Yeah, I watched this because there wasn't anything interesting at the time, so I randomly picked to watch this to kill off time. I wasn't expecting anything, but I was surprised it was actually a good movie. How come I've never heard of this? I looked around on the internet and it seems the producers spent a whole lot of money on marketing yet here I am not knowing what the hell this movie was all about. So what the fuck happened to those hundreds of millions of dollars in marketing? The producer should have sued the marketing company they contracted, it's like they scammed them and pocketed the money.
John Carter is a smart, fun, EXCELLENT movie created by people who obviously cared deeply for the source material. Disney merely marketed it all wrong. It's a damned shame! I'd LOVE to see the sequels!
Mark Lipka there is so much Hollywood can do with John Carter but they have to catch up with Star Trek, Star Wars, MCU, DC, Edgar Rice Burroughs books are amazing. Maybe 10yrs from now we will see it.
If a book isn't going to make a good movie, which I don't even agree with regarding the Barsoom stories, then changing the book into something else to make a better movie is redundant.
I dunno, about half of them apparently made their money back with the international sales included. Not sure I'd call that a financial flop. A financial disappointment if you were expecting big profits perhaps, but flops?
I really wished that the transformers movie to flop and not make any money So they would start to invest more money on the writing and story instead of wasting it on Michael bay bullshit
pretty sure Disney won't let anyone prove them wrong (who would front the Special effects money in the first place?) by trying... as anything implied to be a sequel is covered by their contracts.., the family of Edgar Rice Burroughs (or a group invoking his name) is making a push to intertwine Trademark and Copyright laws, essentially pulling what little of John Carter that has fallen into Public Domain back under their control... that legal case is looking to be stuck in court for several more years so one this side of Uwe Boll is going to waste their time if there is a risk the rights will be reclaimed
That too;that's the makers of these type of movies should really listen to test audiences by fixing whatever needs to be fixed, script-wise,since a lot of money is at stake..!
I saw that in the theater when I was like 7 and I actually thought it wasn't bad. When I see the animation now it makes me wonder why my mom took me to see the movie. That money could have been used to watch homecoming or some other movie
"Has all the makings of a hit", except visuals that don't make you want to vomit, a plotline that's appealing, and a good marketing campaign. I feel like looper is WAY too lose with "has all the makings of a hit" claim.
Rocco Cascio Stupid marketing people made it look stupid in the trailers. My fiancee had to drag me to the couch to watch it. After 10 minutes I was hooked. After it ended I said "how did they make THAT look like it was for dumb jocks?!"
I dont care what Critics or anyone says John Carter is a damn Good movie ! The marketing not the actors or acting was the problem . Other then being 15 min. to long or so , it was a Entertaining movie with fantastic SFX ...
I felt they screwed it up by moving too fast and trying to make it big and complex. What I always liked about the books was it was just John Carter going to the ends of the earth (well mars really) to track down Dejah and get her back and his travails through increasingly strange environments. The movie wanted a big political ongoing war story with traditional heroes and villains doing traditional hero and villain things to gain power. If you read the books none of them were very complex and they relied on the John chasing after Dejah thing in most of them. Even the later books with different protagonists and john carters offspring was just them chasing each other back and forth across the planet.
riverw007 I suspect a lot of people would not know about the books. The film is not consistent with the books, but then the books are not consistent with each other.
Aaron KM , I agree. It was an interesting story with a unique setting. It seems like critics just focus on the money part and not the creativity put into it.
"The test audience thought it was terrifying? Hm . . . change the lighting and slap a scary soundtrack on it. Call it "Mars needs flesh". Boom. Make it happen" - Smart exec that doesn't exist.
John Carter actually did very good in the foreign market and eventually made all its money back and more. They ended up profiting 34 million dollars. The sad part about this list is that some of these are really good movies. While in some cases sucky films gross alot more.
Unfortunately people wont hate on a feminists wet dream. But yeah, making a few thousand over their budget still makes it a total utter flop any looper are hypocritical for leaving it out
Maybe because it didn't. The production cost was $144,000,000 and the Worldwide Box Office earned $229,034,050. People just like to shit about it because it was an all female cast, but guess what? It works! For sure they expected better, but there were too many crybabies boycoting the movie to do better.
The movie is considered a bomb, though not as big as a bomb as the movies in this list. Similar to the movies in this list, it made less than the production cost in the domestic box office, and it made less than the production and marketing budget (estimated to be over $300 million) in the international box office. The movie was not a complete failure, but it lost the studios money.
The movie was a huge bomb, it may have made that much money but it took all this time. I literally watched that movie closely and it's box office impact as it was released, make no mistake about it the movie was a HUGE bomb. Also most of that 'People only hated it cause it had females' is a bullshit agenda and also not true. Sure there was probably a minority of assholes on the internet who said some sexist shit but they were indeed the minority. I can't believe people bought that crap and are still pushing it.
I too like John Carter but sometimes a character that has great powers seems to loose all their power for no apparent reason then suddenly regains it and wipes out everyone. This is confusing, if you are strong and powerful you should be strong and powerful all the time.
I grew up reading Edgar Rice Burroughs's Barsoom series, and found much of the movie more faithful to the original than I expected. My real disappointment was the fact that they turned John Carter into a moody, reluctant hero when he was never intended to be that.
orin hasan A Movie flop means it didn't gain back the money that it wasted . So if a movie used 100 million dollars and it only makes 67 million then is a flop
orin hasan but dude come on 50 shades of gray just think of all the girls who dragged poor fellas to have to watch it in theaters it's no wonder it did so well in the box office that was a given and yes I do agree any movie would be better than that hands down but once they have your money like they care if u enjoy the film
orin hasan i think it had a lot to do with how you market the movies. Most trailers are so packed with action and fast camera angles to get you hype but leave nothing to the imagination. Then when you get to the movie theatre it's either stuff you've seen already or total scenes are missing altogether.
orin hasan: I think it was a combination of a whitewashed Japanese story line and the fact that they all kill themselves at the end that made ronin a bad movie to me. Call me crazy, but I don't think the american market likes the idea of the protagonists killing themselves for honor at the end like they do in other cultures where that is historically expected.
I must be one of the few people on the Earth who thought John Carter was a fun, often cute movie that was enjoyable to watch and had a really interesting mythos. I know I would have absolutely adored it as a kid. The problem with Ender's Game is that it tried to pack too much into one movie. The book was expansive, and there were so many key moments that just didn't make it in the movie at all. Plus the entire sub-plot of Ender's brother and sister slowly taking over the government was missed entirely, and the movie didn't wrap up in a satisfactory way. A lot of high hopes that didn't come close to meeting expectation.
Yo, not alone on that, me and my Pops *_loved_* _John Carter,_ a fun space western adventure and they were faithful to what Edgar Rice Burroughs had envisioned the Martians to be in his books. Reading the original book before seeing the movie may have helped me get into it. ;)
It flopped because it butchered the source material turning a serious psychological / philosophical hard scifi piece into the Badnews Bears in space with a hollywood bs teen romance subplot.
