1. Unblock communication 2. Become responsive 3. Aim higher 4. Search for problems. ASK: What don't we talk about that we should be talking about here?
When the business owner resists letting you manage asf soon as you walk in instead of building rapport with staff for 2-4 weeks with staff is not making this much of a smoother transition for the employees smh
Communication needs to be ongoing and face challenges on many levels. As a nurse I was always disgruntled with management. As Assistant Director of Nursing I found out my hands were tied to address issues because the corporation would not back strategies and actions. The disconnect can be wide and many times the staff and the management don't even speak the same language.
I understand this plight, I think at whatever stage , the management should communicate with the staff, not just the diplomatic stuff but the true state of affairs. When the staff knows, it helps everyone to manage their expectations from the management.
At 11:30 - What don't we talk about/what should we talk about? A few questions come to mind: Are holy books really relevant to us today, and if so how, and why? Is capitalism really working for us, for all (corporations' goals are to grow and make a profit)? Are people today living up to their full potential? If so, how (whose potential: society's, mentors', leaders')? If not, why not? Why do we have wars today, even though we have all the knowledge we need to avoid wars - we know all about each others' culture, priorities, weaknesses, wants, needs. Can't the differences that lead to war be expected, managed or avoided to achieve a common goal? [I'm aware that this talk was about the workplace - but I think it applies to our daily lives just as much]. Great talk, great information!
I can't speak on all holy books,, but I found some very deep, scary, yet interesting facts (backed up by ancient and modern history) in the bible and I strongly believe the bible is relevant to people today.
Fostering a workplace culture that brings out the best and not only just brings out the best but sustainably brings out the best in employees is valuable in practically all multi-personnel workplace environments.
Usually, not always every employee who joins a new job has so much new potential and fresh energy and that's where the company culture plays an important role in bringing the best of the employee. Very impressive video, Thank you!
@steverogers7601 i would say its a way to get employees to work a certain way, sometimes it works as intended, other times it does not. For example, the fake "tight-family" work environment that many places pretend to exhibit
Great talk about good intentions. Fails to take into account human nature and reality. The good leaders in the crowd will embrace this message, because they’re already doing it. The bad leaders will just use the answers of their staff against them.
Many employees will easily express their opinions, issues, and concerns, or will “complain”, but will not take action when asked for solutions. Why is it up to management to solve problems? I say involve the employees in the problem solving process for themselves and thus the organization.
Working in management I can confirm that’s true but for badly managed companies only. Good management realizes the importance of candor in feedback as it helps management to make better decisions and build a better company.
I learned a lot from this Tedx Talks video. Very insightful. I believe companies and employees can agree on a win-win situation at all time. If proper trainings are offered, employees will perform their tasks better and the company's productivity will highly increase.
Too many leaders think that open and transparent communication means lengthy meetings with executives "sharing" updates about the business, laying out their vision for the department, or even doing cringy things meant to "humanize" these C-suite executives (like sharing personal anecdotes or slide shows about their family vacation). What they fail to realize is that employees hear plenty from leadership. They don't want another meeting that could have been an email. What they want is a forum where their own ideas, questions and concerns can be voiced and taken seriously. In my experience, the number one leadership skill that the majority of executives lack is the ability to shut their mouths, open their ears and give their undivided attention to employees in a safe and open dialogue. In the large corporation I work for, I'd love to see execs schedule an all associate meeting where every speaker is a front-line employee. Or better yet... let's have a panel of experts from all teams in the department, and have the executives ask THEM questions (rather than the other way around).
A company either brings out the best in you or cage the best in you this is determined by you. I mean you need to work in a place where your goals alight with your company or the employer directly.
1. Personal and Professional Development in a Complex World: brand, Epictetus mindset, business productivity, health skills, prison physique, procurement, discovery (student mindset), tariff schedule, philosophy skill set, business productivity, health skills, prison physique 2. Work culture may help significantly with personal and professional development 3. Being disconnected from work ruins productivity 4. Feedback is great for solving smaller issues 5. Agreability can be solved with responsibility and reason 6. Aiming higher helps with increasing success with achiving something not this high
Excellent video. After working in the corporate world for over 30 years I am not working at Walmart in a grocery store. I'm bound and determined to overcome the hurdles of not meeting company goals. This video helped me improve my mindset. I'm excited to apply your advice and record results.
