Eccl. 9:5, 6,10 and many more scriptures say that the dead, both the righteous and the wicked, are in the grave. Denise is asleep in Christ until the Resurrection.
She is such a inspiration to me. I remember when she was Vanity. To see her then, to now before she died, as she completely and unapologetically lived for the Lord was a miracle. I believe preaching was always her calling. The Devil tried to change that, but could not stop what God had already set before her. All she wanted to do in her last days was to save souls. The more I listen to her story, I see that she was a person who truly loved the Lord. I would have loved to listen to her preach the gospel in person. Ms. Denise Matthews you are truest missed by all us.
*Vanity is full of pride and narcissism just like when she followed Prince...and she is full of herself and her false god and religion* *The Bible promotes and supports slavery in the Old Testament and the New* *The Bible has over 1000 contradictions* The Bible puts down women all the time...and I am man and this is ridiculous. When you are a are brainwashed unfortunately. You actually believe you will go to heaven and others will burn in hell. You actually believe you serve the true God and others do not. Satan created the Bible to give you pride...and this is why Christians actually believe these lies. No one on earth knows if they serve the true God or Satan...but Christians believe they serve the true God. Good Lord...wake up
@@sonyamcmillan2348 you have no clue if you serve the true God or a false god Because nobody on Earth knows if they're serving a true God but only the prideful believe they serve a true God and others don't... Nothing wrong with hoping and praying we serve a true God but nobody knows for sure except for the prideful which is people like you sadly enough and I'll pray for you
@@sonyamcmillan2348 sounds like you're serving your ego and pride and you're a narcissist because the last time I checked nobody can prove that they serve the true God you can only hope and pray you serve the true God and nobody knows for sure except prideful people like you
You should go look through the 66 books of the Bible and see when referring to GOD the G is capitalized and when referring to the enemy the g is lowercase.... So no she was not a real woman of (god) She was a real woman of God❣️
@@yahrayanaarah6891Actually To Be Honest All That Doesn't Truly Matter It's What Is In Your Heart You Can Use The Capital G All Day Long Yet Not Truly Mean It 🙃
He said it was unusual because he didn't expect the power of God to move in Denise in such a powerful way. I didn't care for these host. They just seemed like they couldn't flow with the SPIRIT. It was clear that this beautiful soul named Denise Matthew's was totally converted. I remember when i first heard years ago. I was thankful to God for turning her life completely around. RIP Denise. She's WHOLE, healed and in his presence. What a testimony. I know many were saved through her testimony. HALLELUJAH!!!!
She was real. From the rauchiness of Vanity to the reformed beauty that was Denise Matthews. This sister got through the worst parts of her life and earned her wings.
Wow that's was a incredible interview and powerful testimony from Denise Matthews its so heartbreaking to know what all she went through as child but God had a plan for her life what' devil meant for evil he turned around for her good God really use as Envanlist in power way before she left this earth she kept the faith ran race til the end to God be the glory !gol
The only thing that Denise Mathews is high on is Jesus!!! Hallelujah!!! Preach it Beautiful sister! People that don't understand the Hunger for the word of the Lord can't understand that?!! I truly can resonate with her Passion for the Lord! R.I.P. Beautiful one!😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
She is such an inspiration. Prince also came to Jesus before he past away. I wonder if they ever talked about the gospel to each other. May they both Rest In Peace.
She speaks with so much conviction you can tell she literally rose from the absolute bottom and was shown what God can really do her voice and presence is so strong you can hear the holy spirit moving through her 🙏🏼❤️
I miss her so much. She was such an inspiration and beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing your talent and prayers for everyone. I’m so happy that you focused on the Lord and now she is happy and in peace. Much love to you 🙏🏼❤️💐
Oh her books is out there on line.. Money hungry vultures are selling them for hundreds! They can't love the Lord!! Just making money off of a famous deceased child of God! Smh!
I miss you , Reverend Denise,aka Vanity,you change your life,and other of the unsaved people and save people of the messiah.Ihope I see 🙈 you on the other side.
She was like Paul in the Bible his life he lived before God saved him was horrible but God still had plan for his life no matter what he did Paul truly a hero he m establish so much for God before he left this world but God to say that's dose not matter what past you had before Christ he will use the most horrible thing that happened to you for his glory that's why love him so
wow so powerful you were my idol as kid 😢 yes what she's saying is so right we need to be careful what we watch & listen too i'm so happy she got saved she made it & i got saved too praise jesus 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼✔️✔️👑👑👑👑
I think the hosts were great! They allowed her to talk with very little interruption. That's a plus! Denise practically carried the whole interview. He also said that he wanted her to talk about her ministies before the time ran out. All this negativity just because he didn't understand the word necromancer? The hosts did a wonderful interview!
