In my opinion: Eternal Vigilnce - I feel like flat bonus could be descreased to +3 star bases BUT add also passive bonus based on pops, for example +1 base for every 150 pops Executive Vigor - Great idea. Imperial Perogatove - districts - yes please! But what's more - more job places - make this perk give you ability to upgrade your Administrative Parks buildings even further to 8 slots like other buildings. Shared Destiny - Also it would be nice if we had more conotrol like - deciding if vassal can expand and if so - where up to, or maybe even demand it, or like forcing them for example to change thier ethics - like last playthrough ive vassal that after some time changed to spiritualist when i'm materialist. It would be nice to tell them - either you change or something happens. Transcendet Learning - I love this vision but I would also enjoy here maybe +15% bonus chance for leader to gain skill when leveling so they actually do get these modifiers. Enigmatic Engineering - Yep, that would be awesome, no idea how 2 upgrade it anyhow.
One thing I would still like to do and could fit well with the theme of shared destiny is to go to war for another empire. That you can fight their war and have them get the territories which would give you quite a bit of positive relationship. It also would be a nice way to strengthen your allies and weaken your enemies. Maybe that's for allies and for your vessels you could even claim systems for them, maybe at half cost or something.
A addition toTranscendant Learning, Make it so when you recruit a leader, you can pick what trait he has to beggin, which would save you alot of time and earlier game reasources as spending lets say 3 k to get a good leader skill hurts early game.
@@StarboyXL9 Research is king, full stop. Being able to guarantee you can get the researcher you want to have the correct bonus means you will always be researching the techs you want at a noticeable bonus rate, especially if you pick this up as your second perk. The trait that researchers have also influences what techs are likely to roll as choices when they finish researching something, which means you can also influence the chances of getting the techs in the right branch that you want - i.e. guaranteeing a voidcraft specialist in order to try beeline for habitats and megastructures. You might not think it's that strong, but I'm telling you, it's a really bloody strong feature, especially if you get it early.
TrueChaoSclx Eh, I mean you can do it now just by save scumming or spending some energy to hire and fire (even in Ironman). So it’s just making it a lot easier.
Tech Priest Potato the creator has other stellaris LEGO builds on the subreddits. I believe he has a colossus as well. It’s on the front page right now so go look if your interested
@@PerfectAlibi1 Have you tried messing with their AI in the Ship Designer? I think if you give them a more ranged AI they should stay back. As for Colossi, they really shouldn't be part of an attack fleet. Just have them come in after your main force has cleared out the system, order them to crack a world and then send them back to a defensible position.
I prefer Neutron Sweep. Get all those delicious Fallen Empire buildings without having to fight their insane armies, or bombard them for a million years.
I use executive vigor all the time and love it.. but to each his own. The bonus edicts help a lot in a pinch. It saves you a fortune on bureaucrats. I'd love it more if: +3 Edicts Cuts edict sprawl penalty in half -50% timed edict cost +50% timed edict time I honestly think that'd be better than another civic. Unless the added civics were OP Imperial Prerogative is utterly useless, you are correct. But bureaucrats are a necessary nuisance to mitigated. For it to be useful, it would either have to make bureaucrats "good" or make them less "bad." A district really wouldn't give any kind of power spike unless it was obscenely good. So.. maybe... -Unused Admin Cap is Added to Fleet Capacity -Upgraded Bureaucrat buildings no longer cost Crystals to build or maintain and support more bureaucrats -All ruler jobs produce admin cap -Unused admin cap boosts construction speed (district, building, megastructure?) Shared Destiny is utterly useless in every way in its current form. To even have subjects, you must be far ahead. Subjects rarely revolt unless you are already pretty much dead, or too far away to be relevant. Trust Cap does nothing with human players. So it makes having a huge lead very slightly easier, assuming you have subjects, in an AI game. USELESS. Also, "Shared"? Subjects aren't shared as much as owned. I say ditch the whole subject angle and rebrand into something useful for multiple power levels with human and AI players. So.. Diplomacy on Steroids? -Gives Federation Civic for free -Gives Access to All Federation Types -Increases Federation Max Leveling Speed 10% per player w/ perk to a maximum of 50% -Decreases Federation and other actions Influence upkeep -Federation perks are 25% more powerful Or instead focus on the Galactic Community, i.e. +15% Overall Diplomatic Weight -50% Galactic Community Influence Costs except Vetoes (EFF VETOES!) and Leaving You can have 2 proposals active at any time -Gain a 6-month "Warning Period" before you are hit with sanctions -Gain a permanent 3% boost to Diplomatic weight for each of your proposals that get passed ... I play Stellaris too much.
With Acension perks as they are now there are some that you just pick every time. Tech Ascendancy, Galatic Wonders and one of the acension paths, be it machine, bio or psionic, mega corps have universal transactions. That there covers about all of the acension perks you'll get in a game, not really a reason to pick anything else, might have one free slot but that doesn't do much to really personalize your empire.
Joel Gawne, we get it dude, I’ve seen you on loads of comments and just want to say. Not all of us can play mods, and why is it a modders job to fix a broken system.
I found eternal vigilance to be useful when I had multiple bottlenecks on my borders. I buffed those starbases and kept my isolationist empire secure thanks to that 👍 Note for 1:32, I was at a stage of the game where my starbases had more power than my enemies' fleets, so it worked out just fine. But to be fair it's a niche ascension perk that can be applied well in certain situations. unlike the s tiers where they're always nice to have
I think I had said this before in the previous Ascension perk tier list video, but the issue with most of the D tier (and even C tier) perks is that they have a limited lifespan of usefulness, whereas the stronger ascension perks are always useful. Ie. technologic ascendancy is always useful because 10% more tech is useful at 2201 and still useful at 2500. Galactic Wonders, biologic ascension, arcology are all useful from when you get them to the end of the game. Which is what you want from ascension perks IMO, something that benefits you at the end game, because once picked you can never opt out of them. The D tier perks such as bonus edict capacity, bonus admin capacity, better leaders, etc, are all good but niche bonuses. They can get you ahead, ie you dont need as many bureaucrats to stay under capacity as you normally would and can therefore put more of your consumer goods into tech. But once you hit the mid/late game these bonuses dont matter anymore, and you cannot untick what you chose. So its an opportunity cost, and atm its almost never worth it to take these perks because they dont pay off enough in the short term, and they are useless in the long run
I wish some tech was locked behind a choice or something else other than just lower tier tech. For example some tech should not be researchable unless you had a full science nexus under your control
tefras14, Nah, Science Nexus helps with research enough and in some builds you can’t make one, locking of some late game tech, it wouldn’t help the problem at hand, people will just be forced to take Galactic Wonders over anything else.
Idk if this is just in my experience with enigmatic engineering is useful, IF YOU START ON THE RINGWORLD becuase you can tech out so fast that its actually useful to keep the other empires from getting your shiny bits, especially if you get things like the advanced crystal hull plating and dragonscale armour. But again it is very situational and a majority of the time pretty useless, I love the idea you put forward to connect an event chain to it giving enigmatic tech, even more so of it has a special interaction with the enigmatic fortress that would be really cool. I also like to take it for rp reasons when I'm playing psionic playthroughs.
enigmatic engineering also makes the enemy unable to view your fleet loadout. this makes a very good pick in mp that way it makes it hard for the enemy to counter your weapons.
it would be really cool and mysterious to have just "Enigmatic Engineering: Begins the Enigmatic Engineering Event Chain." and it just doesn't really explain what that means
I mostly agree when it comes to the starbases, but I still like having a few mega fortresses around in the late game to if nothing else slow down enemies if they've somehow managed to sneak past the fleets and get into my systems.
I like using them to set up a containment net for whichever fallen empire is nearest. It's not much, but forcing them to go through five maxed out citadels at least buys time enough for my fleet to respond.
