Advice for Christians in the Coming Decade? | Doug Wilson

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • This week on Ask Doug, Doug Wilson answers a follow-up to last week's question about postmillennialism: Do you have any advice for Christians in the coming decade?
    Check out Doug's gameplan for cultural reformation, "Rules for Reformers" today!
    Ask Doug is presented by Canon Press.

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @jsimo1431
    @jsimo1431 3 года назад +434

    i lost every friend i ever had over a 2 year period. my drinking buddies. knew these people for over 25 years. but at the same time i was falling into the arms of God without knowing it. something inside of me needed God. yearned for God. He definitely works in mysterious ways. it's lonely, but worth every second!

    • @triffinaunderwood1236
      @triffinaunderwood1236 3 года назад +27

      God Bless you Brother - you are on the right path-keep your eyes on our Heavenly Father ❣️

    • @jsimo1431
      @jsimo1431 3 года назад +13

      @@triffinaunderwood1236 thank you. God bless you and your loved ones.

    • @barlowpenny
      @barlowpenny 3 года назад +23

      Well definitely can say I have recently been losing all my friends for taking a stand agaimst mormonism to friends that are swingers and telling them its a sin. It is lonely. But I had to obey God and warn them. And I'm known with these two groups as being a prude!! And incorrect on the gospel.

    • @lynnv8501
      @lynnv8501 3 года назад +14

      Indeed it is lonely at times to walk the road less traveled. I've learned to walk with God there though. Nothing can replace that. You don't need the drinking buddies.

    • @dnews9519
      @dnews9519 3 года назад +20

      Always remember, Broad is the path that leads to destruction and many go there. Straight is the gate and narrow is the way to Salvation and few find it.

  • @facelessshadow92
    @facelessshadow92 3 года назад +9

    There’s so much depth in this video.. I pray everyone that watches this comes to the understanding being shared. God bless you 🙏🏼

  • @jessetoler1032
    @jessetoler1032 3 года назад +26

    As a former Marine, the quote was, "Marines don't retreat, we attack in the opposite direction!" Or at least that's the way I remember it.

  • @motheringwithgrace8453
    @motheringwithgrace8453 3 года назад +19

    I'm sorry.
    I have to say it again,
    "Thank you, Pastor Doug!"
    Grace upon grace!

  • @perryewell5395
    @perryewell5395 3 года назад

    Amen! This "falling apart" of society will bring Christians together like never before and people who desire good will see the light. Christ has overcome the world. We need but follow Him.

  • @chrisc9611
    @chrisc9611 2 года назад +12

    “What they are trying to convince us of is their right to tell us what is truth”. Well said. In a nutshell. The absurdity boils down to this deception.

  • @BrokTheLoneWolf
    @BrokTheLoneWolf 3 года назад +117

    “We’re not debating with someone who thinks that guys are girls. We’re debating with those who think you are a girl” 🤣😂 legend.

    • @kate60
      @kate60 3 года назад

      So true. Truth is funny!

    • @DwjPHS
      @DwjPHS 3 года назад +12

      Some " girls" have more courage than many boys i know

    • @BrokTheLoneWolf
      @BrokTheLoneWolf 3 года назад +8

      @@DwjPHS that’s sad. On the boys part.

    • @MoiLiberty
      @MoiLiberty 3 года назад

      Women are the space of possibility, the mystery out of which both sinson and sinless are born on earth which may conquer death for our salvation that opens with the right question.
      Man must accept and submit to God's Will, and accept his Love in order discover the new space of possibility, the mystery, by aiming and striking the right question at the right time, in the right place.
      Saying you are a girl is not to say a girl in the earthly material resolution, that is a misunderstanding.
      Saying you are a girl means you are only possibility and have no ability to bring forth to the world the image of God which conquconquers and brings forth salvation through the infinite love of God.
      Maybe it makes sense that way? Remember, this is a spiritual representation of chaos and order, heaven and earth, land and ocean, fish and birds, the flood and the tower of Babel, day and night, microcosm and macrocosm.

    • @watchwatchers117
      @watchwatchers117 2 года назад

      @@DwjPHS "girls" are mostly terrified cowards, they hide and hope someone good will find them, never gonna happen. Equally important for both to put in the work. Equal rights equal responsibilities get ta breaking that ice.

