Hi Guys, It's Gabbi again, If you feel like you are not able to attract the womenyou desire, then I offer a highly effective Alpha Male course, to find out more simply emailme on gabriella@kamalifestyles.com. I would be more than happy to help. Gabbi
Hello Gabriella, I agree, except one additional point for consideration...I believe 'natural bad boys' stop intellectualising and can allow themselves to interact on a purely instinctual level when someone absorbs their attention, which is why this behaviour flows freely and naturally. How do I know this? Well, ;) However, contrary to so many hater comments below, 'bad boy' does not equate to bad person, or intellectual delinquent... Fakers will always try. Others can learn to speak the 'language' if they are willing to expand their level of consciousness outside their comfort zone. I think what's the most important aspect of this type of personality is the courage to be authentic, confident and reasonably uninhibited in expression. Greatly enjoy your commentary and insights! Please keep up the fantastic and stimulating content ;)
Don't get this wrong. Almost all story ends and got deafened by real life women who prefer that. Its all in one way passive feeling what a girl wants and likes as long as it does not come to shit and in conflict of interest later. 2 choices later would be : eat your own words while live in hell or Find your diamond who accepts you as dumb as you are. The question is, how bad is bad and how nice is nice?
The thing is, the women you "desire" may be good *only* for hooking up with. It's 2019. A lot of women in their 20s and 30s have already participated in some guy's homemade sex video and even given up the Slot B. I'm not saying they're bad people, but a lot of people nowadays think they can find love through sex. I used to be a nice guy and refrain from talking about sex with women, but that didn't work because women want sex too. If they don't get it from you, they'll get it from some other guy who's more confident without so many hangups. That's the "secret". You're welcome.
Listen fellas, don't compromise who you are for anybody in this world. If youre a nice guy, then be that. Don't be a 'bad boy' just because some broad told you to. Be yourself, and women will come to you. Just don't be a push over.
Guys do crazy shit for women they are attracted to as well. Attraction isn't a choice. You can't make yourself fall in love with the ugly moogle with the sour disposition. Women like bad boys because they are honest and have integrity. Nice guys are dismissed because they are liars and have no integrity. For a woman, a nice guy feels like a Used Car Salesman trying to sell you a piece of shit beater. She knows he is just feeding her lines trying to 'make his sale'. Like I said before, you don't have to be a criminal to be the bad boy that she wants to be with. Just have some of the personality traits of extreme honesty (even if it might offend her), extreme integrity (this is who I am, I'm not going to pretend to be otherwise for you or anyone else), nonjudgemental (most 'nice guys' are happy to call girls sluts and whores for dressing 'like that' and it makes your girl know that she is secretly being judged too), and one who knows how to trigger emotions. You don't have to kill people or pimp people out or sell drugs. Just steal the traits that bad boys have that women are actually attracted to.
@@SuperiorityQomplex There are a lot of guys who have sex with lots of woman and still think they are whores and slut. Brad Pitt, zac Exton, Justin beiber, the rock and the like can get away with feeling anyway they want about woman and they will still get laid. To make this even more obvious, you sleep with one girl and then sleep with another afterwards so you are just using chicks sex whether you think you are doing it or not. Woman will complain that they dnot like players or assholes but the guy you slept with will sleep with someone else after you. You seem like your good with woman; haven't you slept with another woman after you've slept with one? I know that sounds silly to ask but I'm just using kindergarten logic. What I am getting at here is that all guys just want sex period so "bad boys" aren't better then nice guys at all. They both fall on the same spectrum. The girls you had sex with are going to sleep with somebody after you and they were slurs for you in that moment and they will be a slut for The next guy too in that moment whether he is actually calling her one or not. At the end of the day, badboys and nice guys are the same.
@Jay Smith, having sex with women is fun for sure. But I don't date women just to fuck them. I look to date interesting women that intrigue me. Women who teach me things and who I can teach things to. Women I can go out and have adventures with and live an exciting life with. Sex is def part of that, but it's not the sole reason why I date a woman. If sex is all you're looking for, great. But I think you're settling if all you see them as a sexual outlet. I'd much rather find exciting women to be with and spend my time with. As far as breaking up and going to a new woman, hell, that happens. Sometimes you just grow apart and don't have the same interests as you both evolve on your paths. Sometimes there are external issues like distance or no time to see each other from work. There are tons of factors on why relationships end and there is nothing wrong with that. Better for both of you to move on and find someone else you're happy with than waste your lives together hating each other. I personally still love the women I've dated in the past too. I don't want to go back with them, or anything. It didn't work out and we are different people now. But I do love the good times we had together too and I wish nothing but the best for them.
@gamesandguitars003, and why wouldn't I respect women? I don't have insecurities towards them and I enjoy being with them. If you don't enjoy the company of women, that's fine. You do you. I'm sure you do you a lot..
