Check out my favorite thing to sneak into a theater at - use code J1MMY for 10% off your order! (and try Settled's flavor, we've decided)
I feel like my problem with the wildy is mass amount of cheaters. i believe that it creates the mindset of everyone is cheating even when you die from a skill check.
bruh, get a private server, find a way to turn off all respawns, and then have a series going around killing everything in the game until there are no killable mobs or npcs left.
Dunno if it would work, there aren't enough mobs in the game to train to a high enough level to kill the higher level mobs... Would be interesting to see just how far you could get killing everything once though
The funny thing is, Wrathmaw probably would have worked in the 2004 era. Would have resulted in way more clans scrapping it out by Wrathmaw doing their best to place high for rewards. The issue with the Wildy nowadays is the barrier to entry in terms of PvP is just too high, if you don't have the funds to spend on it then it's not worth it.
Also if it was around at the release of Old School there would have been a lot of time for its drops to get into the economy. As it was pitched it would have taken something like 30 years for there to be one of each drop for each player
Plot twist: Jagex, realizing this would be controversial, polled it as a wilderness boss so they could understand the feedback and still be able to poll the world boss again, on a larger scale and with the feedback incorporated, increasing the probability that it will pass altogether
100% agree on the Varlamore clothes shop. I really like the lunar isle, priff, and slepe clothing shops because it feels like it's part of that region. The NPCs there have so many cool new outfits- I think they should absolutely include those in the shops.
I mean how would you do that? Like obviously you wouldn't be able to go to other Regions before completing every quest so no Fontaine until you get done with the Archon quests in Sumuru No Characters allowed that released later? IE you pull Raiden But can't use her until you get done with Chapter 2 Act 2
He means it in a way to emphasize the level of change, perhaps if you spent more time around real people instead of at the g.e you'd gain some people skills
@@RSgaming1337 Telling me to talk to real people while getting all aggro at a joke? The irony is incredible, perhaps your projecting a little "RSgaming1337"?
I only very rarely play Runescape, but love the channel and still dabble on OSRS occasionally. Really hope it isn't lost on RS people how good these dev updates are. Its obviously just a bunch of nerds who are excited to talk about their game. No PR-heavy, cringey, obviously-scripted interviews. Just nerds nerding out. As a WoW player, I'm jealous.
@@vutalol Just wanna clarify, I dont gotta clue how good/bad the updates are, I meant moreso the style of their communication. It doesn't wreak of PR or people suits.
@@vutalol I disagree, there’s countless players that are critical of the game and still appreciate the good updates and content that comes out, which is not few and far between.
Felt. I played back as a kid. Tried to get back into multiple times and can’t. I’ll just can’t get into it again, now I have kids and def don’t have the time LOL.
the wilderness will never thrive as long as wilderness updates continue to cater to the people who already enjoy the wilderness instead of the people not currently enjoying the wilderness
I won't like some people wont go in the wilderness cause they are afraid of it, there's not fixing that. But alternatively i like the castle wars idea that j1mmy had about something like CSgo a while back
Something I really like the idea of private servers. Is the ability to practice content. Like raids, in an environment where i can potentially skip over two bosses that i dont have a problem with, so i can practice the mechanics im actually bad at. Like, imagine just a run for Olm, where you get hit for 0 if you pass the mechanic, or 1 if you fail it. He doesnt die, and you can really get in there and practice specifically what troubles you. Athletes dont practice by playing live games, they do drills too. To specifically help with areas that need improvement.
@@ImNickTurner They weren't likening RS players to Athletes. Just drawing a parallel between Athletes and anyone who has an obstacle they wish to overcome using training and practice to overcome said obstacle. Check your aggro bud, stress and anger is the leading cause of heart disease.
Agree with your point about OSRS original quests. If you're going to do While Guthix Sleeps, I'd rather we get it done as a total re-imagining of what that quest should look like in OSRS. When Silicon Knights was tasked with remaking MGS for the Gamecube, Hideo Kojima wanted them to tell the story their way, because why would he ask them to do a remake just to have them do it the same way he did it? And even if you think Twin Snakes is inferior or better than the original, it is undeniably different and has its own unique vision for what the game should be, and I love that.
big agree; the difference in writing quality between the osrs quests and wgs is really huge and it seems like a missed opportunity to completely change how everything played out
11:50 Uh J1mmy, they do have heal spells. You can be a healer, and share potion boosts, prayer pots, cure poison, etc... just with the lunar book. But it's not really that useful since there isn't a dedicated tank to heal. Maybe it will be better now
what if for Fairy Tale pt. 3 they have Fairy Nuff teach some kinda fairy spellbook or a few additions to standard spellbook that's specifically for healing - like imagine a barrage but instead of damage, it heals, or a spell/item that places something on a tile and everyone who stands on it gets heals over time, etc. That would be epic i'm thinkin
@42:10 Is my exact thoughts. I don't care about someone doing something unique on a custom server. I care about unique accomplishments in the main game. It's so much more unique to see them out in the wild and be able to interact with them or knowing that the account for most part has a certain integrity to it (I know some can be faked).
For the custom servers, the most popular ones will likely basically be the ability to change your levels at will and get whatever gear possible for free. To either play in pvp or practice pvm bosses without real consequence.
I think learning and practicing bosses is definitely what I'm most interested in for now. Custom content later on down the road could be really cool though.
I hadn't even thought about that, being able to test stuff out and do things like that off the bat and without risk might be a huge draw for some people
I personally wouldn't spend too much time doing it, but would love to see what new PvP metas appear if there's pretty much free reign on account builds. Just test until something clicks then send it in main game.
that vod pause was surreal; watching J1mmy sit next to J1mmy and talk J1mmy's spot .. great vid as always. I don't even play osrs, so I have no idea or bearing but I really enjoy what you make :)
I think Jagex didn't understand what they were trying to make for wrathmaw. PKers aren't going to give a flying fuck about wrathmaw, the only people killing it are going to be bots and collection loggers. The pker's are going to group up in clans and kill everyone killing wrathmaw in 2 minutes, think revs but worse because the items it drops aren't as useful elsewhere, and everyone going to be in one spot. How many hours before clans lock down the area?
IMO osrs should take the rs3 route and make the wildy opt-in pvp. It was such a good idea in rs3 as very few people want to do risky pvp and now you regularly see people going to the wilderness with the world events they put in there, plus they could add a bunch of content to the wildy like lots of high end mobs spread roughly through the wildy to make it still dangerous, but with the right setup its the best place to train combat. I think the only things that would need to be changed are stuff where they just shit out loot because its in the wildy.
@@bry10101 pvp worlds would still exist, just makes a ton of existing map space actually available for development and gets rid of a lot of problem content which shits out alchables
@@checker297 will never happer oldschool is not rs3, runescape since the start was about pvp being a unpredictable danger wasteland. Opt in pvp is a horrible idea. The guy in the video doesn't even know what hes talking about. Its simple the wilderness if dangerous don't want to go in, stay out. The reason the wilderness seems dead is because idiots at jagex hire random game developers with no runescape history or knowledge. THese guys literally spread all the pking into pvp worlds, the bounty hunter, and wilderness. They should have kept all dangerous pvp in the wilderness.
I go in the wilderness because there's usually no one there. I rarely run into any PKers outside of hotspots, pretty few and far between. It's a really neat area lore wise, I hope they manage to make it more appealing to casual players.
I lost a few mobile accounts because I made them in nthe transition from “google and apple accounts” to Jagex accounts, so I’m locked out of my best accounts 😭
Honestly, I love the POH updates so much. I was never really able to get into minecraft, but when i showed off my POH to my lil bro, he said I was goving off serious "this is my minecraft house" energy and we both loved it!
This is so exciting and you are absolutely right. I've been wishing for these servers for years. I haven't played Runescape regularly since I was a kid, and this will absolutely bring me back.
thanks j1m i needed this. you know, i thought you were a bad guy after that time you stepped on my muffin at that coffee spot. it’s fine, i know it was an accident, you were stumbling over a rusty nail. thanks for being a good guy
I agree with you that Project Zanaris won't split the playerbase. I'm very optimistic about it overall. I think from Jagex's perspective, (especially for the money grubbing executives) the goal is to make a Roblox for Runescape. Community servers / custom content have been a huge boon for some of my favorite games - minecraft, tf2, csgo, terraria, skyrim, etc. Let the custom content flow!
