Commentors are embarrassing. I know they are Americans but come on man. Novak is the greatest Tennis player to ever walk the Earth, show some respect. The GOAT in our time. We are blessed just to get watch Novak.
It really bothered me that by the last set no one was cheering for Novak. Even with no noticeable support in the crowd he STILL came out on top. As an American, I will proudly admit that he's in my top 2 favorite players, Novak and Theim❤❤ love them.
i actually don’t think the kid was cocky.. that’s the problem with this generation of kids.. they don’t take it to the old guys… When Andre played Jimmy … he wanted to wipe him on the floor..
Before the match, the media was hyping Shelton's cannonball serves, those so-called cannonballs thudded in semi, that's what happened when Shelton played someone who is way above his level, this kid needed to eat his humble pie.
I could only laugh at the commentators. They were so partial. "Djokovic screams cause he's feeling unconfortable", I think he screamed cause he had to play against a brat. The gesture at the ends says it all. Brat Shelton's got talent but he's got humbled down this time, with the same gesture he shown after defeating Tiafoe. Too cocky.
I doubt the kid is humbled at all. Still gave Djokovic a death stare at the handshake. Obviously his cocky attitude has been rewarded his whole life. He wont change anytime soon
@@JohnProphMereceu. No início do segundo set , Shelton ao ganhar um ponto difícil , gritou na lateral da quadra , olhando p Nole , com o dedo p baixo e disse:" aqui quem manda sou eu". Nole mostrou quem mandava. Tommy Paul adorou q Nole desligou o telefone. Shelton fez isso com todos!
Exactly, Shelton got too much doggone antics, he got spanked. And on top of that, his dad wants to open his mouth and criticize the GOAT for hanging up the phone at the end. He needs to sit down !! Well done Djokovic, I enjoyed how you focused on the match throughout without all the antics. Bravo
The disdain is noticeable from these two commentators. all tournament, I don’t know if it’s because of his past behaviors but they seem to find ways to take subtle jabs at Novak after almost every point. Glad Novak won this match and hope Carrillo and Arias stay salty.
Yeah, they were definitely biased towards Shelton. Even saying "I know he's probably not going to win the match but can I have dinner with the Sheltons?". Congrats Novak.
Commentators are very disrespectful would have been better if they just shut up. Novak is the GOAT accept it and stop pumping up Shelton his behaviour through the whole tournament has been bratty to say the least. Humility and respect goes a long way.
And Djokovic is so humble himself...yeah, not. Djokovic fans find every excuse in the book for their idol. What Novak did at the end of the match was beyond rude. He wonders why nobody likes him, but he's his own worst enemy. Disgusting.
@@calebcrawford2520Mostrou para Shelton como esse gesto é desrespeitoso. Shelton aprendeu e não fez mais. Shelton fez isso com todos os jogadores que venceu. Ainda em quadra fez o gesto para Djokovic , com o dedo mostrando a quadra e dizendo : " aqui quem manda sou eu". Djokovic mostrou quem mandava.
What happened the first time Novak played Federer. And do you remember what he said after he retired from match against Roddick? Youth will get no where if they are afraid of those who came before them.
@@SterlingSandersShelton is 20 here and Djokovic is 36... Djokovic didnt retire in his 1st meeting agaisnt Federer you are waffling...Djokovic retired in their 8th meeting so you are so waffling its not even funny... Djokovic lost 2-1 and Nole was 18 then while Federer was 24 in their 1st match...
@@Vojkan2000 I see, you have a trouble reading, so you lack the ability to understand a point: Djokovic was well speculated early in his career to use "medical timeouts," as a tactic, when he was losing a match, to shift momentum, and has a history full of sketchy match retirements / walkovers for matches he was losing. Both of those tactics are far more deceptive, controversial, and disrespectful than being excited to win points against one of the GOATs. My *point* is that, Novak grew into an incredibly stronger tennis player than he was in his youth with maturity. Judging them early because you don't like their style, their "antics," (even Federer had anger issues) or their personality often does a disservice to their potential in the game of Tennis. It's ok to enjoy the show without the need for speculation and unnecessary judgment.
@@SterlingSanders Djokovic didn't take a medical timeout when he played Federer the 1st time. Nice way to be sly and try to take a dig. Djokovic is the GOAT. Nobody cares about what you're talking about when he was 18.
