As someone who just started savage raids this tier and cleared them all through PF, the most important part of savage raiding is to have fun and do your best and I'm not kidding.
“The best time to plant a tree was 15 years ago. The second best time, is now.” The door to savage raiding is always open friends, you just have to step into it. All you need is a willingness to try and to improve from yesterday, if even just a bit at one mechanic or in your rotation. In my case, I’m shy and do not like talking to random people so it took me a while to get into raiding despite my interest in it. Once I found a buddy or two to tag along with, I was able to find the consistency within myself and my gameplay and with that confidence join any group. The only people raiders hate, are people that show up to waste everyone’s time - people that just don’t try to learn and refuse to listen, who lie about prog points and try to sneak on by as if they deserve to clear without putting in any effort. As long as you’re actively *trying*, then we more than welcome you
As someone who tried Savage at the start of the current tier, my biggest frustration with it was finding groups. It felt like I was spending way longer in aggregate sitting in the PF than I was raiding, and oftentimes when we got in there was at least one or two players who weren't caught up on the mechanic the PF was listed from, so we'd either get stuck on early mechanics forever or the group would fall apart within a couple of pulls once it became clear people weren't caught up. I got really good at M1S up through Mouser 1 because I played through it a million times and was consistently clearing it hitless and with minimal rotation mistakes, but by the time we got to the mechanic I actually wanted to learn - the clone stuff after Mouser 1 - the group would usually fall apart and I'd be faced with waiting in the PF for another hour. While the raiding itself was very fun while I was in the raid I found the process of getting into the raids so annoying that I dropped savage and actually stopped playing the game for a few months (just got back into it yesterday, in fact hahaha). It's incredibly frustrating because I can tell hard raiding would actually 100% be my jam but I'm just not built for the process of actually finding a group. I considered trying to find a static, but the process itself seems hard and I really don't like the idea of being committed to playing even when I'm not feeling like it. I guess Savage raiding just isn't for me, which is sad because it's really fun. I feel like the stereotypical Victorian orphan, staring into a warm sweets shop from a cold street and pressing my face against the glass of actually finding a group to get a better glimpse at the delicious savage raiding sold inside.
Two quick additional tips that popped into my head: 1.) If it's your first time trying a fight, don't worry about the loot. While it's true that you get less loot if you end up in group that's mostly already cleared for the week your first goal should just be to get that clear. Get the practice and knowledge and experience first before worrying how much loot you'll get (and, on the upside, doing the content with people who have already cleared can be less stressful than doing it with a group full of newcomers anyway) 2.) When joining a Party Finder group, be honest about your knowledge and experience level. It can be tempting to join that group listed as a Clear Party or Enrage Party when they have one open slot left for YOUR ROLE but if you've never even seen beyond the first mechanic it's just rude to do so. And if you have no idea what the strat is that the PF listing says they are using even though they've outlined it in the PF, at least study it before you join thinking you can just muddle through. Be honest about your limits and what you do and don't know, especially if it really is your first time.
"The best time to start Savage is today" are the truest words I've heard. M1S-M4S was my first Savage tier, and I almost didn't even try starting it. But a few weeks into the tier I saw a listing for a casual static in PF, and I joined on a whim. I had so much fun doing Savage for the first time, and realized that I was way better at it than I thought I would be. Half a year ago I never saw myself as anything more than a casual player; the only reason I even tried doing Extremes in the first place was because I saw a Fray cosplayer idling in Idyllshire with the EX2 wings and went "...I want those." Now I've got Dark Knight BiS, am alternating between Chaotic and EX3 farming at a relaxed pace, and am looking forward to M5S-M8S. I know what I'm saying sounds kinda boastful, but I wouldn't have gotten this far if I was too scared to take the first step into high-end content.
I quite literally, no more that 15 mins ago said this exact same thing to a savage raider. Though in their case it was more along the lines of ripping off the elitist armor they were wearing and exposing them to the disinfecting sunlight of reality. They're not some how a better player than everyone else because they got savage and ex clears; they just have more time and resources and patience for BS, that's it. And I've watched this person with two Ultimate Kills (TEA and TOP) just die over and over to dunegon bosses. Couldn't do a variant dungeon for their life (the base version) and when I joined them for a ex3 clear, one I didn't even bother learning beforehand (and let be known I didn't. They were fine with it) watched them die to nonsense like everyone else. The only thing that separated us was, they have WAY more time to do this, and I don't, but I also find the endgame design here just unfun to play.
I'm someone who savage runs with the main motivation of 'numbers go up'. I really enjoy maxing out my gear each patch, and realised a few years ago that it's fine if my fun comes mainly from Numbers Go Up, or Getting More Thing, when I noticed that I kept all the poisonous potatoes in minecraft even though they had no use - and it wasn't "in case I need them later" - it's just that I like to have things!! All my jobs are above i725 now, though I very rarely play outside my mains and never in a place where that iLevel is really important. I just like the numbers go up and that's enough to motivate me for hundreds of hours! This motivation has been plenty to take me through arcadion with a static, then going into PF (the rest of the static weren't interested in keeping running for alt loot XD ), and now taking a *new* group of people through it (okay, that last one might be motivated by my enjoyment of helping).
