You've made a video on Kershaw's One Eyed God since the time of this video. I'd be curious to see how that book influenced your view. Here's my take on Óðinn, which differs from yours given here. He was originally the Indo-European god of the koryos. Sometime before or early on in what we can call the Germanic peoples, he transitioned to being a god of the tribe as well as the Männerbund. This probably arose due to Männerbünde conquering new territory and continuing to worship the god that gave it to them even into manhood, and alongside this the phasing out of the Männerbund as a social structure. What we have then is a society whose organizing impulse is the Männerbund spirit, hence the Germanic taste for expansion, conquest, and wolfishness, which we can see in the West even into the modern era. Some castes preferred Þórr, some regions preferred Freyr, but Óðinn as the god of the Germanic aristocracy is probably not a later innovation as you suggest. This duality of Männerbund and tribe in one god is the source of Óðinn's paradoxical nature. We can also see this in Shiva as the god of renouncers and householders, the corresponding classical Hindu social structures. As a god of death and initiation, it should come as no surprise that his cult would absorb Eurasian shamanic practices like the ritual death on a tree. Metaphysically, Óðinn's nature is tied up with initiation and thus enlightenment, which is also seen to order the cosmos, as shown by the triad Óðinn, Vili, Vé. This is the realization of the absolute in the manifest universe. In later interpretations, like one of Snorri's, he becomes a Hochgött, which corresponds to his paradoxical nature, as well as what we see of theistic initiation practices in other religions, like in some forms of Shaivism in which one sees that Shiva is the absolute and that the initiate is also Shiva. We also see the interplay of opposites such as life and death as the way in which the universe manifests.
It has significantly influenced and changed my position from that expressed in this video two years ago. However I still maintain that Odin was primarily a priest god like Braspati. I agree with you that Odin was the god of the Männerbund and that he has parallels with Shiva as Dumezil argued. As you say, he was a god of death and initiation, and it is that initiation that makes him an important conduit to divine knowledge. I have also learned of a very clear mythological-function-parallel in Baltic religion - Vėlinas in Lithuania, clearly a god of the dead like Odin, with links also to war and is similar also to Varuna in mythic function - the question of whether we associate Odin with Shiva, Brispati or Varuna is incorrect since various mythic functions of various deities can be reassigned to various others in complex ways so all are simultaneously possible. What is clear, and I actually say in this video, is that the functions of Odin as a divine mediator, and as a lord of the dead, were not innovations, even if Wotanaz was an innovation himself around 2500 BC (I no longer believe this to be the case) - Wotanaz has no etymological cognate with deities in other pantheons but he is clearly not an anomaly in IE religion and is likely always to have had a very prominent if not the most prominent role in Proto-Germanic religion.
Look at the early Bon traditions of shamanism around Lake Baikal, and follow their symbols West to the coast of Denmark. Odin and Freyas magical tradition is rooted in part there. You would have to find someone to share the oral teaching because its not written down yet. Oh and ask Odin. People forget that direct route exists because of the hierachical system. No great teachers came about without that direct route, looking within their own truth. Odin was a man, Freya a woman. Less ordinary
@I swing the Hammer of Thor I am Hunter I thought I was crazy six months ago when I put it all together and I see that I didn't get to far away from my sane mind 😂 but I don't care who said I am crazy, this is the most interesting hobby I've ever had, read, read, read and then compare to other peoples view and the puzzle pieces just fall in place ✅ thanks for the video, very informative 🌻
For bedtime stories, I always tell my son about how Odin was revealed the runes. How he gave his eye for knowledge, and how he hung himself on the Yggdrasil. I explain to him that he sacrificed himself to himself. Not to anyone else. He always asked why and I told him that this lesson is valuable to us. I told him that in order for Odin to become All knowing and the most wise, he had to sacrifice things in order to gain wisdom. I explain how we as humans must also sacrifice things we might want, or not want to let go of, in order to succeed or become better. One of them is time. Where he might want to use his time to play with toys, video games, or play outside, if he willingly sacrifices the time he desires to play, to read, write his ABCs, catalogue shapes on paper etc. He is sacrificing time in exchange for knowledge. I tell him that in order to get things he might want. There will always be something he must sacrifice in order gain.
@@MrCmon113 a sacrifice is the willfull deposit and exchange of power or value for more power. Time has value and that's a sacrifice people give to becom stronger and wiser. Odin sacrificed himself on the tree for wisdom. My son asked why odin himself did it. So I answered. And if my son asked why the norse people sacrificed animals and humans, I was answer the same. For power, strength and wisdom. You answered your own question the only difference is that you believed that pointing out I made a generalized metaphoric reason instead of a specified, literal reason is somehow wrong. Two things can be true at the same time.
@@chloroform1880 and occasionally feeling and believing in a great outcome attracts it without outer effort but that can be a sacrifice of suffering for success. Many get addicted to failure, familiarity, or toil... letting that go, while asking for divine support, can and does make things happen. It too is a sacrifice by being humble via asking for a Gods gifts by simple requesting in true desire. I believe / feel / experience... both sacrifice and belief are twin pillars of manifestation. Odin did believe a great thing would happen due to his request, journey, sacrificial “connection” to/with Yggdrasil. Sometime just going forward to something triggers it’s positive outcome. That’s in the story to, but less obvious. My point being, self pain may be present, pushing one to the point of authentic seeking, but not all of a journey is sacrifice, some of it is just authentic desire, like being thirsty first, drinking water second. I just want to support you in teaching your son, with a 2nd idea that while sacrifice is a great tool of winning better outcomes, sometimes no sacrifice is required, simple seeking / requesting (from the gods) though is required. Like last night, I was not happy, this is a understatement... I requested for Devine support from Thor and other gods, I made know outer sacrifice but that of sincere request... and went to sleep without time at my alter / doing respectful processes . I woke earlier, I woke after a beautiful dream of confidence and strength, while seeing a beautiful dark evening view, having connected with a dark and beautiful young woman who I seduced and who enjoyed my strengths and skills of self... It was a blessing to feel so good waking up happy and positive. We’ve all experienced requesting and getting Devine love n support without more than serious and humble requests. Just find a way to work that into your sons training other wise it’s a only sacrifice is the way forward. Imo, it’s both. Seeking and sacrifice. Each gives a blessing and not only one of them. Thank you Thor ✊🏼
Jes,us is Lo.,ki. He is the tra ns(gen-der) Baph,,omet image of Sa,tan in dis(guise). He is the trick,ster god . RUclips search "Jesus Baphomet 2245 Hiroshi" .. Your right,ful Lo,,rds O,.din and T.,hor have re-turned to help you see. Fe,,ed the Ra,,vens and Cr..ows they will ans(wer) your pray,,ers
I have studied this for twenty seven years, leaving no stone unturned. This video is the most on point expression of this subject that I have seen yet on RUclips. Great work, and have a beautiful and mighty Midsummer !
Jes,us is Lo.,ki. He is the tra ns(gen-der) Baph,,omet image of Sa,tan in dis(guise). He is the trick,ster god . RUclips search "Jesus Baphomet 2245 Hiroshi" .. Your right,ful Lo,,rds O,.din and T.,hor have re-turned to help you see. Fe,,ed the Ra,,vens and Cr..ows they will ans(wer) your pray,,ers
i watched your video and i want to offer you a different perspective on this subject: have you heard about "The Legend of the Dii" ? if not, well the Dii were a Thracian nation that migrated north after the roman conquest of today's Balkan area, we don't know whether they were of Odrysian stock or Getic stock, but in their migration north they did pass trough getic and dacian lands, and those thracian nations DID worship the god Ghebeleizys who is represented EXACTLY like Odin and has many of his atributes, these Dii were said to be the most fierce of the Thracians and they were red haired like most other thracians and if the legend is to be believed then it is said that they settled in Scandinavia, so maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle, that the red headed gods Frey and Thor were formely legendary leaders of those Dii and those Ice giants that they banished were native Ice Age europeans, as for Odin he might have become an adopted deity and renamed just as the romans adopted Zeus and renamed him Iupiter, also the way Odin takes his many avatars is identical to the way that Ghebeleizys took the avatar of Zalmoxis in order to prove to the Dacians that the afterlife was real and that Ethernal Oak(represented as Yggdrasil in Scandinavia) will house the souls of warriors, also the Dacians commited willing ritual sacrifices where one of the best of warriors let him self be sacrificed on Kogaion so as to act as a messenger to the Gods much in the same way as the procession at Upsala. sry for the long rant, but i rarely have anyone to discuss such matters with...
