Ashley is killing it this episode, I actually cried laughing from her jokes. "What new things are you trying Mak, that must be really hard for YOU." The subtle autism jokes kill me (also loved the Himbo call-out)
I fell asleep and woke up to your voices blasting on my youtube speaker (edit- Bluetooth* - was not fully awake when I wrote this lol). Can't say I'm mad. In fact I'm grateful. Woke up making eye contact with my parrot with a fruit tingle in her mouth. (She'd just stolen it and was pretending to be a statue so I would go back to sleep - she loves the very rare times I accidentally have a nap and she's out and about). Don't worry, she's fine. My house is bird proof (minus the packet of fruit tingles beside me) She's currently tearing some washed bell peppers open to eat the seeds and watching bird videos on TV while I go back and watch this from the start to figure out what the hell happened. lol
Can I just take a moment to say I'm so proud of you Mak?! I don't mean that to sound patronising but what you've done takes a lot of courage - to start doing new things and get out there. It sucks sometimes in the moment, but the cumulative affect of it all is so beneficial. My brain works similarly to yours, and I've been doing something similar lately, it's hard until it's not and the only way for things to feel more familiar is to keep at it! :-) x
i was so jealous of how well mak is doing because i just moved to a new place and started uni again and I'm aready behind, ill, haven't exercised in weeks, feel like I've been awkward at social interactions... but then i realised, i might just need to give it time. I've been here for two weeks. there's plenty of time to catch up on uni work, and i shall endeavour to do the same as mak and put energy into the activities and relationships i want to happen here ❤
Best birthday present ever!!!!!! I’m turning 19 and I’m a freshman at college so this is my first birthday away from my family so spending it w my chosen family is so comforting!!! Love u all so so much :)
happy birthday chosen family cousin! hope you celebrate and can take the time to do what you need for yourself, whether that is rest, comfort, peace, joy, or something else
Fellow hEDS-er here. Before we knew my diagnosis, I went to the doctor thinking I had a kidney infection because of the location of pain. After he examined me, he had HUGE eyes and asked "umm... did you have a cold recently where you were coughing and sneezing a lot?" and I said I had just gotten over one a week ago and he discovered I had fractured two ribs from it. It makes sense now that I am aware of the hyper mobility but at the time he was shocked and amazed that I had been living with a fractured rib that long. I hope your exercise went okay!
Stand up as a main job, sounds so crazy and intense. It's genuinely interesting to hear, it's feels like it's probably one of the most bizarre jobs interms of what is actually required consistenly. Thanks for sharing more about it.
I appreciated Ashley talking about her process before a show and contextualizing it as a work in progress. I've been trying to hype myself up to finally try an open mic to practice some jokes I've been writing for the past few YEARS but have been waiting for them to be hysterical before sharing them. This is my sign to just give a try and to improve each time I go up there.
If you’re not getting on stage (at a mic or whatever) five times a week you’re not doing comedy. Best advice I ever got for my first year of comedy. I broke open when I hit 10x a week and I think most comics will say the same.
I'm just glad my Father in Law is very deaf because I'm listening to the pod while he is in the kitchen like 10 feet from me. Lol I do feel for Ashley. Medical stuff of any kind in the US is so expensive. I had to go on disability because of a bunch of issues but the monthly income is nothing but all of my medical except for a lot of dental is covered which is worth so so much to me!
I used to be so baffled by being mad at someone for something they did in a dream and then, exactly one time, I woke up upset from a dream thing and it stayed with me for hours. I didn't mention it or say anything but it really changed my mind on the dream slights. I knew it wasn't real, that the person would never do that thing but no matter how much rational talking down I did I couldn't shake the hurt I felt. So I'm guessing some people have those types of dreams more or less often than others.
Hi guys, I, the most emotionally repressed person on the planet just finished confessing my feelings to the first person I've ever been in love with (I'm 24... If that gives any context) So I can't wait to hear y'all talk about repressed emotions!!!!!
