Была на их концерте недавно-просто восторг! Замечательная рок-группа, талантливейший Джаред, потрясающая музыка, прекрасный голос! Берущие за души композиции! Клипы со смыслом, песни со смыслом! Они потрясные!!!
I’m an OG 70’s & 80’s classic rock fan. This band has the best music videos I’ve seen since the 80’s. Good to see someone still putting effort into music videos.
@@ThomasTallantFIR, great but this is kinda on a different vibe. Growing up in the 80s with this type of music. I think they captured multiple emotions.. When I listen to this I instantly go back with no question. It makes me feel an entire time period in one song. That's what I love about them. I instantly connect.
If you like you could listen to □PENUMBRA - Sacrificio (Video Lyrics)□ it's a similar style, maybe you like it too. I'd love to know your opinion about them
Джаред, этим клипом ты обеспечил себе бессмертие! На века мой самый любимый из любимых, номер один навсегда, этот клип и эта песня, лучше уже не будет❤
@@vat3000 чтобы сделать древний Китай крутым нужно снять только древний Китай, а чтобы сделать из ледника в пятнах крутой ледник нужно постараться . ABl best
@@marisolrodriguezmontano6736 To every soul OUT THERE: All prayers from Righteous SOULS aka Born again Christians, have power. Sinners prayers GOD hears not. Unless we REPENT and born again and LIVE HOLY, GOD hears none of our prayers. Prayers have power, but these must come from Changed hearts. Proverbs 15:29 The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous. Psalms 119:155 “Salvation is far from the wicked: for they seek not thy statutes.” (Many souls(unsaved souls), believe falsely and pray in vain). Mankind is filled with UNSAVED SOULS (WICKED SINNERS). That`s why there`s a calling to REPENTANCE and to BORN AGAIN: Luke 5:32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. John 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
THIS! This is not a song... This is a feeling that transcends emotions and becomes harder and harder to comprehend as years go by, this is the heart thumping sound of over 62 million people. THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL LIE
One thing i love about this album is that the music videos are represented in a movie-like structure and concept but the truth on what is going on with our society and the destruction of humanity to this planet is there. i’m still listening this 2023.💯✨
Still it moved eyes to these kind of topic. But beside these comments - more than a decade has passed and not a single change. The only thing I’m sure of is that history will repeat itself, but future not seems to change things for good
Это мой любимый клип из всех, которые я когда-либо смотрела. Помню как не было ещё телефонов мобильных и смартфонов и я по телевизору ждала когда покажут именно этот клип. С утра это был невероятный заряд энергии на весь день. Я не знаю английского языка и совершенно не понимаю о чём здесь поётся, но чувствую очень эмоции, которые передаёт певец своим невероятным голосом.
this song and band is so incredibly underrated. The reason rock and alternative music is my favorite genres, the messages have so much depth, through any interpretation. And the music is beautiful. Especially after seeing the documentary of their struggles as a band. Damn. I had wondered what happened to them. So much respect to these guys!!!
Сколько лет я не слышал этот трек, зашёл посмотреть клип к нему, эмоций от трека столько, что аж снова почувствовал себя живым. А ещё приятнее читать комментарии фанатов, которые спустя больше 10 лет слушают и проникаются по сей день этим шедевром. Ребята, со слезами на глазах, я кричу вам, Я С ВАМИ!
Saludos yo me acostumbré a escuchar estás canciones por mi hermano mayor algún día lo veré está muy lejos de mi pero algún día, algún día y será hermoso perfecto lo será todoooo!
When music you listen to from years and years ago (came out when I was in high school) is still sounding good, remembered, and relevant you know you have something good! ❤❤❤
I couldn't agree more. My wife and I were just talking about it. Seasons, while a pretty song, does not at all feel like 30 seconds to mars anymore. I watched Shannon be reduced to quarter beats on an electronic drum set. That was heartbreaking, he is hands down one of my all time favorite drummers. Sad to see the mighty fall so far.
@am9505 Amen to that. It's become less about the music and more about Jared Leto I think. I went to see 30STM live every time they came to the UK back in the early days when they were a four piece and then a three piece. Last time I went was not long after Tomo left. And actually, it was still a good gig. Then JL started the "this is a cult" thing in a big way. From then on, imo, it went down hill from there. The first two albums were exceptional. This Is War was mediocre with one or two great tracks propping it up. Love, Lust, Faith and Dreams was the same. America was terrible. And I haven't even listened to the latest album. They used to make music. Now it's just sound. Shannon is really talented and should find another band where he can use and explore that talent. JL needs to stick to making movies .... and the tabloids with his terrible fashion choices. He was an icon. Now he's just a caricature.
I'm 57 and hard rock, classic rock has been the dominate music in my life . I was turn on to this band by a girl friend in 2011 . This band is awesome I have studied the band . I like all of there music every song is good . He is a very smart artist .
I wonder how many people truly grasp the meaning of this song, how many people have woken up, and can't go back to sleep. How many people have to watch their family members outright *deny* the reality that is right in front of them, how many of us are left? You are not alone.
