7:26 I like how they named all of the countries in their native language Also I never realized that Ireland’s flag proportions were like that.. oh and someone finally recognized Galicia as being Celtic!
5:00 The imperial Brazilian flag lasted 2 generations and not months We had 2 kings btw The green represents the house of Bragança (Portuguese royal family) and the yellow represents the house of Hapsburg (Austrian royal family)
@@pebble1481 search up spaghetti road and you'll find it. the man asked every embassy for a flag and then when the video got really popular he realised what he had done
@@marijapujic9826 it is hard but it's not the flag we really want,there are older Albanian flags way better todays flag is simple (hard to make) but simple just an eagle and a red field we have had more things and the eagle was way cooler
Been interested in the Periodic Table so the flag version was a good treat I realized a lot of them were named after the places they were discovered in
"I love the raven as an animal to put on a flag, it looks pretty good." Hungarian House of Hunyadi coat of arms, and Mátyás, the RAVEN king: Ám i a jóke to yóú? Also 8:05 florida is the most hungarian-american thing i have ever seen. And we weren't even part of it. It should be a flag of ohio, since there is a Amercian-Hungarian joint milita there.
each color in the flag of mars actually has a meaning, it is based on the Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson each color representing a different state of Mars. Red being current Mars, Green being Terraformed Mars and Blue being the Long Term with water etc
4:06 for anyone who hasn’t heard it before it’s kinda pronounced like Why-tangy. The Waitangi treaty was the treaty signed between the Europeans and Maoris in New Zealand and is a Maori word.
The flower on the Canadian Nepal flag (which is also on the Quebec flag) is the fleur-de-lis, a French symbol, which represents the French-speaking Quebec and on the Nepal flag, the French-speaking part of Canada.
Fun fact the white part in the South Korean flag also represented the peaple of Korea since it was a popular clothing color Edit: at the time the flag was made
12.24 yes most of the Balkan nations are trying to change flags, to sort of further themself from Serbia and Russia so as they wouldn't get associated with them that much. Slovenia in which I live is accepting flag concepts and proposals from 1991 when we declared independence.
Drew: I want Morrocco. Algeria and Tunisia to create a union Me: If Morocco claims Western Sahara and Algeria says it's independent I don't think that's happening unless Someone wins a conflict and annexes the other one
6:50 The norwegian nepal flag is just nepal's flag but it a bit lighter and has our national emblem, a crowned lion welding an axe and our air force logo. That last part offended me a little, like with the air force logo...
There couldn’t be a double-headed eagle for Germany for two reasons 1: Germany has had the single headed eagle as a symbol for quite a while, and while you could mention one of their old flags in current day they even have an eagle, similar but not exact to the one on the fictional U.S. state of Germany flag, on the 1 and 2 Euro coins. (Not all 1 and 2 Euro coins have them, for my fellow Americans.) 2: The double-headed eagle has become more of a symbol for Russia, specifically with it being their national bird. So, that’s probably why they didn’t choose the double headed eagle, or they just went for what would scream out Germany without fail. Anywho, have a wonderful 24 hours and may the rest be as great as how you treat others. Edit: Also, thanks for the praise on our flag :) (Wyomingite here)
Fun fact : the sun and moon in Nepal's flag represents that the country will exist until the existence of sun and moon. And the colors red and blue represent bravery and peace respectively.
7:35 They're the names of the countries/regions in their own Celtic languages. Brittany, Cornwall, Galicia, Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man, Scotland, Wales.
11:02 That's a transistor, an electronic component that can act both as a switch and a signal amplifier. They're mostly made of silicon and sometimes germanium too. You wouldn't be reading this without the existence of transistors.
Avatar was animated by three studios: JM Animation, a South Korean animation studio DR Movie, a South Korean animation studio Moi Animation, a South Korean animation studio So you are 100 % correct about South Korean, but not that it's just one studio.
