“I fat shame men, ignore their messages on dating apps, routinely flaunt my PhD in a condescending way and have a voice so grating I use it to shred cheese. How am I still single????”
My addition to this: "I moan about how I've been pressured to get married and have a family won't someone please get married and have a family with me?"
"Also, I like to dictate what small talk you're allowed to make with me. How dare you try to care about me and my life! I also don't give a crap about your life. Go away, peasant!"
Also "How dare you speak to me with grammatically incorrect sentences and modern slang? Even though my PhD is in history, I will act like an English teacher."
She sounds like the type of person who says "don't talk to me about how single I am" but proceeds to complain about how single she is and won't shut up about it.
so true. She seems like the person to rant about how great she is and "why can't I find a guy? I'm so perfect!" but her neediness and unrealistic standards are the very reasons she's still single.
My boyfriend is 5'4 but he is literally the sweetest and cutest. I love him so much and I always have to remind him that I don't give a damn about his height and to stop listening to men and women when they try to make fun of it.
@@nesnonya3463 Thank you for treating that short king the way he deserves to be treated, the world would be a better place with more people like you in it.
@@nesnonya3463 he's Lucky he found someone like you.. I'm 6'2 and I had a friend who wouldn't stop asking me how to grow more tall. We were 16 at the time.. He was focused, talented, caring and funny.. I always considered myself lucky to have a friend like that.. But I was always sad that someone crippled his confidence like that.. Someone convinced him that he had to be tall.. What's with these people, I never understand
@@warden1606 I've seen that mostly in the West... well people do tend to be taller in the West. But yeah this is a new thing and everyone is infected with it. Outside west there is a demand for tall guys but it's not that superficial. Its kind of catching on though...so who knows in few years same fever will be here too....
This is not a speech, this is a rant. She needs to bring this to her therapist instead of a crowd of people because she's obviously struggling and doesn't have the answers.
Yeah I thought it would be like an insight into being single while being high up in one’s career rather than just.... a rant about how it sucks that /she/ is single
@@alicecollins9918 That'd be an actually great talk, but from how she doesn't say just what her job is (after telling the audience that she's got a good career) despite constantly telling them that she has a PhD, she's probably not that high up in her career
100% sure that she was scheduled to talk about something history related and like 20 minutes before her talk someone asked her why she was still single and it was the straw that broke the camels back. This is her spiraling.
"She never got married but has a great score on ratemyproffesor" is probably the funniest thing in this whole video. Also, it's definitely the ego and the entitlement for sure. No doubt.
Right? She sounds like a bad 90s stand up comic. The overused & lame stereotypes, the lack of self-awareness, the second hand embarassment. 😭 Ouchhh. If she wants a relationship though, I sincerely hope she finds a good one. If this were me I'd want this Ted talk deleted off the internet, lol. 😭
She definitely would have benefited more by going to a therapist to help figure out the best way to meet a good guy for her than reading magazine articles about it.
She is beyond the 30 years mark, chubby, probably a little too political/feminist, and gets clingy or upset very easily. Looks 3/10 and personality 3.5/10 sooo she should settle for the nice short fat guy, imo.
Okay based on all of this, I can TOTALLY see her having a great RateMyProfessor score. "class is easy, she mostly gets distracted from her lesson and just rants with the students about how dating sucks, A++"
"Always passive aggressively upset in class and complains about dating. Think something happened halfway through the semester because she started failing everyone for every assignment"
Reminds me of the teacher from the first episode of Madoka Magica: "Question: are eggs made sunny-side up or down?" "[whispers] I guess it didn't work out..."
That’s the vibe I was getting. What the point of this talk? Did she write a script or outline for the speech? Did she even have an objective in mind when she stepped on stage?
she seems like rude, kinda? like good, she thinks highly of herself, but it's like she only thinks highly of herself because she wants to get a man. she's like a Nice Girl, the female version of a Nice Guy
She doesn’t seem fun or the type of person who could take a joke. Like, yes people will occasionally comment on your singleness, just brush it off and move on.
That part where she said "I'm not high maintenance, I like cooking, I like sports, I like having sex, I check all the boxes of our male counterparts." And then showed a massive list of what her/women want, and then basically said, "men are incapable of living up to my standards so I had to shorten the list...." Is probably the worst shit I've ever seen on a Ted talk, or anywhere. She assumes that men only want surface level garbage, and then claims that she has to curb her expectations because she thinks men are incapable of coming up to the plate. How are you expecting to date anyone, regardless of your gender if you make the assumption that anyone who talks to you has less depth than you and is less capable of forming romantic relationships than you? That's so conceited. And then she goes on to explain how she resents all men because "she has a PhD, all the men approaching her are fat or short, and she shouldn't need to change in any way at all"
I’ll tell ya what anyone who has ever had like a 50 point list about requirements for their partner isn’t someone I’d ever date lol. She’s treating it like I don’t even know something to conquer a game, I have like one check mark and it’s mostly that I’m happier around them than I am alone. Sometimes you’re not even sure why you like them so much, shits complicated.
Wow, I didn't even realize that. I thought she was proving that she was being an idiot and shortening the list because her expectations are impossible to reach, and now she's learning to not be superficial but then I realized that you're right. Her list never changed she doesn't think men are capable of being what she wants. She doesn't realize that men don't want her, she thinks she's the one that is pushing men away, when it is the opposite. Holy cow.
Let's not act like most men have ANY standards at all lol. She's single purely due to her own messed up standards and clearly needs to talk it out on therapy.
@@GentM2015 Ah yes because 'most' men are indiscriminately looking for literally any females they can find to date them. She definitely has issues of her own to work through, but let's also not act like most men don't also have basic standards for other humans they want to be with? I'm sure someone might go for her, but it won't last long when she's that annoying.
I’m short af and single for the first time ever in my 30s.I’m getting my ass kicked out here lol I’m attractive and amazing and it doesn’t matter at all.it will work out eventually but dam online dating is brutal 😂
She keeps saying "I'm OK with being single" while proving that she's clearly not, no wonder people keep asking her about her love life and trying to give her advice and help her... I just turned 30 and I'm completely fine with being single. And because I actually *am* fine with it people don't bother me about it. They ask every once in a while, I answer honestly and we move on to another topic of conversation, that's literally it. If I acted like her I'm sure people would be way more "interested" in my love life, because that means that they care about me and care about what I care about (even if I kept lying to myself saying that I didn't care) because people that love you want to see you happy. That's it.
Any person who says "I am fine with being single" or "I am fine with being married" sounds like they are just trying to convince themselves that they are. "I am fine with X" *always* sounds like thinly veiled resentment.
I'm 33 and happily single and happily divorced. Me and the ex wife left on good terms, her friend served me, while we met for dinner. It was fun a lot of great memories but we just fell out of love different interests. Though I noticed when I get lonely its just to hang out with people and not a relationship. I've had a few friends with benefits situations and feel thats all I need, just hang out, have relations and hang out again. Saves so much trouble and stress. Maybe I'll get into a serious relationship one day, but for now its the best years to run around!
Sooo...she starts her presentation with bemoaning her singleness, and ends with telling the audience to stay the hell out her love life when she was the one to bring it up in the first place? ...huh?
Don’t forget how in the middle, she complains about gender norms and societal standards making her feel bad for not getting married and settling down, but immediately goes on to say how she wants to get married and settle down. This whole Ted Talk is a contradiction lmao
Also, absolutely nothing wrong with how she looks but commenting on the fact that she's a catch, something that's entirely subjective, and then fatshaming men and judging them for being short is a yikes. Like? Maybe you aren't a fuckin catch then, ma'am- or maybe, just maybe, the guys you're publicly trashing were catches too!
fatshames, makes fun of mens' heights, constantly flouts that she's smarter than you and won't reply if you make jokes with typos...... guess we'll never know why she stayed single?
@@EzioHanitore yeah but I'm going off of her acting like it was full of typos because it's honestly more ridiculous to imagine her reading that and thinking it was just someone who didn't know how to spell, like how out of touch could she possibly be?
I’m genuinely confused as to how this women got a Ted talk. This sounded more like the sad rant of a women who is angry for not getting what she wants, and seeking comfort in the audience: as if she’s saying to them “I’m great right? It’s not me right?!”
TEDx talks are independently-run, usually by universities. So if you work for, or have connections with, the university putting on the TEDx talk, you can basically do one without any other qualifications.
@@cristianproust she coulda got it in some better field like archeology or anthropology. where you have more value to society, but alas all her knowledge about history doesn't allow her to reflect on her own :(
@@DanDanDoe the comment was 3 years ago so I don’t remember necessarily but I believe the meaning of my comment was that her phd could be in a more academic sub field of history and she just tells people history to make it easier.
all therapists tell you these days is what the person wants to hear. They'd be all, " You go girl!.. you're killing it! ... self reflect? No! .. you do you girl.. the men are crazy if they don't like you"
I'm wanting a doctorate too. I don't know that I want to do a Ted talk, but I would like to create some research that I would share with people. I am also 38 and single. I can't think of anything more heartbreaking than being asked to do a talk about being single, rather than what I had spent a lot of my life working and studying in. And if they asked... no way. I am a rape survivor and a DV survivor, but even if I was asked to talk about that... there are other survivors that actually work and study in those areas. I think potentially this might be a very strange way that she is trying to find a partner, because I can't think of any other explanation for it. Unless maybe they paid her 2 million dollars to do this talk.