Woken up to a system that's been happening for millions of years, well before our race first made the crossing over the ocean to other lands? Or do you mean the bullshit concept of "Global warming". It's very much the opposite. The Earth is COOLING down. But as of right now, we're SUPPOSED to be heating up. It's called the Inter glacial period, where the Earth goes through warmer climates over thousands of years. People need to stop spreading misinformation because the Earth is changing to something they're not used to. Climate change IS REAL. But it's a cycle. We're not speeding up the process, as people like to say, because the god damn planet is COOLING DOWN. It will speed up over time, and eventually, the Earth will become another Mars: A dead planet.
I read somewhere that Americans were the worse at facing reality about global warming and as an American I feel really bad. I'm still going try and do my part!!
@@queenmidnight8994 Weird, cause Global Warming doesn't exist. Climate change, on the other hand, does. And is a normal part of our Earths cycle. People need to stop fretting due to the fact that it's taking away what they know as normal.
Jared, thanks for coming to Tashkent. You cannot imagine how enjoyable your concert was. I really appreciate your talent, hard work and commitment to what you are doing. Every your music video, song, and role in the film is just a masterpiece
I'll remember when i first heard it as an 18 years old guy. I'm almost the double now, but i still love it. It has aged well, the visuality, the direction, the sound of it is legendary.
@@camma1499 Leto is a very good singer, but also an actor. Some of his roles (Joker in Suicide Squad) are not very good, but some other are awesome (Requiem for a dream, Dallas Buyers Club).
+Glaber Marian I'm extremely sorry to hear about that. I had embolizations done. Lots. I narrowly avoided gamma knife. I still have some issues (like my spine being messed up thanks to the AVM pushing it all out of how its supposed to be) You are in my thoughts and I really hope the AVM doesn't bleed again and that the gamma knife works and you can start recovery.
Мне 60 на данный момент,но я просто обожаю эту песню, когда смотрю этот клип аж мурашки по телу бегут,молодцы ребята, исполнение просто бомба,браво👍👍👍👍👍
They are underrated? Are you serious? World famous band! There are a lot of unknown bands around the globe with wonderful music and they can not break through just because music industry is hasher than the politics.
2008 год, мне 12-13 лет, играет эта песня, и я понимаю, что это навсегда. Сегодня мне почти 30, и "Марсы" до сих пор в моем сердце, любимы, как и прежде!!!
Вчера слушала эту песню и думала, может не поют уже? А потом ехала в машине и услышала, что разыгрывают билеты на их концерт. Жаль, что молодость проходит так быстро.
Идеально всё в целом, и по отдельности тоже: вековые льды, голубые глаза, в которых бездна, суровое, но прекрасное небо, замедленный взмах, а затем быстрый удар по струнам, падающая красная капля, яркие красные флажки на фоне белого безмолвия... Всё до мелочей гениально - музыка, голос, белоснежный, холодный, затерянный мир. Perfekt...
Заметьте, в этом клипе нет ни чего искусственного, только профессиональное видео и профессиональная игра музыкантов и вокалиста. А остальное - чистая, созданная Бого природа, еще не тронутая человеком. И это всегда будет нравиться - созданное нашим создателем.
их высадили на настоящем айсберге,который отколот с Арктики и плывет себе,Подобный Титаник разрушил в столкновении,проепали капитан и часовой на мостике....
Lyrics: Lie awake in bed at night And think about your life Do you want to be different? Try to let go of the truth The battles of your youth Cause this is just a game It's a beautiful lie It's a perfect denial Such a beautiful lie to believe in So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me It's time to forget about the past To wash away what happened last Hide behind an empty face Don't ask too much just say Cause this is just a game It's a beautiful lie It's a perfect denial Such a beautiful lie to believe in So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me Oh! Everyone's looking at me I'm running around in circles A quiet desperation's Building higher I've got to remember this is just a game So beautiful, beautiful (Lie! Lie!) So beautiful, beautiful (Lie! Lie!) It's a beautiful lie It's a perfect denial Such a beautiful lie to believe in So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me
One of my favorite songs ever, in my opinion of their best songs. I like everything n this song: the message, the instrumental accompaniment, clip itself is fascinating and many other things...Thank you 30 sec for such a masterpiece ❤️
timeless masterpiece!! 30 seconds to mars was a big part of my adolescence, it influenced my hair style and clothes 🥹, but it also brought me a lot of comfort and joy at various times. Jared and Shannon, you're an event of great appreciation! ❤ Thank you for sharing with the world what art is, the songs that make the soul and heart vibrate in tune, the videos that are true short film. thank u so much!! Brazil waits for your return
Мне повезло, что мое детство и юность прошли в эпоху расцвета 30 STM, Linkin Park, Avril, Evanescence, Green day и многих многих других. Пусть сейчас все по другому и слушаем другое, но эти песни и эта музыка всегда будет для нас классикой, которую уже никто не сделает лучше.
