unironically though this episode highlighted the synergy between squish and growl and how often tettles would just kind of jump on someone to shit on what they were saying - i really do hope to see more episodes where you guys take turns talking like in this one
The proble with dinars. They come way to late. Think of the catalyst when we had to wait it suck. Now we get one free charge on week one so almost everyone gets 2set at the same time. I farm grim batol 56 times before i got my trinket. I lost the roll twice but it suck.
I completely agree with Growl's opinion on their weird arbitrary fixation on the level 12 scaling, as well as the achievement making more sense at 10s.
squishei is far too generous towards blizzard "i'm ok with dinars on week 17 of the patch" I want dinars within the first 6 weeks or else they might as well not exist
The max crest gain now comes from +12s, maybe that is the reason for the achievement to be tied to not depleting 12s instead of 10s. Maybe it will become the preferred "weekly" run level once the added difficulty drops off next season.
i like the bigger helms this tier. The extra effects from getting 2.5 this season was mostly only visible on shoulders, and not really noticeable for the helms. So with this maybe they will actually be noticeable without max zoom in
12s are the highest crest reward keys, so making the achievment at 12 means you can farm crests at 12 without risking depletes for most players. This also has the added effect of pushing good players to push for those keys because our monkey brains crave efficiency
I want to put numbers to this since you stated most players. And it seems like no one is really discussing the numbers. According to Raider IO, “most players” don’t fall within the range of all 12s timed. I believe it was stated in another video that to obtain 2850, you would need some 11s and 12s. But let’s just go by the actual rating of 2850. We can safely say that is between 1% of players and 10% of players in the current season. 1% being 3008.76 rating and 10% being 2637.01 rating. How does this equate to most players ? Now let’s just check Keystone Hero, which is 2500+ rating. As of right now in S1, that is 17.60% of players. Again, how is this “most players” and “easily obtainable and doable “ by said players? The data is there but it seems no one likes to see it or listen to it. The vast majority of players are not going above 2000 rating. Which equates to 37.50% of all M+. Even this is not “most” players. Most players, according to the data, falls between 1500+ rating to 2000. This section equates to 51.40%. As it shows, this is a little over half of all players in M+. The posted changes are not for “most players” and this won’t incentivize a sudden paradigm shift in data. It’s not enough and it misses the mark.
@@matthewalexander2780 Io being used like you are doing now is just ignoring the fact that we can't tell how many are alts with ratings since the overall doesn't take those out. I alone have 14 Characters I play with my friends and just to be able to hide if I want to play wow and not be bothered and all about 2500. I wonder how many others do the same at lower levels which further skews they numbers you are using to almost feels harass the poster above you are responding to.
As a Mistweaver main I find the new tier set really fun as we have been having really not fun sets ever since they were reintroduced. The most fun stuff we had was "you won't have mana problem anymore" but aside from that it's been some really boring "you get 10% more healing on that ability, waw". So having some sort of effect that actually does something is refreshing honestly.
Dinars are pretty much like the legendary Fyralath, if you keep doing the raid you're guaranteed to get at least your top 2 items but you could still drop those 2 items. This should keep people clearing the raid every week as the legendary did if people care. It's a decent compromise, I don't think it should be better maybe even only 1 would be fine.
The dinah thing, yeah I'd be fine with getting the second one around 'nowish' in the patch, my guild has been screwed on spymasters, we've had like 2 drop on heroic, we've seen one normal ring off queen, maybe 3 cloaks and no necklaces. Some people have gotten them from vault obviously, but many others haven't. So people being able to have a pseudo bad luck protection in the middle/last third of the patch is great. Heck, you could even upgrade a bit of gear (assuming it works like the S4 DF ones where they could go to max myth) moving your uber-trinket from hero to myth. I do think having them too sooner than the .5 patch would be a mistake though and murder the thrill of the chase.
the deplete change is for me and my friends, we pug mostly but when we are all together we get to push. so now i can play without them without worrying a pug takes my keys from the 13 i want down to a 10 before me and my group have a chance at it
On the Legend Achievement, I think this will be great for the weekly 12's now that the crest changes will be in for Season 2. If you have a chance at running a 12, you will want to for maximizing crest rewards and still getting a good amount for a depletion. The depletion doesn't fuck you over now though with the next key being an 11. I am 2800 nonmeta tank and pug 11-12 range currently. This is going to feel amazing for people like me. Maybe people won't gatekeep by just picking the meta stuff now that the failure penalty really isn't bad now.
i tried for like 4 hours to get the bugged gems.... gave up came back 2 days later and got both on my next kills because people finally figured out how to do it xD
what worked for us was resetting the mob, waiting for the event to pop up again, pull it out with a pet and killing it while the wall was still closed (not sure if it works being in a raid) good luck ^^
Max from liquid says he does actually love random tank procs. Just a reminder that it’s always a matter of opinion. Things are very rarely objectively good or bad.