As someone who has been single since birth, it’s amazing how you begin to not care about this type of stuff when you find a passion or hobby to indulge in.
@Mekehl Mon You can be an extrovert and make peace with the fact that you're single and live a fulfilled life. Socialization outside a relationship is important anyway.
@@DBrokeMillenial People are single at all different ages. Few relationships span your entire life. People in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s in relationships now, could very easily be 'still' (again) single in their 60s...
@@kp361 Yeah. Sure. But that wasn't really the point : you're just talking about the general case. The hypothetical case here isn't about being single at 60, but about having never had any relationship since birth to age 60.
Anyone regardless of gender who feels they need to say "i'm funny, i'm intelligent" etc is usually none of those things and it's suprising they don't understand saying you are funny or smart is not a good look to anyone other then themselves.
Whatever someone calls themselves they are the opposite like every time and what they call others the most that’s what they are. They might call others negative or positive things but they are always what they call others.
Someone’s gonna go on a first date with her, find this talk (maybe not immediately, but someday), and find out she wouldn’t be a great person to spend the rest of their lives with (y’know, if they don’t figure it out immediately)
If someone just exudes selfpity like that, it completely destroys any attraction there might have been towards that person. It's emotionally exhausting to be around someone like that.
I wouldn't date someone who spoke this way about fat short people, she just comes across as so judgemental and mean, and that's not something I look for in a partner.
I'm a larger man, I (like most men) find a skinner person more attractive physically. But I am not going to close off thicker women because it would be hypocritical of me. if I am only going to only go for skinnier, fitter people I should be just as if not more fit.
I'd never date a guy that referred to women that way, so I can't imagine there are many guys that would want to date her. I mean listen to the way she talks about short fat guys. Just say "sucks the only guys interested aren't really my type". Don't get up on stage and shame them like you're too good for them
I’m a fairly tall and healthy weight guy, but if a girl disrespects ANY man based on his height or weight, she isn’t worth my time. Us kings gotta stick together
Don’t worry king, in my experience most women don’t care about height at all, or if they do it’s not this high on the list for them. You’ll find someone someday
I have never, not one time in my life took height as a requirement for dating a man. In fact, at 5'4, I preferred a man either my height, or shorter, not much taller. I wanted the man who was a gentleman. I do not understand these snooty girls today, they complain they can't find a decent man, but they don't want to be a decent woman. Never judge a person by that which they have no control. Stay cool. Do not let the stupid stuff get you down.
@infinite-ichthyologist It's the loudest ones who never have anything real to say. Ignore the ignorant, the stupid and the classless. It's not worth ruining your self-esteem over.
@@SharkyOverlord "in my experience most women don’t care about height at all, or if they do it’s not this high on the list for them. You’ll find someone someday" You must have been in a coma for the last five years. The "Under 6' swipe left" thing has become an EPIDEMIC.
Literally what was the point of her "TED Talk" if not to complain about her situation? She didn't even make a single mention about anything outside of her own situation. She didn't use her situation to teach something about social norms or statistics about people in her position or anything. She literally only told the world that she's habitually single and totally happy/pretty frustrated about that fact.
Who did this TED talk benefit? Sounded like she just wanted to tell everyone about her PHD and how she thinks she's a catch. But she didn't even provide any real advice for anyone, just talked about herself.
yea idk. Like, if she was gonna do a ted talk on something like this, she could have at least like talked about dating or relationships IN GENERAL. But this was like completely just a personal rant about her life. She didnt even try to make it generalized or interesting.
300IQ play by TED, they put her up there and informed the audience that they would be listening to a self-centered woman going off the rails. The lesson? don't be like her.
You know when we make fun of “nice guys” she’s definitely a “nice girl”. Thinks she’s a great catch, thinks she’s smart and to good for “dumb” people, thinks men are the problem
right?? she’s blaming society, and saying it isn’t a big deal to be single while making a literal tedtalk announcing that she is single. she basically told everyone that her tedtalk doesn't matter
Honestly, this is really sad, but kinda in a pathetic way. This Talk feels like the kind of thing you should vent about to a close friend or family member, but from the way she talks about things she's tired of hearing, I honestly am not sure if she has either of those things. People won't like you if you aren't likeable. I'm sorry but 🤷♂️ hope she finds someone Edit: ok I wanted to add something here because someone said something really clever in a reply to a different comment. Their username is "S S" and they said "she doesn't realize how high maintenance she is *because* of how high maintenance she is." Just wanted to throw that out there, very clever insight.
I agree. I feel like she’s being a bit snobby yet desperate in her approach to guys. When she talks about herself she says she’s really great, but gave no interesting details about herself. So my impression of her is that she’s boring and unhappy.
IKR, she's so desperate. It's just plain cringe. And honestly to me, this is worse than HOTAPE. At least HOTAPE she seemed semi-confident, in a Dwight Shrute kind of way.
Who puts “I have a Ph. D” as the first thing in their bio? Of course no one wants to date her lmao she’s coming off immediately, just based off that, as the type who thinks she’s smarter then everyone else
When I see something like "I have a Ph. D" as the first thing mentioned on a dating profile, that's a caution sign for me. This isn't a job interview after all. I like smart guys, it's one of the highest things on my priority list. My favorite ones to talk to though always turn out to be the ones that are secure enough not to feel the need to announce in advance how smart they are.
Maybe she thinks it'll attract others who have a PhD and really enjoy letting everyone know how smart they are all the time. I can imagine her and her ideal boyfriend being like, "No you're smart" "No *you're* smart!"
It also doesnt help that her PH. D is in history either. One of the least impressive fields to have a PH D in. I mean, it still takes quite a bit of work to get one, but you're really just a glorified trivia buff at the end of the day who knows how to write up a few papers in a proper format.
she emphasized that she didn’t want people to ask about her love life but then went and did a completely pointless ted talk about her love life... like, what? 😭😭
Don't forget "tall". You wouldn't want a relationship with someone like that if they weren't taller than you, right? After all she's a self proclaimed "catch", she has a right to have standards!
I'm 35 and single, the difference is, that I didn't make that my entire personality. My friends know that I would love to settle down with someone, and I do make an effort to go out, however, my goal in life is to be happy. If the right person comes in and adds to the happiness, great; if not, I am happy to be independent.
Why does she say “don’t talk to me about me being single” but it seems like she’s the type who it’s all she talks about?? And she says she’s so satisfied and happy but she’s like losing it on stage lol
Remember those people who define themselves by one bit of their personality in order to feel unique, push that piece onto everyone they can and then get offended when you don’t acknowledge a common human trait, like being gay or vegan, as the most incredible thing in the world so they feel justified? Yeah she doesn’t do that at all. PhD my ass
@@TheWorstWarlock I mean realistically speaking it's a good reason if she's short and he's short she doesn't want her children to be short because it'll put a stigma on the children especially if they are males the same way you wouldn't marry someone with a high chance of passing on something like sickle cell disease
@@TBK7913 Do you know what's worse than having short children? Having no children due to leaving it too late because your list of requirements was too damn long.
@Dominic I mean, she did it in the video. Having a specific list of expectations for what you want out of somebody, treating them like a series of boxes to be checked rather than a human being. Instead of appreciating a person as the utterly unique creature they are, saying something like, "You're great and all and we really get along, but you're 5'5" and that's just too short for me/not pretty enough/etc." Chemistry between individuals is entirely organic. Trying to prescribe some rigid formula for what you want out of a partner will invariably meet with failure. If you've ever heard someone say something like "I don't like blondes", you've seen it in the real world. Her rules were pretty draconian - at least initially - but I've seen it everywhere in one form or another.
Is this a TedTalk to a cry for help? She seems like that one friend that always wants to do things and then you finally make plans with her and she comes over, drinks all your wine, and spends the next three hours complaining about her love life... so all you can do is pat her arm and say *oOoOoOh...... it’s okay..... yOuLl FiNd SoMeOnE sOmEdAy 😬😬😬”
this woman is probably single because she refuses to work on herself. can't she stop talking about her PHD for one moment and realize that she's not all that
Her, a self proclaimed fun, charming, really a complete package, woman: "Not quite sure why it hasn't worked out for me yet" Me: Umm, you just said you wanted to *looks at notes* "...pop out a few spawn." Let's practice how a human being might say this...
