisters in Christ! 🥰 Cone and join our Biblical Womanhood study- it’s been such a wonderful time together! ❤️🙏🏼🙌🏼 xo
I’ve watched a lot of “minimalist mom” creators, and have gotten some good homemaking tips, but it’s refreshing to find someone like you who approaches it from a Biblical foundation. I’m a bit tired of the “self care” and “you’re enough” philosophy that comes with the practical tips.
Just stumbled across this video and your channel. How refreshing to hear these "hot takes" on Christian Womanhood! This video was very encouraging to me. God bless!
Love your message! It hit the spot for me, to the core. I believe God placed your channel right in my path as I scrolled through RUclips because that message was everything to me. Thank you!
😭🙌🙏💕🤗 Don't you just love seeing Him at work?! Thank you Lord for all you do for us! So glad you can be here- anything we can do to serve you better, just let us know! XO
taming the tongue is a very difficult one... what comes from the mouth was already in the heart, so I pray often for the Spirit to continue changing my heart.
Thanks for explaining or sharing examples about the points on your list of things you no longer do as a Christian woman. And for being so real. God bless you ♥
Love the list and you’re analogy of fast food for instant gratification was such a good one ! There was a point where I stopped all reality shows and celeb info it is not only garbage but a distraction from what we should focus on which is God! I’m a Catholic woman homeschooling my two children and really appreciate women like you speaking truth and encouraging other women to live the way God intended us too! ❤
I found your channel today. This video is so spot on to things I have been thinking about lately. Things I am addicted to, things I do in excess, not putting my hubby first, maybe putting off that story for my child, all of it lately has felt wrong in my spirit. I want to be a servant. I want to do these things you are speaking of. Thank you for sharing this. It resonated with my heart.
Awww, BIG hugs friend!!! I get it... thank goodness we ALL sin and fall short of the glory of God-- and yet, Christ came to redeem us! So glad we got to connect- praying this channel can be an encouragement to you! XOXO
😭🙌🏼 ALL glory to God! It is something I'm so passionate about- I wish I understood it sooner! Come join the study- it's been wonderful! I love seeing the Lord at work through our daily lives! 🥰
Awesome Word Sister! i’m a new sub and I thank God for you and sending me your channel. I gave my life to Christ 3 years ago and have never considered turning back. I gave worldly things (music, tv, social media, etc) up when i first came to Christ bc I recognized the spirits attached to them. Giving up these things has been responsible in expediting my relationship when the Trinity. God Bless and love you Sister❤
What a beautiful testimony!!! 🙌💕 I'm so glad we get to connect here- you'll definitely have to come join us for the Biblical Womanhood study! It's been such a wonderful experience to get to serve and share in this space! XO
I’m a new Christian and I wish I sought this life out years ago so I could have raised my children with Jesus.they are older and I try to talk to them and hope they accept in but they weren’t raised with him strong enough. Your videos are inspiring and help direct me.
You just have continue to pray for them. Let them see in you the new creation you now are. Also, pray that God will send the one that will tell them about Jesus and they will listen. Family members might be difficult to preach to at times.
God redeems! Just continue to love Him with all your heart and give Him your life and never stop praying for your kids! Don't ever give up or look back! Prayers going up!
I’m not even halfway through this video but I’m already pumped up. When I FULLY surrendered to God and His Word-I felt the peace and “ahh” moment, think of getting into a hot tub with sore muscles. So glad I stumbled upon your video! God bless. :)
I'm happy that you don't have to work in the world and that you can prioritize your time on your husband, your children and your home and, of course, give all the glory to God.
Yes -some of us work full time so don't have the luxury to stay home. But i personally would not change this for myself. And I do not feel like less of a Christian woman.
@@lynnleonard8021Same for me. I had a great career. I find that most men treat women better when they are not totally dependent on a man for income. My dad was abusive to my mother until she became a beautician. He was a narcissist so the mental games never stopped but he did stop hitting her. In my situation, my husband was OCD and had a very hard time keeping a job because of it. I finally went bk to college then got a good job with benefits and insurance. It was very hard to wk and raise kids and sometimes homeschool as well, but much better than the alternative. These ideas listed in this video are good but they don’t work for everyone.
I came across your video and it is very encouraging. I have been doing my best to practice all of these things even though I haven’t actually listed them. I do fall short and am constantly asking for forgiveness. Thank you for being a blessing and encourager bc I have had people say, “Don’t get her started” when I talk about my faith. I never judge anyone but I do discern what is scripturally right or wrong and gently call it out bc I never want people to think I’m judging them. I do the same thing with myself.
Thank you for God's word/message to us women! Thank you for being such a great role model and for keeping it real/relatable! ! Be blessed 1,000-fold! btw- you look AMAZING - so beautiful- a true woman of God and a gift to this world!🤩😘
Aw, you are so kind! ALL glory to God! What a blessing it is to study His word and be refined through His truth! Amen! Definitely come join the Biblical Womanhood study- it's been so wonderful with these amazing sisters-in-Christ! XOXO
I would like to add to the list, I don’t follow Joyce Myers, Beth Moore, and I don’t read devotionals. The Bible is good enough for me. I’m very cautious who I listen too when it comes to scripture. I agree with your top twelve, politically we can’t have our heads stuck in the sand either. 🙌🏼❤️🔥🙌🏼
Everything changed for the better when I started to read the Holy Bible, starting with the psalms. The LIVING word of God transforms us as we grow closer to Him. Praise the Lord for saving me💛💛💛💛
Everything you said 🙌🙌🙌 God bless you. Just subscribed. When you love for him you leave all the worldly things behind and he removes and cleanses you from them.
1. No longer living for yourself, being ambassador for christ.
2. No cussing, crudeness or gossiping out of your mouth, taming your tongue.
3. No longer consuming whatever you want (food, social media, shopping etc.).
4. Do not keep to yourself, reach out to others, to help. Start with your kids.
5. Do not put your marriage on the back burner. Make it a priority.
6. Do not think poorly of your children. You are their number one person.
7. Do not neglect your mental clarity. Have a stance of LGBT issues, financial situations, war etc. by digging into scripture.
8. Do not disregard modesty. Your outward appearance is a reflection of what’s inside.
9. Do not neglect your home. The home should be a refuge for the family and others, nurturing and cozy.
10. Do not waste your time on nothingness.
11. Do not be rebellious. Submit biblically to your husband, to nurturing motherhood, to homemaking and living for Christ and God’s word.
12. Do not live as a citizen of this world. You’re a citizen of heaven, that’s where you focus and investment should be.
Perfectly summarized! 🥰🥰🥰 100%!
Thank you for a great testimony
Thank you for writing out
Thanks for summarizing. 😊
Amen, amen!!
I’m not a Christian but I’ve been called to read the Bible. Slowly it has started changing my conduct for the better, i realised my own shortcomings and each day i try to live less pridefully. Everything you said here resonated with me.
The Bible is the living Word of God and through it you can meet and know the Creator. JESUS PAID IT ALL.