The disconnect with the hosts is cultural. People practice their faith differently and Denise is from the way of the Black church, rambunctious praise which is different from the hosts which is clearly "traditional" as he says at the end.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I thought this was a great interview because they let her speak compared to some interviews where the interviewer doesn’t let the person they are interviewing get one word without them interjecting.
Prince had become a devout Jehovah's witness during this period and was having faith based Bible studies with Larry Graham when this interview happened and this was the year that the Rainbow children album came out which was based off the JW doctrine.
The Bible says that we are all guilty of breaking the Ten Commandments of God (Romans 3:23). As a result, we all deserve to go to Hell because none is righteous, no not one. (Romans 3:10). But the good news is that you do not have to go to Hell (John 3:16). Jesus Christ loves you so much that He died on the Cross for your sins and if you Repent of your sins and Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior then you will be saved (John 3:16). Jesus is calling on all to repent and you know longer have to live in despair but in love, joy, and peace through Jesus Christ. Amen.
she has soo much hunger of the word, but you have that "man" clothed in sheep skin but is a WOLF #hater because he wish he had that hunger she does. Sorry Lord
She would talk forever if no one stopped her - she was a little zany. I am sure that they wanted to interview her but she always just takes off nonstop and preaches. She was a little over the top to me but it was wonderful that she found a new life that she was so passionate to live.
I loved that she didn’t let anyone stop her. She focused on God and made her interviewers do the same. If not, people would focus on her past instead of her inspiring salvation.
She dwelled too much on sinning and what WE should be doing instead of focusing on what Christ did. Probably why she lost focus and went back to drugs for a while. She was all over the place here or it could be me. I never heard her preach and I’m sure her name alone made people want to know the Lord.
@@asanta2023 I saw that too because I heard the female ask her how or where did she get the name Vanity; in which it was Prince who gave her the name. She changed the subject quickly, ☺️. Of course she mentioned a book I’m sure she was still selling. She had a great testimony, just like the woman at the well.
@@MsArLee1105 Uh no Miss Lee, anyone who is with Christ and understands scripture knows what that hand symbol means and why it is satanic. You're the one who needs to do some praying, soul searching and research because you're living under a deception. That hand symbol was first popularized by the Satanic rock band Coven on their 1969 album cover. It is not a natural way to hold your hand and is in fact difficult to do without some practice. You need to wake up because we are in the end times and many false prophets are among us both within and outside of Christianity. Denise followed the "Prosperity Gospel" which is a sinful distortion of the Bible (it says Jesus makes the faithful rich and that anyone who is poor is that way because they are sinful).
Why is NOBODY talking about her intermittent switch to speaking in tongues during her evangelizing???? Denise is known to have seen demons and ghosts. She also talked about speaking to the dead. Obviously she was at moments possessed by spirits too! Even on live TV as seen here!!!
@@MsArLee1105 Fool. That hand symbol was popularized by the Satanic rock band "Coven" in the 1960s. The members were literally members of a witch's coven and were open followers of Lucifer. They intentionally made this hand sign on their album to show devotion to Lucifer. After they did it is when it started spreading. Anyone showing that hand symbol is showing allegiance to the AntiChrist. Denise, as beautiful and talented as she was, got brainwashed into the "Prosperity Gospel" (Jesus will make you rich if you are faithful, which is a false and Satanic doctrine). Even if she meant well, the anti-Christ spirit was coming through her because of that choice. You will perish in the fires of hell if you think making that hand sign is ok. The Lord weeps everytime one of His beautiful creations like Denise makes/made it. Do your research MissLee, and you'll find I am right. -John
@@redlinear Yeah, sadly it's because she was following the false doctrine of the "Prosperity Gospel" (Kenneth Copeland Ministries). Just look that guy up. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing leading the faithful astray. Prosperity Gospel posits that people are only poor because they aren't faithful. But those who are faithful will be financially rewarded and become rich. Any person of faith who knows the Bible knows this is utterly and completely false. Many of Kenneth Copeland's ministers have been caught on camera during sermons making the satanic hand sign as well. So Denise, as a minister in this doctrine, is not alone in doing that. To be honest, I think that Denise truly believed that she was doing the right thing, but despite that, she was still being used to spread this doctrine of deception. We are not supposed to judge as hypocrites, because all of us fall short of God's glory. But when a member of the faith is displaying a well known sign of allegiance to the AntiChrist, plus speaking oddly while preaching as you mentioned, it is our duty as Christians to point this out so that others aren't deceived. Peace, John
It refreshing to see someone truly in love with Jesus. A lot of us say we love Jesus, but we're undercover Christians. They're about God on Sunday, but Mon-Sat live for themselves. Many lukewarm Christians are intimated by this kind of Joy in the Lord because in their own life they're probably ashamed to be a Christian. They don't want the grief or persecution that may come with it. She was unashamed & unbothered by what people thought of her. She's been through a lot so you may not understand why she praise, but what we are seeing is a grateful, redeemed heart that loved the Lord with all that she was. I pray for that same fire! Such a remarkable work the Lord has done!