Odin is the concept of a god or super-magician who teaches man the secrets of magic. He's very similar to Hermes of the Greeks, Mercury of the Romans, Thoth of the Egyptians, and Hermes Trismegistus of the Hermeticists. Either different religions are talking about some far off legendary superhuman that was at one time a real person, or this archetype continues to repeat itself throughout history, and the works of people following the archetype would later become attributed to the god their actions represent. Either way, it's an important myth to have, as it inspires one to search for divine wisdom and the secrets of nature, while also recognizing self-sacrifice and the hard road of self-improvement is necessary to reach that end goal...
Correct. I do believe these beings while they go by different names are actually speaking of the same being. Like for instance Enki, Lucifer, and Prometheus are all names of the same being in my opinion.
Odin was referred to as Mercury by the Romans. Both Gods of magic, bringers of knowledge, journey’s, travellers, tricksters, and senders of Ravens. They are very much the same deity.
As a young adult of German, Norwegian, and English decent who is currently nonreligious and attempting to learn more about the beliefs of my ancestors this is fascinating, I know this is an older vid but if you see this could you recommend some books to help me better understand this religion and how much we really know about this. Thank you! :)
@@theycallmetheantichristili356 Don't know anything about the whole "Aryan" business. But Odinn/Woden/Wotan/Uuodan IS a GERMANIC God for the GERMANIC people. That is nothing personal to anyone of any other race. It just is. Aztecs had their Gods, Chinese had their Gods, Africans had their Gods and we of Germanic blood have ours. Of which Odinn is foremost. Facts is facts.
@@frekitheravenous516 shit stiring plot twist I hope you can find humor in, imagine a guy in Mexico who could trace his lineage back to the Visigoths lmao. Spjalli Gauta
This is the first time that RUclips recommendations actually showed me something life-changing and fantastic! You HAVE another subscriber. Why you don't have more is crazy; this is extremely important
I would just like to say that this information is just what I needed. To the presenter just a little thing, it's truly marvelous to hear a person speak these days without hearing ' ummmm or errrrr" in between sentences. Well done.
Very interesting analysis! The strange and manifold aspects of Woden have always fascinated me and I feel like your interpretation of the deity as a sort of Priest-God really manages to integrate most of the curious facets of his character and worship. It could also fit with his role as the leader of the Wild Hunt, since a priestly figure would probably be associated with the souls of the dead and their service. That would also link him to Mercury/Hermes, who is a "leader of souls" ("psychopompos") as well.
Rex Paganus Actually Odin's association with the wild hunt is a very late addition.Also there are a good many differences between Odin and Hermes.Hermes leads the shades to the crossroads where he meets up with Hekate.Odin does no such thing at all.He's a psychopomp in a different way altogether and Odin rules over an afterlife,is a wisdom God and is a war God which Hermes has no such association with.
You are obviously an incredibly thoughtful individual. I have just tonight happened across your channel (though I first heard you on the Interregnum podcast) and am very much enthralled by it. Your description of Odin/Wodin/Wotanaz and his significance as the connection between Man and God rings quite true to me. And if not true, at the least profoundly thought-provoking. This way of understanding the Pagan pantheon as a fluid metaphysical realm is a great way to illuminate the Elder God's true value and importance. In how us as humans benefit from these personifications of pursuits, of practices, of being. And what they may have meant for the development and later the expression of the European soul. Bless you brother, for your role in the revival of the European man. I look forward to viewing the rest of your work. If there is any videos of yours or others that you consider more intriguing and nourishing to the esoterically inclined, please reach out to me with your recommendations. Thank you.
I'm in aww. Thank you so much for being a reference AND and outlet for the Americans who have become so detached from our cultural identity. My family came from Scotland, Wales, and Northern England and I've always been fascinated by history. My grandparents migrated to the US after WWII from Wales. I just wish I had talked to them more about our homeland. In America you're encouraged and indoctrinated from an early age to disassociate yourself from your cultural heritage. To become another clump in the homogenized mess we're told is a "melting pot". We lose our grounding and become one big uninspired amalgamation, void of any real culture of it's own. Aside from that we attempt to co-op from Indigenous tribes. Children are not encouraged to find their homeland, because if America is in fact a land of immigrants we must surely all have homelands right? No. In short our children are told it's racist to be proud of our heritage, but only if that heritage is seated across the Atlantic. Mexican children are fed stories if their forebearers and told to be proud. Black children are told of their rich African cultural heritage and told to be proud. I will never deprive my children of their heroic pasts, because we should be proud. We mapped the globe. We built cities and civilizations, created art and brought those things across the oceans.
I never experienced any of that. Where I live we celebrate St. Patrick's Day, have a Welsh festival, a Greek festival, and an Octoberfest every year. They are all very well promoted and attended.
Jes,us is Lo.,ki. He is the tra ns(gen-der) Baph,,omet image of Sa,tan in dis(guise). He is the trick,ster god . RUclips search "Jesus Baphomet 2245 Hiroshi" .. Your right,ful Lo,,rds O,.din and T.,hor have re-turned to help you see. Fe,,ed the Ra,,vens and Cr..ows they will ans(wer) your pray,,ers
There are many places in Västra Götaland named after Odin, such as Odensåker and Odenskulle. The latter was a hump where geats sacrificed to Odin for many centuries. You should look it up. Great video!
Sigurd Koks There is also a place called Odensjö (Odens lake) on the west shore of lake Bolmen (Swedens 10th largest) on the border of the Smålland/Halland region. Plus i think a small lake Oden (Odensjö) in the highlands of Söderåsens national park in the northwest Skåne district - that one is like a crater.
Maybe because the tail of Herodotus about Zalmoxis imported Hermes/Seth culture thrue Moldavia /Crimea to the north makes sense!it was the area of the Goth settlement in the south also running on the amber road!So we see the connection with the Goths in Sweden today!Swears the enemies of the Goths do not use much Wottan/Odin ,also maybe a connection with the king,kung,gung(rex-rich) institution versus the warlord
Another interesting and fascinating video! StJ/Thomas never disappoints. Finding a new video by StJ/Thomas is a treat and it is always with eagerness I look forward to his clips.
Just discovered this channel and it is amazing. A truly fact-based and down-to-earth treasure of knowledge about old European traditions, very opposite to the channel through while i discovered you, a very different and more intelligent *perspective*. Thank you for this video and this channel.
Odin is the pagan-European ideal balance of the four masculine archetypes. Read Gillette and Moore's Four Masculine Archetypes books, even the ones that go into each one. Warrior. King. Magician. Lover.
@@theycallmetheantichristili356 so a bastard people adopted a god from one of their seafaring ancestors...? Its not rocket science. "Mexican" isnt even a race, its a nationality.
Thanks for this brilliant video. I've been studying Odin and the Runes for a while now and you've really helped to bring some things into focus and deepen my understanding of others.
There is a little town named Woden in the Texas county I am from. I never knew it was named after Odin until I saw this a couple years back. Great video!
Have you thought about doing a video on The Birth of Tragedy and the relationship between the Dionysian and Apollonian creative energies, and how this relates to the Norse cosmology? As another commenter mentions, focussing on the link, as evidenced by Nietzsche and Jung, between the physiological and the metaphysical is vital for a reevaluation of the concept of religion away from a Semitic superstitious conception and towards a more organic European understanding. I also second the appeal by a commenter for a video on the Bhagavad Gita. Your video's are of great value. High quality educational content never fails to disappoint. Keep up the great work!
If i do a video on Nietzsche it would be to dispel certain misconceptions of his. I like his aristocratic ideas, but it is no coincidence that Alex Soros is doing a speech on Nietzsche this week
He is a crucial thinker for Europeans in the modern age but he deserves proper critical treatment. I would certainly look forward to hearing your word on the matter, as I'm sure many others would too.