I try to be a nice guy/boring so the ladies leave me alone. Im sick of them asking me for money, place to stay, dinner, help with the rent, the list goes on. 2:40 "have sex with you in the car, get rough with you in the bedroom".... yeah sounds like an express ticket to sexual harassment.
That's what her girlfriends are for. A shoulder to cry on. Do you want to be her lover or her support system to vent to after the guy that was banging her dumps her? She doesn't want to fuck the emotional support dude. She wants to fuck the guy that triggers her emotions. You don't have to be a criminal, just borrow some of the traits that she is naturally attracted to. You think she dresses up in short skirts and plunging cleavage necklines in order to have emotional support from some nice guy? No. She knows that those things make guys hot for her and want to do naughty things with her. Same with the bad boy traits. The guys that know how and why those things work on her are the ones that get to play in her skirt.
Kuti Slide otherwise our comfortabale services is an hourly fee of $20 an hour or they can go to another option which is about $200 or $300 for 2hours comfy time from the defunct Backpage site or Craigslist.
Having a personal preference for bad guys is completely fine, but when shit hits the fan, and he abuses you after knocking you up with 2, or 3 kids and leave, don't go looking, and placing your problems on those men who actually has a career and good chip on their shoulder and deserve to be treated well and not as a second option. If you women lay down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas. Its just that simple
Oh, another poor misguided woman yet to hit the wall who's here to tell us about nice guys and bad boys. When she's only ever had one type inside of her! Honey we know why you chose them.. Everybody does. When you're 35 and have a couple slightly differently toned children from different fathers. You'll be making a vlog about what nice guys know that bad boys don't. It's age, perspective, and inability to see beyond it. You act like you're solving some mystery here. Like women and men haven't existed like this since before time. Just be honest, we're barely more than animals and women are still really attracted to the primal traits. The hostility comes from the refusal to be honest or accountable from one side or the other. When you try to describe "women". It honestly sounds like you are trying to describe a person with terrible mental problems that they haven't been able to get help for. That's not helping either. Sit down and come up with a list of IMPORTANT things you actually bring to a relationship as a woman. I'll wait.
1950, mummy why did you marry daddy? Daddy was such a gentleman, brought me flowers, treated me like a princess cared for me, always looked out for me Whereas.... 2018, Mum, where is daddy? Daddy was a horrible man, brought me heartache pain sorrow and misery
I’m a good guy I just standing on the sideline minding my own business for what changed do I have against the bad guys I’m just gonna pick up my guitar and play away peace out✌🏻
Agreed. Women have different definitions for 'nice guy' and 'bad boy' than guys do. Guys think bad boys are criminals and drug runners and abusive assholes. And they can be. But for women, a bad boy is just a guy that lives life like he wants to. Even at a 9 to 5, he is a little rebellious. He is super honest and isn't afraid to say something even if she might get offended. He always has a plan and isn't going to wait for permission to be given. He basically just does what he wants to. For a woman, a 'Nice Guy' is someone who is trying to trick her. Think of the Used Car Salesman who is too nice and too insincere. That is what the nice guys that approach her feel like for her. They are more creepy than real. Usually 'nice guys' are the first to say 'well she is a bitch/dyke/whore/etc' when she turns down his approach. He isn't really a nice guy at all. It's a visage. That is why the bad boy is more attractive to her. He isn't faking a personality hoping to impress her. He is who he is and he's not going to compromise his integrity for her or anyone else.
Life is so bizar. I was in the laundriette and i saw a good looking elderly woman, i talked to her she said i like bad boys (a 70 years old woman) . I said to her didn't you have life experience? She said i was unhappy my whole life with chosing bad boys but i still fancy them. 🙃
Why are women confusing and make guys guess what they want instead of telling them what they want or what the problem is? That is one of if not the most annoying thing about women, no matter who they are or what type of personality they have.
She's right. I've done the best with women during times of unemployment. While women on dating sites say they want a man with a job, I've found that having a job and otherwise being responsible equals *boring* to a lot of women, not to mention that it takes away the time you can spend with them. While it's not good to be TOO available, you do want to be available enough so she doesn't give her time and sex to other guys, but some of them will do that anyways. If not now, eventually. The best thing for men to do is be on their purpose and stack cash.
Its not about being nice or bad. Its about putting them in their place. In western countries men are turning feminists. Its nuts. You always got to lead your woman and make her respect you.
They are also the ones who will cheat on you and beat you. That will lead to your first divorce and probably one or more children. If you are young, stupid, and impulsive you will pay the consequences but will you learn anything? Will you grow up and change? You had a choice and made a bad mistake. You were so sure you were right.
