Who cares,he's prob in alot of pain to begin with,I'd rather see someone on painkillers then suffering through pain,I hope he gets it fixed to where he doesnt have to take pain killers but back pain can be excruciating
Julian Koschmurat the two things are implicitly connected. He couldn't have trained how he did and be the size he was without what he was taking which in turn led to the damage he's done to his body. That's one of the problems with steroids, allows the body to lift loads and do things it's not able to sustain/has evolved to carry and do.
@@stevenroberts5741 BUT you don't have to lift this heavily to become mister o. You are right, he couldntve lifted heavy without steroids, but what i wanna say is that the intake of steroids doesnt lead to long term spinal damage like in ronnies case. He is an exception. I mean, look at phil heath. No squats, no deadlifts, no risky exercises. Mostly focussing on isolation exercises, you can stess all your muscles properly without risking an (long term) injury
Julian Koschmurat you’re correct. People just have a hard time giving steroids the slightest credit. However, I also agree that its usage indirectly affected Ronnie’s spine condition. It is not necessary to lift that heavy to gain muscle weight. Ronnie was also a power lifter and this was why he worked out that heavy.
@@fettigeredgar yeah I see what you're saying, but like the other guy said they are closely connected. Steroids can also directly affect connective tissue and joints with chronic use, which are obviously very crucial to spinal integrity. Most likely that played a role in his problems. But like many health issues Ronnie's are probably caused from multiple factors.
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse? STEROID CROOKS!!! Stay natural buddy!
Ronnie riding high on the pain meds a true legend of the sport but a perfect example of not knowing his limits and pushing them to far. But what a competitor sad to see him like this
At what price? He is sitting in a wheelchair for crying out loud. Fame and glory is not worh that. He's just 55 years old and he looks freaking 75. 8 time Mr. O is fine. It got him his business and notoriety, but at what price?
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse? STEROID CROOKS!!! Stay natural buddy!
Or just accept that you’re becoming older and can’t be huge all of your life. Imo it’s pathetic to try to stay young desperately. You get older it’s natural. It’s normal that you aren’t huge anymore. Also at that age you should have figured out how to be happy with your body.
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse? STEROID CROOKS!!! Stay natural buddy!
The guy gets very good interviews, I've seen several with very cool people, but he does talk too much at times. Ronnie is also very deferential and polite, he doesn't ramble about himself a ton
And it will probably get even worse, with the amount of painkillers he's likely taking, his kidneys must be taking a beating, Ronnie would do himself a favor by stopping all unnecessary travel and exercision
What's always so great of Ronnie is the fact he started steroids at the age of 30. You have athletes now such as Larry Wheels who started steroids at 17 for definite and perhaps even before 17. And very toxic ones as well. It's such a shame that steroids are required to be competitive.
This dude loves the sound of his own voice. Interviewer talks way too much. Guides answers, way too much talking. Reminds me of a shady back alley lawyer
Ronnie's uncomfortably saying yea yea to all questions. Interviewer knows these are bold off the cuff questions he's not going to make it any weirder for Ronnie. So if Ronnie just says yea yeah the first 2 mins ofcouse the guy is going to fill in dead time and try to reframe the question in different ways
Y’all are missing the point. He was a cop in his hometown. Basically he’s saying he didn’t use the Black Market to obtain his Meds. Even Though it’s hella unlikely that all substances he used were prescribed
NO WAY! No doctor is going to prescribe him enough to be close to competitive. But I do believe he had a prescription and it was pharma grade.. he took some other stuff
@@Retics Exactly. But I think that's the grey area, people get scripts and once they have that, unless they are caught with several bottles on hand, all they ever have to say it "I have a script." There are doctors out there the cater to body building and athletes and I'd be willing to guess they have ways of being able to prescribe more than your average family physician giving scripts for TRT. I know a couple of guys personally who would find a doctor to give scripts, then they would go to their trusted underground source and get larger amounts and always have the script to make it all look legit. Personally, I think it's hypocritical as HELL for PED's to be a class 3 drug. Get real, a majority of people want to see the biggest, strongest and fastest athletes possible, but sports aside there's ZERO reason for PED's to be illegal on the recreational scale. Outside of some PRO bodybuilders and wrestler's people aren't dropping dead from steroids, and those that have done hefty amounts, also do various other recreational drugs on top of it, which is a recipe for death. The average guy or even gal walking the street should be able to go to the doc and get a script for test/deca/var/dbol, whatever, and be monitored, if for nothing other than wanting to look the best they possibly can. If a man can go into a doc's office and say he's known for years that he's a woman, and then get FEMALE hormones in order to turn himself into a woman, and likewise a doctor can turn a woman into a fucking man, all because they "feel" like that's what they're destined to be, then why can't a man or a woman say they've "felt" like they should look like (insert favorite superhero) since they were a kid? They both sound equally as silly, but as adults they should be able to do whatever they want with their body, and have a doctor willing to seem them through it. I don't care what "moral" argument someone has against steroids, the simple fact that you can go grab some alcohol, or cigs and smoke and drink till your heart is content, which kills HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS every year because it's HEAVILY abused, but yet you can't go to a doc and get some simple testosterone unless your levels are that of a 80 year old man is absolutely asinine to me. But hey these laws are for our "safety" huh? It's a joke. The funny part is, a lot of people that appose roids are also smokers and drinkers. I's like hey, I don't want people doing steroids because it's dangerous, but yet I'm going to continue getting plastered on the weekends and smoking my cigs etc. What, because REGULAR people who happen to be in a positions of "power" say that alcohol and tobacco is legal, you're cool with it, but just because they say it's "illegal" it's a problem, even though it's leaps and bounds safer than alcohol and tobacco? What gives? People need to wake up and stop backing "laws" that are nothing more than OPINIONS of regular people like you and me, telling us what we, as adults, can and can't do with out own bodies. Our country is ass backwards.
@@Retics Do you have any idea how much money a doctor has to pay to keep their fucking medical insurance? 650,000 a year is the NORM. How the fuck do doctors pay that on their regular salary? They are going to be bending the rules a bit buddy to make ends meet.