I looked up her name on Insta and found her. At least I'm 90% sure it was her, as "historian" was the first item in the bio. Naturally, her account's private, but according to her pfp and bio, she's married with kids now. She also has "feminist" in her bio which pisses me off so much knowing that she proudly body-shamed guys on a dating app. Clearly doesn't actually care about equality. Maybe she's changed, but idk. I feel like if she had, she might've reached out and had this video removed, but maybe that's not within her power. She just perfectly embodies the early-to-mid 2010's mutant Buzzfeed "feminism" that was riddled with hypocrisy, double-standards, and taking issue with inconsequential shit that completely tarnished genuine social justice movements and basically created the alt-right pipeline by giving the Ben Shapiros and Steven Crowders of the world something to be right about. She's just the worst type of person.
i didn’t really like her but when she started bringing down other people like “ew a short and fat guy imagine trying to get with me when you look like that” ... gross no wonder she’s single
Well, people usually have pretty similar attraction items, regardless of physical appearance. Just because she's dumpy AF doesn't mean she's attracted to dumpy AF.
2 minutes into this ted talk this girl was like "I feel so much pressure from society to look a certain way" and I was like "I feel you girl!" and then another 2 minutes later she's making fun of a guy for being short and overweight? m a ' a m
Nothing funnier than "I'm single and don't know why" followed by exclusionary clauses, making fun of people's appearances, and not receiving messages of interest because of a presumption that they're dumb. Pre-COVID times there are single only type events in most major cities. Get out and do something fun or pick up an interesting hobby and you'll meet people not looking to just fuck and bounce. Don't make "I'm educated" the centerpiece of your personality unless you plan on meeting someone in the classroom or at work exclusively. Most people like "not dumb" people for long-term relationships. It practically doesn't even need to be stated.
I’m- I’m sorry. But the way she said “some 300 pound dude will hmu, like come on man” she said it like she was a TEN and he had the audacity to hit her up. Um....I’ll say no more before it gets mean 💀
"Ten" is subjective. She could be somebody's ten in looks, but she sounds like such an asshole. If she's going to be shallow like that, of course her "ten" won't want her.
@@Aelffwynn The way somebody speaks and treats others is a major part of my 1-10 scale. Found this out in my early 20s when I worked with this chick who was physically hot! But I just couldn't ever get excited about her... Took me a while to figure out that her bitchiness was the mood killer. Most guys probably would have said she was an 8, but I'd give her a 2, maybe a 3 at best. Fuck you, Lisa!
also isnt the rhetoric she looks down upon considered AAVE? and she is inferring that talking like that makes someone uneducated. rubs me the wrong way
Yeeeeah, I'd rather be single forever than take "not a jerk" off my list. She's lowering the wrong expectations. I don't care how tall/handsome a guy is, I'm not tying myself down to someone who won't treat me like a human being.
Yeah, like most people are okay looking. A great personality helps with that; you like someone's face, and voice, and mannerisms, when you like *them*. And you find their face, and their voice, and their mannerisms just unbelievably irritating if you don't like them. And also, if someone is the type of person who cares about you and respects you, then he's willing to work to be the best version of him self that he can be; he probably won't be able to get a 6-pack or be 6'4" or anything, but he can eat relatively healthy and be active (for himself as well as for you) and learn what you care about most, talk to you in your love language, make you feel appreciated... but you know... is he tall? Ridiculous.
@@SchulzEricT Exactly this. That's why I never understood having a list. No one ever matches your list and is interested in you. You need to focus more on who you work with and who works with you
@@deonballard8244 And not specific attributes. It's more about "compatible with me for this reason" (is more of a homebody rather than wanting to go out a lot - would rather watch a movie on the couch at home than go to the theater, something like that).
I can’t believe that woman would rather date a tall man than have someone who treats them well. My boyfriend is 2 inches shorter than me and we are happy together. I couldn’t imagine having turned him away based on his height alone. Maybe if she wasn’t so superficial she would have better luck.... Also she can’t have such superficial standards but then not meet superficial standards herself bc any guy who has the same values as her wouldn’t look at her twice just like she wouldn’t even give the 5’4 guys a second look either....
Most guys under 6 foot unfortunately can imagine it. Height is so deeply conditioned into what many women think of being desirable. Your attitude is awesome, and I hope it catches on.
@@WarriorBoy It's really unfortunate that that is so. Sure people can have physical preferences, but those kinds of things shouldn't be dealbreakers for you before you even get to know someone. Height or weight shouldn't factor into making or breaking your attraction if someone also has a really agreeable personality and you get along well.
@@snakewithapen5489 Definitely. On the other side of it, I've known guys who were attracted to a "heavier" woman (when I say this, I mean what would be thought of as 'thicc' or curvy, not My 600lb Life) who rejected her because of how it would look if they weren't with a woman who was smaller. Due to social expectations. If you had a bubble or vacuum away from cultural influences where people could meet, interact, and date who they wanted without worrying about judgement, I think you'd see a very different landscape.
It’s funny bc my first love broke up with ME because he was insecure about his height (he was 5”4 and i am 5”2 and it literally never bothered me whatsoever) just to date a girl taller than him. Some people really do have funny opinions about height
I was in a toxic engagement with someone who put their hands on me, that was tall, made great money, was well travelled- all that stuff. The person I wound up with and whom I have kids with is about half an inch or so taller but I’m 5’9” so it’s whatever, he’s a bit of a dork and still dresses like he did as a skateboarder when he graduated high school in 2007, and he’s the best dad, he’s my best friend, he bought me Taco Bell twice in one night when I’d had a lot to drink and he was DD, he almost has as many Xbox points, and has a comically large Johnson. So really, he’s a struggler. But that other guy was straight trash. And if someone doesn’t treat you right, you have to take out the trash or it just gets worse.
I had a "History of Sexuality" Professor who cited buzzfeed (maybe it was vox) in a lecture on the homosexual relationships of nazi soldiers on the front. Im not joking in the slightest.
She seems like she's just there to vent + let the world know she's available 😂😂 so if you wanna do a super cringe self absorbed vent combined with letting the world know you're available, Ted x is the way😂😂(Also it's so frustrating how she's just being self-absorbed, shallow and sometimes demeaning...under the guise of talking about an important issue like how society says you're only valuable if you're in a relationship)
I agree; she could have focused the talk on how she IS happy and successful being single, even though society geberally finds singles pitiful or inferior to couples.
I swear when she said, “I would consider myself very successful in my career choice” I was waiting for her to go “and you can too boss babe! Through joining me as we sell overpriced kitchen knives to our friends and family until they stop talking to us and we need to tell our husbands to invite their coworkers wives to our house to recruit even more boss babes!”
This woman: **Compliments herself all the time and insults any man who takes a genuine interest in her** Also this woman: "wHy CaN't I fInD a BoYfRiEnD?!!!"
She legit got up and complained about her love life to a crowd of hundreds of people while calling her session a TED Talk. What the hell was that. She never once tried to transition fully into a lesson of any kind.
gifted and conservative christian probably... i was almosted pulled down the rabbit hole but escaped because i wasn't middle class or able bodied or neurotypical and was able to see how messed up that attitude was... thank goodness
@@alexella9689 I grew up in that environment, but my parents were very accepting and understanding. I’m also considered neurodivergent (severe ADHD), and they always supported me. She’s got an attitude problem, she’s super entitled which means she was probably spoiled as a kid. Christianity isn’t inherently bad (My family is Lutheran but I’m agnostic), but some people completely miss the point and excuse their bullshit actions with the “I go to church so I’m a good person” philosophy. She has no self-awareness whatsoever, and it’s kinda sad to see. Hope you’re doing okay, didn’t mean to rant but this comment related to me.
@@alexella9689 yo, same. Everyday my folks were saying I was God's Chosen and I would be a leader of men. Constantly told how smart and good I was for being a Christian and the second I questioned that, I was shunned. What a fucking nightmare.
@@alexella9689 I grew up in that situation and my parents were super accepting and nice but still raised me to not he a jerk. I know what you mean, but not all people in that situation grow up like this lady
I would disagree with that if it wasn't for her taking off "not a jerk". But then I am inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that part was a joke. It's the same as not being attracted to someone based on their gender or weight. Some people just don't feel attracted to short people and that's perfectly fine.
@@MrSpartanspud I prefer a guy to be taller than me too but I was open minded to a shorter guy and especially if you’re a tall woman I imagine you have less options, at the very last be open to dating someone the same height as you.
@@indiag89 I'm not saying tall women who don't want a short guy don't have fewer options but at the end of the day if it's a deal-breaker for someone that's just their preference and I think a lot of people are taking it too personally and saying people should change what they're attracted to as if that's something you can control.
@@MrSpartanspud everybody has preferences and that’s fine. my point was she valued being taller than her more than “not be a jerk” priorities are mixed up.
I loved this video. You and your wife play so well off of each other. It's a joy to see two people, that fit so well together, both reacting to something. Great video!
I married a man that is the exact opposite of all the things I expected he would be! And he ended up because a total CATCH! 12 years and going strong! I love him so much.
There is actually a lot to be said about experimenting with dating. When I was in my 20's, I had no idea what I was looking for, and met some amazing women who from the first interaction didn't seem like my type at all but ended up being extremely attractive in the long run. It unfortunately never worked out for me and these days I've stopped looking, but I'm very glad I had the experiences I did and didn't try to desperately hold onto my poorly chosen "standards" and allowed them to grow as I grew.
