I'm a Border patrol agent and about 13 years ago I was on duty near Brownsville TX when myself and about 300 other Agents all watched a big purple light crossing near the Rio Grande. 300 plus agents seen it from around Falcon Lake to Brownsville all at the same time. I watched it come in horizontal and it stopped straight ahead of our position and it dropped straight down. The radio traffic was off the hook.
We need more and more of this testimonies. Thank you Sir for your story. Could it be possibly identified as something being a meteorological phenomenon or could it be something that had "material", could it be a craft ? Do you remember more details ?
14 years ago I saw a huge black triangular object the size of a football field fly very very slowly over my house. It made no sound. If had three lights, one at each corner and a huge bulging light in the center. I thought I was about to be abducted lol. It flew right over. I didn't have my phone on me and I wish I did. It would have been the best ufo picture I've ever seen. It looked nearly identical to what they say the black manta looks like
@@marsfire8281 Friend, these objects have been sighted since the beginning of the 20th century and even much earlier. How to talk about military technology?? Think about it.
@@luziosalles324 the “dipping in and out of the water” is specifically something that has repeatedly and only come from “sightings” where people are looking at IR (heat) footage. The silly thing is that if you take a IR camera and film fairly normal objects from above (e.g. a loose birthday balloon, or ceremonial lanterns) they tumble a bit, which makes them appear to blink in and out EXACTLY like they do in the UAP videos. Considering the phenomenon is completely expected and re-creatable with the most common of objects to expect in the air, it’s really misleading to call it “physics defying” or even unexplainable. It’s footage that matches what a common object would do in IR footage under those conditions. It doesn’t dismiss all sightings ever, but it does explain what people see as “disappearing below the surface and coming out again”.
@@deadboltzz5199yeah imagine that😂😂😂😂 "Now these are the rules that you shall set before them. 2 When you buy a Hebrew slave,[a] he shall serve six years, and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing. 3 If he comes in single, he shall go out single; if he comes in married, then his wife shall go out with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out alone. 5 But if the slave plainly says, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,’ 6 then his master shall bring him to God, and he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost. And his master shall bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall be his slave forever."
I’m glad to see a major media outlet actually starting to report this seriously now… but sadly they have a lot of catching up to do and they’re still not asking the right questions… like when are more investigative journalists going to start digging into the allegations of David Grusch?
I never believed in UFO's until about 8 years ago when I was on a cruise in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. So, sitting on my balcony about 12 a.m., just stargazing. I've always loved looking at night sky full of stars. Of the millions of stars, I focused in on 3 of the furthest looking ones. Just looking and thinking. Then, the three stars started moving! Closer together, then spread apart...closer together, then spread apart. Did that about 4 times. Then, the 3 stars shot to the left side of the sky! Then to the right! Back and forth until they were about 1000-2000 feet in front of me. By then, they weren't 3 stars anymore. They were 6-8 circular lights twirling, shifting, floating. Then they just hovered there on the side of the ship...almost like they were "watching/studying" the boat. Hovered there for about 2 minutes. Then, they shot off past the front of the boat. Finally, out of sight in a flash. It all happened so fast and it was like I was so shocked trying to make sense of what I was witnessing. I always thought people who talked about UFO's were crazy, until I saw that. Weird weird weird.
Idk why I get the impression that all of you are bots. It's always the same kind of story. I WILL never "belief" in UFO's. If one day I see one in the sky, then ok. But this is not about belief.
Ya I love stargazing and I live North so the stars are very visible when the sky is clear.. I've seen so many weird movements, multiple lights moving through the sky together, things flash and then disappear or lights that flash once, go dim flash again and reappear etc. Could be tech that we don't know about but I always keep an open mind that maybe my real family will come back for me one day 👽 haha jk but ya I've seen lots of weird stuff out there. I also saw a lot of lights in the night sky during covid shutdown too which I found strange because flights were grounded at the time.
For an object to go from air to water and back without loss of velocity it may be composed of non-baryonic matter. Defies the laws of physics known to we puny humans.
These beings are using what's called quark plasma which is what a black hole is made of. They are using the Quark Plasma to create extreme mobility with Quark Plasma Thrusters. These vehicles use the strong force to manipulate the field of space itself that science cannot understand because the universe was created with "quark-gluon plasma". This assumption left out the 95% of the mass of the universe that these vehicles are using. The field of space is the catalyst for all energy including gravity. This is the technology that will not be understood until the Big Bang theory is eliminated. The scientific community has been led away from reality because it considers the creation of the universe an unfalsifiable fact. All the observations over a century have definitively proven that the Big Bang theory cannot explain anything about our universe. Somehow, nothing keeps this theory from being unquestionable. Until people quit getting paid to learn what has never explained anything, there will be no more advancement in physics or astrophysics.
While serving in Iraq, many times, at night many of us would see multiple round lights in the sky, moving around in all directions, as if they were insects flying around, but in the sky, like satellites, best described, as orbs. I hate saying that, because the explanation seems so simple, but orbs of light was the best way to explain it. Ive wondered about this for many years since.
They are called MILORBS and are a higher dimensional form of an organic artificial intelligence. Like a drone that is self aware and superintelligent with abilities that should be impossible. It's like a hybrid between super advanced technology, biological consciousness, extra terrestrial visitors, and what we would call a supernatural event. Basically,it's NOTHING like anything we've ever imagined before The convergence of artificial superintelligence, organic life, spirituality, and psychology
Cool. I saw one in 1996 in the Coastal mountain range in Oregon. We were up really late in the mountains purposely to watch the annual Perseid meteor shower. It was a light like a satellite except no orbit. It’s like it was joy riding to see how it could move. Stop/start, cookies, turns, basically defying the laws of physics and the limits of our known technology. My friend and I watched for a good 5 minutes at least and were both like “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Even though it wasn’t technically a close encounter, it left an impression.
I’ve only talked about this in detail with one person and his wife. I’ve kept it from everyone else in my life for fear I’d be considered crazy, but many of these phenomenons are REAL. The beings operating them are REAL… and I don’t know if anyone else here feels as relieved as I do that the existence of these crafts and their operators is finally being discussed by legitimate media organizations. I witnessed what I have always believed was extraterrestrial phenomena when I was eight-years-old, seventeen-years-old, and forty-two-years-old. At eight, my parents had a house in Cold Spring, New York. I never had an issue with being there by day, but I felt nothing but terror there at night. I always felt like someone or someTHINGS were outside, watching the house at night and I often heard things outside that sounded like “people” moving around the house. Every time I heard these things around the house, ALL of the wildlife was silent. One night, I heard something at the back of the house. My bedroom window overlooked that area. Right beneath my window was a porch light on an upside down U-shaped pole that held the light out from the back door by about three feet. I saw the shadows of circular shapes moving around and through the circle of light from the lamp in intricate patterns, but there was NOTHING visible under the bulb blocking its light to create those shadows. I heard rustling in the “snowball bushes” that were just barely outside the circle of light from the lamp and I looked at them as quickly as possible. I saw a parts of a handful of beings who were barely as tall as I was; a couple upper limbs, a couple lower limbs, the top of a head, and a hand that had been holding part of a bush away from its face. The moment I saw them, they seemed to disappear into the foliage and the one whose hand I had seen let go of the bushes’s branches so they sprang back up, concealing its face. At seventeen and after an absence of five years, I was back at that house. Despite having been gone for five years, nothing had changed except for things in the sky. The inexplicable shadows were still appearing, the feeling that something was watching the house was worse than ever, the sounds of something moving around outside at night were more frequent and louder, and the usual sounds of wildlife were absent more frequently. As for the sky above us at night, I often saw lights and shapes that moved in ways no terrestrial technology could have achieved. After just two weekends of that, I demanded that my manager schedule me to work every single weekend just so I would have to stay in Manhattan rather than have to go back to that house. Eventually, I moved to California where I neither heard or saw anything unusual or as terrifying as what I kept seeing in New York. I really thought my experiences with this were over, but a couple drives through Marin County brought it all roaring back. There was the night I was driving through Tiburon toward the Bay Bridge at night when I saw an enormous orb hovering over the bay next to the bridge. I saw it through my windshield, slowed down, and watched it as it began to move. It moved rapidly in straight lines and it moved at 90° angles just as rapidly. I knew I wasn’t the only person to see it because everyone on the road slowed down as I had and a few people pulled over. That orb stayed there for around another three minutes, sometimes hovering and sometimes moving in ways no terrestrial craft could have. It finally left in a shot so rapid that if any terrestrial craft had moved so rapidly it would have caused a sonic boom, but this orb made no sound whatsoever. The other incident was further north from Tiburon. Instead of taking the Bay Bridge, I took a route to Concord that skipped the bridge, but took me across a long, dark, country road that was practically empty at night and whose course included a few miles through wetlands where there were no houses, business, or other buildings of any type. Not two minutes into my drive along that stretch of road the lights appeared. I don’t think they had flown there just as I was driving that road. I think they were there, scoping the area before I got anywhere near that road. It felt like a scene out of “Closer Encounters Of The Third Kind,” but with crafts that didn’t have such artistic lighting. There were eight of them surrounding my car, two on each side, but I didn’t know it until their lights came on. It was the middle of the night, but my car and the area around my car appeared as bright as day because of the intensity of the lights. I knew they weren’t other terrestrial ground vehicles because the ones on sides of my car would have had to move through the wetlands at 70MPH to keep up with me. I also knew they couldn’t be terrestrial because they were hovering above my car as evidenced by the direction in which their lights shone and by the fact that they made NO SOUND. I only let them surround me for around thirty seconds before I decided to floor it in order to get away from them. I went from 70MPH to 110MPH and they PACED ME WITHOUT ANY SOUND. We were all less than a quarter of a mile from a traffic light when all their lights shut down. I had been prepared to run the traffic light if it was red, but it hadn’t occurred to what I should do if they left before I got to the traffic light. The light WAS red and bringing my speed down from 110MPH to a complete stop in just an eighth of a mile at that point became just as terrifying as it was when those crafts surrounded me.
WOW, you tell your actual truth and get mocked & ridiculed. I'd want to believe in aliens too if humans like you guys in these comments are the alternative...
After these experiences at that house you should have told someone or some agencies and had a streak out of sorts to get this out in the open..to keep this a secret is just as bad as what the government has done…
Be very careful. Ask yourself why they are suddenly ok with sharing these videos and why they only shared these ones. Usually when they want to make a big move that will change the country especially in the law and policies area or even with foreign policy, they will make the country focus on something else (like this) so that they can slip it by without anyone noticing. Look for the big picture.
