I personally feel like a lot of the politicians (most of them?) aren't even willing to discuss the real issues facing the average person nowadays, and they aren't capable of understanding these issues at a deep level because they are so personally disconnected from the day-to-day life that average people face. Has it always been this way though? I'm only 28, so I'm also not old enough to know what things were like politically 20-40 years ago.
I imagine politicians have always been disconnected from average people they just used to be better at pretending they weren't and acting like the cared about the everyday problems of people.
@@bobby_c07 They definitely know that they're screwing you over but they used to hide it more, and it's a little easier for them to screw you over when they can't personally relate to your situation and have never been in your shoes.
It is no longer, vote for us because we will make changes to the economic climate of the country, it is vote for us because we either support or dislike trans people/identity politics/wokeism. This right has manufactured these into boogey-men when these issues obviously matter a lot but not as much as the overall wellbeing of all citizens of a state. What is most important is that everybody, regardless of their race, religion, gender, political beliefs etc. is being given access to the things that they most need, like free healthcare, a good diet, and an education. The only way a democracy can adequately function is if all the citizens of that democracy are adequately treated which in most 'democracies' does not happen, thus the standard falls and then you have people like Trump amplifying the right's radicalness. The US is literally falling apart and I fear that the UK, where I live, is next in line with BREXIT and everything. Saying this I'm only young too and I could just be waking up to the BS that is politics.
I can't say much except that your videos really feel like a refreshing breath of air. Like talking to a friend. Keep it real, in the truest sense of the word.
You are not an idiot. You are a kindred spirit. When I was a kid, I spent much time in the forests near my house, while the other kids played sports or watched tv. I've read all of those economic "worldly" philosophers, and each one sets about espousing their own system and they all contain quite good substance, but the one-fits-all style of their systems does not fit with the individual variety of character and personality that humans possess so these systems hurt many people when they are implemented by governments blindly following the 'scribblings', as Keynes called them, of defunct academics and economists. You (and I) are thinkers who are curious about the world and human behaviors and thoughts, and do not follow the channels already presented. People who are not smart are easily persuaded to do behaviors that are harmful to themselves but beneficial to the people who run the corporations, governments, and media. Smart people, on the other hand, tend to buck the trends swirling around themselves and are frequently punished or ignored by the others. Keep up the good work. And do not disparage yourself. You are a good person. You are not an idiot.
I think it’s because we live in a society where most people are “educated” instead of learning life skills and working with your hands. Our parents pushed most of us to go to post secondary since that seemed to be the way to succeed in their generation and now look. You need a degree to get a low paying job and have no life experience or skills on top. It’s just gone the full other way. I’m in a trade and only did schooling through an apprenticeship program. And most people I encounter have little to no mechanical thinking or confidence to even try anything. And look at the cost of living. Lots of People can’t afford houses and don’t know how to build or fix them. Which costs more money they don’t have. I think people need to learn more life skills and experience. And learn the true value of money instead of getting handed everything. Plus a huge portion of everything is built on credit that seems like it could never be paid off. And people don’t appreciate stuff unless they actually earn it.
Hi! I wanted to say that I am very grateful I have found your videos and chose to listen despite your thumbnails being a little bit vague and ...mysterious :) (not very clickbaity) 🙏 I guess the paradigm shift you have gained with your cannabis experience is somewhat similar to the change I have experienced with psychotherapy, where my psychologist would always prompt me to look inwards: "and what do YOU think?", "how does that make YOU feel?", "what does that mean for YOU?". It was a totally different approach to life for me, which encouraged to rely on my own experience first, instead of listening to what is assumed to be right or wrong. I really struggled at first, but with time and practice, as I learned to rely more on myself - on my own bodily sensations, feelings - I started to look at many things differently and have arrived to quite similar insights as you, although I did not use this exact wording. I have a medical background. In medicine, historically, there was a transition from the direct knowledge of an authority figure (e.g. an established physician with a life long work experience) to indirect knowledge compound of years of research, reports and observations of thousands of cases over some period of time, which we now refer to as the Evidence-Based Medicine. While I do DEFINITELY see how this is a better approach than before, what I've noticed is that sometimes the medical knowledge acquired in indirect ways (research) is used to gaslight and dismiss individual experiences that do not "fit into the box" of the expected result seen in the "evidence based" observations. Quite often the general response to it is to swipe such cases under the rug and pretend these "outliers" do not exist or there was something wrong about it. Because otherwise they pose a threat to the reality built solely on the indirect knowledge. I personally started to listen more to these individual experiences and value them much more than I was taught to in the medical school, while also retaining some healthy skepticism. I believe there should be a balance, because as you said both can be right and both can be also wrong at times. If I rely only on my direct knowledge in medicine (and in life in general) I would limit myself tremendously and put my own life and lives of other people at risk. If, say, we know that a certain snake is poisonous, I wouldn't want to verify it through a direct experience :) But it can get very tricky when there is a potential life/health risk involved. You can probably understand it through your example with cannabis - it's a leap of faith in a way. Or, to give a different example, if a certain disease appears, and it is said to be lethal, so in order to preserve yourself you are told to spend the rest of your days in your town,... would you go outside? The indirect knowledge requires trust. And in my reality what has happened in the past several years (especially post-covid) is that the trust has been lost. Not only the trust in higher institutions, but also in people and what they "preach" (for example, on social media, blogs, RUclips). Most preach what the others WANT to hear - to appease, to sell, to grow following. It has become very hard to find people who are genuinely sharing something useful and meaningful, and who believe in what they are doing (because they rely on their personal life experience and have developed self-trust). Self trust and self-reliance are extremely important, from my experience. Not on the conscious level as some mantras you repeat to yourself: "I trust myself! I trust myself!", but on some subconscious level, as a deep-rooted feeling. The current system and culture do not help to develop it, quite the opposite. From the very young age, in schools and later in universities and at work too, we are conditioned to disconnect from self and our bodies and listen to the authority figures that know better - when you have to eat, pee, sleep, what you have to learn, and what is better to do - with your career, relationships, life in general. After years of such training we cannot expect people to listen to themselves and rely on their senses about what would be right for them to do in life or how they want to live it. Hence such huge reliance on the indirect knowledge - the outside source :/ I wanted to thank you again for your work and for the things you are sharing in your videos, I can imagine it to be quite a vulnerable act, but it is extremely helpful and inspires to have a different, a better life. Greetings from Latvia, Europe
Thank you for sharing Stephen. When you were touching on direct and indirect experience, I noticed a rush of excitement surface for me! I felt even more drawn in the more my emotions were connecting with you talking about yours. I’ve started to feel like I know less and less as I think I’m learning more. Even with watching this im finding it easy for me to agree rather then taking a closer look at myself. I’ve found myself learning certain things to simply think i have a reason to be”right/knowledgeable”. Im leaving these questions here for anyone that’s curious in answering these with me “What am I currently learning and have not put into practice before sharing” “how has it felt to both learn indirect knowledge and practice it. Is there a time where both were needed/or only one” “what are some topics I’ve read about that I’m so sure of, why?” “What’s something I swear by because I do it, would that work for most people, why?” “In what ways am I blinding myself from the information I take in and share” “how do I know what’s true” “in what ways can I adjust what I’m taking in vs sharing that feels more truthful to myself” “how has my passions fueled a position of expertise within myself”
Yes, I agree with your assessment of the state of knowledge sharing. Here's the thing though; while it is important to experience things firsthand and learn from people who have done so, as a society there are some things that nay too risky to leave to direct knowledge/experience and it's probably good that there exist people who are (actual) experts in the area who, hopefully, can be trusted to make good decisions so that we don't have to. The problem is: how do we identify these trustworthy people and how do we know when they are making mistakes in good faith? There is simply too much knowledge in the world for you to experience or verify everything yourself, so it will be up to you to decide what you can take at face value, and what it is you actually care about to investigate more deeply.