A note from someone whose raided with the same group of folks for the last 8 years and also done help-runs and PF. Don't think can only pick how and who you run with. Everyone has different mindset and drive, simply join what you're comfortable with, whether with strangers whose new like you, or with friends you know whose also shown interest. One way or another, both ways of running Savage (PF or Static) there will be pros and cons, AND there will be moments of frustration/annoyance. Afterall it is content where you're running with 7 other people, something can happen. Which then leads to... If it's your first time, go in with a VERY open mind. No matter how much you study, practice your rotation, watch video guides and whatnot beforehand, there will be wipes, you will die to a mechanic and you could easily become the cause of a wipe. But that's perfectly fine, EVERYONE has done that many, MANY times, including myself. Lol it's always a learning experience one way or another, so optimize and become better AS you keep doing pulls in Savage, NOT before you go in.
As someone who only does Extreme or Savage content within a friendly casual FC environment, yeah onboarding for hard content is something that's scared me, PF just feels very scary. I'll say currently, Byakko Unreal -> Valigarmanda EX -> M1S feels like a good progression for right now. Byakko is very forgiving, Valigarmanda is a pretty nice introduction to that sort of strict team movement that all hard content requires, and M1S refines that and feels like the best entry-level Savage right now.
I tried m1s for the 1st savage I'll go for a clear on, I'm fully geared, I kill the sss dummy in great time, I progged to enrage many times but never cleared... I'm in party finder and can't join reclear parties so I only can join prog parties and when I make it myself I actually waited 12 hrs with no one joining (in primal) before I just gave up and I just have fun in prog parties and have up my dreams of 1 savage clear.
We're the exact same lol. I'm in Primal(Ultros), picked up M1S, can consistently get to enrage but I never get a group in PF good enough to actually clear it. It's been almost three weeks.
Funnily enough, I actually tried doing Savage Raiding a few days ago. DT EX1, in particular. And yeah, like, I wasn’t the best, I could definitely improve, and all that other jazz. But, genuinely, I had fun. Sure, I had nerves, but like, that's more the "I made a PF group trying to clear, I hope I'm not the reason we don't clear" panic in the back of my mind; that's just performance anxiety. I used to do school choir, and I had that same quiver in my chest then, so nothing's different here. And what's fun about it? It's a puzzle. Even with having gone in with knowledge beforehand, having to execute mechanics is different than having them explained, and there's the added dimension of "hey, you still need to be dealing damage". A slidecast has been the difference between KO and surviving a mechanic, both in the "it saved me" and "it wasn’t enough" senses. And there's been times where I've decided to do my RDM melee sooner or later so I can keep attacking while staying mobile. So yea. Fun is important when trying to get in. Cause I'm only here because I found Solo BLU fun. Because I found BLU fun. Because I found this game fun. If it wasn’t fun, I wouldn't be here.
I find myself having a mount everest mountain worth of luck with finding my own static. Wanted to get into raiding, but wanted to experience all of the raids, instead of just the new things. Didn't even know how hard it would be to find a static, so went to look for a static that would do old content. Not only did I find a static that was doing MINE, was doing it blind and was doing coils still. I also found them in 30m, got accepted in like a few hours. I am still with the static now, all the way progressed into E9S. Having looked for side statics to do current content with now tho, I know how difficult it can be to actually find a static that is suited for you both in skill, mindset and general vibe. So I consider myself immensly hoping I get some luck once I start my blind Ultimate journey :D
I raid almost exclusively in PF. Firstly, because my schedule and especially my *sleep* schedule can be all over the place. Secondly because of the 5 statics I've joined, all of them have broken apart before finishing the current tier of savage. All breaking apart due to various levels of drama, with the first static I ever joined during P1-p4S not even making it past P2s and having some of the most vile people I've ever had the displeasure of raiding with. Our summoner sold the crafted gear, pots, and food I made for them (because I was the static's dedicated crafter as well) on the marketboard and they weren't even the worst person, to give you an idea of how bad it was. The only semi-positive static experience I've had was when a friend begged me to fill in for her static's warrior in a TEA clearing static for 2 months while their usual warrior was finishing school. We managed to clear somehow, but raiding with them was quite stressful for several reasons. Not the least of which being their lack of ability to focus on mechanics for very long, which in turn meant we could be wiping to Living Liquid dolls or to Fate Calibration B or getting a clear with no rhyme or reason. Somehow I still haven't learned my lesson because I'm thinking of joining a static for FRU/UCOB/DSR/TOP. Some people truly never learn and I'm one of them unfortunately.
My input on this particular topic is that "now" is not always a good time to start Savage. If you ask me, it's best to join a casual static in the first month or so of a tier. Spend the intervening time working on your augmented tomestone gear and practicing your opener and rotations in EX trials. If there's any group that doesn't tolerate completely new and untested raiders, it's a static which has been working on the tier for 2 months already.
