Blacks said this was happening in the 50's, 60's also in the 70's, 80's, 90's and are STILL saying it today..... "Speaking"/Saying hi is now added to the long list of things you can't do while black!
They had talked to a known drug dealer sitting on steps and when they said the guy "putting on his boots" it means the dealer just made a sale and he stuffed the rest of the drugs back in his shoes
You can't say "Hi" to strangers? Oh geez, I had no idea I've been breaking the law thousands of times over the years! I'm gonna go turn myself in right away.
I'm usually not a fan of federal laws for local agencies but in this case we need mandatory body cameras for all police officers, knowing everything they do is recorded will help keep them in order, wont fix all issues but it's a great step.
Eh, Philly cops are pretty world famous for being huge scumbags. I'm white and I've had problems with them almost as bad as this on multiple occasions.
fairlind, they have explicit permission from your president, who sets the tone for all government employees, believe it or not. To 'Serve and Protect' in quotes, how appropriate.
+Peter Burnett why do you dislike them? what reason do you have to dislike them? is it because they are not pure white? pure blacks? is it because they defend innocent victims illegaly abused by assholes? is it because they dont riddicule the victims for beeing wrongfully abused? simply by dislikeing videos and channels like this is everything anyone could possibly need to question your morals and decensy as a human beeing.
Mahogany Mckinney Some people can sense sarcasm, some cant. For the ones that can't; ie, You, and the others, he's pointing out that even though he did nothing, the story is always the same when sent to Internal Affairs for investigation.
What I want to know is has this video been sent to local news? To the precinct, to the department, the mayor? It's one thing to complain, it's another to act.
Never, ever talk to cops. Just keep your mouth shut. The only sentences you should ever speak to a cop are the following: 1. "I do not consent to any searches or seizures." 2. "Are you detaining me, or am I free to go?" 3. "I will not answer any questions without legal counsel." Cops ask you the probing questions they do because they want you to confess to something. If they truly had a good reason to detain/arrest you, they wouldn't need your testimony since there would already be hard evidence. However, there isn't, so they need people to open their mouths so the precinct can get paid.
In the 70s I had long hair, was skinny and used to ride motorcycles in south Florida and it was commonplace for me to be harassed by police because of my appearance, they thought I was a druggie biker. Sometimes they would make me roll up my sleeves so they could check for track marks on my arms. The police were even more oppressive towards blacks and Latinos but we just accepted it as a normal part of life. What people are seeing on all these RUclips videos is how police routinely act around people who aren't wealthy and who don't have influential connections.
+Jim Nesta people like themselves? lol yeah, sadly these fucktards are heavily indoctrinated by their elite controllers to hate themselves and their own communities of working class people, apparently.
+talksolot Yeah, these cops remind me of the trustees and snitches in prison who sell out their own fellow prisoners just to get preferential treatment, similar to the Capos in the Nazi concentration camps. The police aren't smart enough to realize that the elites have nothing but contempt for them also, they're being used to intimidate and control the masses for the comfort and security of the rich elite.
Debra G I don't disagree with anything you say, it seems largely correct from what I've experienced in life and have seen happen to others. I only mentioned my experience as an example to show people that hardly anybody is safe or immune from police harassment or abuse these days.
"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." ~ LYNDON B. JOHNSON, 1960
lol oh canada how i love being black and canadian. these american cops hahha. hell i remember when i was younger a few cops stopped and played basketball with me and a couple friends. i feel sorry for u americans.
TheSlaj4496 not gona lie canada does have it's fair share of ignorant people but not as bad as the states and i would know because i worked in texas once came back and told my boss never again. in canada everybody respects everybody its an unwritten rule. but like i said. some dont follow. haha but it isnt as bad as the states
Fred Flintstone how often do tou see canadian cops in the news for brutality or plain stupidity? there is a certain measure of respect in canadians that you will never find in the states i live in canada and i have worked down in the states for over 5years on a 21 and 12 rotation. so i spend a lot of my time there so i would know. you're probly american and proud no doubt but have you ever really wondered why american bag packers wear canadian flags around the world? or why your soldiers who abandon post ran for canada? or why the rest of the worl loves us but hates the US?....yep thats right. its certainly because qe are exactly like you. lol what a silly statement. like i said there are ignorant people everywhere but canada is nothing like the states as a matter of fact that is an insult to say that we are.
Sense when is it the police departments job to tell you who you can't talk to, stranger or anyone for that matter. When I was young my mom, dad, and the school thought us to not talk to strangers. But as you grow up you can pretty much talk to who ever you wish. It's called being friendly and courteous to others. and I really don't think I need a tyrannical police department telling who I personally can talk to. Plus these two civilians were stopped without any probable cause and also threatened with bodily harm, obstruction, and resisting arrest. The police departments all across the nation should all be held accountable for their blatant violations of the sworn oaths they have taken to defend the constitution and to protect and serve the citizens who pay their wages. I' am applauded by what I have been seeing day after day, year after year. by this out of control police state.
I was in the U.S back in 1996 and I was a kid back then. And as a kid I used to admire cops, with their guns and what not. I wanted to be a cop when I grew up. But now, years later and after watching this video. My mind is completely changed and the respect I have for the "Constables On Patrol" is replaced with sheer disgust. Fuck you(s) to all scumbag cops!!!
As a white woman, I have never been talked to like this by an officer. One officer was insensitive when I cried, but he didn't say anything cruel to me. I've even been rude to an officer before and he was nice to me! This just doesn't happen to white women, unless they are in the middle of a protest or something. And actually that was the only time an officer said something ridiculous to me: He said I wasn't allowed to take my protest sign to my car, after an Anti-Bush rally. Thankfully a female commander stepped in and told him to leave us alone. And that made me so thankful we had someone with empathy and common sense in a high ranking position. We need more officers like that woman... whoever she was. BTW, Obama spoke at that rally. That was back in 2006, when it was rumored he may try to run for president. If only things really changed when he got elected...
Lily T So true we do need more empathy but I would add, ...if only things had changed back in the 60's or after the civil war or even as America was fighting for its independence.