I’ve recently made it a goal to actually understand how the world works. I feel as though ever since I was a kid I’ve been told how it works (indirect) and I’ve formed these set of ideas and guidelines that I use as a compass to navigate life, but luckily I’ve been able to challenge some of these core beliefs and every time I come out the other side with so many more questions and new ways to see the world (direct) ~ for example, I used to think that I had to buy things I liked because that was just the way it was, I wanted a lamp I went to IKEA and got one, but now I’ve learned to actually build a lamp and I feel like I’ve opened a world of possibilities that were never there before. All this to say that I think we should disconnect from the digital world and really try and put action to help us develop and form new views of the world. Thanks for starting the conversation 😊
Hearing you humility in acknowledging "all I know is I know nothing" is really inspiring, super big fan of your content :) Thank you for being real in a world of noise
Man, you and I apparently are a lot alike hahaha. No wonder I resonate with your content. I too used to constantly ask “why” as a kid and would get angry when an answer couldn’t be justified. I went through the routine phases growing up, but a unique variable now present is just how much my teenage years were influenced by the internet. I grew up traditionally Christian conservative; the internet briefly radicalized me. I eventually came around to libertarianism, and then started exploring other ideologies. This led to me to major in philosophy at university. I remember reading these vastly different metaphysical theories and being convinced by every philosopher I read. Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hume, Nietzsche, Camus. All of them convinced me, but they couldn’t all be right. Being a philosophy student at a major liberal arts university, I ended up trying psychedelics. This was a very transformative moment in my life. For the first time, instead of reading various metaphysical theories of god and reality, I experienced it first hand, and saw a glimpse of the answer to our most fundamental question. This discovery initiated a journey of self-discovery for me that is still underway. It was a complete paradigm shift. I’ve always been anti-authority due to my individualist roots, and still am, but the justification now comes more from the power of first-hand knowledge rather than my libertarian leanings. Direct experience is as close as we can personally come to epistemological certainty. On a side note, I’ve been having second thoughts about socialism too. I still believe it isn’t viable in an economy limited by scarcity, but I’m curiously hopeful that AI might be able to solve the incongruency between individual liberty and the collective good. A world where we can have both with little compromise is the dream. Keep making content man. You’re spreading a message that needs to be heard.
Go look at all the past socialist countries to now present as well. It doesn’t tho we’ll bud. “Socialism is just another way of saying communism but with a hint of a “free” market. Dictatorships still inherited.”
@@jnetwork3232 this feels like the exact kind of knee-jerk response the video advocates against. The ideas of socialism are admirable; if you re-read my comment, I’m hopeful that AGI will be able to make such systems viable by effectively eliminating economic scarcity. But generally yes, I agree that in an economy limited by scarcity like we have now, capitalism is the most efficient method of resource allocation.
Yes, I am pretty tired of the bullshit. The internet has brought down the barriers to publishing content for a potentially limitless audience so that everyone can reach the entire world. I think many people are looking at content creation as a desirable means of making a living. The popular platforms also don't necessarily care whether the content created is well researched or comes from a place of experience. It seems to me that it then guides people to create what is the most popular and entertaining above all. I remember watching a video where a man was giving a tour of his off grid home ad explaining how they live day to day. He seemed to have things pretty well figured out and was living the way he wanted on his terms. Then he showed his DIY solar electrical system. As someone who's worked with electrical systems for a decade I could tell immediately that the risks he was taking with his system were insane. Exposed battery terminals with the potential of thousands of amps and he was placing a basket with potatoes on top of it. The batteries, and the rest of the electrical equipment, were also right under their kitchen sink. No cabinet or cover or anything. Just sitting there. His small children could easily get permanently injured or die. His home could burn down with them in it. They also seemed very far away from any emergency services or hospitals making things even worse. But no one in the comments noticed, or they didn't seem to care. It was all about the dream of being self sufficient and free. All he needed to do was be a bit more careful in his planning and spend maybe an extra 100$ to make it safer. But he was very confident that he knew what he was doing. But living that way is asking for trouble. Thinking you know something because of a sample size of one (yourself) mean you are going to learn things the hard way. People watching that content might think they can do the same thing and not fully grasp the risks. But second guessing things and doing research is boring! It really does bother me that the institutions we've created to easily confuse entertainment with knowledge and it might be difficult for people to know the difference if they aren't well educated in the subject matter (myself included).
Ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? It's a cognitive bias whereby people with limited ability in a given field tend to greatly overestimate their own competence. And the less ability they possess the more they tend to overestimate their compotence. I think that acknowledging that there is more that you will never know and more that can't be known than will ever be known is a great place to be. I consider myself a forever student of everything. There are things I think i am pretty proficient at and things that I know I'm absolutely abysmal at. But even the things that I think I am highly proficient at I still seek to be ever better at them, knowing that it's impossible to master anything. But also that personal growth and fulfillment comes not I the mastering of anything but in the persuit of bettering one's self. I just turned 38 and I laugh at how little I knew when I was 28 and I strive that by 48 I will look back at my self today and think myself equally as unlearned and ignorant as before. I heard someone say once that "Everything that is alive is growing. There is no such thing as stagnation in nature. Things that are stagnant are either dead or dying." It was more than 10 years ago I heard this and those words will stick with me forever.
Wow just came across one of your videos and now I have just spent over an hour binge watching your videos because you are putting words to these deep feelings and internal pull and struggle I have mentally and spiritually been going through the past 3 years. I feel like reality has shifted so much for me and everyone has lost their minds or I had so thank you. Was nice feeling to resonate with someone and actually agree and not what to roll my eyes. Will definitely be plugging in a bit more often to connect with another lovely soul. Thanks for the genuine humble honesty and expression. I really enjoyed your talks and expressions and that’s saying a lot in today’s world. ✌🏼
Having your opinions and experiences adds so much to your videos! I’m curious to see how reading more “socialist” content goes for you. As a “money guy” and someone who grew up with capitalism myself, it’s been enlightening to see a different perspective that isn’t swayed by generational propaganda.
It's one side's propaganda or another, lol. Don't just go from one pool of indirect "knowledge" to another and call it enlightenment. People should focus on their own lives, not enslaving themselves to advocate an ideology.
I have asked this question so much! It makes no sense to me how people are so sure and so confident... it just doesn't make sense to me because EVERYTHING should be questioned.
100%. I don't care too much to follow tutorials or take classes when it comes to learning new skills. I am much more interested in just doing and trying things on my own and learning through my own experiences, successes and failures. Whether that be learning gardening, playing guitar, or cooking.
To me and surely most of my peers, all this didn't even register as something significant. It was always the rat race. Go to school, get good grades so that you can get into a good college; get into Engineering so that you can have a good job; get a good job so that you can have a comfortable life (still struggling with this step); get married, have kids, insert them into the rat race; repeat. Few years ago I thought I should not be dependent on a job but become an entrepreneur or a youtuber, then I realised that too was something that was been forced upon me by all the 'finance gurus'. I actually enjoy parts of my job, even though the pay is horrendous and i actually enjoy making creative videos, though anything more than a few videos a year will give me burnout. I don't know what stage of life I'm in and I've learnt to get comfortable not knowing.
I hear you... I'M TIRED of Adds, I am tired of online applications and having to optimize every little detail, I am tired of experts promising to hack your body, your sales, whatever bullshit they offer... Your video came at the perfect moment
Yes!!! I had a recent experience while reading The Day the World Stops Shopping (McKinnon). I had been hearing lots of chatter about how bad this could be. But this beautifully done book provided real life scenarios that helped shape a better perspective on the whole situation.
Damn, I was enjoying the slowly blooming flare from the window. Bah! I guess closing the curtains was inevitable. Really cool to see your process grow over time, to see you engaging with what’s true beyond what’s merely instrumental. Yes, I am tired of this bullshit. I find myself more curious about direct knowledge these days too. Loving your work Steve. Keep going!
Part of the issue for me is, in a Digital Age world now of information overload and too much to sift through combined with greater economic insecurity and large-scale and high-pace changes, people are in more fearful states. In fearful states, as political and social psychology often discusses, people turn to authoritarian figures who can speak confidently and tell you what to think or who seem to know the answers - hence those lists of "5 ways to win in your 20s!" or "10 tips to beat the market!". The underpinnings are to understand psychology, which unfortunately is still a fairly rough field with not as much definitive answers as one might believe there should be. What I believe you are experiencing is a symptom of the current social and economic state we are in - a symptom of people turning towards confident and authoritarian-like figures and meanwhile you may be existing outside of this fear and thinking, "Has everyone gone mad or is it me?" Certainly, I feel very similarly as your thoughts in the video, although I also sympathize with the pure emotionality of people's fears who don't have the time/energy/interest to ponder matters more deeply. They simply generally don't know what they don't know. Also, in terms of socialism vs capitalism vs libertarianism vs all these other constructs, I would invite you to also understand the historical (economic/social) circumstances and personal upbringing histories of the writers because they are often writing in reaction to social or lived experiences and they paint their picture with the colors they have at hand. When we read history, we learn viewpoints and symptoms of painful moments, but we must also seek to understand how that's integrative or not into our current age.
