Meditation Kamma | Ajahn Brahm | 06-06-2008

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 55

  • @michaelwin2762
    @michaelwin2762 9 лет назад +7

    Thank you so much for enlightening me how to be kind to myself. I read about being kind towards myself in religious books so many times, but I have not really known how to be kind towards myself. Your teachings are very pragmatic and priceless.

  • @mamabear7071
    @mamabear7071 2 месяца назад

    So wise, so compassionate, so kind, so funny. Absolutely lovable! ❤

  • @ninjazkoolboyholk1714
    @ninjazkoolboyholk1714 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for reminding us, do not blame anyone or any karma for any situation 🙏❤

  • @quantumbilly5091
    @quantumbilly5091 10 лет назад +1

    What a beautifully brilliant talk that is. Like being struck in the heart with peace. Thank you.

  • @NJHMhandyman
    @NJHMhandyman 9 лет назад +5

    true wise man. we all made good karma to be exposed to these teachings

  • @mzjwright
    @mzjwright 15 лет назад

    Always gotta be peeps that are willing to ruin a good thing eh...always wishing to spoil talk smack..its rather funny... This is a great vid, thank you so very much: it truly is uplifting and eye-opening! May we all find peace, here or in the hearafter** Ameen

  • @mumblealice17
    @mumblealice17 11 лет назад +4

    Kamma and Dhamma are Pali and Karma and Dharma are Sanskrit :)

  • @jazzusman
    @jazzusman 13 лет назад

    this answered a lot of questions that I had

  • @jagatheesanchandrasekharan7248
    @jagatheesanchandrasekharan7248 2 года назадвидео.htmleditation Kamma | Ajahn Brahm | 06-06-2008 Buddhist Society of Western AustraliaAjahn Brahm discusses the principle of kamma and how we can use it skilfully in our meditation practice.ካማካምማ ማለት ማለት ነው. የ KAMMA ህግ ማለት ድርጊታችን ሊደረስባቸው የማይችሉ ውጤቶች አሉ ማለት ነው. ወደ ሌሎች ጉዳት, የአንድ ሰው ጉዳት ወይም ለሁለቱም ጉዳት የሚመሩ የሰውነት, የንግግር ወይም የአእምሮ ሥራዎች አሉ. እንደነዚህ ያሉት ሥራዎች መጥፎዎች (ወይም 'healeomale') ካምማ ይባላሉ. እነሱ ብዙውን ጊዜ በስግብግብነት, ጥላቻ ወይም ማታለል ይነሳሳሉ. እነሱ ህመም የሚያስገኙ ውጤቶችን ያመጣሉ, እነሱ መከናወን የለባቸውም.እንዲሁም ወደ ሌሎች ጥሩ ጤንነት የሚመራ የአካል, የንግግር ወይም የአእምሮ ሥራዎችም አሉ, የአንድን ሰው ጥሩ ጤንነት ወይም የሁለቱም ጉድጓድ ነው. እንደነዚህ ያሉት ሥራዎች ጥሩ (ወይም

  • @chamika73
    @chamika73 11 лет назад

    everything n everyone made out of matter. all are part of the natural process, possessing different energy levels.

  • @hearts0ngs
    @hearts0ngs 13 лет назад

    @alfulani5 I just wanted to point out that there does not need to 'be' anyone recording every deed we do, because it's all 'recorded' in our own minds as we go, automatically so to speak. As for the bodily functions, and how they operate, well that's Nature for you, and wonderful it is, I agree. It is true that we can't control the heartbeat, digestion, excretion etc, but then I never suggested that we could. I was talking about how karma is 'recorded'.

  • @sutteet2495
    @sutteet2495 10 лет назад

    Thanks for the talk.

  • @hearts0ngs
    @hearts0ngs 13 лет назад

    @alfulani5 ...that 'intelligent being' is you - more specifically, your very own mind, in which an impression of every thought, word or deed you have ever done is stored. At the moment of death, the sum total of these impressions is what we 'take with us' and what manifests good or bad results to the 'doer'.

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 12 лет назад

    @tostrader44 The very existence of matter is proof of its creator. When I see a pen I can picture the factory which made it, as simple as that.
    So it is you who have to bring proof of atons making themselves, cells coming together by themselves and giving themselves life.
    And by the way suffering is what you go through when you get hungry. No meditation will help ease the suffering of hunger. You just need to eat something. Its NOT about controlling anything!!

  • @nastjavk
    @nastjavk 13 лет назад

    he is so good!

  • @TerrierBram
    @TerrierBram 13 лет назад

    I like the Mango tree example.

  • @adithyagk48
    @adithyagk48 12 лет назад

    I would humbly point out something that should be corrected in the video.
    The heading should be "Meditation Karma" - Dhamma or Dharma Desana by Ven. Ajahn Brahm thero. OR
    "Meditation Karma" by Ven. Ajahn Brahm thero.
    Thanks for your kind understanding.
    Adithya - Colombo/Sri Lanka

  • @Memetheas
    @Memetheas 13 лет назад

    I fall asleep while I was meditating,,,,I woke after the alarm rang...oh hour gosh sleepin meditation :(

  • @ramthian
    @ramthian 2 года назад


  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 13 лет назад

    @hearts0ngs So you mean to say the mind is a very complex mechanism which is capable of recording everything. So who made that sophisticated mind? This is like claiming a Boeing 747 or the space shuttle just popped out of nothing!
    Nothing makes itself!!
    Nothing pops out of nowhere!

  • @hearts0ngs
    @hearts0ngs 13 лет назад

    @alfulani5 I'm sorry that my previous comment was unclear. I did not mean to cause you any misunderstanding.
    It's a very deep subject and can't be understood fully without some basic experience in meditation, I feel. Because when we allow the mind to become still, we see how all the thoughts and emotions that reverberate there in the stillness, do so because we ourselves put them there, by thinking, speaking or performing actions in the past. (And I mean in THIS lifetime, mostly).