Gabbi, I’m neither good or bad, I’m me, and women - make of me what they will, I’m now formal with women, see them as men at work, i take no notice of female attraction in myself, I couldn’t be nasty towards a women to get whatever I wanted if I tried, being quite and humble is in my character.
Yeah she seems to give her prime to bad boys and settle down with good guys when they hit the wall, more like they expect them to wait and heal them mentally which was destroyed by players/bad boys when she chose over them
That's all well and good, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to take away from this video. Sure you may have helped me to understand this phenomena a bit better, but I guess it's gonna take me some time to figure out how this helps me.
@demonicpoo She is telling you what traits women are attracted to. Add those skills to your repertoire. Just like you are attracted to women in short skirts with the cleavage hanging out, they are attracted to the bad boy trope. Attraction isn't a choice, so you can't change what they are attracted to anymore than them trying to get you attracted to their friend with the 'great personality'. So look at the things that Gabby mentioned that women can't help but be attracted to and add them to you. Some guys freak out with that idea thinking 'well now I'm not me'. Well you weren't really you when you played the role of Nice Guy either. Do you take your guy friends out on candlelit dinners? Do you try to be overly polite in order to not offend them? Hell no. The nice guy act is just that. And it's why women aren't attracted to it. It comes off like a Used Car Salesman who is being too nice in order to sell some POS clunker from the back. Bad Boys say and do what they want and it comes off as honest and sincere to women. And you don't have to be a criminal to be a Bad Boy. Look at how James Bond looks and talks to women. He doesn't pander or suck up to them or 'I don't know, what do you want to do?' He takes control, he creates situations that are fun and exciting, and the women can't help but love him. You might write him off as a character, but when someone like Daniel Craig (a guy who looks like a potato) can trigger so much sex appeal that the women get juicy in the theatre just watching him, you know that this is primal and they can't help but want some of that. But ya, she gave you a bunch of tropes that you can add to your repertoire here. You don't have to be perfect at it, you don't have to do all of these things. But blatantly honest, not afraid to offend her, not intimidated by her sexual wants or needs (and certainly not judgy that she does have wants and needs and fantasies), and even having a take charge attitude are all you really need here. And the women will become addicted to you as you trigger their emotions down to the core..
SerialQiller That's all very interesting. You're saying that guys have to give up one act to adopt another. What constitutes a nice guy is, of course, subjective. But I just think that there are decent human beings in the world. No need to take anything to any extreme. But if you're saying every human being on earth is actually adhering to things like being selfish, controlling, insulting, etc, than that's just naive. I could put in the time to adopt these 'qualities' and add them to my 'repertoire' as you say, but that's not exactly like putting on a pair of pants. But I get it. When people are nice, even if it's genuine, people don't see it as them being nice, they see it as them not being assholes. There's also another problem, even if I adopt these tropes, I don't know how long I can keep it going. Being with any girl is gonna be constant work, there no way I can enjoy myself outside of sex.
@demonicpoo, you already give up one act to adopt another. On your daily life, do you buy drinks for your guy friends? Dress up a bit to impress them? Take them out to candlelight dinners? Do you display your 'best behaviour' in order to not offend them? Of course not. Nice guys are already changing who they are in order to be something they are not. Do you think women would be wearing the foot killing heels, short skirts, with their tits out if they weren't trying to impress guys? Of course not. They want to be sexy for the guys and nice guys are trying to do things that they think girls want. They are just misinformed on what those things should be. As far as it being constant work to change who you are, na. It becomes natural. You aren't a different person when you adopt a new skill. You are just an improved version of yourself. Like when you learned the skills to do arithmetic, you were still you. But you were an improved you that now knows arithmetic. You don't have to keep trying to learn skills that you've learned over and over (though like any skill, nothing wrong with boning up once in awhile to keep it locked in), but it becomes part of who you are so it's all natural. You don't need to pull out the calculator when I ask you what 2+3 is. It's just there. Same as when you add to your skill set for the ladies too. Not to nerd it up too much, but it's just like fantasy video games. You never have the full power wizard at the beginning of the game. You develop and hone the skills to level up. That's all this is. Get more skills to win the game..
I think she basicaly tries to help men. In her interpretation bad means honest, non-hypocritical, empathetic, adventurous. So bad does not necessarily mean bad to her. It's rather reference to the sad reality that quite often the most genuine characters are being labeled "bad" by the established authorities. So, bad in her interpretation can be translated as "original" or "rebelious". And vice versa: Nice in her interpretation can be translated as "stepping on the firm ground only", "hypocritical", "sweet on the surface but manipulative in the heart". So I wouldn't judge her with such zeal some of respondents here show. But I must admit I am not a native English speaker. So maybe I am completely wrong.
