Marie, what an amazing show. I was moved to tears when your husband talked about shyness as something to feel rather than something to overcome. The love between you two is inspiring. Thanks for your shows!
This is so true, I dealt with anxiety and it wasn't until I stopped paying attention to the feeling and stooped associating my emotions with illness or having a heart attack, immediately I was able to focus on the moment and disregard the anxiety . I felt free. If everyone would do this I guarantee it would eliminate so much anxiety. Now when my heart beats faster I think to myself, wow I can feel my heart because I am alive , it's a good thing not bad! We can control so much with just the thought.
I agree, it is sooooooo true. I believe it, I'd be honest there was a time I didn't believe this could be true however when I'd put it into practice I came to realize how you really overcome so much, truly thankful and grateful for this major lesson learned☺
I learnt this lesson recently when I had to give a speech at my sons wedding. I was terrified and thought I'd end up in a teary mess. Someone said to me 'Great! Use your shyness as an asset. People just love an emotional mum. So for the first time I considered my shyness as an asset rather than a sentence to doom. I shed a couple of tears but everyone thought that was a beautiful thing.
I experience shyness when it comes to public speaking, small talk during networking and when filming videos for my blog. I experience a disconnect between my thoughts and my words. The vibrations feel like a huge wave coming towards me and that complete breathlessness right before it crashes because it is going to crash me down. If I have to nickname my vibes, I would call it 'surfy!'. lol So I can remind myself to ride it! Thanks Josh and Marie. I needed this!
Ooooh you sound like me - right down to the name! And yes networking is when my anxiety rushes up in me too - and in making videos. I suddenly feel outside of my body as if someone just banged a pair of symbols against my head and I still need to act normal but I am suddenly clueless as to who I am in the moment. I think I'm going to call it Bunny - as I feel like a rabbit in the headlights. Bunny's here!
One of my favorite MarieTvs! The simplicity of energy - vibrating atoms constantly exchanging with other vibrations. It is the nuts 'n bolts of what we are. Thank you Einstein - E=mc2 for this simple truth.
I have fear sometimes that tingle around my belly and when it gets a little worse I feel tightening in my chest. I learned to sit with it and meditation helps. The video reinforced me to stay within and feel what I feel without trying to change it. It does go away after I breath in and out several times and think about what the worse case scenario might be. I have an exam tomorrow so I was going through these feelings a few minutes ago. However, I feel more centred now and am instead focusing on what I can do to get ahead on my exam. Gotta stay calm and carry on. The video really helped, thank you!
My atoms get tight and hot! Around my heart center and my shoulders like to crowd forward to try and protect them. This was an awesome message today! Thank you Marie and Josh.
God bless you both for sharing these three points. I needed this not as a business advice but as a personal advice that is helping me with a breakup. The sensation/vibe is a rush that i get when someone wants to talk to me about myself and my flaws or anything of concern and i burst into tears immediately. It's an automatic thing i do which is what i am trying to work on. The only way i try to deal with it is by avoiding the talk with that person. I am not dealing with it at all.
Love this video. Great pep talk on fears and I'll definitely keep this in mind should an emotion overwhelm me. I think I've been really good at embracing those feelings so far because it was as easy as being confident about what I do and the type of personality I have rather than emulate the way someone else may do the same thing. Just my thoughts. Thanks Marie!
Being an anxious or shy person I've always felt that I have a drawback and that I have to overcome those tendencies in order to be normal like others. Thank you both of you Marie and Josh, to assure me the value of 'feeling' natural and 'being natural'.
Yayyyyyyy....thank you for describing so beautifully what I am teaching people about sitting with their sensations and feelings with no judgement.....through my yoga and pt sharing this video........everybody so needs to be educated about is so important......have raised my children to embrace their feelings.......xx
Amazing! Here I was trying to change myself all these years! Josh you've articulated what I've always felt! Thanks for validating this,all the literature is about overcoming shyness. Shyness is such a noble trait,and so true about the wisdom of speaking from your heart no matter how your voice sounds. My struggle has always been about what other people think of me when I speak, I look too much into nonverbal gestures that it keeps me distracted. I get one mean stare and it shuts me right off!!!