It’s so good to hear that! I hope you fall in love with our Amazing Father :D
I hope and pray that you come to accept Jesus as your saviour. He is the way, the truth and the life. X
You do you and I'll do me.. sounds like a bunch of rules
@@johnnyschmidt6945reading with doubt without your heart R E A LL Y listening comes across as rules, but are soul guidelines that unblock blessings and have you rcv God's purposes to restore what religion attempts to do that only Biblical faith reaches, as Jesus shares in New Testsment Book of John, chapter 15: 'for His joy to remain in us and your joy, Johnny that it might be full' Bible prophecies have already been 84% proven true; last 16% relate to endtimes and are, as Iran (Biblicsl Persia) and Russia (Biblical Mogog) now for first time in 2500 yrs have formed a military alliance Old Testsment Ezekiel chapters 37 & 38... and now Israel .... heaven is real, but so is eternal separation from God for uncleansed sins' ugly jagged wretched blackness from off your souce of life, your soul, Johnny. Revelation end of chapter 13, the mark of the beast, grows closer with WHO trying to pass it as a globally #'ing system upon everyone this past May and UN trying it again this past Sept and G20Leaders thru AI this summer starting in trying to bring a QR numbering system globally too. Only the Holy and Divine Power of Jesus and Spirit of Truth, God will work through to save you, as His from that globally billionaires dictatorship taking all from you. May you be given eyes to see and ears to hear God's justice, love, restoration, power and faith for you, Johnny.... what would any sport or stock car race be without rules.... and we also know what a quarterback is when their heart isn't in the game, nor having learned the plays (our Bible has them)... discernment and wisdom that are from above as spiritually imparted, no world dictator can block... in Jesus' Name, for you, Johnny, Amen and Forever Allelulua!
I had to delete Facebook. I truly believe the Lord wanted me too because I spent too much time on it. I read my Bible more because I downloaded it in its place. Your video is really good! Thanks for your time an teaching.
I deleted my social media this past summer! I don’t miss it.
I need to get rid of my Facebook as well. It is too time consuming.
I deleted my facebook and instagram, it’s to much foolishness on there and it was getting irritating
Best thing I ever did! All it did was bring out anger and frustration and anxiety and took me away from what is important. Bravo!! Social Media is Satan's playground.
I did delete my Facebook app but found myself getting on the internet to get on Facebook. I even put a timer on my phone which shuts me out of chrome.
I am 72. Everything you are saying is what I'm sure God has been telling me all my life. I just didn't want to listen. I'm listening now. And I know it's not too late to be the woman God always wanted me to be. I want my two daughters to hear this too. You are making this so easy to understand. When we hear the truth, we know it. Thank you, and God bless you❤
Oh my goodness-- thank you for sharing! 😭 PRAISE GOD! It's NEVER too late-- maybe your girls might want to join you in the study? We'll be praying for you all as the Lord continues to work in your life! XOXOXOXO
IM 44 and I just whipped around and I'm walking the walk. Or learning how rather!!! It's never too late for us!! ❤️💛💚
@@daniellejames8028 never too late! Xoxo Praise God for his pursuit of us!
No never too late dia start by repent ad start from there
My mom taught us biblical womanhood by her example! I thank God for a godly mother!
AMEN! What a blessing that is!!! 🙌🏼
I hope and pray to be a great Godly example to by boys.
Rachel Cruz has the best phrase: “more is caught than taught”
Do any examples come to mind?
I'm a 31 yr old mom of a 3 year old daughter. I desire to be an example to her too👗
The title grabbed my attention.
I am a 76 year old son, brother, husband, father, uncle, and grandfather, and I praise God for the work He is doing in and through you by your influence, encouraging many women to live as Godly wives and mothers in their homes and communities.
Stay faithful to God and His word and keep growing.
See 2 Peter 3:18.
Thank you for your videos and your Bible Studies on Biblical Womanhood! I started on this journey 1 year ago at age 48 having accepted Christ at age 39 while within a same sex marriage where I gave birth to 2 children via sperm donor. God blessed me with a husband 18 months ago and I am home now! It’s never too late! We have 7 grown children and 9 grandchildren between us and God is awesome! God bless you ladies!! ❤
WOW! Thats an AWESOME testimony!
Oh, sweet friend!!! 😭🙌🏼 ALL glory to God! What a testimony!!!! I would love to chat with you about sharing this testimony if you would be willing. Email me- heavenlymindedhome@gmail.com
Thank you Lord for your grace & truth!
Beautifullll Testimony sis!
I would love to hear your testimony ❤
Yes! Same here, would love to hear your testimony! How amazing!
I agree with everything you are saying. Only one thing I would like to add. Do pay attention to the news and what is going on in this world. We are watchmen on the walls. And yes, our priority is our family but also our country. Pray for our country even though our citizenship is not here.
The media is the enemy of the people and has been used to propagandize, spread fear so that people can make poor and destructive choices and publish materials to destroy and divide. If you're referring to true news, that's good but you cannot depend on MSM(Main stream media) for that. They are the devil's tools against us.
Do not agree. Some are watchers. Some are fighters, others are worshipers or teachers etc.
We all cannlearn from eachother because everone has a talent or mission, but not everyone has the same mission.
So not everyone is a watchmanor woman. But its great if the watchers can warn the others who are doinhmg other things.
I agree with your list, and reasons. I am much older, a senior to citizen, and been through more, so doing #4, helping the younger women. True, we need to submit to God's word, and know it. But Jesus, Mary, Joseph, also submitted to the religious authority of their day, their church. Scripture alone, the Bible, is not the authority, anymore than it was in Jesus' day. They also had to submit to their elders in their church. Same for today. We don't baptize or confirm our own selves. We don't anoint ourselves with oil when sick ( St. James 5: 14-15. ) Jesus spoke of how we need to accept the church ( St. Matt. 18:15-20 .) Also, St. Peter said many things are difficult to interpret on our own, so we need guidance from the church ( ll Peter 3:16.) Did you know that Jesus built his church on Peter and said the powers of hell will not prevail over it? ( St. Matt. 16:18) I learned all you spoke of, and more, by reading Church documentation on all these topics, as well as Scripture. For instance, St. Thomas Aquinas wrote extensively on modesty, a fruit of the Holy Spirit, using scripture as well. We can know what is right, but where do we get the strength to follow through? God is the vine, we are the branches. Certainly not apart from him. Just as we need to be baptized to enter the Kingdom, and Jesus told Peter to "confirm" thy brethren, we also need other sacraments. Communion. Jesus said unless we eat his flesh and drink his blood, we will not have life in us," spiritual life ( St. John 6:53-58.) I believe in submitting to the word of God, but the whole word, that is why I am Catholic, which means "whole." Jesus told the apostles, the first priests and bishops, to preach the gospel throughout the world, so Catholic also means "universal." Means we all are to believe, and observe all he teaches. The fact there are so many Christian denominations, means, so many are only observing x amount of what Jesus said, and not all, or there would be one flock with one shepherd ( St. John 17:21 as he prayed for ) and a nation/ world that is indivisible. Keep studying, your coming along.
We don’t have yo watch the news to pray solely on the the Bible commands in 1 Timothy 2:1-7
2 Tim 3:1-9
The command and prophecy is already there and written
We don’t have to sit and soak in negativity of the news to follow our individual and spirit body instructions.
Don’t be deceiving or deceived.
