@Cl0odyx how many times a day? You have to really stretch your fingers tightly for it to work xx I did mine twice a day and I'm still doing them but my fingers have a noticeable difference x
OMG ! This actually works so good, only five days in and i can already see my hand look MUCH better ! Even my friends noticed ! Thank you so much for these exercises 🙂
Doing this for 10 days like to remind me *(Not forcing)* Day 1: Done ✅ *No change* Day 2: Done ✅ *to be honest I can see a little change like not noticeable but I can see it type of change* Day 3: Done ✅ *I can notice more changes little bit more noticeable* Day 4: Done ✅ *There is a lot of difference but not completely perfect* Day 5: Not done ❌ *Sorry I forgot to do* *Ok so I did the exercises but forgot to write sorry for that and yes the results are so good my hand is slimmer, my fingers are longer yup it works*
Oh, this is not normal because it worked for me in less than a week. Imagine, less than a week only. I advise every girl to try it because it is amazing. Thank you for your effort 🥰😁
Делала неделю + после тренировки делала ванночку с солью. Итог: пальцы стали более худые и даже выросли. Ванночка убрала покраснения и белые штуки возле ногтей + ногти подросли и стали ухоженными. Буду делать ещё неделю.❤
Всем привет,буду делать это упражнение 2 недели. 1 день-✅ пальцы болят чуть чуть,сделал два раза 2 день-✅ сделала два раза 3 день-✅ сделала один раз 4 день- 5 день- 6 день- 7 день- За лайкайте чтобы не забыла❤❤
I can assure this is exercise works! I have been doing this for about more than 6 months and it changed my hands! Actually my fingers are so long but chubby but after doing this exercise my fingers became thin. Now it looks so beautiful!! 💝
Doing this till my fingers REALLY change: Day 1 ✔: I did it 3 times and first try is really easy but 2nd try and 3rd try is making my hand/fingers really sore and hurts but still no change. Day 2 ✘:didn't do cause i was too tired from school Day 3 ✔: i only did once today but still no change Day 4 ✘: i'm sorry i was very busy that day 😖 Day 5 ✘: also really busy at that day Day 6 ✔: My fingers are starting to get longer and the video went fast this time Day 7 ✔: Its easy, stay tuned for tommorow Please like this comment incase i cant find my Comment at day after! update: guys chill- it really worked cause ive been doing this for a long time now,i didnt stop im just not updating my comment ty!
doing these for 3 weeks: day 1 : done (I do 2 times on the morn, still the same +1 on the night) day 2 :done (2 time in the morn, still the same) day 3 : done (1 time in the morn) day 4 : done (2 times in the morn) day 5 : skipped (I don't have times)
Hey everyone... A small request from all of you.. 'can you please like or reply on this comment' an give me remainder because i will forget to do these exercises... Please guys pls... 1st day - ✅ 2nd day - ✅ 3rd day - ✅ 4th day - ✅ 5th day - ✅ 6th day - ✅
Day 1: done! nothing changed but this excersizes are very relaxing ! Day 2: done! i can see a small change, my fingers get longer but not slim Day 3: I forgot to do this :( Day 4: done! nothing changes Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: Day 9: Day 10: Day 11: Day 12: Day 13: Day 14: I will come back here and let you know if anything has changed every day
Vou fazer por duas semanas Day 1=✅ Day 2=✅ Day 3=✅ Day 4= Day 5= Day 6= Day 7= Day 8= Day 9= Day 10= Day 11= Day 12= Day 13= Day 14 Eu vou colocar minha reação final aqui ( )❤ e tchauuu
edit : THANK U ALL FOR REMINDING ME ILL START AGAIN TMR doing this for 14 days to see if it actually works ( doing it 3 times a day) day 1 : does hurt a bit but no changes yet ( obviously its day 1) day 2 : did it once ( ill do it 2 more times and update u guys but i have to go somewhere rn) idk if im making this up but some of my fingers got a bit thinner and its pretty much visible. ( again i did other exercises b4 starting this challenge but they werent as good and long as this one.) done guys i did it 2 more times and it hurtss day 3 : day 4 : day 5 : day 6 : day 7 : day 8 : day 9 : day 10 : day 11 : day 12 : day 13 : day 14 : like to remind mee
I’m doing this exercise for 7 days with a good hands care and routine like moisturizing them and applying sunscreen, I really noticed a very big difference from the day zero like my fingers get thinner noticeably and it looks more soft and nice , I will continue on this for a month and if I remember, i will update.
@ it’s great!!! Even though I skipped some days but i do the exercises whenever I remember and my fingers looks so adorable, with moisturising and some focusing on the hands health as keeping them as much away from water or soap as you can The fingers looks longer than my fingers used to be but maybe that’s because it’s thinner and much softer and maybe they really get longer I really can’t tell but FOR ME the exercise do really works
Mən Azərbaycandnam və mənim barmaqlarəm çox topuş idi amma bu vidiyo qabaqıma çıxandan sonra mən bunu gundə 2 dəfə edirdi səhər birdə axşam və artıq 3 həfdədiki mənim barmaqlarəmda xeyri irələyiş var çox sağolun ki siz bu vidiyonu çəkmisiniz❤
I've done her slimming finger exercise before. And hey! They work! 🎉 I've decided to do them again after a year. Wish me luck. Day 1: ✅ Day 2: ✅ Day 3: I forgot 😅 Day 4: ✅ (I can already see changes)
doing this for 1 week !!🎀 day 1: ✔️ day 2: did it twice, no change✔️ day 3: ❌ i forgot, but I'm going to do this exercise 3 times on day 4 like my comment so you guys can update meee!
Hello, I would like to give you my experience. I did these exercises twice a day and it was very effective. My fingers grew longer and became less wide. I am very happy, so I hope it works for you too.
