Spider-Man 2 | The Most Relatable Superhero Movie

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 364

  • @JsReviews
    @JsReviews  2 года назад +41

    Get the exclusive NordVPN deal here: nordvpn.com/jsreviews. It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!

    • @ashtonkamien8542
      @ashtonkamien8542 2 года назад

      Hi J's Reviews you do really good job with your videos and I can't wait to see you to do for Spider-Man 3 the movie I'm looking forward to do see you talk about Spider-Man video games I can't wait to see you talk about Spider-Man 3 the video game cutscene some funny moments please do that I hope you have an awesome day dude please check out my channel I do art and I do Legos and I'm making a comic book series you're more welcome to check out

    • @shadowdispenser4021
      @shadowdispenser4021 2 года назад +1

      Will u do a Spider-Man 3.1 review

    • @Heavenly_Senshi
      @Heavenly_Senshi 2 года назад +1

      Keep up the great work i love your videos theyre always a delight to see in my note. That talk about how you relate to peter i love it and i love this channel

  • @PhillipOnTakos
    @PhillipOnTakos 2 года назад +247

    Nothing has stuck with me more from this movie than Aunt May saying "I believe there's a hero in all of us. That keeps us honest gives us strength, makes us noble". Even as a kid it stuck with me, maybe I didn't fully understand it back then but it still stuck with me.

    • @juststatedtheobvious9633
      @juststatedtheobvious9633 2 года назад +17

      A shame it isn't true.
      There's too many people with inner-supervillains. And some of those supervillains are incredibly selfish and stupid.
      Heroes do exist. But we should never take them for granted.

    • @snowman1886
      @snowman1886 Год назад +1

      @@juststatedtheobvious9633you got your strengths and weaknesses which make you who you are. You also got your humanity and what you want to be. People who throw away their humanity for their strengths tend to be the villains more than the people who give a balance

    • @TheNuts1225
      @TheNuts1225 4 месяца назад

      Most people want to look like a hero more than they actually want to put in the effort. Being heroic requires sacrifice and courage (which means always facing your fears) and not taking any credit. Most people would never lift a finger if it meant even the slightest inconvenience.

    • @CouchCritic3416
      @CouchCritic3416 3 месяца назад

      This is the quote that honestly keeps me going

  • @LightningStrike1212
    @LightningStrike1212 2 года назад +237

    What separates Spiderman 2 from modern Marvel movies is its commitment to its emotional gravitas, wherein the humor is naturally integrated into the drama and the focus of the story is kept trained on one small, but intimate spot. I felt less for the death of half the heroes in Infinity War than for a broke college student. In addition, this movie holds the title of best superhero movie because it's the one that most closely examines what it means to be a hero.

    • @LorianandLothric
      @LorianandLothric 2 года назад +22

      Raimi is a master of incorporating humor in a way that feels natural and is appropriate for the tone at hand, rather than feeling forced, ham-fisted, and out of place for the sake of having a joke. An example is when Peter was at the party and after MJ rejects him and leaves, he grabs a drink as the waiter walks by but we see that it's actually empty. It's funny but also natural because it flows naturally with the tone of the scene and makes complete sense as everything is going wrong for Peter that he can't even have a drink.

    • @raidoukuzonoha883
      @raidoukuzonoha883 2 года назад +4

      Spiderman 2 is great but I do feel spiderverse topped it

    • @tylerd.1
      @tylerd.1 2 месяца назад

      @@raidoukuzonoha883stop the 🧢

  • @ALtheBoi
    @ALtheBoi 2 года назад +66

    Man Raimi was so unapologetic about this being a Superhero movie.
    Like Doc Ock needs money for his project, so not only he goes to rob a bank, he comes out of it with these bigass moneybags filled with coins like it's a fuckin cartoon. And you don't really even think about it cause it plays it straight.
    Another thing I really love about Raimi's Peter is that he's not really a smart, nerdy-type person, he's bullied for being awkward and dorky. His fighting style doesn't showcase any solid strategy either, he's just clever and knows how to use his powers. Both the bank fight and the train fight he's shown literally just throwing hands and webbing shit up, improvising hits on the spot.
    This even got some attention in NWH, where he's the one with the most experience while the other two are book-smart in their own fields.