всё так и есть, чел. Не слушал их десять лет, а сегодня вдруг решил переслушать всё) и знакомство с этой группой началось у меня с этого клипа и до сих пор мурашки по коже
Reminder: This came out over 10 years ago. The end caption tells us that only 2 years after filming "nearly a fourth of the arctic ice shelf has disappeared." As of last year, the Yale School of the Environment stated that "The polar ice caps are melting six times faster than in the 1990s."
And the sea levels still haven't risen lolll Climate change is the biggest scam Tell me something If you have a glass of water with ice at the top and the water 1cm from the top of the glass... When the Ice melts does that water overflow????
@@sashmatchbox8437 the issue here is that there is information on both sides of the spectrum that confirms that to some extend is undeniable the fact that we have contributed badly on the polution and the melting of the icecapes, however it seems to be that this is also part of the biological process the earth ungoes every now and then. this subject is heavily influenced by politics as well, that is why we dont come to final conclusion. My personal guess, the answer is in between both of those theories
@@sashmatchbox8437 Lmao yes? It literally does?? Now take the fact that 40% of the human population lives next to a body of water, and you can see how even the slimmest of overflow, nevermind the fact that sea levels will inevitably rise to 2-3 meters by the end of the century, will massively affect the lives of BILLIONS. And that 2-3 meter estimate is taking an effective climate response into consideration. That number is only going to continue rising with how things are currently going. Jesus, bro. At least get a job with Chevron before you start shilling for them for free.
Jared is legendary simply for doing what he loves. His acting career led him to things he would champion in his musical career. His music career fueled his ferver to champion more issues most people wouldn't touch for fear it would damage there career. He does what he does for the love of of what he does. And nothing more. Hero for sure...
@@moonman4914 nah he’s technically right, 30STM was formed in 1998 but they didn’t release their first album until 2002 - but Jared had already been gaining some spotlight from his acting career in Requiem for a Dream in 2000 which was what gave 30STM their initial attention boost!
Lampago it sure was. A decade now. And nothing has changed. If anything it's gotten worse. Idk about you. But I would quickly invest in real estate inland. Before it's too late.
No he visto otro vídeo igual! O sea que me haya impresionado tanto y la manera en que fue hecha es simplemente sublime y la fotografía ni se diga! El mejor vídeo que haya visto!!
En una época con tanta música mala, es un privilegio contar con temas como estos. Esta canción tiene tanta fuerza que aunque pasen los años sigue causando esa pequeña sensación de adrenalina al escucharla a todo volumen. 💙💙
I wish ALL artists could be worried about issues like that, singers like michael jackson, 30stm, rise against and others who care about human kind, deserves more support. Those are very special people
Love it love it such a great message for everyone and every generation to come. They need to see this song and believe what can happen if Nature is GONE forever!
I agree with the fact that all the bands are changing with the time but I really really miss that old kind of music... I miss that version of 30 seconda to mars...
Too bad the message is also a lie. Beautiful voice and looks. But its just Gretta Thunburg again. Wish he would sing about something awesome, not bullshit climate change crap. I am being sincere, awesome voice. I just don't like the message.
This is heartbreaking…and true. If it was that bad then, can you imagine how their way of living has been impacted since? I admire them using their platform to bring awareness to us. I just wish more people took the opportunity to listen, truly listen, and act on change 💔
Came here after listening to a bunch of songs from they new album... Let's just leave it in "it's not my cup of tea", I get that time passes and artists change but I can't help thinking how much I wish they still made music and videos like this... My lord and r-evolve at the end of the video, this was just perfect, going to miss you 30stm :')
Муражки до сих пор от этого трека,от этой группы до трека Hurricane,до сих пор переслушиваю,музыка моего детства,боже это так круто 🤘🤘🤘Выносите меня четверо
Да, как же красиво и как же быстро летит время!
*It's 2024 and it's still a masterpiece! It never goes out of style*
I agree, long live Negreira!!!!
I just listened to it again after so many years and it's still as Legendary as ever😍
Hello from 2023, people don't understand what a wonderful life they have
its 2023 and we still have done nothing at all about the climate
Yeah its about US democracy,capitalism and history.
Была на их концерте недавно-просто восторг! Замечательная рок-группа, талантливейший Джаред, потрясающая музыка, прекрасный голос! Берущие за души композиции! Клипы со смыслом, песни со смыслом! Они потрясные!!!
Ну хз. Тоже была на концерте в Стамбуле. А до этого два или три раза давно была в Питере. В Стамбуле вообще не зашло
в Сербии?
@@an1bro107 в Казахстане
он намного хуже поет сейчас. итак гитары спутили на тон, а всё равно не тянет
Чо ты вреш. Они не прилетали в кз @@iyakudabaeva5094
I’m an OG 70’s & 80’s classic rock fan. This band has the best music videos I’ve seen since the 80’s. Good to see someone still putting effort into music videos.
May I suggest Falling in Reverse, anything in the last 5 years?
@@ThomasTallantlol I was gonna say that
Yes a perfect rendition of our youth and just a tad better
@@ThomasTallantFIR, great but this is kinda on a different vibe. Growing up in the 80s with this type of music. I think they captured multiple emotions.. When I listen to this I instantly go back with no question. It makes me feel an entire time period in one song. That's what I love about them. I instantly connect.