In my time away from work, I practice many different hobbies, and I have acquired some specialized skills that I'd love to share. However, I have found it particular hard to actually go ahead and teach or even just share them. Not because it is actually hard to do so (I've even got practical experience teaching at a university), but because it takes away from my own time to self-develop and continue to practice and advance, or even just continue with the hobbies I've already got. Some of these skills are useless (like being able to recall way too much about a specific video game I love to play - but it has made me curious about the idea of a memory palace - I've recently recalled the entire house of my long dead grandparents, from memory). Knowing too much about the odds of card games (and generally statistics) is another one. Other skills are very helpful, but only to a particularly small group of people (like knowing how to develop and maintain a mod for another particular game, while adhering to professional standards as somebody with little time to invest in the endeavour). How to moderate a community of people or even just a single gathering is a great skill, but it takes at least some social intelligence and, most of all, a bigger deal of practice. And then there's the skills you really just gain while actually going through life, how to communicate, how to maintain a household, how to stay organized, how to use your rights in the workplace, how to do your taxes, how to develop and keep a friendship going, ... There's never a dull minute, and even if there is, it is alright to actually revel in it. Having nothing to do is a luxury, affordable only through preparation and the privilige of living in a society. I feel like it might be prudent to cut back on some of it, but I don't want to do that at the same time.
I personally have read the Communist Manifesto and alot of other works by Marx and Engles. Hegel, Mussolini, Mein Kampf and currently reading a book all about Stalin's life and believes. I also have listened to a lot of stuff about Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara... next on my list is Pol Pot and Franco from Spain. I can assure you they all smell and it is an instant red flag if someone finds any validity in their ideologies. But i still love the message of your video. P.s. i know i "blended" different idealogues but they are practically the same end goal and were both created as a response to capitalism. They are different flavors of the same ice cream.
I think this a fantastic take and I hadnt considered that a lot of the stale feelings I have towards modern day life could have been stemming from a flood of indirect knowledge/ lack of direct knowledge. This rant is aimed equally at myself as much as others but people need to put their hand up and say this culture isnt good enough. I dont think its subjective to say our culture, in direct comparison to what people have had in the past, is complete dog shit. Compared to our parents having a popular lexicon of the beatles, star wars, arthur c. clarke books and the generation after that having Joy Division, and punk and post-punk mindset explorations of creativity and individuality, current culture is garbage. Even though punk was underground culture, it was still a mindset that existed and challenged the cultural narrative. What do we have? iPhone app culture, Ed Sheeran, Disney Star Wars, 24 hour news cycles, more youtube than you could ever watch in a million lifetimes. Mediocrity is the new Marvellous. It really is up to the people to revolt and demand better. There is better stuff happening than this and the people need to demand that it rises to the top. Demand with your feet, with your wallet, with your clicks. Dont let hype and advertising and social pressure rule your life. There is so much beautiful music, stories, books, films, paintings out there to experience. There is much being created today, but it needs proper consideration to be fostered going forwards, so people are inspired to try themselves. Think of the impact David Bowie had, his message was be yourself and you can be me. We need to demand that good art and artists dominate our media and that it is exactly what we want as our mainstream culture. If there is no audience for this type of culture, there will one day be nobody who thinks its worth trying.
I would say a lot of this video resonated with me as I've personally found so many things that I 'knew' to be true when I was young were in fact just humans being human, and a lot of that was based on older humans being human. The older I get the more things seem to be more based on bending truths due to belief, marketing, or the thousands of other reasons. And a lot of that seems to be increasing due to social media (everything is right or wrong rather than a spectrum of everything in between), politics, corporations and the 'marketing' that is in _everything_ now (money is more important than people, although the reasons for this are considerably complex of course). I think it's interesting to hear people think that socialism is seen as an evil when, in my personal opinion, late stage capitalism is the source of many of the problems in our society now due to the fact that money is the underlying driving force of most things, needed or otherwise. Socialism has its issues too of course...I feel somewhere in the middle, basically socialist capitalism, would be the way to go moving forward. Straight up capitalism WAS great, but we've gotten to the point our technology and knowledge is FAR more advanced than our wisdom to keep up with it and we need to start sorting out what's actually important for us moving forward as a species. We have the technology and resources to be amazing, but our social structures and beliefs are holding us back. With AI making its way into every facet of our lives at a revolutionary pace, I can't see anything but a very messy result and all the points that you bring up are just going to get that much more complicated. But also, that much more important to address.
just watched the first 39 seconds and you just got me with every word. "this and this is a fact, it's 100% true and I have the proof and it will BLOW YOUR MIND". tiktok is swarming with it and so is youtube. people, all of a sudden, are absolute experts
Thanks for such an insightful discussion. It is easy to be an “expert” these days because of the lack of consequences of words over the internet. James Jani made an excellent video on this subject regarding “Personal Development Gurus.” Everyone seemingly has knowledge that people need to know, but in many cases, it is just regurgitated. There is very little novelty these days. Thank you again for the quality, time and effort. Take care.
I am tired of it. I definitely prefer experienced resources over the indirect, it generally guides which channels/podcasts I follow. But I think as you point out, like you could do (but don't), is that sometimes it makes sense for these creators to cover topics they don't have direct experience from. For instance, when your job is to have financial advice, it may make sense to cover real estate investing, tax loss harvesting, or something else like that, even when you haven't done it yourself. People find creators they believe they can trust, and expect them to give accurate advice in that area. For these creators, a lot of it comes down to trying to help people in a field, not just the narrow corridor of personal experiences. Some get away with this by having guests all of the time on a show, so the experience pool becomes wide, but that format isn't perfect for all.
Mental Independence is having your own phase/pace regardless of the world outside. Opinions are onions or toppings, we still need to eat the inner filters, "ourselves"! Goodluck to everyones journey and just enjoy the show!
In my theory, we don't start doing what we need to do until we look it up online. I think about how people did it back then before the internet and they seemed better off. That's the route I wanna go.
I am not able to comment on this because, I (in the same way) do not know but you brought up a really eye-opening point and yet called yourself an idiot. I get why you did, which was to illustrate the original point of people, who know nothing, speak like experts on something. I think those are the people who are idiots but I get that you were only calling yourself one to drive home the fact that we are all idiots in a way. We will never fully understand everything, and we are in a constant state of learning... well, for most people :)
I really enjoyed the breakdown of this video and love the fact that your are implementing more sophisticated or philosophical questions into your videos. The idea of being an expert or having such strong opinions; when you really think about it is ridiculous. How can we have such strong emotions towards something we know so little of l, as you said more or less. I have actually been dealing with this same question or dilemma in my journalism classes. I will be sure to use this knowledge and do my own due diligence of course. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and being so open about these subjects. I have a very similar background and interests and hope to continue living a life full of curiosity, just like I used to feel as a kid playing in the woods. I am documenting and teaching about my path to F.I.R.E. through my YT channel and your channel has given me the courage to openly explore the realms of money, mind and meaning. Thanks Stephen
I'm a fellow idiot, but the simple dichotomy of knowledge that I've recently crystalized follows two questions: 1. Are you experienced? 2. Are you influenced? This may or may not help you or others, but I've realized how much the information that I have been presented with has shaped my understanding of everything from music to (yes) Marxism. The only way we can grow is to routinely admit what we do not /know/ in the sense of experience.
Interesting. What you said at the end about the hesitation to create some way of sharing/teaching your style/learning about the way you make your videos - I have so felt that before too. Like who am I to tell you these things as I feel like am I always in the middle of my path of understanding too. But. As one creator to another I marvel at your style and absolutely love it. How you put together videos so strong and unique to your style. I like the way you share on here and hearing you speak resonates with a lot of internal dialog.