I don’t agree with her either
1 Tim 2:1-7
2 Tim 3:1-9
None of the “news” is news, there’s nothing new under the sun.
We don’t have to sit watch and soak in bad news to pray is we are command and instructed.
Not all ppl are born again nor do they read the Bible to know that WE DO NOT LOOK TO THE WORLD FOR ANYTHING!!
We look up and abide in our Bible for all truth to be revealed to us
Be blessed
I didn't expect my latter years to be so difficult. I have always been a practicing Christian woman. Yet now, I have lost my motivation to enjoy doing any of my hobbies as well as my housework due to past injuries. I pray daily to be restored. I am happy I have found you and your words for help. 🕊🕊🕊🤲
Please don’t ever feel ashamed over not being able to physically do the things you used to do, owing to illness or injury…..that is something which is out of your control!! “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1Samuel 16:7). I myself am living with a disability, and I am not able to clean and tidy our home the way I used to. I also have a toddler! All my physical energy goes in to taking care of her 💖 So, my husband and I try to handle the housework and cooking between us, and whenever we can afford it, we bring in cleaners to give us a little extra help. I know some people who would be outraged at the thought of a young Christian wife and Mama having external help with her home making, but I don’t believe there is anything wrong with it, especially when your body is too sick to do it!! I hope and pray that you have love and support around you as you navigate your injuries? And that you know your worth comes from your heart and your soul, not from the housework you can or can’t do. Sending much love your way 😘🙏🏼💖
God bless you dear. I'll pray for you. Your struggle is real, I know because I have similar struggles at times. God knows your heart and He knows you love Him.
With God's love, from Diana
it may be is simple as a chemical.imbalance...changing your diet to increase a healthy gut which leads to a healthy mind, eat more omega fats and take a fish oil supplement and B complex.
@@Gallery44-vt1tuI agree-a healthy gut is key to improving our overall health. My reference is Dr William Li, medical physician, biologist, cancer researcher, author, etc.
I sure understand what you are feeling. I will pray for both of us.
I fall short. I'm thankful for the Lord's forgiving me. I try my best everyday. But, when I look at myself, most times I see so many flaws. I just thank Jesus for forgiving me.
Amen. We all struggle and we all need to keep our eyes on Christ.
No one gets it perfect. Not even her. ❤
We will never be perfect, but we can read God’s Word daily, get to know Him and do our best to be like Christ whose main focus was doing His Father’s will. If we do that, we will always be growing. I find that when God shows me an area, I work on it, and then…up pops another area I need to change. Romans 12:1 says we are changed or transformed by the renewing of our minds. It is a lifelong journey, but the rewards for following Christ are eternal. Keep searching the Scriptures and growing! God bless you!
Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18, Paul's answer when asked the will of God(which is to rest in the Inheritance given/received). Let the Lord the love you in thanks.
We have to be very careful not to compare ourselves to other Christians. When I hear what someone does or doesn’t do because they follow Jesus, it feels like they are telling me they are “better Christians than the rest of us.” Everyone one is at a different place in their walk with Jesus. My father always told me to not look around at the other Christians to compare myself to but only look up to Jesus. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Pray for one another with humble hearts ! God Bless You All !
Amen- it's never about comparison. This is about looking at the Biblical points of what we, as women, are called to be when we walk as ambassadors of Christ! XO
Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. 4These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, 5to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God. -- Titus 2:3-5
This in no way compared people to people but women to Gods word. Don’t let your refusal to bend your knee to His word look like you’re living in grace. It’s complete disobedience to Christ and His precepts. I’m afraid you’ll miss so many blessings because you don’t want to let go of sin.
Give this study a try. You might be set free and experience a new joy & freedom.
Well said
@@victoriae-pi9bbI didn’t see her say anything about living in sin and refusing to obey God etc or endorsing abusing grace etc. please be careful not to bear false witness or have a sharp reply. There are many babes in Christ, as well as people who were abused very badly by legalistic churches with the Pharisee spirit, and our replies to these people should reflect the fruits of the Holy Spirit🙏🏻😌
@@gwengwen4535Preach..., I grew up in church to learn and love God, only to find the most judgemental and hypocritical people. I was so confused by their contradictory actions when compared to the ministry of Jesus who although he had the authority of judgment given to him from his Father, he rarely used it towards the lost unbeliever. The Church has been responsible for so many wars, slavery, racism and division while remaining silent when the downtrodden and oppressed are in need. Jesus said that if you love him to feed his sheep. They come in all colors. Blessings
Modesty has been on my heart lately like never before; I’m just sorry it took me so long to see it; reading God’s word daily has changed me.
Also besides being modest, we should not wear makeup - Jeremiah 4:30
I started crying when you talked about how we treat our children. It has been heavy on my heart to give my daughter more grace in my presence. This hit on every point I have been trying to actively change with prayer. Thankful for your kind words.
Never insult your child, in front of them, or to someone else. Make it a permanent rule for the family, no insulting each other, no matter what. Compliment them daily. These two things alone work wonders.
BIG hugs, sweet friend! What a blessing it is to see so many mama's so focused to pour into their kiddos! XOXO
Yes but my son is 37 now and into NAR, so sometimes I get angry or sad when he pushes his beliefs on me.
Remember, dear mother, that the Spirit brings conviction to guide us into Truth, but never condemnation. That grace is extended to you as His daughter. Walk in grace. ❤️🌹🙏
I also cried in this part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m 77 (from India) and been a Sunday School teacher and Bible Study guide to young women for almost 30 years. The title of this video attracted my attention and without knowing it’s content I said to myself, ‘ I need this’. And truly I did! You have presented the Truth in such a profound yet simple way. It’s wonderful to see how the Lord has called you to encourage and build women spiritually. God bless you and your family.❤🙏
ALL glory to God- what a blessing it is to get to be connected by the Lord all over the world! Welcome! Definitely come and join our study, if you haven't already, as it has been a wonderful time working through these topics from a Biblical perspective! XO
Amazing. I had the identical experience. ❤
I love this comment because your a teacher and still learning ❤❤ ty for inspiring
Thank you for teaching children about the Lord and God's Word. You sow into fertile ground when you nourish a child's spirit!
I'm a 70 year old man and I gleaned a lot of insight from you in this video, thank you, God bless you!
Sister in Christ, I just happen to see your video and also subscribed. My biggest obstacle in my walk with Jesus was listening to worldly music. It took many years to be set free. Praise God, I am free and I just listen to Godly praise that nourish my walk with Jesus daily. What a difference that has made in my walk with Christ. God Bless You. Greetings from Arizona.
Yes, I’m being convicted about this too
May I ask what worldly music might be since I have never thought that listening to music would be a sin?
I am a Catholic. Perhaps we are different there!
I don't listen to much more music than classical and also to songs like The Prayer, but also to gregorian music, taize music, etc.
In Bible is says, A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
If that artist sings songs about God but then also will make a video with and artist who sings for another master, then look who's well you've been drinking from?
I would encourage you to lean into the Holy Spirit on this matter, and to think rationally and logically about it.
Remember, there is no condemnation in Jesus Christ. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. There is much music that I will not listen to you anymore, because I simply cannot, it just grosses me out. I am a human, though, and I enjoy being a human in the ways that God designed me to be, and one of those is to enjoy music or good food, or even a glass of wine, etc.