These cops were suffering from donuts withdrawal; they clearly weren't in their right minds. You can't hold them accountable for their actions when they're suffering from such a debilitating lack of proper nutrients for their job, duh! (Sarcasm)
So because some cops in this country are racists, we should just kill all of them? Hmm, there's a word for that, I think it's...Prejudice. What is racism again? Oh, yeah, prejudice.
selthroWs Chicken or the egg good sir. You can't expect oppressed people to feel sorry for their oppressors when said oppressors would never shed a tear for them. If you're going to point out the erroneous thinking of the oppressed, maybe you should blame the oppressors for creating the circumstance to begin with.
I had an incident about eight years ago in St. John's Mo. (part of the northern portion of the St. Louis metro area) where A cop stopped me and said I had bypassed a sobriety check point on Natural Bridge (a nearby road). When I stated that I had not even been on Natural Bridge Road the cop almost went ballistic. He shouted in my face, "DON'T YOU DISAGREE WITH ME" and then treated me in a most un-humanly matter, searching my car and finally giving me a ticket for not producing my insurance info fast enough. The encounter was most unpleasant! I might also add that I live in Ferguson Mo. where the cops by contrast were and are-- more "civilized". I'm also not of a minority race.
And that goes for white black brown red or yellow folks I'm white got my ass kicked for being polite and courteous to these assholes we need to stick together and take the great USA back we the people. this resist crap is only to divide and conquer its the oldest trick in the book only way they can win I say fuck them I don't fall for this bullshit we are all brothers STICK TOGETHER beat them at there own game!!!!
Chad Houle Without every American know for themselves what is inside the Puritan's bibles, it will be hard to understand the mind of them that saw the importance of a country based on freedom.
It's funny, cause since the cop isn't productive himself, even contra-productive if the guy was late for work. The cop is moochin' off people he's supposed to serve
Only because they've dug themselves such a deep hole. For the record, I support cops far more than I don't. But guys like this is what the masses hear about, and then suddenly all cops are like this.
I find it amusing that there was a time when a cop would occasionally make a youtube comment and be very frank in saying this type of policing is inappropriate. but its been years since ive seen a cop have the integrity to call a spade a spade and criticize bad behavior on the part of people in his profession. I mean, its obvious why we don't see any cops trying to defend the indefensible, but are there not ANY honest, decent, mutually respectful cops anymore? are you ALL so brainwashed that every encounter with the public has to become an exercise in disrespect, agitation, profanity and brutality? are we all your enemies? is that what they teach at Academy? I show my 93 year old grandfather who is a WW2 VET as well as being a retired Detroit police officer who put 31 years in, most of which he walked a beat, and after watching a few of these videos, I wait anxiously to hear his thoughts. I could sit all day and listen to my personal hero, but on this topic he gives the demeanor of a man with so much to say he doesn't know where to start. he drops his head into his hands and rubs his eyes before beginning. i'll try to quote ver batim. "this is horseshit! in my day I knew most everyone in the neighborhood. knew most by name. now, see that doesn't mean we were free of some bad eggs. even so, you'd NEVER see this type of bully-boy policing. we had a few that tried but they didn't last. we policed our own. even walking a beat, we were encouraged to report abuses by our more unstable co-workers. we understood that our collective safety depended almost entirely on our ability to bridge the gap with the community we patrolled. yeah it was a different era but certain behaviors never go out of style. we never went looking for trouble. we never attempted to escalate a situation. we used words like 'please' and 'thank you'....'have a good day sir'...bottom line here is these jokers are making themselves, their fellow officers, passersby, and everyone involved far more UNSAFE. WE ALSO DIDNT DRESS LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF STAR WARS. i'm disgusted, this must be coming from the top because if the Capt didn't sanction it it wouldn't happen. as he left the room in disgust, he muttered, "wont be nearly as fun when people shoot back"...Go Grandpa!
Yes, says the guy with the rubber duck avaitar. You have not been around long enough to know that those thugs will get a "slap on the wrist" at the very most i.e. several days off.
edgehill66 People need to grow up and realize that white people are in no way superior due to their ethnicity. Its a bunch a prejudiced buttfaces running around like a chicken with their head cut off because our president is black. I remember going to school the day after the first election and I overheard a kid say that his parents said Obama would be dead by tomorrow. THAT is what is wrong with America. We can't form our own opinions because of media withholding information due to its party affiliation. And don't even get me started on religion in government...
edgehill66 People need to grow up and realize that white people are in no way superior due to their ethnicity. Its a bunch a prejudiced buttfaces running around like a chicken with their head cut off because our president is black. I remember going to school the day after the first election and I overheard a kid say that his parents said Obama would be dead by tomorrow. THAT is what is wrong with America. We can't form our own opinions because of media withholding information due to its party affiliation. And don't even get me started on religion in government...
It is outrageous that police do these kinds of acts. We have lost our constitution on the street as is plain to see. The role of law enforcement in our lives today must be reviewed. Law enforcement should serve our communities as extensions of our constitution and our common will to live together in safety and peace. Police officers are placed in the role of a trusted keeper of our laws and the standards we wish to uphold in order to protect property, keep the peace and protect our lives. It seems that perhaps it’s time to consider what the most important components of this powerful position might be and what it means for us socially, culturally and legally as citizens of a democratic republic. It is the law that must be used to distinguish that which is the job of our public servants in law enforcement. Perhaps we should look at the role the law should play in determining the structure of law enforcement. As in any job; perhaps it makes the best sense to be certain employees have an unquestionable understanding of that for which they are responsible in their work. In the case of law enforcement it makes sense they should know the law of the land starting with the highest laws and being certain they understand the citizen’s rights and how the law works. Many American law enforcement agencies use an oath that includes the constitution of the United States as a primary focus for the individual officer to protect and defend. While so much authority is invested in these officers to have power on our behalf it seems important that they would fully understand first and foremost the origin and purpose for their authority. Officers should understand with uniform clarity, without any equivocation the most basic roots of our countries laws as set forth in United States Constitution, our bill of rights and as upheld by our highest legal authority the United States Supreme Court. It is vital to a standard living rule of law that our legal authorities embody our highest principles so as to contain our social contract with one another, our constitution and the government designed to support and defend our constitution. Law enforcement must be a link of continuity from our U.S. Constitution, through our Supreme Court, throughout our states and lower courts then fixed as authorities on our streets articulating fully the best tradition of the law of our land. We must reaffirm that law enforcement works for the people and that the United States Constitution is the law of the land. There is one constitution and each law enforcement officer should be certified in one way to support and defend that constitution no matter where they serve the people of this country.