I was part of the Roleplaying Scene on W42 in Runescape 2 back when I was teenager and there was so much stuff we wish we could have done even as simply as sitting on chairs. I'm really hoping that allowing for custom assets and quest and npc generation will give tools for players that don't necessarily want to play the main game the way Jagex intends
i know twitch chats dont mean much, but it honestly was incredibly disheartening seeing the chat during the summit... why are half these people even watching?
I think the whole passion project versus quick thrown out thing is that you wouldn't have been able to make the quick thing if you felt like the passion project was never getting done. The quick thing gets more attention and that doesn't feel great but recognize that the skills you developed in those passion projects allowed you to throw that quick thing out and have it actually be genuinely amazing and able to reach people who can get inspired to do their own passion project by showing them "here's something you could have done."
If they change absolutely everything about Curse of Arrav. The one thing they cannot touch is Zemorigal's notes about the Majaraat. Specifically what he says about himself. If you know you know, literally the best fucking line in the game.
True Tile is on mobile, along with ground items. Tile markers coming in a few weeks is HUGE! I don't have a PC so having these features on mobile is going to be amazing! Clue helper is already in, quest helper would be nice but not necessary.
That settled ctrl is actually pretty good. Wish it was a little more pineapple heavy than coconut heavy, but its a good meal, would recommend supporting the both of them and getting it
I feel Project Zanaris worlds will live or die by the player caps. If only 10 people can log in then it's always going to be niche, but if a server is allowed to thrive (100+?) then communities would begin to emerge. Honestly, if a private world opened that was exactly the same as OSRS but with drop rate protection for basically anything 1/1000+, I would swap in a heartbeat. I want to play runescape, not gamble my time away.
I checked their FAQ on their discord, they mentioned that the current cap theyre planning on is the same as regular servers, 2000. Naturally you can bring it *down* if you just want you and a couple of friends on there though
Having drop protection doesn’t mean a whole lot when that item is worthless in the market. Nobody will care about PS gear. Unless you’re an Ironman, then who cares.
this is exactly what im looking for. de-ironed my max account because of this reason. would happily start over from scratch on a dupe/drop protection server
What I want are private servers where each quest in a quest line gives you the stats/gear as a reward to just do the next quest. Experience the continuity without having to jump to other quests or grind out skills/gear.
The idea of private servers is AMAZING, imagine all the potential for creators to host mini-games, challenges, all the ways theorycrafters will be able to experiment and work on certain things. Really excited for this and I don't even regularly play OSRS anymore!
More on PVP world boss: We saw alot in the Last Man Standing tournaments, Clans are a huge issue for PVP. Most people aren't in a clan and if they want to experience that content they'd have to find a clan or just ignore it.
@@dilliondantin not wrong at all. I get it, you're probably a pker, and the average PKer isn't exactly brainy. but that is objectively true. the way it was proposed, it would 100% but be locked down by clans.
I believe Project RSPS actually could be useful to introduce your kids' class to osrs. It could be a safe place for the young ones to experience the game, without toxic players... and you know... we could 10x all HP and hits... maybe we could change up the combat a bit to make it more engaging for TikTok-brains!
Y'know J1mmy your correct, some of my friends have tried runescape before and they feel like its not the right kind of game for them with the massive grinds but a friend of a friend had some success with a private server they made for some friends in a different game and the friends who didn't enjoy the grinds of runescape and even the main game of that game did end up enjoying the expirence of this server so i will be doing my best to cultivate the experience of my own zanaris world to show the wonderful world of runescape to these people and show that not every grind has to be a slog fest, as long as jagex gives us the best tools for the job and i have high hopes for the zanaris team because of that.
A part of me does want the wilderness to survive, but it’s not 2007 and it’s just too tedious to go out there now lol. Do a world boss in the actual world and people would love it I’m sure. Make it like stars or something. A star comes down, crashes, you mine it for a bit bam some golem comes out and cooks everyone. That would be fun or like the evil spirit tree event boss in RS2/3.
I can give you some technical insight into the entity issue; it likely has to do with network updates. More entities on screen means that you need to recieve more network updates for all of those entities, which is a big bandwidth bottleneck! So it actually very likely has little to nothing to do with rendering and is all about networking. I make networked multiplayer games for a living so this is almost certainly the issue and it's very likely server-side; it's why something like Runelite hasn't already addressed this :D
The custom servers allow content creators to do more which brings in new players and can be like a petri dish for the main game. Imagine content they are unsure about or even stuff they didnt even think of but inspires and also gives data to track main game impact. The "split players base" doesnt track once thought through with any sincerity imo Also PLEASE LET ME MAKE THE CHAT BOX BIGGER FOR QUEST DIALOGUE, IT BEING A FIXED RESOLUTION KILLS MY EYES
Pvp is so difficult, figured out and sweaty. It's just unapproachable for most people. But it is the hardest and riskiest gameplay. They need to make content for the pvpers.
but pvp content shouldn't be "oh look, we make pvmers go to the wildy so you can kill them". I understand how an actual fight can be fun, but I will never understand why people enjoy stuff like killing people who train prayer at the altar.
Yeah, PvP was fun back in 2007 pre-removal and then when it came back with edge bounty hunter, where almost everyone was on "equal" skill level and dedicated PvP builds outside of pures were very rare. It was mostly just mains with random stats, inv full of rocktails, smacking eachother with whip/dscim/mainhand greatsword and maybe have veng/spec weapon (I was too poor to afford mage level for veng :P), and it was great fun! Nowadays it's near impossible to get into pvp without weeks of practice and proper dedicated PvP account.
@@jurgnobs1308 because you can't pvp pvpers if you never did before. You will lose 100% of time. Which is not fun. Killing pvmers allows people to get their feet wet and get loot, while building skills to fight pvpers.
@@jurgnobs1308 no it isnt. imagine if lions only had other predators to hunt. You need docile prey sometimes to make life easier. If strict pvper vs pvper was a good way to introduce people to it, the pvp arena thing would be popular. But no one does that, because killing pvmers is a more fun and rewarding way to learn.
A plugin I just found that is crucial to me is Roof Removal. It allows me to play with roofs on but adds options for hiding roofs, most importantly it will hide the roof wherever my mouse is.
I agree that the Wrathmaw proposal was flawed in multiple ways, but I disagree with your overall take - I think "Everything needs to appeal to everyone" mentality is kind of horrible as a whole and turns everything into the same gray mess, safe and boring. OSRS is a gigantic game and people have niches that they like, and that's ok, this is exactly the game that SHOULD NOT be 100%able. I would hope OSRS players would understand, considering we already play a niche game but unfortunately that doesn't appear to be the case.
world bosses should be where you engage with fellow players to team up for a common goal, but this means you have to worry about your fellow player backstabbing you for either the gear you are using or the drops you will receive. PvP should be solely about doing PvP where both players come prepared to fight on equal terms, this is bad because one player is being handicapped because they will need to bring gear for killing monsters and use supplies on that as well, while another instantly has the advantage.
The Zanaris servers might be amusing to see for things like challenge runs where everyone is running on a shared set of unique rules like chunkman. Everyone starting from a chunk and spreading out from there with the chunk restrictions being hardcoded for everyone and running with people supporting each other as they all unlock different paths from the core chunk. Or maybe everyone having a shared questlist, with people running through quest chains and working to clear the entire questlist as fast as possible
jagex did not make gielinor games, they cant claim any credit, it was all soup and his friends, jagex talking like they took credit 3:13 iss fking disgusting
They didn’t create All-Stars either if I’m thinking of the right event. That’s EVScape. The thing is tho, that Jagex has helped these creators with private worlds and custom settings like XP gain etc for these event worlds. They’ve helped Hannanie as well. That’s what they would’ve meant. They aren’t taking credit for the idea or execution, but how they’ve helped them become reality if they were taking credit for any of it. That whole sentence is just thanking people for showing interest in events by the community, like All-Stars and Gielinor Games… so…
loved the use of the lofi zelda tracks, i listen to those almost daily, i actually had to check if spotify was open and playing in the background while i was watching this! lol
I am *SO* excited for the idea of custom servers for OSRS. I love the game, but I just don't have the time anymore to make meaningful progress. If I can play on a community server with exp and drop rates similar to Leagues, even if there's no content like Leagues, I'll be over the moon.