  • @MOCskoden
    @MOCskoden 2 года назад +46

    SpiderMan 2 stands the test of time along with the Dark Knight as cinematic masterpieces that helped make superhero movies more common and popular

  • @calvinmatthews1527
    @calvinmatthews1527 2 года назад +39

    Spider-Man 2 is the franchise's magnum opus! At that point, Spider-Man was already a solidified superhero everyone loved, but the first two Raimi films (especially the second one) cemented him as a pop culture icon! Not only did it skyrocket his popularity into the stratosphere, but it defined what superhero movies could be with it everything it does so well. From excellent character portrayals to masterful action set pieces. This film set expectations for all Spider-Man films for years to come and always will! Movie is a masterpiece that will be celebrated and talked about for decades and I am proud to be one of those people who grew up watching it. Lastly, J, keep the great content coming!

  • @Asaylum117
    @Asaylum117 2 года назад +94

    It's amazing how much of an impact Spider-Man 2 has on so many people, myself included. Seriously, Sam Raimi really made one of the best superhero movies and sequels ever made. It's because of this film why my love for the character of Spider-Man grew and never left even many years later.

  • @fraserking4747
    @fraserking4747 2 года назад +84

    Absolutely agree, for as much as I’ve enjoyed some of the recent Spidey films, nothing unseats Spider-Man 2 as the best superhero film to me. It’s masterfully done, from the themes explored, to the music, to the characters. I could rewatch it over and over without growing tired of it.
    Also, it being a part of my childhood does give it (and the rest of the trilogy) a lot of sentimental value too. I don’t hate his successors by any stretch, but Tobey will always be Spider-Man for me.

    • @austinjohnsen4430
      @austinjohnsen4430 2 года назад +2

      What about Spiderverse? Surely you think that’s still good, right?

    • @aaaaaaaaaalrightythen9953
      @aaaaaaaaaalrightythen9953 2 года назад +4

      @@austinjohnsen4430 of course spider-verse is a masterpiece in it’s own way

    • @skitsybitsy
      @skitsybitsy 2 года назад +1

      Spiderman,Spiderman 2,into the spider verse and no way home are great
      Tasm 1,Spiderman homecoming and far from home is average
      Spiderman 3 and tasm 2 are bad but they have good parts

    • @austinjohnsen4430
      @austinjohnsen4430 2 года назад +1

      @Erik Kemeey So which ones do you think are good and which ones are bad? I for one think Spider Man 3 is a fairly decent movie.

  • @mistaphunkii
    @mistaphunkii 4 месяца назад +1

    I was 11 years old when this came out in 2004, now im 31 and I relate to this movie sooooooooo much.

  • @cloudshines812
    @cloudshines812 2 года назад +194

    I don’t think I need to even explain why Spider Man 2 is a near masterpiece. Everything you covered J, along with other youtubers is well said and well thought out because this, in my opinion is the definitive Spider Man movie and I can’t imagine a world without Spider Man 2 being this good. Also reminds me of how Paramount treated the Sonic movie and its coming sequel, how they took genuine care and time and how a third film will be in the works after this sequel. (I really hope this doesn’t age like milk and the sequel comes out great). Final thing, I would love for you J to construct a review marathon and retrospective on every single 3D Spider Man game. Most of those games were my childhood and I’d love to see someone cover them in a constructive manner. From Spider Man on the PS1 to Insomniacs Spider Man 2 on the PS5 coming next year. Great video as always and also excited to see you cover Bully Maguire in the finale :)

    • @Ravathiel
      @Ravathiel 2 года назад +1

      I'm betting money that in Sonic 3: "Good" Knuckles is gonna be dumber than a bag of bricks - and shake off any badassery he has as a Bad Guy in 2

  • @megaman15ish
    @megaman15ish 2 года назад +16

    Thank you so much for this. I'll never forget when my grandmother took me and my brother to see this in theaters when we were kids. If it weren't for her I wouldn't be as huge a Spidey fan as I am today. She passed away back in 2014, and I hope she's doing well up there. She's why Spider-Man 2 means so much to me.

  • @bigkmoviesandgames
    @bigkmoviesandgames 2 года назад +26

    The first raimi film is my favorite but 2 is the best of the series.

  • @MINI_91
    @MINI_91 2 года назад +15

    Spider-Man 2 and The Dark Knight are my personal favorite superhero movies.