Посмотрите клип rammstein-deitchland там гораздо больше смысла
63 year old rocker here. This is terrific. Glad I found this band.
73 y/o ROCKER !! 🎶💕🎵💕
@@PRYNCESSJO 56 year old rocker here
70 year old rocker year, have loved this band for over 10 years
@@mrsedwardcullen19ify amazing
90s and 200 0s , the best age of rock bands .. here is one of them .. for ever and ever .. beautiful music
If you like you could listen to □PENUMBRA - Sacrificio (Video Lyrics)□ it's a similar style, maybe you like it too. I'd love to know your opinion about them
Джаред, этим клипом ты обеспечил себе бессмертие! На века мой самый любимый из любимых, номер один навсегда, этот клип и эта песня, лучше уже не будет❤
@@vat3000 чтобы сделать древний Китай крутым нужно снять только древний Китай, а чтобы сделать из ледника в пятнах крутой ледник нужно постараться . ABl best
@@vat3000 читать не умеешь?😥😂😂😂
@@Istochnikvdohnoveniya будет, Вась. Все будет
Долбаная ностальгия накатывает... детство, нулевые, ящик, отсутствие интернета! Просто)()()()(
Это нейросеть создала, угомонись....
Sometimes there’s no words to describe how music heals ours souls!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
To this day, this song is still pure and one of my favorite songs. ❤
Agree ❤️
Concur ❤
@@juandelossantos5167 count D own son...! >;-)
Es tan hermosa ❤️❤️
@@marisolrodriguezmontano6736 To every soul OUT THERE:
All prayers from Righteous SOULS aka Born again Christians, have power. Sinners prayers GOD hears not. Unless we REPENT and born again and LIVE HOLY, GOD hears none of our prayers. Prayers have power, but these must come from Changed hearts.
Proverbs 15:29 The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.
Psalms 119:155 “Salvation is far from the wicked: for they seek not thy statutes.”
(Many souls(unsaved souls), believe falsely and pray in vain).
Mankind is filled with UNSAVED SOULS (WICKED SINNERS).
That`s why there`s a calling to REPENTANCE and to BORN AGAIN:
Luke 5:32
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
John 3:7
Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
This is not a song...
This is a feeling that transcends emotions and becomes harder and harder to comprehend as years go by, this is the heart thumping sound of over 62 million people.
When Jared sings with his eyes and like this just does happy things to my heart.
He has the most beautiful and intense eyes.
Still an excellent song. Thirty Seconds To Mars will always be in my playlists.
Hi! If you like you could listen to □PENUMBRA - Sacrificio (Video Lyrics)□ it's a similar style, maybe you like it too.
Лучший однажды - лучший всегда.
One thing i love about this album is that the music videos are represented in a movie-like structure and concept but the truth on what is going on with our society and the destruction of humanity to this planet is there.
i’m still listening this 2023.💯✨
2024 and this song is still awesome🥰
how much fuel 30stm burned to film this? boats,helicopters,planes....pure hypocrisy
Still it moved eyes to these kind of topic. But beside these comments - more than a decade has passed and not a single change. The only thing I’m sure of is that history will repeat itself, but future not seems to change things for good
Who's still here with me listening to this song up to now? I just love this band, I so missed this era!
I mean, it is a BEAUTIFUL lie...
still love their songs
Это мой любимый клип из всех, которые я когда-либо смотрела.
Помню как не было ещё телефонов мобильных и смартфонов и я по телевизору ждала когда покажут именно этот клип. С утра это был невероятный заряд энергии на весь день.
Я не знаю английского языка и совершенно не понимаю о чём здесь поётся, но чувствую очень эмоции, которые передаёт певец своим невероятным голосом.
О да, как я вас поддерживаю, такая бешенная энергетика исходит от Джареда, это что то
На премии муз тв 2007 или 2008 он не спел эту песню😢, наверное недавно вышла
@@konstantunlimited она ещё древнее на пару лет
Телефоны давно были к тому времени мобильные.
15 years later, if you're watching this, you're a legend.
With you, we're on similar paths ❤️
Same here
its 11 years later
Same here
But who remembers my so called life?
Who's watching in 2024?? ❤
Sou do Brasil
It’s a must watch
this song and band is so incredibly underrated. The reason rock and alternative music is my favorite genres, the messages have so much depth, through any interpretation. And the music is beautiful. Especially after seeing the documentary of their struggles as a band. Damn. I had wondered what happened to them. So much respect to these guys!!!
lol nothing happened to them, they have an album coming out this year
When he screams he is always getting me chills. Am I the only one?
Me too
Me three the hottest thing I have ever heard!!
Agata W me too
Agata W
Not at all. A huge burden is placed on musicians, how they view the world must be overwhelming. May God be with them.
Сколько лет я не слышал этот трек, зашёл посмотреть клип к нему, эмоций от трека столько, что аж снова почувствовал себя живым. А ещё приятнее читать комментарии фанатов, которые спустя больше 10 лет слушают и проникаются по сей день этим шедевром. Ребята, со слезами на глазах, я кричу вам, Я С ВАМИ!