Right now is a perfectly fine time to try savage in PF, and just because a static is recruiting right now doesn't mean they've been raiding since the tier dropped and are super impatient to clear. I literally just helped a currently-recruiting group get their M2S clear (I already have a static but we're done with the tier and they were offering gil to help them prog and forfeit loot), and they only started the tier a couple of weeks ago.
I took my first dip into harder content with earlier today by joining fresh prog groups for Cloud of Darkness. I basically just kept telling myself "F it we ball" repeatedly everytime I was like "nooo I should wait two more weeks to get enough mats for my tome weapon". 715 iLvl is good enough to wipe to Aero for 2 hours straight :) And I have learned that placing a flare on the giant floating "B" is a more difficult task than i thought. It was fun tho and the group was really chill. Definitely gonna keep trying especially now that I know I can augment my crafted gear lol.
A note on unreals: They do downsync your gear significantly (I believe to 715?), so may misrepresent how ready your gear is. It may be a poor heuristic, but every savage tier has a corresponding dummy to it outside of the endgame city (Solution Nine in this case). It may take some finding the NPC to get you into that, but if you want to test if your DPS is good enough to not be dead weight try the time trial. If you have even 20 seconds left on the timer you are WELL good enough to deal with the DPS check, especially if you are coming in late.
Those dummies aren't a good indicator for how one might do in savage tier though. They need to introduce a set of dummies where you need to avoid similarly difficult mechanics. In high-end raiding what sets apart a good player from a bad one isn't if they can do rotation while staring at the hotbars. It is all about keeping the rotation up without losing track of resources, dots while solving mechanics.
Even crazier! The current unreal goes down to 695! Essentially, unless you need a specific amount of speed, you can consider yourself well geared for unreal as long as you are wearing... Almost any max level gear! 😁 Indeed, stone sky sea is a great starting point, although it isn't perfect! 😊
@@bahadir7677 I mean, yeah. But those are skills you develop IN savage or extreme. SSS is a good indicator of if your rotation and gear are up to snuff in a vacuum, so it's a good litmus test for if something is wrong with you gear or with your rotation. Put it this way. SSS helps you determine if you CAN do enough DPS in the fight. If you fail the SSS check, even if you deploy the rotation you're doing perfectly, your DPS will still be lacking.
i would say a marker dance is a more visual macro, since often the spots you take as x role are implicitly linked together as if you were m1/h2/etc on a macro, and pretty often there’s one unspoken standard such that doing the marker dance for one mechanic would be enough, but all the main mechanics are gone theough just to be safe
For those who are still on the fence, if you can get a friend who's experienced that's able to teach and do callouts, it definitely helps a ton. I'd say that and clearing EX3 is what got me the confidence to finally try savage this tier, and it's def worth it. The fights are so fun!
a dear friend of mine already asked me if I wanted to join a potential static when I'm done with casual content and I've not even finished shb patches... I'm looking forward to what might happen but I also am scared
Honestly? This is an especially good tier to *start* on if it's your first time, I think. M1S is just fun, the music is a banger, and the enrage is fairly lenient. A long time ago, my first foray into any savage content was E4S a tier later than its release, and that was a very frustrating experience as a first-timer.
I really wish SE had something like this in game. I know why they are hesitant to make something like this but it would really help people a lot who are first getting into harder content. Hell even just short blurbs explaining the difference of major words like "clear" and "blind" would help some people at least. I do feel your video covers most content in game too, but there are the rare cases that content doesnt become unsyncable down the road and players are still railroaded into doing the fight though they do get indirect nerfs to varying degrees. Ultimates are probably the easiest to guess where you cant unsync but to my knowledge gear has made their dps checks basically irrelevant. Then you have BA/DRS which are vastly easier and honestly you can have your body dragged through. Deep dungeons basically are the same for the most part. Criterion and possibly the new chaotic are the only ones where I would actually recommend people who just want the rewards (that are untradeable) to suffer through the content for them now rather than later. As these wont be easy ever similar to ultimates or only slightly easier than they are. Chaotic hopefully will be unsyncable but we wont know till devs confirm or 8.0.
Part of the reason why they don't have anything explaining terms in the game is due to regional differences. Since it's all made up by the players anyway, I'm sure there are plenty of differences between JP, NA, and EU. I don't really know what the situation is like on EU but I imagine there are probably a reasonable amount of non-English speakers playing too, so maybe you encounter terms in different languages? But hey, at least they're giving us an in-game raid planner (hopefully soon!).
@@K3fka_ Yeah thats exactly why I expect them never to do so. Even if they were to only do it for their languages listed in their duty finder selection thats still four languages. Not to mention any time mistake would get them dragged through the mud even if they help. So best we can hope for is people ask before or watch something like Cae's video rather than hoping into party finder clear groups thinking its not much harder than the norm content
The story of my static... Me and my wife decided since the day we started playing that we're gonna do Savage raiding. We joined one group just before Endwalker released, but it got disbanded. After that we began to look a full Finnish team. We established it rather quickly with four veterans and four first timers and we beat P1S and P2S relatively quickly. But on our first try on P3S, after one hour of wipes the caster rudely said there's three people here that shouldn't do savage. He was a veteran and an elitist and he left at that instant and took the other veterans with him. To this day I still wonder why did he even join if he knew the group had first timers. Anyway, the rest of us kept looking, and we eventually managed to establish a our team, and it still exists. We established an FC and we have met in real life too and become friends.