Everyone will have different convictions based on their personal walk with Jesus, so make sure that your conviction is actually coming from your new heart that he gave you, and not from what religious organizations are potentially shaming you with.
The devil will literally try to condemn every single thing that you do until there is nothing left at all and you’re not listening to any music at all, or celebrating any holidays, and wearing gunnysacks and head scarves for the rest of your life lol. Those things are all from the spirit of religious Pharisees, and not from the Holy Spirit.
Just rest in Jesus and Bis salvation, renew your mind in His Word daily, and He will speak to you about the things troubling you🙏🏻💗
@@liliyasholom4369 I believe that this passage is speaking about the fruit of the Holy Spirit in Galatians chapter 5, but what you are referring to seems to be more about works. The distinction is important to our walk, since one is evidence of salvation, and one is not.
Our mouths are definitely the overflow of our hearts. This is a hard one.
Embracing God's plans for our lives,changes absolutely EVERYTHING!!!!
Amen and AMEN!
Yes! Women should absolutely be silent whenever possible, especially hold your tongue outside your home. The Taliban are on to something there. And inside your home, always keep a sweet and soft voice. You should never share or show your feelings. Better yet, just don't have feelings!
Referring to the video -- when I was young, my pastor said 'the tongue acts as a ladle that reaches back and Scoops out what's in the heart'
( wrote that one in the back of my Bible 😉
Thank you for this video. I was saved last year and my life has taken a 180 degree spin. With my heart and eyes set on the Lord and following His word, it's been difficult for everyone around me. From my husband who isn't 100% all in, to my family who aren't believers, to my friends who recently referred to me as "sensitive"
Girl it's not sensitive to the world, it's sensitive to the Holy Spirit! I am not about to disobey God to prove my worth to anyone in this world.
Wow I can relate to this so much. Family rolls their eyes, friends cut their eyes, and I'm just trying to keep my eyes on the Lord and not on this world while planting seeds for my loved ones and those I touch. That's it. This road is not easy but God is worth it. ❤🙏🏾❤️
Amen and amen! Spot on ladies- one day at a time! We keep living by the Word and walking by the Spirit! 🙌🏼❤️
Pray that your husband and family will see what you have and will want it too.
@@sstamper1368AMEN! God is very well worth it!! I am proud to be a Christian ✝️ woman and let the Holy Spirit be my greatest priority ❤
I’m still struggling with being a “strong, independent woman who don’t need no man”. I teeter between being a good Christian woman and one that lives for the world, but I’m glad I found this video. You have this glow about you and it makes me feel that the Spirit is with you! Thank you for speaking the truth, I certainly feel convicted.
Oh, friend! 😭🙏💕 ALL glory to God! I totally understand the struggle- meek and gentle spirit doesn't come easily for all of us... I know it doesn't for me! 🙈 BUT God! I love sharing on this because it made such a difference in my life-- and my prayer is that the Lord's truth could be shared with many for the same type of freedom I experienced! 🥰
Strong independent woman what a lie the real strong woman 👩 is proverbs 31
I was married to my first hysband to 19 years I was divorced for 19 years I got saved 6 years after we married but my hysband didn't I found out when I was pregnant with our 6th child that my husband was deep into porn ( which he hud) and started staying late at work with an evil receptioist . I worked after my xhildren grew and I had no interest in marriage . The Lord brought me my 2nd husband. Being married to a believer was very different.
@@Youwish34 they are mostly already married
You are an incredibly wise woman. I wish I had known any/all of this 45 years ago. What land mines I could have avoided. What a train wreck I made. Picking up the pieces as a born-again Christian hasn't been easy but it is worth more than anything I could have believed. I love what you are saying. Truth!
As a 32 year old wife, working full time and homeschooling mama of 3 who is focusing on becoming the woman Yahweh created me to be, thank you for sharing. All of this has resonated with my heart and spirit.
This has been a blessing and so encouraging 🤍
ALL glory to God! So glad we get to connect! Lifting you up, sweet friend! XO
Isn’t it amazing the strength and energy the Almighty gives us to do all the things we do in His glory!
I see all the things you listed and think “I could never do all that!” But I also know others see all that I do and don’t see how I can possible do it all. All the glory to God. He calls me and I answer 🙏🏻
Shouldn’t she be a good submissive work and stay only in the home though ? It must be nice to be so pious that you can judge other Christian women who dedicate their whole lives to teaching the word of god….. gives Christianity a bad name . Joyce meuers and such have reached more people for Jesus than you ever will
Women in the Bible worked. They had different jobs and roles than men did. A woman can submit to her husband and work as long as her focus is her home/family after God
@@lauramcclain8651I believe you are correct. A wife should never have focus or income outside of the home except ministry.
Wow, I randomly came across this and really needed to hear this. This was very convicting and has me crying thinking about all of this. I’m in a hard place in my marriage and recently been in my flesh. I’ve been on my phone too much, focused on calorie counting, working out, etc. and on everything else than what I should be. This has caused me to feel consumed and anxious, etc. Just today, I sat on my phone talking to my mom about my marital issues (which I know better than to do) rather than taking it to God in prayer and giving my full attention to my daughters swim lesson, which she picked up on and was upset about. Recently, I’ve been treating her like you described ( “do I act inconvenienced or bothered?”) But if I’m being honest, this is something I’ve more often than not. I struggle being present and always feeling rushed, busy, overwhelmed, etc. So so wrong of me. So sinful of me. So of this world.
There’s no excuse because I have a choice in Christ. However, when things are not right with your spouse and your in your flesh it effects the whole family. And the reverse is true when you talked about pouring into your husband, he pours into you, and you both pour into your family.
Tomorrow is a new day and I plan on apologizing to my family and making some changes. I’m so sick of being a hearer and not a doer. I know what I should do, but fail to do it. So tonight I need to get on my knees and repent and take all of this to the foot of the Cross! Thank you for this video!
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Could you explain that verse? Thanks!
@@meghanc5793Matthew 6:21 here Jesus makes it clear that storing our treasures in the wrong place, leads our hearts to being in the wrong place. What we treasure most controls us. Whether we admit it or not, what we think about, talk about or spend our money on can dominate us. If possessions or money become too important to us, we must reestablish control of our hearts. We need to get rid of the things that have become idols to us. Jesus calls for a decision to live contentedly with whatever we have because we have chosen eternal values over temporary, earthly treasures. 🙌🏻🙌🏾🙌🏼🙌🏿🙌🏽
I'm struggling with similar so I know what you mean. ❤️🙏
What matters to you is your treasure.
As a new Christian of 6 months who's still struggling with some things I appreciate this video so much, it really helps.
Congratulations for making the most important decision anyone can make in their lifetime! Don’t be too hard on yourself. You will grow as God reveals things in your heart that He wants you to change. Thankfully God does not show us everything at once-that would be very discouraging to say the least. As you read the Bible and listen to His word, you will grow one step at a time to become the godly woman God wants you to be. Grow from the heart, ask God to give you wisdom, and depend upon Him for strength to break old fleshly habits. God is faithful and loves you-remember He gave his only son’s life as a substitute for payment of your sins so you could be forgiven and heaven bound. Such love! Don’t let Satan discourage you. Keep your eyes on God. Remember we never “arrive” as a perfect Christian-we are still in our fleshly bodies. Your growth will continue throughout your life as you seek God’s will until God calls you home. Welcome to the family!!!.