I think your observation about "flopping because it butchered the source material, is DEAD ON and goes for The Fantastic Four and The Lone Ranger, both could've been hits but the scripts veered too far away from the original storylines in various ways both big and small.
"Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what's going to work. Every time out it's a guess and, if you're lucky, an educated one." -screenwriting legend William Goldman. And still true!!
They werent kidding about John Carter's marketing team... When you don't advertise "BY THE CREATOR OF TARZAN" or "PRINCESS OF MARS" your gonna loose interest on something thats suppose to be easy $$$
The main reason why that film bombed was because of the title. Originally, it was going to be called John Carter of Mars, but for some stupid reason they dropped the "Mars" part. If you're going to name a movie after a character, it better be a very cool name. I'll give you some perfect examples: Forrest Gump, Jerry Maguire, Erin Brockovich, those are cool names. John Carter is a very bland and extremely common name. No way it would've worked out.
Blame Disney for dropping the "Mars" part. Because Mars Needs Moms bombed horribly, Disney decided that movies with "Mars" in their titles were instant box office poison, so they dropped the "Mars' part of the John Carter title. How anyone could EVER reach that kind of stupid conclusion, I have no idea... Also, really, REALLY bad marketing didn't help.
Jupiter Ascending was the only one I actually saw and it really is disappointing, to say the least. One thing I did like is the movie's theory about why natural disasters happen on planet earth.
No Valerian? Did the film staring two children playing adults, really not make this list? Or, is it just that it came out the same year as the above video, and hence would be ridiculous to put in it?
47 Ronin, John Carter, Battleship, Enders Game, and Jupiter Ascending are all really enjoyable movies to watch! I sometimes think that movie critics go out of their way to find something wrong with every movie.
Jupiter Ascending was bad. Really bad. And it wasn't Eddie Redmayne's acting that brought it down. It was the lead character. I'm not saying Mila Kunis is a bad actress, but her character she was saddled with was so irredeemably bad it ruined any chance of enjoying the movie for what it was. When she wasn't being a stereotypical damsel in distress, she was doing nothing that any normal person would do in the same situation. "I'm a reincarnated, immortal galactic princess - on a real life space ship? Out in SPACE?? Amaz... Wait, wow... This dress looks awful, doesn't it?" "I so want to be this half-man, half-dog's bitch right now." "Yep - I'm gonna keep cleaning toilets. Builds character, you know..." What? Why??
Jupiter Ascending was just way too cheesy for me. There was a typical cinderella story, a cool guy to fall in love with, that evil stepbrother she needs to deal with and of course she does the right choice and stays on earth cleaning toilets in the end. That was just too much for me.
47 Ronin is a flop because it's a did terrible at the box office. And this American live-action anime bares no resemblance to the actual details of the legend.
how is it good if they as all just kill themselves at the end? like that's the dumbest thing they could ever do in a movie. I remember people leaving the theater while that ending scene was going on.
shiit winds....because that is how it really ended in the historical record. The real 47 Ronin were allowed to perform Seppuku and receive an honorable death, according to the code of Bushido. Also, because they avenged their Daimyo's unjust death if they were not allowed to perform Seppuku, they would have been executed as lowly criminals; an dishonorable death. Either way, they were fated to die, better as heroes than as criminals.
Agent Fisher The Emoji Movie will probably be a financial success, unfortunately. It only cost $50 million to make, which is far below what most major CGI animated movies cost.
Sometimes, movie houses spend so much on their money production costs, they have very little left over for promotion. Perhaps this is what happened with John Carter. A great movie that I never heard about until several years later. Ender's Game wasn't bad but the premise of teen recruits really was quite annoying from the get go. Maybe Hollywood should occasionally go 'R' on some of their movies simply because of the adult nature of its content and forgo trying to greedily capturing a wider range of audience while disappointing many in the process. I loved Battleship and can't believe that movie didn't make great box office. As for the Lone Ranger - that problem was simple: they miscast Johnny Depp in this role as Tonto. With uneven and quirky humor, it was too weird to be enjoyable. 47 Ronin suffered not so much from visuals as lackluster performances ... sorry Keanu Reeves. Fantastic Four suffers from an over saturated comic book adaptation market, plus the characters didn't feel three-dimensional enough to hold my interest. Still haven't seen Jupiter Ascending but I suspect something went afoul here, too. Dear Hollywood, it takes more than stunning visual f/x to hold our interests for 2 hr 19 minutes.
Jupiter Ascending looked and startedf promising... but has perhaps the weakest and most useless female character ever written as the main star of the film. And the end was soooo "low". Could have been so much better.
Did they? Have you seen Plan 9 From Outer Space? The Exorcist II? Heaven's Gate? There were plenty of atrocious films made 'back then'. The films we remember and still watch today are the ones that really did have a good plot/script/etc. - we've just forgotten about the bad ones. Even Alfred Hitchcock churned out the occasional dud (e.g. Jamaica Inn and Topaz). Similarly, good films are still made today. Some are rich in special effects and CGI (e.g. Lord of the Rings) while others barely have any (e.g. Room). Films like Jupiter Ascending will die a death and be forgotten in the next decade or so, but I imagine people will still be watching Lord of the Rings. The special effects in Star Wars and 2001: A Space Odyssey still hold up, as do the ones in Metropolis, which is rapidly approaching it's 100th anniversary. The bottom line is that good films are good films irrespective of the era, and that depends on the quality of the script, direction, acting, editing, music and, yes, the visuals (film is, after all, a visual medium).
I will have to agree with you on Star Wars, when it came out, the effects were impressive. I don't care for the remasters as much as the originals, the effects that they "beefed up" seem over blown to me, in most cases.
It was a decent movie that needed a better script. It should have been more faithful to the material and not make the Therns magic. Taylor Kitsch was a good John Carter, but Dejah Thoris needed to be a stronger heroine. She was too weak in the movie.
Yeah I understand that the marketing department basically got lynched for this because they thought it had more name recognition based on the source material then it did.
All it needed was a different title, "John Carter Warrior of Mars" and it would have been a success. My dad loved this movie and was upset about the whole thing cuz he had no idea what John Carter was from the title, he actually wanted to see it in the theater but forgot the name of the movie so he missed it. Bad marketing and name killed this movie.
Well, maybe these movies don't do so well when the companies only try to sell them on the american market while 95% of the worlds populace lives outside of it.
+Rogue Neet How is the novel for Ender's Game compared to the movie. Is it similar to The Revenant and Dark Tower in that the books were far and away better than their respective movies? Or is it like Game of Thrones where the book and TV show are the same?
A Song of Ice and Fire is way better than Game of Thrones, especially compared to the later seasons. That said the difference between the Ender's Game novel and movie is closer to the Revenant/ Dark Tower in your analogy, although not quite to that degree
Not even surprised that the politically correct people at Looper left out one of the biggest flops of the decade: The rebooted Ghostbusters movie. It wouldnt have suited their left wing agenda.
Except it made $230 million in the box office on a budget of $150 million. I haven't seen it but commercially it wasn't as big of a flop as the movies on this list
@@morange492 You're ignoring the marketing costs. The film needed 300 million to break even and the producers wanted 500 million to even consider a sequel. The film did flop.