We are entering a unique energetic shift, tech, culture, reality is shifting at rates in which biological human experience cannot keep up. Basically at this point no single human entity can contain this vast sea of knowledge and chaos of the collective. We just gotta let go and accept that we’ll never know. We’re all just idiots here and no one is gonna give you the answers, answers must be found from within.
Indeed a lot of the indirect knowledge we use as principle may have aspects to them that are completely wrong, but we don't realize whatsoever. There is so much indirect knowledge out there that it drowns out our direct knowledge in comparison. Ideally it would be nice to have direct knowledge of everything, but this is simply not possible with the amount of information out there. We have to utilize both direct and indirect knowledge to the best of our ability and take everything with a grain of salt (for both direct and indirect knowledge).
80% of the information on a topic is easily obtained. Suppose, the last 20% is a compromise of contrasting opinions whose barrier to entry is something like, 10,000 hours. A first principles approach to the uninitiated, looks like incompetence.
I get what you mean. Everything just feels regurgitated at this point. Even worse now with Chat GPT doing a lot of work for people. I'm tired of the recycled content.
Almost all the questions you mentioned in the first part were addressed by the Greeks 2500 years ago. Have you studied Greek philosophy? Aristotle, Plato, the Stoics. True knowledge is knowing that you know nothing. It’s good to realise this, as we all must at some point in life :)
hmm answered yes to all your questions in the beginning and your vid so true. Now a days people who have the "hottest take" or are the loudest end up seeming right. When you get out in the real world and meet real people you get the best answers to your questions imo. Great vid!!
Just discovered your channel and have been binging some of your more recent videos. I don't think I've ever related so much to someones experience and how their worldview is forming around these sorts of topics. Thanks for the videos!
Thanks for bringing up this topic. I'm developing a side hustle in cybersecurity and I'm horrified at the number of people whose side hustle is helping people doing side hustle, based on seemingly indirect knowledge. I think now chatGPT bad usage will reinforce this indirect knowledge omnipresence, but at the same time, I think it will help people sharing direct knowledge and things that are not pyramidal schemes, stand out.
If you read Adam Smith, I recommend a condensed version of The Wealth of Nations. There is so much droning on about corn in the unabridged version, it will make you think Melville was writing under a pseudonym.
You should definitely check out an eye opeinning book by Rutger Bregman: Utopia for Realists. Definitely can point you to the right directions in many areas!
There's a really dumb but great first person shooter game, Wolfenstein: The New Order, from which a scene stood out to me: A panning view of a modern city, a sea of concrete buildings and asphalt streets, grandiose statues and PSAs with hollow slogans. Then cut to a concentration camp, mostly the same thing. People suffering but accepting that this is the way things are. The voiceover of an imprisoned jewish man explains to the hero that "this is where absolute conviction leads to" (referring to the nazi regime in-game/any totalitarian regime actually). Only stupid people have this ferm conviction in them, and they fight anyone who attempts to alleviate this close-mindedness, as they identify more with ideas (which are not theirs to begin with). This is one of the biggest reasons why there are wars - for ideology, religion, or proxy wars where profiteers are hidden by the distraction of fake ideological wars (see most of US's military involvements in the last century).
Do not downplay your knowledge in film making. By your own definition, is this not direct information you have obtained about your individual means of creation? Society fails when it restricts itself behind labels and titles, class divisions, and "professionalism", expertise, etc. These things are just illusions. They are not real, only opinions brought on by a cleaver few who convinced everyone to believe them. You by mearly existing, should you want to know or do something, have permission to do so. The key is just that, doing it yourself. Learning by experience, not through reading/listening/watching someone else. However both can be true at once. Teaching is a powerful thing but we should learn the truth of what teaching really is. One should share their personal understanding, the other is responabile for listening and finding their own means into that subject, using what they learned from you as a reference. Nothing more. If we could all gain more agency in our lives and not let the systems of oppression define your title of authorization to become a photographer/writer/finance manager/jail warden, etc. But rather the frame works of ourselves define those limits i feel there would be more clarity and humility in what everyone would need.
I have been feeling this way significantly with politicians and with the mental health/spiritual gurus. Both represent leadership roles in communities of people. Often representing said people. Like how one person can represent 100’s of thousands and yet it’s so impossible to accurately represent them! And with mental health guru’s they represent an idea and a lifestyle. Which I’ve began to notice a trend of commodifying ancient/cultural practices of communities of people without acknowledging that. And what you same about indirect and direct experiences really resonates with both groups. How politicians often make decisions for their constituents based on indirect experiences. In the case of transphobic laws they choose indirect experiences of non transgenders who spread false data and harmful opinions to make decisions for trans people instead of just listening to the direct knowledge of real trans people. Meanwhile spiritual gurus use a bit too much direct knowledge and disregard the indirect data that scientists provide. Meanwhile not doing any of their own data collection or analysis of effectivity of such practices or lifestyles.
Balance in all things. Direct experience should take precedent over indirect, but indirect knowledge is still incredibly valuable, and if it overwhelmingly disagrees with your subjective experience, that’s a strong indicator to reflect on the validity of your ideas.
There is an old kind of axiom in business - That the smartest person in the room is the one asking the dumbest questions. A little general, but basically, admitting what you don't know so you can know it.
Before it was ok to think you know everything (the juvenile state of mind), today it’s way better to say you don’t know everything and admit this upfront.
if you really want to know truth and right and wrong, I highly suggest you dive down the deep deep hole of philosophy! German philosophers specifically, but the Greeks are good as well.
why does it say "0" comments; there are so many comments .. strange... thought You grooves was a bigger company than that. By the way .... in revelations doesn't it say that *(in the end , all things wrong will be seen correct and things that were considered correct will be deemed wrong"... the realization of a wrong turn is correcting your path, now you are on your right path". ^ if we spend all our time to know our host then we may not know the guests. a time in a garden isn't spent looking up at the sun but looking down to the plants. It may not be capitalism that allowed for individual growth... Individual growth is inherent by natural law ( is evident all around us ) , capitalism is just the name used so a totalitarian doesn't draw individual resistance.
We have a skewed idea of what an authorities power should signify. I would say a blacksmith is an authoritative source. Their knowledge is formed entirely from their experience around the forge, but that authority dwindles outside his walls. Beware false prophets. And the government.
I was just having this exact conversation with a friend re: videos and the lack of direct experience 😅Like "how to build a profitable business" (from someone who has never actually built a profitable business.. It feels pretty empty and dull, doesn't it?
Roman Catholicism is one of many Christian traditions. If you want to get to the root of the matter, explore the primary texts and then compare/contrast.
Stephen ! you should really check out Tiago Forte's idea of building a second brain especially since you're a creative. I'm recently reading his titular book on the subject and it's and interesting read that can touch upon some of the topics you talked about, sending regards from Portland, Oregon
So this is another video where you brag about how special, interesting and well-read you are, this time coming from a false position of humility and acknowledgement of ignorance. Dude, you are perfecting the art of the humble-brag to new levels never seen before. Congratulations.
I personally feel like a lot of the politicians (most of them?) aren't even willing to discuss the real issues facing the average person nowadays, and they aren't capable of understanding these issues at a deep level because they are so personally disconnected from the day-to-day life that average people face. Has it always been this way though? I'm only 28, so I'm also not old enough to know what things were like politically 20-40 years ago.
I imagine politicians have always been disconnected from average people they just used to be better at pretending they weren't and acting like the cared about the everyday problems of people.
It isn't about misunderstanding. They mean what they do.
@@bobby_c07 They definitely know that they're screwing you over but they used to hide it more, and it's a little easier for them to screw you over when they can't personally relate to your situation and have never been in your shoes.
Yeah , complete lack of accountability all around and were seeing this attitude just leak all over the place..
It is no longer, vote for us because we will make changes to the economic climate of the country, it is vote for us because we either support or dislike trans people/identity politics/wokeism. This right has manufactured these into boogey-men when these issues obviously matter a lot but not as much as the overall wellbeing of all citizens of a state. What is most important is that everybody, regardless of their race, religion, gender, political beliefs etc. is being given access to the things that they most need, like free healthcare, a good diet, and an education. The only way a democracy can adequately function is if all the citizens of that democracy are adequately treated which in most 'democracies' does not happen, thus the standard falls and then you have people like Trump amplifying the right's radicalness. The US is literally falling apart and I fear that the UK, where I live, is next in line with BREXIT and everything. Saying this I'm only young too and I could just be waking up to the BS that is politics.