Wow, I also see many parallels with Shiva from the perspective of Shaivism. The Divine Ecstasy is like Shiva as Nataraj, Lord of the Dance, in his Divine Frenzy (of creation- creating). Also similar is how this divine frenzy is reached through activity in the world, that all activity in the world can be an entry point into this god consciousness, as well as divine ecstasy or samadhi achieved through meditation, as Shiva is pictured meditating upon the holy mountain seeking enlightenment, even though at the same time he IS enlightenment (but from the Trika perspective, through activity in the world while maintaining god consciousness is the supreme way.) Also similar- as the thrice-fold creator, like Odin- Vili- Vi, the Supreme being Parabhairava (Shiva), the Source of spirit, source of everything, Father; also being the energy (Shakti) that is the Universe manifest; also being God as man (man being Shiva in disguise, so to speak). Also there is the similarity in the idea of God being the same as or manifesting as another god, like Shiva being the same as Vishnu and the same as Krishna (from the Shaiva perspective) and infact ALL the gods being expansions of Shiva.
This video is stellar dude, this is the first video i've watched from you, and i'm glad i've found a video about my ancestor's gods! You've got yourself a new subscriber dude.
You are an amazing host. By far , my favorite page to refer to when I’ve missed something in my books. You seem like a very accomplished student , I envy your path to sharing forgotten knowledge , great work .
Carl Jung believed and had stated several times that National Socialism was a resurgence of Wotanism for the Germanic folk. Hitler is quoted as saying: “Whoever thinks that National Socialism is only a political movement does not understand anything.” "National Socialism was always Hitlerism, and Hitlerism always had an esoteric foundation. At the end of the 1930’s and during the war years it was not possible or convenient that this theme be widely known. However, after the war and its apparent loss, there was no other way for Hitlerism than the esoteric development. *For me, National Socialism is being possessed by the Archetype of the collective unconscious, which the Greeks used to call Gods - among them, Apollo, which really is Wotan for the Germans, and Vishnu or Shiva for the Hindus* - and its development in the individual and collective souls of the actual Hitlerist warriors." Interview with author Miguel Serrano According to authors like Miguel Serrano (among others), Wotan/Odin was the same person known by different names to different peoples. He also made direct links between Wotan, Odin, Lucifer and Quetzalcoatl, claiming they were the same figure. "Lucifer: He is Apollo, the God of Light and Beauty. He is also Abraxas and Quetzalcoatl, the Hyperborean, Atlantean Solar Kristos. He came down from the Morning Star, Venus. Defeated in a stellar battle, he will always be the loser on the involuted Second Earth of Kaliyuga, but he will be the victor on the Other Earth, when the Golden Age returns. He must lose here in order to carry the Earth back to its origins and transfigure it, moving from city to city, chakra to chakra, until he reaches the void of the Black Sun behind the Sun of Gold and the Ray of Green Light behind the Black Sun. He is the God of the Losers in the Kaliyuga and of the Return to Hyperborea. His emblem is the Left-handed Swastika, that of the Return. He is the supreme Guide of the Pilgrims of the Dawn, of the Acolytes of Lucifer, the Morning Star. Lucifer is also Odin-Wotan. The Cathars called him Luci-Bell." Nos: Book of The Resurrection by Miguel Serrano "The Black Sun is the door that connects the world of the Gods with this material or demiurgic world. The Black Sun is the astral tube which the soul finds when projected out from the physical body. Its form and representation is that of the Swastika, the sacred sign of the Lords, the Hyperborean divine ones, who can cross in one or another direction at will. They are the Lords of the Two Worlds. For in truth the real world, the world that has its own identity, is the world of the Gods, whilst the material world does not exist in itself, but is a plagiary of an 'other world' in which dwell the forces of the spirit. In the end, when the cycle closes, the boundary between the worlds disappears. Then the Wildes Heer, The Warrior Order of Odin/Wotan/, the Einherier (the Resurrected Heroes), leaving Valhalla, come to wage the Final Combat to free the world from the Evil One." - Maya: Reality Is An Illusion by Miguel Serrano
I have my doubts about your view that Thunor/Thor was at one time a Sky Father. Except for the Greeks and Romans, didn't most IE peoples separate the Sky Father from the Thunder God?
You mean the old "my kid asked me a question and I didn't know so I made something up and it was a really good story so he told the same thing to his kid" etc for the next thousand years?
@@SinsteelYeah, as compared to the new "I cut my genitals off and wear makeup and pink pretending it makes me a woman" of our modern, enlightened world of soyence and gaytheism.🙄
I really loved your video, awesome job man. I also really loved that you went into depth over the topic of ancient german and proto german views. I feel like there arent enough sources that talk about ancient germanic peoples and cultures so this is very refreshing. I know a lot of people love the viking age or medieval age but I always loved learning about the migration period and the germanic tribes.
kinda reminds me of Buddha, he meditated on his religion and on seeking a fundamental truth and was through his attained wisdom and dedication has been pretty much deified and is held as the example of wisdom and is worshipped by many now
ah yes forgot about the tree, are there any book s dealing with this comparison, is there evidence of some kind of meditative tradition in early European or Norse religion
This has to be the best video I have seen dedicated to the allfather. You tell me things that even I did not know about him. I cannot wait to read your book.
Have you watched any of Dr. Jackson Crawford's videos? They are very good and he is a professor of Old Norse language and myth at UCLA so he knows what he is talking about. He has a video where he talks about where he thinks the "Germanic" gods including Oðin came from. You should check his videos out because like you he is criminally undersubbed.
We're the only ones to trust it to, as we're the only ones left with a vestige of free speech. Pagan lore will probably be outlawed and eurocucks will just accept that.
I dont have the words or the time to express to you how much I appreciate this video, I subscribed to you by the end of the first video I watched but, I had no way to know what I was in for
Jes,us is Lo.,ki. He is the tra ns(gen-der) Baph,,omet image of Sa,tan in dis(guise). He is the trick,ster god . RUclips search "Jesus Baphomet 2245 Hiroshi" .. Your right,ful Lo,,rds O,.din and T.,hor have re-turned to help you see. Fe,,ed the Ra,,vens and Cr..ows they will ans(wer) your pray,,ers
@I swing the Hammer of Thor I am Hunter Shut the fuck up nobody wants to hear your schizophrenic bullshit, you even made two accounts, you have some major brain injury?
@@thorsten8790 Oh I get it! You're an angry little man because there is NO POSSIBLE WAY Odin belongs to anyone other than the Aryan race. Wrong thinking! We'll see how far that takes you
You talked about trinities in Christianity, the father the son and the holy spirit, but in stories of old and mythology you see the trinity returning a lot. The 3 Norns (Urd, Verdandi and Skuld) who are very similar to the 3 Greek Fates ( Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos) who symbolize past, present and future or the origin, the now and the decline/end. The Egyptian trinity, Osiris,Isis and Horus.
I love that your video was shot outdoors. I am reading theviking spirit by McCoy right now and he mentions that assemblys and religious ceremonies were done outdoors on places of specially beautiful scenery. I just subscribed! Nice channel!
Great video! I highly recommend reading "Sorcery and Religion in ancient Scandinavia" and " Reflections on European mythology and polytheism " by Varg Vikerness. And Marie Cachet takes it even further, for example Odin is every newborn and does not have a name, therefore has no past or future, until he reaches a certain age and is ready to be initiated and reclaim his past ( name, possession and honor ). Thus he becomes the ancestor i.e the ancestor is reincarnated. The nine days he hangs are the nine months in the womb, and the tree is the placenta. But such a tree also grows above the burial mound. So when the initiation takes place the children go into the mound ( womb ) and come out reborn as their ancestor, after a series of tests and trials. And the way they chose who they are ( the ancestor who is to be reincarnated )is by remembering their past life, name etc. Practitioners in other such ritual events would symbolically wound themselves and hang their clothes on sacrificial trees, in a way sacrificing themselves before they go into the realm of the dead ( mound ) and come back anew.....
Him hanging for 9 days might also be a reference to pregnancy. Yggdrasil in that context is a womb and hanging represents connection to the umbilical cord. Sounds like it could ultimately be a story of returning to one's roots to seek the knowledge of the ancestors?
I don't think Varg is sociopathic, however, 16 years in prison and a lot of personal attacks on him have left a mark. Jive is more knowledgeable but Varg makes good points and is worth listening to.
Amazing video as always. A good red pill in dark times like these. Btw I actually knew a guy at school that was named Oden, I don't think it's a name fit for mortals but cool nonetheless.
I used to watch Varg's channel because he's a curious character, and I was actually disappointed when I found out what his paganism meant, even if I knew nothing about the subject. The idea that our ancestors were actually atheists and not spiritual at all always sounded wrong to me for some reason. I'm glad I found your channel, ironically thanks to his attacks against you.