  • @branded648
    @branded648 3 года назад +13

    Ya can't let folks make you uproot and leave. Stand your ground 👊💥👊✝️👈

    • @fishchick72
      @fishchick72 3 года назад

      It all depends on what God is calling you to do. He will tell some to move. But not all. But my family wants to move badly & God has not given us the green light so we are sitting tight in crazy California until God tells us otherwise. Thankfully we do have an amazing church.

  • @amgtowmonk2915
    @amgtowmonk2915 3 года назад +4

    We are the church each and everyone of us.

  • @SAOProductions1955
    @SAOProductions1955 3 года назад +13

    The exact quote from Herbert Stein goes like this - “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.”

  • @Spl1nter699
    @Spl1nter699 3 года назад +28

    "Secularism is an EMPTY, HOLLOW IDOL." Yes!

    • @kubasniak
      @kubasniak 3 года назад

      He just said when I read it LOL and video ended

    • @kubasniak
      @kubasniak 3 года назад +1

      Secularism is atheism and rotting stagnation. Product and deceit of the devil. Too much pride, arrogance and hostility, narcissism, fake empathy and nothing to strive for. A hopeless never ending abyss of misery. The lukewarm and double minded Christians not living faith are the same or even worse.

  • @Grace17893
    @Grace17893 3 года назад +1

    God help us all

  • @PastorEdwinTheProverbiallife
    @PastorEdwinTheProverbiallife 3 года назад +4

    This was great. Thank you brother’s.

  • @kuzivaj.z
    @kuzivaj.z 3 года назад +4

    All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord

    • @democratpro
      @democratpro 3 года назад


    • @tknox39
      @tknox39 3 года назад

      @@democratpro it says what it says. "All things" work together for the good of those who love Elohim. Including things that not everyone understands. Sexuality is a complex issue. Those that do not have a thorn of sexuality do not understand that battle. Just because a person battles issues of sexuality does not mean that those individuals do not love God. Its secular religion that places people in boxes disregarding the fact that faith is a personal journey. Personal relationship is what our creator desires not uniformity. The body of Christ works similarly to the human body. Do legs have the same assignment as the ears?? Those who have no experience in the battle of sexual identity have no experience in the matter therefore they cannot minister effectively to people with those struggles. All things DO work together for the good ( sexuality included, abortion recipients included ) of those who love the Lord. Many people have repented and are now ministering to those that identify with these issues. They ARE necessary and a vital part of the body of Christ no matter what organized religion says.

  • @steray8112
    @steray8112 3 года назад +2

    First time hearing this man. Anyone who references "Idols for Destruction" by Schlossberg as a 'must' read has my full attention. Many of the best theologians I have known over the years have been reformed, post mil types. Some have been - dare I say it - reconstructionists. Yet I know my Bible, and I believe in a 2Thes2:4 snatching away, and live accordingly. No more tree farms for me, and I have the land. Idaho is safe for now, but who are you planning to reach? Disaffected mormon-types? I have been praising the Lord increasingly through the supposed panic as it has driven millions out of child molesting public education into home schooling. Millions more are tempering their faith in "medical science" (and their doctors) with common sense and online resources that free their bodies and minds. Our future is bright. And I pray for my FEMA camp Region 5 commander on an occasional basis. Don't be deceived AND don't despair. God has this.

  • @aliencasinobartender8735
    @aliencasinobartender8735 3 года назад +1


  • @TechNACITYbjj
    @TechNACITYbjj 3 года назад +2

    The most immediate concern has always been and WILL ALWAYS be: Pray without ceasing, devour the word of God and prepare to suffer! 2 Timothy 3.12,13

    • @TechNACITYbjj
      @TechNACITYbjj 3 года назад

      @Jaxson Weatherman INDEED, YET: And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. THIS IS OUR REAL HOPE!

    • @robertsharonbonaretti2525
      @robertsharonbonaretti2525 3 года назад +2

      👍👌. There is a blessing in persecution it keeps you on your knees humbly because of Obedience to the call of holiness towards Him JESUS CHRIST

    • @TechNACITYbjj
      @TechNACITYbjj 3 года назад

      @@robertsharonbonaretti2525 yes! to Live is Christ. To die is Gain. May God bless you

  • @justintyme2764
    @justintyme2764 3 года назад +5

    Coming decade!? Sir we do not have a decade. It’s going down NOW!

    • @pigjubby1
      @pigjubby1 3 года назад +2

      Birth pains....they never ease up, they get stronger and more frequent....