With all the massive shocks people have been through the past decade I think we've become a little less reactionary each time so I'm glad issues like this, issues that make everything else seem unimportant, are being discussed in a civil fashion with an open mind.
It's literally a distraction, we have known for a very long time that we have had visitors, now all of a sudden the government wants to talk all about it and let everyone know, it still doesn't change anything about how the visits have went,we are not at war with them and they been visiting forever now, we got a whole bunch of other actual important stuff to worry about with our world today
@@rogerkidd6103 Oh yeah, just curious how many 'visitors' you've seen. These videos are birds. You can literally see some flap their wings in this video, lol
@@rogerkidd6103illegal rogue military that is working outside of congressional oversight with these incredible technologies reverse engineered from alien technology isn’t a big deal? That’s what these things are, and illegal use of your money
There's an in-depth scientific report on this object. Individual frames are broken down pixel by pixel and thermally analysed. When the object splits in two, it has two separate heat signatures. The report concludes that the object behaves in ways that defy our current understanding, and remains unidentified.
At precisely 1:20-1:21 you can see the object either being boomerang shaped, or traveling with a companion, which remained hidden because they travel side by side
The rabbit hole is deep. It might be that what lies at the bottom of the hole is too terrifying to bring to light. If you believe some of the government reports and testimony about underground bases, it's very disturbing
Floating balls of plasma that are attracted to some things for some reason, maybe opposite ionic charge. They act sentient, but then you could convince yourself a balloon in a room with a fan is sentient too with an overactive imagination.
@@e.h3286Pay attention : to name a few; NASA just last week. Ex-President Obama in televised interviews. Various ex-military and government officials who are no longer under legal obligation to keep it secret. Others.
Going in and out of the water with zero effect is incredible. You can see the water splashing and moving out of its way…could be a propulsion system that is so powerful and advanced that it instantly corrects for increased drag with increased power at a real time rate. That would accomplish what we see. Or some sort of anti grav unit where force just doesn’t apply to it
Anti-grav is the only conclusion I can come to given what I can see. It was only about 5 or 6 years ago gravitational wave theory was proven. With no observable propulsion system, I don't know what else it could be unless they have now somehow managed to bend reality lol. If gravity has wave properties, then theoretically it could be harnessed. There could even be an undiscovered quantum particle called gravitons that mediates the force of gravity. I would strongly suspect they also harnessed fusion energy to power these things and perfected it. The Department of Energy announced late last year they had made a major breakthrough in fusion energy by finally creating a process that created a net energy gain. If they have already made major advancements in what is considered some of the most challenging problems of physics, then they could very well be hundreds of thousands or millions of years ahead of us.
Notice how rapidly the compass in the upper left is turning. The aircraft we are viewing from is moving past the object, and the camera is panning to keep it in view as the aircraft passes (causing the compass to rotate). This object conceivably could be at a near standstill while the aircraft passes, and due to parallax (especially with a very zoomed-in view) the background will appear to move behind the object. The object is mysterious, but the apparent rapid movement is probably an illusion.
There isn't any compass in the upper left. The compass is bottom center (28=280-degrees, etc.). Also, the video states that the footage is the airport tracking the object, not an aircraft (Notice the words "Ground Track" in the upper, left-of-center?). Details matter.
1:25 to 1:39 paraphrasing "an aircraft spots it and follows it". I was thinking the same thing as you but went back and listened to it again. Also if this was footage from ground tracking how could it possibly be filmed from the top down?
@@SoCalTrooper Now you've got me re-thinking. I heard that part of the video differently the first time. Here's how my mind parsed it: _The CBP aircraft spotted it, and the airport was tracking it._ Your take on it seems just as plausible: _The CBP aircraft spotted it flying over the airport, and the aircraft was tracking it._ I wonder how the presenter meant for us to understand it?
@Chuck-Roast It's this level of uncertainty that always bothers me with this stuff. I'm glad we're getting more recognized info and less complete skepticism but come on, with a world of 6.84 billion smartphones and now drones, how we do not have a video that blows us all away makes me scratch my head.
I saw two triangular craft hovering in the sky over a field. I can’t say they were alien but the craft seemed very advanced. No sound, the both hung in the air without even moving & the one object had this strange look to it like it was partially invisible / blended into the sky. This occurred back in 1999 & who’s ever technology was that was amazing.
I saw the same thing, back in 1999-2000, in a small residential town in Kuwait. It was one aircraft, traingular shaped. It felt odd that it wasnt moving, and definitely looked as big as a small aircraft (not drone sized)
I saw one at night around that same time period. Silent black triangle with no running lights. I don't know who or what was behind the wheel but it was certainly no conventional aircraft the public is aware of.
My dad and I saw a UFO near the Vermont/Canadian border in 1975; a spinning white disk like a frisbee only impossibly high in the sky; we were in our Mercury station wagon and it was following us, I lost track of it but Dad saw it speed off; I remember it like yesterday and will never, ever forget it.
@@slomo4672 just on a family trip; driving along and the UFO in the sky for 10 minutes tops. I was 4. Not Hypnotized lol. Dad was a fairly no-nonsense, pragmatic man; administrative. Definitely only a family trip and nothing major. I'll never forget it, I'm seeing it in my mind's eye now. A bright blue sky in the afternoon, Sunny.
My brother and I saw one when we were about 10 years old. It was floating about 3 stories above the street in Chicago right outside of our window. I remember it like it was yesterday too. I asked him the following morning "do you remember what happened last night" and he replied "yeah, we saw a UFO". Its sad that so many people are still skeptical, even with government agencies declassifying footage and documents of sightings. It doesnt have to be aliens, it could just be technology that someone has that we dont know about. But to just discount the existence of these things altogether at this point is just willful ignorance.
Things we don’t know… 1) what it is 2) where it comes from 3) where it goes 4) how fast it is going 5) when did it enter our atmosphere 6) when did it leave our atmosphere? 7) size of object 8) color of object I have a hard time believing it is from outer space. If we can determine when any object is approaching earths atmosphere, how could this get by? We can’t even tell what the speed is? I’m sorry, we are way too far advanced to not have more answers. Seems like a cover up imo
I live on Puerto Rico, and when my dad was younger, he said he remembered seeing something stranger than when we saw in this video, he even did a drawing on how it looked like, it was like a helicopter sized, or bigger, ship that was slowly moving to somewhere i don't know where, it had lights spinning around it and it looked like a silver space capsule, but what's more weird is that it didn't even make a sound, but my guess is that all that story was just a dream he probably remembers.
How is the quality of life in PR? Is it a good idea to move to PR to save pay less tax? Nothing is good living in there except for lowering tax, but must live in there 183 days a year no freedom? Only natives can tell, thanks 🙏
@@Ngan-zy9kd PR is terrible. No work, no money, no room for growth, politics lie, steal and cheat. Federal Government throws money to them and nothing gets done…. Oh and most of them live in projects collecting welfare.
The fact that we still cannot differentiate a bird from a craft with the most advanced radar and camera systems really tells a lot about our technological capabilities...
You’re watching a brief quarter-screen clip here, and the UAP is the smaller object in the video, not the plane. Try going to the actual government website they’re talking about, downloading the full videos and resuming your analysis on a sufficiently-sized monitor.
The amazing thing about this UAP video is the fact that this object is flying at a high speed in the air, and when it goes into the ocean, the craft/object maintains its' speed despite the ocean water's resistance.
It is not flying under the water. It is a pelican flying very low and between the waves. You can't see the pelican for a moment because it is flying so low. Then it pops up, then it fixes for a fish, then it is lost to the camera.
@@embroiledalive5232you mean to tell me the US govt with all that money in technology can’t differentiate between a bird and a plane? Are you that niave.
@@embroiledalive5232fastest pelican in the universe. And it’s shaped like a disc, pretty weird looking pelican. Why doesn’t the military track every pelican on earth and release videos of them? Oh, I loved the part where this pelican never flapped its wings.
1st of all The youtube channel NY UAP Discussions broke this story the video was given to him & only him 1st because he gained the trust of the Agent in charge you should be giving his channel full credit!
this was horrible coverage totally promoting overreactions and jumping to alien theories. They know what they’re doing. Next time they should show the clear footage that they have in 2023.
I heard someone say awhile back that they believed this type of stuff is finally being released and talked about so that we would be better prepared when slapped with a much bigger piece of the puzzle, i.e. the existence of extraterrestrials or some unknown advanced civilization, etc. Being that there seems to be some logic to that statement, I definitely believe that it may actually be correct. Then again, it may not even be close to valid, so who knows.
I think the people who are gonna freak out and lose their minds over the existence of aliens would lose their minds no matter how gently you break it to them so I dunno.
Did he say "all the sudden"? This is part of why people are becoming more stupid by the day: media people saying things incorrectly. The world is watching you. You are helping to make them more stupid. Choose better.
finally some more of the good stuff. floating balls that can trail the warthog jet like that isnt anything our species created and its interesting to see more ufo stuff come out, makes me think by the time the media and the government finishes these mind games they'll introduce us to an actual alien
If we have new tech, most of our own military or government wouldn't even know about it. They keep things secret even from each other. This could very well be an experiment the US has kept under wraps to not arouse suspicion from other world powers.
Wild! I for one am glad the general public are finally being shown some video of these interesting and wildly intriguing aircraft. Ever since the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind I've been deeply interested in this subject. Keep those videos and information coming.
There’s structures and graphics all over our planet that point to not being made by humans. We know there’s extra-terrestrial life. I’m very grateful for reporting like this. Let’s pray they are more civilized than we are and that they treat strangers better than we do!
When it goes into the water the compass arrow at the top left of the screen moves much slower than when it's flying through the air. This suggests that the object did slow down significantly when it entered the water. It could also just be moving in a direction away from the camera and not moving left to right, but it is difficult to tell from the video.
This thing was spotted by homeland security cameras and they tracked it and it when it hit the water this is the weird thing about it it's came out of the water and divided into two when it came out of the water and they both went different directions, to me it I believe it's something that's alive, anything that replicates itself most cases is alive it hit the water and 85 mph and re-emerged split into two and they both went different directions, like Chris Mellon said we have a multiple of phenomena, and from my analysis of all of these engagements they're not coming from the same place, the propulsion systems on some of these craft are significantly different from the others, and the Styles and sizes of some of these objects is absolutely unbelievable
The object was probable never near the water though. Multiple reconstructions have fount that it could've been travelling in a straight line, at altitude, in the same direction and at the same speed as the wind on that day.
Thank you for reporting on these things! It seems we are entering very amazing times when we might finally get to find out who is flying in our skies. For those who want to learn about what these things are and what they might be doing here, I recommend reading The Allies of Humanity briefings. An incredible piece of information made available for everyone to learn from.
