Let's talk about Critical Race Theory since College Board won't.

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2,2 тыс.

  • @LeejaMiller
    @LeejaMiller  Год назад +124

    ⛽Download the FREE Upside App at upside.app.link/leeja to get an extra 25 cents back for every gallon on your first tank of gas.
    🗣 Listen I know these are difficult conversations but I think they're worth having. I also acknowledge I'm not an expert and I have blind spots so if I misspoke at all during this video please let me know!

    • @thomasjamison2050
      @thomasjamison2050 Год назад +1

      The fundamental arguments that DeSantos uses against CRT is, at core, the same argument that slave owners used to argue against educating slaves or that the KKK used against the funding of education in the South by the Federal Government under the Freedman's Bureau. It is to be noted that these schools were to designed to be open to both white and black children, but nevertheless the KKK burned them all down and drove away the teachers, one of whom was W E B Dubois. But personally, I think the reparations will remain a hopeless joke until black children receive the same funding for education that white children do.
      As per your comment about DeSantos and his education, there is a joke from the Reconstruction era that goes: A southern politician is giving a stump speech in the south. He is interrupted by a listener who asks 'aren't you the same fella that came here before the war and told us that we could beat the Yankees with broom sticks?" "Yes I did." replies the politician, 'but the Yankees refused to fight us that way." It is a reflection on the general level of education in the south, which for longer times than not was basic illiteracy, as well as the insincerity, hypocrisy and cynicism of southern politicians which appears to a quite the tradition still. Contrary to the census before the Civil War, the Freedman's Bureau discovered that illiteracy in the south among whites was at least 90% during Reconstruction, and during the FDR administration illiteracy in much of the south was still at 50%. The long term effects are in the genes by now, and will only slowly be leaving us for that reason.

    • @Mr_Joseph979
      @Mr_Joseph979 Год назад +3

      @ Leeja Miller absolutely excellent work done in this video. After watching a few of your videos I have become a new sub. Thank you for your acutely intelligent perspective on many topics. Nice work cousin

    • @melchiel4413
      @melchiel4413 Год назад +2

      So you think that the only the similarly "situated" countries are comfortably in the middle even though they are the furthest left non-communist societies on Earth? The entire Islamic world including societies as different as Tunisia and Qatar and let's not forget Pakistan to Saudi Arabia. They are further to the right than the USA on social issues, economic issues, etc. The same could be said about sub-Saharan African nations even though the over-educated of those societies believe in "decolonization" who's actual definition has already happened. Yet again you could go to Singapore, and (believe it or not) the PRC. India has a complicated system, but the Hindutvas are basically taking over and they are to the right of us. Even in Europe opposition candidates are going strong, even with draconian "hate speech" laws which basically is any speech that contradicts intersectionality. I'd rather be free and poor than controlled and rich. Singapore disagrees on that with good reason. Race and religion are no go areas to them since they can start violence and riots, but it doesn't care about their feelings, they simply do what is necessary.

    • @thomasjamison2050
      @thomasjamison2050 Год назад +3

      @@melchiel4413 I won't argue your well made point that the world is full of ignorant and racist human beings. But progress won't be made by just giving up as you endorse.

    • @bobsterclause342
      @bobsterclause342 Год назад +2

      I gave you the long version, now the short version
      you just proved why they don't liek this
      you chose yourself to try to explain why the republican think and feel the way and are a fraid, AND YOU DIDN"T MENTION ONE SINGLE OF THING THEY WILL EXPLAIN< TELL YOU< RAGE ABOUT AS IF YOU DIDN"T EVEN KNOW THOSE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS EXISTED
      the whole reason they don''t like democrats being in control of teaching classes like this,
      is because they get people to think and bleeive they know crap and be so confident
      to the point they will literally make a video about what someone thinks
      and not know what those people think.
      YOu can sit there and make an opinion peice all you want
      if they have thoughts, and you don't mention them, and you say you know what people think, and you don't mentino the things they say all the time, and make avideo as if you know anything, and you don't know anything, you just make an arguemnt, then
      you simply say you know what people think
      and you don't
      All you had to do was be bothered to look up a single video, and these peopel will litterally express to you what they think why where and how.
      ANd instead, you just make an arguement trying to prove basically a hypothesis, yet you could have been bothered to look up a single video, but instead researching, you use your persuation skills and make a video that can besically be discribed as not only a straw man arguement, but an inversion of history and present times.
      WHen you sit there and say you know what people think
      and there are loads of videos, and you can't be bothered to do your research, and instead you try to make a convincing arguement about stuff in your own mind, then
      you just look dishonest or dumb.
      You think you know what people think,
      then invokme a single thought
      not one thought from one video.
      THat is why they dont't like this
      you give people democrat classses, and you have peiople who don't have a clue, think they know, and then monologue without a clues to what they are talking about.
      Then walmarts cloes
      phentynol happens
      we loose energy crises
      we learn why we need police
      all because the left likes to make peoplewho don't anything think they know and then act on itm, while, sinc eth eright obviously knows logic, becuase they can oppreditc things, they ropredict things
      See the thing si when you predict things and you are wrong because you don't know how the world works, and someone predicts things, you probably know how the world works if you predict it, especcialy when you start talking about why and what ccauses what.
      Like shut down an oil pipeline and you will have oild problems
      The right just doesn't want this crap of people going around thinking they know crap ebecasue they can from coherent arguemnts that don't actually hold water
      like someone litterally making a video about what people think
      and not knowing a single thought
      Like having a hypothises and then argueing it works
      for crying out loud.
      enough of this garage.
      show you know what you are talking about.
      Because when people think they know, and don't you get things like vegitarians having their teeth fall out because they don't get nutrition, begging for oilm phentinol
      everything was predicted by people who actually understand how things work
      and the people who don't got it wrong
      you don't know what the right thinks, and they have the ability to predict things with accuracy.
      the left is alwasy wrong
      That is why they don't like it when you have these people teach classses, because all they do is pump out confident clueless people who think they know what people think and why and can only talk about what is in their own mind, and not reference a thing they think and say its wrong becuase of a reason, because they don't know, and can't be bothered to do an hour of research before making a video, unlike right wingers, who usually reasearch before making an argument.
      And it shows.
      every, single time
      Oh I know what the right thinks and why
      okay, what do they think and why
      explain a hypotheses in your onw head
      ohwait a second, you diddn't mentino a single thing these people litterally will tell you every time they talk about these topics, and you thought you know what they think.
      Okay man. Im dont with the types of people who cna make convincing sounding arguements.

  • @ZoraTheberge
    @ZoraTheberge Год назад +4060

    The way Germany talks about the Holocaust is a potential model for how America could begin to talk about slavery. My dad grew up in Germany and my understanding is that they were very direct about it. Children read the Diary of Anne Frank and later, they visit concentration camps.
    American plantations are too often glamorized. It’s not uncommon to have big parties there. Imagine having a wedding at Auschwitz. Plantation museums have a responsibility to guests to accurately portray the atrocities that took place there, the way Auschwitz, Birkenau and other German concentration camps have.

    • @LeejaMiller
      @LeejaMiller  Год назад +664

      That’s a great analogy

    • @bootalophosaurus2378
      @bootalophosaurus2378 Год назад

      Though tbf we’ve been struggling with a scary rise in antisemitism as well as a rise in pushes for changes in our education system to focus less on the Third Reich and more on “the good things we did” which is complete bullshit in part because of the long history of antisemitism well before Hitler came into power. Fascist ideology is on the rise everywhere unfortunately, not just in the US, truly scary.

    • @yellowblobby
      @yellowblobby Год назад +1

      didn't Auschwitz become a semi-museum
      i'm pretty sure black slavery got a meseum in america. There's no point in making everything remotely tied to these things of the past unholy for no reason.
      Just make every city where nazis lived holy and shove down the throats of every german how nazis were bad people as if they didn't know it already. Germany does it's best to move on from a much, much worse past than america's story. And americans still can't get over their typical slavery era, they just love to bring it up all the time as if it was part of their identity. Sorry but you're not the only country to have had slaves, in fact you're just like every other country ever in history. It's not like every country had a past like Germany does.

    • @doctorbarber1
      @doctorbarber1 Год назад +447

      I've read a few articles over the past couple years about how some plantations are starting to include the perspectives of slaves in their tours and literature. The exact kind of people you'd imagine got very angry over that. They want mint juleps and corsets, not the truth.

    • @Freaky0Nina
      @Freaky0Nina Год назад +383

      I am a German studying "Amerikanistik" in Germany. So, your guys' racism problem *tends* to come up... a lot. And while my country is far away from perfect with its approach to "Erinneringskultur" (memory culture), I also think that a lot of countries (japan cough cough) could benefit from a similar 'culture'. In this semester's seminar our lecturer showed us a photo she took from a plantation. It was a sign 'describing' the housing for the enslaved people. We were shocked, the text on the sign made it sound like the enslaved field slaves just had a hard working class type work day and then could come home to their wives and kids to relax and enjoy the rest of the day. The euphemization was... wow.

  • @munkycoolgaming
    @munkycoolgaming Год назад +3177

    “letting students think for themselves” is funny because i don’t remember learning any socialist economic policies in AP Econ.

    • @1984magu
      @1984magu Год назад +50

      "by forcing them to feel guilty for what theyr ancestor his teacher tells him they have done"

    • @mixedviews3536
      @mixedviews3536 Год назад +612

      @@1984magu if a kid feels bad about what dead people have done, it’s because they are currently doing it. They should feel empathy for other people not bad for themselves.

    • @ianhomerpura8937
      @ianhomerpura8937 Год назад +205

      This. In some countries, economics, marketing and HR students are actively taught unionbusting and how to use loopholes within legal frameworks, all to gain profits for the company and its shareholders.

    • @frankvizzerra1292
      @frankvizzerra1292 Год назад +6

      Same here.