Its actually quite simple. Women like danger and a challenge hence the reason the go for bad guys. Its what excites them. It isn't until later when they're haggard, bloated, stretched out and stuck with a tribe of kids by their deadbeat baby daddys that they realised they should've gone for the good guy but by then its too late. In today's time no decent nan is going to take care of a pig and a bunch of little bastards. Food for thought
All this talk is worthless shit beneath the surface. Unsure and unsafe life stile is for people who are insecure in nature. Their will always be those who willingly want to go that path through their life's, but to talk about it like it is the way to go, that is just crap evil! That kind of people like to encourage others into a life full of sin, because they are full of it them self's. They think that they know what true love is, instead they are far away from it and the one who are true love. Nowadays, it is believed that bad conscience is the same as low self-esteem. A so-called strong self-esteem is used as an excuse to live in sin. They even encourage people to attend courses to become more comfortable in their liberating sinful lifestyle. It works like anesthetics against bad conscience. How about to actually stop and listen to your conscience instead, it works like a lighthouse in your heart really. True self-esteem people has the courage to go and live good, unlike bad people. You don't have to be wise and brave to go bad, all you need to do is to go ignorant against him who can fill you with his Holy Spirit. I know of only one who is able to awake a human being in true love, and that only one is Jesus Christ.
Nice guy fake it to grab your affection. nice one!! smh!!! edgy men explore your body like cruises past the seven seas because we know other men are looking for something. Sweet dreams are made of these.
No they dont. They want to tame the bad boy. They want to be seen as the woman who actually tamed the bad boy. Then one who made him theirs. They want instagram photos with him, and all the likes, comments, and external validation from her friends. Thats what the good woman wants.
They do (end up with a good guy), but trust me, he's paying full retail for it and not getting his return on investment (at least not sex-wise) while you had her during her better years when she was still young, oh so hot, and sexually experimental.
It's 2019 and guys are still complimenting women. I'd rather ask them if they've even been recorded having sex with a guy using his cell phone. You'd be surprised at how many have. Or maybe not.
Hi Guys, It's Gabbi again, If you feel like you are not able to attract the womenyou desire, then I offer a highly effective Alpha Male course, to find out more simply emailme on gabriella@kamalifestyles.com. I would be more than happy to help. Gabbi
Hello Gabriella, I agree, except one additional point for consideration...I believe 'natural bad boys' stop intellectualising and can allow themselves to interact on a purely instinctual level when someone absorbs their attention, which is why this behaviour flows freely and naturally. How do I know this? Well, ;)
However, contrary to so many hater comments below, 'bad boy' does not equate to bad person, or intellectual delinquent... Fakers will always try. Others can learn to speak the 'language' if they are willing to expand their level of consciousness outside their comfort zone. I think what's the most important aspect of this type of personality is the courage to be authentic, confident and reasonably uninhibited in expression.
Greatly enjoy your commentary and insights! Please keep up the fantastic and stimulating content ;)
Oh where do I begin to explain 1stly I'm 64 years of age
Don't get this wrong. Almost all story ends and got deafened by real life women who prefer that. Its all in one way passive feeling what a girl wants and likes as long as it does not come to shit and in conflict of interest later. 2 choices later would be : eat your own words while live in hell or Find your diamond who accepts you as dumb as you are. The question is, how bad is bad and how nice is nice?
The thing is, the women you "desire" may be good *only* for hooking up with. It's 2019. A lot of women in their 20s and 30s have already participated in some guy's homemade sex video and even given up the Slot B. I'm not saying they're bad people, but a lot of people nowadays think they can find love through sex. I used to be a nice guy and refrain from talking about sex with women, but that didn't work because women want sex too. If they don't get it from you, they'll get it from some other guy who's more confident without so many hangups. That's the "secret". You're welcome.
Listen fellas, don't compromise who you are for anybody in this world. If youre a nice guy, then be that. Don't be a 'bad boy' just because some broad told you to. Be yourself, and women will come to you. Just don't be a push over.
F. Jaeger Exactly just be yourself and you'll find a woman who'll love you for who you are, not who you're pretending to be
Bad boys know most women have Daddy issues,so they know how to play on that.
well said mate, 100% agree with the comment
@F. Jaeger
Simple truth!
shuttap bitch, bad boys for life! Hot women love them unlike good guys who get ugly ass whamen
Never take advice from women like this one.
The funny thing is, this is psychopathic behaviour and women wonder their lives get ruined by such men just for excitement.
Guys do crazy shit for women they are attracted to as well. Attraction isn't a choice. You can't make yourself fall in love with the ugly moogle with the sour disposition. Women like bad boys because they are honest and have integrity. Nice guys are dismissed because they are liars and have no integrity. For a woman, a nice guy feels like a Used Car Salesman trying to sell you a piece of shit beater. She knows he is just feeding her lines trying to 'make his sale'.