What Shelton can learn from playing the GOAT is that you not only have to win a (v high pressure) tennis match, you also have to play ( _and win_) against the media/ the journalists/ the commentators, you also have to play against the crowd ( not necessarily this one of course - more like Wimbledon 2014, 2019 etc. ) and finally against yourself. When you've done all that and come out on top then , and only maybe then, he can act like he did.
What you can learn from watching this match is that Novak is not the GOAT and had Ben been humble he could have beaten Novak but Ben like the entire field is a weak inconsistent player and a symbol of today's tennis!
These commentators should be disqualified (if there is such thing). Truly disgusting... And the hostility on Shelton's face and in his behavior throughout the entire match was unbelievable. Don't remember him ever behaving that way toward any other opponent. 😮
Believe it or not, the reality is that kind of politics just like you mentioned about these commentators is perpetrated by the West toward Serbia for the past 30+ years.
yup, that kid is beyond arrogant and full of himself. He is straight up cocky with a foul attitude. I have been watching tennis for decades, and what he showed with not confidence, but arrogance with dumb antics when he wins a point. That is NOT confidence, it is annoying !
these commentators are so terrible. dont thex realise how sheloton loses soo badly... they kept praising him. this kid is soo far away from alcaraz still!!!
@@chensien75 Its ok they paid it all back to him with interest . Every tennis fan knows Novak is the GOAT and is really on 26 GS already even 27 if you count Wimbledon 2020.
@@unowen7591 That gesture of Novak hanging up the phone on Shelton never gets old. I'm playing it on repeat. For those who dislike Novak and support Shelton, it’s childish. For us who love Novak, this is extremely entertaining. He got back at him for all of Shelton’s disrespect throughout the entire match!
After watching Alcaraz media conference after losing to Medvedev... You can clearly see in the video the difference between ALCARAZ and SHELTON. Alcaraz is definitely better than Shelton but Alcaraz is humble. He knows what he lacks in his game and he acknowledges that. He also knows he is not mature enough and he knows what he needs to improve in his game. Shelton on the other hand during his interview when he lost to Djokovic...he only gives us excuses and other reasons for his loss. He was cocky in his game and he was overall arrogant. Hahahahaha!
They are paid presstitutes and got the memo that anti vax and Russia connected Novaxx is not to be treated fairly. The US is owned and controlled by the most evil cockroaches on the planet, and it shows in every facet of US policy and in any medium sized and larger organization or company. They are complete sellouts.
US tennis is a piece of joke... 20 years on and all they know how to raise is yet another Andy Roddick... all these infatuation about Federer is blinding them and I love to see them continue to rot in the corner...
That's my NOLE. The young ones are dying to take the so-called "old man" out, but what they soon find out is that NOLE IS THE the MOST FIT ATHLETE on the planet... physically AND mentally. The young ones play him with their egos. As Alcaraz, and now Shelton, who could've possibly won,found out: NEVER underestimate NOLE! NOLE GOAT PAR EXCELLENCE, honed quite literally in adversity. 💪🎾🥇
00:04 Ben Sheldon is a scary player to compete against 04:31 Brian Shelton is a retired college coach who has won national titles in both men and women's divisions. 12:31 Jokovic dominates the game and wins the first set 16:35 Ben's cupping therapy and its impact on blood flow 23:26 Yovic and Love, a game of intense pressure 27:51 Novak Djokovic wins first set 35:28 Novak Djokovic sets records in semifinal match 40:41 Novak Djokovic's powerful shots and quick moves impressed the audience 46:54 Shelton's precision and control impresses 51:34 Shelton needs to improve his strategy against Jokovic 58:43 Novak Djokovic playing at a high level and dominating the match 1:03:07 Shelton struggles to improve his net game 1:11:42 Shelton played aggressively, but Jokovic came out on top 1:15:54 Jokovic comfortably winning but not comfortable with a deuce point 1:22:54 Jovic leads the match with two sets 1:26:33 Novak Djokovic needs to win at least two more service games to finish the match. 1:35:44 Player hits incredible shots and captivates the crowd 1:39:43 Shelton impresses with strong performance against Jokovic 1:50:41 Shelton is winning the long rallies but Novak has the answer 1:57:04 Novak Djokovic wins in a tough match
What a disrespectful kid, every changeover and every point won showing a joker face or arrogant face (same as his father who over react every celebration) Glad Nole put this baby on its place
Shelton n foi humilde com ninguém. Tomou do seu próprio veneno. Aí você n criticou quando ele fez isso com Tommy Paul( q adorou o q Nole fez) e com o Tiafoe? Bem feito Nole!