A few days since asking this very same question, I've now cleared M1S and looking to get started with M2S! Wonder if I can manage to clear the whole tier before the next major patch though...
I'm that one weirdo in a million who doesn't really care at all about Savage whether for the loot or for the content itself, but really want to try Ultimate because it seems very different and that appeals to me. But with one being a stepping stone to the other, my options are... Limited.
Honestly as someone who has been playing just under 2 years I'm still talking myself into doing older extremes. Like, ARR and HW extremes. I did Ultima's Bane but it was so easy I'm still not convinced it wasn't a fluke lol. But this is helpful, I didn't know a lot of this!
Working your way through the old extremes can also be a fun way to gradually get better acquainted with things! Ultimas bane is definitely a good starting point with such an approach! 😊
The warning sign at the beginning might be laying it on a bit thick. But I also understand my bias as someone that simply enjoys all content regardless of difficulty.
Idk, but static you have found on the reddit or forum will not be that much different from PF. You'll probably do less, since you are bound by time set. In PF, you can always leave and look for another party when things go downhill and you wont lose progress because of that. You simply look for group at about same stage and keep going.
Here is a question for you Cae. Are you a parser? I want to say that it's very, very, very hard lately to even get a static because people EXPECT parsing. It's a reason why I went to Party Finder. I've had trouble trying to get static because of this reason (but also my time not lining up). Currently wanting to push more in FRU, but I want to do it in a static, but it seems like this is already dead in the water due to FFlogs and parsing.
It is an unfortunate reality of life, because players wanting logs before taking you is a bit comparable to a real life work place asking for examples of what you did at your previous job. Impossible if you didn't have one 😰 The logic of asking for logs is that it helps them weed out the players that aren't even close to strong enough. I don't have much advice to give on this because the only thing you really can do is either... Somehow produce logs on your own in pf, or make your own static with your own rules and see how that goes. As I said, it can be harder than savage raiding, to just get a static 😰 To your question: I think it is unfair to compare to me, because at present I made my own static out of friends and viewers of this very channel, and I simply picked players I had observed were capable without making use of logs or parses at all 😅
I dunno, I just had a blast bashing my head against black cat Got to enrage for the first time today, nowhere near as hard as I thought (still hard, I'm still learning) Just a really fun time overall Also as affected by minmaxing brainrot there's the gear and maybe attempting an ultimate But is just really really fun to me
Every time I see a raidplan with a bunch of markers, positions and icons, I give up. Too much for me. Im here to play the game. Not to memorize a bunch of weird stuff that I don't understand. Way too much work. I guess I'll just use cheats and do it for rewards ony
The major issue is studying for a fight thus the fight is cheap & not obvious. This isn't a college exam thus this is a horrible game design besides the trial and error concept that the NES was notorious for as artificial difficulty.
I would highly advise against going into technicalities for people who're just starting out. Can you technically argue that melds are unimportant until a clear is in sight? Sure. Will you be kicked the moment you're found to not be fully melded? Absolutely. Saying that it's "expected" is not nearly enough, and will give the wrong ideas to some people. It is, for all intents and purposes, mandatory. Also, I'd have appreciated naming some concrete resources like the Balance Discord, ERC for EU statics, etc... Macros are also extremely outdated, they were big up until the tail end of the second tier of EW but have pretty much vanished from EU since. You'll get a guide name/part of a toolbox link/strat name in the PF description and that's all you have to work with.
Just call your party "enrage prog". This means your group's purpose is to increase the rage level of your party members. Don't worry about the rest.
"I thought this was enrage prog? Why are you making so many simple mistakes! It's very annoying!"
"yes I'm making progress!" 😂
Enrage? I normally just call it clear party since I want to clear.
@@CaetsuChaijiCh nononono it's more like *leaves party after 3 wipes* "Garbage group"
@@kumoko3728reach enrage or disband 😂
As someone who just started savage raids this tier and cleared them all through PF, the most important part of savage raiding is to have fun and do your best and I'm not kidding.
100%! If it isn't fun then you are probably not going to continue much anyway!
“The best time to plant a tree was 15 years ago. The second best time, is now.”
The door to savage raiding is always open friends, you just have to step into it. All you need is a willingness to try and to improve from yesterday, if even just a bit at one mechanic or in your rotation.
In my case, I’m shy and do not like talking to random people so it took me a while to get into raiding despite my interest in it. Once I found a buddy or two to tag along with, I was able to find the consistency within myself and my gameplay and with that confidence join any group.