• What are the three ways to create a work culture that brings out the best in employees? 1. Unblock communication 2. Become responsive 3. Aim Higher • What does Jeff Bezos say about disagreements? Disagree and commit. I know we don’t have an agreement, but will you gamble with me on it? • What is the short test and what are you told to do at your work next time you go in? I should go around and talk to 10 different people and ask ‘what are we not talking about that we really should be talking about’.
My experience is that employees get asked for their thoughts when things get bad. They then get told that a few of those suggestions will get worked on, but will take time. Finally, much later than the promised success date the employees bring up the issue again and get the brush off, or pathetic excuses. Finally committies are made that are called “moral committee ” to try to figure out why everybody is checked out. Of course only management is part of that and nothing comes of that either😂.
Haha you sound like every nurse ever. Which is interesting because, there is a self made economic vacuum that has occurred by nurses, which consists mass quantities of nurses becoming travelers with competitive wages. Said wages continue to increase. This is the conclusion of employee dissatisfaction. The ones who suffer most in these cases are the employers and those who remained loyal to their companies.
Good insights and thanks for sharing. I find there is a strong link between internal communications and employee engagement. To unblock communication channels it is not possible for the HR team to do it in isolation. Nor it is the sole responsibility of these folks to address the engagement challenge. It is important to have a formal internal communication team that will be responsible for promoting an organizational culture that is built around its vision/mission/values.
Enhancing workplaces to be truly inclusive requires a respect for and tolerance of the diverse cultural and spiritual practices represented in the workforce. A significant example can be found in the accommodation of religious practices, where policies that seem neutral on the surface may inadvertently exclude certain groups. For instance, Muslims, due to the stringent rules in Islam, particularly regarding worship, cannot share the same prayer room as non-Muslims. If a workplace provides only a single multi-faith center, it effectively excludes Muslim employees from practicing their faith in accordance with their beliefs. This exclusionary practice places Muslim employees in a difficult position, forcing them to either delay their prayers until they return home, which can conflict with the prescribed prayer times, or to seek alternative spaces within the workplace. These alternative spaces such as personal offices or unused rooms or open spaces may be inconvenient or trigger discomfort and resentment from intolerant colleagues. In such scenarios, the tensions that arise often result in blame being directed at the Muslim employees, who may be unfairly labeled under broad and damaging terms like "extremist" or "jihadist," despite their actions being entirely peaceful and in adherence to their faith. Such instances of exclusionary practices are subtle but profound. They create a hostile environment where individuals are stigmatized as "difficult" or even "extremist," not because of their behavior but because workplace policies deliberately fail to accommodate their needs while enhancing other's. This dynamic shifts the responsibility onto individuals while ignoring the systemic shortcomings of the workplace. Inclusive policies must go beyond token gestures, ensuring that all employees, regardless of their background or beliefs, have equal opportunities to practice their faith and participate fully in the work environment without fear of judgment or exclusion.
People need to be more comfortable saying that pay is the issue, why not? If time and resources investments don't reach a gain from a "good job" it will be forever a revolving door. And your "good job" is all yours
Pay is the issue first, then work culture. I go to work to make money so I can live my life. No amount of revised company values and purpose is going to make me work harder. Pay me more and then I’ll work harder.
@@sevgifinch using the classic “it’s entirely possible” card but how common is that? How more common is it that well paid employees are lazy? Not to mention, your definition of lazy could be just someone doing the bare minimum. Again, pay is the issue first.
@@cryptodeity from a business prospective, I would assume that assessment of compensation is not just based on cost but on the value added by the worker, some of that value is placed on experience in anticipation of costly obstacles (probably the most valuable), ability to be flexible and adaptive to change, hard work and wisdom to not overwork subordinates to the point of negative progress and rework. The goals of the companies team needs to be inline with the expectations and results of the triad of quality, cost, time.
Thank you! I was recently made a Team Lead and I see so much that needs to be changed at our technical help desk. I love my job so I cant wait to get started!