    • @litning123
      @litning123 Год назад

      Students are free to adopt the values and ideology of the elite. The more authoritarian or unstable the government is, the less tolerant its minions will be of nonconformist thinking. The Baby Boomers grew up in a “Conform! Conform - or else!!” society. Disagree? Please show me all the non-white, non-Bible-thumping, non-capitalist …(I hope you’ve got the idea) characters in the popular media (TV, radio and comic books) and people in positions of power in the 1950s and 60s.

  • @GetGwapThisYear
    @GetGwapThisYear Год назад +1215

    For a country so afraid of tyranny, America sure embraces it

    • @SNDN_LN
      @SNDN_LN Год назад

      For a group so afraid of tyranny, republicans sure embrace it.

    • @imveryangryitsnotbutter
      @imveryangryitsnotbutter Год назад +103

      To many Americans, "tyranny" doesn't mean "a gross imbalance of power in which one social class is forced by law to conform to the desires of another social class", it means "any system where my social group isn't treated as unequivocally superior to other social groups".

    • @cass7448
      @cass7448 Год назад +30

      And it's the specific groups that say they're afraid of tyranny that embrace it the hardest.

    • @towTruck42
      @towTruck42 Год назад +11

      Did we invent double speak? Damn good at it. I tell ya.

    • @jefft5152
      @jefft5152 11 месяцев назад +8

      ​@@imveryangryitsnotbutter "Equality often looks like tyranny to the ones at the top." - (misquoted by me)

  • @jserra17
    @jserra17 Год назад +193

    An example... My father graduated from Paterson East Side High School in June 1941. He spent the summer playing in the Double A baseball Carolina League. When the summer ended, he returned to Paterson and took a job working as an electrician's assistant. On December 8, following on the bombing of Pearl Harbor he and all of his buddies from the Italian-American neighborhood in Paterson went down and joined the Army. Over the next three and a half years they fought across North Africa, Sicily, Italy and France. In grateful recognition of their service, Congress passed the GI Bill. Thinking he would never make it to the Major Leagues, my father used his benefits to attend college. He eventually earned a master's in education administration from Colombia University. Though my grandfather was a barber who spoke halting English, on the strength of that one education, three generations of his family have been lifted up. My father paid for my mother to earn a teaching degree. Each of my three sisters and I had the opportunity to attend college - three of us earned graduate degrees and we are all successful by most measures. Each of my father's grandchildren have had the opportunity to attend college.
    In 1945, African Americans had the same rights on paper, but for many, not in reality. Across large areas in the American South, it was illegal for them to even apply to their state's university system. Even where there were alternative colleges for people of color, the never equal, "separate but equal" educations they had received were rarely sufficient to prepare them for college level work. That is tens of thousands of African American families that were not lifted up; three generations of African Americans that did not become part of the American Middle Class.
    Through the 1970's and 80's, there was still institutional racial discrimination in implementation of Federal Programs intended to benefit the middle class. Studies have concluded that the FHA and VA discriminated against African American applicants for home loans. Black people with comparable credit histories routinely did not receive home loans where white people did. For most Americans, their greatest savings have been in the form of equity in their homes, but several million African American's continued to pay rent all their lives. Not only were they discriminated against, but also the legacies African Americans should have been able to leave to their grandchildren did not exist. Ditto for small business loans from the SBA. And along with the several million entrepreneurs not created, so also the entrepreneurial culture not passed down to another generation of African Americans.
    The 1970's and 80's were periods of great consolidation in Agriculture. Across America, from the East Coast to the Midwest, to the South and all the way to California's Central Valley, multiple small farms were consolidated into large farms in the interests of efficiency. When you sell commodity products, market-places are brutal - the inefficient do not survive. Farmers with access to capital bought out their neighbors and those that could not get loans were forced to sell. Right through the 1980's, Department of Agriculture farm loans were mostly not given to African American farmers and as a consequence, tens of thousands of prosperous black farmers do not exist today.
    Everything described here is the ripple effect of racial discrimination in Federal programs. None of this speaks to the impacts of private discrimination in banking, housing, employment, public accommodation or healthcare. It may be that conscious discrimination has largely ended in America, but the consequences of past, institutional discrimination still haunt our nation in very real ways.

    • @somethingelse4424
      @somethingelse4424 Год назад

      The renting versus home ownership is more than enough to explain the wealth gap in my opinion. If most of a black family's income goes straight into the pocket of a white family every month for their entire life--and then their children inherit nothing and also have to rent for their entire life. Plus discrimination in hiring, and it's no wonder there is racial inequality even after generations post slavery.

    • @doomslayer1984
      @doomslayer1984 Год назад

      ruclips.net/video/0hQ_ohLclLA/видео.html this is why critical race theory causes nothing but division and allows the elites to better control the population. because nothing takes the minds off the middle class getting f***ed in the ass by elitists like having immigrants come in to essentially replace you at your job. So now your more worried about just getting by rather then these elitist rats who made it possible for immigrants to steal away legal residents jobs. I'm originally from Latin America. But I can at least see why its important to integrate into society. And that is what's so many are not doing now. And CRT is only helping to encourage this way of thinking.

    • @davkatjenn
      @davkatjenn Год назад +22

      It is the brutal ugliness of the denials by people like Ron DeSantis that piss me off so much. For someone who was fortunate enough to go to some of the leading colleges in this country, DeSantis sure has forgotten how to think and that is truly a black mark on the schools in which he attended. If a school can not teach one the basics and instill in them a desire to continue to learn throughout their life then the school has failed. I am glad that your family was so successful and from reading your post, I can tell that you have continued to learn. Thank you.

    • @doomslayer1984
      @doomslayer1984 Год назад

      So when he claims there are only 2 sexes he is being ignorant according to you?

    • @jserra17
      @jserra17 Год назад +16

      doom slayer, DeSantis is playing off the prejudices, fears and hate of the under educated in Florida. If that includes you, you have my sympathy.

  • @prophetessoftroy
    @prophetessoftroy Год назад +1031

    The College Board claiming to be "Not For Profit" is the biggest joke I've heard in while.

    • @RankinMsP
      @RankinMsP Год назад +10

      Like the NCAA used to be

    • @davkatjenn
      @davkatjenn Год назад

      If Congress is for sale and the Supreme Court is for sale, then we should be shocked by the idea that the College Board is too? They all have one thing in common......they all lie about it.

    • @jimmyscott5217
      @jimmyscott5217 Год назад +31

      It's the same as a church being non profit.

    • @audiofeinz5754
      @audiofeinz5754 Год назад +13

      ​@@RankinMsPwhat does the NCAA have to do with anything weirdo

    • @internetwizard4922
      @internetwizard4922 Год назад

      ​@@audiofeinz5754the ncaa is a nonprofit but makes massive million dollar deals with broadcasters..? stuff that the students dont really see the end results of. ncaa. national college athletic association

  • @beeboibez
    @beeboibez Год назад +226

    Good info! Fully gave me a headache with all this deeply ingrained racism. The freaking fear mongering crap going on in politics is maddening

  • @SweetLibertyTravels
    @SweetLibertyTravels Год назад +591

    Thank you so much for this breakdown. I'm a black woman born and raised in Florida. My ancestors survived the middle passage and my family has experienced all of the immediate and residual effects of these racist and anti-feminist laws firsthand. Sometimes, the laws and willful ignorance of the "patriots" of our country make me feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with a functioning brain and moral compass. I'm def going to read these books! The 1619 Project on Hulu was a good watch that I also recommend. It covered some of the topics that appear to have been removed from the curriculum.

    • @theyhateme8763
      @theyhateme8763 Год назад +6

      congrats every person on earth came from slaves at one time

    • @SweetLibertyTravels
      @SweetLibertyTravels Год назад +36

      @@theyhateme8763 thanks ❤️💪🏾

    • @theyhateme8763
      @theyhateme8763 Год назад

      @@SweetLibertyTravels we don't need another fat middle aged white lady telling bipoc people how to feel..the left needs victims to stay in power

    • @mylesleggette7520
      @mylesleggette7520 Год назад +7

      @@theyhateme8763 Yes, but some of them used the experience to become a stronger people, while some of them were never able to recover. We have many groups of both kinds in the United States, and demographic data clearly indicates which are which...

    • @heribertosarmiento1265
      @heribertosarmiento1265 Год назад +49

      @@mylesleggette7520 i wonder which one you think didn’t I mean if you take your hood off then maybe you can see that we still tripping people of color at all juncture but I mean what can you can’t see with that white pointy hood

  • @markd5067
    @markd5067 Год назад +29

    You hit the nail on the head when you said..."you just need the critical thinking skills to connect really basic dots"...
    Since I don't believe these individuals can't employ critical thinking, they are definitely, as you put it being "maliciously ignorant."

  • @desmond8357
    @desmond8357 Год назад +51

    In high school we had Chicano studies/mesoamerican history because our teacher wanted to help kids who are out of touch with their culture/forced out of their culture reconnect or at least learn about their history. Apparently his family were mexican immigrants but his parents forbid anything latin american because his parents believed assimilating to american culture was better. He only learned to speak spanish bc of this italian spouse. He didnt want kids to feel like he did so he pushed for chicano/mesoamerican classes.
    I believe this is why race studies are important. It helped people connect and learn about culture

    • @imawakemymindisalive13
      @imawakemymindisalive13 3 месяца назад

      our new band teacher (half mexican) created a mariachi class!! we are the first school in the city to have one! how did the district respond: sending him a cute email saying “we’re laying people off and you win!” 473892 angry emails later, and he got to keep his job, thank god. we would have actually burned the district office down if they fired him. hell, i would’ve brought the lighter fluid. he’s one of the best teachers our school has ever had ❤

  • @codacreator6162
    @codacreator6162 Год назад +427

    I didn’t choose a career in education because I saw the writing on the wall in the 90s. It makes me sad, but also relieved. How many great minds avoided teaching because of the ridiculous interference by parents???

