Can Satan Put Thoughts into Our Heads?

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • Ask Pastor John
    Episode: 1918
    Transcript: www.desiringgo...

Комментарии • 760

  • @KinnereyB
    @KinnereyB Год назад +132

    Yes is the short, concise, and honest answer. That’s why regular prayer and Bible reading is so vital. I was guilty of this neglect while I was sick for a couple of weeks, those couple of weeks turned into more weeks, then I was wondering where my joy went! I have a disease with no cure, have for 22 years. Yet a recent flare caused this? I get flares all the time. It’s a miserably painful disease, but I’m usually used to it. It’s bc I stopped praying and began throwing a pity party, one thing led to another and for a brief moment, I questioned by existence ala Job chapter 3 (only I ALMOST became suicidal for a moment instead of cursing my birth). That is all Satan. Some prayers with loved ones, a church service, and back to regular Bible reading - and those thoughts are gone. Satan is a master of deception, and the ONLY limit to his power is Christ! Do not underestimate the enemy.
    Side note: some Bibles translate the end of the Lord’s Prayer to “but deliver us from the evil one,” instead of “but deliver us from evil.” Be vigilant in prayer, and know the real battle is vs principalities and powers…always has been. I pray this helps someone. God bless 🙏

    • @MichaelBravine1
      @MichaelBravine1 Год назад +5

      Thank you for answering this. Sometimes I don’t need a 15 minute exploration of a question for a yes/no answer.

    • @KinnereyB
      @KinnereyB Год назад +7

      @@MichaelBravine1 😂 I just realized I wrote a dissertation (and stated out with the short, concise “yes”).
      But the story after is true. I’m here but for the grace of God sir. And at 42, I’m more passionate about the LORD than anything in my life, but it took being at rock bottom to fully comprehend His love and grace❤️🙏 The Bible doesn’t call Him longsuffering for nothing. Have a great week. God bless 🙏

    • @skippy675
      @skippy675 Год назад

      The Lord taking his sweet as$ time in getting around to destroying Satan is frustrating. Since the vast majority of people will not choose God, the more time that passes means an increasing number of souls lost compared to saved.
      But I guess even one saved soul makes the eternal conscious torment of over a hundred billion souls justifiable.
      Now was that actually me thinking this or Satan? Nah, it was Satan. Or would Satan want me to think it was him when it really wasn't? That would be double tricky.

    • @KinnereyB
      @KinnereyB Год назад +3

      @@skippy675 “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
      - 2 Peter 3:8
      God reacts to nothing. He is a sovereign, absolute, almighty, eternal being. When He’s ready to mop up this mess we call earth - it will be the right time, and not a millisecond sooner or later. But one thing you can count on is God and Bible prophecy. Until then, it isn’t our job to question His sovereign will.
      “In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.”
      - Ephesians 1:11-12
      I pray those verses help. God bless you and yours Sean. 🙏

    • @skippy675
      @skippy675 Год назад

      @@KinnereyB Jesus Mother Bloody Fucqing Christ on a wooden bike dude!
      God reacts to nothing? Then why the fucq did he decide to send his only begotten son to be slaughtered in saving grace as an atonement? He could have just said "eh, fucq it! Let these swine wallow in their squalor".

  • @annec988
    @annec988 Год назад +51

    The enemy loves to attack when you are tired, feeling at your weakest, depressed anxious, struggling, discouraged, in a trial. That is when he knows he has the best chance of causing us to stumble and lose faith in our loving Father. Once we have stumbled he rushes in with a flood of condemnation. 'How could God ever use you?' The only solution then is to run straight back into the arms of our Loving Jesus. The enemy hates that, absolutely hates it and leaves to find someone else to lie, deceive and trick into losing faith.

    • @sophiayesudas6529
      @sophiayesudas6529 Год назад +2

      Yes.. so true

    • @denzilboyd6719
      @denzilboyd6719 Год назад +4

      I think some of what is described here (discouragement, anxiety) is actually from the enemy itself.

    • @NATURE03218
      @NATURE03218 Год назад +2

    • @sl4983
      @sl4983 3 месяца назад

      Yes! You're right! 😮☹️

    • @sl4983
      @sl4983 3 месяца назад

      Do you think this is a good reason to get good sleep and not be sleep deprived?

  • @xonslaughtlioness
    @xonslaughtlioness Год назад +435

    I wish I was around Christian friends, fellowshipped during the weekends.. it’s hard finding events and such people as a young adult :(

    • @eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185
      @eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185 Год назад +90

      It's hard being a Christian. Most people are walking the wide road to Hell. The road to the Kingdom of God is narrow. If you can not influence them, they will influence you. And you will stumble in your walk. REMOVE THOSE PEOPLE FROM YOUR LIFE!

    • @edward265
      @edward265 Год назад +26

      It is hard being a Christian. I will keep you pray.

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 Год назад +31

      @@eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185 But Christians need to be in contact with others to be a light to them. In 1 Cor 5:9-10 Paul writes:
      'I wrote to you in a letter not to associate with sexually immoral people. I did not mean the sexually immoral people of this world or the greedy and swindlers or idolaters; otherwise you would have to leave the world.'
      We should keep away from professing Christians who are in sin, but not from non-believers.

    • @cloggedpitot1
      @cloggedpitot1 Год назад +38

      Id highly recommend becoming part of a good bible based church and getting involved with a solid small group. Nothing will help shape your life and surround you with guidance like this can and will.

    • @edward265
      @edward265 Год назад +12

      @Timothy Kush I agree. Other Christians can keep accountable and help you grow. They can see areas of your life you need change that won't necessarily see.

  • @maxaplin4204
    @maxaplin4204 Год назад +159

    Learning to recognise the attacks of evil spirits is something that every Christian should be growing in.
    Speaking for myself, I am learning that when I have a certain sensation of a thought pressing on my mind accompanied with a kind of mild anxiety, this is an evil spirit hitting me.
    I think discerning these attacks is something that we can only learn to do through experience.

    • @chrisburns9204
      @chrisburns9204 Год назад +14

      Max, so powerful! God just gave me the revelation the other day that there is a demonic spirit of anxiety/panic that tempts us to lose faith and forfeit peace in a moment of questioning...God Bless

    • @jacksonogwindi1653
      @jacksonogwindi1653 Год назад +4

      We learn by relying on the holy spirit. He sees him miles away. That has worked for me,absolutely perfect . Devil is ancient but the ancient of ages destroys him any minute all the time. Rely of the ancient of ages completely.

    • @dionnetezeno4946
      @dionnetezeno4946 Год назад

      Your are correct, I'm going through the same thing.