People think ronnie is suffering now because of the steroids he used to take early in the days but Little do people know ronnie used to lift weights way too heavy which was not a bodybuilder move thats why he's been suffering from his back pain He's a Legend 🔥🔥🔥
Craig Goodwin That’s not really fair man. He’s gone through more surgeries than you and I more than likely ever will. He’s be in so much pain that there’s almost no way anyone could do it without some sort of pain meds. Don’t be a piece of shit.
@@icantstandsbmm8880 its not 30 mg percs, percs are just a brand of 10 mg oxycodone. 30s are Roxicodone, but same thing as oxy.... its all bad at the end of the day. Makes me sad to see anyone addicted, its a hard road to get back off of.
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse? STEROID CROOKS!!! Stay natural buddy!
I've had two back surgeries, still with slight and manageable pain... can't imagine having eight and still having pain that's a 9 out of 10 and still managing a smile! Life would just suck being delt that hand!
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse? STEROID CROOKS!!! Stay natural buddy!
Ronnie's uncomfortably saying yea yea to all questions. Interviewer knows these are bold off the cuff questions he's not going to make it any weirder for Ronnie. So if Ronnie just says yea yeah the first 2 mins ofcouse the guy is going to fill in dead time and try to reframe the question in different ways
Hang in there big Ronnie, the pain will get better soon buddy we all love you and we can’t wait to see you get better. I hope you get better ASAP!! Take care dude peace out... Lightweight babyyyy!!!!✌🏽🇬🇧🌹
@@gyurmethlodroe1774 wrong, idiot. Your genetics are more important that anything else. Without genetics, roids don’t matter in the slightest. You could be on all types of roids but if you never do the work or have the genetics for it, you won’t get anywhere.
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse? STEROID CROOKS!!! Stay natural buddy!
I still admire him to the fullest even though he was on steroids. Everything from his workouts to his cooking videos. He was consistent and always had the same carefree and humble attitude I think we can all aspire to. Every time I meal prep and workout I use his content as motivation. This dude is a legend.
Ronnie's uncomfortably saying yea yea to all questions. Interviewer knows these are bold off the cuff questions he's not going to make it any weirder for Ronnie. So if Ronnie just says yea yeah the first 2 mins ofcouse the guy is going to fill in dead time and try to reframe the question in different ways
@@nickrambo yea I know Josh and Danny , but it's hard to find legit deca, primo u can get legit, but u ain't getting products like eq or tren or parabolan, and I would admagin alot of guys are using tren come contest time, also I doubt ur gunna get winny anadrol u can get... But there are alot of good compounds u won't be able to get phaacy grade anymore.... So at some point u gotta use some ugl gear.... And I don't use ugl myself I use bigger pharma brands like Balkan,spectrum,zphc, that are made in legit big serious faculties there a CPL other pharmacom also, the only other thing u can do is Homebrew the stuff urself but I hear u I think Josh and Danny offer a great service..... I know they split also but u really gotta have some money to be able to go there and do it it ain't cheap and for most starting out ain't gunna be able to do
How did this video get 1.7K? Do people actually believe that liar? He had to take at least 1 grm = 1,000 mg a week stacked with other steroid like Deca, Trembolone, Masteron, equipoise, etc then for pre contest Winstrol V, Anavar or primobolan , no doctor can legally prescribe more than 1mg of 200mg of testosterone Cypionate every 2 weeks, every 10 days or in a few cases once a week, no doctor can legally prescribe 1,000 mg a week and no doctor prescribe Deca Durabolin, only testosterone as a testosterone replacement therapy, no doctor prescribe Trenbolone, Primobolan, Anavar, Winstrol, etc because the pharmacy doesn't even carry those type of steroids some are for veterinary use and others are not used in the United states he had to use steroids from the black market from Europe or other countries.
Ronnie's uncomfortably saying yea yea to all questions. Interviewer knows these are bold off the cuff questions he's not going to make it any weirder for Ronnie. So if Ronnie just says yea yeah the first 2 mins ofcouse the guy is going to fill in dead time and try to reframe the question in different ways
5:16 "...but I could be a pretty good bodybuilder". No Mr Coleman, you are the best, ever. Most kids training these days, and for the past 10 years at least, can't move a limb without first drinking a crazy cocktail of pre-workout drinks. But when I was training it was your dvd's I owned which I would play every single day (as per muscle group being trained) just before a session to pump me up, especially on leg days. I loved your hardcore leg sessions and deadlifts, as well as the Pac and DMX tracks you had in the background. You were that motivating and inspiring to me, all the way here in South Africa. Im a 32 yr old, White male and I thank you for the memories and motivation cause thats what kept me going. God bless ya Mr Coleman.
I like this channel, not the interviewer fault Ronnie wont let him talk for a sec.....I thought Ronnie was so cool but after seeing this it feels like he's just another dude that try's to play cool , like everything is always amazing rather than just letting future generations know the truth about what it's really like
Patrick has some fabulous interviews, but sometimes his questions are longer then the guests answer. He needs to get to the point a bit quicker. Other then that, one of my favourite channels
I know many of you guys will disagree but if we consider body lifting as a sport then why do steroids are legal to use? If it is banned in other sports should not it be prohibited to use in bodybuilding?