Also studios base their future years budget on what they expect their films in the pipeline will do. So even if a movie doesn't necessarily flop, even if it just under performs, it causes huge problems and I am sure they expected Ghost Busters would be a hit. Too bad they didn't realize that just having the name of a previous hit attached to a movie isn't enough to sell tickets.
I think by the time they figure that out it's already too late... the money has been spent so they have to ship it. But there are some films who I have to ask why did you make this... Battleship, the emoji movie, Monster trucks. They knew that The long ranger was a dog before it his the screen. I was at a Disney on a project had been measuring the buzz for that film for months using big data. They knew it was going to suck... but they needed to get some of there cash back... In ending I have to say one thing... Stop making fantastic four movies. you can't do it so stop trying.
the ff have been mistreated since film 1. doom had a completely different backstory. galactus is not a giant space cloud. sue and Johnny storm are white, blonde and blue eyed. I don't understand why they couldn't get such simple details right.
I remember when this came out I worked at a movie theater and everyone was losing their shit about the black guy in the cast. I don't think that is a big deal. The actual appearance of characters is never really a huge problem when it comes to adaptations. Like in the great kids movie, "how to train your dragon" in the book hiccup was an orange haired fellow with more than one dragon sidekick, but the author liked the movie adaptation because it essentially captured the spirit of the book. There are more examples, but that's the first that comes to mind. The details are not as important as the execution of the film. And that movie sucked for way bigger reasons than the looks of the main cast alone. as for doom and galactus, yea they messed those details up too but they MIGHT have gotten away with it if, again, it was executed correctly. Hollywood almost never keeps the origin story of superheroes in tact because they can argue there are already so many adaptations on the single subject their little changes don't matter. and sometimes it doesn't if they do so sparingly. This film just deserved the rights to change the story less and less as time went on in the course of the two hours of your life you'll never get back.
I liked Ender's Game, despite the bully. Heard Japan totally disliked 47 Ronin, which didn't even try to tell the story of the legend... Totally amazed how much money was wasted on these films - could fund a small country with those budgets lol
@Mohammad Sheikh I'm pretty sure most of the critics that said it was good were paid to give it a good review.. looking at both IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes the general public were half and half.
Anyone who mentions ghost busters flop, gets destroyed by the all mighty feminist empire, which is all for equality and free speech! Just kidding, they no longer have to pretend to value equality and free speech and can be openly batshit biased, ignorant cunts. Not like anyone's gonna stop them.
Making a movie based on a board game as simple as battleship is a stupid idea. Spending 300 million on it is beyond baffling. Should have been low budget, if at all.
I kept getting it confused with pacific rim Rihanna in that one too?..I feel like a transformers came in round that time was just to saturated and Yeah why not make a monopoly movie before battleship , coulda called this one from the get go a !flippity flop!
Yes, I understand the title of this video, but it was an excellent movie. The problem was that many people weren't familiar with the Edgar Rice Burroughs books, probably because they were written in the first heyday of science fiction and fantasy writing. Many people only read newer works.
edu88 Probably because no one thought it would be a hit and I don't think it was a complete flop because a lot of people watched it to see how bad it was, just like the emoji movie
Hey. Lone Ranger was a good movie that was apparently too adult for some people. Hell, Tarantino LOVED it. I trust his taste in Western over the oversensitive, infantile Hollywood elite myself
I agree with the 3 of them... but "Jupiuter Ascending" has perhaps one of the worst female characters ever written! She is... just there! To be saved! Over and over again!
47 Ronin: Never saw it. I kept asking what's Keanu Reeves doing as a JAPANESE samurai? John Carter: I loved it! Course I knew the character beforehand. Not true to source material but still enjoyable as a different interpretation. Battleship: Meh. Kinda dumb, but if it was on TV and nothing else was on I'd watch it. The Lone Ranger: Tried too hard to be edgy, then tried to be funny. Tone was all over the place. Could have done this adaptation better. Ender's Game: Loved it! Again varies from source, but I watched this before I read the book and it will hold a special spot for me. F4: Too soon for a reboot, why did you make human torch black? Just trying to check off demographics? Ok bye. Jupiter Ascending: I watched this movie deployed. I had nothing better to do. Completely forgettable. Oh god Eddie Redmaines acting.... Mars need moms: Didn't see it.
On John Carter: "turned a small profit internationally" (5:50), Soooooo, it wasn'ta flop after all? According to, it was. On a budget of 250 M°, it made 284 M° in revenue.
fireatheart but it was made on the intention of making at least 300m back bc when u put that much money into a film you don't JUST want to break even you want to make more than you needed to use to make the film lol
Let me clarify: from what the clip above states, I got the impression, like you, that John Carter turned out a "modest" profit of 34 M°, but that is simply not so. When you factor in marketing campaign costs and fees paid to the distributor, a film needs to make at least 3 or 4 times it's budget at the box office. According to this principle, John Carter (a very good film in my book) should have made at least 600 M° at the International box office to break even (then there's home video and TV revenues to sweeten the deal), and in the range of 800 M°-1 Billion to make it a certified success. I still wonder: how much did John Carter bring in home video and TV sales? This, so far, has never been revealed anywhere for any film.
The books are fantastic, but I knew the movie would have tanked the moment I heard of it. Without the subplots and the subtleties of Card's prose, that would have been lost in a movie's script, the story is just lame.
The Fantastic 4 movie was terrible. A 2 hour super hero movie with 1 hour and 30 minutes of bullshit science before they evenget their powers. 1 fight in the whole movie...
Battleship was destined to be a failure: bad actors, bad characters, bad script, ridiculous plot, corny cringe worthy dialog, and surprisingly for a big budget movie mediocre special effects.
First watch it and then say your opinion, that movie was on aliens versus us navy tema. And this "bad" caracter played also in 300 rise of empire and many more...
The beginning of Fantastic Four was AMAZING. But it lacked action, and it's ending did not live up to its beginning. The last battle was stale, rushed and basically boring. The climax did not nearly hit as hard as it should.
wtf 47 Ronin and John Carter are great also enders game being ruined by social justice left wing ideologues is reprehensible, it's just an example of how much of a pathetic existence we have come to be in recent times
Jupiter ascending had the makings of a great movie but put some corny stuff in there. The whole queen bee thing was stupid. I did not like the lead character. Just knowing the fact that she is Meg from family guy was a real big turn off.
47 ronins and Fantastic Four were loosely related to the existing "lore", maybe if they were more faithfull and less "innovative" they wouldn't flop. John Carter and Ender's Game i actually enjoyed, nothing special but still had fun whatching them. The others i haven't seen so no idea.
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Ey, thats pretty good!
I've noticed a trend in movie dialogues that continues to add cheesy comic lines that disrupt the mood, as well as poor casting choices.
Green Lantern made Worldwide: $219,851,172 before pay per view and video.the budget was 200 million. Not great but not a flop.
Looper justice league
do a surprising hits with lower budget next :)
Joshua Suh get out
Less than 10 million? Blair witch project cost way less. 60,000 apparently.