    • @justintyme2764
      @justintyme2764 3 года назад


    • @Kpopbfan01
      @Kpopbfan01 3 года назад

      Absolutely. No time to be wasted! Now is the time to get right with God. What we are experiencing now is Birth Pangs and best believe it will get worst.

  • @Chirhopher
    @Chirhopher 3 года назад +9

    its Truly not that "He thinks You're a coward", but rather, He wants You to be a coward (specifically with him).

  • @c.s.froggis9982
    @c.s.froggis9982 3 года назад

    very well spoken

  • @promisejourney6326
    @promisejourney6326 2 года назад

    Great stuff!👏🏼👏🏼 So what Hill should we stand on and defend?

  • @michelleross9301
    @michelleross9301 3 года назад

    Finally!! The truth!! Reality 👍

  • @orgullosamentemexicana952
    @orgullosamentemexicana952 3 года назад +14

    The present “Evangelical” church is weak, confused and compromising!

    • @keithwilson6060
      @keithwilson6060 3 года назад


    • @Kpopbfan01
      @Kpopbfan01 3 года назад

      Keep praying for them. A lot of people are not ready yet and it is our duty to spread the word of God for not just ourselves but also for those who are lost.

  • @douglashouston81
    @douglashouston81 3 года назад +1


  • @markita.hardenhome
    @markita.hardenhome 3 года назад +1

    ahhhhh..... so good arguing about "their right to define".... that's good. God is the definer of all things.

  • @kenberger5543
    @kenberger5543 3 года назад

    What was the quote, the church goes from victory to victory, cleverly disguise as defeat?

  • @grllopez2644
    @grllopez2644 3 года назад

    We've got a church with a spine, but we live in California. Should we stay put?

  • @peterheroux8239
    @peterheroux8239 2 года назад

    So now, we’re quoting secular people to understand our world? Postmills are unfortunately also blind to the times;(
    We live in a age of Deception and unfortunately many believers are failing to see the times for what they are.

  • @baphnie
    @baphnie 3 года назад +1

    My advice would be watch out for insidious fear mongering in your own camp.

  • @judithparker4608
    @judithparker4608 3 года назад

    Are the human resources viable to keep ?

  • @mirandarogers1558
    @mirandarogers1558 3 года назад

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4
    Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
    2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
    3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
    4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

  • @leewatson9000
    @leewatson9000 3 года назад

    Be truthful, please. Dr. Seuss Enterprises which prints and distributes Dr. Seuss books decided themselves to pull those books after a panel they formed, made the recommendations. I’m quite sure that if you looked into that matter, you would have discovered that fact. Let’s be honest, Dr. Seuss was only looking after its brand, and not out of a troubled conscience.

  • @joyceharris9296
    @joyceharris9296 3 года назад

    King David, called on the Lord year after year, about the wicked appearing to be over taking the goodness in the land. The obsurdity.
    We too identify with Him.

  • @rjc7289
    @rjc7289 3 года назад

    Batten down the hatches, fellow Christians! The attacks on people of faith will continue and get worse. Jesus warned us that if we follow Him, we would be hated, so stand tall in the face of the coming adversity, and don't cave in to the ways of the world! We are not of this world, and we are destined for something far, far better! Don't be like those destined to burn in the lake of fire for all eternity!

  • @xanderduffy6461
    @xanderduffy6461 4 месяца назад

    Find a church with a spine. I’m in Scotland. 😭

  • @glennbo923
    @glennbo923 3 года назад

    The only advice I can give you is God Knows Your Heart.

  • @robertcoeymanjr.2550
    @robertcoeymanjr.2550 3 года назад +1

    The religion of the republic is being changed and this is what happens when two religions come into conflict. The first secular generation is reforming its religion and removing everything that is in conflict with their fundamental theology.

    • @robertcoeymanjr.2550
      @robertcoeymanjr.2550 3 года назад

      @@user-mx3kh8rj1t which is a belief concerning the nature and properties of God. From there, logical conclusions flow into a way of understanding the world.

    • @reedermh
      @reedermh 3 года назад

      @@user-mx3kh8rj1t Actually they believe the state is god.

  • @jonyoung6405
    @jonyoung6405 3 года назад +537

    “ Find a church with. spine”. Now that is task .

    • @lovealwayz950
      @lovealwayz950 3 года назад +21

      Yeah, that's sadly very tough...

    • @keithwilson6060
      @keithwilson6060 3 года назад +13

      Even in a large city, this is difficult.