I get where Mak is with moving to a new area. I moved a year ago to the Buffalo, NY area. We really missed Philly, but left for the right reasons, so it was a bit of a dichotomy to deal with. This area is also less diverse and accepting than where we were before. On the other hand, the cost of living and resources are really good. We recently went back to visit a friend in Philly and went through some big emotions while there. We didn't really get to say goodbye in a typical sense last year, it felt a bit like we escaped in the night! That visit gave us a chance to kind of redo the goodbyes and notice the differences in our lives there versus now. So, perspective was gained and now I feel better about living here. Now, I am warming up to exploring the area and trying to meet people here. Trying to find some X-ennials/elder millennials who are LGBTQ/Allies may be a bit harder here, but I know they are here, too! That said, I'll be at Ashley's show in Buffalo on Nov. 1! Maybe I'll meet some potential friends there!
I’ve been doing stand up this year and Ashley is one of my inspirations to try it. When I started I would go over my jokes over and over. I didn’t do so great. But when I started to clear my head and ground before going I did a lot better. The last one I did I invited a bunch of friends to come see. The adrenaline started two days before. I had to talk to myself and say “I can think about this on Thursday.” And when I do good I feel depressed the next day. This art form is WILD.
It's truly hell i don't recommend it, but if it's your dream, then go for it! if you can find a way to be in flow (which is hard when you start, it took me like...3 years of comedy to gain any controlled access to my flow state up there, and like 8 to be in it regularly ) when you're up there you will have such an easier time. memorize the jokes to forget them. try not to memorize delivery style. you will learn that by doing it on stage naturally. hope this helps.
I went through an unsuccessful spine surgery recently and Ashley's dream got me staring up at the ceiling fr fr Mak chiming in with randomly having to move furniture made me laugh so hard and I can't explain why 😂
I broke a rib from a chest infection in July too! Twinsies 😂 (For the past week it no longer hurts when I laugh) But seriously unless you've been hit hard enough to worry about a punctured lung there's no benefit in seeing a doctor. Healthcare is free here & I didn't go
The dream lore going deep is so real! I have different dream locations that stay moderately the same but change a little bit with different dream scenarios, but sometimes it's a continuation of the story and it's like this dream universe. And it just hops to place to place, sometimes with specific routes...
Ashley, I don't know why I'm sharing this, but just now my toddler came to me and pointed at the screen (I always have to say people's names whether I'm facetiming or watching a video) and when I introduced you as Ashley my kiddo burst out laughin (because your name is toddler-funny? Or because they recalled you're a comedian? Idk.). :D
Another great episode. I am so happy to hear about Mak's updates and that she is crushing it in LA. I know it can be tough to put yourself out there, so I am great to hear that she is trying new things and making friends out there. It is so funny to see that Alayna's love of dating shows is so strong. (straight, bi, gay, lesbian, queer) She just wants people to find love/ watch the trainwrecks.
Maybe not the architects but definitely the structural/civil engineers had a hand in making sure skyscrapers fall straight down. I have never heard the 'why did it fall straight down question' (but I am young and not American) but I wonder why people wouldn't come to the conclusion that they were designed that way by just thinking since it would suck if super tall buildings just flopped over causing extra destruction should they become unstable.
They seem to generally fall straight down in demolition videos too. I"m sure the demolition technique is important, but I'm surprised anyone would think of the falling as weird
It's honestly genius, I also think it's mostly just a physics thing as well of weight falling and gravity compounding everything together (though that's absolutely something engineers consider too)
@@PawsitivelyQuestionableI mean, that's what engineering is: applied physics. "Considering the physics" is not just something they do, it's 100% of their job.
Ashley, i had severe pneumonia and that caused a collapsed lung and it hurt like a rib fracture.. maybe thats what you have.. with your pain tolerance and how focused you are on your work and being busy you might not have realized how bad your bronchitis was.