  • @kagekun1198
    @kagekun1198 2 года назад +6

    Neat use of "Beneath the Mask" as a BGM here. Peter Parker's struggle to balance his hero life, school and work is all one big Persona plot

  • @PZK_UwU
    @PZK_UwU 2 года назад +33

    I can't even put into words how much this film means to me.

    • @Z-fighter126
      @Z-fighter126 2 года назад +3

      Same here. I’ve watched this movie more times than I can count and I still get star-struck how timeless it is.

  • @aviatordanz
    @aviatordanz 2 года назад +20

    I love this movie cause it doesn't feel like a "superhero movie". It's a character drama exploring the characters base philosophy and pushes the character to his limit to show why he's a hero.

    • @Phantom-hopper
      @Phantom-hopper 2 года назад +4

      That's what the many writers said its a teen drama but there happens to be super hero in it

    • @averagecomicsenjoyer6545
      @averagecomicsenjoyer6545 2 года назад +1

      Yeah like TDK

    • @sakshamsanwaria7486
      @sakshamsanwaria7486 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@averagecomicsenjoyer6545TDK isn't anything like that. It is a masterpiece in its own right but ain't like Spider man 2. TDK has a villain at its core, while SM 2 has a hero

  • @katrooook
    @katrooook 6 месяцев назад +1

    this video is 2 years old, but gave me such an epiphany that i have to write down what ive begun thinking about, thanks for the motivation dude

  • @madmanterry7095
    @madmanterry7095 Год назад +2

    Just wanted to say to you j reviews. Your videos are very intellectual made. Your videos from this to sly, show a very empathetic, and cathartic lense. I can't express enough how great your perspective is of how you need to move on in life. Its so important too not only acknowledge something has ended but being at peace with it... truthfully. So many times in life especially times recently, the past can become haunting and even Nauseating when you are put to a hault. Even nostalgia. But the beauty of it all, is it always gets better, all you have to do is keep moving forward

  • @warchild4974
    @warchild4974 2 года назад +1

    15:41 "Hi? What's hi, can I spend it?" I love Mr. Ditkovitch
    If Sam Raimi actually does Spider-Man 4, he should at least have the first scene were Peter has just arrived back to his universe, he goes home, and Mr. Ditkovitch is waiting, and before he can open his mouth, Peter hands him some money, hugs him and says "I finally got your rent". Mr. Ditkovitch looks at Peter, smiles and offers an orange..and the scene ends after Peter walks through his recently fixed door to greet MJ & young Mayday Parker. (something fun like that)

  • @Ib10.
    @Ib10. 2 года назад +7

    There are so many videos on the internet talking about this movie and the whole trilogy itself, but none have ever really struck a chord with me like this video here. I started making videos in Middle School when I was 13. I’ve had more tough times and hardships than I count: feeling left out amongst my friends, keeping this secret for fear others may disapprove or attack me for it, while at the same time struggling to get all my schoolwork and barely functional social skills intact. It’s a bit allegorical, like you said, but I can’t help but relate to Sam Raimi’s Peter Parker in this way, and now about 5 years later I can truly appreciate everything about this movie, you’ve said in this video. “I believe there’s a hero in all of us: that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble.” -Aunt May

  • @Terminal_Apotos
    @Terminal_Apotos 2 года назад +3

    11:10 this exactly, I’m 15 and I’d always watch these movies as a kid because of the Action, I always thought Spider-Man 3 was the best just because it had the coolest villains and Action Scenes but when I watched all 3 movies back to back recently I realized how great the writing was in the first 2, not to say Spider-Man 3 is bad I still find it the most fun to watch but When watching Spider-Man 2 it felt like a whole extra layer of the movie had been added now that I truly understood the Story and message it was trying to convey.