I just read the first briefing, so you think the intersex between aliens and humans have already happened? I have seen many post where people are freaking out as they see shape shifting people around them. Another aspect is that 2 hears ago israeli space agency’s scientist claimed the us and aliens have a contract. Oh god such amazing and scary times we are in. Thank you for the suggestion of the book.
LOL how ironic to come across this news report, i just see such similar things here in PR at about 4am (early in the morning still night outside) here in Puerto Rico just two days ago. Ive been getting to work extra early to take some time to pray, (going thru some marital issues) , and while on the terrace at my job looking up at the night sky, i see what i first think is an airplane at very high altitude but then i notice no blinking indication lights, so im thinking possible lower altitude satellite. BTW im well versed in aviation (civil air patrol) as a teen. But then the steady light traveling across the sky begins to sway in its path. similar to someone driving a car and swaying from side to side while traveling down the road. CLEARLY this was not normal behavior for any normal aircraft, not to say an aircraft couldn't do, but again, im talking high stratospheric altitude if not higher. no clouds in the sky either. more over the light began dwindling dark , not a switch on and off, but as if a car battery was dying and the headlight were bowing out. then the light when dark. keep in mind this is not the first time having seen such things here in PR. in fact dare i say Puerto Rico is chock full of weird phenomenon especially things of the 'spiritual' nature. and no im not bullshitting!!! not one bit!. Prior this sighting some years back it was similar. a light in the ski that at least in that case looked like a star. once again in on a balcony early in the morning, once again praying about my troubles, and this time in a clear starlit sky something about one of the stars seem to catch me eye. Then i notices the star stared moving. Now. to be clear when i say star, i mean a vastly distanced light in the beyond the scope of our earths atmosphere. very much could've been at the orbital range of higher altitude satellites. So. the light begins to move, and my mind is trying to kinds make sense of what im looking at as it unfolds. Your just kinda dumb struck but at the same time, figuring this is just some military or government surveillance satellite, some secret craft technology we don't know about. As the light moved it than quickly came down into our upper atmosphere, more over the thing that struck me was the fact of their being no sound, no sonic booms, and at that point my mind accepted the fact that what was seeing was indeed real. more to the point of its motion zooming into earths atmosphere was this sort of con trail or wake that preceded the craft NOT from behind it like a boat, but rather in front of it after it stopped, like the splash after waving ones hand across a body of water. then as i looked at it, i had this overwhelming feeling that it was looking at me. or at least in my vicinity. it say idle for a while as my mind try to digest all whats going on, then it slowly sped off in a direction behind the building of which i could no longer follow. OK.. so.. again. these things happened, we are seeing footage of them etc etc what do i believe they are. meh.. my best guess would be government fringe secret projects of surveillance. People are calling aliens. well i wont discredit that possibility but for now im sticking with good ol fashion black box projects. as for the technology, ironically im not wow'ed by it. in fact im more than shocked that people are. Consider the fact that the world has been toying with aviation for some time, and this aviation has been based on air pressure, wings, airfoil, thrust, the use of air to generate lift, well dont you think most governments and their research operations would've long moved past such basic technology. everything that these UAP's or UFO's are doing can be easily explained. The aerial performance of aircraft is limited by the air itself. but if you were to remove the air, what do you have? space! and what limits your motion and speed in space? nothing. so what if you can create space around a craft within earths atmosphere, if the constraints of the atmosphere does not have an effect on your craft? EXACTLY!! you have the ability to move about in ways uncommon to those seen with conventional aircraft. so.. last question. how could you remove air molecules from affecting the surface of your craft? when you have that answer then you have the makings of a UFO. and trust me when i say.. most things that bewilder our eyes, are almost never really complicated, a person in the ancient world seeing a biplane fly across the sky would likely be blown out of his or her mind, just as people today are dumbstruck by the sighting of ufo's, but the truth is , the technology is ridiculously simple. and the fact we are seeing so many of the UAPs around also suggests that the technology is in fact simple. the magician trick looks like some form of dark occult, because our brains cant put the pieces together, but when the trick is revealed then we feel like fools. These UAPS do have advance technology but im willing to bet its not as complicated as we may believe, why? because we've been seeing them for so long.
Yep, I think you may have something there to definitely ponder about. I too have seen unrecognizable flying objects. As a kid I lived in El Yunque P.R. and saw things back in the 50s that were weird but no one around that could say what it was. But as you mentioned which is true PR is known for unexplainable phenomenon and excepted as part of its culture. I've been in the states since 1960 and later joined the military. On base in N. Carolina a couple of hundred guys one evening were mesmerized by a huge concentric circle ⭕ up in the nite sky that got bigger and bigger on to it finally spread and changed the hue of the night sky entirely. in the 70s I became curious about the subject since certain books fell into my hands, since the subject intrigued me so much. In 2016 I was looking to get a glimpse of some meteorites when instead I saw 2 CUBES flying in a stagard formation. I called them cubes or flying boxes at the time. It's always difficult to estimate distance up the sky when there's no reference point to guide you. These cubes were a copper/orange and black underneath. I reached out to Mufon and filled out a questionnaire and was given an incident number and assigned an investigator who later went and explained it as military fighters flying in formation because they fly that way. That was their answer so I left it alone. On a more personal level 🎚️. I often make comparisons between weirdness and phenomenon to scriptures. For some this reality is CLEAR as day. For others it remains ILLUSIVE. IF this is NEW TECH. then explaining this becomes a bit of a problem since sightings are as old as history itself .In the second world war, pilots were reporting all kinds of orbs and other weirdness up in the sky. I heard someone once saying that these things what ever they are do have a trickster aspect to them .Whatever that means. So, it remains a heck of a conundrum for many to this day. Looking at the chaotic state of the PLANET, our COUNTRY, and all this GEOPOLITICS WORLDWIDE, well,it's scarier than most people will ever know.
I remember when I was a kid in the 90s, there were a lot of crazies talking about alien abductions. They were called crazy. Now crazy is "normal." If you're not crazy, you're not "normal." A sad time to be alive.
I never thought it looked like the object dipping in the water. To me it always looked like it cloaked itself. You see it disappear, partly reappear and then its gone...
@@My_Fair_Ladyall sides of a Mylar balloon are reflective to IR cameras even if they’re painted. IR sees heat reflecting. Mylar reflects heat the same even if it’s painted.
VERY SUSPICIOUS that all major media is JUST NOW covering this topic, and all at the same time. Just bear that in mind, don't know exactly what the goal here is.
This is not anything we can even begin to contemplate. It goes supersonic without a boom, no exhaust, and you can throw a stone which makes a greater impact on water but this thing makes no waves/disturbance on the water surface, while travelling at incredible speeds. Not human. This is alien even for our concocted alien. How to even start defining speed of something thats violates all laws of motion.
Best video I've ever seen was caught by a drone. The object was moving about 700mph. The operator didn't even notice it in the moment but caught it later. It was completely silent and didn't have wings.
All I have to say is, I found using slow motion in certain parts of the video helpful. You can see the object moving forward like it has a boost or something making it go faster, my theory is it knew it was being watched so it went under water, came back up but it was invisible. They didn’t want us to see them active their invisible cloak.if that make any sense
Why are people saying that we humans can't build a vehicle that can go from air to water and back into the air? I mean, it's very possible already with our current capabilities, as long as the speed is not too high.
@@User-jr7vf I’ve never seen it, so that’s my own fault for not knowing it even existed. The only thing I have seen is an inventor from Japan that made a floating bubble vehicle that you sit on, that floats off the ground using some sort of vacuums to levitate. Not very far off the ground but still not touching the ground. but you’re correct, now is the future and we have the brain power and mechanics.
The object apparently flying under water could be a parallax, a perspective or a refraction effect as it doesn't seem to disturb the water surface as it would at this apparent speed.
There have been other reports of uap doing the same thing, they can go through the water without losing speed. There have also been reports of objects shooting up from the seafloor and flying straight up into space until they're lost by radar.
Studying these sightings will help the public feel more comfortable about what’s really going on. I think the government was concerned about mass panic, but we want to know more.
The only people who will not except it are the religious. Many of them indoctrinated at a young age before there brains were able to make there own rational conclusions. They will deny anything that discredits there religious beliefs. There brainwashed minds will make them believe they are demons and fallen angels and they will not except that beings from another world could be more advanced than us when there man made god is supposed to be the creator of everything!
Finally, I mean our government has “assumed” we, the general population would flip out if we see anything related to alien life but it’s been here for thousands of years. The powers that be need to give us more credit for being able to cope. If more national news outlets cover these incidents without wearing an alien head costume and laughing through the stories like the Phoenix Lights phenomenon then more information will be shared worldwide w/o fear of being labeled crazy
The video shows the camera tracking the object as it dipped into the water, continued to track, until the object resurfaced. How did the camera maintain a lock on the object while it was on the ground, in terms of speed and direction? I am skeptical.
Because even though they lost sight of it, it kept its speed so the camera kept following at that speed and thus it "reappeared". I'm thinking the sun reflecting off the object made it seem to disappear. I don't believe in alien spacecraft as there is a reason for everything.
They "think" it went under water, but its possible it just looked like that from the imaging. They likely tracked it based on their best educated guess in terms of direction and velocity and a projected flight path
There was never a lock as you can see in the video. What they were doing was tracking it with the same amount of rotation relative to the object's velocity.
These thermal IR videos provide good opportunity to see how these vehicles function. Pay attention to that bubble surrounding the object. That's very telling. These vehicles supposedly use anti-grav technology that can distort a spherical field of space/time surrounding the vehicle and of course if space/time/gravity is distorted, light is effected, causing the light refraction bubble we see here. Big thanks to NBC for reporting on this subject with genuine curiosity, respect and without ridicule.
@@williamwilson6499 I sense that you might not realize the speed at which this object is moving. Wedding lanterns are very unlikely to be blown around like that.
@@dustywilson5461 Multiple independent reconstructions have found that the object could've been moving in the direction of the wind, essentially in a straight line, at the speed of the wind that day, drifting from the direction of a hotel where wedding lanterns are known to be released from sometimes.
I saw at right group of white hot red appearing globes with fainter similarly colored line arches above and below that moved as a whole from west orientation moved closer without sound and then in less than a second appeared to travel a hinder miles direct north where there’s an air force base. Two minutes later I saw multiple white flashes move from surface to the object. It appeared the object was struck, dimmed out, lost altitude, appeared to come back on, but lost more altitude and dimmed out as it fell. I tried to take pictures but they didn’t turn out. I was left very scared as they approached me. The Fargo paper came out the next day with a news article about multiple sightings and an interview with a police officer who admittedly did not witness the object blow it off as a weather balloon. Not great journalism. That was the only time I saw anything like that and I’m familiar with aircraft. Peace
I have seen them several times. When it happens to you your mind tries to comprehend what your seeing and nothing but WOW comes to mind. I have seen all my sightings in lorain Ohio next to Lake Erie. First started noticing them in 2021.