4 mins in - Ashley, the Twin Towers were an unusual design compared to most Steel Girder Hogh Rises. Think of thick Cement Playing Cards (Horizontal) held up by a square around the outside of Drinking Straws (Vertical). Once the fire caused enough weakening of the connections between the floors and the outside supports (already collided into by a frack'n flting jet airplane), the deck of cards fell back into acstack, some what alaigned by those 'straws' on all sides.
look at any kind of building collapse, be it a controlled demolition using explosives or a wrecking ball etc, the building almost always falls in on itself since the structure of the building is designed to stand against gravity primarily rather than a horizontally applied force, so when a team of experts demolish a building and they use anfo to blow out the structural members, the building doesnt decide it wants to go somewhere else, it falls into its own footprint, the only major force at play is gravity which pulls directly down so in the case of the twin towers, the top part of the building falls, and it accelerates as it kinda sandwiches itself into all the floors below it, but it's all going directly down since theres nothing to make it fall anywhere except its own footprint. a tree falls more like how one would intuitively think the twin towers ought to have, where it's cut at the base or in the middle and then the top swings in some direction pivoting the trunk around the cut end until the cut tree comes to rest in a generally horizontal state. the main difference between the two cases is that the tree remains largely intact, the main wood fibers still being able to carry the weight of the branches when the tree is put under lateral forces (such as the wind blowing or gravity pulling on a tree perpendicularly to the trunk) whereas the twin towers wouldnt have nearly as much. analogically, the twin towers fell like trees do in minecraft, it just kinda separates back into it's component pieces and falls directly down into a pile rather than remain intact but cut loose the podcast Well There's Your Problem, has a (series of) great episode(s) on 9/11 and the collapse of the twin towers, building seven, and the pentagon (which didnt collapse as much as it just got lmao'd)
I enflamed my ribs from coughing when I had bronchitis. They can't do anything. This was 20 years ago but the advice was to do heat on the hurt area with like a corn bag.
I'm reading about astronomy and the intro is about flat earthers. It talks on how conspiracy theorists base their beliefs on reason. However, answers scientists find are often counterintuitive and challenge simple reason. (just a lil nugget)
I heard something similar - people want simple answers, & don't know enough to understand why that's not possible. There's a saying "a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing".
@mariannetfinches really well put, also often people will choose to listen to criticism that aligns better with their worldview, which automatically makes it harder to scrutinise any knowledge that you have because you're automatically biased. I try to be mindful of this too, but it's very human
I got bronchitis years ago when I was pregnant and coughed so hard that I got costochondritis - an inflammation of the cartilage connecting the rib to the breastbone. It took months to heal.
i'm sure she just didn't think it through but like, there are a ton of crafts besides comedy where when you start you're doing a solo performance. one-person shows, any kind of solo musical performer yes, performance art, spoken word, authors and poets presenting readings, puppeteers in one-person puppet shows, impressionists, magicians/illusionists, drag performers, solo dancers of all kinds, lots of kinds of circus performers... just a few that came to mind immediately. there are entire festivals of solo performers. honestly even those of us with office jobs often have to give solo presentations
I have cracked my rib from coughing. Messed with my entire body, got shooting nerve pain from my skull down my back and arm, and needed to get PT. Bodies are wild. 😅
The Sopranos rules! I don't watch reality TV so often I am lost with their conversations (also I am old), but I can discuss HBO (that is how I will forever refer to Max) dramas all day!
OMG, no kidding. But i literally had a dream 3 days ago of Ashley preparing herself before the show behind the scene. I think i manifested this episode lol
I'm with Ash. Conspiracy people drive me up the wall. Them stating things like "jetfuel can't melt steel beams" with full confidence as if it's some sort of gotcha and not a showcase of their lack of critical thinking skills. That's the tragedy of it: they think they're being so smart, when in reality it's they're just being really dumb.