  • @justbny9278
    @justbny9278 2 года назад +17

    Recently rewatched the movie
    I find interesting just how often the movie is Fading In and Out, skipping unknowable amounts of time from one sequence to another
    I also like how quite a lot of issues in-story come from Peter having trouble just dealing with relationships and being vulnerable to the people in his life, who he should also hold accountable, with Peter's standards being much tighter to himself than anybody else
    Peter's life isn't failing simply because of being Spider-Man, but also because he fails to prioritize things equally, rejecting his Spider-Man side does as much damage around as him rejecting his Peter Parker side does, Peter is only at his Best when Both his interests are aligned, which only really begins coming at around the movie's climax
    Peter Decides to go back to being Spider-Man of his Own volition, he only just manages to tap into his powers back once Mary Jane is at stake and he has to face Doc Ock again, someone who he failed to hold accountable in his time out of the game and who's both a reflection of what Peter could've been, who lost his MJ to his Higher than Life side, and who is also letting his frustrations get the better of him
    Or something
    Anyways it's really nice a feeling seeing somebody else who could also weirdly relate to the double identity issues Peter has, i doubt anyone i know personally would even be able to imagine what that's like, and it's great seeing your growth throughout the reviews, getting more insightful not just into the experiences themselves but also dwelling deeper into their creation and how they relate to You, feels like the channel is coming more into it's own even now

  • @nicoloenricorimoldi7425
    @nicoloenricorimoldi7425 2 года назад +46

    I sympathise with you and the message of the film in the sense that I understand how hard it is to actually make something of your life after high school. You get suddenly thrown into the real world and you have to fend on your own on multiple fronts. Between this and the pandemic it feels really hard to find a direction to follow.
    P.S. I still get a kick out of your old rantviews.

    • @ayrtonjoga
      @ayrtonjoga 2 года назад +4

      Same, I just finished high school expecting to fail because of the pandemic and bad/lack of communication from my school, but I actually made it
      Now I'm nervous of facing the real world and I hope I have the strength to face it, I know it sounds dramatic and cheesy but I'm just an anxious kid, what can I do? XD
      PS: Also same, still watching his old rant stuff, it's so entertaining

  • @robertlauncher
    @robertlauncher 2 года назад +2

    Spider-Man 2 is a favorite of mine for how human it feels. It really does a great job showing how tough being Spider-Man is for Peter in this stage in life. By the time he gives it up, it’s tough to watch but you get it. Aunt May’s reaction to his confession, Harry’s arc moving forward in a natural way, Pete’s relationship with MJ being damaged, the moral about sacrifice being so effectively done even with the villain, and Sam Raimi gets to do horror again! *Cue hospital scene

  • @TheAwesomeAlan
    @TheAwesomeAlan 2 года назад +8

    In college, I wrote several film analysis essays on why Spider-Man 2 is the greatest superhero film ever made. I went as far as to explain its status as, in my opinion, the greatest film ever made, and that's an opinion I still hold to this day. I can rewatch it and always enjoy it, there is never a dull moment.

  • @chriscannon8144
    @chriscannon8144 2 года назад +17

    I wish some of the MCU films could’ve mixed up practical & cgi just as much as much as the Raimi films did. Especially given how good Holland is at athletics. I think the closest we get to that is the first Captain America movies.

    • @justbny9278
      @justbny9278 2 года назад +2

      Holland's practical suits look awesome and yet they refuse to really cash out on them smh

    • @albertthepeacock8020
      @albertthepeacock8020 2 года назад +4

      The Virgin Spider-Man NWH vs The Chad Spider-Man 2

    • @Johnnysmithy24
      @Johnnysmithy24 2 года назад

      They don’t care enough to use practical effects.

  • @SkeletoonsWasHere
    @SkeletoonsWasHere 2 года назад +1

    It's insane to think that most stories like Spiderman 2 can hold up and be more relatable to the next generation and onwards. There's a lot of things to appreciate when comes to these stories and with the RUclips content creating comparison really does hit home to me. Awesome stuff here. Lots of respect to u, big J man lol

  • @JmrUltra
    @JmrUltra 2 года назад +2

    These movies intros are so memorable, and I would like to see all three of these movies again at some point, given it’s been a long time since I’ve seen them.

  • @ssmc2112
    @ssmc2112 2 года назад +3

    This is the first Spider-Man movie I saw when I was a kid and I absolutely love it :)

  • @ShadowThe771
    @ShadowThe771 2 года назад +7

    Fun fact, if you watch the entire train see and look very closely, you can find Phil Lamarr (Green Lantern and Static Shock in the DCAU, Samurai Jack, Hermes from Futurama, Vamp from Metal Gear, and Gambit from Wolverine and the X-Men and the guy that got shot in Pulp Fiction) looking at Spider-Man with concern.