I missed this match as it was past midnight. The commentary is horrible right from the start. commentating as if shelton has achieved a lot in his career. give me a break.
Tbe summary here is that Shelton overreacts in third set after every won point, plus always makes an extra hit after the point is over. Which resulted in second set of hitting Novak from behind the back. Truly unsportmans player he is. Much more to learn. But what i saw he wont be remembered for anything. No gamestyle just another serve bot
Ben: "Hey Novax... I'm alredy waiting for you at semi-final. Come there". 😆hehe...😆 Novax: "Alright. That is the end of your dream." 😄tooh.. tooh😄 Ben: 😮 "Did you hang up...?"
Je vais regarder encore une fois, rien que pour le plaisir de voir le GOAT remettre le petit prétentieux à sa place. Le petit pensait vraiment qu'il allait gagner, non pas un set, mais le match? 😅🤣
Commentators hardly praised Djokovic who is actually the GOAT but praised Ben throughout the match? This Commentators should not allow any other matches
Shelton and his father are so annoyingly American with all that ‘yeah yeah’. Just the stereotypical loud American who has to make their presence known. I liked him at first but I’m starting to dislike him more and more. He’s acted no better at the Laver Cup, he seems like a brat. His mocking of Monfils during his exchange with Felix was embarrassing, the boy is immature.
this Selton thought Djokovic would win only with the service of the best returner of all time and a tennis player, that's the same as if I shot down a Boeing 747 with a slingshot
Is it just me or was the second to last point completely playable by Shelton to hit a normal backhand down the line? Why try to hit the trick shot? He's no Alcaraz, that's for sure. That's a dumb shot to attempt.
Was he really thinking screaming to Novak's face and getting under his skin would make him win? I'm glad Novak knows where disrespectful kids belong, that's where he sent him.
And Djokovic is so humble himself...yeah, not. Djokovic fans find every excuse in the book for their idol. What Novak did at the end of the match was beyond rude. He wonders why nobody likes him, but he's his own worst enemy. Disgusting.
Djokovic je KRALJ. Ovaj mali nije ni svestan da je pred njim legenda tenisa i ponasa se tako arogantno,pravi naduvenko. Djokovic mu je pokazao mu je gdje mu he mjesto
hey Shelton ask Andy Roddick whats happaned when you try tho use home crowd against the Joker. Maybe thats work with some player but here you playing with real fire
Бен ещё до матча говорил о Новаке :- а кто это? Тот, который 23 БШ выиграл? Пренебрежение никого не красит. Надменность... от молодого человека. Точно отсутствовал на уроках этикета...
Bingo. They did the same to Monika Seles before she took US citizenship and started playing for the US. They did the same thing to Lendl too. They can't stand Serbs, Russians, Chinese and people from countries who are allied with said countries beat them and be better than Westerners at tennis or anything else for that matter.
The best and the GOAT 27 matches won out of 28 matches played in Grand Slams this year. For the fourth time in his career he made the small Slam, one more than Federer that quitted at age 40 Novak is 36 come on Novak.
Djoko shows everyone his place 😂 There is a difference between being confident and being😂 cocky against a legend who has actually achieved something. Djoko gave Ben a life lesson.
This is the "c" team commentators. The network coverage was someone else IIRC, maybe Courier? They can barely tolerate the Goat and I must say as disrespectful and biased as they are it is quite satisfying to see them suffer through yet another great victory from the goat and to see Shelton get disconnected and to see so many New Yorkers so uncomfortable in their $10,000 seats.
Shelton wasting half his energy by screaming. The rest of his energy he throws away on his serves. Even if you are able to serve 140mph serves, you are up against one of the best returners to have played the sport.
For the past six decades (plus) I have been privileged to be a part of the world wide tennis viewing population and never have I witnessed the the disgraceful, disgusting, disrespectful, and prejudiced behaviour of commentators anywhere across the globe, truly these people are far removed from professionals and hopefully have been disciplined in some way by their employers, who I believe should apologise publicly to everyone who had to listen to the commentary of such dreadful people. Noel had to endure so much terrible, disrespectful behaviour from the other side of the net before during and after the match including his opponent and team who showed no guidance gave no advice to child like behaviour. STILL THE GOAT REIGNS SUPREME
Commentors are embarrassing. I know they are Americans but come on man. Novak is the greatest Tennis player to ever walk the Earth, show some respect. The GOAT in our time. We are blessed just to get watch Novak.