Also paranormal Activity was really cheap and made a nice profit
Cornetto Trilogy by edger wright.
John Carter flopped financially, but it was actually a pretty good movie.
Zac Jelke and 47 ronin
Agon Leed gotta disagree with you on that one, but to each their own
that title just sucks also
Yeah, I watched this because there wasn't anything interesting at the time, so I randomly picked to watch this to kill off time. I wasn't expecting anything, but I was surprised it was actually a good movie. How come I've never heard of this? I looked around on the internet and it seems the producers spent a whole lot of money on marketing yet here I am not knowing what the hell this movie was all about. So what the fuck happened to those hundreds of millions of dollars in marketing? The producer should have sued the marketing company they contracted, it's like they scammed them and pocketed the money.
I liked it too. It's a fun, mindless popcorn move that doesn't deserve the reputation it got.
John Carter is a smart, fun, EXCELLENT movie created by people who obviously cared deeply for the source material.
Disney merely marketed it all wrong.
It's a damned shame! I'd LOVE to see the sequels!
Mark Lipka there is so much Hollywood can do with John Carter but they have to catch up with Star Trek, Star Wars, MCU, DC, Edgar Rice Burroughs books are amazing. Maybe 10yrs from now we will see it.
Smart, fun, excellent??? Maybe if you're 10 years old. Marketing was bad, I concur.
its was nothing special.
Rodzilla some books just don't make good movies
If a book isn't going to make a good movie, which I don't even agree with regarding the Barsoom stories, then changing the book into something else to make a better movie is redundant.
Regardless wether you love or hate these movies they are a financial flop do people on here not understand the title?
The internet can be very frustrating at times :)
I can read and I can also give the movies their props. Just because they were flops doesn't mean they were bad movies.
I dunno, about half of them apparently made their money back with the international sales included. Not sure I'd call that a financial flop. A financial disappointment if you were expecting big profits perhaps, but flops?
Just because you like trash doesn't mean trash is good.
I read the comments and people are not denying the failure of the movies, they are just saying they like one or some of them
John Carter was awesome the marketing was crap. The lone ranger was stupid for portraying Tonto with Johnny Depp. Enders game was a really good movie.
Why can't Johnny Depp play Tonto? Still don't get that. Do you know how hard it would be to find a native american with Johnny Depp's comical talent?
@@captainsmoke1612 AGREED. I'm part Native American and so it Johnny Depp. WTF is the problem? I thought he was great.
I really liked Ender’s game too.
Enders game is 1 of the worst movies ever made the book is 10000000x better.
@@stillaliveplus1forme Who the fuck asked you anyway?
john carter is actually a good movie
Right? I really like it!
One of my all time favourite movies tbh
Watched it without any expectations, came out really liking the movie.
same I liked it and didn't know the actor at all just like Sci Fi movies
John Carter was a good movie though. It was marketed so fucking bad that no one knew what it was
When I heard it was the world record biggest flop it was also the 1st time I've ever heard of it.
me too i heard about this movie in videos like this
I really wished that the transformers movie to flop and not make any money
So they would start to invest more money on the writing and story instead of wasting it on Michael bay bullshit
Heisnberg This is the last movie Michael Bay said he was going to direct and compared to other Transformer movies this last one sure is a flop.
Lol no matter what I will always watch a new transformers movie. It's my childhood lmao. Back in the good o'l days of armada man times were easy
Holy Shit , John Carter was a flop movie ..! WTF with USA People .. John Carter's Director should make a sequel of this movie ..!
pretty sure Disney won't let anyone prove them wrong (who would front the Special effects money in the first place?) by trying... as anything implied to be a sequel is covered by their contracts..,
the family of Edgar Rice Burroughs (or a group invoking his name) is making a push to intertwine Trademark and Copyright laws, essentially pulling what little of John Carter that has fallen into Public Domain back under their control... that legal case is looking to be stuck in court for several more years so one this side of Uwe Boll is going to waste their time if there is a risk the rights will be reclaimed
Yeah it's actually entertaining and fun movie. Too bad movie snobs treat it like shit
John Carter made a ton of money in the foreign market. We didn't appreciate it over here in the U.S.
Notice these are all action flicks? I mean,you can only throw so many visuals at an audience;you better have a good script to back them up!
yup, the star wars prequels are definitely the best example of this lol.
ROBYN MARKOW Action flicks need HUGE budgets to produce, which equals HUGE losses when they flop.
That too;that's the makers of these type of movies should really listen to test audiences by fixing whatever needs to be fixed, script-wise,since a lot of money is at stake..!
ROBYN MARKOW Too bad most directors have a "direction" and stick to it regardless of it being incorrect or over budget.
+ROBYN MARKOW That's the problem with a lot of movies these days. All style and no substance,
Mars needs moms animation is kinda disturbing :'(
i think i might of seen that when i was little... that would explain a lot of things.
I saw that in the theater when I was like 7 and I actually thought it wasn't bad. When I see the animation now it makes me wonder why my mom took me to see the movie. That money could have been used to watch homecoming or some other movie
"Has all the makings of a hit", except visuals that don't make you want to vomit, a plotline that's appealing, and a good marketing campaign. I feel like looper is WAY too lose with "has all the makings of a hit" claim.
Yeh, that's the uncanny valley
more like the valley of benjamin button diseased children
Fantastic Four Reboot was sure to be a hit?? lol.
Everyone knew it would be bad. It was isn't MCU.
i found myself asking why they were remaking movies that came out barely 10 years ago.
Fantastic Four just seems to not work on film, I've yet to see the reboot and probably won't, the original two are OK just alotta cheese acting.
It's not even worth your time watching it at home if someone gave you the BD/DVD as a present type bad.
To this day I still enjoy John Carter
Rocco Cascio same here
I love that dog creature!
Classic movie and action no stop. The name didn't do it justice I believe.
It's a good movie, but they're not wrong calling it a flop. I can give you 177 million reason why.
Rocco Cascio
Stupid marketing people made it look stupid in the trailers. My fiancee had to drag me to the couch to watch it.
After 10 minutes I was hooked.
After it ended I said "how did they make THAT look like it was for dumb jocks?!"
2:50 Lena Dunham giving her input on johnny depp and racism she is perfect after all
A human that molested her sister until she was 17, but a human.
Wow. I had no idea and she actually admitted this in her book. What the hell. She should do some writing behind bars.
Blukeyy she is a fucking moron
I loved John Carter, And Battle Ship was a blast...The lone stranger was great....what's wrong with people
I dont care what Critics or anyone says John Carter is a damn Good movie ! The marketing not the actors or acting was the problem . Other then being 15 min. to long or so , it was a Entertaining movie with fantastic SFX ...
Definitely the best of this lot, and not an insult to it's source material unlike most of the rest.
I felt they screwed it up by moving too fast and trying to make it big and complex. What I always liked about the books was it was just John Carter going to the ends of the earth (well mars really) to track down Dejah and get her back and his travails through increasingly strange environments. The movie wanted a big political ongoing war story with traditional heroes and villains doing traditional hero and villain things to gain power. If you read the books none of them were very complex and they relied on the John chasing after Dejah thing in most of them. Even the later books with different protagonists and john carters offspring was just them chasing each other back and forth across the planet.
riverw007 I suspect a lot of people would not know about the books. The film is not consistent with the books, but then the books are not consistent with each other.