I have seen 6 different strange thing in the sky in my life. The one that stands out and the most recent was this. I was standing on my deck one evening just after sun set it was not dark yet. I noticed a dot of white light coming out of the west this was maybe at 1500 ft off the ground and behind it in line was a second identical light, there was about 15 or 20 seconds between them, then another and another and I counted 15 when it was over. The strange thing was they would vanish at the same spot and as I observed them I noticed what seemed to be a smudge in the sky where they would vanish. There were probably more before I went out and noticed them. There was no sound and no flashing red or green lights. I estimate the smudge was a mile or so away. The last dot of light stopped just before the smudge and grew into a bright orange light then went back to white and proceeded into the smudgy looking spot. My son was there with me and my fife came home from work during this and I pointed it out to her too. Any Ideas what this was?
should have recorded it dude ... seems like recently many people mistake starlink satellites for UFOs ... or who knows, some people claim that some of the UFOs open this "wormhole" and move in space (probably) through it. these are recurring accounts.
Hi, just want to let you know that I have experienced the same thing to every-most detail. I know exactly what you saw. I saw them around 2011, and they seemed to have stopped shortly around 2012. I haven't seen them since...until about eight weeks ago, where I did see one, to which was the exact same thing I would see before -- just in a different state, this time. Have you happened to find any more resources or information on this phenomena? It did seem to occur around sunset, I must admit -- but it was not sunset exclusive, for it indeed was observed during the night sky just as well.
@@flareonspotifymy daughter, mom and I saw the starlink satellite train over the summer flying over the skies at night where my mom lives. That looked like a train of little satellites flying in a line. The “light” emitted ftom each of the satellites was no different than when you see a faint satellite in the sky.
I saw one of the pilots of the SR-71 tell a story about seeing UFO's at 80 thousand feet. There are also at least two U-2 pilots that have given their stories as well. One of them can be seen on the Disclosure Project /2023 from the National Press Club. I did a search on the pilots and they were legit.
The military has air displacement technology. I think It uses an electro magnetic field to create a vacuum in front of the aircraft, so it's barely affected by air resistance.
What pi$$es me off about these videos & the so called extra focus on UAPs...is most of the videos are from infrared camera on military aircraft...yet the tech is so awful we have better focus on our phones & yet they've put the JW telescope in space to effectively look into the past....& cant update their aircraft with better cameras???? Maybe if they are seeing 100+ a month!! then sort the camera tech out asap!! No point suggesting algorithms to decipher what these are when as Neil DeGrasse Tyson said 'if we don't know what that something is, how do we 'know' what it is?'...
It is stupifying, how in the heck can we not figure this out? I wish I could see for myself. I’ve never seen anything like these myself. If it is as we seem to think, beyond us. That would be amazing. It sure makes us look impotent. If it is someone else, maybe we are the next best thing in existence they’ve found, a curiosity.
@@ireallylovegodaliens have not come to visit us. You just say aliens because you don’t know what it is. It shouldn’t be “we don’t know what it is, must be aliens” it should be “we don’t know what it is” and leave it at that. It’s clearly top secret military testing or China spying on USA since these all coincidentally seem to always happen near US military bases…
I'm a Border patrol agent and about 13 years ago I was on duty near Brownsville TX when myself and about 300 other Agents all watched a big purple light crossing near the Rio Grande. 300 plus agents seen it from around Falcon Lake to Brownsville all at the same time. I watched it come in horizontal and it stopped straight ahead of our position and it dropped straight down. The radio traffic was off the hook.
We need more and more of this testimonies. Thank you Sir for your story.
Could it be possibly identified as something being a meteorological phenomenon or could it be something that had "material", could it be a craft ? Do you remember more details ?
So did it land or what?
14 years ago I saw a huge black triangular object the size of a football field fly very very slowly over my house. It made no sound. If had three lights, one at each corner and a huge bulging light in the center. I thought I was about to be abducted lol. It flew right over. I didn't have my phone on me and I wish I did. It would have been the best ufo picture I've ever seen. It looked nearly identical to what they say the black manta looks like
Oh that! No need to worry. That was a huge rave party in rio. It was epic!!
Hey my American Bratha, U have a very dangerous job, just B aware of your surroundings @all times, & always get home safe to your family. Thanks Bro.
Big respect to NBC for this. Proper reporting on this is needed.
It’s NBC, but agreed.
Agree 100%, especially without the f***king X Files theme… because that’s really getting old
They were told to talk about it....calculated government disclosure now in effect. 70 years of secrecy is now over.
They all know its going to come out no matter what so they are just exposing it slowly
Reporting on a video of garbage being blown by the wind…that’s real journalism right there.
This is nothing more than a pair of wedding lanterns.
That disappearing into the water thing, seems to be a fairly consistent phenomenon with these UPA sightings.
It's almost like the ocean has properties that could sometimes obscure something close to its surface from a fast tracking IR camera...
XCOM: Terror From the Deep
Considering theocean is vast and unexplored it would make sense for these things to land there
@@marsfire8281 Friend, these objects have been sighted since the beginning of the 20th century and even much earlier. How to talk about military technology?? Think about it.
@@luziosalles324 the “dipping in and out of the water” is specifically something that has repeatedly and only come from “sightings” where people are looking at IR (heat) footage.
The silly thing is that if you take a IR camera and film fairly normal objects from above (e.g. a loose birthday balloon, or ceremonial lanterns) they tumble a bit, which makes them appear to blink in and out EXACTLY like they do in the UAP videos.
Considering the phenomenon is completely expected and re-creatable with the most common of objects to expect in the air, it’s really misleading to call it “physics defying” or even unexplainable. It’s footage that matches what a common object would do in IR footage under those conditions.
It doesn’t dismiss all sightings ever, but it does explain what people see as “disappearing below the surface and coming out again”.
This man seems to be the most open minded and aware reporter ever. Cool guy
He's drunk.
Thank you for covering this without ridicule.
@repentandbelieveinJesusChrist4shut up, dude
@@AugieRockeroImagine getting mad from someone quoting scripture 🤡
@@deadboltzz5199yeah imagine that😂😂😂😂
"Now these are the rules that you shall set before them. 2 When you buy a Hebrew slave,[a] he shall serve six years, and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing. 3 If he comes in single, he shall go out single; if he comes in married, then his wife shall go out with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out alone. 5 But if the slave plainly says, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,’ 6 then his master shall bring him to God, and he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost. And his master shall bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall be his slave forever."
@@flashjosh908oh yeah modern Christians don't like their Messiah's Torah or " that God"
All y’all are kooks.
Please keep covering this and pushing for disclosure.
Disclosure has happened. David Grusch disclosed under oath at a congressional oversight committee hearing
Covid didn’t work now they’re pushing aliens and climate change and not even trying to hide it
Be careful what you learn, it’s a doozy
@nickfanzo yeah the rabbit 🐇 hole goes way to deep.... way to deep you would believe what happened to me
"Everything from a pelican to a UFO"
Thank you, that really narrows it down.
It was a pelican with electromagnetic drive, he wanted to say 😂
Or a HaNgLiDeR 🤦🏼♀️
Customs and Border protection: "we couldn't stop the illegal aliens, we didn't want to provoke an intergalactic incident..."
I’m glad to see a major media outlet actually starting to report this seriously now… but sadly they have a lot of catching up to do and they’re still not asking the right questions… like when are more investigative journalists going to start digging into the allegations of David Grusch?
they have been, how have you not seen any? Conspiracy theorists do not like reality
Yup, and don't pay attention to everything else going on.
and greer
What about Bob Lazar too.
You realize it’s just a distraction right
I never believed in UFO's until about 8 years ago when I was on a cruise in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. So, sitting on my balcony about 12 a.m., just stargazing. I've always loved looking at night sky full of stars. Of the millions of stars, I focused in on 3 of the furthest looking ones. Just looking and thinking. Then, the three stars started moving! Closer together, then spread apart...closer together, then spread apart. Did that about 4 times. Then, the 3 stars shot to the left side of the sky! Then to the right! Back and forth until they were about 1000-2000 feet in front of me. By then, they weren't 3 stars anymore. They were 6-8 circular lights twirling, shifting, floating. Then they just hovered there on the side of the ship...almost like they were "watching/studying" the boat. Hovered there for about 2 minutes. Then, they shot off past the front of the boat. Finally, out of sight in a flash. It all happened so fast and it was like I was so shocked trying to make sense of what I was witnessing. I always thought people who talked about UFO's were crazy, until I saw that. Weird weird weird.
There’s a guy by the name of Chris Bledsoe that can summon those kind of “lights”. Maybe they are the same kind of beings you saw.
Idk why I get the impression that all of you are bots. It's always the same kind of story. I WILL never "belief" in UFO's. If one day I see one in the sky, then ok. But this is not about belief.
Ya I love stargazing and I live North so the stars are very visible when the sky is clear.. I've seen so many weird movements, multiple lights moving through the sky together, things flash and then disappear or lights that flash once, go dim flash again and reappear etc. Could be tech that we don't know about but I always keep an open mind that maybe my real family will come back for me one day 👽 haha jk but ya I've seen lots of weird stuff out there. I also saw a lot of lights in the night sky during covid shutdown too which I found strange because flights were grounded at the time.
When Nick Pope was installed as the head of investigations in the UK, he was also a sceptic. Then he changed his mind.
That was. Weather ballon.
A craft that could travel in the air and underwater with the same ease is like a Holy Grail for a military craft.
Was. Lol
definitely Holy but God is not real they said
For an object to go from air to water and back without loss of velocity it may be composed of non-baryonic matter. Defies the laws of physics known to we puny humans.
It's iron man
If u have the technology ,U to can be labeled a god.
These beings are using what's called quark plasma which is what a black hole is made of.
They are using the Quark Plasma to create extreme mobility with Quark Plasma Thrusters. These vehicles use the strong force to manipulate the field of space itself that science cannot understand because the universe was created with "quark-gluon plasma". This assumption left out the 95% of the mass of the universe that these vehicles are using. The field of space is the catalyst for all energy including gravity.
This is the technology that will not be understood until the Big Bang theory is eliminated. The scientific community has been led away from reality because it considers the creation of the universe an unfalsifiable fact. All the observations over a century have definitively proven that the Big Bang theory cannot explain anything about our universe. Somehow, nothing keeps this theory from being unquestionable.
