Yeah I think it would be pretty cool if PLD got a raise. A way I think this could balanced around is that the raise’s CD is tied to Hallowed Ground and Costing 5000 MP to use.
If I remember correctly, you could have taken Raise as a PLD way back before we had role specific abilities. Since back then, it was cross class abilities and PLD was gladiator primary and conjurer secondary. Not that it was useful since you needed a trait to revive in combat.
DRG's gap closer gets changed into some form of Jump, because it is existentially wrong that they have a movement ability that doesn't involve them leaping so high into the air that you can't see them anymore
@@red5robb1I can answer this one. The dash abilities that lost damage were probably changed in names and animations so that people who don't engage with the game outside of logging in and playing would intuitively understand that the abilities changed.
A jump similar in style to some of the tank gap closers would be cool. Those forward leaps with an arc to them could be an interesting closer for DRG, but i guess that is similar to elusive jump
A sweeping change I would like to see be made is to have all jobs get more of their actions sooner, preferably in ARR. I feel like at level 50 you should have the foundation your job will build off of, but that isn’t the case. Monk is the perfect example of both sides, where Endwalker gave them Chakra much earlier, letting new Monks get used to it, but then leaving them with 10 levels of Perfect Balance with no Blitzes. Other examples include Reaper having actually just Blood Stalk at 50, Dancer not having Dance Partner at 50, Bard getting Minuet at *52*, etc. I hope that something like this happens in 8.0, since this kind of disparity will only get bigger until it’s answered.
That is true, and I do agree. I guess one concern in moving some of these tools down is that it can also make the journey of leveling jobs more boring because you already have the coolest parts by 50 (not necessarily, but it could happen!)
BLM also doesn't have Ley Lines at 50 either. Almost every job feels incomplete until 60, but some of them really don't get their proper identity until even later. As a BLM, how am I supposed to do level 50 content without this iconic Reddit macro? /p Please be aware that I am about to use one of my core class abilities, which is called Ley Lines. /ac "Ley Lines" /p I am placing the Ley Lines NOW. /p When I use Ley Lines it places a CIRCLE on the GROUND that lasts for THIRTY SECONDS. /p If I remain in the circle, my Global Cooldown will be accelerated by FIFTEEN (15) PERCENT (%). /p It is BENEFICIAL FOR THE GROUP if I am ALLOWED to REMAIN inside the Ley Lines. /p Please let me do my own thing and do not place area of effect attacks inside the Ley Lines. /p There are THIRTEEN SECONDS left in my Ley Lines. /p There are EIGHT SECONDS left in my Ley Lines. /p THERE IS ONE SECOND LEFT IN MY LEY LINES. /p The Ley Lines have faded. Thank you for your cooperation. I will be doing this again in NINETY SECONDS.
Samurai is one of the jobs that I feel is perfectly done at level 50. You have your 3 sen combos and Meikyo Shisui, so the core of the job is all there. Everything you're missing is just oGCDs and kenki stuff. Every job's level 50 gameplay should be like that. Unfortunately most just feel very empty, and the absolute worst are jobs like Black Mage and Warrior that have significant changes to their rotations at later levels.
I've had this exact thought with a job like white mage. The class has a singular ogcd heal (on a 3 minute lol) at level 50 and doesn't have it's core job mechanic unlike every other healer at the same level range, basically just making it "Astrologian but less". Then 50-60 adds a huge amount of new abilities that really could have been spread out to before level 50. At the very least I'd give them Tetragrammaton before 50. I get a bit annoyed everytime I see higher level white mages opt to just use Medica 2/3 for everything when they've gained a bunch of better healing alternatives, but their level process doesnt incentivise dps efficient healer for half the levels so I cant blame them for falling into that trap.
swap knight and bishop and you've got an idea (bishops are generally considered slightly more valuable) but honestly you could fix mch AoE by just making autocrossbow reset your checks instead, that's the most glaring issue
If I could change 1 thing about WHM it would be the AoE pops immediately and not 3 business days later. The Astro's goes off instantly after cast time, SGE/SCH is instant, WHM sends its damage in the post (You have time to cast another holy before your first one goes off, especially in Presence of Mind).
It's definitely a strange side effect of original Holy's 2.5s cast time. I'm sure there is a balance reason around the stun, but I agree that it feels really weird on packs. Often I cant keep track of how many ive been throwing out, so 1 extra goes off when I could have swapped to stone to finish off a pack instead xD
I quite like your proposed change to the Bard dots. As they are now, they stand out like a sore thumb not having anything to do with the rest of the job's skillset beyond being a tedious management thing you just do every 37 seconds. If bard is gonna have two dots, make them more central to the job.
I would give each a separate proc. Venomous/Caustic Bite would proc charges for Sidewinder, and Windbite/Stormbite would proc charges for Hawk's Eye spenders. I think making both build up a GCD could lead to overcap issues if you got a very 'lucky' streak, so at least having a bit more control over how you save and dump them would offer slightly better skill expression.
Change to Black Mage. Allow Flare Star to be used with any number of astral soul stacks with a linear scaling potency, similar to Bard’s Apex arrow. This way you don’t have 4 stacks wasted in the opener, and you have at least something come of the stacks if you mess up something in the fire phase. The potency with all 6 is the same as it is now. Since 400 can’t be evenly divided by 6, the first 3 stacks each grant 66 potency, stacks 4 and 5 each grant 67, and the final stack grants 68, all being off by a negligible amount from each other that still arrives at the current 400 potency.
Yeah that could work. I guess my main concern is that this would enable you to get a decently good flare star with an astral fire state that didn't include umbral hearts at all. On the other hand, given how you don't have that much better ways to recover mp in ice, it could work as a reasonable non standard path sometimes when things get in the way like you suggested 😊
While I do agree flarestar should be changed in a similar way, the potencies should be more than a fire 4's by the 3rd soulstack, even if marginally. Having it grow linearly like that would make this largely useless until like the 5th stack, in that it would be better to just cast another F4+despair rather than despair+flarestar. Instead I'd say it should be 350/360/380/400 with it only being available after 3 souls. It would still be a loss compared to a full star, but it would still let shorter nonstandard lines have impact. Or just let us carry souls between phases and keep the current way of only spending it at 6 stacks, decoupling it entirely from the fire phase and making it into an actual resource to manage
one change I would do to gnb is make fated circle much sooner, like maybe level 62, because without it it just feels weird having full carts without ANYTHING to spend them on for a while
When I think of the GnB having the single down into double down, it makes me think of how I've always want GnB to have the same attack as Gaius in praetorium. The first ability slapping down the x on the ground, and the continuation then driving the gunblade into it to detonate it.
I'd like it more if Summoner's big healing ability wasn't limited to their burst window. Let me help the healers when it's convenient for the fight, not because my rotation told me to!
Yea the amount of times i forget the solar heal because of the short time window just feels bad :( w/ phoenix it is more acceptable because it is part of the skills you are used to using during your Demi Summons, so you just have to remember to use it before the time is up. But the solar heal is just an entirely new button that you have to deal with at such a late level, *and* has such a specific use and short window to use it in.
Split carve and spit and abyssal drain's cooldown and knock the CD down to 30 seconds for both. Nerf potencies as needed. More mana, more healing, more buttons to hit both inside and out of burst
A fun fact to go with that is that way back in the day, paladin got their magic at 30 because they could use some of the basic conjurer actions. So they had cure 1 for instance! But with cross classes gone 😂
The Warrior change is exactly what I’ve been wanting since I got into raiding, the three charges mean nothing if you’re just going to be melee the whole time anyways. It feels like I’m wasting it when I’m already in melee range
When I think about what *one* change I'd make to each class, so many of them are about leveling, since I care more about keeping new players and setting them up for success than I do refining max-level play. I'd love to see a version of this video like "How I'd Fix Tanks' Leveling".
I do like the change you suggested to viper. It feels like it would be a good balance between Old Viper but add that "dot flexibility" you mentioned. I constantly stand by the feeling that by removing the debuff, it completely removed Viper's action flow. It is no longer a flexible decision you get to make about which buff you top off, which opening step you pick, etc. The first and second steps are always decided for you pretty much. Having it be a dot would both bring back that decision making, but also would remove the pressure of needing that constant uptime of the prior version
Something that’s been on my mind for years: Unify BLM’s Blizzard and Scathe and combine their effects, and remove Scathe, replacing it with a trait that makes Blizzard a free cast instead. Scathe is complete garbage. Not only is it a weak spell that’s “only” meant for movement, it is also actively detrimental to your rotation at level 100 because it consumes valuable mana in Astral Fire and brings you to less than full MP in Umbral Ice unless you haven’t used Bliz 4 yet (and chances are you don’t have enough mana if you didn’t use Bliz 4 yet). Unifying Bliz 1 and Scathe makes Blizzard 1 a free cast that gives you a consistent 180 potency movement spell and has the properties of an ice spell (gives you back your mana). Still not the most useful, but it gives you an emergency filler or movement GCD during Umbral Ice and doesn’t actively hurt you like Scathe does.
Some random ideas for BLM: Manaward, after absorbing all the possible damage, applies a healing over time, charges up a spell similar to SGE's Toxikon, or functions similarly to Amplifier. Aetherial Manipulation refreshes the Elemental Gauge and can be used on enemies. Scathe applies a DoT or heals yourself. Ley Lines reduces damage taken.
14:30 I'm fairly certain that's pronounced "sai-key", as in a persons psyche, or their mental. Additionally, I'll say that the "changes" they made to Viper weren't changes as all. NG being axed did *nothing* for the rotation or the minute to minute gameplay, atleast not in a manner that made any amount of a difference. But having it be a DOT instead, would make sense, with the job being called "Viper" and all.
Summoner has a really good foundation, but Dawntrail did not execute on that potential. I want to see them add the 3 other primals as an off rotation, replace the demiprimals with Solar Bahamut and "Lunar Phoenix" instead of adding them as extended rotations, and most importantly; I think the mini-rotation from each primal should influence an aspect of the next summon you use in the rotation. For example, maybe starting with Garuda means your Ifrit will be instant-cast. But starting with Titan might make you gain a shield when you start your Ifrit cast. This way, we add a small amount of complexity into an otherwise simple job! If I had to go with 'one' change, I'd really prefer if all ARR primals were showcased in the summoner kit.