    • @blessingsfromheaven8445
      @blessingsfromheaven8445 3 года назад +34

      The refusal to wear The mask is a start

    • @fokyewtoob8835
      @fokyewtoob8835 3 года назад +11

      I don’t even know where to look it’s so scarce

    • @democratpro
      @democratpro 3 года назад +1

      @@keithwilson6060 you mean "especially in a large city". Are you people really that oblivious? Don't answer that mask/vaxx boy

  • @dnzswithwombats
    @dnzswithwombats 3 года назад +434

    "A church with a spine." Exactly. Be bold and courageous. So many fear everything except God. Many fear offending people more than fearing offending God.

    • @kimsteinke713
      @kimsteinke713 3 года назад +1

      Yeah you're battle congratulations your battle is your brother and you don't even say why keep the Battle of courageous victory let's go to war war and it sounds like the devil to me. Are a bunch of afraid men. you can't tell the truth to save their spine at the cost of little children dying and being translating of the Bible and stigmatizing people stop it fascist it's about control and power you can't let go and let God be God Amen 🙏

    • @bjones5791
      @bjones5791 3 года назад +7

      @@kimsteinke713 That made no sense,Kim.You need to reread your thought before putting it up so you don't look like a rambling idiot.I'm SURE you have enough intelligence to put a sentence together.Love ya!..Brent

    • @Bibleguy89-uu3nr
      @Bibleguy89-uu3nr 3 года назад +4

      So true. Of all the churches in our area we are the only church who never stopped meeting during the pandemic in our entire county. Not to mention, there are very very few that haven't gone woke.

    • @c.s.froggis9982
      @c.s.froggis9982 3 года назад +1

      well said

    • @kimsteinke713
      @kimsteinke713 3 года назад

      @@bjones5791 I'll debate you any day Brent Jones let's go is that clear enough for your man with the spine come on I will debate with you any day Big Man on campus woohoo picking on little children cuz you can't come out of your closet. ❤️🙄

  • @Hangtime37
    @Hangtime37 3 года назад +46

    Why am I just finding this channel? Gold content

  • @long2baproverbs31woman2
    @long2baproverbs31woman2 3 года назад +338

    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."- Ephesians 6:12, KJV

    • @aimeeb2820
      @aimeeb2820 3 года назад +5

      Amen 🙏

    • @matthewjason6992
      @matthewjason6992 3 года назад +4

      I’m not entirely sure the pastor made that clear.

    • @consciousgentile5141
      @consciousgentile5141 3 года назад +9

      Satan can't do a damn thing without FLESH AND BLOOD creatures eager to serve him.

    • @Odo-so8pj
      @Odo-so8pj 3 года назад +3

      Rulers tend to worship satan.

    • @scotttheo3711
      @scotttheo3711 3 года назад +3

      Zionist Christians are to blame!!! The people Who kiilled Christ are destroying our society. Wake up!

  • @terrygibbs6899
    @terrygibbs6899 3 года назад +201

    Put on the whole armor of GOD and stand not in our own power, but in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.

  • @Imputationist
    @Imputationist 3 года назад +273

    I agree with these points. I would only you find a church with a spine, work out your salvation with fear and trembling so as to be sure that you too, Christian, have a spine yourself, (I include myself in this point I’m making).
    Even if Idaho is good a place to go today, doesn’t mean it will be in 20 years. Christians, with a spine, need to be every where there are people.

    • @fokyewtoob8835
      @fokyewtoob8835 3 года назад +20

      This right here. I hear everybody talking about “move here, move over there, leave the cities, run, flee, escape” and really what we should be doing as Christians is growing a spine as children of GOD ALMIGHTY and stand our damn ground where ever we may be and speak the TRUTH and be BOLD

    • @mattroth3359
      @mattroth3359 3 года назад +2

      Wise and well-said.

    • @pigjubby1
      @pigjubby1 3 года назад +8

      Yes. Our intentions cannot be enough. Our actions must be in line.

    • @jackp492
      @jackp492 3 года назад +4

      I agree Jesus didn't come to call the righteous but sinners, so you gotta be where the sinners are and be on thier level so they can see you as equal and understand you, if your not in their world you'll never reach them

    • @myrajackson-rain5483
      @myrajackson-rain5483 3 года назад +1

      Idaho is downwind of Hanford, WA, so any seismic activity in the Cascades will affect Idaho severely... you are right in standing... simply standing in Scripture, arms and hearts linked with the Holy Spirit AND your brothers and sisters in Christ...