Is that more your wording, or a self identification of his? I'm not his biggest supporter, I am just a fan of his music, but I've read some of his writing, statements, watched videos before (again, none of which do I necessarily agree with, there are exceptions though, not all of it is too heinous), and I haven't gotten that feeling from it. Like if someone believes that the gods are representations or symbols of natural powers, or elements of society, and humanity, you're going to arbitrarily conclude that that's atheism, you would be wrong in many cases.
A revelation I had watching this video; The Valknut is commonly associated with Odin. Odin is associated with the number 9. The Valknut is made up of 3 interlocking triangles. A triangle has 3 sides, obviously, and 3 triangles interlocked together have 9 sides (3x3=9). Just an observation.
Long story, but I and some friends performed a rite at Wayland's Smithy (to Woden and to Wayland) one night, and shortly afterwards an old man appeared near us, dressed in a smart black suit, hobbling with a walking stick. He claimed to be on his way back from somewhere and 'thought he'd stop by to pay respects to his old friend Wayland'. Wayland's Smithy is a LONG, dark walk from anywhere, and he had no torch. Nor had we heard him enter through the enclosure gate, as is usually the case. He then went to the stones and tapped his cane on them in a morse-code-like fashion, then departed. There are more wyrd details I can't go into here.
@@leighjordine4031 We had a lively dog with us, who somehow didn't notice this approaching 'man' until he was just a few metres away. He told us he knew why we were there, and then told us how he used to "come here with all my children and great-grandchildren". He then, as mentioned, performed his strange little rite, and departed. We offered to shine a torch for him as he left and he refused - preferring to hobble along in the pitch dark, alone, down a secluded rural track. When I say I can't go into details, I mean that I refuse to write an essay in a comment section full of skeptics. But for those of you genuinely spiritual, and with an open-mind, I hope this serves as proof of divinity's presence.
Citation from the Ynglinga saga: "The country east of the Tanaquisl in Asia was called Asaland, or Asaheim, and the chief city in that land was called Asgaard. In that city was a chief called Odin, and it was a great place for sacrifice." These lands east of the Don, or as this river was called earlier - Tanais, was inhabited by warlike tribes of Indo-European origin - Alans. Modern descendants of Alans - Ossetians or Oss are inhabitants of Caucasus. See more: "Jakten på Odin" is a title of Thor Heyerdahls last project
I don't see the point for the Norwegian Christians of the Middle Ages to make Odin king of the ancient Sarmato-Alanians. Yngling saga is based on more ancient legends, because the legends, that Odin was a real man existed long before the Christianity came to Scandinavia
As i have said, the cult of wotanaz did not begin in scandinavia. It was German first and started over 1500 years befotr ynglinga saga was written down
Its videos like this why i never get anything done, ever. I feel conflicted right now. Plus, this guy just gave me three things to immediately check up after this. *sighs* *subscribed*
Interesting Video !! Odinn is the Truth about our People !! He is still between us all ! And we can feel his great magic power """ Our Tree Yggdrasil is still connected with the roots and we are the roots of Odinn !!! Big Hug to you !!! Excellent video !!!
I have always been fascinated by Wodan's "priestly" sacrifice as relayed to us, and the creation of the cosmos by Odin, Vili , & Ve. If one understands the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and the Eternal Priesthood of Jesus, according to the Order of Melchizedek, one can see, along with the Trinity-like nature of Odin and his brothers, a sort of "seed" of Truth long ago planted by the Most High in the Germanish heart. This is the best video study of the topic of Woden I have found. Thank you!
Really love your work, Ive been on a journey to rediscover my famillies lost pagan roots and your videos have been helpful on my wanderers journey. Skal brodir
As a Christian who has studied pre-Christian Europe, I just wanted to say that this was very informative and thought provoking thanks for making the video!
You've made a video on Kershaw's One Eyed God since the time of this video. I'd be curious to see how that book influenced your view. Here's my take on Óðinn, which differs from yours given here.
He was originally the Indo-European god of the koryos. Sometime before or early on in what we can call the Germanic peoples, he transitioned to being a god of the tribe as well as the Männerbund. This probably arose due to Männerbünde conquering new territory and continuing to worship the god that gave it to them even into manhood, and alongside this the phasing out of the Männerbund as a social structure. What we have then is a society whose organizing impulse is the Männerbund spirit, hence the Germanic taste for expansion, conquest, and wolfishness, which we can see in the West even into the modern era.
Some castes preferred Þórr, some regions preferred Freyr, but Óðinn as the god of the Germanic aristocracy is probably not a later innovation as you suggest.
This duality of Männerbund and tribe in one god is the source of Óðinn's paradoxical nature. We can also see this in Shiva as the god of renouncers and householders, the corresponding classical Hindu social structures.
As a god of death and initiation, it should come as no surprise that his cult would absorb Eurasian shamanic practices like the ritual death on a tree.
Metaphysically, Óðinn's nature is tied up with initiation and thus enlightenment, which is also seen to order the cosmos, as shown by the triad Óðinn, Vili, Vé. This is the realization of the absolute in the manifest universe. In later interpretations, like one of Snorri's, he becomes a Hochgött, which corresponds to his paradoxical nature, as well as what we see of theistic initiation practices in other religions, like in some forms of Shaivism in which one sees that Shiva is the absolute and that the initiate is also Shiva. We also see the interplay of opposites such as life and death as the way in which the universe manifests.
It has significantly influenced and changed my position from that expressed in this video two years ago. However I still maintain that Odin was primarily a priest god like Braspati. I agree with you that Odin was the god of the Männerbund and that he has parallels with Shiva as Dumezil argued. As you say, he was a god of death and initiation, and it is that initiation that makes him an important conduit to divine knowledge. I have also learned of a very clear mythological-function-parallel in Baltic religion - Vėlinas in Lithuania, clearly a god of the dead like Odin, with links also to war and is similar also to Varuna in mythic function - the question of whether we associate Odin with Shiva, Brispati or Varuna is incorrect since various mythic functions of various deities can be reassigned to various others in complex ways so all are simultaneously possible. What is clear, and I actually say in this video, is that the functions of Odin as a divine mediator, and as a lord of the dead, were not innovations, even if Wotanaz was an innovation himself around 2500 BC (I no longer believe this to be the case) - Wotanaz has no etymological cognate with deities in other pantheons but he is clearly not an anomaly in IE religion and is likely always to have had a very prominent if not the most prominent role in Proto-Germanic religion.
@@Survivethejive Baltic tradition is a blind spot for me, so I'm not familiar with Vėlinas, but otherwise I'm in total agreement!
Look at the early Bon traditions of shamanism around Lake Baikal, and follow their symbols West to the coast of Denmark. Odin and Freyas magical tradition is rooted in part there. You would have to find someone to share the oral teaching because its not written down yet. Oh and ask Odin. People forget that direct route exists because of the hierachical system. No great teachers came about without that direct route, looking within their own truth. Odin was a man, Freya a woman. Less ordinary
@Alien Alien Careful. Look up the Esalen Institute.
@I swing the Hammer of Thor I am Hunter I thought I was crazy six months ago when I put it all together and I see that I didn't get to far away from my sane mind 😂 but I don't care who said I am crazy, this is the most interesting hobby I've ever had, read, read, read and then compare to other peoples view and the puzzle pieces just fall in place ✅ thanks for the video, very informative 🌻
For bedtime stories, I always tell my son about how Odin was revealed the runes. How he gave his eye for knowledge, and how he hung himself on the Yggdrasil. I explain to him that he sacrificed himself to himself. Not to anyone else. He always asked why and I told him that this lesson is valuable to us.
I told him that in order for Odin to become All knowing and the most wise, he had to sacrifice things in order to gain wisdom. I explain how we as humans must also sacrifice things we might want, or not want to let go of, in order to succeed or become better. One of them is time. Where he might want to use his time to play with toys, video games, or play outside, if he willingly sacrifices the time he desires to play, to read, write his ABCs, catalogue shapes on paper etc. He is sacrificing time in exchange for knowledge. I tell him that in order to get things he might want. There will always be something he must sacrifice in order gain.
@@MrCmon113 a sacrifice is the willfull deposit and exchange of power or value for more power. Time has value and that's a sacrifice people give to becom stronger and wiser. Odin sacrificed himself on the tree for wisdom. My son asked why odin himself did it. So I answered. And if my son asked why the norse people sacrificed animals and humans, I was answer the same. For power, strength and wisdom. You answered your own question the only difference is that you believed that pointing out I made a generalized metaphoric reason instead of a specified, literal reason is somehow wrong. Two things can be true at the same time.