I can't say much except that your videos really feel like a refreshing breath of air. Like talking to a friend. Keep it real, in the truest sense of the word.
You are not an idiot. You are a kindred spirit. When I was a kid, I spent much time in the forests near my house, while the other kids played sports or watched tv. I've read all of those economic "worldly" philosophers, and each one sets about espousing their own system and they all contain quite good substance, but the one-fits-all style of their systems does not fit with the individual variety of character and personality that humans possess so these systems hurt many people when they are implemented by governments blindly following the 'scribblings', as Keynes called them, of defunct academics and economists. You (and I) are thinkers who are curious about the world and human behaviors and thoughts, and do not follow the channels already presented. People who are not smart are easily persuaded to do behaviors that are harmful to themselves but beneficial to the people who run the corporations, governments, and media. Smart people, on the other hand, tend to buck the trends swirling around themselves and are frequently punished or ignored by the others. Keep up the good work. And do not disparage yourself. You are a good person. You are not an idiot.
I think it’s because we live in a society where most people are “educated” instead of learning life skills and working with your hands. Our parents pushed most of us to go to post secondary since that seemed to be the way to succeed in their generation and now look. You need a degree to get a low paying job and have no life experience or skills on top. It’s just gone the full other way. I’m in a trade and only did schooling through an apprenticeship program. And most people I encounter have little to no mechanical thinking or confidence to even try anything. And look at the cost of living. Lots of People can’t afford houses and don’t know how to build or fix them. Which costs more money they don’t have. I think people need to learn more life skills and experience. And learn the true value of money instead of getting handed everything. Plus a huge portion of everything is built on credit that seems like it could never be paid off. And people don’t appreciate stuff unless they actually earn it.
Hi! I wanted to say that I am very grateful I have found your videos and chose to listen despite your thumbnails being a little bit vague and ...mysterious :) (not very clickbaity) 🙏
I guess the paradigm shift you have gained with your cannabis experience is somewhat similar to the change I have experienced with psychotherapy, where my psychologist would always prompt me to look inwards: "and what do YOU think?", "how does that make YOU feel?", "what does that mean for YOU?". It was a totally different approach to life for me, which encouraged to rely on my own experience first, instead of listening to what is assumed to be right or wrong. I really struggled at first, but with time and practice, as I learned to rely more on myself - on my own bodily sensations, feelings - I started to look at many things differently and have arrived to quite similar insights as you, although I did not use this exact wording.
I have a medical background. In medicine, historically, there was a transition from the direct knowledge of an authority figure (e.g. an established physician with a life long work experience) to indirect knowledge compound of years of research, reports and observations of thousands of cases over some period of time, which we now refer to as the Evidence-Based Medicine. While I do DEFINITELY see how this is a better approach than before, what I've noticed is that sometimes the medical knowledge acquired in indirect ways (research) is used to gaslight and dismiss individual experiences that do not "fit into the box" of the expected result seen in the "evidence based" observations. Quite often the general response to it is to swipe such cases under the rug and pretend these "outliers" do not exist or there was something wrong about it. Because otherwise they pose a threat to the reality built solely on the indirect knowledge. I personally started to listen more to these individual experiences and value them much more than I was taught to in the medical school, while also retaining some healthy skepticism. I believe there should be a balance, because as you said both can be right and both can be also wrong at times. If I rely only on my direct knowledge in medicine (and in life in general) I would limit myself tremendously and put my own life and lives of other people at risk. If, say, we know that a certain snake is poisonous, I wouldn't want to verify it through a direct experience :) But it can get very tricky when there is a potential life/health risk involved. You can probably understand it through your example with cannabis - it's a leap of faith in a way.
Or, to give a different example, if a certain disease appears, and it is said to be lethal, so in order to preserve yourself you are told to spend the rest of your days in your town,... would you go outside?
The indirect knowledge requires trust. And in my reality what has happened in the past several years (especially post-covid) is that the trust has been lost. Not only the trust in higher institutions, but also in people and what they "preach" (for example, on social media, blogs, RUclips). Most preach what the others WANT to hear - to appease, to sell, to grow following. It has become very hard to find people who are genuinely sharing something useful and meaningful, and who believe in what they are doing (because they rely on their personal life experience and have developed self-trust).
Self trust and self-reliance are extremely important, from my experience. Not on the conscious level as some mantras you repeat to yourself: "I trust myself! I trust myself!", but on some subconscious level, as a deep-rooted feeling. The current system and culture do not help to develop it, quite the opposite. From the very young age, in schools and later in universities and at work too, we are conditioned to disconnect from self and our bodies and listen to the authority figures that know better - when you have to eat, pee, sleep, what you have to learn, and what is better to do - with your career, relationships, life in general. After years of such training we cannot expect people to listen to themselves and rely on their senses about what would be right for them to do in life or how they want to live it. Hence such huge reliance on the indirect knowledge - the outside source :/
I wanted to thank you again for your work and for the things you are sharing in your videos, I can imagine it to be quite a vulnerable act, but it is extremely helpful and inspires to have a different, a better life.
Greetings from Latvia, Europe
Thank you for sharing Stephen. When you were touching on direct and indirect experience, I noticed a rush of excitement surface for me! I felt even more drawn in the more my emotions were connecting with you talking about yours. I’ve started to feel like I know less and less as I think I’m learning more. Even with watching this im finding it easy for me to agree rather then taking a closer look at myself. I’ve found myself learning certain things to simply think i have a reason to be”right/knowledgeable”. Im leaving these questions here for anyone that’s curious in answering these with me
“What am I currently learning and have not put into practice before sharing” “how has it felt to both learn indirect knowledge and practice it. Is there a time where both were needed/or only one” “what are some topics I’ve read about that I’m so sure of, why?” “What’s something I swear by because I do it, would that work for most people, why?” “In what ways am I blinding myself from the information I take in and share” “how do I know what’s true” “in what ways can I adjust what I’m taking in vs sharing that feels more truthful to myself” “how has my passions fueled a position of expertise within myself”
Yes, I agree with your assessment of the state of knowledge sharing. Here's the thing though; while it is important to experience things firsthand and learn from people who have done so, as a society there are some things that nay too risky to leave to direct knowledge/experience and it's probably good that there exist people who are (actual) experts in the area who, hopefully, can be trusted to make good decisions so that we don't have to. The problem is: how do we identify these trustworthy people and how do we know when they are making mistakes in good faith?
There is simply too much knowledge in the world for you to experience or verify everything yourself, so it will be up to you to decide what you can take at face value, and what it is you actually care about to investigate more deeply.
I’ve recently made it a goal to actually understand how the world works. I feel as though ever since I was a kid I’ve been told how it works (indirect) and I’ve formed these set of ideas and guidelines that I use as a compass to navigate life, but luckily I’ve been able to challenge some of these core beliefs and every time I come out the other side with so many more questions and new ways to see the world (direct) ~ for example, I used to think that I had to buy things I liked because that was just the way it was, I wanted a lamp I went to IKEA and got one, but now I’ve learned to actually build a lamp and I feel like I’ve opened a world of possibilities that were never there before. All this to say that I think we should disconnect from the digital world and really try and put action to help us develop and form new views of the world. Thanks for starting the conversation 😊
Hearing you humility in acknowledging "all I know is I know nothing" is really inspiring, super big fan of your content :) Thank you for being real in a world of noise
Man, you and I apparently are a lot alike hahaha. No wonder I resonate with your content.
I too used to constantly ask “why” as a kid and would get angry when an answer couldn’t be justified. I went through the routine phases growing up, but a unique variable now present is just how much my teenage years were influenced by the internet.
I grew up traditionally Christian conservative; the internet briefly radicalized me. I eventually came around to libertarianism, and then started exploring other ideologies. This led to me to major in philosophy at university. I remember reading these vastly different metaphysical theories and being convinced by every philosopher I read. Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hume, Nietzsche, Camus. All of them convinced me, but they couldn’t all be right.