Why is NOBODY talking about her intermittent switch to speaking in tongues during her evangelizing???? Denise is known to have seen demons and ghosts. She also talked about speaking to the dead. Obviously she was at moments possessed by spirits too! Even on live TV as seen here!!!
You must not know what it looks like to be transformed by Christ versus operating in the demonic. CLEARLY this woman has been changed. The pharisees couldn't tell the difference either with our Lord Jesus. They said He was operating in the demonic. Be careful
She said Prince was the devil and that wasn't right. Prince never made her do anything she didn't want to do. She left him because he wasn't paying her
But she wasn’t even talking about him in this video Wow!!! she talking about devil itself not Prince as devil you can’t be serious I think you got it mixed up I’m not going to explain it with you again because it’s totally not worth. it
She didn’t want to take the blame for her former life style. The devil is not the root cause of our evil doings all the time. Sometimes it’s our flesh, WE just want to do it. Apostle Paul wrote about sins of the flesh.
@@allurainsetta8116 Prince did give her that name; but I’m sure she is literally speaking. I don’t think she is calling Prince the devil. The Bible said we fight not against flesh and blood… That is not our enemy. I like how Whitney Houston said it, I AM MY WORST ENEMY. She never blamed anyone for her actions but herself.
She sounds insane. 😂 The only person to blame for her past actions is Denise. Can’t blame her stage name. That’s a cop out. God gives you free will. It’s your job to make the right decisions.
It's called the Joy of the Lord. People in the world can fanatic about their sports team, or their favorite artist or what BUT when a Christian is bubbling over in the Joy of the Lord & grateful for the redemption power of God, it is weird. When she was out there in the World wearing lingerie, speaking/singing vulgarity and doing the devil's work she was all in. Now she is all in for Jesus! She is on fire & truly loves doing the Work of the Lord. I love it ❤.
People who leave behind their lives of sin and debauchery always sound insane to those who are still stuck in it. The word of God is foolishness to those who are perishing. Denise corrects herself and claims full responsibility in this video saying that she’s the only one to blame for her mistakes. Did you miss that part???
@@teeteetina9063what’s wrong with an addiction to Jesus? Most who use this argument usually have several of their own addictions that they are hiding in the closet. You feel convicted over your own darkness.
It refreshing to see someone truly in love with Jesus. A lot of us say we love Jesus, but we're undercover Christians. They're about God on Sunday, but Mon-Sat live for themselves. Many lukewarm Christians are intimated by this kind of Joy in the Lord because in their own life they're probably ashamed to be a Christian. They don't want the grief or persecution that may come with it. She was unashamed & unbothered by what people thought of her. She's been through a lot so you may not understand why she praise, but what we are seeing is a grateful, redeemed heart that loved the Lord with all that she was. I pray for that same fire! Such a remarkable work the Lord has done!
It’s the side effects from drug abuse…it change her brain so she can act child like from it….I have family members who are recovering addicts and their completely sober but their brains are permanently damage due to the years of drug abuse…so she’s definitely not high but is suffering from some brain changes which has this type of behavior unfortunately
@@Leosartstudio2014 finally someone who's pointing this out. I'm thinking this too. It was very noticeable in Whitney Houston too at some point. She couldn't control it anymore either in interviews after years of use. Very sad. Kinda funny too sometimes hahah, but still sad.
If the ironic stage name Vanity is meant to show extreme self worth then the name is fitting for her..It is also memorable and sexy.. Nwy Vanity / Denise was an intelligent woman.. she evolved and adapted accordingly based on her age, issues and goals.. Almost like Marilyn Monroe did.. The Lord created us for similar purposes.. Unfortunate childhood, but I'm glad she found her calling & sense of salvation.. she even looks and sounds like a different person.. I'm sure she even did well as an Evangelist and capitalized on her beauty, fame and talent.. Well we dont know what happened behind the scenes but pls don't put down roles like Laura Charles.. that was a positive and wholesome role to me and u played it to perfection.. could even be the reason we use the word "thirsty" the way we do today.. one of my favorite 80s movies tributes to Bruce Lee.. it wouldn't have been as good without u in that role..🫰🏽😎
If she had "capitalized on her fame, beauty and talent," we would have heard and seen more of her. Better yet, she could have easily accepted the tons of money she was offered to write a book about the time she and Prince were together. She turned down those offers.