It did seem to be a little ashamed of its source material though. They should have stuck to calling it "John Carter *of Mars*"!
Aaron KM , I agree. It was an interesting story with a unique setting. It seems like critics just focus on the money part and not the creativity put into it.
Mars Needs Moms is terrifying looking. No wonder it flopped.
Before this vid, I had never heard of it before.
I saw it accidentally when it came on HBO
"The test audience thought it was terrifying? Hm . . . change the lighting and slap a scary soundtrack on it. Call it "Mars needs flesh". Boom. Make it happen" - Smart exec that doesn't exist.
That movie creeped me out when I saw it as a kid....
Uncanny valley.
I LOVED JOHN CARTER....And its really refreshing to see I wasn't alone. Feel good film.
John Carter actually did very good in the foreign market and eventually made all its money back and more. They ended up profiting 34 million dollars.
The sad part about this list is that some of these are really good movies. While in some cases sucky films gross alot more.
It's an awesome movie.
What about the Ghostbusters (2016)? It was a total flop
No it made over 100k over the original budget . So is not a flop
It did flop because it failed to make it's marketing budget back, though it was far from the biggest flop that year
I was expecting Ghostbusters as well. Total epic feminazi disaster.
Unfortunately people wont hate on a feminists wet dream. But yeah, making a few thousand over their budget still makes it a total utter flop any looper are hypocritical for leaving it out
They lost a total of 70 million
You forgot Ghostbusters ~ Answer the Call (2016).
Also, Lone Ranger flopped because no one knew who the lead was
Maybe because it didn't. The production cost was $144,000,000 and the Worldwide Box Office earned $229,034,050. People just like to shit about it because it was an all female cast, but guess what? It works! For sure they expected better, but there were too many crybabies boycoting the movie to do better.
The movie is considered a bomb, though not as big as a bomb as the movies in this list. Similar to the movies in this list, it made less than the production cost in the domestic box office, and it made less than the production and marketing budget (estimated to be over $300 million) in the international box office. The movie was not a complete failure, but it lost the studios money.
The movie was a huge bomb, it may have made that much money but it took all this time. I literally watched that movie closely and it's box office impact as it was released, make no mistake about it the movie was a HUGE bomb. Also most of that 'People only hated it cause it had females' is a bullshit agenda and also not true. Sure there was probably a minority of assholes on the internet who said some sexist shit but they were indeed the minority. I can't believe people bought that crap and are still pushing it.
Hey it didn't fit with their disgusting feminist agenda so of course they did not include it.
Lin L. Hendric all female? Those things didn't look like a female.
i dont know what the prblm with people.... i just loved John carter and Battleship!!
"Who you might remember from his mention 55 seconds ago" DAAAAAMN!!!! SHOTS FIRED
BadImprov What?
John Carter was a pretty good movie imo
QuickUnit - - it was awesome!
John Carter and The Lone Ranger were actually both pretty good.
John Carter was really fun, hope they make a sequel one day.
King Moon I hope so too, I like that movie
I too like John Carter but sometimes a character that has great powers seems to loose all their power for no apparent reason then suddenly regains it and wipes out everyone. This is confusing, if you are strong and powerful you should be strong and powerful all the time.
Was looking for comments like this :D I enjoyed the movie... To bad it didn't do that well..
I watched it with my family and enjoyed it, but my family didnt, we are in the minority.
I grew up reading Edgar Rice Burroughs's Barsoom series, and found much of the movie more faithful to the original than I expected. My real disappointment was the fact that they turned John Carter into a moody, reluctant hero when he was never intended to be that.
I still don't understand why 47 ronin flopped at box office. all of these movies 100 times better than 50 shades of grey...
orin hasan A Movie flop means it didn't gain back the money that it wasted . So if a movie used 100 million dollars and it only makes 67 million then is a flop
orin hasan but dude come on 50 shades of gray just think of all the girls who dragged poor fellas to have to watch it in theaters it's no wonder it did so well in the box office that was a given and yes I do agree any movie would be better than that hands down but once they have your money like they care if u enjoy the film
orin hasan i think it had a lot to do with how you market the movies. Most trailers are so packed with action and fast camera angles to get you hype but leave nothing to the imagination. Then when you get to the movie theatre it's either stuff you've seen already or total scenes are missing altogether.
Dog_Luvr don't bark here puppy, go somewhere else.
orin hasan:
I think it was a combination of a whitewashed Japanese story line and the fact that they all kill themselves at the end that made ronin a bad movie to me. Call me crazy, but I don't think the american market likes the idea of the protagonists killing themselves for honor at the end like they do in other cultures where that is historically expected.
Most of the Flops mentioned in this list were Disney's...
I must be one of the few people on the Earth who thought John Carter was a fun, often cute movie that was enjoyable to watch and had a really interesting mythos. I know I would have absolutely adored it as a kid.
The problem with Ender's Game is that it tried to pack too much into one movie. The book was expansive, and there were so many key moments that just didn't make it in the movie at all. Plus the entire sub-plot of Ender's brother and sister slowly taking over the government was missed entirely, and the movie didn't wrap up in a satisfactory way. A lot of high hopes that didn't come close to meeting expectation.
Yo, not alone on that, me and my Pops *_loved_* _John Carter,_ a fun space western adventure and they were faithful to what Edgar Rice Burroughs had envisioned the Martians to be in his books. Reading the original book before seeing the movie may have helped me get into it. ;)
Rj W and there was almost no focus on Bean
Right? Bean was my favorite character. I've read all the Ender's Game books, but Ender's Shadow and it's sequels were even better.
I liked it
Rj W everyoneI know that had seen the film enjoyed it, the film just couldn't draw interest from movie goers and critics didn't receive it well
I am disappointed that Enders game flopped. It's really not that bad.
Ik it flopped because somepeople despised that a man didn't like gays, "sooo bad" even tho that had nothing to do with the movie
It flopped because it butchered the source material turning a serious psychological / philosophical hard scifi piece into the Badnews Bears in space with a hollywood bs teen romance subplot.
I think your observation about "flopping because it butchered the source material, is DEAD ON and goes for The Fantastic Four and The Lone Ranger, both could've been hits but the scripts veered too far away from the original storylines in various ways both big and small.
Yip amazing book....bad Movie, but Maser Rakum was Next level on point, even His accent, Image and pronunciation was Impeccable
Movie Man kids in serious scifi movies. No thanks
I liked John Carter, bite me.
Diadlo it being a flop doesn't mean it's a bad movie. It just didn't make money
John Carter was a good movie.
So did I.
Well, i watched only one scene, in which John meets the princess and gets her falling for him in one second. In this second I knew the movie is crap.
And you are allowed to like it, But that doesn't make it not a flop.
"Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what's going to work. Every time out it's a guess and, if you're lucky, an educated one." -screenwriting legend William Goldman. And still true!!