  • @johnprentice1474
    @johnprentice1474 3 года назад +86

    The further the lunatics go, the stronger my faith gets. I know I'm not the only one either. Everyone remember that the Church flourishes under persecution.

  • @jl8138
    @jl8138 3 года назад +313

    Advice in the coming decade: start by finding you a church that isn't built on one person's cult of personality.

    • @JCSJesusChristSaves
      @JCSJesusChristSaves 3 года назад +25

      Or do what Jesus did and hold church everywhere you go. You dont need a recognized church that has already bowed down to the federal government by filing a 503c. Under US law, churches are non taxable period, asking the government for a 503c exemption just let's the government get involved in your messagr.

    • @adamwoodie4029
      @adamwoodie4029 3 года назад +2

      @@JCSJesusChristSaves Yes!

    • @christinsongbird
      @christinsongbird 3 года назад +1

      @Texas Eastern Orthodox ??

    • @carolineoates5964
      @carolineoates5964 3 года назад +1

      Amen. Just left one like this.

    • @davehartley2131
      @davehartley2131 3 года назад +2

      Or find one that's overtly aggressive instead of passively so.

  • @carlostriana7557
    @carlostriana7557 3 года назад +81

    How have I never heard this man speak?! So put together and hits issues right between the eyes. Very encouraging!

    • @peterprandel4669
      @peterprandel4669 3 года назад +2

      censorship and promoting unlogical things is destroying almost every western society now...

  • @derekreedball
    @derekreedball 3 года назад +127

    “Crazy... is not sustainable”

    • @richardthenryvideos
      @richardthenryvideos 3 года назад +2

      Nope. No its not.

    • @CanonPress
      @CanonPress  3 года назад +12

      It's true!

    • @Cinnamonbuns13
      @Cinnamonbuns13 3 года назад +7

      A Righteous "Natural selection" so to speak.

    • @Artur-hg1qg
      @Artur-hg1qg 3 года назад +1

      @@Cinnamonbuns13 LMFAO

    • @johnkoenig326
      @johnkoenig326 3 года назад +2

      Sure it is, unfortunately. Religions have been sustaining themselves and expanding for centuries.

  • @kenwood2460
    @kenwood2460 3 года назад +269

    This is exactly what my wife and I did. We relocated from Massachusetts to Kansas. Now we go to a church that has a huge spine and takes a stand for truth and the gospel. Bennington Bible Church in Kansas.

    • @Dreadboi1990
      @Dreadboi1990 3 года назад +12

      Don't rely on the church rely on the word of Yah. The church has lead many ppl astray

    • @jm1733
      @jm1733 3 года назад +7

      Its still a synagogue of satan. There is not a church in Kansas or anywhere else that knows the Father. I don't care who your pastor is, it isn't the Good Shepherd. Christ IN you is the only source of truth. He is the only pastor, shepherd that understands the scriptures. He is the only one with sound doctrine. You can keep heaping teachers on your head but you will just be turned unto fables. Christ IN you is your only hope of salvation and perfection. This is the narrow path that few find that leads to righteousness. Your temple made with hands is a harlots house and the dead are there. The carnally minded who are tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. You can't eat from the table of the Lord and the table of devils. Those things the gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils. Come out of Babylon and flee fornication.

    • @krb7694
      @krb7694 3 года назад +1

      Great idea Ken!

    • @pigjubby1
      @pigjubby1 3 года назад +24

      I have debated moving from California. My pastor said something that makes me question leaving. He always says "our job is to get people into the life boats." And as I see it, California is the greatest sinking boat there is. There are few places that need people being pulled into the life boats more than here. Most of my whole family is lost. I struggle with fleeing or staying. I pray for God's guidance in this time before I retire.

    • @myrajackson-rain5483
      @myrajackson-rain5483 3 года назад +8

      @@pigjubby1 Two of my favorite pastors are in CA... Mike Winger (Bible Thinker) and David Jeremiah... God bless you in your faith and courage...I am in a similar circumstance... linking arms with you in love and standing firm...stay safe and well...

  • @ryanhopkins7674
    @ryanhopkins7674 3 года назад +73

    Don’t worry about anything people may say or do to you because of your faith. There is a greater reward in heaven waiting for you! Jesus loves you!!!!!