Wow. Amazing video. I am currently a Dance and Psychology major in NYC and have been struggling with performance anxiety both when I dance and when I publically speak. It may stem from some self-esteem issues and my habit of creating ideas around what people may be thinking about me. I can see how looking at this shyness and anxiety in a different light without labeling it as "good" or "bad" and instead ride it rather than resist can really help me. Now that finals, presentations and performances are coming up I am going to try to alter my mind into viewing these feelings as empowering energies that can propel me into doing, what really is, two things that I love. Teaching (informing people) and dancing! Thank you both so much, I really appreciate your openness and willingness to share! Subscribing right away!! :)
Marie, this is so BEAUTIFUL. I love it. What a fantastic gift you've given us here. Thank you for sharing this great shortcut to dis-attaching from fear. Love you guys!
I’m going through the roughest period of my life. So, thank you for sharing these powerful ways to help me to overcome life’s challenges. The video was funny, entertaining, and you and your husband shared a lot; definitely a channel worth investing my time into! Thanks 🙏
This was so helpful! I cannot wait to consciously put these tips to use! I'm struggling with trying to feel comfortable and easy going around a new guy I've been seeing. I like him so much that I'm like a deer caught in headlights, and I can't be myself. The anxiety is hurting my relationship.
I'm going to be performing live improv acting in a month, and I am bubbles in my tummy when I think about it. I'm going to call it "I feel bubblay!" ready to rock!
Not only was this an amazing video and SUPER useful to dealing with my stage fright, but the "I love you"'s at the end of the interview literally made me "awwwww" out loud.
Just perfect. Alright. My fear is to be myself 100% by expressing feelings and sharing thoughts to people (usually doesn't matter how many, but the more, the worse the feeling is). Its always starting in my chest an stomach. Little vibrations and a nauseous feeling. Then dizziness in my head and "cold sweat". The vibrations then move to the rest of my body such as legs and hands and the chest feeling gets heavy and head feels very light/empty. I would call this bubbling :)
THANK YOU! I was JUST saying a similar thought earlier to myself and then BOOM! I see this video and it solidified for me what steps I need to take in order to truly live the life I want! You guys are GREAT together and I truly TRULY loved the steps Josh gave! THANK YOU!
Sooooo true, i agree you really have to change your mind set. I think that the reason you don't receive and practice this SIMPLE lesson (as it happened to me) is because if you are raised or come to realize or learn in the world (as I was) that you have to work hard to get anything in life and nothing comes easy, then in your mind set you dont believe nothing is easy and things in life are not that simple, however practicing this simple lesson first really empowers you more to take action confidently which causes you to overcome major hurdles and accomplish greater things and things don't look as hard as they once were😉Be blessed😊
Awwwww just that little snippet you could see all the BIG LOVE you guys have!! That is beautiful!!!! Made me happy inside.... AND those were awesome tips that I'm definitely going to put to use... I can't wait to try them. 7-12 seconds.. loooooveee that I know that now!
I absolutely love love love this perspective and reframing of the emotions we feel! So many times these vibrations act as triggers where we spiral into the negative thought process of what we have experienced with this emotion before that it can seem out of control. But this approach brings back a sense of control and is such an amazing tool to reshape your relationship with your "negative" emotions into something more loving. SO AWESOME! so helpful, thank you guys so so much
What a wonderful, wonderful video. Thank you Maire and Josh! I agree 1000% with what Josh said, and I love the way he explained it. I've learned over the years that if I just let that intense energy flow and don't try to block it (calm myself down) - but just feel it flowing through me, I feel 100% better and can focus on what I want to say or do clearly.
Preparing for a big presentation in grad school this week ❤ this helped so much! I struggle the most with fear of feeling "stupid" or "not good enough". I worry that people are judging me. When I reflect on it, it sounds so silly! But it feels so real in the moment.
Amazing! I have been stuck in this one. I had a real rough patch of time and during that period I had an interview to attend. First time ever in my life, I stuttered there in front of the whole panel and I was literally literally paralyzed in my chair Marie! I could not hear what next questions were asked, I could feel a loud buzzing in my ears. And since then I always have been stuttering during interviews (one of the biggest reasons of why I try to avoid them). But I am practicing this advice now (AT THIS MOMENT) and I am really feeling the "shiZAAM" effect :)
Such great timing that this one came up. Going to be a presenter on webinar for first time this week & this helped to reframe nervousness to excitement!