  • @PatoGuzmanAd
    @PatoGuzmanAd 2 года назад +2

    I've been looking for a GOOD video reviewing and analyzing this movie, my favorite movie of all time. Thank you for making this, I follow you from your platform reviews like Ratchet and Clank (my favorite game series), please never erase this content, it's one of the best Sam Raimi's Spider-Man videos out there :) this one and another great video explaining what happened to the planned Spider Man 4 (from Cutshort) are excellent. Thank you!

  • @The_WIll_OF_D99
    @The_WIll_OF_D99 2 года назад

    Sometime To do what's right we have to be steady...and give up the thing we want the Most. Even our dreams. That line will forever be grained into my very soul. such a line to never forget

  • @step2807
    @step2807 Год назад

    I'm so with you on this. When I was younger like 9 or 12 I just loved the action but then watched it again last year after a few years and it really hit me like I legit cried during so many scenes because I realize Peter is human. May have powers but he isn't above everyone else. Making the right choices are very hard because the right choices don't benefit you while the wrong choices benefit you and only you. Watching spider man 2 over and over makes me feel good about making the right choices despite the consequences

  • @DiogoSilva-wm2oo
    @DiogoSilva-wm2oo 2 года назад +2

    The nostalgia I have for Spider-Man 2 is from the game I didn’t actually watch the film until after I watched Spider-Man 3 on dvd with the 2.1 release

  • @Mattisperplexed
    @Mattisperplexed 2 года назад

    I don’t know why these videos don’t have more views, your takes are always refreshing !

  • @CrashJakFan1994
    @CrashJakFan1994 2 года назад +1

    I love this movie so much that I even wrote an essay about it for my Film as Literature class in high school. I got a good grade in the end, and I think it was best essay I’ve done, considering how much I hate writing them.

  • @yaboisoe178
    @yaboisoe178 2 года назад

    Its crazy how much work really goes into making a movie not just actor’s or director its soooo much tht goes into it

  • @kimetsunoacademia3528
    @kimetsunoacademia3528 2 года назад +16

    cant wait for spiderman 3 it may not be perfect but that movie deserves as much respect as the first 2 get for ending the trilogy in the best and the most somber way possible.

    • @chriscannon8144
      @chriscannon8144 2 года назад +1

      Same. And I strongly believe it would’ve been the best of the 3 had Avi Arad & Sony not interfered with his original vision.

    • @joelgittens6857
      @joelgittens6857 2 года назад +2

      I missed the part where that's my problem

    • @kimetsunoacademia3528
      @kimetsunoacademia3528 2 года назад

      @@joelgittens6857 a fact that I am very proud of

    • @kimetsunoacademia3528
      @kimetsunoacademia3528 2 года назад

      @@chriscannon8144 exactly like I get it you wanted to print more money but the existing franchise was already big enough why you gotta be so greedy

    • @joelgittens6857
      @joelgittens6857 2 года назад

      @@kimetsunoacademia3528 Gonna cry?

  • @hadinasrallah8928
    @hadinasrallah8928 2 года назад +2

    Spent the whole weekend watching every dcau video you did and damn its so impressive how far you came

  • @TristansGameRoom
    @TristansGameRoom 2 года назад

    I never thought to compare Peter's life to situations that people my age (& your age) currently face. That honestly kinda makes this movie more relatable. Thank you for pointing at that.

  • @dylansurendranath3091
    @dylansurendranath3091 2 года назад +16

    Indeed it is the best Super Hero movie ever made! Really interested to hear your thoughts on Spiderman 3 🤔

  • @austinjohnsen4430
    @austinjohnsen4430 2 года назад +4

    Yeah, I think MJ gets a bit too much of a bad rap. She definitely has legitimate reasons to be upset with Peter in this movie. Failing to keep a promise that she was skeptical he would be able to keep. Doesn’t properly explain why he wasn’t able to keep that promise, and later tries to make up with her by reciting poetry. Hits on her when she’s already decided to be with someone else, only to get turned down again.

  • @timothy1235
    @timothy1235 2 года назад +6

    While everyone really talking about the movie, damn I gotta give you some credit on the amazing work you're doing on this channel, its one of the greater things in my day when I get to sit down and watch a video of yours describing it and expressing yourself about it 🙏 great video, also grown up in that time of these movies shining and giving me a lot of sweet memories, keep up the great work and be great as you are!

