Thank you Seth. Stupid can be designed out of the equation. Observe, learn, persist, share a clue (if they will listen). These people have been conditioned for generations. I thought by the time I grew up we would all have a clue and carry on to a lovely existence😊 Be good medicine for each other❤ (it does not cost extra)
Disirregardless, Seth is eckspecially my favorite podcaster in this space. No replacement if a satellite hits you tomorrow brother, let someone else start their own show and leave this one alone. There is no replacement for Seth!
One of the things that really "crank my tractor" related to drunkenness (the non-dangerous kind) is when people, after doing the stupidest things while shitfaced, try to excuse themselves by saying they were drunk! How could that possibly make it better?! Great show as always Seth!
What's worse is that I have heard so many people defend another person's behavior by blaming drugs/alcohol. On top of that, the offenders continue that behavior because they know there's an excuse.
It was common in "olden times" that the defendant in the court case used being drunk as a defence ( drunk driving, violence, etc ), sometimes they get the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. As far as I'm concerned, if the judge is giving that minor penalty, it should have attached "This is a good behavior bond. If you are found to have been drinking, even if this behavior didn't happen at this time, the full force of these charges will come back in effect for incarceration for this case." That is " If you have one drink and get caught, you are in prison ". The use of being drunk as a defence makes you drinking is the premeditation for the crime next time...
@@georgekatkins sorry to disagree but too many markets depend on stupid. Are you anti-'merican, commie or anti-business?! Stoopid sells, a cure, an image, a fantasy those are all high dollar markets. That is why we are at this point in history. Please be careful out there some of the stupid is highly contagious.
Sounds like "Ricky" could eat a whole bucket of ice cream and not get brain-freeze...LoL When I was 11, two of my relatives got drunk and took acid, and got into a heated fight. One of them came to the house maimed-up pretty bad, shaking like a leaf. Although at the time a bit traumatic for me, it wound up being one of the best things that ever happened to me. As a Musician, I've played where I could've drank all the liquor I wanted, and my mind would always flash-back to that childhood scene. Thanks for a great video, Seth!!!
@@QueenBoadicea It was originally said by one of my conservative friends about Rep. Nancy Pelosi, and though I disagreed with it, I couldn't help but laugh. I also liked the "dumb as a bag of hair" remark of Seth's. Glad you liked it, and steal to your Heart's content!!!
Alex made a good point. I use my phone to escape my awkwardness in crowds. As a child, before cell phones, I would keep a deck of cards, I would play Solitaire in the corner if I was forced to be at a gathering of people I couldn't relate with.
One of my pet peeves: People that believe in conspiracy theories. One daft man that was at the checkout at a grocery store here in Minneapolis told me that carbonated beverages will make bones weak. I went on line to the Harvard, Mayo, & other medical sites and of course they all refuted it. The next time I saw him I told him what they said and he yelled at me. Totally stupid. Another pet peeve: People saying 'like': "I went to the store and like it was closed". "He was like nice". "The dog was like cute". AAARG! I have had to train myself NOT to say 'like'. If I catch myself saying it I backtrack and re-say what I said without the 'like' and explain to the person why. Another pet peeve: Crappy art: Slop on a canvas over and over and over again and year after year. People who want to be thought of as artists but not taking any time to learn the fundamentals of art. They just slop some paint a-la -graffiti-style on a surface and present it as fabulous. Year after year, slop after slop, crap after crap. >Yawn
Uggghhh, conspiracy theorists annoy the shit out of me. And I have to deal with one EVERY DAY at work and he LOOOOVES talking to me. So I have to deal with him for four hours straight every day. He's the typical anti-vaxxer, climate denier, Jan 6th denier, but also thinks EVERY president has sworn fealty to an owl god, and some crap about Templars running the entire world in the background. Not the Illuminati (since he thinks that's ridiculous) but Templars. He also DESPISES furries and trans and claims he doesn't hate gay people but don't you dare use gay voice around him or else he'll get triggered as fuck. I'm literally waiting for the day he admits he also thinks the world is flat.
I agree with the peeves about people always on their phone devices. That old Einstein meme says it best: "I fear that one day technology will surpass normal human interaction, and the world will be a generation of idiots." I don't think a more true statement has ever been said lol. Happy New Year Seth and to all
Pet peeve for me is people from the church and my family saying that they'll pray for me when im in need. My atheist friends always offer real assistance. Whats most insulting is that I'm a Christian. Note: extremely liberal version of Christian
My pet peeve is riding with a person who constantly and aggressively complains about how bad other drivers are while not realizing or downplaying all the mistakes or violations they commit themselves while driving! Concerning the life span of big dogs: My Great Dane made it to almost 12 yrs - she was our grand ole goofy lady and weighed a whopping 165 lbs thinking that still qualified her as a lap dog! AJ's question about the manner of thinking was truly a moment of "let me stop and analyze my thinking!" Come to find out that being multi-lingual, I think in different languages depending on the topic/subject of my thoughts but also in pictures, flavors, and scents. I've also realized that some thoughts make my body move or react with sensations. So weird how we are so unaware of how we are doing something that we pretty much do non-stop when we are awake!