I agree that Paladin getting Magic earlier would be nice. I love PAL, its my only job at 100 for now, I just finished endwalker playing it almost exclusively. But when i play roulettes, I really hate queuing as Paladin because below level 64, it feels like a complete shell of itself. In terms of how the tanks scale down, I much prefer playing GNB in low level content. At least i get to do a little bit of cartridge management instead of just pressing 123 over and over.
I agree with that, i main and love paladin but i didnt do anu of the ultimates lv70 as paladin because the job just suck to play, you dont even have absolution at 70.
I'd just apply a simple action change to White Mage. Cure II and Medica turn into Afflatus Solace and Afflatus Rapture while you have at least one Lily. This way, my hotbar won't become a hot mess every time I get level synced.
Make that cure 1 and I'd be on board. There's not many but there is a few times I would prefer to be able to use cure 2 over a lilly, but by the time you get the lillies cure 1 is long since useless so that's easy to give up
This would screw me over so much, A: Because I sometimes USE Medica's regen (unless you mean Medica 1 in which case disregard this) and B: I do use Cure 2 now and then for flow when things get really bad, going from Solace through Thin Air into Cure II and round the Solace flows better than just straight Solace spam.
@@AdamKafei Of course I mean Medica 1. Afflatus Rapture has the same potency as Medica, it's just instant and costs a Lily instead of MP, same way Afflatus Solace has the same potency as Cure II, just being instant and costing a Lily instead of MP.
PLD getting magic earlier is a fantastic idea because it seperates itself from the other tanks so much by the virtue of it being the caster tank. Needing to move away from the boss during burst is also so funny because im not affected in the slightest
I've listed a few changes with White and Black Mage, so consider them options, though I'd love having all of them :P Warrior: Raw Intuition/Bloodwhetting heals for significantly more, but is tied to weaponskill use instead of targets. I don't enjoy Warrior being overpowered in AoE and I find Bloodwhetting anemic (lol) in single-target. Also, I like the idea of spamming Overpower with Bloodwhetting when the boss is away to heal up, like the Warrior is stamping and stomping, psyching themself up. Dark Knight: TBN at 50, but without Dark Arts, which you get at 70. White Mage: Replace Cure 2 with a boost to Cure; rename Cure 3 and Medica 2 so that they're viewed as distinct spells rather than simple upgrades; rename Glare/Holy 3 to G/H 2; Freecure is attached to Stone/Glare instead of Cure and adds a stacking potency boost to your next healing spell. Astrologian: Cards apply to the party. This would necessitate some changes to cards, of course, but would smooth over my biggest problem with Astro - the UI doesn't accommodate cards well. Monk: Enhanced Riddle of Wind folded into base Riddle of Wind. Monk leveling is soooo tedious after 60. Dragoon: Doom Spike at 30, Sonic Thrust at 54, Coerthan Torment at 66. Ninja: Turn the upgrade that makes Hide reset Mudra into a Trait so that people know about it. Samurai: Tenka Goken gets increased damage to the primary target, enough to make it worth spending Sen regularly against lone targets before 50. Black Mage: Scathe no longer costs Mana and doesn't proc, but it adds three seconds to your AF/UI timers (not exceeding max) and consumes your Thunder DoT for increased potency; rename Fire 2/3/4, Blizzard 2/3/4, HF2, HB2, Thunder 2/3/4, and HT 2 so that they're viewed as distinct spells rather than simple upgrades; Astral Soul stacks persist through Umbral Ice. Red Mage: Sprint no longer consumes Dualcast.
I forgot one! Dragoon: Winged Glide at level 22 as a Lancer skill, renamed Lance Charge (no VFX, 90s cooldown), upgraded into Winged Glide at 45 (+VFX, 60s cooldown, +5 range).
for Monk: riddle of wind now grants ranged autoattacks while it is active - this'll make those situations where you get forced out of melee range while its active less of a loss. also, make its followup the same range as RoF (why isnt this already a thing). also, make the effect that extends the chakra gauge last a little longer or make the extra chakra last until spent. for some reason, you instantly lose all extra chakra when the buff runs out, which is essentially the same as overcapping it, so if you get overfed chakra in a short period and cant spend it you end up in the same place as before this change even happened except you can visually see the chakra loss on your gauge :S
That is an interesting solution! I would think another way to approach it would be to give monk a utility cooldown that makes their attacks (and auto attacks) be ranged for a bit. I wonder if they need it though! 😊
@@CaetsuChaijiCh I would have absolutely loved to have it during fights like Eden 6 back in Shadowbringers. I'm terrible with melee jobs in fights that are particularly hectic with AoE markers.
Dissipation definitely needs a bunch of reworking, but I don't want to make it just another aetherflow. While I like the failure state it presents of "you locked yourself out of some of your healing tools" the reward for using it is so miniscule, sacrificing all the fairy's passive healing and access to the active fairy spells for a full 30 seconds is a very hefty cost for 3 aetherflow stacks and a +20% healing on Adloqium/Concitation, especially since we now have so many actions that rely on the fairy that you actively have to burn all your actions in a way that'll be wasteful in many fights if you want it to not lock you out. In order to keep the possibility of using it wrong, I'd go with "Dissipation duration, cooldown and Aetherflow gained reduced by 66%, Dissipation now affects all healing actions but only increases them by 10%" and changing the animation into something that actually indicates the fairy is still there as the one granting these effects but is just too busy to do any of it's other actions, like by fusing with the SCH and making them glow with a green (or yellow for Selene users) aura for the duration. I'd also want the fairy gauge be reworked into something more interesting, perhaps something shield related since SCH is one of the game's "shield healers" but doesn't have any oGCD shields except Summon Seraph. So my suggestion would be "Aetherpact reworked into an instant cast oGCD that places a small shield on the target as well as a buff that guarantees the fairy will heal them next and buffs their healing received from the next fairy action by a lot". Some people would probably miss the HoT effect of the jump rope though, especially during wall to wall pulls in dungeons, so I'd be open to keeping it and just making my suggested action a new option.
Thank you for the upload perfect timing as my FRU prog is imploding. Healers arguing, tanks pissed, and im watching my picto play minesweeper in discord as everything unfolds. I like your drg changes but instead of bfb merging with geir, I'd merge bfb with life surge. Have it just guarantee a crit for skills you'd use it on anyway. But then we lose basically drg's budget inbred cousin kaiten so idk im glad im not in charge.
For Dark Knight, I feel it is long overdue to get a 2ndary effect to TBN. Save for big pulls or tank busters, it is hard to anticipate just WHEN something will break your shield without extensive fight knowledge or gambling. My thought might be giving bonus MP restoration if the shield is not broken (for about 1500 MP) so that IF you didnt judge a shield right, you're still getting a return. This also encourages DRK to use their shield more in fights where you arent certain you can even get a shield break, as I often find myself holding back cause "does this boss have a tank buster to save it for?" Though I suppose i need to remember I can use it on any party member too. Controller just makes that more of a hassle at times even with up/down dpad cycling
I completely agree with those monk changes because i absolutely hated leveling it in EW until I got Masterful Blitz and it clicked. That and the hot bar transfer from PUG made Rockbreaker get lost so I didnt have that on my hotbar until a kind person in Bardem's Meddle mentioned it and we lost our minds over me going 30 levels without it. Hell, even after finally hitting level 60 and getting MB, level syncing back down to where I didnt have it made it hurt more because now I knew what I was missing
I would give Red Mage a potent, 2 minute long DoT for each color mana that costs 45 mana of a single color, to force Red Mage players to interact with the concept of mana balance, now that the change to manafication no longer requires us to.
The reason why it was changed is because the addition of Resolution made the melee combo alternate which GCD is dualcasted every time, which means that without Swiftcast, you would drift Flèche and Contre sixte by 1 GCD per melee combo. Acceleration is made an auto-Swiftcast of necessity for optimization.
I quite like the White Mage change, but I offer a tweak: the new skill adds a shield to your next Solace or Rapture equal to 100% of the heal's potency. I feel like White Mage can do with a little more intra-skill interaction.
Afflatus Protect should be a buff that heals the target triggered by the next time they take damage. Is it just a barrier with extra steps? Yes, but this way it is explicitly NOT a barrier and stays true to the White Mage's core flavor of "fix everything with more healing".
I'm pretty sure Black Mage losing thunderhead procs would objectively be a bad thing, especially at levels below 80. Instant thunders give important weaving space/movement tools for black mage, and taking them away would actively make the job worse. Unless you're saying just to make thunder an instant cast always but with no up-front damage, which kind of makes sense, but still has issues. The up-front damage is there to kind of mitigate the huge loss in dps that clipping the dot timer would do because you're losing casts that could be despairs, flarestars, etc, further down the line in the fight. If anything, I would say frontloading the damage more like in the old thundercloud procs would be an ACTUAL improvement, since you lose less dps for casting extra thunders. Or just, you know, giving us back sharpcast/thundercloud in general. I like the guaranteed firestarters of DT, but thunderhead is really fucking unwieldy at times because of dot timings in things like manafont windows and fights with 2 enemies.