Ronnie is a legend to me he’s the single reason I even started bodybuilding but he is NOT honest in interviews. Think the interviewer caught on to that too. He Never really has been. No doctor prescribes horse and cattle anabolics. Unless you bring your wife to the veterinarian and have her throw a stash while nobody is looking in her purse. Trust me Iv been lifting like a mad man for 12+ years and know how all this stuff works. Most things pros do are way outside what any doctor would recommend. They do a lot of stuff under the table. You gamble with your life when you set your mind out to compete at the highest level in bodybuilding. Ronnie took some serious stuff and the drugs have had a negative effect on him no doubt. Trust me if you had a serious behind closed doors conversation with him and he was 100% honest what he took to become the worlds best which he is and my eyes it would SHOCK YOU. Insulin alone you could do it wrong one time and die. ONE TIME...And these guys do these science experiments on themselves for YEARS.....Eventually it catches up to you these are just the facts. Those who have personal experience or a lot of knowledge on this topic know how this works. I LAUGH anytime I see a fellow bodybuilder or lifter just flat out lie on camera. Plus baseball players don’t look like bodybuilders because they don’t train like one. They are more sport specific based training and do NO WHERE NEAR the hypertrophy training bodybuilders do. So for him to make that comparison was so stupid I can’t believe he said it. And I lost it when he said “Genetics” when ever someone brings that up to differ attention away from topic at hand as a talking point you know their Speaking BS. I’m sure if I threw Mark McGuire on a serious bodybuilding program that was hypertrophy based he would look more like a bodybuilder! I can’t believe some of the statements Ronnie said. Even with all this being said it was fun to see Ronnie in front of the camera like always.
Josep Solé ?????? Take it easy tough guy no one was knocking Ronnie it was a joke and no one blamed anabolics for his medical issues? Calm down, maybe lower the test dude u seem a little edgy
@@josepdesigns Ronnie probably has an enlarged heart due to the juice, plus liver and kidney damage, it's just not so obvious as the damage to his spinal column eclipses everything for now
I wish Ronnie would openly admit how excessive weight lifting damaged his body, being the ultimate celebrity in the bodybuilding world, lots of young people could benefit from such advice, sometimes I feel he is in denial about what caused the condition in the first place
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse? STEROID CROOKS!!! Stay natural buddy!
It's not Patrick, it's Ronnie. He's short in his answers and sort of has to be guided to make an actual conversation. Dave Palumbo had a similar interview with Ronnie, where the same thing happened. Dave is a great interviewer, and it was strange it wasn't a great interview with Ronnie. Same for this one. Patrick is great, it's not his fault.
Since he just mentioned Flex it might be relevant to state that he just had his lower left leg amputated because of blood clots likely from liver damage caused by steroid use.
Remember, Ronnie used to work as an officer of the law. He's obliged to say he got his class A drugs from a registered doctor. We all know that's not the whole truth. The HGH and insulin was always bought on the "freelance market". Doctors would help to monitor their health and give advice cause that's within the Hippocratic Oath but they wouldn't provide the stuff.
ventende hgh is not a controlled substance The only problem is when it’s some one else’s script Longer acting insulins are also otc you just need to ask for them Bc they’re kept in the fridge smh
I don't know much about steroids and other sport enhancing drugs, but to normalise it in today's sport is the wrong way to go. It is absolutely not good if young people think that using steroids is ok.
“You look at these baseball players and they just look like normal people..” shows pictures of Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds, who were built like lumberjacks of the gods..
everybody complaining about the interviewer asking too many questions ... i think thts his attitude... as he mentioned he was an ex us marine .. thts where he got his attitude from ... seems like a tough guy ...
Big Ron is on lots of pain killers that's why he's talking the way he is, he even mentions that he takes pain killers in the full interview. Its not the interviewer's fault, he's trying to keep the interview alive because Ronnie was responding slow, and mostly with short words. Great interviewer as a matter of fact if you watch his other videos.
Ronnie, I hope you read this bro. Your my biggest motivator. Ever. To never ever ever walk into a fkn gym again. I was going to knock out 100 push-ups today, watched this, and even said fuck that. Can’t risk it
I used to In Arlington, Texas at this Albertsons and seen Ronnie come and buy a shit ton of bananas and grits. I asked him if he needed some help and he looked at me funny and said no. 😂😂😂😂 It was just the look he gave me. Also, seeing him in person vs on a video is completely different. Dude was big as fuck.
Gentlemen watch the whole video, this was a good interview! Both of em played their roles well. The questions were clear and explained and the questions were answered
Damn right he’s lying his ass off I’m prescribed testosterone and they won’t prescribed enough test to get you this big, doctors have rules also to follow
@@jasonschultz6289 ... prescribe just means a doctor recommends medication, Ronnie got gear from a Mexican doctor, and hired a US doctor to advise him how to use them. He has to legally say a doctor prescribed them so he doesn't get in trouble for importing steroids... and you guys are complaining because you don't understand basic laws. You can't ask your TRT doctor for steroids, because that's illegal, but you can legally have a doctor monitor your health while you take gear.
@@TheUnholyPosole Unmm TRT is steroids. They're giving you testosterone. "The main anabolic steroid hormone produced by your body is testosterone." www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/performance-enhancing-drugs/art-20046134
Ronnie I love ya dawg, I'm 39 and idolized you since I was a kid but the only Dr that prescribed you trenbolone and 10 iu of hgh was Dr Feelgood and idc what year it was ya hear me
@@robertjames3701 Hey genius, no doctor can prescribe you tren because it's not legally made for human use. It's not a matter of ethics, the drug simply doesn't exist.
Robert James don't be one of those guys bud. Even though you're anonymous its unflattering and I don't think deep down that's really who you want to be. Have a Merry Christmas
@john Cenna I'm confused! Your reply makes no sense to me! Yes age is a factor bruh but when you beat up your body for so many years anyone's body will feel the effects of whatever they did! Facts cuz!
one of the best bodybuilders in history, but for him to allege that doctors prescribed him the drugs he took is ridiculous. At this point in his life he’s better of just being honest about it, his legacy won’t get hurt.
if you knew how well the bodybuilding federation - which i cant name for obvious reasons looked after their highest profile athletes - you wouldnt think like that
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse? STEROID CROOKS!!! Stay natural buddy!
Ronnie Coleman is the Best and strongest bodybuilder ever, he's the nr1, he was big dry hard condition he had everything just perfect. He have train/fight hard for it and his genetics together he became the best bodybuilder ever
56-year-old Coleman revealed that he began the use of steroids at the age of 30 as he was “tired of getting his a*s kicked [at competition].” He said that everything was legal in those times and the use of steroids saw Coleman increase his ranking and then winning the actual competitions.13 Haz 2020
"I was a pretty good body builder" says a true legend, and admits the fact he took roids, that shows character and balls. Ronnie, still on top of my favorites, The question gauy, so lame....