I am not into that Kumbaya type stuff mother I ain't trying to save the world you know that's God's doing if you want to save it he's going to save it but one day is going to end
Mother Denise Matthews would you mind not throwing me off of you know RUclips when I say artist musical artist names or people's names you know I feel so disrespected and you know unwanted
I’m sorry to say this but her rapid non-stop speech makes her seem high…she seems very delusional and doesn’t make much sense. I’m not convinced she wasn’t on something, maybe prescription drugs? I also think she had undiagnosed and untreated psych issues. Beautiful woman. RIP
@kathia p.She was on fire for God! When you are excited about God, you can't help but speak fast! If she would have relapsed, I'm sure she would acknowledged it. She was very transparent. You are probably on something that is why you are projecting onto Denise. Some people hate to see other people change their life for the good. Smh
It refreshing to see someone truly in love with Jesus. A lot of us say we love Jesus, but we're undercover Christians. They're about God on Sunday, but Mon-Sat live for themselves. Many lukewarm Christians are intimated by this kind of Joy in the Lord because in their own life they're probably ashamed to be a Christian. They don't want the grief or persecution that may come with it. She was unashamed & unbothered by what people thought of her. She's been through a lot so you may not understand why she praise, but what we are seeing is a grateful, redeemed heart that loved the Lord with all that she was. I pray for that same fire! Such a remarkable work the Lord has done!
She is full of the word
What she speaks is still so prevalent to today's issues !
Yes! Wonder if Beyoncé will take her path
Watching this right now and it’s so so true
Yes 🎉
Congratulations Denise! You did it sister! You brought so many souls to Gods with your testimony! Now you are with HIM, praise Jesus ! Amen
Eccl. 9:5, 6,10 and many more scriptures say that the dead, both the righteous and the wicked, are in the grave. Denise is asleep in Christ until the Resurrection.
She is such a inspiration to me. I remember when she was Vanity. To see her then, to now before she died, as she completely and unapologetically lived for the Lord was a miracle. I believe preaching was always her calling. The Devil tried to change that, but could not stop what God had already set before her. All she wanted to do in her last days was to save souls. The more I listen to her story, I see that she was a person who truly loved the Lord. I would have loved to listen to her preach the gospel in person. Ms. Denise Matthews you are truest missed by all us.
*Vanity is full of pride and narcissism just like when she followed Prince...and she is full of herself and her false god and religion*
*The Bible promotes and supports slavery in the Old Testament and the New*
*The Bible has over 1000 contradictions*
The Bible puts down women all the time...and I am man and this is ridiculous.
When you are a are brainwashed unfortunately.
You actually believe you will go to heaven and others will burn in hell.
You actually believe you serve the true God and others do not.
Satan created the Bible to give you pride...and this is why Christians actually believe these lies.
No one on earth knows if they serve the true God or Satan...but Christians believe they serve the true God.
Good Lord...wake up
@@godrulesme8619 I saw your old comment and you are wrong, I'm a Christian woman. I love my Jehovah
@@sonyamcmillan2348 you have no clue if you serve the true God or a false god Because nobody on Earth knows if they're serving a true God but only the prideful believe they serve a true God and others don't...
Nothing wrong with hoping and praying we serve a true God but nobody knows for sure except for the prideful which is people like you sadly enough and I'll pray for you
@@godrulesme8619 I know who I'm serving, been serving Jehovah since I was 22, I'm 53 now
@@sonyamcmillan2348 sounds like you're serving your ego and pride and you're a narcissist because the last time I checked nobody can prove that they serve the true God you can only hope and pray you serve the true God and nobody knows for sure except prideful people like you
She was a reaaaaaaaal woman of god .
You should go look through the 66 books of the Bible and see when referring to GOD the G is capitalized and when referring to the enemy the g is lowercase.... So no she was not a real woman of (god) She was a real woman of God❣️
@@yahrayanaarah6891 shut up 🙄
@@yahrayanaarah6891facts I was going to say something but you said it!
