Witchcraft 101 | SPIRITS

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • #Witchcraft #Spirits #Spiritwork
    When working in witchcraft and paganism, it isn't just deities you could be facing. A lot of times, spells and tarot readings also draw out all manner of spirits and entities; some of which have every intention on helping and guiding us, and others that try to trip us up everywhere we turn.
    Music: Bleach
    Musician: anatu
    URL: icons8.com/music/

Комментарии • 126

  • @rinkake3653
    @rinkake3653 3 года назад +48

    When I was little, I used to have a dream catcher over my bed ever since I was little because I used to talk to something and my mother didn't know what to do. (She isn't a pagan nor a witch) One day, my step dad decided to break it when I was 9 (he is catholic) ever since than, I had nightmares, huge cat claw like cuts, and seen shadow people. I don't see them directly but it takes different forms. A black shadow cat who I used to consider like a imaginary pet before I got my calico cat. And one shadow person. It's really weird but I think my little sister is full of negative energy. She almost died at birth so I don't know if a spirit attached it's self to her or something. I should stop typing. Anxiety has taken over.

    • @nooby_face8619
      @nooby_face8619 3 года назад +3

      im a little confused on if the dreamcatchers do something cause since i got mine and even when we got rid of it i had no nightmares or don't remember them since for about 8 years now

    • @angeldust9222
      @angeldust9222 3 года назад +5

      It's not the same for everyone

    • @angeldust9222
      @angeldust9222 3 года назад +2

      I had a dream catcher too but I lost it and now I have to deal with random scratches sometimes and bad nightmares

    • @L3N0R4L4N3
      @L3N0R4L4N3 3 года назад +5

      Depending on the beliefs of the tribe, dreamcatchers 'catch' negative entities. They're also referred to as a spider web charm, the different tribes believing negativity would become entangled in it instead of attacking the intended target. I'd get a new one if you can! If not, try to get some black tourmaline or obsidian. Both are stones that hold a lot of protective energies. Cup it in both hands, and say something along the lines of 'this stone will ward off negative entities,' then set it near you as you sleep. You could also do a similar command to create a protective amulet. Silver and steel both have protective properties as well, so they'd be good to use! If you can't go those routes, or you want a detailed instruction for anything I mentioned, there's tons of resources online for baby witches in the broom closet. But always do research on the guides you're looking into to ensure it is actually safe, such as any ingredients they suggest actually holds the properties for what you're trying to do! Hope this helps and sorry this turned into a paragraph!

    • @rinkake3653
      @rinkake3653 3 года назад +4

      @@L3N0R4L4N3 Thanks for the info! The dream catcher I used was a indian dream catcher for protection and sweet dreams if I wasn't mistaking. It's been years since I had one but I do plan on getting a new one as soon as possible. Mine was made of sticks, amethyst, stones, and feathers.

  • @mantecella_the_mehecan
    @mantecella_the_mehecan 3 года назад +36

    Not me here wondering what the hell I'm listening to but still loving it

    • @PatrickMcGoo
      @PatrickMcGoo 3 года назад +1

      Its A Guide To actual Witchcraft As Witchcraft was almost completely erased by the christians years ago due to reasons i'm not educated enough to explain. Witchcraft is quite popular Now that people are starting to Figure out its not Evil Black magic

  • @sweetcoyote917
    @sweetcoyote917 3 года назад +19

    I let spirits live with me all the time, I mainly have one ☝️ rule. Your intentions must be good, so I remember to repeat myself when I say that all the time they know, I also for some reason picture myself as this big and scary creature. (I honestly don’t know what I am doing, this what happens when you’re a baby witch and you’re parents limit the things you learn about)

  • @gaydes1012
    @gaydes1012 3 года назад +19

    I've heard stories about the fae, and those stories sometimes come with weird advice like "don't linger in fairy circles" or "if you're out hiking and fell the sudden urge to run just do it". I usually listen to the advice because the witches who give me that advice kinda scare me sometimes, and the last thing I wanna do is piss off someone who claims they can put a curse on me!