There's 3 kinds of drunk people. They get loud mean, ones get loud huggy and then there's one's that crawl inside themselves and become really quiet TV.
Pet peeve: -People who say "acrossed" -People who say "I seen" -People who pronounce corroborate, "co-wab-er-ate", which I now hear on almost every news broadcast!!
Hi Seth, I'm with you on drunk people. My biggest pet peeve though is people who come up with overly simplistic explanations and solutions to complex issues. (Ie cell phones, social anxiety/awkwardness.) But also people on music based forums thinking "go practice" solves all your issues by default. It's not that simple.
One of my pet peeves? Holier-than-thou self righteous people that go on and on about 'people use their cell phones too much' and then start assuming what people are doing with them and why. I'm an introvert and have ALWAYS felt awkward waiting in public places so having my cell phone with me is a great relief. My husband and I have known each other for 10+ years so we share a lot of our social media with each other. It's great for ideas and subjects to talk about. I'm disabled and it affects my facial muscles so being able to text my friends not only makes it easier for them to understand what I'm saying but it also helps me focus instead of rambling. It also is a great tool to meet up with someone and/or get directions. BTW Seth, drunk people sre only annoying when you're not drunk 😉 j/k (most people I've known drunk are 'silly drunks' but I did see one person that was a total @ss when he was drunk Luckily, shortly after that he koined AA and is one of the few long term success stories (that I know of)
I hadn’t come across anyone who is an emotional thinker yet, I did wonder how that experience is. Although at times I feel I may do that, there’s so much voice it hardly leaves room for anything else haha
7:10 I remember reading Ammon Shea's delving into the OED. This fascinating and massive tome featured all sorts of interesting trivia, including the outlining of different phrases of eight types of drunkenness, two of which Oh-Ricky-you're-so-fine was exhibiting. There's lion drunk, when the inebriate gets hostile and aggressive, and there's goat drunk, wherein they are disgustingly amorous as if they find themselves to be god's gift to their squirming targets.
I like being typsy, it takes the pressure off being an introvert at parties & gatherings. I don't like getting black out drunk, because in the morning you have to deal with your missing keys, wallet, phone & once you find your phone you have to wonder how many people you need to apologize to. Not to mention the hangover.
Some of my pet word peeves: "literally", which I never hear used in its actual meaning, and "enormity" when people really mean "immensity". Also, when I was in school (oh, so many years ago) my Social Studies teacher insisted that we pronounce "dynasty" as din-asty. Even now, hearing someone pronounce it as die-nasty sets my teeth on edge.
I agree with about the use of cell phones. Not only how annoying it is that people use it in excess, but that it is an avoidance tool. People are addicted to it - and addictions are great for escaping. And if you never learned how to have an in-person relationship (because of phones), then those kinds of personal interactions could be intimidating, therefore escape into your addiction.
One of my pet peeves: also about words - the incorrect use of "literally", namely for metaphors, which are NOT literal! And then there is the overuse of "That's a great question" by interviewees. And from the same person for a series of questions. AAAAAAAHHHHH! There's no way that every question is a great one!
People who tailgate me (I yell into my rearview mirror "YOU'RE NOT CLOSE ENOUGH!"), and being in a car with someone who tailgates. It produces a lot of anxiety.
I can't stand when people bring their whole damn family to doctors appointments and especially to the hospital ER lobby with their phones that's just me lol anyhow keep doing what you do with the show Seth enjoy your books as well I own them all
My pet peeve is people who don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. I travel around in my work and stop often for coffee and to use the restroom. It disgusts me to see many people not washing their hands. Gross!!
i used to be Ricky. i havent had a drink in over 5 years. i get stoned now if i need a mind change. Weed is so much better than alcohol. I feel better. and people dont hate me anymore.
I've been sober 12 years now, and never going back. Drunk people are not fun for me. There are exceptions, but eventually there is a point where I just leave the gathering, online or otherwise.
Cell phones: Maybe people don't want to interact. I have my cellphone all the time and to be honest, I don't want to interact with the people around me. She's right, as many of us are on the autism spectrum and don't know how to interact.
Seth, alcohol impares your reason and makes you more reactive. It does have a huge effect on your personality and behavior. Your filter comes down, but also your dumbest thoughts get bigger priority whether you know it or not.
Got so many, but my top ones has to be people who can't accept that they might be wrong, and people who in the battle against hatred turns to hating some group because they are all this bad... It's just... Frustrating that they can't hear them self's..
Irregardless (:P) of what Seth says, I think it is funny how it is listed as a controversial word. Thank you Seth, this made me laugh!! BTW, I enjoyed Italy (Tuscany) when I was there nearly two years ago in May 2023. I want to retire there!
