Replacing the driver side axle U-joint in my 2012 Ram 3500

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 57

  • @jimkillen1065
    @jimkillen1065 Год назад +5

    Yea I used the power steering to help me as you suggested. . Every one has a favorite way to do there u joints and I learned some hard lessons along the way . I perfer to use marine grease on the u joints and ball joints ect . I know most want do it this way but I like to use anti seize on the caps as I assembly it to help me in the future if I have to replace them again . I don't care if the solid u joints are stronger I want to grease mine . Thanks for the video

  • @jeremyfenix8078
    @jeremyfenix8078 2 года назад +3

    Nice work! Clear, concise, and simple. Thanks for making this. You should add a link to the u-joints you used too.

  • @toddryan2758
    @toddryan2758 Год назад +4

    Wow probably the best video on this I've seen! Doing both mine this weekend and saving your video to refer back to. Thanks 👍

  • @GregariousAntithesis
    @GregariousAntithesis 2 года назад +2

    Plumbers wire brush for cleaning copper pipe for soldering with handle cut off and put into a cordless drill works awesome to clean the holes in the yolk before installing new joints

  • @6323miller
    @6323miller 2 года назад +3

    For the wheel bearing assembly leave the bolts in it but loose and hit the bolt heads with an air hammer. Walks right out.

  • @cerwin21
    @cerwin21 Год назад +1

    Try the Nebo Transcend Head lamp. 1000lumens 700 lumen 100 lumen stetting. 5hr work time 1 charge. Great for late hunts as well, can actually see 75 yards out with it

  • @donald4416
    @donald4416 Год назад +1

    Just little tip on cleaning cap holes you can use from harbor freight small wire wheel works So fast, or Dremel wire wheel works wonders on cleaning pac-man clip tiny slot (outer clip if applicable).

  • @QUIET151311
    @QUIET151311 9 месяцев назад +1

    Great job, thank you for sharing.

  • @sethsavage2836
    @sethsavage2836 3 года назад +4

    What is the part number for that u joint

  • @jtweiers9004
    @jtweiers9004 2 года назад +3

    This video is sure going to help me tomorrow.. doing both sides of my 2014 3500 longhorn… I’m sure I’ll have a few more curse words tho… just sayin’🤷‍♂️

  • @duggaboy
    @duggaboy 3 года назад +3

    What size is that big center nut? Do you remember, thank you.

  • @taylormade2449
    @taylormade2449 8 месяцев назад +1

    I have seen another video where the guy did not remove the hub from the axle; rather, left the hub attached to the axle removing all as one. Is it better to remove the hub first or does it really matter? Thanks! Great video.

    • @Pure_KodiakWILD_Power
      @Pure_KodiakWILD_Power 2 месяца назад

      Probably easier to knock out the u joint with just the axle, but the fewer the steps, the better. Do you remember the title of that video?

  • @ferrallderrall6588
    @ferrallderrall6588 3 года назад

    Whew picked up a tip that was long forgotten with the oversize socket now just rusty c-clips and onward

  • @24kachina
    @24kachina 6 месяцев назад

    Great video! But next time please note socket sizes as you use them, would be really helpful.

  • @LawsonSchumacher
    @LawsonSchumacher Год назад

    Had a question about the axle shaft being pulled out. The front right axle shaft was different than the left. Was having trouble with my breaks locking up after replacing wheel hub and pads. Replaced the caliper and brake lines and it was still being held up by what seemed to be the outer break pad. Considering I did the same thing on the left side and had no issues. Was wondering if you have attacked the right axle shaft and had any fitment issues since it’s a different sized shaft. Thanks a lot!

  • @blakenoble9468
    @blakenoble9468 Год назад

    I heard you say something about the axle being bent or out of speck. Was your driver side axle shaft bent?

  • @madison0348
    @madison0348 Год назад

    Sir I have had this faint rational noise and I have tried to figure out what it was and after I watched your video I cracked it! Problem solved…. Thank you!

  • @allandoell1025
    @allandoell1025 3 года назад +1

    Great job! Did you torque the center nut?

  • @georgiojansen7758
    @georgiojansen7758 Год назад

    left hand steering?

  • @Pure_KodiakWILD_Power
    @Pure_KodiakWILD_Power 2 месяца назад

    I like those worklights, too, but the batteries don't last for crap. Maybe you have the newer improved version 😂

  • @brandonviveros162
    @brandonviveros162 2 года назад

    What brand and psrt number did you go with for u joints?

  • @waynemurphy7394
    @waynemurphy7394 4 года назад

    A friend of mine replaced a U joint & the new u joint was not cross drilled all the way trough & grease would go to all the cups.

    • @Delgwah
      @Delgwah 6 месяцев назад

      It seems now days parts are just roughed in, it’s up to the consumer to inspect them and fix anything that does not work as it should.

  • @jessehammer1322
    @jessehammer1322 3 года назад

    Great video, easy to follow and very helpful. Nice work.

