I’m lost

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 116

  • @Sariniiiiiiii
    @Sariniiiiiiii 3 месяца назад +103

    Ferdi my love, you often speak about how awake you are, how much further awake then most of the people. I always wonder why? Why is it so relevant for you to mention it?
    For me it seems like mama aya put your feets back on the ground. And we‘re happy to have you here. Ready to connect on the same vibration. Please don’t bypass people anymore by saying they just need to catch up. For real connection there are two people needed, coming together, meeting the other person where they are.
    We don’t need you as a lonely leader, high up up in the sky, convinced that nobody is on his Level. We need you as a member of Community. We‘re here on earth, with open arms. We know you are amazing, but we‘re also willing to hold you, co-create and care for each other. You‘re loved here, simply and plainly, but fully and completly. Hugs🫂💜

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +13

      Wow 😮 so well said 😍 thank you 🤝🫂❤️ means a lot a lot to be actually seen so much 💓

    • @kimberlytaylor7216
      @kimberlytaylor7216 3 месяца назад +2

      schön gesagt

    • @oliviasteinitz6735
      @oliviasteinitz6735 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@vegains❤didn't listen to your podcast yet, but already feeling it all. Sarini..wonderful said. And we also need to appreciate all the vibration before!! All that lead to this point ! If we hide and don't allow "negativity"..if we only seak a "happy place"..excitement... "light", the "other side" also gets "bigger"... so the tendency to play, to find joy and allow "only high vibrations".. was a beautiful beautiful wise choice of the all knowing soul.... because it lead also to our "dark corners"... to things we wanna run away from.. All that was and all that is, is sooo precious and meant to be..so intelligent..life and our souls don't make mistakes.. Everything "before" and everything now was and is always perfect and the perfect preparing of our next development step❤❤❤. I appreciate all of your self Ferdi..all your vulnerability..all your drive towards positivity..being open ..showing your current self.. over and over again. We are never a failure.. we are never "wrong".. we are all here to learn and to recognize ourselves in the other..to accept ourselves and the "other". Much love to all of us.. we are doing it really really good 🙏🏼.. time to celebrate all our darkness and light..because they are equal precious and worth to be loved . Thanks Ferdi for being you.

    • @yolandadawson8344
      @yolandadawson8344 3 месяца назад +2


  • @theblackdeadinlove
    @theblackdeadinlove 3 месяца назад +24

    Lieber ferdi, ich finde es super gut das du dich selbst hinterfragst und erkannt hast das du dein ego mit der spirituellen welt verbunden hast. Ich hoffe du erkennst auch das deine alten freunde auch diesen Trugschluss verfallen sind, zietlow, luca, sarah sind leider perfekte Beispiele, fur diesen Egoismus in der spirituellen Scene. Gerade das highest excitement und human Design geben die perfekte Vorlage, sich besser als andere zu fühlen. Nicht vergessen diese menschen machen auch Geld mit falschen Heilversprechen, so sehr sind die im ego gefangen.
    Und was angeblich pflanzliche Medizin betrifft, vergiss nicht das auch pflanzen töten können und du bei keiner droge ganz genau weißt was da drin ist. ( Es sei den, sie ist wissenschaftlich geprüft worden)
    Renn nicht mehr vor deinen problemen in Deutschland weg. Stell dich der angst, versuche eine wissenschaftliche fundierte therapie. Ich hab 15jahre gebraucht um zu verstehen warum ich so traurig bin, keine gefuhle zeigen kann, instabil und alles abbreche. Meine Traumatherapie hat mir unendlich geholfen, seit 15jahren kann ich wieder aufatmen und genau das gleiche kannst du auch schaffen. Schicke dir digitale Umarmungen ♥️🫂

  • @Ahorn-ou5pw
    @Ahorn-ou5pw 3 месяца назад +56

    This is the First Podcast where I felt like you showed your true soul without Ego, Trust me you will feel better, what is meant to be will be ❤

  • @onryo4142
    @onryo4142 3 месяца назад +47

    But my brother, I think, the trip having felt so horrible for you that, at one point, you wanted to kill yourself, shows that your mental health is not stable enough, and you should further work on it.
    Are you sure, you had a bad trip because you were too awake?
    Isn’t it possible, that you have too many unresolved psychological imbalances that just came to surface through the drug?
    Maybe, you could do a video on all your symptoms and complains.
    Your fans are here to support you!
    Wish you all the best and fast recovery 🙏

  • @adiohead
    @adiohead 3 месяца назад +20

    Ayahuasca basically locks you in a cell with all your bad memories and forces you to deal with them. I think it can be a good thing but the real breakthrough is dealing with it and moving forward.
    Forget all the "vibrations" and spiritual nonsense. Just be a good person and live the life you want. Don't let anyone hold you back and don't get into a state of stockholm syndrome and feel you have to stay connected to people who aren't good for you.