Use your phones, cams or videocams to report all these happenings. The more cases where the cops get sentenced, the more they will stop being aggressive for no reason. We are the solution. Lets clean up after them.
Man I'm white and live in Tennessee. I put cams in my truck because of shit like this. An idiot road rager thought i blew my horn at him and called the cops on me and I don't know what he told them, but they had 5 cop cars their guns drawn on me. They asked me the same questions over and over and over I would tell them the truth and because it wasn't what they wanted to hear and they couldn't arrest me they tried their best to incite me so they could. Humboldt, TN a town of 10 thousand people. If it ever happens to be again it will be on you tube and anywhere else i can post it. These things need to be shown you are right.
If he did, people would complain that he's overstepping his boundaries and it should be left up to the states unless they're federal cops. Can never win, no matter what he does/doesn't do.
Because he is surrounded by white people with closet racial motives. He can't do anything for Black people or he will get the JFK treatment, Obama has too much to lose, especially since he has to ensure his daughters have happy lives.
Do you want to be the black president to do something for black people amidst a white supremacist nation? Are you willing to sacrifice your own family?
Absolutely terrible, I don't know how you are not embarrassed as a nation with the behavior of your police force. This doesn't happen in Britain. Maybe it's due to the culture, we have our police who 'beat' on foot as much as they can and not cruise in cars, so to us a police officer is a personal presence and we can rely on them to be a professional but friendly public servant. The fact that those officers are swearing their heads off is a disgrace and the police force of that town should be ashamed. In Britain, police officers are forceful and authoritative, but polite and respectful with it. I find it totally bemusing that whenever we see American uniformed public servants they seem to swan around and behave like they are in a blockbuster movie where they have the attitudes of movie action heroes! You're not, you're public servants. Just last weekend I was in my local town, a busy market town, and there were quite a few bobbies doing the rounds that day on foot and in a group, now what happened here was that the officers got lots of people approaching them to have polite friendly discussions with them saying how nice it was to see officers on the beat, many friendly discussions were had between officers and members of the public and not once were any members of the public harassed by the officers as they went about their business. Yes there is civil disobedience everywhere and a strong police presence is needed, but in Britain the police know the difference between people going about their business and people who may be up to no good, and if the police feel the need to question people they certainly don't do it LIKE THAT!!!!
Helllo Brit. I now live in Us and the difference is night and day. Officers ib Britain take layers of precautions before arresting someone but their counterparts in Us Shoot First. Amazing
Most of us are not just embarrassed we are furious. But we cannot do much about it... this is turning into a police state. When you try and stand up to them you end up with a broken skull and in jail. Or you are laughed for suggesting such a preposterous idea that cops could be like normal people containing a percentage of bad eggs... and that percentage goes up as you inject power over others into the mix.
Mean while, you got Obama talking shit about arabs being being persecuted - what about your OWN people Obama, your own fucking half a race. Disgusting political vulture.
Literally shaking after watching the first clip,I cannot imagine being in their shoes, it's heartbreaking. They have to apologise for doing nothing to the ones who are there to protect them
Why are cops not taught that when approaching people that they need to treat them like they pay the bills because most of them do. Anyone employed by our government departments is paid by "average citizen". They so not own us we own them. And I have been on both sides. Police have a DUTY to look after the person on the street regardless,
although this video has sparked some interesting debates i think some of you have to remember that not all the police are like this. Just keep that in mind.
Lord Typhus Yepp, COPS are trained and they are taught the right ways to do their job but what a few do is not what they were trained to do. Some do whatever they want and thats why video is mans best friend anymore.
So what if they pulled over a white guy? lol. If race is not brought up there is no way of knowing. Not all white cops are racist believe it or not. Shocker right?
Racial profiling is a form of racist. You don't have to directly call someone a racial slur to be a racist. I didn't say all white cops are racist. I know a few cops. They don't have a racist bone in their body. I'm sure there are racist black cops but that's not the point of this video. "All you do is weaken the country." -Cop "How do I weaken the country? By working?" - Innocent man "No, by freeloading."- Cop This guy stated numerous times that he was on his way to work. So how did the cop come to the conclusion he was freeloading? If they pulled over a white guy would they assume he is up to no good? Would they assume he is freeloading? Would they rough him up for just saying "Hi" to someone he saw? Perhaps you should open your eyes.
fucking libtards making blacks obey the law is always "racism" if blacks don't want the cops to be suspicious of them maybe they should stop being criminals
Well they weren't doing anything illegal and what if their an innocent black man?!You can't just accuse someone of doing something illegal when they are just walking on the streets!
niselat Wow, you are the dumbest and most racist person I have seen on RUclips today. And from your comment, I assume you're a white guy. If you are, go back to England. America is not your country, you stole it from the Indians, you culture-less buffoon.
Yes it happens every day! My husband has a story at least four times a week. Whether he is on his way to work, or going to the store to buy milk for the babies. He is always asked, where he is going, where he is coming from, if he is on probation or parole, and he has never been incarcerated. He has had police car lights shined on him walking into OUR yard...He has had helicopter lights shined on him because he happened to be in an area where a suspect was being sought...even though he didn't fit the physical description or the clothing worn by the alleged suspect. He has had to empty his pockets, show him what was in the grocery bags from the is horrible. Racial profiling is real. Suspect in a white T shirt...about 5'8 with white husband is 6'5 wearing all black (with a black T shirt) and blue and yellow sneakers....he will still be stopped. smh
Another point that was overlook in this video is the fact that the police officers say to the guy that he does not belong there and needs to leave to where he belongs to...... .....since when police officers are suppose to tell you what part of America , street, neighborhood or city you can a citizen walk....who are they to insult a man that has done nothing....the one acting like criminals here are the cops
Lamentations 3:64-66 64 Render unto them a recompence, OLord, according to the work of their hands. 65 Give them sorrow of heart, thy curse unto them. 66 Persecute and destroy them in anger from under the heavens of the Lord.
