ocd and me...

  • Опубликовано: 20 ноя 2010
  • unedited vlog en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessiv... i barely suffer from it now (well maybe just a little) this vid was made just to let sufferers know that it can go away, well it did for me so good luck to you...

Комментарии • 41

  • @really2ugly
    @really2ugly 13 лет назад

    Thanks for sharing such a personal (and potentially embarrassing) part of your life. I'm sure it will help someone. That you were willing to do that makes this perhaps one of the best motorcycle vlogs out there.

  • @oli333
    @oli333 13 лет назад

    I have exactly the same thing at home but it's usually worst if I'm tired or stressed. It's really frustrating and difficult to overcome. Thanks for the vid.

  • @M3anMachin3
    @M3anMachin3 13 лет назад

    Nothing wrong there, Dan you had a problem and you overcame it. It requires a lot of self-discipline ad willpower to do that. Like quitting smoking or drinking. no shame, really. I too had this, mildly, for example: on the side-walks that have a grilled pattern carved into it, I had to walk and put my foot every other line. I would think of some self- punishment if i was unable to do it or/and horrible things would happen.. I've grown over from it now, but, as you see, it's fairly common

  • @Cestrianvlogger
    @Cestrianvlogger 13 лет назад

    with me its the volume on anything, it HAS to be an even number, if its an odd number then i can feel all this anger building up inside, its crazy, and its loads of little things, like pulling up my socks every hour, on the hour

  • @johnny006
    @johnny006 10 лет назад

    Interesting post dan funny I shud stumble upon this, I have some OCD going on aswell. I'm a checker, I check the gas is off, doors are locked, my possessions havnt climbed out my pockets, things havnt gone missing & on & on it goes. But it's getting better thank fuck. I'm dealing with it & it's getting better. I just fuck it off, I knows what's OCD & what's not so just stop myself running over it in my mind & 30 seconds later the buggy feeling goes.
    I thought my friends had no idea but recently they said they know I like to check things. I said like check what & they said everything lolol how embarrassing. But we're all more mental then we let on some just let on more than others:-)

  • @Itsreload
    @Itsreload 13 лет назад

    I think I have a mild form of it. Every time I leave my flat I have to go back and check the front door to make sure it's locked. I know I locked it but I don't know why I have the urge to go back and check.

  • @danmoto73
    @danmoto73  13 лет назад


  • @JumpinPakFlash
    @JumpinPakFlash 13 лет назад

    i dont like looking into peoples eyes so if im chatting to someone ill look at their nose or forehead. dont like big crowds. when im in bed at night i keep going downstairs and making sure everything is alright and check the back garden. while im thinking to myself (well im not gonna think to anybody else!) if i accidentally wish for something bad to happen ill wish the opposite so nothing bad happens. didnt really like admiting these but everyone else had so...

  • @danmoto73
    @danmoto73  13 лет назад

    @JumpinPakFlash it's cool to admit it, i've been amazed at how common a thing it is reading all of these comments :) and the eye contact thing is good, means you'll never get hypnotised :P

  • @danmoto73
    @danmoto73  13 лет назад

    @Itsreload thats the one thing i still do a lot!, i'm always the last guy out of the office and have a 30 mile commute home, at least once a week i get half way home and have to turn back, not good :(

  • @danmoto73
    @danmoto73  13 лет назад

    @nickgnaime i'm gonna look that up, i'm amazed with the amount of comments from people whom suffer similarly, glad i posted this

  • @grandori2
    @grandori2 13 лет назад

    very cool video man, I just wanted to ask if you were ever medicated for or diagnosed with OCD? I have had the 'obsession' part of OCD, which is something I think in my head over and over (repeating intrusive thoughts) and I also have general anxiety disorder. Sub'd.

  • @MadStu
    @MadStu 13 лет назад

    I never been to a doctor or anything, but I got a serious problem with words. don't know if it's OCD or not, but ferchrisakes it pisses me off no end.
    Every time I see a word I have to break it up into equal and/or mirrored number of segments. Example, the word important, I first break up into 3 segments of 3, (imp ort ant) then 2, 5, 2 (im porta nt) then 4,1,4 (impo r tant).
    I like words which have 12 letters as they're easily divided by 2, 3 and 4. I'm a freak. Never told my friends about it

  • @xanas7
    @xanas7 13 лет назад

    I remember having to mentally count pyramids of numbers in my head before I could go to sleep. hard to explain but it was like 1,2,3. 1,2. 1. 1,2. 1. 1.
    And I also did the whole light switch flicking thing, but I never had a specific number of times I had to do it or fears that anything would happen if I didn't. It just had to FEEL like it was a job completed. The click had to feel and sound right, completed . I still cant sleep if I think things are not done. which is why I'm commenting at 4am!