Can’t believe some of the comments against Ronnie - he was doing all this and Doctors were supervising it? - definitely very ahead of his time - the best IMO
title should be “Interviewer interviews himself”
Right? Took 2 minutes for RC to complete his first sentence
It’s always like this with this dudes channel
wow incredible hahaah you’re so right
90% of the interview is Ronnie saying *Yeah* and laughing
But that 10% left is gold
CDizzle 😂💀
He's not the brightest + he's on painkillers , I'm glad he didn't doze off in the middle of the interview
Thats fine, am fan of him anyways
DEA: What you takin' Ronny?
Ronny: nuffin but peanuts.
MrGuy vitamin T
Dea: " alright that'll be all mr coleman"
Ronnie " YEAH BUDDY"
He's talking about the District Attorney (DA) not DEA lol
nothing but a peanut, baby!
Dat der celltech.
God... did he used drugs? I mean the host.....
om ded pake steroid ga
tidak sepertinya
Need a qualiy source? www.lambjabpharma.com
Man Ronnie is loaded on painkillers. It hurts seeing him like this.
And what should hurt him?
@@abrax7811 probably clogging/damage of arteries, kidneys, liver, nerve damage, joint damage.
Stay natural buddy!
Who cares,he's prob in alot of pain to begin with,I'd rather see someone on painkillers then suffering through pain,I hope he gets it fixed to where he doesnt have to take pain killers but back pain can be excruciating
@@ZackAngelMusic "probably"
This dude asked him like 5 questions into one question
Ronnie use to be a cop and he clearly wasnt always getting all the stuff legally hence why he was responding with one word answers
Has Ronnie got kids or are his balls still tiny??
@@Elbowspurs he has a bunch like 3 or 4 if not more
Elbowspurs 1975 he has loads of kids 😂
yeah and he answerd all the question him self good job stupid intervieuwer
This fool is interviewing himself
Its easy enough to not watch it. Save yourself from bitching about it.
yeah yah! mmmh... Yeah
Its Fckd Up!
*me:* can i buy your house for $10000?
*ronnie:* yeah
@Andy Holden you mean kais grapefruit?
So what kind of roids were you taking ?
Ronnie: “yeah buddy”
@@larryjohnson8704 delete that now u idiot thats bad stuff
"Look at me I'm fine." Love ya Ronnie but come on now
His problems were caused by lifting heavy, not by using roids, am i wrong?
Julian Koschmurat the two things are implicitly connected. He couldn't have trained how he did and be the size he was without what he was taking which in turn led to the damage he's done to his body. That's one of the problems with steroids, allows the body to lift loads and do things it's not able to sustain/has evolved to carry and do.
@@stevenroberts5741 BUT you don't have to lift this heavily to become mister o. You are right, he couldntve lifted heavy without steroids, but what i wanna say is that the intake of steroids doesnt lead to long term spinal damage like in ronnies case. He is an exception. I mean, look at phil heath. No squats, no deadlifts, no risky exercises. Mostly focussing on isolation exercises, you can stess all your muscles properly without risking an (long term) injury
Julian Koschmurat you’re correct. People just have a hard time giving steroids the slightest credit. However, I also agree that its usage indirectly affected Ronnie’s spine condition. It is not necessary to lift that heavy to gain muscle weight. Ronnie was also a power lifter and this was why he worked out that heavy.
@@fettigeredgar yeah I see what you're saying, but like the other guy said they are closely connected. Steroids can also directly affect connective tissue and joints with chronic use, which are obviously very crucial to spinal integrity. Most likely that played a role in his problems. But like many health issues Ronnie's are probably caused from multiple factors.
Dude...It took you 1:45 seconds to ask your question! Moral of this interview: Ronnie is the G.O.A.T.
One of the worst interviews of all time
No? Why!
Youre just irrelevant
Give love to ur mother Hugh..you absolute fraud
It kills me seeing ronnie in so much pain now, he will always be my favorite champ...
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse?
Stay natural buddy!
Ronnie riding high on the pain meds a true legend of the sport but a perfect example of not knowing his limits and pushing them to far. But what a competitor sad to see him like this
Did these doctors also prescribe SYNTHOL too?
Stay natural buddy!
@@steroidsR4losers yeah never have even considered peds I'm happy with wat I can get from hard work and diet the side effect truly aren't worth it
Stay natural buddy!
Look at the difference on their eyes.
Interviewer: meth
Ronnie: weed
Faces of Meth 2:07
Yeah Buddyyyyy!
2,300 lbs and he yells Lightweight baby...
Ronnie was a different breed.
At what price? He is sitting in a wheelchair for crying out loud. Fame and glory is not worh that. He's just 55 years old and he looks freaking 75. 8 time Mr. O is fine. It got him his business and notoriety, but at what price?
Sach me abhi light weight baby,😁
wortha2ndlookart That‘s his choice. Choices come with consequences.
Almost 2 minutes in and I still haven’t heard Ronnie speak
I went to the gym today. Didn’t gain an ounce of muscle, but in my mind I felt strong.
Flop comments
The only thing flopped here is your life .
@@thanhorac860 w comment
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse?
Stay natural buddy!
Thanks for the honesty Ronnie.
We all need the juice , especially when we get older , in our 50s.
Nah.. It's just you weak guys
Or just accept that you’re becoming older and can’t be huge all of your life. Imo it’s pathetic to try to stay young desperately. You get older it’s natural. It’s normal that you aren’t huge anymore. Also at that age you should have figured out how to be happy with your body.
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse?
Stay natural buddy!
This was hard to watch - horrible interviewer. Impatient and disrespectful imo.
@insultmeplease shut up Boomer
The guy gets very good interviews, I've seen several with very cool people, but he does talk too much at times. Ronnie is also very deferential and polite, he doesn't ramble about himself a ton
Ronnie is one of the best. He does look very tired and worn out. I’m guessing it’s his back issues and the amount of pain meds he’s taking.