One mod does a nice thing (Expanded Stellaris Ascension Perks ) not just adding and changing some but he made special goverment perks they get stronger for every other taken government perk taken and so the small /weak effects get stronger. 3 of D class are in this government perks list. Eternal Vigilance and/ore Grasp of the voice should give a HUGE buff to build speed. if you build a station it takes years to make it usefull. Or allow building more stuff at the same time. but not ships i mean buildings and plattforms. it takes ages to build a new one from sratch.
Was thinking along the lines of something else for Enigmatic Engineering, but when you mentioned it was locked behind Apocalypse (i forgot about it) I was convinced that your idea was better. My suggestion would have been to make it so your ships weapon and module load-out could not be seen by other players, instead giving the "scanners cannot make sense of this vessel" message you get with some things. This would create a potential pvp type perk option, where you either have to decide between more bonuses with a different perk, or being able to catch another player of guard with a load-out that counters theirs, and they cant see what yours is making it possible for super aggressive pvp styles or to give a weaker player an advantage to protect themself against a militarily stronger player.
A change I thought transcendent learning could use is removing the 10 level cap. Give it +5 levels, so your leaders could get above level 10 with your leaders, maybe +100% exp gain. Getting leaders up to 5 levels higher than another empire’s would be great
I dunno... I love having maximum ion cannons on a fully upgraded citadel above a fortress world at a chokepoint with a gateway. Means I really don't have to care about defence fleets when my doomstack is off destroying my enemies. Hell, they can easily handle mid-game crisis events and even takedown end-game crisis fleets (only one at a time mind). And if your mainfleet is at that chokepoint during an invasion... it gives them one hell of a boost!
Thanks for the content, you’re one of my favorites and I had to put my dog down yesterday and watching some of your videos is helping me cheer up just a little. Thanks for being you ASpec
What I saw as a rebalance mod did something to the effect of: Grasp the Void gives you a flat bonus and a percentile bonus to how many starbases you can have. This in combination with a mod I installed that allows you to much more heavily customize starbases with things like resource generation, extra armor and guns and the like makes it a bit more impactful. As for the Shared Destiny, maybe something to increase your subjugation acceptance? As for Transcendent Learning, another thing could be done is making it so that if you recruit new leaders with it already researched your leaders start at like level 2-4 rather than just 1.
7:50 I think one thing that could be good is that there are bonuses to having excess admin cap. Right now rather you have 1 point to spare or 100 makes no difference whatsoever.
Yeah star bases need more dakka. We also need X sized defense weapons + platforms with more slots. I want my giant space fortress to be an actual strategic impediment when facing giant ass fleets. I want the enemy I am playing against to actually consider if taking that choke point by throwing a giant fleet at is a good trade.
In my views, Enigmatic Engineering would be something you could get after researching a Fallen Empire (or Enigmatic Fortress) tech, and would unlock several new buildings or ship parts. Eternal Vigilance would decrease Starbase costs and build times, and would allow a new tier of base - no new parts, but more Hull, Armour, and Shields. Merge it with Grasp the Void, and add the ability to take direct control over exactly what goes into your base, such as individual weapons or defences. One final change I'd love to see is a massive alteration to the Feudal civic. It would be nice if it allowed us to directly influence our vassals, maybe using the Corporate slots or the like. Some way to exert direct control over them without integration.
Imperial Perogative could either hugely decrease penalties from being over the admin cap or maybe even make it so you get bonuses from having extra admin cap left over
In my last game I picked Executive Vigor because I didn't want to pay the cost each time toggling on and off the exploration one as worm holes and systems guarded by space monsters became passable. I activated the only other 2 edicts i felt were unique; the one that buffs alloy production and the one that reduces the starbase upgrade time. The food, energy and mineral edicts can be ignored by just managing your economy. I felt executive edict was okay, but I think I would take it more if it also gave -20% edict cost and +20% length.
Aspec everytime you post a video I get nostalgic on the early days of stellaris for some reason and I end up throwing away the rest of my day on stellaris.
Gimme special projects to unlock progress in these key technologies. this will give you guaranteed access to these technologies NOW at the cost of a perk.
Eternal vigilance could add another upgrade level for starbases (beyond citadelle). Which adds more slots, thid could be very useful regardless of the type of starbass (8 shipyard starbase, 8 commercial starbase or also for defense the starbase has more slots and modules
Honestly I feel the issue with Enigmatic Engineering is more that there's few cases in single player where it's worth it. I've heard that the AI does actually go after debris and I tend to play a smaller empire that goes for quality over quantity (ie, high research, but low alloy production), for instance, so for me being able to maintain a 2-3 tech level lead early on is a fairly powerful thing, especially when my galaxies often have multiple fanatic purifiers/exterminators/devouring swarms. Not only that, but the relatively smaller borders often means that extra sight range is a godsend since late game I can see deep into the heart of a rival empire to have a better idea of where their fleets are, the ship compositions, and what I have to deal with to maximize my tech lead relative to their larger fleets. If I go on the offensive and lose a few ships from a fleet, I don't have to worry about my losses boosting the enemy's research and I can rebuild fairly quickly. Outside that, Enigmatic Engineering is good for when you have techs you don't want your enemy to get ahold of (nanite/regenerative hulls, for instance) that could give them a strong edge. This is, of course, all a niche thing and I know my playstyle would be crushed in multiplayer, but personally I feel that Enigmatic Engineering is a must for a tall empire, especially if you already have Technological Ascendancy.
How about with the Eternal Vigilance it also unlocks a potential research that allows for special Habitat Starbases. Thought it would be cool and fit into with some of the crazy and ludicrous late game techs and possibilities.
I really like the idea of the wild goose chase event chain with Enigmatic Engineering. More story stuff, finding interesting new worlds and remnants of former societies etc, and eventually end up with some new tech your own scientists didn't even dare dream of formerly? Heck yeah!
Star bases and platforms are good for borders where you just can't station enough ships at to defend. You can build them as you get resources to do so, upgrade them as possible and they discourage the AI from attacking. I use them ALLOT until I get gateways built and then can use ships to rush in a defend.
in bigger/longer (and modded) games, EV is one of the MOST looked after AP's, as it allows you to hold on longer against rush-players and to get to that sweet tech
I like the enigmatic engineering idea because it could force players to declare wars in order to get access to certain areas, or at least use diplo pressure to do so.
What if you look at it this way: Imperial prerogative can be useful late game, because instead of the admin buildings you could build research labs instead. Doesn't that mean a substantive increase in research speed?
Transcendent Learning would probably work well if it gave you +1 leader trait on hire, in addition to its current benefits. You'd get Spark of Genius on more of your new hires, and those new hires could have a second research speed trait for even more research throughput. Like playing Technocracy Slaver Guilds? Sexy single Iron Will Intellectuals are in your area! Like dumping money into optimal leader traits? Now you can dump *even more* money for *even more* optimal leader traits.
Maybe they should rework the Enigmatic Fortress event to be a guaranteed spawn in every game, at the centre of the galaxy, only accessible via wormholes. Creating a 'prize' to collect for the first civilization which successfully completes the quest chain. Then make the Enigmatic Engineering ascention perk relate to that, for example: by giving your home system a direct wormhole to the fortress system.
Eternal vigilance allows a citadel to have better combat ability than a fallen empire titan fleet making it easier to lure one in by angering it, only for it to loose precious ships trying to break into your territory, it also applies to ALL stations including un upgraded ones bumping the defence platform from 3 to 8 on outposts. If your a turtle player it's a must have as a deterrent, keeping even fallen empires fearful of attacking your territory.
I just wish there were more slots. Especially when I play with gigastructural engineering, I have a really hard time fitting in every perk I want. I wish there was like, 2 more slots with new tradition paths.
Maybe some perks could be combined, or give you the ability to upgrade some perks through tech instead of spending another perk point. They could also have dedicated perk slots tied to the tree you maxed out.
