How Do I Know If I’m Doing Enough for God?

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Ask Pastor John
    Episode: 1497
    Transcript: www.desiringgo...

Комментарии • 253

  • @suzanneflowers2230
    @suzanneflowers2230 4 года назад +204

    Start every day in prayer, giving your day to the Lord. Trust that He will put you where He wants you to walk in the works He's prepared for you. Remember you are being sanctified, on a journey toward being more like our Savior. Trust Him.

  • @DFloresTWLV
    @DFloresTWLV 4 года назад +242

    Anyone else growing in anxiety when Pastor John was running down that list ?? 😅😂

    • @danielb.1567
      @danielb.1567 4 года назад +8

      lol guilty

    • @bean7496
      @bean7496 4 года назад +3

      Me too!

    • @numanuma250
      @numanuma250 4 года назад +27

      MAN! I was sitting here thinking "ok, I got that...maybe not that...definitely not that..." We cannot approach it like that. The idea of approaching them not as a list, but as roots and fruits does help. From faith, hope, and love, so many of these things can occur naturally.

    • @The_Iron_Disciple
      @The_Iron_Disciple 4 года назад +16

      For a second yes haha!.. but ultimately no. Because I know that our savior did them all and MORE! And our belief in Him and the blood of the covenant writes the Law on our hearts ☺️. I forgot which great pastor said it but it’s about “direction not perfection”. Blessings!

    • @lclark3279
      @lclark3279 3 года назад +7

      Yessir, but thankfully we have such a loving , merciful God who redeems when we submit fully to him .

  • @regandanielle
    @regandanielle 4 года назад +140

    I needed this. Thank you Lord. I find myself falling short everyday and it discourages me because I feel like I haven’t done enough. I haven’t been obedient enough. I’ve failed. I long to be like Jesus, I long to be able to love like He does. It will be so amazing to be freed from this sinful flesh. But while I am still here, living and breathing, I easily feel anxious. Like I’m not doing enough. Like God won’t forgive me (yet) again. A tinge of impatience in my voice toward my child, a bitterness and anger that wells up when I’m frustrated by someone else’s short coming. Even if I confess and repent, God’s grace can feel far away. I just want the same thing this listener does, to hear “well done”. To please God. And I know that so many things in my heart are not pleasing. So I find it hard to feel peace. And joy.
    Romans 5:1 is meant to bring comfort, especially when you can’t STOP mourning over your shortcomings.
    We are justified. We have been justified through faith, and because of this we have peace with God. Read that again. You have peace with God. Your right standing with God doesn’t go away because you’re weak.
    Our peace with God because our of Lord Jesus, doesn’t go away when we sin. It doesn’t get canceled when we still have so much sanctification left and there might be sin we don’t even recognize yet. It doesn’t leave when we didn’t get up early and read our bible like we set out to and we feel weak and tired. Or when we feel like we just can’t ask for forgiveness AGAIN. We aren’t being obedient and trying to please God in order to keep our right standing with God. We are trying to please God because we already have been made right with Him. He already loves us. We aren’t far from Him. What we are trying to do is now be conformed into Christ.
    This is so hard for me! My peace is stolen every time I fall short regardless if I asked for forgiveness, which is so many times in a day if I’m really paying attention. I was having a hard time receiving grace, and remembering and believing that I. Am. Justified. Already.
    God loves me. His forgiveness is meant to be gladly received. There will never be a time in my life, no matter how close I’m walking with the Lord, that I don’t NEED grace and forgiveness. Because like John points out, I’m finite. Obedience matters. But I’m finite. And God knows that. My mind isn’t infinite. And I’m not trying to please Him so I can keep my right standing with Him.
    If God feels far, don’t feel condemned.

    • @cmpls
      @cmpls 4 года назад +22

      Thank you so much for this. I have been dealing with the same stuff, and I wanted to let you know that the Lord spoke to me and encouraged me through your words.

    • @beefedits5235
      @beefedits5235 4 года назад +7

      Thank you for this!

    • @kaysorare8104
      @kaysorare8104 3 года назад +8

      this is so beautiful ❤️ God loves you so much.. although we will have shortcomings.. although we may slip.. although we may not have enough faith at times, Jesus is still holding our hands. he knows and sees how much we want to please him and obey him and follow him.. thank the Lord Jesus Christ for his beautiful patience with his children. God bless you, family ❤️

    • @chaiseschuiteman1372
      @chaiseschuiteman1372 3 года назад +5

      God is with us! Thank you for those words and reminders that are full of truth and keep my mind focused on him.

    • @ella-ks3cg
      @ella-ks3cg 3 года назад +7

      I needed this so much today and this comment really blessed me! It’s so encouraging to know even that I’m not alone in trying to navigate these feelings while still following the Lord, thank you sister! I pray everybody has an absolutely wonderful day! 🤍🤍

  • @senonimoustv2497
    @senonimoustv2497 4 года назад +47

    Psalm 103:14- For He knows our frame;
    He remembers that we are dust.

  • @belpri633
    @belpri633 4 года назад +103

    This came in handy and at the perfect time. Glory to our God.

  • @buxikiksa5773
    @buxikiksa5773 4 года назад +92

    God corrects all his children, so when things are getting bad remember, they are trials and temptations that will help you grow!
    “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
    When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;”
    ‭‭James‬ ‭1:2, 13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    • @2ndPigeon
      @2ndPigeon 4 года назад

      Ahhh so my uncle who died from a bone decease just failed his trail. That makes sense. Truly the actions of a good God.