Communication at work is tricky. Usually, they just want you to be there and listen to them while they talk and talk and talk. And when you try to speak, they talk over you or insert themselves so you don't build whatever it is you want to talk about. They want to be always in control. The power imbalance is also there. They can say anything without repercussions. You, on the other hand, is just an employee they can fire if you say something they do not like.
I never feel like management listens to us. Every time they send one of these employee satisfaction metric, it always feels like we’re in trouble when employees say they’re not happy about one aspect of the work culture. The whole “company values and beliefs “ just feels like a way to manipulate people to do work for them.
Just walking around and asking doesn't mean a thing about being open to communication. Because most employees would like to give their feedback with some privacy. Nobody wants to speak their mind and register their protest in front of others unless the protest is planned by a group or union. That is why one-on-one conversation is important. For larger organizations, this can be done by unit leaders and not necessarily the CEO walking around every nook and corner.
For me it's the little things. After 3 years my mouse center wheel started breaking down. I asked for a new one and got a 10 dollar piece of junk that hurt my hand after a few hours. I asked for a new better one and was told to pick one out and send them the amazon link and it would be ordered. I picked the new version of my old mouse. I was told it was to expensive at $130. They suggested I buy a different mouse which was ~$30 cheaper. I just bought a part on ebay and fixed my old mouse. Now I do the bare minimum at work and even took an interview the other day. If I got fired today, I would actually be glad.
This is why labor unions are necessary. We just need to refashion unions to be as flexible as they expect business to be. And business needs to understand that labor is not an infinite resource. Stop treating employees like they're expendable, that business growth is the only goal at any cost (except executive compensation and bonus of course). Labor IS the company. Without it there is nothing left to negotiate.
I worked with a boss who thought nothing of [a] replying to an email of "can your team do [task]?" with YES, then checking with his team whether they could do it or not LOL, then felt the pressure of his own lie.
Work life should always be professional, and you should always listen to employees/customers snd try your best to Solve Problems, not Create More Problems. You cannot be afraid to be a leader, and you cannot be afraid to say what needs to be said. Remember Your Objectives. That’s not to say that you can’t enjoy work when at work, however, you need to keep your home life away from work as much as possible
The common tactic of ad hominem sarcasm as a way of loosening new people up before you've even met them is a misnomer. Close friends and coworkers with understandings of each other can enjoy such a strategy but it's often not wise for strangers. The fact that ad hominem is so acceptable and the victim is blamed for "feeling" any effects from it (apparently not everyone is void of emotion) is a lack of morals in society.
we need admission or college exam to be given in teams so teamwork has value in students mind. otherwise they don't have incentive to work in team. We need to give incentive to students to work in team. because in early age if they don't learn team work and they don't have incentive to do team work , then you will have depressed and selfish future generation.
Could have saved ten and a half minutes if he just started with his closing. Upper, upper management will never listen to the “grunts” of their company.
It took me a good 10 years to perfect my method but the mill i was at went belly up from NAFTA. So I went to another and it took only 5 years to get it back
This content is filled with insightful perspectives. Reading a book with similar topics expanded my understanding and thinking. "Dominating Your Clock: Strategies for Professional and Personal Success" by Anthony Rivers
Word salad mostly. "What don't we talk about here?" it cannot be this casual. It is a deep, heavy question - a very healthy one. Yet it cannot be asked in a casual tone like presented. Is he a psychopath? "You will probably get one of those awkward silences" lol . Duh? XD
Wasn't inspired, bit surprised this made it to a TED talk, content was not great. He really didn't give any good advice as to how to bring out the best, just a few bullet points. Dull presentation.
The first couple of paragraphs turned me off. Women and identities. Don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of allowing personal expression and making workplaces comfortable for all, but this just sounded WOKE from the outset. I was hoping for a formula to managers that struggle with creating a positive and successful working environment.
1. Unblock communication
2. Become responsive
3. Aim higher
4. Search for problems. ASK: What don't we talk about that we should be talking about here?
Thanks Ana- you so beautifully paraphrased
thank you! Now I dont have to watch the entire video to write 2 paragraphs!