Yes I Truly Believe Her 🙌
@@yahrayanaarah6891Actually To Be Honest All That Doesn't Truly Matter It's What Is In Your Heart You Can Use The Capital G All Day Long Yet Not Truly Mean It 🙃
I am glad the interviewer allowed her to talk without interrupting her
He said it was unusual because he didn't expect the power of God to move in Denise in such a powerful way. I didn't care for these host. They just seemed like they couldn't flow with the SPIRIT. It was clear that this beautiful soul named Denise Matthew's was totally converted. I remember when i first heard years ago. I was thankful to God for turning her life completely around. RIP Denise. She's WHOLE, healed and in his presence. What a testimony. I know many were saved through her testimony. HALLELUJAH!!!!
I love her loyalty to the gospel and Christ. She is a true inspiration.
I'm so glad she gave her heart. To the lord I used to watch her movies she gives me hope
My sweet sister Denise, how I miss you 💜
Sister in Christ I’m sorry for your loss but blessed you got to know her. I never met Denise but her testimony has strengthened my love for Christ!
Your sister was a powerhouse for the kingdom.
She was beautiful soul
She was real. From the rauchiness of Vanity to the reformed beauty that was Denise Matthews. This sister got through the worst parts of her life and earned her wings.
Thank you Jesus for saving Denise my sister in christ
Absolutely beautiful. Inside and out. Years of sickness and She still was Blessed
Wow that's was a incredible interview and powerful testimony from Denise Matthews its so heartbreaking to know what all she went through as child but God had a plan for her life what' devil meant for evil he turned around for her good God really use as Envanlist in power way before she left this earth she kept the faith ran race til the end to God be the glory !gol
She had really redeemed herself.
She sure has ❤
Jesus redeemed her.
@@jdfodioyes; God’s work
She submitted to the King, and He redeemed her.
She for filled her purpose here on earth to God be the glory
The only thing that Denise Mathews is high on is Jesus!!! Hallelujah!!! Preach it Beautiful sister! People that don't understand the Hunger for the word of the Lord can't understand that?!! I truly can resonate with her Passion for the Lord! R.I.P. Beautiful one!😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
She is such an inspiration. Prince also came to Jesus before he past away. I wonder if they ever talked about the gospel to each other. May they both Rest In Peace.
Prince was a Jehovah’s Witness which is a cult. So that is not knowing Jesus. I hope he had a real encounter with God before he died
I hope He did. Him being a JW has me nervous for him.
Anyone practicing any religion should be nervous. Jesus wasn't a fan of them regardless.
@@faith2xxx - I agree. We all should be developing a relationship with Jesus based on obedience.
Prince did not turn to Christ, he was a JW, and he died as a result of his fentanyl addiction.
She speaks with so much conviction you can tell she literally rose from the absolute bottom and was shown what God can really do her voice and presence is so strong you can hear the holy spirit moving through her 🙏🏼❤️
I miss her so much. She was such an inspiration and beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing your talent and prayers for everyone. I’m so happy that you focused on the Lord and now she is happy and in peace. Much love to you 🙏🏼❤️💐
God I praise you for the miracle you worked in her life. RIH sweet soul.
Such a beautiful soul Rest In Power 🕊🕊🕊🕊
She's so inspiring 💗 beautiful poem.. wished I could find her book
You can find it here on RUclips. Search: Blame it on Vanity by Denise “Vanity” Matthews
Oh her books is out there on line.. Money hungry vultures are selling them for hundreds! They can't love the Lord!! Just making money off of a famous deceased child of God! Smh!
Mighty woman of God! 💪💪💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
Denise was a sweet, spiritual human being. RIH
With time this woman remained very beautiful...she has a beautiful glow all over her.. She loved the Lord.. Continue Riparadise Beautiful Queen..🌹✝️
I miss you , Reverend Denise,aka Vanity,you change your life,and other of the unsaved people and save people of the messiah.Ihope I see 🙈 you on the other side.
🔥🔥🔥 Amen! God used her to tell us how God works
She was like Paul in the Bible his life he lived before God saved him was horrible but God still had plan for his life no matter what he did Paul truly a hero he m establish so much for God before he left this world but God to say that's dose not matter what past you had before Christ he will use the most horrible thing that happened to you for his glory that's why love him so
Thank you Denise.
she knows the Word
❤ u Denise..your faith in god is good..alleluia we love you the lost souls find you find your love us
The book is so expensive right now. Would love to read it
Pray for me please brothers and sisters
May The Most High Be Pleased 🙏🏾
wow so powerful you were my idol as kid 😢 yes what she's saying is so right we need to be careful what we watch & listen too i'm so happy she got saved she made it & i got saved too praise jesus 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼✔️✔️👑👑👑👑
Such a beautiful soul ❤ truly a blessing.
Love this transformation..
She's the real deal
I love her testimony! Thank you for uploading. To God be the glory!!