Don’t forget to use the H.O.T. A.P.E. method to get a spicy date this Valentine’s Day 💕🔥
Last time I tried that I got a restraining order
first to reply to this
And remember in the words of beyonce “I’m a single lady >:3”
@@jojoardestani4521 haha
@@jojoardestani4521 oof
She wrote, rehearsed, and performed this and couldn't figure out why she's still single.
When she rolled her stats she got 0 in self-awareness.
oooooof 😂😂💀
I hope she stays single...she just doesn’t get what’s wrong.
That's the astounding thing. Plus she's supposed to be oh so smart.
Maybe she is staying single so she can upgrade from tedX and get to do a real ted talk. /s
“I fat shame men, ignore their messages on dating apps, routinely flaunt my PhD in a condescending way and have a voice so grating I use it to shred cheese. How am I still single????”
My addition to this: "I moan about how I've been pressured to get married and have a family won't someone please get married and have a family with me?"
"Also, I like to dictate what small talk you're allowed to make with me. How dare you try to care about me and my life! I also don't give a crap about your life. Go away, peasant!"
I'm just loving that she has that Rosanne Barr whine. lol
Also "How dare you speak to me with grammatically incorrect sentences and modern slang? Even though my PhD is in history, I will act like an English teacher."
She sounds like the type of person who says "don't talk to me about how single I am" but proceeds to complain about how single she is and won't shut up about it.
so true. She seems like the person to rant about how great she is and "why can't I find a guy? I'm so perfect!" but her neediness and unrealistic standards are the very reasons she's still single.
The whole time I was like... so where is she going with this? Nowhere. Nowhere is where she's going with this.
I mean she made an entire TED(x) talk about it
Does TED just like let ANYBODY speak now?
@@jokarpinski22 TEDx is separate from TED
The fact that a man's height is more important to her than him not being a jerk says a lot about why she can't find a healthy relationship.
My boyfriend is 5'4 but he is literally the sweetest and cutest. I love him so much and I always have to remind him that I don't give a damn about his height and to stop listening to men and women when they try to make fun of it.
@@nesnonya3463 Thank you for treating that short king the way he deserves to be treated, the world would be a better place with more people like you in it.
@@nesnonya3463 he's Lucky he found someone like you.. I'm 6'2 and I had a friend who wouldn't stop asking me how to grow more tall. We were 16 at the time.. He was focused, talented, caring and funny.. I always considered myself lucky to have a friend like that.. But I was always sad that someone crippled his confidence like that.. Someone convinced him that he had to be tall.. What's with these people, I never understand
People should stop caring about height so much like wtf.
@@warden1606 I've seen that mostly in the West... well people do tend to be taller in the West. But yeah this is a new thing and everyone is infected with it. Outside west there is a demand for tall guys but it's not that superficial. Its kind of catching on though...so who knows in few years same fever will be here too....
This is not a speech, this is a rant.
She needs to bring this to her therapist instead of a crowd of people because she's obviously struggling and doesn't have the answers.
Yeah I thought it would be like an insight into being single while being high up in one’s career rather than just.... a rant about how it sucks that /she/ is single
@@alicecollins9918 That'd be an actually great talk, but from how she doesn't say just what her job is (after telling the audience that she's got a good career) despite constantly telling them that she has a PhD, she's probably not that high up in her career
Yeah it started somewhat strong but kinda fell apart near the end. I kinda have to feel sorry for her
@S S YES you put into words EXACTLY what I've been trying to say this WHOLE TIME TYSM
Its so bad
100% sure that she was scheduled to talk about something history related and like 20 minutes before her talk someone asked her why she was still single and it was the straw that broke the camels back. This is her spiraling.
That's hilarious if this presentation is just one giant tilt.
Headcanon accepted
Edit: wait no, she had slides
Edit edit: Actually that makes it even funnier
I screamed at this comment omg
lmao, I'm going with this analysis.
"She never got married but has a great score on ratemyproffesor" is probably the funniest thing in this whole video.
Also, it's definitely the ego and the entitlement for sure. No doubt.
Right? She sounds like a bad 90s stand up comic. The overused & lame stereotypes, the lack of self-awareness, the second hand embarassment. 😭 Ouchhh.
If she wants a relationship though, I sincerely hope she finds a good one. If this were me I'd want this Ted talk deleted off the internet, lol. 😭
She definitely would have benefited more by going to a therapist to help figure out the best way to meet a good guy for her than reading magazine articles about it.
She is beyond the 30 years mark, chubby, probably a little too political/feminist, and gets clingy or upset very easily. Looks 3/10 and personality 3.5/10 sooo she should settle for the nice short fat guy, imo.
@@alpina4115 valuing women only by their ability to be in a relationship is wack lmao.
@@alpina4115 "Too feminist"?? 👀👀
Okay based on all of this, I can TOTALLY see her having a great RateMyProfessor score. "class is easy, she mostly gets distracted from her lesson and just rants with the students about how dating sucks, A++"
"0/10. She failed me because she was jealous of me and my awesome bf."
She definitely would suck. She would be so bitter and mad all the time lol
"Always passive aggressively upset in class and complains about dating. Think something happened halfway through the semester because she started failing everyone for every assignment"
Reminds me of the teacher from the first episode of Madoka Magica:
"Question: are eggs made sunny-side up or down?"
"[whispers] I guess it didn't work out..."
That’s the vibe I was getting. What the point of this talk? Did she write a script or outline for the speech? Did she even have an objective in mind when she stepped on stage?
who's here after we found out that scottie pipin killed 27 orphanes then burned down 3 hospitals
Wait what
Truly disgusting that some "pipin" would do this horrible thing.
I can’t believe Scott is supporting him smh
I feel like this is gonna turn into a sketchy news article headline that didn't do their research first
@@zacharydommenge859 oh no these comments are spreading...
She honestly seems insufferable. I’m not at all surprised she is single.
😂 oof!
Honestly, same. She exhibits an insufferable, heavy energy.
she seems like
rude, kinda? like good, she thinks highly of herself, but
it's like she only thinks highly of herself because she wants to get a man.
she's like a Nice Girl, the female version of a Nice Guy
She doesn’t seem fun or the type of person who could take a joke. Like, yes people will occasionally comment on your singleness, just brush it off and move on.
@@lciav yea, I agree. She seemed very bitter about it and that definitely is not someone people want to date
I love how she erased not a jerk and still kept tall
Priorities I guess
What are your yu talking about? Who cares if there not a jerk if there under 6ft
I actually applaud her for being honest, at least. 🤷♂️
And erased ‘not a jerk’ before ‘political beliefs’. I’d be ok dating someone who’s like a centrist as long as they’re not a jerk yknow
That part where she said "I'm not high maintenance, I like cooking, I like sports, I like having sex, I check all the boxes of our male counterparts." And then showed a massive list of what her/women want, and then basically said, "men are incapable of living up to my standards so I had to shorten the list...." Is probably the worst shit I've ever seen on a Ted talk, or anywhere. She assumes that men only want surface level garbage, and then claims that she has to curb her expectations because she thinks men are incapable of coming up to the plate.
How are you expecting to date anyone, regardless of your gender if you make the assumption that anyone who talks to you has less depth than you and is less capable of forming romantic relationships than you? That's so conceited. And then she goes on to explain how she resents all men because "she has a PhD, all the men approaching her are fat or short, and she shouldn't need to change in any way at all"
I’ll tell ya what anyone who has ever had like a 50 point list about requirements for their partner isn’t someone I’d ever date lol. She’s treating it like I don’t even know something to conquer a game, I have like one check mark and it’s mostly that I’m happier around them than I am alone. Sometimes you’re not even sure why you like them so much, shits complicated.
This comment deserves more likes. You hit the nail on the head.
Female incel
Wow, I didn't even realize that. I thought she was proving that she was being an idiot and shortening the list because her expectations are impossible to reach, and now she's learning to not be superficial but then I realized that you're right. Her list never changed she doesn't think men are capable of being what she wants. She doesn't realize that men don't want her, she thinks she's the one that is pushing men away, when it is the opposite. Holy cow.
I’m getting serious “not like other girls” vibes from this woman.
I got that as soon as she misquoted a Beyoncé song lol
Literally from her introduction lmao
got it from the title of her ted talk
I'm the single woman
Haha you're not alone
I honestly don't know why she's single, she's so humble and nice and not irritating at all
Let's not act like most men have ANY standards at all lol. She's single purely due to her own messed up standards and clearly needs to talk it out on therapy.
@@GentM2015 Sexist?
@@GentM2015 might be
@@GentM2015 Ah yes because 'most' men are indiscriminately looking for literally any females they can find to date them. She definitely has issues of her own to work through, but let's also not act like most men don't also have basic standards for other humans they want to be with? I'm sure someone might go for her, but it won't last long when she's that annoying.
she's not even shrill, her voice is so soothing
I like how she kept “tall” and removed “jerk” - she’s seriously got her priorities wrong. Lol
She looks tall af too
And, like, what’s wrong with shorter guys anyway?