Like I said before, you don't have to be a criminal to be the bad boy that she wants to be with. Just have some of the personality traits of extreme honesty (even if it might offend her), extreme integrity (this is who I am, I'm not going to pretend to be otherwise for you or anyone else), nonjudgemental (most 'nice guys' are happy to call girls sluts and whores for dressing 'like that' and it makes your girl know that she is secretly being judged too), and one who knows how to trigger emotions. You don't have to kill people or pimp people out or sell drugs. Just steal the traits that bad boys have that women are actually attracted to.
@@SuperiorityQomplex Nice guys are liars? Really??
@@SuperiorityQomplex There are a lot of guys who have sex with lots of woman and still think they are whores and slut. Brad Pitt, zac Exton, Justin beiber, the rock and the like can get away with feeling anyway they want about woman and they will still get laid. To make this even more obvious, you sleep with one girl and then sleep with another afterwards so you are just using chicks sex whether you think you are doing it or not. Woman will complain that they dnot like players or assholes but the guy you slept with will sleep with someone else after you. You seem like your good with woman; haven't you slept with another woman after you've slept with one? I know that sounds silly to ask but I'm just using kindergarten logic. What I am getting at here is that all guys just want sex period so "bad boys" aren't better then nice guys at all. They both fall on the same spectrum. The girls you had sex with are going to sleep with somebody after you and they were slurs for you in that moment and they will be a slut for The next guy too in that moment whether he is actually calling her one or not. At the end of the day, badboys and nice guys are the same.
@Jay Smith, having sex with women is fun for sure. But I don't date women just to fuck them. I look to date interesting women that intrigue me. Women who teach me things and who I can teach things to. Women I can go out and have adventures with and live an exciting life with. Sex is def part of that, but it's not the sole reason why I date a woman. If sex is all you're looking for, great. But I think you're settling if all you see them as a sexual outlet. I'd much rather find exciting women to be with and spend my time with.
As far as breaking up and going to a new woman, hell, that happens. Sometimes you just grow apart and don't have the same interests as you both evolve on your paths. Sometimes there are external issues like distance or no time to see each other from work. There are tons of factors on why relationships end and there is nothing wrong with that. Better for both of you to move on and find someone else you're happy with than waste your lives together hating each other. I personally still love the women I've dated in the past too. I don't want to go back with them, or anything. It didn't work out and we are different people now. But I do love the good times we had together too and I wish nothing but the best for them.
@gamesandguitars003, and why wouldn't I respect women? I don't have insecurities towards them and I enjoy being with them. If you don't enjoy the company of women, that's fine. You do you. I'm sure you do you a lot..
I try to be a nice guy/boring so the ladies leave me alone. Im sick of them asking me for money, place to stay, dinner, help with the rent, the list goes on. 2:40 "have sex with you in the car, get rough with you in the bedroom".... yeah sounds like an express ticket to sexual harassment.
After the bad boy ruined your life then you can look for a good guy for an emotional support.
That's what her girlfriends are for. A shoulder to cry on. Do you want to be her lover or her support system to vent to after the guy that was banging her dumps her? She doesn't want to fuck the emotional support dude. She wants to fuck the guy that triggers her emotions. You don't have to be a criminal, just borrow some of the traits that she is naturally attracted to. You think she dresses up in short skirts and plunging cleavage necklines in order to have emotional support from some nice guy? No. She knows that those things make guys hot for her and want to do naughty things with her. Same with the bad boy traits. The guys that know how and why those things work on her are the ones that get to play in her skirt.
Kuti Slide if they give that service as a free option and that's after they f them over to go to the bad boy that f them at the end.
Kuti Slide otherwise our comfortabale services is an hourly fee of $20 an hour or they can go to another option which is about $200 or $300 for 2hours comfy time from the defunct Backpage site or Craigslist.
An emotional tampon. To help her dispose of all the waste before she cleans herself up and moves on to the next disaster.
Korri Galbraith 😂😂😂😂
Bad-boys, bad-boys, wha cha gonna do when they come for you...
HBOX1000 inagssseee nooo see heyyy... p.s if you saw bad boys 2 that’s what I was going for..
leave them knocked up and making a video in 3 years about what nice guys know that bad boys don't.
Having a personal preference for bad guys is completely fine, but when shit hits the fan, and he abuses you after knocking you up with 2, or 3 kids and leave, don't go looking, and placing your problems on those men who actually has a career and good chip on their shoulder and deserve to be treated well and not as a second option. If you women lay down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas. Its just that simple
Using logic with them won't work.