I meant it as you can spam thunder with no cast time as much as you want. But if you do that, then it competes with scathe (however little competition that is haha, but it is there). By making it purely a dot, this is no longer the case 😊
I was thinking along the lines of "If I were in charge of the jobs how would I change them?" Some of the answers you come up with are same (WAR,DRG, RDM, SGE) so I'll focus on other changes I wish to see. ARR PLD: Intervene no longer deals damage, a second stack of Expiacion has been added to compensate for this. WAR: Mythril Tempest generates 10 Beast Gauge at level 40. Mastering the beast upgrades that to 20. WHM: Plenary Indulgence now also grants a 10% damage mitigation during it's effect SCH: Ruin II changes to Fae Ruin while you have 50 Faerie gauge. It deals the same potency as ST but it is instant and AoE with falloff. It costs 50 Faerie Gauge MNK: You learn Blitz at lvl 50 alongside Perfect Balance. Blitz is a lesser version of Masterful Blitz. You don't have beast chakras nor nadis and you can only use the Celestial Revolution finisher DRG: Greiskogul is learned at lvl 50, Dragonfire dive at lvl 54 and the Blood of the Dragon at lvl 60. NIN: Meisui's CD is reduced by 10 (Now 110 seconds) BRD: Empyreal Arrow now has 2 charges BLM: You retain your Astral Soul charges as long as you have Enochian SMN: Refulgent Lux effect granted by Solar Bahamut now lasts forever till you use it HW DRK: Bloodspiller and Quietus now has innate 200 MP recovery. 200 MP recovery effect from Delirium has been removed to compensate for this. AST: They get Epicycle (The Reaper dash move) from PvP MCH: Auto Crossbow also reduced the cd of Gauss Shot/Ricochet SB SAM: Meditate now also freezes the durations of Fugetsu and Fuka RDM: Grand Impact is now Separate from Jolt III. You can combine then should you wish SHB GNB: Heart of Stone is learned much earlier (lvl 52) the effect is boosted at lvl 68 instead. DNC: Flourish changes to Fan Dance IV. EW SGE: Rhizomata now also grants 1 Addersting RPR: Executioner's actions now grants 10 soul gauge DT VPR: Buffs granted by the 3rd hit of ST and AoE combos can also buff each other. PCT: Weapon Motif and Landscape motif changes to Hammer Stamp and Star Prism respectively. Should anyone has questions why, I am more than willing to answer.
For BLU, I'd like for them to actually increase the number of spells we can have on a set. Sometimes I like to have a few extra spells lying around, and just move them when I need them, instead of havinf to swap to a new SET, like 24 spells would be amazing.
Give dragoon a small Wyvern pet that attacks with you during Geirskogul and responds with specific new attacks when you use certain ones. Kind of like a mixture between living shadow and Bunshin. (Aka you use geirskogul. It uses nastrond, you use jump, it uses mirage dive, etc) this would ease up the franticness of dragoon's burst by effectively turning it's Lunchbox attacks into follow ups done on command by a pet which eases the amount of double weaves you need. Also makes a nice callback to ff11, where dragoon had a Wyvern pet as well
@@siosilvar oh I definitely agree. The reason for this is to help make sure drg is now able to build speed without completely destroying its burst rotation. And also to lessen arthritis. Alternatively we could keep the double weaves and make them a command to the pet instead of an action WE do, which would lessen animation lock effectively allowing us to go in the OPPOSITE direction and weave even faster
@@KINGOFTHESPARKS755 ooh, okay, keeping the actions but making some of them pet attacks could be interesting. if we give it to specifically geirskogul that would make the optimal triple weaves (iirc buffs + life surge at 4 minutes and buffs + wyrmwind thrust at 8 minutes?) easier to pull off, too
@@siosilvar precisely! Drg requires an outright absurd number of weaves that have pretty hefty animation locks, which can make keeping everything up when you have latency a little tricky. Plus this would also be a slight dps boost, as the little pet could also auto attack like summoner pets used to be able to.
maybe instead of just making it so thunder does no damage by itself, maybe the thunderhead buff can be replaced with a button you press that makes the thunder dot do extra damage. like, maybe, all of the dot damage in a single instance. this would give black mages something new to press during burst. we could call it, i dunno, sharpcast, maybe.
I AGREE WITH THAT MNK CHANGE SO MUCH. It feels so bad playing mnk without masterful bliss. A change I wanna make is to give cast time to SMN's all summon skills. This seems more like a nerf, but it will make SMN feels more like a caster and make summoning feels more impactful. Which I would say is an improvement :D
Yeah it would probably require a bit of potency tuning for compensation, but I absolutely agree that putting cast times on the summons could make them feel more impactful and powerful!
For Astro, I'd add a zero-cooldown oGCD that makes your next Play 2 or Play 3 (the protection cards) apply to all players around you at half strength. This is so they don't feel useless in raid content, where I often find myself throwing them away! But my ultimate change: level syncing no longer disables abilities, and locks your stats to specific values (instead of scaling from your gear). The idea is both to prevent power creeping old content by scaling down more aggressively, and also make level synced content much more fun by treating it the same as Unreal trials (just without the careful tuning that Unreals get).
I would want to improve Monk's leveling experience by making it so Four-Point Fury is learned at 30 and Rockbreaker is learned at 35. As it stands, Rockbreaker is learned at 30 and Four-Point Fury doesn't come until 45, making dungeons like Brayflox and Stone Vigil super awkward in AoE situations. I worry having both at 30 along with Arm of the Destroyer would be a bit too strong, so at least this way there's only a little awkwardness in Brayflox. (course I could also just give every job an AoE by level 15 but)
Afflatus Protect should be one lillie and have a cool down, maybe 45s or a minute. Scholar, make it so spending aether flow gives you a charge to spend on energy drain, rather than costing one.
To be fair i feel like carve and spit, abyssal drain should be a 30s cooldown or using delirium gives more mp to help DRK keep using TBN or flood and edge of shadows more frequently
Removing a buff on controller requires 5 taps on the tab button (select usually) on the default UI, then tapping right until you reach the buff you want to dismiss then A to confirm You could /statusoff but that runs into macro weirdness If we're ever going that route I propose that subtractive palette should turn into addictive palette when used and just turns you back into the default combo like a tank stance/Transpose
SMN: Astral/Umbral Impulse now has cast times of 1.50, but each cast grants you a stack of Dreadwyrm Aether that allows you to execute Enkindle Bahamut at 2 stacks. Same in Phoenix, except for the cast times. Potencies buffed to compensate. Also you alternate between Fountain of Fire and Brand of Purgatory again to deal more damage. I honestly just think the demi summons are just really not fun by spamming one instant over and over. I wanted to get back some of old SMN's flair and make it more invigorating to play.
White Mage needs a high damage high cost spell. Kind of like a cure 3 equivalent. Somethin that is much stronger than Glare, but isnt a sustainable MP cost to be able to spam. That would give White Mage an interesting mechanic to play with and lean into the identity of being a high damage healer. I propose this spell is Tornado.
The only change i would make to SCH is make Fey Illumination affect healing actions, buff the mitigation or shorten the cooldown. Ill take anyone of these.
I agree with this. We have to pay the 'support tax' of lower DPS right from when you gain the job but you're not really any kind of support job until level 62.
Give whm the following: A use of afflatus solace gives the buff "Afflatus Radiance" which turns your "Holy" into "Glare IV" for a single use. So, now you have a proper lilly dump, that you are incentivised to do. It is stored on the CORRECT button and you can keep it for movement. Also, change "Glare IV" button from presence of mind to "Holy" pls.
for dragoon: turn winged glide back into shatterspine dive, BUT make it a gcd. dragoons are meant to have insanely good in combat mobility, and this wouldn't have the "using the gap closer as an ogcd during burst windows" because it would be a gcd that has lower damage than other options. probably make it do the same damage as piercing talon and also get the enhanced buff so that it's not just worse to use than piercing talon. edit: or just remove life surge. life surge is bad.
My one Improvement for Red Mage is somewhat similar to the one you proposed. Just upgrade Verstone and Verfire into AoE’s with DMG falloff, it always bugged me in dungeon runs how after doing my burst Verstone or Verfire would just sit there unused until I reached a boss or the buff ran out. You can go a step further and make Verthunder II and Veraero II proc the AoE versions of Verstone and Verfire.
An understandably small annoyance I have with the Ninja rework is you gain the ability to use Huton at 45 and then arent particularly incentivised to use for another 47 levels where you get Kunai's bane. I really wished they either gave kunai's bane earlier with a lower potency for the level range or just gave trick at an aoe component upgrade like how they did dokumori.
There was that one change to Paladin recently that I quite liked to get, which was getting Intervene earlier at Lvl. 66 instead of 74 Made running Stormblood content and Free Trial's lives easier!
I like all of the changes for the jobs I actively play, and one for a job I’d like to play but don’t (sch) is partially addressed here. Yoship please 🙏
One of the changes I want most dearly is for bard to actually have its full set of three songs at level 50. I enjoy bard but leveling it means regularly going into Crystal Tower (and into the MSQ roulette if you have the time) and the 30 seconds of dead zone where you have no songs to play feels just so bad. I can understand wanting the job to get a big party buff as a level 50 capstone (bard's thematic identity is very much a party support one) but in terms of actual gameplay the job feels so incomplete before 52. Jobs should feel like they have a coherent and well-defined kit by 50, and of the ARR jobs Bard is the worst outlier. I like your suggested paladin change as well for a similar reason. (That said, I honestly don't know what you could do for Reaper/Viper to not feel deeply boring at 50, but restoring the Noxious Gnash debuff as you suggest would actually be a step in the right direction - one sad thing the 7.05 viper change did was to make level sync'd viper even more boring than it already was).
One change = Give Miasma back to SCH Bunch of chases = Remove fey blessing, aetherpact, summon seraph, seraphism. Return Miasma, Shadowflare, Rouse and upgrade dissipation at level 100 to have the ET cd change. Remove Fairy gauge too.
WHM, rather than giving them shields I would like to see a 2min CD party wide protraction (10-15% extra health) without bonus healing. If that is a bit underwhelming for a 2min CD maybe add a small 200 potency heal that procs when damage is taken to or after 15sec.
I agree with the Whm inclusion. I would say something like Sag's Kerachole 8% damage reduction for everyone and 200 healing. With the caviot that if the player has a shield already, it just gives 12% damage reduction and regen of 100.
Just gonna go over some changes for some of the jobs I play more, I suppose. Because I'm not going to just address all the ideas one by one. :p White mage getting a less 'wasteful' lily spender would be nice. On the one hand I like the stackable shield idea, but also that'd maybe feel a bit too useful for what would be your dumpiest dump button. For dancer my personal idea would have been "make tillana give you a free use of saber dance/dance of the dawn instead of 50 esprit", but that's basically tackling the same problem from a different direction. Personally I'm fine with viper in it's current state, so your suggestion probably isn't what I would have done. (Although I'm not sure what I really would have done instead to be fair) I would not be opposed to your chage necessarily, though. The paladin change sounds like a nice way to smooth out the levelling somewhat. (Although maybe give it actually paladin itself maybe as opposed to gladiator? but that's more of a nitpicky thing than anything)
interesting changes especially the sage one as it does feel weird that psyce is the only attack that doesn't interact with kardia. Regarding white mage I feel part of the issue around late ARR leveling/ lvl 50 is the lack of any kind of instant heal compared to ast's aspected benefic and essential dignity which are both instant coupled with lightspeed+benefic 2 which can also be used in a tight spot. With that in mind I would swap benidiction and afflatus solace around in where they get them in level (50 & 52) with also the possibility of moving afflatus rapture up to lvl 62. Afflatus misery would remain unchanged.