In board game design we frequently talk about an optimal strategy cropping up in places where you have free choice, similar to what the ascension perks have devolved into. Like you based on the Empire, I pretty much know which ones (an optimal strategy) I am going to pick at the start of the game. Of course a few should be obvious, then unity just becomes a way of gating those things into the game later. Your machine Empire wants Machine Worlds? Pay this much Unity to get them near the end of Act 1 and they will be rare until Energy is solved or get them later in Act 2 and make all your worlds Machine worlds. On the other hand I agree, I am in a bit of a rut and just chasing achievements at this point instead of role playing. So I like the conceit of these 2 videos you made. You are presenting the perks in a way that I'd actually struggle to pick one over the other. Eternal Vigilance - Hard agree. A fleet is just too much more valuable, particularly if your economy is tight. Perhaps in addition to these changes suggested, anchorages could be an additional fleet capacity? Or maybe there could gate some of the more exotic starbase buildings into the this Ascension Perk and give you Star Bases additional building slots? Buildings that work like the titan slots? I'd still be hard pressed to pick this one. I feel any war you are depending on your defense, is already a lost game. Executive Vigor - Clearly S tier. A new civic slot behind the tech that gives you a civic slot would make that 250 influence spend a much easier spend. I really like gated civics. There is a lot of room here to play up the sci-fi feel of the game. Combine that with what it does now and I'd be tempted to make that an early pick. Imperial Prerogative - What was an auto-pick early on, has no fallen onto such hard times. I like the district suggestion. I wouldn't mind being able to specialize districts on other planets. Could a Machine World get foundries instead of an empty slot? Shared Destiny - Perhaps you can also force your subjects into a special type of immigration treaty where their population gains a path to citizenship (or servitude) in your Empire. Could there be other policies? A treaty that pushes some of your unity into gradually converting their planets to joining you? Maybe you could take their unity or influence. Transcendent Learning - Could this just be merged into the first psionics ascension? It would make the advantage of psionics a little more clear. Enigmatic Engineering - This could almost be its own ascension path as I like the idea of a species steadfastly relying on its tech instead of altering itself. When you pick this perhaps there is a pool of 10 enigma techs and you will only see 7 or so max during the game. This would prevent an optimal strategy in the end game as you have to figure out what you rolled. Thanks for the video!
@@StarboyXL9 I would be willing to try that fire rate bonus. Could you imagine a stubborn AI hiding behind a wall of star bases? I'd be game to try these.
locking civics behind ascension perks is probably a bad idea, especially if you don't add equally powerful civics to megacorps, hive minds, and machine empires.
For eternal vig I'd add one more thing. I'd give a detriment to naval capacity, but have naval cap influence either the number of platforms you can produce on a station or something like that. Kind of force an entirely different kind of gameplay, cause if you're going to be defensive, mind as well actually force the player to do it.
I like Eternal vigilance, it's for the situational small and defensive empire with tight defenses and short routes for your navy to reinforce your stations. Don't make it into yet another good perk for every situation like also for wide empires. Even if you can get repeatable techs for much of it's bonuses, you will still have alot better stations then you would have otherwise with this perk, so that's not really an arguement I think is good, Aspec chap. Anyway, I agree it needs a little boost, but a not a boost to make it better for wide empires.
I also much prefer ascension perks granting qualitative bonuses (unlocking entirely new options that you can't get anywhere else) over the more quantitative ones (numerical bonuses to existing things similar to what you can get from techs and/or civics). Being able to do something new is much more fun than continuing to do what I've been doing all along, just a little bit better.
I really hope next DLC focuses on your governments Wally s keeping the yuno overarching government types Democratic oligarchy Imperial dictatorial it expands on them a bit better maybe or introduces more subtypes of those kind of like how one of them all. I forgot what the name of it was but it has like indirect democracy direct democracy for example more stuff like that I feel would help make Empires more personalized and give more options like an indirect democracy well maybe affecting Empire sprawl could make it easier for you to make money while direct democracy more powers given to the people so it's easier for you to gain influence and factions and maybe I'll know what's consumer good use for the people
Oh yeah you could sacrifice one or two districts to create a specialized district which have the same amount of bureaucrats in 4 buildings. Do you think Eternal Vigilance and Galactic Force Projection should be mutually exclusive?
@@PerfectAlibi1 Or I get them early with the perk and gain more with the techs. You know, early. As in before "just research it" is an option? Now combine that with "Just research it faster". Following along here?
@@C4MG1RL the bonuses in the early game mean very little relative to power of the base and in the late game it takes like 2 months to research the same boost. It's all about opportunity cost
@@Kittel_ I've found use for them depending on the situation and empire I'm playing. I think the perk could certainly use a once over, I just take issue with outright brushing aside the bonus is does provide. Late game the starbase bonuses might be underwhelming for some but taking those perks have saved playthroughs for me. They're situational but not completely worthless.
I agree with just about all of this, except executive vigor. I know it's a rather boring ascension perk, and it seemed kind of useless to me at first glance, but then I started to realize that the bonuses you get from 2 additional edicts are typically more powerful than any individual civic perk. Now Im sure there are people out there who only need 2-3 edicts and are not worried about empire sprawl enough to care about going over the edict cap, but for general purposes I find that to be a top tier ascension perk. If anything I'd like to see an additional -20% edict cost on it so that you don't miss out on claims so much while trying to fill those 2 edict slots.
These are really really good ideas imo. The only one I’d have a problem with is the shared destiny choice. I think that the name should mean anything, and it’d be much better if the ai had improved acceptance to subjugation or vassalage
Since Stellaris can be a single player massive adventure as well as a PvP competitive match, i think there is way for both Meta Ascensions as well as RP one's. Same with Origins and any other aspect of the game really. The problem with many Ascensions that are supposed to be sub-par but roleplaying one's is that they lack fluff. I don't want to have 3 times the economic output of someone else, but i want to see my choices reflected in some aspect of the game be it dialogue, unit models, unique traits ect.
These do sound like great ways to boost weak Ascension Perks and an Enigmatic Engineering quest chain would be amazing. Anytime I see the Dreadnought I always want it and nickname it as my new best friend. Getting to explore these ancient relics in a new way would be fantastic. You could leave the current Enigmatic units in place to hint at more or revamp and lock them behind the perk. You unlock the perc and it gives you the no debris bonus or a tech bonus immediately just so there is a measurable bonus at the start and then some new systems spawn in. It picks a nebula and a new hyperlane appears that lets you find the Dreadnaught or there are whole new Enigmatic things. A Enigmatic World with a relic. The devs could completely rework these old features to better fit the new updated game.
Honestly, I'd like to see executive vigour have a bonus to edict strength instead. Have it be a little more unique than just adding extra capacity for something.
RE the enigmatic engineering quest chain, i dont like it much because it is easy for bad rng to lock whole sections of space away inaccessable. you would need to make the bonuses reaaaly strong to compensate for the fact that you need to spent a perk slot AND THEN track them down. i would just settle for making it a special project.
The only thing I disagree on is Enigmatic Engineering. Event chains and arcaheology sites and all that stuff can take decades. It wouldn't feel good to use an ascension slot and get no pay off for such a long time. Or the payoff would have to be so big that those wasted decades are minute in impact, in which case it becomes a 100% pick when you can afford to lose those decades (longer games for example)
I like pretty much everything you put forth here, and your suggestion for shared destiny feels like it should work with or maybe be an integral part of fuedal society? I'm thinking have the civic give 1 or 2 types( say normal and satrapy), the perk gives the rest ( signatory, ect) and gives a bonus to interactions and maybe the ability to project one of your factions onto their pops, effectively increasing your influence gain at the cost of theirs?
i hope paradox see this video, especially with 2.8 being confirmed also, when i saw your suggestion for shared destiny, i though SATELLITE SATELLITE SATELLITE SATELLITE SATELLITE SATELLITE SATELLITE SATELLITE SATELLITE SATELLITE
Imperial perogativ should give 1 Bureaucrat job similar to Enforcer Jobs on Capital Buldings. This will help even in the early game and will bring Some opportunities.
Another way of making ed interesting is to lock even more powerful starbase behind the tech locked by it. To be fair it is only really useful low rank perk.