I've ALWAYS had this feeling of fear and shyness, My father always tried pushing it out of me, but I wasn't able to overcome it in my youth and early 20's. It isn't until now that I'm 30 that I find myself becoming more and more fearless and less shy! I assume this comes with growth and age...but I feel like that feeling affected me and my opportunities. I do like the steps explained here because there are times that I get hit with these emotions and it just shuts me down completely. Thanks for another great video, I'll call my shyness and fear: Googly & Googly (this reminded me of a part in one of my favorite movies called The Fall)
I’m New I love this video. My shyness And self doubt is making me feel like can I do it. I get tongue-tied And gets jumbled up . It doesn’t come out the way I want. I’m a call it sparks.
If this video wasn't inspirational enough.... The ending with you all dancing was the kicker!!! Thanks for sharing this tip! I'm thinking up a nick name for my emotion right now
Hi guys! Loved the video and the tips are really great! I'll take heed of all of the advice given, as I am a performer also, and the prospect of the fear and dread of doing something amazing with my life have also hindered me and limited my success! I realised this before watching your video and also had 'a word' with myself that I should feel the fear and just go for it anyway! Huge thank you from the UK 😜👍 x
Feels like fight or flight when I feel like all eyes are on me or even just one set of eyes and I'm the center of attention and uncomfortable, I really can feel the vibration now that you mention it like heat creeping up my neck and poof instant red spots all up my neck and over my chest. It's like there's no hiding how I'm feeling. I can be outspoken if I need to be yet I'm actually timid in on the spot situations where I'm watched. I'll nickname it spritz because I just want to reach for a cool spray bottle to make those spots disappear.
Great talk, especialy the point just ride it instead of hide it. That was excactly what is was avoiding that people see my anxiety when speaking which made me just more anxious. I wil try to just ride it and be open about it.
I loved seeing the two of you together..Big love. I feel a fuzzy sensation in my throat and my body seems to shrink, when I speak out, share my opinion. I want to to shout just to be heard but I know that if I do that, then people will look at me and then I will crumble and stutter and stop speaking.
Great video! Thank you Josh and Marie! I get nervous and talk too fast. It feels like the atoms in my body are playing keep away and running amok in my body. I think I'll call it my Atomic Buzz!
Never thought of things that way. Public speaking is a necessity - might as well face it and call it by name! You might just like it - I know I did once I overcame it!
I love this video! :) A little late, but whatevs. :) Riding through the emotion is great! I do my best writing and art after I've processed an emotion, as the weight lifts and I feel freer. I struggle with a lot of emotions. They send me messages. The depression is like sulfur springs, where the scent pulls down the joy of the moment, into the sulfur springs of my gut. Anxiety is like uranium, which causes the split in my mind and compartmentalizes memories until they're ready to explode from me. Fear links with anxiety, and becomes neon, sending my cognition out the door so the hyperactive side of me appears manic because of the identity confusions. Anger is like the oxygen and silicon in volcanos. It remains dormant until I explode, just like the memories explode. The way I ride the emotions is through my multi-character writing, singing, researching, and practicing new skills. Like the video on perfectionism that I've been struggling to do because of perfectionism. So, researching psychological skills to enhance my me-ness is another atom, necessary for life. Curiosity is carbon. The building block of life. (I took atoms seriously. lol)
Hi Marie and Josh, Awesome Video! - And it makes so much sense to me. I'm like wooot woot!!!!! OK so I have decided to participate in the challenge, and I’m putting it out there (past the comfort zone). My answer is rather long so I will post a link. :)
I was always a very shy quiet child. As a teen, I got embarrassed easily and HATED it. I hated any type of public attention. I would feel hot all over and feel tightness in my chest and head. When I realized I was blushing, it made me blush even more. Basically I was embarrassed that I was embarrassed. I hated it so much that I determined to change. I feigned confidence and boldness until it came naturally. Now, in my 30's, I sometimes wish I could go back. I don't like the "not me" I've become.
Marie, what an amazing show. I was moved to tears when your husband talked about shyness as something to feel rather than something to overcome. The love between you two is inspiring. Thanks for your shows!
I really like Josh's ideas. Emotions are just a flux of energy and calling them vibrations is just genius. I'm going to have to remember to use this.