So true! I've been in the church my whole 43 years, and NEVER have I seen a study for women on Biblical womanhood... I found that HERE on your channel. And I'm so thankful for it! Thanks for your ministry!
ALL glory to God!!! 😭 I would love so much, and pray for the opportunities, to partner with churches and start helping to see these studies happening in local churches!
Not to take away from this wonderful lady, but Mom Delights has similar content worth checking out. We need more lovely ladies like these ❤
Yep- we share her homeschool stuff often and am thankful to have gotten to connect with her and one of her lovely daughters as well! XO
I have heard of them, but too often, they were framed as how to become a traditional woman, not truly a godly one. When flattery is extolled as a feminine good, one that men supposedly need, you know you're hearing about traditionalism, not godliness from a truly Christian, born again perspective. The Bible tells the truth about a flatterer, and God does not think that women should become one, nor that their husbands need it. It seemed that churches wanted to teach thar their traditions were the same thing as the gospel, but they aren't. Today, it's Christianity equals political conservatism, but it does not, anymore than it equates liberalism. What was a putoff about those courses was that they were prissy, frothy, fluffy, unreal, and they were unreal because they weren't based on what is eternal and real, but on conformity to humankind. When we really look at these biblical teachings, from a point of view that looks to God to tells us, being as truthful and profoundly caring about the quality of our walk in Jesus,, as He is, it is a very different message,
Being heavenly minded certainly changes everything! 🙌💕🙏
It sure does!!!! XOXOXO
My own mother told me once that you can be so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good. That was like stabbing me right in the heart, my mouth opened and it still is.... That's wrong.
I totally agree that living like this is a must. If we turn our eyes upon Jesus, and look full in His wonderful face, then the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace. Living for the moment we will face Him, and being content with being regarded in this life ONLY by Him, is the way to true peace, joy and hope. God bless you and your family. 💜
The song you just quoted! Thank you! I just received news that my friend's home in Kelowna, Canada, burned down. I'm sending her these great words.♥️🇨🇦
I am not a mother yet, but I really needed this to remember to be more loving and caring towards my little brother❤
Needed this video, God called me to homeschool this year I’ve been a stay at home for 8 years but since God wants me to do this I want to take it more serious, treat my kids better, learn how to become who God called me to be as a women and a wife and mother and most importantly Gods child ❤ this was so helpful God bless my friend I’m new just subscribed ❤❤
ALL glory to God! I'm so glad you're here with us! I LOVE homeschooling and we share a TON about it- we've got some great stuff coming out here within the next couple of weeks that I pray will bless you all! XOXO
It took me to die of a pulmonary embolism 10/13/19 and the Lord giving me another opportunity to see these truths... Right down to the eating, and spending time with the hubby, so he knows his worth.
This is definitely a great study... DEFINITELY sharing and keeping!!!
All glory to God- so thankful for the work He does in our lives!
I survived a pulmonary embolism too in 2009. Would have left my husband a widower with a 5 yo girl and 15 mo boy. I look forward now to my birthdays because I know they aren’t guaranteed.
Thank you so much for this! My children are grown (technically lol) and there are so many things I wish I had done differently, but the Lord has gathered me back now and I'm so grateful for the guidance of sisters like you! 💗
So glad we get to connect! 🤗 What a blessing to have a mom who cares so much! 🥰 xo
You are such a woman of wisdom for your young years! Keep encouraging and teaching your generation! You encouraged me as a 60 year old…I have been thinking of all these things that I need to do better and be more focused on what’s important in this life!
Aw, ALL glory to God! Thank you for your kind words, I am just thankful that the Lord pursued me and brought me to Him-- not just in word, but in deed! XOXO
Hi, I am a catholic wife and mom and I work full time outside the home and the daughters are now 21 and 18 years old, I have not been with them as I would have liked, today I discovered you with this video, it is splendid, thank you
Good list! I have downsized my habits too. Most of my decor is either thrifted or handmade. I love replacing the new things with old, sustainable pieces. Getting rid of plastic and replacing it with glass, wood etc. has been important to me. I look for longevity in items now. Also, I do a lot of needle work. It brightens my home, relieves stress and it's something I can teach my granddaughters. Always trying to make life a bit more simple to focus on what is important.
Amen amen amen! I completely agree!!! 🙌🏼💕
Amen to this video. This one was God speaking through you to me. I no longer do the same things that you no longer do. But I needed a reminder of who I am and what I am doing here. " I am an ambassador a Citizen of heaven." I love that. Thank you friend.
AMEN!!! I just love that we can all connect on here too- what a blessing! XOXO
I did appreciate your video. Sometimes we all do not live in a bubble, we cannot. I have been a law enforcement victim advocate working with women who are abused. The church was the hardest group I worked with. This is good information for those with good husbands, but if your husband is an abuser, this is not good information. No one deserves to be abused. I wish you the best, but I will always work with women who are abused, no matter who they are.
Hi My name is Bonnie I two husbands abuse me mentally the other physically and now I am 66 and in the nursing home with health issue I got sepsis about two years ago which almost took my life and now I am in a wheelchair because I can’t walk unless I use a wheelchair I am born again and being in this nursing home I have more time to be with God I got married two time and neither work out both abused me mentally the most but the first one was physically too the only Time I get to go to church is when they have services it is not like going to my church I am new I had to talk to a psychologist I try to stay to myself is that wrong pray for me the Bible says we are not to wear pants I do wear them I heard that God does not want us to wear make up I sure could use some help to have a human to talk to beside Jesus
Hello Bonnie, we can talk, if you would like. I am a retired Law Enforcement Victim Advocate and am an Expert in Domestic Violence with over 25 years. Just to inform you, please know that women are not taught within our churches that rape and domestic violence is wrong. They are taught to be submissive, just like this woman is teaching. There is no room for a woman to think and believe that a Christian man is to be divorced. God hates abuse, and if God's grace is sufficient then it is also sufficient to woman who flee domestic violence. What you are going through today is that residue of your past abuse, and that is real! I am glad you are living free from abuse, and may God bless you. Know that you did nothing wrong, and go wear your pants, lipstick etc. @@bonniehuff3901
Bonnie, I would recommend you pick up a book by Chris Moles, who is a law enforcement officer and wrote the book to show biblical view of abuse and how to help inform and counsel victims of domestic abuse.
Many of us are not taught how to run a home once we are married. How to make the right priorities and we learn as we go. Your church is doing a good job already teaching about Godly womanhood, something that is lacking for the lot. I have learnt a lot today. Thank you and stay blessed
ALL glory to God- thank you for being here! XO
This is exactly why I homeschooled my children and chose to be a homemaker. It can be a lonely walk but much better than the alternatives. So many people on the wide road. You describe the wide road and the narrow road very well.
Amen and amen- I couldn't agree more! XO
As the adult son of a homeschooling mother, I want to tell you that you're doing one of the greatest works possible. I thank God every day for my mother's sacrifices in staying home and teaching us at home.