She was such a beautiful woman of God. She is now resting in heaven with the Lord.
🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Thank you Denise! 💜
I think the hosts were great! They allowed her to talk with very little interruption. That's a plus! Denise practically carried the whole interview. He also said that he wanted her to talk about her ministies before the time ran out. All this negativity just because he didn't understand the word necromancer? The hosts did a wonderful interview!
The disconnect with the hosts is cultural. People practice their faith differently and Denise is from the way of the Black church, rambunctious praise which is different from the hosts which is clearly "traditional" as he says at the end.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I thought this was a great interview because they let her speak compared to some interviews where the interviewer doesn’t let the person they are interviewing get one word without them interjecting.
No. They are lost hosts. I am not black and I see the Holy Spirit operating through Denise. There is nothing coming from the hosts, at all.
Traduzir do inglês para o português legendado todos os videos dos filmes, musicas e entrevistas de Denise katrina matthews,evangelist(vanity).
Prince had become a devout Jehovah's witness during this period and was having faith based Bible studies with Larry Graham when this interview happened and this was the year that the Rainbow children album came out which was based off the JW doctrine.
JW is a cult
False path. He had to repent of that path before he died. Her death was the point of his return to just Jesus.
@@jdfodiowas he born again when she died? He died immediately after (they took him out.)
She almost look like salli Richardson in this interview, but I’m glad she got right with God..
I love you
I wish I could have heard that song that was finished tho ! , but god told her to throw it out 😢.
Those hosts are awful and not true in heart. They were laughing as she started praying. SMH
I wasn't aware she left Hollywood and became devout Christian
And children are being abused by their parents, teachers, friends of the family, etc.
These hosts are creepy and they are bringing down the light she is trying to put out.
They're of the devil
Why does that one lady seem like she trying to discredit Denise
Spirit of Jezebel. The religious spirit tries to destroy Prophets of God out of jealousy.
I didn't like the way they questioned her, very disingenuous.
"Haleuia Haleuia Haleuia Haleuia Haleuia Haleuia Haleuia Haleuia Haleuia Haleuia Haleuia Haleuia"
4give. WHEN ASKED. Y 4get? testify.
The Bible says that we are all guilty of breaking the Ten Commandments of God (Romans 3:23). As a result, we all deserve to go to Hell because none is righteous, no not one. (Romans 3:10). But the good news is that you do not have to go to Hell (John 3:16). Jesus Christ loves you so much that He died on the Cross for your sins and if you Repent of your sins and Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior then you will be saved (John 3:16). Jesus is calling on all to repent and you know longer have to live in despair but in love, joy, and peace through Jesus Christ. Amen.
I miss her so much we met in Hawaii she did a lot of cocaine I know her sister too 1988 we would in her limo I miss her
she has soo much hunger of the word, but you have that "man" clothed in sheep skin but is a WOLF #hater because he wish he had that hunger she does. Sorry Lord
She would talk forever if no one stopped her - she was a little zany. I am sure that they wanted to interview her but she always just takes off nonstop and preaches. She was a little over the top to me but it was wonderful that she found a new life that she was so passionate to live.
Yes, I believe she had an undiagnosed mental disorder.
I loved that she didn’t let anyone stop her. She focused on God and made her interviewers do the same. If not, people would focus on her past instead of her inspiring salvation.
She dwelled too much on sinning and what WE should be doing instead of focusing on what Christ did. Probably why she lost focus and went back to drugs for a while. She was all over the place here or it could be me. I never heard her preach and I’m sure her name alone made people want to know the Lord.
@@asanta2023 I saw that too because I heard the female ask her how or where did she get the name Vanity; in which it was Prince who gave her the name. She changed the subject quickly, ☺️. Of course she mentioned a book I’m sure she was still selling. She had a great testimony, just like the woman at the well.
She wasn't over the she truly love the Lord and l Love it!!!! I was more genuine Christian was like Denise
It's interesting that Denise makes the satanic hand symbol at 16:09
Please stop & seek Jesus.
@@MsArLee1105 Uh no Miss Lee, anyone who is with Christ and understands scripture knows what that hand symbol means and why it is satanic. You're the one who needs to do some praying, soul searching and research because you're living under a deception.
That hand symbol was first popularized by the Satanic rock band Coven on their 1969 album cover. It is not a natural way to hold your hand and is in fact difficult to do without some practice.
You need to wake up because we are in the end times and many false prophets are among us both within and outside of Christianity.
Denise followed the "Prosperity Gospel" which is a sinful distortion of the Bible (it says Jesus makes the faithful rich and that anyone who is poor is that way because they are sinful).