Another pet peeve: People I don't know telling me I look like Santa Claus because I have a beard and I've gained weight. First I say, thank you for commenting on my appearance stranger, I'm glad I'm not self conscious or suicidal, now can I comment on your appearance? Then I say, my look is not inspired by the mythical elf, my look is inspired by a famous humanist, atheist, look up Matt Dillahunty.
Agreed on boozers that don't know their limit! Hell, I've selected a (nerd) friend-group of people who don't get drunk (we meet up once a year ATM, because we are spread out in Germany and Austria (no: Not Australia!) and getting together takes scheduling). Yes, we purchase alkohol for our (3-4 day meet-up), but it's nothing to write home about because the quantity isn't large!)...I have been drunk once (only once!) and I remember what crap I got up to, so yeah, don't ever want to be that drunk again...unless the world were ending, then I'd break out the booze!
I was in a restroom at the urinal, and a guy at the sink answered the video call in the restroom! 🤬 Sorry, I left without washing my hands- had I gone to the sink I might have responded violently.
I work in retail, I have a few pet peeves: 1. I can't stand entitled Karens who think the rules don't apply to them & their temper tantrums will help them get their way. 2. Employers that treat certain employees differently & don't see double standards right in front of them. 3. People with untrained "service animals" that are loud, jumpy and that shit all over the floor. Then the boss tells the employees to clean up after the untrained animal, rather then forcing the customer clean up after their pet, that shouldn't have been allowed in in the first place. 4. Shoppers that let their children run wild, screaming, creating chaos, damaging products, screaming and not taking responsibility for their childrens' behavior. 5. Shoplifters or people that open products or leave cold or frozen products out to spoil & then wonder why the price of everything goes up. Retail will drive a person to drink, lol
Prices don't go up because of shoplifters. They go up because capitalism requires capitalists to make more money at an ever faster rate. Shoplifting accounts for less than a single shareholders yacht.
One of my peeves: weed shops/smokers; also applies to other smoking or vaping. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind weed being legal. What I mind is that some of us not only don't want to have to smell it, but some of us are _physically_ unable to tolerate it as a matter of health. I ended up with second-hand exposure one time from a housemate in college, because he thought it was a good idea to light up _in_ the dorms, and I ended up with severe bouts of nausea and have had to deal with a seemingly chronic stomach problem ever since.
I think I am "somewhere on the spectrum" ( self diagnosed, not been tested ) and sometimes have to switch off the people around me, depending on who they are. Example, I have to drive my elderly parents to something, eg doctor's appointment. That is over an hour of trying to concentrate on driving while getting told of all the problems of the world according to Sky News Australia ( same as Fox News ). We stop for something to eat and I will read a book ( on my phone ) to switch off. Ok, a pet peeve. People who, while in the no passing part of the highway go at about 80 in the 100 zone, but when they see the "Overtaking lane ahead" sign quickly get to approximately 100. You get stuck behind for half an hour but when you finally try to pass, the cop is waiting.
Irregardless? It seems the majority love my grammatic pet peeve, "but yet" is nails on a chalkboard for me. It's "but" or "yet" or "and yet". But yet, people use it all the time.
Yeah also agreed on drunk driving (I have ONE BEER at most when I am driving or 2 Radler (German concotion/mix of beer and sprite/7-UP or other citrus soda!) and that is 3+ hours before I am driving! Hell, I had a glass of wine with the Christmas meal at my parents' place, but I drank that at 8 PM and left (by car) from their place at 1 AM, so plenty of time!)'s negligent if you do it and you are still in possession of your faculties! Yes, being drunk lowers inhibitions, but it doesn't make you stupid unless you are already stupid and willing to cave to peer pressure etc.!
I know what you mean about being around people who are high (on whatever) when you are sober. The stark changes in behavior is unnerving, because suddenly you are with people who are no longer the people you are used to. Not to mention when they do the things you described. That is just creepy. Perhaps someone filming them when they are like that and then showing it to them when they are sober.
The Ricky story, ngl if some told me that--drunk OR sober--either they would have a fist-shaped indent in their face or I would have a skull-shaped indent in my knuckles. Whichever's harder and thus easier to make an indent into the softer thing. Either way you get the point.
Gawd ,You’re so good Seth! It’s almost therapeutic to listen to your reflections over every day things. A lot of us experience it but you paint it in words in a masterly way. Thank you for sharing it!
Jon Stewart caught me off guard today with a peeve I didn't know I had, and one I wouldn't have expected to come up in the context of Luigi Mangione. Turns out I can't stand people mistaking circumspect and humble language as a sign of lacking confidence or conviction, even as a joke. It's something we see far too much from the anti-science community. In a more visceral, misophonic way, though, my #1 has to be people rubbing their hands together. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me!
One of my pet peeves is hearing or seeing in writing the use of the word "seen" incorrectly. One must use it only using have seen, has seen, etc. Not I seen it. No, you saw it. Drives me insane and I have seen it used incorrectly in a newspaper article written by a journalist. Grrr.