The only people raiders hate, are people that show up to waste everyone’s time - people that just don’t try to learn and refuse to listen, who lie about prog points and try to sneak on by as if they deserve to clear without putting in any effort. As long as you’re actively *trying*, then we more than welcome you
I too have social anxiety So your comment helped a lot cause I wanna start trying Savages but my ass is too scared to go into pf's
@@angelvaladez625 well is kinda tricky to find progression parties this late in the tier tho
As someone who tried Savage at the start of the current tier, my biggest frustration with it was finding groups. It felt like I was spending way longer in aggregate sitting in the PF than I was raiding, and oftentimes when we got in there was at least one or two players who weren't caught up on the mechanic the PF was listed from, so we'd either get stuck on early mechanics forever or the group would fall apart within a couple of pulls once it became clear people weren't caught up. I got really good at M1S up through Mouser 1 because I played through it a million times and was consistently clearing it hitless and with minimal rotation mistakes, but by the time we got to the mechanic I actually wanted to learn - the clone stuff after Mouser 1 - the group would usually fall apart and I'd be faced with waiting in the PF for another hour. While the raiding itself was very fun while I was in the raid I found the process of getting into the raids so annoying that I dropped savage and actually stopped playing the game for a few months (just got back into it yesterday, in fact hahaha).
It's incredibly frustrating because I can tell hard raiding would actually 100% be my jam but I'm just not built for the process of actually finding a group. I considered trying to find a static, but the process itself seems hard and I really don't like the idea of being committed to playing even when I'm not feeling like it. I guess Savage raiding just isn't for me, which is sad because it's really fun. I feel like the stereotypical Victorian orphan, staring into a warm sweets shop from a cold street and pressing my face against the glass of actually finding a group to get a better glimpse at the delicious savage raiding sold inside.
Two quick additional tips that popped into my head:
1.) If it's your first time trying a fight, don't worry about the loot. While it's true that you get less loot if you end up in group that's mostly already cleared for the week your first goal should just be to get that clear. Get the practice and knowledge and experience first before worrying how much loot you'll get (and, on the upside, doing the content with people who have already cleared can be less stressful than doing it with a group full of newcomers anyway)
2.) When joining a Party Finder group, be honest about your knowledge and experience level. It can be tempting to join that group listed as a Clear Party or Enrage Party when they have one open slot left for YOUR ROLE but if you've never even seen beyond the first mechanic it's just rude to do so. And if you have no idea what the strat is that the PF listing says they are using even though they've outlined it in the PF, at least study it before you join thinking you can just muddle through. Be honest about your limits and what you do and don't know, especially if it really is your first time.
"The best time to start Savage is today" are the truest words I've heard.
M1S-M4S was my first Savage tier, and I almost didn't even try starting it. But a few weeks into the tier I saw a listing for a casual static in PF, and I joined on a whim. I had so much fun doing Savage for the first time, and realized that I was way better at it than I thought I would be.
Half a year ago I never saw myself as anything more than a casual player; the only reason I even tried doing Extremes in the first place was because I saw a Fray cosplayer idling in Idyllshire with the EX2 wings and went "...I want those." Now I've got Dark Knight BiS, am alternating between Chaotic and EX3 farming at a relaxed pace, and am looking forward to M5S-M8S. I know what I'm saying sounds kinda boastful, but I wouldn't have gotten this far if I was too scared to take the first step into high-end content.
how to start savage raiding?
step 1: break the flow of time by becoming a time god to free up your schedule
step 2: .....
step 3: profit
or in my case.... dont
Yeah a difficult part of it all is finding time to savage raid too 😰
I quite literally, no more that 15 mins ago said this exact same thing to a savage raider. Though in their case it was more along the lines of ripping off the elitist armor they were wearing and exposing them to the disinfecting sunlight of reality.
They're not some how a better player than everyone else because they got savage and ex clears; they just have more time and resources and patience for BS, that's it. And I've watched this person with two Ultimate Kills (TEA and TOP) just die over and over to dunegon bosses. Couldn't do a variant dungeon for their life (the base version) and when I joined them for a ex3 clear, one I didn't even bother learning beforehand (and let be known I didn't. They were fine with it) watched them die to nonsense like everyone else.
The only thing that separated us was, they have WAY more time to do this, and I don't, but I also find the endgame design here just unfun to play.
I'm someone who savage runs with the main motivation of 'numbers go up'. I really enjoy maxing out my gear each patch, and realised a few years ago that it's fine if my fun comes mainly from Numbers Go Up, or Getting More Thing, when I noticed that I kept all the poisonous potatoes in minecraft even though they had no use - and it wasn't "in case I need them later" - it's just that I like to have things!! All my jobs are above i725 now, though I very rarely play outside my mains and never in a place where that iLevel is really important. I just like the numbers go up and that's enough to motivate me for hundreds of hours!
This motivation has been plenty to take me through arcadion with a static, then going into PF (the rest of the static weren't interested in keeping running for alt loot XD ), and now taking a *new* group of people through it (okay, that last one might be motivated by my enjoyment of helping).
A note from someone whose raided with the same group of folks for the last 8 years and also done help-runs and PF.