Crest awards end at +12.. So it seems to be 2 things to naturally lead people to pushing. They want us to be doing 12s for crests. And then they add this to incentivise us to attempt to push past that and thus begin the ladder for push keys. It isn't the end goal itself. Nor is it the only thing being done to achieve the goal its part of. It seems they're trying to make a system that will keep people trying to push.
I hope Blizzard really steps up in testing their stuff and releasing it without bugs. Bugs have been very hard on this entire expansion, and this whole Island patch has been completely ruined by it. Were 4 months in still falling trough ships in Dawnbreaker. I'd much rather have been take 1 month longer and release working stuff instead of this frustrating stuff.
I'm pretty sure the depletes achievement is aimed at the high key community so they don't ever drop down into the keys that have affixes again? At least thats the general consensus I've seen elsewhere and it makes sense when you hear those types talk about how much it sucks to go do a 10 or 11 and be like "ugh right I have to deal with these affixes again" (disclaimer, I am not a high key person, new to M+, so it's super not aimed at me and I could be turbo wrong)
People raid the whole patch. People enjoy raiding the whole patch. Just because you guys are "done" by week 5 or 6 does not mean the content is done. The dinars will be good for alts and/or unlucky people.
The event isn't just dropping the gem from 100% to 80%. When the boss charges (which he always does) the event bugs out and disappears making the chance to get the gem 0%. This isn't a conspiracy but the only fix is to look at your map. When the event drops and disappears on the map you need to reset the boss over and over until you can respawn the event at the command table. Once the even is back up you need to attack the boss through the wall. ONLY THEN is it 50/50 drop for people. Some peoples games don't re-capture the event. It's just beyond idiotic. I've tried for a cumulative 5 hours since release and organizing people is the hardest. My wife got the gems first shot but I cannot get them. Jokes on Blizz cause I actually do endgame content and she is just an achievement hunter... the irony.
Yes! Growl is bang on the money this time when talking about the squish. I think the squish is the bigest mistake they made this expansion, even if it happened in season 4 dragonflight.
2 weeks ago: Should depletes even exist? This week: Why are they removing depletes at a certain level that is so bad, no one wants this! And the score is for the people who just do not want to play with affixes anymore and at that point they won't have to anymore because pugs can't deplete their key below the threshold. Seems pretty obvious to me what the goal is.
The problem is more high key rating. If you’ve done a 2 of each dungeon, is there a reason to ever do a 2 again? Maybe you go back and help a friend do “his” 2 or maybe you pug someone else’s key. If you need to go back you have the option to reduce key level from the npc.
Yeah I found that funny as well. Before people were saying that depletes are very punishing because it lowers your key, and now when Blizz wants to adress it, they say it's useless. I for one think it's a nice change.
The boss can be pulled befor have done 100% turn in. And if boss pulled you can't turn inn anymore. So if at 90% resten boss and hope turn bofor random pulls the boss
Its interesting, everyone I have heard talk about the Aug change say that the DPS change is a wash. I'm confused. Is the damage landscape so very difficult once you are 639 ilvl and running giga keys? This change effectively means you are gaining 0.5x your average DPS boost, and losing your tank and healer boost. Now setting aside the healing/survivability benefit to tanks and healers, while I only run 8-10s with much lower geared groups around 615-620ish at the moment, but even the tank alone has never been half a DPS. Tanks are usually closer to 70% of a DPS at minimum in my experience, let alone when you encounter a healer who actually does some damage. Or in other words, from a damage perspective you used to boost 2 DPS, a tank, and a healer. Now you will be boosting 2.5 DPS. This does not seem to be a damage wash to me at all.