  • @angeldust9222
    @angeldust9222 3 года назад +6

    I honestly don't care what raven talks about their voice just calms me down and I like their character

  • @rockfan243
    @rockfan243 3 года назад +7

    When you mentioned telling the unwanted spirits to leave with choice words my dumb brain went straight to the video of the lady banging pans together saying "I AINT GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF YALLL YALL ANT GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF ME" lol

  • @Ari05vrchat
    @Ari05vrchat 3 года назад +16

    Yall no spirit in hell gives a DAAAMN shit about yall being first, fr tho this was helpful raven, thank you

  • @dregmek
    @dregmek 3 года назад +26

    Me:I don't wanna fight the fea
    The fea:I don't wanna fight me neither!

  • @bobatea2845
    @bobatea2845 3 года назад +13

    14 seconds ago? guess im before the notified people... NEEEERDS!

    • @scooby9328
      @scooby9328 3 года назад +2

      I got notified faster though lol

  • @cads4643
    @cads4643 3 года назад +2

    The town I live in is very haunted. It's because of a flood that happened in the early 1900's. And around the area I live in is filled with pissed off ghosts because of a school that was built on a cemetery and then recently, the school is being demolished and more ghosts are becoming more disturbed. Sometimes when I take the garbage down at night when no one's around, I will feel like a thousand eyes are watching me. I'm just glad that I am moving somewhere else that's less haunted.

  • @Lunar-Strawberry
    @Lunar-Strawberry 3 года назад +10

    Ah yes
    67 likes, 0 dislikes
    Perfectly balanced
    As all things should be

    • @armron94
      @armron94 3 года назад +2

      177 Likes/1 Dis

  • @borbizgud7640
    @borbizgud7640 3 года назад +5

    I don't really think about spirits unless it's "well I mean it is their option if they want to see me take a shit"