What is the point then? The whole point of the game is GRIND->ACHIEVE 99->GET A HIT OF DOPAMINE. Playing on a meaningless server with boosted rates completely removes any significance from achieving a 99
@@mindaugasmazrimas4554 cause its fun... people find different things fun... why does the Runescape community have such a hard time grasping this concept LMAO
@@mindaugasmazrimas4554for me, it's that I genuinely don't have much time, but find the gameplay (not the reward loop) fun and exciting. I don't want to grind, I want to challenge myself in content like raids and bossing.
@@mindaugasmazrimas4554 shut the hell up and let people play however they want to play. People like you ruin it for everyone else and need to grow up.
"What are you going to do now that By Release is finished?" Turns out when you aren't recording and narrating some of the most involved and extravagant quests in runescape's history, you have a lot of time to do other forms of content.
Rework prayer into a Healing / Buffing spec :) they take less damage because they have prayers on that affect areas - EG. a full set of vestment god robes will allow the player to activate 2 overhead prayers and the affect is shared in a 3x3 square with other players with upgraded god vestments it can go to 4x4 square and protect a larger area BIS prayer gear covers a 5x5 area, allows 2 overhead protection prayers and increases stats of players within the area. making it a healer class
20:00 A tip for mobile players, if you use a secure folder (I'm an android user), you can save a second account login. Make sure to allow osrs to run in background in settings and you can play 2 accounts at once. Great for afk like star mining and what not
@23:33 I'm the casualest of casuals. I enjoy the game somewhat and feel I get my money's worth out of how much I play. But literally every time I'm tempted by the game to set foot in the wilderness it leads to me putting down the game for months at a time. I don't like it. I don't like that it's the best place to train prayer. I don't like that certain items are most "easily" farmed there. I don't like it at all. There's no part about it that makes me feel anything other than resentful for its existence. I would HAPPILY see the area removed. Not pvp turned off or replaced. Just void there. It would be better for my play experience, because at least then there wouldn't be the nagging thought that I could maybe just risk it this once. This is my experience with it. I'm sure that's not the case for everyone, but it is for me and so while I didn't vote for that world boss I am glad it didn't pass so that there's not 1 more thing to just never get to interact with for want of being able to have fun playing the game that I've otherwise opted to play solo on my Ironman account!
i used to feel that way but i've been converted to overall enjoying the wildy (while still seeing big issues) - genuinely: lemme know if you want me to help with getting more confident with wildy stuff e.g. tanking/escaping
I don’t completely hate the wilderness, but I’m never going to be a “competent” pvper because life stuff is more important than developing that specific skill set, so it does feel bad needing to assume I’m going to get killed, it’s just makes anything out there a chore in that regard, even if I really want to try the content.
I feel this, my ironman is the furthest I've been in the game at lvl 91, total 1620. I think once my crafting is a little higher for reliable black dhide I'll try more wildy content
@@DominicGreene72 makes sense, but tbh i could teach you a bunch of things in like 15 mins that would drastically improve your chances of living - it's not a big time commitment to learn the basics that stop you always dying
@@ferrariramsgobrrr The issue isn't living or dying, or losing 200k in gear/supplies. Even if you survive the pk encounter, the pker has still prevented you from doing the content you entered the wildy to do, and succesfully wasted your time. It's not worth the extra attention you need to look for white dots and be ready to log out. That's a sure sign of bad game design btw, when the optimal strategy is to stop playing.
Frog quest felt like a silly f2p quest from the 2007 game! That was the spirit, dumb npcs, silly discussions, murderer... all requirements filled for oldschool success.
The clothes shop being the exact same just makes me feel like they dont care about the little things to make the game just fun again, its all content content content, boss boss boss... They forgot how to just have fun, such a shame.
not everyone funds fun in being able to buy clothes from a clothes shop. Like, Im team add unique clothes per region in each region shop. But the argument they havent done that cause they dont knw what fun is is nonsense
@@porcin3proph3t4 The game at it's core is about Adventure, and Exploration. So when they reveal a new part of the world we haven't been able to reach for years and years, only for it to be the exact same as what we've already had in some cases, is just Lazy, Lack of ingenuity, Lack of Direction. So you are right, maybe it's not necessarily "fun" for everybody to purchase clothes, but it's indicative of Jagex's lack of direction, not understanding basic things like different regions need to feel different environmentally, and culturally so that the player can distinctly tell the difference just based off looking at world around him. Take Falador for example, its white washed stone walls, and large central castle surrounded by a moat is distinct, and anybody can instantly tell what Falador is just by looking at a quick reference picture. So when the game removes aspects of that Exploration and Discovery, it comes at a cost for some players.
Fun fact about those blender trailers, if you turn on flat shading in 117hd you can make your game look just like them. So uh, I guess in their blender they need to use smooth shading.
39:25 Speaking from my own weird tendencies, I would love roleplaying servers to be up and running. I spend a decent amount of time on a skiller account just kind of playing dress up somedays. Between that and falling head first into DnD within the last few years, I've enjoyed roleplaying as a character and would love to see RP servers come about.
@@Tarvo27 who cares if it becomes like rs3, rs3 would not have been hated if it wasn't for the eoc, unironically rs3 has way cooler end-game PvM, the issue with rs3 is eoc and microtransactions
RS3 isn’t an inherently bad game, I didn’t even mind EoC that much. There were a number of other things that eventually made me switch to OSRS, the biggest nail in the coffin was the hyperfocus on treasure hunter and events that you basically had to pay money to get all the rewards. You could get portable ranges, fletchers, and a few other things back in the day strictly from treasure hunter and they were absolutely busted. Not only could you plop them down anywhere and train on them but they gave bonus xp and saved ingredients. That one’s obvious but dailyscape was also a drag. Took over an hour just to get all those done every day lmfao
i think what would be a really good use of project zanaris is adding in questlines that were completed in rs3 (looking at your gaint dwarf) and adding them in so you can experience them how they were intended (pre-evolution of combat)
"No one likes wilderness content because dying there is so much more severe than anywhere else in the game" Maybe they should just remove PvP combat in the wilderness? maybe make it opt-in, with better rewards and XP available if you are willing to take the risk? Oh wait, RS3 did that. it was great. Wrathmaw is basically the Wildy-Worm. it is a fun boss
Essential plugins I'd need to consider moving off of RL Quest Helper - I play on multiple on accounts, and I've 3 quest capes. I need some QOL life for this Inventory Setups - massive help for banking. Saves so much time Menu Entry Swapper / Loot tracker / exp tracker / key remapping / better NPC highlight For PVM: True tile / path marker / visual metronome / There are other plugins which I love but aren't essential. opponent information (tweaks how HP is shown on mobs) monster menu HP (helps for bursting. Monster name grays out as you deal dmg so u can track what's damaged in a stack) For group content with friends: party hub is a must!
11:50 I too am excited for future group content that encourages specialized/dedicated roles. One thing that I think would work uniquely well for OSRS would be to scale the content to the average combat level of your party. That way special PvP account builds that are designed to keep combat level low would have a purpose besides low wildy pking. I would love to play my magic pure as a dedicated healer/support in some way.
Jagex's take on the whole world boss thing is bizarre. They say "this is only for a small portion of the audience" but people are paying MONTHLY for this, they pay for access and updates. If you're only making an update that satisfies 5% of the playerbase then 95% of the players are having their money wasted. I'm not saying every update needs a 100% interest rating, but at least TRY to include a sizable chunk of your playerbase in your updates. Them saying "if you don't like it don't play it" should be met with "well if you won't give us updates we want we won't pay."