It was a cultural battle then, and it's only harder now. I just want to encourage you that it's worth it. Thank God for women and mothers like you, you're a treasure.
I am trying to love the sanctification process. It is painful now but the hope I have ahead is beyond beautiful. God is not neglectful He cares.
I wish I had these teachings as a young girl. I pray God gives me the grace and humility to teach my daughters through loving correction and not to be how my mother was towards me.
You explained these complex things so simple and good, that me, a 15 year old girl from germany, whos english isn't the best, understood the meaning of all of it. Thank you so much! ❤
ALL glory to God- amen! I'm so glad you're here! These things are so important as we learn through God's word what His desire & will for our lives really is!
Titus 2:3-5
Es ist nicht einfach, eine Christin in Deutschland zu sein, aber es lohnt sich. Ich hoffe, du hast Gemeinschaft in einer guten, biblischen Gemeinde. Ich bin mit 16 in den USA beim Austauschjahr Christ geworden und fand es anfangs schwierig, in Deutschland als Christin zu leben. Was mir geholfen hat waren die lokale Gemeinde und mein Mann, der ebenfalls Christ ist. Was mich überrascht hat, war dass es viele wiedergeborene Christen gibt, man muss nur etwas nach ihnen suchen. Ich wünsche dir Gottes Segen als Schwester in Jesus, gib nie auf und prüfe alles in der Bibel
Don't listen to this gossipy social media rubbish. They're only in it for the ca$h, kiddo. It's just hot air, no substance.
Great video. I was saved at 35 and so in just 3 years the Lord has gone to work in me. Praise God, I don't even recognise my old self. I am a new creation completely. So relate to all of these minus husband as I'm a solo mum. I appreciate you speaking on this. So many profess Christ but they look exactly like the world.
We need to have bible studies for teens in our church. Just like a bible study for women. This can possibly help teens or tweens feel confident in the Lord. They can learn their true purpose of being a godly young girl. They need a safe place to come together and enjoy their company while learning about Jesus. I pray this idea will go out to the world and we can save our young generations. In Jesus name Amen
A HUUUUUUUUGE problem I have with "youth group" and "children's ministry" in most of the church today... it milky and not discipling. This is a HUGE error we've made... but what the bigger problem is would be that the duty of discipleship is placed on the father, parents, home. And that is sorely lacking in the world today.
Yes young girls NEED to hear this!
They should be getting this from the preacher of said church. If he is not preaching this, time to find a new church. Shouldn't have to have classes and studies.
@@baus7 Titus 2 calls the older women to be admonishing the younger women on these things- so there is nothing wrong with gathering and learning in these specific areas as scripture has called us. :)
@HeavenlyMindedHome I guess I am just severely old fashioned. One-on-one training would be better. The group setting is just not for me, and in todays time you have to be very careful and mindful of it because most of it is not genuine. 😔
Came across my feed in the most perfect timing! GOD is always on time. Love this video! ❤
Nothing like HIS timing! Amen-- so glad we got to connect! XOXO
This is great! As a man, husband, and father, this honestly helps me in so many ways.
Thank you for making this video! I loved the part where you say a sinful world is only going to sin more. That speaks to me as sometimes I worry too much about the direction of the world. Great reminder to turn to scripture!
Amen- it goes from "bad" to "worse". We do NOT "make it great again" -- that's Christ's job! ;) But until he returns- we have a lot to do! We live for Him, we share His truth and we store our treasure up in Heaven! Amen!
I commend you for simply explaining the example of a Godly woman. Many blessings. ❤
All glory to God! Hope you all can come join us for the Biblical Womanhood study- it's been so wonderful! XO
How refreshing !! Honesty to the bone! I needed to hear this. A few points I can relate to. Thank you for this mind opening truth about how to be a better person...for ourselves and others! Praise the Lord for Godly guidance. ;))💛💚💜
Love it… nothing at all wrong with modesty, and it’s not a rule, it’s just a joy, amen
One of the things an older woman admonished me for in regards to foul language is not saying words that replace bad words (i.e. fricking, gosh, etc). As good as I think I'm changing, there's always more things I can work on. This keeps me humble.
Amen! 🥰
I have heard this before, but I don’t understand it. Why would it be bad to exclaim something if it doesn’t have a foul meaning? I kind of understand if it sounds really close to
an offensive word, but “gosh” is pretty bland.
Always have to look at the heart. 🥰🥰🥰
@@HeavenlyMindedHome very true ❤️
, Gosh is slang for God. -Using His name in vain
I’m 61 , we needed to hear this back years ago. Maybe my family life could of been better. Yes I was forced to attend church, but later in years it was my choice to make and not my dads. Marriage was just being married and raising your children the best you could. It was all about surviving. Now relationships are what can I get from this? What does that person look like? What can I hold on to? Nothing is about sharing.
Dress code for me at my age regardless of what someone else thinks is am I dressed honestly appropriate. Thank you for sharing your point of view. Jesus does help us to see our hearts in how we’re living. Mostly our hearts are important in how others see us as Christian women. Living perfectly is all a lie because we will fall short of the glory of God. ❤
This video blessed me! You do a great job living out Titus 2:4-8 - “These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the Word of God.”
Aww, ALL glory to God! I'm so glad, what a blessing! Glad we get to all connect! XO
Amen, us older women need to lead by example. If the older women in your Christian community do not have the fruits of the Holy Spirit, then they should not be in a position of influence.
For example, I grew up in an extremely legalistic, IFB church, they wouldn’t even let us associate with other churches, unless we were directly associated with their corporate ideals.
There were only three families out of about 250 people, that truly showed the fruits of the Holy Spirit and lived biblically. The rest of the families were contentious, with many secrets behind closed doors. There was lots of obesity, lots of pride and finger-pointing, and lots and lots of gossip. They were very quick to tell others how to live, but they did not lead by example. And if they tried to, it was all a lie. Because they had their own sins that overshadowed any of the things that they were trying to say other should be doing.
Praise the Lord, that the few good families there were a wonderful example, or I might not have ever came back to the faith. But those few examples gave me hope that the Holy Spirit is our helper, and that the Bible is in fact true, and that the Pharisee spirit is prideful and not of God.
So, in a nutshell, you will know a good church by first and foremost, their stance on the gospel of grace, and the holy trinity, and the fruits of the Holy Spirit, their community outreach, etc. and yes, the elder women leading by example and showing the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians five.)
What a thrill to hear you teach these things. Thank you so very much for wanting what God wants for us as Christian women. I want that, too. The bible is our foundation if only we would go to it.
YES! It's not our ideas, it's not some trendy women's study... it's scripture. And living that out! I love this topic- it's been such a blessing to my life. And sharing these studies with you all- it's the best! Definitely come join us if you haven't already! XOXO
As a newlywed I needed this!!! I love being a woman of God!!! Thank you so so much for this. I’m so glad I ran into your channel!!!