Until people quit getting paid to learn what has never explained anything, there will be no more advancement in physics or astrophysics.
While serving in Iraq, many times, at night many of us would see multiple round lights in the sky, moving around in all directions, as if they were insects flying around, but in the sky, like satellites, best described, as orbs. I hate saying that, because the explanation seems so simple, but orbs of light was the best way to explain it. Ive wondered about this for many years since.
I had a similar story when I was an early teen
They are called MILORBS and are a higher dimensional form of an organic artificial intelligence. Like a drone that is self aware and superintelligent with abilities that should be impossible.
It's like a hybrid between super advanced technology, biological consciousness, extra terrestrial visitors, and what we would call a supernatural event.
Basically,it's NOTHING like anything we've ever imagined before
The convergence of artificial superintelligence, organic life, spirituality, and psychology
Cool. I saw one in 1996 in the Coastal mountain range in Oregon. We were up really late in the mountains purposely to watch the annual Perseid meteor shower. It was a light like a satellite except no orbit. It’s like it was joy riding to see how it could move. Stop/start, cookies, turns, basically defying the laws of physics and the limits of our known technology. My friend and I watched for a good 5 minutes at least and were both like “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Even though it wasn’t technically a close encounter, it left an impression.
You have never been alone.
I’ve only talked about this in detail with one person and his wife. I’ve kept it from everyone else in my life for fear I’d be considered crazy, but many of these phenomenons are REAL. The beings operating them are REAL… and I don’t know if anyone else here feels as relieved as I do that the existence of these crafts and their operators is finally being discussed by legitimate media organizations.
I witnessed what I have always believed was extraterrestrial phenomena when I was eight-years-old, seventeen-years-old, and forty-two-years-old.
At eight, my parents had a house in Cold Spring, New York. I never had an issue with being there by day, but I felt nothing but terror there at night. I always felt like someone or someTHINGS were outside, watching the house at night and I often heard things outside that sounded like “people” moving around the house. Every time I heard these things around the house, ALL of the wildlife was silent. One night, I heard something at the back of the house. My bedroom window overlooked that area. Right beneath my window was a porch light on an upside down U-shaped pole that held the light out from the back door by about three feet. I saw the shadows of circular shapes moving around and through the circle of light from the lamp in intricate patterns, but there was NOTHING visible under the bulb blocking its light to create those shadows. I heard rustling in the “snowball bushes” that were just barely outside the circle of light from the lamp and I looked at them as quickly as possible. I saw a parts of a handful of beings who were barely as tall as I was; a couple upper limbs, a couple lower limbs, the top of a head, and a hand that had been holding part of a bush away from its face. The moment I saw them, they seemed to disappear into the foliage and the one whose hand I had seen let go of the bushes’s branches so they sprang back up, concealing its face.
At seventeen and after an absence of five years, I was back at that house. Despite having been gone for five years, nothing had changed except for things in the sky. The inexplicable shadows were still appearing, the feeling that something was watching the house was worse than ever, the sounds of something moving around outside at night were more frequent and louder, and the usual sounds of wildlife were absent more frequently. As for the sky above us at night, I often saw lights and shapes that moved in ways no terrestrial technology could have achieved. After just two weekends of that, I demanded that my manager schedule me to work every single weekend just so I would have to stay in Manhattan rather than have to go back to that house.
Eventually, I moved to California where I neither heard or saw anything unusual or as terrifying as what I kept seeing in New York. I really thought my experiences with this were over, but a couple drives through Marin County brought it all roaring back. There was the night I was driving through Tiburon toward the Bay Bridge at night when I saw an enormous orb hovering over the bay next to the bridge. I saw it through my windshield, slowed down, and watched it as it began to move. It moved rapidly in straight lines and it moved at 90° angles just as rapidly. I knew I wasn’t the only person to see it because everyone on the road slowed down as I had and a few people pulled over. That orb stayed there for around another three minutes, sometimes hovering and sometimes moving in ways no terrestrial craft could have. It finally left in a shot so rapid that if any terrestrial craft had moved so rapidly it would have caused a sonic boom, but this orb made no sound whatsoever. The other incident was further north from Tiburon. Instead of taking the Bay Bridge, I took a route to Concord that skipped the bridge, but took me across a long, dark, country road that was practically empty at night and whose course included a few miles through wetlands where there were no houses, business, or other buildings of any type. Not two minutes into my drive along that stretch of road the lights appeared. I don’t think they had flown there just as I was driving that road. I think they were there, scoping the area before I got anywhere near that road. It felt like a scene out of “Closer Encounters Of The Third Kind,” but with crafts that didn’t have such artistic lighting. There were eight of them surrounding my car, two on each side, but I didn’t know it until their lights came on. It was the middle of the night, but my car and the area around my car appeared as bright as day because of the intensity of the lights. I knew they weren’t other terrestrial ground vehicles because the ones on sides of my car would have had to move through the wetlands at 70MPH to keep up with me. I also knew they couldn’t be terrestrial because they were hovering above my car as evidenced by the direction in which their lights shone and by the fact that they made NO SOUND. I only let them surround me for around thirty seconds before I decided to floor it in order to get away from them. I went from 70MPH to 110MPH and they PACED ME WITHOUT ANY SOUND. We were all less than a quarter of a mile from a traffic light when all their lights shut down. I had been prepared to run the traffic light if it was red, but it hadn’t occurred to what I should do if they left before I got to the traffic light. The light WAS red and bringing my speed down from 110MPH to a complete stop in just an eighth of a mile at that point became just as terrifying as it was when those crafts surrounded me.
Touch grass , I’ve seen you post this story a few times and the details always change, stop looking for attention you cheapen people real stories.
bro wrote a novel in the YT comments
WOW, you tell your actual truth and get mocked & ridiculed. I'd want to believe in aliens too if humans like you guys in these comments are the alternative...
After these experiences at that house you should have told someone or some agencies and had a streak out of sorts to get this out in the open..to keep this a secret is just as bad as what the government has done…
I'm always gonna call them UFOs, not UAPs.
Thank you for staying on top of this story. I look forward to more reports on this subject.
Why ? Next 100 years they will be still saying the same thing.
what do you think youll hear?
its alien, no one is talking to the aliens.
i have the answer.
its an alien. done and done.
Might be few and far apart, the news is only about entertainment and sports
Cartels though? What is this, Fox? Lol
What subject? How to get watchers by talking nonsense?
Be very careful. Ask yourself why they are suddenly ok with sharing these videos and why they only shared these ones.
Usually when they want to make a big move that will change the country especially in the law and policies area or even with foreign policy, they will make the country focus on something else (like this) so that they can slip it by without anyone noticing. Look for the big picture.
With all the massive shocks people have been through the past decade I think we've become a little less reactionary each time so I'm glad issues like this, issues that make everything else seem unimportant, are being discussed in a civil fashion with an open mind.
meanwhile they won't release epsteins list and the jfk files are STILL not fully released for "national security"
"Open mind." More like a hole in the head.
But get triggered for far more dumber reasons 😂
Maybe Jesus was an alien and his second coming is when they come back
We definitely need more major media coverage of this important topic. We are not alone
Doesn't seem like it's that important lol
Yes, there's literally birds all over the world this must become more important
It's literally a distraction, we have known for a very long time that we have had visitors, now all of a sudden the government wants to talk all about it and let everyone know, it still doesn't change anything about how the visits have went,we are not at war with them and they been visiting forever now, we got a whole bunch of other actual important stuff to worry about with our world today
@@rogerkidd6103 Oh yeah, just curious how many 'visitors' you've seen. These videos are birds. You can literally see some flap their wings in this video, lol
@@rogerkidd6103illegal rogue military that is working outside of congressional oversight with these incredible technologies reverse engineered from alien technology isn’t a big deal? That’s what these things are, and illegal use of your money
No way somebody said that was a pelican 😂
Who thinks pelicans can fly faster than the camera can track?
And thats why the world is in the state its in.....a friggin pelican. Thats extra credit Guinness World Book of Records STUPIDITY
@@michaelcharlesthearchangel That pelican's been training all it's life to get reach those speeds. Nothing hard work can't do. Respect
They meant the Halo pelican maybe? 😂
No they are wrong! It was a weather balloon with a painted picture of a pelican on it! 😅😅
Wow the distortion field is so clear in this video
Those are roter blades spinning. Maybe it's a highly advanced drone.
Or a superheated plasma ball that may or may not be sentient.
There's an in-depth scientific report on this object. Individual frames are broken down pixel by pixel and thermally analysed. When the object splits in two, it has two separate heat signatures. The report concludes that the object behaves in ways that defy our current understanding, and remains unidentified.
Where’s the report?
@@TonyCanones docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/299316_9a12b53f67554a008c32d48eff9be5cd.pdf
Link please
how would you examine the heat signature of pixels 😂
@@hailynewma9122 read the report, pal.
At precisely 1:20-1:21 you can see the object either being boomerang shaped, or traveling with a companion, which remained hidden because they travel side by side
Simple answer, they cannot tell us what they are if they do not know themselves...
Who ever said they didn’t know?
My exact thoughts!
The rabbit hole is deep. It might be that what lies at the bottom of the hole is too terrifying to bring to light. If you believe some of the government reports and testimony about underground bases, it's very disturbing
Floating balls of plasma that are attracted to some things for some reason, maybe opposite ionic charge. They act sentient, but then you could convince yourself a balloon in a room with a fan is sentient too with an overactive imagination.
@@e.h3286Pay attention : to name a few; NASA just last week. Ex-President Obama in televised interviews. Various ex-military and government officials who are no longer under legal obligation to keep it secret. Others.
Going in and out of the water with zero effect is incredible. You can see the water splashing and moving out of its way…could be a propulsion system that is so powerful and advanced that it instantly corrects for increased drag with increased power at a real time rate. That would accomplish what we see. Or some sort of anti grav unit where force just doesn’t apply to it
Didn't go in and out of water only in
Anti-grav is the only conclusion I can come to given what I can see. It was only about 5 or 6 years ago gravitational wave theory was proven. With no observable propulsion system, I don't know what else it could be unless they have now somehow managed to bend reality lol. If gravity has wave properties, then theoretically it could be harnessed. There could even be an undiscovered quantum particle called gravitons that mediates the force of gravity. I would strongly suspect they also harnessed fusion energy to power these things and perfected it. The Department of Energy announced late last year they had made a major breakthrough in fusion energy by finally creating a process that created a net energy gain. If they have already made major advancements in what is considered some of the most challenging problems of physics, then they could very well be hundreds of thousands or millions of years ahead of us.