Стиль офигенный жаль что эмо не в моде
Saludos yo me acostumbré a escuchar estás canciones por mi hermano mayor algún día lo veré está muy lejos de mi pero algún día, algún día y será hermoso perfecto lo será todoooo!
Ни в чём себе не отказывайте;). А песня,совместно с видеорядом,реально шикарная
С этой песни началась моя любовь к этой группе,как это было давно и в то же время вроде вчера.Обожаю их!Love so much!
Потрясающий симбиоз музыки и видеоряда! Красивая грусть!
айсберг настоящий нашли,сняли,не комп. графика))
When music you listen to from years and years ago (came out when I was in high school) is still sounding good, remembered, and relevant you know you have something good! ❤❤❤
Как же я обожаю и восхищаюсь Джаредом Лето и как человеком и как великолепным актером и конечно как певцом❤❤❤
А он тобой нет.
Песня шикарная. Вернуть бы время назад, в то время....
Лето шикарен. Обожаю его творчество, будь то фильмы или музыка
quien dijo que en esta época no se escuchan estas canciones. Lo bueno jamas se olvida. Cuantos pulgares arriba y siguen escuchando estas canciones
El es Jared Leto o no?
Asii es
This whole album is beautiful and haunting.
These old songs of Thirty Seconds To Mars were always pleasant to listen to it.
Божественная музыка,без лишних слов!)
I wish they still made music and videos this good. This is in my top 10 tracks of all time. ❤
Нас много таких !
I couldn't agree more. My wife and I were just talking about it. Seasons, while a pretty song, does not at all feel like 30 seconds to mars anymore.
I watched Shannon be reduced to quarter beats on an electronic drum set. That was heartbreaking, he is hands down one of my all time favorite drummers.
Sad to see the mighty fall so far.
@am9505 Amen to that. It's become less about the music and more about Jared Leto I think. I went to see 30STM live every time they came to the UK back in the early days when they were a four piece and then a three piece. Last time I went was not long after Tomo left. And actually, it was still a good gig. Then JL started the "this is a cult" thing in a big way. From then on, imo, it went down hill from there. The first two albums were exceptional. This Is War was mediocre with one or two great tracks propping it up. Love, Lust, Faith and Dreams was the same. America was terrible. And I haven't even listened to the latest album. They used to make music. Now it's just sound. Shannon is really talented and should find another band where he can use and explore that talent. JL needs to stick to making movies .... and the tabloids with his terrible fashion choices. He was an icon. Now he's just a caricature.
The cinematography and visuals of this video are just outstanding
It’s a beautiful song!
How happy we were to meet our youth with this wonderful band and their music.
30 Seconds to Mars really hit their prime with this album and the previous one. Will forever love these songs ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm 57 and hard rock, classic rock has been the dominate music in my life . I was turn on to this band by a girl friend in 2011 . This band is awesome I have studied the band . I like all of there music every song is good . He is a very smart artist .
I wonder how many people truly grasp the meaning of this song, how many people have woken up, and can't go back to sleep. How many people have to watch their family members outright *deny* the reality that is right in front of them, how many of us are left?
You are not alone.
indeed.. this song have a deep meaning
Woken up to a system that's been happening for millions of years, well before our race first made the crossing over the ocean to other lands? Or do you mean the bullshit concept of "Global warming".
It's very much the opposite. The Earth is COOLING down. But as of right now, we're SUPPOSED to be heating up. It's called the Inter glacial period, where the Earth goes through warmer climates over thousands of years. People need to stop spreading misinformation because the Earth is changing to something they're not used to. Climate change IS REAL. But it's a cycle. We're not speeding up the process, as people like to say, because the god damn planet is COOLING DOWN. It will speed up over time, and eventually, the Earth will become another Mars: A dead planet.
I read somewhere that Americans were the worse at facing reality about global warming and as an American I feel really bad. I'm still going try and do my part!!
@@queenmidnight8994 Weird, cause Global Warming doesn't exist. Climate change, on the other hand, does. And is a normal part of our Earths cycle. People need to stop fretting due to the fact that it's taking away what they know as normal.
@@MCshadr217 You need to read up on your science and get back with me on that cuz you're full of s***
Maravilhoso!!! Som, letra, vídeo, voz.... Perfeição, inspiração, atemporal..... Jared Leto é puro talento...
Jared, thanks for coming to Tashkent. You cannot imagine how enjoyable your concert was. I really appreciate your talent, hard work and commitment to what you are doing. Every your music video, song, and role in the film is just a masterpiece
I'll remember when i first heard it as an 18 years old guy. I'm almost the double now, but i still love it. It has aged well, the visuality, the direction, the sound of it is legendary.
We really need to separate Leto the singer from the actor because this music slaps
@D Wilson How does it come to what i have wrote?
@@camma1499 Leto is a very good singer, but also an actor.
Some of his roles (Joker in Suicide Squad) are not very good, but some other are awesome (Requiem for a dream, Dallas Buyers Club).