    • @beefedits5235
      @beefedits5235 4 года назад +3

      @@2ndPigeon Sorry to hear that, but if he was saved then that should help you find some joy in the situation.

    • @buxikiksa5773
      @buxikiksa5773 4 года назад +2

      @Vincent Kierkels
      “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭10:10‬ ‭
      Blaming Jesus won’t change anything. He never even did it.

    • @2ndPigeon
      @2ndPigeon 4 года назад

      @@beefedits5235 Yeah he was, but he was a horrible person anyway. Greedy, selfish and ruined many peoples lives financially. So if he's in heaven just because he was saved, then the whole system god set up is moraly bankrupt.

    • @2ndPigeon
      @2ndPigeon 4 года назад

      @@buxikiksa5773 I have no idea what you are trying to convey.

  • @angelandrade1775
    @angelandrade1775 4 года назад +45

    I need to start sharing the gospel. It’s been something the Lord has been telling me but oh man how Ive failed. Hope to start ASAP and get used to being uncomfortable. I like staying to myself but that’s not what the Lord wants!

    • @BenMcleanhall
      @BenMcleanhall 2 года назад +3

      Remember to lean on the Spirit not yourself - you can’t possibly do it on your own . Before Jesus ascended to Heaven, He told His disciples to wait until the Promise of the Holy Spirit . He will be with you and His boldness will strengthen you - it’s not a burden you carry alone -
      I pray this helps you friend

  • @arthurwolfgramm4823
    @arthurwolfgramm4823 4 года назад +72

    I just feel so weak at times, I feel like I can never make Him happy and its led me to think I should just try to do what I can at home, which I know isnt right. I know I should be doing more, but I just feel so overwhelmed some days.
    Father I pray for strength again. Thanks for the advice Pastor John! God bless

    • @arthurwolfgramm4823
      @arthurwolfgramm4823 4 года назад +4

      @Emma Smith Thank you! I definitely have been struggling to find joy in serving and obeying God. I know it's so important to running the race well.

    • @princessorangetree4331
      @princessorangetree4331 4 года назад +5

      You are not alone!

    • @cindyc
      @cindyc 4 года назад +4

      Praying that God will lead, guide, and touch you in all your ways. Father knows your needs and the desires of your heart. I am certain as you study his word that he will reveal his truth to, in, and through you. Put your relationship with him and the letter he has written you first, and I know he will guide you into works for the edification of the kingdom as well.

    • @LiquidTree555
      @LiquidTree555 4 года назад +12

      I see a few great answers here. Lemme add something. This world, all its religions, and everything we've been taught always have us focusing on self. We gotta keep focusing on Jesus, not self.

    • @tbadini11
      @tbadini11 4 года назад +1

      @Emma Smith Great advice, I'm going to apply it to myself as well. God bless

  • @ALROD
    @ALROD 4 года назад +37

    It's like a spiritual anxiety

  • @BootiliciousMonique
    @BootiliciousMonique 4 года назад +51

    1.Focus on living in the Spirit (in obedience to God) and you will overcome condemnation.
    2.Rely on the hope that Jesus did it all so that He could clothe us with His righteousness.
    3.We thank God for the desire He has given us to want to become like Him and to obey His commands. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for the shall be filled.
    4. Love binds them all together (1Cor 13, Colossians 3)
    5. This might be subjective but I recommend living in the present. Remember God is Sovereign and in Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." God has already prepared things you can do in obedience to Him for every day of your life. When these opportunities present themselves, that's when the Holy Spirit reminds us of the word (which you must have read) and uses the word as a light and lamp to guide you in His path of righteousness and obedience.
    Therefore, do not grieve the Spirit, walk in Him. God has planned out works for you for each day. Rest in this fact. Peace be with you.

    • @misspriss2482
      @misspriss2482 4 года назад +1

      I understand what you're saying, but I have a Christian friend who is always talking to me about witnessing to people. To him, if you are not witnessing to people on a daily basis, you are willfully disobeying God because spreading the gospel was Jesus's last command to the disciples. I believe that the Holy Spirit will let me know when to share my faith with someone. However, my friend says that we should witness to everyone that we come into contact with. It's his belief that it's our job to start that conversation and not wait for the Holy Spirit to prompt us. What are your thoughts?

    • @jenniferthomas1150
      @jenniferthomas1150 4 года назад +5

      I know you weren't asking me, but I've thought about that a lot because I'm from a family of atheists and only recently became Christian myself. I know that when I was an atheist I did not appreciate people telling me how to live or what to believe. What made me turn to Christ was the example of Christians just being really good people who seem to handle adversity quite well. So I try to witness by showing them my change in behavior and attitudes since conversion. That's what worked for me and I hope it will work for them.

    • @RestlessMonarch
      @RestlessMonarch 4 года назад

      @@jenniferthomas1150 That's great!

  • @12111scott
    @12111scott 4 года назад +44

    “Waaaayyy more burdensome...”. Loved John’s launch into the response.

  • @HearGodsWord
    @HearGodsWord 4 года назад +42

    Good works are the fruit of the spirit. We're not saved by our works but by our obedient faith so salvation isn't earned with a to-do list because we all fall short on our own. We need grace.

    • @arthurwolfgramm4823
      @arthurwolfgramm4823 4 года назад +5

      So true. What amazing grace

    • @princessorangetree4331
      @princessorangetree4331 4 года назад +4

      The word Grace is helpful in this situation for sure

    • @2ndPigeon
      @2ndPigeon 4 года назад

      Are you actually saying that your actions don't matter, it's all about how hard you believe?
      That's problematic if you look at all the thousands of denominations and other religions because they all believe they are right.