I feel like, with your aflatus protect idea, I'd be more into a version reduces damage taken by 10% for 5 seconds. And maybe it could still trigger plenary indulgence. Although honestly, I'd settle for divine caress not being tied to temperance. I'd prefer the return of thundercloud over making thunder a healer DoT. I'd _really_ prefer the return of sharpcast as well, but with the paradox change guaranteeing firestarter, I'd be fine without sharcast. That ninja change would be neat. Turn the kunai gauge into something you have to consider even slightly, instead of a nothing job mechanic. Honestly, ever since EW, I've had this idea where Kaiten could have guaranteed that your next weaponskill crits, instead how they slapped auto crit on all the iajutsu. It would have fulfilled the same purpose of making SAM burst less swingy without getting rid of the kenki management aspect from kaiten. I like your use of the single down meme as a coherent part of GNB's kit. I know some people would hate having more continuations to press, but I think it's cool. As far as improving dances to not drift as much, maybe give standard 2 charges like leylines, maybe give a 10s shorter CD to tech? Edit: wait no, a charge for standard might make burst windows toxic. Maybe just give it 5s shorter CD. I feel like you could just add the palette gauge to Thunder in Magenta and adjust potencies to compensate. I'd also like if the normal spells transformed when using subtractive palette. They're unusable while under the buff as is, so having them just transform into the subtractive spells would make enough sense.
Rather than Single Down I'd call it Box Draw. A box is what your hand in blackjack is called. If you like your initial hand off the draw you call a double down, which doubles your bet and draws another card. Keeps a neat thematic with the ability because let's be real us GNB's are gambling on crits for a good fight 😂
Double down getting continuation would not be a very good change, it would give us less off global space to weave in mits. That's why rough divide is gone. I think GNB is in a really good spot after the 7.1 changes but i also kind of agree with the people saying bloodfest should be a 1 minute CD so we have a big burst every minute, instead of this awkward big - small @ 30s - medium - small - big etc. burst cycle the job has
All solid changes for the jobs I actually play. DRG isn't perfect but would be better than we have now. GNB is just flat out better and would make the hardcore and the midcore crowd happy. MCH is needed. SCH is the only one that I am meh on. Personally I would like to see more actions added to the fey gauge or even aetherstacks or change them in some interesting way. For me SCH could either A: have the fairy gain some form of damaging ability or damage buff so it both pairs with chain strat and combos as the shield version of AST. Or aetherflow stacks now grant a second damaging or healing effect if used.
my answer before watching - put BLM’s thunder spells on their own cooldown to make it less painful to apply during a rotation edit after watching the black mage section: don’t know if i fully agree with removing the thunder impact damage, as i feel it would make it even harder to find its place in a rotation because of the dps loss, to the point where waiting out the GCD of applying it would put you further behind in damage compared to if you hadn’t. maybe combining our two ideas would work? unsure!
As soon as you say "Make X more fun in crystal tower" my mind immediately goes to a job I rarely even play - Why does Bard's third song not show up until 52? Fifty TWO. Coincidentally staying in the Phys Ranged group: Auto Crossbow gives Ricochet and Checkmate a full charge - no effect on Gauss Round/Double Check however.
I like the idea of the WHM lily, but instead have it augment Divine Benison to make it AoE. You still get a good shield, but it's resource intensive so you can't just replace a shield healer with a WHM.
For machinist, besides various changes to improve AoE because currently it's just not very fun to play in dungeons IMO, the biggest change I'd want is some sort of maintenance button, only usable in combat, long GCD like six sided star or a separate cooldown time like your tools, perhaps even shared with Air Anchor, and it simply gives you heat and/or battery gauge. it doesn't have to be a lot of gauge, but just something to do for fights with large amounts of downtime (like ultimates) that might not improve dps by a lot but make your rotation feel less awkward to get back into after said downtime.
BLM: Firestarter can stack 2 charges PLD/WAR: gap closer damage removed DRK: Dark Arts nowcause causes next Edge or Flood to heal GNB: Fated Circle learned at a lower level BRD: Raging Strikes upgrades to Battle Voice BLU: Level reaches current level cap for last patch of an expansion, let chaos reign while we wait for next one to launch :) Video covers what I'd do with DRG That's all I got off hand, or at least all I could fit in 1 change per job.
Personally, i would return to maining dark knight as a tank if we replaced enhanced unmend with a passive more in line with the other tank's passives in the same level range. Maybe something that enhanced dark mind like warriors gained an enhanced HoT for equalibrium, or adds an additional effect to the mp spenders or something
SCH addition: Spend 20? Fae Gauge to hasten the next spell's cast. It would be nice to give a new use to Fae Gauge. As for SMN, the change you proffer is the best. Poor Phoenix being every 4 minutes is really odd.
I could say something for every job, but ill just stick with Summoner because i have a few. You might say something along the lines of this in the video but Ill put my thoughts down before i get to it: Summoner needs literally anything for Carbuncle to do besides just exist. I HATE that it is just sitting there staring into space in the middle of a fight. I didnt mind that it didnt fight anymore at first because at least it had Searing Light and Radiant Aegis, but once they took Searing Light away I dont even want the Carbuncle anymore. Carbuncle needs either an ability that it can use while its out besides Radiant Aegis or it needs to attack again while its out. Also, SMN should have it's dot back, there is no reason its current rotation cant have at least one dot as well. And my reasoning for this is Fester and Painflare used to do more damage if the target had dots on it, so they felt connected to the rest of the jobs toolkit. Now theyre just a couple of ogcds slapped on to the side with duct tape. If dots truly cant be brought back for whatever reason, then Fester and Painflare (or their Dawntrail upgrades that i still just call Fester and Painflare) should be connected to the rest of the Summoners toolkit in a different way. Perhaps they could give a proc for the aforementioned Carbuncle ability?
Ehhhhhh I dunno about the SMN change, I'd just change Ifrit's melee combo into a ranged thing instead, would love to hear how you'd improve SMN overall! Maybe have it be it's own video~?
As MCH main I'd rather have autocrossbow trigger a cooldown reduction on Double Check and Checkmate, like Balzing shot does. Especially now that they both are aoe. For Summon AOE I would just have Bishop and Queen do and AOE compnent with a falloff, like on Chainsaw.
my summoner change would be giving the phoenix single-ale combo action back. rebalanced as needed, but it would notably make the demis feel different, which i think they need pretty badly. or you know. make physick a real button
They already changed double down to use only 1 cartridge. No continuation though. Personally I’d like to see it change to “cross slash” and “double down” being the continuation. As far as animations keep the initial one the same but for the continuation you fling the X forward. Think Gaius in prae.
Hot take but adding more buttons for the 50 and 60 range isn't the best way. People at that level are still learning how to navigate menus and dodge aoes, having 6 part combos will make their optimizations even worse. But I think having a few extra OGCDs or flashiness would be good since so much, especially in melee, feels so samey
I say for dnc, just make dance partner have no cool down, whenever you have those moments where two dancers, dance party the same person and having to wait 30 seconds is silly, but for a real change, hmm how about rdm verraise and vercure be at 50 would be nice at lower levels specially in those extremes and whenever the healer dies, at least can do something to help the team.
Your idea for turning Carve and Spit into DRK's filler skill isn't a bad idea. I especially like the extra free MP in a single target situation. That being said, I can already hear the DRK players loudly complaining about how this change would nerf their burst damage in high-end raids (whether or not they actually do high-end raids).
let us overcap like MNK or bring back old Tillana. either is okay. if bringing old Tillana is the way to go, make Flourish a [Flourishing] Action ready and increase feather proc to 100% for the duration.
I was neutral until you got to putting continuation on double down. I'm definitely 100% against that since double down took the place of burst strike for weave windows.
I adore machinist and my suggestion comes with an honest question: why doesn't Auto Crossbow grant the same effect as heat blast or if not something similar? Because of their ogcds both as of dt being aoe, any buff to them also increases the value of using heat blast over auto crossbow as the aoe skill is simply just damage. There is no other class in the game where their aoe skill is only a gain on 6(!!!) adds or more and with all due respect I find that silly.
joke answer before watching: give Paladin raise
Yeah I think it would be pretty cool if PLD got a raise. A way I think this could balanced around is that the raise’s CD is tied to Hallowed Ground and Costing 5000 MP to use.
@@pr13m losing invuln just to raise isnt rlly that good 😭😭😭😭😭
Ffxi had it.
watch them give it to WAR instead.
If I remember correctly, you could have taken Raise as a PLD way back before we had role specific abilities. Since back then, it was cross class abilities and PLD was gladiator primary and conjurer secondary. Not that it was useful since you needed a trait to revive in combat.
DRG's gap closer gets changed into some form of Jump, because it is existentially wrong that they have a movement ability that doesn't involve them leaping so high into the air that you can't see them anymore
idk why they didnt just keep spineshatter dive and remove the potency if they were going to have a damageless gap closer.
@@red5robb1I can answer this one. The dash abilities that lost damage were probably changed in names and animations so that people who don't engage with the game outside of logging in and playing would intuitively understand that the abilities changed.
Ikr I hate that it isn't even like a front flip. I'm not a Dancer I don't want En Evant on Dragoon.
A jump similar in style to some of the tank gap closers would be cool. Those forward leaps with an arc to them could be an interesting closer for DRG, but i guess that is similar to elusive jump
A sweeping change I would like to see be made is to have all jobs get more of their actions sooner, preferably in ARR. I feel like at level 50 you should have the foundation your job will build off of, but that isn’t the case. Monk is the perfect example of both sides, where Endwalker gave them Chakra much earlier, letting new Monks get used to it, but then leaving them with 10 levels of Perfect Balance with no Blitzes. Other examples include Reaper having actually just Blood Stalk at 50, Dancer not having Dance Partner at 50, Bard getting Minuet at *52*, etc. I hope that something like this happens in 8.0, since this kind of disparity will only get bigger until it’s answered.