  • @danmoto73
    @danmoto73  13 лет назад

    @M3anMachin3 i've been amazed with all of these comments that it is such a common thing, normal almost for many people :)

  • @danmoto73
    @danmoto73  13 лет назад

    @lonelykatana lol maybe, i think that Orderly Conveyor Disorder ;D

  • @danmoto73
    @danmoto73  13 лет назад

    @DevonBiker21 it's nice to hear that it's not only me lol, how long did you do that for, was it similar circumstances, i'm pretty sure a lot of it can be when maybe you have too much time to think about stuff, i dunno tho

  • @danmoto73
    @danmoto73  13 лет назад

    @xanas7 lol almost all of us that are on the spain trip have an OCD and struggle to sleep, should be interesting :O

  • @imacf90
    @imacf90 13 лет назад

    you know i never really thought it was OCD when i did stuff like that. i used to turn the lights on and off just cuz i felt like i didnt do it right the first time and i have to keep doing it til im happy with how i did it. that sounds totally crazy but i think i understand where youre getting at. i dont really do that anymore though.

  • @muttleystudios
    @muttleystudios 13 лет назад

    @JumpinPakFlash Oh the sheer hilarity.

  • @jupejupes
    @jupejupes 13 лет назад

    I used to do that too -- think about people with believe that if I don't something bad will happen to them. There's comfort in it. Maybe that's why some religious people are obsessed with praying for others.

  • @jasonsong86
    @jasonsong86 13 лет назад

    I HAVE to have all the vents lined up in my car, and if someone touches them I get very uncomfortable. also when I roll down my windows in my car, they have to be at certain position cant be any position in between.
    also I live my temperature knobs at certain positions.

  • @nickgnaime
    @nickgnaime 13 лет назад

    I feel that OCD is self-therapy as long as it's non-destructive. I'm ultra OCD but in good ways. If you want to understand what I'm talking about, do a search for Epicly Later'd - Andrew Reynolds and it's the best description of OCD, in my case, that I have ever seen on video.

  • @EZER1DER1
    @EZER1DER1 13 лет назад

    i have something like that i have to move my eyes around and blink loads and if i said a sentence i would most the time spellin my head every word and say space so it something like it

  • @jaygdav
    @jaygdav 13 лет назад

    first yes!

  • @Crackn81
    @Crackn81 13 лет назад

    i used to have the same kinda thing....i couldn't walk on any lines and if i did, i had to go back and do it all over again...walking on bricks was a challenge lol

  • @1970savage
    @1970savage 13 лет назад

    I think the compulsion to constantly talk to oneself while alone on a motorcycle might be construed as a bit OCD . Still never mind it's entertaining for the rest of us obsessed with watching said person on a regular basis

  • @danmoto73
    @danmoto73  13 лет назад

    @5xtimeslfc haha v.good

  • @67kneil
    @67kneil 13 лет назад

    my ex girlfriend is ocd took her forever to do things she is very creative and gets really into projects but never finishes things and leaves them hanging the problem was also in relattionships not her fault just the way her brain worked. is it like you think to much and create problems in your own head? just trying to understand cheers great video helps me understand why things didnt work for us

  • @timorgano
    @timorgano 13 лет назад

    I have really wierd OCD. It's only some things. My dvds and books are all alphabetical and number order, but books in series HAVE to be in series order, not chronological. If you take Tom Clancy's books with Dr Ryan, Patriot Games would come before The Hunt For Red October, even though H is before P.
    I'm nowhere near as crazy as some people are with OCD, or you generally are, haha.

  • @JumpinPakFlash
    @JumpinPakFlash 13 лет назад

    @danmoto73 Like the hypnotist on little britain... :-P plus did you watch the bbc 3 programme about people with weird haits or obsessions? Freak Like Me it was called.

  • @timorgano
    @timorgano 7 лет назад

    I miss the Viffa days

  • @roninsoul
    @roninsoul 13 лет назад

    i dont ocd its more like ADD , always loosing tought

  • @tdad71302
    @tdad71302 13 лет назад

    my OCD is that all my money in my wallet has to be in order from front to back smaller bills to larger bills and they all have to be facing the same direction. my wife can't stand it. lol i have to do it when people hand me money too.

  • @JumpinPakFlash
    @JumpinPakFlash 13 лет назад

    @Muttley196 i ll keep that in mind muttley. btw, wheres dastardly?

  • @steelhorseclub
    @steelhorseclub 13 лет назад

    Why do you smoke,. haha, same thing happened to me. My ocd mainly revolves around food. I also have problems in crowded places. For me, I have never had problems inside my home. It is mainly out in public.

  • @RWRobertRW
    @RWRobertRW 13 лет назад

    @67kneil no she just used that as an excuse to leave you, can't believe you actually fell for it.

  • @Gabi4games
    @Gabi4games 13 лет назад


  • @latana151
    @latana151 13 лет назад

    de ja vu?!?!? repost?

  • @danmoto73
    @danmoto73  13 лет назад

    @svengalie nice try, but it's not an OCD if everyones doing him... erm.. it :O

  • @JumpinPakFlash
    @JumpinPakFlash 13 лет назад

    @Muttley196 its only a joke mate :-)