It's kind of like Powell does power crew up how does it show you who you really are movie Mastermind is what I think of the most he was a nice guy when he had no powers because he had to be nice but once he got powers he didn't have to be nice he could be as rude as he want and he was forcing the bad guy to become a good guy good movie
I have no issue with happy drunk people, but the nasty belligerent drunk people can go take a hike. My father is an alcoholic and when he gets drunk, he's rude and nasty and gets into name-calling and insults and is just generally awful. I have zero time for him, his abuse, or anyone who defends him. I have zero time for nasty drunks.
Hey Alex, my pet peeve is people who make assumptions about why others are looking at their phone! This is so annoying and giving "kids these days" energy. Mind your business. So you have a problem with phones, yet you see a difference from collectively staring at a TV screen? Interesting. If I heard you judging me, I'd look at my phone even harder 😊
Seth, I know this sounds crazy, but you actually need to get properly shit faced with Aren or something. He loves those heavy beers but he seems like he would be a safe dude to party with. I’m not a fan of drinking but for sure you need to get properly shit faced my dude. It is a life experience that we all need to experience at least once or twice. 😊 it will give you more nuanced insights on why it’s so hard for people as well. Yes it’s annoying and all those other things you said, however it is important for you to know what it’s like. Otherwise criticisms seem less impactful. Make sense? Also hugs and love from GA my friend. Your hard work is growing like a oak tree 🌳 it takes time but it will be worth it. Many lives will be enriched by the shade of your work but it’s ok to stretch a bit ok? 😊 positive vibes and keep it up.
🤔🤔 My alcohol sense is complicated. I think alcohol just removes inhibitions and tact, revealing people's desires they'd otherwise keep tight-lipped. I am quite opposed to the absolute "shit-faced" drivers and think people that drunk shouldn't be excused, rather they should permanently lose their license when they cause others permanent injury or death. Driving is a regulated privilege, not a necessity like food or shelter. Because it's regulated, I'd actually raise the legal limit federally to 0.10%, though. The schedules law enforcement are often pushed to keep have them in a sleep deprivation state comparable to 0.05% to 0.10%. I don't think it's equitable, it's actually quite hypocritical to keep this moral pejorative that's so doggedly punitive of functional people whose impairment by alcohol is comparable to the officer impaired by sleep deprivation. 0.05% to 0.10% is a gray area where I think people who get themselves home fine shouldn't be punished... only if they are negligent and cause an accident. But herein is my introduction to my pet peave- one sided opinions that refuse to invert their own opinion & understand from a different perspective. Worst is the aggrandized opinion that closes itself off to facts they've chose to ignore because they don't support the opinion and their right to spew their own opinion is given far more priority than any equity for informed contrary opinions & ideas. Especially when it's obvious the opinion touted makes the holder an excellent case study in The Dunning-Kruger effect. The flat earther with a fortran NASA launch equations document; Young Earthers; Covid-19 deniers; religious bigot; every other "ignorant protected class" quick to drop their persecution complex when their cherished ignorance is challenged with facts and they don't want to learn or change.
Yep cell phones are a problem. I finally got sick of it so now when people come to my house to visit they're told to loose the phone because we are here to be with each other not to be on their electronics! My family and friends have learned this is my rules in my house so the phones are put away!!! We then play cards, games or just visit!
24:30 I think people who complain about people hiding behind anonymity are bullies. They want to not only censor people they disagree with but also destroy their life. These bullies hate the concept of free speech and thus these bullies are unamerican.
Seth, I'm with you when it comes to drunken behavior - people become boring or obnoxious in a room, and dangerous on the road.
They can be dangerous in a room too.
@@lyleswanson7557 Right after I posted my comment, I thought someone would probably add this. I agree.
Thank you Seth. Stupid can be designed out of the equation. Observe, learn, persist, share a clue (if they will listen). These people have been conditioned for generations. I thought by the time I grew up we would all have a clue and carry on to a lovely existence😊 Be good medicine for each other❤ (it does not cost extra)
Disirregardless, Seth is eckspecially my favorite podcaster in this space. No replacement if a satellite hits you tomorrow brother, let someone else start their own show and leave this one alone. There is no replacement for Seth!
AronRa... Ok the little dogs get replaced with snakes. ;-)
One of the things that really "crank my tractor" related to drunkenness (the non-dangerous kind) is when people, after doing the stupidest things while shitfaced, try to excuse themselves by saying they were drunk! How could that possibly make it better?! Great show as always Seth!
What's worse is that I have heard so many people defend another person's behavior by blaming drugs/alcohol. On top of that, the offenders continue that behavior because they know there's an excuse.
It was common in "olden times" that the defendant in the court case used being drunk as a defence ( drunk driving, violence, etc ), sometimes they get the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. As far as I'm concerned, if the judge is giving that minor penalty, it should have attached "This is a good behavior bond. If you are found to have been drinking, even if this behavior didn't happen at this time, the full force of these charges will come back in effect for incarceration for this case."
That is " If you have one drink and get caught, you are in prison ". The use of being drunk as a defence makes you drinking is the premeditation for the crime next time...