Don't think can only pick how and who you run with. Everyone has different mindset and drive, simply join what you're comfortable with, whether with strangers whose new like you, or with friends you know whose also shown interest. One way or another, both ways of running Savage (PF or Static) there will be pros and cons, AND there will be moments of frustration/annoyance. Afterall it is content where you're running with 7 other people, something can happen.
Which then leads to...
If it's your first time, go in with a VERY open mind. No matter how much you study, practice your rotation, watch video guides and whatnot beforehand, there will be wipes, you will die to a mechanic and you could easily become the cause of a wipe. But that's perfectly fine, EVERYONE has done that many, MANY times, including myself. Lol it's always a learning experience one way or another, so optimize and become better AS you keep doing pulls in Savage, NOT before you go in.
As someone who only does Extreme or Savage content within a friendly casual FC environment, yeah onboarding for hard content is something that's scared me, PF just feels very scary.
I'll say currently, Byakko Unreal -> Valigarmanda EX -> M1S feels like a good progression for right now. Byakko is very forgiving, Valigarmanda is a pretty nice introduction to that sort of strict team movement that all hard content requires, and M1S refines that and feels like the best entry-level Savage right now.
I tried m1s for the 1st savage I'll go for a clear on, I'm fully geared, I kill the sss dummy in great time, I progged to enrage many times but never cleared... I'm in party finder and can't join reclear parties so I only can join prog parties and when I make it myself I actually waited 12 hrs with no one joining (in primal) before I just gave up and I just have fun in prog parties and have up my dreams of 1 savage clear.
We're the exact same lol. I'm in Primal(Ultros), picked up M1S, can consistently get to enrage but I never get a group in PF good enough to actually clear it. It's been almost three weeks.
@indiepyx we suffer together :')
Funnily enough, I actually tried doing Savage Raiding a few days ago. DT EX1, in particular. And yeah, like, I wasn’t the best, I could definitely improve, and all that other jazz.
But, genuinely, I had fun. Sure, I had nerves, but like, that's more the "I made a PF group trying to clear, I hope I'm not the reason we don't clear" panic in the back of my mind; that's just performance anxiety. I used to do school choir, and I had that same quiver in my chest then, so nothing's different here.
And what's fun about it? It's a puzzle. Even with having gone in with knowledge beforehand, having to execute mechanics is different than having them explained, and there's the added dimension of "hey, you still need to be dealing damage". A slidecast has been the difference between KO and surviving a mechanic, both in the "it saved me" and "it wasn’t enough" senses. And there's been times where I've decided to do my RDM melee sooner or later so I can keep attacking while staying mobile.
So yea. Fun is important when trying to get in. Cause I'm only here because I found Solo BLU fun. Because I found BLU fun. Because I found this game fun. If it wasn’t fun, I wouldn't be here.
I find myself having a mount everest mountain worth of luck with finding my own static. Wanted to get into raiding, but wanted to experience all of the raids, instead of just the new things. Didn't even know how hard it would be to find a static, so went to look for a static that would do old content. Not only did I find a static that was doing MINE, was doing it blind and was doing coils still. I also found them in 30m, got accepted in like a few hours. I am still with the static now, all the way progressed into E9S.
Having looked for side statics to do current content with now tho, I know how difficult it can be to actually find a static that is suited for you both in skill, mindset and general vibe. So I consider myself immensly hoping I get some luck once I start my blind Ultimate journey :D
I raid almost exclusively in PF. Firstly, because my schedule and especially my *sleep* schedule can be all over the place. Secondly because of the 5 statics I've joined, all of them have broken apart before finishing the current tier of savage. All breaking apart due to various levels of drama, with the first static I ever joined during P1-p4S not even making it past P2s and having some of the most vile people I've ever had the displeasure of raiding with. Our summoner sold the crafted gear, pots, and food I made for them (because I was the static's dedicated crafter as well) on the marketboard and they weren't even the worst person, to give you an idea of how bad it was.
The only semi-positive static experience I've had was when a friend begged me to fill in for her static's warrior in a TEA clearing static for 2 months while their usual warrior was finishing school. We managed to clear somehow, but raiding with them was quite stressful for several reasons. Not the least of which being their lack of ability to focus on mechanics for very long, which in turn meant we could be wiping to Living Liquid dolls or to Fate Calibration B or getting a clear with no rhyme or reason.
Somehow I still haven't learned my lesson because I'm thinking of joining a static for FRU/UCOB/DSR/TOP. Some people truly never learn and I'm one of them unfortunately.
My input on this particular topic is that "now" is not always a good time to start Savage. If you ask me, it's best to join a casual static in the first month or so of a tier. Spend the intervening time working on your augmented tomestone gear and practicing your opener and rotations in EX trials. If there's any group that doesn't tolerate completely new and untested raiders, it's a static which has been working on the tier for 2 months already.
Right now is a perfectly fine time to try savage in PF, and just because a static is recruiting right now doesn't mean they've been raiding since the tier dropped and are super impatient to clear. I literally just helped a currently-recruiting group get their M2S clear (I already have a static but we're done with the tier and they were offering gil to help them prog and forfeit loot), and they only started the tier a couple of weeks ago.