I really liked him in the Joker😎
Мне 47,а впервые слышу эту песню?!! Как так?
Клип шикарный!!!❤
А от песни аж мурашки!❤
Мне 39, но знаю давно - это круто, как плэйсбо, в хорошем смысле!!)
Я тоже впервые это вижу и слышу.
Ти откуда ?
@@ОльгаБююкікіз Восточная Сибирь
Just got diagnosed with a very rare spinal avm things aren't looking good, but this songs really helps me cope pray for me
+Glaber Marian get well mate
Get well soon bruh.
+Glaber Marian I recovered from a rare spinal AVM. It's scary as heck but recovery is very possible. I wish you nothing but thte best.
+scarletwomannedm yea 90 percent chance ill be paralyzed from my neck down if the avm bleeds again, getting gamma knife surgery done its my last hope
+Glaber Marian I'm extremely sorry to hear about that. I had embolizations done. Lots. I narrowly avoided gamma knife. I still have some issues (like my spine being messed up thanks to the AVM pushing it all out of how its supposed to be) You are in my thoughts and I really hope the AVM doesn't bleed again and that the gamma knife works and you can start recovery.
Мне 60 на данный момент,но я просто обожаю эту песню, когда смотрю этот клип аж мурашки по телу бегут,молодцы ребята, исполнение просто бомба,браво👍👍👍👍👍
Это надо слушать на всю катушку громкости,
И тогда она залетит как нож по маслу 💜
Как только вышел данный трек и видео- не перестает надоедать. Столько эмоций в музыке! Столько мыслей в видео заложено. Трек и клип на века!
ебат а ты не маньяк такой изхдес пишешь ))
for the ages? lol
Я слушал их ещё 13 лет назад.
Вчера обнаружил треки .
Так накатило.
Аж до дрожи в серце
Я тоже. 14 лет.
Sensacional, uma das melhores músicas de todos os tempos
I'll still be watching in another 15 years I'll never get sick of this specific song I'll never get sick of any of their music
One of the best bands of all time.... I share this video to all my contacts regularly. I love u guys ❤
Seriously, this band are so under rated for what they do. I salute you 30 Seconds To Mars!
They are underrated? Are you serious? World famous band! There are a lot of unknown bands around the globe with wonderful music and they can not break through just because music industry is hasher than the politics.
This is one of the most beautiful videos ever
This song always gives me goosebumps.
I'll give you goosebumps ;)
Anything this band does gives me goose bumps
Let's see Paul Allen's goosebumps
Always. 30 seconds to Mars first three albums were masterpieces
Верните мой 2007!!!!!!!
спустя время я её знаю до сих пор наизусть и все переходы музыкальные.
мурашки набегают и слёзы накатывают...
Porque não fazem mais músicas assim? Sinto uma inteligência emocional nessa.
La elite los callo
Uma brasileira! Salve,Luci!
Tb amo d+
Pelo menos fizeram, vamos curtir enquanto temos vida!
Né, pqp fico chocado com isso, precisamos de artistas revolucionários como esses 😢
Beautiful song. Beautiful video. Beautiful message. Beautiful band.
*coughs* Beautiful front man.
what was the message? im clueless :D
Beautiful lie also
An pretty hope , hopes have a nice day
2008 год, мне 12-13 лет, играет эта песня, и я понимаю, что это навсегда.
Сегодня мне почти 30, и "Марсы" до сих пор в моем сердце, любимы, как и прежде!!!
О да!!!
Вчера слушала эту песню и думала, может не поют уже? А потом ехала в машине и услышала, что разыгрывают билеты на их концерт. Жаль, что молодость проходит так быстро.
I haven't seen such a quality video for a long time
Всегда возвращаюсь слушать эти трэки и всегда эмоции как в первый раз.
This was an amazing album
one of the best from that time
+katherine kier. 8;iujsjjj jefe q;
Mix6Mix6 the best
Mix6Mix6 and the debut album
Sarthak Singh that wasn't the debut album, this band started at the final part of the '90
From Uzbekistan 🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿 I love This song !
Жил в Зарафшане, скучаю по узбекской кухне! Мир вам!)
@@Korol_RPОт души брат 🤘
В то время мне было 16-17, сейчас 30, и я со слезами на глазах пересматриваю этот клип, будто впервые💔
привет, Оля, мне было лет 12 тогда.
Сейчас 23!
А посня бомба
Мне 15 было)
Мне 29, трек супер
Вот были песни👌 просто шедевры 🔥🤟 навсегда в наших сердцах ♥️
Same here 😌
Это обалденный шедевр, клип на все времена !!!!!!
Браво! Я из 2021
Это действительно шедевр!❤
Идеально всё в целом, и по отдельности тоже: вековые льды, голубые глаза, в которых бездна, суровое, но прекрасное небо, замедленный взмах, а затем быстрый удар по струнам, падающая красная капля, яркие красные флажки на фоне белого безмолвия... Всё до мелочей гениально - музыка, голос, белоснежный, холодный, затерянный мир. Perfekt...