That's just how mmos work. You cannot create any content that satisfies the whole audience, and, very importantly, the broader the content is the less likely it is to properly appeal to any particular group. If they want it to be a pvp thing, they _should_ go all in and try and make it a cool pvp thing. Something that tries to be half & half to appeal to people who dislike pvp makes _everyone_ wish it was something else. This has been well discussed by wow devs, ffxiv devs, and probably rs devs at some point along with devs from every other long running mmo. This has even been well discussed by creators outside of the mmo space. Diluting content in the hope more people like it often ends up as self sabotage. Whether the content should be pvp related at all, whether the concept succeeds at what it aims to do, whether the goals are even reasonable, etc, are all very different questions that are v much worth discussing, but "water it down until I might like it" has always been a bad take... and any notion of them not giving us updates is just odd in the context of some of the fantastic non-pvp updates we've had recently 0-o
Imagine if every MMO was like this... lmao. FFXIV with no legendary raids because only 5% of people actually do them. WOW without any Mythic raids because only 15% of people engage in that content. Jagex have a responsibility to keep everyone happy, PKers too.
Something id really like is quests that have different paths depending on quests you have done before. For example if i have done Fairy tale part 2 maybe i can just use a Fairy ring to infilitrate a castle but if i havent i need to sneak around and do stealth stuff.
Now with the Project Zanaris, here's an idea I had for quite some time with Oldschool and it all comes to the good old days of Operation Flashpoint waaaay back in like 2003? maybe a bit earlier, maybe a tad later, but what we used to do were these custom missions where we learned how to put together small scripts by literally writing the developers emails and asked for some commands or how to do certain things. Me, my brother and our friends used to play these custom missions on LAN all the time, every month we compiled all these maps and played them one by one from morning till night and these were the best god damn times I had while playing a PC game, period. From usual hide and seek, to "cinematic" missions, racing maps, goofy inside joke-y missions, stealth missions, one bloke even made SOMEWHAT functioning chess in that game which to this day I have NO clue how he has managed to do that where you'd essentially move your pieces by the radio commands and MANY MANY more. With these missions we let our creativity just take the wheel and sadly nowdays whenever you introduce this feature to a game, the game is usually lacking the drive to even play the game. I don't remember how was the game called, but it was purely made for what I was just talking about and what's Project Zanaris about and it failed so bad since the whole point of the game was to play player-created "missions", but with Oldschool, there's already people playing, there's already a community that thrives in creating something new and if it would be possible for people to create scripted "missions" like we did in Operation Flashpoint, I think it would bring SO MUCH. Oldschool community even though is more than sometimes ultra whiny, can get super toxic for literally no reason and quite often ruin what could be a great thing.. I honestly think that if you would be able to just create your own story, with your own world, whilst being super easy to play on these servers (meaning no relogging, no special tab in the launcher, just go to the worlds and there would be something like "join custom server" or something which would lead you to a server list of some sorts, one click join and you are good to go). I might be a little optimistic, but I just think this could not only bring new players, but even spark a start for certain new playstyles and mechanics which could be then just taken and implemented to the main game since even though we are like overgrown babies sometimes, we do be making bangers with the game and for that I shall have hope, that if any of this is gonna be possible? Someone is gonna create a new hot thing with this.
PvP is hard griefing. Rs3 does this way better by making pvp opt in (or automatically applied if you pick up the hellfire bow). Wilderness flash events that happen every hour, have good rewards, etc. Wildy is packed with slayer monsters and actual content instead of dreading someone running up and ruining your fun. OSRS has all of it's charms and fun, but the modernity of RS3 is something it could take a few pointers from. Let the PvP spaces exist, give them more fun pvp only stuff they can continue to use in those pvp only spaces. Let everyone else enjoy the game without being subjected to griefing.
Check out my favorite thing to sneak into a theater at - use code J1MMY for 10% off your order! (and try Settled's flavor, we've decided)
How about I sneak you a kiss cause I love your videos
If only I could contract you to build my osrs house. Imagine being able to hire someone to do stone masonry or carpentry in your house lol.
I'm Going to need you to keep making music. Because you are a great musical artist.
I feel like my problem with the wildy is mass amount of cheaters. i believe that it creates the mindset of everyone is cheating even when you die from a skill check.
i been thinking about those old rs2 skits idk why
bruh, get a private server, find a way to turn off all respawns, and then have a series going around killing everything in the game until there are no killable mobs or npcs left.
Only being able to kill everything once and wanting to kill everything sounds intense
osrs genocide run?
I did not notice those suspicious npcs the entire time I did that murder quest
Dunno if it would work, there aren't enough mobs in the game to train to a high enough level to kill the higher level mobs... Would be interesting to see just how far you could get killing everything once though
He is speaking so much truth about the Valramore Clothes Shop 🙏
I wish they would revamp the varrock clothes store too. It has not changed EVER, at least to my knowledge.
The funny thing is, Wrathmaw probably would have worked in the 2004 era. Would have resulted in way more clans scrapping it out by Wrathmaw doing their best to place high for rewards. The issue with the Wildy nowadays is the barrier to entry in terms of PvP is just too high, if you don't have the funds to spend on it then it's not worth it.
Also if it was around at the release of Old School there would have been a lot of time for its drops to get into the economy. As it was pitched it would have taken something like 30 years for there to be one of each drop for each player
Plot twist: Jagex, realizing this would be controversial, polled it as a wilderness boss so they could understand the feedback and still be able to poll the world boss again, on a larger scale and with the feedback incorporated, increasing the probability that it will pass altogether
not to mention the bots and people who use programs to win pvp is dead
Getting 1 hit was almost impossible depending on build but now it's available at almost all levels
100% agree on the Varlamore clothes shop. I really like the lunar isle, priff, and slepe clothing shops because it feels like it's part of that region. The NPCs there have so many cool new outfits- I think they should absolutely include those in the shops.
Fashionscape is the true endgame, I was so hype finding Prif's clothing store. Cosmetics should always be a big part of updates.
I really like the Roman style armor in the new island. Would be dope to get a set.
@@thomaswilliamson625 right??
No region specific flavor items is why osrs's new content feels soulless compared to the classic era
@5:45 Jimmy hints at his next big series: By Release Genshin Impact
Such a horrible death
I mean how would you do that?
Like obviously you wouldn't be able to go to other Regions before completing every quest so no Fontaine until you get done with the Archon quests in Sumuru
No Characters allowed that released later?
IE you pull Raiden But can't use her until you get done with Chapter 2 Act 2
buy release
shut up weeb
ngl I did a double take when I heard the Genshin soundtrack in the finale episode
"This update will change the game"
Yes, that is what updates do.
He means it in a way to emphasize the level of change, perhaps if you spent more time around real people instead of at the g.e you'd gain some people skills
@@RSgaming1337 Telling me to talk to real people while getting all aggro at a joke? The irony is incredible, perhaps your projecting a little "RSgaming1337"?
Yes you definitely have good people skills @RSgaming1337
@@mrcroob8563the irony of thinking sarcasm is a just a “joke” is not lost on me Mr projector
you're making too much sense right now, take it down a notch
I only very rarely play Runescape, but love the channel and still dabble on OSRS occasionally.
Really hope it isn't lost on RS people how good these dev updates are. Its obviously just a bunch of nerds who are excited to talk about their game. No PR-heavy, cringey, obviously-scripted interviews. Just nerds nerding out. As a WoW player, I'm jealous.
These are some grape quality updates
Bro legit ppl who only play rs really dont appreciate how special and great the game rlly is
@@vutalol Just wanna clarify, I dont gotta clue how good/bad the updates are, I meant moreso the style of their communication.
It doesn't wreak of PR or people suits.
I've played RS one time for an hour, I still watch every single j1mmy video
@@vutalol I disagree, there’s countless players that are critical of the game and still appreciate the good updates and content that comes out, which is not few and far between.