    • @peggyferder8834
      @peggyferder8834 3 года назад


    • @fishchick72
      @fishchick72 3 года назад

      Can’t recall the reference but there’s a verse telling us to not fear those who can harm your body but not your soul.

    • @ruthaakamonica5602
      @ruthaakamonica5602 3 года назад

      Who cares about Heaven when what we have at hand is all that matters

    • @fishchick72
      @fishchick72 3 года назад +1

      @@ruthaakamonica5602 because what we have at hand is NOT what matters-eternity & where you choose to spend it is what matters.

    • @karll977
      @karll977 3 года назад

      What reward?

  • @sam65617
    @sam65617 3 года назад +83

    Im here behind enemy lines in Orange county , the resistance is alive and well

    • @myrajackson-rain5483
      @myrajackson-rain5483 3 года назад +5

      You are not alone. Be as prepared with basic necessities as you can, be ever listening to the Holy Spirit... do not doubt... or be afraid... you are not alone... one woman removed prayer from our schools... one true Christ follower can move mountains...

    • @bh613
      @bh613 3 года назад +4

      God bless and keep you dear Christ focused friend. Jesus paid it all on the cross. Matthew 28:18 -20

    • @mrs.garcia6978
      @mrs.garcia6978 7 месяцев назад

      How is it today?

  • @rightsidecrossrev
    @rightsidecrossrev 3 года назад +45

    Came to Boise from Silicone Valley last July during the wu-flu sham. Now I can attend church, carry a gun and patronize establishments mask free. Thank God for Idaho.

  • @robertcain3426
    @robertcain3426 3 года назад +65

    That picture in the thumbnail is not a church. It is a building. The church is the body of believers gathered together. That's it.

    • @jm1733
      @jm1733 3 года назад +3

      Yes, and I might add that the church, the called out ones, had the Spirit of Christ teaching them and had all things in common and were espoused to one husband, Christ. They had one teacher and understood the scriptures. These are attributes that are missing in the counterfeit harlot church system of carnal babylon. They also knew that Christ is the savior of all men, especially of those who believe. They commanded and taught these things, which leads to a tremendous amount of love and a lack of condemnation towards those who struggle in life. They also understood what fire meant in the scriptures which no carnal denominations understand which leads to the ultimate blasphemy of God, the depths of Satan.

    • @derPaul76
      @derPaul76 3 года назад +1

      Amen brother - true words!

    • @ExpiditionWild
      @ExpiditionWild 3 года назад

      Hmm and what do we call that building

  • @patrickmalec8419
    @patrickmalec8419 3 года назад +26

    When the state of things are so bad that he has to compare us to North Korea saying, “’s a totalitarian state, but it’s not a looney bin...”

  • @aaronwagner2514
    @aaronwagner2514 3 года назад +60

    Chesty Puller is that Marine you were referring to, sir! "We're not retreating, we're attacking in a different direction!"

    • @dnzswithwombats
      @dnzswithwombats 3 года назад +8

      "We're surrounded? Excellent, now they have no direction to go to get away from us."

    • @scuzlol
      @scuzlol 3 года назад +6

      Good night Chesty, wherever you are.

    • @democratpro
      @democratpro 3 года назад +1

      @@dnzswithwombats hearing non-marines misquote Chesty Puller pisses me off almost as much as misquoted Scripture.
      Intellectual and literal laziness has murdered my country.

    • @brotherbill1000
      @brotherbill1000 3 года назад +5

      @@democratpro Oh get over yourself, please. If it were not for him doing his best to remember a quote I would have never come to here about Chesty Puller.

    • @sootherswontknow
      @sootherswontknow 3 года назад

      "Retreat? Hell, we. just got here!!!"

  • @catbee1452
    @catbee1452 3 года назад +21

    "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil." (Ephesians 6:10-11) Without God's full armor, we are the devil's prey.
    "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm." (Ephesians 6:13) Because if we do not remain alert and stand firm in Truth, we will be taken down by the evil one....aka, we won't know what hit us.

  • @davidhess1019
    @davidhess1019 3 года назад +33

    This is the correct analysis of our situation. You can identify as a kangaroo but you can't force me to agree with you.

    • @MonaLisa-lu8zi
      @MonaLisa-lu8zi 3 года назад

      People with conditions such as Alzheimers might say "I want to go home" even though they are at home. It was often considered best, rather than amplify any cerebral irrigation or aggression, one should agree. This had the affect of dissipation. Now, I have decided I will have to change my responses. 🤔

    • @davidhess1019
      @davidhess1019 3 года назад

      @@MonaLisa-lu8zi But these people want to change our language in order to legitimize their inclinations. I'm sorry....they cannot force the whole world to add pronouns just to legitimize their compulsions.