Oh, another poor misguided woman yet to hit the wall who's here to tell us about nice guys and bad boys. When she's only ever had one type inside of her! Honey we know why you chose them.. Everybody does. When you're 35 and have a couple slightly differently toned children from different fathers. You'll be making a vlog about what nice guys know that bad boys don't. It's age, perspective, and inability to see beyond it. You act like you're solving some mystery here. Like women and men haven't existed like this since before time. Just be honest, we're barely more than animals and women are still really attracted to the primal traits. The hostility comes from the refusal to be honest or accountable from one side or the other. When you try to describe "women". It honestly sounds like you are trying to describe a person with terrible mental problems that they haven't been able to get help for. That's not helping either.
Sit down and come up with a list of IMPORTANT things you actually bring to a relationship as a woman. I'll wait.
1950, mummy why did you marry daddy? Daddy was such a gentleman, brought me flowers, treated me like a princess cared for me, always looked out for me
2018, Mum, where is daddy? Daddy was a horrible man, brought me heartache pain sorrow and misery
Preach lmfao
Did someone photoshop her head?! What is going on up there?!?
That’s called being immature
I was a bad boy,(Jail, Prison), and all that crazy ass shit until I met my wife... She calmed me down A WHOLE LOT..!
Then don’t get upset when bad boys ghost you .
It’s true ,I treat my wife like crap, like a servant basically, I never take her out or show her any affection,and she just won’t leave me.
Did she actually say "specie"?
1:42, 2:37
I’m a good guy I just standing on the sideline minding my own business for what changed do I have against the bad guys I’m just gonna pick up my guitar and play away peace out✌🏻
That means that when she is finally tire and cant handle of all the danger is too late for her to find safety, love is gone.
It's ok to nice but don't be stupid
Agreed. Women have different definitions for 'nice guy' and 'bad boy' than guys do. Guys think bad boys are criminals and drug runners and abusive assholes. And they can be. But for women, a bad boy is just a guy that lives life like he wants to. Even at a 9 to 5, he is a little rebellious. He is super honest and isn't afraid to say something even if she might get offended. He always has a plan and isn't going to wait for permission to be given. He basically just does what he wants to.
For a woman, a 'Nice Guy' is someone who is trying to trick her. Think of the Used Car Salesman who is too nice and too insincere. That is what the nice guys that approach her feel like for her. They are more creepy than real. Usually 'nice guys' are the first to say 'well she is a bitch/dyke/whore/etc' when she turns down his approach. He isn't really a nice guy at all. It's a visage. That is why the bad boy is more attractive to her. He isn't faking a personality hoping to impress her. He is who he is and he's not going to compromise his integrity for her or anyone else.
No it’s ok to be kind, don’t be nice.
@@SuperiorityQomplex Being kind is good, being yourself and not trying too hard is good as well. Being too nice is trying too hard.
When you're done with your bad boys(probably because they're done with you), the good ones will still be around(or maybe not)
Life is so bizar. I was in the laundriette and i saw a good looking elderly woman, i talked to her she said i like bad boys (a 70 years old woman) . I said to her didn't you have life experience? She said i was unhappy my whole life with chosing bad boys but i still fancy them. 🙃
If life is so damn precious. Why do You want to live so damn dangerously.
Why are women confusing and make guys guess what they want instead of telling them what they want or what the problem is?
That is one of if not the most annoying thing about women, no matter who they are or what type of personality they have.
'To boring for life' ? What the hell kind of language is this from? It makes no sense. This is utter bilge.
I think being bad boy will make life shorter. Hence the saying, "think before you leap". 😊
She's right. I've done the best with women during times of unemployment. While women on dating sites say they want a man with a job, I've found that having a job and otherwise being responsible equals *boring* to a lot of women, not to mention that it takes away the time you can spend with them. While it's not good to be TOO available, you do want to be available enough so she doesn't give her time and sex to other guys, but some of them will do that anyways. If not now, eventually. The best thing for men to do is be on their purpose and stack cash.
Its not about being nice or bad. Its about putting them in their place. In western countries men are turning feminists. Its nuts. You always got to lead your woman and make her respect you.
It only needed 4 words to condense down that 4 minute video;-
"Alpha fucks, beta bucks!" -Rollo Tomassi
They are also the ones who will cheat on you and beat you. That will lead to your first divorce and probably one or more children. If you are young, stupid, and impulsive you will pay the consequences but will you learn anything? Will you grow up and change? You had a choice and made a bad mistake. You were so sure you were right.
Gabbi, I’m neither good or bad, I’m me, and women - make of me what they will, I’m now formal with women, see them as men at work, i take no notice of female attraction in myself, I couldn’t be nasty towards a women to get whatever I wanted if I tried, being quite and humble is in my character.
It seems that this is generally more true the younger girls are. When they get older they would want a more "safe" alternative.