For anyone wondering about Essex, Wessex, Sussex and Middlesex These were named after places the Anglo saxons were in on the British isles. With essex meaning "East Saxons", Wessex meaning "West Saxons", Sussex meaning "South Saxons" and Middlesex meaning "Middle Saxons" The Greatsex would probably mean "Great saxons" or "United Saxons"
2:02 Funny how the comment says "no one called it Zheleznogorsk" and then proceeds to tell how the residents called it Iron Тown, which translates to Железo Город (Zhelezo Gorod) or Железный Город (Zheleznyi Gorod, kinda like Irony City, irony being the adjective form of iron, and not the thing you usually think irony means). So people kinda called it Zheleznogorsk after all, and not having any further knowledge about the subject, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually said Zheleznogorsk instead of the direct translation. City names meaning "something city/town" in Russian usually have the words combined and gorod replaced with gorsk or grad (an archaic word for city, town, etc). For example, Belogorsk is not Belo Gorod, but the name still means White City. And the way Russian language works, the adjective zheleznyi is used in the combined name instead of zhelezo, but it turns into zhelezno when combined to other word. Mind you, my knowledge of Russian is nowhere near perfect, so there might be mistakes in me interpreting this. But the take is that the commenter said that no one called it Zheleznogorsk and in the next sentence said that the residents outside the city called it Zheleznogorsk.
@6:45 nepals flag is my favorite its shape comes from the design being able to be drawin with a stick and a rope, chosen so they could make flags on the go while at battle , youd love being here we have a boulevard called the flag parade where all recognised and some less recognised states flags fly all year, i pass it everyday... on that topic... the dutch red and blue are far darker then most of em, the red is close to latvia purplish red and the blue is quite dark
They cant to crap. I've seen people with Klan flags USSR flags Prussia etc... the only one that might get flagged in no no germany but idk if they can legally take it down
The flags on the Christmas tree are as follows: Top: flag of Canada Top left: flag of Ontario (province of Canada) Top right: idk Middle left: flag of Quebec (province of Canada) Middle right: flag of Toronto (city in ontario) Bottom left: flag of British Columbia (province of Canada) Bottom right: flag of the Franco-Ontariens (French speaking Ontarians) Bottom: Tim Horton's card
13:56 That is dangerously similar to my flag, the Glorious Tricolor, a 2x3 flag with vertical bands red, blue, and green from the mast. Appropriate that I see myself walking on Mars sometime around 2050.
@@bxdri yes. personally i dont support the independence since its backed by russia, but theyre just a people, i dont see what is wrong with including everybody on the flag
The flag's field is white, a traditional color in Korean culture. White was common in the daily attire of 19th-century Koreans, and it still appears in contemporary versions of traditional Korean garments, such as the hanbok. The color represents peace and purity.[2] The circle in the flag's center represents balance in the universe. The red half represents positive cosmic forces, and the blue half represents the opposing negative cosmic forces. Together, the trigrams represent movement and harmony as fundamental principles. Each trigram (hangeul: 괘 [gwae]; hanja: 卦) represents one of the four classical elements,[3] as described below: Trigram Korean name Celestial body Season Cardinal direction Virtue Family Natural element Meaning ☰ geon (건 / 乾) heaven (천 / 天) spring (춘 / 春) east (동 / 東) humanity (인 / 仁) father (부 / 父) heaven (천 / 天) justice (정의 / 正義) ☲ ri (리 / 離) sun (일 / 日) autumn (추 / 秋) south (남 / 南) righteousness (의 / 義) daughter (녀 / 女) fire (화 / 火) fruition (결실 / 結實) ☵ gam (감 / 坎) moon (월 / 月) winter (동 / 冬) north (북 / 北) intelligence (지 / 智) son (자 / 子) water (수 / 水) wisdom (지혜 / 智慧) ☷ gon (곤 / 坤) earth (지 / 地) summer (하 / 夏) west (서 / 西) courtesy (례 / 禮) mother (모 / 母) earth (토 / 土) vitality (생명력 / 生命力
13:09 I am going to be living in Pocatello for the next 8 years (presently in Buckeye, Arizona. I will return for a short while after those 8 years.). I will personally see to it that a worse flag gets made. Ever since this decision was made, Pocatello has been coming up in my life a lot.
06:46 Which are your favourite Nepal style flags? Mine: Cambodia, China, Georgia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and maybe Canada 08:05 A very strange Hungarian-Ukrainian Union, colonized by USA. 🤔
7:26 I like how they named all of the countries in their native language
Also I never realized that Ireland’s flag proportions were like that.. oh and someone finally recognized Galicia as being Celtic!
breizh da viken
Mmmmm yes AC current thank you
@@monikab3749 shut
Fun Fact: Dosrius in Catalan (the language of Catalonia, Spain) means “two rivers”, and that’s what the flag is.
dos rius
@@LeReubzRic dos dius
The title says disgusting flags and the first thing is a beautiful Albania flag made of sand
@German Ball thx
@German Ball is rinshtangle
But it is disgusting, you know why?