@@JewMMAagree, definitely anti gravity at work here
I believe it is actually a pelican. They can travel surprisingly fast and get extremely close to the waters "edge" at max speed if need be.
Its electro anti gravitic propulsion.
Notice how rapidly the compass in the upper left is turning. The aircraft we are viewing from is moving past the object, and the camera is panning to keep it in view as the aircraft passes (causing the compass to rotate). This object conceivably could be at a near standstill while the aircraft passes, and due to parallax (especially with a very zoomed-in view) the background will appear to move behind the object.
The object is mysterious, but the apparent rapid movement is probably an illusion.
that is not a parallax effect
There isn't any compass in the upper left. The compass is bottom center (28=280-degrees, etc.). Also, the video states that the footage is the airport tracking the object, not an aircraft (Notice the words "Ground Track" in the upper, left-of-center?). Details matter.
1:25 to 1:39 paraphrasing "an aircraft spots it and follows it". I was thinking the same thing as you but went back and listened to it again. Also if this was footage from ground tracking how could it possibly be filmed from the top down?
@@SoCalTrooper Now you've got me re-thinking. I heard that part of the video differently the first time. Here's how my mind parsed it:
_The CBP aircraft spotted it, and the airport was tracking it._
Your take on it seems just as plausible:
_The CBP aircraft spotted it flying over the airport, and the aircraft was tracking it._
I wonder how the presenter meant for us to understand it?
@Chuck-Roast It's this level of uncertainty that always bothers me with this stuff. I'm glad we're getting more recognized info and less complete skepticism but come on, with a world of 6.84 billion smartphones and now drones, how we do not have a video that blows us all away makes me scratch my head.
Sounds like a bunch of aliens escaped Area 51 sometime after 2013 and we need to recapture them. Lol.
Still waiting for a non blurry, non pixilated video of these objects. 4k with a nice 10x lens would be nice.
You don't realize that the clear videos and pictures taken by satellites is classified...
Great, have a nice fantasy since everything has to be perfectly spoon fed to you.🤦🏻
And the clear videos of ufo taken by everyday citizens are called fakes or cgi ,ai
Bruv, I've been saying this for years. IMHO it's a drone.
The pentagon would never release that because they are apart of the cover up, thats why they are releasing these videos instead.
Thank you for covering this
I saw two triangular craft hovering in the sky over a field. I can’t say they were alien but the craft seemed very advanced. No sound, the both hung in the air without even moving & the one object had this strange look to it like it was partially invisible / blended into the sky.
This occurred back in 1999 & who’s ever technology was that was amazing.
Same for me in 2008. Except to me it's obviously not human
That did not happen
I saw the same thing, back in 1999-2000, in a small residential town in Kuwait.
It was one aircraft, traingular shaped.
It felt odd that it wasnt moving, and definitely looked as big as a small aircraft (not drone sized)
I saw one at night around that same time period. Silent black triangle with no running lights. I don't know who or what was behind the wheel but it was certainly no conventional aircraft the public is aware of.
@@TheHugeDwarf u are uneducated on this subject. Also why would we lie?
Excellent reporting. Taking it seriously. Adding to the push for what we hope will be a true move towards fuller disclosure.
You don’t want full disclosure. It will break everything you’ve ever known to be true.
@@xprettylightsxand what?
My dad and I saw a UFO near the Vermont/Canadian border in 1975; a spinning white disk like a frisbee only impossibly high in the sky; we were in our Mercury station wagon and it was following us, I lost track of it but Dad saw it speed off; I remember it like yesterday and will never, ever forget it.
Following you... it could be like the scenarios in the UFO book(s) by Dolores Cannon who hypnotized people abducted by UFOs
@@slomo4672 just on a family trip; driving along and the UFO in the sky for 10 minutes tops. I was 4. Not Hypnotized lol. Dad was a fairly no-nonsense, pragmatic man; administrative. Definitely only a family trip and nothing major. I'll never forget it, I'm seeing it in my mind's eye now. A bright blue sky in the afternoon, Sunny.
It was the B52s in their Plymouth Satellite! Just joshing...I've seen more than a handful of UFOS and a Sasquatch to boot! I speak truth 🙋✌️
My brother and I saw one when we were about 10 years old. It was floating about 3 stories above the street in Chicago right outside of our window. I remember it like it was yesterday too. I asked him the following morning "do you remember what happened last night" and he replied "yeah, we saw a UFO".
Its sad that so many people are still skeptical, even with government agencies declassifying footage and documents of sightings. It doesnt have to be aliens, it could just be technology that someone has that we dont know about. But to just discount the existence of these things altogether at this point is just willful ignorance.
@@gterrymedAren't you just mad and appaled by the lies of all world governments? Why the secrecy?
its actaully a bit scary when you consider that their aircraft can survive underwater, which leads me to ask if they're living down there?
Highly doubtful anything more advanced than us world would setup base camp below the ocean knowing we would eventually advance enough to find them.
Of course they have bases down there. Have done that for ions.
it was me, I threw out that frisbee with so much speed back in 2013
finally a comment from a normal person
Things we don’t know…
1) what it is
2) where it comes from
3) where it goes
4) how fast it is going
5) when did it enter our atmosphere
6) when did it leave our atmosphere?
7) size of object
8) color of object
I have a hard time believing it is from outer space. If we can determine when any object is approaching earths atmosphere, how could this get by? We can’t even tell what the speed is? I’m sorry, we are way too far advanced to not have more answers. Seems like a cover up imo
Since they are here for a long time i dont think they are a threat more likely they are guarding the planet.
I live on Puerto Rico, and when my dad was younger, he said he remembered seeing something stranger than when we saw in this video, he even did a drawing on how it looked like, it was like a helicopter sized, or bigger, ship that was slowly moving to somewhere i don't know where, it had lights spinning around it and it looked like a silver space capsule, but what's more weird is that it didn't even make a sound, but my guess is that all that story was just a dream he probably remembers.
Not a dream.
My father was raised near Aguadilla PR and said he saw UFOs all the time.
@@fsoto2900That’s where the video was taken, but it’s been around for years at least the Puerto Rico one.
How is the quality of life in PR? Is it a good idea to move to PR to save pay less tax? Nothing is good living in there except for lowering tax, but must live in there 183 days a year no freedom? Only natives can tell, thanks 🙏
@@Ngan-zy9kd PR is terrible. No work, no money, no room for growth, politics lie, steal and cheat. Federal Government throws money to them and nothing gets done…. Oh and most of them live in projects collecting welfare.
"could be anything" sums it up.
The fact that we still cannot differentiate a bird from a craft with the most advanced radar and camera systems really tells a lot about our technological capabilities...
One of the clips in bottom right corner was an effin plane. 😂😂😂😂🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
You’re watching a brief quarter-screen clip here, and the UAP is the smaller object in the video, not the plane. Try going to the actual government website they’re talking about, downloading the full videos and resuming your analysis on a sufficiently-sized monitor.
True but what have you done to contribute to the acceleration of technology?
@rafirahmani8718 you don't need to be a mechanic to know when a car doesn't work.
there is an orb in the background. Look again@@Tvj_films8452
Man things are getting strange.
The amazing thing about this UAP video is the fact that this object is flying at a high speed in the air, and when it goes into the ocean, the craft/object maintains its' speed despite the ocean water's resistance.
It is not flying under the water. It is a pelican flying very low and between the waves. You can't see the pelican for a moment because it is flying so low. Then it pops up, then it fixes for a fish, then it is lost to the camera.
@@embroiledalive5232it’s not a pelican😂😂😂😂 pelicans don’t fly with zero resistance like that it flaps
@@embroiledalive5232you mean to tell me the US govt with all that money in technology can’t differentiate between a bird and a plane? Are you that niave.
@@embroiledalive5232fastest pelican in the universe. And it’s shaped like a disc, pretty weird looking pelican. Why doesn’t the military track every pelican on earth and release videos of them? Oh, I loved the part where this pelican never flapped its wings.
@@embroiledalive5232idiot alert 🚨🚨
1st of all The youtube channel NY UAP Discussions broke this story the video was given to him & only him 1st because he gained the trust of the Agent in charge you should be giving his channel full credit!
It is very much not hard to comprehend that life outside of earth absolutely exists
But life outside of earth, on earth, is a different story.
Thank you for the coverage
this was horrible coverage totally promoting overreactions and jumping to alien theories. They know what they’re doing. Next time they should show the clear footage that they have in 2023.
Lol! Im sure the media can be trusted.
*Object travels Mach 2
News: it could be balloons
🛸We're looking for answers in the sky and space but the answers are right under our noses. 🌊
Such a true statement. Heard a quote about how we have explored more of outerspace than our own oceans. Always thought that as odd.
The answer - the government
crazy idea..... imagine these things/aliens are actually underneath our oceans and they have full civilisations down there.....
That would actually be pretty cool like When we think of aliens people think of space but if aliens lived in our oceans that would be very interesting
I have said this many times. We don’t know what is in the deepest of the waters and still discovering new species of the ocean to this day.
They ignore us like surface dwelling rodents
The uptick in activity is because they know what we face in the near future.
I heard someone say awhile back that they believed this type of stuff is finally being released and talked about so that we would be better prepared when slapped with a much bigger piece of the puzzle, i.e. the existence of extraterrestrials or some unknown advanced civilization, etc.
Being that there seems to be some logic to that statement, I definitely believe that it may actually be correct. Then again, it may not even be close to valid, so who knows.
I think the people who are gonna freak out and lose their minds over the existence of aliens would lose their minds no matter how gently you break it to them so I dunno.
Chris Mellon is a living legend 🐐 keep up the great work!
It looks like he is going for a Dracula vibe....😂
Focus on "legend".
Great legend of the cias disinformation campaign
Wasn’t he a detective on Law And Order?
@@blueabattoir 😂 Yes Mellon and Ice T
Good for NBC News for covering this important topic.
what do you think youll hear?
no one is talking to aliens 😂😂😂
its all a guess. you know the answer. alien.
@@fungusrumpusI think it’s sarcasm, idk
I have spoken with the aliens and they have assured me that they do not exist.
The elites are faking an alien invasion to implement the new world order
LOL 😂, you people believe in anything.
"Bring me a video captured by your Iphone"
-Neil Degrasse Tyson
there are a ton lol
Did he say "all the sudden"? This is part of why people are becoming more stupid by the day: media people saying things incorrectly. The world is watching you. You are helping to make them more stupid. Choose better.
finally some more of the good stuff. floating balls that can trail the warthog jet like that isnt anything our species created and its interesting to see more ufo stuff come out, makes me think by the time the media and the government finishes these mind games they'll introduce us to an actual alien
These balls were around in WW2, so there's a chance we got the technology and build our own after 80 years...