  • @kathyprior4281
    @kathyprior4281 3 года назад +3

    In this lesson, spirits will be discussed, how to identify, contact, banish, and protect yourself from them as well as the roles they can play in witchcraft and how they differ from those of our deities.
    So what exactly is a spirit and what makes them different from our deities? The term “spirit” is typically used when referring to the souls of the deceased, but in the grand scheme of the metaphysical and natural world, it’s more used as an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of different beings. Ancestors, Shadow People, the Fair Folk, Ghosts, creatures and entities that are written off as mythical to those who lack the spiritual energy to be able to sense or see their presence. A spirit can be a lot of things. They could be good-natured and positive, or they could be harmful and negative. Spirits hold the potential to be helpful and provide guidance, or they could make your life a living nightmare by causing mischief, harm or inconvenience us for their own amusement. Their attitudes and motives arrange on a broad spectrum from those that fall within the laws and morality of the natural world to those who follow an entirely different set of rules that clash with our own.
    The Fair Folk or the Fae as they’re most commonly known, fairies, are one such example. The Fae are not like the cute and colorful sprites and pixies that you see in Disney movies and children’s books. It’s said that if you were ever to see the true face of the Fair Folk, they’d gouge your eyes out in a heartbeat. They are mischievous, yes, but they’ve also been known to kidnap humans, bring them back to their own realm and enslave them. Fairy food is also rumored to lack nutrients to sustain a human, so if a person is unable to escape their realm, they’d eventually die from starvation. And all of that doesn’t even begin to dive into the fact that it is stupidly easy to unintentionally enter into a lifelong contract with the Fae that could wind up extending to future family members, kids, grandkids. It could be as simple as picking up a shiny stone nestled amongst some mushrooms or setting up little fairy homes or fairy circles in your garden because it was a cute idea you saw on Pintrest. It’s said that if one enters a fairy ring, they would be forced to dance until they died. This is why, time and time again, you will hear just about every witch you come across tell you straight up: “Don’t fuck with the Fae!” The rules of their world that they follow do not mix well with ours. (Elemental fairies, light Seelie Court vs malevolent Unseelie Court) But enough of the Fair Folk for now.
    There are spirits whose rules and morals do follow our own. Ancestors, for example or the souls of the dearly departed. It’s pretty common knowledge that ghosts are the souls of the dead that are unable to leave this life behind. Similarly, there are those who do manage to cross over into the Astral Realm or the spirit world, but chose to remain here as spirit guides to friends and family members, rather than reincarnate and enter into a new life.
    And then there are the spirits we classify as angels and demons, the entities that terrify and attack us, and those who guide and protect us. There is no label to put on those beings for that nature alone. As a “shadow demon” or “shadow person” for example, might spend their entire time living in a person’s presence without bringing them any harm. Similarly, there are beings we might view as beautiful or angelic that might turn around and rip our throats out when we turn our backs on them. These beings are not of Heaven nor Hell. Just spiritual beings with their own motives and their own agenda. What each person views as good or evil, angelic or demonic, tends to vary from person to person.
    While yes, there are things we can agree on collectively that are able, dangerous and abhorrent (wendigos and skinwalkers), it’s the minor details that set as apart.
    For example, Blue Raven works with Raum, the 40th demon if the Ars Goetia and he has worked with Asmodeus. He would not describe either of them as evil, due to the fact that they’ve been kind, helpful, and have treated him well. However, if you were to try and tell a lifelong Christian that two demons of the Ars Goetia are good, I’m sure you’d get more than a few protests and an hour-long lecture to go with it. In a similar way, there are types of spirits that make Blue Raven very uneasy and that he doesn’t trust that some people love and appreciate. I warned you about the Fair Folk simply because that’s the fate he doesn’t want to risk falling into. But if that’s your cup of tea, go for it. He cannot stop you, he can only tell you what he knows.
    Every now and again, the term “spirit” is used synonymously with deity, and Blue Raven feels like it’s important to recognize the difference between the two. Remember that a deity is a god or a goddess or a being that is worshipped as a god or a goddess from a specific pantheon. While certain types of spirits such as ancestors, spirit guides, and when done right, even the Fair Folk, can be respected, they aren’t gods. Some entities like trickster spirits will try using backhanded methods to achieve this status, but they’re not full-fledged deities. It is easy to see how these two terms are so easy to mix up. In the case of ancestors, for example, an altar can be made to pay tribute to certain individuals, grandparents, great grandparents and so on, and typically, we do the same for our deities. Both have the ability to guide us on our spiritual journey, assist in spell casting, and help us through trying situations. An ancestor can give advice based on their own life experiences, while a deity can do the same simply because it’s within their realm of expertise. Above all, if disrespected, both have the ability to fuck you up and teach you a lesson however they see fit.
    However, you will never catch Blue Raven saying, “I am a devotee of my Grandma Louise, and my Grandpa Joe,” like they’re his deities. It kind of sounds silly when he puts it like that, doesn’t it? However, he could still pay his respects by doing something like cooking his grandparents’ favorite foods, burn some incense, and light a candle for them to celebrate their birthdays or wedding anniversaries, or do it just because he’s thinking about them and miss them. He’d never be so bold as to worship his ancestors as deities, but he wouldn’t be so horrible as to say that their lives and traditions aren’t worthy of being respected, even in death. That is basically the difference between spirits and deities. Both are honored and respected in similar ways, but the circumstances differ when compared to the worship of actual gods and goddesses.
    What if we look a little further beyond just ancestors and Fair Folk? A little more ambiguous, if you will. Entity. A word that every witch probably uses once a week at least. The term “entity” is used when we’ve come into contact with a being that has yet to be identified. Is it the soul of someone who has passed, lingering in the natural world? Is it a deity? A Shadow Person? A bad spirit like a wendigo or a skinwalker? We don’t know and when we don’t know, that’s when we break out the umbrella terms. In witchcraft, especially, spells, Tarot readings, charms, meditation and so on, tend to attract entities like moths drawn to a flame, both good and bad. That’s why you will typically see a witch cleanse a spell jar with incense before they add anything to it and seal it with wax afterwards to ensure whatever goes into the jar, stays in and whatever’s outside of the jar, stays out.
    In general, when it comes to spirits, there’s good news and there’s bad news. The bad news is there’s a ton of spirits out there and not all of them mean well. Unlike with deities, while you can say yes or no to them, it’s more likely that a spirit won’t extend the same courtesy, especially if it’s a trickster spirit. The good news is that there is a multitude of ways you can protect yourself and drive them off. If you have a spirit in your home, especially if it’s in your home that isn’t welcome, tell them. Stick up for yourself. Remember, it’s not a deity and if you don’t want this entity around, you can let them know with whatever choice words you see fit to use. Incense, smudge sticks, stones and crystals, moon and crystal water, items of protection like crucifixes and dream catchers, spell jars, the list goes on. In most cases, these precautions won’t drive away any of your deities, spirit guides, or positive beings that mean no harm, but they will definitely ward off the negative entities that do. All of the aforementioned items like incense, crystals, herbs, charms, moon water, all of those things will be covered in their own videos, but the things he has mentioned here are things you should definitely keep in mind if you’re looking to learn witchcraft.
    Next lesson: Energy

  • @brysonthuney6858
    @brysonthuney6858 3 года назад +2

    I am glad you started making this series, It's helping me learn more about witchcraft. Thank you and keep up the good work.