Thanks for summing up what organizations can do to improve their cultures! :)
When the business owner resists letting you manage asf soon as you walk in instead of building rapport with staff for 2-4 weeks with staff is not making this much of a smoother transition for the employees smh
Really glad that I listened to this talk. Thank you Chris!!
Working together versus being used… engagement and integrity matter a lot.
Communication needs to be ongoing and face challenges on many levels. As a nurse I was always disgruntled with management. As Assistant Director of Nursing I found out my hands were tied to address issues because the corporation would not back strategies and actions. The disconnect can be wide and many times the staff and the management don't even speak the same language.
I understand this plight, I think at whatever stage , the management should communicate with the staff, not just the diplomatic stuff but the true state of affairs. When the staff knows, it helps everyone to manage their expectations from the management.
UNBLOCK COMMUNICATION. Which doesn't mean just listening, but hearing and acting on what we say!
At 11:30 - What don't we talk about/what should we talk about?
A few questions come to mind:
Are holy books really relevant to us today, and if so how, and why?
Is capitalism really working for us, for all (corporations' goals are to grow and make a profit)?
Are people today living up to their full potential? If so, how (whose potential: society's, mentors', leaders')? If not, why not?
Why do we have wars today, even though we have all the knowledge we need to avoid wars - we know all about each others' culture, priorities, weaknesses, wants, needs. Can't the differences that lead to war be expected, managed or avoided to achieve a common goal?
[I'm aware that this talk was about the workplace - but I think it applies to our daily lives just as much].
Great talk, great information!
Actually not .capitalism is comparatively more effective and efficient way still .
I can't speak on all holy books,, but I found some very deep, scary, yet interesting facts (backed up by ancient and modern history) in the bible and I strongly believe the bible is relevant to people today.
Fostering a workplace culture that brings out the best and not only just brings out the best but sustainably brings out the best in employees is valuable in practically all multi-personnel workplace environments.
Usually, not always every employee who joins a new job has so much new potential and fresh energy and that's where the company culture plays an important role in bringing the best of the employee.
Very impressive video, Thank you!
So, in simplistic terms, are company values just a way to get employees to work?
@steverogers7601 i would say its a way to get employees to work a certain way, sometimes it works as intended, other times it does not. For example, the fake "tight-family" work environment that many places pretend to exhibit
Great talk about good intentions. Fails to take into account human nature and reality. The good leaders in the crowd will embrace this message, because they’re already doing it. The bad leaders will just use the answers of their staff against them.
Oh wow! Spot on!
In many workplaces, employee opinions aren’t wanted because this creates extra work for management/CEO’s.
True. Some organisations want dissenting views from employees but don’t want to hear it! Or higher management are arrogant and think they know it all.
Many employees will easily express their opinions, issues, and concerns, or will “complain”, but will not take action when asked for solutions. Why is it up to management to solve problems? I say involve the employees in the problem solving process for themselves and thus the organization.
Not true
Working in management I can confirm that’s true but for badly managed companies only. Good management realizes the importance of candor in feedback as it helps management to make better decisions and build a better company.
But that's indeed unhealthy for their project itself. Weird mentality.
I learned a lot from this Tedx Talks video. Very insightful. I believe companies and employees can agree on a win-win situation at all time. If proper trainings are offered, employees will perform their tasks better and the company's productivity will highly increase.
Inspiring. I ask life for people like you to show up in my life, mr. White. To all of you, come and find me
This speech should have 10 million likes
Too many leaders think that open and transparent communication means lengthy meetings with executives "sharing" updates about the business, laying out their vision for the department, or even doing cringy things meant to "humanize" these C-suite executives (like sharing personal anecdotes or slide shows about their family vacation). What they fail to realize is that employees hear plenty from leadership. They don't want another meeting that could have been an email. What they want is a forum where their own ideas, questions and concerns can be voiced and taken seriously. In my experience, the number one leadership skill that the majority of executives lack is the ability to shut their mouths, open their ears and give their undivided attention to employees in a safe and open dialogue. In the large corporation I work for, I'd love to see execs schedule an all associate meeting where every speaker is a front-line employee. Or better yet... let's have a panel of experts from all teams in the department, and have the executives ask THEM questions (rather than the other way around).
A company either brings out the best in you or cage the best in you this is determined by you. I mean you need to work in a place where your goals alight with your company or the employer directly.