"where you coming from?", "where you going?". Did i break the law or commit an offence? "not yet". Why did you stop me? "you look like you're wanted can i see your ID?"......Now given that you're alone, not recording, and its at night you'd better oblige. Happens everywhere in the world. As a people we need to revolt against oppressive and unjust use of power.
Wow.. i would advise these cops to get their act together, because sooner or later, they're going to come across someone who's not gonna tolerate that type of behavior. Someone is gonna get fed up, and they could possibly set the unjust officers up for a death trap. They say karma is a bitch.. what goes around comes around
*Unfortunately, **11:52**, you cannot train a psychopath not to be a psychopath. You can only get them to pretend not to be when they're sure nobody's watching*.
if it wasn't for it being recorded no one would have ever believed these guys
there is still someone who says the black guys were still at fault. Maybe they should have been more polite lol
billybad905 9toes No black people would have believed them.
Sorry i ment that comment for the guy before you.
Blac people would believe it.
*That's the real and systematic nature of the problem.*
That kid sounded so logical and in control, and seemed genuinely confused by the cops erratic behavior.
Officer - You Dont Talk To Strangers!
Pedestrian- Then Why Are You Talking To Me!!!??
Hahahaha, OMG you just hit a home run with the three bases full
"You don't say hi to strangers do you?" He isn't five you don't have to be friends to say hi to someone.
***** You think they bought a dime bag of the reefer?
***** why would i lie? what does lying get me? he actually does that. it is not hard to believe
I know
+everymusiciansdream Welcome to the @1st Century GOP bought police state, RESIST.
I say hi to strangers
I wonder why people can't call it what it is, domestic terror
Blacks said this was happening in the 50's, 60's also in the 70's, 80's, 90's and are STILL saying it today.....
"Speaking"/Saying hi is now added to the long list of things you can't do while black!
Why don't cops just write a book ,at least we have a fighting chance. Maybe. Oh they will probably update the book weekly.
And there you have it ladies and gentlemen. .it's now illegal to talk to strangers. ..
+Snirks he should have cooperated
+Heartless Bramble Its legal to resist a false arrest.
They had talked to a known drug dealer sitting on steps and when they said the guy "putting on his boots" it means the dealer just made a sale and he stuffed the rest of the drugs back in his shoes
+Heartless Bramble nope , they have the right not to cooperate .
lmao go read BRXSK comment
The black man had the audacity to say "hi" to a stranger. Why isn't he on death row?
Put on death row for talking to strangers.
I say hi and smile at every one walk by me
This is so, so sad.
I live in Norway, and allowed to talk to strangers.
America; land of the free.. heh
Don't be a racist he wasn't black
The racist cant explain this one
"Just obey the law and you have nothing to worry about."
except for being manhandled by thugs in uniform when you haven't done anything wrong.
+Ian Battles your a fucken idiot,did u not see the video moron
Just pathetic
I love how I enlisted in the military to fight to preserve and protect the rights of the American people and then shit like this happens...
You can't say "Hi" to strangers? Oh geez, I had no idea I've been breaking the law thousands of times over the years! I'm gonna go turn myself in right away.
I'm 12 I said hi 2 someone police show up and I said leave me alone they took out there cuffs and I run for my life and went on the TTC and cut left
Im gonna turn myself in to i break the law everday im a bad person 😂😂😂😂
Thats Good!
I'm usually not a fan of federal laws for local agencies but in this case we need mandatory body cameras for all police officers, knowing everything they do is recorded will help keep them in order, wont fix all issues but it's a great step.
Won't help cops can stop and erase the body cam tape.
Haven't you heard of body cam footage mysteriously disappearing?
95TurboSol aBody cams makes no difference in the way cops act. They know 99.999% of the time they are foing to get off so they so what they want.
What about firing Psico cops, just make a psychology test and you fit or don’t.
They can cut them off
Studies show that cams don’t change behavior very much but they do help in prosecuting or exonerating cops.
Did that cop say I'm a split your wig open. Wow.
I know right?? Who even says that being serious..
***** what is next...hide behind our doors and be afraid to go to the street?
Police are thugs point blank
Why assume he was wearing a wig?
I'm trying not to cry watching this happen
Same here Queen
@@mars6541 it's just too much , it's gets to the strongest of us all
these cops are not the exception, they are the rule
John O You must live in an all white neighborhood.
I have met plenty nice cops,but I do live in a small town.
Eh, Philly cops are pretty world famous for being huge scumbags. I'm white and I've had problems with them almost as bad as this on multiple occasions.
What does that even mean
Each time I watch one of these videos I feel disgust and horror. How can humans act like that to other humans? What the f... is wrong with us?
fairlind I am horiffed
fairlind blame donald trump
fairlind, they have explicit permission from your president, who sets the tone for all government employees, believe it or not. To 'Serve and Protect' in quotes, how appropriate.
fairlind me too. Meeeee too. It's honestly making me want to move to a whole other country!!
And honestly this has been going on fOrever. Has shit to do with DT... POTUS... It's BEEN GOING ON, PEOPLE!
430 Cops didn't like this video.
Oh ok...What about this video, do you dislike it bc you dislike Young Turks?
+Peter Burnett why do you dislike them? what reason do you have to dislike them? is it because they are not pure white? pure blacks? is it because they defend innocent victims illegaly abused by assholes? is it because they dont riddicule the victims for beeing wrongfully abused? simply by dislikeing videos and channels like this is everything anyone could possibly need to question your morals and decensy as a human beeing.
Peter Burnett to bad truth hurts
Tungi Martyn I wonder why??
Oh it's not cops.. it's ass clown pussies that wanna hurt people but can't. So they enjoy someone else doing it for them.
when the KKK funds police department
I hate cops but i know u dont believe that
@@ryanharrington6389 Its actually not far off. The KKK has infested police departments across America,
@Fire Dust That’s true the KKK doesn’t only fund the Police there are police officers who are Klansmen.