In defence of Eternal Vigilance: I like to play tall, like really tall. Not one point above my Admin Cap. I always ensure that every entrance to my empire is a double choke point (one system with only one hyperplane into my empire and the system behind it). By slinging fully upgraded battlestations into both systems along with a full compliment of defence platforms, FTL inhibitors and a highly mobile fleet, I can be proof against pretty much any non-jump drive non-crisis fleet, since even if the outer system falls, I still have the inner system for my fleet to reinforce. Eternal Vigilance is far better for a tall empire than it is for a wide one: not only can you make the most of it with better tech earlier, but you can have a higher density of starbases and can reach the repeatables faster. I know that modifiers in Stellaris are additive rather than multiplicative, but it also gives your empire bonuses equal to two and a half ranks of five different repeatable tech, which stacks with said repeatable tech, as well as being one of the few sources of bonus hit points for starbases outside of crystal plates. Factor in the opportunity cost of not taking it (all of the other research you could be doing instead of doing those repeatables) or the bonus of doing the repeatables as well, and it's a damn powerful AP... May edit this later to add in Enigmatic Engineering. EDIT: While I like Enigmatic Engineering as a second AP... ASpec, ya swayed me. Your idea here sounds absolutely brilliant and I love it. Not a dissenting word from me on that one.
@@StarboyXL9 Oh no disagreement there, it could absolutely stand to be made stronger. My point was more that if you build around it (which I think is the way APs are meant to be utilised) it's nowhere near as weak as is made out.
Personally I think. Nihilistic acquisition in practice is quite good. Allows you to get pops from planets that are far away from.your war goals and cripple the economy of larger empires.
When playing tall I "quit" getting ascension perks after 4.... No more. I use the unity to pump edicts especially "Ambition: Will to Power" which gives +5 influence! Which for playing tall is the important hardest to "bank" resource! Especially if you also play very diplomatic. The other "Ambition" edicts also are great and their costs only go up with each ascension perk you take... So I limit to 4 ascension perks and use the building unity to always keep the "Ambition" edicts active.
Well I would give grasp the Void the effect to upgrade the Starbases one more Tier with more Build Slots an Moduel Slots or the Ability to diktate what loadout your Starbases have
Shared Destiny should unlock a new type of Alliance/Government: Confederation, etc... name based in ethics. That type is really a mix of both types, having both a supranational authority, and states that are technically independent, even though they have completely surmised to a bigger central government. Look at Germany, Spain, United States, Brazil, etc...
Pick an ai. Tell them their focus. 'we need raw materials', trade agreements pump out minerals. 'we need more processed materials' trade agreement pumps out alloys and Consumer goods. 'we need more science' mad scientist ally type will cause a lot of bad events but also massive progress on useful technologies for you to catch up on. 'we need more combat' literally changes the nations ai priority to mass produce warships.... Still terrible, because the ai knows not how to concentrate their forces nor develop tech useful. But imagine sitting in the back of a massive alliance with two combat empires on the border waging your wars for your alliance.
Imperial prerogative gave you 4 new government types. The Republic cannot embrace or promote factions. Yet it gets bonus influence to non primary factions. The despot has no penalty to embrace or promote factions. Gets bonus influence from the top 2 factions. Gigacorp doesn't have to pay strategic resource maintenance on upgraded administrative or commercial buildings. Unity can integrate alien population into their hivemind.
I like a lot of your ideas I just have just a few thoughts, On eternal vigilance I like your ideas I would just add that it should improve build speed for ships and defense platforms making it a little better in the late game Executive Vigor, I love the additional civc slot 10/10 Imperial Perogative I would actually merge with interstellar dominion, dominion is stronger in the early game and weaker in the late game, I also think pushing supremacist diplomatic stance behind it would make it very compelling, war doctrines would still be the reward for supremacy tree so it doesn't gut that either, and supremacist is no longer a gimme that every empire will have access too. Shared Destiny, I think more subject types shouldn't require an ascension perk it should be a normal vassilation availability, my suggestion would be that you gain the ability to use your subject's space stations, you can upgrade and build new ships from them, you can build defense platforms, you can upgrade the space station with your own resources, I would add the ability to build gateways in your allies systems. In this way your allies infrastructure can be used to your benefit and you can upgrade it and improve it yourself, subject space stations will be subject to Eternal Vigilance's buffs for added synergy. Finally I would make it so adopting this perk will prevent empires from integrating yours should you become a subject the trust cap will run both ways and a peaceful separation will be made available. Transcendent learning: I don't like the idea of the main benefit of a ascension perk being an RNG aquired buff, being able to add traits to your leaders would be better and the number of traits you can add would be dependant on their level, furthermore leader level effects should do more, Admirals should get higher Fleet Capacity with level better governors increase the number of districts available on your planets, scientists get more traits they can unlock so they have multiple engineering expertise or they can further specialize for higher bonuses. Enigmatic engineering is already getting some love with the spies update as long as they prevent enemies from stealing your tech and improve your encryption values, I would add on top maybe a 10% research bonus so that you can develop techs that make your enemies want to steal and be disappointed when they can't. I love theory crafting on how you could make weak mechanics better thank you for the good work.
I like using the Shared Destiny perk as a mid-late game investment. Integrating every vassal at twice the speed and half the cost greatly speeds up the mid-late game slog, when you are in the lead, but you still need to defeat every neighbour in order to win the game. Which... is clearly not how the perk was meant to be used. lego ship creator OP
Never expected to find one of my creations on this channel one day.
A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
Your work is amazing,
@@beagletank129 goddamn prequel memes as well. Agh!
At the very least, Transcendent Learning should offer protection against the 'Arrested development' trait.
i had like 5 govorners in a row get AD on thier first level up. its ridiculous. they ned to add more negative traits to roll for on the table.
@@gavin7683 Did you run xenophobes? Cause when I run them I constantly get ar. dev, corrupt, sub. abuser... Feels like it's hard-coded somewhere.
That would make Philosopher King even more useless, and I'm agree with that
Something like "leaders no longer can gain negative traits" sounds just rightmin flavour department
It should just get a powerboost. From 50% to 100%.
That's a damned cool Lego build.
Imperial Perogatove could give clerks some administrative capacity production
That thumbnail pulled me in and I'm quite upset that this video is about the video game and not advanced lego builds
If you want I can do a video about the Lego builds.
@@A_Spec I think we all want that
@@A_Spec we all want that
@@A_Spec Want? WANT? BOI I NEED IT!
Build the dreadnought out of lego.
In my opinion:
Eternal Vigilnce - I feel like flat bonus could be descreased to +3 star bases BUT add also passive bonus based on pops, for example +1 base for every 150 pops
Executive Vigor - Great idea.
Imperial Perogatove - districts - yes please! But what's more - more job places - make this perk give you ability to upgrade your Administrative Parks buildings even further to 8 slots like other buildings.
Shared Destiny - Also it would be nice if we had more conotrol like - deciding if vassal can expand and if so - where up to, or maybe even demand it, or like forcing them for example to change thier ethics - like last playthrough ive vassal that after some time changed to spiritualist when i'm materialist. It would be nice to tell them - either you change or something happens.
Transcendet Learning - I love this vision but I would also enjoy here maybe +15% bonus chance for leader to gain skill when leveling so they actually do get these modifiers.
Enigmatic Engineering - Yep, that would be awesome, no idea how 2 upgrade it anyhow.
Man do things change. (Enigmatic engineering)
One thing I would still like to do and could fit well with the theme of shared destiny is to go to war for another empire. That you can fight their war and have them get the territories which would give you quite a bit of positive relationship.
It also would be a nice way to strengthen your allies and weaken your enemies.
Maybe that's for allies and for your vessels you could even claim systems for them, maybe at half cost or something.
A addition toTranscendant Learning, Make it so when you recruit a leader, you can pick what trait he has to beggin, which would save you alot of time and earlier game reasources as spending lets say 3 k to get a good leader skill hurts early game.
That would be such a massive QOL improvement to that perk
That alone would make the perk worth taking in my opinion.