That is true, and I do agree. I guess one concern in moving some of these tools down is that it can also make the journey of leveling jobs more boring because you already have the coolest parts by 50 (not necessarily, but it could happen!)
BLM also doesn't have Ley Lines at 50 either. Almost every job feels incomplete until 60, but some of them really don't get their proper identity until even later.
As a BLM, how am I supposed to do level 50 content without this iconic Reddit macro?
/p Please be aware that I am about to use one of my core class abilities, which is called Ley Lines.
/ac "Ley Lines"
/p I am placing the Ley Lines NOW.
/p When I use Ley Lines it places a CIRCLE on the GROUND that lasts for THIRTY SECONDS.
/p If I remain in the circle, my Global Cooldown will be accelerated by FIFTEEN (15) PERCENT (%).
/p It is BENEFICIAL FOR THE GROUP if I am ALLOWED to REMAIN inside the Ley Lines.
/p Please let me do my own thing and do not place area of effect attacks inside the Ley Lines.
/p There are THIRTEEN SECONDS left in my Ley Lines.
/p There are EIGHT SECONDS left in my Ley Lines.
/p The Ley Lines have faded. Thank you for your cooperation. I will be doing this again in NINETY SECONDS.
Samurai is one of the jobs that I feel is perfectly done at level 50. You have your 3 sen combos and Meikyo Shisui, so the core of the job is all there. Everything you're missing is just oGCDs and kenki stuff. Every job's level 50 gameplay should be like that. Unfortunately most just feel very empty, and the absolute worst are jobs like Black Mage and Warrior that have significant changes to their rotations at later levels.
I've had this exact thought with a job like white mage. The class has a singular ogcd heal (on a 3 minute lol) at level 50 and doesn't have it's core job mechanic unlike every other healer at the same level range, basically just making it "Astrologian but less". Then 50-60 adds a huge amount of new abilities that really could have been spread out to before level 50. At the very least I'd give them Tetragrammaton before 50. I get a bit annoyed everytime I see higher level white mages opt to just use Medica 2/3 for everything when they've gained a bunch of better healing alternatives, but their level process doesnt incentivise dps efficient healer for half the levels so I cant blame them for falling into that trap.
swap knight and bishop and you've got an idea (bishops are generally considered slightly more valuable)
but honestly you could fix mch AoE by just making autocrossbow reset your checks instead, that's the most glaring issue
If I could change 1 thing about WHM it would be the AoE pops immediately and not 3 business days later. The Astro's goes off instantly after cast time, SGE/SCH is instant, WHM sends its damage in the post (You have time to cast another holy before your first one goes off, especially in Presence of Mind).
It's definitely a strange side effect of original Holy's 2.5s cast time. I'm sure there is a balance reason around the stun, but I agree that it feels really weird on packs. Often I cant keep track of how many ive been throwing out, so 1 extra goes off when I could have swapped to stone to finish off a pack instead xD
I quite like your proposed change to the Bard dots. As they are now, they stand out like a sore thumb not having anything to do with the rest of the job's skillset beyond being a tedious management thing you just do every 37 seconds. If bard is gonna have two dots, make them more central to the job.
@@Zologe they used to be incredibly needed due to building up repertoire whenever they critted, !
I would give each a separate proc.
Venomous/Caustic Bite would proc charges for Sidewinder, and Windbite/Stormbite would proc charges for Hawk's Eye spenders. I think making both build up a GCD could lead to overcap issues if you got a very 'lucky' streak, so at least having a bit more control over how you save and dump them would offer slightly better skill expression.
Change to Black Mage. Allow Flare Star to be used with any number of astral soul stacks with a linear scaling potency, similar to Bard’s Apex arrow. This way you don’t have 4 stacks wasted in the opener, and you have at least something come of the stacks if you mess up something in the fire phase. The potency with all 6 is the same as it is now. Since 400 can’t be evenly divided by 6, the first 3 stacks each grant 66 potency, stacks 4 and 5 each grant 67, and the final stack grants 68, all being off by a negligible amount from each other that still arrives at the current 400 potency.
Yeah that could work. I guess my main concern is that this would enable you to get a decently good flare star with an astral fire state that didn't include umbral hearts at all. On the other hand, given how you don't have that much better ways to recover mp in ice, it could work as a reasonable non standard path sometimes when things get in the way like you suggested 😊
Could also buff Flare Star by exactly 20 potency while keeping the linear scaling per stack, so each stack is 70 potency. Best of both worlds?
@The only downside there is you’ll get a boat load of 420 jokes
While I do agree flarestar should be changed in a similar way, the potencies should be more than a fire 4's by the 3rd soulstack, even if marginally. Having it grow linearly like that would make this largely useless until like the 5th stack, in that it would be better to just cast another F4+despair rather than despair+flarestar.
Instead I'd say it should be 350/360/380/400 with it only being available after 3 souls.
It would still be a loss compared to a full star, but it would still let shorter nonstandard lines have impact. Or just let us carry souls between phases and keep the current way of only spending it at 6 stacks, decoupling it entirely from the fire phase and making it into an actual resource to manage
one change I would do to gnb is make fated circle much sooner, like maybe level 62, because without it it just feels weird having full carts without ANYTHING to spend them on for a while
Yeah in a funny way, warrior is missing its aoe gauge generation for way too long, while gunbreaker is missing the aoe spender! 😂
When I think of the GnB having the single down into double down, it makes me think of how I've always want GnB to have the same attack as Gaius in praetorium. The first ability slapping down the x on the ground, and the continuation then driving the gunblade into it to detonate it.
I'd like it more if Summoner's big healing ability wasn't limited to their burst window. Let me help the healers when it's convenient for the fight, not because my rotation told me to!
Yeah a 30 second timer is way too tight. It could be way more helpful with at least a minute on the timer 🤔
Yea the amount of times i forget the solar heal because of the short time window just feels bad :( w/ phoenix it is more acceptable because it is part of the skills you are used to using during your Demi Summons, so you just have to remember to use it before the time is up. But the solar heal is just an entirely new button that you have to deal with at such a late level, *and* has such a specific use and short window to use it in.
@@CaetsuChaijiCh phoenix regen and baha heal act like egi special moves and last until the next major summon
Split carve and spit and abyssal drain's cooldown and knock the CD down to 30 seconds for both. Nerf potencies as needed.
More mana, more healing, more buttons to hit both inside and out of burst
As a person who levels Paladin as his first tank currently, I want my magic 😆
A fun fact to go with that is that way back in the day, paladin got their magic at 30 because they could use some of the basic conjurer actions. So they had cure 1 for instance! But with cross classes gone 😂
@@CaetsuChaijiChi miss cross class skills 😭😭😭
The Warrior change is exactly what I’ve been wanting since I got into raiding, the three charges mean nothing if you’re just going to be melee the whole time anyways. It feels like I’m wasting it when I’m already in melee range
When I think about what *one* change I'd make to each class, so many of them are about leveling, since I care more about keeping new players and setting them up for success than I do refining max-level play. I'd love to see a version of this video like "How I'd Fix Tanks' Leveling".
Sage: Kardia has an X% chance to trigger on DoT ticks.
Or give the job Differential Prognosis so it can possibly land a double AoE shield for Raidwides?
I do like the change you suggested to viper. It feels like it would be a good balance between Old Viper but add that "dot flexibility" you mentioned. I constantly stand by the feeling that by removing the debuff, it completely removed Viper's action flow. It is no longer a flexible decision you get to make about which buff you top off, which opening step you pick, etc. The first and second steps are always decided for you pretty much. Having it be a dot would both bring back that decision making, but also would remove the pressure of needing that constant uptime of the prior version
Something that’s been on my mind for years:
Unify BLM’s Blizzard and Scathe and combine their effects, and remove Scathe, replacing it with a trait that makes Blizzard a free cast instead.
Scathe is complete garbage. Not only is it a weak spell that’s “only” meant for movement, it is also actively detrimental to your rotation at level 100 because it consumes valuable mana in Astral Fire and brings you to less than full MP in Umbral Ice unless you haven’t used Bliz 4 yet (and chances are you don’t have enough mana if you didn’t use Bliz 4 yet).
Unifying Bliz 1 and Scathe makes Blizzard 1 a free cast that gives you a consistent 180 potency movement spell and has the properties of an ice spell (gives you back your mana). Still not the most useful, but it gives you an emergency filler or movement GCD during Umbral Ice and doesn’t actively hurt you like Scathe does.
Some random ideas for BLM:
Manaward, after absorbing all the possible damage, applies a healing over time, charges up a spell similar to SGE's Toxikon, or functions similarly to Amplifier.
Aetherial Manipulation refreshes the Elemental Gauge and can be used on enemies.
Scathe applies a DoT or heals yourself.
Ley Lines reduces damage taken.
I'm fairly certain that's pronounced "sai-key", as in a persons psyche, or their mental.
Additionally, I'll say that the "changes" they made to Viper weren't changes as all. NG being axed did *nothing* for the rotation or the minute to minute gameplay, atleast not in a manner that made any amount of a difference.
But having it be a DOT instead, would make sense, with the job being called "Viper" and all.
Summoner has a really good foundation, but Dawntrail did not execute on that potential.
I want to see them add the 3 other primals as an off rotation, replace the demiprimals with Solar Bahamut and "Lunar Phoenix" instead of adding them as extended rotations, and most importantly;
I think the mini-rotation from each primal should influence an aspect of the next summon you use in the rotation. For example, maybe starting with Garuda means your Ifrit will be instant-cast. But starting with Titan might make you gain a shield when you start your Ifrit cast. This way, we add a small amount of complexity into an otherwise simple job!
If I had to go with 'one' change, I'd really prefer if all ARR primals were showcased in the summoner kit.
I agree that Paladin getting Magic earlier would be nice. I love PAL, its my only job at 100 for now, I just finished endwalker playing it almost exclusively. But when i play roulettes, I really hate queuing as Paladin because below level 64, it feels like a complete shell of itself. In terms of how the tanks scale down, I much prefer playing GNB in low level content. At least i get to do a little bit of cartridge management instead of just pressing 123 over and over.
I agree with that, i main and love paladin but i didnt do anu of the ultimates lv70 as paladin because the job just suck to play, you dont even have absolution at 70.