Ну чë погнали 1 день✅ ( руки очень устали) 2 день ✅( руки болят меньше изменения пока нет) 3 день ✅ ( руки уже не болят есть чуть-чуть изменений или это самовнушение(∵) 4 день ✅ ( пальцы стали тоньше 🙃 ) 5 день ✅ ( пальцы стали длиннее не знаю почему но особый эффект я вижу на мизинце и безымянном пальце😅) 6 день ✅ ( тоже самое что и вчера)) 7 день ✅(уже видны хорошие изменения ) 8 день ✅ ( вчера забыла написать но упражнения сделала ) 9день ✅ ( пришлось на неделю забросить потому что не было времени , но когда я сидела иногда делала . Завтра будет последний день) 10 день ✅ ( изменения точно есть в ширину пальцы стали на 1 миллиметр тоньше а в длину на 2-3 миллиметра)
Doing it every day if I don’t forget : ( I do it once a day) Day 1: ✅ no changes Day 2: ✅ also nothing yet Day 3: ✅ I don’t know if I’m making it up but I think my fingers might be getting longer
буду делать неделю примерно 2 раза в день по 2 круга размер before: 17,5 размер after: 1.✅ сейчас сделаю второй круг. и ещё вечером . ✅ сделала второй раз (вечер) пальцы немного болят 2. ❌✅. я сделала два раза вечером (днем пропустила, т. к. чуть не проспала и опоздала). изменений никаких ещё нет 3.❌ 4.❌✅ 5. 6. 7.
I have been doing this for like 5 days already and tomorrow is gonna be my 6 day. I can say that this works really well and I’m starting to see changes in my fingers. I’m gonna start making count days. Day 1: Done ✅ Day 2: done ✅ Day 3: done ✅ Day 4: done ✅ Day 5: done ✅ Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: Day 9: Day 10:
راح اجربها لمدة 10 أيام واشوف الفرق اليوم الأول ✅ اليوم الثانٍ ✅ اليوم الثالث ✅️ اليوم الرابع ✅️ اليوم الخامس ✅️ اليوم السادس ✅️ اليوم السابع ✅️ اليوم الثامن ✅️ اليوم التاسع ✅️ اليوم العاشر ✅ النتيجة :- طبعا اصابعي مو طوال صاروا بس طلعلي بعض العروق ولاحظت اكو تغير واضح في إيدي انصحكم تسووها مرتين باليوم اني اسويها مرة فالهذا نتيجة تكون بطيئة . استمروا يعني ايام قليلة وشفت نتيجة واضحة عليها ولكن اصابعي شاذات فتكون النتيجة مو مرضية راح استمر عليها للعيد إن شاء الله
Doing this for 14 days! Day 1: not much happened except for the fact that I got my nails painted ✅ Day 2: still no change ✅ Day 3: very slight change ✅ Day 4: I forgot ❌ Day 5: I did it twice ✅ Day 6: still not seeing any changes ✅
Буду проверять каждый день, и записывать сюда результат❤: 1 день :✅ сделала, но без изменений.Упражнения расслабляют❤ 2 день :✅ сделала ,но заметных изменений не вижу (или я слепая)))😅 3 день :✅ сделала , заметных изменений нет , но как будто пальцы стали длинней на 1мм (или это самовнушение😅) 4 день :✅сделала, пальцы как будто стали длиннее и тоньше на 1мм❤
@didorjreieeoe я решила , что мне это всё не нужно, решила , что нравлюсь себе такой, какая я есть...и перестала выполнять упражнения. Никого не слушайте !!! Берегите себя и своё здоровье !💗
doing this for 10 days! (remind me every time u see this) ✅1st day: really easy, only struggled on step 3 ✅2nd day: still easy but turned out a bit sore, but probably because i did it a bit rougher today! ✅3rd day: finally getting the hang of step three!! again it’s very easy and i’m starting to see a bit of a difference! ❌4th day: didn’t do :( ✅5th day: 7 min went by FAST, it’s rlly RLLY easy now ✅6th day: starting to see a really big difference! ✅7th day: checked off! turned out a bit sore but again, i did it too rough ✅8th day: COMPLETELY forgot to to this so i did this at like 1am but i think it still counts loll ✅9th day: ALMOST DONEE YIPEEE ✅10th day: checked off! almost finished omg ✅make up day: YASS IM FINISHED do i recommend: it’s a nice and easy hand workout don’t get me wrong but i feel like there’s better ones (it’s still a VERY good hand workout!)
I started doing the exercises yesterday and yesterday I noticed a difference, I did the exercises 3 times just yesterday and my index and ring fingers got a little thinner, in addition to the enormous pain, I'm doing the exercises again now on the second day, and I noticed that the pain It's smaller, I hope it works 😭🙌✨️
اي عنجد التمارين ممتاز لقد ريأيت الفرق من اول يوم انصح لكم ان تجربوها انها جميل جداً لدي معلومه أيضاً يمكنكي بعد كل تمرين ان تعملي وصفه ملح وملح اليمون اضعي وانتي تقومي بفركه لا 10دقايق كل يوم هكذا سوف ترين الفرق
Doing this for 2 weeks! Day 1: just started, a little changes but not completed yet Day 2: tiny bit of changes Day 3: my hands are quite smooth and longer than day 1 a bit
Yaptım❤ 1.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️ 2.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️ 3.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️ 4.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️ 5.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️ 6.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️ 7.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️ 8.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️ 9.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️ 10.gün=1 defa yaptım ve hafif bir değişiklik var 😊✅️ 11.gün=1 defa yaptım ve bence son egzersizde parmaklarım rahatlıyor.✅️ 12.gün=Yapamadım çünkü karnım çok ağrıyordu ve hastaydım.❌️ 13.gün=Yaptım galiba.Hatırlamıyorum üzgünüm☑️ 14.gün=1 defa yaptım ve sanırım ellerimi küçük görüyorum ve ince✅️ Düzenleme:2 haftadır yazmamışım gerçekten büyük fark var yapın.(Not:Artık yazmayacağım by!) Yani 10 gün boyunca çok ufak bir incelme gördüm.2 ay boyunca yapınca eminim değişiklik görürüm.Teşekkür ederim bayan.😊
I think nobody in comments complete this exercise and say the result ( my English not good ) so I’m going to do this and i will say the result Day one : complete ✅ and no change Day two : complete✅ still no change Day three: complete ✅ I do this exercise 3 times a day , i don’t know if there are change or no 😭 Day 4 : complete ✅ My fingers started to get longer Day 5: complete ✅ i don’t know but still no change just some length Day 6: complete ✅ Now I'm starting to notice that , my fingers are getting thinner Day 7 : complete ✅ still just a small change Day 8 : complete ✅ still a small change 🤨 + i wear a ring and i feel that is has become wider on my finger - guys i will stop say the result every day and i will back on 9 may The result is not the worst and not the best. You can continue with it for a month and perhaps you will find a good result
Жду ❤ и я попробую . Результат 1 мая Сегодня 2 мая Я опоздала немного. Должна сказать что мои пальцы стали светлее. Когда я измеряла раньше свои пальцы были 7сантиметров а сейчас 8 сантиметров. Немного жаль потому что обещали +2сантиметров. Впрочем вы тоже пробуйте я буду еще делать
Doing this so I can play more songs on guitar. (Needing to reach chords.) Day One: 1 time at night. I feel like my fingers already grew a little. Day two: 1 time in the morning. I felt like it was the same size as yesterday.. Day three: 1 time in the evening. I see a improvement compared to before??? Wow! Day four: 1 time at night. I dont see any improvement for this day 😓 imma try and do it 3 times everyday, one in the morning, one after lunch, and one after dinner.