There's a Nobel Prize waiting for whomever can cure stupidity.
@@georgekatkins sorry to disagree but too many markets depend on stupid. Are you anti-'merican, commie or anti-business?! Stoopid sells, a cure, an image, a fantasy those are all high dollar markets. That is why we are at this point in history. Please be careful out there some of the stupid is highly contagious.
Sounds like "Ricky" could eat a whole bucket of ice cream and not get brain-freeze...LoL When I was 11, two of my relatives got drunk and took acid, and got into a heated fight. One of them came to the house maimed-up pretty bad, shaking like a leaf. Although at the time a bit traumatic for me, it wound up being one of the best things that ever happened to me. As a Musician, I've played where I could've drank all the liquor I wanted, and my mind would always flash-back to that childhood scene. Thanks for a great video, Seth!!!
Ha! Good one! I'm stealing it, as well as "dumb as a bag of hair".
@@QueenBoadicea It was originally said by one of my conservative friends about Rep. Nancy Pelosi, and though I disagreed with it, I couldn't help but laugh. I also liked the "dumb as a bag of hair" remark of Seth's. Glad you liked it, and steal to your Heart's content!!!
Alex made a good point. I use my phone to escape my awkwardness in crowds. As a child, before cell phones, I would keep a deck of cards, I would play Solitaire in the corner if I was forced to be at a gathering of people I couldn't relate with.
One of my pet peeves: People that believe in conspiracy theories. One daft man that was at the checkout at a grocery store here in Minneapolis told me that carbonated beverages will make bones weak. I went on line to the Harvard, Mayo, & other medical sites and of course they all refuted it. The next time I saw him I told him what they said and he yelled at me. Totally stupid.
Another pet peeve: People saying 'like': "I went to the store and like it was closed". "He was like nice". "The dog was like cute". AAARG!
I have had to train myself NOT to say 'like'. If I catch myself saying it I backtrack and re-say what I said without the 'like' and explain to the person why.
Another pet peeve: Crappy art: Slop on a canvas over and over and over again and year after year. People who want to be thought of as artists but not taking any time to learn the fundamentals of art. They just slop some paint a-la -graffiti-style on a surface and present it as fabulous. Year after year, slop after slop, crap after crap. >Yawn
Uggghhh, conspiracy theorists annoy the shit out of me. And I have to deal with one EVERY DAY at work and he LOOOOVES talking to me. So I have to deal with him for four hours straight every day. He's the typical anti-vaxxer, climate denier, Jan 6th denier, but also thinks EVERY president has sworn fealty to an owl god, and some crap about Templars running the entire world in the background. Not the Illuminati (since he thinks that's ridiculous) but Templars. He also DESPISES furries and trans and claims he doesn't hate gay people but don't you dare use gay voice around him or else he'll get triggered as fuck. I'm literally waiting for the day he admits he also thinks the world is flat.
I agree with the peeves about people always on their phone devices. That old Einstein meme says it best: "I fear that one day technology will surpass normal human interaction, and the world will be a generation of idiots."
I don't think a more true statement has ever been said lol.
Happy New Year Seth and to all
When it comes to words, one of the ones that really grates me is when people say "asterix" for "*". Asterix is a cartoon Gaul. The word is "asterisk".
Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn from time to time
Pet peeve for me is people from the church and my family saying that they'll pray for me when im in need. My atheist friends always offer real assistance. Whats most insulting is that I'm a Christian.
Note: extremely liberal version of Christian
My pet peeve is riding with a person who constantly and aggressively complains about how bad other drivers are while not realizing or downplaying all the mistakes or violations they commit themselves while driving!
Concerning the life span of big dogs: My Great Dane made it to almost 12 yrs - she was our grand ole goofy lady and weighed a whopping 165 lbs thinking that still qualified her as a lap dog!
AJ's question about the manner of thinking was truly a moment of "let me stop and analyze my thinking!" Come to find out that being multi-lingual, I think in different languages depending on the topic/subject of my thoughts but also in pictures, flavors, and scents. I've also realized that some thoughts make my body move or react with sensations. So weird how we are so unaware of how we are doing something that we pretty much do non-stop when we are awake!
There's 3 kinds of drunk people. They get loud mean, ones get loud huggy and then there's one's that crawl inside themselves and become really quiet TV.
That "memorial pamphlet" image is hilarious! I have seen a similar one and have considered something like that for my going away party.
Pet peeve:
-People who say "acrossed"
-People who say "I seen"
-People who pronounce corroborate, "co-wab-er-ate", which I now hear on almost every news broadcast!!
What about "literally" having a secondary meaning of "figurative?"
Hi Seth, I'm with you on drunk people. My biggest pet peeve though is people who come up with overly simplistic explanations and solutions to complex issues. (Ie cell phones, social anxiety/awkwardness.) But also people on music based forums thinking "go practice" solves all your issues by default. It's not that simple.
One of my pet peeves? Holier-than-thou self righteous people that go on and on about 'people use their cell phones too much' and then start assuming what people are doing with them and why.