The most frustrating part of it for me might be the fact that there are so many blatantly obvious conspiracies that happen right in front of us because the people involved in them don't care, because they know they have enough money to not be held accountable. Like, could it be that all these shitty things are happening because we've built a mainstream culture and society that rewards anti-social behaviors and incentivizes greed? Of course not! It's definitely Black Lives Matter/baby-eating celebrity death cults/Jewish lizard people space lasers/insert whatever other unhinged bullshit here. None of these people think they're being taken advantage of by misinformation campaigns because they all think they've achieved some state of enlightenment. They think that the fact that they have to retreat to their echo chambers in order for their ideas to be supported is proof of this, rather than an indication that they're being manipulated. As the daughter of a QAnon conspiracy theorist, I'm so tired.
I was out with a guy I was dating once and he was acting kind of weird. I kept pressing him for what was wrong and finally he turned to me very solemn and said "You know I would never cheat on you right? I love and respect you way too much to ever do that" I was caught completely off guard and so confused and replied "I never thought you would and I'd never cheat on you either... Where is this coming from" turns out I had a full on fight in my sleep with him accusing him of cheating on me.that's the only one that's funny, but yeah between kicking, hitting and starting fights I choose not to share a bed for sleeping with people these days. It's way more comfortable too haha.
I dreamed of Minecraft. I haven't played nor watched anyone play Minecraft for like a month. It was an awesome new temple-like structure made of bastion blocks that had lots of gold blocks and a weird rainbow block with inscriptions and animated.
My ex once got mad at me because after we started watching your pod she had a dream that i left her for Mak... and to this day im confused about that dream
Teaching is another profession - sometimes you teach in front of a few hundred people. Some people literally hackle you (if you are a young women teaching programming with an accent…..). Can be nerve wrecking though you get used to it quickly.
Feel like you’re more likely to have pulled one of the muscles in between your ribs than fractured one of them from coughing. I could be wrong on that and also this might not be helpful depending on how long ago this was recorded but just in case it’s still causing you pain Ashley
As a viewer I thought both Ashley and Alayna’s parts at the end were really good. I only wish that they’d asked Mak what she does before queer flag football tho 😂
Ashley is killing it this episode, I actually cried laughing from her jokes. "What new things are you trying Mak, that must be really hard for YOU." The subtle autism jokes kill me (also loved the Himbo call-out)
Mak accepting being little baby at 27:03 so precious
I fell asleep and woke up to your voices blasting on my youtube speaker (edit- Bluetooth* - was not fully awake when I wrote this lol). Can't say I'm mad. In fact I'm grateful. Woke up making eye contact with my parrot with a fruit tingle in her mouth. (She'd just stolen it and was pretending to be a statue so I would go back to sleep - she loves the very rare times I accidentally have a nap and she's out and about). Don't worry, she's fine. My house is bird proof (minus the packet of fruit tingles beside me) She's currently tearing some washed bell peppers open to eat the seeds and watching bird videos on TV while I go back and watch this from the start to figure out what the hell happened. lol
super cute
She's an icon a legend and she is the moment
The comment section for these videos are quite genuinely my favourite things ever honestly
"Beep, Boop" @@RowanWolf22
Can I just take a moment to say I'm so proud of you Mak?! I don't mean that to sound patronising but what you've done takes a lot of courage - to start doing new things and get out there. It sucks sometimes in the moment, but the cumulative affect of it all is so beneficial. My brain works similarly to yours, and I've been doing something similar lately, it's hard until it's not and the only way for things to feel more familiar is to keep at it! :-) x
Ashley's smirk when Alayna says she dreamed about her tho 😍
i was so jealous of how well mak is doing because i just moved to a new place and started uni again and I'm aready behind, ill, haven't exercised in weeks, feel like I've been awkward at social interactions... but then i realised, i might just need to give it time. I've been here for two weeks. there's plenty of time to catch up on uni work, and i shall endeavour to do the same as mak and put energy into the activities and relationships i want to happen here ❤
Best birthday present ever!!!!!! I’m turning 19 and I’m a freshman at college so this is my first birthday away from my family so spending it w my chosen family is so comforting!!! Love u all so so much :)
Happy birthday!!!
happy birthday chosen family cousin! hope you celebrate and can take the time to do what you need for yourself, whether that is rest, comfort, peace, joy, or something else
Happy birthday
This is yer Unka Taz saying "Happy Birthday!". 😸
Fellow hEDS-er here. Before we knew my diagnosis, I went to the doctor thinking I had a kidney infection because of the location of pain. After he examined me, he had HUGE eyes and asked "umm... did you have a cold recently where you were coughing and sneezing a lot?" and I said I had just gotten over one a week ago and he discovered I had fractured two ribs from it. It makes sense now that I am aware of the hyper mobility but at the time he was shocked and amazed that I had been living with a fractured rib that long. I hope your exercise went okay!