    • @jonaskenneth692
      @jonaskenneth692 3 года назад

      sorry to be off topic but does someone know of a trick to log back into an instagram account??
      I was stupid forgot the account password. I would love any help you can offer me

    • @cameronjesus8411
      @cameronjesus8411 3 года назад

      @Jonas Kenneth Instablaster ;)

    • @jonaskenneth692
      @jonaskenneth692 3 года назад

      @Cameron Jesus Thanks for your reply. I found the site thru google and I'm trying it out atm.
      I see it takes quite some time so I will reply here later when my account password hopefully is recovered.

    • @jonaskenneth692
      @jonaskenneth692 3 года назад

      @Cameron Jesus It worked and I finally got access to my account again. I'm so happy!
      Thanks so much, you saved my account !

    • @cameronjesus8411
      @cameronjesus8411 3 года назад

      @Jonas Kenneth you are welcome xD

  • @garygriffiths5384
    @garygriffiths5384 2 года назад

    What u joint are you using?

  • @BillyBob-fd5ht
    @BillyBob-fd5ht 4 года назад

    Matt you still using your waste furnace?

    • @MattVerley
      @MattVerley  4 года назад

      Yes sir! Haven't fired it up yet this season...the relay that powers the tank heater failed in March and I haven't replaced it yet. But I will be servicing it in the next few weeks. Its starting to get cold!

    • @BillyBob-fd5ht
      @BillyBob-fd5ht 4 года назад

      @@MattVerley need any
      gladly send you couple samples :-) Since seeing your video years ago, it saved me a lot of money.. Except for the boiler going out , filter clogged, etc my small token of appreciation

    • @MattVerley
      @MattVerley  4 года назад +2

      @@BillyBob-fd5ht Thanks for the offer! I built a couple of retention heads out of 16GA T-304 stainless a few years ago and haven't had to change them since. I never did make any really good videos on my furnace. I built it before youtube was really a "thing" and the latest cell phone still had a flip feature :)
      And ditto on the money-saving thing. I've burned many thousands of gallons of waste products through my furnace, and my shop is warm all year round. Only cost is for a few watts of electricity for the preheater and blower. A great money saver!

    • @BillyBob-fd5ht
      @BillyBob-fd5ht 4 года назад

      @@MattVerley smiles, good. I like the drip oil ones on youtube. except the ignition start-up. surprised they do not make a burner same design going into a circle chamber at an angle make one swirling fire and more clean burn and less oil used.

  • @Paul-pp4jp
    @Paul-pp4jp 2 года назад

    Great video thank you sir

  • @questforknowledge750
    @questforknowledge750 3 года назад

    Great video! Thanks

  • @jaydenton5512
    @jaydenton5512 2 года назад

    Great video, informative, just a little bit long but, that's alright

  • @randallsmerna384
    @randallsmerna384 Год назад +1


  • @terrellscaife2411
    @terrellscaife2411 3 года назад

    Totally awesome good job man

    • @Paul-uj2dh
      @Paul-uj2dh 2 года назад

      Too facken" long my guy.

  • @joecool509
    @joecool509 4 года назад

    cost what, $500 in the shop? nicely done video.

    • @CharlieTheTexan
      @CharlieTheTexan 3 года назад

      i just got quoted $505.92 from the dealership for both of them... and $1102.66 with the installs.

    • @treeamigo8447
      @treeamigo8447 2 года назад

      I was just quoted 2600 for upper and lower ball joints and wheel hub assembly. Bought the parts myself for 600.

  • @kenuber4014
    @kenuber4014 Год назад

    I don't understand, why you would rather work on your knees rather than use the lift that's there!!

  • @bernardgraf7187
    @bernardgraf7187 Год назад

    Plenty patience

  • @toddjudson7281
    @toddjudson7281 2 года назад

    Grease just taking the path of least resistance therefore two sides didn’t get any. Nothing you did wrong

  • @ericsmith-sx8xi
    @ericsmith-sx8xi Год назад

    Sir will the seller words you speak, you are no idiot.

  • @nickcortese990
    @nickcortese990 2 года назад

    Why wouldn't you just replace the whole Part. Cheap shit here

    • @MattVerley
      @MattVerley  2 года назад +3

      what "whole part"? The U joint is the whole part. Or, are you referring to replacing the entire axle shaft? There is no reason to do that...the U-joint is considered a consumable part. It is carried by local auto parts stores. The axle shaft isn't considered consumable; it costs 10x as much and isn't carried by auto parts stores.

    • @aaronwilcox6417
      @aaronwilcox6417 2 года назад +3

      Why would a person replace a perfectly good axle shafts? The u-joint was the issue so it's all that needed to go.

    • @Dread_Naught_But_The_Dark
      @Dread_Naught_But_The_Dark Год назад +1

      Hmmm... 70 dollar U joint, or 500 dollar axle shaft...
      Yaknow, those of us that aren't afraid to get a little dirt under our finger nails and know how to turn a wrench save a hell of a lot of money.

  • @tristinstorm5858
    @tristinstorm5858 3 месяца назад

    Ahh went up to sight see the Twilight town ehh. Lol. I grew up in Port Angeles went to high school there have a lot of family that still lives there.n

  • @MrFinality69
    @MrFinality69 Год назад

    Tool list?