  • @StevensBorowsky
    @StevensBorowsky 13 лет назад


  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 14 лет назад

    So what happens to those who do lets say 49% good and 51% bad?
    Who makes the decision so as to who will become what?

  • @KarmicBeats
    @KarmicBeats 5 лет назад

    The vision in my mind of tired monks meditating is of a bunch of monks sitting in perfect meditative posture with the sound of snoring coming from them 😁

  • @integraleric
    @integraleric 13 лет назад

    Let's meditate :-)

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 14 лет назад

    So it looks someone should keep track of your good deeds and bad deeds and make a decsion as to what he will be born as in the next life?
    And this measuring and deciding is a complex process which needs an intelligent being!!
    And who is that being?

  • @1001orpheus
    @1001orpheus 11 лет назад +1

    Isn't kamma Pali for karma?

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 15 лет назад

    If there is no God, Who makes the decision about the life form one will take in the next life. Someone with intelligence should make that judgement!

  • @kiasulang8894
    @kiasulang8894 10 лет назад

    Read Destiny of Souls & Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton.

  • @wnjayantha
    @wnjayantha 11 лет назад

    yes, that's right. But there isn't word called 'Meditation' in Pali and it's called 'bhāvanā'. anyway these things shouldn't matter..

  • @93drackword
    @93drackword 11 лет назад

    let it go buddy, it's not about you right or not, it's about life in peace :)

  • @jca201225
    @jca201225 11 лет назад

    Why did Ajahn Brahm say he was a lazy monk?

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 15 лет назад

    By now I think you should have realized that I AM LOOKING FOR REPLIES!

  • @ddd7bbb
    @ddd7bbb 11 лет назад

    "Nothing makes itself!! Nothing pops out of nowhere!"
    Where did God pop out from?

  • @jca201225
    @jca201225 11 лет назад

    Where did the earth come from? Where did the universe come from? Where did "God" come from? Where did the form of Jesus Christ and the Buddha come from?

  • @miiigoreng
    @miiigoreng 11 лет назад

    Kamma- Pali. Karma- Sanskrit. Theravada uses Pali

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 15 лет назад

    watch this video:
    "Srilankan Buddhist monk's Sex"
    This is how Sri Lankan monks work on their "enlightment".

  • @balrogtheundefeated
    @balrogtheundefeated 12 лет назад

    The reason Buddhism skip the Creator because everything unconjectured about the Creator could be summarized as Nature@Karma. "The uncreated, no beginning nor ending" So when u question how the universe begin, the answer is it never had. Cells as well as consciousness arise and cease not by chances nor creator but by conditions known as laws of Nature@Karma.
    If u still insist everything must have a cause, u might as well deny your Creator which manipulatively claiming itself to be uncreated.

    • @user-gd2oi2eo7z
      @user-gd2oi2eo7z 2 года назад

      Buddhism clearly put the viewer of creator among the wrong views. In one sutta, in front Buddha, the Brahman God said that he created beings and sees everything under the control and possession l of Mara . Buddha told the Brahman that he is wrong and proved he is not as capable as Buddha. Look at the world, who would create something like a chaos and pain like this ! Wake up and meditate!

  • @lordbyron3603
    @lordbyron3603 5 лет назад

    Why shouldn’t it happen! Think of the countless insects and animals that died that day. I’m sure the ones the did survive are not asking why.

  • @TheRealSandleford
    @TheRealSandleford 10 лет назад

    heard of mooji? he's cool too. meditation is good, but you can just say "i am" no-thing damn good stuff

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 15 лет назад

    "Srilankan Buddhist monk's Sex"
    This phenominon happens in Sri Lanka and may be in other Buddhist countries aswell .
    Devout Buddist women married and unmarried offer sex services to the Buddhist monks. Monks say those who offer the services will get enlighted faster.

  • @marcin12345678932
    @marcin12345678932 7 лет назад


  • @Jaywest20
    @Jaywest20 9 лет назад

    Brilliant talk, however dog shit does not fertalize plants it ruins them, all carnivores poo does im afraid haha.

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 13 лет назад

    @hearts0ngs What?
    Are you supposed to accept everything a guy with the yellow robe tells you?
    Whatever happened to your analytical mind?
    I am NOT trying to prove anyone wrong, rather trying to find answers!!
    If you think you should just blindly follow anyone who you think is enlightened its fine with me.
    And after all I did not force you to have a discussion with me!!

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 13 лет назад

    Isn't it surprising the intelligent being cannot control 99.999% of the body he calls his own!!
    Can you control, your hunger, thirst, aging, death and other bodily functions you take for granted like maintaining the temperature, the contents of other chemicals, etc. ??

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 11 лет назад

    One of the meanings of the word God is eternal. And eternal he is!!
    Everything else fro the universe down to ants has been created by God.

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 11 лет назад

    First things first.
    Any person with a common sense sense will start thinking about the things that effects him and close to him. Other waste their lives asking irrelevant questions.
    If there is no creator thing should be making themselves. Show me one atom or a single living cell making itself.

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 15 лет назад

    Every human is born with dignity! And you have the right to keep that. Don't end up walking the streets of Asia barefoot, dressed in rags, begging for food, and kissing the feet of monks!!

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 14 лет назад

    Dont you see a big difference between a simple oscillation and a detailed evaluation and judgement?
    Judging one's activities is not as straight forward as a wave. Sometimes you have to kill one to save another one. And judging that takes intelligence and it cannot be done automatically.

  • @alfulani5
    @alfulani5 15 лет назад

    Its so difficult to find one Buddists who talks sense!