That´s why I always bet on Christopher Nolan, Denis Villeneuve and Alfonso Curan. Dont even check the trailers.
Who cares what Lena Dunham thinks of The Lone Ranger? Who cares about Lena Dunham?
James Matthews who?
I'm going to assume the correct answer to both those questions is "Only Lena Dunham".
rivahkillah Hit the nail on the head!
They werent kidding about John Carter's marketing team... When you don't advertise "BY THE CREATOR OF TARZAN" or "PRINCESS OF MARS" your gonna loose interest on something thats suppose to be easy $$$
John Carter was a great movie! So sad didn't get the sequel
I think I see the SyFy channel's next big TV series. ;-)
The main reason why that film bombed was because of the title. Originally, it was going to be called John Carter of Mars, but for some stupid reason they dropped the "Mars" part. If you're going to name a movie after a character, it better be a very cool name. I'll give you some perfect examples: Forrest Gump, Jerry Maguire, Erin Brockovich, those are cool names. John Carter is a very bland and extremely common name. No way it would've worked out.
Blame Disney for dropping the "Mars" part. Because Mars Needs Moms bombed horribly, Disney decided that movies with "Mars" in their titles were instant box office poison, so they dropped the "Mars' part of the John Carter title. How anyone could EVER reach that kind of stupid conclusion, I have no idea...
Also, really, REALLY bad marketing didn't help.
Goodfellas was a great movie. John Carter doesn't even qualify as a movie
Jupiter Ascending was the only one I actually saw and it really is disappointing, to say the least.
One thing I did like is the movie's theory about why natural disasters happen on planet earth.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Steaming games means you pay megabucks for something you aren't allowed to own and control on your own computer.
TheMovieMyLife because plate tectonics. There's no "theory" when it's already been solved.
is it because of the governments lax stance on homosexuality ?
The story and plot were so promising but the display of it was absolute garbage
No Valerian?
Did the film staring two children playing adults, really not make this list?
Or, is it just that it came out the same year as the above video, and hence would be ridiculous to put in it?
I went to the theater to see Mars Needs Moms... There was like one other guy in there
I liked John Carter!
47 Ronin, John Carter, Battleship, Enders Game, and Jupiter Ascending are all really enjoyable movies to watch! I sometimes think that movie critics go out of their way to find something wrong with every movie.
Poor John Carter. It was actually a solid film.
then, while jupiter ascending wasn't very good. It wasn't as bad as made out to be.
Fantastic Beasts Jupiter ascending sucked my balls so hard
Jupiter Ascending was bad. Really bad. And it wasn't Eddie Redmayne's acting that brought it down. It was the lead character. I'm not saying Mila Kunis is a bad actress, but her character she was saddled with was so irredeemably bad it ruined any chance of enjoying the movie for what it was. When she wasn't being a stereotypical damsel in distress, she was doing nothing that any normal person would do in the same situation. "I'm a reincarnated, immortal galactic princess - on a real life space ship? Out in SPACE?? Amaz... Wait, wow... This dress looks awful, doesn't it?" "I so want to be this half-man, half-dog's bitch right now." "Yep - I'm gonna keep cleaning toilets. Builds character, you know..." What? Why??
Agree with everything you said! I still think the film is bad. But not as awful as someone said it was.
Jupiter Ascending was better than I expected, and not deserving of the horrible reviews.
Jupiter Ascending was just way too cheesy for me. There was a typical cinderella story, a cool guy to fall in love with, that evil stepbrother she needs to deal with and of course she does the right choice and stays on earth cleaning toilets in the end. That was just too much for me.
NEVER call 47 Ronin a flop. IT IS A GREAT MOVIE AND I WOULD RATE IT 9.5/10!
I don't think you understand what the word flop means.
47 Ronin is a flop because it's a did terrible at the box office. And this American live-action anime bares no resemblance to the actual details of the legend.
how is it good if they as all just kill themselves at the end? like that's the dumbest thing they could ever do in a movie. I remember people leaving the theater while that ending scene was going on.
shiit winds....because that is how it really ended in the historical record. The real 47 Ronin were allowed to perform Seppuku and receive an honorable death, according to the code of Bushido. Also, because they avenged their
Daimyo's unjust death if they were not allowed to perform Seppuku, they would have been executed as lowly criminals; an dishonorable death. Either way, they were fated to die, better as heroes than as criminals.
@Reality Unchained He doesn't know what "flop" means.
Lol Most of these in my favorite movie list 😂
Mine too, I actually own the DVD for most of these. Though to be honest my wife probably hates them all!
All the fantastic 4s sucked
cometandcupids yeah because of Fox
double00shotgun yeah but the newest was so bad it made the originals look good in comparison
True, but I did like watching Jessica Alba.
i love 'john carter'. very underrated
Jupiter ascending was such a boring piece of crap.
I'd actually completely forgotten that movie exists. Wow.
i feel asleep twice
For me it was Good I still remember the movie
Can I borrow a dvd? I’ve caught the insomnias
I kinda enjoyed it somehow...
The emoji movie should be on here
EDIT:I never had this many likes I'm i can do anything you know what I'll make a figet spinner movie
"was sure would be a hit"
everybody knew what the outcome of that movie was going to be
Agent Fisher The Emoji Movie will probably be a financial success, unfortunately. It only cost $50 million to make, which is far below what most major CGI animated movies cost.
Justice league is gonna be on this list
Everyone knew that movie would suck
LORD RAMSAY BOLTON it's sad that you have to bring up Dc to get likes
I actually liked 47 ronin movies
Duke Frager me too
Duke Frager the weird part of this list is that that movie was dumped, there was no faith, it was written off but contracts are such...
Wait you paid to watch it or used netflix?
Good visuals but extremely boring movie with wooden acting and pathetically bad ending
Cristo Mentos no I wasn't payed to watch. I saw the movie on sky movie
Sometimes, movie houses spend so much on their money production costs, they have very little left over for promotion. Perhaps this is what happened with John Carter. A great movie that I never heard about until several years later. Ender's Game wasn't bad but the premise of teen recruits really was quite annoying from the get go. Maybe Hollywood should occasionally go 'R' on some of their movies simply because of the adult nature of its content and forgo trying to greedily capturing a wider range of audience while disappointing many in the process. I loved Battleship and can't believe that movie didn't make great box office. As for the Lone Ranger - that problem was simple: they miscast Johnny Depp in this role as Tonto. With uneven and quirky humor, it was too weird to be enjoyable. 47 Ronin suffered not so much from visuals as lackluster performances ... sorry Keanu Reeves. Fantastic Four suffers from an over saturated comic book adaptation market, plus the characters didn't feel three-dimensional enough to hold my interest. Still haven't seen Jupiter Ascending but I suspect something went afoul here, too. Dear Hollywood, it takes more than stunning visual f/x to hold our interests for 2 hr 19 minutes.
Jupiter Ascending looked and startedf promising... but has perhaps the weakest and most useless female character ever written as the main star of the film. And the end was soooo "low". Could have been so much better.
