@@kissdani2952 This means nothing. Honstly. I ride a Honda Fireblade from the year 2000 and it beats several sportbikes out there. Age is just a number, but PS and torque do not change.
If you track your car, get the BMW as it still has the best chassis. If you just want a stylish family sedan for everyday use, get the Merc as it has the most comfortable suspension and a better interior than the Alfa though not quite as good as the BMW interior. If you want a car that isn't as expensive, get a used Alfa Romeo Giulia as these cars are depreciating like a stock market crash.
Are you happy with the veloce? My Girlfriend and I are huge Alfa fans, have a 156, a 155, and a giulietta and now we're thinking about getting a veloce. Can you tell me some negative points about the car? Because the good ones are already known 😂
@@StayFriendly290 I have the Veloce Ti 2019 (Germany). I live in the Alps (border with Austria) with a lot of beautiful mountain roads. My Giulia is going simply perfect! Nothing problem, even in winter. Performance 10/10. Winter tires Pirelli Sottozero 3 (with same size of the summer ones) and Summer tires Bridgestone Potenza S001 RFT.
Bought my Alfa three months ago and it’s still the best driving experience I’ve ever had. I traded in my Mercedes for it and yes, I miss the interior but I don’t miss the spongy handling. Once you drive an Alfa you understand why people are so die hard about them.
Tim R people don't realize that the giulia is about 4 years newer than the current gen m3. Haha sad people, it should be faster. They have something to compare to.
Tim R alfa had there time to produce a super sedan after all these years the m3 is a 2014 car so guess what? They copied and made it better i give then that but the alfa has more power and weight. Well wait for the 2019 model m3 and then ill be comparable.btw talking about power 510 against a 440 and the race was close.
@@archer7716 I just did some googling to make sure my numbers are accurate, the Merc is hard to find a price for but generally they ask from £73-75K for a c63s, and an m4 competition starts from £71k whereas a Giulia qv which is more powerful and faster as we have seen starts from £66k, all 2020 model years, and this is without looking at carwow discounts, so idk what imaginary prices u were thinking up to excuse the bm but it ain't so I'm afraid
That Giulia is absolutely stunning. Finally a car that is affordable to that market and crushes the overplayed M and AMG cars. I am looking to add it to my channel!
TR Hamza Great car but I wish they did these videos properly because in a previous video the Mercedes beat the bmw in a drag race, now the bmw beats the Mercedes, also I couldn’t help but notice then he showed the bmw going into launch mode it was in efficient mode 😑. I know the BMW can do better, I’ve seen it with my own eyes
As a german I'm happy that finally (!!!) a car manufacturer beats all the german big brands to give a good alternative car to buy! If I had the money I would by tha alfa!
Blackhawker91 Wieso? Bleib mal sachlich und komm auf'n Punkt. Mit rhetorischen Fragen ohne jegliche Aussage demonstrierst Du nur, dass eben Du dumm zu sein scheinst.
Dass du ein italienisches Auto einem deutschen vorziehen würdest und in deiner obrigen Aussage froh bist, dass die Italiener die deutschen Automobilhersteller (Was auf Kosten der deutschen Wirtschaft geht) schlagen zeugt davon, dass du weder Ahnung von Autos hast, noch hinter der deutschen Wirtschaft stehst. "As a german I'm happy " Alleine der Satzanfang hat gereicht und ist ja schon ein Widerspruch in sich mit dem was darauf folgt.
Das was du schreibst heißt auch unter anderem, dass du froh bist, wenn die deutsche Wirtschaft aufgrund ausländischer Konkurrenz an Umsatz und Gewinn verliert. Im Endeffekt wirst du auch darunter leiden. Alles was sich in der Wirtschaft ins negative verändert, oder mit Umsatzeinbüßen zu tun hat bekommt am Ende auch der Bürger ab. Ich wette du hast keine Ahnung von Autos, du kannst mir bestimmt nichtmal den Unterschied zwischen einer homogenen und einer stöchiometrischen Verbrennung, in Bezug auf Schichtladebetrieb und den daraus resultierenden Drossel- und Drallklappenwinkeln nennen, ohne dich vorher im Internet schlau zu machen. Kannst sicherlich auch nicht erklären was eine Desmodromik ist und warum sie bis heute nicht in der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik eingesetzt wird. Du hast sicherlich auch keine Ahnung inwieweit die deutschen Hersteller in Sachen Fertigungstechnik, Materialqualität und Motorsteuerung (z.B VTG Ladetechnik) den Italienern oder allgemein ausländischen Herstellern vorraus sind. Du hast sicherlich kein Argument, warum der Alfa besser sein soll als der M3. Los, lass uns sachlich diskutieren.
Blackhawker91 Dass ich vorangestellt habe, dass ich Deutscher bin ist kein Widerspruch. Für Dich vielleicht, da Du in Schubladen denkst und nicht davon ausgehst, dass mal ein Deutscher nicht so blind und naiv glücklich mit der Deutschen Industrie so wie Du ist. Ich bin nicht damit zufrieden, dass sich VW, Audi, BMW, MB und co. alles ungestraft erlauben dürfen. Sei es ADAC-Bestechung, Abgasskandal oder Kartellbildungen. Diese Unternehmen können ungestraft alles machen und die Regierung guckt brav zu oder mischt sogar mit. Es scheint, dass man ab einer gewissen Geldgrenze a la Hoeneß nichts mehr vor dem Gesetz zu befürchten hat. Da hab ich ja mehr Konsequenzen zu befürchten, wenn ich meine Handyrechnung nicht bezahle. Für mich nimmt das alles schon sehr stark korrupte Tendenzen an. Das sind Unternehmen, die zwar die deutsche Wirtschaft ankurbeln, aber stelle sie nicht als Heilige da. Wenn es dann durch die obersten Bosse und Top-Manager zu Einbußen durch die oben genannten Betrügereien kommt, dann sind es doch die kleinen Mitarbeiter am Fließband die ersten, die ihren Kopf dafür hinhalten müssen. Also rede nicht davon, dass die Wirtschaft angekurbelt wird (Jobs generieren), wenn sie die kleinsten Mitarbeiter gleichzeitig als Schutzschild benutzen, während ganz oben niemand um seine Existenz bangen muss. Und wenn dann mal wirklich einer von denen was zu befürchten hat, dann ist es eine Kündigung mit Abfindungen von monatlich mehreren Zehntausend Euro. Deutschland ist wirtschaftlich stark, aber da sieht man mal, wo das Geld dann hinterher wirklich landet und wer profitiert und wer das Risiko zu tragen hat. Wirklich Heilgie