Yeah she seems to give her prime to bad boys and settle down with good guys when they hit the wall, more like they expect them to wait and heal them mentally which was destroyed by players/bad boys when she chose over them
Nice Men Know what bad boys know
That's all well and good, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to take away from this video. Sure you may have helped me to understand this phenomena a bit better, but I guess it's gonna take me some time to figure out how this helps me.
dont be a beta
@demonicpoo She is telling you what traits women are attracted to. Add those skills to your repertoire. Just like you are attracted to women in short skirts with the cleavage hanging out, they are attracted to the bad boy trope. Attraction isn't a choice, so you can't change what they are attracted to anymore than them trying to get you attracted to their friend with the 'great personality'. So look at the things that Gabby mentioned that women can't help but be attracted to and add them to you.
Some guys freak out with that idea thinking 'well now I'm not me'. Well you weren't really you when you played the role of Nice Guy either. Do you take your guy friends out on candlelit dinners? Do you try to be overly polite in order to not offend them? Hell no. The nice guy act is just that. And it's why women aren't attracted to it. It comes off like a Used Car Salesman who is being too nice in order to sell some POS clunker from the back. Bad Boys say and do what they want and it comes off as honest and sincere to women. And you don't have to be a criminal to be a Bad Boy. Look at how James Bond looks and talks to women. He doesn't pander or suck up to them or 'I don't know, what do you want to do?' He takes control, he creates situations that are fun and exciting, and the women can't help but love him. You might write him off as a character, but when someone like Daniel Craig (a guy who looks like a potato) can trigger so much sex appeal that the women get juicy in the theatre just watching him, you know that this is primal and they can't help but want some of that.
But ya, she gave you a bunch of tropes that you can add to your repertoire here. You don't have to be perfect at it, you don't have to do all of these things. But blatantly honest, not afraid to offend her, not intimidated by her sexual wants or needs (and certainly not judgy that she does have wants and needs and fantasies), and even having a take charge attitude are all you really need here. And the women will become addicted to you as you trigger their emotions down to the core..
SerialQiller nailed it.
SerialQiller That's all very interesting. You're saying that guys have to give up one act to adopt another. What constitutes a nice guy is, of course, subjective. But I just think that there are decent human beings in the world. No need to take anything to any extreme. But if you're saying every human being on earth is actually adhering to things like being selfish, controlling, insulting, etc, than that's just naive. I could put in the time to adopt these 'qualities' and add them to my 'repertoire' as you say, but that's not exactly like putting on a pair of pants. But I get it. When people are nice, even if it's genuine, people don't see it as them being nice, they see it as them not being assholes. There's also another problem, even if I adopt these tropes, I don't know how long I can keep it going. Being with any girl is gonna be constant work, there no way I can enjoy myself outside of sex.
@demonicpoo, you already give up one act to adopt another. On your daily life, do you buy drinks for your guy friends? Dress up a bit to impress them? Take them out to candlelight dinners? Do you display your 'best behaviour' in order to not offend them? Of course not. Nice guys are already changing who they are in order to be something they are not. Do you think women would be wearing the foot killing heels, short skirts, with their tits out if they weren't trying to impress guys? Of course not. They want to be sexy for the guys and nice guys are trying to do things that they think girls want. They are just misinformed on what those things should be.
As far as it being constant work to change who you are, na. It becomes natural. You aren't a different person when you adopt a new skill. You are just an improved version of yourself. Like when you learned the skills to do arithmetic, you were still you. But you were an improved you that now knows arithmetic. You don't have to keep trying to learn skills that you've learned over and over (though like any skill, nothing wrong with boning up once in awhile to keep it locked in), but it becomes part of who you are so it's all natural. You don't need to pull out the calculator when I ask you what 2+3 is. It's just there. Same as when you add to your skill set for the ladies too.
Not to nerd it up too much, but it's just like fantasy video games. You never have the full power wizard at the beginning of the game. You develop and hone the skills to level up. That's all this is. Get more skills to win the game..
treat em mean keep em keen ! bad boy saying no 1
It speaks volumes that you can't even find a different way to describe them than "bad boys".
Is this the third grade?
Generalization, all bad boys are nothing like shes saying,UNLESS shes dated every guy.
They know all the best places to hide their wallet.
I think to be 60% nice guy and 40% bad boy, because I'm the firts with the girls I like and the second with the girls I like few 😅
I think she basicaly tries to help men. In her interpretation bad means honest, non-hypocritical, empathetic, adventurous. So bad does not necessarily mean bad to her. It's rather reference to the sad reality that quite often the most genuine characters are being labeled "bad" by the established authorities. So, bad in her interpretation can be translated as "original" or "rebelious". And vice versa:
Nice in her interpretation can be translated as "stepping on the firm ground only", "hypocritical", "sweet on the surface but manipulative in the heart". So I wouldn't judge her with such zeal some of respondents here show.
But I must admit I am not a native English speaker. So maybe I am completely wrong.
You go to jail, bad boy!