@@СветланаОсипова-ь3щ9х Великолепный комментарий, я бы не смогла передать своими словами до какой степени потрясает эта музыка!!!
Обидно, что Красота уже не способна спасти Мир....Вот так, кричишь из за всех сил, а вокруг,... мертвая тишина...
самая сильная их ПЕСНЯ-ШЕДЕВР...!!
Если есть на свете первозданная красота. В этом клипе Ее показали во всем формате Ее Исторического начала...Просто божественно.
Да, у нас в раше такое не снимут..
Заметьте, в этом клипе нет ни чего искусственного, только профессиональное видео и профессиональная игра музыкантов и вокалиста. А остальное - чистая, созданная Бого природа, еще не тронутая человеком. И это всегда будет нравиться - созданное нашим создателем.
Ashame that Jared leto is incredibly antichrist
Клип в зеленой комнате снимался. Вот и не исскуственое😉. Но согласна, свежо и не морозно на вершине Эвереста
их высадили на настоящем айсберге,который отколот с Арктики и плывет себе,Подобный Титаник разрушил в столкновении,проепали капитан и часовой на мостике....
@@VovkaPu-72 lol
Не важно... Всё супер🎉
Lie awake in bed at night
And think about your life
Do you want to be different?
Try to let go of the truth
The battles of your youth
Cause this is just a game
It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me
It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much just say
Cause this is just a game
It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me
Everyone's looking at me
I'm running around in circles
A quiet desperation's
Building higher
I've got to remember this is just a game
So beautiful, beautiful
(Lie! Lie!)
So beautiful, beautiful
(Lie! Lie!)
It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me
hace falta una parte de la letra, después del minuto 4:30... La tienes?
Perdón, minuto 5:40
Can you tell me the name of the second music?
It's R-Evolve ...shazam help me ☺
I was 16years old when this song was released... now I'm 31...n still in love with all song from 30nd to mars..😊
Im 12 lucky u
I still get chills!!!
yanking on those old nostalgia strings
hell no, I'm in your team willow sage 👌
I sit here thinking the same thing. This band is so underestimated. Every song a seduction into the 30sec abyss. No words. xo
enough. of the joker shit
Christian Gaxiola ygg
One of my favorite songs ever, in my opinion of their best songs.
I like everything n this song: the message, the instrumental accompaniment, clip itself is fascinating and many other things...Thank you 30 sec for such a masterpiece ❤️
Cuando algo tiene muchos años y suena como si fuera de este año, no tiene precio, musica que te llena el alma
30 beautiful seconds to mars.
Queen radio gaga
Um dos videoclipes mais lindos já gravados em toda a história da música.
I have been waiting for his concert since i was a child. Thank you Jared for the amazing concert. Turkey loves you❤
His songs are just brilliant.. what a voice ❤
timeless masterpiece!!
30 seconds to mars was a big part of my adolescence, it influenced my hair style and clothes 🥹, but it also brought me a lot of comfort and joy at various times.
Jared and Shannon, you're an event of great appreciation! ❤
Thank you for sharing with the world what art is, the songs that make the soul and heart vibrate in tune, the videos that are true short film.
thank u so much!! Brazil waits for your return
It's been 10 years and I'm still in love with this song.
Buse Karamanoğlu Türkiyeden takipcileri oldugunu bilmek guzel.
Mr. Tekden Kesinlikle
In my top 10
God I can’t believe this video still doesn’t have 1 billion views. It’s so underrated.
Мне повезло, что мое детство и юность прошли в эпоху расцвета 30 STM, Linkin Park, Avril, Evanescence, Green day и многих многих других. Пусть сейчас все по другому и слушаем другое, но эти песни и эта музыка всегда будет для нас классикой, которую уже никто не сделает лучше.
Я с тобой, чувак✊
всё так и есть, чел. Не слушал их десять лет, а сегодня вдруг решил переслушать всё) и знакомство с этой группой началось у меня с этого клипа и до сих пор мурашки по коже
И меня никто не понимает.
where did the electricity come from
Passam dias, meses, anos e eu ainda estou aqui! Que nostalgia 🖤
Ja nao se faz musica assim
Whenever someone lies about me ,i remember this song , it also motivates me
I love this group so very much! Their music speaks a language to my soul that no one else will ever know. ❤
Reminder: This came out over 10 years ago. The end caption tells us that only 2 years after filming "nearly a fourth of the arctic ice shelf has disappeared." As of last year, the Yale School of the Environment stated that "The polar ice caps are melting six times faster than in the 1990s."
And the sea levels still haven't risen lolll
Climate change is the biggest scam
Tell me something
If you have a glass of water with ice at the top and the water 1cm from the top of the glass...
When the Ice melts does that water overflow????