I liked lone ranger
Back then they didn't have "good" special effects they had a good plot and a good script which people really cared about
Yep that's why star wars was considered good, but the prequels aren't good because they loaded them with effects not a good plot
Did they? Have you seen Plan 9 From Outer Space? The Exorcist II? Heaven's Gate?
There were plenty of atrocious films made 'back then'. The films we remember and still watch today are the ones that really did have a good plot/script/etc. - we've just forgotten about the bad ones. Even Alfred Hitchcock churned out the occasional dud (e.g. Jamaica Inn and Topaz). Similarly, good films are still made today. Some are rich in special effects and CGI (e.g. Lord of the Rings) while others barely have any (e.g. Room). Films like Jupiter Ascending will die a death and be forgotten in the next decade or so, but I imagine people will still be watching Lord of the Rings.
The special effects in Star Wars and 2001: A Space Odyssey still hold up, as do the ones in Metropolis, which is rapidly approaching it's 100th anniversary. The bottom line is that good films are good films irrespective of the era, and that depends on the quality of the script, direction, acting, editing, music and, yes, the visuals (film is, after all, a visual medium).
I will have to agree with you on Star Wars, when it came out, the effects were impressive. I don't care for the remasters as much as the originals, the effects that they "beefed up" seem over blown to me, in most cases.
Mars Needs Moms is one of the most hideous visually disgusting films ever made.
fooly cooly Yeah but food fight didn't cost 200 million dollars to make
Jerry Streen sadly Food Fight had a budget of $45 Million
John Carter is one of the best Sci fi movies EVER!
John Carter I thought was really good..
Jonathon Farrell same. I heard that the marketing of the movie was the cost of its low turnout.
It was a decent movie that needed a better script. It should have been more faithful to the material and not make the Therns magic. Taylor Kitsch was a good John Carter, but Dejah Thoris needed to be a stronger heroine. She was too weak in the movie.
Yeah I understand that the marketing department basically got lynched for this because they thought it had more name recognition based on the source material then it did.
i liked it but i am a sucker for time traveling movies
All it needed was a different title, "John Carter Warrior of Mars" and it would have been a success. My dad loved this movie and was upset about the whole thing cuz he had no idea what John Carter was from the title, he actually wanted to see it in the theater but forgot the name of the movie so he missed it. Bad marketing and name killed this movie.
Well, maybe these movies don't do so well when the companies only try to sell them on the american market while 95% of the worlds populace lives outside of it.
I loved Ender's game!
Read the novel
+Rogue Neet How is the novel for Ender's Game compared to the movie. Is it similar to The Revenant and Dark Tower in that the books were far and away better than their respective movies? Or is it like Game of Thrones where the book and TV show are the same?
A Song of Ice and Fire is way better than Game of Thrones, especially compared to the later seasons.
That said the difference between the Ender's Game novel and movie is closer to the Revenant/ Dark Tower in your analogy, although not quite to that degree
The movie was exceedingly boring.
Book was better
Ender's game was amazing tho...
Majority of these movies are actually good they just had shitty marketing
Not even surprised that the politically correct people at Looper left out one of the biggest flops of the decade: The rebooted Ghostbusters movie. It wouldnt have suited their left wing agenda.
I didn't realize that you thought it was going to be a hit before it came out.
Except it made $230 million in the box office on a budget of $150 million. I haven't seen it but commercially it wasn't as big of a flop as the movies on this list
@@morange492 You're ignoring the marketing costs. The film needed 300 million to break even and the producers wanted 500 million to even consider a sequel.
The film did flop.
AND the theater chains take a percentage of the gross...the studios do not take 100% of the box office.
Also studios base their future years budget on what they expect their films in the pipeline will do. So even if a movie doesn't necessarily flop, even if it just under performs, it causes huge problems and I am sure they expected Ghost Busters would be a hit. Too bad they didn't realize that just having the name of a previous hit attached to a movie isn't enough to sell tickets.
Does Hollywood make moves they're sure will be a flop?
Zzyzx Wolfe nah, but I'm pretty sure they made movies they didnt expect would be that successful like Baby Driver and Kingsman: the Secret Service
DEFIANT ONE both amazing btw
I think by the time they figure that out it's already too late... the money has been spent so they have to ship it. But there are some films who I have to ask why did you make this... Battleship, the emoji movie, Monster trucks.
They knew that The long ranger was a dog before it his the screen. I was at a Disney on a project had been measuring the buzz for that film for months using big data. They knew it was going to suck... but they needed to get some of there cash back... In ending I have to say one thing... Stop making fantastic four movies. you can't do it so stop trying.
Zzyzx Wolfe Shawshank Redemption...
Sometimes they realize the movie will be a flop well in advance the release date, but when they already spent to much to stop the production anyway.
47 Ronin was brilliant!
Vectal Creative Retouching
Fucking yeah it was
I don't know what you watched
It was decent
I saw 47 Ronin .. 47.. Thousand times!!! And cryed every time..
the ff have been mistreated since film 1. doom had a completely different backstory. galactus is not a giant space cloud. sue and Johnny storm are white, blonde and blue eyed. I don't understand why they couldn't get such simple details right.
I remember when this came out I worked at a movie theater and everyone was losing their shit about the black guy in the cast. I don't think that is a big deal. The actual appearance of characters is never really a huge problem when it comes to adaptations. Like in the great kids movie, "how to train your dragon" in the book hiccup was an orange haired fellow with more than one dragon sidekick, but the author liked the movie adaptation because it essentially captured the spirit of the book. There are more examples, but that's the first that comes to mind. The details are not as important as the execution of the film. And that movie sucked for way bigger reasons than the looks of the main cast alone. as for doom and galactus, yea they messed those details up too but they MIGHT have gotten away with it if, again, it was executed correctly. Hollywood almost never keeps the origin story of superheroes in tact because they can argue there are already so many adaptations on the single subject their little changes don't matter. and sometimes it doesn't if they do so sparingly. This film just deserved the rights to change the story less and less as time went on in the course of the two hours of your life you'll never get back.
I like john carter and battleship
battleship had some realy great moments (for example every scene with an ACDC song making it even more epic)
You can like them, this is basically just about them losing money.
American public
I liked Ender's Game, despite the bully. Heard Japan totally disliked 47 Ronin, which didn't even try to tell the story of the legend... Totally amazed how much money was wasted on these films - could fund a small country with those budgets lol
Ghostbusters should be on here
Saetre it's certified fresh on rotten tomatoes and made more than its budget
You have to make twice the production and marketing budget to break even. They lost 70 million dollars.
@Mohammad Sheikh I'm pretty sure most of the critics that said it was good were paid to give it a good review.. looking at both IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes the general public were half and half.
Same here.
Anyone who mentions ghost busters flop, gets destroyed by the all mighty feminist empire, which is all for equality and free speech! Just kidding, they no longer have to pretend to value equality and free speech and can be openly batshit biased, ignorant cunts. Not like anyone's gonna stop them.
It's a shame just for "The lone ranger"...
Making a movie based on a board game as simple as battleship is a stupid idea. Spending 300 million on it is beyond baffling. Should have been low budget, if at all.
"Battleship" is just a bloated B-movie. I can hardly believe someone decided to put big money on that script.