Menschen da oben ;-) Das sind alles betrügerische Unternehmen, die durch Absprache den Fortschritt in der Automobilindustrie keine größeren Innovationen erbringen mussten. Das ist Wettbewerbsverzerrung zu deren Gunsten. Die ganzen technischen Sachen, die Du mir da auftischt sind sowieso irrelevant. Der Verbrennungsmotor wird schon bald durch den Elektromotor abgelöst. Siehe Renault, etliche Japaner und Tesla. Die Deutschen schliefen und die Konkurrenz überholte uns. Unter anderem ein Resultat des fehlenden Wettbewerbs hier bei uns. Und ja! Ich sage als Deutscher, dass es sogar mal Zeit wäre, dass die Deutschen ihren ersten Platz in der Automobilindustrie abgeben. Wenn es denn die anderen Konzerne durch ebenso gute Produkte verdient haben, dann ist es halt so. Das nennt sich Wettbewerb. Ich weiß. Sowas tut VW-Fanboys weh. Aber es geht tatsächlich auch ohne Lug und Betrug. Und dass denen immernoch so nichtsdenkende Leute stumpfsinnig hinterherlaufen, zeigt doch, dass man mal die Deutschen wachrütteln muss. Lasst Euch nicht verarschen! Konkurrenz ist besser und wenn die Deutschen nicht in der E-Mobilität nachziehen können, dann wird es wohl so sein. Das ist halt der Wandel der Zeit! Sonst würden Heute immernoch alle Kutsche fahren. Und der Menschheit den Fortschritt zu verwähren, weil man nur an das eigene Wohl denkt ist ja wohl alles andere als Zukunftsorientiert. Leute wie Du und ihre deutschen Konzerne hätten damals auch sicher verhindert, dass jemand herausfindet, dass die Erde eine Kugel sei, was? Bloß den Fortschritt zu eigenen Gunsten ausbremsen. Außerdem denkt die Deutsche Regierung dann vielleicht zweimal darüber nach (wenn die deutsche Automobilindustrie schwächelt), die Steuergelder zu allen Seiten rauszuschmeißen. Milliarden über Milliarden liegen in Berlin am Flughafen und eine Elbphilharmonie hat einfach mal das Zehnfache gekostet. Das soll der Wirtschaft helfen? Während alte Menschen kaum mit ihrer Rente über die Runden kommen? Alte Menschen, die nachts im Dunkeln sitzen, weil der Strom zu teuer ist oder alte Menschen, die nebenbei noch bis 80 (und bis zum Tode) jobben? Wo wird diesen Menschen in unserer ach so glorreichen Wirtschaft geholfen? Auf dem Papier geht es Deutschland gut. Na und??? Letztendlich sind es dann die oberen X Prozent, die sich ein Lotterleben gönnen, während der alte Bauer sich den Rücken krümmt um dann im Lebensabend die Hand aufhalten zu müssen. Rede Du mir mal nicht von toller Wirtschaft durch die deutschen Konzerne. Eben genau solche Konzerne bringen zwar auf Papier Geld ins Land, aber verteilen es immer schön nach oben. Und weil man als Regierung anteilig verdient, ist es auch im eigenen Sinne. Sehr tolle Wirtschaftindustrie. Reiche werden reicher und Arme ärmer. Irgendwann bildet sich noch eine Kluft für eine Zweiklassengesellschaft wie in Russland. Ich will gar nicht wissen, wo die noch Dreck am Stecken haben. Und um eben solche korruptähnlichen Modelle nicht zu fördern, kaufe ich solche Marken aus Prinzip nicht. Und lass mich raten (aufgrund Deiner zu Anfang verbalen Unkontrolliertheit): Du bist ein VW-Fanboy, der bei 180 km/h auf der Autobahn einem Renault auf 5 Meter dicht auffährt und nötigt und dann schneidet, sobald er vorbei ist, was? Ihr passt irgendwie alle ins gleiche Schema. Tut mir Leid, aber denk Du mal weiter in Schubladen und tüftel an Deiner Drosselklappe. Die brauchst Du bald nicht mehr. Bitte, bleib' weiterhin unverbesserlich bei Deinen Betrügerkonzernen und lass Dich für dumm verkaufen. Der Wirtschaft helfen ... dass ich nicht lache. Und deshalb, genau deshalb kaufe ich alternative Marken. Mein Geld brauchen die Reichen der deutschen Automobilindustrie nicht auch noch.
The Alfa Romeo Giulia wins in every drug race and it has the best characteristics of all cars in the same class.. This car maybe is the best of 2016/2017
Nice jump start, but that Alfa is lovely. Lets bust the myth that Carbon brakes offer better one off stopping power. They do not; they give better repeated braking from high speed on a track for eg. ie they're fade resistent.
Funny you should say that... I was driving the M3 in the drag race - there's a noticeable gap between releasing the brake and the clutch biting before it takes off. We could've avoided that by not using launch control, but that would've made both the BMW and the Merc a little slower...
It just looked like the Alfa got a fractional jump on the other two, which also likely considering he was "firing the starter gun". Interesting that the launch control has a little delay. cheers.
Well actually considering that manufacturers usually offer bigger discs and calipers on the ceramics, plus there is less unsprung weight too, a car optioned with carbon ceramic brakes will pretty much always stop better than its standard steel-equipped version.
la meccanica delle emozioni - The mechanics of emotions... Alfas slogan sums it all up. Even the basic Giulia Super is a stunning car. I sell these beauties and am in love. Few things to know, Alfas engineers along with Ferraris and Maseratis started to design the Quadrifoglio Giulia first. From this base they started designing the basic models like Super and Veloce. Thats why they are absolutely amazing! Best car I've ever driven! Alfa is back!
The C63 Coupe is a little more than 50lbs heavier than the sedan, so i wish they would've tested the sedan. Either way the AMG is the heaviest car there.
I know it really doesn't. But I was at a Mercedes dealership and they told me that it was heaver so i checked at home. Turns out the coupe is almost 300Lbs heavier.
I might be an ///M fanboy but I'll take that Giulia QV over the M3 anyday... I mean it's got an engine designed by fookin Ferrari m8!!! *Edit*: Just experienced the Giulia Quadrifoglio this morning; *what a fucking beast*. Now I'll definitely take it over the M3, anyday, even if a better M3 comes out... It's never gonna have that Italian soul!
ahmed amjad 5 years ago?? Bloody hell. The next engine better be the best in class... Also, I'm so damn hyped for the new 8 Series; hope it totally roasts the S-Class.
I was pretty much sure that for the acceleration from 0 Alfa was gonna win but for the rolling race I was expecting Mercedes to be the first and Alfa to be second but with the actual results I became even happier. It's absolutely undeniable that the Giulia Quadrifoglio Verde is one of the best cars ever, respect for Italian manufacturer!