    • @darya1226
      @darya1226 4 года назад +2

      Vincent Kierkels Actually Christianity is the only religion that doesn’t focus on works alone to get to heaven. Every other religion is only about works.

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord 4 года назад +1

      @@2ndPigeon no that's clearly not the case. Have you ever studied reformed theology?

  • @IlovetheTruth
    @IlovetheTruth 4 года назад +31

    Whatever I lack, whether it be love, patience, faith, kindness or anything else, I ask the Lord to give me. I am growing in trust that he provides. For years I tried and tried, failed and grew more frustrated. But as I draw near to Him, trusting in His unfailing love, He gives me what I lack. Glory to God forever and ever.

    • @2ndPigeon
      @2ndPigeon 4 года назад

      How do you know God did that and not just yourself?

    • @Trevor-nc3ox
      @Trevor-nc3ox Год назад +1

      Whatsoever is lovely Amen

    • @JoeCanella
      @JoeCanella Год назад

      Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:8

    • @eatntell1421
      @eatntell1421 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@2ndPigeon 3yrs later haha. I used to ask this a lot myself. "How do i know if it's just me working?"
      May i suggest my little 2cents... We work hand in hand with God. Jesus invited us to come to him and lay down the burden of perfection and payment for our sins. Then he said to take his yoke and learn from him. LEARN, grow, improve. He teaches, we learn, we try, we fail sometimes, we look to him again, we learn, we try... It's an ongoing thing that involves both God and us.
      It's a bit too restrictive to focus on this question. Like asking if it's the teacher that's good or if it's the student. Both need to work and exert effort for the child's education. Just my 2cents 😊

    • @2ndPigeon
      @2ndPigeon 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@eatntell1421 I still get the notifications for this so 3yrs is fine haha.
      Here is my 2cents on your 2cents:
      "We work hand in hand with God"
      Do we? I know it's more figurative but to avoid confusion, could you be a bit more literal with this plz?
      Same with Jesus inviting us to come to him. Jesus hasn't returned yet so you can't come to him, unless you die I guess.
      How is God involved in, for example, learning how to do you taxes? Do you have an example of God being involved vs not being involved? Just so I can compare the two scenario's.
      You didn't really say anything about how you can tell if god does anything or if it's just you doing it. How can you find out?
      Because people from other religions say the same thing about their god, but you dont think they are correct right?
      I'm curious what your awnser is to these 5 questions.

  • @joshs8704
    @joshs8704 4 года назад +33

    I wish I had this years ago. Legalism is so easy to falli into when trying to obey all the imperatives in the NT.

    • @Trevor-nc3ox
      @Trevor-nc3ox Год назад +1

      Josh Jesus Christ gave us two commandments and al the others stem from these two Godbless you in His Holy name

  • @caseyboyd17
    @caseyboyd17 4 года назад +23

    I'm blown away by God... I just about reached my breaking point on this yesterday and here this is today...and I wasn't subscribed (I am now) and I didn't search for it. God reached down and answered my prayer...even when in my frustration I couldn't articulate that prayer. Thank you pastor John for faithfully obeying God so that he can use you to answer prayers. I'm humbled at the freedom we have in the sovereignty of God.

  • @TboneWTF
    @TboneWTF Год назад +2

    You'll feel tired and dejected. You'll constantly be worrying if you have been sinful or not forgiving enough. Your mind will wonder whether you may be coveting your spouse. You'll start thinking if it's time to baptize your dog. Finally after doing enough for God you'll wish you could just fall asleep and never wake up.

  • @myrtleesther8855
    @myrtleesther8855 4 года назад +7

    His yoke is easy and His burden is light , we make heavy burden for our-self.

  • @zachhall5061
    @zachhall5061 4 года назад +4

    Seek the Lord and he will grow you. He will direct your path. One step at a time. I have a problem with getting overwhelmed by the future as well. But remember that the future hasnt happened yet. Ask yourself. "What is before me right now?" Too many thoughts will cause anxiety.

  • @williamcopeland6683
    @williamcopeland6683 4 года назад +13

    Believe is Do! Allow the Holy Spirit to lead in all things.. expect to hear Him only when you expect to obey Him.. Jesus said my yoke is easy, my burden is light

    • @brendonburdett7015
      @brendonburdett7015 4 года назад

      Belief is to trust in what Christ did and not in what We must do (works) is His good work that motivates us to share the good news gospel...

    • @2ndPigeon
      @2ndPigeon 4 года назад

      Come on guys. Believe is being convinced by a proposition.

    • @jenniferthomas1150
      @jenniferthomas1150 3 года назад

      Expect to hear him only when you expect to obey him ... Nice!

  • @wayiamstarr
    @wayiamstarr 4 года назад +8

    Please pray for my son Skyler he was paralyzed in motorcyle wreck in February...been a tough year to say the least. He paralyzed in hospital with no vistors because of covid....

    • @Perfectlyradiant_
      @Perfectlyradiant_ 4 года назад +2

      I will pray for him tonight. And make sure he knows God is with him. He may not be able to have visitors but he can pray and read God’s word or listen to it on audio. And grow closer to him.

    • @MJ-ln4xm
      @MJ-ln4xm 4 года назад +1

      🙏 Lord please keep your arms around Skyler safe and heal him in Jesus name Amen!

    • @beefedits5235
      @beefedits5235 4 года назад +1

      Trust in God, everything goes according to His will.