Dear Heavenly Father .... All the things I did not do right, our family is blessed in spite of it.... You are Real❤ and to be worshipped❤ and❤ praised forever ! Amen ! ❤❤
Amen and amen! 🙏🏼
I am so grateful I just found your channel! I’m a young, married Christian woman trying to seek biblical womanhood and motherhood when that time comes. Even in the church it can seem like a lonely walk to take unfortunately. Thank you so much! 💛
Amen- that is very true.... another reason why I do love sharing and getting to connect! We have a lovely community here and I am so grateful. (Come join us for Biblical WOmanhood if you haven't already! 🥰) Truly we can be the change we wish to see- we can impact our homes, our churches, our communities. BIG hugs, friend! XO
This is a powerful on point video!!! Thank you for sharing what a true CHRISTIAN women should be!!!! Your study of the word has given you great insight!!!
Great advice! The one thing I have to say though is that my husband and I believe in MUTUAL LOVE AND RESPECT. We do not believe that the husband calls all the shots and makes all the decisions or that women are not allowed to work outside the home.
We were both raised in homes like that and it was all very legalistic and unbiblical. It caused a lot of harm and trauma, so we decided to raise our girls differently and in a God-honoring, authentic Christian way.
One of the ways we do that is by my husband not being controlling. He actually doesn't like the word submission because most people in charge in churches have used it as a way to control and abuse women for a very long time. Many people just focus on that verse in the Bible, twist it to fit their narrative, yet ignore the verse about how husbands are to love their wives and that there should be mutual submission.
God does not want marriage to feel like a prison, where one person is controlling and the other one doesn't have much say. He gave women just as much intelligence as men. He values women just as much as men, too, despite my husband and I being told differently growing up.
Honestly, we don't understand why people put so much emphasis and seem obsessed with submission (not saying you are like that, just speaking in general lol). If people focused more on just loving and respecting each other and working together as a team instead of trying to control the other spouse, far more marriages would be successful and happy.
I hope this all made sense. Sorry if I rambled on. English is my second language (I'm from Europe).
God bless! I hope you have a lovely day! :)
It's amazing- people get hung up on scripture instructing us as women to submit to the headship of our husbands... yet fail to read on that our husbands are tasked with loving us as Christ loved the church! Yikes! That's huge!
So thankful the Lord's ways are so much better than our own- marriage is a beautiful thing when Christ is at the center! XO
And your English was beautiful- great job!
Thank you, it's how I see it ( as it was revealed through the Spirit ).
Totally agree. I was married to a controlling and abusive man who said he was a Christian and knew the Gospel. It was a nightmare. Apparently his father was this way with his wife as well. I think the newer generation realizes that they way we were taught in the 70’s and 80’s was wrong and they respect women much more than they did in my generation.
Was looking for a comment like this. WELL SAID 😊❤❤❤
Exactly! A lot of people and women focus on the submission, but never on the fact that men should aim to be like Jesus. Jesus gave his life for the church, gave her love and freedom. Jesus was right and knowledgeble. Any man who trys to be like Christ will never think to submit any one neither think he has the right to. Plus husbands should love their wives like themselves, that means that they should never adk or expect from their wives something that they don't want for themselves. I think that every couple should find their balance in their way inder the shade of the Lord.
Wow! I can feel and hear the Holy Spirit speaking through you! I am 61, and I am forwarding to my daughter to listen also.
All glory to God, thank you for being here- and for sharing! XO
Thank you for this. I’ve been feeling convicted in several of these areas for a while and know I need to make some changes. Specifically taking better care of myself and my home. Another challenging one is gossip. It’s become such a cultural norm to sit around talking about everyone (especially since social media), that it can be difficult to find women to have edifying conversations with. It can be a very isolating sin to eliminate, and I don’t think I’m alone in that. This was very refreshing and encouraging. Subscribed ❤
Amen! Amen! Amen!!! I am so thrilled to have just found your channel. Thank you for creating a channel that speaks truth and light into this lost world. I couldn’t agree more with all that you said. Thank you for this! I am also a homeschooling mom who is trying to live counter to culture and teach my kids to love Jesus. God bless you and your family!
You are so welcome- all glory to God! Welcome! 💕🙏🏼
Amen. These are all on point. I still struggle with many of these but when I do, it’s important for me to keep responding to the Lord in a right way.
That’s where my mind is and have been for 20 years. I’m 54 now and have seen a lot. I want everything the lord wants for me and my family, love y’all beautiful sister and fsmily in Christ ❤
Thank you sister! The world is quick to tell us to retaliate, divorce, buy this, follow fads, think about self self self, therapy that gives selfish advice, blame everybody, blame our mothers, treat yourself, me time, constant redecoration, self affirmation...people are more understanding of a rescue dog than they are to their spouse. Nice to see real strength. Way to be a chayil woman ( a virtuous and courageous woman like proverbs 31 )
I have never seen your channel but I was asking the Lord in silent prayer to show me what a Biblical women looked like! Exactly my prayer just 2 days ago! This popped up on my feed and I am so blessed to have found this!
😭🙌🏼❤️ ALL glory to God! Definitely come and join the study- it's been a wonderful time! (((hugs)))
I personally began my journey as well so I started taking Hebrew classes to really dig into the scriptures and really understand the context culturally and linguistically so I can really grasp the real teachings and significance of the texts. It’s been liberating. I’ve also started complying with the 4th commandment which is keeping the Sabbath. I’m finding my weekend last so much longer ❤
Great to hear! I did the same, learning Hebrew...and my family keep the Sabbath and the feasts as well 😊
God bless you and your family! I am 64 and everything you have said in this video is 100% on the mark. You are definitely wise beyond your years. I’m sending this video to my 3 daughters who are your age and have families of their own. They strive to bring glory to God in their homes. This video will help simplify many things for them.
Thank you!
Aww, all glory to God! What a blessing to get to connect! Xoxoxo
Good stuff!! I as well was convicted of what I’m feeding my mind. I as well had to ask myself why I care so much what this wicked world is doing. I found it had caused anxiety and depression. When The Father’s Word and His Ways consume my mind I have peace and joy!! Thank u for sharing your thoughts!! ❤
Amen and amen! Our influences are SO important- for all of us! XO
Thank you for this video as a baby christian we don't know how to be disciplined or discipled to. I appreciate your effort and stand point on this. Thank you so much!!
Thank you for sharing this! I feel convicted, yet encouraged to not grow weary of doing good. To continue to grow into Christlikeness. This video was a blessing ❤
Amen and amen! All glory to God, sweet friend! So thankful for the connections we get to make as the Lord guides our paths! BIG hugs! XO
Love this!!! I need to pray about it but I feel God is putting a class on my heart to teach the ladies in my church/community about Biblical womanhood.
How awesome! I'm really hoping we can start putting these videos together with materials to go to churches individually and be a resource for many! Maybe we should chat? XO
@@HeavenlyMindedHome Yes, would love to chat about all these possibilities!
Send me an email when you have some free time? heavenlymindedhome@gmail.com
This is the first time I'm listening. It was so awesome. I shared it with several Christian women friends of mine
What a beautiful video. It’s sooooo refreshing to hear other like minded women.
Thank you so much! I’m glad it was able to connect with you, and so many other sisters in Christ! 🥰 Cone and join our Biblical Womanhood study- it’s been such a wonderful time together! ❤️🙏🏼🙌🏼 xo
I’ve watched a lot of “minimalist mom” creators, and have gotten some good homemaking tips, but it’s refreshing to find someone like you who approaches it from a Biblical foundation. I’m a bit tired of the “self care” and “you’re enough” philosophy that comes with the practical tips.