  • @m_Ella1604
    @m_Ella1604 3 месяца назад +18

    Das war meiner Meinung nach dein bester Podcast. Ich konnte dich sehen und fühlen. Danke fürs teilen! ☺️

  • @klausleber6178
    @klausleber6178 3 месяца назад +25

    Der schwere Teil wird sein diese Erkenntnis nicht langsam verblassen zu lassen und in deinen Altag zu integrieren

  • @HobbitSanne
    @HobbitSanne 3 месяца назад +38

    Wow, der Moment wenn man erkennt das Gebete erhört werden ...unbezahlbar!
    Ich hatte in den letzten Monaten solche Probleme mit dir und deinem Ego, dass ich gezwungen war, dir auf Insta zu entfolgen. Da ich die Connection zu dir nicht ganz abbrechen wollte, behielt ich die Abos hier auf YT aufrecht und hab auch einige deiner Vlogs gesehen.
    Es tat mir extrem weh zu erleben wie du dich immer mehr isoliertest und grade in Richtung Julian viel Hass verbreitet hattest. Es war ganz bestimmt nicht ok, das Julian Brittney und dich attackierte aber der Hass, der danach von euch kam, später dann auch von dir alleine, war für mich nicht mehr zu ertragen. Ich konnte in all dem einfach nicht mehr den Ferdi sehen, der voller Liebe, voller Gefühle war und sich freuen und auch spielen konnte wie ein kleiner Junge.
    Du hast Julian ausgelacht wegen seinem "Ich bin Gott Wahn" aber Ferdi, dem warst auch du völlig verfallen. Du stelltest dich, oft unbewusst, selber auf ein Podest, wo ich dir einfach nicht mehr folgen konnte. Ich weiß das mag jetzt albern klingen aber mein Glaube hat mir schon vor langer Zeit deutlich gemacht, dass wir Alle Eins sind. Niemand ist besser oder wichtiger als der Andere, da wir Alle ein winziger Teil von etwas viel Größerem sind. Ich betete dafür, dass du das erkennen solltest und, so hoffe ich zumindest, hast du das nun erkannt. Wir sind hier, in dieser Timeline, und wir sollten für einander da sein und helfen in den Möglichkeiten die uns gegeben sind. Das Leben würde so viel leichter sein, wenn wir Alle aus der Liebe heraus handeln würden und nicht aus Angst. Mir zb hilft es immer mich zu fragen: was würde Jesus jetzt tun? Grade in Momenten wenn ich spüre das es Angst ist die mich leiten will, stelle ich mir diese Frage und erhalte oft sofort eine Antwort aus der Liebe und agiere oder reagiere dann danach. Wie auch jetzt .... ich bin für dich da! Solltest du mal in Berlin sein und eine mollige Frau dich anspricht und fragt ob sie dich mal umarmen darf, dann werde ich es vermutlich sein.
    Ich sende dir ganz viel Liebe und Vertrauen denn ich bin überzeugt davon, dass du nun auf dem Weg zu dir selbst bist und damit auch zu uns. Herzlich Willkommen zurück!

  • @DebbieB.-gt2em
    @DebbieB.-gt2em 3 месяца назад +11

    ferdi amore ❤️ was für ein video!! 💥🙏 ich habe mit dir geweint. 😭 danke von herzen für dein teilen, deine verletzlichkeit und deine ehrlichkeit. das erste mal wo ich fühle, dass du nicht unerreichbar bist. halleluja - für ein geschenk. ich folge dir schon seit einer ewigkeit und noch nie habe ich mich dir so nah, verbunden und auf augenhöhe gefühlt. ich glaube genau auf dieser ebene wirst du mehr und mehr vom hate befreit werden. te quiero hermanito. ich wünschte ich wäre jetzt bei dir, in gedanken bin ichs. ❤️❤️❤️