Im an absolute BMW fanboy, and i've been lucky enough to spend a good chunk of time in The Alfa and the M3 on track. Though, I feel like I am faster and more precise in the M3, I pick the Alfa everytime. There is just so much personality. and it's gorgeous.
Not going to fanboy around as I love the feel and sound of a Mercedes AMG and voted it would win the drag race... But 70 grand, 10k more than the others, a coupe, 400kg heavier and it came last? Shame on Mercedes... Shame...
No, that was the Giulia's dry weight vs the Merc's wet weight. It actually weights about 100kg more, and that's because the coupe is heavier than the sedan
I have owned a 147 and a Mito... Both were utterly incredible, beautiful cars. I had a complimentary, and may I say VERY spirited run in a 4c... Regardless of ANY review... EVERYBODY on the planet should drive one!!! Absolutely mind blowing!!!
i just destroyed an M4 today with relative ease. This Giulia is a beast. Beautiful yet so powerful that people get stunned when they realize how fast it is.
@@drunkenstyler2k Well i didnt ask for the race, he did and by the way if you start calculating HP before every race you are gonna end up with bunch of people cruising their cars around.
I had a chance to dirve Giulia and i can simply say this is one of the best driving cars i have ever driven and i bought Giulia Veloce! :) This is stunning car, the joy from driving is amazing !
nooooo.....chi lo dice adesso a quelli che credono che l'M3 va più forte della Giulia??? basta spezzare piccoli cuoricini tedeschi con questi video......grazie....
It's like this on so many of the test when someone just completely failed the car and we can't actually see what would happen when the driver doesn't just suck
they did?? matt drove it too and it did slowest 0-60. My brother has one they are such heavy lumbering cars unfortunately. Fact even the m4 with loads less power spanked it lol In fact spanked EVEN mid range so thats not down to driver...soz
@@bigmatt8817 no they would react on time because leaving half a second late kinda ruins the whole point of the race and actually seeing how they compare
Laurenz Forth that explained why the giulia smoked it around the nurburgring right? it’s called *people don’t mind getting ripped off by bmw, merc, and audi* Your delusional if your convinced otherwise, aka, your brainwashed by the german brands
@@laurenzforth3740 so you own or have tried PERSONALLY both of them and tested the quality to say such things? or you are just a german car fanboy who cannot appreciate differences in the sports car market and recognize when one of them is clearly the better
I find it a bit weird that the M3 outpaced the C63 S. Would've wanted to see in-car footage to see whether there were any problems. Also, it's a bit problematic to test rolling acceleration with DCT in auto mode, since the transmission probably has a higher gear preselected, and it quite a while for it to shift down for better acceleration. All in all though, I think the Alfa is a great car, and it looks good too!
I had few BMWs and Audis and none of them gave me the pure pleasure that the Giulia is giving me now. Alfa is finally back and people should definitely try out the Giulia before buying a similar car
Can't believe the c63 S 0-60 miles... need better tires or something... this is worst than my 2017 cla45 amg 4.0-4.1 secs 0-60... I know it's awd but still c63 should have achieved better. PS: I just realized something... the coupe weighs more than the sedan.. it im not mistaken 200-300lbs more. Strange.
Savo Popovic although the Alfa is more comfortable, it’s quieter inside and the suspension is more comfortable for daily use, so are the regular QV seats. that’s what i can tell you from personal experience with both cars and from reviews.
Savo Popovic but you can’t compare a new bmw to an old FCA built alfa, that’s like comparing an old e39 523i to this AR Quadrofoglio, alfa was mostly crap in the past, but they aren’t now.
Quite right. But if you're going to listen to your heart rather than your brain... ...you might end up experiencing the downside of it. As fast and amazing looking as this Alfa Romeo is, when it comes to reliability they still rank in the lower half and that I'm afraid is unacceptable when you pay premium money for a car. Not saying that BMW or Mercedes top the reliability rankings either - far from it - but they still have less issues than any Alfa Romeo as the cars start to pass the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of life...
@@paulallen8109 there must always be a smart-ass. I don't care smart-ass. It's my money and my love for Alfa and I will do what ever the fuck I want to do with my money. Sod off.
Love the Alfa QV. I'm setting my sights on one for next year. What a come back car by Alfa. Simply stunning! I'm done with common German cars (saying that I've got the A7 🙈)
The Alfa Quad is one of the best cars ever made. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I was soooo skeptical with it being only a 2.9 V6, but my mind was blown during the test drive. The salesman new I would come back and mind blown and ready to purchase as he already had the paperwork ready lol. I have yet to lose a race. M3’s, hellcats, and all the little river Honda’s and Evo can’t even come close to competing. I literally shut the car meets down every weekend. I have a very rare Trofeo White Tri Coat color with the carbon fiber package with 21” wheels from the Stelvio Quad that I traded with a friend from the forum. Alfa really outdid themselves with the Giulia and Stelvio Quadrifoglio. There’s really nothing that compares. Knowing the car was designed by Ferrari makes all the sense. It’s the small things that matters to real drivers like myself. Like the paddle shifters being on the column and never moving when the wheel turns. All of that in a car that I can still lug my family around in is unimaginable. Thank you Alfa!!!!!
AleBa Nice! Has he looked into any of the maintenance/reliability the car may come with? I’m very interested in getting one myself they are so amazing!
I love the Alfa, I have the 2018 Stelvio sport Ti red interior for the wife, I am on the hunt for a Giulia Quadrifoglio soon, and the family will be completed.
Just noticed something.. he said that he put the Alfa into Drive and into its sportiest setting but he never specified "Race" mode. Actually I think Car and Driver has recorded a time as low as 3.6 0-60mph. This is really good for a company who has been out of the game for decades to come back to challenge the top dogs in its class with a RWD turbocharged 4dr car with NO LAUNCH CONTROL.
Im a BMW fan and german car fan but we should respect this Alfa. Amazing perfromance
RANDRIANASOLO Prince that video was not fair btw the bmw is 4 yrs older than the alfa and its still has 60hp less
Kalányos Hengerfej True. I like the BMW a bit more but by Alfa you get more car for your money 😄
@@kissdani2952 This means nothing. Honstly. I ride a Honda Fireblade from the year 2000 and it beats several sportbikes out there. Age is just a number, but PS and torque do not change.
kai maier bruw i wrote in my subcom the bmw has 60hp less
@@kissdani2952 Thats right, but watch the Merc. 2 Zylinders more and exact same HP, still loses and is from 2015
Honestly, these cars are so close performance wise, just pick whichever one makes you happy. There is no right or wrong. All very beautiful and fun.
