I had to unblock my ball bearings over 20 times today. I'm thinning my paint and straining it too! So frustrating. It's a qtech 190.Such a poor design. Looking for an alternative machine now...only had it for 3 months. 😢
You can buy a seperate manifold filter to attach which helps with those issues. Ye not a great design when its lagged in paint. But that sounds excessive for blocking. What you spraying?
@@sprayaholic the issues came when spraying Sayerlack topcoat. The primer went OK... So that to me maybe suggests a contaminated mix? Ordered some more topcoat.. Sayerlack again which i know is good paint... So fingers crossed. Very stressful when you're in someone's house having these issues. I do have the separate manifold filter on it too.. 👍
@@jlbradders yes could have needed a better flush through before swapping over. I feel your pain. Had many a stressful situation trying to sort out mid way through a job
Thanks for watching. I made a video on it in my channel a quick over view. Yes its a decent little sprayer. Depends what youre wanting out of a sprayer and what your budget is
I guess, even though it's a small sprayer, not made to be used day in day out, you can still use it for the odd big job. I have a big 4 bed house coming up, so it will be working hard. So potentially it will need more maintenance in a shorter space of time, but can still do the job.
@@davidwalsh5547 i doubt it would struggle. It should be able to take some hammer. Id feel fine using it a few times a week. The pumps not going to give up on you easily so dont be scared to hammer it ha.
Great video no messing around straight to the point great thanks
Awesome video mate - thanks so much ✊
Glad you found the video helpful
I had to unblock my ball bearings over 20 times today. I'm thinning my paint and straining it too! So frustrating. It's a qtech 190.Such a poor design. Looking for an alternative machine now...only had it for 3 months. 😢
You can buy a seperate manifold filter to attach which helps with those issues. Ye not a great design when its lagged in paint. But that sounds excessive for blocking. What you spraying?
@@sprayaholic the issues came when spraying Sayerlack topcoat. The primer went OK... So that to me maybe suggests a contaminated mix? Ordered some more topcoat.. Sayerlack again which i know is good paint... So fingers crossed. Very stressful when you're in someone's house having these issues.
I do have the separate manifold filter on it too.. 👍
@@jlbradders yes could have needed a better flush through before swapping over. I feel your pain. Had many a stressful situation trying to sort out mid way through a job
Hi, do you have a vid on replacing the packers on a P019?
Im just doing one so be up in the next week or so. I'll be covering abit of qtech
Hi great videos very helpful whats this machine actually like is it any good as looking for a cheap spare for the lad
Thanks for watching. I made a video on it in my channel a quick over view. Yes its a decent little sprayer. Depends what youre wanting out of a sprayer and what your budget is
Thanks...a very useful video!!
Appreciate it. Thanks for watching, any questions feel free to ask
I guess, even though it's a small sprayer, not made to be used day in day out, you can still use it for the odd big job. I have a big 4 bed house coming up, so it will be working hard. So potentially it will need more maintenance in a shorter space of time, but can still do the job.
@@davidwalsh5547 i doubt it would struggle. It should be able to take some hammer. Id feel fine using it a few times a week.
The pumps not going to give up on you easily so dont be scared to hammer it ha.
On the "ball" again mate ha, always passing on the knowledge
Ha see what you did there.