I going started these exercise ❤ Let's get started Humb finger 5 cm Index finger 6 cm Middle finger 7 cm Ring finger 6 cm Pinky finger 5 cm Day 1 ✔ Day 2 ✔ Day 3 ✔ Day 4 ✔ Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
I will try to do it for 14 days 1✅.Not much, but it seems to have changed a little. 2✅. It's already great. If it's like this, it will be great after 14 days.
Day 1: completed ✅ no changes (I practiced 2 times) Day2: complete✅Nothing changes(sorry I'm a bit busy so I only practiced once) Day 3:complete✅seems like my arms are a bit slimmer than before (I practiced 2 times) Day 4:complete✅Same as day 3 (practice once) Day 5:complete✅ still no difference(once) I will update you on the situation later so please look forward to it❤❤❤❤❤
doing this for 14 days day 1; no change day 2 : a bit change [ i did it 4 time a day] Day 3: it's a bit slimmer day 4: theres alot of change and i did it for 2 mintune every steps it kinda hurts but atleast theres alot of change Day 5 : a small difference since i only did this in the morning
Буду делать,через 10 дней напишу результат,тоест с 16.01.25 по 26.01.25 Сегодня 27 , колосальной разници я не увидела так как и так у меня пальцы длинные плюс я пару дней проаустила НО упр хорошее,всем советую
Doing this everyday. Day 1: ofc nothing changed! Day 2: Not yet :) Day 3: Just like yesterday Day 4: (skipped but did 2) Day 5: Dont see much difference, but better than day 1 Day 6: i did it in the morning and the night, just like day 5 :3 Day 7: Same Day 8: ask me, i dont see difference Day 9: yk, nothing's new☹️ I'll be updating everyday:3
doing this for 2 weeks bc im bored day 1- ✅ did 4 times, im absolutely knackered - dont see a difference day 2- ✅ did 2 times in the morning might do some later, my hands hurt but not as much as yesterday -update: i did 2 more times in the afternoon, the bones on my hands are starting to show day 3 - ✅ i only did it 2 times at night, i was rlly lazy today lol - my hands feel different, it doesnt hurt my hands anymore and the 7 mins are passing very fast day 4 - ✅ did it 2 times, my hands have gotten a tiny bit slimmer other than that, no difference day 5 - ✅ did like 3 times today, noticed my fingers getting slimmer and longer especially my thumbs DAY6 - ❌ forgot day 7 -- ✅ did 2 times day 8 - ✅ did 2 times day 9 - ✅ did 2 times day 10 - ✅ did 2 times day 11- ✅ did 2 times day 12 - ✅ did 3 times day 13- ❌ didnt have any wifi day 14- ❌ didnt have any wifi
Напоминайте пожалуйста!!! День 1: пока что изменений нет (ну что можно было ожидать что за один день они станут длинными и худыми?😂) День 2: конечно никаких изменений все ещё нет День 3: мне кажется что-то изменилось или может это самовнушение 🤔 День 4: конечно всего то за 4 дня не может ничего измениться но надеюсь потом будут результаты (иначе зачем я так стараюсь? 🥲)
doing this 1-2 times per day (sorry if my english has mistakes later on) I do this together with another slim hand exercise vid, from the same channel. but i've been doing it for several days before and i forgot already to note the changes (even though i could see my hands are slimmer and stronger now!) day 1: done✅ (no change at all, wht did u expect from 1st day exercise 🗿) day 2: done✅ (1x) day3: done✅ (1x) My hands are more boney now~ also i can grab many things in a clutch (bcs usually i couldn't) it means my fingers are a lot stronger day 4: done✅ (2x) day 5: done✅ (1x) day 6:
1 week to get this Day1:doing it in my free time, it hurts.(no change) Day2:do and its not so hurts like first time.(little bit of changing) Day3:I can do easily. (It's really start for changing) Day4:Doing for an hour.(my fingers are growing) Day5:I am really satisfied. (My hands are really get beautiful) Day6:don't need to do😅 Day7:beautiful than beautiful❤❤❤ Thanks a lot...