    • @MonaLisa-lu8zi
      @MonaLisa-lu8zi 3 года назад

      No, I think I should not agree either. I should have the right to identify what I consider to be a correct judgement, as in the example "kangaroo". However the challenge offered is that the contrarian wants me to acquiesce to their suggestion that they are a "kangaroo". I think you are of the opinion that they should be told the truth. I was deciding on an answer that would support their finding "Truth", or otherwise remain in their "special state" (of mind). 🤔 My response is going to be a diplomatic "if you say so" for now.

    • @davidhess1019
      @davidhess1019 3 года назад +2

      @@MonaLisa-lu8zi The issue here is the "truth", and that truth is relevant to what each person wants to be his/her truth, which means that this would abolish any absolute truth, and that is the scheme of the devil.

    • @theofulk5636
      @theofulk5636 3 года назад +1

      tell them to "BOUNCE!"

  • @motorTranz
    @motorTranz 3 года назад +59

    “They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can’t get away from us now!” Lewis Burwell "Chesty" Puller

    • @edkeoshian6661
      @edkeoshian6661 3 года назад

      Absolutely, it's time to fight back, Trump will lead us!

    • @erikgriffith8857
      @erikgriffith8857 3 года назад +10

      @@edkeoshian6661 No, Christ will lead us. (And no, I'm not anti-Trump.)

    • @edkeoshian6661
      @edkeoshian6661 3 года назад +2

      @@erikgriffith8857 it's time to put away the old "turn the other cheek" crap, January the 6th should happen monthly, and I'm with you, I'm definitely not anti-Trump, you need to reconsider what matters today!

    • @johndank2209
      @johndank2209 3 года назад +1

      christianity is literally the religion with most people (about 3 billion), stop pretending you're the minority.

    • @erikgriffith8857
      @erikgriffith8857 3 года назад +3

      @@edkeoshian6661 The words of Christ aren't crap. What matters for eternity is infinitely more significant that what matters for today. This world will end one day. In the interim, Christians can work to fight for their liberty within the confines God has provided. America wouldn't even exist had Christ not rebuked Peter for cutting off the high priest's guard's ear. Don't allow Godless so-called "progressives" to cause you to lose your soul. I'm angry, too, and justly so but "in your anger, do not sin."

  • @julesfalcone
    @julesfalcone 2 года назад +11

    "We need to be done with the charade of secularism." I've been done with it. I encourage everyone to totally reject it.

    • @wet-read
      @wet-read 11 месяцев назад

      What charade is that, exactly? And do you think other factors are not or couldn't be at work for some troubling or strange or hard to understand phenomena?

    • @julesfalcone
      @julesfalcone 11 месяцев назад

      @@wet-read What about: "I've been done with it I encourage everyone to totally reject it." Don't you comprehend?

    • @wet-read
      @wet-read 11 месяцев назад

      I'm just curious what exactly about it you have a beef with. If you don't want to tell me, I'll just bounce.

  • @markandrew1885
    @markandrew1885 3 года назад +112

    This is the first person I've seen who is able to correctly articulate what is happening right now.

    • @neilhorsley343
      @neilhorsley343 3 года назад +1

      Your watching us then

    • @NEMO-NEMO
      @NEMO-NEMO 3 года назад +5

      Try watching Walter Veith. Ha has been shouting it from the rooftops for years.
      The Hegelian Dialect uses two parts, pitted up against one another until its impossible to ignore. Forcing both sides to a resolution, which was the intent in the first place.
      The resolution is the hidden agenda,
      The hidden players
      The lies
      The middle is the complete loss of freedom!
      And all will follow after the Beast.

    • @rebeccamcfadden365
      @rebeccamcfadden365 3 года назад

      R. Loren Sandford, New Song Church and Ministries in Denver, Colorado. Great spine.

    • @darnellpistachio2991
      @darnellpistachio2991 3 года назад +3

      Interesting profile pic Mark Andrew

    • @neilhorsley343
      @neilhorsley343 3 года назад +1

      @@darnellpistachio2991 so as to keep watch on you mate haha

  • @jtslev
    @jtslev 3 года назад +79

    “Secularism; an empty, hollow, idol.”