That would make the perk not just S tier, but SSS tier. Seriously, it'd have to come with something like +400% leader cost per chosen trait lol
@@StarboyXL9 Research is king, full stop. Being able to guarantee you can get the researcher you want to have the correct bonus means you will always be researching the techs you want at a noticeable bonus rate, especially if you pick this up as your second perk. The trait that researchers have also influences what techs are likely to roll as choices when they finish researching something, which means you can also influence the chances of getting the techs in the right branch that you want - i.e. guaranteeing a voidcraft specialist in order to try beeline for habitats and megastructures.
You might not think it's that strong, but I'm telling you, it's a really bloody strong feature, especially if you get it early.
TrueChaoSclx Eh, I mean you can do it now just by save scumming or spending some energy to hire and fire (even in Ironman). So it’s just making it a lot easier.
damn, loved every change. Stellaris really needs this spice! Picking EXACTLY the same ascension perks each game is really getting boring
How dare he say this, I like [Insert Perk]
I saw a LEGO stellaris Titan, I’m disappointed that it was not talked about.
Tech Priest Potato the creator has other stellaris LEGO builds on the subreddits. I believe he has a colossus as well. It’s on the front page right now so go look if your interested
@@ohdontmindme4241 thanks
Just take a look at my reddit profile. You will find all my creations there. :)
beagletank you have done an amazing job with the titan, I am wondering what software do you use to design these in LEGO.
@@mechtechpotato4249 Studio 2.0
It's free and very easy to use.
Just remember : *Titans and Planet Crackers* are damn *Fun* !
My Titans like to go to corvette range and get themselves killed... :(
@@PerfectAlibi1 *F* :[
@@PerfectAlibi1 Have you tried messing with their AI in the Ship Designer? I think if you give them a more ranged AI they should stay back. As for Colossi, they really shouldn't be part of an attack fleet. Just have them come in after your main force has cleared out the system, order them to crack a world and then send them back to a defensible position.
Even on Carrier computers, they still rush in... :(
I prefer Neutron Sweep. Get all those delicious Fallen Empire buildings without having to fight their insane armies, or bombard them for a million years.
I use executive vigor all the time and love it.. but to each his own. The bonus edicts help a lot in a pinch. It saves you a fortune on bureaucrats. I'd love it more if:
+3 Edicts
Cuts edict sprawl penalty in half
-50% timed edict cost
+50% timed edict time
I honestly think that'd be better than another civic. Unless the added civics were OP
Imperial Prerogative is utterly useless, you are correct. But bureaucrats are a necessary nuisance to mitigated. For it to be useful, it would either have to make bureaucrats "good" or make them less "bad." A district really wouldn't give any kind of power spike unless it was obscenely good. So.. maybe...
-Unused Admin Cap is Added to Fleet Capacity
-Upgraded Bureaucrat buildings no longer cost Crystals to build or maintain and support more bureaucrats
-All ruler jobs produce admin cap
-Unused admin cap boosts construction speed (district, building, megastructure?)
Shared Destiny is utterly useless in every way in its current form. To even have subjects, you must be far ahead. Subjects rarely revolt unless you are already pretty much dead, or too far away to be relevant. Trust Cap does nothing with human players. So it makes having a huge lead very slightly easier, assuming you have subjects, in an AI game. USELESS. Also, "Shared"? Subjects aren't shared as much as owned.
I say ditch the whole subject angle and rebrand into something useful for multiple power levels with human and AI players. So.. Diplomacy on Steroids?
-Gives Federation Civic for free
-Gives Access to All Federation Types
-Increases Federation Max Leveling Speed 10% per player w/ perk to a maximum of 50%
-Decreases Federation and other actions Influence upkeep
-Federation perks are 25% more powerful
Or instead focus on the Galactic Community, i.e.
+15% Overall Diplomatic Weight
-50% Galactic Community Influence Costs except Vetoes (EFF VETOES!) and Leaving
You can have 2 proposals active at any time
-Gain a 6-month "Warning Period" before you are hit with sanctions
-Gain a permanent 3% boost to Diplomatic weight for each of your proposals that get passed
... I play Stellaris too much.
These are good ideas though
With Acension perks as they are now there are some that you just pick every time. Tech Ascendancy, Galatic Wonders and one of the acension paths, be it machine, bio or psionic, mega corps have universal transactions.
That there covers about all of the acension perks you'll get in a game, not really a reason to pick anything else, might have one free slot but that doesn't do much to really personalize your empire.
Joel Gawne, we get it dude, I’ve seen you on loads of comments and just want to say. Not all of us can play mods, and why is it a modders job to fix a broken system.
I found eternal vigilance to be useful when I had multiple bottlenecks on my borders. I buffed those starbases and kept my isolationist empire secure thanks to that 👍
Note for 1:32, I was at a stage of the game where my starbases had more power than my enemies' fleets, so it worked out just fine. But to be fair it's a niche ascension perk that can be applied well in certain situations. unlike the s tiers where they're always nice to have
I think I had said this before in the previous Ascension perk tier list video, but the issue with most of the D tier (and even C tier) perks is that they have a limited lifespan of usefulness, whereas the stronger ascension perks are always useful. Ie. technologic ascendancy is always useful because 10% more tech is useful at 2201 and still useful at 2500. Galactic Wonders, biologic ascension, arcology are all useful from when you get them to the end of the game. Which is what you want from ascension perks IMO, something that benefits you at the end game, because once picked you can never opt out of them.
The D tier perks such as bonus edict capacity, bonus admin capacity, better leaders, etc, are all good but niche bonuses. They can get you ahead, ie you dont need as many bureaucrats to stay under capacity as you normally would and can therefore put more of your consumer goods into tech. But once you hit the mid/late game these bonuses dont matter anymore, and you cannot untick what you chose. So its an opportunity cost, and atm its almost never worth it to take these perks because they dont pay off enough in the short term, and they are useless in the long run
I wish some tech was locked behind a choice or something else other than just lower tier tech. For example some tech should not be researchable unless you had a full science nexus under your control
tefras14, Nah, Science Nexus helps with research enough and in some builds you can’t make one, locking of some late game tech, it wouldn’t help the problem at hand, people will just be forced to take Galactic Wonders over anything else.
@@Jaydee8652 science nexus isn't locked behind galactic wonders
Idk if this is just in my experience with enigmatic engineering is useful, IF YOU START ON THE RINGWORLD becuase you can tech out so fast that its actually useful to keep the other empires from getting your shiny bits, especially if you get things like the advanced crystal hull plating and dragonscale armour. But again it is very situational and a majority of the time pretty useless, I love the idea you put forward to connect an event chain to it giving enigmatic tech, even more so of it has a special interaction with the enigmatic fortress that would be really cool. I also like to take it for rp reasons when I'm playing psionic playthroughs.
enigmatic engineering also makes the enemy unable to view your fleet loadout. this makes a very good pick in mp that way it makes it hard for the enemy to counter your weapons.
it would be really cool and mysterious to have just "Enigmatic Engineering: Begins the Enigmatic Engineering Event Chain." and it just doesn't really explain what that means
I mostly agree when it comes to the starbases, but I still like having a few mega fortresses around in the late game to if nothing else slow down enemies if they've somehow managed to sneak past the fleets and get into my systems.
I like using them to set up a containment net for whichever fallen empire is nearest. It's not much, but forcing them to go through five maxed out citadels at least buys time enough for my fleet to respond.
Great Video. Hope the Devs take notice! mah favorite is the change to give extra civics/Exec vigor
This is really interesting Aspec. Will you do one of these for the C-tier as well?
One mod does a nice thing (Expanded Stellaris Ascension Perks ) not just adding and changing some but he made special goverment perks they get stronger for every other taken government perk taken and so the small /weak effects get stronger. 3 of D class are in this government perks list.
Eternal Vigilance and/ore Grasp of the voice should give a HUGE buff to build speed. if you build a station it takes years to make it usefull. Or allow building more stuff at the same time. but not ships i mean buildings and plattforms. it takes ages to build a new one from sratch.