Why is NOBODY talking about her intermittent switch to speaking in tongues during her evangelizing???? Denise is known to have seen demons and ghosts. She also talked about speaking to the dead. Obviously she was at moments possessed by spirits too! Even on live TV as seen here!!!
@@MsArLee1105 Fool. That hand symbol was popularized by the Satanic rock band "Coven" in the 1960s. The members were literally members of a witch's coven and were open followers of Lucifer. They intentionally made this hand sign on their album to show devotion to Lucifer. After they did it is when it started spreading. Anyone showing that hand symbol is showing allegiance to the AntiChrist. Denise, as beautiful and talented as she was, got brainwashed into the "Prosperity Gospel" (Jesus will make you rich if you are faithful, which is a false and Satanic doctrine). Even if she meant well, the anti-Christ spirit was coming through her because of that choice. You will perish in the fires of hell if you think making that hand sign is ok. The Lord weeps everytime one of His beautiful creations like Denise makes/made it. Do your research MissLee, and you'll find I am right. -John
@@redlinear Yeah, sadly it's because she was following the false doctrine of the "Prosperity Gospel" (Kenneth Copeland Ministries). Just look that guy up. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing leading the faithful astray.
Prosperity Gospel posits that people are only poor because they aren't faithful. But those who are faithful will be financially rewarded and become rich. Any person of faith who knows the Bible knows this is utterly and completely false. Many of Kenneth Copeland's ministers have been caught on camera during sermons making the satanic hand sign as well. So Denise, as a minister in this doctrine, is not alone in doing that.
To be honest, I think that Denise truly believed that she was doing the right thing, but despite that, she was still being used to spread this doctrine of deception.
We are not supposed to judge as hypocrites, because all of us fall short of God's glory. But when a member of the faith is displaying a well known sign of allegiance to the AntiChrist, plus speaking oddly while preaching as you mentioned, it is our duty as Christians to point this out so that others aren't deceived.
Peace, John
they're like grrrrrrrl ..... she high right now LOL
It refreshing to see someone truly in love with Jesus. A lot of us say we love Jesus, but we're undercover Christians. They're about God on Sunday, but Mon-Sat live for themselves. Many lukewarm Christians are intimated by this kind of Joy in the Lord because in their own life they're probably ashamed to be a Christian. They don't want the grief or persecution that may come with it. She was unashamed & unbothered by what people thought of her. She's been through a lot so you may not understand why she praise, but what we are seeing is a grateful, redeemed heart that loved the Lord with all that she was. I pray for that same fire! Such a remarkable work the Lord has done!
@@MsArLee1105 mmm k
Why is NOBODY talking about her intermittent switch to speaking in tongues during her evangelizing???? Denise is known to have seen demons and ghosts. She also talked about speaking to the dead. Obviously she was at moments possessed by spirits too! Even on live TV as seen here!!!
She's not possessed. She was filled with the Holyspirit.
You must not know what it looks like to be transformed by Christ versus operating in the demonic. CLEARLY this woman has been changed. The pharisees couldn't tell the difference either with our Lord Jesus. They said He was operating in the demonic.
Be careful
She said Prince was the devil and that wasn't right. Prince never made her do anything she didn't want to do. She left him because he wasn't paying her
She wasn’t calling Prince a Devil really😒
@@allurainsetta8116 She was serious and wasn't smiling. You can't deal with reality
But she wasn’t even talking about him in this video Wow!!! she talking about devil itself not Prince as devil you can’t be serious I think you got it mixed up I’m not going to explain it with you again because it’s totally not worth. it
She didn’t want to take the blame for her former life style. The devil is not the root cause of our evil doings all the time. Sometimes it’s our flesh, WE just want to do it. Apostle Paul wrote about sins of the flesh.
@@allurainsetta8116 Prince did give her that name; but I’m sure she is literally speaking. I don’t think she is calling Prince the devil. The Bible said we fight not against flesh and blood… That is not our enemy. I like how Whitney Houston said it, I AM MY WORST ENEMY. She never blamed anyone for her actions but herself.
She sounds insane. 😂 The only person to blame for her past actions is Denise. Can’t blame her stage name. That’s a cop out. God gives you free will. It’s your job to make the right decisions.
koo koo koo koo
I agree. Im glad she got sober and lived a "better" life than her earlier years but she sounds like she replaced one addiction with another.
It's called the Joy of the Lord. People in the world can fanatic about their sports team, or their favorite artist or what BUT when a Christian is bubbling over in the Joy of the Lord & grateful for the redemption power of God, it is weird. When she was out there in the World wearing lingerie, speaking/singing vulgarity and doing the devil's work she was all in. Now she is all in for Jesus! She is on fire & truly loves doing the Work of the Lord. I love it ❤.