To comment on the, "This 12s not depleting achievement would be better this season." Blizzard is always designing for the problems of the past season, but always creating new friction in the next season. So Blizzard adds a fix, and introduces a new problem all at the same time. We didn't want no affixes in TWW or Dragonflight dungeons(at least that's not where it started), we wanted no affixes in Shadowlands and Legion dungeons when affixes were incredibly overtaxing and variant from week-to-week. A raid fight is a 4-10 minutes these days of focus. A mythic plus dungeon is sometimes 30+ minutes of pure execution and focus where any one mistake can completely invalidate everything done previously. That is the friction that I feel right now. Yes raid fights have wipes, but that doesn't deplete your raid to normal from heroic. Give me a 10 minutes m+ dungeon. I'm sure it would be an insane success, provided Blizzard doesn't stuff 30 minutes of mechanics in 10 minutes.
The 2850 achievement incentives group makers into inviting people who havent timed 12s yet. Im 3100 IO and ill be more willing to invite someone who hasnt timed a 12 if realistically i dont get punished for it more than just the wasted time.
Some blizz moves are just baits, non-deplete is joke cause your only use of it will be on alt kinda or weekly +12, big part of population where most toxicity happens wont even see it , dinars leaves mplusers in bottom, Guile change is nice, but as Growl said why its even a thing, just let people push using regular scaling
I think the tier set theme is just "evil villain". Paladin and priest look very arathi to me. Also, I've heard mixed opinions on the hunter and DH sets, some positive in that they are very different from what we usually get. Insane opinion on the monk set, dragon mask/super Saiyan hair looks awesome to me, zoom in on the set, you get sick dragon tattoos and the rope belt with gourd. Awful set from mistweaver perspective I guess
Would be crazy if blizz added the no deplete achievement to higher and higher io cutoffs, like the equivalent io to all timed 14s makes it so your key cannot go below a 14, likewise at the cutoffs for all 16s and all 18s
If you are asking why there is so much hate around wow listen to this episode, no matter what they change, it’s almost always mind blowing negative takes, like dinnars are so good, shouldn’t be to late like 10.0.7 but yh for someone who’s getting his bis shit in less than a month will never know what ninja and casters looting and selling rare weapons feels like, sigh..
Anyone who is saying aug is not dead is coping so hard, now it will actually have to compete fairly with every other dps spec 1. AuG UtILIty iS UNpAraLlELd!1!1!!!1 Zephyr, cauterizing flame, rescue, source of magic, lust are all great but guess what dev brings the same. The only op unique utility left is blistering scales. 2. AUg iS A pErFEct fOR ShoT CAlLINg!1!!11!!1 Guess what in 99.99% of groups it’s simply not true. It’s only applicable to literally Rank 1 groups not even 0.1% but 0.001% 3. AuG’S DaMAgE iS bAD, bUt it’S STiLl BrOuGHt!11!1!!11 In the current meta comp it’s not the case, not just the better the dps specs the better the aug, but also it scales really well with skill and coordination. No other spec is gonna beat the leeching of the dps of enh shaman every 2 minute with ascendance, trinket and pi. 4. 5% MAiN StaT iS nOT tHaT BIg1!!1!1!1! That’s literally a key level difference, so no that’s a huge nerf. So to sum it up now aug is gonna finally play by the same rules as other dps specs, mark my word next time when aug’s damage would be truly mediocre people will forget about these points real quick
These might be some of Tettles best takes
Big true
You know I read this before the episode even started. My first thought was "Is he not in the episode?"
my thoughts
his contribution was refreshing for once. One of his best episode for sure.
Uncommon boomkin player dubs
Love that squshie is able to elaborate without getting cut of. He has some great takes when he can talk in peace!
So true!!!
I was really impressed by Tettles in this episode. He was like a whole new person!
Best episode ever, since you guys take turns to talk.
Tettles spitting straight facts this episode, never agreed with his takes more.
Thinking about all the brew changes still keeps me up at night. So glad they are taking chances and implementing new ideas.
Is it bad that I only noticed that Tettles wasnt there 40 minutes in?
I took me 16 minutes, so I feel better now haha
i realized it about 11 minutes in, thinking "this episode seems a lot more chill" lol
@@zuralani1 omg im at 51 minutes and paused it while talking and looked at some comments and i never noticed!!! holy shit lmao
ye me after like 10 mins, felt like a nice conversation with growl and squishy, i was like ... wait, did tettles even talk yet and saw the still xD
58 minute mark when i saw this comment 🤣
unironically though this episode highlighted the synergy between squish and growl and how often tettles would just kind of jump on someone to shit on what they were saying - i really do hope to see more episodes where you guys take turns talking like in this one
Prot Paladin Meta
Blizzard: Better nerf prot warrior
We must acknowledge and commend tettles's commitment to the rules of green light red light this episode
"I have not logged into the game" Baseg
This episode was so nice to listen to holy shit. People could talk without getting cut off. Squishie should always "lead" the podcast ngl
If Aug is still in every single top key like most of the last few seasons it's either going to get gutted or never ever go away
Best episode ever without Tettles. No joke.