  • @GayBunzBrapBrap
    @GayBunzBrapBrap 2 года назад +1

    Hey J, just wanted you to know that I appreciate the work you put out. It's really entertaining and well thought out and presented well. Keep it up!

  • @draytonjames81
    @draytonjames81 2 года назад +1

    The part where may is losing her home but still gives Pete money hit hard today. Never understood how deep it was as a kid.

  • @shadowvincent8718
    @shadowvincent8718 2 года назад +6

    While i personally think Into the spiderverse is the best superhero movie. I do think howerver this is the best live action superhero movie as Peter parker and his struggle of being his regular self and Spiderman just feels so genuine. And the train fight scene is still super impressive years later. looking forward for more reviews from you.

    • @christianbjorck816
      @christianbjorck816 2 года назад +3

      How can you think Spider-Verse is any good? I found it to be terrible on almost every level, the writing extremly bad and rather insulting to the character. Doesn’t even come close Spider-Man 2 in terms of quality.

  • @K9arcade
    @K9arcade 2 года назад +1

    Hey man, been watching your videos for some time now. Also a huge fan of Ratchet & Clank.
    I think this video was well put together and honestly the comparison between Peter and yourself does feel pretty relatable. Going through some hard times myself, and choosing to focus on content to cheer me up somewhat helps, but I too battle that work-life-social balance that often leaves me wondering about balancing YT/Twitch as well as my other job and (some sort of) social life. Really hits on the nose and I just wanna say, you're doing great man, keep it up. I think others here agree~

  • @swagman299
    @swagman299 2 года назад +1

    Honestly I loved this movie as a kid it was my first ever superhero movie that I saw in theaters and I had so many toys from that movie plus Spider-Man 3 and I love the work you put into these I rewatch them a lot your DCAU reviews and turtles reviews plus the games too love the work you do man keep it up

  • @227060
    @227060 2 года назад +1

    Mr Ditkovitch was named after Steve Ditko, the artist that co-created Spider-man

  • @samuraibeastwarrior2886
    @samuraibeastwarrior2886 2 года назад +1

    I was just playing marvel Spider-Man earlier in the afternoon on PS5

  • @kinghomer6134
    @kinghomer6134 2 года назад

    I recently found this channel andI have binged it expeditiously this was another well said video keep them coming!

  • @DP_Productions658
    @DP_Productions658 2 года назад +1

    Honestly the scene that got me was "uncle Ben died because he was the only person that did the right thing."

  • @loltothebanknojoke
    @loltothebanknojoke 2 года назад +1

    u have such a great content bro, keep it up!

  • @AidGum
    @AidGum Год назад

    "The most relatable superhero movie"
    Into the Spider-Verse: "hold my beer"

  • @jamesward5363
    @jamesward5363 2 года назад

    I watched Spider-Man 2 so much when I was I kid still own my original DVD the one that comes with the second disc with the making of the movie

  • @Godzilla00X
    @Godzilla00X 2 года назад +1

    I always thought JJ hired Peter to take photos at his son's event since he was quietly impressed with his portfolio and was giving him a break/more work

  • @tyrannosaurusrex4600
    @tyrannosaurusrex4600 2 года назад +7

    Tom gets hit by a train: Almost dies
    Tobey gets hit by a train: Comes back in 2 sec like a badass
    The Gigachad Tobey Maguire vs virgin tom holland

  • @MyClinton123
    @MyClinton123 2 года назад +1

    This film is a masterpiece and the best of the Genre.

  • @jamarlbryant1445
    @jamarlbryant1445 Год назад +1

    This one was my favorite from the trilogy great film.

  • @commonviewer2488
    @commonviewer2488 2 года назад

    Appreciate your perspective on this film

  • @milosmisic89
    @milosmisic89 2 года назад +2

    It's the best superhero movie because it's a movie first and then an action spectacle second. You can eliminate all the action parts and you would still get a good melodrama out of it.