I prefer it when guys are kinda short
I’m short af and single for the first time ever in my 30s.I’m getting my ass kicked out here lol I’m attractive and amazing and it doesn’t matter at all.it will work out eventually but dam online dating is brutal 😂
@@kamikamkamm eh I guess it's just preference but when it gets to the point where people have an absurd standard it's just annoying.
I assume you meant “not a jerk”
She keeps saying "I'm OK with being single" while proving that she's clearly not, no wonder people keep asking her about her love life and trying to give her advice and help her...
I just turned 30 and I'm completely fine with being single. And because I actually *am* fine with it people don't bother me about it. They ask every once in a while, I answer honestly and we move on to another topic of conversation, that's literally it. If I acted like her I'm sure people would be way more "interested" in my love life, because that means that they care about me and care about what I care about (even if I kept lying to myself saying that I didn't care) because people that love you want to see you happy. That's it.
Any person who says "I am fine with being single" or "I am fine with being married" sounds like they are just trying to convince themselves that they are. "I am fine with X" *always* sounds like thinly veiled resentment.
i totally dont care about being single, i only made a fuxking ted talk about it.
I'm 33 and happily single and happily divorced. Me and the ex wife left on good terms, her friend served me, while we met for dinner. It was fun a lot of great memories but we just fell out of love different interests. Though I noticed when I get lonely its just to hang out with people and not a relationship. I've had a few friends with benefits situations and feel thats all I need, just hang out, have relations and hang out again. Saves so much trouble and stress. Maybe I'll get into a serious relationship one day, but for now its the best years to run around!
“The worst thing she can say is no”
*Makes a TedTalk calling you short and fat*
She doesn't deserve him anyways
Is fat herself
This comment needs more likes🤣
Poor guy
You dodged a bullet then
*says she doesn’t want a pity party from friends*
*throws herself a pity party in front of a crowd & records it*
Hahaha nailed it!! 😂
Best comment award 🏆
right - RIGHT ON the nose there, buddy
It is painful to witness.
Sooo...she starts her presentation with bemoaning her singleness, and ends with telling the audience to stay the hell out her love life when she was the one to bring it up in the first place?
And saying how hard and sad it is but also say they shouldn't pity her...
One of those "didn't ask" moments.
Don’t forget how in the middle, she complains about gender norms and societal standards making her feel bad for not getting married and settling down, but immediately goes on to say how she wants to get married and settle down.
This whole Ted Talk is a contradiction lmao
"I am a decent catch" "I am realistic" Says it all!
Also, absolutely nothing wrong with how she looks but commenting on the fact that she's a catch, something that's entirely subjective, and then fatshaming men and judging them for being short is a yikes. Like? Maybe you aren't a fuckin catch then, ma'am- or maybe, just maybe, the guys you're publicly trashing were catches too!
The sheer panic that they had when "Not a Jerk" was erased from existence killed me
The missing piece of her puzzle is self-awareness. I didn’t even need a PhD to figure it out!
It seems like she is so heavily career focused that she uses her success as an excuse to avoid necessary soul searching.
the number of people lacking this essential skill (self-awareness) is starting to get scary
Truly. It’s very obvious and I hope she realizes soon lol
I gave the 666th like...I'm not sorry lolz
fatshames, makes fun of mens' heights, constantly flouts that she's smarter than you and won't reply if you make jokes with typos...... guess we'll never know why she stayed single?
not even typos like thats literally how a lot of people talk???
@@EzioHanitore yeah but I'm going off of her acting like it was full of typos because it's honestly more ridiculous to imagine her reading that and thinking it was just someone who didn't know how to spell, like how out of touch could she possibly be?
Also seems like she doesn’t consider that typos can come from people with dyslexia
@@OpossumOnTheMoon unless the ppl with dyslexia have a phd she probably still thinks they're stupid tho lmao
@@mycologyqueer damn, I guess I can’t date this hot catch, smfh
“I have a PhD” goes onto reference a Buzzfeed article
right??? i was like “where the fuck am I”
I think her PhD is more of a "Poop-head Degree" than a "Philosophy Doctorate".
Well she does, it's in crappy citation.
She probably gotten her work from there
It's PhD in history. I imagine the requirement is pretty low compared to *useful degrees.
"I have a PhD!"
*uses Buzzfeed as a legitimate source*
I have a PhD!
WhY aM I bEinG InsUltEd by MagAzInEs?!
I’m genuinely confused as to how this women got a Ted talk. This sounded more like the sad rant of a women who is angry for not getting what she wants, and seeking comfort in the audience: as if she’s saying to them “I’m great right? It’s not me right?!”
It’s TEDx. Anyone can get a TEDx talk.
TEDx talks are independently-run, usually by universities. So if you work for, or have connections with, the university putting on the TEDx talk, you can basically do one without any other qualifications.
Spot on bruv!!!
I can’t believe people didn’t get up and leave during the middle
She sounds like me eight years ago when I cared about that sort of thing.
If she mentions her PhD more than once on a first date, then that's the answer.
Is in History. Like one of toys that come with happy meals
@@cristianproust she coulda got it in some better field like archeology or anthropology. where you have more value to society, but alas all her knowledge about history doesn't allow her to reflect on her own :(
@@arctrogWhy are archeology or anthropology more valuable than history? It’s all connected.
@@DanDanDoe the comment was 3 years ago so I don’t remember necessarily but I believe the meaning of my comment was that her phd could be in a more academic sub field of history and she just tells people history to make it easier.
she talks like she's on the verge of crying lmao
I think it's cause she's out of breath
That's how I talk when I have to speak in public 😭 it's like being nervous gives me smaller lungs or something lmao.
I've been there, she was probably just really nervous.
Ugh yeah her voice is so whiny sounding, I hate it
Erica: "I'm just missing one piece of the puzzle."
Me: "Humility?"
Self-awareness is another.
A brain.
she sounds like she needs a therapist, not to do a ted talk
Hopefully her therapists saw this, this is gold
A speech therapist, at the very least
@@sniperwolf50 damn!!!!!
all therapists tell you these days is what the person wants to hear. They'd be all, " You go girl!.. you're killing it! ... self reflect? No! .. you do you girl.. the men are crazy if they don't like you"
@@delesdog isn’t therapy great?
I can't imagine being a person who does a whole ted talk about being single.
Lol seriously it comes off as just sad
Luckily you don’t have to imagine. Here she is 😂
That's exactly what a person that did a ted talk about being single would say
Not just about “being single” but about the Ted talk presenter being single, imagine if this was one of the lectures at university wow
I'm wanting a doctorate too. I don't know that I want to do a Ted talk, but I would like to create some research that I would share with people. I am also 38 and single. I can't think of anything more heartbreaking than being asked to do a talk about being single, rather than what I had spent a lot of my life working and studying in. And if they asked... no way. I am a rape survivor and a DV survivor, but even if I was asked to talk about that... there are other survivors that actually work and study in those areas. I think potentially this might be a very strange way that she is trying to find a partner, because I can't think of any other explanation for it. Unless maybe they paid her 2 million dollars to do this talk.
As someone who has been single since birth, it’s amazing how you begin to not care about this type of stuff when you find a passion or hobby to indulge in.
@Mekehl Mon You can be an extrovert and make peace with the fact that you're single and live a fulfilled life. Socialization outside a relationship is important anyway.
Tell me that when you're 60 and still single lol 🤣
@@DBrokeMillenial People are single at all different ages. Few relationships span your entire life. People in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s in relationships now, could very easily be 'still' (again) single in their 60s...
@@kp361 Yeah. Sure. But that wasn't really the point : you're just talking about the general case. The hypothetical case here isn't about being single at 60, but about having never had any relationship since birth to age 60.
"Looks aren't everything"
Bashes someone on their looks
And I feel every woman who says they're not high maintenance are actually high maintenance.
Anyone regardless of gender who feels they need to say "i'm funny, i'm intelligent" etc is usually none of those things and it's suprising they don't understand saying you are funny or smart is not a good look to anyone other then themselves.
actually, looks are everything. many experiments and studies prove this
Whatever someone calls themselves they are the opposite like every time and what they call others the most that’s what they are. They might call others negative or positive things but they are always what they call others.
Lol she didn't do herself ANY favors with this talk. Literally zero.
This was sad tbh.
Someone’s gonna go on a first date with her, find this talk (maybe not immediately, but someday), and find out she wouldn’t be a great person to spend the rest of their lives with (y’know, if they don’t figure it out immediately)
@@bdl2157 yea i dont think theyll need the tedx talk tho
I bet she has a short fit dude she complains about being single too, but has turned down several times.
After ten minutes of careful research, I’ve discovered why she’s still single: unfortunately she has a terrible personality.