    • @wayiamstarr
      @wayiamstarr 4 года назад +1

      @@Perfectlyradiant_ thank you so much for prayers

    • @wayiamstarr
      @wayiamstarr 4 года назад +1

      @@MJ-ln4xm thanks

  • @daniellelevine9638
    @daniellelevine9638 6 месяцев назад +1

    I needed this I feel like the more I read the Bible and renew my mind, the more exceedingly sinful I feel. Sometimes I forget to focus on my faith in Christ, and instead look at my feelings which will deceive me, it helps to focus on what Christ did versus what I’m not doing. He keeps and holds my salvation as I obey day by day.

  • @The_Iron_Disciple
    @The_Iron_Disciple 4 года назад +6

    I wish every single Christian in the world could hear this...

  • @TimtimRobles777
    @TimtimRobles777 4 года назад +7

    This is one of the best questions because everyone that loves the Lord i believe suffering from this same question! I love it!

  • @peteragenga3805
    @peteragenga3805 4 года назад +6

    I have no excuses after hearing this...I must conform to that Christian lifestyle otherwise I will be a hypocrite 😐😑

    • @2ndPigeon
      @2ndPigeon 4 года назад

      Excuses for what?

  • @Derek_Baumgartner
    @Derek_Baumgartner 4 года назад +17

    Beautiful stuff.
    The third point Pastor John makes - regarding them being 'signposts,' not 'obstacles' - is another reason why you should continue to read God's Word.
    You will miss God's guidance if you don't keep communicating with Him!
    How do you communicate with Him?
    Prayer to talk to Him, and read His Word to listen back, so to speak.
    I'm far from perfect: but God is good!

  • @Sheshe247
    @Sheshe247 4 года назад +11

    An extremely helpful answer. Thanks, Pastor John + Desiring God team

  • @trudygrimes4734
    @trudygrimes4734 3 года назад +5

    One of the best explanations of walking in the Spirit. To GOD be the glory. Thank you for your grace.

  • @pr5124
    @pr5124 3 месяца назад +1

    Amen...I believe that it is not that we can live these things everyday, But i believe that we deal with one day at a time and live out the good you are confronted to live that day.

  • @georgiosgiannoukas3319
    @georgiosgiannoukas3319 Год назад +1

    Thank you for these words. I was recently saved and while I'm extremely grateful for the Lord what He did for me I've also become stressful on how to please Him and and not anger Him. God is omnipresent but I feel like now I'm under a magnifying glass.

  • @wojak91
    @wojak91 7 месяцев назад

    "Love your neighbor as yourself" fulfils the law...that helps...instead of trying to think of every single command all the time...which is impossible for our finite minds like he said...Indeed, in Christ we live by the law of love for God and love for neighbor.

  • @Armanjooo
    @Armanjooo 4 года назад +2

    Roots are faith, hope and love that produce fruits of spirit. That's what i get.

  • @SpilledInk2024
    @SpilledInk2024 3 года назад +3

    "Being transformed from within by the Spirit" - yes this is awesome because then the gifts of the Spirit can work through you in response to so many situations as stated in this video.

  • @bianchinichester5896
    @bianchinichester5896 3 года назад +3

    I laughed so hard at Pastor John reading the list. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @lomie17
    @lomie17 4 года назад +7

    This was so encouraging, thank you for this truth!

  • @Angelalex242
    @Angelalex242 3 года назад +3

    Fortunately, Jesus thought this through, and you don't need to remember 1800 things. You just have to remember 2: Love the Lord thy God with thy whole mind, heart and soul, and Love they neighbor as thy self. The 1800 things all boil down to 2 in the end.

  • @lungiledlamini4447
    @lungiledlamini4447 3 года назад +2

    Thank you Mfundisi John.

  • @stephaniemichelle9878
    @stephaniemichelle9878 2 года назад +1

    I love his answer!
    Further along in the journey, though, the answer becomes much simpler… praise God

  • @TheDivineracer
    @TheDivineracer 11 месяцев назад

    Oh my goodness. I will never measure up! Lord forgive me. I am so grateful for your sacrifice. I’m so grateful. ❤❤❤. You make us worthy. Thank you!

  • @ThejaTseikha
    @ThejaTseikha 3 года назад

    Praise God for elders in the faith like Pastor John, who knows the Word and have lived and experienced the Christian life, in all its joys, subtleties and difficulties, and are now pouring into the lives of young short-sighted believers like me. God is good.

  • @stephanieaavila
    @stephanieaavila 4 года назад +2

    13 minutes of pure wisdom

  • @carljones8334
    @carljones8334 4 года назад +11

    I would ask two questions of this man.
    Are you saved by grace through faith?
    If you are,
    Are you so foolish, having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh?
    You can neither work for your salvation, nor are you perfected by works.
    Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who lived me and gave Himself for me.
    We walk by faith not by sight.

    • @carljones8334
      @carljones8334 4 года назад

      @Desire Of All Nations If you would look at what Galatians 2:20 states, I live by the faith of the Son of God, where does it or I say, faith in?
      I would ask the question of what you have written, "obedience is not optional." How much obedience? If it depends on my obedience then it is not of faith, but works.
      Now I agree with you that we should not sin nor desire to sin, but I do that which I don't want to do, I am weak in the flesh. I may sin due to pride, fear, or a whole host of things, one of which I hate yet I do, it's because sin is pleasurable.
      God knows I am weak in the flesh and has made a way out for me, but if I do not avail myself of His provision, He has yet provided a way back for me. If I confess my sin, He is faithful and just to forgive me, and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

    • @brendonburdett7015
      @brendonburdett7015 4 года назад +1

      @@carljones8334 Well said!...I see so many well versed Christians who walk by sight (broadway), who have not died to their old way of believing (flesh) and walk only to their new way of believing (Spirit).
      Their repentence is based on works and being obedient to stop sinning...when obedience is to place your complete trust in what Christ did on the cross and that He took away your sin by paying the full price for it.
      Yet so many Christians are still sin conscience and seeking forgiveness thereof and in turn, denying Christ for what He did on the cross.