    • @usernameanonymous158
      @usernameanonymous158 Год назад

      Wow thank you!!

    • @radiobell920
      @radiobell920 3 месяца назад


  • @jessiemontgomery5838
    @jessiemontgomery5838 7 месяцев назад +8

    Submit yourselves therefore unto God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.

  • @vi683a
    @vi683a Год назад +97

    I hate sin, because the power it has over me. Pray for me "Antonio".
    (Edit) "Thank You all for your attention to my struggles and need of prayers, and thoughts"

    • @andje_izidor_music
      @andje_izidor_music Год назад +6

      Got ya bro

    • @blakecornwell8319
      @blakecornwell8319 Год назад +8

      Just lifted you in prayer brother

    • @denofboxers1996
      @denofboxers1996 Год назад +9

      I am praying for you Antonio. You are on my prayer list. Tell your sins to Christ and he is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In Christ's love, me

    • @denofboxers1996
      @denofboxers1996 Год назад +5

      But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3.
      May the Lord direct your heart to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ. 2 Thessalonians 3:5

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 Год назад +6

      Just prayed for you. 1 Cor 10:13:
      'No temptation has come upon you except what is common to humanity. But God is faithful; he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to bear it.' (CSB)

  • @catherine9808
    @catherine9808 Год назад +213

    this is so helpful; I am under attack of the mind and I'm doubting and being lead astray. I am on my knees every day asking God to lead me in the spirit and for Christ the lord to stand for me in the spiritual realm.

    • @Paul7.7
      @Paul7.7 Год назад +38

      Read the Bible daily. And every time you have a doubtful thought, remember the truth about God, who He is, and His promises towards you. The more you fill your mind with truth, the less you will be deceived or led astray. Stand firm in Christ, trust in Him no matter what, seek Him daily, and be fully surrendered to God, and in His perfect time He will deliver you.
      Psalm 34:19 “The afflictions of the righteous are many, But the LORD rescues him from them all.”

    • @doristanoh877
      @doristanoh877 Год назад +14

      The spirit is like Jesus said , like the wind so you may not be able to know how he leads .. and if you relinquish all to God and expect him to do all things then Where will your effort be . The thought of doubt are there because you don’t have the answers from the scriptures . The only way to push doubt out is by being acquainted with the scriptures . If that happens and you get doubt , the Holy Spirit will push that scripture that answers your doubt into your spirit and then you’ll be free but if you do not feed you spirit with the word and you get doubt..he won’t have your enough in your scripture data base to connect and chain up to help you make a good Godly decision . So feed your spirit by reading more of scripture . You’ll see that you’ll find answers to all that Makes you doubt . I say this to you as a sister who have been where you’re before . But thanks to grace that now. Nothing borders me, not even the end time for the Bible said in 1thesa 5 that I am a child of the light , not in darkness for God to come to me like a thief or to be surprised of his coming . For he comes for me and none other . Since then , nothing about the end time scares me .. all I do is keeping my hope , learning my scripture and pushing myself up in the word of God .May the lord Jesus help you too amen .

    • @liveforjesus4557
      @liveforjesus4557 Год назад +1

      @@doristanoh877 🙏❤️☦️✝️

      @CHROMEAMERICAN Год назад

      find jesse lee peterson

    • @1WhoConquers
      @1WhoConquers Год назад

      Joshua 1:8 CSB - “This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth; you are to meditate on it day and night so that you may carefully observe everything written in it. For then you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do.
      That's a great promise and frequently quoted, but look at the requirement. We're to meditate on the word, not just read it like a book. Doing so throughout the day means memorizing it so we can carry it with us. Also don't just internalize it. Take God's Word and His promises to Him in prayer and talk it through. Unlike any other book you read, with this one you're in touch with the Author. Here are a couple to get started.
      Galatians 5:16-18 CSB - I say then, walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
      The trick to this mindset is to understand in our hearts that when we forsake sin and the ways of the world, we're not "giving up" anything. Compared to having God's Spirit in us, what we used to think of as valuable, it shouldn't even be tempting. In some translations apostle Paul's words for the things of the world are refuse or garbage compared to knowing Christ. But that's watered down. What he really said was more like, the ways of the world are nothing but a rotting pile of feces full of wriggling maggots. The way that people think is right leads to death. Once you've internalized that and this truth becomes part of you, the devil and his minions will have a much harder time messing with you mentally.
      Romans 12:1-2 CSB - Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.
      Think about that word, sacrifice. Why does anyone sacrifice anything? It's giving up something of lesser value, in exchange for something greater. That's true of all sacrifice, including what Jesus did for us on the cross.

  • @Carmen2960
    @Carmen2960 Год назад +38

    A scripture that I’ve committed to memory that is so helpful to me when the enemy brings thoughts or past sin to mind is Hebrews 9:14 How much more will the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself w/o blemish to God, CLEANSE YOUR CONSCIENCE from dead works to serve the living God! I also take it as an opportunity to praise our Heavenly Father for drawing me to Himself and forgiving me for the particular sin or thought that is brought to mind by satan. Turn it into an absolute praise fest and quote scripture ❣️🙏

    • @jeanhill2706
      @jeanhill2706 Год назад +3

      Great advice! And thx for the scripture reference

  • @PeaceFan1
    @PeaceFan1 Год назад +10

    PLEASE Help me HOLY SPIRIT to RESIST the Devil, so he will FLEE from me!!!

  • @cristinadelemon6019
    @cristinadelemon6019 Год назад +21

    Yes, that's why the helmet of salvation is necessary to repel or quench the darts of the enemy being thrown to us. I remember one time when I was having a hard time, the devil whispered into my head saying: are you still worshipping God? I suddenly realized that, it was from the devil so I replied: Jesus hasn't failed me yet, in the past, at the moment and I know He'll see me starts at the head, then goes to the heart. That's the battle ground...🙏☺️

    • @Daniel_Antonio_Arellano782
      @Daniel_Antonio_Arellano782 Год назад +2

      I was also attacked spiritually once. A thought crossed my mind not to pray in the Name of Jesus. I was confused like never before. I cane to the conclusion that it was an evil spirit suggesting that. That had to be it. Never the less it startled me. It didn't take long to realize that. Thank our Lord Jesus it was a long time ago.

  • @eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185
    @eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185 Год назад +41

    Satan uses our own sinful nature to decive us into believing a lie.

    • @mattr.1887
      @mattr.1887 Год назад +1

      Does God punish you if you are deceived?

    • @steevrush
      @steevrush Год назад +2

      That’s the influencer dynamic at work.