Let me guess the outcome, Police acted appropriately and followed proper protocol
Damian90 Pretty much...the same damn story
What??? Are you stupid? Orrrrrrr
What??? Are you stupid? Orrrrrrr
He did nothing wtf are u talking about
Mahogany Mckinney
Some people can sense sarcasm, some cant.
For the ones that can't; ie, You, and the others, he's pointing out that even though he did nothing, the story is always the same when sent to Internal Affairs for investigation.
"...Split your wig open."
the cop is gonna cave in this poor dude's head?!
@Sir Switch Crookington That would be even worse.
Damn, those cops are corrupt as hell.
A lot if not must US cops are the whole system needs a huge overall!
Black men, dont buy those new jordans..invest in a body cam instead
+FluxMaster Flex that makes so much sense true storys
wise words likely to not be followed
I think the new jordans come with cameras built in
FluxMaster Flex smartest thing l've heard in a while, an make sure the feed goes directly to a cloud for storage for later.
FluxMaster Flex soooo true
What I want to know is has this video been sent to local news? To the precinct, to the department, the mayor? It's one thing to complain, it's another to act.
I would like to see these cops try to look tough on the streets of Afghanistan.
They'd all get blown up with an rpg lol
that would make a sweet video.
Never, ever talk to cops. Just keep your mouth shut. The only sentences you should ever speak to a cop are the following:
1. "I do not consent to any searches or seizures."
2. "Are you detaining me, or am I free to go?"
3. "I will not answer any questions without legal counsel."
Cops ask you the probing questions they do because they want you to confess to something. If they truly had a good reason to detain/arrest you, they wouldn't need your testimony since there would already be hard evidence. However, there isn't, so they need people to open their mouths so the precinct can get paid.
They shouldve said Im calling 911 and I want disopatch to confirm or deny a call!
In the 70s I had long hair, was skinny and used to ride motorcycles in south Florida and it was commonplace for me to be harassed by police because of my appearance, they thought I was a druggie biker. Sometimes they would make me roll up my sleeves so they could check for track marks on my arms. The police were even more oppressive towards blacks and Latinos but we just accepted it as a normal part of life. What people are seeing on all these RUclips videos is how police routinely act around people who aren't wealthy and who don't have influential connections.
+Jim Nesta people like themselves? lol yeah, sadly these fucktards are heavily indoctrinated by their elite controllers to hate themselves and their own communities of working class people, apparently.
+talksolot Yeah, these cops remind me of the trustees and snitches in prison who sell out their own fellow prisoners just to get preferential treatment, similar to the Capos in the Nazi concentration camps. The police aren't smart enough to realize that the elites have nothing but contempt for them also, they're being used to intimidate and control the masses for the comfort and security of the rich elite.
Debra G I don't disagree with anything you say, it seems largely correct from what I've experienced in life and have seen happen to others. I only mentioned my experience as an example to show people that hardly anybody is safe or immune from police harassment or abuse these days.
this makes me sick....these fools are the cops?
I say hello to everyone I pass. I was taught it's rude to cross someones path and not greet them. Now I have to be ignorant so I won't be arrested?
I do the same, whether I know them or not. What evil an POS!
It's only a problem if you're black.
Oh, that's where they went wrong. So it don't exclude all people of color, just the black ones. Only black I don't like is lickerish candy.
Carla Wilson us mexicans grew up with that custom to smile as someone passes by
Is there a law against talking strangers?
Steve Huff there is if you're black. jk, but this cop surely doesn't like his "kind."
Chris Bowman I know this old white lady that stalks random strangers.
"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." ~ LYNDON B. JOHNSON, 1960
lol oh canada how i love being black and canadian. these american cops hahha. hell i remember when i was younger a few cops stopped and played basketball with me and a couple friends. i feel sorry for u americans.
Is it really good in Canada for blacks there? I thought about moving there one day
TheSlaj4496 not gona lie canada does have it's fair share of ignorant people but not as bad as the states and i would know because i worked in texas once came back and told my boss never again. in canada everybody respects everybody its an unwritten rule. but like i said. some dont follow. haha but it isnt as bad as the states
Todd Daniel
same here in switzerland
Fred Flintstone uhhh....lmao "canada is no different than the usa" i don't know what world you live in but i think you are delusional
Fred Flintstone how often do tou see canadian cops in the news for brutality or plain stupidity? there is a certain measure of respect in canadians that you will never find in the states i live in canada and i have worked down in the states for over 5years on a 21 and 12 rotation. so i spend a lot of my time there so i would know. you're probly american and proud no doubt but have you ever really wondered why american bag packers wear canadian flags around the world? or why your soldiers who abandon post ran for canada? or why the rest of the worl loves us but hates the US?....yep thats right. its certainly because qe are exactly like you. lol what a silly statement. like i said there are ignorant people everywhere but canada is nothing like the states as a matter of fact that is an insult to say that we are.
Sense when is it the police departments job to tell you who you can't talk to, stranger or anyone for that matter. When I was young my mom, dad, and the school thought us to not talk to strangers. But as you grow up you can pretty much talk to who ever you wish. It's called being friendly and courteous to others. and I really don't think I need a tyrannical police department telling who I personally can talk to. Plus these two civilians were stopped without any probable cause and also threatened with bodily harm, obstruction, and resisting arrest. The police departments all across the nation should all be held accountable for their blatant violations of the sworn oaths they have taken to defend the constitution and to protect and serve the citizens who pay their wages. I' am applauded by what I have been seeing day after day, year after year. by this out of control police state.
I was in the U.S back in 1996 and I was a kid back then. And as a kid I used to admire cops, with their guns and what not. I wanted to be a cop when I grew up. But now, years later and after watching this video. My mind is completely changed and the respect I have for the "Constables On Patrol" is replaced with sheer disgust. Fuck you(s) to all scumbag cops!!!
As a white woman, I have never been talked to like this by an officer. One officer was insensitive when I cried, but he didn't say anything cruel to me. I've even been rude to an officer before and he was nice to me!