So true Brother I thought that that kids family kept him out of tennis so that it would improve him as a person first 😊
They're ericans,there is your answer😂
It really bothered me that by the last set no one was cheering for Novak. Even with no noticeable support in the crowd he STILL came out on top. As an American, I will proudly admit that he's in my top 2 favorite players, Novak and Theim❤❤ love them.
As an American it’s embarrassing to hear these clowns
Ben is just adrenalin. Novak is pure wizardly.
This match shows the obvious difference between self confidence and and cockiness.
i actually don’t think the kid was cocky.. that’s the problem with this generation of kids.. they don’t take it to the old guys… When Andre played Jimmy … he wanted to wipe him on the floor..
Before the match, the media was hyping Shelton's cannonball serves, those so-called cannonballs thudded in semi, that's what happened when Shelton played someone who is way above his level, this kid needed to eat his humble pie.
Novak is such a character. It is Semi-Final of the US Open and he looks like he's warming up for the local match.
I could only laugh at the commentators. They were so partial. "Djokovic screams cause he's feeling unconfortable", I think he screamed cause he had to play against a brat. The gesture at the ends says it all. Brat Shelton's got talent but he's got humbled down this time, with the same gesture he shown after defeating Tiafoe. Too cocky.
Also a way to get himself motivated and excited for an otherwise boring match. Djoker clearly doesn't need his best to beat Ben.
I doubt the kid is humbled at all. Still gave Djokovic a death stare at the handshake. Obviously his cocky attitude has been rewarded his whole life. He wont change anytime soon
@@JohnProphMereceu. No início do segundo set , Shelton ao ganhar um ponto difícil , gritou na lateral da quadra , olhando p Nole , com o dedo p baixo e disse:" aqui quem manda sou eu". Nole mostrou quem mandava. Tommy Paul adorou q Nole desligou o telefone. Shelton fez isso com todos!
@@valeriarosa5741I saw that and felt it was totally unnecessary.
He needed to show respect to the best in his field and learn from the best to become better
He needed a slap which he received
Shelton thought he still playing college tennis with his antics. Dude, ur playing the GOAT who put u in ur right place. Nole hung up the phone 😂😂
Exactly, Shelton got too much doggone antics, he got spanked. And on top of that, his dad wants to open his mouth and criticize the GOAT for hanging up the phone at the end. He needs to sit down !! Well done Djokovic, I enjoyed how you focused on the match throughout without all the antics. Bravo
This is practice match for Novak. Practice calling match fitness for 24GS. hahaha.😆😆
what have you accomplished in life? Nothing.
that´s a helluva answer"""
Novak, greatest player of all times! Novak is a symbol of integrity, humanity and FREEDOM! GO, NOVAK! We love you! ❤❤❤❤❤
You said it all, Gabriela! 😄
After first three points of the first game, the commentators sounded like Shelton already won the match, LOL
shelton already pumping his fist 😅
The disdain is noticeable from these two commentators. all tournament, I don’t know if it’s because of his past behaviors but they seem to find ways to take subtle jabs at Novak after almost every point. Glad Novak won this match and hope Carrillo and Arias stay salty.
Yeah, they were definitely biased towards Shelton. Even saying "I know he's probably not going to win the match but can I have dinner with the Sheltons?". Congrats Novak.
They comentators never won anything
@@jennisonb37Esses dois comentaristas um horror.
Is because Shelton is black and in New York, so they go woke and they got toast
@@rattata30 I'm more black than Shelton and I'm white.
Commentators are very disrespectful would have been better if they just shut up. Novak is the GOAT accept it and stop pumping up Shelton his behaviour through the whole tournament has been bratty to say the least. Humility and respect goes a long way.
"Commentators are very disrespectful would have been better if they just shut up"
And Djokovic is so humble himself...yeah, not. Djokovic fans find every excuse in the book for their idol. What Novak did at the end of the match was beyond rude. He wonders why nobody likes him, but he's his own worst enemy. Disgusting.
@@calebcrawford2520 you must be joking
@@calebcrawford2520Mostrou para Shelton como esse gesto é desrespeitoso. Shelton aprendeu e não fez mais. Shelton fez isso com todos os jogadores que venceu. Ainda em quadra fez o gesto para Djokovic , com o dedo mostrando a quadra e dizendo : " aqui quem manda sou eu". Djokovic mostrou quem mandava.
To me, it didn't even seem like Djokovic was playing his best and he still beat Shelton in straight sets. Novak is 100% the GOAT.