@@chloroform1880 You're absolutely right, and from your account you seem like a great father.
@@viktor5569 thank you. I'd like to think I'm doing my best.
@@chloroform1880 and occasionally feeling and believing in a great outcome attracts it without outer effort but that can be a sacrifice of suffering for success.
Many get addicted to failure, familiarity, or toil... letting that go, while asking for divine support, can and does make things happen.
It too is a sacrifice by being humble via asking for a Gods gifts by simple requesting in true desire.
I believe / feel / experience... both sacrifice and belief are twin pillars of manifestation.
Odin did believe a great thing would happen due to his request, journey, sacrificial “connection” to/with Yggdrasil.
Sometime just going forward to something triggers it’s positive outcome. That’s in the story to, but less obvious.
My point being, self pain may be present, pushing one to the point of authentic seeking, but not all of a journey is sacrifice, some of it is just authentic desire, like being thirsty first, drinking water second.
I just want to support you in teaching your son, with a 2nd idea that while sacrifice is a great tool of winning better outcomes, sometimes no sacrifice is required, simple seeking / requesting (from the gods) though is required.
Like last night, I was not happy, this is a understatement... I requested for Devine support from Thor and other gods, I made know outer sacrifice but that of sincere request... and went to sleep without time at my alter / doing respectful processes .
I woke earlier, I woke after a beautiful dream of confidence and strength, while seeing a beautiful dark evening view, having connected with a dark and beautiful young woman who I seduced and who enjoyed my strengths and skills of self...
It was a blessing to feel so good waking up happy and positive.
We’ve all experienced requesting and getting Devine love n support without more than serious and humble requests.
Just find a way to work that into your sons training other wise it’s a only sacrifice is the way forward. Imo, it’s both.
Seeking and sacrifice. Each gives a blessing and not only one of them.
Thank you Thor ✊🏼
Wow, I like this very much.
"The dankest of Gods" Oh boy this is going to be half an hour well spent!
dank = progenitor (9 removed from the progenitor actually)
Are you that pug guy?
You have the cool version of my profile picture.
At 23:47 the subtitle says "the dank god".
Your videos are some of the most unique educational and enlightening stuff I've seen on RUclips.
If you enjoy his content, I recommend ThuleanPerspective (Varg Vikernes' channel), Red Ice TV, Jackson Crawford, and History with Hilbert!
[ deleted ]
He is literally woþs.
Wow! Of course he does not! What was I thinking when I wrote this comment. It is very mean. I hope he did not read it o.o
Jes,us is Lo.,ki. He is the tra ns(gen-der) Baph,,omet image of Sa,tan in dis(guise). He is the trick,ster god . RUclips search "Jesus Baphomet 2245 Hiroshi" .. Your right,ful Lo,,rds O,.din and T.,hor have re-turned to help you see. Fe,,ed the Ra,,vens and Cr..ows they will ans(wer) your pray,,ers
I have studied this for twenty seven years, leaving no stone unturned. This video is the most on point expression of this subject that I have seen yet on RUclips. Great work, and have a beautiful and mighty Midsummer !
Any recommendations for study sources?
Jes,us is Lo.,ki. He is the tra ns(gen-der) Baph,,omet image of Sa,tan in dis(guise). He is the trick,ster god . RUclips search "Jesus Baphomet 2245 Hiroshi" .. Your right,ful Lo,,rds O,.din and T.,hor have re-turned to help you see. Fe,,ed the Ra,,vens and Cr..ows they will ans(wer) your pray,,ers
@@iswingthehammerofthoriamhu4420 There needs to be a study researching schizo RUclips comments like this.
@Jasta 2 cool thanks so much. Literally any recommendations you got feel free to send them here to me!
@@iswingthehammerofthoriamhu4420 i see you, martin cabello
Why you don't get more attention is mind boggling. You are obviously the youtubermensch. Great work m8.
Ötzi danke
Shout out from Westland!
i watched your video and i want to offer you a different perspective on this subject: have you heard about "The Legend of the Dii" ? if not, well the Dii were a Thracian nation that migrated north after the roman conquest of today's Balkan area, we don't know whether they were of Odrysian stock or Getic stock, but in their migration north they did pass trough getic and dacian lands, and those thracian nations DID worship the god Ghebeleizys who is represented EXACTLY like Odin and has many of his atributes, these Dii were said to be the most fierce of the Thracians and they were red haired like most other thracians and if the legend is to be believed then it is said that they settled in Scandinavia, so maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle, that the red headed gods Frey and Thor were formely legendary leaders of those Dii and those Ice giants that they banished were native Ice Age europeans, as for Odin he might have become an adopted deity and renamed just as the romans adopted Zeus and renamed him Iupiter, also the way Odin takes his many avatars is identical to the way that Ghebeleizys took the avatar of Zalmoxis in order to prove to the Dacians that the afterlife was real and that Ethernal Oak(represented as Yggdrasil in Scandinavia) will house the souls of warriors, also the Dacians commited willing ritual sacrifices where one of the best of warriors let him self be sacrificed on Kogaion so as to act as a messenger to the Gods much in the same way as the procession at Upsala. sry for the long rant, but i rarely have anyone to discuss such matters with...
So, you are a mongoloid? would still not be proud of that mate.
Thumbs up for youtubermensch
Who is Odin?
*points at camera*
Let's find out...
I've heard the Odin was a real King and not a god, but I really don't know.
Shelby Hughes in a sense he is a King.
he waz a kang
I see what you did there.
A 30-minute video from Jive. Makes my day.
Vulpes Inculta are you spying on the strip?
+Casper Åhr hahaha
True to Caesar
Odin is the concept of a god or super-magician who teaches man the secrets of magic. He's very similar to Hermes of the Greeks, Mercury of the Romans, Thoth of the Egyptians, and Hermes Trismegistus of the Hermeticists. Either different religions are talking about some far off legendary superhuman that was at one time a real person, or this archetype continues to repeat itself throughout history, and the works of people following the archetype would later become attributed to the god their actions represent. Either way, it's an important myth to have, as it inspires one to search for divine wisdom and the secrets of nature, while also recognizing self-sacrifice and the hard road of self-improvement is necessary to reach that end goal...
Well said..
Yes yes, awesomely well said
You talk like a wise person... really interesting comment....
Correct. I do believe these beings while they go by different names are actually speaking of the same being. Like for instance Enki, Lucifer, and Prometheus are all names of the same being in my opinion.
Odin was referred to as Mercury by the Romans. Both Gods of magic, bringers of knowledge, journey’s, travellers, tricksters, and senders of Ravens. They are very much the same deity.
You blew my mind with that conception of deities as expressions of truth
Wotan is coming
Thanks for returning in human form to explain it to us, rejuvenated spirit of Odin. The world today can use your wisdom more than ever.
This is the best explanation I've heard on who Odin is and how mythology is a very fluid thing and is never static for very long.
Such a nuanced and thoughtful way to dissect Wodanaz. Thanks for this
As a young adult of German, Norwegian, and English decent who is currently nonreligious and attempting to learn more about the beliefs of my ancestors this is fascinating, I know this is an older vid but if you see this could you recommend some books to help me better understand this religion and how much we really know about this. Thank you! :)
For those of you who believe Odin belongs to Aryans, he will not look upon you . for favor google search "Votan Mexico" , heed this warning
Wtf is with these replies
@@theycallmetheantichristili356 Don't know anything about the whole "Aryan" business. But Odinn/Woden/Wotan/Uuodan IS a GERMANIC God for the GERMANIC people. That is nothing personal to anyone of any other race. It just is. Aztecs had their Gods, Chinese had their Gods, Africans had their Gods and we of Germanic blood have ours. Of which Odinn is foremost. Facts is facts.
@@frekitheravenous516 shit stiring plot twist I hope you can find humor in, imagine a guy in Mexico who could trace his lineage back to the Visigoths lmao. Spjalli Gauta
@@TrimbakkiFonElsass there is nothing more humorous then brown people worshipping white gods
This is the first time that RUclips recommendations actually showed me something life-changing and fantastic! You HAVE another subscriber. Why you don't have more is crazy; this is extremely important
This is the third long form RUclips episode about Odin I've had served to me in as many days. Odin keeps appearing. Thanks for your contribution!