Just stumbled across this video and your channel. How refreshing to hear these "hot takes" on Christian Womanhood! This video was very encouraging to me. God bless!
Yes to all of this! Thank God for women like you who share this on YT because I also was not taught this in church but was raised in church… ❤
Same here, sister! I love getting to share through our little place on the web... what a blessing it is to walk in the ways of the Lord! XO
Love your message! It hit the spot for me, to the core. I believe God placed your channel right in my path as I scrolled through RUclips because that message was everything to me. Thank you!
😭🙌🙏💕🤗 Don't you just love seeing Him at work?! Thank you Lord for all you do for us! So glad you can be here- anything we can do to serve you better, just let us know! XO
Sister, this slapped me in the face with truth in every way. Thank you and God bless you!
taming the tongue is a very difficult one... what comes from the mouth was already in the heart, so I pray often for the Spirit to continue changing my heart.
Thanks for explaining or sharing examples about the points on your list of things you no longer do as a Christian woman. And for being so real. God bless you ♥
ALL glory to God, thank you for your kind words! Come and join us for the study-- it's been such a wonderful time with amazing sisters-in-Christ! XO
Love the list and you’re analogy of fast food for instant gratification was such a good one ! There was a point where I stopped all reality shows and celeb info it is not only garbage but a distraction from what we should focus on which is God! I’m a Catholic woman homeschooling my two children and really appreciate women like you speaking truth and encouraging other women to live the way God intended us too! ❤
I found your channel today. This video is so spot on to things I have been thinking about lately. Things I am addicted to, things I do in excess, not putting my hubby first, maybe putting off that story for my child, all of it lately has felt wrong in my spirit. I want to be a servant. I want to do these things you are speaking of. Thank you for sharing this. It resonated with my heart.
Awww, BIG hugs friend!!! I get it... thank goodness we ALL sin and fall short of the glory of God-- and yet, Christ came to redeem us! So glad we got to connect- praying this channel can be an encouragement to you! XOXO
Just found you and I feel like God has put you in my life to help me with being a biblical woman
😭🙌🏼 ALL glory to God! It is something I'm so passionate about- I wish I understood it sooner! Come join the study- it's been wonderful! I love seeing the Lord at work through our daily lives! 🥰
So refreshing! Love the simple nuggets, amazing how God works and how His precepts are universal. Enjoying this from Kenya, Africa.
Awesome Word Sister! i’m a new sub and I thank God for you and sending me your channel. I gave my life to Christ 3 years ago and have never considered turning back. I gave worldly things (music, tv, social media, etc) up when i first came to Christ bc I recognized the spirits attached to them. Giving up these things has been responsible in expediting my relationship when the Trinity. God Bless and love you Sister❤
What a beautiful testimony!!! 🙌💕 I'm so glad we get to connect here- you'll definitely have to come join us for the Biblical Womanhood study! It's been such a wonderful experience to get to serve and share in this space! XO
I’m a new Christian and I wish I sought this life out years ago so I could have raised my children with Jesus.they are older and I try to talk to them and hope they accept in but they weren’t raised with him strong enough. Your videos are inspiring and help direct me.
Pray for your kids and trust that the Lord loves them. Your sweet and godly example will testify to God's goodness.
Pray for them..dont force or push..you may be the only bible they will read. Plant the seed..spirit will do the rest
I was going to say the same thing. pray without ceasing@@meredythworldchanger3349
You just have continue to pray for them. Let them see in you the new creation you now are. Also, pray that God will send the one that will tell them about Jesus and they will listen. Family members might be difficult to preach to at times.
God redeems! Just continue to love Him with all your heart and give Him your life and never stop praying for your kids! Don't ever give up or look back! Prayers going up!
From a mom and woman who is trying to nurture and progress in my personal relationship with our Father and Jesus thank you so much for this video. 💙
After scrolling, I really liked this video, as a woman,I struggle with all this issues,when all I want is to please God.Thank you.❤
Amen- right there with you, friend! Thankful he crossed our paths! XO
The part about kids was so good. Our culture definitely has a toxic view of children.
You worded that so appropriately. I just got teary eyed.
I’m not even halfway through this video but I’m already pumped up. When I FULLY surrendered to God and His Word-I felt the peace and “ahh” moment, think of getting into a hot tub with sore muscles. So glad I stumbled upon your video! God bless. :)
I'm happy that you don't have to work in the world and that you can prioritize your time on your husband, your children and your home and, of course, give all the glory to God.
Yes -some of us work full time so don't have the luxury to stay home. But i personally would not change this for myself. And I do not feel like less of a Christian woman.
@@lynnleonard8021Same for me. I had a great career. I find that most men treat women better when they are not totally dependent on a man for income. My dad was abusive to my mother until she became a beautician. He was a narcissist so the mental games never stopped but he did stop hitting her. In my situation, my husband was OCD and had a very hard time keeping a job because of it. I finally went bk to college then got a good job with benefits and insurance. It was very hard to wk and raise kids and sometimes homeschool as well, but much better than the alternative. These ideas listed in this video are good but they don’t work for everyone.
Amen for both of these comments. In these days most families the mom and dad are working full time, things are expensive ....
I'm sharing this with the women in my life that are seeking to live a life for our Messiah. Thank you dear sister! 🌹🌸🏵
I came across your video and it is very encouraging. I have been doing my best to practice all of these things even though I haven’t actually listed them. I do fall short and am constantly asking for forgiveness. Thank you for being a blessing and encourager bc I have had people say, “Don’t get her started” when I talk about my faith. I never judge anyone but I do discern what is scripturally right or wrong and gently call it out bc I never want people to think I’m judging them. I do the same thing with myself.
I’m a man and LOVED this. Thanks for teaching me
Thank you for God's word/message to us women! Thank you for being such a great role model and for keeping it real/relatable! ! Be blessed 1,000-fold! btw- you look AMAZING - so beautiful- a true woman of God and a gift to this world!🤩😘
Aw, you are so kind! ALL glory to God! What a blessing it is to study His word and be refined through His truth! Amen! Definitely come join the Biblical Womanhood study- it's been so wonderful with these amazing sisters-in-Christ! XOXO
The Lord knew I needed to find this. To find your channel. You just popped up on my home page. Thank you Jesus and thank YOU!
I'm a new follower of Christ and this was just lovely. Thank you ! God bless !
I would like to add to the list, I don’t follow Joyce Myers, Beth Moore, and I don’t read devotionals. The Bible is good enough for me. I’m very cautious who I listen too when it comes to scripture. I agree with your top twelve, politically we can’t have our heads stuck in the sand either. 🙌🏼❤️🔥🙌🏼
Amen! 🙏🏼🙌🏼❤️
Everything changed for the better when I started to read the Holy Bible, starting with the psalms. The LIVING word of God transforms us as we grow closer to Him. Praise the Lord for saving me💛💛💛💛
Everything you said 🙌🙌🙌 God bless you. Just subscribed. When you love for him you leave all the worldly things behind and he removes and cleanses you from them.