Oh my god I started playing a month ago, and your old video is the first thing I searched up and I've been watching since!
I love these kind of videos.
Hope to see more of these in the future ❤
Was thinking along the lines of something else for Enigmatic Engineering, but when you mentioned it was locked behind Apocalypse (i forgot about it) I was convinced that your idea was better. My suggestion would have been to make it so your ships weapon and module load-out could not be seen by other players, instead giving the "scanners cannot make sense of this vessel" message you get with some things. This would create a potential pvp type perk option, where you either have to decide between more bonuses with a different perk, or being able to catch another player of guard with a load-out that counters theirs, and they cant see what yours is making it possible for super aggressive pvp styles or to give a weaker player an advantage to protect themself against a militarily stronger player.
A change I thought transcendent learning could use is removing the 10 level cap. Give it +5 levels, so your leaders could get above level 10 with your leaders, maybe +100% exp gain. Getting leaders up to 5 levels higher than another empire’s would be great
I dunno... I love having maximum ion cannons on a fully upgraded citadel above a fortress world at a chokepoint with a gateway. Means I really don't have to care about defence fleets when my doomstack is off destroying my enemies. Hell, they can easily handle mid-game crisis events and even takedown end-game crisis fleets (only one at a time mind). And if your mainfleet is at that chokepoint during an invasion... it gives them one hell of a boost!
I like the shared destiny ideas, the same could be argued for feudal society.
Thanks for the content, you’re one of my favorites and I had to put my dog down yesterday and watching some of your videos is helping me cheer up just a little. Thanks for being you ASpec
Anything i can do take the load off bud.
What I saw as a rebalance mod did something to the effect of: Grasp the Void gives you a flat bonus and a percentile bonus to how many starbases you can have. This in combination with a mod I installed that allows you to much more heavily customize starbases with things like resource generation, extra armor and guns and the like makes it a bit more impactful.
As for the Shared Destiny, maybe something to increase your subjugation acceptance?
As for Transcendent Learning, another thing could be done is making it so that if you recruit new leaders with it already researched your leaders start at like level 2-4 rather than just 1.
How about changing trancendant learning to allow you to purchase specific traits for leaders with credit or some other resource.
I think one thing that could be good is that there are bonuses to having excess admin cap. Right now rather you have 1 point to spare or 100 makes no difference whatsoever.
Yeah star bases need more dakka. We also need X sized defense weapons + platforms with more slots. I want my giant space fortress to be an actual strategic impediment when facing giant ass fleets. I want the enemy I am playing against to actually consider if taking that choke point by throwing a giant fleet at is a good trade.
"let's fix the D class"
*Creates F Class*
In my views, Enigmatic Engineering would be something you could get after researching a Fallen Empire (or Enigmatic Fortress) tech, and would unlock several new buildings or ship parts.
Eternal Vigilance would decrease Starbase costs and build times, and would allow a new tier of base - no new parts, but more Hull, Armour, and Shields. Merge it with Grasp the Void, and add the ability to take direct control over exactly what goes into your base, such as individual weapons or defences.
One final change I'd love to see is a massive alteration to the Feudal civic. It would be nice if it allowed us to directly influence our vassals, maybe using the Corporate slots or the like. Some way to exert direct control over them without integration.
Imperial Perogative could either hugely decrease penalties from being over the admin cap or maybe even make it so you get bonuses from having extra admin cap left over
In my last game I picked Executive Vigor because I didn't want to pay the cost each time toggling on and off the exploration one as worm holes and systems guarded by space monsters became passable. I activated the only other 2 edicts i felt were unique; the one that buffs alloy production and the one that reduces the starbase upgrade time. The food, energy and mineral edicts can be ignored by just managing your economy. I felt executive edict was okay, but I think I would take it more if it also gave -20% edict cost and +20% length.
Aspec everytime you post a video I get nostalgic on the early days of stellaris for some reason and I end up throwing away the rest of my day on stellaris.
Transcendent learning: more likely to earn new specializations in a related field. Or something like become Psi, get a robot assistant, etc.
Gimme special projects to unlock progress in these key technologies. this will give you guaranteed access to these technologies NOW at the cost of a perk.
Eternal vigilance could add another upgrade level for starbases (beyond citadelle). Which adds more slots, thid could be very useful regardless of the type of starbass (8 shipyard starbase, 8 commercial starbase or also for defense the starbase has more slots and modules
Honestly I feel the issue with Enigmatic Engineering is more that there's few cases in single player where it's worth it. I've heard that the AI does actually go after debris and I tend to play a smaller empire that goes for quality over quantity (ie, high research, but low alloy production), for instance, so for me being able to maintain a 2-3 tech level lead early on is a fairly powerful thing, especially when my galaxies often have multiple fanatic purifiers/exterminators/devouring swarms. Not only that, but the relatively smaller borders often means that extra sight range is a godsend since late game I can see deep into the heart of a rival empire to have a better idea of where their fleets are, the ship compositions, and what I have to deal with to maximize my tech lead relative to their larger fleets. If I go on the offensive and lose a few ships from a fleet, I don't have to worry about my losses boosting the enemy's research and I can rebuild fairly quickly. Outside that, Enigmatic Engineering is good for when you have techs you don't want your enemy to get ahold of (nanite/regenerative hulls, for instance) that could give them a strong edge.
This is, of course, all a niche thing and I know my playstyle would be crushed in multiplayer, but personally I feel that Enigmatic Engineering is a must for a tall empire, especially if you already have Technological Ascendancy.
How about with the Eternal Vigilance it also unlocks a potential research that allows for special Habitat Starbases. Thought it would be cool and fit into with some of the crazy and ludicrous late game techs and possibilities.
I really like the idea of the wild goose chase event chain with Enigmatic Engineering. More story stuff, finding interesting new worlds and remnants of former societies etc, and eventually end up with some new tech your own scientists didn't even dare dream of formerly? Heck yeah!
Star bases and platforms are good for borders where you just can't station enough ships at to defend.
You can build them as you get resources to do so, upgrade them as possible and they discourage the AI from attacking.
I use them ALLOT until I get gateways built and then can use ships to rush in a defend.
Your input is valuable and well-worded/ argued for. Thanks for another great video on a great game.
in bigger/longer (and modded) games, EV is one of the MOST looked after AP's, as it allows you to hold on longer against rush-players and to get to that sweet tech
I like the enigmatic engineering idea because it could force players to declare wars in order to get access to certain areas, or at least use diplo pressure to do so.
2:07 wait, which mod is he using to make the battles look so cool?
What if you look at it this way: Imperial prerogative can be useful late game, because instead of the admin buildings you could build research labs instead. Doesn't that mean a substantive increase in research speed?
Fun fact : Eternal vigilance add 25% hull points to the juggernaut x)
@@theobsidiangaming5381 Yep. I have done the test yesterday again. Maybe it is because the game consider the jugg as a starbase in the code.
Kinda make sense.
Transcendent Learning would probably work well if it gave you +1 leader trait on hire, in addition to its current benefits.
You'd get Spark of Genius on more of your new hires, and those new hires could have a second research speed trait for even more research throughput.
Like playing Technocracy Slaver Guilds? Sexy single Iron Will Intellectuals are in your area!
Like dumping money into optimal leader traits? Now you can dump *even more* money for *even more* optimal leader traits.
you are absolutely right, every ascencion perk that can be archieved ith repeatable tech is not worth it
Nice ideas! I would be on board with pretty much all of these.
With transcended learning you could pick your leaders traits similar to your species traits to optimize them whatever way you want.
Maybe they should rework the Enigmatic Fortress event to be a guaranteed spawn in every game, at the centre of the galaxy, only accessible via wormholes. Creating a 'prize' to collect for the first civilization which successfully completes the quest chain. Then make the Enigmatic Engineering ascention perk relate to that, for example: by giving your home system a direct wormhole to the fortress system.