This is one of my all-time favorite videos. Watched it a dozen times. Almost every sentence holds an essay.
I would just like to say that this information is just what I needed. To the presenter just a little thing, it's truly marvelous to hear a person speak these days without hearing ' ummmm or errrrr" in between sentences. Well done.
Wow, what a phenomenal video. This is exactly the kind of content I've been looking for - the historical overlaid by the metaphysical. Well done.
I'm so very glad that I have found this channel! I love this video. :)
Brother, I felt my conscious rise 9 levels just watching this vid! Amazing! Thank you!
Very interesting analysis! The strange and manifold aspects of Woden have always fascinated me and I feel like your interpretation of the deity as a sort of Priest-God really manages to integrate most of the curious facets of his character and worship. It could also fit with his role as the leader of the Wild Hunt, since a priestly figure would probably be associated with the souls of the dead and their service. That would also link him to Mercury/Hermes, who is a "leader of souls" ("psychopompos") as well.
Rex Paganus Actually Odin's association with the wild hunt is a very late addition.Also there are a good many differences between Odin and Hermes.Hermes leads the shades to the crossroads where he meets up with Hekate.Odin does no such thing at all.He's a psychopomp in a different way altogether and Odin rules over an afterlife,is a wisdom God and is a war God which Hermes has no such association with.
You are obviously an incredibly thoughtful individual. I have just tonight happened across your channel (though I first heard you on the Interregnum podcast) and am very much enthralled by it.
Your description of Odin/Wodin/Wotanaz and his significance as the connection between Man and God rings quite true to me. And if not true, at the least profoundly thought-provoking. This way of understanding the Pagan pantheon as a fluid metaphysical realm is a great way to illuminate the Elder God's true value and importance. In how us as humans benefit from these personifications of pursuits, of practices, of being. And what they may have meant for the development and later the expression of the European soul.
Bless you brother, for your role in the revival of the European man.
I look forward to viewing the rest of your work. If there is any videos of yours or others that you consider more intriguing and nourishing to the esoterically inclined, please reach out to me with your recommendations.
Thank you.
Michael Baron watch the one on reincarnation
I'm in aww. Thank you so much for being a reference AND and outlet for the Americans who have become so detached from our cultural identity. My family came from Scotland, Wales, and Northern England and I've always been fascinated by history. My grandparents migrated to the US after WWII from Wales. I just wish I had talked to them more about our homeland. In America you're encouraged and indoctrinated from an early age to disassociate yourself from your cultural heritage. To become another clump in the homogenized mess we're told is a "melting pot". We lose our grounding and become one big uninspired amalgamation, void of any real culture of it's own. Aside from that we attempt to co-op from Indigenous tribes.
Children are not encouraged to find their homeland, because if America is in fact a land of immigrants we must surely all have homelands right? No. In short our children are told it's racist to be proud of our heritage, but only if that heritage is seated across the Atlantic.
Mexican children are fed stories if their forebearers and told to be proud. Black children are told of their rich African cultural heritage and told to be proud.
I will never deprive my children of their heroic pasts, because we should be proud. We mapped the globe. We built cities and civilizations, created art and brought those things across the oceans.
Black children are told of their rich African cultural heritage and told to be proud ?
I never experienced any of that. Where I live we celebrate St. Patrick's Day, have a Welsh festival, a Greek festival, and an Octoberfest every year. They are all very well promoted and attended.
Stripes Hummus ...Yes. Sad to say it's about 73%. 20 years ago it was about 85%
Fallen Devonish yes they are I’ve heard black pride screamed all my life at school with fist in the air and African colors on bookbags....smh
Jes,us is Lo.,ki. He is the tra ns(gen-der) Baph,,omet image of Sa,tan in dis(guise). He is the trick,ster god . RUclips search "Jesus Baphomet 2245 Hiroshi" .. Your right,ful Lo,,rds O,.din and T.,hor have re-turned to help you see. Fe,,ed the Ra,,vens and Cr..ows they will ans(wer) your pray,,ers
This channel is a blessing. I spent atleast an hour on this channel daily taking time out of busy schedule.
There are many places in Västra Götaland named after Odin, such as Odensåker and Odenskulle. The latter was a hump where geats sacrificed to Odin for many centuries. You should look it up.
Great video!
Sigurd Koks
There is also a place called Odensjö (Odens lake) on the west shore of lake Bolmen (Swedens 10th largest) on the border of the Smålland/Halland region. Plus i think a small lake Oden (Odensjö) in the highlands of Söderåsens national park in the northwest Skåne district - that one is like a crater.
And a load of place names after Woden in England - Wednesfield and Wednesbury for a start
Don't forget odinsville in Denmark
Maybe because the tail of Herodotus about Zalmoxis imported Hermes/Seth culture thrue Moldavia /Crimea to the north makes sense!it was the area of the Goth settlement in the south also running on the amber road!So we see the connection with the Goths in Sweden today!Swears the enemies of the Goths do not use much Wottan/Odin ,also maybe a connection with the king,kung,gung(rex-rich) institution versus the warlord
Odensgatan in Stockholm
Another interesting and fascinating video! StJ/Thomas never disappoints.
Finding a new video by StJ/Thomas is a treat and it is always with eagerness I look forward to his clips.
Just discovered this channel and it is amazing.
A truly fact-based and down-to-earth treasure of knowledge about old European traditions, very opposite to the channel through while i discovered you, a very different and more intelligent *perspective*. Thank you for this video and this channel.
I am so glad I discovered your channel! It's unbelievable that you do not have more subscribers...
So glad i subscribed to this channel, love your videos, keep up the good work mate, you extend my knowledge ⚔️🛡🏴
We need a follow up, Thor/Thunor/Ukko. The based God?
Odin is the pagan-European ideal balance of the four masculine archetypes.
Read Gillette and Moore's Four Masculine Archetypes books, even the ones that go into each one.
For those of you who believe Odin belongs to Aryans, he will not look upon you . for favor google search "Votan Mexico" , heed this warning
@I am Hunter find a doctor
@Lord Zeus our God of Truth Storms War has returned no he's right you need a Dr. Did you ever go? I know it's a year old but I thought ask
@@theycallmetheantichristili356 so a bastard people adopted a god from one of their seafaring ancestors...? Its not rocket science. "Mexican" isnt even a race, its a nationality.
Thanks for this brilliant video. I've been studying Odin and the Runes for a while now and you've really helped to bring some things into focus and deepen my understanding of others.
There is a little town named Woden in the Texas county I am from. I never knew it was named after Odin until I saw this a couple years back. Great video!
Hail Allfather Odin/Woden,the chief God of both my Saxon/Norse ancestors.kind regards from South Africa
Have you thought about doing a video on The Birth of Tragedy and the relationship between the Dionysian and Apollonian creative energies, and how this relates to the Norse cosmology? As another commenter mentions, focussing on the link, as evidenced by Nietzsche and Jung, between the physiological and the metaphysical is vital for a reevaluation of the concept of religion away from a Semitic superstitious conception and towards a more organic European understanding.
I also second the appeal by a commenter for a video on the Bhagavad Gita.
Your video's are of great value. High quality educational content never fails to disappoint. Keep up the great work!
If i do a video on Nietzsche it would be to dispel certain misconceptions of his. I like his aristocratic ideas, but it is no coincidence that Alex Soros is doing a speech on Nietzsche this week
He is a crucial thinker for Europeans in the modern age but he deserves proper critical treatment. I would certainly look forward to hearing your word on the matter, as I'm sure many others would too.
Seriously - thank the gods for Survive the Jive. I needed this today.
Wow, I also see many parallels with Shiva from the perspective of Shaivism. The Divine Ecstasy is like Shiva as Nataraj, Lord of the Dance, in his Divine Frenzy (of creation- creating). Also similar is how this divine frenzy is reached through activity in the world, that all activity in the world can be an entry point into this god consciousness, as well as divine ecstasy or samadhi achieved through meditation, as Shiva is pictured meditating upon the holy mountain seeking enlightenment, even though at the same time he IS enlightenment (but from the Trika perspective, through activity in the world while maintaining god consciousness is the supreme way.) Also similar- as the thrice-fold creator, like Odin- Vili- Vi, the Supreme being Parabhairava (Shiva), the Source of spirit, source of everything, Father; also being the energy (Shakti) that is the Universe manifest; also being God as man (man being Shiva in disguise, so to speak). Also there is the similarity in the idea of God being the same as or manifesting as another god, like Shiva being the same as Vishnu and the same as Krishna (from the Shaiva perspective) and infact ALL the gods being expansions of Shiva.
om namah shivaya
Odin is more relatable to Indira and Adityas than Shiva
This video is stellar dude, this is the first video i've watched from you, and i'm glad i've found a video about my ancestor's gods! You've got yourself a new subscriber dude.