I am definitely a little rebellious, kind at heart along with many other qualities. I am not too nice of a guy.
Don’t act like a bad boy if you look like a good boy. Oh god, don’t make my mistakes
Pause the video at exactly 3:53, now can you take this seriously?
Well to be honest I don't give a hood about bad or good guys...I'm just here to look at this beauty 😍😍😍
😂😂😂😂 this is hilarious
she mean's fun loving guys who are confident
From now on when you see a man beating his wife leave him .
Why ? Please explain.
Its actually quite simple. Women like danger and a challenge hence the reason the go for bad guys. Its what excites them. It isn't until later when they're haggard, bloated, stretched out and stuck with a tribe of kids by their deadbeat baby daddys that they realised they should've gone for the good guy but by then its too late. In today's time no decent nan is going to take care of a pig and a bunch of little bastards. Food for thought
All this talk is worthless shit beneath the surface. Unsure and unsafe life stile is for people who are insecure in nature. Their will always be those who willingly want to go that path through their life's, but to talk about it like it is the way to go, that is just crap evil! That kind of people like to encourage others into a life full of sin, because they are full of it them self's. They think that they know what true love is, instead they are far away from it and the one who are true love. Nowadays, it is believed that bad conscience is the same as low self-esteem. A so-called strong self-esteem is used as an excuse to live in sin. They even encourage people to attend courses to become more comfortable in their liberating sinful lifestyle. It works like anesthetics against bad conscience. How about to actually stop and listen to your conscience instead, it works like a lighthouse in your heart really. True self-esteem people has the courage to go and live good, unlike bad people. You don't have to be wise and brave to go bad, all you need to do is to go ignorant against him who can fill you with his Holy Spirit. I know of only one who is able to awake a human being in true love, and that only one is Jesus Christ.
I really like the middle ground
They don't know about lasagna
Those are people who disobey God by telling you be bad or else
I mean, do girls even think of long term.
You are Wrong. Women are glasses
Nice guy fake it to grab your affection. nice one!! smh!!! edgy men explore your body like cruises past the seven seas because we know other men are looking for something. Sweet dreams are made of these.
What's your type?
Guys just be a superior man. Have a purpose and love woman. That is the key.
Nice dress Gabriella 😘❤ You bring da Bad Boy out of me 👍😎🤘 I don't need a motorbike to show I'm a very Bad Boy 👍😉🕶
HBOX seems like a bad boy guy! but he has a lazy eye since early 20s.
HBOX is the complete opposite of a bad boy.
SerialQiller I’m hbox boyfriend
"Get back in the Kitchen" make yourself useful
Why does she sound like Oliver Twist?
Only most good women want good guys
No they dont. They want to tame the bad boy. They want to be seen as the woman who actually tamed the bad boy. Then one who made him theirs. They want instagram photos with him, and all the likes, comments, and external validation from her friends. Thats what the good woman wants.
The secret is all human are not the same you may see them as woman inside them they are not
Not all of them are pretty enough, for handsome above 6foot dudes u know. some are damm picky!
Does she actually speak this way or is this an act? I would slit my wrist if I had to listen to her all day
0:00 Vegeta theme
Her voice
Just be normal not nice or bad
God damn it
Im the bad boy tipe of guy and thrust woman get tired of that and end up with a good boy
They do (end up with a good guy), but trust me, he's paying full retail for it and not getting his return on investment (at least not sex-wise) while you had her during her better years when she was still young, oh so hot, and sexually experimental.
😂😂😂😂 is it only me who find this funny. Are you this excited about bad boys?
Cute girl silly dress.
That's a lot of work to remember
I am a bad boy and I want you Gabbi.
I'm a bad-boy and I do bad things. 😉
HBOX1000 ass to mouth to ass to mouth
bad boys like thick women !
Love u ryan..
1:13 FEAR AND FUN FROM BADBOYZ, eh? Pathetic. Utterly pathetic. You deserve the consequences.
Be "thrilling" that's what this should be about. None of that bad boy mumbo jumbo. Don't be a doormat. And know your self worth. Do your own thing.
Hello Gabby I’m a bad boy ...... still waiting on you !!!!
Im honest but im nice how about that! XD
Don diro really true, wealty good looking guy every girl prefer that than anything else .. in this world!
More Gabbi, less Creepy Iain.
BronzDano 😂😂😂
I would prefer new ones
BronzDano but the voice.
Lipstick.. Off.. Now
I would love to take to out
Gaby, babe, you are a beauty.
She’s aight
It's 2019 and guys are still complimenting women. I'd rather ask them if they've even been recorded having sex with a guy using his cell phone. You'd be surprised at how many have. Or maybe not.
Good point
Ehhh well nice boys do better in life
That's why I sex I don't love
I love you baby
Nice Guy fusion with Bad Boy equals A Real Man.