There are two big things that will dramatically help hitscan weapon accuracy. 1) practice target shooting an given static object when you jump through a teleport or out through a door/off a ledge. That fast target acquirement will help train the reactions needed for hand-eye coordination. 2) at start screen, drop to console and type /timescale 1.5 (one point five) and get ready for the ride of your life. After 15 seconds your brain will adjust and you'll swear you're a mongoose on crystal meth. It's insane. And your target acquirement speed will take a huge leap if you do this 1 or 2 times a week. Just remember to set it back to 1 when you're finished. (you'll feel like you're moving in slow motion then)
Good video, good comments. About flick rails, I have to agree with you there, just doing it over and over again will improve your aim. However I noticed there's more to it than that. You're building memory into your muscles, so that you know exactly how hard to twitch your hand to hit an opponent who's in your periphery. I noticed that when I don't think about it and just flick I will usually hit with very high accuracy, sometimes 75% in the first few minutes. Then I start to try aiming my shots consciously and my aim drops down to around 40%, and stays around there. When you get into the "zone" and just play without thinking about your aim, you tend to do better, just trust your instincts and stop trying to force the hit. One thing I'm really not good at is hitting someone right in front of me where I try to flick just a few millimeters to hit them and over compensate. In those situations I need to more directly attempt to control my aim. But in the end I usually end up losing those battles.
Also one thing about aim in Quake is that targets are moving, and moving pretty fast and rather unpredictable. Relative movement and pre-aim is helping a lot, because it's easier see where target will be next frame and flick to it knowing, where it is moving, instead of 90 degree every frame.
people say aim isnt as important in Quake but it takes far less raw practice to learn maps and movement than it does to master flick shots and all that, so I would expect the good aimers to know how to control the map as well. Of course if you're new, movemnet and especially map knowledge will get you much farther than just focusing on aim, but eventually you're going to have to master aim as well, unless you are an extremely good strategist when it comes to controlling the map and predicting your opponent. A good tip for beginners aside from just practicing (which is still the most important advice), is to always keep your cross-hairs as close as you can to a possible target. Meaning, even if there's no enemy in view, keep your crosshairs around upper torso level and keep them aimed towards doorways and paths that you expect the enemy to be coming from. For instance if you're entering a doorway and you know the enemy could be coming towards you from the right, you should already be aiming to the right as you enter the doorway, rather than waiting for a visual queue and then reacting. I'd say 80% of good aiming is good pre-aiming, its a lot eaiser to hit the target when you only have to move your mouse a few centimetres when reacting, rather than halfway across your mouse pad.
I honestly think this. As a doom eternal slayer v slayer intermediate, the thing that mostly draws back players is the relative low ttk that pros and intermediate have and the pace of the game. Quake and arenas wouldn't be this dead if they had a newbie friendly mode with higher ttk, or rather, they would be slower in terms of movement, and slowly help you push forward to the competitive game.
contrary to what this guy says, don't be so quick to lower your sensitivity. This isn't Counter-strike where if you get shot from behind, you're dead 99% of the time. So you don't need to do flick 180's in counteer-strike. This is Quake where you need to be able to do 180's alot, and the action is fast paced. I used a sensitivity of 1.9 in counter-strike but I used about 4 in Quake.
AndehX If by "this guy" you mean me you may have realised that I myself use a sensitivity of 5.75 ingame @400 dpi, which is lower than what I normally use in games. I agree that you need to be able to do quick flick movements in Quake, but you also need precise minuscule aiming, which is why I always advocate trying out different settings until you find the one that works for you.
+AndehX "1.9" and "4" are pretty meaningless when you"re talking about 2 different games from different manufacturers, but yeah, there's a compromise between aim and movement that people have to find for themselves. It also depends on mouse grip. If you play with your wrist on the mat, you need a higher sens, but you also have more control, so it doesn't matter. It also depends on the weapon. Rockets tend to be used in close, where people are all around you, or for rocket jumping, so higher sens makes sense. Rail is used at distance, so it's impossible for the enemy to move on your screen as fast as if they were close. Some people use a different sens for each weapon, based on this. Some say to never change sens, others say, as long as you always have RL out when moving quickly, it doesn';t matter if you change sens for other weapons, yet other people say, that may be true in one gametype but not another. I made the mistake of asking people the question, and I got as many different answers as I got answers. I guess if there was a right and a wrong to it, the discussion would be over by now and we'd all use the one correct sensitivity.