  • @pheonixxavier6725
    @pheonixxavier6725 3 года назад +4

    I was meditating a week ago and I felt something in the back of my head and I don't know how to explain it, I was alone in the dark everyone was asleep. I looked around to find no one there, I didn't hear a door open or anything but the feeling was inside the back of my head. Thinking about this makes me feel like a spirit just smacked upside my head

  • @scooby9328
    @scooby9328 3 года назад +1

    FINALLY I WAS NOTIFIED AGAIN THANK YOU WORLD. I pressed faster than perception

  • @mikeythenephilimking24
    @mikeythenephilimking24 3 года назад +1

    my great grandma always told me and her other grand kids about the story of a pact that our Scottish Clan McDaniel ancestors made with the Fairy folk way back then. And she’s where I get my empathic abilities from her side of the family.
    And your facts are spot on as always in this video.👍
    Can’t wait for the next

  • @scooby9328
    @scooby9328 3 года назад +1

    Spirits are one of my favorite fixations. They also like keeping their distance from me

  • @gachablueboyreborn1658
    @gachablueboyreborn1658 3 года назад +1

    I pray to god to not have a nightmare every night. It started as a child and is still going for one specific reason. Every time I don’t pray to god to no have a nightmare, I get horrific nightmares that get worse each time. I don’t know when I’ll have to stop this, but I will soon.

  • @ayyyimmaninja
    @ayyyimmaninja 3 года назад +9

    Is there a way to know if and when you make a contract with the fae? I know you are never supposed to accept gifts from them, but how do you know the difference between a gift and something randomly spotted on the ground?

    • @BlueRaven666
      @BlueRaven666  3 года назад +9

      If it feels ridiculously out of place, or just too convenient, like a specific herb you've been looking for just randomly appears in your garden, just keep walking.

    • @scooby9328
      @scooby9328 3 года назад +3

      @@BlueRaven666 hey raven off topic, but I noticed you mentioned your next topic was energy, I offered if my help even if you probably have it covered as it is my area of expertise and approach to witchcraft. Read the comment if you are interested in my offer, sorry for all the comments I just went very ADHD excited because it is the topic in witchcraft I know best and because of that it makes me happy I would of offered in RN but since it has been deleted, I am resulting to the comments to reach you. Sorry for the several comments and I hope you have a great night. -fellow witch scoob

    • @armron94
      @armron94 3 года назад +1

      @@scooby9328 😉

  • @idiotgoddess2114
    @idiotgoddess2114 3 года назад +1

    I don’t do witchcraft, but I still watch this because I am curious

  • @Luna-Hamster
    @Luna-Hamster 3 года назад +1

    I feel this spirit hanging around me just chilling.

  • @L3N0R4L4N3
    @L3N0R4L4N3 3 года назад +1

    How dare RUclips not notify me about this video?!? Just happened to see it while watching another video and clicked so fast lol. Anyways, absolutely loved this one, super informative! I hope you go over moon water soon!

  • @Wurmss
    @Wurmss 3 года назад +1

    This is all so enticing and id love to know more about witchcraft but knowing my family they probably won't welcome it-

  • @bibia9047
    @bibia9047 3 года назад +2

    my parents told me when i was little i told them i saw a girl in my room, they went there but there was nothing, nowadays i dont remember anything that happened because i think i had less 5 years, maybe I think I said that just to get their attention, but I don’t know. Sorry for the bad english, I'm using the google translator

  • @thephantommaster3619
    @thephantommaster3619 3 года назад +2

    2nd and nice

  • @geoshark12
    @geoshark12 3 года назад +2

    I swear you would have to be a lawyer to deal with the fae , that is if lawyers are not fae themselves

  • @pheonixxavier6725
    @pheonixxavier6725 3 года назад +1

    Boom I'm late but hey I still came. Let's see what happens next

  • @maddymiller4146
    @maddymiller4146 3 года назад +1

    Question; How do you know you've come across a shadow demon? what does it look like? Does it have an aroma to it?
    Reason why I'm asking this; Because I think I may have crossed paths with a shadow demon, they didn't harm me, just taught me a lesson to clean my room. It was a large shadow like figure that wasn't near as the window and yet it was a shadow, and it was near my door. I have a small room {think of a cell room, but it's fitted to be a bedroom} my window hits the tapestry I have behind me that's beside my bed. You can picture my window being in front of me looking out into the lake that's behind my house, so how in the world would the sun {Or lack thereof because it was early in the morning when the sun wasn't out yet} hit the spot next to my door and create a shadow?