I need them all in my garage that i will have in near future
Haha people are so pissed the Alfa smoked them both
Yes there is a right answer - *Alfa Romeo*
If you track your car, get the BMW as it still has the best chassis. If you just want a stylish family sedan for everyday use, get the Merc as it has the most comfortable suspension and a better interior than the Alfa though not quite as good as the BMW interior. If you want a car that isn't as expensive, get a used Alfa Romeo Giulia as these cars are depreciating like a stock market crash.
@@visveshnarayan7964 If you want a track car get the Giulia, best time on nurburgring.
even if the Alfa was third, i would still pick the Alfa.
That is one amazing looking car
@@anteup4027 Glasses would help.
Sa yan such shit taste in style looks awful
No you wouldn’t because it breaks down three times before the BMW is out of warranty
I think the look of the giulia looks exactly like the maserati ghibli even the alfa romeo 4x4 stelvio looks like the maserati levante just saying
Clorox Bleach u got a nice ass ride
Uhhhh I love the sound of the giulia quadrifoglio
u got 666 likes and a weird words in the end of your phrase. What are they? Call of the Satan?
@@Borland5478 quadrifoglio is the alfa romeo alternative to ig the sports model. Such as the "m" variant of bmw or "amg"
@@Borland5478 Its Clover in italian.
JoshTibbs58 italian sound
I love the design, beautiful 🇮🇹 design.
That Alfa is an absolute masterclass. I have the Veloce and I love it, I'll get the Quad when it's a few years old and lost about 50% of it's value.
I plan on getting the Veloce and plan on getting the QF a few years after. I cannot wait.
Are you happy with the veloce? My Girlfriend and I are huge Alfa fans, have a 156, a 155, and a giulietta and now we're thinking about getting a veloce.
Can you tell me some negative points about the car? Because the good ones are already known 😂
@@StayFriendly290 I have the Veloce Ti 2019 (Germany). I live in the Alps (border with Austria) with a lot of beautiful mountain roads. My Giulia is going simply perfect! Nothing problem, even in winter. Performance 10/10. Winter tires Pirelli Sottozero 3 (with same size of the summer ones) and Summer tires Bridgestone Potenza S001 RFT.
@@corneliusscipio777 cool thanks for the answer, loving in South bavaria as well :)
@@StayFriendly290 only bad thing about Alfa its once you drive one your heart will always belong to Alfa Romeo , buy and dont look back 👍
Alfa Giulia make Italian people proud 🇮🇹🇮🇹
Germany car are astonishing, Italian cars are sensational. But germs fuck fraud Chinese consumers by replacing a lot of important metal parts.
so should bottles of peroni
Without launch control and the lowest engine placement Alfa Romeo Giulia still beat the Gemans!
I love how Alfa is coming back to old glory... I had 3 Alfas and all were very nice cars... Best one: 156 2.5 V6 loved this car!
you meaned ferrari. alf builds only the body
This Giulia is completely builds in Alfa Romeo. The engine is alfa. The engineers ferrari has collaborated, but isn't ferrari. Is totally alfa
Mirko Schwamm Forza Alfa🍀
Boost Wars Sorry, but Ferrari is like a daughter of Alfa. Cheers🍀
I hear you. I have the 156 GTA. Boy best V6 ever made
Bought my Alfa three months ago and it’s still the best driving experience I’ve ever had. I traded in my Mercedes for it and yes, I miss the interior but I don’t miss the spongy handling.
Once you drive an Alfa you understand why people are so die hard about them.
ESVignettes then you should of driven a BMW
Celestial Being then I’d be lowering my standards. I’ve owned an m5 already.
Which m5 did you have?
Welcome to the family ..........
@@AlexGray He had an F10 if im not mistaken, his other social medias are full of cars
Lol people can't accept the giulia is faster than the m3😂
Tim R people don't realize that the giulia is about 4 years newer than the current gen m3. Haha sad people, it should be faster. They have something to compare to.
Tim R because is not.. Think about M3 GTS... 👌
Mr Fiedka This video isn't about the gts mate ;)
Mr Fiedka m3 gts goes from 0-60 in 4.4 seconds, the giulia qv in 3.9 :)
Tim R alfa had there time to produce a super sedan after all these years the m3 is a 2014 car so guess what? They copied and made it better i give then that but the alfa has more power and weight. Well wait for the 2019 model m3 and then ill be comparable.btw talking about power 510 against a 440 and the race was close.
It's like watching two drug dealers fight a Roman Gladiator.
Best comment🏆😄
@@gradyparsons6678 well 674 people think otherwise.
More like two drug dealers fighting the mafia
That Alfa is a Ferrari in disguise, I fell in love after seeing it on Top Gear when Jeremy Clarkson reviewed it.
I think you mean grand tour :p
True sleeper 😂😂😂
That alfa is Fiat Fiat😂😂 They are produced in the same Fabrica has nothing in common with Ferrari
Ferrari in disguise? Not really
@@giorgivasilev3037 Alfa Romeo Giulia & Stelvio are based on the ,,Giorgio" platform and this platform is NOTHING Fiat!!!
Yo who’s still watching this in 2020. The Alfa annihilated the two Germans
This video makes me so happy making all the BMW fanboys angry and frothing at the mouth
SAABaton 169 Bro sameee!!
@@archer7716 I just did some googling to make sure my numbers are accurate, the Merc is hard to find a price for but generally they ask from £73-75K for a c63s, and an m4 competition starts from £71k whereas a Giulia qv which is more powerful and faster as we have seen starts from £66k, all 2020 model years, and this is without looking at carwow discounts, so idk what imaginary prices u were thinking up to excuse the bm but it ain't so I'm afraid
It's so funny how Italian the Alfa is: Automatic warning blinkers if you break really hard.
@@quattordicimontenapoleone3113 most cars do that nowadays though, the Giulia appears to ve particularly sensitive to it
Alfa is back!
Toda la razon!! Esta volviendo a lo antiguo como los alfa 75😍
@@MarioRodriguez-xy3xz alfa 155 its a bit better than 75
@crizlan alfa 75 is more fast than 155
That Giulia is absolutely stunning. Finally a car that is affordable to that market and crushes the overplayed M and AMG cars. I am looking to add it to my channel!
Driveway Demons bmw cheapest of the 3 mate
tryingmybest123 starting price, yes, but options are way more expensive on the BMW.
The carbons alone are 2k more.
Driveway Demons absolutely ugly you mean
The only thing that’s overplayed is your Johnson
Stop promoting your shit channel
The Alfa is just a monster!! Insane design! Insane performance! Insane car!!