    • @antriggs4190
      @antriggs4190 Год назад +27

      I taught math at a university for 5 years during grad student and afterwards. I was offered a job teaching at a highschool and I’m so glad I didn’t take that job. I always suspected teaching public school would be a nightmare.

    • @micosstar
      @micosstar Год назад +15

      maybe the parents themselves should get teaching certification; oh wait, i hear private schools; oh crap, what a sad state of education in America.

    • @douglemay7989
      @douglemay7989 Год назад +6

      The threats are worse.

    • @keithperkins3798
      @keithperkins3798 Год назад +14

      In 1989 I earned my Bachelor’s degree in music education, worked for a union for a year, and then was hired by a school system in the fall of 1990. I taught for 20 years, until acknowledging the call of the Lord, and left to attend seminary where I earned my 2nd Masters. During my tenure there were some interfering parents, but it was low key and far between. In 20 years I only had three parents that were a total pain in my side. The first one learned her place, the second one continued to be a pain in all her kids’ teachers’ eyes, and the third one pushed me to the point where I told her to meet me in the principal’s office face-to-face so I could thoroughly inform her in front of witnesses my classroom policies, system policies which my policies did not violate, and the difference between the two. Now school systems are dealing with 10 times the number of parents in 1/20th of the amount of time (30 parental ‘I want it my way’ issues in a year as opposed to 3 issues in 20 years). I feel for today’s teachers. However, parents if you know better, then teach, doctor, counsel, coach, hire, pay, put out their house fires, and continue to breastfeed them. And then you pray you outlive them, because when you die, who will do all this stuff they should have and could have learned to be functioning members of society?

    • @ttintagel
      @ttintagel Год назад +10

      I thought it was a tragedy when I had to give up my dream of becoming a public school teacher because of health problems. But in hindsight I know I wouldn't have been able to stand the conditions today's teachers work under. I support them every way I can.

  • @Kamasutrawhat
    @Kamasutrawhat Год назад +808

    "The school to prison pipeline" this phrase is to me as a Norwegian just completely absurd. It's dystopian.

    • @GrandmaCathy
      @GrandmaCathy Год назад +1

      America is a dystopia. Make no mistake. That is exactly what it is today.

    • @britniemonet_3693
      @britniemonet_3693 Год назад

      You’re lucky you’re not a black American?

    • @aliciaford5470
      @aliciaford5470 Год назад

      It is. Black children are seen as being more adult than white children and are treated accordingly. A white child will be suspended for fighting. A black child will be arrested.

    • @cjc813
      @cjc813 Год назад +30

      Can I please come to Norway? I'm not pretty, or female, but if I could be your wife, that'd be pretty cool.
      Or if you got any friends... maybe ask around for me?

    • @nineparr3110
      @nineparr3110 Год назад

      @@cjc813take me with you I will clean your home

  • @FruitSalad253
    @FruitSalad253 Год назад +18

    There were rumors at my high school about a somewhat 'secret' CRT course, which I don't think was offered by College Board, that I really wish I could've found. I've taken a few AP classes, and for the most part, the structure is centered far more around the literal taking of the test (how to narrow down multiple choice answers, writing essays in their preferred structures, ect) and almost puts the material in a secondary position. I didn't learn a thing in AP world history, other than I should've memorized more dates to try and pass that dumb exam. So I worry that any course College Board offers would fall into a similar situation, which completely deminishes the need or intended outcome of a class like the ones discussed in this video. This is soley based on my experiences with AP classes though, if anyone else has thoughts or opinions that differ from mine, I'd appreciate you sharing them. Thanks for sticking through my rant, love the video btw.

    • @imawakemymindisalive13
      @imawakemymindisalive13 3 месяца назад +1

      i learned a SHIT TON of Biology in AP Bio and i now want to study genetics 🧬 but for the last month we focused entirely on how to word stuff to get points, and i think i only learned so much because my teacher was awesome and was always sharing things outside of the curriculum

  • @mj13713
    @mj13713 Год назад +149

    CRT is what I studied in university. It's so scary and uncomfy to see my academic specialty demonised and outlawed. It's wild how stressy depressy it is watching what's happening in the country. CRT is just one element of a horrifying sprint into oligarchical fascist ideologies running the country.

    • @LeejaMiller
      @LeejaMiller  Год назад +21

      So spooky!!!!

    • @andrewedris2800
      @andrewedris2800 Год назад +5

      No appropriate for High school history classes. Just the facts, keep your cultural marxism for consenting adults.

    • @nathansolbach5592
      @nathansolbach5592 Год назад

      @mollyb: CRT is hot garbage. A Trojan Horse with the goal of hijacking Western/US culture once it is legitimately let inside the walls. CRT relies on storytelling and counter storytelling that fires up emotions, all this instead of evidence. I will repeat this important point: CRT gives no weight to scientific evidence! This should not be adopted by any educational institution. It’s a loaded gun pointed straight at ourselves. Pure horseshit!

    • @Heabs_thoughts
      @Heabs_thoughts Год назад

      @@andrewedris2800 So teaching high schoolers about how the FBI infiltrated the Black Panthers and assassinated Fred Hampton while he slept is OK since it's factual correct? Except that schools aren't allowing that because they classify it as being under CRT.

    • @andrewedris2800
      @andrewedris2800 Год назад +22

      @@Heabs_thoughts If it happened it's History. Historical facts shouldn't be suppressed because they make us feel bad. Extremists from both Left and Right can't distinguish between facts and using ideological dogma to advance an agenda. The Right Wing doesn't want their warm patriotic feelings harsher by ugly facts. The Left Wing seeks to inject political indoctrination with the facts. Curriculum designers should emphasize more facts and less ideological agenda. The facts of US history speak for themselves without the political agendas. Skilled teachers can lead children to draw their own conclusions through questions.

  • @DanielJohnson-ps4xv
    @DanielJohnson-ps4xv 11 месяцев назад +28

    That was the most explanation I’ve gotten on crt. I work in a blue collar occupation and have heard plenty of my colleagues get all sorts of worked up about crt. None of them have really ever been able to coherently explain it to me.

  • @segamai
    @segamai Год назад +373

    You were right to be proud and excited about this video drop, this is one of the best videos I’ve seen from you and you set the bar for any other youtuber regardless of category VERY high. Your passion, your knowledge, your insane diligence and discipline genuinely inspire me. This channel deserves to get really big.

    • @LeejaMiller
      @LeejaMiller  Год назад +33

      Aw thank you that means a lot!!!

    • @Cc44444
      @Cc44444 Год назад +15

      I second this!!! 🙌🙌 this video has a certain je ne sais quoi

    • @MPR2
      @MPR2 Год назад +3


    • @anthonyrau5313
      @anthonyrau5313 Год назад +1

      Yes yes yes!

    • @keithorgain4381
      @keithorgain4381 Год назад +1

      Real Talk!!

  • @acivilright
    @acivilright Год назад +130

    Hopefully some brave teachers in AP African American studies courses (or really any history course) show this video to their students.

    • @23erisx
      @23erisx Год назад +2

      It wont happen in a public school unless they are looking to get fired.

    • @absolutechadd8895
      @absolutechadd8895 Год назад +15

      ​@geba9845 cringe

    • @doomslayer1984
      @doomslayer1984 Год назад

      ruclips.net/video/0hQ_ohLclLA/видео.html this is why critical race theory causes nothing but division and allows the elites to better control the population. because nothing takes the minds off the middle class getting f***ed in the ass by elitists like having immigrants come in to essentially replace you at your job. So now your more worried about just getting by rather then these elitist rats who made it possible for immigrants to steal away legal residents jobs. I'm originally from Latin America. But I can at least see why its important to integrate into society. And that is what's so many are not doing now. And CRT is only helping to encourage this way of thinking.

    • @AngelloDelNorte
      @AngelloDelNorte Год назад

      Why do things like CRT is only about Blacx? That's the problem it's only blacx that get the attention, which is why they want to phrase it out since it would be a narrative subject. What about the Irish, Italian, polish, Latinos, etc... that were also mistreated. Maybe just sum it up to classism (poor vs. rich) since that was always really about.

    • @joyfitzgerald9878
      @joyfitzgerald9878 Год назад +9

      @@AngelloDelNortethose groups were not enslaved in this country.

  • @meytish
    @meytish Год назад +83

    Thank you for this video! Always love your insight, intelligence and wit. We need more people like you standing up for what's right!

  • @BritKay118
    @BritKay118 Год назад +125

    I read The New Jim Crow book by Michelle Alexander around when it first came out and o.m.g. it was the best non-fiction book I've ever read. Highly, highly recommend it - it was such a fascinating read.

    • @LeejaMiller
      @LeejaMiller  Год назад +15

      Yeah it’s one of those books that really sticks with you

    • @ChairDancerReacts
      @ChairDancerReacts Год назад +23

      The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander and Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome by Dr. Joy DeGruy shaped my path from being colorblind to being anti-racist. The 1619 Project is another great book. When we know better, we do better.

    • @yurei8
      @yurei8 Год назад +7

      @Grayson Davis I think that it helps to understand system issues, and the history behind them. The behaviors you speak about are people that have no vision, of the abundant ways to successful careers. We need to teach this stuff early enough for youth to choose, successful career paths. We are rich in bad examples, to teach this.

    • @themonsterwithin4000
      @themonsterwithin4000 Год назад

      @Grayson Davis You mean the antipathy that has ALWAYS been towards blacks since the moment they got to this country and did nothing wrong? Even successful blacks still get hate/racism tossed their way. Damned if you try and damned if you don’t.

    • @RohgishSun
      @RohgishSun Год назад +1

      ​@Grayson Davis Social behavior versus historical and ongoing systemic marginalization and persecution?
      😂 Looks like somebody's in their feelings.