I'd just apply a simple action change to White Mage.
Cure II and Medica turn into Afflatus Solace and Afflatus Rapture while you have at least one Lily.
This way, my hotbar won't become a hot mess every time I get level synced.
Make that cure 1 and I'd be on board. There's not many but there is a few times I would prefer to be able to use cure 2 over a lilly, but by the time you get the lillies cure 1 is long since useless so that's easy to give up
This would screw me over so much, A: Because I sometimes USE Medica's regen (unless you mean Medica 1 in which case disregard this) and B: I do use Cure 2 now and then for flow when things get really bad, going from Solace through Thin Air into Cure II and round the Solace flows better than just straight Solace spam.
@@AdamKafei Of course I mean Medica 1. Afflatus Rapture has the same potency as Medica, it's just instant and costs a Lily instead of MP, same way Afflatus Solace has the same potency as Cure II, just being instant and costing a Lily instead of MP.
I like this change but let me add an extra step:
Cure and Benefic upgrade to Cure II and Benefic II respectively
PLD getting magic earlier is a fantastic idea because it seperates itself from the other tanks so much by the virtue of it being the caster tank. Needing to move away from the boss during burst is also so funny because im not affected in the slightest
Machinist's aoe heat attack could stand to reduce the cooldowns of the ogcd's, like the single target one dies.....
I've listed a few changes with White and Black Mage, so consider them options, though I'd love having all of them :P
Warrior: Raw Intuition/Bloodwhetting heals for significantly more, but is tied to weaponskill use instead of targets. I don't enjoy Warrior being overpowered in AoE and I find Bloodwhetting anemic (lol) in single-target. Also, I like the idea of spamming Overpower with Bloodwhetting when the boss is away to heal up, like the Warrior is stamping and stomping, psyching themself up.
Dark Knight: TBN at 50, but without Dark Arts, which you get at 70.
White Mage: Replace Cure 2 with a boost to Cure; rename Cure 3 and Medica 2 so that they're viewed as distinct spells rather than simple upgrades; rename Glare/Holy 3 to G/H 2; Freecure is attached to Stone/Glare instead of Cure and adds a stacking potency boost to your next healing spell.
Astrologian: Cards apply to the party. This would necessitate some changes to cards, of course, but would smooth over my biggest problem with Astro - the UI doesn't accommodate cards well.
Monk: Enhanced Riddle of Wind folded into base Riddle of Wind. Monk leveling is soooo tedious after 60.
Dragoon: Doom Spike at 30, Sonic Thrust at 54, Coerthan Torment at 66.
Ninja: Turn the upgrade that makes Hide reset Mudra into a Trait so that people know about it.
Samurai: Tenka Goken gets increased damage to the primary target, enough to make it worth spending Sen regularly against lone targets before 50.
Black Mage: Scathe no longer costs Mana and doesn't proc, but it adds three seconds to your AF/UI timers (not exceeding max) and consumes your Thunder DoT for increased potency; rename Fire 2/3/4, Blizzard 2/3/4, HF2, HB2, Thunder 2/3/4, and HT 2 so that they're viewed as distinct spells rather than simple upgrades; Astral Soul stacks persist through Umbral Ice.
Red Mage: Sprint no longer consumes Dualcast.
I forgot one!
Dragoon: Winged Glide at level 22 as a Lancer skill, renamed Lance Charge (no VFX, 90s cooldown), upgraded into Winged Glide at 45 (+VFX, 60s cooldown, +5 range).
for Monk: riddle of wind now grants ranged autoattacks while it is active - this'll make those situations where you get forced out of melee range while its active less of a loss. also, make its followup the same range as RoF (why isnt this already a thing).
also, make the effect that extends the chakra gauge last a little longer or make the extra chakra last until spent. for some reason, you instantly lose all extra chakra when the buff runs out, which is essentially the same as overcapping it, so if you get overfed chakra in a short period and cant spend it you end up in the same place as before this change even happened except you can visually see the chakra loss on your gauge :S
That is an interesting solution! I would think another way to approach it would be to give monk a utility cooldown that makes their attacks (and auto attacks) be ranged for a bit. I wonder if they need it though! 😊
@@CaetsuChaijiCh I would have absolutely loved to have it during fights like Eden 6 back in Shadowbringers. I'm terrible with melee jobs in fights that are particularly hectic with AoE markers.
Dissipation definitely needs a bunch of reworking, but I don't want to make it just another aetherflow. While I like the failure state it presents of "you locked yourself out of some of your healing tools" the reward for using it is so miniscule, sacrificing all the fairy's passive healing and access to the active fairy spells for a full 30 seconds is a very hefty cost for 3 aetherflow stacks and a +20% healing on Adloqium/Concitation, especially since we now have so many actions that rely on the fairy that you actively have to burn all your actions in a way that'll be wasteful in many fights if you want it to not lock you out.
In order to keep the possibility of using it wrong, I'd go with "Dissipation duration, cooldown and Aetherflow gained reduced by 66%, Dissipation now affects all healing actions but only increases them by 10%" and changing the animation into something that actually indicates the fairy is still there as the one granting these effects but is just too busy to do any of it's other actions, like by fusing with the SCH and making them glow with a green (or yellow for Selene users) aura for the duration.
I'd also want the fairy gauge be reworked into something more interesting, perhaps something shield related since SCH is one of the game's "shield healers" but doesn't have any oGCD shields except Summon Seraph. So my suggestion would be "Aetherpact reworked into an instant cast oGCD that places a small shield on the target as well as a buff that guarantees the fairy will heal them next and buffs their healing received from the next fairy action by a lot". Some people would probably miss the HoT effect of the jump rope though, especially during wall to wall pulls in dungeons, so I'd be open to keeping it and just making my suggested action a new option.
Thank you for the upload perfect timing as my FRU prog is imploding. Healers arguing, tanks pissed, and im watching my picto play minesweeper in discord as everything unfolds.
I like your drg changes but instead of bfb merging with geir, I'd merge bfb with life surge. Have it just guarantee a crit for skills you'd use it on anyway. But then we lose basically drg's budget inbred cousin kaiten so idk im glad im not in charge.
For Dark Knight, I feel it is long overdue to get a 2ndary effect to TBN. Save for big pulls or tank busters, it is hard to anticipate just WHEN something will break your shield without extensive fight knowledge or gambling. My thought might be giving bonus MP restoration if the shield is not broken (for about 1500 MP) so that IF you didnt judge a shield right, you're still getting a return. This also encourages DRK to use their shield more in fights where you arent certain you can even get a shield break, as I often find myself holding back cause "does this boss have a tank buster to save it for?" Though I suppose i need to remember I can use it on any party member too. Controller just makes that more of a hassle at times even with up/down dpad cycling
I completely agree with those monk changes because i absolutely hated leveling it in EW until I got Masterful Blitz and it clicked. That and the hot bar transfer from PUG made Rockbreaker get lost so I didnt have that on my hotbar until a kind person in Bardem's Meddle mentioned it and we lost our minds over me going 30 levels without it. Hell, even after finally hitting level 60 and getting MB, level syncing back down to where I didnt have it made it hurt more because now I knew what I was missing
I would give Red Mage a potent, 2 minute long DoT for each color mana that costs 45 mana of a single color, to force Red Mage players to interact with the concept of mana balance, now that the change to manafication no longer requires us to.
I like the way Red Mage's Acceleration was originally. I would change that back for me personally.
Why so? Not wanting to sound judgmental. Genuinely curious as to your reasoning
The reason why it was changed is because the addition of Resolution made the melee combo alternate which GCD is dualcasted every time, which means that without Swiftcast, you would drift Flèche and Contre sixte by 1 GCD per melee combo. Acceleration is made an auto-Swiftcast of necessity for optimization.
I quite like the White Mage change, but I offer a tweak: the new skill adds a shield to your next Solace or Rapture equal to 100% of the heal's potency. I feel like White Mage can do with a little more intra-skill interaction.
Afflatus Protect should be a buff that heals the target triggered by the next time they take damage. Is it just a barrier with extra steps? Yes, but this way it is explicitly NOT a barrier and stays true to the White Mage's core flavor of "fix everything with more healing".
I'm pretty sure Black Mage losing thunderhead procs would objectively be a bad thing, especially at levels below 80. Instant thunders give important weaving space/movement tools for black mage, and taking them away would actively make the job worse.
Unless you're saying just to make thunder an instant cast always but with no up-front damage, which kind of makes sense, but still has issues. The up-front damage is there to kind of mitigate the huge loss in dps that clipping the dot timer would do because you're losing casts that could be despairs, flarestars, etc, further down the line in the fight.
If anything, I would say frontloading the damage more like in the old thundercloud procs would be an ACTUAL improvement, since you lose less dps for casting extra thunders. Or just, you know, giving us back sharpcast/thundercloud in general. I like the guaranteed firestarters of DT, but thunderhead is really fucking unwieldy at times because of dot timings in things like manafont windows and fights with 2 enemies.
I meant it as you can spam thunder with no cast time as much as you want. But if you do that, then it competes with scathe (however little competition that is haha, but it is there). By making it purely a dot, this is no longer the case 😊
I was thinking along the lines of "If I were in charge of the jobs how would I change them?" Some of the answers you come up with are same (WAR,DRG, RDM, SGE) so I'll focus on other changes I wish to see.
PLD: Intervene no longer deals damage, a second stack of Expiacion has been added to compensate for this.
WAR: Mythril Tempest generates 10 Beast Gauge at level 40. Mastering the beast upgrades that to 20.
WHM: Plenary Indulgence now also grants a 10% damage mitigation during it's effect
SCH: Ruin II changes to Fae Ruin while you have 50 Faerie gauge. It deals the same potency as ST but it is instant and AoE with falloff. It costs 50 Faerie Gauge
MNK: You learn Blitz at lvl 50 alongside Perfect Balance. Blitz is a lesser version of Masterful Blitz. You don't have beast chakras nor nadis and you can only use the Celestial Revolution finisher
DRG: Greiskogul is learned at lvl 50, Dragonfire dive at lvl 54 and the Blood of the Dragon at lvl 60.