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 Год назад

      ​@@mattr.1887Not if you are serious about knowing the truth. Everyone gets deceived here and there. That's why we learn the scriptures and become grounded in the truth. But, I think at times we lie to ourselves even though we know the truth but don't want to face it, and I think if you are born again God will discipline us for that. We have to learn not to lie to ourselves also.

    • @georgebentonjr3876
      @georgebentonjr3876 Год назад +1

      Actually, Adam in his created good and naked state of creaturely existence chose to be disobedient. It was Eve that was deceived.

    • @georgebentonjr3876
      @georgebentonjr3876 Год назад

      @@mattr.1887 He may. He may even use it to punish.

  • @bobpiec
    @bobpiec Год назад +14

    My wife will not listen to this. Please pray for her. She used an experimental drug for Hep-C 25 years ago and it left her with schizophrenia. It has been hard for her and me. She hears voices telling her all kinds of nonsense. Please pray for us. We both need a special blessing from God. I have been praying for US. Please keep us in prayer. Thank You All.

  • @bengagliardo
    @bengagliardo Год назад +22

    greater is he that is in us than he who is in the world .

  • @arniekando6846
    @arniekando6846 Год назад +11

    I get "weird" thoughts every day, especially sexual ones. God has set me free from being a slave to sexual imorality in my head but I get weird thoughts still. I just dont entertain them. It knocks on the door but I dont let it in, ever. Praise God. Praise the Lord.

    • @bradleythomas9421
      @bradleythomas9421 11 месяцев назад +1

      Amen my friend I struggle with intrusive thoughts like that as well I just turn away from them immediately and never act in them, he try’s so hard cause he knows it’s my biggest weekness. My as you said I’m set free through my Lord and savior, keep fighting the good fight my friend

  • @solomani5959
    @solomani5959 Год назад +43

    I’ve found immediately praying when there is a sinful or intrusive thought gives relief from the attack. You just need to be vigilant about it, don’t let it take root. A simple “I rebuke that thought in Jesus name” is effective. The “trick” is to be vigilant about it and not let false thoughts, sins etc sneak in and fester.

    • @mattr.1887
      @mattr.1887 Год назад +2

      Why think at all? Why exist at all?

    • @chrisburns9204
      @chrisburns9204 Год назад +1

      Amen Solomani!

    • @RT-qz5ci
      @RT-qz5ci Год назад

      Thanks. Im going to try this

      @CONQUISTADOR79 Год назад +2

      I really needed this

    • @harriedsloth4399
      @harriedsloth4399 Год назад +6

      ​@@mattr.1887It's part of God's plan. It doesn't always make sense to us, but we can ask Him for insight.

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 Год назад +11

    You shall know the truth
    And the truth shall make you free
    If the Son makes you free
    You will be free indeed!

  • @TheCreepypro
    @TheCreepypro Год назад +13

    may we learn to listen to you Lord and dwell upon your thoughts

  • @sunnyjohnson992
    @sunnyjohnson992 Год назад +16

    Satan cannot read our minds but can put thoughts into our minds. He wants Christians to become “corrupted in mind and despoiled of the truth.” (1 Timothy 6:5) To withstand this onslaught, we must protect our minds by wearing “the helmet of salvation.” (Ephesians 6:17) We can do this by filling our minds with Bible truths and avoiding unnecessary contact with the unsavory elements of Satan’s world. James 4:7 assures us: “Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.”

    • @Paul7.7
      @Paul7.7 Год назад

      James 4:7 “Submit therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

    • @Paul-gi3fc
      @Paul-gi3fc 4 месяца назад

      I agree with you 100%. he the Devil cannot read our minds only GOD.

  • @rick3y0
    @rick3y0 Год назад +20

    Heck yeah he can, I’ve learned you have to spend time in god’s word and mesmerize His word just like mesmerizing a rap song. Once I had the word in my heart and the enemy slither his way with those thoughts I speak God’s word!

  • @deemisquadis9437
    @deemisquadis9437 Год назад +11

    He put thoughts constantly. You need to seek the good in everything. That is God. It takes those thoughts away. Look for good, not bad. Look for love, not hate. Don't look for the wrong things. Look for the right. ❤😊😇🤗

  • @straynami2786
    @straynami2786 6 месяцев назад +3

    I'm not mentally ill but I have been hearing thoughts of "dear Satan hear me out" and it's honestly been scaring me and making me uncomfortable and I don't want to go to hell. Thanks for the tips

  • @milastark1975
    @milastark1975 Год назад +8

    I always rebuke Satan “ begone Satan, in Jesus Name”

  • @Michael_Morehead
    @Michael_Morehead Год назад +20

    Dear God, in times where I am at a crossroad in my life, I ask that you will give me the counsel that will help me make the right decision. I do not desire to go in the way that is not pleasing to you, Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen Shalom.💤🚦💯✅⚠️

  • @chaddobson7056
    @chaddobson7056 Год назад +10

    The best thing to do is stay in a Christian environment because God gives us free will so definitely stay in prayer and keep reading his word. Like the Lord said there’s nothing we can’t do when we serve our Heavenly Father. 🙏🙌❤️💯

    • @skippy675
      @skippy675 Год назад +1

      Unless Satan got in the minds of the people writing the Bible. That would be the sneakiest, most clever and effective trick ever. Hmmm?

  • @PrairieJournals
    @PrairieJournals Год назад +20

    Any thoughts that aren't in line with Our Father, I capture (or whatever word you'd like to use) and ask God to remove from my mind, or heart etc. I give it to Him❤️💪🕊️

  • @warriors4christ_podcast
    @warriors4christ_podcast 11 месяцев назад +3

    We found similar conclusions about Satan's ability to put thoughts and desires into human heads. Like true believers prepare the ground and plant seeds for God, demonic entities do the same for Satan.
    The best guard against Satan is to repent, recieve a new heart, putting to death our old self, and receiving the holy spirit. This is God's free gift that costs us anything.

  • @wordwordful
    @wordwordful Год назад +3

    Yes usually doubts, fears, temptations, Negative.
    Guard heart and mind with Gods Word.

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF Год назад

      God is not real.

  • @joshuawebb3337
    @joshuawebb3337 Год назад +21

    I've struggled with demonic attacks myself. Like at night before bed with the racing thoughts. To realize the thoughts aren't mine. One of their ultimate goals is to take Christians out of the battle or better yet. Twist our theology of the gospel. That happens so much. They can make me feel such pride like I have some secret insights to turn out my view of the gospel would be warped if I believed myself or what appears to be my own thoughts. When I realize this is happening all I can think to do is pray for Jesus till it subsides.