On a base queer outfit level, this episode is peak them:
Mak = Volleyball Coach
Ashley = Basketball Coach
Alayna = Guidance Counselor
Love You All so much!! Such a perfect way to start my Wednesday😁🥰🥰 I'm so glad you're all here🩷🩷🩷
Stand up as a main job, sounds so crazy and intense. It's genuinely interesting to hear, it's feels like it's probably one of the most bizarre jobs interms of what is actually required consistenly. Thanks for sharing more about it.
I appreciated Ashley talking about her process before a show and contextualizing it as a work in progress. I've been trying to hype myself up to finally try an open mic to practice some jokes I've been writing for the past few YEARS but have been waiting for them to be hysterical before sharing them. This is my sign to just give a try and to improve each time I go up there.
If you’re not getting on stage (at a mic or whatever) five times a week you’re not doing comedy. Best advice I ever got for my first year of comedy. I broke open when I hit 10x a week and I think most comics will say the same.
It feels so good to come back to your content after an internet break! I'm glad to see you're all doing well and thriving. Love
I'm just glad my Father in Law is very deaf because I'm listening to the pod while he is in the kitchen like 10 feet from me. Lol
I do feel for Ashley. Medical stuff of any kind in the US is so expensive. I had to go on disability because of a bunch of issues but the monthly income is nothing but all of my medical except for a lot of dental is covered which is worth so so much to me!
I used to be so baffled by being mad at someone for something they did in a dream and then, exactly one time, I woke up upset from a dream thing and it stayed with me for hours. I didn't mention it or say anything but it really changed my mind on the dream slights. I knew it wasn't real, that the person would never do that thing but no matter how much rational talking down I did I couldn't shake the hurt I felt. So I'm guessing some people have those types of dreams more or less often than others.
I just got done binging Yellowjackets and it's literally the best show ever!!!
I just want to say thank you so much for this podcast! Genuinely never fails to make me laugh :)
Hi guys, I, the most emotionally repressed person on the planet just finished confessing my feelings to the first person I've ever been in love with (I'm 24... If that gives any context)
So I can't wait to hear y'all talk about repressed emotions!!!!!
So…. How did it go?
(Wishing you the best of luck!)
Extremely well :)
@@howdy-cricks awesome ❤️
I get where Mak is with moving to a new area. I moved a year ago to the Buffalo, NY area. We really missed Philly, but left for the right reasons, so it was a bit of a dichotomy to deal with. This area is also less diverse and accepting than where we were before. On the other hand, the cost of living and resources are really good. We recently went back to visit a friend in Philly and went through some big emotions while there. We didn't really get to say goodbye in a typical sense last year, it felt a bit like we escaped in the night! That visit gave us a chance to kind of redo the goodbyes and notice the differences in our lives there versus now. So, perspective was gained and now I feel better about living here. Now, I am warming up to exploring the area and trying to meet people here. Trying to find some X-ennials/elder millennials who are LGBTQ/Allies may be a bit harder here, but I know they are here, too!
That said, I'll be at Ashley's show in Buffalo on Nov. 1! Maybe I'll meet some potential friends there!
Mak is glowing with happiness. This episode is very funny you guys are amazing ❤
I’ve been doing stand up this year and Ashley is one of my inspirations to try it. When I started I would go over my jokes over and over. I didn’t do so great. But when I started to clear my head and ground before going I did a lot better. The last one I did I invited a bunch of friends to come see. The adrenaline started two days before. I had to talk to myself and say “I can think about this on Thursday.” And when I do good I feel depressed the next day. This art form is WILD.