I don't like sand
@@HeadCannon19 i almost ragequitted ngl
5:00 The imperial Brazilian flag lasted 2 generations and not months
We had 2 kings btw
The green represents the house of Bragança (Portuguese royal family) and the yellow represents the house of Hapsburg (Austrian royal family)
Galicia in the style of mann is literally the flag of Asturias in Spain.
But with a St. James' Cross instead. Also, our national animal is supposed to be a hedgehog apparently? I mean, look at the Welsh style Galician flag
Wasn’t Asturias Celtic?
@@condenihilit1572 se les ha ido mucho
@@thatguy45177 i dont think do, its more visigoth than celtic
@@enalche2 All hail ourizo cacheiro! No es que me oponga pero sale un poco de la nada
As a New Zealander, I had an aneurysm when he said Waitangi
Face it drew cant pronounciate anything
As soon as I heard it I made a comment about the correct pronunciation.
I feel ya because I’m kiwi too…
Hey Drew, when you want a flag, just ask the different embassies. They sometimes give out flags. Or beg your viewers for flags ;)
Didn't really age well....
I can design some but im too lazy
I’m not so sure embassy’s are freely giving out flags now after that RUclips video
@@rachelcookie321 what video?
@@pebble1481 search up spaghetti road and you'll find it. the man asked every embassy for a flag and then when the video got really popular he realised what he had done
Fun fact: it is now illegal in a a lot of Australian states to fly a nazi flag / swastika in public
It was legal!?
@Kevin Tran dont tell me Germany is 4% of the world
Fun Fact: It is illegal in all of Poland to do that. I WONDER WHY.
...they only made it illegal 2 months ago?
🇸🇿 Swatini flag
0:01 I am from albania and I can tell,that's art
I'm not from albania and I can tell,that's art
@@siddhantbasnet8528 im from asian and i hate this game
I'm from Serbia, and I think that the flag is very nice and is hard to make, so it is worthy art, I was suprised how well she made it in the sand
@@marijapujic9826 it is hard but it's not the flag we really want,there are older Albanian flags way better
todays flag is simple (hard to make) but simple just an eagle and a red field
we have had more things and the eagle was way cooler
im not from albania and i can tell its art
11:10 fun fact: Polonium was actually discovered by Marie Curie in France, She named it Polonium because Curie was originally born in Poland.
0:26 It looks alot like the text that accompanies the Toyota logo
Been interested in the Periodic Table so the flag version was a good treat
I realized a lot of them were named after the places they were discovered in
Most popular one being Californium
And Polonium.
1:27 every parent when you invite a girl over.
Came to the comments for this. 😂
“Dallas Cowboys.”
Me, who is from Pennsylvania: *”What did you say to me you little shi-“*
Me who is from Texas
Eagles gang, where you at
fellow pennsylvanian
Hello there
You beat bye 1 second
General Kenobi
@@luigirocks3075 hey
Glad Esperanto finally got a mention :)
It is said that Trotsky was inspired by the green star of Esperanto and turned it red for the Red Army.
Bear:*breaks atom*
City:my time has come.
"I love the raven as an animal to put on a flag, it looks pretty good."
Hungarian House of Hunyadi coat of arms, and Mátyás, the RAVEN king: Ám i a jóke to yóú?
Also 8:05 florida is the most hungarian-american thing i have ever seen. And we weren't even part of it. It should be a flag of ohio, since there is a Amercian-Hungarian joint milita there.
each color in the flag of mars actually has a meaning, it is based on the Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson each color representing a different state of Mars. Red being current Mars, Green being Terraformed Mars and Blue being the Long Term with water etc
Why do you wanna form this country?
Everybody: Unique culture, different ethnicity and a separate Identity
Drew: I wanna see the flag
4:06 for anyone who hasn’t heard it before it’s kinda pronounced like Why-tangy. The Waitangi treaty was the treaty signed between the Europeans and Maoris in New Zealand and is a Maori word.
IVE HEARD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0:40 That's actually... An amazing marketing idea
8:04 When it's Not nut November
7:55 When December arrives
9:34 south Korea fighting the fire nation. I'm mean yeah isn't fire nation is modeled after japan
So what's North Korea supposed to be?