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 Год назад +4

      You are right to pray. But you can also speak commands to the demons themselves, demanding that they leave you. See in Matt 4:10 how Jesus does this to Satan when he is tempted in the wilderness.
      And see also the promise Jesus gives us in Luke 10:19:
      'Look, I have given you the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy; nothing at all will harm you.'
      'Snakes' and 'scorpions' here are referring to evil spirits. It is true that this was spoken to Jesus' followers during his earthly ministry. But there is no doubt that it applies just as much to Christians today.

    • @mattr.1887
      @mattr.1887 Год назад

      So Christianity is leading you to pride?

    • @MrSkapeCat
      @MrSkapeCat Год назад

      @@mattr.1887 The living devil the spirit of darkness is manipulating the human consciousness Christianity is not making him prideful it’s his nature just like me just like everybody else we need Jesus Christ God Almighty to understand and see through life in the word of God. I feel like that sometimes I’m an addict to weed and alcohol and I’m still very faithful to the Lord Almighty it’s hard for me but I just need to keep praying and just sacrifice that that gives me pleasure in the moment

    • @toothpasteicecreamandorang217
      @toothpasteicecreamandorang217 Год назад

      They’ve been putting thoughts in my head telling me to repuke the Holy Spirit and I’ve told the Holy Spirit god and Jesus I will not do so

  • @TheGOODNEWSfromHeaven
    @TheGOODNEWSfromHeaven Год назад +9

    Praise God for this explanation and pieces of advice. May we all become aware of our thoughts and emotions which might be used to make us sin and rebel against God.

  • @wisesolutionministries
    @wisesolutionministries Год назад +39

    Peter thoughts weren't his own
    Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!” But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”
    Matthew 16:22‭-‬23

    • @codewitheniola
      @codewitheniola Год назад

      How is Satan mindful of the things of men?
      It's obvious that Satan used Peter's emotion and selfish desire of wanting to be around Jesus, his teacher and friend and didn't want him to die.
      It's a man that is mindful of the things of men

    • @georgebentonjr3876
      @georgebentonjr3876 Год назад +2

      You assume that Peter's thoughts were not his own. That's wishful thinking on your part.

    • @EndOfTimes.
      @EndOfTimes. Год назад

      I believe all negativity in our minds comes from Satan

    • @B0ltSp33dMaN
      @B0ltSp33dMaN Год назад +1

      @@georgebentonjr3876 Peters thoughts were his own, But ultimately part of satans plan is for us to be so tempted to feed our own desires, and move away from God’s will. Which is why Jesus rebuked Peter’s need to feed his own desire of not wanting Jesus to die, which was against God’s will.
      Peter believed what he said before, why not then in that moment in time? Satan had to be pulling strings, to tempt Peter’s selfishness, which he just thought he was saying the right thing to say at the time, but it was honestly just selfish on his part.

    • @georgebentonjr3876
      @georgebentonjr3876 Год назад

      @@B0ltSp33dMaN Nonsense.

  • @gstreets2084
    @gstreets2084 Год назад +23

    Praise God! This has been on my mind this past week!

  • @charitythompson6341
    @charitythompson6341 Год назад +17

    Please pray for me I have been having anxiety and I have been having horrible thoughts for a long time that have lead to doubting and unbelief thoughts and other thoughts and please pray for my faith to be strengthened and my relationship with God to grow stronger and not be weak

    • @freshliving4199
      @freshliving4199 Год назад +1

      You are a mess…but don’t stress!
      Anxiety is not a bad thing if you understand what it is.
      It’s simply an indicator of your distance from God.
      High anxiety far far far away, lower you getting closer.
      Now that you can see that it has you, you are already half way home.

    • @Jnpash9
      @Jnpash9 Год назад +2

      Heavenly Father ask You to help and heal charitythompson6341 from all anxiety and bad thoughts. Please provide Your strength as they go through their day and show them You love them so much and strengthen their faith in You as they experience Your work in their daily life. Lord asking You in Jesus name AMEN.

    • @lisaerwion4560
      @lisaerwion4560 Год назад +1

      I'll be praying for you. Hang in there and stay close to Jesus.

    • @thatnbakid7024
      @thatnbakid7024 Год назад +2

      Charity Thompson anxiety is something that's a serious issue in the world that many people don't talk about. I pray that your anxious thoughts will be removed and you'll be comforted or convicted (if it's sin that's causing this to happen to you, not saying it is) and know we're all in this together going through our own race that we need to finish or else we lose it all. Our Salvation is on the line and we need to stand firm in our faith in Jesus Christ everyday for the devil is like a roaring lion who seeks to devour so we should be vigilant of his attacks and put on the full armor of God everyday.

    • @toothpasteicecreamandorang217
      @toothpasteicecreamandorang217 Год назад +1

      Satans been putting thoughts in my head that day rebuke the Holy Spirit and repuke god and I SHIT MYSELF thinking that I’ve angered the Holy Spirit

  • @hycynth82828
    @hycynth82828 Год назад +18

    Very edifying praise Jesus!❤

    • @foxtanii9056
      @foxtanii9056 Год назад +1

      Pastor John. You always give me so much clarity and hope and direction. Your words are truly spirit lead. I really needed to hear this today

  • @traceyking7299
    @traceyking7299 Год назад +6

    Our thoughts aren't always our own. He wants our salvation. He does it through telepathy 😢 He can't read our minds, but he can read our actions 😮

  • @charlesmorris8791
    @charlesmorris8791 Год назад +4

    Great teaching, thank you both very much for sharing. May God Bless you, your loved ones, and everyone who hears this message. Maranatha!

  • @setyourmindfreenow
    @setyourmindfreenow Год назад +2

    I must pray daily against Satan's machinations. I used to be into the occult, and that darkness is always trying to take me back. Praise God, it won't happen again.

  • @justnoted2995
    @justnoted2995 Год назад +16

    Yes! Praise God for the victory we have, and the means to it.. his word, and the faith

  • @engineman02
    @engineman02 11 месяцев назад +1

    Praise God for the use of Pastor John as a vessel to wash the Church with the Word. So thankful for men like him.

  • @billweir8824
    @billweir8824 Год назад +3

    Our problem is inside us 'the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life' 1 John 2:15 are the place thought are and no external source is needed because God gave us a heart and mind to think with 😊

  • @my_no_1_americanbulldog580
    @my_no_1_americanbulldog580 Год назад +3

    I should be on very high doses of tranquilizers, my stress level and excruciating anxiety was going through the roof and especially as I was walking away from god's commandments . Now as i give more time to meditate this has gone away. I am understanding demonic Warfare, I am 100-percent certain I could not deal with this problem. Peace of God passes all understanding so very true for me.