Being a philosophy student at a major liberal arts university, I ended up trying psychedelics. This was a very transformative moment in my life. For the first time, instead of reading various metaphysical theories of god and reality, I experienced it first hand, and saw a glimpse of the answer to our most fundamental question. This discovery initiated a journey of self-discovery for me that is still underway. It was a complete paradigm shift.
I’ve always been anti-authority due to my individualist roots, and still am, but the justification now comes more from the power of first-hand knowledge rather than my libertarian leanings. Direct experience is as close as we can personally come to epistemological certainty.
On a side note, I’ve been having second thoughts about socialism too. I still believe it isn’t viable in an economy limited by scarcity, but I’m curiously hopeful that AI might be able to solve the incongruency between individual liberty and the collective good. A world where we can have both with little compromise is the dream.
Keep making content man. You’re spreading a message that needs to be heard.
Go look at all the past socialist countries to now present as well. It doesn’t tho we’ll bud. “Socialism is just another way of saying communism but with a hint of a “free” market. Dictatorships still inherited.”
@@jnetwork3232 this feels like the exact kind of knee-jerk response the video advocates against. The ideas of socialism are admirable; if you re-read my comment, I’m hopeful that AGI will be able to make such systems viable by effectively eliminating economic scarcity.
But generally yes, I agree that in an economy limited by scarcity like we have now, capitalism is the most efficient method of resource allocation.
Yes, I am pretty tired of the bullshit. The internet has brought down the barriers to publishing content for a potentially limitless audience so that everyone can reach the entire world. I think many people are looking at content creation as a desirable means of making a living. The popular platforms also don't necessarily care whether the content created is well researched or comes from a place of experience. It seems to me that it then guides people to create what is the most popular and entertaining above all.
I remember watching a video where a man was giving a tour of his off grid home ad explaining how they live day to day. He seemed to have things pretty well figured out and was living the way he wanted on his terms.
Then he showed his DIY solar electrical system. As someone who's worked with electrical systems for a decade I could tell immediately that the risks he was taking with his system were insane. Exposed battery terminals with the potential of thousands of amps and he was placing a basket with potatoes on top of it. The batteries, and the rest of the electrical equipment, were also right under their kitchen sink. No cabinet or cover or anything. Just sitting there.
His small children could easily get permanently injured or die. His home could burn down with them in it. They also seemed very far away from any emergency services or hospitals making things even worse. But no one in the comments noticed, or they didn't seem to care. It was all about the dream of being self sufficient and free.
All he needed to do was be a bit more careful in his planning and spend maybe an extra 100$ to make it safer. But he was very confident that he knew what he was doing. But living that way is asking for trouble. Thinking you know something because of a sample size of one (yourself) mean you are going to learn things the hard way. People watching that content might think they can do the same thing and not fully grasp the risks.
But second guessing things and doing research is boring! It really does bother me that the institutions we've created to easily confuse entertainment with knowledge and it might be difficult for people to know the difference if they aren't well educated in the subject matter (myself included).
Ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? It's a cognitive bias whereby people with limited ability in a given field tend to greatly overestimate their own competence. And the less ability they possess the more they tend to overestimate their compotence.
I think that acknowledging that there is more that you will never know and more that can't be known than will ever be known is a great place to be. I consider myself a forever student of everything. There are things I think i am pretty proficient at and things that I know I'm absolutely abysmal at. But even the things that I think I am highly proficient at I still seek to be ever better at them, knowing that it's impossible to master anything. But also that personal growth and fulfillment comes not I the mastering of anything but in the persuit of bettering one's self. I just turned 38 and I laugh at how little I knew when I was 28 and I strive that by 48 I will look back at my self today and think myself equally as unlearned and ignorant as before.
I heard someone say once that "Everything that is alive is growing. There is no such thing as stagnation in nature. Things that are stagnant are either dead or dying." It was more than 10 years ago I heard this and those words will stick with me forever.
Wow just came across one of your videos and now I have just spent over an hour binge watching your videos because you are putting words to these deep feelings and internal pull and struggle I have mentally and spiritually been going through the past 3 years. I feel like reality has shifted so much for me and everyone has lost their minds or I had so thank you. Was nice feeling to resonate with someone and actually agree and not what to roll my eyes. Will definitely be plugging in a bit more often to connect with another lovely soul. Thanks for the genuine humble honesty and expression. I really enjoyed your talks and expressions and that’s saying a lot in today’s world. ✌🏼
Having your opinions and experiences adds so much to your videos! I’m curious to see how reading more “socialist” content goes for you. As a “money guy” and someone who grew up with capitalism myself, it’s been enlightening to see a different perspective that isn’t swayed by generational propaganda.
It's one side's propaganda or another, lol. Don't just go from one pool of indirect "knowledge" to another and call it enlightenment. People should focus on their own lives, not enslaving themselves to advocate an ideology.
I have asked this question so much! It makes no sense to me how people are so sure and so confident... it just doesn't make sense to me because EVERYTHING should be questioned.
100%. I don't care too much to follow tutorials or take classes when it comes to learning new skills. I am much more interested in just doing and trying things on my own and learning through my own experiences, successes and failures. Whether that be learning gardening, playing guitar, or cooking.
To me and surely most of my peers, all this didn't even register as something significant. It was always the rat race. Go to school, get good grades so that you can get into a good college; get into Engineering so that you can have a good job; get a good job so that you can have a comfortable life (still struggling with this step); get married, have kids, insert them into the rat race; repeat. Few years ago I thought I should not be dependent on a job but become an entrepreneur or a youtuber, then I realised that too was something that was been forced upon me by all the 'finance gurus'. I actually enjoy parts of my job, even though the pay is horrendous and i actually enjoy making creative videos, though anything more than a few videos a year will give me burnout. I don't know what stage of life I'm in and I've learnt to get comfortable not knowing.
I hear you... I'M TIRED of Adds, I am tired of online applications and having to optimize every little detail, I am tired of experts promising to hack your body, your sales, whatever bullshit they offer... Your video came at the perfect moment
Yes!!! I had a recent experience while reading The Day the World Stops Shopping (McKinnon). I had been hearing lots of chatter about how bad this could be. But this beautifully done book provided real life scenarios that helped shape a better perspective on the whole situation.
Damn, I was enjoying the slowly blooming flare from the window. Bah! I guess closing the curtains was inevitable.
Really cool to see your process grow over time, to see you engaging with what’s true beyond what’s merely instrumental.
Yes, I am tired of this bullshit. I find myself more curious about direct knowledge these days too.
Loving your work Steve. Keep going!
Part of the issue for me is, in a Digital Age world now of information overload and too much to sift through combined with greater economic insecurity and large-scale and high-pace changes, people are in more fearful states. In fearful states, as political and social psychology often discusses, people turn to authoritarian figures who can speak confidently and tell you what to think or who seem to know the answers - hence those lists of "5 ways to win in your 20s!" or "10 tips to beat the market!". The underpinnings are to understand psychology, which unfortunately is still a fairly rough field with not as much definitive answers as one might believe there should be. What I believe you are experiencing is a symptom of the current social and economic state we are in - a symptom of people turning towards confident and authoritarian-like figures and meanwhile you may be existing outside of this fear and thinking, "Has everyone gone mad or is it me?" Certainly, I feel very similarly as your thoughts in the video, although I also sympathize with the pure emotionality of people's fears who don't have the time/energy/interest to ponder matters more deeply. They simply generally don't know what they don't know. Also, in terms of socialism vs capitalism vs libertarianism vs all these other constructs, I would invite you to also understand the historical (economic/social) circumstances and personal upbringing histories of the writers because they are often writing in reaction to social or lived experiences and they paint their picture with the colors they have at hand. When we read history, we learn viewpoints and symptoms of painful moments, but we must also seek to understand how that's integrative or not into our current age.
I wonder how much of this feeling is contributed by the covid 19 gaslighting
In my time away from work, I practice many different hobbies, and I have acquired some specialized skills that I'd love to share. However, I have found it particular hard to actually go ahead and teach or even just share them.
Not because it is actually hard to do so (I've even got practical experience teaching at a university), but because it takes away from my own time to self-develop and continue to practice and advance, or even just continue with the hobbies I've already got.
Some of these skills are useless (like being able to recall way too much about a specific video game I love to play - but it has made me curious about the idea of a memory palace - I've recently recalled the entire house of my long dead grandparents, from memory).