  • @simply_a_human
    @simply_a_human 11 месяцев назад +11

    i live in iowa, a state where teaching crt is illegal. nonetheless, my english professor the first two semesters i went to college was always sure to emphasize the importance of it if the topic at hand allowed him to slide it in, despite acknowledging the fact he could’ve possibly gotten in *massive* trouble if someone snitched. others may have found it annoying, but it’s probably the #1 reason i clicked on this video to learn more about the topic.
    hope he’s doing good, he was harsh, but i learned a lot writing and discussing in his class. and thank you for doing what collegeboard wouldn’t.

    • @Ishl
      @Ishl 11 месяцев назад

      But how necessary is critical race theory? Regardless of how much of the truth regarding race you know, the message that you must apply your all in order to make it America is still the same.

    • @simply_a_human
      @simply_a_human 11 месяцев назад +6

      @@Ishl if you aren’t aware of your past mistakes, then you’re doomed to repeat them inevitably. i think acknowledging our country’s flaws is the best way to encourage further growth and progression! hiding from our mistakes only allows us to continuously repeat them and benefits *very* few people.

  • @satorukuroshiro
    @satorukuroshiro Год назад +8

    I find Intersectionality to be very important as a topic, as there is a lot of hardship bragging that I've experienced first-hand in my own community. While intersectionality does bring attention to some being worse off due to their circumstances, it also breaks down the issues enough that it opens up discussion for people like me who have been oppressed for things that are not visual or aren't usually visual (in my case being neuro-divergent, which there are groups claiming to want to help us who effectively just want our genocide via being forced into the norm), allowing us access to that empathy via camaraderie from other marginalized groups that we need for morale. We need more topics like Intersectionality to be taught, and it needs to be taught early in life, because these are issues that don't just appear in adulthood, and I'm sure that if I had the knowledge as a child to understand when I was being discriminated against, I could have done something about it and would have been in better conditions emotionally, intellectually, and possibly even economically when I became an adult.

  • @marlenaanderson1345
    @marlenaanderson1345 Год назад +111

    Teaching CRT is nothing more than teaching the real history of the United States. Simple! I tell my students, that history is written by the winners (at least their version of history). I love using material from the Zinn Education Project.

    • @ERIC18923
      @ERIC18923 Год назад

      CRT is race Marxism, which is subjectively political in nature

    • @elindioz10
      @elindioz10 Год назад +7

      Yes... from a deconstructivist point of view imported from european postmodernists...

    • @doomslayer1984
      @doomslayer1984 Год назад

      ruclips.net/video/0hQ_ohLclLA/видео.html this is why critical race theory causes nothing but division and allows the elites to better control the population. because nothing takes the minds off the middle class getting f***ed in the ass by elitists like having immigrants come in to essentially replace you at your job. So now your more worried about just getting by rather then these elitist rats who made it possible for immigrants to steal away legal residents jobs. I'm originally from Latin America. But I can at least see why its important to integrate into society. And that is what's so many are not doing now. And CRT is only helping to encourage this way of thinking.

    • @Boingus-
      @Boingus- Год назад

      ​@@elindioz10is this an argument against CRT?

    • @elindioz10
      @elindioz10 Год назад +2

      @@Boingus- Just reminding the origin of those ideas (not a critique but an observation, as many people tend to forget many ideas aren't as original as they think and tend to have hidden sociological and political connotations). If i may offer a slight critique, deconstruction might be an euphemism for outright destruction without any care to provide a reconstruction path or planning (that's why i have at least some basic respect for marxist theory and it's materialism instead of the chaotic nihilism of deconstructivism)

  • @sennnia
    @sennnia Год назад +30

    Hello, library specialist from South Florida here. Every day my life slips further into a dystopian nightmare. Thank you for this.

    • @DianaAmericaRivero
      @DianaAmericaRivero Год назад +7

      You have my deepest sympathies.

    • @rustomkanishka
      @rustomkanishka Год назад +2

      How do you not manage to get upset? Libraries broaden your mind! They're not supposed to scare parents

    • @GrandmaCathy
      @GrandmaCathy Год назад +1


    • @linagreenlyfe6705
      @linagreenlyfe6705 11 месяцев назад

      @@rustomkanishka Look into why parents are upset. Maybe it's because inappropriate content is in the kid's section rather than the adult section of the library? I mean, take the graphic novel, Gender Queer, for example. It has vivid depictions of sexual activity and damaging your breasts through binding. Anyone with common sense wouldn't look at that and say, "Hmm, this is great literature for my child."

  • @indiecrowarts
    @indiecrowarts Год назад +12

    Sighhhhhhh. As someone who lives in fl our governor makes me nauseous. I’ve never been intimidated by a politician, but desantis makes me nervous if only because he knows how to strategically manipulate the groundwork left over from trumps reign. Turning his previous supporters into his voters, but with the added horror of being an effective political figure when it comes to making legal changes in our states system. He gets his shit done and makes progress in his motives- and that’s terrifying for young minorities.
    Hell, I’m relieved I graduated in 2022 because younger queer students in my highschool are no longer allowed the discussion or safe space for our community which was previously protected. Queer teachers are encouraged to take down family photos because their own partners aren’t considered appropriate if they’re a same sex couple. Human rights and queer protections are crumbling and prejudice is just getting more popular.
    There was a pride rally at my old school and teens that were supportive of maga and desantis literally beat up a gay kid. The ideology and propaganda is just getting louder and louder and frankly the outlook on the near future of Florida looks dark from the perspective of people like me who are affected by this bs. I find it frustrating how he hides behind the excuse of “there’s no statewide ban” when his politics have literally caused a growing number of counties to literally legislate what he claims he’s not responsible for (book bans, disbanding of cultural clubs and classes/curriculum points, abortion restrictions etc). It’s disgusting and I firmly believe until we get some younger people in office it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. I just hope the queer youth isn’t forced back into the social restraints our predecessors had to deal with, and that the outlook of our future looks brighter..eventually.

    • @LeejaMiller
      @LeejaMiller  Год назад +5

      Yeah your right he truly is a spooky figure!!!

    • @karankapoor2701
      @karankapoor2701 Год назад

      Ig that's whyy he won by a plurality of votes for Hispanics , you 🤡think of yourself as way too smart to even understand how other side thinks

  • @karakaspar1791
    @karakaspar1791 Год назад +7

    As someone who grew up in Texas firmly under the bible belt, I think that fear is definitely one problem. However, I think that lack of education is the main problem. I remember watching videos of Ben Shapiro with admiration. It took my peeling back of sooo many layers of my indoctrination to get me to where I am now. I was not a bad person when I identified as conservative, I was just deeply uneducated. That is compounded by internet algorithms that constantly reaffirm your beliefs. Now I am demonstrably liberal because once you learn the actual history, you cant unhear and unsee it... It's so difficult to listen to my friends and family say such ignorant things that I used to say. I think that anyone from my situation can understand how maddening this is. It's impossible to educate them on my own because it took me years to fully understand enough to flip the switch and they have their heels dug in so much deeper than I ever did. So yes, I totally agree that this makes me feel like im losing my mind lolll

    • @ernie39
      @ernie39 10 месяцев назад +1

      I think the work you've done/are doing is something you should be really proud of!! I relate a bit to your journey and I hope you allow yourself to celebrate how much you've grown -- as well as how far you've come in learning to facilitate that growth!
      I think you bring up a really important point. American conservatism relies on maintaining control of narratives taught and insulating its environments -- it relies on maintaining a certain level of ignorance and illiteracy in order to keep itself alive as a system/ideology. What often seems to happen is that, along with efforts to ban and demonize "unacceptable" facets of life that might undermine or contradict its narratives/status quo (e.g. black and other colonized peoples' history, systemic racism, queerness, etc.), there is also an ignorance and denial of the foundational processes of things like *learning* and *thinking critically.*
      It's so frustrating because it's setting up people living within those environments for further alienation, confusion, and frustration -- it leads to, as you've voiced, a loss of time and opportunity that could've been developmentally rich if not for the insularity of the environment they live(d) in.

    • @karakaspar1791
      @karakaspar1791 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@ernie39 thanks so much for saying that! I completely completely agree. My favorite example of this is how evolution was so controversial when I was in high school in the early 2010s. Idk if it still is but I remember being offended that it was taught in school and showed in movies. I was still a kid and I was already resistant to basic education. That can be pretty damaging I think. And it’s not that I was stupid, just so ignorant about specific topics

    • @ernie39
      @ernie39 10 месяцев назад

      @@karakaspar1791 of course :-) and omg exactly! I grew up taught to have a similar fear/distrust of evolution, as well as the belief of Young Earth Creationism where the Earth is REALLY young, like only 10 thousand years old -- and that anything that said contrary was malicious and deceptive. It made learning about science feel.. kind of scary lmao. It felt as if I had to be vigilant against being lied to (probably in part because so much of the religious aspects of my education involved a lack of solid evidence or reason, which informed my relationship with learning).
      You're so right! That lack of basic knowledge and presence of so much misinformation/distrust of common knowledge and theory makes for some really difficult foundations to work off of. Exactly, it's not an issue of stupidity and I hate when holding those views is framed as the result of an innate lack of intelligence instead of a belief system designed to keep people intellectually sheltered and stagnant.

    • @DominantBtch
      @DominantBtch 6 месяцев назад +1

      Interesting I'm the opposite, was on the left and from all the bullshit today and educating myself, I'm now on the right.

    • @karakaspar1791
      @karakaspar1791 6 месяцев назад

      @@DominantBtch oh, thats cool! what was something that you changed your mind on? im curious

  • @jaysubrosa6147
    @jaysubrosa6147 Год назад +19

    I have lived most of my life in a Northeast liberal state. Race was never discussed, but it certainly existed. Upon moving to Florida, as the law requires when one retires, I find the racism here to be permeable and omnipresent. Thank you Leeja Miller for explaining this topic.