Hello, Ive been doing this for more than 1 week & I can clearly see the slight difference! Tbh its working, my auntie & cousins said that woah, ”your fingers looks so tall” Further more, I dont have that short fingers from birth though I want even longer! I'll keep doing and share the results with all of you till then sayonara~
Day 1: ✅ Day 2:✅ Day 3:✅ Day 4:✅ Day 5:✅ Day 6:✅ Day 7:✅ I can't believe all my progress was deleted. It doesn't matter, I've been going for seven days and there are still no changes. Day 8:✅ I did it 2 times at night, no change. A little frustrating, but it's okay, I'll continue. Day 9:✅ I did it 2 times in the afternoon, there is no change... Day 10:✅I did it 2 times in the morning Day 11:✅I did it 2 times in the morning, No change, it frustrates me a little :( Day 12: ✅ I did it 2 times in the morning Day 13:✅ I did it 2 times in the afternoon, and there are no changes, not even a small one Day 14:✅ I did i 2 times, and there is no change. Day 15:✅Done. Day 16:✅ I did it, but only once, today I didn't have much time. Day 17: ✅ i did 1 time Day 18: ✅ I did it 1 time too :) Day 19: ✅1 time Day 20: ✅ I did i 2 times, and there is no change. Day 21: ✅1 time Day 22: ❌ Shit! I really forgot and didn't do it 😭 Day 23: ✅ I went to the extreme and did it 4 or 5 times 😊 Day 24: ✅1 time Day 25: ✅ I did i 2 times Day 26: ✅ I did 1 time Day 27: ✅ I did 1 time Day 28: I did 1 time Day 29: No Day 30: I did 1 time
Напоминайте, пожалуйста, для того чтобы я не забыла! Буду делать в течении 2-х недель ✅День 1: начало, сделала 2 раза ✅День 2: сделала 2 раза, изменений нет (вообще девочки, я бы посоветовала делать вам дополнительный массаж с использованием жирного крема или масла, эффект будет лучше) пропустила 2 дня так как не могла делать !! ✅день 3: сделала 1 раз и дополнительно сделала упражнения из другого видео ✅день 4: сделала 1 раз + упражнение из другого видео ( оставлю ссылку на видео в комментариях, надеюсь, не удалят) день 5: день 6: день 7: итоги 1-ой недели:
Doing this for 14 days! ✅Day 1: I got a tiny bit sore on 2 of my fingers for a quick couple seconds but easy! ✅Day 2: Kinda did it late, I was busy and tired but still easy ✅Day 3: I did it at night again, my fingers were sore a little bit when I was doing it but still easy! Getting the hang in it ❌Day 4: I forgot to do it ❌Day 5: forgot to do it ✅Day 6: It’s more easier than last time
Ive been doing these exercises for a few days and i already see some difference! Also does anyone know of a good way or of any good exercises to get slim wrists?
Doing this everyday for 14 days to see if it actually works
Remind me by liking/replying
Day 1 ✅
Day 2 ✅
Day 3 ✅
Day 4 ✅
Day 5 ✅
Day 6 ✅
do you see any change? Like people in the comment say yes after like 4 days, but i don't see in mine.
@Cl0odyx how many times a day? You have to really stretch your fingers tightly for it to work xx
I did mine twice a day and I'm still doing them but my fingers have a noticeable difference x
@entropyrainYT i do it 1 in the morning and sometimes 2, ik ik i really stretch. Ill try more 2x times then, thanks :)
@Cl0odyx np! Good luck and I hope u reach ur goal 🫶
@entropyrainYT thx
OMG ! This actually works so good, only five days in and i can already see my hand look MUCH better ! Even my friends noticed ! Thank you so much for these exercises 🙂
How many time in a day
@@MuhammadIqbal-pt3sq I did twice every day.
@@Andromeda-ho9t now your hand look like her??
Doing this for 10 days like to remind me *(Not forcing)*
Day 1: Done ✅ *No change*
Day 2: Done ✅ *to be honest I can see a little change like not noticeable but I can see it type of change*
Day 3: Done ✅ *I can notice more changes little bit more noticeable*
Day 4: Done ✅ *There is a lot of difference but not completely perfect*
Day 5: Not done ❌ *Sorry I forgot to do*
*Ok so I did the exercises but forgot to write sorry for that and yes the results are so good my hand is slimmer, my fingers are longer yup it works*
how did it go?
Did you do the exercise once a day?
@@Sa3phira1twice a day
Ek din mein kitni baar exercise karte ho bhai
Oh, this is not normal because it worked for me in less than a week. Imagine, less than a week only. I advise every girl to try it because it is amazing. Thank you for your effort 🥰😁
Делала неделю + после тренировки делала ванночку с солью.
Итог: пальцы стали более худые и даже выросли. Ванночка убрала покраснения и белые штуки возле ногтей + ногти подросли и стали ухоженными. Буду делать ещё неделю.❤
А можешь пожалуйста сказать рецепт ванночки с солью?
@@Виктория-ц6в5э banyoda suyuna tuz döküceksin ne çok ne az omuzdan başlayarak masaj yaparak dök işte küvet yoksa küvet varsa küvete aynısını yap😊
Да пажалуста
@@Виктория-ц6в5э соль + сода + вода, держать где то минут 10-15, можно ещë крем для рук вместо воды добавить и как маску на ногти нанести
@@Виктория-ц6в5э ну вода и соль,не не панятнава та
Doing this until sunday. Remind by answering or liking
Day 1: no changes
Cómo vas ??
@@CREWCREW9W for me after doing it for 2 days there are many changes
I love her beautiful smile..! 🙂
Всем привет,буду делать это упражнение 2 недели.
1 день-✅ пальцы болят чуть чуть,сделал два раза
2 день-✅ сделала два раза
3 день-✅ сделала один раз
4 день-
5 день-
6 день-
7 день-
За лайкайте чтобы не забыла❤❤
уже 12 дней прошло
Ну как?
уже 2 недели прошло, как там с пальцами?
У неë пальцы отвалились и поэтому она теперь не отвечает на комментарий
I can assure this is exercise works!
I have been doing this for about more than 6 months and it changed my hands!
Actually my fingers are so long but chubby but after doing this exercise my fingers became thin. Now it looks so beautiful!! 💝
did you do the exercise once a day?
@MarufTalukder-c6m I do once a day and do whenever I'm bored!
It's like when I finished writing something I do , when I'm walking.
@@CharuKarthi-hh6hj tnx😇
@ awwww tnx
@MarufTalukder-c6m Good luck 🤞
Doing this till my fingers REALLY change:
Day 1 ✔: I did it 3 times and first try is really easy but 2nd try and 3rd try is making my hand/fingers really sore and hurts but still no change.
Day 2 ✘:didn't do cause i was too tired from school
Day 3 ✔: i only did once today but still no change
Day 4 ✘: i'm sorry i was very busy that day 😖
Day 5 ✘: also really busy at that day
Day 6 ✔: My fingers are starting to get longer and the video went fast this time
Day 7 ✔: Its easy, stay tuned for tommorow
Please like this comment incase i cant find my
Comment at day after!
update: guys chill- it really worked cause ive been doing this for a long time now,i didnt stop im just not updating my comment ty!