Beautiful impressive amazing soul . So true. Pray more n more amazing souls spread awareness. Thank you, bless you. All your dreams come true.
1. Personal and Professional Development in a Complex World: brand, Epictetus mindset, business productivity, health skills, prison physique, procurement, discovery (student mindset), tariff schedule, philosophy skill set, business productivity, health skills, prison physique
2. Work culture may help significantly with personal and professional development
3. Being disconnected from work ruins productivity
4. Feedback is great for solving smaller issues
5. Agreability can be solved with responsibility and reason
6. Aiming higher helps with increasing success with achiving something not this high
This resonates with my work experience very well. Thank you for sharing this Chris.
He makes good points, I checked out and stopped caring a long time ago.
Have you found a solution for this problem?
I'm glad to have taken the time... thank you!!!
Excellent video. After working in the corporate world for over 30 years I am not working at Walmart in a grocery store. I'm bound and determined to overcome the hurdles of not meeting company goals. This video helped me improve my mindset. I'm excited to apply your advice and record results.
Hey, have you found a conclusive solution for your mindset problem and reaching more goals?
Aim higher that is the point which is the most important. Thanks for sharing.
Enjoyed the information... I need a dissertation topic that matters. You got my mind churning.
"Collective Braveness"
If you do that singlehandedly then you can talk about Braveness.
• What are the three ways to create a work culture that brings out the best in employees?
1. Unblock communication
2. Become responsive
3. Aim Higher
• What does Jeff Bezos say about disagreements?
Disagree and commit. I know we don’t have an agreement, but will you gamble with me on it?
• What is the short test and what are you told to do at your work next time you go in?
I should go around and talk to 10 different people and ask ‘what are we not talking about that we really should be talking about’.
Excellent talk....very insightful, informational and quite useful across many scenarios in the work place.
My experience is that employees get asked for their thoughts when things get bad. They then get told that a few of those suggestions will get worked on, but will take time. Finally, much later than the promised success date the employees bring up the issue again and get the brush off, or pathetic excuses. Finally committies are made that are called “moral committee ” to try to figure out why everybody is checked out. Of course only management is part of that and nothing comes of that either😂.
So true
Best definition. I would say a human-level explanation.
Haha you sound like every nurse ever. Which is interesting because, there is a self made economic vacuum that has occurred by nurses, which consists mass quantities of nurses becoming travelers with competitive wages. Said wages continue to increase. This is the conclusion of employee dissatisfaction. The ones who suffer most in these cases are the employers and those who remained loyal to their companies.
Experienced this exact same thing and ended up quiting and it was the best decision I have made
Good insights and thanks for sharing. I find there is a strong link between internal communications and employee engagement. To unblock communication channels it is not possible for the HR team to do it in isolation. Nor it is the sole responsibility of these folks to address the engagement challenge. It is important to have a formal internal communication team that will be responsible for promoting an organizational culture that is built around its vision/mission/values.
Thank you for the advice! I have to watch this video suggested by my instructor.
Enhancing workplaces to be truly inclusive requires a respect for and tolerance of the diverse cultural and spiritual practices represented in the workforce. A significant example can be found in the accommodation of religious practices, where policies that seem neutral on the surface may inadvertently exclude certain groups. For instance, Muslims, due to the stringent rules in Islam, particularly regarding worship, cannot share the same prayer room as non-Muslims. If a workplace provides only a single multi-faith center, it effectively excludes Muslim employees from practicing their faith in accordance with their beliefs.
This exclusionary practice places Muslim employees in a difficult position, forcing them to either delay their prayers until they return home, which can conflict with the prescribed prayer times, or to seek alternative spaces within the workplace. These alternative spaces such as personal offices or unused rooms or open spaces may be inconvenient or trigger discomfort and resentment from intolerant colleagues. In such scenarios, the tensions that arise often result in blame being directed at the Muslim employees, who may be unfairly labeled under broad and damaging terms like "extremist" or "jihadist," despite their actions being entirely peaceful and in adherence to their faith.
