Id recommend watching nightblue's A to Z jungle series, its more beefy than.this an jump plain funny (taking nothing from this vid, which is great too)
I don't know poro, but your idea of Fleet footwork Kled jungle is utterly amazing. I just finished one of the longest games I've ever played in the last 4 years of league. A 59 minute game, where I got 400 cs, had an inting mid who went 0 17 before getting any kills (ended with 11 31) had a troll adc who banned my mids champ and wanted to steal by red lvl1, and had a too that went 0 7 and afk (he went to bed, he's my friend) And I managed to carry. Your idea of jungle Kled made me fall in love with the build. More.... I need more... Give me more poro. Stop holding all this power within you, share it with us
@@StarArcanum I went fleet, triumph, legend alacrity, last stand, conditioning, revitalize Then I went ad, ad, base or scaling health, either work. Pro tip, if you start red with leash, save smite for big krug, that thing does too much damage
I recently came back to league after a massive 8 year break and was checking out "new" champions in the jungle in training tool. I had so much fun with practicing Ornn and I was confused why people don't play him in the jungle. The fact that you can shop in between your clears is nuts. I'd imagine that if you're good you actually force the enemy jungler into awkward situations where you can get a free invade while they reset on their first clear and don't even get a safe contest since you're ahead in items. Plus his item buffing passive gives him (almost) guaranteed utility even if he's not contributing much to a game due to getting shut out early. Glad to stumble on this video and your channel :)
THANK YOU FOR FINALLY SAYING THAT ABOUT MORGANA. I never stopped playing her in the jungle after she was meta at msi and shes always been insanely broken in the jungle.
Morgana jungle tip: you can trap all 3 voidgrubs with your w. As your w reduces its cooldown every second a monster is over it, and every grub counts as a diffefent monster: you can spam w every 3-4~ seconds, this makes possible even stacking Ws on top of each other. This makes taking voidgubs insanely fast and easy
thank you for bringing light how good lulu jungle actually is. everyone thinks it's troll until they actually play against it. the amount of death threats i got in chat with how i deny enemies kills with polymorphs and wild growths is too much
As someone who currently strictly plays off-meta junglers, this video is an absolute godsend. So many new champs to try out in this role! Tyvm, def earned a sub
Dude oh my god i was getting such insane whiplash hearing the FE Three Houses monastery theme while playing Three Houses lmao. I love it when RUclipsrs pick my favorite music from my favorite games.
Haha finally I’m validated I’ve been running taric, Gwen, kled and panth jg for so long and doing well even though everyone is usually super toxic about it love the tier list man keep it up
While not planning to get back into league, just being a viewer now, this is an amazing resource to have around and is very easy to follow/expand on after watching. Hope you can find the time/resources to keep it updated after major changes.
I have over 300 Malphite Jungle games in Silver and Gold and there is a downside: After you ult and win a fight, ~25% of your teams will be surprisingly incapable of waiting for your ult to come back up. Low elo means low discipline, but Gold players not understanding the braindead simplicity of the rock's ult (which gets down to like 30 cooldown!) will have you losing faith in humanity, not just low-elo league players.
Brilliant video man. Btw with regards to sylas jungle his invades and ganks are incredible but aside from his appalling clear his objective damage is just non existent. Shame as his ult makes (situationally if enemy team has say a malph/mumu/zyra) playing past 6 really fun
Yeahвидео.html is an acceptable but not great clear, esp with potion. His early invades and ganks are great so he has options. I main him and I think his biggest problem is the objective damage. If the opposing jungle is any good they can play around knowing you'll never be able to solo objectives.
I have been grinding out zyra jg since the beginning of the season. Being able to build crystal scepter first (the slow item) and the power of maligence has made her so fun to play.
Poro, am a huge fan and I really love this video. I really think Urgot is an S, maybe even Z tier jungler. By far, one of the fastest clears in the game once you get tiamat. His ganks are a lot better than people think with an AoE slow, displacement/stun and a fear if you land ult. He scales insanely well into the late game as his passive drops to 2.5 seconds, his objective clear is crazy good with the lifesteal rune, and with his shield + lifesteal I have never dropped any HP in my early clears. I've copied an EUW jungler named Coolomat who only plays Urgot in masters, and the build works so well. Stridebreaker first for slow and tiamat, swifties for move speed into BC-Steraks, you become a literal raid boss. This build has been working wonders for me this split and just wanted to share this piece! Thanks so much for the awesome video, I started playing off-meta jglers cause of you! (Ornn has been my favourite until I found Urgot). Keep doing what you do!