So happy the Alfa won, favourite car of the bunch
TR Hamza i
TR Hamza Great car but I wish they did these videos properly because in a previous video the Mercedes beat the bmw in a drag race, now the bmw beats the Mercedes, also I couldn’t help but notice then he showed the bmw going into launch mode it was in efficient mode 😑. I know the BMW can do better, I’ve seen it with my own eyes
So happy the Alfa won depreciation car of the year
Looked like he jumped the start
Buy alfa and you dont need to go to gym anymore. Everyday you would have leg workout
Alfa also has the best sound!
I love how nobody cares about Audi anymore.
Nicola Pellacani audi sucks dick
Nicola Pellacani The rs5 can't compete with these and the rs4 has been out of production for a while.
Nicola Pellacani perché l'Audi fa cagare il cazzo
LegendInThaMakin It could, but It wouldn't win.
I have audi and I like it very much. But they don't have a car to compete here. And everybody knows Audis are not fun to drive.
"Every time I see an alfa I take off my hat."
Cit: Henry Ford
Happy that alfa won... its just a special car
As a german I'm happy that finally (!!!) a car manufacturer beats all the german big brands to give a good alternative car to buy! If I had the money I would by tha alfa!
Bist du dumm?
Blackhawker91 Wieso? Bleib mal sachlich und komm auf'n Punkt. Mit rhetorischen Fragen ohne jegliche Aussage demonstrierst Du nur, dass eben Du dumm zu sein scheinst.
Dass du ein italienisches Auto einem deutschen vorziehen würdest und in deiner obrigen Aussage froh bist, dass die Italiener die deutschen Automobilhersteller (Was auf Kosten der deutschen Wirtschaft geht) schlagen zeugt davon, dass du weder Ahnung von Autos hast, noch hinter der deutschen Wirtschaft stehst. "As a german I'm happy " Alleine der Satzanfang hat gereicht und ist ja schon ein Widerspruch in sich mit dem was darauf folgt.
Das was du schreibst heißt auch unter anderem, dass du froh bist, wenn die deutsche Wirtschaft aufgrund ausländischer Konkurrenz an Umsatz und Gewinn verliert. Im Endeffekt wirst du auch darunter leiden. Alles was sich in der Wirtschaft ins negative verändert, oder mit Umsatzeinbüßen zu tun hat bekommt am Ende auch der Bürger ab. Ich wette du hast keine Ahnung von Autos, du kannst mir bestimmt nichtmal den Unterschied zwischen einer homogenen und einer stöchiometrischen Verbrennung, in Bezug auf Schichtladebetrieb und den daraus resultierenden Drossel- und Drallklappenwinkeln nennen, ohne dich vorher im Internet schlau zu machen. Kannst sicherlich auch nicht erklären was eine Desmodromik ist und warum sie bis heute nicht in der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik eingesetzt wird. Du hast sicherlich auch keine Ahnung inwieweit die deutschen Hersteller in Sachen Fertigungstechnik, Materialqualität und Motorsteuerung (z.B VTG Ladetechnik) den Italienern oder allgemein ausländischen Herstellern vorraus sind. Du hast sicherlich kein Argument, warum der Alfa besser sein soll als der M3. Los, lass uns sachlich diskutieren.
Blackhawker91 Dass ich vorangestellt habe, dass ich Deutscher bin ist kein Widerspruch. Für Dich vielleicht, da Du in Schubladen denkst und nicht davon ausgehst, dass mal ein Deutscher nicht so blind und naiv glücklich mit der Deutschen Industrie so wie Du ist. Ich bin nicht damit zufrieden, dass sich VW, Audi, BMW, MB und co. alles ungestraft erlauben dürfen. Sei es ADAC-Bestechung, Abgasskandal oder Kartellbildungen. Diese Unternehmen können ungestraft alles machen und die Regierung guckt brav zu oder mischt sogar mit. Es scheint, dass man ab einer gewissen Geldgrenze a la Hoeneß nichts mehr vor dem Gesetz zu befürchten hat. Da hab ich ja mehr Konsequenzen zu befürchten, wenn ich meine Handyrechnung nicht bezahle. Für mich nimmt das alles schon sehr stark korrupte Tendenzen an.
Das sind Unternehmen, die zwar die deutsche Wirtschaft ankurbeln, aber stelle sie nicht als Heilige da. Wenn es dann durch die obersten Bosse und Top-Manager zu Einbußen durch die oben genannten Betrügereien kommt, dann sind es doch die kleinen Mitarbeiter am Fließband die ersten, die ihren Kopf dafür hinhalten müssen. Also rede nicht davon, dass die Wirtschaft angekurbelt wird (Jobs generieren), wenn sie die kleinsten Mitarbeiter gleichzeitig als Schutzschild benutzen, während ganz oben niemand um seine Existenz bangen muss. Und wenn dann mal wirklich einer von denen was zu befürchten hat, dann ist es eine Kündigung mit Abfindungen von monatlich mehreren Zehntausend Euro. Deutschland ist wirtschaftlich stark, aber da sieht man mal, wo das Geld dann hinterher wirklich landet und wer profitiert und wer das Risiko zu tragen hat. Wirklich Heilgie Menschen da oben ;-)
Das sind alles betrügerische Unternehmen, die durch Absprache den Fortschritt in der Automobilindustrie keine größeren Innovationen erbringen mussten. Das ist Wettbewerbsverzerrung zu deren Gunsten.
Die ganzen technischen Sachen, die Du mir da auftischt sind sowieso irrelevant. Der Verbrennungsmotor wird schon bald durch den Elektromotor abgelöst. Siehe Renault, etliche Japaner und Tesla. Die Deutschen schliefen und die Konkurrenz überholte uns. Unter anderem ein Resultat des fehlenden Wettbewerbs hier bei uns.
Und ja! Ich sage als Deutscher, dass es sogar mal Zeit wäre, dass die Deutschen ihren ersten Platz in der Automobilindustrie abgeben. Wenn es denn die anderen Konzerne durch ebenso gute Produkte verdient haben, dann ist es halt so. Das nennt sich Wettbewerb. Ich weiß. Sowas tut VW-Fanboys weh. Aber es geht tatsächlich auch ohne Lug und Betrug. Und dass denen immernoch so nichtsdenkende Leute stumpfsinnig hinterherlaufen, zeigt doch, dass man mal die Deutschen wachrütteln muss. Lasst Euch nicht verarschen! Konkurrenz ist besser und wenn die Deutschen nicht in der E-Mobilität nachziehen können, dann wird es wohl so sein. Das ist halt der Wandel der Zeit! Sonst würden Heute immernoch alle Kutsche fahren. Und der Menschheit den Fortschritt zu verwähren, weil man nur an das eigene Wohl denkt ist ja wohl alles andere als Zukunftsorientiert. Leute wie Du und ihre deutschen Konzerne hätten damals auch sicher verhindert, dass jemand herausfindet, dass die Erde eine Kugel sei, was? Bloß den Fortschritt zu eigenen Gunsten ausbremsen.