11:05 that flag of silicon is a transitior
I think it might be an LED, but same idea
@@CatHerder327 LEDs have two leads, transistors have three
@@cursed_cats5710 RGB leds have 3 legs
@@monika.alt197 A quick google search showed RGB leds had four legs
The fleur-de-lis in the Canada “Nepal-style” flag is indeed a French symbol, and is meant to represent Quebec.
@b phillip bottom right is the franco-Ontarien flag.
Beautiful flags: [Exists]
Artist: *And I took that personally*
silicon: *has a transistor as a flag*
drew: idk what that is and i dont think i wanna know
pretty much sums up american education system
I'm wanting to say that the yellow part represents a LED, but I have no idea what the designer had in mind.
do u even know what a demi-hemi-semi-quaver is
2:43: Coolest flag yet
The flower on the Canadian Nepal flag (which is also on the Quebec flag) is the fleur-de-lis, a French symbol, which represents the French-speaking Quebec and on the Nepal flag, the French-speaking part of Canada.
If you unfocus then focus your eyes on this it gets trippy
3:29 "These British names are just wild". But not nearly as wild as all those hundreds of American names that come from Native American languages.
1:26 Charlie Brown: My grandmother lives in a condominium.
Like The pilot WHO Got saved by a german
@@DiamondDog12The Franz Stigler and Charlie Brown incident?
@@mr.mirage3986 you going to honi jail where it located to brasil
Fun fact the white part in the South Korean flag also represented the peaple of Korea since it was a popular clothing color
Edit: at the time the flag was made
Drew just gave me the best idea of how I should wrap my siblings Christmas presents.😅
hearing drew pronounce maori names is the worst thing i've heard
12.24 yes most of the Balkan nations are trying to change flags, to sort of further themself from Serbia and Russia so as they wouldn't get associated with them that much. Slovenia in which I live is accepting flag concepts and proposals from 1991 when we declared independence.
"Bernville Parish" just needed to be written in WordArt and it'd be perfect.
The France Royal symbol is called "fleur de lys"
9:29 🤣🤣🤣 the Pepsi symbol
Drew: I want Morrocco. Algeria and Tunisia to create a union
Me: If Morocco claims Western Sahara and Algeria says it's independent I don't think that's happening unless Someone wins a conflict and annexes the other one
South Korea fighting the fire nation actually kinda makes sense in context of the Koreas
Drew just clickbaited whole South Asia
1.5 billion or more people
6:50 The norwegian nepal flag is just nepal's flag but it a bit lighter and has our national emblem, a crowned lion welding an axe and our air force logo. That last part offended me a little, like with the air force logo...
There couldn’t be a double-headed eagle for Germany for two reasons
1: Germany has had the single headed eagle as a symbol for quite a while, and while you could mention one of their old flags in current day they even have an eagle, similar but not exact to the one on the fictional U.S. state of Germany flag, on the 1 and 2 Euro coins. (Not all 1 and 2 Euro coins have them, for my fellow Americans.)
2: The double-headed eagle has become more of a symbol for Russia, specifically with it being their national bird.
So, that’s probably why they didn’t choose the double headed eagle, or they just went for what would scream out Germany without fail.
Anywho, have a wonderful 24 hours and may the rest be as great as how you treat others.
Edit: Also, thanks for the praise on our flag :) (Wyomingite here)
Fun fact : the sun and moon in Nepal's flag represents that the country will exist until the existence of sun and moon. And the colors red and blue represent bravery and peace respectively.
So baisically Nepal will exist for like 5 bilion years🤓🤓
@@tuerculosisgaming6307 yesssir
Drew: Polonum
Me: Drew, Drew, Drew...
7:35 They're the names of the countries/regions in their own Celtic languages. Brittany, Cornwall, Galicia, Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man, Scotland, Wales.
I honestly cannot believe that I’m watching this, it’s too smart for me.
11:02 That's a transistor, an electronic component that can act both as a switch and a signal amplifier. They're mostly made of silicon and sometimes germanium too. You wouldn't be reading this without the existence of transistors.
1:36 I saw all of that is gold and it slowly goes to purple my brain just switched from left to right
6:00 Andorra in the style of Vatican City is the best one with Andorra in the style of Liechtenstein in second
It's so funny to think that Avatar was animated by a South Korean animation studio.