Every time I see him he gets worse. Got to feel for the guy
And it will probably get even worse, with the amount of painkillers he's likely taking, his kidneys must be taking a beating, Ronnie would do himself a favor by stopping all unnecessary travel and exercision
I have a suspicion liver and kidney damage has already set in, it's not worth it taking steroids,
@@thomasjust2663 u think weed would be a better option?
and withdrawal symptoms from roids
This guy is the worst interviewer I have ever seen.
@insultmeplease hipster. U know that interview was garbage. Stop being different for the sake of being different.
U related to rich
Have some respect for Rich ass hole lol
man dont fucking talk to me im here to train
Interviewer asking and leading questions like he knows everything
Ronnie's hard to get to open up. That's a interview tactic.
Well he does seem very intelligent
Yeah , I don't know how this guy gets these people to sit down with him. He is horrible.
Exactly. He's not giving Coleman a chance to express.
steelwiz watch the whole thing and you’ll know why.
What's always so great of Ronnie is the fact he started steroids at the age of 30. You have athletes now such as Larry Wheels who started steroids at 17 for definite and perhaps even before 17. And very toxic ones as well. It's such a shame that steroids are required to be competitive.
This dude loves the sound of his own voice. Interviewer talks way too much. Guides answers, way too much talking. Reminds me of a shady back alley lawyer
Ronnie's uncomfortably saying yea yea to all questions. Interviewer knows these are bold off the cuff questions he's not going to make it any weirder for Ronnie. So if Ronnie just says yea yeah the first 2 mins ofcouse the guy is going to fill in dead time and try to reframe the question in different ways
Y’all are missing the point. He was a cop in his hometown. Basically he’s saying he didn’t use the Black Market to obtain his Meds.
Even Though it’s hella unlikely that all substances he used were prescribed
NO WAY! No doctor is going to prescribe him enough to be close to competitive.
But I do believe he had a prescription and it was pharma grade.. he took some other stuff
@@Retics some doctors do anything for money
Problem is the paper trail. You can only get 1 bottle every month! He needs a bottle a week! But, I'm sure he had a prescription
@@Retics Exactly. But I think that's the grey area, people get scripts and once they have that, unless they are caught with several bottles on hand, all they ever have to say it "I have a script." There are doctors out there the cater to body building and athletes and I'd be willing to guess they have ways of being able to prescribe more than your average family physician giving scripts for TRT. I know a couple of guys personally who would find a doctor to give scripts, then they would go to their trusted underground source and get larger amounts and always have the script to make it all look legit.
Personally, I think it's hypocritical as HELL for PED's to be a class 3 drug. Get real, a majority of people want to see the biggest, strongest and fastest athletes possible, but sports aside there's ZERO reason for PED's to be illegal on the recreational scale. Outside of some PRO bodybuilders and wrestler's people aren't dropping dead from steroids, and those that have done hefty amounts, also do various other recreational drugs on top of it, which is a recipe for death. The average guy or even gal walking the street should be able to go to the doc and get a script for test/deca/var/dbol, whatever, and be monitored, if for nothing other than wanting to look the best they possibly can.
If a man can go into a doc's office and say he's known for years that he's a woman, and then get FEMALE hormones in order to turn himself into a woman, and likewise a doctor can turn a woman into a fucking man, all because they "feel" like that's what they're destined to be, then why can't a man or a woman say they've "felt" like they should look like (insert favorite superhero) since they were a kid? They both sound equally as silly, but as adults they should be able to do whatever they want with their body, and have a doctor willing to seem them through it.
I don't care what "moral" argument someone has against steroids, the simple fact that you can go grab some alcohol, or cigs and smoke and drink till your heart is content, which kills HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS every year because it's HEAVILY abused, but yet you can't go to a doc and get some simple testosterone unless your levels are that of a 80 year old man is absolutely asinine to me. But hey these laws are for our "safety" huh? It's a joke.
The funny part is, a lot of people that appose roids are also smokers and drinkers. I's like hey, I don't want people doing steroids because it's dangerous, but yet I'm going to continue getting plastered on the weekends and smoking my cigs etc. What, because REGULAR people who happen to be in a positions of "power" say that alcohol and tobacco is legal, you're cool with it, but just because they say it's "illegal" it's a problem, even though it's leaps and bounds safer than alcohol and tobacco? What gives? People need to wake up and stop backing "laws" that are nothing more than OPINIONS of regular people like you and me, telling us what we, as adults, can and can't do with out own bodies. Our country is ass backwards.
@@Retics Do you have any idea how much money a doctor has to pay to keep their fucking medical insurance? 650,000 a year is the NORM. How the fuck do doctors pay that on their regular salary? They are going to be bending the rules a bit buddy to make ends meet.
Imagine if Coleman took Creatine
He did. Cellmass from BSN.
He'd be multiple Mr. Oilympia.
Cell-tech is muscletech
@@KK-lg8uz some people are just a little slow 🤷♂️
Imagine if he took biogrow
Coleman’s body language is speaking volumes in this interview.
Yeah... I belong in a wheelchair
Poor bugger looks smashed on pain killers to just function from his chronic pain issues.
@E Double he takes up to 150mg oxycodon a day for his pain
@@moritzpodroschko6749 how do you know?
@@littlerush99 he mentioned that in one of the inverviews
People think ronnie is suffering now because of the steroids he used to take early in the days but Little do people know ronnie used to lift weights way too heavy which was not a bodybuilder move thats why he's been suffering from his back pain He's a Legend 🔥🔥🔥
Poor old Ronnie looks completely smacked out of his head.
....Oxy is helluva drug...
Steven Roberts
30 mlg percs man.
He's HAF
Craig Goodwin
That’s not really fair man. He’s gone through more surgeries than you and I more than likely ever will. He’s be in so much pain that there’s almost no way anyone could do it without some sort of pain meds. Don’t be a piece of shit.
@@icantstandsbmm8880 its not 30 mg percs, percs are just a brand of 10 mg oxycodone. 30s are Roxicodone, but same thing as oxy.... its all bad at the end of the day. Makes me sad to see anyone addicted, its a hard road to get back off of.