Außerdem denkt die Deutsche Regierung dann vielleicht zweimal darüber nach (wenn die deutsche Automobilindustrie schwächelt), die Steuergelder zu allen Seiten rauszuschmeißen. Milliarden über Milliarden liegen in Berlin am Flughafen und eine Elbphilharmonie hat einfach mal das Zehnfache gekostet. Das soll der Wirtschaft helfen? Während alte Menschen kaum mit ihrer Rente über die Runden kommen? Alte Menschen, die nachts im Dunkeln sitzen, weil der Strom zu teuer ist oder alte Menschen, die nebenbei noch bis 80 (und bis zum Tode) jobben? Wo wird diesen Menschen in unserer ach so glorreichen Wirtschaft geholfen?
Auf dem Papier geht es Deutschland gut. Na und??? Letztendlich sind es dann die oberen X Prozent, die sich ein Lotterleben gönnen, während der alte Bauer sich den Rücken krümmt um dann im Lebensabend die Hand aufhalten zu müssen. Rede Du mir mal nicht von toller Wirtschaft durch die deutschen Konzerne. Eben genau solche Konzerne bringen zwar auf Papier Geld ins Land, aber verteilen es immer schön nach oben. Und weil man als Regierung anteilig verdient, ist es auch im eigenen Sinne. Sehr tolle Wirtschaftindustrie. Reiche werden reicher und Arme ärmer. Irgendwann bildet sich noch eine Kluft für eine Zweiklassengesellschaft wie in Russland. Ich will gar nicht wissen, wo die noch Dreck am Stecken haben.
Und um eben solche korruptähnlichen Modelle nicht zu fördern, kaufe ich solche Marken aus Prinzip nicht.
Und lass mich raten (aufgrund Deiner zu Anfang verbalen Unkontrolliertheit): Du bist ein VW-Fanboy, der bei 180 km/h auf der Autobahn einem Renault auf 5 Meter dicht auffährt und nötigt und dann schneidet, sobald er vorbei ist, was? Ihr passt irgendwie alle ins gleiche Schema. Tut mir Leid, aber denk Du mal weiter in Schubladen und tüftel an Deiner Drosselklappe. Die brauchst Du bald nicht mehr.
Bitte, bleib' weiterhin unverbesserlich bei Deinen Betrügerkonzernen und lass Dich für dumm verkaufen. Der Wirtschaft helfen ... dass ich nicht lache.
Und deshalb, genau deshalb kaufe ich alternative Marken. Mein Geld brauchen die Reichen der deutschen Automobilindustrie nicht auch noch.
This video proves that a V8 is not always better than a V6 or a straight 6... (apart from that eargasmic rumble of course)
The giulia looks gorgeous 😍
The Alfa Romeo Giulia wins in every drug race and it has the best characteristics of all cars in the same class..
This car maybe is the best of 2016/2017
xarhsavol avol. Lol you said “drug race”
Maybe because the Alfa was on hard drugs 😅
Marcello Ribeiro it was on "speed"
Nice jump start, but that Alfa is lovely. Lets bust the myth that Carbon brakes offer better one off stopping power. They do not; they give better repeated braking from high speed on a track for eg. ie they're fade resistent.
Funny you should say that... I was driving the M3 in the drag race - there's a noticeable gap between releasing the brake and the clutch biting before it takes off. We could've avoided that by not using launch control, but that would've made both the BMW and the Merc a little slower...
Alex Ingram It looked to me as if the BMW had a slow start off the line,but you explained it...
It just looked like the Alfa got a fractional jump on the other two, which also likely considering he was "firing the starter gun". Interesting that the launch control has a little delay. cheers.
You have got to try again.. I heard from BM nerds that you can get a better launch without the launch control and just mashing the throttle..
Well actually considering that manufacturers usually offer bigger discs and calipers on the ceramics, plus there is less unsprung weight too, a car optioned with carbon ceramic brakes will pretty much always stop better than its standard steel-equipped version.
That's amazing. Alfa engineers have done a very good job.
alfa romeo giulia❤
m5 2018 semplicemente le da fuoco
Enzo Pagone Ma che paragone fai, sono auto di due categorie completamente diverse...
Non era manco in modo Race
f90 one un pista neanche morta, le gare drag sono da fighette senza palle, poi se proprio devi contro l'm3
Plastica pagata oro... Per nn parla dei richiami su auto nuove e centraline che svalvolano... Fca manco a regalo 😂
Alfa = Amore
Love alfa romeo glad it beat the M3
" Motori Italiani": The best.
@@eneskibaroglu897 forza
@@eneskibaroglu897 Not.
@@pandjiaryopoerwono3789 n f s
who else knew alfa was going to win following the BMW and the C63
Agreed. The Alfa is one of my favorite cars. It looks the best out of the three, it’s the second cheapest, and it performs the best
la meccanica delle emozioni - The mechanics of emotions... Alfas slogan sums it all up. Even the basic Giulia Super is a stunning car. I sell these beauties and am in love. Few things to know, Alfas engineers along with Ferraris and Maseratis started to design the Quadrifoglio Giulia first. From this base they started designing the basic models like Super and Veloce. Thats why they are absolutely amazing! Best car I've ever driven! Alfa is back!
Unfortunately most buyers believe in the Holy German brands and aren't buying Giulias, although they are a better product.
I never realized a Alfa could outrun a BMW... Are these engines in the same class?
No. The Alfa has a V6 Ferrari engine so it way outclasses the BMW.
It's same class.
Se non capisci una mazza di auto non è colpa tua.
massimo veltri
Bravo Massimo, sono invidiosi che la Giulia ha spaccato tutto.
Lol, you should look at some race history, Alfas have beaten BMW's numerous times.
"This is my bosses car"
*immediately grasses it*
The C63 Coupe is a little more than 50lbs heavier than the sedan, so i wish they would've tested the sedan. Either way the AMG is the heaviest car there.
Also, I dont understand why did their edition 1 have normal brakes. In US, front brakes are carbon ceramic for edition 1
I know it really doesn't. But I was at a Mercedes dealership and they told me that it was heaver so i checked at home. Turns out the coupe is almost 300Lbs heavier.
it has better suspension thats why it is heavier
dimos15 true that adaptive suspension is really remarkable for a coupe that heavy
amg is always heaviest in every segment
Mercs are unbelievably fat. 1800kg is shocking for the small exec segment.
They are by passing the weight reduction techniques in order to save cost. Actually C63 drives fantasticly despite of the weight penalty.