This just doesn't happen to white women, unless they are in the middle of a protest or something. And actually that was the only time an officer said something ridiculous to me: He said I wasn't allowed to take my protest sign to my car, after an Anti-Bush rally. Thankfully a female commander stepped in and told him to leave us alone. And that made me so thankful we had someone with empathy and common sense in a high ranking position. We need more officers like that woman... whoever she was.
BTW, Obama spoke at that rally. That was back in 2006, when it was rumored he may try to run for president. If only things really changed when he got elected...
Lily T So true we do need more empathy but I would add, ...if only things had changed back in the 60's or after the civil war or even as America was fighting for its independence.
the cop said "because I fucking told you to" that's the police in a fucking nutshell.
These cops were suffering from donuts withdrawal; they clearly weren't in their right minds. You can't hold them accountable for their actions when they're suffering from such a debilitating lack of proper nutrients for their job, duh!
ִ your avatar drove me nuts, i thought my phone screen had a crack or something😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂 you're right
What ever happened to the concept of "innocent until proven guilty."
the concept died years ago right after jesus
Every time a racists pig dies an angel gets her wings!😊
So have we gotten an update? Have these cops been fired? (not likely)
+Visfor Vegan The fat bastards went back to their rats' nest and ate cheese, like always and got promoted.
But we are supposed to shed a tear for those two dead cops in NY? This makes it hard.
That is so true
One or two dead cops could never account for all the innocent peoplw they murdered
So because some cops in this country are racists, we should just kill all of them?
Hmm, there's a word for that, I think it's...Prejudice.
What is racism again? Oh, yeah, prejudice.
***** atleast i wont be killing them "on accident"
selthroWs Chicken or the egg good sir. You can't expect oppressed people to feel sorry for their oppressors when said oppressors would never shed a tear for them. If you're going to point out the erroneous thinking of the oppressed, maybe you should blame the oppressors for creating the circumstance to begin with.
Where are all the coplovers defending these boys in blue? You cant this time huh?
The biggest crime of all is holding your phone in portrait mode when taking video
I had an incident about eight years ago in St. John's Mo. (part of the northern portion of the St. Louis metro area) where A cop stopped me and said I had bypassed a sobriety check point on Natural Bridge (a nearby road). When I stated that I had not even been on Natural Bridge Road the cop almost went ballistic. He shouted in my face, "DON'T YOU DISAGREE WITH ME" and then treated me in a most un-humanly matter, searching my car and finally giving me a ticket for not producing my insurance info fast enough. The encounter was most unpleasant! I might also add that I live in Ferguson Mo. where the cops by contrast were and are-- more "civilized". I'm also not of a minority race.
Ghetto cop. He said "I'm gonna split your wig." I hope these guy spend that legal lottery money well.
If you're black in America, never volunteer for anything that helps the state. Particularly the Armed forces or the Police.
And that goes for white black brown red or yellow folks I'm white got my ass kicked for being polite and courteous to these assholes we need to stick together and take the great USA back we the people. this resist crap is only to divide and conquer its the oldest trick in the book only way they can win I say fuck them I don't fall for this bullshit we are all brothers STICK TOGETHER beat them at there own game!!!!
Chad Houle Without every American know for themselves what is inside the Puritan's bibles, it will be hard to understand the mind of them that saw the importance of a country based on freedom.
I hope these officers are no longer employed.
America is "The Land of the Free." Who still believes in this myth?
I am a lawyer and I was wearing a suit and tie and I was harassed by 4 cops IN A COURTROOM.
SO? Did anyone follow this up with the respective Police Dept?
What was the official response?
It's funny, cause since the cop isn't productive himself, even contra-productive if the guy was late for work. The cop is moochin' off people he's supposed to serve
Soon cops will fear to put on a uniform.
Only because they've dug themselves such a deep hole.
For the record, I support cops far more than I don't. But guys like this is what the masses hear about, and then suddenly all cops are like this.
grim reaper Internet tough guys! gotta love em!
"You have ID, sir?"
"Papers, please?"
"Im' going to split your wig open"
I find it amusing that there was a time when a cop would occasionally make a youtube comment and be very frank in saying this type of policing is inappropriate. but its been years since ive seen a cop have the integrity to call a spade a spade and criticize bad behavior on the part of people in his profession. I mean, its obvious why we don't see any cops trying to defend the indefensible, but are there not ANY honest, decent, mutually respectful cops anymore? are you ALL so brainwashed that every encounter with the public has to become an exercise in disrespect, agitation, profanity and brutality? are we all your enemies? is that what they teach at Academy? I show my 93 year old grandfather who is a WW2 VET as well as being a retired Detroit police officer who put 31 years in, most of which he walked a beat, and after watching a few of these videos, I wait anxiously to hear his thoughts. I could sit all day and listen to my personal hero, but on this topic he gives the demeanor of a man with so much to say he doesn't know where to start. he drops his head into his hands and rubs his eyes before beginning. i'll try to quote ver batim. "this is horseshit! in my day I knew most everyone in the neighborhood. knew most by name. now, see that doesn't mean we were free of some bad eggs. even so, you'd NEVER see this type of bully-boy policing. we had a few that tried but they didn't last. we policed our own. even walking a beat, we were encouraged to report abuses by our more unstable co-workers. we understood that our collective safety depended almost entirely on our ability to bridge the gap with the community we patrolled. yeah it was a different era but certain behaviors never go out of style. we never went looking for trouble. we never attempted to escalate a situation. we used words like 'please' and 'thank you'....'have a good day sir'...bottom line here is these jokers are making themselves, their fellow officers, passersby, and everyone involved far more UNSAFE. WE ALSO DIDNT DRESS LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF STAR WARS. i'm disgusted, this must be coming from the top because if the Capt didn't sanction it it wouldn't happen. as he left the room in disgust, he muttered, "wont be nearly as fun when people shoot back"...Go Grandpa!
Omg that is so fucked up they were abusing them for no reason. They should be fired
please,please ,please tell me these cops were fired or suspended or something
+Jermilia You must be young.
says the guy with the rubber duck avaitar
baddoggie101 says the guy with the rubber duck avaitar
Yes, says the guy with the rubber duck avaitar. You have not been around long enough to know that those thugs will get a "slap on the wrist" at the very most i.e. several days off.