It's truly hell i don't recommend it, but if it's your dream, then go for it! if you can find a way to be in flow (which is hard when you start, it took me like...3 years of comedy to gain any controlled access to my flow state up there, and like 8 to be in it regularly ) when you're up there you will have such an easier time. memorize the jokes to forget them. try not to memorize delivery style. you will learn that by doing it on stage naturally. hope this helps.
I went through an unsuccessful spine surgery recently and Ashley's dream got me staring up at the ceiling fr fr
Mak chiming in with randomly having to move furniture made me laugh so hard and I can't explain why 😂
I broke a rib from a chest infection in July too! Twinsies 😂
(For the past week it no longer hurts when I laugh)
But seriously unless you've been hit hard enough to worry about a punctured lung there's no benefit in seeing a doctor. Healthcare is free here & I didn't go
Ack that sucks man, best wishes on your recovery!❤
@@PawsitivelyQuestionable aw thanks! Pretty much healed now 😊
The dream lore going deep is so real! I have different dream locations that stay moderately the same but change a little bit with different dream scenarios, but sometimes it's a continuation of the story and it's like this dream universe. And it just hops to place to place, sometimes with specific routes...
7:30 I have seen the new goddess of Linking Park so I'm literally bingeing Transformers.😂
Ashley, I don't know why I'm sharing this, but just now my toddler came to me and pointed at the screen (I always have to say people's names whether I'm facetiming or watching a video) and when I introduced you as Ashley my kiddo burst out laughin (because your name is toddler-funny? Or because they recalled you're a comedian? Idk.). :D
I was at one of the Nebraska shows. It was great! If Ashley was on auto pilot I could not tell.
Another great episode. I am so happy to hear about Mak's updates and that she is crushing it in LA. I know it can be tough to put yourself out there, so I am great to hear that she is trying new things and making friends out there.
It is so funny to see that Alayna's love of dating shows is so strong. (straight, bi, gay, lesbian, queer) She just wants people to find love/ watch the trainwrecks.
Maybe not the architects but definitely the structural/civil engineers had a hand in making sure skyscrapers fall straight down. I have never heard the 'why did it fall straight down question' (but I am young and not American) but I wonder why people wouldn't come to the conclusion that they were designed that way by just thinking since it would suck if super tall buildings just flopped over causing extra destruction should they become unstable.
They seem to generally fall straight down in demolition videos too. I"m sure the demolition technique is important, but I'm surprised anyone would think of the falling as weird
It's honestly genius, I also think it's mostly just a physics thing as well of weight falling and gravity compounding everything together (though that's absolutely something engineers consider too)
@@PawsitivelyQuestionableI mean, that's what engineering is: applied physics. "Considering the physics" is not just something they do, it's 100% of their job.
i just need an ashley friend in my life who is happily willing to aggressively tell me it's alright to express my feelings haha
I fractured a rub once - and it was from bronchitis coughing!
Love what you all do btw!
Ashley, i had severe pneumonia and that caused a collapsed lung and it hurt like a rib fracture.. maybe thats what you have.. with your pain tolerance and how focused you are on your work and being busy you might not have realized how bad your bronchitis was.
I love you guys 😍😍 I just joined your patreon
Great episode and so proud of you all you are living youre dreams and living youre best life's love you ❤️ thank you
4 mins in - Ashley, the Twin Towers were an unusual design compared to most Steel Girder Hogh Rises.
Think of thick Cement Playing Cards (Horizontal) held up by a square around the outside of Drinking Straws (Vertical).