    • @arriuscalpurniuspiso
      @arriuscalpurniuspiso Год назад +2

      The law required you to move to Florida?

    • @matthewgagnon9426
      @matthewgagnon9426 Год назад +5

      @@arriuscalpurniuspiso It's a common joke people make in Northeastern states that old people move to Florida before they die.

    • @arriuscalpurniuspiso
      @arriuscalpurniuspiso Год назад

      @@matthewgagnon9426 that's why I am moving back to Jersey. Florida sucks

  • @LeoMenFig
    @LeoMenFig Год назад +66

    When you said that being politically right oriented in the USA nowadays means being extremist (or something like that), I felt that as a Brazilian because here the same happens too. And I believe the equivalent here to Critical Racial Theory would be Racismo Estrutural, a book by Silvio Almeida, our current Minister of Human Rights. If you can find his admission speech he gave this year subtitled in English, you recommend you to watch it.

    • @dklee.01
      @dklee.01 11 месяцев назад +2

      thank you for sharing this !!

    • @Brent-jj6qi
      @Brent-jj6qi 11 месяцев назад

      Being right wing in the us is extremist compared to the rest of the world*
      *world may only refer to the white people parts of Europe and North america

  • @michaelyoung6381
    @michaelyoung6381 Год назад +22

    every time I hear CRT in random convos all I wonder is why are cathode ray tube monitors such a big topic in 2020s....

  • @enigmasdestiny1355
    @enigmasdestiny1355 Год назад +6

    Okay, so im not super deep into politics, I'm IT/Video games, but i do a ton of research on these things(my cousin is in her masters for poli sci so im debating and bouncing ideas off her) but one of the big things I've began to study is the trend(specifically in Atlanta) between Black homelessness and virtually everything that critical race theory embodies and trace back to see how much of the problem comes from slavery/jim crow/Reaganomics limiting the possibility for growth in the city at the same efficiency as other races. Ive seen a few videos that have further pushed me into wanting to research this because of the interconnectivity of them all. All the way from the infrastructure of the city (ACTIVELY plays part to the divide of wealth and gentrification throughout the city) to the public education system throughout the Metro Atlanta area.
    So uhhh, yeah hearing what has been changed to this curriculum infuriates me. Bit of backstory: I was an AP baby. Graduated in 2016 but did dual enrollment with Georgia State so I was in Solely college courses by 11th grade in a metro Atlanta public School district. So this is super interesting for me because it directly correlates to my school history.

  • @shelbyjohnson9790
    @shelbyjohnson9790 Год назад +59

    I always appreciate your insight into these issues so much. Keep standing up for what’s right! We all need some faith in the world and you definitely bring that to me ❤

  • @sarahkelly4026
    @sarahkelly4026 Год назад +26

    Those huge swaths of people would like to forget the slavery and genocide that built this nation. I appreciate that you are willing to remind them, Leeja.

  • @jahbern
    @jahbern Год назад +43

    My high school Junior here in Florida is SO MAD about this.
    Mostly because that idiot DeSantis is forcing him to defend the College Board. Imagine his pain 😂😂😂

  • @anthonyrau5313
    @anthonyrau5313 Год назад +17

    Leeja you are easily one of the best discoveries I have made on RUclips in months. I am officially now a superfan after this video. Your candid yet simplistuc analysis of very tough topics make your videos arrestingly powerful. As a South African, many of the challenges my own country faces can be paralleld with what the US is facing. Thank you for being prepared to say what so many wouldn't.

    • @Parrallaxatives
      @Parrallaxatives Год назад

      @@botungkiggungsouth Africa had something similar to Jim Crow called apartheid so the social problems these could experience do have their similarities

  • @manwithlonglastname9064
    @manwithlonglastname9064 Год назад +9

    Based on my experience taking AP classes, you do a far better job of teaching in your videos than even the best teachers I've had teaching AP classes. AP as a concept is at odds with ideas that would better improve education, particularly in the US. It creates a hierarchy while also reinforcing existing hierarchies and prejudices, promotes competition between students rather than cooperation, and involves very hands-off teaching methods that often leave students in the dark. The only good thing about it is the way that it exposes students to real academic content, but that's not much if there's no guidance or examples presented as to how to parse information. Read some of Alfie Kohn's work to look more into such critiques of the way education is commonly thought about.

  • @allisonking3553
    @allisonking3553 Год назад +28

    Oh man, I was having a crap day and then I realized you were dropping a video! Instantly my day is better. Also, did you color your hair? It is looking silvery beautiful! ❤️ BoC.

    • @LeejaMiller
      @LeejaMiller  Год назад +5

      Thank you!!! Yes I’m tryna get it more silvery

    • @allisonking3553
      @allisonking3553 Год назад +1

      @@LeejaMiller it looks fab!!

  • @luis3995
    @luis3995 Год назад +9

    Go girl! I just discovered your channel, and I find it fascinating. Your logical thinking and the clarity of your reasoning is a delight to anyone who is able to use logic. You don't just spot logical fallacies, you sneak up on them. Well done girl! Very well done!

  • @shadowmyth89
    @shadowmyth89 10 месяцев назад +3

    Ok, as a moderate republican (15 Male, Arkansas), I obviously tend to lean towards right-wing ideologies; however, I’m always open to new ways of thinking. So, with that being said, I have a few questions and criticisms to your argument, as well as my own thoughts.
    1. Why should I, or anyone for that matter, listen to this argument despite the apparent political bias (assuming that you are in fact far-left)?
    2. Can you explain the positive/negative effects of CRT and other similar institutions?
    3. Do you think that there is a middle ground to this issue that would appeal to both ends of the political spectrum, and if so, can you describe it?
    1. I personally feel like you failed to genuinely consider the point of view of the far-right other than slandering them as bigots.
    2. I feel like there was clear hypocrisy on the grounds of fear mongering, considering the fact that the far-left uses very similar media exploitations to convince people that the far-right are racist and trying to strip minorities of their rights.
    My Take:
    1. Yes, I do agree that CollegeBoard made a pretty dumb decision. However, I don’t think that there can be an accurate argument made that supports the far-right’s involvement.
    2. I personally see the far-right’s reaction to CRT and other similar institutions as more of an extreme response to an extreme opposition. In recent years, we’ve seen the rise of BLM and unfortunately the riots that came along with it. While I don’t 100% agree with them, I could see why they would enforce such a rough agenda when you consider how supporters of CRT are also big advocates for BLM. (Thought I’d point out btw that BLM isn’t a bad idea, but the way the organization has gone about achieving their goals in recent years is clearly not ok).
    3. I 100% agree that there is more that can be done to help African Americans, and it absolutely starts with the government; however, both sides of the spectrum need to come together and actually eradicate the notion of the snowball logical fallacy that is apparent in the fear mongering of both parties. If this is achieved, then political division would most likely begin to dissolve, and I think the U.S. as a whole would be a much better place.
    Anyways, that’s just my take on things! If you or any commenter could provide some insight or logical opinions that would be much appreciated! Thanks and have a good day :)

    • @PrettyPettyKitty
      @PrettyPettyKitty 10 месяцев назад +2

      I hope she responds to you. As a Gen X, I've realized both parties are toxic, manipulative and focused on maintaining the status quo for those with power. I'm sure there are good people in both parties. But you have to obey clique rules even if it's immoral or destructive. In my opinion, the simplest reason you learn CRT is to avoid being sheep. If people don't want you to learn something, read it anyway. Question everything and everyone. Why do we seek knowledge at all? Americans pride themselves on their intelligence. If we're going to force students to learn history or social studies then teach it all -the good and the bad. What are the laws and why were they made? Learn because you want to gain or strengthen critical thinking skills. Learn because you want to separate fact from fiction in all areas of life. Look at left, right and independent information. Why should you learn it? Because it's part of being an American, understanding everything about your country and its laws. Also, that's how you progress as a country and individual. Learning what's happened, the ramifications and what to do in the future. Finally, the more you learn, the more interesting you are because you can hold an intelligent and fact based conversation on various topics.

    • @shadowmyth89
      @shadowmyth89 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@PrettyPettyKitty So true. Since writing the comment I think I’ve grown even further from both parties. Overall, I just think that it’s important to teach certain things at certain times and to make sure to include all of the facts and make sure that the entire story is told. I think people should be more encouraged to do their own studying and research as well.
      Seeing as how my school doesn’t teach CRT, I can’t really say how accurate or indoctrinating it is or isn’t.
      But yea I hope she comments lol

    • @aaronmoyle5851
      @aaronmoyle5851 10 месяцев назад

      Nice to hear faux news talking points from a 15 year old....yikes

    • @shadowmyth89
      @shadowmyth89 10 месяцев назад

      @@aaronmoyle5851 Excuse me?

  • @brentcurry7439
    @brentcurry7439 Год назад +22

    You better speak in it 👏🏾👏🏾
    I appreciate not only your explanation of the law and how it affect me
    But your perspective is refreshing to hear

  • @codacreator6162
    @codacreator6162 Год назад +30

    CRT = The critical study of our laws and the language used to create them. Race is just one aspect of bias INHERENT in communication if not guarded against.
    I had Literary Theory as part of my graduate studies, which is the same thing applied to literature. It’s NOT an easy class, nor taught at any level BEFORE grad school.

  • @rhysandmiles
    @rhysandmiles Год назад +27

    I loved very minute of this. I’ve been aware of CRT and what it means for a while, but this is such a good explanation. Thank you for this awesome deep dive!!

  • @pendragonchen
    @pendragonchen Год назад +3

    Another thing about the right's misunderstanding of intersectionality-ranking people based on race, gender, and sexual orientation is something *they already do.* their fear isn't that people will be evaluated and put on a hierarchy, because they love hierarchies, but rather that they will be evaluated at the *bottom* of the hierarchy.