Good list, but you are completely wrong about Corki jungle. Having access to mana from jungle item enables him to hit important item spikes like eclipse and shojin faster, his clear speed is ok early but improves a lot with R. He has solid gank options with W and high damage, and he scales well throughout the game. He should be high B or low A tier. Also package is a really useful tool and even more threatening from jungle as he can easily use it anywhere on the map and convert into objectives. His main drawback is lack of utility and CC, and he can be weak to early invades
This video is so fun to watch comparing your conclusion to what I know and to what pros seem to think. It's funny that like all the Z and S tier junglers were meta in the jungle at some point and will likely be picked up by someone at some point again.
I was wondering a few days ago how Lulu jungle would be after remembering Riot's original Champion Spotlight for her when Phreak had an entire segment going over how he liked to play her in the jungle. Maybe if she had a few jungle buffs like her passive dealing more damage to monsters or something like that she might be a really good jungler (it worked with Brand and Morgana surely it could work with Lulu.)
it's crazy how much more diverse jungling is now compared to back when i started in season 4. back then, only like 1/5th of the champs in the game back then could even clear. most needed a full leash from the side laner(s) *and* the mid laner (yes, mid laners used to leash) and you even needed to spend ip on a full rune page to make most of them playable.
Great video. Really enjoyed it. Would you consider a video to show why the regular junglers are the best for jungle and maybe a tier list in this format?
Ive agreed, i also cantnot believe it in my eyes, Master Yi is finally viable if not Meta??? A bit more of Ccontext: I havent played league in years so seeing my favorite champ being considered viable if not even META brings me an undescribable joy and tears into my eyes… 😭, i saw that he has like a 56% wr as of now in Challenger thats absolutely broken lmao. Ill immediately look up an even more Junglers Tier List for the meta champs!!!
Saw this right after seeing what Galio changes are on PBE right now. My guess is that it shifts him to S tier as it lowers cooldowns and makes his E do more damage to monsters (less reduced damage). Looks like I'm taking Galio into the jungle next patch!
i've been reccently running ornn jungle and realize how crazy it is. once got a good leash that let me get a 3:09 clear, was able to kill enemy laner + get more items and 1v1 enemy jungler on scuttle and win cause they didn't respect it
Ive been using Sion in jungle for quite some time, and he is just crazzzzy preasure around whole map with his ult, Q setups and jsut raw dmg from his abilities,even when going tank
As a gwen main who started jungling recently i was cheering when she took first Z tier. I super agree with the ganks. I almost always get a crazy fast clear, 6 voidgrubs, and at least 1 of the first two dragons, but im not super helpful ganking, especially bot lane since i struggle a lot with ranged champions early on.
I recommend looking at Lightrocket2 on RUclips and twitch as he is a challenger taric jungler and has multiple resources on what runes to run into what matchup and how to play each game as well as the wacky and amazing ways to build him to optimize him in each situation.
I have been one tricking akshun jungle for a few weeks now and it has been going extremely well giving me around a 70% win rate in low elo. Obviously the higher I go the more I will get invaded and abused, but it is insanely fun and depending on rope swing placement, your clear speeds are actually not that bad. First clear will always be bad, but subsequent clears let me catch up. The real fun begins when you start getting revives on game trades. Thanks for the video, and I had no idea taric would be so strong.