    • @shyestshawty
      @shyestshawty 10 месяцев назад

      I can definitely resonate, but have a hard time meditating. I pray God will help me succeed.

  • @michaelfourie2534
    @michaelfourie2534 Год назад +5

    I think it’s worth noting that John is not a literal narrative, it’s extremely metaphorical and creative. Secondly, we can’t forget the innate role of messed up humanity to imagine terrible things. There’s not much work that ‘satan’ needs to do to get us to think terrible things…

  • @cleangoblin2021
    @cleangoblin2021 Год назад +3

    Im so close to victory. But an old doubt resurfaced like a new one.
    God healed my anxiety already, but these doubts in my head feels like a terrible storm once more.
    Am i really for the life im heading and being guided to?
    Im afraid that itll turn out that im not happy about it.
    Edit: After a year. My anxiety was not healed but rather used by God to better me and still on going to this day.
    So many voices and knowledge of men try to detract me from his voice.
    But i wont give in. I'll keep on learning and waiting for God's guiding hand.
    It just sucks that im still stuck at home and being seen by people who thinks i dont want to do anything.
    Nobody would understand anyway that im heading for greatness.
    I know. I just know.

  • @User_Brandon
    @User_Brandon Год назад +35

    Sometimes when I’m about to praise God either in my head or out loud I start to go “sa-“ and then stop myself before saying satan’s full name. For a while I feared I wasn’t actually saved just because of this fact but then I came to the conclusion that if I was not saved then I likely wouldn’t be attacked that way. Edit: obviously satan is a liar too. It’s very easy as a new believer (especially if you’re not mature in the Word) to be led by voices that do not belong to God.
    But does anyone else have else have experience with this? I’m curious to know.

    • @discobunny4eva759
      @discobunny4eva759 Год назад +7

      Yes. I’ve experienced something similar. Speaking names I didn’t mean to. Turning sinful notions in my head over and over, ‘amplified’ as John Piper put it, things I thought I was past. I agree with Pastor John very much on this.

    • @RaphaCramer
      @RaphaCramer Год назад +9

      I've never experienced something like that. But sometimes I listen to a sermon or watch It or Im praying and reading the Bible and lustful thoughts come to my mind, even a urge to watch sinful things. And then I gotta fight in prayer

    • @GabrielXDrums
      @GabrielXDrums Год назад +3

      That’s not even his real name, Satan isn’t personage, it’s just a label, that’s not his name..

    • @creativechristiancontent
      @creativechristiancontent Год назад +3

      ​@@GabrielXDrums it doesnt matter about "names or titles" its demons that still do it

    • @creativechristiancontent
      @creativechristiancontent Год назад +5

      Yes its demons that put the thoughts in (the fire darts of the devil) the darts are thoughts. Usually blasphemy, lust or violence towards others or self.

  • @imao7429
    @imao7429 Месяц назад +1

    God bless you 🙏 ❤️ 🙌 all

  • @travelernextstopheaven3286
    @travelernextstopheaven3286 Год назад +1

    I'm driving along in the middle of no where Nevada very ugly thought pops into my mind and I ask God to take it away and tired to remember it but it's gone amen

  • @katydid1600
    @katydid1600 Год назад +5

    Absolutely. satan loves putting evil in our minds.

  • @hikaru64
    @hikaru64 8 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for these videos everyone.

  • @InspirationLabs-ff8vf
    @InspirationLabs-ff8vf 9 месяцев назад +1

    This needs to be heard among many who make much of demonology and are led astray by a false teachings. Our spiritual warfare is fought looking to Christ alone.

  • @candacelashae4236
    @candacelashae4236 9 месяцев назад +1

    I've listened to this like 10 times now. So GUD

  • @cedricatmoore
    @cedricatmoore Год назад +3


  • @MrAlanKendall
    @MrAlanKendall Год назад +2

    The bible talks about the fiery darts of the wicked in Ephesians 6:16. They come in 2 forms, against the mind and against the body. I was carrying a toolkit and I fell down some stairs and slammed my right elbow on the concrete. I rebuked the pain in the name of Jesus and in a few minutes I was completely normal and worked a full 14 hours that day. The next day at noon, a dart came into my elbow and I had the same pain. Simultaneously a dart came into my mind and this thought was there, "You shattered your elbow and bone fragments are floating around inside, you will go to Emergency and they will take x-rays and won't know what to do. You will be there all day." I rebuked the pain again in the Name of Jesus and it left and never did come back. A year later I was carrying 2 toolkits and had the identical experience with my left elbow. I rebuked it in the name of Jesus and it never did come back.
    Most of the temptations are against the 10 commandments like in the Temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4. But later I learned that fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, sadness and depression are also of the Devil and can be overcome by resisting in the name of Jesus, quoting scripture, like Jesus did, praising God and Prayer. Remember the evil spirit that left Saul when David played the Harp?
    In the Original Greek, it is a command that the believer resist the devil in James 4:7 and 1 Peter 5:8.
    In Luke 13 Jesus lays hands on a woman with an evil spirit of infirmity. The anointing drove out the demon without an exorcism. You can always resist yourself and the demons will leave YOU in Jesus Name. Remember that after Jesus resisted, the devil left him for a season. Since the anointing drives out demons, praise, preaching and prayer (the 3 P's) drives out demons.
    If you entertain the temptations of the enemy the devil will get a stronghold on your mind and you won't have peace. You can always at this time resist in the Name of Jesus and the demon must leave. If you commit sin, inspired of the Devil, the Devil gets a bigger stronghold over you (Matthew 12:43-45). The person can still resist and get freedom, it is when the Person lives in Sin and does not want the things of God that it is hard to pray for such people.
    At age 10 I started praying for the salvation of souls. One day I walked into the living room and I heard an audible voice. It said, "You are wasting your time going to Church, there is no God." Because we were poor and didn't have television, I didn't have any exterior influences, and decided to keep going to Church rather than risk going to Hell. At age 12 I went to church on my own without my family having to take me.

  • @eromero6195
    @eromero6195 Год назад +4

    Wow wow so important to study and meditate

  • @humphreycrichlow3132
    @humphreycrichlow3132 Год назад +2

    Fisrt of all we must be aware,...we all have 2 spirits within us. GOOD AND THE BAD ( acquired from the fruit, the tree of knowledge ). Only the spirits within us can activate the soul (mind-will- emotions). The senses perceive, which activates the mind( thoughts)according the perceptions. If it's good The Holy Spirit provides only the GOOD guidance, and the reverse of it only evil. So, it's quite simple to determine/ dicern according our actions if we're with the CREATOR OR THE DECEIVER. example read James 1:14-15📜.and understand where you stand. HalleluYah Amen. Glory be to YAH. 🙏🏿🔥❤️👀👂🏾.Please align with Scriptures.