Ronnie motivates me to just stretch, lift light weights and take care of my back.
light weight Baabbyyy
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse?
Stay natural buddy!
Simp male
No way in hell u going to get an injury like him, he was squatting more than 200 kilo
I've had two back surgeries, still with slight and manageable pain... can't imagine having eight and still having pain that's a 9 out of 10 and still managing a smile! Life would just suck being delt that hand!
I'm loving these interviews with Ronnie, he's a legend
i think you love the interviewer interviewing himself
Yeah buddy!
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse?
Stay natural buddy!
“I could be a pretty good bodybuilder”
That is being humble.
Imagine if.... this guy actually let Ronny TALK. This guy needs to never interview again. Ever....
Ronnie's uncomfortably saying yea yea to all questions. Interviewer knows these are bold off the cuff questions he's not going to make it any weirder for Ronnie. So if Ronnie just says yea yeah the first 2 mins ofcouse the guy is going to fill in dead time and try to reframe the question in different ways
“Your honour he’s leading the witness”
Hang in there big Ronnie, the pain will get better soon buddy we all love you and we can’t wait to see you get better. I hope you get better ASAP!! Take care dude peace out... Lightweight babyyyy!!!!✌🏽🇬🇧🌹
Did these doctors also prescribe SYNTHOL too?
Stay natural buddy!
He should be in the federal penitentiary
He did the work. I dont care what u take,what your genetics are,you got to do the work! You did it Mr Coleman. Great job sir.
your genetic can be the best, your wirkout can be the best... but without roids you cannot win a local championship
@@gyurmethlodroe1774 wrong, idiot. Your genetics are more important that anything else. Without genetics, roids don’t matter in the slightest. You could be on all types of roids but if you never do the work or have the genetics for it, you won’t get anywhere.
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse?
Stay natural buddy!
@@gyurmethlodroe1774 That's true. You gotta have all three.
I still admire him to the fullest even though he was on steroids. Everything from his workouts to his cooking videos. He was consistent and always had the same carefree and humble attitude I think we can all aspire to. Every time I meal prep and workout I use his content as motivation. This dude is a legend.
Interviewer talked for almost two minutes before Ronnie could say more than a syllable or a even a sentence.
Ronnie's uncomfortably saying yea yea to all questions. Interviewer knows these are bold off the cuff questions he's not going to make it any weirder for Ronnie. So if Ronnie just says yea yeah the first 2 mins ofcouse the guy is going to fill in dead time and try to reframe the question in different ways
Dawn I need a doctor that prescribes me these "technologies"
even if you find one, no pharmacy in their right mind would fill a script for 1gram of test per week))))
@@CoolGobyFish dreambody clinic in mexico and regenamex. They not only sell steroids but provide you a script and you can take that gear back
@@nickrambo yea I know Josh and Danny , but it's hard to find legit deca, primo u can get legit, but u ain't getting products like eq or tren or parabolan, and I would admagin alot of guys are using tren come contest time, also I doubt ur gunna get winny anadrol u can get... But there are alot of good compounds u won't be able to get phaacy grade anymore.... So at some point u gotta use some ugl gear.... And I don't use ugl myself I use bigger pharma brands like Balkan,spectrum,zphc, that are made in legit big serious faculties there a CPL other pharmacom also, the only other thing u can do is Homebrew the stuff urself but I hear u I think Josh and Danny offer a great service..... I know they split also but u really gotta have some money to be able to go there and do it it ain't cheap and for most starting out ain't gunna be able to do
@@richfort5926 check us-domesticsupply.ws/ they have legit Bayer Rimobolan
How did this video get 1.7K? Do people actually believe that liar? He had to take at least 1 grm = 1,000 mg a week stacked with other steroid like Deca, Trembolone, Masteron, equipoise, etc then for pre contest Winstrol V, Anavar or primobolan , no doctor can legally prescribe more than 1mg of 200mg of testosterone Cypionate every 2 weeks, every 10 days or in a few cases once a week, no doctor can legally prescribe 1,000 mg a week and no doctor prescribe Deca Durabolin, only testosterone as a testosterone replacement therapy, no doctor prescribe Trenbolone, Primobolan, Anavar, Winstrol, etc because the pharmacy doesn't even carry those type of steroids some are for veterinary use and others are not used in the United states he had to use steroids from the black market from Europe or other countries.
nearly 2 minutes in and i couldnt tell what the question was...
Ronnie's uncomfortably saying yea yea to all questions. Interviewer knows these are bold off the cuff questions he's not going to make it any weirder for Ronnie. So if Ronnie just says yea yeah the first 2 mins ofcouse the guy is going to fill in dead time and try to reframe the question in different ways
5:16 "...but I could be a pretty good bodybuilder". No Mr Coleman, you are the best, ever.
Most kids training these days, and for the past 10 years at least, can't move a limb without first drinking a crazy cocktail of pre-workout drinks.
But when I was training it was your dvd's I owned which I would play every single day (as per muscle group being trained) just before a session to pump me up, especially on leg days. I loved your hardcore leg sessions and deadlifts, as well as the Pac and DMX tracks you had in the background. You were that motivating and inspiring to me, all the way here in South Africa. Im a 32 yr old, White male and I thank you for the memories and motivation cause thats what kept me going.
God bless ya Mr Coleman.
I like this channel, not the interviewer fault Ronnie wont let him talk for a sec.....I thought Ronnie was so cool but
after seeing this it feels like he's just another dude that try's to play cool , like everything is always amazing rather than just
letting future generations know the truth about what it's really like
"...a pretty good bodybuilder." Says one of the greatest ever.
I love how the interviewer eye balls people from different angles, and tilts to the head - HAHAHA!!!
Why is this Ronnie guy rocking back and forth. Come on he has taken a ton of steroids, they all do and these body builders are dying from it!!!!
Patrick has some fabulous interviews, but sometimes his questions are longer then the guests answer. He needs to get to the point a bit quicker.