You just can't have a V8 and a light car , but I think Mercedes can't seem to grasp the idea , yet it looks awesome.
the weight does give comfort at higher speeds, GT-R is fat as fuck but drives fucking good at highe speed.
Also has that shit MCT transmission over the dct or zf
+Drezdan you can have a V8 and a light car, just look at the transition from the l6 engine in the e46 m3 to the e92 v8, it was lighter than the l6.
Alfa Romeo beat bmw and amg...that s amazing....really great job
Lol the m3 was 3 yrs older than the alfa at the time this vid was recorded, lets try this again agahahahah
Emir crudo
I might be an ///M fanboy but I'll take that Giulia QV over the M3 anyday... I mean it's got an engine designed by fookin Ferrari m8!!!
*Edit*: Just experienced the Giulia Quadrifoglio this morning; *what a fucking beast*. Now I'll definitely take it over the M3, anyday, even if a better M3 comes out... It's never gonna have that Italian soul!
Arman_dleg m3 is king amyway
MegaFregel Will do!
remember bmw m3 engine was degined 5 years ago ,imagine hw will the nxt gen m3 will fuck alfa
ahmed amjad 5 years ago?? Bloody hell. The next engine better be the best in class... Also, I'm so damn hyped for the new 8 Series; hope it totally roasts the S-Class.
I was pretty much sure that for the acceleration from 0 Alfa was gonna win but for the rolling race I was expecting Mercedes to be the first and Alfa to be second but with the actual results I became even happier. It's absolutely undeniable that the Giulia Quadrifoglio Verde is one of the best cars ever, respect for Italian manufacturer!
Please bring back this format? I love seeing you test 0-60 times
Italy is just the best
Im an absolute BMW fanboy, and i've been lucky enough to spend a good chunk of time in The Alfa and the M3 on track.
Though, I feel like I am faster and more precise in the M3, I pick the Alfa everytime.
There is just so much personality. and it's gorgeous.
Alfa romeo Giulia ❤️
I would get the Alfa too, if only they can make good f1 cars for sauber for some more contention with Mercedes
Not going to fanboy around as I love the feel and sound of a Mercedes AMG and voted it would win the drag race... But 70 grand, 10k more than the others, a coupe, 400kg heavier and it came last? Shame on Mercedes... Shame...
LMFAO a lot of butt hurt Mercedes fan boys on the comments here. Just cause it's a "Mercedes" doesn't mean it's automatically going to win 😂😂
Nathan White Are you scared to swear
@@tomb2290 no not at all
Mercedes driver can't drive. XD
@@jankowalski1123 I agree.
Nathan White ????????
I went with the Giulia after driving a vette for the past 5 years. I am glad with the choice I made as this car is classy and fun to drive.
The winner is Giulia...Italia's supremacy 😍
Emanuele Trentalance fy
The Amg weights 300 kg more than the Quadrifoglio! Seriously?
Giovanni Risato Great English!
No, that was the Giulia's dry weight vs the Merc's wet weight. It actually weights about 100kg more, and that's because the coupe is heavier than the sedan
Kaisuke971 Ah, ok. It seemed really strange to me.
v8 more luxury alfa i think has carbon parts too and its coupe too i think coupe is heavier
and MB c63 has 2 doors less!
I have owned a 147 and a Mito... Both were utterly incredible, beautiful cars.
I had a complimentary, and may I say VERY spirited run in a 4c...
Regardless of ANY review... EVERYBODY on the planet should drive one!!!
Absolutely mind blowing!!!
So in every other Video the AMG wins vs the m3 and in this one the AMG loses everything 🤔
WellOK maybe not same driver
The merc never really won against the m3
WellOK AMG win braking m8
It's cause this is the competition pack
@@7h3th1 The M4 in the other video was also the Competition Pack, and in the other video, the Merc did it 0.3 seconds faster 🙄
The 2016/17 Alfa Giulia QV will be the best used car to buy in 2019
By that time it will probably be falling apart unfortunately!
StereotypedFilms are you really gonna be that guy?
StereotypedFilms It is; it's short for Quadrifoglio Verde
Because Alfas are known to be perfect second hand cars to buy due to epic reliability...
***** I thought so because literally every youtuber or reviewer including Clarkson call it the QV
i just destroyed an M4 today with relative ease. This Giulia is a beast. Beautiful yet so powerful that people get stunned when they realize how fast it is.
So you beat a car with 80hp less than you... Good job 😂
@@drunkenstyler2k Well i didnt ask for the race, he did and by the way if you start calculating HP before every race you are gonna end up with bunch of people cruising their cars around.
I had a chance to dirve Giulia and i can simply say this is one of the best driving cars i have ever driven and i bought Giulia Veloce! :) This is stunning car, the joy from driving is amazing !
nooooo.....chi lo dice adesso a quelli che credono che l'M3 va più forte della Giulia???
basta spezzare piccoli cuoricini tedeschi con questi video......grazie....
Love Alfa Giulia Best Car !!!!! 💓
you definitely started earlier than the rest.
When you're running a 12.6 quarter mile in a C63-S, it's time to get someone else to drive these cars
It's like this on so many of the test when someone just completely failed the car and we can't actually see what would happen when the driver doesn't just suck
they did?? matt drove it too and it did slowest 0-60. My brother has one they are such heavy lumbering cars unfortunately. Fact even the m4 with loads less power spanked it lol In fact spanked EVEN mid range so thats not down to driver...soz
@@sheldoncoffelt1891 would the better driver press the gas pedal harder or what?? 😂😂😂
@@bigmatt8817 no they would react on time because leaving half a second late kinda ruins the whole point of the race and actually seeing how they compare
@@bigmatt8817 it's the guy in the BMW as well
I sold my GTR to buy this Alfa best purchase ive ever done.
Wow, M3 has 60hp less than the other two and still makes second place! Not bad...
40 less hp but cost more the the giulia lmao
@@m.h.3679 because the bmw is a german car. It means it locks better and more aggressiv. Additionaly the quality is better then in italy.
Laurenz Forth that explained why the giulia smoked it around the nurburgring right?
it’s called *people don’t mind getting ripped off by bmw, merc, and audi*
Your delusional if your convinced otherwise, aka, your brainwashed by the german brands
@@laurenzforth3740 so you own or have tried PERSONALLY both of them and tested the quality to say such things? or you are just a german car fanboy who cannot appreciate differences in the sports car market and recognize when one of them is clearly the better
ruclips.net/video/LpRLb9Rf1do/видео.html These drags are ridiculously inaccurate or just simply fixed for sponsorship
That M3 is so goddamn sexy!!
lol they say the bimmer "starts" at £59k but really you're driving out the dealership no less than £85k outta pocket lmao
same with the other cars they get +26k too
@@mirofin BMW still the only one charging for heated seats
@@jadenviljoen3800 I'm pretty sure they are free but ok...