I Liked the part where J1mmy said the funny thing
You didn't even watch the whole video, impossible, not at 2x speed or otherwise. Jim jam funny though xD
I'm watching this video for the 3rd time and that part was also my favorite
Yeah that got a good chuckle out of me I admit
Time stamp?
@@leeharvey6574 0:01
Time to watch another hour video from jimmy even though I don’t play rs. We love jimmy
Felt. I played back as a kid. Tried to get back into multiple times and can’t. I’ll just can’t get into it again, now I have kids and def don’t have the time LOL.
his core audience... lol
The thing about the frog quest was it had the essence of a truly runescape quest. The vibe of that quest was uniquely runescape.
the wilderness will never thrive as long as wilderness updates continue to cater to the people who already enjoy the wilderness instead of the people not currently enjoying the wilderness
well said
the problem is, you don't really know what that entails.
I won't like some people wont go in the wilderness cause they are afraid of it, there's not fixing that. But alternatively i like the castle wars idea that j1mmy had about something like CSgo a while back
@@cortunix3332 There is one way to fix players being afraid to go to wilderness, but a lot of people wouldnt like to hear that
@@lrched "pls bro, just one more wildy boss and the wilderness will return. pls"
I mean hunter was my most hated skill.
Im enjoying hunter rumors now and am actually lvling the skill.
only took 18 years to fix lol (Hunter as a skill released in Nov. 2006, Hunter Rumors in March 2024)
@@fabiopauli420 better late than never!
Now they just need to fix the outfit drop rates.
Something I really like the idea of private servers. Is the ability to practice content.
Like raids, in an environment where i can potentially skip over two bosses that i dont have a problem with, so i can practice the mechanics im actually bad at.
Like, imagine just a run for Olm, where you get hit for 0 if you pass the mechanic, or 1 if you fail it. He doesnt die, and you can really get in there and practice specifically what troubles you.
Athletes dont practice by playing live games, they do drills too. To specifically help with areas that need improvement.
its a 2000s low poly mmorpg, not a professional sports league dude
@@ImNickTurner have you fucking met anyone in this community?
@@ImNickTurnerexcellent contribution bro, got em. This guy thinks OSRS is a sport! That was definitely his point! :)
@@ImNickTurner They weren't likening RS players to Athletes. Just drawing a parallel between Athletes and anyone who has an obstacle they wish to overcome using training and practice to overcome said obstacle. Check your aggro bud, stress and anger is the leading cause of heart disease.
Agree with your point about OSRS original quests. If you're going to do While Guthix Sleeps, I'd rather we get it done as a total re-imagining of what that quest should look like in OSRS. When Silicon Knights was tasked with remaking MGS for the Gamecube, Hideo Kojima wanted them to tell the story their way, because why would he ask them to do a remake just to have them do it the same way he did it? And even if you think Twin Snakes is inferior or better than the original, it is undeniably different and has its own unique vision for what the game should be, and I love that.
big agree; the difference in writing quality between the osrs quests and wgs is really huge and it seems like a missed opportunity to completely change how everything played out
9:16 "People like grapes" -Gavin Free
How cool would it be for them to rework Lunar combat spells into a healer/tank class type spellbook?
not at all
I could see it as a utility/support spellbook because that's already what it is. I think there's more room to lean into it though.
The heal n cure other made me think we were headed there, but no xd
Would be cool tho
The most crucial plugins are Region Locker and Region Locker GPU for that sweet sweet chunk content.
Can confirm - milk frother is an underrated game changer.
Don't need a machine to froth my milk
I liked the part where J1mmy said “it’s J1mming time” and he J1mmed
ohhhh fuckkkk im J1mminngggggg
I paused the video an hour in to do that frog quest with my partner and we did voices for all the characters. True bonding moment thanks Jimmy
Best quest ever :D
i swear hanannie wrote that quest.
11:50 Uh J1mmy, they do have heal spells. You can be a healer, and share potion boosts, prayer pots, cure poison, etc... just with the lunar book. But it's not really that useful since there isn't a dedicated tank to heal. Maybe it will be better now
Isn't the Lunar spellbook heal just a life transfer, not an actual heal
Releasing butterfly jars also gives AOE benefits, no heals tho
what if for Fairy Tale pt. 3 they have Fairy Nuff teach some kinda fairy spellbook or a few additions to standard spellbook that's specifically for healing - like imagine a barrage but instead of damage, it heals, or a spell/item that places something on a tile and everyone who stands on it gets heals over time, etc. That would be epic i'm thinkin
@@J1mmy Step into the kitchen before you start cooking, chef. 🔥
@@J1mmy fair enough.
@42:10 Is my exact thoughts. I don't care about someone doing something unique on a custom server. I care about unique accomplishments in the main game. It's so much more unique to see them out in the wild and be able to interact with them or knowing that the account for most part has a certain integrity to it (I know some can be faked).
For the custom servers, the most popular ones will likely basically be the ability to change your levels at will and get whatever gear possible for free. To either play in pvp or practice pvm bosses without real consequence.
I think learning and practicing bosses is definitely what I'm most interested in for now. Custom content later on down the road could be really cool though.
I hadn't even thought about that, being able to test stuff out and do things like that off the bat and without risk might be a huge draw for some people
I personally wouldn't spend too much time doing it, but would love to see what new PvP metas appear if there's pretty much free reign on account builds. Just test until something clicks then send it in main game.
that vod pause was surreal; watching J1mmy sit next to J1mmy and talk J1mmy's spot
great vid as always. I don't even play osrs, so I have no idea or bearing but I really enjoy what you make :)
Custom server where j1mmy is a quest giver
@@psvm_ click on his avatar and his real life phone rings
I think Jagex didn't understand what they were trying to make for wrathmaw. PKers aren't going to give a flying fuck about wrathmaw, the only people killing it are going to be bots and collection loggers. The pker's are going to group up in clans and kill everyone killing wrathmaw in 2 minutes, think revs but worse because the items it drops aren't as useful elsewhere, and everyone going to be in one spot. How many hours before clans lock down the area?
IMO osrs should take the rs3 route and make the wildy opt-in pvp. It was such a good idea in rs3 as very few people want to do risky pvp and now you regularly see people going to the wilderness with the world events they put in there, plus they could add a bunch of content to the wildy like lots of high end mobs spread roughly through the wildy to make it still dangerous, but with the right setup its the best place to train combat. I think the only things that would need to be changed are stuff where they just shit out loot because its in the wildy.
@@checker297 if there’s anything that Old World taught me, it’s that opt-in PvP is stupid
@@checker297 Nah that's dumb
@@bry10101 pvp worlds would still exist, just makes a ton of existing map space actually available for development and gets rid of a lot of problem content which shits out alchables
@@checker297 will never happer oldschool is not rs3, runescape since the start was about pvp being a unpredictable danger wasteland. Opt in pvp is a horrible idea. The guy in the video doesn't even know what hes talking about. Its simple the wilderness if dangerous don't want to go in, stay out.
The reason the wilderness seems dead is because idiots at jagex hire random game developers with no runescape history or knowledge. THese guys literally spread all the pking into pvp worlds, the bounty hunter, and wilderness. They should have kept all dangerous pvp in the wilderness.
I go in the wilderness because there's usually no one there. I rarely run into any PKers outside of hotspots, pretty few and far between. It's a really neat area lore wise, I hope they manage to make it more appealing to casual players.
What do you usually do in the wild
Community Servers is Roblox for Runescape, and I'm here for it.
Wow! I really did not think of that comparison, but I bet (and hope) that you are right in many ways.
switching accounts on mobile is awful...
Fortunately it's only on jagex accounts
yeah makes me not want to play when I realize I'm logged in to the wrong account on mobile
I lost a few mobile accounts because I made them in nthe transition from “google and apple accounts” to Jagex accounts, so I’m locked out of my best accounts 😭
Logging in general, when it doesn't automatically remember you, is awful on mobile.