I'm an introvert and have ALWAYS felt awkward waiting in public places so having my cell phone with me is a great relief.
My husband and I have known each other for 10+ years so we share a lot of our social media with each other. It's great for ideas and subjects to talk about. I'm disabled and it affects my facial muscles so being able to text my friends not only makes it easier for them to understand what I'm saying but it also helps me focus instead of rambling. It also is a great tool to meet up with someone and/or get directions.
BTW Seth, drunk people sre only annoying when you're not drunk 😉 j/k (most people I've known drunk are 'silly drunks' but I did see one person that was a total @ss when he was drunk
Luckily, shortly after that he koined AA and is one of the few long term success stories (that I know of)
AJ, for your research: I think mostly in pictures and emotions. Only when I get time to myself do I think in actual words. So, in short, a combo.
I hadn’t come across anyone who is an emotional thinker yet, I did wonder how that experience is. Although at times I feel I may do that, there’s so much voice it hardly leaves room for anything else haha
7:10 I remember reading Ammon Shea's delving into the OED. This fascinating and massive tome featured all sorts of interesting trivia, including the outlining of different phrases of eight types of drunkenness, two of which Oh-Ricky-you're-so-fine was exhibiting. There's lion drunk, when the inebriate gets hostile and aggressive, and there's goat drunk, wherein they are disgustingly amorous as if they find themselves to be god's gift to their squirming targets.
i have full aphantasia. no internal image no monologue. i just think in ideas i usually say. if that makes sense?
Imagine being Seth & having an inner voice... of HIS voice. Seth, please market your voice for GPS! Irregardless...😂
17:00 I heard a great one the other day:
Ricky is as sharp as a mashed potato 😂
I like being typsy, it takes the pressure off being an introvert at parties & gatherings. I don't like getting black out drunk, because in the morning you have to deal with your missing keys, wallet, phone & once you find your phone you have to wonder how many people you need to apologize to. Not to mention the hangover.
Except for very young people, who maybe just want to experience what it's like, nobody likes getting "black out drunk."
35:05 my mom's pet peeve is using the word irregardless/bad grammer. I started saying things like "irregardless ya did good" and it drives her insane
Nevertheless, ...
Some of my pet word peeves: "literally", which I never hear used in its actual meaning, and "enormity" when people really mean "immensity". Also, when I was in school (oh, so many years ago) my Social Studies teacher insisted that we pronounce "dynasty" as din-asty. Even now, hearing someone pronounce it as die-nasty sets my teeth on edge.
I agree with about the use of cell phones. Not only how annoying it is that people use it in excess, but that it is an avoidance tool. People are addicted to it - and addictions are great for escaping. And if you never learned how to have an in-person relationship (because of phones), then those kinds of personal interactions could be intimidating, therefore escape into your addiction.
One of my pet peeves: also about words - the incorrect use of "literally", namely for metaphors, which are NOT literal! And then there is the overuse of "That's a great question" by interviewees. And from the same person for a series of questions. AAAAAAAHHHHH! There's no way that every question is a great one!
People who tailgate me (I yell into my rearview mirror "YOU'RE NOT CLOSE ENOUGH!"), and being in a car with someone who tailgates. It produces a lot of anxiety.
I can't stand when people bring their whole damn family to doctors appointments and especially to the hospital ER lobby with their phones that's just me lol anyhow keep doing what you do with the show Seth enjoy your books as well I own them all
My pet peeve is people who don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. I travel around in my work and stop often for coffee and to use the restroom. It disgusts me to see many people not washing their hands. Gross!!
There is at least one traffic fatality per week between the Sherman,Texas - Ardmore,Oklahoma areas.
i used to be Ricky. i havent had a drink in over 5 years. i get stoned now if i need a mind change. Weed is so much better than alcohol. I feel better. and people dont hate me anymore.
One time, a drunk 'friend' revealed something I said in confidence in front of my partner. Suffice to say, I told them we weren't friends anymore.
Oh, no ... "Drunk People." Oh, the horror ... xD
Aggressive drunks make me VERY uncomfortable. They can snap on a dime. What makes it worse is that they DRIVE in that condition! 😖
I've been sober 12 years now, and never going back. Drunk people are not fun for me. There are exceptions, but eventually there is a point where I just leave the gathering, online or otherwise.
Cell phones: Maybe people don't want to interact. I have my cellphone all the time and to be honest, I don't want to interact with the people around me. She's right, as many of us are on the autism spectrum and don't know how to interact.
Well, I’ll be borrowing that oujia board at my memorial service idea!
If one of the people you were around that night hear your talk you might not be invited to a party with them again!!! LOL 😅
Seth, alcohol impares your reason and makes you more reactive. It does have a huge effect on your personality and behavior. Your filter comes down, but also your dumbest thoughts get bigger priority whether you know it or not.
Got so many, but my top ones has to be people who can't accept that they might be wrong, and people who in the battle against hatred turns to hating some group because they are all this bad... It's just... Frustrating that they can't hear them self's..