  • @geoshark12
    @geoshark12 3 года назад +1

    Well that was interesting and freaky experience i ether just ha sleep paralysis or just saw a shadow person or something, i was sorta awake but asleep and I just stood at the end of my bed but i was still able to say “go away “ still a bit freaked from that actually

  • @l.a.d._vviolet4280
    @l.a.d._vviolet4280 3 года назад

    I did not invoke anything, but some weird stuff that happened in my bedroom this month.
    Once in the early morning I heard something call my name. I was in bed, likely this happend because I was half asleep, still was too freaked out to turn over and just lied still.
    (And the voice did not match anyone in the house).
    Found my "gargling glass" just sitting in my (bathroom) sink on top of the drain. If one of my cats knocked it in there, it's a miracle it landed perfectly upright ontop of the "drain stop". (Not on its side or broken)
    Also mom claims to hear footsteps in my room (while I'm not in it). Claiming that they are distinct from creaky floor boards or my cats jumping off my bed to the floor).
    Not worried since my cats are not acting "weird" or distressed.

  • @BloodWolfFavorites
    @BloodWolfFavorites 3 года назад

    The fae can be really chill. They can also be really fun. Their rules are different, but, like most things they will generally respect you if you respect them. Ive worked with them, and even have two who are my guides if I do happen to travel into their realm. I actually wouldnt be here if it werent for them. They protected me with their lives when someone sent things after me to attack me. One of them even protected me in the astral by bringing me to a safe place in their realm while my body healed in the hospital afterward. One thing I can tell you is never say "thank you" as it is seen rude in their culture. You can rephrase it as something like "I appreciate your generous gift" or "I will cherish this always." They will appreciate offerings of sweets, shiny things, and sweet liquors and teas. When I was at the worst point in my life, making time to relax and have tea in my faerie garden with them made things better and kept my mental health stable. It really depends on your elements you work with. If you work well with elemental earth, you will have a better time with the fae.

  • @MegatronEnthusiast
    @MegatronEnthusiast 2 года назад

    Whenever I’m alone and something moves unexpectedly I just yell “BITCH” in my best Blitzø impression.

  • @lukaurbankitek6019
    @lukaurbankitek6019 3 года назад

    I honestly adore your voice. It's so satisfying and unisex

  • @armron94
    @armron94 3 года назад +2

    Beastars did some like this. A black figure. That's supposed to be Legacies feral instincts he started going crazy and trying to get away from it. It's in the Manga and Anime.
    In the manga it looks like a ghost about the size of a child.
    Find the anime it is a lot more scarier so much scarier that Legacy punches a mirror that happened in season 1& volume 1 of the manga. If you're not seeing beastars I said too much.
    Tyler melton

    • @armron94
      @armron94 3 года назад +1

      3:44 just like beastars

  • @scooby9328
    @scooby9328 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for educating the populous.

  • @ThatOneGorillaTag_Guy
    @ThatOneGorillaTag_Guy 3 года назад +6

    Do you need our help? We should be able to contain them

  • @unfluffedtanuki2064
    @unfluffedtanuki2064 3 года назад +1

    So um ima a bit confused does heaven and hell and astral plain coexist? And each of them being separate realms. Also great video =)

  • @armron94
    @armron94 3 года назад +1

    44.8 K subs
    Keep it up

  • @scooby9328
    @scooby9328 3 года назад +4


    • @TheMagickKatt
      @TheMagickKatt 3 года назад +2

      Yup. Good job, my friend.