NIN: Meisui's CD is reduced by 10 (Now 110 seconds)
BRD: Empyreal Arrow now has 2 charges
BLM: You retain your Astral Soul charges as long as you have Enochian
SMN: Refulgent Lux effect granted by Solar Bahamut now lasts forever till you use it
DRK: Bloodspiller and Quietus now has innate 200 MP recovery. 200 MP recovery effect from Delirium has been removed to compensate for this.
AST: They get Epicycle (The Reaper dash move) from PvP
MCH: Auto Crossbow also reduced the cd of Gauss Shot/Ricochet
SAM: Meditate now also freezes the durations of Fugetsu and Fuka
RDM: Grand Impact is now Separate from Jolt III. You can combine then should you wish
GNB: Heart of Stone is learned much earlier (lvl 52) the effect is boosted at lvl 68 instead.
DNC: Flourish changes to Fan Dance IV.
SGE: Rhizomata now also grants 1 Addersting
RPR: Executioner's actions now grants 10 soul gauge
VPR: Buffs granted by the 3rd hit of ST and AoE combos can also buff each other.
PCT: Weapon Motif and Landscape motif changes to Hammer Stamp and Star Prism respectively.
Should anyone has questions why, I am more than willing to answer.
For BLU, I'd like for them to actually increase the number of spells we can have on a set. Sometimes I like to have a few extra spells lying around, and just move them when I need them, instead of havinf to swap to a new SET, like 24 spells would be amazing.
Give dragoon a small Wyvern pet that attacks with you during Geirskogul and responds with specific new attacks when you use certain ones. Kind of like a mixture between living shadow and Bunshin. (Aka you use geirskogul. It uses nastrond, you use jump, it uses mirage dive, etc) this would ease up the franticness of dragoon's burst by effectively turning it's Lunchbox attacks into follow ups done on command by a pet which eases the amount of double weaves you need.
Also makes a nice callback to ff11, where dragoon had a Wyvern pet as well
i get where you're coming from but every dragoon main is going to hate this. the double weaves are the fun part
@@siosilvar oh I definitely agree. The reason for this is to help make sure drg is now able to build speed without completely destroying its burst rotation.
And also to lessen arthritis. Alternatively we could keep the double weaves and make them a command to the pet instead of an action WE do, which would lessen animation lock effectively allowing us to go in the OPPOSITE direction and weave even faster
@@KINGOFTHESPARKS755 ooh, okay, keeping the actions but making some of them pet attacks could be interesting. if we give it to specifically geirskogul that would make the optimal triple weaves (iirc buffs + life surge at 4 minutes and buffs + wyrmwind thrust at 8 minutes?) easier to pull off, too
@@siosilvar precisely! Drg requires an outright absurd number of weaves that have pretty hefty animation locks, which can make keeping everything up when you have latency a little tricky.
Plus this would also be a slight dps boost, as the little pet could also auto attack like summoner pets used to be able to.
maybe instead of just making it so thunder does no damage by itself, maybe the thunderhead buff can be replaced with a button you press that makes the thunder dot do extra damage. like, maybe, all of the dot damage in a single instance. this would give black mages something new to press during burst. we could call it, i dunno, sharpcast, maybe.
I AGREE WITH THAT MNK CHANGE SO MUCH. It feels so bad playing mnk without masterful bliss.
A change I wanna make is to give cast time to SMN's all summon skills. This seems more like a nerf, but it will make SMN feels more like a caster and make summoning feels more impactful. Which I would say is an improvement :D
Yeah it would probably require a bit of potency tuning for compensation, but I absolutely agree that putting cast times on the summons could make them feel more impactful and powerful!
For Astro, I'd add a zero-cooldown oGCD that makes your next Play 2 or Play 3 (the protection cards) apply to all players around you at half strength. This is so they don't feel useless in raid content, where I often find myself throwing them away!
But my ultimate change: level syncing no longer disables abilities, and locks your stats to specific values (instead of scaling from your gear). The idea is both to prevent power creeping old content by scaling down more aggressively, and also make level synced content much more fun by treating it the same as Unreal trials (just without the careful tuning that Unreals get).
I would want to improve Monk's leveling experience by making it so Four-Point Fury is learned at 30 and Rockbreaker is learned at 35. As it stands, Rockbreaker is learned at 30 and Four-Point Fury doesn't come until 45, making dungeons like Brayflox and Stone Vigil super awkward in AoE situations. I worry having both at 30 along with Arm of the Destroyer would be a bit too strong, so at least this way there's only a little awkwardness in Brayflox.
(course I could also just give every job an AoE by level 15 but)
Afflatus Protect should be one lillie and have a cool down, maybe 45s or a minute.
Scholar, make it so spending aether flow gives you a charge to spend on energy drain, rather than costing one.
To be fair i feel like carve and spit, abyssal drain should be a 30s cooldown or using delirium gives more mp to help DRK keep using TBN or flood and edge of shadows more frequently
Removing a buff on controller requires 5 taps on the tab button (select usually) on the default UI, then tapping right until you reach the buff you want to dismiss then A to confirm
You could /statusoff but that runs into macro weirdness
If we're ever going that route I propose that subtractive palette should turn into addictive palette when used and just turns you back into the default combo like a tank stance/Transpose
SMN: Astral/Umbral Impulse now has cast times of 1.50, but each cast grants you a stack of Dreadwyrm Aether that allows you to execute Enkindle Bahamut at 2 stacks. Same in Phoenix, except for the cast times. Potencies buffed to compensate. Also you alternate between Fountain of Fire and Brand of Purgatory again to deal more damage.
I honestly just think the demi summons are just really not fun by spamming one instant over and over. I wanted to get back some of old SMN's flair and make it more invigorating to play.
White Mage needs a high damage high cost spell. Kind of like a cure 3 equivalent. Somethin that is much stronger than Glare, but isnt a sustainable MP cost to be able to spam. That would give White Mage an interesting mechanic to play with and lean into the identity of being a high damage healer. I propose this spell is Tornado.
Don't change dissipation. It's basically a 30 second long seraphism. It's kinda awesome that scholar has so many powerful tools.
Combine RDM single target melee combo into a single button, just like moulinet
GNB: if two cartridges are available, Double Down now spends both of them and becomes a guaranteed Critical-Direct hit.
The only change i would make to SCH is make Fey Illumination affect healing actions, buff the mitigation or shorten the cooldown. Ill take anyone of these.
I would probably give red mage verraise or Magic barrier earlier or give more support options.
I agree with this. We have to pay the 'support tax' of lower DPS right from when you gain the job but you're not really any kind of support job until level 62.
Give whm the following: A use of afflatus solace gives the buff "Afflatus Radiance" which turns your "Holy" into "Glare IV" for a single use.
So, now you have a proper lilly dump, that you are incentivised to do. It is stored on the CORRECT button and you can keep it for movement.
Also, change "Glare IV" button from presence of mind to "Holy" pls.
for dragoon: turn winged glide back into shatterspine dive, BUT make it a gcd. dragoons are meant to have insanely good in combat mobility, and this wouldn't have the "using the gap closer as an ogcd during burst windows" because it would be a gcd that has lower damage than other options. probably make it do the same damage as piercing talon and also get the enhanced buff so that it's not just worse to use than piercing talon.
edit: or just remove life surge. life surge is bad.
One change to bard, all sings have 110 second cooldown
For WAR I want a new button that extends the duration of Surging Tempest as a gcd not requiring a target. FRU made me really crave this.
My one Improvement for Red Mage is somewhat similar to the one you proposed. Just upgrade Verstone and Verfire into AoE’s with DMG falloff, it always bugged me in dungeon runs how after doing my burst Verstone or Verfire would just sit there unused until I reached a boss or the buff ran out. You can go a step further and make Verthunder II and Veraero II proc the AoE versions of Verstone and Verfire.
An understandably small annoyance I have with the Ninja rework is you gain the ability to use Huton at 45 and then arent particularly incentivised to use for another 47 levels where you get Kunai's bane. I really wished they either gave kunai's bane earlier with a lower potency for the level range or just gave trick at an aoe component upgrade like how they did dokumori.
There was that one change to Paladin recently that I quite liked to get, which was getting Intervene earlier at Lvl. 66 instead of 74
Made running Stormblood content and Free Trial's lives easier!
I like all of the changes for the jobs I actively play, and one for a job I’d like to play but don’t (sch) is partially addressed here. Yoship please 🙏
One of the changes I want most dearly is for bard to actually have its full set of three songs at level 50. I enjoy bard but leveling it means regularly going into Crystal Tower (and into the MSQ roulette if you have the time) and the 30 seconds of dead zone where you have no songs to play feels just so bad. I can understand wanting the job to get a big party buff as a level 50 capstone (bard's thematic identity is very much a party support one) but in terms of actual gameplay the job feels so incomplete before 52. Jobs should feel like they have a coherent and well-defined kit by 50, and of the ARR jobs Bard is the worst outlier. I like your suggested paladin change as well for a similar reason. (That said, I honestly don't know what you could do for Reaper/Viper to not feel deeply boring at 50, but restoring the Noxious Gnash debuff as you suggest would actually be a step in the right direction - one sad thing the 7.05 viper change did was to make level sync'd viper even more boring than it already was).
One change = Give Miasma back to SCH
Bunch of chases = Remove fey blessing, aetherpact, summon seraph, seraphism. Return Miasma, Shadowflare, Rouse and upgrade dissipation at level 100 to have the ET cd change. Remove Fairy gauge too.
WHM, rather than giving them shields I would like to see a 2min CD party wide protraction (10-15% extra health) without bonus healing. If that is a bit underwhelming for a 2min CD maybe add a small 200 potency heal that procs when damage is taken to or after 15sec.
I agree with the Whm inclusion. I would say something like Sag's Kerachole 8% damage reduction for everyone and 200 healing. With the caviot that if the player has a shield already, it just gives 12% damage reduction and regen of 100.
Just gonna go over some changes for some of the jobs I play more, I suppose. Because I'm not going to just address all the ideas one by one. :p
White mage getting a less 'wasteful' lily spender would be nice. On the one hand I like the stackable shield idea, but also that'd maybe feel a bit too useful for what would be your dumpiest dump button.
For dancer my personal idea would have been "make tillana give you a free use of saber dance/dance of the dawn instead of 50 esprit", but that's basically tackling the same problem from a different direction.