Knowing too much about the odds of card games (and generally statistics) is another one.
Other skills are very helpful, but only to a particularly small group of people (like knowing how to develop and maintain a mod for another particular game, while adhering to professional standards as somebody with little time to invest in the endeavour).
How to moderate a community of people or even just a single gathering is a great skill, but it takes at least some social intelligence and, most of all, a bigger deal of practice.
And then there's the skills you really just gain while actually going through life, how to communicate, how to maintain a household, how to stay organized, how to use your rights in the workplace, how to do your taxes, how to develop and keep a friendship going, ...
There's never a dull minute, and even if there is, it is alright to actually revel in it. Having nothing to do is a luxury, affordable only through preparation and the privilige of living in a society.
I feel like it might be prudent to cut back on some of it, but I don't want to do that at the same time.
I personally have read the Communist Manifesto and alot of other works by Marx and Engles. Hegel, Mussolini, Mein Kampf and currently reading a book all about Stalin's life and believes. I also have listened to a lot of stuff about Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara... next on my list is Pol Pot and Franco from Spain. I can assure you they all smell and it is an instant red flag if someone finds any validity in their ideologies. But i still love the message of your video.
P.s. i know i "blended" different idealogues but they are practically the same end goal and were both created as a response to capitalism. They are different flavors of the same ice cream.
I think this a fantastic take and I hadnt considered that a lot of the stale feelings I have towards modern day life could have been stemming from a flood of indirect knowledge/ lack of direct knowledge. This rant is aimed equally at myself as much as others but people need to put their hand up and say this culture isnt good enough. I dont think its subjective to say our culture, in direct comparison to what people have had in the past, is complete dog shit. Compared to our parents having a popular lexicon of the beatles, star wars, arthur c. clarke books and the generation after that having Joy Division, and punk and post-punk mindset explorations of creativity and individuality, current culture is garbage. Even though punk was underground culture, it was still a mindset that existed and challenged the cultural narrative. What do we have? iPhone app culture, Ed Sheeran, Disney Star Wars, 24 hour news cycles, more youtube than you could ever watch in a million lifetimes. Mediocrity is the new Marvellous. It really is up to the people to revolt and demand better. There is better stuff happening than this and the people need to demand that it rises to the top. Demand with your feet, with your wallet, with your clicks. Dont let hype and advertising and social pressure rule your life. There is so much beautiful music, stories, books, films, paintings out there to experience. There is much being created today, but it needs proper consideration to be fostered going forwards, so people are inspired to try themselves. Think of the impact David Bowie had, his message was be yourself and you can be me. We need to demand that good art and artists dominate our media and that it is exactly what we want as our mainstream culture. If there is no audience for this type of culture, there will one day be nobody who thinks its worth trying.
I would say a lot of this video resonated with me as I've personally found so many things that I 'knew' to be true when I was young were in fact just humans being human, and a lot of that was based on older humans being human. The older I get the more things seem to be more based on bending truths due to belief, marketing, or the thousands of other reasons. And a lot of that seems to be increasing due to social media (everything is right or wrong rather than a spectrum of everything in between), politics, corporations and the 'marketing' that is in _everything_ now (money is more important than people, although the reasons for this are considerably complex of course).
I think it's interesting to hear people think that socialism is seen as an evil when, in my personal opinion, late stage capitalism is the source of many of the problems in our society now due to the fact that money is the underlying driving force of most things, needed or otherwise. Socialism has its issues too of course...I feel somewhere in the middle, basically socialist capitalism, would be the way to go moving forward.
Straight up capitalism WAS great, but we've gotten to the point our technology and knowledge is FAR more advanced than our wisdom to keep up with it and we need to start sorting out what's actually important for us moving forward as a species. We have the technology and resources to be amazing, but our social structures and beliefs are holding us back. With AI making its way into every facet of our lives at a revolutionary pace, I can't see anything but a very messy result and all the points that you bring up are just going to get that much more complicated. But also, that much more important to address.
just watched the first 39 seconds and you just got me with every word. "this and this is a fact, it's 100% true and I have the proof and it will BLOW YOUR MIND". tiktok is swarming with it and so is youtube. people, all of a sudden, are absolute experts
Thanks for such an insightful discussion. It is easy to be an “expert” these days because of the lack of consequences of words over the internet. James Jani made an excellent video on this subject regarding “Personal Development Gurus.”
Everyone seemingly has knowledge that people need to know, but in many cases, it is just regurgitated. There is very little novelty these days.
Thank you again for the quality, time and effort. Take care.
I am tired of it. I definitely prefer experienced resources over the indirect, it generally guides which channels/podcasts I follow. But I think as you point out, like you could do (but don't), is that sometimes it makes sense for these creators to cover topics they don't have direct experience from. For instance, when your job is to have financial advice, it may make sense to cover real estate investing, tax loss harvesting, or something else like that, even when you haven't done it yourself. People find creators they believe they can trust, and expect them to give accurate advice in that area. For these creators, a lot of it comes down to trying to help people in a field, not just the narrow corridor of personal experiences. Some get away with this by having guests all of the time on a show, so the experience pool becomes wide, but that format isn't perfect for all.
This should be the video to go viral. Smart, original, fresh and curious. Let's make Stephen the next Mr. Beast!
Mental Independence is having your own phase/pace regardless of the world outside.
Opinions are onions or toppings, we still need to eat the inner filters, "ourselves"!
Goodluck to everyones journey and just enjoy the show!
In my theory, we don't start doing what we need to do until we look it up online. I think about how people did it back then before the internet and they seemed better off. That's the route I wanna go.
I am not able to comment on this because, I (in the same way) do not know but you brought up a really eye-opening point and yet called yourself an idiot. I get why you did, which was to illustrate the original point of people, who know nothing, speak like experts on something. I think those are the people who are idiots but I get that you were only calling yourself one to drive home the fact that we are all idiots in a way. We will never fully understand everything, and we are in a constant state of learning... well, for most people :)
I really enjoyed the breakdown of this video and love the fact that your are implementing more sophisticated or philosophical questions into your videos. The idea of being an expert or having such strong opinions; when you really think about it is ridiculous. How can we have such strong emotions towards something we know so little of l, as you said more or less. I have actually been dealing with this same question or dilemma in my journalism classes. I will be sure to use this knowledge and do my own due diligence of course. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and being so open about these subjects. I have a very similar background and interests and hope to continue living a life full of curiosity, just like I used to feel as a kid playing in the woods.
I am documenting and teaching about my path to F.I.R.E. through my YT channel and your channel has given me the courage to openly explore the realms of money, mind and meaning.
Thanks Stephen
I'm a fellow idiot, but the simple dichotomy of knowledge that I've recently crystalized follows two questions:
1. Are you experienced?
2. Are you influenced?
This may or may not help you or others, but I've realized how much the information that I have been presented with has shaped my understanding of everything from music to (yes) Marxism. The only way we can grow is to routinely admit what we do not /know/ in the sense of experience.
Interesting. What you said at the end about the hesitation to create some way of sharing/teaching your style/learning about the way you make your videos - I have so felt that before too. Like who am I to tell you these things as I feel like am I always in the middle of my path of understanding too. But. As one creator to another I marvel at your style and absolutely love it. How you put together videos so strong and unique to your style. I like the way you share on here and hearing you speak resonates with a lot of internal dialog.
Oo I see this guy, and I think city kids. I see the comments, I see city kids.
This video should be a mandatory watch for high school kids!
We are entering a unique energetic shift, tech, culture, reality is shifting at rates in which biological human experience cannot keep up.
Basically at this point no single human entity can contain this vast sea of knowledge and chaos of the collective.
We just gotta let go and accept that we’ll never know.
We’re all just idiots here and no one is gonna give you the answers, answers must be found from within.
Indeed a lot of the indirect knowledge we use as principle may have aspects to them that are completely wrong, but we don't realize whatsoever. There is so much indirect knowledge out there that it drowns out our direct knowledge in comparison. Ideally it would be nice to have direct knowledge of everything, but this is simply not possible with the amount of information out there. We have to utilize both direct and indirect knowledge to the best of our ability and take everything with a grain of salt (for both direct and indirect knowledge).
People are just regurgitating the deluge of information you mentioned in the beginning of the video. But as the old saying goes, "Talk is cheap."