Black President, and yet this shit still happens. Great country.
It's probably happening even more because there is a black President. Gotta release that frustration somehow.
edgehill66 People need to grow up and realize that white people are in no way superior due to their ethnicity. Its a bunch a prejudiced buttfaces running around like a chicken with their head cut off because our president is black. I remember going to school the day after the first election and I overheard a kid say that his parents said Obama would be dead by tomorrow. THAT is what is wrong with America. We can't form our own opinions because of media withholding information due to its party affiliation. And don't even get me started on religion in government...
edgehill66 People need to grow up and realize that white people are in no way superior due to their ethnicity. Its a bunch a prejudiced buttfaces running around like a chicken with their head cut off because our president is black. I remember going to school the day after the first election and I overheard a kid say that his parents said Obama would be dead by tomorrow. THAT is what is wrong with America. We can't form our own opinions because of media withholding information due to its party affiliation. And don't even get me started on religion in government...
edgehill66 Obama don't give a fuck about us.
SuperAp0calypse maybe you ment to say Black GAY President ;).
it has become against the law to b polite to others including the cops
Don't say hi to strangers! LOL!!!!!
Unless they have candy.
AHorseWithNoName or puppies
we pay taxes to provide for cops and THIS is how they use it?
It is outrageous that police do these kinds of acts. We have lost our constitution on the street as is plain to see.
The role of law enforcement in our lives today must be reviewed. Law enforcement should serve our communities as extensions of our constitution and our common will to live together in safety and peace.
Police officers are placed in the role of a trusted keeper of our laws and the standards we wish to uphold in order to protect property, keep the peace and protect our lives. It seems that perhaps it’s time to consider what the most important components of this powerful position might be and what it means for us socially, culturally and legally as citizens of a democratic republic.
It is the law that must be used to distinguish that which is the job of our public servants in law enforcement. Perhaps we should look at the role the law should play in determining the structure of law enforcement. As in any job; perhaps it makes the best sense to be certain employees have an unquestionable understanding of that for which they are responsible in their work. In the case of law enforcement it makes sense they should know the law of the land starting with the highest laws and being certain they understand the citizen’s rights and how the law works. Many American law enforcement agencies use an oath that includes the constitution of the United States as a primary focus for the individual officer to protect and defend. While so much authority is invested in these officers to have power on our behalf it seems important that they would fully understand first and foremost the origin and purpose for their authority. Officers should understand with uniform clarity, without any equivocation the most basic roots of our countries laws as set forth in United States Constitution, our bill of rights and as upheld by our highest legal authority the United States Supreme Court. It is vital to a standard living rule of law that our legal authorities embody our highest principles so as to contain our social contract with one another, our constitution and the government designed to support and defend our constitution. Law enforcement must be a link of continuity from our U.S. Constitution, through our Supreme Court, throughout our states and lower courts then fixed as authorities on our streets articulating fully the best tradition of the law of our land.
We must reaffirm that law enforcement works for the people and that the United States Constitution is the law of the land. There is one constitution and each law enforcement officer should be certified in one way to support and defend that constitution no matter where they serve the people of this country.
Use your phones, cams or videocams to report all these happenings. The more cases where the cops get sentenced, the more they will stop being aggressive for no reason.
We are the solution. Lets clean up after them.
Man I'm white and live in Tennessee. I put cams in my truck because of shit like this. An idiot road rager thought i blew my horn at him and called the cops on me and I don't know what he told them, but they had 5 cop cars their guns drawn on me. They asked me the same questions over and over and over I would tell them the truth and because it wasn't what they wanted to hear and they couldn't arrest me they tried their best to incite me so they could. Humboldt, TN a town of 10 thousand people. If it ever happens to be again it will be on you tube and anywhere else i can post it. These things need to be shown you are right.
I'm from a tiny town in Alabama and we waive and speak to everybody :-D
Throughout that whole video, the cop never once mentioned why he detained the guy. Good job!
Yes this happens every day
Its so sad 😢 will it ever stop !
i get racially profiled every day for just going to work or the store and i have no criminal record
These "police" officers are abusing their power
This is why we have the second amendment.
To protect ourselves from terrorist.
Stuff like this makes me wish we could fight cops.
You just wont make it that one piece.
What. The. Fuck.
"You don't say 'Hi' to strangers!" What, it's a crime to be polite now!?
How come Obama doesn't do anything these bad cops?
He doesn't and this sicking.
If he did, people would complain that he's overstepping his boundaries and it should be left up to the states unless they're federal cops. Can never win, no matter what he does/doesn't do.
Because he is surrounded by white people with closet racial motives. He can't do anything for Black people or he will get the JFK treatment, Obama has too much to lose, especially since he has to ensure his daughters have happy lives.
Negus Dawit : He definitely didn't do anything for blk ppl!
Do you want to be the black president to do something for black people amidst a white supremacist nation? Are you willing to sacrifice your own family?
"we could have got a call."
"So officer, did you or did you not receive a call?"
Then you just keep on asking that until you get an answer.
Those cops are acting like a gang
Absolutely terrible, I don't know how you are not embarrassed as a nation with the behavior of your police force.
This doesn't happen in Britain. Maybe it's due to the culture, we have our police who 'beat' on foot as much as they can and not cruise in cars, so to us a police officer is a personal presence and we can rely on them to be a professional but friendly public servant. The fact that those officers are swearing their heads off is a disgrace and the police force of that town should be ashamed.
In Britain, police officers are forceful and authoritative, but polite and respectful with it.
I find it totally bemusing that whenever we see American uniformed public servants they seem to swan around and behave like they are in a blockbuster movie where they have the attitudes of movie action heroes! You're not, you're public servants.
Just last weekend I was in my local town, a busy market town, and there were quite a few bobbies doing the rounds that day on foot and in a group, now what happened here was that the officers got lots of people approaching them to have polite friendly discussions with them saying how nice it was to see officers on the beat, many friendly discussions were had between officers and members of the public and not once were any members of the public harassed by the officers as they went about their business.