Legendary. I used to play QL semi-competitively, but I stopped as I felt I wasn't getting anywhere. Just recently took it back up again, still kinda got my skills, but I'm really focused on improving now. I think I saw you say you had commentaries on pro matches? Might try find those now.
T0PH704gaming Not right now, but it's something I have planned. Right now Wolfcam has gone to crap unfortunately, so I can't do demo commentary. But since I'm kinda busy atm anyway that's not too bad. People will just have to wait ;D When I do it will be more of strategic analysis than actual shoutcast though.
I've had 4 100% rail clan arena games in the last month, and there's only one piece of advice I have...stop looking at your fucking accuracy stats. If you look in round 5 and you're at 100% rail, you're pretty much guranteed to end up
Thanks for the kind words :) My dpi ingame is 400, I use a TTesports black and switch to that profile when I enter a game, for everything else I use 800 dpi, it's just too tedious otherwise :D
Set it to what feels best for you. Just because I use 5.75 doesn't mean that's the ideal number. Maybe play around with numbers between say 4 and 7, if you overshoot too much turn it down, if it feels too sluggish, turn it up. That's how I found my sweet spot. Always use what you feel the most comfortable with. Same applies to config and controls. But I'm glad I'm such an inspiration :D
How to GIT GOOD: Gauntlet: practice and learn how the hibox detection work Trajectory prediction: add torso trail to enemy models and grenades I have pretty poor skills with specific weapons, but railgun and rocket luncher are aint one of them.
Hello, new player here(rather, I'll be a new player in a few days when I buy the game). Do you think this is playable at all, right now? I live in Asia (Korea to be more specific) and I see 80 people max on a good day at ql syncore
To be honest I haven't played in ages, but I never had problems finding enjoyable matches. One thing I can recommend is using websites and forums to find play partners on your skill level.
Chloee Park Maps in order of appearance are: Furious Heights (T7), Campgrounds (DM6) and Blood Run (ZTN). The parentheses denote their respective old-school name :)
***** I use WolfcamQL to play demos and capture both gameplay and demo footage with OBS. I'd like to record lossless with DXtory but I'm getting FPS dips there.
***** There's a fix for that. Look in the forum. You need to download a shader and put it in the shader overrid folder of wolfcam...all the links and such are in the thread on the forum. It's the movie making sub-forum
If you watch agent closely you'll see that he hits like crazy. It's just his style is focused totally on map control and enemy reads and because of that you don't see "5 minutes aim fame", but he's often outshafts and outrails champions. And rockets - man, he can hit bizzare shots. Without this level of aim he would win nothing, even though his focus is on other (more stable) things. There're were few top aimers in the world who had even stronger aim, surprising their enemies with it. Almost every champion ran through that, Cypher, Evil, they all had better aim than the rest, giving them pressure, surprise and dominance factor that is very hard to overcome, but stable control and reads based players are able to do so and to put out their opponent's sparks. BUt this kind of aim and movement is what makes this game so beautiful I believe. If not for long watch of beautiful uNkind's movement I don't know if I'd keep myself in the game.
+Alexey Filippenko Never replied to this comment, weird. Your argument about Agent may be true, I haven't analysed him that much tbh. I've just seen a few of his matches where his aim was obviously not great but he was clearly dominating simply by good item control and positioning. That's the point I was trying to make in the video. Also true is that every master player also has good aim. It's inherent to your skill set in Quake, if you hit more, you do more damage, simple. What I mean is that new players often focus too much on aim when they don't know the first thing about control, which is what I wanted to remedy with this. But you're not wrong in any way.
The only trick to aiming in Quake Live is this: Pretend like every weapon is the Plasma Gun, and lead your opponents. Also, some weapon specific tips: LG=Move your mouse slowly, just be one little step ahead. RG=set up your crosshair BEFORE you shoot, and wait for the crosshair to show up on the enemy, don't try to follow opponents. Set up, wait, shot. RL=Know how fast the rockets move and judge the shot based on the enemy's speed. GL=Don't aim horizontally, aim a bit above the equator of your vision, and again, know the arc so that you can predetermine shot timing PG=fire ahead of an opponent and make a pattern where you think they might move. SG=put your crosshair right in the center of the enemy's body to get full spread, be closer to them. Use it as a finishing weapon, don't ever lead a fight with this out first. MG/HMG=Pretty much the same as the LG, just be one small, tiny step ahead Gauntlet=Don't hold down M1 and attack, wait until you're closer up before hitting M1, it'll trigger the attack animation from further away. Do not gauntlet if you're right in front of an enemy, wait until you can flank them from the left or right, or just be sneaky.