Meh, it takes like 2 minutes tops and that’s being very generous. It is a bit annoying though
Honestly, I love the POH updates so much. I was never really able to get into minecraft, but when i showed off my POH to my lil bro, he said I was goving off serious "this is my minecraft house" energy and we both loved it!
i love camera j1mmy. welcoming the next era
This is so exciting and you are absolutely right. I've been wishing for these servers for years. I haven't played Runescape regularly since I was a kid, and this will absolutely bring me back.
thanks j1m i needed this. you know, i thought you were a bad guy after that time you stepped on my muffin at that coffee spot. it’s fine, i know it was an accident, you were stumbling over a rusty nail. thanks for being a good guy
Love your suggestion for incorporating the frogs in future varlamore quests. It's very niche but I think you would do amazing writing game quests/lore
I agree with you that Project Zanaris won't split the playerbase. I'm very optimistic about it overall. I think from Jagex's perspective, (especially for the money grubbing executives) the goal is to make a Roblox for Runescape. Community servers / custom content have been a huge boon for some of my favorite games - minecraft, tf2, csgo, terraria, skyrim, etc. Let the custom content flow!
I was part of the Roleplaying Scene on W42 in Runescape 2 back when I was teenager and there was so much stuff we wish we could have done even as simply as sitting on chairs. I'm really hoping that allowing for custom assets and quest and npc generation will give tools for players that don't necessarily want to play the main game the way Jagex intends
i know twitch chats dont mean much, but it honestly was incredibly disheartening seeing the chat during the summit... why are half these people even watching?
It's sad how good we have it with this game that shouldn't exist and how negative the vocal community always is.
That shit was aids bruh
Destiny is like this too. The playerbase is full of haters
@@amazingkool @speckbs so what was the chat negative about? I didnt watch the summit live
Maybe they like the game but not the specific content that they discussed? Idk
I think the whole passion project versus quick thrown out thing is that you wouldn't have been able to make the quick thing if you felt like the passion project was never getting done. The quick thing gets more attention and that doesn't feel great but recognize that the skills you developed in those passion projects allowed you to throw that quick thing out and have it actually be genuinely amazing and able to reach people who can get inspired to do their own passion project by showing them "here's something you could have done."
If they change absolutely everything about Curse of Arrav. The one thing they cannot touch is Zemorigal's notes about the Majaraat. Specifically what he says about himself. If you know you know, literally the best fucking line in the game.
Rare RS3 lore enjoyer
This is me. I am amazing.
Lol, I just looked it up and got a great chuckle.
@@matthewfera2954 newest rs3 quest you get some interesting stuff for zemouregal :)
It’s so wholesome to see Jimmy so genuinely excited about the updates.
i spacebar-ed through ribbiting tale then when i got to the boss fight i regretted my decision immediately
Better luck next time!
now i gotta go do the quest to see what youre talking about
@@reoperez well, what did you think?
its my first time i watch a summer summit video, but watching it with you and hearing your opinions makes it so fun!
True Tile is on mobile, along with ground items. Tile markers coming in a few weeks is HUGE! I don't have a PC so having these features on mobile is going to be amazing! Clue helper is already in, quest helper would be nice but not necessary.
That settled ctrl is actually pretty good. Wish it was a little more pineapple heavy than coconut heavy, but its a good meal, would recommend supporting the both of them and getting it
I feel Project Zanaris worlds will live or die by the player caps. If only 10 people can log in then it's always going to be niche, but if a server is allowed to thrive (100+?) then communities would begin to emerge.
Honestly, if a private world opened that was exactly the same as OSRS but with drop rate protection for basically anything 1/1000+, I would swap in a heartbeat. I want to play runescape, not gamble my time away.
I checked their FAQ on their discord, they mentioned that the current cap theyre planning on is the same as regular servers, 2000. Naturally you can bring it *down* if you just want you and a couple of friends on there though
@@superserenajin I can imagine there being different Server Plans. Cheap ones with maybe max 10 players, medium for maybe 100 and High End with 2000
Having drop protection doesn’t mean a whole lot when that item is worthless in the market. Nobody will care about PS gear. Unless you’re an Ironman, then who cares.
this is exactly what im looking for. de-ironed my max account because of this reason. would happily start over from scratch on a dupe/drop protection server
I love this format
You're such a dork dude ♥
What I want are private servers where each quest in a quest line gives you the stats/gear as a reward to just do the next quest. Experience the continuity without having to jump to other quests or grind out skills/gear.
so you just want a standard rpg experience? go play wow or skyrim if thats what you want
The idea of private servers is AMAZING, imagine all the potential for creators to host mini-games, challenges, all the ways theorycrafters will be able to experiment and work on certain things. Really excited for this and I don't even regularly play OSRS anymore!
More on PVP world boss: We saw alot in the Last Man Standing tournaments, Clans are a huge issue for PVP. Most people aren't in a clan and if they want to experience that content they'd have to find a clan or just ignore it.
Objectively wrong, but ok
@@dilliondantinshutup nerd you are wrong
@@dilliondantin not wrong at all. I get it, you're probably a pker, and the average PKer isn't exactly brainy. but that is objectively true. the way it was proposed, it would 100% but be locked down by clans.
finally a level headed approach to project zan!! thanks j1m
I believe Project RSPS actually could be useful to introduce your kids' class to osrs. It could be a safe place for the young ones to experience the game, without toxic players... and you know... we could 10x all HP and hits... maybe we could change up the combat a bit to make it more engaging for TikTok-brains!
It would be like a next step in combat, like an evolution. We could call it evolution of combat even or EOC
Ehh I'm like 15 I play too much I was sick of all this tiktok gaming type stuff where everything is fast paced that's why I play this game
Y'know J1mmy your correct, some of my friends have tried runescape before and they feel like its not the right kind of game for them with the massive grinds but a friend of a friend had some success with a private server they made for some friends in a different game and the friends who didn't enjoy the grinds of runescape and even the main game of that game did end up enjoying the expirence of this server so i will be doing my best to cultivate the experience of my own zanaris world to show the wonderful world of runescape to these people and show that not every grind has to be a slog fest, as long as jagex gives us the best tools for the job and i have high hopes for the zanaris team because of that.
A part of me does want the wilderness to survive, but it’s not 2007 and it’s just too tedious to go out there now lol. Do a world boss in the actual world and people would love it I’m sure. Make it like stars or something. A star comes down, crashes, you mine it for a bit bam some golem comes out and cooks everyone. That would be fun or like the evil spirit tree event boss in RS2/3.
I can give you some technical insight into the entity issue; it likely has to do with network updates. More entities on screen means that you need to recieve more network updates for all of those entities, which is a big bandwidth bottleneck! So it actually very likely has little to nothing to do with rendering and is all about networking. I make networked multiplayer games for a living so this is almost certainly the issue and it's very likely server-side; it's why something like Runelite hasn't already addressed this :D
The custom servers allow content creators to do more which brings in new players and can be like a petri dish for the main game. Imagine content they are unsure about or even stuff they didnt even think of but inspires and also gives data to track main game impact. The "split players base" doesnt track once thought through with any sincerity imo
The chatbox is so trueee, on mobile the chatbox is so small
PLEASE UPLOAD MORE OF GARY J1MMY!! It doesn’t have to be f2p but the style and text to speech are what make them the best!
Mod Styropyro
My favorite types of videos by you are the ones like this and the free to play series
I am SO EXCITED for more POH customization, it has felt so bare bones for so long. Thank you for inspiring some change in the housing economy 🙏
I feel like By Release should get a small quest cameo. Like one sentence of dialogue.
Pvp is so difficult, figured out and sweaty. It's just unapproachable for most people. But it is the hardest and riskiest gameplay. They need to make content for the pvpers.
but pvp content shouldn't be "oh look, we make pvmers go to the wildy so you can kill them".
I understand how an actual fight can be fun, but I will never understand why people enjoy stuff like killing people who train prayer at the altar.
Yeah, PvP was fun back in 2007 pre-removal and then when it came back with edge bounty hunter, where almost everyone was on "equal" skill level and dedicated PvP builds outside of pures were very rare. It was mostly just mains with random stats, inv full of rocktails, smacking eachother with whip/dscim/mainhand greatsword and maybe have veng/spec weapon (I was too poor to afford mage level for veng :P), and it was great fun!