  • @mikeskylark1594
    @mikeskylark1594 3 месяца назад +10

    This podcast is a handbook on various Psychiatric phenomenons

  • @max.432.h
    @max.432.h 3 месяца назад +7

    Thank you❤️ Strong! I see you Brother, cried with you.
    Most authentic podcast from you🌱

  • @Rockaholiker
    @Rockaholiker 3 месяца назад +1

    Dieses Video hat meine Meinung zu dir um 180 ° ins positive Zurück-gedreht. Höchsten Respekt, wie ehrlich du bist und deine verletzliche Seite zeigst! Das ist eine Inspiration für mich. Deine demütige Seite hat mich sehr berührt und musste mit dir mitweinen. Ich hoffe sehr dass du durch einen Dopamin-Entzug schaffst wieder dir selbst näher zu kommen und die neue Weisheit integrierst 🙏
    Viel Liebe und alles Gute für die nächste Zeit. Zögere nicht Abstand zur Öffentlichkeit zu nehmen um dir selbst näher zu kommen 😊

  • @sissy1764
    @sissy1764 3 месяца назад +8

    Hey Ferdi, thank you for sharing. I learn a lot from your expierences. Feels more authentic when you are truly in your emotions. Much love✨

  • @tcoolowski
    @tcoolowski 3 месяца назад +8

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience and your emotions with us. I see you and I feel you. I'm also so thankful because I feel so moved, kinda grounded and kinda heart-opened at the same time with this podcast. Taking deep breaths and kinda getting a clear vision of what's really important in this timeline. Since this episode gave so much to me and I'm for sure not the only one, everything will eventually be balanced out and I bet you will continue to also experience so so much love and clearness. 💜🐋

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +2

      I love this 🥰 and your comments in general mean so much to me ❤️

    • @tcoolowski
      @tcoolowski 3 месяца назад

      @@vegains ✨️🥰✨️

  • @bunteninawelt
    @bunteninawelt 3 месяца назад +2

    Ich bin wirklich sehr beeindruckt und geflasht. Vieles was du sagst, hätte ich nie von dir zuhören erwartet. Auf mich macht es den Eindruck, dass du wirkich zu DIR findest. Ich fühle dich wieder ♥

  • @GreenSeppel
    @GreenSeppel 3 месяца назад +7

    Hey Ferdi, we are in there with you! We are all trapped by our ego in one way or another because the world is demanding one form of ego to participate in it. Noone can say that he or she truly surpassed it. Lets make peace with our egos together, as you proposed so kindly! Thank you for your humble and reflected words. Love!

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +1

      Well said 🖤🤍

  • @Paula-r6v
    @Paula-r6v 3 месяца назад +4

    Thank you for sharing. I felt you so deeply and am seeing you so deeply. I'm sending you all the love and you will get through it. Letting yourself feel it all is so strong and beautiful and needed. ❤️

  • @laurallamosasss
    @laurallamosasss 3 месяца назад +6

    Wow Ferdi, I just want to give you a looong hug! I want thank you for all your sharings of your journey, it helps me sooo much and inspires me in so many ways! You‘re so powerfull showing yourself so vulnerable and transparent. I’m very exited for you to ground yourself, integrate and feel more! We got your back🧡🌞⚛️

  • @Nephthy666
    @Nephthy666 3 месяца назад +5

    This is the most relatable I’ve ever felt with you. Sending you so much love and hugs and prayers ❤❤

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +1


  • @communit
    @communit 3 месяца назад +9

    I really feel you and your pain as I'm going through a similar situation.. it makes me cry as you opened your heart. Thank you so much to show you voulnerabe.. I really wish for you, for us, for everyone who doesn't feel that home to create this feeling on our own without beeing in need to have someone. And on the same time I wish for everyone to be hold and experience this time line in best companie in a good balance. ☀️☀️☀️💖❣️💓

  • @dannnehmichnix
    @dannnehmichnix 3 месяца назад +7

    Tolle insights, thanks for sharing ❤
    Echte Liebe wird niemals enden, auch wenn ihr vielleicht nicht mehr Zeit als Paar zusammen verbringen werdet. Vielleicht hilft dir diese Gewissheit

  • @tsmrg
    @tsmrg 3 месяца назад +6

    Your growth is really visible in this video. I‘ve seen this within you for a while and I ran into the same trap on my spiritual path. In my case it was an encounter with Jesus that humbled me to the ground, although I‘m not a christian or religious by any means. He made me feel the underlying truth of oneness and love that connects us all that completely destroyed the belief of being „better than“. Love seeing your growth!! We‘re all in this together ✨