    • @scooby9328
      @scooby9328 3 года назад +1

      I was for 3 video before phone decided to not notify me

  • @hydroblip725
    @hydroblip725 3 года назад

    Another thing I miss understood about witchcraft is that I mistakenly thought it related to dark magic or I can say, the forbidden ancient magic type.
    What I see about witchcraft is that like we pray for mercy other things like praying for guidance, it's a physical action that simply can protect you against cruel and unstable spirits like you talked about. I see I maybe made mistakes in how I explain what I think about witchcraft.
    I generally don't know what witchcraft works but I understand the logic and the reason why it's a passive type of whatever witchcraft is supposed to be.
    I known for years, most important, I can say artifacts of witchcraft is now gone in oblivion and never can be received again.
    We live in a world with some freedom of actions, it's sad to see soo much valued to alot of people be wasted like that.
    I am hit with a theory of my own,dark magic which is said in book of a religion that once used to be harmless and used by the angel beings.
    Maybe witchcraft was apart of it and that it became forbidden to use as it got in the wrong hands and got used for wrong.
    That happened and in the Qur'an it is stated firmly that
    'The gates of heaven are closed for those who practices dark art'
    It's not the exact wording but it's what it's means and by this; I can tell something wrong.
    Like this, people were afraid of the dark art that was forbidden and warned us about and the thought of witchcraft being a major source for these inhuman and totally unethical behaviour to create fear for witches and caused the entire era of rebellion against witches.
    By the way, there was Many things in the Qur'an that came true and it can be taken as a authentic source of information about this entire matter around all spiritual beings that exist and also that it's a source of information; I take it and try my best to understand from it and take the leap of faith too.
    I like peaceful and quiet places, we all deserve some and of course right to be respected as a equal human like us all,blue raven 666.

  • @armron94
    @armron94 3 года назад +1

    Hazbin Hotel. I did some digging I found out something
    I found out what araknis (angel dust brother) name is.
    Sir pentious is real name.
    And kind of some stuff that araknis does not want no one else to know about.
    Hair Ronin wouldn't want to know

  • @charliesdeqd
    @charliesdeqd 3 года назад

    Hey, Raven so I'm a Beginner Witch and I like to say that your videos help me and I started to write a book of shadows. While I do study I think listening to you makes me understand. Although I started watching you for Hazbin Hotel I stayed for the Witchcraft. But I do have something to tell. I was born on June 2 and only recently have I learned that date was the beginning of the Salem witch trials, But along with that my parents have told me that I was born early and if I wasn't I wouldn't have been dead. I doubt it means anything I just wanted another Witchs opinion.

  • @jasonthefates7311
    @jasonthefates7311 3 года назад

    Real Christians believe Demons to be the Nephilum. Love you and thank you for sharing. May comment again.

  • @kingdamian3175
    @kingdamian3175 3 года назад

    I know I’m going to have a test on this so I’m going to just listen

  • @standardhuman8675
    @standardhuman8675 3 года назад

    Raven might do a full vid on the fae, maybe not, but regardless, HERES SOME WAYS TO PROTECT FROM FAE
    Mushrooms, especially mushroom rings, should be avoided when possible. Gates to the fae world tend to be those rings.
    If you interact with the fae, DONT give them your name. If you must introduce yourself, say “you can call me ___”.
    Never thank them or accept any gifts. They will interpret this as you being in their debt, and that is NOT a good thing.
    I’m not entirely sure how to ward the far off, but if memory serves, iron and salt help keep them away.
    Please feel free to add to this list, I’m probably forgetting something.

  • @mya6014
    @mya6014 3 года назад

    i believe it was a month ago but i kept feeling like someone was watching me and i always felt pressure behind me when no one was there. i was getting sick of it so i just yelled "BACK THE FUCK UP! I DONT NEED YOU RIGHT NOW AND IM SICK OF YOUR SHIT! GET OUT THIS IS MY HOUSE LEAVE!". haven’t felt anything after that.
    also did i piss of fairies because when i was little i always made pixie homes and i always thought i was doing them a favor since they always "made my garden look pretty".

    • @BlueRaven666
      @BlueRaven666  3 года назад

      I think you did the opposite of pissing them off. They most likely saw that as a contract, and took it as a sign that you wanted them around.

    • @mya6014
      @mya6014 3 года назад

      @@BlueRaven666 ohhh okay thx raven!

  • @talkingfez1265
    @talkingfez1265 3 года назад

    Blue, the thing you said about telling spirits to leave, that doesn't always work, and they stay around anyway.

  • @ladyskeleton2535
    @ladyskeleton2535 3 года назад

    Thank you. :)

  • @samurexatlas7373
    @samurexatlas7373 3 года назад

    So, I think I have two... I'll call them "second chancers". The first gives me dreams of a past far more mystical. But the biggest thing is, he has a whole ass Red and Gold palace and still wants me, a regular guy. The second one, I know is a passed spirit, hence second chancer. She was pushed off an overlook to some water, and drowned. How do I know this? A vision. When visiting a place with an overlook to water, I saw my family push me in the water, and felt absolutely awful. Not normally a thing I think of. So yeah, I have some chill royal and a murdered girl as invisible friends.