Omg it's Sb isles Poro! (good to see you popping off) also one of my friends is getting me back into league any legends you recommend (I play mostly Mid/jg)
Love this video and list. I gotta say though, I've been playing kench in the jg for the past few games and it works sooooo well. The only downside to him is that his early game is kind of weak, but if you get a lvl 2 or lvl 3 gank off, the rest of the game is super easy
Why do people mix up jungle Shen and river Shen? True river Shen enjoyers go predator, exhaust and ignite, start boots and you can't take camps: only scuttle and you can also tax waves. THIS IS THE REAL RIVER SHEN
Basically anything can jungle and stay fairly healthy right now if you actually know how to do a basic clear, and most champs can start clearing quickly by their second clear with the right itemization choices (for instance, tiamat). So basically all you need to think about are 3 things: can you fight the enemy jungler, can you provide worthwhile gank pressure, and can you scale? If you can do any of those three things, you can keep up with at least some of the more meta jungle picks, albeit probably not quite as well as them. A lot of adcs work fine in the jungle right now since they can easily hyper farm toward their late game after getting a tiamat or hurricane, and many of them (such as Twitch, Zeri, Tristana) actually have very good gank pressure. A lot of mages have just been blatantly overbuffed into being good jungle picks with fast clear speeds. Assassins have always been pretty good junglers due to their strong gank patterns despite some of them having weak clear speeds. Tanks are typically good with clear speed once they get bami's cinder so the only question is whether they can scale well or apply strong gank pressure. Basically you just have to know what your role typically does in the jungle then figure out if your specific champion can do any of those things. If they can and you're decent at the champion, you can definitely play them as a jungler. They might not be as effective as a meta jungler who was designed to do whatever you're trying to do, but it'll still work. If you're an ADC: Ask yourself if you can scale or gank, and if you can do one of those, you can jungle by playing around it. If you're a mage: Ask yourself if you can clear quickly and healthy, and if you can do that, you can jungle by playing around farming and picking advantageous fights. If you're a tank or bruiser: Ask yourself if you can provide worthwhile pressure for your team, because you can definitely jungle but it's just a matter of how useful you'll be while doing so. If you're an assassin: Just don't die on your first clear and you'll be a great jungler with high mobility, good ganks and good dueling. If you're a support: Clearing camps might be difficult for some supports, but if you can do that, there's no doubt your ganks will be good. You'll probably have to play mostly around ganking though since your champion likely isn't designed to farm well or solocarry.
Not gonna lie taric really surprised me i had to jungle against one and he had lethal tempo clocking in at 2,5 attack speed with wits end and just a weird build but he just beats my ass quite literally. It is an amazing pick if your team know how to abuse it. It was just scary he just coudnt lose the 1v1s
You'd know more about this than me but I feel like Hail of Blades on Braum would be a good keystone to help stack your passive when entering a fight/lane. You'd still want to go for a tank build, but maybe with a titanic hydra as a 5th or 6th slot item.
Hi! Taric/Milio jungle main here! I just wanna say that Milio jungle is alot stronger than he seems, as dark harvest procs off his passive, he can just drop w and leave, and his q has a 120% ap ratio so he giga scales. His first clear is rough, but he gets to the point where he 1 or 2 shots camps with q, and I like Lich Bane/Nashors/D Cap. Also, Taric jungle's clear is best if he starts enemy buff because he can do that apparently and still 1v2 if hes caught, and phase rush op
New sub! One idea I'd like to see is na emote tierlist (considering how good they are at tilting the enemy team), one thing you could also consider is a "for monochamps" tier, like this emote is amazing if and only if you are mono in the champ.
I do play the ocassional singed jungle once in a while. For runes I do recommend getting predator since it allows for your ganks to be a bit more efficient as you can save your W after you flip them since chances are you'll be on top of them already.
I 100% agree with you on morgana. Like her kit just seems inherently stronger than brand for jungling (still good, but morgana specifically gets resets and sustain off monster camps) and yet people think that 155% was too low of a bonus for her? When her W has almost as much uptime as a full dmg kit (fiddle, zyra, heimer, brand) due to how easily refunds
Very suprising seeing Leona as low as C. I used to run that and you could start building bruiser items and going crazy after only like 1 kill, which was pretty easy since Leona's ganks are excellent. She was weak early on and pretty vulnerable to enemy junglers invading early on, but that was it.
You missed out on Yorick jungle, if you start wolves and get 3 ghouls from that camp, you can do a full clear in 3:00, in addition, you can send maiden to split push a lane for you in the mid game. He's easily Z tier.
I unironically play Kled jungle and I think it's quite underrated, the first clear is slow but as soon as you have 900 coins you can easily get by with the lifesteal, R is the best thing in the game for ganking
Akshan, Fizz, Camille, Galio, Neeko, Qiyana, Quinn, Renekton, Sett, Singed, Twitch, Urgot, Vayne with some jungle buffs would be sooo fun Especially Fizz, Akshan and Quinn I enjoyed this video
>your sup is taric
>he's nowhere near bot at the start of lane
>he starts clearing jg
>he has smite
POV: You queued into lightrocket
>your support is the master yi you though was jungle
@@Rhodynitnow that makes the scenario believable lmao
@@Chris-cf6ul Maybe im going to try Aphelios jungle at night when i got some time
Time to get banned 👹👹
We are putting Zeri in the jungle with this one🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️💯🔥💥💥🔥🔥
you can’t get banned unless you type
@ilovecapybaraanimals9411 I called someone a b- and got no repercussions so... (tbf they were being verbally abusive to their ally in all chat)
@@ilovecapybaraanimals9411ask baus lol
@@motivationenjoyer9830Based pick. Super fun to play lmao
I have always wanted a resource showcasing the power of off meta junglers. You delivered. I hit the subscribe button so fast.