People who leave behind their lives of sin and debauchery always sound insane to those who are still stuck in it. The word of God is foolishness to those who are perishing. Denise corrects herself and claims full responsibility in this video saying that she’s the only one to blame for her mistakes. Did you miss that part???
@@teeteetina9063what’s wrong with an addiction to Jesus? Most who use this argument usually have several of their own addictions that they are hiding in the closet. You feel convicted over your own darkness.
She was a RAMBLER and a little bit WACKO. I have friends who are devout Christians and not one of them act like this woman
It refreshing to see someone truly in love with Jesus. A lot of us say we love Jesus, but we're undercover Christians. They're about God on Sunday, but Mon-Sat live for themselves. Many lukewarm Christians are intimated by this kind of Joy in the Lord because in their own life they're probably ashamed to be a Christian. They don't want the grief or persecution that may come with it. She was unashamed & unbothered by what people thought of her. She's been through a lot so you may not understand why she praise, but what we are seeing is a grateful, redeemed heart that loved the Lord with all that she was. I pray for that same fire! Such a remarkable work the Lord has done!
It’s the side effects from drug abuse…it change her brain so she can act child like from it….I have family members who are recovering addicts and their completely sober but their brains are permanently damage due to the years of drug abuse…so she’s definitely not high but is suffering from some brain changes which has this type of behavior unfortunately
@@Leosartstudio2014 finally someone who's pointing this out. I'm thinking this too. It was very noticeable in Whitney Houston too at some point. She couldn't control it anymore either in interviews after years of use. Very sad. Kinda funny too sometimes hahah, but still sad.
If the ironic stage name Vanity is meant to show extreme self worth then the name is fitting for her..It is also memorable and sexy.. Nwy Vanity / Denise was an intelligent woman.. she evolved and adapted accordingly based on her age, issues and goals.. Almost like Marilyn Monroe did.. The Lord created us for similar purposes.. Unfortunate childhood, but I'm glad she found her calling & sense of salvation.. she even looks and sounds like a different person.. I'm sure she even did well as an Evangelist and capitalized on her beauty, fame and talent.. Well we dont know what happened behind the scenes but pls don't put down roles like Laura Charles.. that was a positive and wholesome role to me and u played it to perfection.. could even be the reason we use the word "thirsty" the way we do today.. one of my favorite 80s movies tributes to Bruce Lee.. it wouldn't have been as good without u in that role..🫰🏽😎
If she had "capitalized on her fame, beauty and talent," we would have heard and seen more of her. Better yet, she could have easily accepted the tons of money she was offered to write a book about the time she and Prince were together. She turned down those offers.
I am not into that Kumbaya type stuff mother I ain't trying to save the world you know that's God's doing if you want to save it he's going to save it but one day is going to end
Mother Denise Matthews would you mind not throwing me off of you know RUclips when I say artist musical artist names or people's names you know I feel so disrespected and you know unwanted
Mother and Denise Matthews vanity Rothschild I don't feel good
Vanity...was a character. Denise was a character, till the end.
I’m sorry to say this but her rapid non-stop speech makes her seem high…she seems very delusional and doesn’t make much sense. I’m not convinced she wasn’t on something, maybe prescription drugs? I also think she had undiagnosed and untreated psych issues. Beautiful woman. RIP
@kathia p.She was on fire for God! When you are excited about God, you can't help but speak fast! If she would have relapsed, I'm sure she would acknowledged it. She was very transparent. You are probably on something that is why you are projecting onto Denise. Some people hate to see other people change their life for the good. Smh
She has a passion for her testimony of finding God. There's no shame in that.
It refreshing to see someone truly in love with Jesus. A lot of us say we love Jesus, but we're undercover Christians. They're about God on Sunday, but Mon-Sat live for themselves. Many lukewarm Christians are intimated by this kind of Joy in the Lord because in their own life they're probably ashamed to be a Christian. They don't want the grief or persecution that may come with it. She was unashamed & unbothered by what people thought of her. She's been through a lot so you may not understand why she praise, but what we are seeing is a grateful, redeemed heart that loved the Lord with all that she was. I pray for that same fire! Such a remarkable work the Lord has done!
She was on fire for God! The Holy Spirit was leading her!!! Amazing woman for God!!! If you are lukewarm, God will spit you out of his mouth.
I really do missed Denise so much, drugs really messed her up. 🪦⚰️💋🙌🙏✝️✝️✝️