I have something bout 1k elo (yes, im THAT bad at this game), but i want to say that aim is very important to train, i often miss with rail when trying to do free damage (ztn ra ft example), whenever my opponents hits 60-80% of this shots. And even if im controlling the map (i can do it even with 1k elo), they easily outdamage me just because of good rail and shaft (not all the time but most of it). Second example is my friend (1.8k elo, not so good, but not that bad). His aim is bad, but he controls the map perfectly. ITS NOT HELPING AT ALL, even if he gets to 200\200, he simply dies to lg in 60% of times (ztn ra again). He clearly knows where his opponent is, but he cant kill him even if hes 100\50. Why? 17% lg i think when the enemy has 47 or more. (sry for bad eng, its pretty hard to write with minimum of words i know)
Well you have to hit SOME shots to win :D It's not like I'm saying aim isn't important, it is. But new players should worry about item timing and control first.
Aww that's sweet thank you :) I have more Quake videos coming, maybe there's something in it for you. As I said, trying to get back to the normal schedule. (Next video will be Hearthstone though :P)
LephariaGaming I hope. My aim and my positioning are my best quality, but my item timing is VERY bad, and I know you did a video on it already but I can't go over 3 items and sometimes I miss on powerup of the 2 main.
I think that just comes from experience. When you learn to rotate around the map better your item timing and control improves drastically. I'm planning a series where I'm analysing demos from pro matches, so that might help. You can learn a lot in that regard from watching pros play.
+Spara Flash Dude, I can't time ONE item. I pick up mega, and then it takes me 36 seconds of standing still to work out when it's going to spawn again. I just run around, hoping the items will be there when I'm passing through. I hate duel with a passion. No joke - I lost a duel 20 - 0 and I did over twice as much damage as the other guy and had way, way better acc on every weapon, but every time I ran into him, he was 200/200, just because he could add 35 to stuff and remember the answer. I've lost duels to people I see in my crosshairs in clan arena and think "Nice easy frag". I don't even know any duel maps, so there's no point timing the items, cus it would take me half the game to find the way back to them...toooo much thinking. That's not why I play games!
+Ash Scott I have the same problem. However, I do like Duels because of the challenge. And also the fact that it's only one guy. Since I'm always playing FFA it is a nice change to only challenge one at a time. But I try to rely alot on my aim. One thing you could do though that have been working for me is to trust their item control. You'll be able to do some damage and then run away. then come back bit earlier to surprise him. :) Of course, that's easier said than done, but it works quite often actually. :D
+MrGamer155 “[CJ]” Thanks man. I have *only* that amount of subs because I don't upload regularly (hell I haven't made a video in about 6 months) and because you simply need to be incredibly lucky to be successful on RUclips. It's not just about being good. But it's fine, I'm simply doing it for the fun of it. So thanks for watching and the kind words :)
Not a good video at all. Playing instagib does not improve your rail aim as people move very differently in instagib compared to a duel as they only have one weapon and do not have to go for items. You play instagib if you want to get good at instagib, otherwise it it useless for improving. Bad video.
It's about mouse control... You don't tell soldiers to practice their aim by going to war do you? They practice on a shooting range, which is extremely different to a battlefield. Same principle.
Fuel your aim with predictions instead of reactions
There are two big things that will dramatically help hitscan weapon accuracy.
1) practice target shooting an given static object when you jump through a teleport or out through a door/off a ledge. That fast target acquirement will help train the reactions needed for hand-eye coordination.
2) at start screen, drop to console and type /timescale 1.5 (one point five) and get ready for the ride of your life. After 15 seconds your brain will adjust and you'll swear you're a mongoose on crystal meth. It's insane. And your target acquirement speed will take a huge leap if you do this 1 or 2 times a week. Just remember to set it back to 1 when you're finished. (you'll feel like you're moving in slow motion then)
As Cypher said in a interview about to improve aim: Play.
Good video, good comments.
About flick rails, I have to agree with you there, just doing it over and over again will improve your aim.
However I noticed there's more to it than that. You're building memory into your muscles, so that you know exactly how hard to twitch your hand to hit an opponent who's in your periphery. I noticed that when I don't think about it and just flick I will usually hit with very high accuracy, sometimes 75% in the first few minutes. Then I start to try aiming my shots consciously and my aim drops down to around 40%, and stays around there.
When you get into the "zone" and just play without thinking about your aim, you tend to do better, just trust your instincts and stop trying to force the hit.