This is so true, I dealt with anxiety and it wasn't until I stopped paying attention to the feeling and stooped associating my emotions with illness or having a heart attack, immediately I was able to focus on the moment and disregard the anxiety . I felt free. If everyone would do this I guarantee it would eliminate so much anxiety. Now when my heart beats faster I think to myself, wow I can feel my heart because I am alive , it's a good thing not bad! We can control so much with just the thought.
steph vega THANK YOU! I really appreciate it.
I agree, it is sooooooo true. I believe it, I'd be honest there was a time I didn't believe this could be true however when I'd put it into practice I came to realize how you really overcome so much, truly thankful and grateful for this major lesson learned☺
I love the idea of riding through the emotion, rather than trying to hide it.
I love that they did not try to hide their affection, which makes him totally relatable.
Loved the way he says "I love you"'s was natural and authentic...a beautiful moment..makes me want to fall in love again❤️
Marie is the epitome of someone who has found her true purpose. what a gift. and on a side note with this video ...absolute relationship goals
I learnt this lesson recently when I had to give a speech at my sons wedding. I was terrified and thought I'd end up in a teary mess. Someone said to me 'Great! Use your shyness as an asset. People just love an emotional mum. So for the first time I considered my shyness as an asset rather than a sentence to doom. I shed
a couple of tears but everyone thought that was a beautiful thing.
There is so true if you aware of your feelings and yet be yourself instead of trying to be someone else, you appear as genuine person.
I experience shyness when it comes to public speaking, small talk during networking and when filming videos for my blog. I experience a disconnect between my thoughts and my words. The vibrations feel like a huge wave coming towards me and that complete breathlessness right before it crashes because it is going to crash me down. If I have to nickname my vibes, I would call it 'surfy!'. lol So I can remind myself to ride it! Thanks Josh and Marie. I needed this!
Ooooh you sound like me - right down to the name! And yes networking is when my anxiety rushes up in me too - and in making videos. I suddenly feel outside of my body as if someone just banged a pair of symbols against my head and I still need to act normal but I am suddenly clueless as to who I am in the moment. I think I'm going to call it Bunny - as I feel like a rabbit in the headlights. Bunny's here!
This video has INSTANTLY changed my life. Thank u guys for sharing ur love and wisdom!
One of my favorite MarieTvs! The simplicity of energy - vibrating atoms constantly exchanging with other vibrations. It is the nuts 'n bolts of what we are. Thank you Einstein - E=mc2 for this simple truth.
I can totally see why you guys were/are drawn to each other You guys are awesome together.
I have fear sometimes that tingle around my belly and when it gets a little worse I feel tightening in my chest. I learned to sit with it and meditation helps. The video reinforced me to stay within and feel what I feel without trying to change it. It does go away after I breath in and out several times and think about what the worse case scenario might be. I have an exam tomorrow so I was going through these feelings a few minutes ago. However, I feel more centred now and am instead focusing on what I can do to get ahead on my exam. Gotta stay calm and carry on. The video really helped, thank you!
Thanks Marie for bringing Josh and sharing your ways to overcome to remember that it's all atoms and vibrations!
He's absolutely delightful and shared so much wisdom. What an amazing couple.
My atoms get tight and hot! Around my heart center and my shoulders like to crowd forward to try and protect them. This was an awesome message today! Thank you Marie and Josh.
I have been struggling with this for so long and today I came across this. Thanks alot Marie n Joshua.
My favorite episode even after all these years! Love you Marie and Josh😘🤗
God bless you both for sharing these three points. I needed this not as a business advice but as a personal advice that is helping me with a breakup. The sensation/vibe is a rush that i get when someone wants to talk to me about myself and my flaws or anything of concern and i burst into tears immediately. It's an automatic thing i do which is what i am trying to work on. The only way i try to deal with it is by avoiding the talk with that person. I am not dealing with it at all.
Love this video. Great pep talk on fears and I'll definitely keep this in mind should an emotion overwhelm me. I think I've been really good at embracing those feelings so far because it was as easy as being confident about what I do and the type of personality I have rather than emulate the way someone else may do the same thing. Just my thoughts. Thanks Marie!
10 years since you did this and I loved it!
Glad to have you in our community for 10 years Melanie! 💗 Thanks so much for watching! - Monauar, Team Forleo
Being an anxious or shy person I've always felt that I have a drawback and that I have to overcome those tendencies in order to be normal like others. Thank you both of you Marie and Josh, to assure me the value of 'feeling' natural and 'being natural'.