  • @Groove45
    @Groove45 Год назад +2

    Always very helpful to be reminded of these truths. Thank you for this.

  • @tdstone8910
    @tdstone8910 Год назад +2

    James 1.12-15
    12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
    13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
    14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
    15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

  • @cameronvinson
    @cameronvinson Год назад +2

    Devil is a tempter but the devil can't be blamed for people's actions or choices

    • @11aaf
      @11aaf Год назад

      People use "The devil made me do it" as an excuse for their sins, or crimes.

  • @ladydelahaye
    @ladydelahaye Год назад +3

    Pray to release strongholds 🕊

  • @DavegoingCrazy
    @DavegoingCrazy Год назад +1

    There is nothing more Special in this World like Mothers❤. No woman can ever Love you like the Way Mom loves You❤. ✝️❤️‍🔥Matthew 25:35

  • @AffirmativeAndrew
    @AffirmativeAndrew Год назад +4

    Remember too, God will never trust you with more when you can't take care of what you have. God prunes those he loves.
    John 15:5 KJV
    Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing

    • @Fern_Thaddeus
      @Fern_Thaddeus Год назад

      Amen, thank you for sharing!!!

  • @kaneomats
    @kaneomats 5 месяцев назад

    ”For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man.”“
    ‭‭Mark‬ ‭7‬:‭21‬-‭23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

  • @gdcc1989
    @gdcc1989 2 месяца назад

    I thank my fellow namesake for asking this question long ago. It helps me understand how Satan continues to attack my mind. May the Holy Spirit teach me to listen to God's voice of Satan's

  • @kennethgiles8375
    @kennethgiles8375 Год назад +2

    Been very helpful many thanks

  • @cirr3587
    @cirr3587 Год назад +5

    ❤Thank you LORD❤

  • @sunshinepadawan
    @sunshinepadawan Год назад +4

    This brings to light why I don’t understand the Christian fear of meditation. It seems to me in order to be vigilant of our thought life we must first get the habit of watching what thoughts are coming in .

    • @sunshinepadawan
      @sunshinepadawan Год назад

      @@user-xp3jf9sf6s meditation is a practice

    • @cornpopwuzzabaddude4962
      @cornpopwuzzabaddude4962 Год назад +2

      Steve Bancarz has some great content on the dangers of new age meditation vs biblical meditation. I think the easiest answer perhaps is there’s a big difference between meditating on the word as Christians are instructed, versus a more New Age eastern type meditation, which basically involves emptying yourself and your mind and observing thoughts

  • @discobunny4eva759
    @discobunny4eva759 Год назад +11

    This is very relevant and timely to me. Thank you

  • @Scotts.Christianity.Teaching
    @Scotts.Christianity.Teaching Год назад +2

    I've had schizophrenia since a young kid, yet came back much in like 24 years old. I thought it could be just voices that are ear click communication to me and hallucinations. If it was demons or not, pray for me to live more comfortably, because I've had discomforts in life from a defective brain. If demons can put thoughts in my head, they can do it to you.

    • @charlestonscnative9083
      @charlestonscnative9083 Год назад

      I stand in agreement with you in prayer.

    • @cgowner
      @cgowner 5 месяцев назад

      You can have physical and mental elements and still be effected by demons. Its important to remember the devil does not play fair. With you In prayer brother

  • @tamaramalone1320
    @tamaramalone1320 Год назад +1

    Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ bringing every thought into captivity into the obedience of Christ. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood.

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676
    @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676 Год назад +2

    Hebrews 1:9
    Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
    1 John 1:5
    This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

  • @ToddRocker871
    @ToddRocker871 Год назад +1

    Yes! We take all thoughts captive.

  • @2Chronicles714_
    @2Chronicles714_ Год назад +6

    Prayer is our strongest weapon against satan's schemes, for strengthening our faith.
    After satan entered Judas, Jesus warned Peter even though Peter thought he would be strong enough to die for Jesus.
    Luke 22:31-34
    And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:
    32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
    33 And he said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death.
    34 And he said, I tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me.

  • @wilma7507
    @wilma7507 Год назад +1

    Yes the evil one can put thoughts in your mind make u hear voices make u feel horrible demon attacks are awful best advice I can give is to stay in prayer read the bible repent and worship the Heavenly Father and the one true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ God is good praise love and glory be to the lord

  • @ericking3459
    @ericking3459 Год назад +5

    Thanks for sharing❤

  • @johnizukanjiphiri9171
    @johnizukanjiphiri9171 Год назад +1

    Do not despair brothers and sisters, yes it is true that the devil sows evil thoughts and desires in the minds and hearts of man. The question is, 'is your heart and mind subjected to God's will and His Word?' If so then the seeds planted by the evil one will wither and die. If however, your mind and heart are inclined to the desires of the world then it may be a struggle for you to fight such thoughts and desires. Therefore brethren, do not tolerate any evil thought or desire for it is not of God. And never think that you alone can brush off an evil thought or desire, instead cry out to the Lord for help knowing full well that such is from the devil. May the love and peace of our saviour be with you all.

  • @asunder6797
    @asunder6797 Год назад +1

    Isaiah 45:7
    King James Version I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

  • @larrykav
    @larrykav Год назад +1

    Peace & Life Everlasting with Jesus ❤️
    HEAVEN is the dwelling place not only of God, but also of the angelic beings who worship Him. Through the grace of God, Heaven becomes also the eternal dwelling place of all those who through faith have become God’s children. For them, to be for ever in the presence of God is to be in Paradise.
    John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have Eternal Life.
    John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
    Deuteronomy 4:29 But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul ❤

  • @randatatang9222
    @randatatang9222 Год назад +2

    Satan cannot succeed in inciting a heart to sin that is not already inclined to sin. Thanks Pst.

  • @kitecommunications7633
    @kitecommunications7633 Год назад +2

    This is a very good video. If you are African heritage and short on time, Be Opened Ministries has some excellent very short messages relating to spiritual warfare.

  • @zaneporterjr
    @zaneporterjr Год назад +2

    Great teaching.

  • @dannysantis2622
    @dannysantis2622 Год назад +1

    It goes to your heart first, then, it proceeds to your thoughts. And when you're totally convinced, then you put them into action.

  • @silverlining284
    @silverlining284 4 месяца назад

    You battle with good thoughts and bad thoughts. You can not win without praying and praying a lot. Always follow the good. Christians may be in a lie for a while but God will take them back to the truth. Love the truth. If you hate the truth you are in trouble.