One thing I'm really not good at is hitting someone right in front of me where I try to flick just a few millimeters to hit them and over compensate. In those situations I need to more directly attempt to control my aim. But in the end I usually end up losing those battles.
Also one thing about aim in Quake is that targets are moving, and moving pretty fast and rather unpredictable. Relative movement and pre-aim is helping a lot, because it's easier see where target will be next frame and flick to it knowing, where it is moving, instead of 90 degree every frame.
people say aim isnt as important in Quake but it takes far less raw practice to learn maps and movement than it does to master flick shots and all that, so I would expect the good aimers to know how to control the map as well. Of course if you're new, movemnet and especially map knowledge will get you much farther than just focusing on aim, but eventually you're going to have to master aim as well, unless you are an extremely good strategist when it comes to controlling the map and predicting your opponent.
A good tip for beginners aside from just practicing (which is still the most important advice), is to always keep your cross-hairs as close as you can to a possible target. Meaning, even if there's no enemy in view, keep your crosshairs around upper torso level and keep them aimed towards doorways and paths that you expect the enemy to be coming from. For instance if you're entering a doorway and you know the enemy could be coming towards you from the right, you should already be aiming to the right as you enter the doorway, rather than waiting for a visual queue and then reacting. I'd say 80% of good aiming is good pre-aiming, its a lot eaiser to hit the target when you only have to move your mouse a few centimetres when reacting, rather than halfway across your mouse pad.
binge watching these tutorials, perfect for a new player like me. cheers fam keep em up
***** Thanks man! I appreciate that a lot :)
*How to change weapon fov in quake live ?*
I honestly think this. As a doom eternal slayer v slayer intermediate, the thing that mostly draws back players is the relative low ttk that pros and intermediate have and the pace of the game. Quake and arenas wouldn't be this dead if they had a newbie friendly mode with higher ttk, or rather, they would be slower in terms of movement, and slowly help you push forward to the competitive game.
Fun fact: This video also applies to Quake Champions ;)
contrary to what this guy says, don't be so quick to lower your sensitivity. This isn't Counter-strike where if you get shot from behind, you're dead 99% of the time. So you don't need to do flick 180's in counteer-strike. This is Quake where you need to be able to do 180's alot, and the action is fast paced. I used a sensitivity of 1.9 in counter-strike but I used about 4 in Quake.
AndehX If by "this guy" you mean me you may have realised that I myself use a sensitivity of 5.75 ingame @400 dpi, which is lower than what I normally use in games. I agree that you need to be able to do quick flick movements in Quake, but you also need precise minuscule aiming, which is why I always advocate trying out different settings until you find the one that works for you.
+AndehX "1.9" and "4" are pretty meaningless when you"re talking about 2 different games from different manufacturers, but yeah, there's a compromise between aim and movement that people have to find for themselves. It also depends on mouse grip. If you play with your wrist on the mat, you need a higher sens, but you also have more control, so it doesn't matter. It also depends on the weapon. Rockets tend to be used in close, where people are all around you, or for rocket jumping, so higher sens makes sense. Rail is used at distance, so it's impossible for the enemy to move on your screen as fast as if they were close. Some people use a different sens for each weapon, based on this. Some say to never change sens, others say, as long as you always have RL out when moving quickly, it doesn';t matter if you change sens for other weapons, yet other people say, that may be true in one gametype but not another. I made the mistake of asking people the question, and I got as many different answers as I got answers. I guess if there was a right and a wrong to it, the discussion would be over by now and we'd all use the one correct sensitivity.
***** Still meaningless without the CPI.
***** No, I'm saying that ~WE don't know his CPI, so telling us hi in-game sens is kinda useless info.
that is true.
Legendary. I used to play QL semi-competitively, but I stopped as I felt I wasn't getting anywhere. Just recently took it back up again, still kinda got my skills, but I'm really focused on improving now. I think I saw you say you had commentaries on pro matches? Might try find those now.
T0PH704gaming Not right now, but it's something I have planned. Right now Wolfcam has gone to crap unfortunately, so I can't do demo commentary. But since I'm kinda busy atm anyway that's not too bad. People will just have to wait ;D When I do it will be more of strategic analysis than actual shoutcast though.
I've had 4 100% rail clan arena games in the last month, and there's only one piece of advice I have...stop looking at your fucking accuracy stats. If you look in round 5 and you're at 100% rail, you're pretty much guranteed to end up
Thanks bro
Very nice guide, good job ! A little question, what sensitivity do you use ? 400, 800 dpi ???