Novak's tried and tested and been through it all
Based Niko
Yes he is.
To beat this brat, he only need to use 30% power at most.
He does his full power playing with Nadal
With the rest he does not need his %100
Everyone is a rock star till they meet the actual one.
What happened the first time Novak played Federer. And do you remember what he said after he retired from match against Roddick? Youth will get no where if they are afraid of those who came before them.
Hahaha true!
@@SterlingSandersShelton is 20 here and Djokovic is 36...
Djokovic didnt retire in his 1st meeting agaisnt Federer you are waffling...Djokovic retired in their 8th meeting so you are so waffling its not even funny...
Djokovic lost 2-1 and Nole was 18 then while Federer was 24 in their 1st match...
@@Vojkan2000 I see, you have a trouble reading, so you lack the ability to understand a point: Djokovic was well speculated early in his career to use "medical timeouts," as a tactic, when he was losing a match, to shift momentum, and has a history full of sketchy match retirements / walkovers for matches he was losing.
Both of those tactics are far more deceptive, controversial, and disrespectful than being excited to win points against one of the GOATs.
My *point* is that, Novak grew into an incredibly stronger tennis player than he was in his youth with maturity. Judging them early because you don't like their style, their "antics," (even Federer had anger issues) or their personality often does a disservice to their potential in the game of Tennis. It's ok to enjoy the show without the need for speculation and unnecessary judgment.
@@SterlingSanders Djokovic didn't take a medical timeout when he played Federer the 1st time. Nice way to be sly and try to take a dig. Djokovic is the GOAT. Nobody cares about what you're talking about when he was 18.
Every once in a while i come here and watch phone celebration. So much satisfaction
What Shelton can learn from playing the GOAT is that you not only have to win a (v high pressure) tennis match, you also have to play ( _and win_) against the media/ the journalists/ the commentators, you also have to play against the crowd ( not necessarily this one of course - more like Wimbledon 2014, 2019 etc. ) and finally against yourself. When you've done all that and come out on top then , and only maybe then, he can act like he did.
What you can learn from watching this match is that Novak is not the GOAT and had Ben been humble he could have beaten Novak but Ben like the entire field is a weak inconsistent player and a symbol of today's tennis!
@@emin7540 you forgot your meds ? what parallel universe are you on this time around ?! 🥱
@@emin7540 Dje si bre turcine bre!!!???
@@emin7540then who's the GOAT??? you've really forgotten your meds...
These commentators should be disqualified (if there is such thing). Truly disgusting... And the hostility on Shelton's face and in his behavior throughout the entire match was unbelievable. Don't remember him ever behaving that way toward any other opponent. 😮
Believe it or not, the reality is that kind of politics just like you mentioned about these commentators is perpetrated by the West toward Serbia for the past 30+ years.
Well, call closed! hahahah
Someone put u along novak in a hospice lol. Yall seeing things. It was a fun celebration tho
It pains them that he won so handedly. You can hear it their voice. They wanted that arrogant kid to be it so bad.
yup, that kid is beyond arrogant and full of himself. He is straight up cocky with a foul attitude. I have been watching tennis for decades, and what he showed with not confidence, but arrogance with dumb antics when he wins a point. That is NOT confidence, it is annoying !
After first three points of the first game, the commentators sounded like Shelton already won the match, satisfying that they deflated in the end
So much hype on Ben Shelton and he hasn't won a title.
He hung up that call 😂
Kako brate?
Right in his face...!!
@@katerinapatiniotis5598 Lol yea. Shelton didn't seem to mind doing that to fellow countryman Tiafoe's face. Djokovic noticed all this.
This was so satisfying to watch
@@milannikolic7401pa lepo
these commentators are so terrible. dont thex realise how sheloton loses soo badly... they kept praising him. this kid is soo far away from alcaraz still!!!
Ben Shelton is an arrogant kid who still yet to show some results, the kid needs to learn some humility from Alcaraz.
This has got to be one of the most satisfying tennis matches to watch in history, it will age like fine wine.
yeah.....I've been watching this match so many times, it makes me so feel great !!
The moment it goes to a tie-break you just know Nole will win it..
Novak rejecting the vaccine for USOpen22' and hanging up Shelton's call this year are the among the best thing that happened in tennis history.
Imagine how well Novak could have done last year if they'd let him play. I wonder if anyone in US Tennis is actually embarrassed by that.
Nope, they can do whatever they want, like Assange and prostitution, plain crash, toxic water, humanitarian bombing,...