  • @ejoliva97
    @ejoliva97 Год назад +24

    Damn your content is so addicting. Social commentary. Educational. Entertaining. Easily consumable. Well done! Can’t wait to see you explode in popularity. Keep up the good work and have an awesome day!

  • @mondaynightballroom20
    @mondaynightballroom20 Год назад +9

    🎶No one scams like Gaston / or flim-flams like Gaston / No one forces those youngsters / to cram like Gaston🎶

  • @SF2036
    @SF2036 Год назад +4

    Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic framework that emerged in the 1970s and 1980s within legal scholarship and expanded into other fields such as sociology, education, and critical theory. It seeks to examine how race and racism intersect with power structures and social institutions, aiming to uncover and challenge systemic racism.
    While there are various interpretations and perspectives within CRT, some key principles commonly associated with it include:
    Recognition of systemic racism: CRT posits that racism is not merely the result of individual prejudice but is deeply ingrained in societal structures and institutions. It highlights how racism operates at both an interpersonal and systemic level, perpetuating social inequities.
    Intersectionality: CRT emphasizes the importance of considering how race intersects with other social categories such as gender, class, and sexuality. It acknowledges that individuals can experience multiple forms of oppression or privilege simultaneously.
    Social construction of race: CRT challenges the notion that race is a fixed biological category and instead argues that it is a social construct that has been created and perpetuated for social and political purposes.
    Counter-narratives: CRT encourages the examination of alternative narratives and marginalized perspectives that challenge dominant narratives of history and law. It seeks to amplify the voices and experiences of marginalized groups to reveal the systemic biases and power dynamics at play.
    Despite its intentions to address systemic racism, CRT has faced several objections and criticisms. Here are some common objections raised:
    Political bias and activism: Critics argue that CRT is inherently politically biased and promotes a specific ideological agenda. They assert that it emphasizes social division and seeks to reframe all social issues through the lens of race, leading to the exclusion of alternative perspectives.
    Oversimplification and essentialism: Some object to CRT's broad generalizations about racial groups, arguing that it oversimplifies complex issues by reducing them to racial dynamics. Critics claim that CRT often treats all individuals within a racial group as having the same experiences and perspectives, neglecting the diversity within those groups.
    Incompatibility with liberal principles: Opponents argue that CRT conflicts with principles such as individual rights, equality under the law, and color-blindness. They assert that focusing on race perpetuates division and undermines the ideal of a society where individuals are judged based on their character rather than their race.
    Negative impact on education: CRT's incorporation into educational curricula has generated controversy. Critics argue that it promotes a divisive and confrontational approach to teaching about race and history, potentially fostering a sense of guilt or victimhood among students or perpetuating stereotypes.
    It is important to note that the objections to CRT are not universally held, and there are ongoing debates about its merits and limitations in various contexts. Different individuals and groups may interpret and engage with CRT in diverse ways, contributing to a range of viewpoints on the subject.

  • @tomnanD3
    @tomnanD3 11 месяцев назад +7

    Leeja, we need you. Keep doing what you're doing.

  • @brunobcosta1
    @brunobcosta1 Год назад +24

    I love how you articulate sources and arguments rigorously while still having a conversation with a broader spectrum of viewers.

  • @kafrink
    @kafrink Год назад +4

    How are you gonna teach AA studies without talking ab intersectionality 🤨

  • @KrystalPancakes
    @KrystalPancakes Год назад +5

    You are STUNNING and this video needs seen by everyone! Commenting and liking to feed the algorithm! ♥♥Love from Ohio ♥♥

  • @GattlingCombo
    @GattlingCombo Год назад +27

    This was such a good video. I love how straight forward you are with how you present topics.

  • @brodiethomlinson9042
    @brodiethomlinson9042 11 месяцев назад +3

    This is wild to me. In my history classes, all of my history classes in my lifetime, have all never reduced the horrors our ancestors committed and the systems that they set up to continue those horrors after they were gone. I honestly thought that everybody knew about these things, that the way these things were addressed to me, was the same way everybody was taught these things. But I guess that was just naive of me. This is something that needs to be dealt with, and there first has to be people talking about it. Thanks for telling everyone about these issues, hopefully these problems can be addressed regardless of what college board does to stop any action being taken against them.

  • @kennethburnette1153
    @kennethburnette1153 Год назад +3

    As an AA i truly appreciate your material Leeja.i find it sad that some of my own people are selling out, Like Candace owens and just about any other AA republican for financial gains.keep up the good work.the only way we can truly make America great is by working together.

  • @parkermcginley3708
    @parkermcginley3708 10 месяцев назад +4

    I'll be the first to say that banning books ain't great, but denying that progressivism and post-modern liberalism are the dominant ideologies pushed in schools today is foolish, you are pointing at one example because it is the one example in which the right leaning people got their way. Neither right nor left looks very deeply into historical literature because parts of that literature criticize them both. If you take objective looks at the history of organizations like Planned Parenthood, the creation of the welfare system, and antebellum economic reports you find that from an objective point of view right leaning economic and social policies seem to benefit black families in the same way they benefit white families, with an increased savings rate, decreased rates of imprisonment (even when compared to the white populous) this is throughout the 1940-1970s approximately before black voters essentially became a democratic voting block. Now if you want to talk about how a lot of right leaning policy makers throughout the 20th century were racist and reflected that in their policy, you can absolutely say that but, saying that the right leaning policy hurts black people is not technically a correct statement without looking in depth into the fact that on an individual level at least families who followed core right wing values ( nuclear family, no kids out of wedlock, no drugs, church on weekends, conservative spending) have objectively better outcomes. I think we are often blinded by the narratives that politics throws at us full force, and a lot of low level easily refutable arguments get thrown around in conservative and liberal echochambers which leads to kids (and people in general) getting fed bad arguments from both sides that do not reflect a nuanced view of the situation.

    • @aaronmoyle5851
      @aaronmoyle5851 10 месяцев назад

      You use a lot of words to say little. Be a little more concise with your thoughts

    • @parkermcginley3708
      @parkermcginley3708 10 месяцев назад

      @@aaronmoyle5851 Yes, summerizing 100 years of history of race and their differing impacts on the education system took some words.

  • @SlothDaan
    @SlothDaan Год назад +6

    I love how you handle these sore topics. As a non-american there are things I never heard of and I love that you explain it all ❤

  • @stephanieocamb4012
    @stephanieocamb4012 Год назад +8

    Thank you for ALL the books I will go out and buy. Thanks for the comprehensive deep dive into a very misunderstood subject.

  • @calvintraylor1203
    @calvintraylor1203 Год назад +2

    Black people in this country who see all of this wealth around them and all of this poverty where they are need to understand that It is not an accident. Nor is it their fault.

  • @whoozyyy
    @whoozyyy Год назад +2

    As a black man and father, I’ve stayed away from politics because it never helps me. But I’m hearing “woke” a lot, and I googled it, and it seems like a good thing? How are people confident anti woke and see that as a good thing?

    • @cownose8949
      @cownose8949 Год назад +1

      Who knows. All I do know is the word used to refer to a very specific type of liberal who says they are progressive but doesn't act the way they say (from what I remember), and then it got warped into "You're woke if you want there to be women and minorities and gays in media and have for them to rights!!! That's bad!"

    • @Jackp2003
      @Jackp2003 Год назад +2

      Woke is a synonym for political correctness, so a bad thing.

    • @FM682thecreatorguy
      @FM682thecreatorguy 5 месяцев назад

      That whats the left wants you to think, the far left and sjw rabbit hole is easy to be fooled in falling into, so be cautious

  • @terrylovesyogurt5983
    @terrylovesyogurt5983 Год назад +6

    This is one of your BEST videos. Go Leeja! Love the Kimberly Crenshaw worship. And always a treat to hear you be queer and proud 🌈

    • @andrewedris2800
      @andrewedris2800 Год назад

      Kimberly Crenshaw is a public policy theorist. She has no standing in Historical scholarship. No relevance to a history course.

  • @nicknickleton-kumordjie4
    @nicknickleton-kumordjie4 Год назад +5

    Change is a long way coming and may take introspection from people like you to effect change. Thank you for your prospective on CRT. 26:57

  • @justadumbchrysanthemum
    @justadumbchrysanthemum 11 месяцев назад +1

    Hi! I know I’m 8 months late, but I am a Black 11th grade student in the AP African American Studies course. The information about the situation surrounding the course was new to me but not surprising. I think the slavery unit is redundant and gratuitous, as that is just about all we learn about Black people in most classes in school. I literally told my teacher (a white man) “okay, we get the idea.” I would much rather read those texts that were cut from the course. However, I don’t think I can give a full review of the class until I’ve experienced the full thing. I don’t know if this is the standard experience, (probably not the intended one,) but we often stray from the curriculum, ignore the textbook and many of us have read books like the ones cut from the curriculum outside of class. As a result, we do analyze things through an intersectional lense more often than not. I don’t really know where I was going with this, and it’s really rambly, but I wanted to share my experience so far.

    @FASBLAQUE Год назад +3

    Truth in history is not a political agenda. However, running and hiding from it is. They know that their little children won't think so highly of them if they tell the truth. That's the problem. It will back fire on them, because their children will hate them and not trust them knowing that they lied to them.

  • @mistyhaney5565
    @mistyhaney5565 Год назад +4

    Thank you. I graduated from college in the late 1980's, and have spent the last several months trying to give a basic definition of CRT to those around me willing to listen. I live in Texas, where our governor and DeSantis seem to be in competition with each other to determine who can cause the most harm to the citizens of their respective states. The first thing I tell people concerned about CRT being taught to their children is that it is not a topic in any elementary, or middle school, and rarely addressed in high school, typically only in AP courses. I do point out to the ones I'm more comfortable with that if they don't know what it is, it's probably not being taught to their first grader. I will say that the attitude of our nation today compared to when I received my degree is depressing.