Thanks for the kind words :)
My dpi ingame is 400, I use a TTesports black and switch to that profile when I enter a game, for everything else I use 800 dpi, it's just too tedious otherwise :D
LephariaGaming Thanks for your reply Lepharia and btw what's your ingame sensitivity ? By default It's 5 in the quake live mouse settings.
5.75, seems weird that I made such a minuscule change to it, but it seems best that way somehow.
LephariaGaming Thanks a lot, I'll set it to 5,75 too ;)
Set it to what feels best for you. Just because I use 5.75 doesn't mean that's the ideal number. Maybe play around with numbers between say 4 and 7, if you overshoot too much turn it down, if it feels too sluggish, turn it up. That's how I found my sweet spot. Always use what you feel the most comfortable with. Same applies to config and controls. But I'm glad I'm such an inspiration :D
Good tips.
Also, CA 1v1 is one of the best ways to improve aim quickly.
How to GIT GOOD:
Gauntlet: practice and learn how the hibox detection work
Trajectory prediction: add torso trail to enemy models and grenades
I have pretty poor skills with specific weapons, but railgun and rocket luncher are aint one of them.
Hello, new player here(rather, I'll be a new player in a few days when I buy the game). Do you think this is playable at all, right now? I live in Asia (Korea to be more specific) and I see 80 people max on a good day at ql syncore
To be honest I haven't played in ages, but I never had problems finding enjoyable matches. One thing I can recommend is using websites and forums to find play partners on your skill level.
Fps Blazo That's fantastic. Thanks for the heads- up! :)
Whelp it's been a few months and I've found a few people to play with, really enjoying... CPMA and reflex so far(sorry VQL players)
If you're a below average to average aimer and you hit a wall, how do you get out of it so you improve your aim even more?
invest in better equipment
How is the first map called?
Chloee Park Maps in order of appearance are: Furious Heights (T7), Campgrounds (DM6) and Blood Run (ZTN). The parentheses denote their respective old-school name :)
How you captured the videos/demos ?
***** I use WolfcamQL to play demos and capture both gameplay and demo footage with OBS. I'd like to record lossless with DXtory but I'm getting FPS dips there.
LephariaGaming The last Wolfcam/Whisperer dont work anymore, it shows squares at every hit and other errors
Huh, that's odd. I haven't used it in a few weeks, so I can't say.
***** There's a fix for that. Look in the forum. You need to download a shader and put it in the shader overrid folder of wolfcam...all the links and such are in the thread on the forum. It's the movie making sub-forum
+Ash Scott Thx alot Ash, I'll check it
If you watch agent closely you'll see that he hits like crazy. It's just his style is focused totally on map control and enemy reads and because of that you don't see "5 minutes aim fame", but he's often outshafts and outrails champions. And rockets - man, he can hit bizzare shots. Without this level of aim he would win nothing, even though his focus is on other (more stable) things.
There're were few top aimers in the world who had even stronger aim, surprising their enemies with it. Almost every champion ran through that, Cypher, Evil, they all had better aim than the rest, giving them pressure, surprise and dominance factor that is very hard to overcome, but stable control and reads based players are able to do so and to put out their opponent's sparks. BUt this kind of aim and movement is what makes this game so beautiful I believe. If not for long watch of beautiful uNkind's movement I don't know if I'd keep myself in the game.
+Alexey Filippenko Never replied to this comment, weird.
Your argument about Agent may be true, I haven't analysed him that much tbh. I've just seen a few of his matches where his aim was obviously not great but he was clearly dominating simply by good item control and positioning. That's the point I was trying to make in the video.
Also true is that every master player also has good aim. It's inherent to your skill set in Quake, if you hit more, you do more damage, simple. What I mean is that new players often focus too much on aim when they don't know the first thing about control, which is what I wanted to remedy with this. But you're not wrong in any way.
The only trick to aiming in Quake Live is this:
Pretend like every weapon is the Plasma Gun, and lead your opponents.
Also, some weapon specific tips:
LG=Move your mouse slowly, just be one little step ahead.
RG=set up your crosshair BEFORE you shoot, and wait for the crosshair to show up on the enemy, don't try to follow opponents. Set up, wait, shot.
RL=Know how fast the rockets move and judge the shot based on the enemy's speed.
GL=Don't aim horizontally, aim a bit above the equator of your vision, and again, know the arc so that you can predetermine shot timing
PG=fire ahead of an opponent and make a pattern where you think they might move.
SG=put your crosshair right in the center of the enemy's body to get full spread, be closer to them. Use it as a finishing weapon, don't ever lead a fight with this out first.