  • @TheMagickKatt
    @TheMagickKatt 3 года назад

    Blue raven, I have a small question, since you know lucifer, does he have a deep voice and can you actually hear his voice? Can you talk to them through your mind or do you have to actually talk to them? I'm asking this cuz I was approached by lucifer in my kitchen a few days ago. I haven't been approached by him again yet. I'm not sure if it was a trickster spirit or not. Thank you if you answer this question.

  • @capricorn4607
    @capricorn4607 3 года назад

    Ngl, my first thought to the title of the video was Wizard 101

  • @jasonthefates7311
    @jasonthefates7311 3 года назад

    Also she ask for Seance which I've been raised to fear, but willing with someone who knows what they're doing. Don't want to be possessed. I've been told I am of a bright golden purple light whatever that means, but I do have children and want nothing to attach themselves. Or possess my children, wife or I.

  • @m1cr0wav3d_h3arts
    @m1cr0wav3d_h3arts 3 года назад

    Okay story
    I was downstairs in my house at night because I had finished my water bottle and I saw a shadow person in the corner of my eye and when I looked it was sort of still there so I just screamed OI QUACK OFF (I had actually sworn but I prefer use quack online instead of swearing) and I only see it rarely and when I do I tell it to screw off and get the heck away from my family!
    It has been a few months since I saw it (the specific one) but I do see things in the corner of my eyes.
    Btw love your videos!

  • @psychosorcerer
    @psychosorcerer 3 года назад

    Loving the witchcraft vids!

  • @RubyNerdd
    @RubyNerdd 3 года назад +1

    new blueraven video lets gooooo!

  • @mysteryuwu6411
    @mysteryuwu6411 3 года назад

    Blueraven666 is a great teacher

  • @hydroblip725
    @hydroblip725 3 года назад

    You gave me of explanation of what I experienced before

  • @tobyharvancik2693
    @tobyharvancik2693 3 года назад

    i have one in my home his name is jasper he protects us

  • @scooby9328
    @scooby9328 3 года назад

    My comment went poof from a google error I think so imma say it again
    As a witch my area of expertise is in energy and seeing you making a vid on it has me excited. Due to it being how I approach witchcraft if based on what has felt right and instinct m, I would be glad to help if you want any. I know you probably already have it planned but I would be glad to offer my knowledge and input for it politely as it is the part of witchcraft I am extremely good at. Lucifer when he came to me decided because of how I do witchcraft and the apparent proficiency I have that he taught me more about it and how to get finer control. So even if just the sauce I would be happy to give my input. If you agree you can reach me through the old mods of your server or reply here. And if you don’t want to take me up on my offer then I still can’t wait to see what you provide in it and will be overjoyed to see the product regardless.

  • @weathersys
    @weathersys 3 года назад

    I have aspirit in my doll and her name is Zara. She's a sweety :)

  • @cattylupine6754
    @cattylupine6754 3 года назад

    Ok this was a while ago but hear me out
    I had a dream of descending down a spiral staircase surrounded by green fire. When I got to the bottom i see a very tall pale man with black hair down to his neck with a black toga and gold pin. He was just looking at me he didn’t identify himself. There was some music in the background but it was too faded to hear what it was Main question: is it a trickster spirit

  • @funnytrialman3112
    @funnytrialman3112 3 года назад

    Even tho I am christian I like watching witchcraft

  • @fjolnir0865
    @fjolnir0865 3 года назад

    Good 👍

  • @BanditAmazonBox
    @BanditAmazonBox 3 года назад

    I'm here.

  • @lunarrainbow2501
    @lunarrainbow2501 3 года назад

    I have a question about spirits u say that some cause bad things to happen dose that include medical issues??? what's crystal water???

  • @shanryder
    @shanryder 3 года назад

    Do shadow people cause nightmares or I guess like to watch them? For as long as I can remember any time I lie down a bunch of shadowy figures will hover over me but if I stare at them they'll swoop down, force my eyes shut, and make my head feel heavy. I can't count them because of that but I know theres at least 3.
    I have chronic nightmares and I've always wondered if they were doing it or if they were there because of it.