Letting him play means no more mRNA sponsorship
He didn’t follow the protocols of Covid
@@chensien75 Its ok they paid it all back to him with interest . Every tennis fan knows Novak is the GOAT and is really on 26 GS already even 27 if you count Wimbledon 2020.
I’m ashamed my country Australia treated him like a criminal. Can’t wait to watch him win his 11th AO live in person 😄
Novak a silent killer😂
I just skipped to the end to watch Novak hang up on Ben. 😂
Same 😉😅
Guess thats why we all love Novak ❤
GOAT wins in straight sets and then promptly proceeds to win the celebration as well :)
@@judi-zb4wu We? Speak for yourself. That's why I hate Novak, his cocky and childish attitude.
@@unowen7591 That gesture of Novak hanging up the phone on Shelton never gets old. I'm playing it on repeat. For those who dislike Novak and support Shelton, it’s childish. For us who love Novak, this is extremely entertaining. He got back at him for all of Shelton’s disrespect throughout the entire match!
Pete Sampras is the nicest, humblest American tennis player t0 date.
After watching Alcaraz media conference after losing to Medvedev...
You can clearly see in the video the difference between ALCARAZ and SHELTON. Alcaraz is definitely better than Shelton but Alcaraz is humble. He knows what he lacks in his game and he acknowledges that. He also knows he is not mature enough and he knows what he needs to improve in his game. Shelton on the other hand during his interview when he lost to Djokovic...he only gives us excuses and other reasons for his loss. He was cocky in his game and he was overall arrogant. Hahahahaha!
Само је један Ђоковић Ноле легенда... ❤️🇷🇸🥇💪🍻👍👏🫡
First he takes your legs, then your hands, then your soul. Sheldon now knows by experience. 😂
This is truly some of the most biased commentating I've ever heard. So much praise on Shelton, and so dismmisive of Djokovic.
I could mention several involving the Williams sisters!
They are paid presstitutes and got the memo that anti vax and Russia connected Novaxx is not to be treated fairly. The US is owned and controlled by the most evil cockroaches on the planet, and it shows in every facet of US policy and in any medium sized and larger organization or company. They are complete sellouts.
they’re just trying to hype up a match where the Joker was the overwhelming favorite… The kid played well
@@CSV1973what are you on about
Brilliant match. Well done No1e 👏🐐❤️🔥🇷🇸
Shelton hits a 140 mph serve fault or forehand error.Commentators be like-This might be the shot of the decade😂😂😂,Commentating at the worst👎👎.
Definition sesjede moj... Nas BALKANAC... TO JA TA KRV... 💪🍻😉
Nah not ever sorry
@@keyholder5682trash opinion sorry
@@keyholder5682haha benny boy got his s..t pushed in
US tennis is a piece of joke... 20 years on and all they know how to raise is yet another Andy Roddick... all these infatuation about Federer is blinding them and I love to see them continue to rot in the corner...
Shelton's upbringing is poor. You can't beat greatness with fake confidence...he has faced hundreds just like Shelton before.
Nole is own, self-sufficient diamond, not properly of British or American imperialists.
Djokovic destroyed Shelton kid's 😂😂😂😂
These commentators are a joke. Always bias.. it's okay tho. I'm here after Novak won #24! 😆😆😆
Absolutely love this, thanks US OPEN!!!
This Shelton kid was not aware where he was, nor who he played. A college brat behavior, thanks to his dad. Super cocky and immature.
That's my NOLE. The young ones are dying to take the so-called "old man" out, but what they soon find out is that NOLE IS THE the MOST FIT ATHLETE on the planet...
physically AND mentally.
The young ones play him with their egos.
As Alcaraz, and now Shelton, who could've possibly won,found out:
NEVER underestimate NOLE! NOLE GOAT PAR EXCELLENCE, honed quite literally in adversity. 💪🎾🥇
Magician from Serbia strikes again!
00:04 Ben Sheldon is a scary player to compete against
04:31 Brian Shelton is a retired college coach who has won national titles in both men and women's divisions.