I kept getting it confused with pacific rim Rihanna in that one too?..I feel like a transformers came in round that time was just to saturated and Yeah why not make a monopoly movie before battleship , coulda called this one from the get go a !flippity flop!
Battleship literally has no charecters as a game. Chess actually has more.
Yes, I understand the title of this video, but it was an excellent movie. The problem was that many people weren't familiar with the Edgar Rice Burroughs books, probably because they were written in the first heyday of science fiction and fantasy writing. Many people only read newer works.
No new Ghost busters movie on the list??? Why?
edu88 Probably because no one thought it would be a hit and I don't think it was a complete flop because a lot of people watched it to see how bad it was, just like the emoji movie
Hey. Lone Ranger was a good movie that was apparently too adult for some people. Hell, Tarantino LOVED it. I trust his taste in Western over the oversensitive, infantile Hollywood elite myself
Luke M I respect that ma dude
I'm happy I payed for Ender's Game.
ComfyTush paid
Me too. I paid $6 to see it in the theater.
For real, that was good movie.
+K R how is it so cheap? my ill town theater cost $14
Shrek Boi Matinee price on a Tuesday afternoon.
liked battleship, john carter, Jupiter ascending, enders game...thoroughly enjoyed them
I agree with the 3 of them... but "Jupiuter Ascending" has perhaps one of the worst female characters ever written! She is... just there! To be saved! Over and over again!
This is pretty much a "kinda good movies you probably haven't seen yet" list. Awesome.
I thought Ender's Game and Battleship were pretty decent films.
Benjamin Green battleship? you probably think dr. Doolittle was a piece of art then, lol.
Enders game was tight but battleship was disaster. Rhianna should never be let into a movie ever again haha
battleship was pretty solid.
Battleship was trash. The acting is painful to watch.
I liked battleship too
Ender's Game was pretty good.
3 of my all-time favorites on this list. 47 Ronin, John Carter and Enders Game. I love all 3 of these movies so much.
And everyone misses the lesson which is don't butcher the source material if you're counting on it to put butts in seats.
Ghost busters? It was a massive fail
47 Ronin: Never saw it. I kept asking what's Keanu Reeves doing as a JAPANESE samurai?
John Carter: I loved it! Course I knew the character beforehand. Not true to source material but still enjoyable as a different interpretation.
Battleship: Meh. Kinda dumb, but if it was on TV and nothing else was on I'd watch it.
The Lone Ranger: Tried too hard to be edgy, then tried to be funny. Tone was all over the place. Could have done this adaptation better.
Ender's Game: Loved it! Again varies from source, but I watched this before I read the book and it will hold a special spot for me.
F4: Too soon for a reboot, why did you make human torch black? Just trying to check off demographics? Ok bye.
Jupiter Ascending: I watched this movie deployed. I had nothing better to do. Completely forgettable. Oh god Eddie Redmaines acting....
Mars need moms: Didn't see it.
On John Carter: "turned a small profit internationally" (5:50), Soooooo, it wasn'ta flop after all? According to, it was. On a budget of 250 M°, it made 284 M° in revenue.
fireatheart but it was made on the intention of making at least 300m back bc when u put that much money into a film you don't JUST want to break even you want to make more than you needed to use to make the film lol
Let me clarify: from what the clip above states, I got the impression, like you, that John Carter turned out a "modest" profit of 34 M°, but that is simply not so. When you factor in marketing campaign costs and fees paid to the distributor, a film needs to make at least 3 or 4 times it's budget at the box office. According to this principle, John Carter (a very good film in my book) should have made at least 600 M° at the International box office to break even (then there's home video and TV revenues to sweeten the deal), and in the range of 800 M°-1 Billion to make it a certified success. I still wonder: how much did John Carter bring in home video and TV sales? This, so far, has never been revealed anywhere for any film.
American Studios seem to obsess with opening Weekend takes in the USA. International and ongoing sales don't seem to matter to them.
The Last Samurai and 47 Ronin were great movies, wth?! Though no matter what they’re called, one day, people will call them classics...
Besides John Carter and mayve Lone Ranger, I can't see why people didn't think this movies would flop.
I loved ender's game. The books are fantastic.
Books yes. Movie no.
me too, it isn't the best movie ever but is a good one
The movie was awful
The books are fantastic, but I knew the movie would have tanked the moment I heard of it. Without the subplots and the subtleties of Card's prose, that would have been lost in a movie's script, the story is just lame.
I thought it was a great movie too.
The Lone Ranger was awesome :D
John Carter was an awesome movie
I knew battleship was gonna flop as soon as I heard about it. What a stupid concept.
Starring Rhianna, no less.
I actually really liked The Lone Ranger. One of my favorite movies of that year.
I really liked both Lone Ranger and Ender's Game
The Fantastic 4 movie was terrible. A 2 hour super hero movie with 1 hour and 30 minutes of bullshit science before they evenget their powers. 1 fight in the whole movie...
I enjoyed the Lone Ranger.... Watched again last weekend 😂
Battleship was destined to be a failure: bad actors, bad characters, bad script, ridiculous plot, corny cringe worthy dialog, and surprisingly for a big budget movie mediocre special effects.
Yeah, that film sucked pretty hard. And I'm surprised a lot of people like that mess.
First watch it and then say your opinion, that movie was on aliens versus us navy tema. And this "bad" caracter played also in 300 rise of empire and many more...
We know the plot, and I still think he's a bad actor.
Lone Ranger failed?
Lol, I really liked that movie.
If they actually paid attention the movie then they would see that Tonto wasn't a regular Indian :/
Lot's of white people have played Indians in successful movies. Johnny Depp made the character a joke.
Yea but this wasnt one of them.And he wasn't portraying a guy from India.What a moron.
It was a great movie that was about an hour too long!
I did too. It was hilarious and had quite the redemption arc.
"Something very wrong with that horse."
The beginning of Fantastic Four was AMAZING. But it lacked action, and it's ending did not live up to its beginning. The last battle was stale, rushed and basically boring. The climax did not nearly hit as hard as it should.
You want flop, you have the justice league
wtf 47 Ronin and John Carter are great
also enders game being ruined by social justice left wing ideologues is reprehensible, it's just an example of how much of a pathetic existence we have come to be in recent times
Mars needs Moms?! I've never even heard of that one, lol
Jupiter ascending had the makings of a great movie but put some corny stuff in there. The whole queen bee thing was stupid. I did not like the lead character. Just knowing the fact that she is Meg from family guy was a real big turn off.
Hank Mccoy she was also from that 70s show...
Hank Mccoy she's a babe though
How did anyone think battle ship was going to be a success they must have known after finishing it they had made a real piece of crap for the ages.
I liked 47 Ronin!
A lot better than most blockbusters making money today!
47 ronins and Fantastic Four were loosely related to the existing "lore", maybe if they were more faithfull and less "innovative" they wouldn't flop. John Carter and Ender's Game i actually enjoyed, nothing special but still had fun whatching them. The others i haven't seen so no idea.
47 ronin took a true story and gave it a magic/fantasy twist at the end.