Eternal vigilance allows a citadel to have better combat ability than a fallen empire titan fleet making it easier to lure one in by angering it, only for it to loose precious ships trying to break into your territory, it also applies to ALL stations including un upgraded ones bumping the defence platform from 3 to 8 on outposts. If your a turtle player it's a must have as a deterrent, keeping even fallen empires fearful of attacking your territory.
I just wish there were more slots. Especially when I play with gigastructural engineering, I have a really hard time fitting in every perk I want. I wish there was like, 2 more slots with new tradition paths.
The amount of slots are fine, the choices however should be more meaningful.
Maybe some perks could be combined, or give you the ability to upgrade some perks through tech instead of spending another perk point. They could also have dedicated perk slots tied to the tree you maxed out.
There are mods which add more slots on the workshop
When I play with Gigastructural, I also enable a mod for more slots
Well, you kinda have to with that one.
There is a mod that is called expanded ascesion perks, add some cool stuff. (I recommends getting it with expanded traditions)
Hey, Aspec, do you favor having 1 or 2 Titans on each fleet, or something else?
2 Titans, to synergize their auras as much as possible
@@A_Spec What are best auras in your opinion?
In board game design we frequently talk about an optimal strategy cropping up in places where you have free choice, similar to what the ascension perks have devolved into. Like you based on the Empire, I pretty much know which ones (an optimal strategy) I am going to pick at the start of the game. Of course a few should be obvious, then unity just becomes a way of gating those things into the game later. Your machine Empire wants Machine Worlds? Pay this much Unity to get them near the end of Act 1 and they will be rare until Energy is solved or get them later in Act 2 and make all your worlds Machine worlds. On the other hand I agree, I am in a bit of a rut and just chasing achievements at this point instead of role playing.
So I like the conceit of these 2 videos you made. You are presenting the perks in a way that I'd actually struggle to pick one over the other.
Eternal Vigilance - Hard agree. A fleet is just too much more valuable, particularly if your economy is tight. Perhaps in addition to these changes suggested, anchorages could be an additional fleet capacity? Or maybe there could gate some of the more exotic starbase buildings into the this Ascension Perk and give you Star Bases additional building slots? Buildings that work like the titan slots? I'd still be hard pressed to pick this one. I feel any war you are depending on your defense, is already a lost game.
Executive Vigor - Clearly S tier. A new civic slot behind the tech that gives you a civic slot would make that 250 influence spend a much easier spend. I really like gated civics. There is a lot of room here to play up the sci-fi feel of the game. Combine that with what it does now and I'd be tempted to make that an early pick.
Imperial Prerogative - What was an auto-pick early on, has no fallen onto such hard times. I like the district suggestion. I wouldn't mind being able to specialize districts on other planets. Could a Machine World get foundries instead of an empty slot?
Shared Destiny - Perhaps you can also force your subjects into a special type of immigration treaty where their population gains a path to citizenship (or servitude) in your Empire. Could there be other policies? A treaty that pushes some of your unity into gradually converting their planets to joining you? Maybe you could take their unity or influence.
Transcendent Learning - Could this just be merged into the first psionics ascension? It would make the advantage of psionics a little more clear.
Enigmatic Engineering - This could almost be its own ascension path as I like the idea of a species steadfastly relying on its tech instead of altering itself. When you pick this perhaps there is a pool of 10 enigma techs and you will only see 7 or so max during the game. This would prevent an optimal strategy in the end game as you have to figure out what you rolled.
Thanks for the video!
@@StarboyXL9 I would be willing to try that fire rate bonus. Could you imagine a stubborn AI hiding behind a wall of star bases? I'd be game to try these.
locking civics behind ascension perks is probably a bad idea, especially if you don't add equally powerful civics to megacorps, hive minds, and machine empires.
For eternal vig I'd add one more thing. I'd give a detriment to naval capacity, but have naval cap influence either the number of platforms you can produce on a station or something like that. Kind of force an entirely different kind of gameplay, cause if you're going to be defensive, mind as well actually force the player to do it.
I like Eternal vigilance, it's for the situational small and defensive empire with tight defenses and short routes for your navy to reinforce your stations. Don't make it into yet another good perk for every situation like also for wide empires. Even if you can get repeatable techs for much of it's bonuses, you will still have alot better stations then you would have otherwise with this perk, so that's not really an arguement I think is good, Aspec chap. Anyway, I agree it needs a little boost, but a not a boost to make it better for wide empires.
I also much prefer ascension perks granting qualitative bonuses (unlocking entirely new options that you can't get anywhere else) over the more quantitative ones (numerical bonuses to existing things similar to what you can get from techs and/or civics). Being able to do something new is much more fun than continuing to do what I've been doing all along, just a little bit better.
I really hope next DLC focuses on your governments Wally s keeping the yuno overarching government types Democratic oligarchy Imperial dictatorial it expands on them a bit better maybe or introduces more subtypes of those kind of like how one of them all. I forgot what the name of it was but it has like indirect democracy direct democracy for example more stuff like that I feel would help make Empires more personalized and give more options like an indirect democracy well maybe affecting Empire sprawl could make it easier for you to make money while direct democracy more powers given to the people so it's easier for you to gain influence and factions and maybe I'll know what's consumer good use for the people
Oh yeah you could sacrifice one or two districts to create a specialized district which have the same amount of bureaucrats in 4 buildings.
Do you think Eternal Vigilance and Galactic Force Projection should be mutually exclusive?
"You can get them through repeatables" Or I can get it with the ascension perk early on top of those techs
Or you stack more science and get repeatables faster... XD
@@PerfectAlibi1 Or I get them early with the perk and gain more with the techs. You know, early. As in before "just research it" is an option? Now combine that with "Just research it faster". Following along here?
@@C4MG1RL the bonuses in the early game mean very little relative to power of the base and in the late game it takes like 2 months to research the same boost. It's all about opportunity cost
@@Kittel_ I've found use for them depending on the situation and empire I'm playing. I think the perk could certainly use a once over, I just take issue with outright brushing aside the bonus is does provide. Late game the starbase bonuses might be underwhelming for some but taking those perks have saved playthroughs for me. They're situational but not completely worthless.
@@C4MG1RL oh absolutely yeah I agree. I think it's very situational as is
I agree with just about all of this, except executive vigor. I know it's a rather boring ascension perk, and it seemed kind of useless to me at first glance, but then I started to realize that the bonuses you get from 2 additional edicts are typically more powerful than any individual civic perk. Now Im sure there are people out there who only need 2-3 edicts and are not worried about empire sprawl enough to care about going over the edict cap, but for general purposes I find that to be a top tier ascension perk. If anything I'd like to see an additional -20% edict cost on it so that you don't miss out on claims so much while trying to fill those 2 edict slots.
These are really really good ideas imo. The only one I’d have a problem with is the shared destiny choice. I think that the name should mean anything, and it’d be much better if the ai had improved acceptance to subjugation or vassalage
Executive vigor civic slot should come before the tech as that tech is mid to late game. Tech could be made later to balance it
Since Stellaris can be a single player massive adventure as well as a PvP competitive match, i think there is way for both Meta Ascensions as well as RP one's. Same with Origins and any other aspect of the game really.
The problem with many Ascensions that are supposed to be sub-par but roleplaying one's is that they lack fluff. I don't want to have 3 times the economic output of someone else, but i want to see my choices reflected in some aspect of the game be it dialogue, unit models, unique traits ect.
These do sound like great ways to boost weak Ascension Perks and an Enigmatic Engineering quest chain would be amazing. Anytime I see the Dreadnought I always want it and nickname it as my new best friend.
Getting to explore these ancient relics in a new way would be fantastic. You could leave the current Enigmatic units in place to hint at more or revamp and lock them behind the perk. You unlock the perc and it gives you the no debris bonus or a tech bonus immediately just so there is a measurable bonus at the start and then some new systems spawn in.
It picks a nebula and a new hyperlane appears that lets you find the Dreadnaught or there are whole new Enigmatic things. A Enigmatic World with a relic. The devs could completely rework these old features to better fit the new updated game.