Irregardless (:P) of what Seth says, I think it is funny how it is listed as a controversial word. Thank you Seth, this made me laugh!!
BTW, I enjoyed Italy (Tuscany) when I was there nearly two years ago in May 2023. I want to retire there!
Another pet peeve: People I don't know telling me I look like Santa Claus because I have a beard and I've gained weight. First I say, thank you for commenting on my appearance stranger, I'm glad I'm not self conscious or suicidal, now can I comment on your appearance? Then I say, my look is not inspired by the mythical elf, my look is inspired by a famous humanist, atheist, look up Matt Dillahunty.
Agreed on boozers that don't know their limit! Hell, I've selected a (nerd) friend-group of people who don't get drunk (we meet up once a year ATM, because we are spread out in Germany and Austria (no: Not Australia!) and getting together takes scheduling). Yes, we purchase alkohol for our (3-4 day meet-up), but it's nothing to write home about because the quantity isn't large!)...I have been drunk once (only once!) and I remember what crap I got up to, so yeah, don't ever want to be that drunk again...unless the world were ending, then I'd break out the booze!
I was in a restroom at the urinal, and a guy at the sink answered the video call in the restroom! 🤬 Sorry, I left without washing my hands- had I gone to the sink I might have responded violently.
I work in retail, I have a few pet peeves: 1. I can't stand entitled Karens who think the rules don't apply to them & their temper tantrums will help them get their way.
2. Employers that treat certain employees differently & don't see double standards right in front of them.
3. People with untrained "service animals" that are loud, jumpy and that shit all over the floor. Then the boss tells the employees to clean up after the untrained animal, rather then forcing the customer clean up after their pet, that shouldn't have been allowed in in the first place.
4. Shoppers that let their children run wild, screaming, creating chaos, damaging products, screaming and not taking responsibility for their childrens' behavior.
5. Shoplifters or people that open products or leave cold or frozen products out to spoil & then wonder why the price of everything goes up.
Retail will drive a person to drink, lol
Prices don't go up because of shoplifters. They go up because capitalism requires capitalists to make more money at an ever faster rate. Shoplifting accounts for less than a single shareholders yacht.
@aetherkid That's what they want you to think.
@DaddyOfTheSugarVariety who is "they" and why do they want me to think true things?
@aetherkid OK, I've got nothing. Shoplifting can't help the prices and acconimy.
One of my peeves: weed shops/smokers; also applies to other smoking or vaping. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind weed being legal. What I mind is that some of us not only don't want to have to smell it, but some of us are _physically_ unable to tolerate it as a matter of health. I ended up with second-hand exposure one time from a housemate in college, because he thought it was a good idea to light up _in_ the dorms, and I ended up with severe bouts of nausea and have had to deal with a seemingly chronic stomach problem ever since.
I think I am "somewhere on the spectrum" ( self diagnosed, not been tested ) and sometimes have to switch off the people around me, depending on who they are. Example, I have to drive my elderly parents to something, eg doctor's appointment. That is over an hour of trying to concentrate on driving while getting told of all the problems of the world according to Sky News Australia ( same as Fox News ). We stop for something to eat and I will read a book ( on my phone ) to switch off.
Ok, a pet peeve. People who, while in the no passing part of the highway go at about 80 in the 100 zone, but when they see the "Overtaking lane ahead" sign quickly get to approximately 100. You get stuck behind for half an hour but when you finally try to pass, the cop is waiting.
ouija board "Let's keep in touch" love it! Can I use it too?
When I heard you say worsher, I had to laugh,,, grew up in tulsa
Seth, society has already failed. I think it was back in the 70s. Possibly the 1870s.
Inebriates are annoying.
Irregardless? It seems the majority love my grammatic pet peeve, "but yet" is nails on a chalkboard for me. It's "but" or "yet" or "and yet". But yet, people use it all the time.
4:30 Screw the mockers. I like MY drinks the way I like my men: tall, sweet and a little fruity.😁
Yeah also agreed on drunk driving (I have ONE BEER at most when I am driving or 2 Radler (German concotion/mix of beer and sprite/7-UP or other citrus soda!) and that is 3+ hours before I am driving! Hell, I had a glass of wine with the Christmas meal at my parents' place, but I drank that at 8 PM and left (by car) from their place at 1 AM, so plenty of time!)'s negligent if you do it and you are still in possession of your faculties! Yes, being drunk lowers inhibitions, but it doesn't make you stupid unless you are already stupid and willing to cave to peer pressure etc.!
I know what you mean about being around people who are high (on whatever) when you are sober. The stark changes in behavior is unnerving, because suddenly you are with people who are no longer the people you are used to. Not to mention when they do the things you described. That is just creepy. Perhaps someone filming them when they are like that and then showing it to them when they are sober.
The Ricky story, ngl if some told me that--drunk OR sober--either they would have a fist-shaped indent in their face or I would have a skull-shaped indent in my knuckles. Whichever's harder and thus easier to make an indent into the softer thing. Either way you get the point.