Yayyyyyyy....thank you for describing so beautifully what I am teaching people about sitting with their sensations and feelings with no judgement.....through my yoga and pt sharing this video........everybody so needs to be educated about is so important......have raised my children to embrace their feelings.......xx
wow this video helped me so much to get out of the drama in my own head and remind me of my truth.
Amazing! Here I was trying to change myself all these years! Josh you've articulated what I've always felt! Thanks for validating this,all the literature is about overcoming shyness. Shyness is such a noble trait,and so true about the wisdom of speaking from your heart no matter how your voice sounds. My struggle has always been about what other people think of me when I speak, I look too much into nonverbal gestures that it keeps me distracted. I get one mean stare and it shuts me right off!!!
Wow. Amazing video. I am currently a Dance and Psychology major in NYC and have been struggling with performance anxiety both when I dance and when I publically speak. It may stem from some self-esteem issues and my habit of creating ideas around what people may be thinking about me. I can see how looking at this shyness and anxiety in a different light without labeling it as "good" or "bad" and instead ride it rather than resist can really help me. Now that finals, presentations and performances are coming up I am going to try to alter my mind into viewing these feelings as empowering energies that can propel me into doing, what really is, two things that I love. Teaching (informing people) and dancing! Thank you both so much, I really appreciate your openness and willingness to share! Subscribing right away!! :)
Marie, this is so BEAUTIFUL. I love it. What a fantastic gift you've given us here. Thank you for sharing this great shortcut to dis-attaching from fear. Love you guys!
This was SO GREAT! Totally gave me a new way to look at my shyness and fear.
I’m going through the roughest period of my life.
So, thank you for sharing these powerful ways to help me to overcome life’s challenges. The video was funny, entertaining, and you and your husband shared a lot; definitely a channel worth investing my time into! Thanks 🙏
This was so helpful! I cannot wait to consciously put these tips to use! I'm struggling with trying to feel comfortable and easy going around a new guy I've been seeing. I like him so much that I'm like a deer caught in headlights, and I can't be myself. The anxiety is hurting my relationship.
There's something about your energy that is soooo great and comforting like I literally love you!!!
I'm going to be performing live improv acting in a month, and I am bubbles in my tummy when I think about it. I'm going to call it "I feel bubblay!" ready to rock!
Not only was this an amazing video and SUPER useful to dealing with my stage fright, but the "I love you"'s at the end of the interview literally made me "awwwww" out loud.
Just perfect.
Alright. My fear is to be myself 100% by expressing feelings and sharing thoughts to people (usually doesn't matter how many, but the more, the worse the feeling is).
Its always starting in my chest an stomach. Little vibrations and a nauseous feeling. Then dizziness in my head and "cold sweat". The vibrations then move to the rest of my body such as legs and hands and the chest feeling gets heavy and head feels very light/empty.
I would call this bubbling :)
THANK YOU! I was JUST saying a similar thought earlier to myself and then BOOM! I see this video and it solidified for me what steps I need to take in order to truly live the life I want! You guys are GREAT together and I truly TRULY loved the steps Josh gave! THANK YOU!
This is so simple but so profound and empowering! What a powerful duo you two make 😘
Sooooo true, i agree you really have to change your mind set. I think that the reason you don't receive and practice this SIMPLE lesson (as it happened to me) is because if you are raised or come to realize or learn in the world (as I was) that you have to work hard to get anything in life and nothing comes easy, then in your mind set you dont believe nothing is easy and things in life are not that simple, however practicing this simple lesson first really empowers you more to take action confidently which causes you to overcome major hurdles and accomplish greater things and things don't look as hard as they once were😉Be blessed😊
Awwwww just that little snippet you could see all the BIG LOVE you guys have!! That is beautiful!!!! Made me happy inside.... AND those were awesome tips that I'm definitely going to put to use... I can't wait to try them. 7-12 seconds.. loooooveee that I know that now!
I absolutely love love love this perspective and reframing of the emotions we feel! So many times these vibrations act as triggers where we spiral into the negative thought process of what we have experienced with this emotion before that it can seem out of control. But this approach brings back a sense of control and is such an amazing tool to reshape your relationship with your "negative" emotions into something more loving. SO AWESOME! so helpful, thank you guys so so much
What a wonderful, wonderful video. Thank you Maire and Josh! I agree 1000% with what Josh said, and I love the way he explained it. I've learned over the years that if I just let that intense energy flow and don't try to block it (calm myself down) - but just feel it flowing through me, I feel 100% better and can focus on what I want to say or do clearly.