2:27 "Any amnimal" hahaha
Let Squishei lead this podcast from here out.
The proble with dinars. They come way to late. Think of the catalyst when we had to wait it suck. Now we get one free charge on week one so almost everyone gets 2set at the same time. I farm grim batol 56 times before i got my trinket. I lost the roll twice but it suck.
Reasonable Tettles takes this week for once, love to see it.
I genuinely didn’t realize tettles was absent the whole podcast
Literally only clocked it with the gag at the end 😬😬
"I'll have to wait and see" - the best way to answer a question you haven't thought about.
How about you can't go below your highest key completed in each dungeon
Genuine and unironic Tettles appreciation comment because the internet is mean
I completely agree with Growl's opinion on their weird arbitrary fixation on the level 12 scaling, as well as the achievement making more sense at 10s.
loved tettles this episode, down to earth, great ideas, really man of the people in my book
squishei is far too generous towards blizzard
"i'm ok with dinars on week 17 of the patch"
I want dinars within the first 6 weeks or else they might as well not exist
The drop off will be similar to this season and then they will rip the cord by week 10
So basically you don’t want to even try to do the content for the gear. Got it.
@@Nyeusi6 weeks of getting nothing from the raid isnt enough?
@@akunomatata7897 dinars shouldnt go live until hall of fame closes.
@@Nyeusitrying to defend this is insane
The monk set is probably the 2nd best one behind rogue idk what yall are talking about 😂 it’s so absurd and outlandish that it’s perfect
Merry Christmas guys! Great show as usual
this episode was so much better than the others, keep this up!!
43:20 Our 10s this season are gonna be 12s next season. The achievement is exactly what squishei wanted it to be.
The max crest gain now comes from +12s, maybe that is the reason for the achievement to be tied to not depleting 12s instead of 10s. Maybe it will become the preferred "weekly" run level once the added difficulty drops off next season.
you'll still cap your crest with the 8X10 you need for vault.
nice of tettles to show up
Growl giving takes on tier-sets he obviously didn't read is so disingenuous
Took me half the episode to realize....
Insane to not like the Monk helm. It’s one of the sickest helms of all time. That set is so sick.
i like the bigger helms this tier. The extra effects from getting 2.5 this season was mostly only visible on shoulders, and not really noticeable for the helms. So with this maybe they will actually be noticeable without max zoom in
12s are the highest crest reward keys, so making the achievment at 12 means you can farm crests at 12 without risking depletes for most players. This also has the added effect of pushing good players to push for those keys because our monkey brains crave efficiency
I want to put numbers to this since you stated most players. And it seems like no one is really discussing the numbers.
According to Raider IO, “most players” don’t fall within the range of all 12s timed. I believe it was stated in another video that to obtain 2850, you would need some 11s and 12s.
But let’s just go by the actual rating of 2850. We can safely say that is between 1% of players and 10% of players in the current season. 1% being 3008.76 rating and 10% being 2637.01 rating.
How does this equate to most players ?
Now let’s just check Keystone Hero, which is 2500+ rating. As of right now in S1, that is 17.60% of players.
Again, how is this “most players” and “easily obtainable and doable “ by said players?
The data is there but it seems no one likes to see it or listen to it.
The vast majority of players are not going above 2000 rating. Which equates to 37.50% of all M+. Even this is not “most” players.
Most players, according to the data, falls between 1500+ rating to 2000. This section equates to 51.40%. As it shows, this is a little over half of all players in M+.
The posted changes are not for “most players” and this won’t incentivize a sudden paradigm shift in data. It’s not enough and it misses the mark.
@@matthewalexander2780 Io being used like you are doing now is just ignoring the fact that we can't tell how many are alts with ratings since the overall doesn't take those out. I alone have 14 Characters I play with my friends and just to be able to hide if I want to play wow and not be bothered and all about 2500. I wonder how many others do the same at lower levels which further skews they numbers you are using to almost feels harass the poster above you are responding to.