12:31 Jokovic dominates the game and wins the first set
16:35 Ben's cupping therapy and its impact on blood flow
23:26 Yovic and Love, a game of intense pressure
27:51 Novak Djokovic wins first set
35:28 Novak Djokovic sets records in semifinal match
40:41 Novak Djokovic's powerful shots and quick moves impressed the audience
46:54 Shelton's precision and control impresses
51:34 Shelton needs to improve his strategy against Jokovic
58:43 Novak Djokovic playing at a high level and dominating the match
1:03:07 Shelton struggles to improve his net game
1:11:42 Shelton played aggressively, but Jokovic came out on top
1:15:54 Jokovic comfortably winning but not comfortable with a deuce point
1:22:54 Jovic leads the match with two sets
1:26:33 Novak Djokovic needs to win at least two more service games to finish the match.
1:35:44 Player hits incredible shots and captivates the crowd
1:39:43 Shelton impresses with strong performance against Jokovic
1:50:41 Shelton is winning the long rallies but Novak has the answer
1:57:04 Novak Djokovic wins in a tough match
3-0 is not considered a tough match in my book.
_1:57:04__ Novak Djokovic wins in a tough match_
@@valeriarosa5741 thanks!
Djokovic = GOAT
What a disrespectful kid, every changeover and every point won showing a joker face or arrogant face (same as his father who over react every celebration)
Glad Nole put this baby on its place
Way to hang up the phone on someone who needed a lesson in humility, Nole. :)
Shelton n foi humilde com ninguém. Tomou do seu próprio veneno. Aí você n criticou quando ele fez isso com Tommy Paul( q adorou o q Nole fez) e com o Tiafoe? Bem feito Nole!
clinical performance by djokovic
I missed this match as it was past midnight. The commentary is horrible right from the start. commentating as if shelton has achieved a lot in his career. give me a break.
Commentators could be removed totally ‘n
commentator: "Djokovic knows how dangerous Shelton is"
errr is the danger in the room with us right now?
Haha!!! I was rolling when I heard that 😂
Tbe summary here is that Shelton overreacts in third set after every won point, plus always makes an extra hit after the point is over. Which resulted in second set of hitting Novak from behind the back. Truly unsportmans player he is. Much more to learn. But what i saw he wont be remembered for anything. No gamestyle just another serve bot
his ball hit novak in the back? timstamp?
But Alcaraz does it too, celebrating after every point. Infact he does it more.
Big serve merchant getting humbled by the GOAT
Novak cut the phone lines of Shelton😅
Ben: "Hey Novax... I'm alredy waiting for you at semi-final.
Come there". 😆hehe...😆
Novax: "Alright.
That is the end of your dream." 😄tooh.. tooh😄
Ben: 😮 "Did you hang up...?"
The Legend showing to a young talented but arrogant player who is The Boss !!
Je vais regarder encore une fois, rien que pour le plaisir de voir le GOAT remettre le petit prétentieux à sa place. Le petit pensait vraiment qu'il allait gagner, non pas un set, mais le match? 😅🤣
❤❤ me too 😂
Bien sur!!
Commentators hardly praised Djokovic who is actually the GOAT but praised Ben throughout the match? This Commentators should not allow any other matches
Shelton’s a cocky f, i liked him till he was cheering every time djokovic made an unforced error
Shelton and his father are so annoyingly American with all that ‘yeah yeah’. Just the stereotypical loud American who has to make their presence known. I liked him at first but I’m starting to dislike him more and more. He’s acted no better at the Laver Cup, he seems like a brat. His mocking of Monfils during his exchange with Felix was embarrassing, the boy is immature.
this Selton thought Djokovic would win only with the service of the best returner of all time and a tennis player, that's the same as if I shot down a Boeing 747 with a slingshot
Spoiled brat shown his deserved place by Novak. Glad he cut that call 😂
Is it just me or was the second to last point completely playable by Shelton to hit a normal backhand down the line? Why try to hit the trick shot? He's no Alcaraz, that's for sure. That's a dumb shot to attempt.
Djokovic to Shelton daddy, shut up and sit down.😂😂😂😂😂
Was he really thinking screaming to Novak's face and getting under his skin would make him win?
I'm glad Novak knows where disrespectful kids belong, that's where he sent him.
43:34 all that work on his development and they got this arrogant boy here. Congrats
I choose Alcaraz rather than this arrogant Shelton.
That celebration at the end....GOAT message to cocky kid
And Djokovic is so humble himself...yeah, not. Djokovic fans find every excuse in the book for their idol. What Novak did at the end of the match was beyond rude. He wonders why nobody likes him, but he's his own worst enemy. Disgusting.
Still can't get over after hearing what ben has to say about himself after this match in the press conf
super immature. Been glad-handled and told how great he is all his life
It's over when Novak says it's over, and hangs up. Mental Giant Human Giant Tennis Goat 24!!