Thank you so much for this episode! Extremely priceless for me in this very moment! Sending love and gratitude to all of you that made it possible
Preparing for a big presentation in grad school this week ❤ this helped so much! I struggle the most with fear of feeling "stupid" or "not good enough". I worry that people are judging me. When I reflect on it, it sounds so silly! But it feels so real in the moment.
This is so great!! Thank you very much for sharing this. Such a great conversation and so creative!
Amazing! I have been stuck in this one. I had a real rough patch of time and during that period I had an interview to attend. First time ever in my life, I stuttered there in front of the whole panel and I was literally literally paralyzed in my chair Marie! I could not hear what next questions were asked, I could feel a loud buzzing in my ears. And since then I always have been stuttering during interviews (one of the biggest reasons of why I try to avoid them). But I am practicing this advice now (AT THIS MOMENT) and I am really feeling the "shiZAAM" effect :)
I'm going to work on these concepts for myself. AND with my 6.5 year old.
Thanks Josh!! thanks Marie !!
Great video. Lots of valuable info (3 great tips) to share with clients. Thanks!
Such great timing that this one came up. Going to be a presenter on webinar for first time this week & this helped to reframe nervousness to excitement!
You'll do great, Dena! So glad this popped up at the right time for you. 😊-Team Forleo
Amazing ideas. Thank you for sharing Josh with us. There is so much energy between the two of you. You bring the world good things.
I absolutely love this reframing!!!! Practiced it for anxiety and after reframing, I just felt sooooo calm!!!! :D
I found you videos yesterday and I adore make me feel so excited about life in general...
This is brilliant. My favorite episode of marieTV so far! :)
I've ALWAYS had this feeling of fear and shyness, My father always tried pushing it out of me, but I wasn't able to overcome it in my youth and early 20's. It isn't until now that I'm 30 that I find myself becoming more and more fearless and less shy! I assume this comes with growth and age...but I feel like that feeling affected me and my opportunities. I do like the steps explained here because there are times that I get hit with these emotions and it just shuts me down completely. Thanks for another great video, I'll call my shyness and fear: Googly & Googly (this reminded me of a part in one of my favorite movies called The Fall)
Thank you Josh and Marie! Def a game changer! Feelin' all the love "vibrating" from you guys... :)
I love that tip...if you just FEEL the feeling it will move through in 7-10 seconds.
Seriously, my atoms when I feel shy or nervous reminds me of pop rocks after they touch your tongue... :I Great video! I love Marie TV!
Awsome! The most helpful words of wisdom I ever heard besides the scriptures! Love you both!
I’m New I love this video. My shyness And self doubt is making me feel like can I do it. I get tongue-tied And gets jumbled up . It doesn’t come out the way I want. I’m a call it sparks.
If this video wasn't inspirational enough.... The ending with you all dancing was the kicker!!! Thanks for sharing this tip! I'm thinking up a nick name for my emotion right now
I love the little bits of affection seeping through the professional-ness :)
I'm really grateful for this incredible energy, thank you!
This theory needs more attention.. It is powerful for anxiety and fear
Hi guys! Loved the video and the tips are really great! I'll take heed of all of the advice given, as I am a performer also, and the prospect of the fear and dread of doing something amazing with my life have also hindered me and limited my success! I realised this before watching your video and also had 'a word' with myself that I should feel the fear and just go for it anyway! Huge thank you from the UK 😜👍 x
Thank you Marie! Im one of those people that are fighting with shyness, I'll try for sure this advices
Feels like fight or flight when I feel like all eyes are on me or even just one set of eyes and I'm the center of attention and uncomfortable, I really can feel the vibration now that you mention it like heat creeping up my neck and poof instant red spots all up my neck and over my chest. It's like there's no hiding how I'm feeling. I can be outspoken if I need to be yet I'm actually timid in on the spot situations where I'm watched. I'll nickname it spritz because I just want to reach for a cool spray bottle to make those spots disappear.
He is amazing! Shyness is not bad :) He is a great balance for you!!!
Thanks for posting! Never looked at my fear in this way. I'm gonna try to roll with the feelings next presentation :)
Absolutely love the advice given in this episode. So true.