Id recommend watching nightblue's A to Z jungle series, its more beefy than.this an jump plain funny (taking nothing from this vid, which is great too)
@@juliencleroux976nb3 🤨
@@juliencleroux976 Pfp (Profile picture) and / or Banner Sauce (Source [Artist])? 🗿
Great video! To those who want to get into a specific champ, here's the timestamps!
Aatrox 00:03:19
Ahri 00:04:06
Akali 00:04:43
Alistar 00:05:37
Anivia 00:06:02
Annie 00:06:23
Aphelios 00:06:49
Ashe 00:08:00
Aurelia 00:19:07
Bard 00:09:51
Blitzcrank 00:09:55
Braum 00:10:07
Caitlyn 00:10:31
Camille 00:13:50
Cassiopeia 00:11:30
Cho'Gath 00:12:08
Corki 00:12:30
Darius 00:12:56
Draven 00:14:00
Dr. Mundo 00:13:30
Ezreal 00:14:54
Fizz 00:15:09
Gangplank 00:16:09
Garen 00:16:26
Graves 00:15:28
Gwen 00:17:01
Hecarim 00:18:08
Heimerdinger 00:17:36
Illaoi 00:18:26
Jace 00:20:05
Jhin 00:20:31
Jinx 00:20:48
Kai'Sa 00:20:55
Kalista 00:21:53
Karma 00:22:12
Katarina 00:23:00
Kayle 00:23:20
Kennen 00:23:43
Kog'Maw 00:24:30
LeBlanc 00:24:55
Leona 00:25:17
Lissandra 00:25:35
Lucian 00:26:00
Lulu 00:26:16
Lux 00:27:14
Malphite 00:27:39
Malzahar 00:28:03
Miss Fortune 00:28:38
Morgana 00:29:12
Nami 00:31:02
Nasus 00:31:25
Nautilus 00:32:05
Neeko 00:32:36
Nico 00:32:36
Nilah 00:32:50
Oriana 00:33:13
Ornn 00:33:34
Pantheon 00:34:00
Pike 00:34:24
Qiyana 00:34:45
Quinn 00:34:55
Rakan 00:36:03
Renekton 00:36:36
Riven 00:36:49
Rumble 00:37:07
Ryze 00:37:37
Samira 00:37:58
Senna 00:38:14
Seraphine 00:38:30
Sett 00:38:47
Shen 00:39:12
Singed 00:39:33
Sion 00:40:08
Sivir 00:40:33
Sona 00:41:07
Swain 00:41:33
Sylas 00:42:16
Syndra 00:42:36
Tahm Kench 00:42:56
Talon 00:43:19
Taric 00:43:48
Thresh 00:44:41
Tryndamere 00:45:27
Twisted Fate 00:45:49
Urgot 00:46:35
Vayne 00:46:53
Veigar 00:47:30
Vel'Koz 00:47:54
Vex 00:48:05
Vladimir 00:48:49
Xerath 00:49:42
Yasuo 00:49:42
Yone 00:50:01
Yorick 00:50:28
Yumi 00:50:58
Zeri 00:51:18
Ziggs 00:51:40
Zilean 00:52:05
Zoe 00:52:35
@@psychopathicporoyour turn
You forgot seraphine! 38:30
and Kassadin 22:37@@123youbia
Idk who you are but this video was super well done. No real bias, to the point, and every champ got a explanation with gameplay. Nj man.
I don't know poro, but your idea of Fleet footwork Kled jungle is utterly amazing.
I just finished one of the longest games I've ever played in the last 4 years of league. A 59 minute game, where I got 400 cs, had an inting mid who went 0 17 before getting any kills (ended with 11 31) had a troll adc who banned my mids champ and wanted to steal by red lvl1, and had a too that went 0 7 and afk (he went to bed, he's my friend)
And I managed to carry. Your idea of jungle Kled made me fall in love with the build. More.... I need more... Give me more poro. Stop holding all this power within you, share it with us
What secondary runes did you go? I'm struggling to still avoid dismounting during the initial clear
@@StarArcanum I went fleet, triumph, legend alacrity, last stand, conditioning, revitalize
Then I went ad, ad, base or scaling health, either work.