@@sashmatchbox8437 the issue here is that there is information on both sides of the spectrum that confirms that to some extend is undeniable the fact that we have contributed badly on the polution and the melting of the icecapes, however it seems to be that this is also part of the biological process the earth ungoes every now and then. this subject is heavily influenced by politics as well, that is why we dont come to final conclusion. My personal guess, the answer is in between both of those theories
Climate change is a lie. Stop the lies.
in the last 20,000 years the sea level has risen 120m
in the last 6,000 years the sea level has risen by 2m
@@sashmatchbox8437 Lmao yes? It literally does?? Now take the fact that 40% of the human population lives next to a body of water, and you can see how even the slimmest of overflow, nevermind the fact that sea levels will inevitably rise to 2-3 meters by the end of the century, will massively affect the lives of BILLIONS. And that 2-3 meter estimate is taking an effective climate response into consideration. That number is only going to continue rising with how things are currently going. Jesus, bro. At least get a job with Chevron before you start shilling for them for free.
Still shivering every time hearing this masterpiece. We're close to the end of 2022 tho
Jared is legendary simply for doing what he loves. His acting career led him to things he would champion in his musical career. His music career fueled his ferver to champion more issues most people wouldn't touch for fear it would damage there career. He does what he does for the love of of what he does. And nothing more. Hero for sure...
Según yo, Jared primero cantó en 30stm y luego fue actor 🧐. Lo digo porque así lo viví, primero en la banda y luego en el cine 🤣.
He did music first 😐
30 Seconds to mars was before his acting phase…
Concordo plenamente
@@moonman4914 nah he’s technically right, 30STM was formed in 1998 but they didn’t release their first album until 2002 - but Jared had already been gaining some spotlight from his acting career in Requiem for a Dream in 2000 which was what gave 30STM their initial attention boost!
What an honor to join you guys❤
This was so long ago... this is pure gold.
Lampago it sure was. A decade now. And nothing has changed. If anything it's gotten worse. Idk about you. But I would quickly invest in real estate inland. Before it's too late.
This area of ice probably isn't even there any more.
No he visto otro vídeo igual! O sea que me haya impresionado tanto y la manera en que fue hecha es simplemente sublime y la fotografía ni se diga! El mejor vídeo que haya visto!!
For those wondering, the song played at the end of the video is R-Evolve.
So soulful! 💖 Music at its finest! ✨
En una época con tanta música mala, es un privilegio contar con temas como estos. Esta canción tiene tanta fuerza que aunque pasen los años sigue causando esa pequeña sensación de adrenalina al escucharla a todo volumen. 💙💙
Así mismo. Siento como si fuera ayer, aún me causa la misma sensación.
vuelvo a las canciones de cuando tenia 14 ahora tengo 28 jajaja
verdade verdadeira
Tal cual como tu lo expresas es así amo su música 💙💙✌
Woooww!!! Después de 16 años vuelvo a escuchar este tema y me siento tan fascinada como antes❤ ❤
yo tambien... es una joya!
Капец,как давно я не слушал эту песню,но она все ещё очень КРУТАЯ!👍🏻👍🏻
О Русскоговорящий
Да. Иногда смотрят))))
О да) С 5 лет слушаю))
Имхо, если песня крутая, то она всегда такой будет. Хоть через 10 лет, хоть через 100...
Claro eso mismo
i remember i wrote an essay about this song and video in highschool. these guys have always been ahead of their time
I wish ALL artists could be worried about issues like that, singers like michael jackson, 30stm, rise against and others who care about human kind, deserves more support. Those are very special people
Where's Muse?
And Starset, don't forget Starset.
+Sailor Thug don't forget about sugafree
rise against is specially underrated
Yep, Michael Jackson was really worried about the childrens, we should support his music 😒
Love it love it such a great message for everyone and every generation to come. They need to see this song and believe what can happen if Nature is GONE forever!
Im glad i found this band. Every songs hit my heart
Glad I grew up able to buy the cds. 30S to mars will never go out of style. One of a kind band. 🤟🏽🙌🏼
Back in the days when they still used to rock. Miss their old style so much.
hey this is new rock look up ozzy
I agree with the fact that all the bands are changing with the time but I really really miss that old kind of music... I miss that version of 30 seconda to mars...
It is February 2023 and yes I am still watching and LISTENING! This voice, this guy is just too good to be true...
Too bad the message is also a lie. Beautiful voice and looks. But its just Gretta Thunburg again. Wish he would sing about something awesome, not bullshit climate change crap. I am being sincere, awesome voice. I just don't like the message.
This is heartbreaking…and true. If it was that bad then, can you imagine how their way of living has been impacted since? I admire them using their platform to bring awareness to us. I just wish more people took the opportunity to listen, truly listen, and act on change 💔
Came here after listening to a bunch of songs from they new album... Let's just leave it in "it's not my cup of tea", I get that time passes and artists change but I can't help thinking how much I wish they still made music and videos like this... My lord and r-evolve at the end of the video, this was just perfect, going to miss you 30stm :')
OMG tysm for the name of the final song...
Зачем так красиво, если я могу поставить только один лайк?
Муражки до сих пор от этого трека,от этой группы до трека Hurricane,до сих пор переслушиваю,музыка моего детства,боже это так круто 🤘🤘🤘Выносите меня четверо
Зачем четверо хватит и одного
Great band playing a great song on a great place filmed with great cameras by great crew 👏