Tettles was deff the mvp this episode! Keep up the great work man
Merry Christmas! Love the discussions as always, long live the best Wow podcast!
As a Mistweaver main I find the new tier set really fun as we have been having really not fun sets ever since they were reintroduced. The most fun stuff we had was "you won't have mana problem anymore" but aside from that it's been some really boring "you get 10% more healing on that ability, waw". So having some sort of effect that actually does something is refreshing honestly.
The geometry on the ships in Dawnbreaker is still effed up. Why would they fix the transfer/ring upgrade bug?
I can't stand Dawnbreaker for that reason. The weird inertia on flying and sometimes falling through the boat is just terrible design.
They should just make the boat stationary, I feel like that would fix it
45:55 This is the like the 5th video I'm asking for validation on. Did blizz not say we were SUPPOSED to get different seasonal affixes?
Also the affixes we have are not “ seasonal affixes “ they are the new affixes period
Why is growl in this poddy when he plays classic
Comments need to chill on being scumbags and stop cyber bullying tettles good lord
First episode I didn't disagree with any of tettles takes. Christmas miracle.
Key boosters love the +12 no deplete addition. Blizzard helped them run with maximum efficiency.
Dinars are pretty much like the legendary Fyralath, if you keep doing the raid you're guaranteed to get at least your top 2 items but you could still drop those 2 items. This should keep people clearing the raid every week as the legendary did if people care. It's a decent compromise, I don't think it should be better maybe even only 1 would be fine.
Tettles PR training is going hard rn.
MM Hunters getting lust baseline has been a while coming. Holyyyyy.
the deplete thing is for me teaching my friends, takes the pressure off of progging guild 12s
Prot warriors getting gutted despite not being meta AND having a tank shortage is an interesting choice. Blizzard really just hates warriors.
It took me until the druid class tree talk to realize that Tettles wasn't here lol
51:00 "i think people have kind of come around to them"
translation: "at least most ranged aren't upset about theirs"
Basically every winning streak class has a fatebound lucky coin timer in between m+ pulls
The dinah thing, yeah I'd be fine with getting the second one around 'nowish' in the patch, my guild has been screwed on spymasters, we've had like 2 drop on heroic, we've seen one normal ring off queen, maybe 3 cloaks and no necklaces. Some people have gotten them from vault obviously, but many others haven't. So people being able to have a pseudo bad luck protection in the middle/last third of the patch is great. Heck, you could even upgrade a bit of gear (assuming it works like the S4 DF ones where they could go to max myth) moving your uber-trinket from hero to myth.
I do think having them too sooner than the .5 patch would be a mistake though and murder the thrill of the chase.
guys i think tettles vid + audio froze
the deplete change is for me and my friends, we pug mostly but when we are all together we get to push. so now i can play without them without worrying a pug takes my keys from the 13 i want down to a 10 before me and my group have a chance at it
I'd like to see them give healers more Aug-like support spells (or even hero talents), making healers more fun to play.
On the Legend Achievement, I think this will be great for the weekly 12's now that the crest changes will be in for Season 2. If you have a chance at running a 12, you will want to for maximizing crest rewards and still getting a good amount for a depletion. The depletion doesn't fuck you over now though with the next key being an 11. I am 2800 nonmeta tank and pug 11-12 range currently. This is going to feel amazing for people like me. Maybe people won't gatekeep by just picking the meta stuff now that the failure penalty really isn't bad now.
40:00 growl I think your talking about logorithmic (or maybe linear after a certian point) scaling rather than exponential. Not sure tho
i think that affix just orbits around you, you gotta side step to catch it
i tried for like 4 hours to get the bugged gems.... gave up came back 2 days later and got both on my next kills because people finally figured out how to do it xD
How? Asking for a friend? 😂
what worked for us was resetting the mob, waiting for the event to pop up again, pull it out with a pet and killing it while the wall was still closed (not sure if it works being in a raid) good luck ^^
Please, please master your sound better, Growl is much louder than Squishei so I have to constantly change the volume 🥲
Max from liquid says he does actually love random tank procs. Just a reminder that it’s always a matter of opinion.
Things are very rarely objectively good or bad.
Crest awards end at +12.. So it seems to be 2 things to naturally lead people to pushing.
They want us to be doing 12s for crests. And then they add this to incentivise us to attempt to push past that and thus begin the ladder for push keys.
It isn't the end goal itself. Nor is it the only thing being done to achieve the goal its part of. It seems they're trying to make a system that will keep people trying to push.