U have to do 3 days but u need to drink alot of water to decrease the swelling on your hands np 😁🙏🏼👍🏻
ساعدني كيف افعل ذالك ❤
@@YNKZLABEL.OFFICIAL I'm busy right now so maybe later
اصابعي راحت لاكن النتيجة رهيبة ❤❤❤
doing these for 3 weeks:
day 1 : done (I do 2 times on the morn, still the same +1 on the night)
day 2 :done (2 time in the morn, still the same)
day 3 : done (1 time in the morn)
day 4 : done (2 times in the morn)
day 5 : skipped (I don't have times)
Bro its been two weeks just do this
lmao, I forgot 😞@@ReyyanDemirci
You don’t have time to do hand exercises? Are you lazy
I did it as soon as you posted it and till now they grow a little bit Omgg thank you ❤ 🙏
Hey everyone... A small request from all of you.. 'can you please like or reply on this comment' an give me remainder because i will forget to do these exercises... Please guys pls...
1st day - ✅
2nd day - ✅
3rd day - ✅
4th day - ✅
5th day - ✅
6th day - ✅
هيه ابدي
@@Captain_Fun_12 remind
Day 1: done! nothing changed but this excersizes are very relaxing !
Day 2: done! i can see a small change, my fingers get longer but not slim
Day 3: I forgot to do this :(
Day 4: done! nothing changes
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12:
Day 13:
Day 14:
I will come back here and let you know if anything has changed every day
رح ضل اعمل هالتمارين لحتى يصيرو اصابعي طوال🥹🥹❤
معكم إيلا❤
انا صار لي شهر بعملهم لاحضت فرق كبير بل يوم عملي التمارين مرتين مرا الصبح و مرا بل ليل و قبل ما تبلشي حطي على ايديكي كريم🤍🌸
Vou fazer por duas semanas
Day 1=✅
Day 2=✅
Day 3=✅
Day 4=
Day 5=
Day 6=
Day 7=
Day 8=
Day 9=
Day 10=
Day 11=
Day 12=
Day 13=
Day 14
Eu vou colocar minha reação final aqui ( )❤ e tchauuu
Good luck
What about now?
doing this for 14 days to see if it actually works ( doing it 3 times a day)
day 1 : does hurt a bit but no changes yet ( obviously its day 1)
day 2 : did it once ( ill do it 2 more times and update u guys but i have to go somewhere rn) idk if im making this up but some of my fingers got a bit thinner and its pretty much visible. ( again i did other exercises b4 starting this challenge but they werent as good and long as this one.) done guys i did it 2 more times and it hurtss
day 3 :
day 4 :
day 5 :
day 6 :
day 7 :
day 8 :
day 9 :
day 10 :
day 11 :
day 12 :
day 13 :
day 14 :
like to remind mee
Reminder 😡
U mean lanat bhejna🙂
I’m doing this exercise for 7 days with a good hands care and routine like moisturizing them and applying sunscreen, I really noticed a very big difference from the day zero like my fingers get thinner noticeably and it looks more soft and nice , I will continue on this for a month and if I remember, i will update.
How's it going so far?
@ it’s great!!! Even though I skipped some days but i do the exercises whenever I remember and my fingers looks so adorable, with moisturising and some focusing on the hands health as keeping them as much away from water or soap as you can
The fingers looks longer than my fingers used to be but maybe that’s because it’s thinner and much softer and maybe they really get longer I really can’t tell but FOR ME the exercise do really works
Mən Azərbaycandnam və mənim barmaqlarəm çox topuş idi amma bu vidiyo qabaqıma çıxandan sonra mən bunu gundə 2 dəfə edirdi səhər birdə axşam və artıq 3 həfdədiki mənim barmaqlarəmda xeyri irələyiş var çox sağolun ki siz bu vidiyonu çəkmisiniz❤
I've done her slimming finger exercise before. And hey! They work! 🎉 I've decided to do them again after a year. Wish me luck.
Day 1: ✅
Day 2: ✅
Day 3: I forgot 😅
Day 4: ✅ (I can already see changes)
I'm from UZBEKISTAN 🇺🇿❤️😘
I am
Man ham
Man ham
Me too
doing this for 1 week !!🎀
day 1: ✔️
day 2: did it twice, no change✔️
day 3: ❌ i forgot, but I'm going to do this exercise 3 times on day 4
like my comment so you guys can update meee!
Please don't forget to update since i wanna find out if it works❤
Doing these for 2 weeks so my fingers can REALLY change
day 1: did this 2 times still no changes (obviously it's day 1)
Remind me so i cannot forget!
I Did This For 2.5 Weeks & HONESTLY It Works Lil Bit But It's Look Amezing!!!!
[Not Lying] Just Don't Miss👍
remind evertime y see this !!
Gonna do it for 3 weeks and will update starting today.
Day : 1
So wheres the update
Thank you for your tips it literally works for me ❤❤
Thank you very much
Hello, I would like to give you my experience. I did these exercises twice a day and it was very effective. My fingers grew longer and became less wide. I am very happy, so I hope it works for you too.
I've been doing it for 2 weeks now, it really works
Я если что русская😊
Это работает?
@@Соня-я7х8т Russian
Я сама так делаю чтоб все поняли пишу на англиском 😅
Thank you sister ❤❤❤😊
Day 1: completed
Day 2: completed (no changes)
А дальше😅 ???
@@ТамариИсмаилова oo i forgot that
@@ТамариИсмаилова my finger is almost ling but this exersice make very very very bit slim but didnt make long
Not effective at all
Thank you ❤❤
Mashaloh juda zor foydasi buldi rahmat❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊
Foydasi bor ekanmi😊😊
고맙습니다, 그는 저에게 좋은 결과를 주고 있습니다☺️☺️☺️☺️
Ну чë погнали
1 день✅ ( руки очень
2 день ✅( руки болят меньше изменения пока нет)
3 день ✅ ( руки уже не болят есть чуть-чуть изменений или это самовнушение(∵)
4 день ✅ ( пальцы стали тоньше 🙃 )
5 день ✅ ( пальцы стали длиннее не знаю почему но особый эффект я вижу на мизинце и безымянном пальце😅)
6 день ✅ ( тоже самое что и вчера))
7 день ✅(уже видны хорошие изменения )
8 день ✅ ( вчера забыла написать но упражнения сделала )
9день ✅ ( пришлось на неделю забросить потому что не было времени , но когда я сидела иногда делала . Завтра будет последний день)
10 день ✅ ( изменения точно есть в ширину пальцы стали на 1 миллиметр тоньше а в длину на 2-3 миллиметра)
Whats the results??