Also, thinking that "Having A PhD" is a personality trait
@@IloveGorgeousGeorge There’s no way she doesn’t name drop her college/say that she has a PhD every 5 minutes in a conversation xD
@@Instinct0425 uhhh 100%
The secondhand embarrassment is through the roof.
I legitimately can't watch more than a minute at a time. I've never met the lady and never will, but Christ above.
Through the oof
@@sarabear8087 Favorite comment of the day
We Germans have a good word for that: fremdschämen
If someone just exudes selfpity like that, it completely destroys any attraction there might have been towards that person.
It's emotionally exhausting to be around someone like that.
I wouldn't date someone who spoke this way about fat short people, she just comes across as so judgemental and mean, and that's not something I look for in a partner.
Thank you Hayley wayley!
@@IkesPimpHand You're welcome, though you've misspelled Snailey!
Yeah, I didn't get that whole "How dare you even try to talk to me when you're fat!?" bit. I mean did she ever even look in the mirror
@@dontrestyourhead lol I say that to every Hayley since American dad!
I'm a larger man, I (like most men) find a skinner person more attractive physically. But I am not going to close off thicker women because it would be hypocritical of me. if I am only going to only go for skinnier, fitter people I should be just as if not more fit.
"Spawn?" "Males of our species?" The way she talks about other people makes it really clear why she can't get a boyfriend.
She's like the female counterpart of an incel with the words she uses lmao.
@@nemijs thats cuz she literally is.
It’s trying to be fun a quirky. The problem is it’s fine to say weird shit with friends but if you are doing it in a public speech it’s cringe.
I'd never date a guy that referred to women that way, so I can't imagine there are many guys that would want to date her. I mean listen to the way she talks about short fat guys. Just say "sucks the only guys interested aren't really my type". Don't get up on stage and shame them like you're too good for them
I’m a fairly tall and healthy weight guy, but if a girl disrespects ANY man based on his height or weight, she isn’t worth my time. Us kings gotta stick together
That’s actually really sweet
Short king nation
"Men want only one thing and it's disgusting."
@@ajoajoajoaj *feminazi moment*
Removing "not a jerk" before "tall" is exactly why my 5ft tall ass has self esteem issues 😭
Just go to Asia. Lot of short women who don't care about height. ez
Don’t worry king, in my experience most women don’t care about height at all, or if they do it’s not this high on the list for them. You’ll find someone someday
I have never, not one time in my life took height as a requirement for dating a man. In fact, at 5'4, I preferred a man either my height, or shorter, not much taller. I wanted the man who was a gentleman. I do not understand these snooty girls today, they complain they can't find a decent man, but they don't want to be a decent woman. Never judge a person by that which they have no control. Stay cool. Do not let the stupid stuff get you down.
@infinite-ichthyologist It's the loudest ones who never have anything real to say. Ignore the ignorant, the stupid and the classless. It's not worth ruining your self-esteem over.
"in my experience most women don’t care about height at all, or if they do it’s not this high on the list for them. You’ll find someone someday"
You must have been in a coma for the last five years. The "Under 6' swipe left" thing has become an EPIDEMIC.
When do we just get to fight TED? I'm tired of all these mini-bosses.
That's the funniest thing I've read all day, thanks bro
You need to fight more to spawn TED
It's just a huge monster in the shape of a microphone 🎙️😂
His names Ted Talk yet we’ve never even heard him
He’s only the DLC. Sorry bro
this entire tedtalk feels like her trying to advertise herself to find a boyfriend
Laughing my fucking ass off off
Is what you said
@@2plus2is-five buddy, do i know the PERFECT woman for you
Literally what was the point of her "TED Talk" if not to complain about her situation? She didn't even make a single mention about anything outside of her own situation. She didn't use her situation to teach something about social norms or statistics about people in her position or anything. She literally only told the world that she's habitually single and totally happy/pretty frustrated about that fact.
@@nicolestewart2843 wow I was just making an intentionally unfunny joke
More like Scott flexing his relationship for 15 minutes straight
they do be having a good marriage doe
@@EloquentMoves indeed. And I'm happy for them
It's so wholesome, he should be allowed to lmao
Weird flex, but okay.
No joke though, if I have a marriage half as good as this I'll be happy.
The "never had to date as adults," took me out lmaooo. I hope they never do, it's wilin out here.
"I'm so happy with my life"
*starts going full incel*
seriously what was this whole tedx about? like it sounds like her just complaining.
Who did this TED talk benefit? Sounded like she just wanted to tell everyone about her PHD and how she thinks she's a catch. But she didn't even provide any real advice for anyone, just talked about herself.
yea idk. Like, if she was gonna do a ted talk on something like this, she could have at least like talked about dating or relationships IN GENERAL. But this was like completely just a personal rant about her life. She didnt even try to make it generalized or interesting.
she also failed to provide evidence as to why she was a catch (and honestly gave a lot of great evidence to the opposite).
this kind of thing only happens when you lack true self awareness. this woman is not very introspective
She probably gave herself less of a chance to find someone with how annoying she is here.
300IQ play by TED, they put her up there and informed the audience that they would be listening to a self-centered woman going off the rails. The lesson? don't be like her.
You know when we make fun of “nice guys” she’s definitely a “nice girl”. Thinks she’s a great catch, thinks she’s smart and to good for “dumb” people, thinks men are the problem
right?? she’s blaming society, and saying it isn’t a big deal to be single while making a literal tedtalk announcing that she is single. she basically told everyone that her tedtalk doesn't matter
Honestly, this is really sad, but kinda in a pathetic way. This Talk feels like the kind of thing you should vent about to a close friend or family member, but from the way she talks about things she's tired of hearing, I honestly am not sure if she has either of those things. People won't like you if you aren't likeable. I'm sorry but 🤷♂️ hope she finds someone
Edit: ok I wanted to add something here because someone said something really clever in a reply to a different comment. Their username is "S S" and they said "she doesn't realize how high maintenance she is *because* of how high maintenance she is." Just wanted to throw that out there, very clever insight.
I agree. I feel like she’s being a bit snobby yet desperate in her approach to guys. When she talks about herself she says she’s really great, but gave no interesting details about herself. So my impression of her is that she’s boring and unhappy.
I applaud you for this rare empathic yet based internet comment
@@mortenchristiansen9395 this reply gave me a good laugh. Thanks
@@lciav definitely seems to have all the wrong standards. Poor person.
IKR, she's so desperate. It's just plain cringe. And honestly to me, this is worse than HOTAPE. At least HOTAPE she seemed semi-confident, in a Dwight Shrute kind of way.
Who let her have a Ted talk? That might be the single most unbearable person I’ve ever seen public speaking
Sir, Kamala Harris exists
Who puts “I have a Ph. D” as the first thing in their bio? Of course no one wants to date her lmao she’s coming off immediately, just based off that, as the type who thinks she’s smarter then everyone else
When I see something like "I have a Ph. D" as the first thing mentioned on a dating profile, that's a caution sign for me. This isn't a job interview after all. I like smart guys, it's one of the highest things on my priority list. My favorite ones to talk to though always turn out to be the ones that are secure enough not to feel the need to announce in advance how smart they are.
Maybe she thinks it'll attract others who have a PhD and really enjoy letting everyone know how smart they are all the time. I can imagine her and her ideal boyfriend being like, "No you're smart" "No *you're* smart!"
@Ryan D all I see is student debt, especially depending on what type of phd
It also doesnt help that her PH. D is in history either. One of the least impressive fields to have a PH D in. I mean, it still takes quite a bit of work to get one, but you're really just a glorified trivia buff at the end of the day who knows how to write up a few papers in a proper format.
she emphasized that she didn’t want people to ask about her love life but then went and did a completely pointless ted talk about her love life... like, what? 😭😭
she seems like an absolute pain to be around
She's not like other girls
She feels she has to settle for somebody who is smart, hardworking, has a sense of humor and a good heart. The horror!!!
Don't forget "tall". You wouldn't want a relationship with someone like that if they weren't taller than you, right? After all she's a self proclaimed "catch", she has a right to have standards!
But he might be a jerk, she's OK with that, because being nice to her is not important, being tall is
He could be a horrible jerk, but he better not have differing politcal beliefs.
@Nikola Stanković to be fair they are more interesting entities than your regular bloke across the street
I'm 35 and single, the difference is, that I didn't make that my entire personality. My friends know that I would love to settle down with someone, and I do make an effort to go out, however, my goal in life is to be happy. If the right person comes in and adds to the happiness, great; if not, I am happy to be independent.
Why does she say “don’t talk to me about me being single” but it seems like she’s the type who it’s all she talks about?? And she says she’s so satisfied and happy but she’s like losing it on stage lol
Because people give her advice she doesn't like when they talk about her being single.
Remember those people who define themselves by one bit of their personality in order to feel unique, push that piece onto everyone they can and then get offended when you don’t acknowledge a common human trait, like being gay or vegan, as the most incredible thing in the world so they feel justified? Yeah she doesn’t do that at all. PhD my ass
@@jamesrogers7049 Yo why do you got 2 first names man. That's messed up.