This was great to listen to while i was taking a nap at work🎉 You have a very soothing voice. Being a sprout 🌱 I understand nothing 😅
Thank you so much! 😊
You'll get there one day, but for now, enjoy the story! 😄
I took my first dip into harder content with earlier today by joining fresh prog groups for Cloud of Darkness.
I basically just kept telling myself "F it we ball" repeatedly everytime I was like "nooo I should wait two more weeks to get enough mats for my tome weapon". 715 iLvl is good enough to wipe to Aero for 2 hours straight :)
And I have learned that placing a flare on the giant floating "B" is a more difficult task than i thought. It was fun tho and the group was really chill. Definitely gonna keep trying especially now that I know I can augment my crafted gear lol.
A note on unreals: They do downsync your gear significantly (I believe to 715?), so may misrepresent how ready your gear is.
It may be a poor heuristic, but every savage tier has a corresponding dummy to it outside of the endgame city (Solution Nine in this case). It may take some finding the NPC to get you into that, but if you want to test if your DPS is good enough to not be dead weight try the time trial. If you have even 20 seconds left on the timer you are WELL good enough to deal with the DPS check, especially if you are coming in late.
Those dummies aren't a good indicator for how one might do in savage tier though. They need to introduce a set of dummies where you need to avoid similarly difficult mechanics.
In high-end raiding what sets apart a good player from a bad one isn't if they can do rotation while staring at the hotbars. It is all about keeping the rotation up without losing track of resources, dots while solving mechanics.
Even crazier! The current unreal goes down to 695!
Essentially, unless you need a specific amount of speed, you can consider yourself well geared for unreal as long as you are wearing... Almost any max level gear! 😁
Indeed, stone sky sea is a great starting point, although it isn't perfect! 😊
@@bahadir7677 I mean, yeah. But those are skills you develop IN savage or extreme. SSS is a good indicator of if your rotation and gear are up to snuff in a vacuum, so it's a good litmus test for if something is wrong with you gear or with your rotation.
Put it this way. SSS helps you determine if you CAN do enough DPS in the fight. If you fail the SSS check, even if you deploy the rotation you're doing perfectly, your DPS will still be lacking.
i would say a marker dance is a more visual macro, since often the spots you take as x role are implicitly linked together as if you were m1/h2/etc on a macro, and pretty often there’s one unspoken standard such that doing the marker dance for one mechanic would be enough, but all the main mechanics are gone theough just to be safe
For those who are still on the fence, if you can get a friend who's experienced that's able to teach and do callouts, it definitely helps a ton. I'd say that and clearing EX3 is what got me the confidence to finally try savage this tier, and it's def worth it. The fights are so fun!
a dear friend of mine already asked me if I wanted to join a potential static when I'm done with casual content and I've not even finished shb patches... I'm looking forward to what might happen but I also am scared
If that static are cool people, it will probably be fun once you get there!
Honestly? This is an especially good tier to *start* on if it's your first time, I think. M1S is just fun, the music is a banger, and the enrage is fairly lenient. A long time ago, my first foray into any savage content was E4S a tier later than its release, and that was a very frustrating experience as a first-timer.
I really wish SE had something like this in game. I know why they are hesitant to make something like this but it would really help people a lot who are first getting into harder content. Hell even just short blurbs explaining the difference of major words like "clear" and "blind" would help some people at least.
I do feel your video covers most content in game too, but there are the rare cases that content doesnt become unsyncable down the road and players are still railroaded into doing the fight though they do get indirect nerfs to varying degrees. Ultimates are probably the easiest to guess where you cant unsync but to my knowledge gear has made their dps checks basically irrelevant. Then you have BA/DRS which are vastly easier and honestly you can have your body dragged through. Deep dungeons basically are the same for the most part. Criterion and possibly the new chaotic are the only ones where I would actually recommend people who just want the rewards (that are untradeable) to suffer through the content for them now rather than later. As these wont be easy ever similar to ultimates or only slightly easier than they are. Chaotic hopefully will be unsyncable but we wont know till devs confirm or 8.0.
Part of the reason why they don't have anything explaining terms in the game is due to regional differences. Since it's all made up by the players anyway, I'm sure there are plenty of differences between JP, NA, and EU. I don't really know what the situation is like on EU but I imagine there are probably a reasonable amount of non-English speakers playing too, so maybe you encounter terms in different languages? But hey, at least they're giving us an in-game raid planner (hopefully soon!).
@@K3fka_ Yeah thats exactly why I expect them never to do so. Even if they were to only do it for their languages listed in their duty finder selection thats still four languages. Not to mention any time mistake would get them dragged through the mud even if they help. So best we can hope for is people ask before or watch something like Cae's video rather than hoping into party finder clear groups thinking its not much harder than the norm content
The story of my static... Me and my wife decided since the day we started playing that we're gonna do Savage raiding. We joined one group just before Endwalker released, but it got disbanded. After that we began to look a full Finnish team. We established it rather quickly with four veterans and four first timers and we beat P1S and P2S relatively quickly. But on our first try on P3S, after one hour of wipes the caster rudely said there's three people here that shouldn't do savage. He was a veteran and an elitist and he left at that instant and took the other veterans with him. To this day I still wonder why did he even join if he knew the group had first timers. Anyway, the rest of us kept looking, and we eventually managed to establish a our team, and it still exists. We established an FC and we have met in real life too and become friends.