    • @carljones8334
      @carljones8334 4 года назад +1

      @@brendonburdett7015 Yes, and by doing so, fail to enter into the abundance of what Jesus promised, "the truth shall set you free," and I have come that you may have life and life in all it's abundance." When He was speaking of obedience in reference to taking up the cross, He also said that His yoke was easy, and His burden light, that is, If we walk in the light as He is in the light.

    • @brendonburdett7015
      @brendonburdett7015 4 года назад +1

      @@carljones8334 Amen

    • @beefedits5235
      @beefedits5235 4 года назад

      @@carljones8334 Man, I still have issues where I tend to believe that "I haven't done enough, I might not be saved." But on the other hand, I tend to be slothful in zeal. It's like trying to balance a car on a pin, miserable.

  • @henryodera5726
    @henryodera5726 4 года назад +1

    Thank God for the gift of wisdom and teaching that He has given to His Church for guidance. Thank you John Piper for the wise, carefully considered and measured response, and for staying faithful to the Scriptures.

  • @Richie016
    @Richie016 4 года назад +1

    Living a life fulfilling God’s moral commands for us, requires of us to meet the expectations that help us carry our ☦️ & transform us from within for a renewed living in Christ.

  • @danielb.1567
    @danielb.1567 4 года назад +2

    I had this question myself. What a great message, thank you Pastor John.

  • @michaelhayward9532
    @michaelhayward9532 4 года назад +1

    When I got born again I was so filled with the holy spirit I couldn't have sinned if I wanted to, but after years of eventual failing and backsliding I could never get back to that height again and feel like the guy who asked this question, add in the deep bitter roots of displeasing my worldly father and now my heavenly Father my Christian life is a complete disaster and I'm just lying flat on the ground, only Jesus can pick me up and save me now, course He did the same thing back then as only He could.

    • @danielb.1567
      @danielb.1567 4 года назад

      I pray you get back on track, but it is only through Christ that we are saved not by good works. That doesnt mean that you can just go out and sin all you want. But focus on Jesus and pray brother

    • @myrtleesther8855
      @myrtleesther8855 4 года назад

      We have to come to that place of giving up on ourselves and know we can do nothing of ourselves but all things through Christ Jesus , He brings us to that place of surrender.

  • @jewishbride5010
    @jewishbride5010 Год назад

    I bind myself to know I am and doing enough for God by the strength, influence and wisdom that has been given to me, binding to hell to think I do not do enough for God, in accordance with this word and ephesians 4, romans 12 in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah ❤!

  • @Zeeloveback
    @Zeeloveback 2 года назад +1


  • @gregthomas82
    @gregthomas82 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much Brother Piper! I am planning to deliver a sermon on Romans 12 tomorrow and this explanation really helps understand the deeper truths and roots. ♥️🙌🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸✌🏼

  • @larachristinademalimpensa1024
    @larachristinademalimpensa1024 4 года назад +2

    What an answer! Thank you, pastor John.

  • @Nancybelongs2Jesus
    @Nancybelongs2Jesus 4 года назад +3

    AMEN! this morning felt like this too, but remembered that Jesus wants me a peaceful vessel. I chose to list some people to pray for and waited on the Holy Spirit. God gave me scripture for each one to pray and believe for them. It was refreshing and satisfying. Thank You Jesus for renewing us. Thank you Pastor John for understanding grace and teaching the Word so deeply. We are blessed to meditate on truth.

  • @chantal737
    @chantal737 4 года назад +1

    I think the reason why he tells us to mediate on his word day and night and pray continually is because that’s all that actually does matter in life! the world in which we live has given us everything to help us forget our God our Creator the only way we can breakout from that is by being liberated through Jesus Christ and finding freedom from the slavery we were born into

  • @user-ec4kn4nv2c
    @user-ec4kn4nv2c 4 года назад +1

    God Is Full Of Grace
    Grace can be a tough concept to grasp. God is often described as gracious, but what does that mean for us? We sing about it, we read about it, and we talk about it. But do we understand it?
    Many of us operate under the assumption that God’s grace is like human grace - imperfect, exchange-based, reactive, and subject to change. We feel the pressure to earn grace, and we have an enemy who wants to keep it that way.
    Grace is a gift, purchased by Jesus’ death on the cross and given to us freely out of God’s love for us.
    But the Bible is clear that grace is a gift, purchased by Jesus’ death on the cross and given to us freely out of God’s love for us. God’s grace, His undeserved favor, is not a reward for human effort. God’s grace is based entirely on who He is and who we are in Him.
    God gives us grace because He wants to. By grace, we are adopted into His family, our debts paid and our sin forgiven. It is His pleasure and will to give us these things when we put our faith in Jesus.
    No one can take away or lessen the power of this supernatural exchange. When we truly experience God’s grace, we cannot help but be drawn to the One who gives it to us. We worry less about messing up and focus more on getting to know the God who loves us that much.
    What if we stopped exhausting ourselves trying to earn God’s favor and simply asked Him to help us see and receive what is already ours to rest in? How different would life be?
    Where in your life do you struggle to receive grace?
    Do you find it hard to give others grace? Ask God to help you view others’ shortcomings the same way He does.
    Do you feel truly adopted, redeemed, and forgiven? If not, ask God for faith to accept these free gifts He wants to give you.
    From the reading plan: What is God Like?