Djokovic je KRALJ.
Ovaj mali nije ni svestan da je pred njim legenda tenisa i ponasa se tako arogantno,pravi naduvenko. Djokovic mu je pokazao mu je gdje mu he mjesto
I higijena mu je slaba ili su picajzle, Vuce mooda 😅
Djokovic ❤
The commentators kept talking during the points, it's so distracting, unprofessional.
hey Shelton ask Andy Roddick whats happaned when you try tho use home crowd against the Joker. Maybe thats work with some player but here you playing with real fire
Бен ещё до матча говорил о Новаке :- а кто это? Тот, который 23 БШ выиграл? Пренебрежение никого не красит. Надменность... от молодого человека. Точно отсутствовал на уроках этикета...
Typical American
Too cocky. Glad the GOAT taught him a lesson.
The commentators are truly horrible. I feel they act this way against Djokovic just because he's Serbian.
Pf course, its been hard wired into them for years. This to them is an acceptable form of racism!
Were the commentators American?
@@cliveuuking4602Yes Jimmy Arias and Mary Carillo are Americans.
Nope, it's because djoker is an antivax nut
Bingo. They did the same to Monika Seles before she took US citizenship and started playing for the US. They did the same thing to Lendl too. They can't stand Serbs, Russians, Chinese and people from countries who are allied with said countries beat them and be better than Westerners at tennis or anything else for that matter.
The best and the GOAT 27 matches won out of 28 matches played in Grand Slams this year. For the fourth time in his career he made the small Slam, one more than Federer that quitted at age 40 Novak is 36 come on Novak.
Djokovic "Phone Hang" part is the most replayed!😂
Happily watching Shelton the the 'brat' losing. Commentators😮
Shelton managed to convert me into a hater until the end of his career. What a rude, cocky, nasty person on court.
So arrogant, everytime he wins a point the arrogance is phenomenal uet he lose the match
Djoko shows everyone his place 😂 There is a difference between being confident and being😂 cocky against a legend who has actually achieved something. Djoko gave Ben a life lesson.
Too much talking to his box between points. They can’t save you.
You’re out there against the Terminator, son….
And you’re on your own.
..the Person you have call is t.n.a!!!😂😂😂Nole put this arrogante little boy on the right much arrogace never seen before!!!!
The only thing ben was doing the WHOLE GAME was wipe his face with his shirt to show off his 6 pack 😂 soo immature
I think he forgot to teach him humility @43:01
Shelton? Yes. In the whole game.
Typical disrespect from the US Open commentators - proving once again how useless they are.
Shelton game is only just service
This is the "c" team commentators. The network coverage was someone else IIRC, maybe Courier? They can barely tolerate the Goat and I must say as disrespectful and biased as they are it is quite satisfying to see them suffer through yet another great victory from the goat and to see Shelton get disconnected and to see so many New Yorkers so uncomfortable in their $10,000 seats.
As a Rafa fan, thanks for shutting down that cocky server :)
2:02:39 chad move but also very funny move
Bet that felt super satisfying
Who is this commentator? He's a kind of annoying ...
Did anyone notice the way Shelton walked looks like Maria Sharapova LOL
Why did they cut off the deuce at 5-4 third set???
I will be surprised if Shleton ever becomes a top 10 player.
US-OPEN 2023
GOATKOVIC 3 X 0 baby shiton
Commentators should be revoked from theirs workposts and go through some courses on objectiveness and real life
Shame on you.
Goat 🐐 talking... IDEMO!!! No!!! You're not going Sheldon 😂😂😂
Shelton wasting half his energy by screaming. The rest of his energy he throws away on his serves. Even if you are able to serve 140mph serves, you are up against one of the best returners to have played the sport.
For the past six decades (plus) I have been privileged to be a part of the world wide tennis viewing population and never have I witnessed the the disgraceful, disgusting, disrespectful, and prejudiced behaviour of commentators anywhere across the globe, truly these people are far removed from professionals and hopefully have been disciplined in some way by their employers, who I believe should apologise publicly to everyone who had to listen to the commentary of such dreadful people. Noel had to endure so much terrible, disrespectful behaviour from the other side of the net before during and after the match including his opponent and team who showed no guidance gave no advice to child like behaviour. STILL THE GOAT REIGNS SUPREME
Who were the commentators?
fantastic to rewatch it in full, thats US Open Tennis Championships! Except at 1:50:30 last service game is missing until match point