I grew up in Montana, very religious and it seems like we lived parallel lives my friend….cannabis changed me forever for the better
80% of the information on a topic is easily obtained. Suppose, the last 20% is a compromise of contrasting opinions whose barrier to entry is something like, 10,000 hours. A first principles approach to the uninitiated, looks like incompetence.
Yes. I am. I am so tired of it. I literally get more into punk culture the older I get because of it.
I get what you mean. Everything just feels regurgitated at this point. Even worse now with Chat GPT doing a lot of work for people. I'm tired of the recycled content.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on AI and its implications on society as a whole.
Almost all the questions you mentioned in the first part were addressed by the Greeks 2500 years ago. Have you studied Greek philosophy? Aristotle, Plato, the Stoics. True knowledge is knowing that you know nothing. It’s good to realise this, as we all must at some point in life :)
hmm answered yes to all your questions in the beginning and your vid so true. Now a days people who have the "hottest take" or are the loudest end up seeming right. When you get out in the real world and meet real people you get the best answers to your questions imo. Great vid!!
That’s crazy to hear that you have no formal film training, your videos are alway gorgeous
Just discovered your channel and have been binging some of your more recent videos. I don't think I've ever related so much to someones experience and how their worldview is forming around these sorts of topics. Thanks for the videos!
Thanks for bringing up this topic.
I'm developing a side hustle in cybersecurity and I'm horrified at the number of people whose side hustle is helping people doing side hustle, based on seemingly indirect knowledge.
I think now chatGPT bad usage will reinforce this indirect knowledge omnipresence, but at the same time, I think it will help people sharing direct knowledge and things that are not pyramidal schemes, stand out.
What I have found is that confidence will get you a lot further today than intelligence.
But biden says everything Is great, best job market and economy ever......
Why is no one watching TV news anymore?!?!
I can only say how I feel about my life. And feeling stupid m? For who, people? no, too much of that in school. I want to find myself and be myself
If you read Adam Smith, I recommend a condensed version of The Wealth of Nations. There is so much droning on about corn in the unabridged version, it will make you think Melville was writing under a pseudonym.
Add Jacque Fresco to that list of reading!
You should definitely check out an eye opeinning book by Rutger Bregman: Utopia for Realists. Definitely can point you to the right directions in many areas!
Hi nice video! You are not an idiot! Thanks for reminding me to start reading more!
There's a really dumb but great first person shooter game, Wolfenstein: The New Order, from which a scene stood out to me:
A panning view of a modern city, a sea of concrete buildings and asphalt streets, grandiose statues and PSAs with hollow slogans. Then cut to a concentration camp, mostly the same thing. People suffering but accepting that this is the way things are.
The voiceover of an imprisoned jewish man explains to the hero that "this is where absolute conviction leads to" (referring to the nazi regime in-game/any totalitarian regime actually).
Only stupid people have this ferm conviction in them, and they fight anyone who attempts to alleviate this close-mindedness, as they identify more with ideas (which are not theirs to begin with).
This is one of the biggest reasons why there are wars - for ideology, religion, or proxy wars where profiteers are hidden by the distraction of fake ideological wars (see most of US's military involvements in the last century).
Do not downplay your knowledge in film making. By your own definition, is this not direct information you have obtained about your individual means of creation? Society fails when it restricts itself behind labels and titles, class divisions, and "professionalism", expertise, etc. These things are just illusions. They are not real, only opinions brought on by a cleaver few who convinced everyone to believe them. You by mearly existing, should you want to know or do something, have permission to do so.
The key is just that, doing it yourself. Learning by experience, not through reading/listening/watching someone else.
However both can be true at once.
Teaching is a powerful thing but we should learn the truth of what teaching really is.
One should share their personal understanding, the other is responabile for listening and finding their own means into that subject, using what they learned from you as a reference. Nothing more.
If we could all gain more agency in our lives and not let the systems of oppression define your title of authorization to become a photographer/writer/finance manager/jail warden, etc. But rather the frame works of ourselves define those limits i feel there would be more clarity and humility in what everyone would need.
I have been feeling this way significantly with politicians and with the mental health/spiritual gurus.
Both represent leadership roles in communities of people.
Often representing said people. Like how one person can represent 100’s of thousands and yet it’s so impossible to accurately represent them! And with mental health guru’s they represent an idea and a lifestyle.
Which I’ve began to notice a trend of commodifying ancient/cultural practices of communities of people without acknowledging that.
And what you same about indirect and direct experiences really resonates with both groups. How politicians often make decisions for their constituents based on indirect experiences.
In the case of transphobic laws they choose indirect experiences of non transgenders who spread false data and harmful opinions to make decisions for trans people instead of just listening to the direct knowledge of real trans people.
Meanwhile spiritual gurus use a bit too much direct knowledge and disregard the indirect data that scientists provide. Meanwhile not doing any of their own data collection or analysis of effectivity of such practices or lifestyles.
Balance in all things. Direct experience should take precedent over indirect, but indirect knowledge is still incredibly valuable, and if it overwhelmingly disagrees with your subjective experience, that’s a strong indicator to reflect on the validity of your ideas.
There is an old kind of axiom in business - That the smartest person in the room is the one asking the dumbest questions. A little general, but basically, admitting what you don't know so you can know it.
Steve: "The generally accepted..."
My accounting brain: "Accounting Principles (GAAP)"
Before it was ok to think you know everything (the juvenile state of mind), today it’s way better to say you don’t know everything and admit this upfront.
if you really want to know truth and right and wrong, I highly suggest you dive down the deep deep hole of philosophy! German philosophers specifically, but the Greeks are good as well.
that was Socrates' idea. i love the links lol. how old are you?
why does it say "0" comments; there are so many comments .. strange... thought You grooves was a bigger company than that. By the way .... in revelations doesn't it say that *(in the end , all things wrong will be seen correct and things that were considered correct will be deemed wrong"... the realization of a wrong turn is correcting your path, now you are on your right path". ^ if we spend all our time to know our host then we may not know the guests. a time in a garden isn't spent looking up at the sun but looking down to the plants. It may not be capitalism that allowed for individual growth... Individual growth is inherent by natural law ( is evident all around us ) , capitalism is just the name used so a totalitarian doesn't draw individual resistance.
We have a skewed idea of what an authorities power should signify. I would say a blacksmith is an authoritative source. Their knowledge is formed entirely from their experience around the forge, but that authority dwindles outside his walls.
Beware false prophets.
And the government.
Yes! You’ve said everything I’ve been feeling too. Yes to everything!
I lived with many cats, and no you’re right. They’re all aholes
I was just having this exact conversation with a friend re: videos and the lack of direct experience 😅Like "how to build a profitable business" (from someone who has never actually built a profitable business.. It feels pretty empty and dull, doesn't it?
Love your videos. Always provide good mind food to chew on.
Zizek might be a fun exploration for you, certianly more fun than a lot of the classic socialist literature
Roman Catholicism is one of many Christian traditions. If you want to get to the root of the matter, explore the primary texts and then compare/contrast.
Maybe add Max Weber?
Thanks I really needed this 🙂
What are the plants in the background, I’m finna get me some.
Well said Stephen. Everyone is an expert these days and unwilling to consider other perspectives to the topic once they have made up their made.
Taxpayers and citizens have no say in anything anymore
Wonderfully put
1 minute in and had to press like 👍
Stephen ! you should really check out Tiago Forte's idea of building a second brain especially since you're a creative. I'm recently reading his titular book on the subject and it's and interesting read that can touch upon some of the topics you talked about, sending regards from Portland, Oregon
Amazing 👋👋👋👋👋
Love being subscribed to this dude it’s so funny watching him slowly but surely spiral
I very much appreciate how frank and open you are in making these videos! Keep it up
yes yes and yes too all of those intro questions
First! Love your vids Stephen!
this is why i love your videos, they are thought provoking and reminds me im not alone with these thoughts or questions in my head 😅
Thank you
Thanks I needed that
Thumbs up for you
Very very beautiful vedio 😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤
So this is another video where you brag about how special, interesting and well-read you are, this time coming from a false position of humility and acknowledgement of ignorance.
Dude, you are perfecting the art of the humble-brag to new levels never seen before. Congratulations.