  • @suejesu
    @suejesu Год назад +5

    Yes it's up to Receive the thoughts and decern our thoughts before we receive resist the davel and he will flee need to read the Word it is written

  • @fabianasensio1168
    @fabianasensio1168 Год назад +1

    I have found that all words un my head, even good ones, are all from darkness, whereas the light transmits God's will wordlessly and we don't know it until we see it inside our souls, or speak or write it. As I am writing this , I did not think of it in advance.

  • @chadkndr
    @chadkndr 6 месяцев назад +1

    Our only line of communication with God is through our thoughts/prayers, and the number one enemy of both God and man has been given the power to tap into that line of communication at his leisure?

  • @juntaveekammanee
    @juntaveekammanee Год назад +1

    This is a very interesting and deep in the heart topic.

  • @Funkydood
    @Funkydood Год назад +3

    Maybe it should be clarified that demon possession and demonic influence are NOT synonyms. We're all subject to demonic influence, but not to demonic possession. Correct me if I'm wrong, please! Spiritual discernment is developed by daily study of the Holy Scriptures.

  • @monkizaki1440
    @monkizaki1440 Год назад +10

    I can think of no passage which specifically states that Satan can do this by directly tampering with our minds, i.e., inserting thoughts apart from some instrument, but he certainly has a multitude of ways by which he seeks to influence our thought processes through the world system over which he rules as the one called the god (ruler) of this world or age (2 Cor. 4:4; John 12:31). This seems to be the general focus of Scripture on his many schemes, temptation, and deceptions.
    Ephesians 6:16 speaks of the flaming arrows sent by the wicked one (Satan). This may simply refer, however, to the varied external temptations and testings by which he seeks to control or influence our minds through what we see, read, and hear.
    *Judas and Satan*
    John 13:2 is a passage which may support this, though we aren’t told just how the devil put it into Judas’ heart to betray the Savior and to assume that the Devil directly controlled Judas is to commit Eisegesis given the fact that one must go against the Presupposition principle by assuming and speculating. Also, it would go against some other texts that clearly show how the devil works, which as mentioned, is seen in Scripture as external means. This could simply refer to the culmination of the processes of external temptations that affected Judas’ own thinking because of his failure to respond and truly believe in Christ. In John 13:27 we are told that Satan entered Judas, but this was after the statement of 13:2.
    *It's You're Own Thinking*
    Whenever you say "where did this thought came" don't assume it's something demonic. James 1:14 tells us that ultimately, all temptation to sin comes from our own sinful nature. Satan simply seeks to influence that nature in any way he can. Genesis 3 gives us a picture of the way Satan operates. He uses instruments through which he seeks to speak and present his nefarious ideas and temptations. But James later promises us that if we resist the devil, he will flee from us. We resist him by drawing near to the Lord through prayer, fellowship with other Christians, and by the careful open-hearted study of the Word (cf. Jam 4:7-8).
    Also, 1 John 2:16-17 strengthens this by showing us that the sinful nature of man is from the World = that is, those who inhabit the world.
    *So "Can Satan Put Thoughts into Our Heads?"*
    Literally, no. Strategically and psychologically? Yes. You're influenced by his many schemes in an attempt to blind the world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and when you are dependent on the wisdom of the world (1 Corinthians 3:18-19) you end up easily falling in the devils schemes, and this is possible in the first place because despite having the Spirit of God, you have a flesh that desires what the devil desires (Romans 7).

    • @maxaplin4204
      @maxaplin4204 Год назад

      But many Christians, including myself, will testify to having experience of evil spirits messing with our minds.
      Also, you say you can think of no passage which specifically states that Satan can tamper with our minds. But do you know of any passage which specifically states that Satan CANNOT do this?

    • @wisesolutionministries
      @wisesolutionministries Год назад +2

      Peter's thought came from Satan
      Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!” But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”
      Matthew 16:22‭-‬23

    • @wisesolutionministries
      @wisesolutionministries Год назад +1

      Notice Satan even called Jesus Lord. Our Lord Jesus would not be deceived by the lies of Satan! Many will come in that day and say Lord Lord did we not ... I would add one more pt to this excellent video. The gift of discernment of spirits as found 1 cor 12. This is given by the Spirit to reveal the hidden things from God as well as from Satan

    • @monkizaki1440
      @monkizaki1440 Год назад

      @@wisesolutionministries Matthew 16 is a different instance in relation to Judas. And “get behind me” isn’t an indicator that Satan literally placed a thought in Peter. If your interpretation considers “get behind me Satan” as to mean “Satan was inside Peter for a split second or that Satan placed some ideas inside Peters head (both ideas of which are nowhere found in the context) then there is no reason to stretch a little bit more and just say Peter was Satan himself appearing as Peter. Why not assume that given that the text affirms Christ giving Peter the title “Satan”, then a literal interpretation would be better than creating a speculation.
      What I’m saying is, both your interpretation and the literal interpretation I just gave are both incorrect given the Greek word translated as “Satan”.
      *meaning of the text*
      Jesus had just revealed to His disciples for the first time the plan: He was to go to Jerusalem to suffer, die, and be raised to life (Matthew 16:21; Mark 8:31). Contrary to their expectations of Him, Jesus explained that He had not come to establish an earthly Messianic kingdom at that time. The disciples were not prepared for this new revelation of the Messiah’s purpose. Though Peter understood His words, he simply could not reconcile his view of the conquering Messiah with the suffering and death Jesus spoke of. So Peter “began to rebuke Him” for having such a fatalistic mindset.
      The Greek word for “satan” is adversary. Unwittingly, Peter was speaking for Satan. Like Jesus’ adversary, Peter was not setting his mind on the things of God-His ways, His plans, and His purposes (Colossians 3:2; Isaiah 55:8-9). Instead, his mind was set on the things of man, the things of the world and its earthly values. Jesus was saying that the way of the cross was God’s will, the plan of redemption for all mankind. Peter’s reaction was most likely shared by the other disciples although, as always, it was Peter who spoke first. Peter was inadvertently being used of Satan in thinking he was protecting Jesus. Satan had purposely tempted Jesus in the wilderness to divert Him from the cross, from fulfilling the grand design of the Father and the Son (Mark 1:12-13). Innocently, Peter was doing the same thing. He had not yet grasped Jesus’ true Messianic purpose.