  • @Ms_Kymm
    @Ms_Kymm Год назад +1

    A lot of Foundational Black Americans are waking up & realizing we are where we belong 😐
    We Black Americans, were inundated with propaganda against Africa since getting off the boat 😢
    NOW... after 400 yrs., we're our own lineage, we've been mixed with native & colonizer blood, Africa was beaten out of us & erased from memory.
    Since then, we've done extraordinary things as a group, that have influenced the world ✊🏾
    America couldn't become a superpower without us, AND the world copies & profits from our creativity to this day!
    Seems most people (immigrants) who come here tend to side with the dominate society against us, the real propaganda has been about us, all over the globe... we're looked at as lazy, complaining & ungrateful folks, who can't let go of the past - *It's a distraction away from our demand to receive what's owed to us as descendants of slaves* -
    When Immigrant People of color come here...they easily get rich, especially if they make youtube content about how bad Black Americans are, while continuously showing the worse of us & pretend it's all of us (one reason why we want to delineate from them).
    The Blood, Bones & dust of our Ancestors, has been fertilizing this soil for CENTURIES, sometimes I think I can hear & feel their pain 🥺I don't want to leave them here... saying "Go Back 2 Africa doesn't work on us anymore.
    Our fight is for a debt owed, to be paid specifically to FBA's, on this land.
    Everybody who came here for a better life, AFTER America was formed, should've been forced to pay an appreciation tax for My Ancestors & their Descendants 🤨

    • @johngalush8790
      @johngalush8790 Год назад

      Immigrants of color who come to America easily get rich. You said so yourself. Which proves that systemic racism doesn't exist. Nobody owes you a damn thing. Get off the plantation and get on with life.

  • @trinityglo4965
    @trinityglo4965 Год назад +4

    Thank u for breaking this down for my brothers and sisters while being light hearted and serious at the same time u are welcomed to every cook out ❤

  • @michaelroberson4703
    @michaelroberson4703 Год назад +3

    I’ve read the Color of Law. What I learned in that book about housing was mind blowing. And yes, they have the receipts.

  • @Shng275
    @Shng275 Год назад +6

    It's amazing how they REPAIRED the wrongs committed against Italian Americans, Japanese Americans, AND Indigenous Americans without the need for a "study", yet even a study is apparently too much to even begin to address the atrocities committed against my ppl.

  • @acmorman
    @acmorman Год назад +3

    Leeja.. I've recently com e across your channel and must say I LOVED your videos! I've been watching them one after one recently. But I must say that this one is one of my absolute favorites so far! Keep up the great work! I support you!

  • @agusrodriguez1
    @agusrodriguez1 Год назад +1

    Keeping people ignorant is key for the gop-maga leaders, is a lot easier to keep their people from asking questions when they don’t know $h!t but they think the know it all

  • @Peter-oh3hc
    @Peter-oh3hc Год назад +2

    I just finished "justice deferred" and can't recommend it enough. Discusses supreme court rulings involving race from it's origin. Changes over time are amazing.

  • @jacobhebert667
    @jacobhebert667 Год назад +2

    I took AP economics, in which government regulation was framed as "an unfortunate need that good businesses don't like" rather than as "the people holding back those who would exploit them"

  • @Maria-yg3kj
    @Maria-yg3kj Год назад +4

    Love love love, thank you so much for using your platform to speak on this

  • @jensonee
    @jensonee Год назад +1

    i'm white, 79 years old. when i was in k thru 12, i found that being smart and curious was a problem with those in power. i've been in 8 different jails. just because i don't fit in. i'm assuming i'm not just some extreme case. i've met many white guys in jail that were there just because they didn't, couldn't, go along with the conditioning that most found was just being normal, as in "what's wrong with you?" for blacks, browns jail was just part of growing up.
    when i was 25 i discovered KPFA, Pacifica radio, in the bay area, berkeley, CA. i was lucky. i lived in an area that had something that spoke to me. or else i'd probably still be in jail.

  • @greengelacid2061
    @greengelacid2061 Год назад +1

    White male here, CRT is a long over due correction of history, in my opinion...I've tried to find and consume everything I can on this perspective...it's totally and sincerely changed my mind on everything I thought I knew...it's sobering and makes me feel bad in a good way, if that makes sense...we need to realize we are humans nothing more...a descendent of great apes from Africa, everyone's true homeland...

  • @jooddart9736
    @jooddart9736 Год назад +4

    I took AP art history and it goes from the beginning of art record to various civilizations and even how Europe and America affected depictions of people of color, slave trades, and etc but it also includes examinations of race until like 2008 (this was I was in it) and the non white examination of art and art making sooo idk why

  • @ejkottler810
    @ejkottler810 Год назад +4

    Omg, I was at Vassar during the WBC protest! And yeah, not two years later we had major protests of campus administrations inaction on 1)racial profiling and 2)sexual assault cases on campus

  • @koolkat4766
    @koolkat4766 Год назад +1

    The question is not whether reparations are owed; they ARE owed! I know you agree but conservatives easily convince themselves and others that there is no debt to African Americans because it is what they WANT and CHOOSE to believe. There is very little thinking beyond that.

  • @kark.5390
    @kark.5390 9 месяцев назад +1

    To be honest, I think the whole idea of CRT being the big bad boogeyman is silly. However, as someone currently in high school, especially in higher level AP English courses, almost every assignment was focused on the topic of race to the point where it became tired and annoying. I'm biracial, and I've personally struggled with racism, but the extent to which these ideas were being pushed was really ridiculous. My past English courses definitely discussed these topics, but they also incorporated different forms of literature unrelated to racism.

  • @marcello7781
    @marcello7781 Год назад +1

    I also find extremely hilarious how these people are the same that scream "historical accuracy" in entertainment medias whenever there's too many black characters.

  • @davidwood2911
    @davidwood2911 Год назад +1

    From David A. Wood: I have to fully agree with Podcast host Leeja Miller in that the one thing that most motivates the Far Right-Wing portion of the American population into public action is Irrational Fear. That is, fear of Societal Change, fear of Social Interaction with people who represent "The Dreaded Other," and fear of losing what the Far Right Americans in this country highhandedly presume to be their rightful place of Socioeconomic Dominance in the USA. As far as the honorable institution of Higher Education is concerned, what Americans who are Far-Right Conservatives want to do, in a despicably passionate spirit of total intolerance, with College Education is to harshly ban anything that is intellectually enlightening about certain American people/American historical events that they really hate. The Far Right Conservatives want to make certain that University Students, particularly those students that are of European-American (White) descent, will never learn about anything that is truly relevant about American History unless it is strictly about the historical achievements of European-American men, preferably those that were/are certified heterosexuals. What the insufferably pompous and despicably cynical Governor Ron De Santis of Florida and his narrow-minded adherents tragically do not realize is that the USA does not only belong to those American heterosexual men who are of undeniable European descent. Instead, the USA truly belongs to all of us! By "all of us," I mean that this country also belongs to all females and males who are: Asian-Americans/Pacific Islanders; Indigenous Americans (First Nation Americans); Latino Americans; and yes, it definitely belongs to African-Americans too! Furthermore, the "all of us" that were necessarily listed in the previous sentence have also equally and unselfishly contributed, alongside our European-American brothers and sisters, to what has made the USA into what it most deservedly still is today...one of the greatest countries in World History! As such, all of our contributions and voices that were/are rightfully pertinent to the hallowed subject of American History deserve to be fully studied, then fully acknowledged by every American citizen, regardless of ethnicity, religiosity, national origins, and/or gender, who is a passionate participant in Higher Education!
    It is my humble opinion that Governor DeSantis is trying to cynically position himself to where he can effectively run for US President during the 2024 US Presidential Election and hopefully win by politically enticing the kind of registered voters who successfully propelled Donald J. Trump to victory in the 2016 US Presidential Election. Basically, DeSantis is trying to appeal to the lowest prejudices of the American Electorate in order to selfishly gain political office. If my guess is the correct one, then DeSantis is sinisterly identical to many past American politicians, particularly those from the American South, who historically did the same unabashedly contemptible thing during the USA's Jim Crow Era. As someone who served in the US Navy as a JAG Attorney, received his education from an Ivy League University (Yale) and had taught at a Prep School, Ron DeSantis really ought to know better than to behave this ignorantly! Or maybe he actually does secretly know better and his "politically idealistic behavior" against American minorities, LGBTQ Americans, and American women is all just merely Performative Art in order to cynically get himself elected to become the 46th US President. If that is the actual case, then Ron DeSantis should never, ever be entitled to anyone's highly valued vote in next year's US Presidential Election! In the end, I have strenuously made my opinion about how the American system of Higher Education should still remain intellectually accepting towards the achievements of American minorities to the point of verbally championing those people and their achievements despite Far Right Conservative backlash, and I am valiantly sticking to that opinion. To Ms. Miller, I have only known of your existence since yesterday (Sunday, June 18, 2023) and yet, I have still become a devout fan of your informative, and also very enjoyable, Podcast. Please do keep up your good work! Goodbye for now and please have a nice day.

  • @Cocoanutty0
    @Cocoanutty0 Год назад +5

    Commenting to boost your video! ❤

  • @benshithero3037
    @benshithero3037 Год назад +4

    Straight up, this girl deserves to be network nationally broadcast. She is absolutely brilliant and an absolutely incredible researcher and informer. Absolutely outstanding.