Nowadays it's near impossible to get into pvp without weeks of practice and proper dedicated PvP account.
@@jurgnobs1308 because you can't pvp pvpers if you never did before. You will lose 100% of time. Which is not fun. Killing pvmers allows people to get their feet wet and get loot, while building skills to fight pvpers.
@@olpumpkin yea that's a bullshit excuse lol
@@jurgnobs1308 no it isnt. imagine if lions only had other predators to hunt. You need docile prey sometimes to make life easier. If strict pvper vs pvper was a good way to introduce people to it, the pvp arena thing would be popular. But no one does that, because killing pvmers is a more fun and rewarding way to learn.
A plugin I just found that is crucial to me is Roof Removal. It allows me to play with roofs on but adds options for hiding roofs, most importantly it will hide the roof wherever my mouse is.
I agree that the Wrathmaw proposal was flawed in multiple ways, but I disagree with your overall take - I think "Everything needs to appeal to everyone" mentality is kind of horrible as a whole and turns everything into the same gray mess, safe and boring. OSRS is a gigantic game and people have niches that they like, and that's ok, this is exactly the game that SHOULD NOT be 100%able. I would hope OSRS players would understand, considering we already play a niche game but unfortunately that doesn't appear to be the case.
- high 5 -
world bosses should be where you engage with fellow players to team up for a common goal, but this means you have to worry about your fellow player backstabbing you for either the gear you are using or the drops you will receive. PvP should be solely about doing PvP where both players come prepared to fight on equal terms, this is bad because one player is being handicapped because they will need to bring gear for killing monsters and use supplies on that as well, while another instantly has the advantage.
The Zanaris servers might be amusing to see for things like challenge runs where everyone is running on a shared set of unique rules like chunkman.
Everyone starting from a chunk and spreading out from there with the chunk restrictions being hardcoded for everyone and running with people supporting each other as they all unlock different paths from the core chunk.
Or maybe everyone having a shared questlist, with people running through quest chains and working to clear the entire questlist as fast as possible
jagex did not make gielinor games, they cant claim any credit, it was all soup and his friends, jagex talking like they took credit 3:13 iss fking disgusting
They didn’t create All-Stars either if I’m thinking of the right event. That’s EVScape. The thing is tho, that Jagex has helped these creators with private worlds and custom settings like XP gain etc for these event worlds. They’ve helped Hannanie as well. That’s what they would’ve meant. They aren’t taking credit for the idea or execution, but how they’ve helped them become reality if they were taking credit for any of it.
That whole sentence is just thanking people for showing interest in events by the community, like All-Stars and Gielinor Games… so…
They weren't claiming credit, dum dum
loved the use of the lofi zelda tracks, i listen to those almost daily, i actually had to check if spotify was open and playing in the background while i was watching this! lol
I am *SO* excited for the idea of custom servers for OSRS. I love the game, but I just don't have the time anymore to make meaningful progress. If I can play on a community server with exp and drop rates similar to Leagues, even if there's no content like Leagues, I'll be over the moon.
What is the point then? The whole point of the game is GRIND->ACHIEVE 99->GET A HIT OF DOPAMINE. Playing on a meaningless server with boosted rates completely removes any significance from achieving a 99
@@mindaugasmazrimas4554 cause its fun... people find different things fun... why does the Runescape community have such a hard time grasping this concept LMAO
@@mindaugasmazrimas4554 I think the point of the toy is to have fun playing with the toy but I could be wrong
@@mindaugasmazrimas4554for me, it's that I genuinely don't have much time, but find the gameplay (not the reward loop) fun and exciting. I don't want to grind, I want to challenge myself in content like raids and bossing.
@@mindaugasmazrimas4554 shut the hell up and let people play however they want to play. People like you ruin it for everyone else and need to grow up.
Loved the music choice for this
"What are you going to do now that By Release is finished?"
Turns out when you aren't recording and narrating some of the most involved and extravagant quests in runescape's history, you have a lot of time to do other forms of content.
5:30 capybaras are dope bro, urban rescue ranch showed me what they are couple years ago BEST ASMR
the osrs trailers should look like 2000s cgi trailers not actual runescape models slapped into blender
Rework prayer into a Healing / Buffing spec :) they take less damage because they have prayers on that affect areas - EG. a full set of vestment god robes will allow the player to activate 2 overhead prayers and the affect is shared in a 3x3 square with other players
with upgraded god vestments it can go to 4x4 square and protect a larger area
BIS prayer gear covers a 5x5 area, allows 2 overhead protection prayers and increases stats of players within the area.
making it a healer class
How to remove fomo:
Make boss spawn on every server at the same time, sync the hp across servers.
20:00 A tip for mobile players, if you use a secure folder (I'm an android user), you can save a second account login. Make sure to allow osrs to run in background in settings and you can play 2 accounts at once. Great for afk like star mining and what not
@23:33 I'm the casualest of casuals. I enjoy the game somewhat and feel I get my money's worth out of how much I play. But literally every time I'm tempted by the game to set foot in the wilderness it leads to me putting down the game for months at a time. I don't like it. I don't like that it's the best place to train prayer. I don't like that certain items are most "easily" farmed there. I don't like it at all. There's no part about it that makes me feel anything other than resentful for its existence. I would HAPPILY see the area removed. Not pvp turned off or replaced. Just void there. It would be better for my play experience, because at least then there wouldn't be the nagging thought that I could maybe just risk it this once.
This is my experience with it. I'm sure that's not the case for everyone, but it is for me and so while I didn't vote for that world boss I am glad it didn't pass so that there's not 1 more thing to just never get to interact with for want of being able to have fun playing the game that I've otherwise opted to play solo on my Ironman account!
i used to feel that way but i've been converted to overall enjoying the wildy (while still seeing big issues) - genuinely: lemme know if you want me to help with getting more confident with wildy stuff e.g. tanking/escaping
I don’t completely hate the wilderness, but I’m never going to be a “competent” pvper because life stuff is more important than developing that specific skill set, so it does feel bad needing to assume I’m going to get killed, it’s just makes anything out there a chore in that regard, even if I really want to try the content.
I feel this, my ironman is the furthest I've been in the game at lvl 91, total 1620. I think once my crafting is a little higher for reliable black dhide I'll try more wildy content
@@DominicGreene72 makes sense, but tbh i could teach you a bunch of things in like 15 mins that would drastically improve your chances of living - it's not a big time commitment to learn the basics that stop you always dying
@@ferrariramsgobrrr The issue isn't living or dying, or losing 200k in gear/supplies. Even if you survive the pk encounter, the pker has still prevented you from doing the content you entered the wildy to do, and succesfully wasted your time. It's not worth the extra attention you need to look for white dots and be ready to log out.
That's a sure sign of bad game design btw, when the optimal strategy is to stop playing.
Frog quest felt like a silly f2p quest from the 2007 game! That was the spirit, dumb npcs, silly discussions, murderer... all requirements filled for oldschool success.
The clothes shop being the exact same just makes me feel like they dont care about the little things to make the game just fun again, its all content content content, boss boss boss...
They forgot how to just have fun, such a shame.
not everyone funds fun in being able to buy clothes from a clothes shop. Like, Im team add unique clothes per region in each region shop. But the argument they havent done that cause they dont knw what fun is is nonsense
@@porcin3proph3t4 The game at it's core is about Adventure, and Exploration. So when they reveal a new part of the world we haven't been able to reach for years and years, only for it to be the exact same as what we've already had in some cases, is just Lazy, Lack of ingenuity, Lack of Direction. So you are right, maybe it's not necessarily "fun" for everybody to purchase clothes, but it's indicative of Jagex's lack of direction, not understanding basic things like different regions need to feel different environmentally, and culturally so that the player can distinctly tell the difference just based off looking at world around him. Take Falador for example, its white washed stone walls, and large central castle surrounded by a moat is distinct, and anybody can instantly tell what Falador is just by looking at a quick reference picture. So when the game removes aspects of that Exploration and Discovery, it comes at a cost for some players.