Such instances of exclusionary practices are subtle but profound. They create a hostile environment where individuals are stigmatized as "difficult" or even "extremist," not because of their behavior but because workplace policies deliberately fail to accommodate their needs while enhancing other's. This dynamic shifts the responsibility onto individuals while ignoring the systemic shortcomings of the workplace. Inclusive policies must go beyond token gestures, ensuring that all employees, regardless of their background or beliefs, have equal opportunities to practice their faith and participate fully in the work environment without fear of judgment or exclusion.
People need to be more comfortable saying that pay is the issue, why not? If time and resources investments don't reach a gain from a "good job" it will be forever a revolving door. And your "good job" is all yours
Pay is the issue first, then work culture.
I go to work to make money so I can live my life.
No amount of revised company values and purpose is going to make me work harder. Pay me more and then I’ll work harder.
@@steverogers7601 that’s actually not true. Higher paid employees can be just as lazy or detached.
@@sevgifinch using the classic “it’s entirely possible” card but how common is that?
How more common is it that well paid employees are lazy?
Not to mention, your definition of lazy could be just someone doing the bare minimum.
Again, pay is the issue first.
Both posts 👆🏽 are true in my professional experience.
Different employees have different needs/expectations.
@@cryptodeity from a business prospective, I would assume that assessment of compensation is not just based on cost but on the value added by the worker, some of that value is placed on experience in anticipation of costly obstacles (probably the most valuable), ability to be flexible and adaptive to change, hard work and wisdom to not overwork subordinates to the point of negative progress and rework. The goals of the companies team needs to be inline with the expectations and results of the triad of quality, cost, time.
Thank you! I was recently made a Team Lead and I see so much that needs to be changed at our technical help desk. I love my job so I cant wait to get started!
Earthbound i celebrate you and keep soaring! God bless!
How's it going ?
Hey, have you had success implementing change? Have you reached your goal fully?
This talk is amazing.
Good talk very important in this day and age
Communication at work is tricky. Usually, they just want you to be there and listen to them while they talk and talk and talk. And when you try to speak, they talk over you or insert themselves so you don't build whatever it is you want to talk about. They want to be always in control. The power imbalance is also there. They can say anything without repercussions. You, on the other hand, is just an employee they can fire if you say something they do not like.
I never feel like management listens to us.
Every time they send one of these employee satisfaction metric, it always feels like we’re in trouble when employees say they’re not happy about one aspect of the work culture.
The whole “company values and beliefs “ just feels like a way to manipulate people to do work for them.
Just walking around and asking doesn't mean a thing about being open to communication. Because most employees would like to give their feedback with some privacy. Nobody wants to speak their mind and register their protest in front of others unless the protest is planned by a group or union. That is why one-on-one conversation is important. For larger organizations, this can be done by unit leaders and not necessarily the CEO walking around every nook and corner.
Awesome! Love it. Thank you
For me it's the little things. After 3 years my mouse center wheel started breaking down. I asked for a new one and got a 10 dollar piece of junk that hurt my hand after a few hours. I asked for a new better one and was told to pick one out and send them the amazon link and it would be ordered. I picked the new version of my old mouse. I was told it was to expensive at $130. They suggested I buy a different mouse which was ~$30 cheaper.
I just bought a part on ebay and fixed my old mouse. Now I do the bare minimum at work and even took an interview the other day.
If I got fired today, I would actually be glad.
So many good points!
thanks for charing!
This is why labor unions are necessary. We just need to refashion unions to be as flexible as they expect business to be. And business needs to understand that labor is not an infinite resource. Stop treating employees like they're expendable, that business growth is the only goal at any cost (except executive compensation and bonus of course). Labor IS the company. Without it there is nothing left to negotiate.
I totally agree 💯
Amazing insights, thanks for sharing
Excellent evidence-based advice
I worked with a boss who thought nothing of [a] replying to an email of "can your team do [task]?" with YES, then checking with his team whether they could do it or not LOL, then felt the pressure of his own lie.
Great content 💯🙏🏻
0:36 Everyone in the rest of America, "Damn, must be nice to not HAVE to go to work...."
I'm glad he addressed this.
Very inspiring! Thank you so much for this content
This is a great video and some pretty impressive points. Thanks for sharing.