  • @Jorgina002
    @Jorgina002 2 года назад +1

    Thank you Pastor John 🙏🏻

  • @darkmatter503
    @darkmatter503 4 года назад +1

    man it's weird how I was just thinking about this like I try and I try and think obedience is key and get this ad came on when I was washing my clothes and I was like so it's not about obedience it's about letting the Holy Spirit transform youbecause there are so many commandments to keep but I don't know I kind of disagree but at the same time I agree it's it's not hard to just practice I mean you can't keep all of them I agree with that but you have to let the Holy Spirit transform you in every situation instead of thinkingin this situation I'm going to do this if this situation presents itself I'm going to do thistotally not about that thank you God because you put this at the exact time that I needed to hear this all praise be to Jesus Christ and I hope that you can still say good job my faithful well done.

  • @princessorangetree4331
    @princessorangetree4331 4 года назад +3

    This stuff stresses me out every day... but be anxious for nothing. I always think Jesus is going to leave me behind in the rapture because I’m not being good enough or wise enough but I’m always trying to get rid of more sin. It still feels hopeless. I beg God to help me love Him more and to help me. I can’t tell if I’m transformed. I’ve felt the Holy Spirit before, but then not so much again. It’s endlessly frustrating but all I want is to
    die and go be with God. Jesus says many will say to me Lord, Lord and He’s speaking to believers. I am not able to cast out demons, which apparently can only be done by faith, and these are people who believed enough to be able to do so... what hope is there for the rest of us then? Then I think I’m going to hell simply for worrying about this stuff. How can you love something you are so afraid of?? It doesn’t make any sense and God isn’t giving any answers. I love going to church and no one else seems afraid and seem to live normal lives. I just don’t get it.

    • @LiquidTree555
      @LiquidTree555 4 года назад

      Jone Zee hello. So, we all, as believers, go through these types of thoughts. Let me address a few of your concerns. None of us are "good enough" to go in the rapture, but if you a believer currently, you will be included. Those people who say "Lord, Lord" were depending on their WORKS to get in. This brings me to my next point. Predestination. The Lord never "knew" them bc they were never His. His sheep's works are never counted for salvation, as they were chosen before the foundation of the world, as you were. The fact that you care so much means you are His. Salvation is not a feeling. Have you been studying the bible? Preferably KJV. Look into predestination, and don't be afraid of being labeled as a "calvanist". Just ignore that word, as we want to believe what the Bible says, and not our thoughts, doubts, or feelings. A true understanding of predestination and biblical once saved always saved, will really allow you to REST in Jesus. HE choose us before the world was created. I can point you in the right direction for predestination, if needed. One source that might help, is a podcast I like. Go to "" (not lifesongs) and find the podcasts. Start around episode 260. This world, all religions, and everything else teaches us to focus on self. We should be focusing on Jesus and His finished work. Predestination. Hope it helps.

    • @colombia989
      @colombia989 4 года назад +2

      Jone dee, I some what know how your feeling bc I also was experiencing the same thought process. But look, if God wasn't at work in your life, in your heart you WOULD NOT be so concerned and worried about this. Look at unbeliever how they have no care in the world about Jesus or standing before Him when they die so take heart sister! Please hear me that I'm not saying kick your feet up and relax bc we should all strive with all our might be holy. I recommend that you just keep seeking God in His word and pray that He'll give you assurance that your salvation was and is and will always be in His hands. Look to the cross and keep your eyes on Him!

    • @ngdavid3925
      @ngdavid3925 4 года назад

      What does GOD require from us?
      Matt.4:10 'Thou shall worship the LORD thy GOD, and HIM only shall thou serve.' Jn.4:24
      1. Worship GOD
      Worship GOD in SPIRIT and in TRUTH
      Beholding the FACE of JESUS CHRIST 2Cor.3:16-18 ; 4:6 Matt.5:8
      2. Serve HIM only Rom.12:1 ; 6:13, 16
      Present our bodies as living sacrifices upon the Altar of Fire.
      Do we surrender our bodies to HIM on the Altar and let HIS POWER manifests in vessels of clay? 2Cor.4:7
      Bible didn't say we must do this or do that for GOD, but rather, let CHRIST lives and manifests IN US. Gal.2:20 It is CHRIST that works through us the things as HE pleased. Col.1:29 Heb.13:21 CHRIST will work through us on the condition that we have laid down our bodies for HIM on the Altar of FIRE. This is the WAY ordained by GOD for everyone that wants to serve GOD. Rom.12:1 Jn.12:24-26

    • @brendonburdett7015
      @brendonburdett7015 4 года назад

      @Jone Zee - Has God not REMOVED your sin from You? Behold the lamb of God who takes away Your sin. If Your sin is still with You, then its because someone misled You into a false rebirth.
      In Christ there is NO SIN, so if You feel that your sin is still with You, then its because You not "IN" Him.
      "Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him."
      I John 3:6 NKJV

    • @brendonburdett7015
      @brendonburdett7015 4 года назад

      @@colombia989 Im sorry my friend, but the gospel You put Your trust in is based on works.
      What Christ did on the cross, perfected You in every which way (awesome news)...We must strive to enter Gods rest. I.e, You are already Holy, Justified, Sanctified as a finished work.
      If You dont believe Me, then its because You havent died to Your flesh which makes many disbelieve, thus You walk by sight (broadway) and see all the imperfections and not by faith (narrow way) where one has reference to Him in You and Not about You.
      Stop trying and start trusting in what God has already done for You.