If we have new tech, most of our own military or government wouldn't even know about it. They keep things secret even from each other. This could very well be an experiment the US has kept under wraps to not arouse suspicion from other world powers.
@@xcofcd wouldn’t surprise me. Mega corps have infinite amounts of money, if there is a break away technology they would be the ones hiding it
UFO’s are secret military aircrafts. Also, The deep state is conditioning us for a fake alien invasion to control us. Covid was a test run.
@repentandbelieveinJesusChrist4seek professional help. Your behaviour is indicative of mental illness
Wild! I for one am glad the general public are finally being shown some video of these interesting and wildly intriguing aircraft. Ever since the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind I've been deeply interested in this subject. Keep those videos and information coming.
its laterally a bird lol
@@highlyevil9358laterally, huh?
@@mikestephens5200 i meant *literally
The elites faking an alien invasion to implement the new world order
same! its been 5000 years now! ever since ive seen the mummy ive been deeply interested in this subject.
Makes me want to watch the old X-Files DVDs again. "The truth is out there"😅
There’s structures and graphics all over our planet that point to not being made by humans. We know there’s extra-terrestrial life. I’m very grateful for reporting like this. Let’s pray they are more civilized than we are and that they treat strangers better than we do!
A pelican? LOL If that's a pelican she really knows how to move!
When it goes into the water the compass arrow at the top left of the screen moves much slower than when it's flying through the air. This suggests that the object did slow down significantly when it entered the water. It could also just be moving in a direction away from the camera and not moving left to right, but it is difficult to tell from the video.
How convenient, news like this at this hour. It’s midnight
Why didn't they show it splitting into 2 afterwards, as it does in the full video
This thing was spotted by homeland security cameras and they tracked it and it when it hit the water this is the weird thing about it it's came out of the water and divided into two when it came out of the water and they both went different directions, to me it I believe it's something that's alive, anything that replicates itself most cases is alive it hit the water and 85 mph and re-emerged split into two and they both went different directions, like Chris Mellon said we have a multiple of phenomena, and from my analysis of all of these engagements they're not coming from the same place, the propulsion systems on some of these craft are significantly different from the others, and the Styles and sizes of some of these objects is absolutely unbelievable
The object was probable never near the water though. Multiple reconstructions have fount that it could've been travelling in a straight line, at altitude, in the same direction and at the same speed as the wind on that day.
When it dipped in the water with same speed….. it’s no debate
Thank you for reporting on these things! It seems we are entering very amazing times when we might finally get to find out who is flying in our skies. For those who want to learn about what these things are and what they might be doing here, I recommend reading The Allies of Humanity briefings. An incredible piece of information made available for everyone to learn from.
I find "Piercing the Cosmic Veil" by Joseph Jordan and Jason Dezember really interesting!
It's the military, dork.
It sounds like you are trying to start a cult. And your bible is a science fiction novel.
I just read the first briefing, so you think the intersex between aliens and humans have already happened? I have seen many post where people are freaking out as they see shape shifting people around them. Another aspect is that 2 hears ago israeli space agency’s scientist claimed the us and aliens have a contract. Oh god such amazing and scary times we are in. Thank you for the suggestion of the book.
@@aditya19945 you're welcome
Can't anyone just film "ONE" Clear Footage of an Unidentified Flying Object?
I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.
LOL how ironic to come across this news report, i just see such similar things here in PR at about 4am (early in the morning still night outside) here in Puerto Rico just two days ago. Ive been getting to work extra early to take some time to pray, (going thru some marital issues) , and while on the terrace at my job looking up at the night sky, i see what i first think is an airplane at very high altitude but then i notice no blinking indication lights, so im thinking possible lower altitude satellite. BTW im well versed in aviation (civil air patrol) as a teen. But then the steady light traveling across the sky begins to sway in its path. similar to someone driving a car and swaying from side to side while traveling down the road. CLEARLY this was not normal behavior for any normal aircraft, not to say an aircraft couldn't do, but again, im talking high stratospheric altitude if not higher. no clouds in the sky either. more over the light began dwindling dark , not a switch on and off, but as if a car battery was dying and the headlight were bowing out. then the light when dark. keep in mind this is not the first time having seen such things here in PR. in fact dare i say Puerto Rico is chock full of weird phenomenon especially things of the 'spiritual' nature. and no im not bullshitting!!! not one bit!. Prior this sighting some years back it was similar. a light in the ski that at least in that case looked like a star. once again in on a balcony early in the morning, once again praying about my troubles, and this time in a clear starlit sky something about one of the stars seem to catch me eye. Then i notices the star stared moving. Now. to be clear when i say star, i mean a vastly distanced light in the beyond the scope of our earths atmosphere. very much could've been at the orbital range of higher altitude satellites. So. the light begins to move, and my mind is trying to kinds make sense of what im looking at as it unfolds. Your just kinda dumb struck but at the same time, figuring this is just some military or government surveillance satellite, some secret craft technology we don't know about. As the light moved it than quickly came down into our upper atmosphere, more over the thing that struck me was the fact of their being no sound, no sonic booms, and at that point my mind accepted the fact that what was seeing was indeed real. more to the point of its motion zooming into earths atmosphere was this sort of con trail or wake that preceded the craft NOT from behind it like a boat, but rather in front of it after it stopped, like the splash after waving ones hand across a body of water. then as i looked at it, i had this overwhelming feeling that it was looking at me. or at least in my vicinity. it say idle for a while as my mind try to digest all whats going on, then it slowly sped off in a direction behind the building of which i could no longer follow. OK.. so.. again. these things happened, we are seeing footage of them etc etc what do i believe they are. meh.. my best guess would be government fringe secret projects of surveillance. People are calling aliens. well i wont discredit that possibility but for now im sticking with good ol fashion black box projects. as for the technology, ironically im not wow'ed by it. in fact im more than shocked that people are. Consider the fact that the world has been toying with aviation for some time, and this aviation has been based on air pressure, wings, airfoil, thrust, the use of air to generate lift, well dont you think most governments and their research operations would've long moved past such basic technology. everything that these UAP's or UFO's are doing can be easily explained. The aerial performance of aircraft is limited by the air itself. but if you were to remove the air, what do you have? space! and what limits your motion and speed in space? nothing. so what if you can create space around a craft within earths atmosphere, if the constraints of the atmosphere does not have an effect on your craft? EXACTLY!! you have the ability to move about in ways uncommon to those seen with conventional aircraft. so.. last question. how could you remove air molecules from affecting the surface of your craft? when you have that answer then you have the makings of a UFO. and trust me when i say.. most things that bewilder our eyes, are almost never really complicated, a person in the ancient world seeing a biplane fly across the sky would likely be blown out of his or her mind, just as people today are dumbstruck by the sighting of ufo's, but the truth is , the technology is ridiculously simple. and the fact we are seeing so many of the UAPs around also suggests that the technology is in fact simple. the magician trick looks like some form of dark occult, because our brains cant put the pieces together, but when the trick is revealed then we feel like fools. These UAPS do have advance technology but im willing to bet its not as complicated as we may believe, why? because we've been seeing them for so long.
who asked
@@FriendxA exactly. no one asked you to speak did they.
Yep, I think you may have something there to definitely ponder about. I too have seen unrecognizable flying objects.
As a kid I lived in El Yunque P.R. and saw things back in the 50s that were weird but no one around that could say what it was. But as you mentioned which is true PR is known for unexplainable phenomenon and excepted as part of its culture. I've been in the states since 1960 and later joined the military. On base in N. Carolina a couple of hundred guys one evening were mesmerized by a huge concentric circle ⭕ up in the nite sky that got bigger and bigger on to it finally spread and changed the hue of the night sky entirely. in the 70s I became curious about the subject since certain books fell into my hands, since the subject intrigued me so much.
In 2016 I was looking to get a glimpse of some meteorites when instead I saw 2 CUBES flying in a stagard formation. I called them cubes or flying boxes at the time. It's always difficult to estimate distance up the sky when there's no reference point to guide you. These cubes were a copper/orange and black underneath.
I reached out to Mufon and filled out a questionnaire and was given an incident number and assigned an investigator who later went and explained it as military fighters flying in formation because they fly that way. That was their answer so I left it alone. On a more personal level 🎚️. I often make comparisons between weirdness and phenomenon to scriptures. For some this reality is CLEAR as day. For others it remains ILLUSIVE. IF this is NEW TECH. then explaining this becomes a bit of a problem since sightings are as old as history itself .In the second world war, pilots were reporting all kinds of orbs and other weirdness up in the sky. I heard someone once saying that these things what ever they are do have a trickster aspect to them .Whatever that means. So, it remains a heck of a conundrum for many to this day. Looking at the chaotic state of the PLANET, our COUNTRY, and all this GEOPOLITICS WORLDWIDE, well,it's scarier than most people will ever know.
@@HectorRivera-f5x I guess when all is said and done we'll all be seeing bigfoot riding a unicorn.
Thanks for the novel
Absolutely amazing video NBC thank you!!
If they really want to find out about these things they should enlist the help of a vicar or somebody with knowledge of the paranormal.
I saw one last 2018 , its a circle frisbee shape , its far beyond an airplane altitude and travel faster than a jet here in the philippines
Like 50 feet, travelling over 1000 miles per hour. Probably an alien leisure craft.
I remember when I was a kid in the 90s, there were a lot of crazies talking about alien abductions. They were called crazy. Now crazy is "normal." If you're not crazy, you're not "normal." A sad time to be alive.
I never thought it looked like the object dipping in the water. To me it always looked like it cloaked itself. You see it disappear, partly reappear and then its gone...
Not really.. you see what you hope
@@My_Fair_LadyI've never seen a mylar balloon fly horizontally at extreme speeds
@@My_Fair_Ladyall sides of a Mylar balloon are reflective to IR cameras even if they’re painted. IR sees heat reflecting. Mylar reflects heat the same even if it’s painted.
@@My_Fair_Lady Those Mylar Balloon sure are attracted to nuclear sites, nuclear weapons, & Military installations 🙄
No one cares close the border!!
My dad alwyas tells me about this capsule ufo he and a bunch of people seen comming out of the Rideau canal
What ever happened to the family in the las vegas incident a few months back? Any update?
They was taken out by the feds
👏👏👏 heck yeah man this is awesome! Glad to see MSM talking about the topic! 👽✌💞🌎🌍🌏🇺🇸
VERY SUSPICIOUS that all major media is JUST NOW covering this topic, and all at the same time. Just bear that in mind, don't know exactly what the goal here is.