  • @user-ld4xx1el6q
    @user-ld4xx1el6q Год назад

    I have watched several of your videos. I am a seventy-two-year-old, male, white graduate of the University of Michigan (Go Blue). It appears we are both of German extraction. I consider myself an economic liberal and a moral conservative which leaves me somewhere in no person's land. I was raised racist, I always say that my father was not prejudice, he hated everyone, starting with himself. The exception was Native Americans, he believed they had been royally screwed over and that they should be either fairly compensated, or all of the land taken from them returned to them before any reparations for descendants of former slaves. Is there institutional prejudice built into our laws, of course there is. Human beings wrote them. "Me and mine. Screw you and yours." It predates 1492. It predates civilization. If mine are rich and yours are poor we are darn sure going to keep it that way, no matter what color ours and yours happen to be. I believe all members of an organization should be looked upon as equal. Their compensation for their contributions, if they are giving their best effort, should be equalized. A diligent sweeper is more valuable than a slacker executive. Your college education is your entry level job to society, and you should be supervised as a new employee and compensated for your efforts. No eighteen-year-old, especially no male eighteen-year-old, should be turned loose on society to waste someone else's money. Whether they eat and continue to have a place to sleep should be based upon their productivity relative to their ability, under competent supervision. We are a fundamentally amoral species. Short of living by God's standards, which the species has not done as far back as any records are kept, any system is going to be just as biased as the economy in favor of whoever holds the most power. I think you guys do. At the very least my mother and both my late wives did. My hope is that Jesus will come back soon to fix all of this stuff or at the least take me home and get me out of this mess that we have made of the world.

  • @bezglover
    @bezglover Год назад

    As a black man who studies under @Drthasan (a black studies professor), most of us do not support the implementation of the removed sections of CRT.
    We do not think that the curriculum is solid enough as is, but we do support the removed sections should not be in there. This being a comment section is not the easiest forum to dig deep into the subject, however going to the “14 point black male political agenda”.
    In addition, you can listen to @breakingbrown or @tonetalks for thorough analysis on topics that could be addressed in this curriculum.

  • @petiteplanete
    @petiteplanete Год назад +5

    Hey Leeja, love your channel! One point here: CRT was kinda invented when legal scholar Derrick Bell wondered why Brown vs. Board of Ed had not given the plaintiffs what they wanted, which was equal facilities. The court could not abide the thought of separate but equal schools and thus forced integration, thereby putting young black kids on the front line of the race issue -- which was not what the plaintiffs wanted and probably not what Black America wanted / wants (Blacks seem confortable in their own communities; they just want equal gov services). Bell surmised that the entire system was unable to give blacks what they want, and off he went with CRT!

  • @ryvyr
    @ryvyr Год назад +1

    "Education not Indoctrination"
    It it phrases like this uttered by GOP big players which lend ponder to if they are actually capable of shame - indeed if they rapidly developed immunity from it as an advantage to accruing more power.

  • @elihyland4781
    @elihyland4781 Год назад +4

    I’m going to write a song called pernicious ideology rn. So good. Thnks ron

    • @LeejaMiller
      @LeejaMiller  Год назад +1


    • @elihyland4781
      @elihyland4781 Год назад

      @@LeejaMiller I really like your stuff. I’m always impressed when someone can break down complicated stuff for a knucklehead. Thanks u!

  • @malonesinclaire9201
    @malonesinclaire9201 Год назад +4

    I have become so addicted to Leeja videos. From a Canadian perspective l found American baffling all my life, and l’m 71. The videos are amazing entertaining, and informative. I grew up to believe Americans were quite ignorant of the world and still believe it. Now l understand why. It is a closed society that is so wrapped up in itself and has become quite insecure…especially the right. A closed mind, is a fearful mind and politicians, who are usually gifted orators, like to keep to keep them way. The right is Canada take their cues from the American right….they are a cancer

    • @arriuscalpurniuspiso
      @arriuscalpurniuspiso Год назад

      Most Americans believe the sun revolves around America. I live here and most of our people are completely unaware of global history and current events.

  • @fredrickstennis4927
    @fredrickstennis4927 Год назад +1

    Ms.Miller ,I thank,,, you for your intellectual,and true,,Real Talk.. about whats reality going on.. !!!

  • @thosenewmans7233
    @thosenewmans7233 10 месяцев назад +1

    I live in Illinois and I have a pretty nuanced view that leans towards critical theory being an overall good. But I absolutely don't feel comfortable sharing it because Im a white dude and have small criticisms of the curriculum. I really don't know what to do when people I agree start off with a bias against me because of my skin. The theory is good but people like the author of this video are quick to label people as racist for not agreeing or even worse not understanding the curriculum. For example a man mentioned he thought it pitted blacks against whites and the creator called him racist. This was after she spent ten minutes talking about government propaganda. Are you sure he hasn't just heard the propaganda? You seemed so sure of yourself when you called a stranger a racist

  • @samsamtherising
    @samsamtherising Год назад +4

    I remember during my 2nd year of Uni, my (white Scottish-born) Sociology College Lecturer had come back from a year in America.
    One of her main thoughts from being there was the disgusting and overt levels of racism...

  • @blueberryhill6948
    @blueberryhill6948 Год назад +2

    I love this.. very informative and very insightful. ❤

  • @lunacanyonrose8436
    @lunacanyonrose8436 Год назад +6

    I was confused by what CRT meant when asking people to explain it to me before but now I realize I was only confused because I though anyone who’s studies basic American history understands this concept intuitively and it was just one of those things. I am baffled learning there are educated people in America that don’t understand this.

    • @TheGingerMale
      @TheGingerMale Год назад +2

      I know right! CRT just sounds like the basic thought process one might have after learning about American history, but apparently for some people it's scary, new rhetoric.

    • @fetB
      @fetB 4 месяца назад

      because thats not what it is? If it was, why the name. It wouldn't be a theory, but fact. What it is, is a form indoctrination that WP are inherently racist...

  • @stefanthorpenberg887
    @stefanthorpenberg887 Год назад +1

    Critical race theory tries to analyze how rules and laws has been used to keep people down for centuries. Well? Isn’t that what university education on law and sociology are supposed to do?

  • @TheIrishGamer16
    @TheIrishGamer16 Год назад +1

    If I may offer a bit of a criticism of this video. It felt more like a rant towards the miss characterizations of crt rather than a more clear discussion about understanding it.
    Which is fine, I just feel like the direction of the video was all over the place and that my understanding of crt is only slightly improved.

  • @-zalumity-3450
    @-zalumity-3450 11 месяцев назад +1

    that leah michelle comment deserves a subscribe. u structure informational content in a comical, entertaining video format phenomenally. keep educating me plzzzz

  • @jayseaborg3895
    @jayseaborg3895 Год назад

    It's not surprising a GOP state like FL would want to ban an AP course of any kind. The more AP students there are, the less future GOP voters there will be.

  • @connorwilcox146
    @connorwilcox146 11 месяцев назад +7

    This came off as so incredibly bad faith. You cry about right wingers not looking at CRT with a nuanced perspective while simultaneously having zero nuance in attempting to summarize their critique of the critique. The fact that you can’t acknowledge one negative outcome of teaching children that they are doomed by their identity to be harmed by their fellow Americans for the rest of their lives shows a complete unwillingness to actually engage with this discussion.
    You are not doing anything productive here, you are simply here to pander to an audience who already held the same uninformed opinions as yourself. I saved this video as someone who does not have positive intuitions about CRT but was eager to learn another perspective to potentially change my own. I came away with even less faith in the honesty of CRT advocates and in the potential benefit of CRT as school curriculum.

    • @tank___
      @tank___ 11 месяцев назад +7

      Your response to this video implies that you were not open minded about a discussion on CRT at all, you had a presupposed conclusion about CRT already and came into this video with that mindset. This video would not have changed your mind and its delusional to claim it would have.

    • @bayleev7494
      @bayleev7494 10 месяцев назад

      "they are doomed by their identity to be harmed by their fellow americans for the rest of their lives" that's just a complete mischaracterisation. just straight up not what it says. why would anyone address this point?

    • @ducc550
      @ducc550 10 месяцев назад

      The potential outcomes on children of teaching them about racism don't really matter, because racism exists and happens. It is a piece of factual information and is taught as it is. Would you rather we didn't teach children about racism??

    • @DeepSeas..
      @DeepSeas.. 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@ducc550 Actually, yes. Are you capable of conceiving how damaging it must be to the psyche of a child to be told that no matter what they do, they’ll always be seen as inferior and accomplish less due to something outside of their control? You’ve basically enslaved their mind at that point.

    • @fetB
      @fetB 4 месяца назад

      @@tank___ everyone has presupposed conclusion. Thats not only normal, but not what OP even said, but talked about the advocates and their method, which correctly assessed, is in bad faith. Alone for you to say this wouldnt change OP's mind on CRT, when it never even explained what it is, but made a very broad conclusion, is exactly what OP talked about. You proved OP correct!

  • @michaelhgravesjr9608
    @michaelhgravesjr9608 Год назад +1

    Firstly, thank you for helping to shine a light on so many important social issues. Secondly, I really appreciate the fact that, while you are obviously a woman of intelligence and education, you approach your topics from a position of intellectual humility, curiosity, and sincerity, while also being fearless in calling out bullshit.

  • @AggresivelyBenign
    @AggresivelyBenign Год назад +1

    Color of Law was free for me on audible if anyone is interested.

  • @rileymcphee9429
    @rileymcphee9429 Год назад +2

    I took some courses on Native American history/law and found that although racist policy around black people is covert now, policy around natives is still very much overt.

  • @philipdubuque9596
    @philipdubuque9596 Год назад

    You're doing great work Leeja. First of all, I really like your left arm tattoo. A tarot card? Second of all, my favorite line in this video: "We're not talking about a Lea Michelle situation here." (referring to Ron DeSantis), "The guy can most likely read." Love the term 'most likely'! Of course the right is terrified that Americans might learn about redlining and all the rest. The subject of reparations is one thing, but the sooner we educate ourselves about the endemic structures that build racial discrimination into our local laws and banking practices we'll never achieve anything close to "equal protection" in the United States. Keep up the good work!