You are an amazing host. By far , my favorite page to refer to when I’ve missed something in my books. You seem like a very accomplished student , I envy your path to sharing forgotten knowledge , great work .
Carl Jung believed and had stated several times that National Socialism was a resurgence of Wotanism for the Germanic folk. Hitler is quoted as saying: “Whoever thinks that National Socialism is only a political movement does not understand anything.”
"National Socialism was always Hitlerism, and Hitlerism always had an esoteric foundation. At the end of the 1930’s and during the war years it was not possible or convenient that this theme be widely known. However, after the war and its apparent loss, there was no other way for Hitlerism than the esoteric development. *For me, National Socialism is being possessed by the Archetype of the collective unconscious, which the Greeks used to call Gods - among them, Apollo, which really is Wotan for the Germans, and Vishnu or Shiva for the Hindus* - and its development in the individual and collective souls of the actual Hitlerist warriors." Interview with author Miguel Serrano
According to authors like Miguel Serrano (among others), Wotan/Odin was the same person known by different names to different peoples. He also made direct links between Wotan, Odin, Lucifer and Quetzalcoatl, claiming they were the same figure.
"Lucifer: He is Apollo, the God of Light and Beauty. He is also Abraxas and Quetzalcoatl, the Hyperborean, Atlantean Solar Kristos. He came down from the Morning Star, Venus. Defeated in a stellar battle, he will always be the loser on the involuted Second Earth of Kaliyuga, but he will be the victor on the Other Earth, when the Golden Age returns. He must lose here in order to carry the Earth back to its origins and transfigure it, moving from city to city, chakra to chakra, until he reaches the void of the Black Sun behind the Sun of Gold and the Ray of Green Light behind the Black Sun. He is the God of the Losers in the Kaliyuga and of the Return to Hyperborea. His emblem is the Left-handed Swastika, that of the Return. He is the supreme Guide of the Pilgrims of the Dawn, of the Acolytes of Lucifer, the Morning Star. Lucifer is also Odin-Wotan. The Cathars called him Luci-Bell." Nos: Book of The Resurrection by Miguel Serrano
"The Black Sun is the door that connects the world of the Gods with this material or demiurgic world. The Black Sun is the astral tube which the soul finds when projected out from the physical body. Its form and representation is that of the Swastika, the sacred sign of the Lords, the Hyperborean divine ones, who can cross in one or another direction at will. They are the Lords of the Two Worlds. For in truth the real world, the world that has its own identity, is the world of the Gods, whilst the material world does not exist in itself, but is a plagiary of an 'other world' in which dwell the forces of the spirit. In the end, when the cycle closes, the boundary between the worlds disappears. Then the Wildes Heer, The Warrior Order of Odin/Wotan/, the Einherier (the Resurrected Heroes), leaving Valhalla, come to wage the Final Combat to free the world from the Evil One." - Maya: Reality Is An Illusion by Miguel Serrano
Are the Greeks and the Phoenicians Aryan too.
TheSolutreanAmerican卐 great comment. Well stated!
@@BigHenFor Yes, they are.
TheSolutreanAmerican卐 Evil one is the demiurge?
lovely research, very well explained. Thanks for posting.
Thought-provoking as ever, STJ.
I have my doubts about your view that Thunor/Thor was at one time a Sky Father. Except for the Greeks and Romans, didn't most IE peoples separate the Sky Father from the Thunder God?
That is correct. The storm god is usually separate from the sky father
All ancient cultures seem to have a wisdom bringer.
You mean the old "my kid asked me a question and I didn't know so I made something up and it was a really good story so he told the same thing to his kid" etc for the next thousand years?
@@Sinsteel pretty much. Except they are often pretty decent lessons, at least when there is no orthodoxy.
@@SinsteelYeah, as compared to the new "I cut my genitals off and wear makeup and pink pretending it makes me a woman" of our modern, enlightened world of soyence and gaytheism.🙄
I really loved your video, awesome job man. I also really loved that you went into depth over the topic of ancient german and proto german views. I feel like there arent enough sources that talk about ancient germanic peoples and cultures so this is very refreshing. I know a lot of people love the viking age or medieval age but I always loved learning about the migration period and the germanic tribes.
kinda reminds me of Buddha, he meditated on his religion and on seeking a fundamental truth and was through his attained wisdom and dedication has been pretty much deified and is held as the example of wisdom and is worshipped by many now
un pc pcgamer yes. Each received a vision under a tree. I also think that if odin was a man he lived around the same time as siddartha
ah yes forgot about the tree, are there any book s dealing with this comparison, is there evidence of some kind of meditative tradition in early European or Norse religion
will do
This has to be the best video I have seen dedicated to the allfather. You tell me things that even I did not know about him. I cannot wait to read your book.
Have you watched any of Dr. Jackson Crawford's videos? They are very good and he is a professor of Old Norse language and myth at UCLA so he knows what he is talking about. He has a video where he talks about where he thinks the "Germanic" gods including Oðin came from. You should check his videos out because like you he is criminally undersubbed.
Terra Tremuit i enjoy his videos already
@Galva Tron Why is that?
We're the only ones to trust it to, as we're the only ones left with a vestige of free speech. Pagan lore will probably be outlawed and eurocucks will just accept that.
For those of you who believe Odin belongs to Aryans, he will not look upon you . for favor google search "Votan Mexico" , heed this warning
I dont have the words or the time to express to you how much I appreciate this video, I subscribed to you by the end of the first video I watched but, I had no way to know what I was in for
Woden is dank af
Jes,us is Lo.,ki. He is the tra ns(gen-der) Baph,,omet image of Sa,tan in dis(guise). He is the trick,ster god . RUclips search "Jesus Baphomet 2245 Hiroshi" .. Your right,ful Lo,,rds O,.din and T.,hor have re-turned to help you see. Fe,,ed the Ra,,vens and Cr..ows they will ans(wer) your pray,,ers
@I swing the Hammer of Thor I am Hunter Shut the fuck up nobody wants to hear your schizophrenic bullshit, you even made two accounts, you have some major brain injury?
@@thorsten8790 In all fairness to I am Hunter, no one asked you to listen. Are you angry because Jesus is Satan?
@@thorsten8790 Do you know what the word schizophrenic means? Judging by your angry reply, I wouldn't say IAH has the brain injury
@@thorsten8790 Oh I get it! You're an angry little man because there is NO POSSIBLE WAY Odin belongs to anyone other than the Aryan race. Wrong thinking! We'll see how far that takes you
This video just threw me in a black pit of deep deep thoughts. Way to go to change my worldview. Great work, man.
You talked about trinities in Christianity, the father the son and the holy spirit, but in stories of old and mythology you see the trinity returning a lot. The 3 Norns (Urd, Verdandi and Skuld) who are very similar to the 3 Greek Fates ( Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos) who symbolize past, present and future or the origin, the now and the decline/end. The Egyptian trinity, Osiris,Isis and Horus.
And out of Celtic Mythology The Morrigan.
3 it's the magic number ✊
Gavin school house rock reference! I watched when we lived in the states & still remember all the songs
Trinity is brahma=creator,vishnu=preserver,shiva=transformer
The triad also goes not just with the Norns, but with the original created gods Odin, Vili, Ve.
I love that your video was shot outdoors. I am reading theviking spirit by McCoy right now and he mentions that assemblys and religious ceremonies were done outdoors on places of specially beautiful scenery. I just subscribed! Nice channel!
Also, publish your damn book, I'll buy 10
Hey Skurt
Decently thought out. Way to go bro.
Sir, I must admit that in several places during this lecture, chills gripped me. Therefore, you may be very close to the truth of the matter.
Love to watch your videos while working, It's entertaining to learn something new while folding some towels at the laundry
Glad you enjoyed it
as a christian man, I thoroughly enjoy your video this evening.
That was a great video. Can't wait to watch more. Thank you!
Great video! I highly recommend reading "Sorcery and Religion in ancient Scandinavia" and " Reflections on European mythology and polytheism " by Varg Vikerness.