I hope Blizzard really steps up in testing their stuff and releasing it without bugs. Bugs have been very hard on this entire expansion, and this whole Island patch has been completely ruined by it. Were 4 months in still falling trough ships in Dawnbreaker. I'd much rather have been take 1 month longer and release working stuff instead of this frustrating stuff.
Have a lovely holidays. thanks for the episode.
I'm pretty sure the depletes achievement is aimed at the high key community so they don't ever drop down into the keys that have affixes again? At least thats the general consensus I've seen elsewhere and it makes sense when you hear those types talk about how much it sucks to go do a 10 or 11 and be like "ugh right I have to deal with these affixes again"
(disclaimer, I am not a high key person, new to M+, so it's super not aimed at me and I could be turbo wrong)
crazy how Tettles got so much hate this episode and he's not even there lol.
People raid the whole patch. People enjoy raiding the whole patch. Just because you guys are "done" by week 5 or 6 does not mean the content is done. The dinars will be good for alts and/or unlucky people.
The event isn't just dropping the gem from 100% to 80%. When the boss charges (which he always does) the event bugs out and disappears making the chance to get the gem 0%. This isn't a conspiracy but the only fix is to look at your map. When the event drops and disappears on the map you need to reset the boss over and over until you can respawn the event at the command table. Once the even is back up you need to attack the boss through the wall. ONLY THEN is it 50/50 drop for people. Some peoples games don't re-capture the event. It's just beyond idiotic. I've tried for a cumulative 5 hours since release and organizing people is the hardest. My wife got the gems first shot but I cannot get them. Jokes on Blizz cause I actually do endgame content and she is just an achievement hunter... the irony.
Just go with WM on, everyone i know that did got all the gems 1st try
@@Kamanou95 can´t even get the event to start on wm for some reason. just appears to be in limbo.
@@Kamanou95 I'll try this thank you
Poor tettles getting all this hate. They love yo hate you tettles and without you this pod couldnt exist!
Yes! Growl is bang on the money this time when talking about the squish. I think the squish is the bigest mistake they made this expansion, even if it happened in season 4 dragonflight.
2 weeks ago: Should depletes even exist? This week: Why are they removing depletes at a certain level that is so bad, no one wants this! And the score is for the people who just do not want to play with affixes anymore and at that point they won't have to anymore because pugs can't deplete their key below the threshold. Seems pretty obvious to me what the goal is.
The problem is more high key rating. If you’ve done a 2 of each dungeon, is there a reason to ever do a 2 again? Maybe you go back and help a friend do “his” 2 or maybe you pug someone else’s key. If you need to go back you have the option to reduce key level from the npc.
Yeah I found that funny as well. Before people were saying that depletes are very punishing because it lowers your key, and now when Blizz wants to adress it, they say it's useless.
I for one think it's a nice change.
Stupid cat is not prepared at all. Just randomly tries to come up with the answer. Unprofessional.
The boss can be pulled befor have done 100% turn in. And if boss pulled you can't turn inn anymore. So if at 90% resten boss and hope turn bofor random pulls the boss
Tettles has never been this good
Its interesting, everyone I have heard talk about the Aug change say that the DPS change is a wash. I'm confused. Is the damage landscape so very difficult once you are 639 ilvl and running giga keys? This change effectively means you are gaining 0.5x your average DPS boost, and losing your tank and healer boost. Now setting aside the healing/survivability benefit to tanks and healers, while I only run 8-10s with much lower geared groups around 615-620ish at the moment, but even the tank alone has never been half a DPS. Tanks are usually closer to 70% of a DPS at minimum in my experience, let alone when you encounter a healer who actually does some damage.
Or in other words, from a damage perspective you used to boost 2 DPS, a tank, and a healer. Now you will be boosting 2.5 DPS. This does not seem to be a damage wash to me at all.
To comment on the, "This 12s not depleting achievement would be better this season." Blizzard is always designing for the problems of the past season, but always creating new friction in the next season. So Blizzard adds a fix, and introduces a new problem all at the same time. We didn't want no affixes in TWW or Dragonflight dungeons(at least that's not where it started), we wanted no affixes in Shadowlands and Legion dungeons when affixes were incredibly overtaxing and variant from week-to-week.