Other then that, one of my favourite channels
That sigh Ronnie gives was like, "I would rather be eating frozen chicken at the North Pole right now than sitting here for this dumbass interview."
There's not another guy on this planet with a better attitude and a better heart than Ronnie! Bodybuilding is blessed to have him as the GOAT!!!
I know many of you guys will disagree but if we consider body lifting as a sport then why do steroids are legal to use? If it is banned in other sports should not it be prohibited to use in bodybuilding?
Why makeup is legal in beauty contests?
Interviewer “ i agree with you there because for me” Nobody's here for YOUR opinion
Bet-David asks the question, answers it, and then wait for the guest to answer the same question.
Ronnie is a legend to me he’s the single reason I even started bodybuilding but he is NOT honest in interviews. Think the interviewer caught on to that too. He Never really has been. No doctor prescribes horse and cattle anabolics. Unless you bring your wife to the veterinarian and have her throw a stash while nobody is looking in her purse. Trust me Iv been lifting like a mad man for 12+ years and know how all this stuff works. Most things pros do are way outside what any doctor would recommend. They do a lot of stuff under the table. You gamble with your life when you set your mind out to compete at the highest level in bodybuilding. Ronnie took some serious stuff and the drugs have had a negative effect on him no doubt. Trust me if you had a serious behind closed doors conversation with him and he was 100% honest what he took to become the worlds best which he is and my eyes it would SHOCK YOU. Insulin alone you could do it wrong one time and die. ONE TIME...And these guys do these science experiments on themselves for YEARS.....Eventually it catches up to you these are just the facts. Those who have personal experience or a lot of knowledge on this topic know how this works. I LAUGH anytime I see a fellow bodybuilder or lifter just flat out lie on camera. Plus baseball players don’t look like bodybuilders because they don’t train like one. They are more sport specific based training and do NO WHERE NEAR the hypertrophy training bodybuilders do. So for him to make that comparison was so stupid I can’t believe he said it. And I lost it when he said “Genetics” when ever someone brings that up to differ attention away from topic at hand as a talking point you know their Speaking BS. I’m sure if I threw Mark McGuire on a serious bodybuilding program that was hypertrophy based he would look more like a bodybuilder! I can’t believe some of the statements Ronnie said. Even with all this being said it was fun to see Ronnie in front of the camera like always.
T P I always thought Ronnie was a all natural 100% vegan dude
Ronnie was pfobably the biggest user in olympia history
Josep Solé ?????? Take it easy tough guy no one was knocking Ronnie it was a joke and no one blamed anabolics for his medical issues? Calm down, maybe lower the test dude u seem a little edgy
@@josepdesigns Ronnie probably has an enlarged heart due to the juice, plus liver and kidney damage, it's just not so obvious as the damage to his spinal column eclipses everything for now
I wish Ronnie would openly admit how excessive weight lifting damaged his body, being the ultimate celebrity in the bodybuilding world, lots of young people could benefit from such advice, sometimes I feel he is in denial about what caused the condition in the first place
He doesn’t need to. Just looking at him says it all. He’s 55 looks worse than my 72 year old dad
Calisthenics are good for your joints.
No one would benefit shit because young people are not going to lift the weights he lifted anyways. Not so many people on earth could do this.
He said."bad surgery" when the only bad thing was his choice to not listen to doctors and keep lifting
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse?
Stay natural buddy!
It's not Patrick, it's Ronnie. He's short in his answers and sort of has to be guided to make an actual conversation. Dave Palumbo had a similar interview with Ronnie, where the same thing happened. Dave is a great interviewer, and it was strange it wasn't a great interview with Ronnie. Same for this one. Patrick is great, it's not his fault.
They should get an interviewer who asks for their thoughts, rather than asks them if they agree with his own
Since he just mentioned Flex it might be relevant to state that he just had his lower left leg amputated because of blood clots likely from liver damage caused by steroid use.
I think it was also related to shooting synthol into his calves
No shit?
@@p-squash7341 yep synthol in calves and arms and delts
Wasnt flex accused of implants?
could be steroid related, could be painkiller related, could be all kinds of ped, could be alcohol etc..
why are you so sure it's likely steroids?
Remember, Ronnie used to work as an officer of the law. He's obliged to say he got his class A drugs from a registered doctor. We all know that's not the whole truth. The HGH and insulin was always bought on the "freelance market". Doctors would help to monitor their health and give advice cause that's within the Hippocratic Oath but they wouldn't provide the stuff.
ventende hgh is not a controlled substance
The only problem is when it’s some one else’s script
Longer acting insulins are also otc you just need to ask for them Bc they’re kept in the fridge smh
People keep saying the interviewer isn't letting Ronnie speak but I think he is great and every single one of his videos are excellent so lay off.
Everyone in the comments saying Ronnie lifted heavy.
When in actual fact it was all "lightweight baby!"
yeahhhh buddy
I don't know much about steroids and other sport enhancing drugs, but to normalise it in today's sport is the wrong way to go. It is absolutely not good if young people think that using steroids is ok.
I completely agree with you!
Sucks to see Ronnie like this, also makes me miss the 90's!!!
Do some 800pd squats ur joints and discs gon be like that spongebob meme "alright im out"
@@ArMiNiSfUCkinRedicK yes... unfortunately 😆
Ronnie looks like he is going through alot of pain in this interview!
@john Cenna I can't see the comment neither the profile pic!!!!
One of the worst interviewers I’ve seen - it’s like an impeachment
Please keep politics out of this. This is where we go to get away from all that
Mariano Alvarez 🤨🤨🤨
@@Donyk something confusing about what I said?
@@Donyk English please
Host LOVES sound of own voice.. we're NOT here for him but his GUESTS. interrupting constantly!
The king of body building talking about steroids and this guy won’t let him talk.
Why this interviewer showing of himself i just want old Ronnie sitting front of him
“You look at these baseball players and they just look like normal people..” shows pictures of Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds, who were built like lumberjacks of the gods..
Andrew W.C. Only after the juice.
lwwarren9485 and? That’s exactly what we’re talking about here
anyone looks like a normal person compared to pro bb’ers.