Fun fact about those blender trailers, if you turn on flat shading in 117hd you can make your game look just like them. So uh, I guess in their blender they need to use smooth shading.
Project Zanaris is going to bring RS to the next level.
Soo incredibly excited and thank you Mod Mat K for pushing the idea over the years.
39:25 Speaking from my own weird tendencies, I would love roleplaying servers to be up and running. I spend a decent amount of time on a skiller account just kind of playing dress up somedays. Between that and falling head first into DnD within the last few years, I've enjoyed roleplaying as a character and would love to see RP servers come about.
By release was a crazy series, got me to quest a little. Looking forward to the "movie" you said you'd do when the newest quest line is finished
It's funny, the more osrs comes along; the more I feel like its slowly becoming an alternate timeline RS3 minus EoC.
I still don't know how I feel about taunting and prayer regen pots, I feel like it's getting more and more closer to RS3
@@Tarvo27 who cares if it becomes like rs3, rs3 would not have been hated if it wasn't for the eoc, unironically rs3 has way cooler end-game PvM, the issue with rs3 is eoc and microtransactions
That's the best part of why I play osrs
RS3 isn’t an inherently bad game, I didn’t even mind EoC that much. There were a number of other things that eventually made me switch to OSRS, the biggest nail in the coffin was the hyperfocus on treasure hunter and events that you basically had to pay money to get all the rewards. You could get portable ranges, fletchers, and a few other things back in the day strictly from treasure hunter and they were absolutely busted. Not only could you plop them down anywhere and train on them but they gave bonus xp and saved ingredients. That one’s obvious but dailyscape was also a drag. Took over an hour just to get all those done every day lmfao
@@BloodDX2 RS3 without EoC or MTX would be a fantastic game. It's different than RS2 or OSRS, but it's not bad.
i think what would be a really good use of project zanaris is adding in questlines that were completed in rs3 (looking at your gaint dwarf) and adding them in so you can experience them how they were intended (pre-evolution of combat)
"No one likes wilderness content because dying there is so much more severe than anywhere else in the game"
Maybe they should just remove PvP combat in the wilderness? maybe make it opt-in, with better rewards and XP available if you are willing to take the risk?
Oh wait, RS3 did that. it was great. Wrathmaw is basically the Wildy-Worm. it is a fun boss
Essential plugins I'd need to consider moving off of RL
Quest Helper - I play on multiple on accounts, and I've 3 quest capes. I need some QOL life for this
Inventory Setups - massive help for banking. Saves so much time
Menu Entry Swapper / Loot tracker / exp tracker / key remapping / better NPC highlight
For PVM: True tile / path marker / visual metronome /
There are other plugins which I love but aren't essential.
opponent information (tweaks how HP is shown on mobs)
monster menu HP (helps for bursting. Monster name grays out as you deal dmg so u can track what's damaged in a stack)
For group content with friends: party hub is a must!
The Wilderness for most players is just OSRS with griefers. Online gaming as a whole moved away from antisocial content.
11:50 I too am excited for future group content that encourages specialized/dedicated roles.
One thing that I think would work uniquely well for OSRS would be to scale the content to the average combat level of your party. That way special PvP account builds that are designed to keep combat level low would have a purpose besides low wildy pking. I would love to play my magic pure as a dedicated healer/support in some way.
Jagex's take on the whole world boss thing is bizarre. They say "this is only for a small portion of the audience" but people are paying MONTHLY for this, they pay for access and updates. If you're only making an update that satisfies 5% of the playerbase then 95% of the players are having their money wasted. I'm not saying every update needs a 100% interest rating, but at least TRY to include a sizable chunk of your playerbase in your updates.
Them saying "if you don't like it don't play it" should be met with "well if you won't give us updates we want we won't pay."
I mean to be fair wilderness needs more love
That's just how mmos work. You cannot create any content that satisfies the whole audience, and, very importantly, the broader the content is the less likely it is to properly appeal to any particular group. If they want it to be a pvp thing, they _should_ go all in and try and make it a cool pvp thing.
Something that tries to be half & half to appeal to people who dislike pvp makes _everyone_ wish it was something else.
This has been well discussed by wow devs, ffxiv devs, and probably rs devs at some point along with devs from every other long running mmo. This has even been well discussed by creators outside of the mmo space. Diluting content in the hope more people like it often ends up as self sabotage.
Whether the content should be pvp related at all, whether the concept succeeds at what it aims to do, whether the goals are even reasonable, etc, are all very different questions that are v much worth discussing, but "water it down until I might like it" has always been a bad take... and any notion of them not giving us updates is just odd in the context of some of the fantastic non-pvp updates we've had recently 0-o
Imagine if every MMO was like this... lmao. FFXIV with no legendary raids because only 5% of people actually do them. WOW without any Mythic raids because only 15% of people engage in that content.
Jagex have a responsibility to keep everyone happy, PKers too.
Something id really like is quests that have different paths depending on quests you have done before. For example if i have done Fairy tale part 2 maybe i can just use a Fairy ring to infilitrate a castle but if i havent i need to sneak around and do stealth stuff.
Makes me wonder how many of these amazing QOL updates won’t pass because the neckbeards downvote it for making it “easyscape” 🙄
Now with the Project Zanaris, here's an idea I had for quite some time with Oldschool and it all comes to the good old days of Operation Flashpoint waaaay back in like 2003? maybe a bit earlier, maybe a tad later, but what we used to do were these custom missions where we learned how to put together small scripts by literally writing the developers emails and asked for some commands or how to do certain things.
Me, my brother and our friends used to play these custom missions on LAN all the time, every month we compiled all these maps and played them one by one from morning till night and these were the best god damn times I had while playing a PC game, period.
From usual hide and seek, to "cinematic" missions, racing maps, goofy inside joke-y missions, stealth missions, one bloke even made SOMEWHAT functioning chess in that game which to this day I have NO clue how he has managed to do that where you'd essentially move your pieces by the radio commands and MANY MANY more.
With these missions we let our creativity just take the wheel and sadly nowdays whenever you introduce this feature to a game, the game is usually lacking the drive to even play the game.
I don't remember how was the game called, but it was purely made for what I was just talking about and what's Project Zanaris about and it failed so bad since the whole point of the game was to play player-created "missions", but with Oldschool, there's already people playing, there's already a community that thrives in creating something new and if it would be possible for people to create scripted "missions" like we did in Operation Flashpoint, I think it would bring SO MUCH.
Oldschool community even though is more than sometimes ultra whiny, can get super toxic for literally no reason and quite often ruin what could be a great thing.. I honestly think that if you would be able to just create your own story, with your own world, whilst being super easy to play on these servers (meaning no relogging, no special tab in the launcher, just go to the worlds and there would be something like "join custom server" or something which would lead you to a server list of some sorts, one click join and you are good to go).
I might be a little optimistic, but I just think this could not only bring new players, but even spark a start for certain new playstyles and mechanics which could be then just taken and implemented to the main game since even though we are like overgrown babies sometimes, we do be making bangers with the game and for that I shall have hope, that if any of this is gonna be possible? Someone is gonna create a new hot thing with this.
When sailing comes out ima make a community server and remove it
you and the people who liked this.....must be a RIOT at parties
25:36 I like that idea kind of like the shooting stars
capybara? Capybara! Coconut doggy!!
@@argosrho what the fuck is wrong with you
Love the ocarina of time jazz style background music big time broski 🥰💚
PvP is hard griefing. Rs3 does this way better by making pvp opt in (or automatically applied if you pick up the hellfire bow). Wilderness flash events that happen every hour, have good rewards, etc. Wildy is packed with slayer monsters and actual content instead of dreading someone running up and ruining your fun. OSRS has all of it's charms and fun, but the modernity of RS3 is something it could take a few pointers from. Let the PvP spaces exist, give them more fun pvp only stuff they can continue to use in those pvp only spaces. Let everyone else enjoy the game without being subjected to griefing.
these are my favorite and only way that i watch the summer summits
Wrathmaw really is "boy I sure do want content specifically only for botters and pkers!"
If they want to make it a practical boss they should make it so that anyone that successfully kills it gets their account suspended