Great talk, especialy the point just ride it instead of hide it. That was excactly what is was avoiding that people see my anxiety when speaking which made me just more anxious. I wil try to just ride it and be open about it.
This is amazing! I just discovered your videos and they are everything to me right now ❤️
Katie Horrell sameeee💕💕💕💕💕 I am eating them all up!
So great to have such a wonderful resource :)
I loved seeing the two of you together..Big love.
I feel a fuzzy sensation in my throat and my body seems to shrink, when I speak out, share my opinion. I want to to shout just to be heard but I know that if I do that, then people will look at me and then I will crumble and stutter and stop speaking.
Does anyone else think it's cute when he says "my daddy" ? Awwwww.
Great video! Thank you Josh and Marie! I get nervous and talk too fast. It feels like the atoms in my body are playing keep away and running amok in my body. I think I'll call it my Atomic Buzz!
Beautfiul discussion about embodiment of the truth. Thank you!
These tips are genius! Thanks Josh and Marie - a power couple if ever I saw one
You Too are Awesome! God bless you Too,with lots more love and Happiness! Thank you So much for your help! Take care!
wow! really awesome concept here, thank you ms. Marie and mr. Josh. So love you both! =)
Never thought of things that way. Public speaking is a necessity - might as well face it and call it by name! You might just like it - I know I did once I overcame it!
That helped a lot! Thanks to Josh! Thank you Marie.
This is the best video you've ever done! Awesome information. xo
I love this video! :) A little late, but whatevs. :)
Riding through the emotion is great! I do my best writing and art after I've processed an emotion, as the weight lifts and I feel freer.
I struggle with a lot of emotions. They send me messages. The depression is like sulfur springs, where the scent pulls down the joy of the moment, into the sulfur springs of my gut. Anxiety is like uranium, which causes the split in my mind and compartmentalizes memories until they're ready to explode from me. Fear links with anxiety, and becomes neon, sending my cognition out the door so the hyperactive side of me appears manic because of the identity confusions. Anger is like the oxygen and silicon in volcanos. It remains dormant until I explode, just like the memories explode. The way I ride the emotions is through my multi-character writing, singing, researching, and practicing new skills. Like the video on perfectionism that I've been struggling to do because of perfectionism. So, researching psychological skills to enhance my me-ness is another atom, necessary for life. Curiosity is carbon. The building block of life.
(I took atoms seriously. lol)
AWESOME and amazing info as always mari! I shake my behind of and my stomach hurts badly!
Good content!! im thankful for everything you give Marie!
Thank you so much to both of you!! Josh, you have to write a book on that subject, would be fantastic and so helpful :)
This video came at a great time! Been giving a lot more workshops as of late.
This is such amazing insight!!! Thank You Josh and Maria!
Hi Marie and Josh, Awesome Video! - And it makes so much sense to me. I'm like wooot woot!!!!! OK so I have decided to participate in the challenge, and I’m putting it out there (past the comfort zone). My answer is rather long so I will post a link. :)
Fantastic. Thank you Marie, you're both amazing!!
11:55 the way he looks at her ❤️Awwwwe
Wow amazing concepts! Über grateful! Paying this forward!!! Namaste!
Thank you Marie !! This was really helpful! Love this
This video gives great solution, overcome the feeling of shyness.
thank you so much! I have been struggling with this for years..
What I have been trying to overcome mostly is fear and it feels like a heaviness that wont leave me! I will call it shazam and shake it off :)
This is a Dharma teaching at heart (you're a vibrator!)! So cool guys. Okay, you guys are awesome!
I was always a very shy quiet child. As a teen, I got embarrassed easily and HATED it. I hated any type of public attention. I would feel hot all over and feel tightness in my chest and head. When I realized I was blushing, it made me blush even more. Basically I was embarrassed that I was embarrassed. I hated it so much that I determined to change. I feigned confidence and boldness until it came naturally. Now, in my 30's, I sometimes wish I could go back. I don't like the "not me" I've become.
Off topic but he's fantastic as Wade Miquelon on "The dropout"! Loved his role.
Love this... Thank you MAMA MARIE XOXO You Rock!
You guys are an adorable couple!
Great stuff guys. Simple yet effective advise.
Thank u for this advice I am going to practice this immediately