Doing this for 30 days (remind me every time you see this)
Hey come heree :3
How is it going?
Doing it every day if I don’t forget : ( I do it once a day)
Day 1: ✅ no changes
Day 2: ✅ also nothing yet
Day 3: ✅ I don’t know if I’m making it up but I think my fingers might be getting longer
Do it everyday at night before 😴😊
@@wonder_world52310it works ?
you know what i can see changes only on 1st day 😅
Thank you so much pretty lady 💜💜💜💜💜💜
буду делать неделю примерно 2 раза в день по 2 круга
размер before: 17,5
размер after:
1.✅ сейчас сделаю второй круг. и ещё вечером
. ✅ сделала второй раз (вечер) пальцы немного болят
2. ❌✅. я сделала два раза вечером (днем пропустила, т. к. чуть не проспала и опоздала). изменений никаких ещё нет
did i find a stay
@@cibeleslayYour pfp-
@@YourLocalHanberry changbin salon
I have been doing this for like 5 days already and tomorrow is gonna be my 6 day. I can say that this works really well and I’m starting to see changes in my fingers. I’m gonna start making count days.
Day 1: Done ✅
Day 2: done ✅
Day 3: done ✅
Day 4: done ✅
Day 5: done ✅
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
спасибо) буду делать до конца месяца
Ну что?
@@belka_letaga228 забросила
как успехи? есть смысл делать?
راح اجربها لمدة 10 أيام واشوف الفرق
اليوم الأول ✅
اليوم الثانٍ ✅
اليوم الثالث ✅️
اليوم الرابع ✅️
اليوم الخامس ✅️
اليوم السادس ✅️
اليوم السابع ✅️
اليوم الثامن ✅️
اليوم التاسع ✅️
اليوم العاشر ✅
النتيجة :- طبعا اصابعي مو طوال صاروا بس طلعلي بعض العروق ولاحظت اكو تغير واضح في إيدي انصحكم تسووها مرتين باليوم اني اسويها مرة فالهذا نتيجة تكون بطيئة .
استمروا يعني ايام قليلة وشفت نتيجة واضحة عليها
ولكن اصابعي شاذات فتكون النتيجة مو مرضية
راح استمر عليها للعيد إن شاء الله
وههه اش جابك هون 😭💔
مافي غيرك عربيه بل تعليقات 🌟>>
انا موجودة 🙋🏻♀️🌷@@OTAKO_CHAN.
مو مر مر فش حدا عربي🙂☕
موجودة 🌷(*´ω`*)
I've been doing this since august and it's september now and wow I must say my friends always ask whys my hands so soft and beautiful ^^ THANK YOU~
Droping a comment down just for reminder incase someone liked ittt
Its looks so helpful ☺ i started doing this .i will update
Day 1: done but struggled a bit 😅but its okay
waiting it's work?❤
doing this for 10 days! you can remind me
Thank you 💗🌷
Doing this for 14 days!
Day 1: not much happened except for the fact that I got my nails painted ✅
Day 2: still no change ✅
Day 3: very slight change ✅
Day 4: I forgot ❌
Day 5: I did it twice ✅
Day 6: still not seeing any changes ✅
I don't even care if it works or not it just makes me feel relaxed and I love it
Gonna do this for 60 days
Day1 - done
Keep going
didnt even do 2
OMG 😲 it works 💪
guys it actually works!! DONT GIVE UP!
sach me its work?
@@praveenmalik1721 IT WORKSSS
لا يوجد تحفيز لذالك اريد تحفيز ن لكي افعل هذة التمرينات المفيدة سوف اجرب
❤❤❤❤❤❤ استمري
ا̣؍ُ̣ذ؍ًا𓆩 وجدتي نافع اخبريني ❤❤
لقد فعلتو هذه التمارين لمدة 7ايام لقد لاحضت انة اصابعي بدات تطول ولاكن انة مستمرة عندما انتهي من التمارين سوف اخبرك
انتي بنت ولا ولد اخبريني اذى لم ازعجك
@@stay-u5n بنت 🙂
@@stay-u5n بنت🙂
Буду проверять каждый день, и записывать сюда результат❤:
1 день :✅ сделала, но без изменений.Упражнения расслабляют❤
2 день :✅ сделала ,но заметных изменений не вижу (или я слепая)))😅
3 день :✅ сделала , заметных изменений нет , но как будто пальцы стали длинней на 1мм (или это самовнушение😅)
4 день :✅сделала, пальцы как будто стали длиннее и тоньше на 1мм❤
@didorjreieeoe я решила , что мне это всё не нужно, решила , что нравлюсь себе такой, какая я есть...и перестала выполнять упражнения. Никого не слушайте !!! Берегите себя и своё здоровье !💗
Есть чем заняться на уроках,спасибо)
doing this for 10 days! (remind me every time u see this)
✅1st day: really easy, only struggled on step 3
✅2nd day: still easy but turned out a bit sore, but probably because i did it a bit rougher today!
✅3rd day: finally getting the hang of step three!! again it’s very easy and i’m starting to see a bit of a difference!
❌4th day: didn’t do :(
✅5th day: 7 min went by FAST, it’s rlly RLLY easy now
✅6th day: starting to see a really big difference!
✅7th day: checked off! turned out a bit sore but again, i did it too rough
✅8th day: COMPLETELY forgot to to this so i did this at like 1am but i think it still counts loll
✅10th day: checked off! almost finished omg
✅make up day: YASS IM FINISHED
do i recommend: it’s a nice and easy hand workout don’t get me wrong but i feel like there’s better ones (it’s still a VERY good hand workout!)
Update 😊😮
Update bro
@ once
Her every exercise works 🎉you can try any exercise it does work 🎉
It is very great exercise🎉🎉🎉😮❤
Gonna do it for 2 weeks
Day :1 done did it once
I'll do it with you. ^^
I started doing the exercises yesterday and yesterday I noticed a difference, I did the exercises 3 times just yesterday and my index and ring fingers got a little thinner, in addition to the enormous pain, I'm doing the exercises again now on the second day, and I noticed that the pain It's smaller, I hope it works 😭🙌✨️
اي عنجد التمارين ممتاز لقد ريأيت الفرق من اول يوم انصح لكم ان تجربوها انها جميل جداً
لدي معلومه أيضاً يمكنكي بعد كل تمرين ان تعملي وصفه ملح وملح اليمون اضعي وانتي تقومي بفركه لا 10دقايق كل يوم هكذا سوف ترين الفرق
الملح والليمون اضعهم على يدي ام على اظافري؟؟
this works, i did this a few days ago my hands became supple ❤❤❤
Doing this for 2 weeks!