Yes there is civil disobedience everywhere and a strong police presence is needed, but in Britain the police know the difference between people going about their business and people who may be up to no good, and if the police feel the need to question people they certainly don't do it LIKE THAT!!!!
Helllo Brit. I now live in Us and the difference is night and day. Officers ib Britain take layers of precautions before arresting someone but their counterparts in Us Shoot First. Amazing
Most of us are not just embarrassed we are furious. But we cannot do much about it... this is turning into a police state. When you try and stand up to them you end up with a broken skull and in jail. Or you are laughed for suggesting such a preposterous idea that cops could be like normal people containing a percentage of bad eggs... and that percentage goes up as you inject power over others into the mix.
Mean while, you got Obama talking shit about arabs being being persecuted - what about your OWN people Obama, your own fucking half a race. Disgusting political vulture.
chev327fox you speak the truth. Cops in some states now have new crazy militarized vehicles, and I think they'll get drones next.
keep the cameras rolling
Literally shaking after watching the first clip,I cannot imagine being in their shoes, it's heartbreaking. They have to apologise for doing nothing to the ones who are there to protect them
Why are cops not taught that when approaching people that they need to treat them like they pay the bills because most of them do. Anyone employed by our government departments is paid by "average citizen". They so not own us we own them. And I have been on both sides. Police have a DUTY to look after the person on the street regardless,
although this video has sparked some interesting debates i think some of you have to remember that not all the police are like this. Just keep that in mind.
Every police officer I have ever met has been like this. They are all on a power trip. They need to be put in their place.
Alex Ervin you're an idiot. You claim to have met a fraction of one-percent of cops and think you can judge the rest.
Wow the first comment I've seen here with some sense.
Lord Typhus Yepp, COPS are trained and they are taught the right ways to do their job but what a few do is not what they were trained to do. Some do whatever they want and thats why video is mans best friend anymore.
How dare you be nice in your city Off with his head lol Come on man
If you have to train someone to be respectful, you have the wrong damn job....
Sad. Disgusting. Tragic.
The cop never used racial language. If the poor neighborhoods weren't as known for crime they'd be ok too.
You don't have to use racial slurs to be a racist.
So what if they pulled over a white guy? lol. If race is not brought up there is no way of knowing. Not all white cops are racist believe it or not. Shocker right?
Racial profiling is a form of racist. You don't have to directly call someone a racial slur to be a racist.
I didn't say all white cops are racist. I know a few cops. They don't have a racist bone in their body. I'm sure there are racist black cops but that's not the point of this video.
"All you do is weaken the country." -Cop
"How do I weaken the country? By working?" - Innocent man
"No, by freeloading."- Cop
This guy stated numerous times that he was on his way to work. So how did the cop come to the conclusion he was freeloading? If they pulled over a white guy would they assume he is up to no good? Would they assume he is freeloading? Would they rough him up for just saying "Hi" to someone he saw? Perhaps you should open your eyes.
So that would be fine if he pulled over a white guy and said that but unacceptable if he pulled over a Mexican and says that?
You're a complete moron.
fucking libtards
making blacks obey the law is always "racism"
if blacks don't want the cops to be suspicious of them maybe they should stop being criminals
you're so fucking stupid
Well they weren't doing anything illegal and what if their an innocent black man?!You can't just accuse someone of doing something illegal when they are just walking on the streets!
niselat And how do you know of the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, hmm?
niselat Wow, you are the dumbest and most racist person I have seen on RUclips today. And from your comment, I assume you're a white guy. If you are, go back to England. America is not your country, you stole it from the Indians, you culture-less buffoon.
niselat Nobody in this whole comment list likes you.
Yes it happens every day! My husband has a story at least four times a week. Whether he is on his way to work, or going to the store to buy milk for the babies. He is always asked, where he is going, where he is coming from, if he is on probation or parole, and he has never been incarcerated. He has had police car lights shined on him walking into OUR yard...He has had helicopter lights shined on him because he happened to be in an area where a suspect was being sought...even though he didn't fit the physical description or the clothing worn by the alleged suspect. He has had to empty his pockets, show him what was in the grocery bags from the is horrible. Racial profiling is real. Suspect in a white T shirt...about 5'8 with white husband is 6'5 wearing all black (with a black T shirt) and blue and yellow sneakers....he will still be stopped. smh
i get racially profiled every day for just going to work or the store and i have no criminal record
When the cops starts yelling, you state "Officer you are acting unstable, and I'm invoking my right to silence."
Another point that was overlook in this video is the fact that the police officers say to the guy that he does not belong there and needs to leave to where he belongs to...... .....since when police officers are suppose to tell you what part of America , street, neighborhood or city you can a citizen walk....who are they to insult a man that has done nothing....the one acting like criminals here are the cops
So you literally can't walk down the street and say "hi" to people without being assaulted by Law enforcement?
If people don't talk to or interact with strangers then what is social media?
Lamentations 3:64-66
64 Render unto them a recompence, OLord, according to the work of their hands.
65 Give them sorrow of heart, thy curse unto them.
66 Persecute and destroy them in anger from under the heavens of the Lord.
Show me your papers!
The American Gestapo has arrived.
Didn't we fight a war against this kind of thing?
how is stop and frisk constitutional?
"where you coming from?", "where you going?". Did i break the law or commit an offence? "not yet". Why did you stop me? "you look like you're wanted can i see your ID?"......Now given that you're alone, not recording, and its at night you'd better oblige.
Happens everywhere in the world. As a people we need to revolt against oppressive and unjust use of power.
Wow.. i would advise these cops to get their act together, because sooner or later, they're going to come across someone who's not gonna tolerate that type of behavior. Someone is gonna get fed up, and they could possibly set the unjust officers up for a death trap. They say karma is a bitch.. what goes around comes around
Walking while black. What were you thinking?
If u do talk to strangers he " will split your wig open" as the officer made very clear. Wow
if a cop like that stopped me and talked to me like that I'd get him walking out his door in the morning
*Unfortunately, **11:52**, you cannot train a psychopath not to be a psychopath. You can only get them to pretend not to be when they're sure nobody's watching*.
When will racism stop 😭😭😭😭
Where is the Justice Department? SAD!!!