MG/HMG=Pretty much the same as the LG, just be one small, tiny step ahead
Gauntlet=Don't hold down M1 and attack, wait until you're closer up before hitting M1, it'll trigger the attack animation from further away. Do not gauntlet if you're right in front of an enemy, wait until you can flank them from the left or right, or just be sneaky.
I have something bout 1k elo (yes, im THAT bad at this game), but i want to say that aim is very important to train, i often miss with rail when trying to do free damage (ztn ra ft example), whenever my opponents hits 60-80% of this shots. And even if im controlling the map (i can do it even with 1k elo), they easily outdamage me just because of good rail and shaft (not all the time but most of it).
Second example is my friend (1.8k elo, not so good, but not that bad). His aim is bad, but he controls the map perfectly. ITS NOT HELPING AT ALL, even if he gets to 200\200, he simply dies to lg in 60% of times (ztn ra again). He clearly knows where his opponent is, but he cant kill him even if hes 100\50. Why? 17% lg i think when the enemy has 47 or more. (sry for bad eng, its pretty hard to write with minimum of words i know)
Well you have to hit SOME shots to win :D It's not like I'm saying aim isn't important, it is. But new players should worry about item timing and control first.
What game require the most aim ?
2:35 that double rail.
I don't need those tips, cause my aim is pretty good, but I liked that you came back :D
Aww that's sweet thank you :)
I have more Quake videos coming, maybe there's something in it for you. As I said, trying to get back to the normal schedule.
(Next video will be Hearthstone though :P)
LephariaGaming I hope. My aim and my positioning are my best quality, but my item timing is VERY bad, and I know you did a video on it already but I can't go over 3 items and sometimes I miss on powerup of the 2 main.
I think that just comes from experience. When you learn to rotate around the map better your item timing and control improves drastically. I'm planning a series where I'm analysing demos from pro matches, so that might help. You can learn a lot in that regard from watching pros play.
+Spara Flash Dude, I can't time ONE item. I pick up mega, and then it takes me 36 seconds of standing still to work out when it's going to spawn again. I just run around, hoping the items will be there when I'm passing through. I hate duel with a passion. No joke - I lost a duel 20 - 0 and I did over twice as much damage as the other guy and had way, way better acc on every weapon, but every time I ran into him, he was 200/200, just because he could add 35 to stuff and remember the answer. I've lost duels to people I see in my crosshairs in clan arena and think "Nice easy frag". I don't even know any duel maps, so there's no point timing the items, cus it would take me half the game to find the way back to them...toooo much thinking. That's not why I play games!
+Ash Scott I have the same problem. However, I do like Duels because of the challenge. And also the fact that it's only one guy. Since I'm always playing FFA it is a nice change to only challenge one at a time. But I try to rely alot on my aim. One thing you could do though that have been working for me is to trust their item control. You'll be able to do some damage and then run away. then come back bit earlier to surprise him. :) Of course, that's easier said than done, but it works quite often actually. :D
Hey dude I like your vids about quake live so much thanks for good time I can't understand why do u have only 430 subscribers
+MrGamer155 “[CJ]” Thanks man. I have *only* that amount of subs because I don't upload regularly (hell I haven't made a video in about 6 months) and because you simply need to be incredibly lucky to be successful on RUclips. It's not just about being good. But it's fine, I'm simply doing it for the fun of it. So thanks for watching and the kind words :)
@@LephariaGaming it's also because u don't make videos on popular games
QOOL channel! THX!
aim, map control, and movement is quake. Mostly map control though i think as well.
Never aim in the wrong place.
i played with random sens wheni played this game the first game and was better than u
I wish I could be as cool as you.
Why are so many people online-flexing on this video😂
aim400kg - JUST DO IT
Not a good video at all. Playing instagib does not improve your rail aim as people move very differently in instagib compared to a duel as they only have one weapon and do not have to go for items. You play instagib if you want to get good at instagib, otherwise it it useless for improving. Bad video.
It's about mouse control...
You don't tell soldiers to practice their aim by going to war do you? They practice on a shooting range, which is extremely different to a battlefield.
Same principle.
Does guide to quake live,... can't maintain stable 125 fps... you're bad kid stop misleading players...
Bonqerz hes no kid, and how so? This a old game you fuck
wow, pure blabla combined with a low fps video
"Pure blabla and low FPS" - That should be the motto of my channel
terrible video
I agree unsub this shitlord!
not like you have a lot anyways
So cute