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +1


  • @klausleber6178
    @klausleber6178 3 месяца назад +14

    Humble/ demütig zu sein ist attraktiv

  • @weintrinken1745
    @weintrinken1745 3 месяца назад +4

    Du bekommst nichts, was du nicht aushalten kannst 🙏🏻 Du schaffst das ✨

  • @katalinstappenbeck9107
    @katalinstappenbeck9107 3 месяца назад +17

    Wow, I‘m impressed, that sounds like a huge breakthrough for you. Being kind and loving also appeared for me as the most important thing in life. Didn‘t know Ayahuasca is so powerful!

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks 😊

  • @dawidislive
    @dawidislive 3 месяца назад +9

    Honest & vulnerable! Thanks ❤

  • @fourtyfiveish
    @fourtyfiveish 3 месяца назад +6

    Danke Bro… hat mich sehr berührt… danke fürs teilen 💚 du bist wundervoll 🤗

  • @92Simon
    @92Simon 3 месяца назад +7

    "We are all the same. We're all this lost chidlren, we're all so lost and just on earth doing the best they can and everyone is doing the best they can from a place to be loved."
    Lov u bruh

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +1


  • @jonathansenpai
    @jonathansenpai 3 месяца назад +3

    much love brother ❤️ I’m happy for you for this course correction experience or as I like to call it Realitätsschelle 🙏🏽 I see you and I hold you 👁️ can‘t wait to eventually meet you in the timeline one day 🔥also big respect for showing yourself so volnurable 💪🏽

  • @Malina0901
    @Malina0901 3 месяца назад +1

    I'm so glad to see the real Ferdi. Thank you for being open, vulnerable and honest. I'm also glad you've had the chance to apologise and speak to Britnee. ❤ I was feeling her so much and I was close to unfollowing you because I didn't see you anymore. Glad that you're back again. ❤

  • @jessicalouis2982
    @jessicalouis2982 3 месяца назад +3

    I have so much respect for you sharing your expirience in such a raw and unfiltered way. Thank you, so much leranings in this video for every single one watching it.
    I feel like i want to tell you this: Bring yourself home. Before you can bring us home, you gotta do it for yourself. Home isn't Britnee. Home can never be someone or something outside of you. You are your home. What you are searching for all these years was always inside of you. You asked why would creation do that. Creation didn't created this scenario, YOU did. Actually your higher self. Why ? Maybe to show you that although you are so concious already, you still haven't found home in yourself. You think you found it in Britnee. So if i were your higher self, making it impossible for you to be with her and instead guide you to find home in yourself (which you can't when you are in a relationship) would be a perfect way to go😉
    Just my humble opinion with lots of love.

  • @kathilang8014
    @kathilang8014 3 месяца назад +3

    Iam so proud of your process and what you recognized trough the medicine process.
    I see you so much Ferdi, I was on the same process last year and the medicine showed me the way❤.
    I see you, I love you and you are not alone . Iam going trough a same relationship break up and it hurts me so much because on a soul level I know we are for each other.
    You are not alone!

    @HUMAN-DESIGN-DANIEL-BAYER 3 месяца назад +2

    Fühl ich! Danke, dass du deine Erfahrung mit uns teilst.

  • @simonsays525
    @simonsays525 3 месяца назад +11

    What you experienced is common for men. You use the word "spiritual consciousness" and I use the word "analytical mind," the thinking mind. The world is now ruled by people stuck in their thoughts, judging the world and others as right and wrong, good and bad. But in my view that is only a superficial level of spirituality. It's an intellectual knowing, but not an embodied level of knowing. The real work is to come into the body, embrace the emotional space, and allow oneself to truly feel and be with what is there without bypassing it by going into the analytical mind and trying to "figure it out." It's scary, especially considering the fact that men are conditioned not to feel fear, sadness, or even confusion. Our fucked up society teaches men AND women that men are to be without emotion, without vulnerability. But that is not true. And the work of a real man is to be able to be himself, in full vulnerability, even when other judge him, and find acceptance for himself as he is. Little by little, as we sit with our emotional experience, we grow in our self-trust to be with what is. And the more we trust ourselves to hold whatever arises in us, the more we can hold what is going on for others. Love you brother Ferdi

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +2

      Wow 😮 so so well said 🥰🐀🥰 deeply resonates 🙏 Thank you for sharing 💕

  • @waxhero8878
    @waxhero8878 3 месяца назад +17

    Jetzt hat er mal gesehen, was man von außen schon so lange sieht.
    War teilweise schon sehr cringe wie du dich selbst erhöht hast. Hoffe, du machst was draus. Sei du selbst.