Once the fire caused enough weakening of the connections between the floors and the outside supports (already collided into by a frack'n flting jet airplane), the deck of cards fell back into acstack, some what alaigned by those 'straws' on all sides.
look at any kind of building collapse, be it a controlled demolition using explosives or a wrecking ball etc, the building almost always falls in on itself since the structure of the building is designed to stand against gravity primarily rather than a horizontally applied force, so when a team of experts demolish a building and they use anfo to blow out the structural members, the building doesnt decide it wants to go somewhere else, it falls into its own footprint, the only major force at play is gravity which pulls directly down
so in the case of the twin towers, the top part of the building falls, and it accelerates as it kinda sandwiches itself into all the floors below it, but it's all going directly down since theres nothing to make it fall anywhere except its own footprint.
a tree falls more like how one would intuitively think the twin towers ought to have, where it's cut at the base or in the middle and then the top swings in some direction pivoting the trunk around the cut end until the cut tree comes to rest in a generally horizontal state. the main difference between the two cases is that the tree remains largely intact, the main wood fibers still being able to carry the weight of the branches when the tree is put under lateral forces (such as the wind blowing or gravity pulling on a tree perpendicularly to the trunk) whereas the twin towers wouldnt have nearly as much. analogically, the twin towers fell like trees do in minecraft, it just kinda separates back into it's component pieces and falls directly down into a pile rather than remain intact but cut loose
the podcast Well There's Your Problem, has a (series of) great episode(s) on 9/11 and the collapse of the twin towers, building seven, and the pentagon (which didnt collapse as much as it just got lmao'd)
I enflamed my ribs from coughing when I had bronchitis. They can't do anything. This was 20 years ago but the advice was to do heat on the hurt area with like a corn bag.
I'd really love to hear more about Mak's categories she used to work on improving things for herself
I'm reading about astronomy and the intro is about flat earthers. It talks on how conspiracy theorists base their beliefs on reason. However, answers scientists find are often counterintuitive and challenge simple reason.
(just a lil nugget)
I heard something similar - people want simple answers, & don't know enough to understand why that's not possible.
There's a saying "a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing".
@mariannetfinches really well put, also often people will choose to listen to criticism that aligns better with their worldview, which automatically makes it harder to scrutinise any knowledge that you have because you're automatically biased. I try to be mindful of this too, but it's very human
i see the titanique merch in ashley's background and must know her thoughts! the show just debuted in sydney and i LOVED it.
@@anka9405 In a WHGS ep (don't recall which) she mentioned seeing it multiple times and cried. If I remember correctly...
@@yeahokay...actuallynah omg do you have any idea which one? i'm so behind on the episodes :(
@@anka9405 had a quick scroll and found it. Episode 218. YOU'RE WELCOME 😏 👻
i cracked a rib when i had covid that hurts hope you feel better soon Ashley
I got bronchitis years ago when I was pregnant and coughed so hard that I got costochondritis - an inflammation of the cartilage connecting the rib to the breastbone. It took months to heal.
Ooh, I had that after a broken rib in my teens. It used to flare up every few weeks, for over a decade. Very weird
Let’s goooo 💕💕
Arline Food!!!! That might be one of the funniest things I've heard in a very long time.
i'm sure she just didn't think it through but like, there are a ton of crafts besides comedy where when you start you're doing a solo performance. one-person shows, any kind of solo musical performer yes, performance art, spoken word, authors and poets presenting readings, puppeteers in one-person puppet shows, impressionists, magicians/illusionists, drag performers, solo dancers of all kinds, lots of kinds of circus performers... just a few that came to mind immediately. there are entire festivals of solo performers. honestly even those of us with office jobs often have to give solo presentations
I have cracked my rib from coughing. Messed with my entire body, got shooting nerve pain from my skull down my back and arm, and needed to get PT. Bodies are wild. 😅
Glad everyone but Alayna is doing good and is so happy 😌
The Sopranos rules! I don't watch reality TV so often I am lost with their conversations (also I am old), but I can discuss HBO (that is how I will forever refer to Max) dramas all day!
OMG, no kidding. But i literally had a dream 3 days ago of Ashley preparing herself before the show behind the scene. I think i manifested this episode lol
I'm with Ash. Conspiracy people drive me up the wall. Them stating things like "jetfuel can't melt steel beams" with full confidence as if it's some sort of gotcha and not a showcase of their lack of critical thinking skills. That's the tragedy of it: they think they're being so smart, when in reality it's they're just being really dumb.