    • @shanryder
      @shanryder 3 года назад

      I mentioned it to my parents a couple times as a kid and they had the pastor of their church try yo remove them but it didnt work and I had worse nightmares after that. They kept getting worse after every attempt by my parents to personally exorcise them.
      I recently tried a dream catcher and that didnt get rid of them but it didnt really make my dreams worse either. Good sign I guess?

  • @Whirlingriver
    @Whirlingriver 3 года назад

    Hello BlueRaven 666!! I had a question if you have a old dream catcher should you get rid of it? I know its a dumb question.

    • @BlueRaven666
      @BlueRaven666  3 года назад

      I'd say no. No matter how old the dream catcher is, if it's still intact, it can still be used.

  • @danielleisla4465
    @danielleisla4465 3 года назад

    I'm not into religion, but witchcraft is really interesting to me. Is there any good beginner books for me to learn this?

  • @ashsanimations7153
    @ashsanimations7153 3 года назад

    My house is haunted one day at like 6 am i saw the shadow of a hanging man and my cat swiped at nothing and its right where i saw the shadow i asked my mom (whos pagen) and her face went white ( im also pagen) like wtf happend

  • @ssadow7020
    @ssadow7020 3 года назад

    Just how intrusive can a spirit or entity be? I know they can enter your home but can they say read your mind?

  • @ThatOneGorillaTag_Guy
    @ThatOneGorillaTag_Guy 3 года назад +1

    Comments are 9
    Views are 4
    This is old
    and so am i

  • @hereschica
    @hereschica 3 года назад

    Well okay then. I was wondering, if somebody were to do the Bloody Mary where they say
    it three or more times is there a chance that a spirit will come through?
    I've done it twice on my channel. Once during the day and once at night.

  • @armron94
    @armron94 3 года назад +1

    What is Pinterest? I have never even heard of it.

  • @scooby9328
    @scooby9328 3 года назад

    Wait where did my offer in energy script help go

  • @moonfire41
    @moonfire41 3 года назад

    I had a lot of fae dreams in the early 2000s but they were all good. They were a precurser for Loki later. Ive been told I AM one. Not sure what I think about that.

  • @idiotthatdrawsakaartist
    @idiotthatdrawsakaartist 3 года назад

    Can ancestors have Intense negative energises ?or is that exclusive to spirit's that weren't alive on earth to begin with. Idk i was curious XD

  • @phattadontungtrongsit4137
    @phattadontungtrongsit4137 3 года назад

    can you tell us about deamons note de-a-mons

  • @Matthewgb204
    @Matthewgb204 3 года назад

    Can you make a video about candle magick

  • @lunarfeat217
    @lunarfeat217 3 года назад

    Are you gonna do a cover about girmoires later in the series? I’m really curious

  • @cymonjames7651
    @cymonjames7651 3 года назад

    What if you can see a spirits tho?

  • @archereye_7633
    @archereye_7633 3 года назад +1

    Hey! I was wondering if I could make you a RUclips banner drawing? I'm looking to increase my skills as an artist, and would love to put a lot of work into a drawing for you. It'd be free of charge. 😊

    • @BlueRaven666
      @BlueRaven666  3 года назад +1

      If you're interested, then I'd welcome any design submissions you have. You can DM them to me on Twitter @666BlueRaven if you're interested

    • @archereye_7633
      @archereye_7633 3 года назад

      @@BlueRaven666 Thank you! I've followed you on there, but I can't seem to find a way to DM you.

  • @Kyoshinumberonefan
    @Kyoshinumberonefan 3 года назад +1

    Ahhh yes spirits
    Please somebody help me I see spirits so much
    But warning dont mess around with spirits joking around like there not real
    Because they will do horrid stuff to you
    I saw a entity once I had six hard attacks
    It was just your friendly neighborhood spirit 😅

  • @brickbattle3435
    @brickbattle3435 3 года назад +1


  • @ashleypie6776
    @ashleypie6776 3 года назад

    What does crucifixes meab

  • @darkabyssyt6875
    @darkabyssyt6875 3 года назад

    Ok crap, can you repeat all that? I forgot my notebook

    • @darkabyssyt6875
      @darkabyssyt6875 3 года назад

      Wait I just realized I don't have a notebook

  • @PatrickMcGoo
    @PatrickMcGoo 3 года назад

    Who the hell disliked this?

  • @commanderslasher1842
    @commanderslasher1842 3 года назад +1