  • @Komisch011
    @Komisch011 3 месяца назад +7

    Ich fühle dich wieder.
    Danke dafür

  • @ChroniclesofLIfe-n4b
    @ChroniclesofLIfe-n4b 3 месяца назад +4

    thx for sharing this. Knowing too much really isnt fun. after a deep meditation I got an answer for every question i asked in my mind in like one second and trust me its fucking disturbing while being human. discovering things and exploring the unknown is what makes us, what makes the juice of life.

  • @asiaboo87
    @asiaboo87 3 месяца назад +4

    I do really resonate with this message, thank you!

  • @andreas5029
    @andreas5029 3 месяца назад +4

    Hey Ferdi, thank you so much for your sharing! I really appreciate how honest and raw you shared what you went through ❤ also how you expressed your emotions! It all comes back to being together in whatever it is whats happening 🫂 You have given me so much in so many different ways and I want to give that back to you! Probably in January I‘ll be back on the island and I want to be more in our tribe again! And live it and cocreate it. I love you Bro ❤

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +1

      I love you brother 🫂

    • @carinaandrea5799
      @carinaandrea5799 3 месяца назад +1

      Everybody told ya in the comments etc. I am a psychologists and I saw that you just wanna walk away from all negative experiences in your life. That's why you built your ego, otherwise you wouldn't have survived in your family...poor you, face your emotions

  • @moonwalker2023
    @moonwalker2023 3 месяца назад +4

    Wow, was crying with you… Ganz viel Liebe Ferdi❤

  • @Swish_Beatz
    @Swish_Beatz 3 месяца назад +4

    Woaw was ein Podcast! Danke fürs teilen! ❤️‍🔥💯🙏🏼🔥🫶🏼✌🏼✨

  • @erin5850
    @erin5850 3 месяца назад +3

    You admit you are lost, yet still say how “awake” you are. I was also lost, and when I knew I needed help, God filled this void of confusion. I pray you find this answer. I was also a truth seeker, and when all else was exhausted and I was left empty and sick of my actions, that is when I found Jesus, or when he found me. He can help you be the man you want to be, and give you so much peace.
    “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

  • @janar9285
    @janar9285 3 месяца назад +7

    ❤❤❤❤❤ you are going to be ok. Wonderful Ferdi

  • @Rafaelllo679
    @Rafaelllo679 3 месяца назад +6

    Wonderful podcast. Maybe in the end the highest excitment of human beings is to connect with others and to feel needed by others rather than to talk with ailiens…

  • @biancafinkel
    @biancafinkel 3 месяца назад +2

    Ja du hast natürlich damit Recht und Erdung ist super wichtig aber ich denke ein Ego zu haben ist wichtig. In der Spirituelle-Blase wird das oft nicht so gerne gesehen wobei auch hier ich eine Änderung feststellen kann. Wir sind Menschen und da gehört ein Ego dazu sonst würden wir nicht weit kommen als Menschen. Das Ding ist, dass die meisten ein verletztes Ego haben und dementsprechend handeln. Aber ich fände es schade wenn du jetzt nur noch Menschen-Dinge machst und nicht mehr dein Alien-Stuff 😊 vllt nicht ein entweder oder sondern eher ein sowohl als auch.. ❤

  • @monokam6007
    @monokam6007 3 месяца назад +6

    Weinen ohne Tränen konnte Julian Z auch immer gut. Alle wegen der Egozentrik verletzten und dann rumheulen. Britnee stay strong you are worth so much more

  • @linaw.6991
    @linaw.6991 3 месяца назад

    Kannst du vielleicht die Information weitergeben, bei welchen Anbieter/ Gruppe du an solch einer Zeremonie teilgenommen hast? Ich suche mein Leben lang schon nach Antworten auf die Dinge, die mir widerfahren sind und habe einen starken Drang, dieses Erlebnis eine Zeremonie In diesem Leben mitzunehmen.
    Danke schon mal für das Video und die Antwort ❤️🙏

    • @linaw.6991
      @linaw.6991 3 месяца назад

      Mich hat das alles sehr berührt, was du alles erfahren konntest und wie du dein Leben reflektieren konntest. Ich kann auch sehr zustimmen, dass ich dieses spirituelle Ego habe und ich versuche es mir auch ab zu trainieren. Ich würde gerne wissen, was ich in bestimmten Beziehungen hätte besser machen können.