  • @WeaselFromNorth
    @WeaselFromNorth 2 года назад +1

    Is someone said, and i personally truly believe in it: Spider-Man 2 is a Citizen Kane of Spider-Man movies

  • @deanking3407
    @deanking3407 2 года назад

    Great video man these movies are some of my all time favorites and you have a great perspective as someone who also grew up with these movies it’s awesome to see someone tackle it from both sides as kid who grew up with these movies and what they mean to us now can’t wait for pt 3 definitely subscribing

  • @jackalsniper4232
    @jackalsniper4232 2 года назад +2

    "Intelligence is not a privilege, it's a gift. And you use it for the good of this review"

  • @ImperishableDani
    @ImperishableDani 2 года назад

    My favorite film. I've been watching it non stop since I saw it in the theaters

  • @josesosa3337
    @josesosa3337 2 года назад

    I bought a cereal box of corn pops just because spiderman was on the box. Spiderman 1 and 2 (sam raimi) were part of my earliest memories. When I was a kid I remember getting the gameboy games for spiderman 1,2, and ultimate spiderman. I remember being so excited for spiderman 3. Thanks for this video series.

  • @ilikebutter
    @ilikebutter 2 года назад

    The reason why I love it is because of everything you said and it’s because it is the first time I ever saw a live action Spider-Man movie, when I was 4 the first time I saw Spider-Man was Spider-Man: The New Animated Series and that takes inspiration from the Raimi films and I love the fact that the Raimi films are so good it affects Spider-Man as a whole with the comics, games and even some of the films now

  • @chickenismeat
    @chickenismeat Месяц назад

    Lovely video. Your work matters and you have made an impact.
    It's my favourite movie ever. I love the trilogy, watch it every year😅.

  • @blametheghost
    @blametheghost 2 года назад +2

    all the.... all the 3D spiderman games reviews? i would absolutely love that

  • @jordonspence5633
    @jordonspence5633 2 года назад

    What's also fantastic about the train scene is that the people of New York City see Peter as the one who saved them and not just Spider-man

  • @tyrannosaurusrex4600
    @tyrannosaurusrex4600 2 года назад +1

    The BEST superhero movie in whole multiverse

  • @themister.s-1st
    @themister.s-1st 2 года назад +6

    100% 👊🏽
    Can anyone show me a more entertaining superhero fight scene than Peter vs Otto’s train scene?
    ….. I’ll wait.

    • @smashmaster521
      @smashmaster521 2 года назад

      The opening of Thor: Rangnarok?

    • @chriscannon8144
      @chriscannon8144 2 года назад

      That’s easy…uh…
      Dang it, can’t think of any. I’ll be back.

  • @haidu1765
    @haidu1765 2 года назад +2

    For me Spiderman 2 is the best marvel movie ever. 🕷2

  • @akshaytrayner1960
    @akshaytrayner1960 2 года назад

    It still hold up pretty well especially the fact doc ock tencatles were pratical

  • @PowercellZeke
    @PowercellZeke 2 года назад

    Favourite movie of all time, great video mate!

  • @AdamSelvig
    @AdamSelvig 2 года назад

    I like how he adds sonic music and flame core is first

  • @harrisonblock
    @harrisonblock 2 года назад

    Love the little Ratchet: Gladiator inclusion.

  • @loganbigmo
    @loganbigmo Год назад

    11:09 that Persona 5 music came outta nowhere lol

  • @keybladeoverlord
    @keybladeoverlord 2 года назад

    After the parts where you mentioned your more personal feelings about your work and stuff J, I wanted to tell you this in a comment. For a while I didn't like the videos you were making because I really didn't like some of the stuff you were saying or even how you titled some of your videos (yeah that's kinda petty but considering the burnout I have about people talking negatively about Sonic over the years it's a bit understandable), but as I watched more of your stuff including your Sonic videos from Adventure onwards I can see the passion you have in your work and the improving quality over time. Some videos you made I still don't enjoy like the Shadow the Hedgehog review, but that's mainly from my own opinion of the game clashing with yours (Personally I love the game greatly), but the sheer dedication you have to these things, especially as you got better over time, made me warm up to you and be able to watch your reviews better even when I disagree with you on things. Honestly if it weren't for your DCAU videos I wouldn't have gotten as big into Batman as I am now, enough to get the entire Animated Series and its movies, Batman Beyond, and even the Adam West Batman show on DVD and Blu-Ray. You're someone I definitely warmed up to, and I hope you keep going strong in both your video making and your personal life. Just remember not to burn yourself out and take those breaks when you need them.