And Marie Cachet takes it even further, for example Odin is every newborn and does not have a name, therefore has no past or future, until he reaches a certain age and is ready to be initiated and reclaim his past ( name, possession and honor ). Thus he becomes the ancestor i.e the ancestor is reincarnated. The nine days he hangs are the nine months in the womb, and the tree is the placenta. But such a tree also grows above the burial mound. So when the initiation takes place the children go into the mound ( womb ) and come out reborn as their ancestor, after a series of tests and trials. And the way they chose who they are ( the ancestor who is to be reincarnated )is by remembering their past life, name etc. Practitioners in other such ritual events would symbolically wound themselves and hang their clothes on sacrificial trees, in a way sacrificing themselves before they go into the realm of the dead ( mound ) and come back anew.....
Him hanging for 9 days might also be a reference to pregnancy. Yggdrasil in that context is a womb and hanging represents connection to the umbilical cord. Sounds like it could ultimately be a story of returning to one's roots to seek the knowledge of the ancestors?
Fascinating! I will have to listen to this again in order to fully grasp everything you are saying, but this is a great video! Thanks!
Thank you, this video really helped me to understand my own ideas and internal conflicts between paganism and christianity that had me in a deadlock.
holy shit, tht ws the most inspirational thing i've ever herd. especially the last part with the different high's
you're like Varg but not extremely sociopathic. subbed
I don't think Varg is sociopathic, however, 16 years in prison and a lot of personal attacks on him have left a mark. Jive is more knowledgeable but Varg makes good points and is worth listening to.
He's a psychopath
He's like Varg but actually sane.
Varg makes things up. I remember one of his earlier videos he says "To those asking where I got this information, Odin told me."
Thank you so much. This is the drink of knowledge that I have been seeking.
Amazing video as always. A good red pill in dark times like these. Btw I actually knew a guy at school that was named Oden, I don't think it's a name fit for mortals but cool nonetheless.
From a Seiðr worker, well done my friend. Very well done.
I used to watch Varg's channel because he's a curious character, and I was actually disappointed when I found out what his paganism meant, even if I knew nothing about the subject. The idea that our ancestors were actually atheists and not spiritual at all always sounded wrong to me for some reason. I'm glad I found your channel, ironically thanks to his attacks against you.
Where'd you get that idea? He's quite spiritual.
It's all placenta!
Is that more your wording, or a self identification of his? I'm not his biggest supporter, I am just a fan of his music, but I've read some of his writing, statements, watched videos before (again, none of which do I necessarily agree with, there are exceptions though, not all of it is too heinous), and I haven't gotten that feeling from it. Like if someone believes that the gods are representations or symbols of natural powers, or elements of society, and humanity, you're going to arbitrarily conclude that that's atheism, you would be wrong in many cases.
An excellently reasoned argument. Loved it; shared it on my Facebook.
A revelation I had watching this video;
The Valknut is commonly associated with Odin. Odin is associated with the number 9. The Valknut is made up of 3 interlocking triangles. A triangle has 3 sides, obviously, and 3 triangles interlocked together have 9 sides (3x3=9). Just an observation.
I've heard the theory that it represents the realms of yggdrasil
Really appreciate the unscripted words. Don't feel like watching someone read line by line. Good stuff. Heard of Bede from reading "Britain AD"
I've met Woden. And I don't mean in my dreams, imagination or meditations. He still wanders Middangeard.
Long story, but I and some friends performed a rite at Wayland's Smithy (to Woden and to Wayland) one night, and shortly afterwards an old man appeared near us, dressed in a smart black suit, hobbling with a walking stick. He claimed to be on his way back from somewhere and 'thought he'd stop by to pay respects to his old friend Wayland'. Wayland's Smithy is a LONG, dark walk from anywhere, and he had no torch. Nor had we heard him enter through the enclosure gate, as is usually the case. He then went to the stones and tapped his cane on them in a morse-code-like fashion, then departed. There are more wyrd details I can't go into here.
Steed EOW Are you making this up?
+Global Catastrophe - No
Steed EOW bologny, details or didn’t happen.
@@leighjordine4031 We had a lively dog with us, who somehow didn't notice this approaching 'man' until he was just a few metres away. He told us he knew why we were there, and then told us how he used to "come here with all my children and great-grandchildren". He then, as mentioned, performed his strange little rite, and departed. We offered to shine a torch for him as he left and he refused - preferring to hobble along in the pitch dark, alone, down a secluded rural track. When I say I can't go into details, I mean that I refuse to write an essay in a comment section full of skeptics. But for those of you genuinely spiritual, and with an open-mind, I hope this serves as proof of divinity's presence.
Amazing work, man, wishing you the best with this channel. Very informative!
What about Perkūnas? In the baltic pantheon, he is also a thunder god, he is called highest's God's whip.
That's almost the same as the slavic Perun
Difficult material, I watched it several times, a lot to ruminate in 30 minutes. Thanks for putting so much effort into explaining this.
Odin's rites may not have been shamanic practices per say, but Indo-European yogic practices.
Thank you, very enlightening, researched, reasoned and perceptive.
Another excellent presentation."Shiva loves a wanderer"
Such enlightenment as usual. Great work. Looking forward to that book!
Jesus promised peace on earth, Odin promised to rid the world of ice giants.....I don't see any ice giants.
I don't see any peace either.
high effort video! great to watch on this rainy Sunday morning.
Man, you put other Germanic/Norse pagan channels to shame. A lot of others are pathetic when compared to yours. Love your channel my friend.
They're pathetic because they catter to left wing politics and revisions and biases
@@noahtylerpritchett2682 damn straight
Really like your videos. They go alot deeper into the mythology than most.
Citation from the Ynglinga saga:
"The country east of the Tanaquisl in Asia was called Asaland, or
Asaheim, and the chief city in that land was called Asgaard. In
that city was a chief called Odin, and it was a great place for
These lands east of the Don, or as this river was called earlier - Tanais, was inhabited by warlike tribes of Indo-European origin - Alans. Modern descendants of Alans - Ossetians or Oss are inhabitants of Caucasus.
See more: "Jakten på Odin" is a title of Thor Heyerdahls last project
Pagan Caucasus euhemeraisation from christian times should not be read as historical fact
I don't see the point for the Norwegian Christians of the Middle Ages to make Odin king of the ancient Sarmato-Alanians. Yngling saga is based on more ancient legends, because the legends, that Odin was a real man existed long before the Christianity came to Scandinavia
If you read the ancient Caucasian Nart saga, you will find much common with the Scandinavian mythology.
As i have said, the cult of wotanaz did not begin in scandinavia. It was German first and started over 1500 years befotr ynglinga saga was written down
@@pagancaucasus2658 read Herodotus
Its videos like this why i never get anything done, ever. I feel conflicted right now. Plus, this guy just gave me three things to immediately check up after this. *sighs*
Buwaté dêwi ac swôs... ("may the gods be with you" in proto-brythonic)
Very interesting content. I really like your channel. Greetings from Sweden ☺️
Finnish Ukko contains both Thor and Odin. Väinämöinen seems to be this Gandlf-like aspect of Odin.
I'm going to watch all your videos ten times each.
Melchizedek comes to mind as an association worth exploration
Interesting Video !! Odinn is the Truth about our People !! He is still between us all ! And we can feel his great magic power """ Our Tree Yggdrasil is still connected with the roots and we are the roots of Odinn !!! Big Hug to you !!! Excellent video !!!
Yggdrasil People of Odinn..Hail!
Very good exposition. Keep us updated on your book!
I have always been fascinated by Wodan's "priestly" sacrifice as relayed to us, and the creation of the cosmos by Odin, Vili , & Ve. If one understands the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and the Eternal Priesthood of Jesus, according to the Order of Melchizedek, one can see, along with the Trinity-like nature of Odin and his brothers, a sort of "seed" of Truth long ago planted by the Most High in the Germanish heart. This is the best video study of the topic of Woden I have found. Thank you!
Really love your work, Ive been on a journey to rediscover my famillies lost pagan roots and your videos have been helpful on my wanderers journey. Skal brodir
As a Christian who has studied pre-Christian Europe, I just wanted to say that this was very informative and thought provoking thanks for making the video!
Thank you for this video✋🏻A very interesting take on Wodanaz!💐😵💫👁
Odin is a ring; Odin is everything💚
Excellent midrash!! Just getting into your stuff... Will continue delving & support when I'm able!