Avatar was animated by three studios:
JM Animation, a South Korean animation studio
DR Movie, a South Korean animation studio
Moi Animation, a South Korean animation studio
So you are 100 % correct about South Korean, but not that it's just one studio.
11:06 - it's a transistor, it's made of silicon and used in electronics. For example a CPU is just a bunch of tiny transistors all combined together.
For anyone wondering about Essex, Wessex, Sussex and Middlesex These were named after places the Anglo saxons were in on the British isles. With essex meaning "East Saxons", Wessex meaning "West Saxons", Sussex meaning "South Saxons" and Middlesex meaning "Middle Saxons"
The Greatsex would probably mean "Great saxons" or "United Saxons"
The way he said "polonium" gives me primal rage.
ngl the Indian flag looked good in all styles 6:56
Thumbnail: all the SAARC countries
People of Indian peninsula: you have summoned us
Based Akhand Bharat citizens!😎
Therapist: Venezrussia doesn't exist, it can't hurt you
Venezrussia: 0:49
2:02 Funny how the comment says "no one called it Zheleznogorsk" and then proceeds to tell how the residents called it Iron Тown, which translates to Железo Город (Zhelezo Gorod) or Железный Город (Zheleznyi Gorod, kinda like Irony City, irony being the adjective form of iron, and not the thing you usually think irony means). So people kinda called it Zheleznogorsk after all, and not having any further knowledge about the subject, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually said Zheleznogorsk instead of the direct translation. City names meaning "something city/town" in Russian usually have the words combined and gorod replaced with gorsk or grad (an archaic word for city, town, etc). For example, Belogorsk is not Belo Gorod, but the name still means White City. And the way Russian language works, the adjective zheleznyi is used in the combined name instead of zhelezo, but it turns into zhelezno when combined to other word.
Mind you, my knowledge of Russian is nowhere near perfect, so there might be mistakes in me interpreting this. But the take is that the commenter said that no one called it Zheleznogorsk and in the next sentence said that the residents outside the city called it Zheleznogorsk.
Feeling funny to watch flag combination with Nepal..
Triangles everywhere 🥴🤣🤣
@6:45 nepals flag is my favorite its shape comes from the design being able to be drawin with a stick and a rope, chosen so they could make flags on the go while at battle , youd love being here we have a boulevard called the flag parade where all recognised and some less recognised states flags fly all year, i pass it everyday... on that topic... the dutch red and blue are far darker then most of em, the red is close to latvia purplish red and the blue is quite dark
5:09 It is a armillary sphere, a navigation instrument
That russian atomic bear flag is the most badass flag i've ever seen one.
Same 😂🐒🔨
As a Wyoming resident, I love it when someone out of state likes our flag.
I live outside USA, and I like most of the flag. I think the seal is overdoing it, without it I think it's a really great flag.
Haha at 7:06 is the fleur de lis (along with the maple leaf ofc)
7:06 It's the Fleur de Lys, and it's more representative of Quebec
@@hummussock Both are correct
1:15 "Even the no-no flags"
*Usa government wants to know your location*
They cant to crap. I've seen people with Klan flags USSR flags Prussia etc... the only one that might get flagged in no no germany but idk if they can legally take it down
1:33 The colonies and the board do though
For Alberta there is another license plate that has a picture of soldiers and says support our troops, it looks way better.
The flags on the Christmas tree are as follows:
Top: flag of Canada
Top left: flag of Ontario (province of Canada)
Top right: idk
Middle left: flag of Quebec (province of Canada)
Middle right: flag of Toronto (city in ontario)
Bottom left: flag of British Columbia (province of Canada)
Bottom right: flag of the Franco-Ontariens (French speaking Ontarians)
Bottom: Tim Horton's card
*T I M H O R T O N S*
13:56 That is dangerously similar to my flag, the Glorious Tricolor, a 2x3 flag with vertical bands red, blue, and green from the mast.
Appropriate that I see myself walking on Mars sometime around 2050.
I love how people are commenting even though the video hasn’t been out long enough to watch the whole thing
9:07 omg that's my post 😲 thank you so much!
Ew there is an abkhazia flag
@@bxdri and?
