Fly and pullover with hip thrust

  • Опубликовано: 16 апр 2024
  • This exercise focuses on increasing the range of motion through the shoulders and using the core to connect the movements of the upper and lower body.
    Start laying on a slightly inclined bench holding a weight in each hand externally rotated above the chest, hips pressed up creating a straight line from your knees, through your hips, into your shoulders.
    Inhale and rotate the arms back behind your head, pulling the hips down to the bench, keeping your arms as straight as possible. Exhale and press your hips back up, pulling the arms straight forward like a pullover to waist level. Reverse the motion.
    You should feel your shoulders lengthen as the hands rotate behind your head. The abdominals and glutes engage as the hips are pressed into the air. The back and chest are activated as the hands are pulled and rotated over the chest.
    Inhale and exhale with control through the nose.

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