Pro tip, if you start red with leash, save smite for big krug, that thing does too much damage
31 deaths in 1 game????
@@bigfin20 unironically yes. I have screenshot of it too
I recently came back to league after a massive 8 year break and was checking out "new" champions in the jungle in training tool. I had so much fun with practicing Ornn and I was confused why people don't play him in the jungle. The fact that you can shop in between your clears is nuts. I'd imagine that if you're good you actually force the enemy jungler into awkward situations where you can get a free invade while they reset on their first clear and don't even get a safe contest since you're ahead in items. Plus his item buffing passive gives him (almost) guaranteed utility even if he's not contributing much to a game due to getting shut out early. Glad to stumble on this video and your channel :)
I think his problem is that he’s a lil more exp dependent than jungle gives. Top lane just gives him that extra boost for his upgraded items faster
THANK YOU FOR FINALLY SAYING THAT ABOUT MORGANA. I never stopped playing her in the jungle after she was meta at msi and shes always been insanely broken in the jungle.
heck yeah someone who recognizes aphelios jg
holy shit we're so back
Morgana jungle tip: you can trap all 3 voidgrubs with your w. As your w reduces its cooldown every second a monster is over it, and every grub counts as a diffefent monster: you can spam w every 3-4~ seconds, this makes possible even stacking Ws on top of each other. This makes taking voidgubs insanely fast and easy
Morgana is also back to 170% monster damage besides all the other W buffs. She seems to be super underrated still.
thank you for bringing light how good lulu jungle actually is. everyone thinks it's troll until they actually play against it. the amount of death threats i got in chat with how i deny enemies kills with polymorphs and wild growths is too much
Really good tierlist, pretty much lines up with these champ's actual PR in jungle.
Been looking forward to it for a while, did not disappoint.
been waiting for this since you streamed! Props to you man this must have been real effort!
As someone who currently strictly plays off-meta junglers, this video is an absolute godsend. So many new champs to try out in this role! Tyvm, def earned a sub
Dude oh my god i was getting such insane whiplash hearing the FE Three Houses monastery theme while playing Three Houses lmao. I love it when RUclipsrs pick my favorite music from my favorite games.
@@elitebelt I use fire emblem music all the time, love that series
i like the scientific approach, nicely done. the time put in shows
these are my absolute favorite videos
Such a high effort video, nice
Ill hope more off meta picks videos like this for other roles :)
Haha finally I’m validated I’ve been running taric, Gwen, kled and panth jg for so long and doing well even though everyone is usually super toxic about it love the tier list man keep it up
While not planning to get back into league, just being a viewer now, this is an amazing resource to have around and is very easy to follow/expand on after watching.
Hope you can find the time/resources to keep it updated after major changes.
I have over 300 Malphite Jungle games in Silver and Gold and there is a downside: After you ult and win a fight, ~25% of your teams will be surprisingly incapable of waiting for your ult to come back up. Low elo means low discipline, but Gold players not understanding the braindead simplicity of the rock's ult (which gets down to like 30 cooldown!) will have you losing faith in humanity, not just low-elo league players.
taric/zilean are the two that i would want to see a guide on most. awesome video will definitely tune into the stream
keep up the good work
Time to try out some new picks! so glad I found you
Proxy Rhaast has been LOTS of fun btw
Thank you for bringing more off-meta builds to light.
Pfp (Profile picture) and / or Banner Sauce (Source [Artist])? 🗿
Almost all AP junglers just got bumped up a tier because the new item is so strong.
Dude this video is crazy informative and amazingly well done. Superb job man
Absolutely loved this! Really appreciate this tierlist/guide! Most fun ive had on Lulu ever. Literally spamming this to the boys
Brilliant video man. Btw with regards to sylas jungle his invades and ganks are incredible but aside from his appalling clear his objective damage is just non existent. Shame as his ult makes (situationally if enemy team has say a malph/mumu/zyra) playing past 6 really fun
Yeahвидео.html is an acceptable but not great clear, esp with potion. His early invades and ganks are great so he has options. I main him and I think his biggest problem is the objective damage. If the opposing jungle is any good they can play around knowing you'll never be able to solo objectives.
