Its in the DNA, survival. No one wants to eat dirt. So utensils and plates were invented. Sand grinds the teeth. No dentists back then. Wash at least feet before entering sleeping area. Remove shoes before ingress to interiors. The last remembrance of eating dirt. The last dust bowl 1930's. 🤺💐
I don't know if those whom history paints as honorable people were really people of honor. At the same time I ask myself would any of the present leaders will be remembered as people of honor and the answer is no. None of the presidents, priministers or military leaders of today will be remembered as people of honer. Quite the opposite.
Its in the DNA, survival.
No one wants
to eat dirt.
So utensils and plates were invented.
Sand grinds the teeth.
No dentists back then.
Wash at least feet before entering
sleeping area.
Remove shoes before ingress to interiors.
The last remembrance of eating dirt. The last dust bowl 1930's.
1st Again! Allegedly! Let's Go Brandon!
I don't know if those whom history paints as honorable people were really people of honor. At the same time I ask myself would any of the present leaders will be remembered as people of honor and the answer is no. None of the presidents, priministers or military leaders of today will be remembered as people of honer. Quite the opposite.
율리우스 카이사르!!!
그는 황제도 아니고 위인도 아닙니다.
그는 단지 한 사람의 인간일 뿐이고
그 당시의 로마 국민들을 사랑하고 그들이 행복하게 살기를 바랐던
한 사람이었습니다.
그는 자신이 가진 능력을 가지고 최선을 다했던 평범한 사람입니다.
What a load of bollocks