  • @cdfistaken5437
    @cdfistaken5437 2 года назад

    Outside of the Bible, these are some of the most perfect words I've ever read.
    (I went and read the transcript since I don't have headphones on).

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    Proverbs 11:30
    The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
    Matthew 5:16
    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    John 17:17
    Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
    Colossians 1:23
    If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;

  • @JayBando213
    @JayBando213 4 года назад +1

    That's a Good Question... I have asked that 4 Myself as well as Others

  • @cordel_ringani
    @cordel_ringani 2 года назад

    You'd swear I posted that question. I've been struggling with the exact same issue since I gave my life over to Jesus Christ. All I'm often concerned with is whether I'm doing enough to please God, then I look at around and feel like a failure.

  • @12345meb
    @12345meb 4 года назад


  • @timothyasberry3470
    @timothyasberry3470 Год назад

    God is very capable of letting you know that himself... you don't need to ask man 🕊️

  • @alexusfuller4106
    @alexusfuller4106 3 года назад +2

    How can I know He’s forgiven me? How can I know He still loves me and hasn’t left me? I was hype for Him but struggled with unbelief for a short period. It’s been a while n things are different.

    • @Cloudharte
      @Cloudharte 2 года назад +1

      Something a friend recently told me as I struggled asking the same thing was can you remember the day you believed Jesus was and did what he said he was and did, and you trusted in him alone to save you?
      If that’s the case, and then you turned, what more could you do. What more do you think God wants? You can trust again in what he told you before and find renewal of peace: for whosever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved

  • @cnigth93
    @cnigth93 2 года назад

    Thank the Lord for Jhon Piper's work

  • @lindavid2813
    @lindavid2813 4 года назад

    I will just write the instructions of being a good christian(in the new testament) down and read it to myself when everyday ends so that I know what did I did wrong and how I can change

  • @dawncalder9323
    @dawncalder9323 3 года назад

    Prayer and confession will lead you to to desire to do this continue to do this also read his word and you will learn about his character just be like him

  • @justynak3867
    @justynak3867 4 года назад +1

    Thank you Pastor.

  • @kennypowers17
    @kennypowers17 4 года назад

    Wow, life changing for me. I need to rewatch this many times.

  • @RaymondAtivie
    @RaymondAtivie Год назад

    Thank you Pastor John. This was such a great response

  • @ChristianFaithGrowthTV
    @ChristianFaithGrowthTV 4 года назад +1


  • @vasilyberg7320
    @vasilyberg7320 Год назад

    Thank you for your job for God you did I wondering if it’s OK for God’s people are use expiration :-- oh my?
    May God richly bless you and everybody

  • @johnnyd2383
    @johnnyd2383 3 года назад +1

    There is nothing anyone of us can do for God.... and He does not need anything from us. However, one can do a lot for oneself if one repents and starts obeying God's will. And His will is for one to join His Body - The Church He established 20 centuries ago and not 4-5 hundred years ago - namely Holy Eastern Orthodox Church.

  • @theskypriest
    @theskypriest 4 года назад +1

    That’s a good list, that’s a list of gifts, not a to do list.

  • @wisdomforall6707
    @wisdomforall6707 4 года назад

    Obedience does matter! At 7:00, be transformed by the renewal of the mind = repentance.

  • @Nunu-_985
    @Nunu-_985 4 года назад +1

    I feel exactly the same.

  • @achash22
    @achash22 3 года назад

    okay let’s say i’m on call with my friend and i decide to give God my time by reading the bible and giving prayer, i feel like it’s not enough 🙁

  • @Luth3rr
    @Luth3rr 2 года назад

    This was good. Wow.

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 Год назад

    Be faithful in small things
    Don't try to be big time
    Like some of those high
    Powered preachers who think
    They have a monpoly on God!

  • @jonmack2437
    @jonmack2437 2 года назад

    As someone who has been recently awakened to Christ, listening to that list has me like…. Okay I’m doomed. I’m trying to put the work in. The faith. Hopefully it works out guys lol it’s not looking good right about now

  • @tessalogan586
    @tessalogan586 4 года назад

    I personally think if your calling is to preach, that's wonderful, do it, not all are called ✌

  • @bereangirl7118
    @bereangirl7118 3 года назад

    "We can never be obedient enough or perfect enough to be like Christ". He is God. We are human>.."that is why he had to become like us and die for us to save us by what he has done for us and not by what we need to do for him ". The will of God is that we receive his Son by faith and not by works". He finished it all by his act of total love for his creation". You can keep burning yourself out by trying to be obedient, perfect and sinless like Christ and will always fail because we are human and not God or you can rest in the finished work that he has done for us and stop beating yourself up day in and day out ". Our anchor of faithful obedience is doing the will of God which is accepting by faith and believing what Christ has done for us and receiving the inheritance he has provided for all who trust him for salvation".

  • @regandanielle
    @regandanielle 4 года назад

    Those imperatives define love

  • @michaellacoopman2303
    @michaellacoopman2303 3 года назад

    Was just wondering this!

  • @Wholly_Fool
    @Wholly_Fool 10 месяцев назад

    The imperatives are sign posts at sea.