This is truly a poro moment of all time
I have been grinding out zyra jg since the beginning of the season. Being able to build crystal scepter first (the slow item) and the power of maligence has made her so fun to play.
wow insane video, gj keeping the offmeta fans with good quality content!
twitch is cool but I miss old eve jg invis since lvl 1 :(
Also I gotta try that Fleet Footwork Gwungle now that you mention it. Sounds pretty juiced
Poro, am a huge fan and I really love this video.
I really think Urgot is an S, maybe even Z tier jungler. By far, one of the fastest clears in the game once you get tiamat. His ganks are a lot better than people think with an AoE slow, displacement/stun and a fear if you land ult. He scales insanely well into the late game as his passive drops to 2.5 seconds, his objective clear is crazy good with the lifesteal rune, and with his shield + lifesteal I have never dropped any HP in my early clears. I've copied an EUW jungler named Coolomat who only plays Urgot in masters, and the build works so well. Stridebreaker first for slow and tiamat, swifties for move speed into BC-Steraks, you become a literal raid boss. This build has been working wonders for me this split and just wanted to share this piece!
Thanks so much for the awesome video, I started playing off-meta jglers cause of you! (Ornn has been my favourite until I found Urgot). Keep doing what you do!
Amazing video as always. Thank you for putting in the research, I can’t wait to try some of these.
Good list, but you are completely wrong about Corki jungle. Having access to mana from jungle item enables him to hit important item spikes like eclipse and shojin faster, his clear speed is ok early but improves a lot with R. He has solid gank options with W and high damage, and he scales well throughout the game. He should be high B or low A tier. Also package is a really useful tool and even more threatening from jungle as he can easily use it anywhere on the map and convert into objectives. His main drawback is lack of utility and CC, and he can be weak to early invades
I love Morgana and Taric jungle. My friends think I'm trolling when i pick them but then i do better with them than meta picks
Joined some streams, loved the grind man keep it up! It was very enjoyable
Let him cook
Pfp (Profile picture) and / or Banner Sauce (Source [Artist])? 🗿
@@SimoneBellomonte Since he did not answer you it's from a game called OneShot, a very cool game by the way
This video is so fun to watch comparing your conclusion to what I know and to what pros seem to think. It's funny that like all the Z and S tier junglers were meta in the jungle at some point and will likely be picked up by someone at some point again.
algorithm required comment.
I was wondering a few days ago how Lulu jungle would be after remembering Riot's original Champion Spotlight for her when Phreak had an entire segment going over how he liked to play her in the jungle.
Maybe if she had a few jungle buffs like her passive dealing more damage to monsters or something like that she might be a really good jungler (it worked with Brand and Morgana surely it could work with Lulu.)
This is so good. Happy to see the Shen jungle getting the respect it deserves.
it's crazy how much more diverse jungling is now compared to back when i started in season 4. back then, only like 1/5th of the champs in the game back then could even clear. most needed a full leash from the side laner(s) *and* the mid laner (yes, mid laners used to leash) and you even needed to spend ip on a full rune page to make most of them playable.
Great video. Really enjoyed it. Would you consider a video to show why the regular junglers are the best for jungle and maybe a tier list in this format?
Ive agreed, i also cantnot believe it in my eyes, Master Yi is finally viable if not Meta??? A bit more of Ccontext:
I havent played league in years so seeing my favorite champ being considered viable if not even META brings me an undescribable joy and tears into my eyes… 😭, i saw that he has like a 56% wr as of now in Challenger thats absolutely broken lmao.
Ill immediately look up an even more Junglers Tier List for the meta champs!!!
Nice video! Loved the Bastion soundtrack
The first time i got out of gold 3 to plat 1, was playing Taric jungle, that monster is amazing
Saw this right after seeing what Galio changes are on PBE right now. My guess is that it shifts him to S tier as it lowers cooldowns and makes his E do more damage to monsters (less reduced damage). Looks like I'm taking Galio into the jungle next patch!
i've been reccently running ornn jungle and realize how crazy it is. once got a good leash that let me get a 3:09 clear, was able to kill enemy laner + get more items and 1v1 enemy jungler on scuttle and win cause they didn't respect it
Ive been using Sion in jungle for quite some time, and he is just crazzzzy preasure around whole map with his ult, Q setups and jsut raw dmg from his abilities,even when going tank
Ornn jg makes sooo much sense , how did i never think of it?