Very helpful, thank you!
PF can be very useful for small group of players (2-4) ! And YES start raiding now !The more players we have in savage, the more PF we have :D
A few days since asking this very same question, I've now cleared M1S and looking to get started with M2S! Wonder if I can manage to clear the whole tier before the next major patch though...
That's awesome!
You probably have about two months and a bit before the next major patch and raid tier should be coming 😊
@@CaetsuChaijiCh with the pace of learn to clear in 3 days for M1, I think I'm up to the task! :D
I'm that one weirdo in a million who doesn't really care at all about Savage whether for the loot or for the content itself, but really want to try Ultimate because it seems very different and that appeals to me. But with one being a stepping stone to the other, my options are... Limited.
I feel like this video was made for me after what I asked on stream yesterday xD
Honestly as someone who has been playing just under 2 years I'm still talking myself into doing older extremes. Like, ARR and HW extremes. I did Ultima's Bane but it was so easy I'm still not convinced it wasn't a fluke lol. But this is helpful, I didn't know a lot of this!
Working your way through the old extremes can also be a fun way to gradually get better acquainted with things!
Ultimas bane is definitely a good starting point with such an approach! 😊
The warning sign at the beginning might be laying it on a bit thick. But I also understand my bias as someone that simply enjoys all content regardless of difficulty.
If you want to try Savage, try the Alexander tiers, its not bad.
That is not a bad idea! The main problem is with finding a team to do this with possibly! 😊
@@CaetsuChaijiChthere are Dıscords specıfıcally for people that lıke to do old content MıNe. PF's get posted there daıly. 🙌
Pepsi man is the best way to tell if you like savage raiding.
Idk, but static you have found on the reddit or forum will not be that much different from PF. You'll probably do less, since you are bound by time set.
In PF, you can always leave and look for another party when things go downhill and you wont lose progress because of that. You simply look for group at about same stage and keep going.
Here is a question for you Cae. Are you a parser? I want to say that it's very, very, very hard lately to even get a static because people EXPECT parsing. It's a reason why I went to Party Finder. I've had trouble trying to get static because of this reason (but also my time not lining up). Currently wanting to push more in FRU, but I want to do it in a static, but it seems like this is already dead in the water due to FFlogs and parsing.
It is an unfortunate reality of life, because players wanting logs before taking you is a bit comparable to a real life work place asking for examples of what you did at your previous job. Impossible if you didn't have one 😰
The logic of asking for logs is that it helps them weed out the players that aren't even close to strong enough. I don't have much advice to give on this because the only thing you really can do is either... Somehow produce logs on your own in pf, or make your own static with your own rules and see how that goes. As I said, it can be harder than savage raiding, to just get a static 😰
To your question: I think it is unfair to compare to me, because at present I made my own static out of friends and viewers of this very channel, and I simply picked players I had observed were capable without making use of logs or parses at all 😅
I dunno, I just had a blast bashing my head against black cat
Got to enrage for the first time today, nowhere near as hard as I thought (still hard, I'm still learning)
Just a really fun time overall
Also as affected by minmaxing brainrot there's the gear and maybe attempting an ultimate
But is just really really fun to me
Just beat M4S for the first time pretty much as this video dropped
Congratulations! 😄
Every time I see a raidplan with a bunch of markers, positions and icons, I give up. Too much for me. Im here to play the game. Not to memorize a bunch of weird stuff that I don't understand. Way too much work. I guess I'll just use cheats and do it for rewards ony
The major issue is studying for a fight thus the fight is cheap & not obvious. This isn't a college exam thus this is a horrible game design besides the trial and error concept that the NES was notorious for as artificial difficulty.
Yeah, I guess I need to gear up and play, huh?
I just lie and say fresh blind, dont expect enrage, and we hit enrage within a few pulls
P9S is not a good introduction to raiding... it is hell
Start with M1S. It is fun, easy, and so is the next raid.
hmm yes as someone that's been raiding since asphodelos this video is surely for me
Perhaps it can be a video to throw at friends you want to convince to get into raiding with you! 😁
I would highly advise against going into technicalities for people who're just starting out. Can you technically argue that melds are unimportant until a clear is in sight? Sure. Will you be kicked the moment you're found to not be fully melded? Absolutely. Saying that it's "expected" is not nearly enough, and will give the wrong ideas to some people. It is, for all intents and purposes, mandatory.
Also, I'd have appreciated naming some concrete resources like the Balance Discord, ERC for EU statics, etc... Macros are also extremely outdated, they were big up until the tail end of the second tier of EW but have pretty much vanished from EU since. You'll get a guide name/part of a toolbox link/strat name in the PF description and that's all you have to work with.
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