Work life should always be professional, and you should always listen to employees/customers snd try your best to Solve Problems, not Create More Problems.
You cannot be afraid to be a leader, and you cannot be afraid to say what needs to be said.
Remember Your Objectives.
That’s not to say that you can’t enjoy work when at work, however, you need to keep your home life away from work as much as possible
The common tactic of ad hominem sarcasm as a way of loosening new people up before you've even met them is a misnomer.
Close friends and coworkers with understandings of each other can enjoy such a strategy but it's often not wise for strangers.
The fact that ad hominem is so acceptable and the victim is blamed for "feeling" any effects from it (apparently not everyone is void of emotion) is a lack of morals in society.
Good, that worked for me.
Thanks for sharing.
How can I get the transcript of this video?
This is the first positive message of how many pages of "coworkers are not your friend."
I'm trying to get in a good mindset before work, sheesh.
Audio/volume on this vid is WAY too low.
we need admission or college exam to be given in teams so teamwork has value in students mind. otherwise they don't have incentive to work in team.
We need to give incentive to students to work in team. because in early age if they don't learn team work and they don't have incentive to do team work , then you will have depressed and selfish future generation.
Could have saved ten and a half minutes if he just started with his closing.
Upper, upper management will never listen to the “grunts” of their company.
Why can't I get what your saying?...please help me unblock the communication
Constant capitulation isn’t healthy either. Sometimes separation is the better option for both parties.
listening to employees and asking their thoughts is ted talk worthy? You would that that would be management 101
Super sir 👏👏👏...
What if the employee doesn't have good suggestions and now you're stuck with having to break this to them - that their suggestion will not be taken
Ronald Reagan's response to the same situation was the opposite. And here we are.
The difference is that taxpayers are coerced.
That last question is a billion dollar q!!
It took me a good 10 years to perfect my method but the mill i was at went belly up from NAFTA. So I went to another and it took only 5 years to get it back
Walmart need to take a step back and learn something
I do remember that Google protest; it was all a bunch of rubbish.
I like this video
Such movements were common in communism where workers united to protect their rights
very nice
thats 12 mins i wont get back
भिखारियों का कटोरा कभी भर भी गया, फिर भी खाली ही रहता है.
1/5 of the population has dyslexia
he lost me after 10 sec of his speech. i got bored.
Gotta work on your focus.
You should've kept watching, just after a minute in a wizard comes out in stage and performs magic
2/10 Ted talk, "sounds decent," however there were are no solutions given... 3/4 of the video was repetitive on the same introduction...
"What don't we talk about that we should" terrible question, that is going to get you nowhere
What's a good question?
@@tristinyaeger9222 there are 100 good questions mate, that just isn’t one of them. FFS.
This content is filled with insightful perspectives. Reading a book with similar topics expanded my understanding and thinking. "Dominating Your Clock: Strategies for Professional and Personal Success" by Anthony Rivers
Today or tomorrow I will definitely sue the baster
All of this is common sense though.
can you translate text to me please?
Word salad mostly.
"What don't we talk about here?" it cannot be this casual. It is a deep, heavy question - a very healthy one. Yet it cannot be asked in a casual tone like presented. Is he a psychopath? "You will probably get one of those awkward silences" lol . Duh? XD
Wasn't inspired, bit surprised this made it to a TED talk, content was not great. He really didn't give any good advice as to how to bring out the best, just a few bullet points. Dull presentation.
Checked out during every last second of this overly dramatic video
Not very insightful 😕
The first couple of paragraphs turned me off. Women and identities.
Don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of allowing personal expression and making workplaces comfortable for all, but this just sounded WOKE from the outset. I was hoping for a formula to managers that struggle with creating a positive and successful working environment.
Lol quoting Bezos 😂
You wanna make a company successful, QUIT PREACHING DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION!
@@monanoorchaalida849 Use this. ===> 🧠
@@newyorkfan16 👌
The tasty attic coronally snow because snail unequivocally ban onto a unsuitable equinox. lovely, gray greasy great decimal
Pretty clique. No depth.
Does TED screen their speakers? I doubt it as long as you dress well and can speak English ...
The title should be "how to operate as a psycho in the woke age"
Get back to work! You're not allowed to talk!