Day 1: just started, a little changes but not completed yet
Day 2: tiny bit of changes
Day 3: my hands are quite smooth and longer than day 1 a bit
1.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️
2.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️
3.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️
4.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️
5.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️
6.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️
7.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️
8.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️
9.gün=1 defa yaptım değişiklik yok✅️
10.gün=1 defa yaptım ve hafif bir değişiklik var 😊✅️
11.gün=1 defa yaptım ve bence son egzersizde parmaklarım rahatlıyor.✅️
12.gün=Yapamadım çünkü karnım çok ağrıyordu ve hastaydım.❌️
13.gün=Yaptım galiba.Hatırlamıyorum üzgünüm☑️
14.gün=1 defa yaptım ve sanırım ellerimi küçük görüyorum ve ince✅️
Düzenleme:2 haftadır yazmamışım gerçekten büyük fark var yapın.(Not:Artık yazmayacağım by!)
Yani 10 gün boyunca çok ufak bir incelme gördüm.2 ay boyunca yapınca eminim değişiklik görürüm.Teşekkür ederim bayan.😊
Sonuç neee
@@silaaisranzmrkr incelme oldu yani
@@Ekimasel-p3s hee tamam teşekkürler
@@silaaisranzmrkryapmanı öneririm ben 2 hafta falan yapmıştım gerçekten fark etti parmaklarım uzadı ve biraz inceldi
Mende 2ci günüm ümüd edirem alınar 😊🇦🇿
I think nobody in comments complete this exercise and say the result ( my English not good ) so I’m going to do this and i will say the result
Day one : complete ✅ and no change
Day two : complete✅ still no change
Day three: complete ✅ I do this exercise 3 times a day , i don’t know if there are change or no 😭
Day 4 : complete ✅ My fingers started to get longer
Day 5: complete ✅ i don’t know but still no change just some length
Day 6: complete ✅ Now I'm starting to notice that , my fingers are getting thinner
Day 7 : complete ✅ still just a small change
Day 8 : complete ✅ still a small change 🤨 + i wear a ring and i feel that is has become wider on my finger
- guys i will stop say the result every day and i will back on 9 may
The result is not the worst and not the best. You can continue with it for a month and perhaps you will find a good result
Жду ❤ и я попробую .
Результат 1 мая
Сегодня 2 мая
Я опоздала немного.
Должна сказать что мои пальцы стали светлее. Когда я измеряла раньше свои пальцы были 7сантиметров а сейчас 8 сантиметров. Немного жаль потому что обещали +2сантиметров. Впрочем вы тоже пробуйте я буду еще делать
я с вами! Пора меняться к лету @@alabukaalabuka2123
@@alabukaalabuka2123 and then?
@@cathyclarawilliam6445 Извините что опоздала.😢
Я написала результат
ALMOST 9 may
Doing this so I can play more songs on guitar. (Needing to reach chords.)
Day One: 1 time at night. I feel like my fingers already grew a little.
Day two: 1 time in the morning. I felt like it was the same size as yesterday..
Day three: 1 time in the evening. I see a improvement compared to before??? Wow!
Day four: 1 time at night. I dont see any improvement for this day 😓 imma try and do it 3 times everyday, one in the morning, one after lunch, and one after dinner.
Day1: ✅
Day2: ✅
Day3: ✅
I going started these exercise ❤
Let's get started
Humb finger 5 cm
Index finger 6 cm
Middle finger 7 cm
Ring finger 6 cm
Pinky finger 5 cm
Day 1 ✔
Day 2 ✔
Day 3 ✔
Day 4 ✔
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
I will try to do it for 14 days
1✅.Not much, but it seems to have changed a little.
2✅. It's already great. If it's like this, it will be great after 14 days.
Day 1: completed ✅ no changes (I practiced 2 times)
Day2: complete✅Nothing changes(sorry I'm a bit busy so I only practiced once)
Day 3:complete✅seems like my arms are a bit slimmer than before (I practiced 2 times)
Day 4:complete✅Same as day 3 (practice once)
Day 5:complete✅ still no difference(once)
I will update you on the situation later so please look forward to it❤❤❤❤❤
come onnn
doing this for 14 days
day 1; no change
day 2 : a bit change [ i did it 4 time a day]
Day 3: it's a bit slimmer
day 4: theres alot of change and i did it for 2 mintune every steps it kinda hurts but atleast theres alot of change
Day 5 : a small difference since i only did this in the morning
Is really work for me, thank you❤🎉
Буду делать,через 10 дней напишу результат,тоест с 16.01.25 по 26.01.25
Сегодня 27 , колосальной разници я не увидела так как и так у меня пальцы длинные плюс я пару дней проаустила НО упр хорошее,всем советую
Doing this everyday.
Day 1: ofc nothing changed!
Day 2: Not yet :)
Day 3: Just like yesterday
Day 4: (skipped but did 2)
Day 5: Dont see much difference, but better than day 1
Day 6: i did it in the morning and the night, just like day 5 :3
Day 7: Same
Day 8: ask me, i dont see difference
Day 9: yk, nothing's new☹️
I'll be updating everyday:3
This is already day 3 where is the update
@@Jellysacho Sorry i was at school i lit arrived 30 sec ago
How it is going?