I’m glad my family and I are alive at this time (crosses fingers) to witness the greatest discovery of mankind..
@@MrShanester117these people are absolute sheep’s and idiots 😂 they think this distraction that has been used for decades now is still believed
be careful what you wish you for... :)
we may not like what we see..
Maybe 🤔 your family will get abducted by the 🛸 and an 👽 will probe them in the butt or 🐱, then 🥾 them out for being too annoying 😅
This is not anything we can even begin to contemplate. It goes supersonic without a boom, no exhaust, and you can throw a stone which makes a greater impact on water but this thing makes no waves/disturbance on the water surface, while travelling at incredible speeds.
Not human. This is alien even for our concocted alien. How to even start defining speed of something thats violates all laws of motion.
Yes. Keep this topic coming! ❤
Best video I've ever seen was caught by a drone. The object was moving about 700mph. The operator didn't even notice it in the moment but caught it later. It was completely silent and didn't have wings.
They've been tracked on radar at more than 3,000 mph (from standing still to traveling 60 miles in one minute).
@@kenhoward3512one second
@squibbelsmcjohnson you clearly have never heard of lasers....
What are you talking about, dude. It was clearly a pelican 😉
It’s easy to do with a warp drive lol
2:45, In the bottom right that looks just like an A-10 lol
All I have to say is, I found using slow motion in certain parts of the video helpful. You can see the object moving forward like it has a boost or something making it go faster, my theory is it knew it was being watched so it went under water, came back up but it was invisible. They didn’t want us to see them active their invisible cloak.if that make any sense
no it does not make sense go smoke more weed. if i have cloaking device i am going to use it when ever I want to evade no matter the circumstance
Why are people saying that we humans can't build a vehicle that can go from air to water and back into the air? I mean, it's very possible already with our current capabilities, as long as the speed is not too high.
@@User-jr7vf I’ve never seen it, so that’s my own fault for not knowing it even existed. The only thing I have seen is an inventor from Japan that made a floating bubble vehicle that you sit on, that floats off the ground using some sort of vacuums to levitate. Not very far off the ground but still not touching the ground. but you’re correct, now is the future and we have the brain power and mechanics.
there’s nothing clear about this video brother
@@VideoStar-nw3mh I made it clearer. Zoomed in & followed the UAP in slow motion. There are many liars but I’m not one of them.
The object apparently flying under water could be a parallax, a perspective or a refraction effect as it doesn't seem to disturb the water surface as it would at this apparent speed.
There have been other reports of uap doing the same thing, they can go through the water without losing speed. There have also been reports of objects shooting up from the seafloor and flying straight up into space until they're lost by radar.
Exactly. Look up Mick West's analysis of this.
Studying these sightings will help the public feel more comfortable about what’s really going on. I think the government was concerned about mass panic, but we want to know more.
How precisely would footage of birds help the public feel more comfortable with 'what's going on'? You can literally see them flapping their wings
The only people who will not except it are the religious. Many of them indoctrinated at a young age before there brains were able to make there own rational conclusions. They will deny anything that discredits there religious beliefs. There brainwashed minds will make them believe they are demons and fallen angels and they will not except that beings from another world could be more advanced than us when there man made god is supposed to be the creator of everything!
Now that the government is trying to imply there are aliens, i no longer believe in aliens
Finally, I mean our government has “assumed” we, the general population would flip out if we see anything related to alien life but it’s been here for thousands of years. The powers that be need to give us more credit for being able to cope. If more national news outlets cover these incidents without wearing an alien head costume and laughing through the stories like the Phoenix Lights phenomenon then more information will be shared worldwide w/o fear of being labeled crazy
The video shows the camera tracking the object as it dipped into the water, continued to track, until the object resurfaced. How did the camera maintain a lock on the object while it was on the ground, in terms of speed and direction? I am skeptical.
Because even though they lost sight of it, it kept its speed so the camera kept following at that speed and thus it "reappeared". I'm thinking the sun reflecting off the object made it seem to disappear. I don't believe in alien spacecraft as there is a reason for everything.
They "think" it went under water, but its possible it just looked like that from the imaging. They likely tracked it based on their best educated guess in terms of direction and velocity and a projected flight path
There was never a lock as you can see in the video. What they were doing was tracking it with the same amount of rotation relative to the object's velocity.
its a bird :P
Oh you are right. It's just a pelican or some faulty device hallucinating and seeing things.
If there's no explanation of why these were released now, maybe it was to get ahead of an upcoming embarrassment or leak.
This video is several years old. It has been leaked already. This was an official release from the agency. I'll call it progress.
slowly planning a fake invasion
Why are these videos always blurred and unclear??
These thermal IR videos provide good opportunity to see how these vehicles function.
Pay attention to that bubble surrounding the object. That's very telling.
These vehicles supposedly use anti-grav technology that can distort a spherical field of space/time surrounding the vehicle and of course if space/time/gravity is distorted, light is effected, causing the light refraction bubble we see here.
Big thanks to NBC for reporting on this subject with genuine curiosity, respect and without ridicule.
That makes the most sense of all theories as it explains why it isn't following our known rules of physics.
Lol…it’s a wedding lantern…two actually…being blown by the wind.
It's just electro magnetic anti gravity technology. Victor Grebennikov. Russia
@@williamwilson6499 I sense that you might not realize the speed at which this object is moving.
Wedding lanterns are very unlikely to be blown around like that.
@@dustywilson5461 Multiple independent reconstructions have found that the object could've been moving in the direction of the wind, essentially in a straight line, at the speed of the wind that day, drifting from the direction of a hotel where wedding lanterns are known to be released from sometimes.
I saw at right group of white hot red appearing globes with fainter similarly colored line arches above and below that moved as a whole from west orientation moved closer without sound and then in less than a second appeared to travel a hinder miles direct north where there’s an air force base. Two minutes later I saw multiple white flashes move from surface to the object. It appeared the object was struck, dimmed out, lost altitude, appeared to come back on, but lost more altitude and dimmed out as it fell. I tried to take pictures but they didn’t turn out. I was left very scared as they approached me. The Fargo paper came out the next day with a news article about multiple sightings and an interview with a police officer who admittedly did not witness the object blow it off as a weather balloon. Not great journalism. That was the only time I saw anything like that and I’m familiar with aircraft. Peace
Aliens on vacation. Surf's up, humans!
Charlie don't surf
Wow, This is one of the first times I've seen a major news network actually report on this
What kind of rock have you been under?
This has been all over the news the past 4 years
Good God, bless you for the rock you've lived under.
have you been chronically online?
*Does not read "evil MSM" and is proud*
*Claims to know what every MSM outlet has reported on*
Government will probably say, don't worry, it was weather balloon again😂
I have seen them several times. When it happens to you your mind tries to comprehend what your seeing and nothing but WOW comes to mind. I have seen all my sightings in lorain Ohio next to Lake Erie. First started noticing them in 2021.
I’m from Cleveland! Do you have any videos?!
I have seen 6 different strange thing in the sky in my life. The one that stands out and the most recent was this. I was standing on my deck one evening just after sun set it was not dark yet. I noticed a dot of white light coming out of the west this was maybe at 1500 ft off the ground and behind it in line was a second identical light, there was about 15 or 20 seconds between them, then another and another and I counted 15 when it was over. The strange thing was they would vanish at the same spot and as I observed them I noticed what seemed to be a smudge in the sky where they would vanish. There were probably more before I went out and noticed them. There was no sound and no flashing red or green lights. I estimate the smudge was a mile or so away. The last dot of light stopped just before the smudge and grew into a bright orange light then went back to white and proceeded into the smudgy looking spot. My son was there with me and my fife came home from work during this and I pointed it out to her too. Any Ideas what this was?
should have recorded it dude ... seems like recently many people mistake starlink satellites for UFOs ... or who knows, some people claim that some of the UFOs open this "wormhole" and move in space (probably) through it. these are recurring accounts.
Hi, just want to let you know that I have experienced the same thing to every-most detail. I know exactly what you saw. I saw them around 2011, and they seemed to have stopped shortly around 2012. I haven't seen them since...until about eight weeks ago, where I did see one, to which was the exact same thing I would see before -- just in a different state, this time.
Have you happened to find any more resources or information on this phenomena? It did seem to occur around sunset, I must admit -- but it was not sunset exclusive, for it indeed was observed during the night sky just as well.
Could be spacex starlink satellites they say you can see then during sunrise and sunset but if it’s not then only you would know what you saw
@@flareonspotifymy daughter, mom and I saw the starlink satellite train over the summer flying over the skies at night where my mom lives. That looked like a train of little satellites flying in a line. The “light” emitted ftom each of the satellites was no different than when you see a faint satellite in the sky.
I have also witnessed one back in 2018 far beyond an airplane altitude , and it travel faster
SR-71 Blackbird was flying 2,200 MPH in the mid 60's one has to assume there's some very advanced unmanned drones today.
I saw one of the pilots of the SR-71 tell a story about seeing UFO's at 80 thousand feet. There are also at least two U-2 pilots that have given their stories as well. One of them can be seen on the Disclosure Project /2023 from the National Press Club. I did a search on the pilots and they were legit.
Except this has nothing to do with speed. Because they’re not even affecting the atmosphere surrounding it
People are dying to explain these things away, as to protect their world view and not appear "crazy"@@theshillpill6937
NO. MICK WEST already debunked these videos. they are all chinese lanterns.
The military has air displacement technology. I think It uses an electro magnetic field to create a vacuum in front of the aircraft, so it's barely affected by air resistance.
What pi$$es me off about these videos & the so called extra focus on UAPs...is most of the videos are from infrared camera on military aircraft...yet the tech is so awful we have better focus on our phones & yet they've put the JW telescope in space to effectively look into the past....& cant update their aircraft with better cameras???? Maybe if they are seeing 100+ a month!! then sort the camera tech out asap!!
No point suggesting algorithms to decipher what these are when as Neil DeGrasse Tyson said 'if we don't know what that something is, how do we 'know' what it is?'...
It is stupifying, how in the heck can we not figure this out? I wish I could see for myself. I’ve never seen anything like these myself. If it is as we seem to think, beyond us. That would be amazing. It sure makes us look impotent. If it is someone else, maybe we are the next best thing in existence they’ve found, a curiosity.
Such long text, but so empty.
Same here dude it's mad confusing
@@ireallylovegodaliens have not come to visit us. You just say aliens because you don’t know what it is. It shouldn’t be “we don’t know what it is, must be aliens” it should be “we don’t know what it is” and leave it at that. It’s clearly top secret military testing or China spying on USA since these all coincidentally seem to always happen near US military bases…