A raid fight is a 4-10 minutes these days of focus. A mythic plus dungeon is sometimes 30+ minutes of pure execution and focus where any one mistake can completely invalidate everything done previously. That is the friction that I feel right now. Yes raid fights have wipes, but that doesn't deplete your raid to normal from heroic. Give me a 10 minutes m+ dungeon. I'm sure it would be an insane success, provided Blizzard doesn't stuff 30 minutes of mechanics in 10 minutes.
i love the friendly toxicity in the title
Is this Tettles' best episode so far?
My guild is fuck this next patch. Like half my guild doesn't even have 10 rep, so like no one in mu guild ever gonna get that strands buff probably.
Anyone else annoyed by the (FoTM) prot pallys that dont take Eye of Tyr, Blessing of Freedom, Blessing of Spellwarding, Sentinel cuz MaH DmG?
I mainly enjoy raiding, but if there is a track for raid, why not for m+.
I feel Blizzard really missed in the opportunity to make some really unique and goofy mog and didn't really match raid theme
i had to skip the tier set transmog takes for my own mental health
The 2850 achievement incentives group makers into inviting people who havent timed 12s yet. Im 3100 IO and ill be more willing to invite someone who hasnt timed a 12 if realistically i dont get punished for it more than just the wasted time.
Growl is so cooked with the dinar shit . If you do 16 weeks of no rare item then that dinar on week 17 feels good lol .
Surv Hunter should have the Rexxar theme!
i've never seen the comment section so civil
I guess it’s fine for the pod to occasionally discuss US politics but I was a bit shocked by Tettles’ views 😢
ye i was surprised tettles already entered the capitol on jan 5th, but nobody noticed yet
Podcast where you can discuss druid talents and tettles is not here.... Hes punching air atm not being able to gaslight us into "druid needs buffs"
Hate watching this episode because i know tettles didn't say hi to burt for me after i asked him to when i tanked for him last week
Tettles needs a cat avatar
Tettles said \_o_/
Some blizz moves are just baits, non-deplete is joke cause your only use of it will be on alt kinda or weekly +12, big part of population where most toxicity happens wont even see it , dinars leaves mplusers in bottom, Guile change is nice, but as Growl said why its even a thing, just let people push using regular scaling
I think the tier set theme is just "evil villain". Paladin and priest look very arathi to me. Also, I've heard mixed opinions on the hunter and DH sets, some positive in that they are very different from what we usually get. Insane opinion on the monk set, dragon mask/super Saiyan hair looks awesome to me, zoom in on the set, you get sick dragon tattoos and the rope belt with gourd. Awful set from mistweaver perspective I guess
The hunter set is a mix of 2 older tier set
Would be crazy if blizz added the no deplete achievement to higher and higher io cutoffs, like the equivalent io to all timed 14s makes it so your key cannot go below a 14, likewise at the cutoffs for all 16s and all 18s
or just remove depletion from the game.
Its maint and I don't see the new one yet... Come on guys what am I supposed to do for an hour without you.
If you are asking why there is so much hate around wow listen to this episode, no matter what they change, it’s almost always mind blowing negative takes, like dinnars are so good, shouldn’t be to late like 10.0.7 but yh for someone who’s getting his bis shit in less than a month will never know what ninja and casters looting and selling rare weapons feels like, sigh..
Anyone who is saying aug is not dead is coping so hard, now it will actually have to compete fairly with every other dps spec
1. AuG UtILIty iS UNpAraLlELd!1!1!!!1 Zephyr, cauterizing flame, rescue, source of magic, lust are all great but guess what dev brings the same. The only op unique utility left is blistering scales.
2. AUg iS A pErFEct fOR ShoT CAlLINg!1!!11!!1 Guess what in 99.99% of groups it’s simply not true. It’s only applicable to literally Rank 1 groups not even 0.1% but 0.001%
3. AuG’S DaMAgE iS bAD, bUt it’S STiLl BrOuGHt!11!1!!11 In the current meta comp it’s not the case, not just the better the dps specs the better the aug, but also it scales really well with skill and coordination. No other spec is gonna beat the leeching of the dps of enh shaman every 2 minute with ascendance, trinket and pi.
4. 5% MAiN StaT iS nOT tHaT BIg1!!1!1!1! That’s literally a key level difference, so no that’s a huge nerf.
So to sum it up now aug is gonna finally play by the same rules as other dps specs, mark my word next time when aug’s damage would be truly mediocre people will forget about these points real quick
who hurt you lmao. Aug will still be good, just not mandatory