Me, who doesn't play Jungle at all: interesting interesting, I will rewatch this fifty times
As a gwen main who started jungling recently i was cheering when she took first Z tier. I super agree with the ganks. I almost always get a crazy fast clear, 6 voidgrubs, and at least 1 of the first two dragons, but im not super helpful ganking, especially bot lane since i struggle a lot with ranged champions early on.
I'd love to se a Taric or Qiyana jg in-depth guide like the Proxy farm Kayn one. Top tier content, thank you youtube algorithm.
I recommend looking at Lightrocket2 on RUclips and twitch as he is a challenger taric jungler and has multiple resources on what runes to run into what matchup and how to play each game as well as the wacky and amazing ways to build him to optimize him in each situation.
i ran ornn: got giga fed
next game i ran heal and shield mord: got giga fed
im on game three, running taric. wish me luck
As Sett jungle main back when he first came out, nice to know it’s still strong
This is amazing, absolutely following you on Twitch now
This the type of video my ranked jungles watch before they queue up…
I have been one tricking akshun jungle for a few weeks now and it has been going extremely well giving me around a 70% win rate in low elo. Obviously the higher I go the more I will get invaded and abused, but it is insanely fun and depending on rope swing placement, your clear speeds are actually not that bad. First clear will always be bad, but subsequent clears let me catch up. The real fun begins when you start getting revives on game trades. Thanks for the video, and I had no idea taric would be so strong.
Seeing the Taric comment took me back to years ago seeing a Dong video about LightRocket, the Taric JGL otp.
LightRocket actually commented on this video haha
@@psychopathicporo Full circle cinema. This was funny as hell though, and mad props to actually blast them all in a clear run to gauge it. S++++
A first week of season 14 Morg jungle was picked a lot in my casual games
Omg it's Sb isles Poro! (good to see you popping off) also one of my friends is getting me back into league any legends you recommend (I play mostly Mid/jg)
allistar being an off meta jungle is wild to think about considering he was the first jungler
Thank you so much for this list
Normal junglers are sooooo boring time to play Lulu
Absolute W using Mystery Dungeon music
Gwen is a demon jungler. Very slept on. Glad you recognized real there
Love this video and list. I gotta say though, I've been playing kench in the jg for the past few games and it works sooooo well. The only downside to him is that his early game is kind of weak, but if you get a lvl 2 or lvl 3 gank off, the rest of the game is super easy
Why do people mix up jungle Shen and river Shen? True river Shen enjoyers go predator, exhaust and ignite, start boots and you can't take camps: only scuttle and you can also tax waves. THIS IS THE REAL RIVER SHEN
been Waiting a long time for this
Basically anything can jungle and stay fairly healthy right now if you actually know how to do a basic clear, and most champs can start clearing quickly by their second clear with the right itemization choices (for instance, tiamat).
So basically all you need to think about are 3 things: can you fight the enemy jungler, can you provide worthwhile gank pressure, and can you scale? If you can do any of those three things, you can keep up with at least some of the more meta jungle picks, albeit probably not quite as well as them.
A lot of adcs work fine in the jungle right now since they can easily hyper farm toward their late game after getting a tiamat or hurricane, and many of them (such as Twitch, Zeri, Tristana) actually have very good gank pressure. A lot of mages have just been blatantly overbuffed into being good jungle picks with fast clear speeds. Assassins have always been pretty good junglers due to their strong gank patterns despite some of them having weak clear speeds. Tanks are typically good with clear speed once they get bami's cinder so the only question is whether they can scale well or apply strong gank pressure. Basically you just have to know what your role typically does in the jungle then figure out if your specific champion can do any of those things. If they can and you're decent at the champion, you can definitely play them as a jungler. They might not be as effective as a meta jungler who was designed to do whatever you're trying to do, but it'll still work.
If you're an ADC: Ask yourself if you can scale or gank, and if you can do one of those, you can jungle by playing around it.
If you're a mage: Ask yourself if you can clear quickly and healthy, and if you can do that, you can jungle by playing around farming and picking advantageous fights.
If you're a tank or bruiser: Ask yourself if you can provide worthwhile pressure for your team, because you can definitely jungle but it's just a matter of how useful you'll be while doing so.
If you're an assassin: Just don't die on your first clear and you'll be a great jungler with high mobility, good ganks and good dueling.