You are an idiot
If you pay 85k for an m3comp you are so dumb.
I find it a bit weird that the M3 outpaced the C63 S. Would've wanted to see in-car footage to see whether there were any problems. Also, it's a bit problematic to test rolling acceleration with DCT in auto mode, since the transmission probably has a higher gear preselected, and it quite a while for it to shift down for better acceleration. All in all though, I think the Alfa is a great car, and it looks good too!
8:46 Kimi would be proud
I had few BMWs and Audis and none of them gave me the pure pleasure that the Giulia is giving me now. Alfa is finally back and people should definitely try out the Giulia before buying a similar car
give me the M3! in my opinion it looks the most attractive. Also I can get it in manual, which is a nice plus :)
U can get the Alfa on manual too ...
The paddles on the Alfa is the biggest paddles I’ve ever seen
We have big feet in Italy
That Miami blue on that Marc is killer
turbo lag in the c63...... slowly kicks in.In fact ,too slow.but a lovely car. I have to admit, quite a come back Alfa. love the giulia.
The Merc did the quarter in 12.3 seconds last time...
Lol merc is disappointing
And it beat the m4 competition when it was put against the RS5 and the M4 comp.
Merc & M3 both had windows open during rolling race. So much for aerodynamics for better performance.
Can't believe the c63 S 0-60 miles... need better tires or something... this is worst than my 2017 cla45 amg 4.0-4.1 secs 0-60... I know it's awd but still c63 should have achieved better.
PS: I just realized something... the coupe weighs more than the sedan.. it im not mistaken 200-300lbs more. Strange.
LUL all C63's are rear wheel drive
I meant my cla45................ maybe I didn't word it right but come on
My bad for misunderstanding that! How do you think Mercedes will do in China? Im predicting a win :)
Hulk Groen he said his cla45
Coupe needs reinforced chassy, so thats why it is heavier.
Italian industry is always distinctive and terrifying for competitors. We wish more success and excellence. You're the best.
Even though it’s probably pumped through the speakers, that Beamer made an epic noise! (4:22)
Mrs Hope Styles sexy
Sei da sposare❤️
assolutamente si lo è
The Merc was already behind with the brake test. No wonder it came first.
once you drive an alfa. there is no going back. respect to all cars though.
For this dude m3 had 450 hp, alfa had 510, thats not small gap... poy
more money (after add ons) bigger engine, less power, and slower...
@@joelpatterson8130 yes but more luksury an comfort. For me and 90% people is bmw fan
Savo Popovic although the Alfa is more comfortable, it’s quieter inside and the suspension is more comfortable for daily use, so are the regular QV seats. that’s what i can tell you from personal experience with both cars and from reviews.
@@MrToastyman900 ok, i know this alfa is awesome, but everyone love bmw, but every other alfa is shit...
Savo Popovic but you can’t compare a new bmw to an old FCA built alfa, that’s like comparing an old e39 523i to this AR Quadrofoglio, alfa was mostly crap in the past, but they aren’t now.
The heart knows why... Alfa Romeo ♥ 🐍 🍀 🇮🇹
Quite right.
But if you're going to listen to your heart rather than your brain...
...you might end up experiencing the downside of it.
As fast and amazing looking as this Alfa Romeo is, when it comes to reliability they still rank in the lower half and that I'm afraid is unacceptable when you pay premium money for a car. Not saying that BMW or Mercedes top the reliability rankings either - far from it - but they still have less issues than any Alfa Romeo as the cars start to pass the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of life...
@@paulallen8109 there must always be a smart-ass. I don't care smart-ass. It's my money and my love for Alfa and I will do what ever the fuck I want to do with my money. Sod off.
M3 is not the fastest, it's the best Family Saloon money can buy❤💪🏆🥇👍
s n are u dum, its more expensive
Love the Alfa QV. I'm setting my sights on one for next year. What a come back car by Alfa. Simply stunning! I'm done with common German cars (saying that I've got the A7 🙈)
The Alfa Quad is one of the best cars ever made. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I was soooo skeptical with it being only a 2.9 V6, but my mind was blown during the test drive. The salesman new I would come back and mind blown and ready to purchase as he already had the paperwork ready lol. I have yet to lose a race. M3’s, hellcats, and all the little river Honda’s and Evo can’t even come close to competing. I literally shut the car meets down every weekend. I have a very rare Trofeo White Tri Coat color with the carbon fiber package with 21” wheels from the Stelvio Quad that I traded with a friend from the forum. Alfa really outdid themselves with the Giulia and Stelvio Quadrifoglio. There’s really nothing that compares. Knowing the car was designed by Ferrari makes all the sense. It’s the small things that matters to real drivers like myself. Like the paddle shifters being on the column and never moving when the wheel turns. All of that in a car that I can still lug my family around in is unimaginable. Thank you Alfa!!!!!
the wheels in the m3 are just amazing, finally giving a cool look to the m3
Alfa Romeo Giulia😍
Yeah,Giulia quadrifoglio is the best Car ever.... no way for the other german car!!!! As an italian i’m so proud!
My dad got a alfa quadrifoglio ! its so nice :D
AleBa Nice! Has he looked into any of the maintenance/reliability the car may come with? I’m very interested in getting one myself they are so amazing!
@@badrasta03 don't trust everyone on the internet
Alfa Romeo ♥️
Interesting how in Top Gear’s latest test the Giulia was the slowest and the Merc was the fastest.
By design. 😉
Best looking car was the Alfa 159
Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio n°1
I love the Alfa, I have the 2018 Stelvio sport Ti red interior for the wife, I am on the hunt for a Giulia Quadrifoglio soon, and the family will be completed.
What the hell was that sound at 2:28?
ABS i guess
Last One I think it was the brakes as Carbon Ceramic breaks need to be heated up and than they won't make a noise and perform better
Last One maybe you should study, michelin are semi slick as pirelli, both are the best performance tyres by this brands
uccio2169 are you sure you are comenting in the right place?
He farted
I like the Alfa a lot but what about that noise while braking...
I think it was just the brakes that were cold, not sure.
Yeah...It doesn't do that when I brake.
I’ve got one with carbon ceramics and I’ve never heard that noise, I drive it very hard at time’s too.
Just noticed something.. he said that he put the Alfa into Drive and into its sportiest setting but he never specified "Race" mode. Actually I think Car and Driver has recorded a time as low as 3.6 0-60mph. This is really good for a company who has been out of the game for decades to come back to challenge the top dogs in its class with a RWD turbocharged 4dr car with NO LAUNCH CONTROL.
Giulia the best 🔥🔥