Honestly, I'd like to see executive vigour have a bonus to edict strength instead. Have it be a little more unique than just adding extra capacity for something.
RE the enigmatic engineering quest chain, i dont like it much because it is easy for bad rng to lock whole sections of space away inaccessable. you would need to make the bonuses reaaaly strong to compensate for the fact that you need to spent a perk slot AND THEN track them down. i would just settle for making it a special project.
Honestly, there should be a unique tech tree and a plotline behind every ascension perk.
The only thing I disagree on is Enigmatic Engineering. Event chains and arcaheology sites and all that stuff can take decades. It wouldn't feel good to use an ascension slot and get no pay off for such a long time. Or the payoff would have to be so big that those wasted decades are minute in impact, in which case it becomes a 100% pick when you can afford to lose those decades (longer games for example)
I like pretty much everything you put forth here, and your suggestion for shared destiny feels like it should work with or maybe be an integral part of fuedal society?
I'm thinking have the civic give 1 or 2 types( say normal and satrapy), the perk gives the rest ( signatory, ect) and gives a bonus to interactions and maybe the ability to project one of your factions onto their pops, effectively increasing your influence gain at the cost of theirs?
what about gestalt consciousnesses? they can't do some of those things that you say as alternatives.
i hope paradox see this video, especially with 2.8 being confirmed
Since we no longer can have our Vassals expand with civics how about adding that to "Shared Destiny" ?
Perhaps some perks like transcendent learning and enigmatic engineering could become a new perk chain to an alternate build style.
Would love a perk that allows you to collect a yearly tithe form colonies etc but lose some autonomy to govners of these worlds.
Imperial perogativ should give 1 Bureaucrat job similar to Enforcer Jobs on Capital Buldings. This will help even in the early game and will bring Some opportunities.
Eternal vigilance should enable respawning of built defense platforms at like 66% or something to make it feasible.
Another way of making ed interesting is to lock even more powerful starbase behind the tech locked by it. To be fair it is only really useful low rank perk.
i still cannot believe how rough Executive Vigor got; 50% increased edict duration to only +2 edicts... thats such a nerf...
In defence of Eternal Vigilance:
I like to play tall, like really tall. Not one point above my Admin Cap. I always ensure that every entrance to my empire is a double choke point (one system with only one hyperplane into my empire and the system behind it). By slinging fully upgraded battlestations into both systems along with a full compliment of defence platforms, FTL inhibitors and a highly mobile fleet, I can be proof against pretty much any non-jump drive non-crisis fleet, since even if the outer system falls, I still have the inner system for my fleet to reinforce.
Eternal Vigilance is far better for a tall empire than it is for a wide one: not only can you make the most of it with better tech earlier, but you can have a higher density of starbases and can reach the repeatables faster. I know that modifiers in Stellaris are additive rather than multiplicative, but it also gives your empire bonuses equal to two and a half ranks of five different repeatable tech, which stacks with said repeatable tech, as well as being one of the few sources of bonus hit points for starbases outside of crystal plates.
Factor in the opportunity cost of not taking it (all of the other research you could be doing instead of doing those repeatables) or the bonus of doing the repeatables as well, and it's a damn powerful AP... May edit this later to add in Enigmatic Engineering.
EDIT: While I like Enigmatic Engineering as a second AP... ASpec, ya swayed me. Your idea here sounds absolutely brilliant and I love it. Not a dissenting word from me on that one.
@@StarboyXL9 Oh no disagreement there, it could absolutely stand to be made stronger. My point was more that if you build around it (which I think is the way APs are meant to be utilised) it's nowhere near as weak as is made out.
Personally I think. Nihilistic acquisition in practice is quite good. Allows you to get pops from planets that are far away from.your war goals and cripple the economy of larger empires.
What are all the mods that you use with gigastructural engineering during your playthrough to give you those weapons and ascension perks?
When playing tall I "quit" getting ascension perks after 4.... No more. I use the unity to pump edicts especially "Ambition: Will to Power" which gives +5 influence! Which for playing tall is the important hardest to "bank" resource! Especially if you also play very diplomatic. The other "Ambition" edicts also are great and their costs only go up with each ascension perk you take... So I limit to 4 ascension perks and use the building unity to always keep the "Ambition" edicts active.
executive vigor as it is now is indispensable for hive mind or MI (tech drone subsisdies is a no-brainer, and you'll eventually want greater good)
Well I would give grasp the Void the effect to upgrade the Starbases one more Tier with more Build Slots an Moduel Slots or the Ability to diktate what loadout your Starbases have
maybe have eternal vigilance auto-generate defence platforms in all of your tier 1+ starbases?
Transcendent learning should also make leaders spawn with 2 traits rather than just one imo
Someone has been dwelling a lot on the stellaris subreddit to find this marvelous lego buils
Shared Destiny should unlock a new type of Alliance/Government: Confederation, etc... name based in ethics. That type is really a mix of both types, having both a supranational authority, and states that are technically independent, even though they have completely surmised to a bigger central government. Look at Germany, Spain, United States, Brazil, etc...
Pick an ai. Tell them their focus. 'we need raw materials', trade agreements pump out minerals. 'we need more processed materials' trade agreement pumps out alloys and Consumer goods.
'we need more science' mad scientist ally type will cause a lot of bad events but also massive progress on useful technologies for you to catch up on.
'we need more combat' literally changes the nations ai priority to mass produce warships.... Still terrible, because the ai knows not how to concentrate their forces nor develop tech useful. But imagine sitting in the back of a massive alliance with two combat empires on the border waging your wars for your alliance.
Imperial prerogative gave you 4 new government types.
The Republic cannot embrace or promote factions. Yet it gets bonus influence to non primary factions.
The despot has no penalty to embrace or promote factions. Gets bonus influence from the top 2 factions.
Gigacorp doesn't have to pay strategic resource maintenance on upgraded administrative or commercial buildings.
Unity can integrate alien population into their hivemind.
I like a lot of your ideas I just have just a few thoughts,
On eternal vigilance I like your ideas I would just add that it should improve build speed for ships and defense platforms making it a little better in the late game
Executive Vigor, I love the additional civc slot 10/10
Imperial Perogative I would actually merge with interstellar dominion, dominion is stronger in the early game and weaker in the late game, I also think pushing supremacist diplomatic stance behind it would make it very compelling, war doctrines would still be the reward for supremacy tree so it doesn't gut that either, and supremacist is no longer a gimme that every empire will have access too.
Shared Destiny, I think more subject types shouldn't require an ascension perk it should be a normal vassilation availability, my suggestion would be that you gain the ability to use your subject's space stations, you can upgrade and build new ships from them, you can build defense platforms, you can upgrade the space station with your own resources, I would add the ability to build gateways in your allies systems. In this way your allies infrastructure can be used to your benefit and you can upgrade it and improve it yourself, subject space stations will be subject to Eternal Vigilance's buffs for added synergy. Finally I would make it so adopting this perk will prevent empires from integrating yours should you become a subject the trust cap will run both ways and a peaceful separation will be made available.
Transcendent learning: I don't like the idea of the main benefit of a ascension perk being an RNG aquired buff, being able to add traits to your leaders would be better and the number of traits you can add would be dependant on their level, furthermore leader level effects should do more, Admirals should get higher Fleet Capacity with level better governors increase the number of districts available on your planets, scientists get more traits they can unlock so they have multiple engineering expertise or they can further specialize for higher bonuses.
Enigmatic engineering is already getting some love with the spies update as long as they prevent enemies from stealing your tech and improve your encryption values, I would add on top maybe a 10% research bonus so that you can develop techs that make your enemies want to steal and be disappointed when they can't.
I love theory crafting on how you could make weak mechanics better thank you for the good work.
I like using the Shared Destiny perk as a mid-late game investment. Integrating every vassal at twice the speed and half the cost greatly speeds up the mid-late game slog, when you are in the lead, but you still need to defeat every neighbour in order to win the game. Which... is clearly not how the perk was meant to be used.