If you're a support: Clearing camps might be difficult for some supports, but if you can do that, there's no doubt your ganks will be good. You'll probably have to play mostly around ganking though since your champion likely isn't designed to farm well or solocarry.
Id love to see a proper dive into Gnar jungle. I think he has crazy potential if hes able to play around his forms properly
Many years ago some smart guy said, "if it deal damage, it can jungle"
Not gonna lie taric really surprised me i had to jungle against one and he had lethal tempo clocking in at 2,5 attack speed with wits end and just a weird build but he just beats my ass quite literally. It is an amazing pick if your team know how to abuse it. It was just scary he just coudnt lose the 1v1s
You'd know more about this than me but I feel like Hail of Blades on Braum would be a good keystone to help stack your passive when entering a fight/lane. You'd still want to go for a tank build, but maybe with a titanic hydra as a 5th or 6th slot item.
Not necessarily needed for ganks since your allies can proc passive stun too, but could definitely be worthwhile for dealing with invades
15:15 Fizz clear is sub 3:30 and you go Nashors 1st for faster clear, objectives and better skirmishing. Blud is waffling
"even with perfect animation cancels, Riven does..." while my eyes were bleeding from your q's. 💀
I talked to actual riven players to verify, don't worry
Hi! Taric/Milio jungle main here! I just wanna say that Milio jungle is alot stronger than he seems, as dark harvest procs off his passive, he can just drop w and leave, and his q has a 120% ap ratio so he giga scales. His first clear is rough, but he gets to the point where he 1 or 2 shots camps with q, and I like Lich Bane/Nashors/D Cap. Also, Taric jungle's clear is best if he starts enemy buff because he can do that apparently and still 1v2 if hes caught, and phase rush op
New sub! One idea I'd like to see is na emote tierlist (considering how good they are at tilting the enemy team), one thing you could also consider is a "for monochamps" tier, like this emote is amazing if and only if you are mono in the champ.
Played jungle nafiri the other day and her gank potential is really nice. Glad to see her at A tier.
I do play the ocassional singed jungle once in a while. For runes I do recommend getting predator since it allows for your ganks to be a bit more efficient as you can save your W after you flip them since chances are you'll be on top of them already.
I have no idea how I managed to watch that whole video!
I 100% agree with you on morgana. Like her kit just seems inherently stronger than brand for jungling (still good, but morgana specifically gets resets and sustain off monster camps) and yet people think that 155% was too low of a bonus for her? When her W has almost as much uptime as a full dmg kit (fiddle, zyra, heimer, brand) due to how easily refunds
Very suprising seeing Leona as low as C. I used to run that and you could start building bruiser items and going crazy after only like 1 kill, which was pretty easy since Leona's ganks are excellent. She was weak early on and pretty vulnerable to enemy junglers invading early on, but that was it.
leona ganks before level 6 are pretty low range tbh
A lot of these are actual junglers in Wild Rift so I'm kind of surprised to know that they're not considered as one in PC League.
I dont know what it is about me being newish to league (started jan 2013) but the idea of off meta is so enticing
3:21 エイトロ
And mfs on reddit were flaming me for saying Ornn jg is viable
I tried Ornn jungle a few times. It was surprisingly fun- you never have to go home xD
20:00 legend for this song in the background, omg, 5 years old playing that on xbox at my friends house
You missed out on Yorick jungle, if you start wolves and get 3 ghouls from that camp, you can do a full clear in 3:00, in addition, you can send maiden to split push a lane for you in the mid game. He's easily Z tier.
@@gemesil that's literally the exact clear that I did
Goated video. Thank you my good sir!
I unironically play Kled jungle and I think it's quite underrated, the first clear is slow but as soon as you have 900 coins you can easily get by with the lifesteal, R is the best thing in the game for ganking
Akshan, Fizz, Camille, Galio, Neeko, Qiyana, Quinn, Renekton, Sett, Singed, Twitch, Urgot, Vayne with some jungle buffs would be sooo fun
Especially Fizz, Akshan and Quinn
I enjoyed this video
50:00 Ironically, from the 2 brothers yone is the only one who has been picked in the jungle in a major competitive environment xd
@@Cyrooooosempai wdym my soloqueue games aren't a major competitive environment?!?!?
lovely video, amazing tier list
bro i love this tier list i wish there was the same for other lanes
Guys... I hit the triple brittle full combo on Ornn in the video... Please notice my acheivements guys :(
does anyone else remember a league creator that would start the video with "hey guys poro here"