Personally I'm fine with viper in it's current state, so your suggestion probably isn't what I would have done. (Although I'm not sure what I really would have done instead to be fair) I would not be opposed to your chage necessarily, though.
The paladin change sounds like a nice way to smooth out the levelling somewhat. (Although maybe give it actually paladin itself maybe as opposed to gladiator? but that's more of a nitpicky thing than anything)
interesting changes especially the sage one as it does feel weird that psyce is the only attack that doesn't interact with kardia.
Regarding white mage I feel part of the issue around late ARR leveling/ lvl 50 is the lack of any kind of instant heal compared to ast's aspected benefic and essential dignity which are both instant coupled with lightspeed+benefic 2 which can also be used in a tight spot. With that in mind I would swap benidiction and afflatus solace around in where they get them in level (50 & 52) with also the possibility of moving afflatus rapture up to lvl 62. Afflatus misery would remain unchanged.
I wish they'd give GNB a reload like meditation to generate cartridges in downtime. It feels so janky in ultimates or honestly any fight with downtime
I feel like, with your aflatus protect idea, I'd be more into a version reduces damage taken by 10% for 5 seconds. And maybe it could still trigger plenary indulgence. Although honestly, I'd settle for divine caress not being tied to temperance.
I'd prefer the return of thundercloud over making thunder a healer DoT. I'd _really_ prefer the return of sharpcast as well, but with the paradox change guaranteeing firestarter, I'd be fine without sharcast.
That ninja change would be neat. Turn the kunai gauge into something you have to consider even slightly, instead of a nothing job mechanic.
Honestly, ever since EW, I've had this idea where Kaiten could have guaranteed that your next weaponskill crits, instead how they slapped auto crit on all the iajutsu. It would have fulfilled the same purpose of making SAM burst less swingy without getting rid of the kenki management aspect from kaiten.
I like your use of the single down meme as a coherent part of GNB's kit. I know some people would hate having more continuations to press, but I think it's cool.
As far as improving dances to not drift as much, maybe give standard 2 charges like leylines, maybe give a 10s shorter CD to tech? Edit: wait no, a charge for standard might make burst windows toxic. Maybe just give it 5s shorter CD.
I feel like you could just add the palette gauge to Thunder in Magenta and adjust potencies to compensate. I'd also like if the normal spells transformed when using subtractive palette. They're unusable while under the buff as is, so having them just transform into the subtractive spells would make enough sense.
I think for RPR the attack buff needs to either be an ogcd or be implemented into the rotation
Rather than Single Down I'd call it Box Draw.
A box is what your hand in blackjack is called. If you like your initial hand off the draw you call a double down, which doubles your bet and draws another card.
Keeps a neat thematic with the ability because let's be real us GNB's are gambling on crits for a good fight 😂
Double down getting continuation would not be a very good change, it would give us less off global space to weave in mits. That's why rough divide is gone. I think GNB is in a really good spot after the 7.1 changes but i also kind of agree with the people saying bloodfest should be a 1 minute CD so we have a big burst every minute, instead of this awkward big - small @ 30s - medium - small - big etc. burst cycle the job has
All solid changes for the jobs I actually play. DRG isn't perfect but would be better than we have now. GNB is just flat out better and would make the hardcore and the midcore crowd happy. MCH is needed. SCH is the only one that I am meh on. Personally I would like to see more actions added to the fey gauge or even aetherstacks or change them in some interesting way. For me SCH could either A: have the fairy gain some form of damaging ability or damage buff so it both pairs with chain strat and combos as the shield version of AST. Or aetherflow stacks now grant a second damaging or healing effect if used.
my answer before watching - put BLM’s thunder spells on their own cooldown to make it less painful to apply during a rotation
edit after watching the black mage section: don’t know if i fully agree with removing the thunder impact damage, as i feel it would make it even harder to find its place in a rotation because of the dps loss, to the point where waiting out the GCD of applying it would put you further behind in damage compared to if you hadn’t. maybe combining our two ideas would work? unsure!
increase thunder DoT to compensate
As soon as you say "Make X more fun in crystal tower" my mind immediately goes to a job I rarely even play -
Why does Bard's third song not show up until 52? Fifty TWO.
Coincidentally staying in the Phys Ranged group:
Auto Crossbow gives Ricochet and Checkmate a full charge - no effect on Gauss Round/Double Check however.
I like the idea of the WHM lily, but instead have it augment Divine Benison to make it AoE. You still get a good shield, but it's resource intensive so you can't just replace a shield healer with a WHM.
This would probably require divine benisons cooldown to be a bit longer, but I see where you're going with it. Make it cost something else 🤔😊
For DRG, bring back Eyes. If you want to get rid of Lance Charge and keep the Gersh damage buff, replace LC with Eyes.
For machinist, besides various changes to improve AoE because currently it's just not very fun to play in dungeons IMO, the biggest change I'd want is some sort of maintenance button, only usable in combat, long GCD like six sided star or a separate cooldown time like your tools, perhaps even shared with Air Anchor, and it simply gives you heat and/or battery gauge.
it doesn't have to be a lot of gauge, but just something to do for fights with large amounts of downtime (like ultimates) that might not improve dps by a lot but make your rotation feel less awkward to get back into after said downtime.
BLM: Firestarter can stack 2 charges
PLD/WAR: gap closer damage removed
DRK: Dark Arts nowcause causes next Edge or Flood to heal
GNB: Fated Circle learned at a lower level
BRD: Raging Strikes upgrades to Battle Voice
BLU: Level reaches current level cap for last patch of an expansion, let chaos reign while we wait for next one to launch :)
Video covers what I'd do with DRG
That's all I got off hand, or at least all I could fit in 1 change per job.
Why even care about firestarter having a second charge? That doesn't seem that usefull after level 60
Personally, i would return to maining dark knight as a tank if we replaced enhanced unmend with a passive more in line with the other tank's passives in the same level range. Maybe something that enhanced dark mind like warriors gained an enhanced HoT for equalibrium, or adds an additional effect to the mp spenders or something
SCH addition: Spend 20? Fae Gauge to hasten the next spell's cast. It would be nice to give a new use to Fae Gauge.
As for SMN, the change you proffer is the best. Poor Phoenix being every 4 minutes is really odd.
I think it would bw funny if scholar got another DOT or that deployment tactics could spread dots or other effects to enemies like in pvp
If I could change multiple things: re-add all of Summoner’s DoT abilities. (Bio, Miasma, Bane, & Tri-Disaster)
I could say something for every job, but ill just stick with Summoner because i have a few. You might say something along the lines of this in the video but Ill put my thoughts down before i get to it:
Summoner needs literally anything for Carbuncle to do besides just exist. I HATE that it is just sitting there staring into space in the middle of a fight. I didnt mind that it didnt fight anymore at first because at least it had Searing Light and Radiant Aegis, but once they took Searing Light away I dont even want the Carbuncle anymore.
Carbuncle needs either an ability that it can use while its out besides Radiant Aegis or it needs to attack again while its out.
Also, SMN should have it's dot back, there is no reason its current rotation cant have at least one dot as well. And my reasoning for this is Fester and Painflare used to do more damage if the target had dots on it, so they felt connected to the rest of the jobs toolkit. Now theyre just a couple of ogcds slapped on to the side with duct tape. If dots truly cant be brought back for whatever reason, then Fester and Painflare (or their Dawntrail upgrades that i still just call Fester and Painflare) should be connected to the rest of the Summoners toolkit in a different way. Perhaps they could give a proc for the aforementioned Carbuncle ability?
Ehhhhhh I dunno about the SMN change, I'd just change Ifrit's melee combo into a ranged thing instead, would love to hear how you'd improve SMN overall! Maybe have it be it's own video~?
As MCH main I'd rather have autocrossbow trigger a cooldown reduction on Double Check and Checkmate, like Balzing shot does. Especially now that they both are aoe.
For Summon AOE I would just have Bishop and Queen do and AOE compnent with a falloff, like on Chainsaw.
my summoner change would be giving the phoenix single-ale combo action back. rebalanced as needed, but it would notably make the demis feel different, which i think they need pretty badly.
or you know. make physick a real button
I miss not having to transpose to get to cast a thunder spell
afflatus kerachole 😍
Machinist: give us more gadgets.
I actually like the gnb idea.
The only thing needed for tanks is gap closers at or before level 30.
arcane crest From reaper last 10sec i f it up so Many times bc of the 5 second timer
They already changed double down to use only 1 cartridge. No continuation though. Personally I’d like to see it change to “cross slash” and “double down” being the continuation. As far as animations keep the initial one the same but for the continuation you fling the X forward. Think Gaius in prae.
War remove damage from charge give charge to orogeny/upheavel.
Hot take but adding more buttons for the 50 and 60 range isn't the best way. People at that level are still learning how to navigate menus and dodge aoes, having 6 part combos will make their optimizations even worse. But I think having a few extra OGCDs or flashiness would be good since so much, especially in melee, feels so samey
I say for dnc, just make dance partner have no cool down, whenever you have those moments where two dancers, dance party the same person and having to wait 30 seconds is silly, but for a real change, hmm how about rdm verraise and vercure be at 50 would be nice at lower levels specially in those extremes and whenever the healer dies, at least can do something to help the team.
Your idea for turning Carve and Spit into DRK's filler skill isn't a bad idea. I especially like the extra free MP in a single target situation.
That being said, I can already hear the DRK players loudly complaining about how this change would nerf their burst damage in high-end raids (whether or not they actually do high-end raids).
True lmao 😂 I mean I'm sure you wouldn't have to cut carves damage down to half for it to be fair but yes I can also hear it 🤣
let us overcap like MNK or bring back old Tillana. either is okay. if bringing old Tillana is the way to go, make Flourish a [Flourishing] Action ready and increase feather proc to 100% for the duration.
I was neutral until you got to putting continuation on double down. I'm definitely 100% against that since double down took the place of burst strike for weave windows.
I adore machinist and my suggestion comes with an honest question: why doesn't Auto Crossbow grant the same effect as heat blast or if not something similar? Because of their ogcds both as of dt being aoe, any buff to them also increases the value of using heat blast over auto crossbow as the aoe skill is simply just damage. There is no other class in the game where their aoe skill is only a gain on 6(!!!) adds or more and with all due respect I find that silly.