    • @linaw.6991
      @linaw.6991 3 месяца назад

      Wir kommen einfach wirklich seit 40 Minuten die Tränen, Weil ich das teilweise sehr gut nachempfinden kann, wenn man Flashbacks hat mit den ganzen Emotionen von vielen Erinnerungen. Ich hatte das mal, als ich hawaiianische Holzrose konsumiert hatte. Das war sehr intensiv, aber nur die Light-Version Von dem, was du erzählst.

  • @angelahecht6623
    @angelahecht6623 3 месяца назад +1

    Wo ist Celine? Sie hat doch auch die Zeremonie mit Dir gemacht?

  • @flowrian11.11
    @flowrian11.11 3 месяца назад +4

    Stark wie du alles hier teilst

  • @shabsash4167
    @shabsash4167 3 месяца назад +3

    English at last!! Been waiting!!!

  • @TheSoulInspired
    @TheSoulInspired 3 месяца назад +1

    This was amazing and shows so many similarities to the near death Experiences I interview. Such a raw testimony!! ✨🙌

  • @hanepi
    @hanepi 3 месяца назад +2

    Keep building Ferdi emotionally and spiritually! 💖🌸

  • @naimacassezporquet8796
    @naimacassezporquet8796 3 месяца назад +2

    Thank you to do an english podcast. I think it was really necessary. ❤

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +1


  • @PsyAnalysis
    @PsyAnalysis 3 месяца назад +4

    i waited for this point in the timeline - in great antizipation. do the past weeks now all make sense? the reason you got close to celine? the reason for flying so high, while feeling all those feels? you are getting there my brother

  • @vikiisvvelt2970
    @vikiisvvelt2970 3 месяца назад +2

    Ich kann dich sehen, mit dir fühlen und weinen ❤️

  • @Nephthy666
    @Nephthy666 3 месяца назад +4

    So grateful you’re doing this in English.

  • @einekuhmachtmuh
    @einekuhmachtmuh 3 месяца назад +3

    Wow respekt für diesen schritt

  • @benamitchell
    @benamitchell 3 месяца назад +1

    Sending love brother ❤️ we have your back

  • @RAKi1981
    @RAKi1981 3 месяца назад +3

    Oh ja, die Zeremonie hat dir echt verdammt gut getan Ferdi🫶

  • @eric_agner
    @eric_agner 3 месяца назад +7


    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +1


  • @Andreas-kj6rc
    @Andreas-kj6rc 3 месяца назад +1

    🎉 Nice Ferdie, keep it up! Let's hope you can make things right again with Britnee. 🎉

  • @AsselKinissova
    @AsselKinissova 3 месяца назад +10

    Sending you love ❤❤❤

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +1


  • @tostr5231
    @tostr5231 3 месяца назад +3

    Wow wow wow 🤯 thank you 🙏 ❤

  • @369scsy
    @369scsy 3 месяца назад +5

    Endlich 🤍

  • @klausleber6178
    @klausleber6178 3 месяца назад +3


  • @karolyn63
    @karolyn63 3 месяца назад +1

    Lost and found.

  • @emmanuelsylvain
    @emmanuelsylvain 3 месяца назад +3

    Don't cry babe...😢
    Take care of yourself ❤️‍🩹🙏

    • @monsterslush
      @monsterslush 3 месяца назад +17

      I would explain it different, like, please cry, there isn't more selfcare than allowing yourself to cry.

  • @danielh2755
    @danielh2755 3 месяца назад +1

    ❤❤❤ much love for this ❤❤❤

  • @auf-wachen
    @auf-wachen 3 месяца назад +4

    ahoy 🤍

  • @Isi659
    @Isi659 3 месяца назад +3


  • @julirodriguez83
    @julirodriguez83 3 месяца назад +4

    💪🏼🫶❤ I got your back Ferdi❤

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +1


  • @youtuberaphaell
    @youtuberaphaell 3 месяца назад +10

    progress 👑

    • @vegains
      @vegains  3 месяца назад +2

      Thank you 🥰

  • @zoezander2513
    @zoezander2513 3 месяца назад +2

  • @evakafa2284
    @evakafa2284 3 месяца назад +15

    Bin sehr froh, dass du am Boden der Realität angekommen bist. Mitleid gibt's keines, du warst einfach zu lange auf diesem Ego-Trip und hast genug Menschen mit diesem blödsinnigen "Follow your highest excitement" verletzt. Hoffentlich hat das jetzt ein Ende.