This lady is the type of women to show up at work on a Monday and respond “still single!” To the question “how was your weekend?”
“Don’t talk to me about me being single”- does an entire literal fucking Ted talk about her being single
This is a drunken 2am rant to the bathroom mirror.
It really is exactly that
Gaaah this comment is amazing.
The panting after every sentence like she's doing hundreds of squats while talking was a cherry on top.
you can practically smell the alcohol in her whining.
The 'taller than me' thing is the dumbest requirement, especially when she started ragging on short/fat guys. Like, we know why you're single, lady.
For your children genetically it makes sense if she's a tall woman tho then that's when it doesn't
@@TBK7913 At this rate, she won't have any children.
@@TheWorstWarlock I mean realistically speaking it's a good reason if she's short and he's short she doesn't want her children to be short because it'll put a stigma on the children especially if they are males the same way you wouldn't marry someone with a high chance of passing on something like sickle cell disease
@@TBK7913 Do you know what's worse than having short children? Having no children due to leaving it too late because your list of requirements was too damn long.
@@TheWorstWarlock yeah but its only bad for her not her kids so 🤷 def the best choice
Her bringing the best Jell-O to Christmas was strangely accurate
Treating another person like a checklist is one of the biggest reg flags ever.
Yep, big rip
@Dominic I mean, she did it in the video. Having a specific list of expectations for what you want out of somebody, treating them like a series of boxes to be checked rather than a human being. Instead of appreciating a person as the utterly unique creature they are, saying something like, "You're great and all and we really get along, but you're 5'5" and that's just too short for me/not pretty enough/etc." Chemistry between individuals is entirely organic. Trying to prescribe some rigid formula for what you want out of a partner will invariably meet with failure.
If you've ever heard someone say something like "I don't like blondes", you've seen it in the real world. Her rules were pretty draconian - at least initially - but I've seen it everywhere in one form or another.
@Sheev Palpatine Never knew Palpatine was so sweet and polite behind the screen 😳
Is this a TedTalk to a cry for help? She seems like that one friend that always wants to do things and then you finally make plans with her and she comes over, drinks all your wine, and spends the next three hours complaining about her love life... so all you can do is pat her arm and say *oOoOoOh...... it’s okay..... yOuLl FiNd SoMeOnE sOmEdAy 😬😬😬”
I think I’m that friend...
Are women incapable of giving their friends harsh truths?
Id rather do that than allow a friend to be miserable and become insufferable to be around
Yeah and that's exactly what she hated to hear
Lol it's a cry for help
Lmaoo I mean
“Don’t ask me about being single!” Makes an entire TedX Talk about being single.
Its like when ppl pay on their story that they're mad and not to talk to them and then get upset that nobody replied to their story
You have a PHD, and you’re telling me you can’t find better sources, other than magazines, for love and life choices? 🤷🏻♂️
this woman is probably single because she refuses to work on herself. can't she stop talking about her PHD for one moment and realize that she's not all that
"men are intimidated by women smarter than them" I would bet money she's said that at least once
Its probably her own character trait^^
She's exude that not like other girls energy
She has the completely wrong mindset in general, it hurts my brain
She is leaning rather hard on the doctorate
"I'm not high-maintenance."
_pulls out a list of Biblical length_
*pulls out Johnson of biblical length*
@@AAllen-br8it oh no not the johnson
With "has a boat" on it lol
@@meganchambers8108 like he can't buy a boat later he has to have one *now* lmao
This feels more like bad stand-up rather than a conference talk of any sort.
A lot of TED talks come off like that.
Almost all Ted x are like that
watch sam hyde's ted talk - they really let any mf up there
@ippos_khloros dude stop killing them they are already dead
Her, a self proclaimed fun, charming, really a complete package, woman: "Not quite sure why it hasn't worked out for me yet"
Me: Umm, you just said you wanted to *looks at notes* "...pop out a few spawn." Let's practice how a human being might say this...
I think she intended the spawn thing as a joke. As other people have commented, this feels more like an attempt at standup comedy than a TED Talk.
If she wants to know why she's single she should just watch back this talk.
Or look at herself in the mirror and assume that jerks do not want a long loving happy relationship.
It'd be a miracle if she caught on
I looked up her name on Insta and found her. At least I'm 90% sure it was her, as "historian" was the first item in the bio. Naturally, her account's private, but according to her pfp and bio, she's married with kids now. She also has "feminist" in her bio which pisses me off so much knowing that she proudly body-shamed guys on a dating app. Clearly doesn't actually care about equality. Maybe she's changed, but idk. I feel like if she had, she might've reached out and had this video removed, but maybe that's not within her power. She just perfectly embodies the early-to-mid 2010's mutant Buzzfeed "feminism" that was riddled with hypocrisy, double-standards, and taking issue with inconsequential shit that completely tarnished genuine social justice movements and basically created the alt-right pipeline by giving the Ben Shapiros and Steven Crowders of the world something to be right about. She's just the worst type of person.
@@littlechickeyhudak what a sad woman she is
i didn’t really like her but when she started bringing down other people like “ew a short and fat guy imagine trying to get with me when you look like that” ... gross no wonder she’s single
Yup body shamers are the worst, that guy deserves better than her anyways.
She’s quite literally the female equivalent of him I have no idea why she was so repulsed.
Well, people usually have pretty similar attraction items, regardless of physical appearance. Just because she's dumpy AF doesn't mean she's attracted to dumpy AF.
@@ejr1226 exactly lmao she said that and i was like bitch youre short and fat too wtf
2 minutes into this ted talk this girl was like "I feel so much pressure from society to look a certain way" and I was like "I feel you girl!" and then another 2 minutes later she's making fun of a guy for being short and overweight?
m a ' a m
oy vey
@@theelectricant98 oie bruv
@@theelectricant98 such chutzpah
She's not high maintenance but you have to follow her rules to even talk to her.🤔
She is just complaining to a whole group of people. That’s all it is lol
She did this instead of going to therapy lmao
Nothing funnier than "I'm single and don't know why" followed by exclusionary clauses, making fun of people's appearances, and not receiving messages of interest because of a presumption that they're dumb. Pre-COVID times there are single only type events in most major cities. Get out and do something fun or pick up an interesting hobby and you'll meet people not looking to just fuck and bounce. Don't make "I'm educated" the centerpiece of your personality unless you plan on meeting someone in the classroom or at work exclusively. Most people like "not dumb" people for long-term relationships. It practically doesn't even need to be stated.
Yeah, it's like advertising that you're not racist or sexist or whatever. It's just suspicious.
@@snkybrki "Ladies, I'm only racist on thursdays and I won't even hit you when you talk back to me. Why yes, I consider myself quite the catch."
@@skeletonwar4445 There needs to be a * over "when you talk back to me"
@@snkybrki you know I’m really good at not giving into my urge to kill others
I’m- I’m sorry. But the way she said “some 300 pound dude will hmu, like come on man” she said it like she was a TEN and he had the audacity to hit her up. Um....I’ll say no more before it gets mean 💀
I’m so dead 💀
If someone is a ten and says this, they instantly become a three at best.
"Ten" is subjective. She could be somebody's ten in looks, but she sounds like such an asshole. If she's going to be shallow like that, of course her "ten" won't want her.
@@Aelffwynn The way somebody speaks and treats others is a major part of my 1-10 scale. Found this out in my early 20s when I worked with this chick who was physically hot! But I just couldn't ever get excited about her... Took me a while to figure out that her bitchiness was the mood killer. Most guys probably would have said she was an 8, but I'd give her a 2, maybe a 3 at best. Fuck you, Lisa!
Even a ten can be way more humble than this girl. Some of the fatties are the pickiest people ever
This woman sounds like she’s on the edge of tears the entire time.
i mean this in the nicest way possible but this feels like something she should be talking about with a therapist instead a tedex talk
also isnt the rhetoric she looks down upon considered AAVE? and she is inferring that talking like that makes someone uneducated. rubs me the wrong way
Yeeeeah, I'd rather be single forever than take "not a jerk" off my list. She's lowering the wrong expectations. I don't care how tall/handsome a guy is, I'm not tying myself down to someone who won't treat me like a human being.
Yeah, like most people are okay looking. A great personality helps with that; you like someone's face, and voice, and mannerisms, when you like *them*. And you find their face, and their voice, and their mannerisms just unbelievably irritating if you don't like them.
And also, if someone is the type of person who cares about you and respects you, then he's willing to work to be the best version of him self that he can be; he probably won't be able to get a 6-pack or be 6'4" or anything, but he can eat relatively healthy and be active (for himself as well as for you) and learn what you care about most, talk to you in your love language, make you feel appreciated... but you know... is he tall? Ridiculous.
@@SchulzEricT Exactly this. That's why I never understood having a list. No one ever matches your list and is interested in you. You need to focus more on who you work with and who works with you
I totally agree. 100%
@@deonballard8244 And not specific attributes. It's more about "compatible with me for this reason" (is more of a homebody rather than wanting to go out a lot - would rather watch a movie on the couch at home than go to the theater, something like that).