The most frustrating part of it for me might be the fact that there are so many blatantly obvious conspiracies that happen right in front of us because the people involved in them don't care, because they know they have enough money to not be held accountable. Like, could it be that all these shitty things are happening because we've built a mainstream culture and society that rewards anti-social behaviors and incentivizes greed? Of course not! It's definitely Black Lives Matter/baby-eating celebrity death cults/Jewish lizard people space lasers/insert whatever other unhinged bullshit here. None of these people think they're being taken advantage of by misinformation campaigns because they all think they've achieved some state of enlightenment. They think that the fact that they have to retreat to their echo chambers in order for their ideas to be supported is proof of this, rather than an indication that they're being manipulated.
As the daughter of a QAnon conspiracy theorist, I'm so tired.
I will never forgive you, Ashley and Alayna, for not acknowledging Mak when she said “It’s kind of Twilight😌…” because I was busting up 😂😂😂
I thought everyone's parts were the best parts ☺️ 😂
I was out with a guy I was dating once and he was acting kind of weird. I kept pressing him for what was wrong and finally he turned to me very solemn and said "You know I would never cheat on you right? I love and respect you way too much to ever do that" I was caught completely off guard and so confused and replied "I never thought you would and I'd never cheat on you either... Where is this coming from" turns out I had a full on fight in my sleep with him accusing him of cheating on me.that's the only one that's funny, but yeah between kicking, hitting and starting fights I choose not to share a bed for sleeping with people these days. It's way more comfortable too haha.
I had dislocated 2 ribs when I had back to back COVID and Whooping cough. So painful.
fracturing ribs from coughing or random movements is common with EDS 🙃
I dreamed of Minecraft.
I haven't played nor watched anyone play Minecraft for like a month.
It was an awesome new temple-like structure made of bastion blocks that had lots of gold blocks and a weird rainbow block with inscriptions and animated.
I love you all ❤You all are so beautiful and funny❤
Doing good and feeling bad about one thing is normal. (For example when you’re not climbing…)
Ashley spitting facts about how men obsess over conspiracy theories like damn haha
Fracture a rib is mostly pain. Love you all take care.
Yep, skyscrapers are designed to fall straight down because eventually they will be demolished and this design makes the demolition safer.
Where dod we go after 9/11?
Iraq. I'll see myself out
No offense but this is hilarious 😂
How long will it take for alyna to become fully burned out?anyway, great episiode, Hope you well
Ashley is infinitely interesting. Just wow
Would you accept an offer of 3 brand based songs a month for $100 dollars a month any genre
My ex once got mad at me because after we started watching your pod she had a dream that i left her for Mak... and to this day im confused about that dream
Teaching is another profession - sometimes you teach in front of a few hundred people. Some people literally hackle you (if you are a young women teaching programming with an accent…..). Can be nerve wrecking though you get used to it quickly.
Feel like you’re more likely to have pulled one of the muscles in between your ribs than fractured one of them from coughing. I could be wrong on that and also this might not be helpful depending on how long ago this was recorded but just in case it’s still causing you pain Ashley
the heal time was more inline with a fracture, but who knows!
Maybe I’m weird. But Alayna saying she was jealous? I immediately was attracted to her (more than I have been before)
damn i’m not dreaming at all recently 😅
Mak you live in socal so if i and let me tell you something “LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING”. jk have you tried Baja mex yet ?
As a viewer I thought both Ashley and Alayna’s parts at the end were really good. I only wish that they’d asked Mak what she does before queer flag football tho 😂
Light elliptical she’s over there rock climbing or playing tacos football
FayeYoko you all are not gay enough seriously!!!
Comment for the algorithm.
Is it wrong that as a aromantic transwoman I find them all sexually attractive... asking for... a friend...
yes BONK go to horny jail
Not the sopranos, come oooon. why watching that toxic man show? )))))
You're saying that as if the Sopranos's whole thing isn't pointing out toxic masculinity.