  • @jonathanscottdickey2088
    @jonathanscottdickey2088 3 года назад

    Thank you for this!!

  • @yeshuaslily3725
    @yeshuaslily3725 4 года назад +1


  • @jalenjose3905
    @jalenjose3905 3 года назад

    Enough what you mean enough. For nothing on this earth i'll die for some one I don't know. My family I will, I love them that much. But course what we do is not enough to pay our redeemer. We have to cried a river and declared the world the you dying and jesus is your king. My friend still not enough

  • @jamesvan2201
    @jamesvan2201 8 месяцев назад

    You know you are doing enough for God when you are believing in and having faith in christ. This is all He has commanded us to do and all He wants from us. Our good works are like filthy rags to Him. Mathew 7:21 "not everyone who says 'lord, lord', will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but only they who do the will of my father." --- John 6:40 "the will of my father is that whoever looks to the Son and believes (has faith) will not perish, but will be raised up on the last day and be given ever lasting life." There is nothing any of us can do to please Him. That is what mathew 7:21-23 points out. ²²-²³ "On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name? Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" They were the ones who thought their "good works" and "turning from sin" would earn them the right to salvation, but isaiah says all our good works (even the best of them) are like filthy rags to God. (The problem is that we are corrupted with sin.) A wash cloth is used to clean dishes, but how can it do so if it's full of dirt already? It's christ who is our righteousness. Not anything that we can or don't do. It's Him alone. "For the glory belongs to Him alone!"

  • @astheskylarksings
    @astheskylarksings Год назад

    5:52 Is justification by faith alone behind us? I disagree. I would love to hear Piper expand on this.

  • @savagebeaztpeace8390
    @savagebeaztpeace8390 4 года назад

    Thank you

  • @katlegomolokoe4437
    @katlegomolokoe4437 2 года назад

    Amen 🙌

  • @clsmithent
    @clsmithent 4 года назад +1

    We can never live a life pleasing to God by ourselves. That is why we need Jesus, to live thru Him, so God can see us as righteous. Then we have Jesus & the Holy Spirit to help us live like God desires. And when we fall short, that's where grace steps in when we repent.
    The Old Testament is to show us that, as people, we can never do what is right before God. We can never follow His law & desires. No matter what we do, God will can not love us anymore than He already does. Amen

  • @catherinequake2621
    @catherinequake2621 4 года назад +3

    Has nothing to do whether you do enough for God. Not by work that we are saved, have you not read the scripture.
    THE ONLY WAY to be saved is through JESUS CHRIST.
    Ephesians 2:8-9
    For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing. It it the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
    Titus 3:5
    He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.
    Matthew 6:1
    "Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.
    John 14:6
    Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
    Romans 10:9
    that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
    Matthew 5:16
    In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
    Go and reach out to the lost sheep
    *********** Amen ***********

  • @furios2203
    @furios2203 4 года назад +3

    my mind died😂😂

  • @daddythefather3099
    @daddythefather3099 2 года назад


  • @dontrushtohate
    @dontrushtohate Год назад

    The problem is that God is hardly pleased or satisfied with all the work I put in, it feels overwhelming and pointless.

    • @aknasims
      @aknasims 2 месяца назад

      we arent saved by works, but by grace through faith. Its a gift not a transaction. God loves you, through Jesus and through His Spirit He will help you to live in obedience, By Faith in God, we obey

  • @maranatha8768
    @maranatha8768 4 года назад +2

    If you are not on the right path God will let you know. By things you go through you will know if your on the right path there wont be problems.

    • @applesbananas9217
      @applesbananas9217 4 года назад +4

      The rains fall on both the just and the unjust

    • @michaelcjt9
      @michaelcjt9 4 года назад +1

      So if everything is going good for me then I’m on the right path? And if everything is going bad, I’m on the wrong path? I don’t think so buddy, that’s not biblical!

    • @carljones8334
      @carljones8334 4 года назад +2

      Psalm 119:9 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.
      2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    • @princessorangetree4331
      @princessorangetree4331 4 года назад

      Carl Jones yeah these verses are scary. It makes it feel like after you are done working a full day you have to be reading the Bible hours each day to be good enough for God.

    • @Perfectlyradiant_
      @Perfectlyradiant_ 4 года назад +2

      You don’t have to read the Bible for hours just genuinely seek him throughout your day or week. I will say this the Holy Spirit will convict you if your neglecting him. A few years ago after I had my daughter God gave me time to adjust I wasn’t reading the Bible because I was so exhausted. And he understood I had just had a baby. But then I got on a schedule and I started having the time for him but I would be on my phone and do other things. I felt like I should read the the world but I kept putting it off. Then I can’t tell you exactly how but the Holy Spirit convicted me about it with a firm but loving hand. As scary as that sounds it’s kinda nice to know he’s wants my worship and time spend with him as well as everyone else. Sometimes I think he has so many kids that serve him greatly. But he wanted little old me as well lol. See it as him loving you that he wants you to spend time with him.

  • @michaelagbonkpolor4069
    @michaelagbonkpolor4069 4 года назад +1


  • @t-bonewtf
    @t-bonewtf Год назад

    Here's how you'll know: -you're dead tired, you're broke and hungry, all your previous friends have ostracized you, one minute you hate yourself for not praying for God's mercy and the next you over joyed because you prayed for His mercy, your only friend is a pet and they are beginning to become stand off-ish.

  • @brendonburdett7015
    @brendonburdett7015 4 года назад +1

    Rather Focus on what God has already done for You at the cross...if Your free gift has terms and conditions, then its not from God.