  • @arankaschoen
    @arankaschoen 3 месяца назад


  • @carinaandrea5799
    @carinaandrea5799 3 месяца назад +18

    Finally, your ego was disgusting

  • @klausleber6178
    @klausleber6178 3 месяца назад +2

    You spoke more fluent and it was way easier to understand you

  • @monsterslush
    @monsterslush 3 месяца назад +13

    You didn't hurt her, she was hurt long time before in her life. You only stepped on spots on her mindfield/minefield.
    Even if you (?) did brake the use-condom rule.
    It shouldn't cause such a drama in stable minded partners. And so much guilt and restrictions in you, also with other topics the last years.
    Here the universal explanation we all know deep down:
    So these spots are where she dosen't love her self yet. Spots where she unconsciously judges/blames her self. But when triggered, her safty system goes on (fight, flight, fteeze, fawn). She uses fight and blames you in the same way she unconciously do it to herself. That seems unfair.
    For you like walking on eggshells.
    Some call it toxic relationship.
    But its only the often observed facts of programmed biology / psychology.
    Which had it sense in the past, to protect her young self from bad influences in imprinting phase.
    The fighters are more obvious and dramatic, harder to handle and easier to hate than freezers/flighters.
    The rootcause of all 4 is the same: lack of specific spots in selflove.
    The thing with feighters is, they crate so much bias and inequity, that it causes so much feelings which can be mistaken for personal love.
    This ist because here with bias the universe kicks in with its laws:
    The longing to heal the unaligned and bring it back to the frequency of the universe.
    Which people who are connected feel as a need to do. Especially when meeting the opposite sex, the longing is often mixed with love to the person which is realy meant to for the universe.
    That feels hard for you right know to get remembered you can't relay your source of love on other than the universe, which is everywhere in and out of you.
    As better you are connected to the universe, the harder cases you get. Liftig soul wights. 💪
    Also it lets you train also harder on your own spots.
    You will let go the toxic part of the relationship, if her fight attacks don't let trigger and restricts you anymore.
    But if you want a more relaxed life, search for a women who is more relaxed, fun and humorous when triggered on her mindfields.
    Let the universe decide...✨❤️

    • @CrazyFriendzZz
      @CrazyFriendzZz 3 месяца назад +10

      I feel like you should neither tell ferdi what to do and "what kind of woman to search", nor should you describe in detail what you think is "wrong" about Brittnee or in which parts she's "too hurt" in your opinion. That's not fair and not right. It's for these two to figure it out. Figure out where their wounds and where their blessings are, whether they want to work on things together and find common agreements or not. Not your place to judge! ❤

    • @adiohead
      @adiohead 3 месяца назад +1

      @@CrazyFriendzZz But you're judging, and now I'm judging. It's ok to judge, imo.

    • @monsterslush
      @monsterslush 3 месяца назад +1

      Hi thanks for critics ❤️,
      So you mean like it's also not your place to judge me?!1! And tell me what to say and think?!1!!
      Maybe I feel treated unfair by you and it's rather uncomfortable to me.
      But I'm greatfull that you did judge me and tell me what you think about my behavior. So I can learn.
      In pursuit of seeking the truth, we have to be able to speak freely what we think and share things with each other to grow.
      We can't fully control not hurting each other. Truth hurts, but let us evolve.
      I think, in view of that cognitive bias, you maybe were hurt or disagreeing with the content of my text to this couple? Which I try to hold more generalistic to point out it's not only their topic, but a general human problem in our scociety. ❤

    • @monsterslush
      @monsterslush 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@adioheadthank you for holding it short. I was playing the Jordan Peterson on Cathy Newman Card.😅

    • @anneliesepaule5871
      @anneliesepaule5871 3 месяца назад

      Such a bullshit comment.

  • @misspattex
    @misspattex 3 месяца назад +2

    Thank you for sharing your insights and emotional state. I know the phrase: It's about losing. So I think it's good if you feel lost at the moment :) Everything comes, everything goes 🤍

  • @yasetula
    @yasetula 3 месяца назад +2