@@EiYadanarHlaing-e2h Very good, im doing it but i forgot to edit this, sorry lol i'll do it rn
Hey did ur finger get any difference? "I mean like a bit slim or yk?"
thanks for your help so much😭😭❤️🔥💕
I like it your song and lean finger exercise 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Doing this for a week + help me by reminders ❤
Day 1: 1 time in the evening, no change ✅
doing this for 2 weeks bc im bored
day 1- ✅ did 4 times, im absolutely knackered - dont see a difference
day 2- ✅ did 2 times in the morning might do some later, my hands hurt but not as much as yesterday -update: i did 2 more times in the afternoon, the bones on my hands are starting to show
day 3 - ✅ i only did it 2 times at night, i was rlly lazy today lol - my hands feel different, it doesnt hurt my hands anymore and the 7 mins are passing very fast
day 4 - ✅ did it 2 times, my hands have gotten a tiny bit slimmer other than that, no difference
day 5 - ✅ did like 3 times today, noticed my fingers getting slimmer and longer especially my thumbs
DAY6 - ❌ forgot
day 7 -- ✅ did 2 times
day 8 - ✅ did 2 times
day 9 - ✅ did 2 times
day 10 - ✅ did 2 times
day 11- ✅ did 2 times
day 12 - ✅ did 3 times
day 13- ❌ didnt have any wifi
day 14- ❌ didnt have any wifi
@@cinnamon_tea9596 no
Doing this for 2 weeks
Day 1✅
any results??
Continue honey.
Напоминайте пожалуйста!!!
День 1: пока что изменений нет (ну что можно было ожидать что за один день они станут длинными и худыми?😂)
День 2: конечно никаких изменений все ещё нет
День 3: мне кажется что-то изменилось или может это самовнушение 🤔
День 4: конечно всего то за 4 дня не может ничего измениться но надеюсь потом будут результаты (иначе зачем я так стараюсь? 🥲)
Doing this for 14 days (remind me every time you see this)
1 day: ✅
@@Misha_7h ty
Girls, I really tried these exercises every night before bed and got amazing results ✨💗
doing this 1-2 times per day (sorry if my english has mistakes later on)
I do this together with another slim hand exercise vid, from the same channel. but i've been doing it for several days before and i forgot already to note the changes (even though i could see my hands are slimmer and stronger now!)
day 1: done✅ (no change at all, wht did u expect from 1st day exercise 🗿)
day 2: done✅ (1x)
day3: done✅ (1x) My hands are more boney now~ also i can grab many things in a clutch (bcs usually i couldn't) it means my fingers are a lot stronger
day 4: done✅ (2x)
day 5: done✅ (1x)
day 6:
Lets try again
1 week to get this
Day1:doing it in my free time, it hurts.(no change)
Day2:do and its not so hurts like first time.(little bit of changing)
Day3:I can do easily. (It's really start for changing)
Day4:Doing for an hour.(my fingers are growing)
Day5:I am really satisfied. (My hands are really get beautiful)
Day6:don't need to do😅
Day7:beautiful than beautiful❤❤❤
Thanks a lot...
1日目/ 何も変わらない
Попробую это делать. Хочу похудеть к школе:
1️⃣-сделала, есть тяжесть в руках.
2️⃣- Сделала. Уже не так уж и тяжело.
Hello, Ive been doing this for more than 1 week & I can clearly see the slight difference! Tbh its working, my auntie & cousins said that woah, ”your fingers looks so tall”
Further more, I dont have that short fingers from birth though I want even longer!
I'll keep doing and share the results with all of you till then sayonara~
We don't need to make our fingers . God given fingers are the best😊😊😊😊😊
good training, it helped!!!🥰🥰🥰
Day 1: ✅
Day 2:✅
Day 3:✅
Day 4:✅
Day 5:✅
Day 6:✅
Day 7:✅
I can't believe all my progress was deleted. It doesn't matter, I've been going
for seven days and there are still no changes.
Day 8:✅ I did it 2 times at night, no change. A little frustrating, but it's okay, I'll continue.
Day 9:✅ I did it 2 times in the afternoon, there is no change...
Day 10:✅I did it 2 times in the morning
Day 11:✅I did it 2 times in the morning, No change, it frustrates me a little :(
Day 12: ✅ I did it 2 times in the morning
Day 13:✅ I did it 2 times in the afternoon, and there are no changes, not even a small one
Day 14:✅ I did i 2 times, and there is no change.
Day 15:✅Done.
Day 16:✅ I did it, but only once, today I didn't have much time.
Day 17: ✅ i did 1 time
Day 18: ✅ I did it 1 time too :)
Day 19: ✅1 time
Day 20: ✅ I did i 2 times, and there is no change.
Day 21: ✅1 time
Day 22: ❌ Shit! I really forgot and didn't do it 😭
Day 23: ✅ I went to the extreme and did it 4 or 5 times 😊
Day 24: ✅1 time
Day 25: ✅ I did i 2 times
Day 26: ✅ I did 1 time
Day 27: ✅ I did 1 time
Day 28: I did 1 time
Day 29: No
Day 30: I did 1 time
So what happend
Напоминайте, пожалуйста, для того чтобы я не забыла! Буду делать в течении 2-х недель
✅День 1: начало, сделала 2 раза
✅День 2: сделала 2 раза, изменений нет (вообще девочки, я бы посоветовала делать вам дополнительный массаж с использованием жирного крема или масла, эффект будет лучше)
пропустила 2 дня так как не могла делать !!
✅день 3: сделала 1 раз и дополнительно сделала упражнения из другого видео
✅день 4: сделала 1 раз + упражнение из другого видео ( оставлю ссылку на видео в комментариях, надеюсь, не удалят)
день 5:
день 6:
день 7:
итоги 1-ой недели:
ruclips.net/video/l5iPA7KTVIA/видео.htmlsi=V3sqMbHc69qLHFjC (делаю сразу же после этого видео)
@@rosesrosie04я тоже делаю упражнения из этого видео, где то уже недели 3, был небольшой результат, но прям совсем небольшой)
I will try the exercises for one month
The First day ✅.
The second day ✅.
Doing this for 14 days!
✅Day 1: I got a tiny bit sore on 2 of my fingers for a quick couple seconds but easy!
✅Day 2: Kinda did it late, I was busy and tired but still easy
✅Day 3: I did it at night again, my fingers were sore a little bit when I was doing it but still easy! Getting the hang in it
❌Day 4: I forgot to do it
❌Day 5: forgot to do it
✅Day 6: It’s more easier than last time
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Thank you so much ❤
ive been doing this workout for a year. and it worked! it just needs a little bit of time
Ive been doing these exercises for a few days and i already see some difference! Also does anyone know of a good way or of any good exercises to get slim wrists?
Any stay is here?
Yes, I'm Stay
Looks like someone is looking for me 😅❤