    • @monkizaki1440
      @monkizaki1440 Год назад

      @@wisesolutionministries I’ve never seen a connection between the gift of “discerning spirits” and Satan placing thoughts inside peoples heads.
      Nowhere in Scripture does God affirm such an idea, and actually we read the opposite. It’s alright if you’re convinced that Satan places ideas on people’s minds, but don’t go teaching that as Scripture for you’ll be blaspheming God’s Word by adding to it.

  • @deemisquadis9437
    @deemisquadis9437 Год назад +2

    Always, he is always there. That is why you are forgiven. 😊

  • @nonconformist9991
    @nonconformist9991 Год назад +8

    How else would you explain the popularity of the Kardashians?

    • @AlrightDave
      @AlrightDave Год назад

      😂 this is funny, but also true

    • @LaCréé.e
      @LaCréé.e Год назад

      Please I almost spat my drink 🤣

  • @henryodera5726
    @henryodera5726 Год назад +2

    From the book of James, we are told that God doesn't tempt anyone, but each one is tempted when they are enticed and carried away by their own desires. And this makes sense. A temptation is meaningless if it's about something that you have absolutely no interest in yourself.
    Can Satan put thoughts in our heads? Yes. But Satan's temptations lie in the area of rationalization. Satan proposes sin as a means to fulfill or satisfy desires that you already have.
    For example, when we look at the first temptation of Jesus, we realize that Jesus was already hungry when Satan approached Him. Satan did not make Jesus hungry. What Satan did, was to try to convince Jesus to turn stones to bread in order to satisfy the hunger.
    And the rationalization was: "You are the Son of God, so you have the power to do it. What's stopping you from turning stones to bread in order to eat?" And we all know how Jesus responded to this. He appealed to Scripture as the rationalization for His actions or inaction.
    And the temptation was to try and get Jesus to do things on His own without guidance from God. (Remember that Jesus had began His fasting under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but now the devil was tempting Him to finish in the flesh. Sound familiar? It should, if you have read the book of Galatians.)
    In fact, this (satisfying desires without guidance or approval from God), is the exact same temptation that we see with Eve, and with David. Eve's curiosity was her own, and David's anxiety was his own. But the proposed solutions (eat from the tree, or count the people of Israel), were from the devil.
    So if you want to pinpoint the temptations of the devil, don't look towards your desires. Look towards what is being proposed to you as a solution. For the desires that you have are shared among all men - the desire to live, to be secure, to be praised or honoured, to be comforted, to be avenged, to have joy, to have pleasure, to have possessions (something or someone of your own) etc.
    These desires are innocent and perfectly reasonable desires. In fact, God promises to take care of all of the aforementioned desires - every one of them. But the temptation itself is usually for you to try and satisfy these desires through your own strength, knowledge and skill without relying on God.

  • @loressavargas2020
    @loressavargas2020 Год назад +1

    Excellent! Amen

  • @SundayCircle102
    @SundayCircle102 Год назад +4

    Before the fall Adam and Eve were tempted outside of their bodies through conversation, after the fall we hear God telling Cain, sin is crouching at your door (mind/heart) you must rule over it. could it be said that Satan was able to gain access to our flesh thanks to our fore fathers. The only other person that was tempted outside of the body was Jesus! SOmething to think about

  • @deyajairaflores9631
    @deyajairaflores9631 8 месяцев назад +1

    We cant give opportunity to yhe devil, very powerful to understand

  • @Jesuslover2000
    @Jesuslover2000 Год назад +1

    Becoming mindful through meditation will defeat him, and benefit all including God.

    • @11aaf
      @11aaf Год назад

      Meditation doesn't work. Prayer does, and then preaching the good news of Jesus Christ to all nations.

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676
    @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676 Год назад +1

    Psalms 101:4
    A froward heart shall depart from me: I will not know a wicked person.
    Proverbs 22:24
    Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go:

  • @andrewandy137
    @andrewandy137 Год назад +1

    Yes I believe so especially if the person is possessed and vulnerable to demonic attacks

  • @specialstone9153
    @specialstone9153 Год назад +2

    I have experienced words put into my head as if my own in my voice (mimicked, copied my voice) and I knew it was not me. Named a location where I would be relocating to and that there I was gonna die. I immediately rebuked it! Also, equipment is used to put voices in your head (Voice to Skull, i.e. V2K). and if you aren't aware about that, of course with intention to put fear and imagination that you have mental illness. (Plan to get your life destroyed) There is also attempts at hypnotizing you while you sleep. Therr is RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring) and other forms of persecution. All evil. Be in prayers! Ask God (Yah) to protect you 24 hours a day, to send His angels to war for you and to minister to you. Also we must stay plugged into Word of God , Praise, Worship seeking healing, deliverance, in our flesh minds, wills and emotions. Seek intimacy with God. He will help us mature and to overcome!

  • @MorrisMagic
    @MorrisMagic Год назад +2

    Don't believe there is any Biblical precident or example of a saved believer; filled with the Holy Spirit; whose body is the temple-where Satan has direct access to their thoughts. Only external influence.

    • @MorrisMagic
      @MorrisMagic Год назад

      To clarify, I believe that we cannot serve two masters. There is no room in a NT believer to become possessed. I feel like theologically that is pretty important. That said, the pricipalities of darkness can have great and effective influence over a person's life, causing them to be tempted or to doubt. Evil sucks, but is not more powerful than God.

  • @ruthapollos
    @ruthapollos 5 месяцев назад

    Righteousness person ponders(think) in his heart - think before you speak and act - true , kind and useful. Proverbs 16 n 13. Proverbs 1: 10 say No to sin/ false voice / thoughts/ temptation - careful with acts and speak. Proberbs 22:3 confused - say No. I will think about it. Take counsel with others. Take time to think. I will discuss with friends and i will pray about it and i will check scriptures and discuss with others ( always take counsel). Let your yes be yes and no be no- its not a sin. Self control is saying No to sin. Belt of truth is speaking truthful. Gospel of peace - jesus forgave us so we can forgive n n bless others. Love keeps no record of wrongs. For every temptation there is a word of truth. James 1. Jesus is full of grace and truth. Jesus is precious and treasure. Love in word, action and truth.

  • @evongreiff1
    @evongreiff1 Год назад

    We must come to the realization that this existence is a THOUGHT existence. Our thoughts are what drives and motivate us. We must die to anything that pulls us away from the Truth. Satan is a master of deception but no matter how confusing and suffocating lies become, they are no match for the TRUTH!
    “ Little children, let no man DECEIVE you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. HE THAT COMMITTETH SIN IS OF THE DEVIL; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”
    (1 John 3:7-8)

  • @11aaf
    @11aaf Год назад

    Satan puts thoughts into my mind all the time. I can't wait for the day when Satan is gone for good.