@@L_T34 Do you know anything about the fake country Abkhazia
@@bxdri yes. personally i dont support the independence since its backed by russia, but theyre just a people, i dont see what is wrong with including everybody on the flag
Drew trying to pronounce Waitangi is killing me inside 😭
As a British Colombian, yes the plates are accurate. And we need to change our flag immediately, it’s horrible
The flag is a bit busy with all the sunrays, and it would be better without the Union Jack
Zhe-lez-no-gorsk is a badass name. It means "The City of the Iron Mountain"
Iron Mount would sound american enough
The flag's field is white, a traditional color in Korean culture. White was common in the daily attire of 19th-century Koreans, and it still appears in contemporary versions of traditional Korean garments, such as the hanbok. The color represents peace and purity.[2]
The circle in the flag's center represents balance in the universe. The red half represents positive cosmic forces, and the blue half represents the opposing negative cosmic forces.
Together, the trigrams represent movement and harmony as fundamental principles. Each trigram (hangeul: 괘 [gwae]; hanja: 卦) represents one of the four classical elements,[3] as described below:
Trigram Korean name Celestial body Season Cardinal direction Virtue Family Natural element Meaning
☰ geon
(건 / 乾) heaven
(천 / 天) spring
(춘 / 春) east
(동 / 東) humanity
(인 / 仁) father
(부 / 父) heaven
(천 / 天) justice
(정의 / 正義)
☲ ri
(리 / 離) sun
(일 / 日) autumn
(추 / 秋) south
(남 / 南) righteousness
(의 / 義) daughter
(녀 / 女) fire
(화 / 火) fruition
(결실 / 結實)
☵ gam
(감 / 坎) moon
(월 / 月) winter
(동 / 冬) north
(북 / 北) intelligence
(지 / 智) son
(자 / 子) water
(수 / 水) wisdom
(지혜 / 智慧)
☷ gon
(곤 / 坤) earth
(지 / 地) summer
(하 / 夏) west
(서 / 西) courtesy
(례 / 禮) mother
(모 / 母) earth
(토 / 土) vitality
(생명력 / 生命力
south korean lore
I live in Middlesex and yes I crack up everytime I say it
Middlesex doesn't exist anymore unfortunately 😭
I mean I live in the historic area of Middlesex
I’m still sad that It no longer exists cause the name is hilarious
@@militantman greater London area is commonly referred to as middlesex
Ah thanks because my parents say we live in Middlesex and I get confused
Thanks for info
@@manjotbali8985ye it’s never really been a political entity on its own it was more like a modern day county in comparison
- Drew Durnil, 2021 (11:11)
I had to check the spelling again. I'm not gonna trust American for what they did to _aluminium_
"Antartica has no oficial flag as the condom..." Drew Durnil 2021
That's a transistor Drew, they're made of silicon
@Joshua Moss LED only has 2 legs
0:07 "This is inSAND"
Good job, Drew. Good job.
13:09 I am going to be living in Pocatello for the next 8 years (presently in Buckeye, Arizona. I will return for a short while after those 8 years.). I will personally see to it that a worse flag gets made.
Ever since this decision was made, Pocatello has been coming up in my life a lot.
2:45 I have lived in Dallas County my entire life and have never seen that flag.
5:11 Internet flag be like
Avatar was made in Korea, Drew. It's not surprising.
Wait which one
@@spiderworld384 the last airbender
Discord notifications are better than RUclips notifications
7:05 That's 'Fleur De Lis'.
I know this word from Three Musketeers.
6:45 Colombia straight out has a pokeball there
14:06 fun fact, each strip from that mars flag is a reference to the "Red mars, green mars, blue mars" book trilogy.
yeah you're right, actually quite like that symbolism but I've been working on some alternate designs that use the same colors
I'm just chilling watching a video from one of my favorite RUclipsrs, I did not expect to see a flag I designed as a joke pop up on screen 😂
"Buy the new Sudan. Buy Sudan"
The British: "Don't mind if I do" 💂
5:05 we all know that means no internet connection
06:46 Which are your favourite Nepal style flags? Mine: Cambodia, China, Georgia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and maybe Canada
08:05 A very strange Hungarian-Ukrainian Union, colonized by USA. 🤔
"This was the flag of the kingdom for like 2 months"
More like 90 years.
Which kingdom
@@lyndaldobson8556 Knowing myself, probably talking about Brazil.
I love how Drew is so clueless about basic things but still enjoys himself and is interested.
5:18 The Empire of Brazil lasted for 67 years, from 1822 to 1889.
11:03 is most likely a transistor or some sort of electronic component because silicon is used in electronics