This! Height is the stupidest requirement of all tbh. If a guy is 5 feet tall and super nice, that’s fine. I don’t care.
It sounds like she's trying to convince herself of everything she talks about in this ted talk
exactly the vibes I got from 'I absolutely LOVE👏my👏job👏'
I'd say the opposite, she's not self-aware and believes her bs too much.
I don't know how some people can be this brave, say shitt like this and not get bullied. I half expected someone from the audience to call her out.
I can’t believe that woman would rather date a tall man than have someone who treats them well. My boyfriend is 2 inches shorter than me and we are happy together. I couldn’t imagine having turned him away based on his height alone. Maybe if she wasn’t so superficial she would have better luck....
Also she can’t have such superficial standards but then not meet superficial standards herself bc any guy who has the same values as her wouldn’t look at her twice just like she wouldn’t even give the 5’4 guys a second look either....
Most guys under 6 foot unfortunately can imagine it. Height is so deeply conditioned into what many women think of being desirable.
Your attitude is awesome, and I hope it catches on.
@@WarriorBoy It's really unfortunate that that is so. Sure people can have physical preferences, but those kinds of things shouldn't be dealbreakers for you before you even get to know someone. Height or weight shouldn't factor into making or breaking your attraction if someone also has a really agreeable personality and you get along well.
@@snakewithapen5489 Definitely. On the other side of it, I've known guys who were attracted to a "heavier" woman (when I say this, I mean what would be thought of as 'thicc' or curvy, not My 600lb Life) who rejected her because of how it would look if they weren't with a woman who was smaller. Due to social expectations.
If you had a bubble or vacuum away from cultural influences where people could meet, interact, and date who they wanted without worrying about judgement, I think you'd see a very different landscape.
It’s funny bc my first love broke up with ME because he was insecure about his height (he was 5”4 and i am 5”2 and it literally never bothered me whatsoever) just to date a girl taller than him. Some people really do have funny opinions about height
I was in a toxic engagement with someone who put their hands on me, that was tall, made great money, was well travelled- all that stuff. The person I wound up with and whom I have kids with is about half an inch or so taller but I’m 5’9” so it’s whatever, he’s a bit of a dork and still dresses like he did as a skateboarder when he graduated high school in 2007, and he’s the best dad, he’s my best friend, he bought me Taco Bell twice in one night when I’d had a lot to drink and he was DD, he almost has as many Xbox points, and has a comically large Johnson.
So really, he’s a struggler. But that other guy was straight trash. And if someone doesn’t treat you right, you have to take out the trash or it just gets worse.
This is the saddest TED talk. She cannot have been sober during any part of writing this
...or delivering it onstage
@@natewilson111 halfway through she sounds drunk
@@potato-sweet Exactly my point 🍷
She's not drunk with alcohol, but with entitlement and overconfidence.
Imagine getting a PHD and citing a buzzfeed article
I had a "History of Sexuality" Professor who cited buzzfeed (maybe it was vox) in a lecture on the homosexual relationships of nazi soldiers on the front. Im not joking in the slightest.
@@sigmundferd1359 That's.... that's scary.
Your username is dope lol
Now Scottie Pippen has basically been canceled by Jordan
this girl: it’s so hard to fit the standards men make for me.
guy: hey, i was wondering-
This feels like a conversation she should be having with a therapist rather than a Ted Talk
The more she rants the more she reveals why she is single
It was a BOLD choice to list Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler as “Female Magazines”
You are TECHNICALLY correct. The BEST KIND of correct.
She seems like she's just there to vent + let the world know she's available 😂😂 so if you wanna do a super cringe self absorbed vent combined with letting the world know you're available, Ted x is the way😂😂(Also it's so frustrating how she's just being self-absorbed, shallow and sometimes demeaning...under the guise of talking about an important issue like how society says you're only valuable if you're in a relationship)
When I see girls like her, she's available in the same way an unclaimed jug of mystery juice in our fridge is "available."
And there's always somebody who steps up to drink it.
Seriously, who approves these things. Ted talks "franchising" while not doing enough to protect the integrity of their brand was their downfall
I agree; she could have focused the talk on how she IS happy and successful being single, even though society geberally finds singles pitiful or inferior to couples.
Basically "it's not me, it's you!" the entire time 😭 lol
This woman: gets rejected by a Tall Ambitious Smart and Funny guy.
Everyone in the audience : *Surprised pikachu face*
Amen. Preach!!!!
I swear when she said, “I would consider myself very successful in my career choice” I was waiting for her to go “and you can too boss babe! Through joining me as we sell overpriced kitchen knives to our friends and family until they stop talking to us and we need to tell our husbands to invite their coworkers wives to our house to recruit even more boss babes!”
Hey hun! Lmao it also doesn’t help watching this after Illuminaughtii and her MLM break downs
Yeah, she does seem to be the kind of person who would get involved in a pyramid scheme
I like that "Not a jerk" vanished before "tall"
there are many mysteries on this planet.
Why this woman is single, is not one of them.
This woman: **Compliments herself all the time and insults any man who takes a genuine interest in her**
Also this woman: "wHy CaN't I fInD a BoYfRiEnD?!!!"
So this what a female "nice guy" is
Oh yeah, there's an entire subreddit. Sadly not as unique as one could hope/think.
She legit got up and complained about her love life to a crowd of hundreds of people while calling her session a TED Talk. What the hell was that. She never once tried to transition fully into a lesson of any kind.
This felt like she thought she was doing a comedy sketch about singleness and found out it was a TedTalk an hour before she went on stage
That's most likely exactly what happened except she was most likely told 30 minutes before
And totally missed out on the comedy too, unless it's cringe comedy.
Did anyone here laugh?
@@natewilson111 Ironically yes
I guarantee she was one of those kids that were “gifted” and just never grew out of that mindset.
gifted and conservative christian probably... i was almosted pulled down the rabbit hole but escaped because i wasn't middle class or able bodied or neurotypical and was able to see how messed up that attitude was... thank goodness
@@alexella9689 I grew up in that environment, but my parents were very accepting and understanding. I’m also considered neurodivergent (severe ADHD), and they always supported me. She’s got an attitude problem, she’s super entitled which means she was probably spoiled as a kid. Christianity isn’t inherently bad (My family is Lutheran but I’m agnostic), but some people completely miss the point and excuse their bullshit actions with the “I go to church so I’m a good person” philosophy. She has no self-awareness whatsoever, and it’s kinda sad to see. Hope you’re doing okay, didn’t mean to rant but this comment related to me.
@@alexella9689 yo, same. Everyday my folks were saying I was God's Chosen and I would be a leader of men. Constantly told how smart and good I was for being a Christian and the second I questioned that, I was shunned.
What a fucking nightmare.
@@alexella9689 I grew up in that situation and my parents were super accepting and nice but still raised me to not he a jerk. I know what you mean, but not all people in that situation grow up like this lady
@Alex Ella She doesn’t strike me as conservative lol. She seems progressive. They have a vibe to them 😒👀
The fact that being tall is still on the list shows me she doesn’t want love, she want to impress others on who she is dating
She took “not a jerk” off the list but kept “taller than me” 😂😂 priorities!!
I would disagree with that if it wasn't for her taking off "not a jerk". But then I am inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that part was a joke.
It's the same as not being attracted to someone based on their gender or weight. Some people just don't feel attracted to short people and that's perfectly fine.
@@MrSpartanspud I prefer a guy to be taller than me too but I was open minded to a shorter guy and especially if you’re a tall woman I imagine you have less options, at the very last be open to dating someone the same height as you.
@@indiag89 I'm not saying tall women who don't want a short guy don't have fewer options but at the end of the day if it's a deal-breaker for someone that's just their preference and I think a lot of people are taking it too personally and saying people should change what they're attracted to as if that's something you can control.
@@MrSpartanspud everybody has preferences and that’s fine. my point was she valued being taller than her more than “not be a jerk” priorities are mixed up.
I loved this video. You and your wife play so well off of each other. It's a joy to see two people, that fit so well together, both reacting to something. Great video!
"pop out a few spawn" "im fun" "im charming" "im not high maintenance" *I wonder why she's single*
A whole ted talk where a lady volunteers to try to convince strangers she isn't sad about being single
I married a man that is the exact opposite of all the things I expected he would be! And he ended up because a total CATCH! 12 years and going strong! I love him so much.
aw that sounds great, happy to hear that you guys are going strong :)
This is wholesome!
There is actually a lot to be said about experimenting with dating. When I was in my 20's, I had no idea what I was looking for, and met some amazing women who from the first interaction didn't seem like my type at all but ended up being extremely attractive in the long run. It unfortunately never worked out for me and these days I've stopped looking, but I'm very glad I had the experiences I did and didn't try to desperately hold onto my poorly chosen "standards" and allowed them to grow as I grew.
That's so sweet, and I'm so happy for you! It's also reassuring for others in a way
sending this to my crush brb