  • @warchild4974
    @warchild4974 2 года назад

    7:11 This fighting scene inside the apartment that is during the train fight, this should've been kept in. It shows more of Spider-Man's strength, especially because Doc Ock is still just a man, and so Spider-Man's punches should be knocking him about more, I just think it makes the fight more brutal.
    8:35 That scene with Aunt May, you just know that she at least has an idea that Peter is Spider-Man...either-way it makes me tear up from what she says to Peter!
    10:09 When you get through the list of things going wrong, I kinda sniggered, because you don't realize how much shit Peter goes through in a short time, but when you list it, man no wonder Peter had web-block

  • @mariebelzi1302
    @mariebelzi1302 2 года назад +2

    My favorite superhero movie of all time.

  • @sehrsehroft3409
    @sehrsehroft3409 Год назад

    Not just relatable it’s just simply the best

  • @RealHyperHedgehog
    @RealHyperHedgehog 2 года назад +1

    One of my favorite movies of all time.

  • @daryljr5361
    @daryljr5361 2 года назад

    Yeah this was pretty good and keep up the excellent work with your reviews J

  • @ProtossTempest
    @ProtossTempest 2 года назад

    No long words.
    Good work

  • @kennybrownjr3991
    @kennybrownjr3991 2 года назад

    Love the content! Keep Striving!💙

  • @AidanDownes_KH
    @AidanDownes_KH 2 года назад

    Still love coming back and watching the trilogy every now and then.

    • @isaiahyinko7182
      @isaiahyinko7182 9 месяцев назад

      It's a good trilogy but it's not my favorite.

  • @rmeddy
    @rmeddy 2 года назад

    Pound for pound it is still the best only the first Donner Superman film rivals it for me
    I remember seeing the teaser trailer for this at a screening for LOTR Return of the King Christmas night and was blown away.
    The one with that great scene with them dodging the car in the coffee shop.

  • @crimsonhunterzero3174
    @crimsonhunterzero3174 2 года назад

    15:50 is a damn meme and it's hilarious XD

  • @joel5181
    @joel5181 2 года назад

    Of course you'd think the most iconic of the funny scene as the last one

  • @IDKLOL555
    @IDKLOL555 2 года назад

    Hey J. The first time I watched your content was through the megaman series. As a huge fan of megaman I was thoroughly entertained. Really love your content and hope to see you continuing what you are doing. This movie spoke to me a lot as i was 15 at the time and lived by myself. Adult responibility isn't always fun but I hope you are well enough to find peace with that :P. Hope you can continiue doing what you do at youtube and I hope you ALWAYS prioritize "real" life first. Love what you are doing and hope you continiue making awesome videos. Love from Sweden

  • @aarnwaltne
    @aarnwaltne 2 года назад +3

    I appreciate your honesty and vulnerability in your reviews. A RUclipsr that disclose true feelings and hardships. I’m impressed bro. Keep up the good work. You’ve got a happy viewer in me. P.S. I wouldn’t hate more TMNT vids, just saying 😂😂😂.

  • @jameswheeleranimations2023
    @jameswheeleranimations2023 2 года назад

    I swear spider man 2 becomes more and more relatable the older you get

  • @tonj02
    @tonj02 2 года назад

    Don’t ever give up on doing videos please, they’re too good

  • @nickpapadopoulos6973
    @nickpapadopoulos6973 2 года назад

    bit late to the party but i have to say.....incredible video man keep it up.

  • @delix787
    @delix787 2 года назад +1

    Spider-Man 2 is a masterpiece! Character writing is so in depth! 😈

  • @chriss.249
    @chriss.249 2 года назад

    Hot take, I actually loved Tasm2 too.

  • @biguy617
    @biguy617 2 года назад

    One of my favorite movies. I call this Spider-Man’s Dark Knight

  • @masterawesome1000
    @masterawesome1000 2 года назад +1

    2 words why this movie is the best superhero movie: Pizza Time.

  • @rod6below
    @rod6below Год назад

    This my all time fav spider man movie i cried when doc ock drowned ( i 100% agree bro im on spider man 3 right rewatching the trilogy now that I’m older i look at or different a lot of life lesson yo leaned by this film and the realism as peter is mind blowing he a hero but still human with a real life trying to balance it all /you earned a sub/