There are Legends that say that the interviewer is still talking in his grave.
Ronnie Coleman is positive about everything which is amazing..
everybody complaining about the interviewer asking too many questions ... i think thts his attitude... as he mentioned he was an ex us marine .. thts where he got his attitude from ... seems like a tough guy ...
Michael Jackson had a doctor to...
@@unmaskedparkerpeter1680 2
Evidently you don't have a doctor with that ugly ass face
Michael’s stuff must have been bunk!!
@777killad 99.9% correct except it's also not aslo 😂😂
He looks all nervous talking about this subject ha ha 😂
Ronnie or the interviewer ?
Big Ron is on lots of pain killers that's why he's talking the way he is, he even mentions that he takes pain killers in the full interview. Its not the interviewer's fault, he's trying to keep the interview alive because Ronnie was responding slow, and mostly with short words. Great interviewer as a matter of fact if you watch his other videos.
probably takes 200 painkillers a day
Ronnie, I hope you read this bro. Your my biggest motivator. Ever. To never ever ever walk into a fkn gym again. I was going to knock out 100 push-ups today, watched this, and even said fuck that. Can’t risk it
Thank you for this.
Ronnie, you are the greatest Bodybuilder in my opinion. The humble king.
2:10 I see a little smile on Colemans face. That's something that happens to me when I don't tell the whole truth...
I used to In Arlington, Texas at this Albertsons and seen Ronnie come and buy a shit ton of bananas and grits. I asked him if he needed some help and he looked at me funny and said no. 😂😂😂😂 It was just the look he gave me. Also, seeing him in person vs on a video is completely different. Dude was big as fuck.
Gentlemen watch the whole video, this was a good interview! Both of em played their roles well. The questions were clear and explained and the questions were answered
Are you the interviewer? Just let Ronnie talk more next time, you'll be fine.
Ronnie deserve more likes...no matter how people talk postive about him...he will still remain the best bodybuilder at all time thumps up
Had ronnie not interrupted the interviewer on multiple occasions to get a word in, the clown would have spoken the entire segment
"Everything I used was prescribed." Thats BS man we all know that.
....the guy did something illegal, and you expect him to self incriminate on video?
I am damn sure they don't prescribe trenbolone
Damn right he’s lying his ass off I’m prescribed testosterone and they won’t prescribed enough test to get you this big, doctors have rules also to follow
@@jasonschultz6289 ... prescribe just means a doctor recommends medication, Ronnie got gear from a Mexican doctor, and hired a US doctor to advise him how to use them. He has to legally say a doctor prescribed them so he doesn't get in trouble for importing steroids... and you guys are complaining because you don't understand basic laws. You can't ask your TRT doctor for steroids, because that's illegal, but you can legally have a doctor monitor your health while you take gear.
@@TheUnholyPosole Unmm TRT is steroids. They're giving you testosterone.
"The main anabolic steroid hormone produced by your body is testosterone."
Never will I use PED or Steroids. Working out to me is about just staying in shape, not to get fucking big and risk serious problems in the future.
Great interview
Great interview!
Ronnie I love ya dawg, I'm 39 and idolized you since I was a kid but the only Dr that prescribed you trenbolone and 10 iu of hgh was Dr Feelgood and idc what year it was ya hear me
paintrain81 hey genius, Docs unethically prescribe them all the time. Warranted and prescribed are two different things...
Ronnie was lying his ass off
@@robertjames3701 Hey genius, no doctor can prescribe you tren because it's not legally made for human use. It's not a matter of ethics, the drug simply doesn't exist.
Robert James don't be one of those guys bud. Even though you're anonymous its unflattering and I don't think deep down that's really who you want to be. Have a Merry Christmas
John J thank you
8 time Olympia but he is in so much pain as a result of killing his body! Much love dude.
Nico Hendricks wasn’t his paralysis caused by surgery?
@john Cenna I'm confused! Your reply makes no sense to me! Yes age is a factor bruh but when you beat up your body for so many years anyone's body will feel the effects of whatever they did! Facts cuz!
one of the best bodybuilders in history, but for him to allege that doctors prescribed him the drugs he took is ridiculous. At this point in his life he’s better of just being honest about it, his legacy won’t get hurt.
if you knew how well the bodybuilding federation - which i cant name for obvious reasons looked after their highest profile athletes - you wouldnt think like that
he cant say it straight up. drugs bodybuilders take are literally ILLEGAL.
Interviewer : what do you think about peds ?
Ronnie : yea buddy.
Great responses Ronnie
Most people who take steroids still don’t admit it. I clue what this interviewer is talking about
I'm sure
I wish he could be more fit and never had surgery. Poor Ronnie🥺
“Still doing fine still doing great”... yes you appear to be in excellent health Ronnie!
I know right
When are they going to start wearing shirts that say STEROIDS on them instead of the BOGUS supplements they endorse?
Stay natural buddy!
Ronnie Coleman is the Best and strongest bodybuilder ever, he's the nr1, he was big dry hard condition he had everything just perfect. He have train/fight hard for it and his genetics together he became the best bodybuilder ever
56-year-old Coleman revealed that he began the use of steroids at the age of 30 as he was “tired of getting his a*s kicked [at competition].” He said that everything was legal in those times and the use of steroids saw Coleman increase his ranking and then winning the actual competitions.13 Haz 2020
I'm 2 minutes in. Let Ronnie speak ffs!
Ya this guy is the worst !
Do doctors prescribe trenblone ? 🤔🤔
Haha only the good ones lol
Yeah, for veterinary purposes.
Back In the day... yes.... it was called parabolan 75mg of tren H
@@antoniodelgado820 76 mg I believe
"I was a pretty good body builder" says a true legend, and admits the fact he took roids, that shows character and balls. Ronnie, still on top of my favorites, The question gauy, so lame....
Stay natural buddy!
It's crazy in Ronnie Coleman's Prime he would dwarf that Hulk statue in the background
Can’t believe some of the comments against Ronnie - he was doing all this and Doctors were supervising it? - definitely very ahead of his time - the best IMO