Great podcast mate 🫡🫡🫡👍👍👍
Gawd ,You’re so good Seth! It’s almost therapeutic to listen to your reflections over every day things. A lot of us experience it but you paint it in words in a masterly way. Thank you for sharing it!
Jon Stewart caught me off guard today with a peeve I didn't know I had, and one I wouldn't have expected to come up in the context of Luigi Mangione. Turns out I can't stand people mistaking circumspect and humble language as a sign of lacking confidence or conviction, even as a joke. It's something we see far too much from the anti-science community.
In a more visceral, misophonic way, though, my #1 has to be people rubbing their hands together. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me!
One of my pet peeves is hearing or seeing in writing the use of the word "seen" incorrectly. One must use it only using have seen, has seen, etc. Not I seen it. No, you saw it. Drives me insane and I have seen it used incorrectly in a newspaper article written by a journalist. Grrr.
i’ve never been drunk but i get super sick before no to get drunk
lack an enzyme or something my doctor said
It's kind of like Powell does power crew up how does it show you who you really are movie Mastermind is what I think of the most he was a nice guy when he had no powers because he had to be nice but once he got powers he didn't have to be nice he could be as rude as he want and he was forcing the bad guy to become a good guy good movie
It affects the frontal lobe 🎉
you watching the trailer park boys again lol
My pet peeve is putting up crosses to represent victims of mass shootings. It’s inappropriate and so disrespectful.
I have no issue with happy drunk people, but the nasty belligerent drunk people can go take a hike. My father is an alcoholic and when he gets drunk, he's rude and nasty and gets into name-calling and insults and is just generally awful. I have zero time for him, his abuse, or anyone who defends him. I have zero time for nasty drunks.
35:30 dictionaries aren't prescriptive, I hate when people try to justify stuff using dictionaries... a word is a word if it's used as such
Luckily I've never driven a car, otherwise, I probably would drive typsy.
Oh yeah my brother is a nasty drunk.
I'm the TJ from 27:28
In vino vertas.
Hey Alex, my pet peeve is people who make assumptions about why others are looking at their phone! This is so annoying and giving "kids these days" energy. Mind your business. So you have a problem with phones, yet you see a difference from collectively staring at a TV screen? Interesting. If I heard you judging me, I'd look at my phone even harder 😊
Seth, I know this sounds crazy, but you actually need to get properly shit faced with Aren or something. He loves those heavy beers but he seems like he would be a safe dude to party with. I’m not a fan of drinking but for sure you need to get properly shit faced my dude. It is a life experience that we all need to experience at least once or twice. 😊 it will give you more nuanced insights on why it’s so hard for people as well. Yes it’s annoying and all those other things you said, however it is important for you to know what it’s like. Otherwise criticisms seem less impactful. Make sense? Also hugs and love from GA my friend. Your hard work is growing like a oak tree 🌳 it takes time but it will be worth it. Many lives will be enriched by the shade of your work but it’s ok to stretch a bit ok? 😊 positive vibes and keep it up.
Acupuncture is actually scientifically known to help with certain issues.
My alcohol sense is complicated. I think alcohol just removes inhibitions and tact, revealing people's desires they'd otherwise keep tight-lipped. I am quite opposed to the absolute "shit-faced" drivers and think people that drunk shouldn't be excused, rather they should permanently lose their license when they cause others permanent injury or death. Driving is a regulated privilege, not a necessity like food or shelter.
Because it's regulated, I'd actually raise the legal limit federally to 0.10%, though. The schedules law enforcement are often pushed to keep have them in a sleep deprivation state comparable to 0.05% to 0.10%. I don't think it's equitable, it's actually quite hypocritical to keep this moral pejorative that's so doggedly punitive of functional people whose impairment by alcohol is comparable to the officer impaired by sleep deprivation. 0.05% to 0.10% is a gray area where I think people who get themselves home fine shouldn't be punished... only if they are negligent and cause an accident.
But herein is my introduction to my pet peave- one sided opinions that refuse to invert their own opinion & understand from a different perspective. Worst is the aggrandized opinion that closes itself off to facts they've chose to ignore because they don't support the opinion and their right to spew their own opinion is given far more priority than any equity for informed contrary opinions & ideas. Especially when it's obvious the opinion touted makes the holder an excellent case study in The Dunning-Kruger effect. The flat earther with a fortran NASA launch equations document; Young Earthers; Covid-19 deniers; religious bigot; every other "ignorant protected class" quick to drop their persecution complex when their cherished ignorance is challenged with facts and they don't want to learn or change.
Yep cell phones are a problem. I finally got sick of it so now when people come to my house to visit they're told to loose the phone because we are here to be with each other not to be on their electronics! My family and friends have learned this is my rules in my house so the phones are put away!!! We then play cards, games or just visit!
24:30 I think people who complain about people hiding behind anonymity are bullies.
They want to not only censor people they disagree with but also destroy their life.
These bullies hate the concept of free speech and thus these bullies are unamerican.