    • @carlf2842
      @carlf2842 3 года назад

      I feel sterile could fit comfortably to that list

  • @matthewdavidlandberg91588
    @matthewdavidlandberg91588 3 года назад +30

    We need a church with a moral backbone, compassionate towards all human beings but stay true to their convictions about biblical marriage and family. Cancel & celebrity culture is very bad for both the church and non-church going people. You need GOD to make your case!

    • @ryanedwardscott
      @ryanedwardscott 3 года назад +2

      biblical marriage? What a great idea. Start with women treated as property and perhaps move to having multiple wives? genius

    • @democratpro
      @democratpro 3 года назад

      @@ryanedwardscott i bet you only wear one mask. fauci said it takes two to tango with the deadly virus.
      Ryan, why do you want to kill every body?

    • @voyager1420
      @voyager1420 3 года назад

      @@ryanedwardscott Yes.

    • @jerryshunk7152
      @jerryshunk7152 3 года назад

      MATT: JW'S

    • @matthewdavidlandberg91588
      @matthewdavidlandberg91588 2 года назад

      @@ryanedwardscott biblical marriage means honoring marriage as between one man & one woman open to the gift of life not multiple wives. And not to treating women as property. That was never GOD's intention for marriage.

  • @OhioCoastie94
    @OhioCoastie94 3 года назад +32

    Hear, hear. The more I read and watch from reformers like Doug, the more resolute I become.

  • @davechang2949
    @davechang2949 3 года назад +20

    You are the church ,your body is the temple for the HOLY SPIRIT to dwell in -be true and holy and GOD bless you all in JESUS'S name, AMEN

    • @watchwatchers117
      @watchwatchers117 3 года назад

      Also means we don't have to go to Church to be saved most Churches don't help anyone but themselves and there Cult members by ripping off the poor gee I wonder who's really gonna go to Hell🤔

  • @rafaeldesouza8839
    @rafaeldesouza8839 3 года назад +31

    Great talk as always. I’ve been learning with Doug that being prophetic is not just predicting the future however is the gift of understanding what’s happening around us today with spiritual eyes being aware of the enemy’s traps.

    • @democratpro
      @democratpro 3 года назад +3

      You should run, not walk, from anyone saying they are "prophetic".

    • @voyager1420
      @voyager1420 3 года назад +3

      So true. Such as Revelation 3:9.

    • @monadouc9368
      @monadouc9368 2 года назад

      Corinthians says something to the contrary. Prophecy is a spiritual gift for some. They are to use their gifts to build up the body of Christ.

    • @monadouc9368
      @monadouc9368 2 года назад

      @Democrat Pro

  • @clinthathcock6078
    @clinthathcock6078 3 года назад +17

    A lot of these people (not all) leave and vote the same way they voted in the place they left, which led to them leaving. Vicious cycle.

    • @democratpro
      @democratpro 3 года назад +1

      Your uncle established the USMC scout-sniper program. 👍🏿

  • @puddleglummarshwiggle4236
    @puddleglummarshwiggle4236 3 года назад +44

    Brothers and sisters in Christ, please take a moment to pray for my children's abusers to be stopped and prosecuted and for my children to be brought home to me this year in Jesus's name. I've been praying for some time but I do believe God will work through prayer.

    • @achukagirma1131
      @achukagirma1131 3 года назад +5

      God be with you in JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY NAME

    • @bonginkosimnkandla4730
      @bonginkosimnkandla4730 3 года назад +3

      Praying for you sister may the will of God be done Amen

    • @mikeczeczot2070
      @mikeczeczot2070 3 года назад +2

      I will pray for you sister. I pray everyday God save our children , my hearts been broken since revelation of pizzagate. Im a little miffed that such a grest injustice has gone to the wayside because of Trump getting in now covid b s. This issue should never go away. I pray for you and God bless you. Your heart is right in forgiveness first . But there needs to be justice done .
      Peace God bless

    • @kathyjackson9620
      @kathyjackson9620 3 года назад +1

      I agree with you in Jesus's name!

    • @ashleyhockenberry2187
      @ashleyhockenberry2187 3 года назад +1


  • @joyceharris9296
    @joyceharris9296 3 года назад +5

    It's time to "Be done with the sherade of secularism".
    "Be unembarrassed about speaking up" with moral convictions. Identify as a Biblical Christian because
    "Secularism is an empty hollow idle".

  • @CanonPress
    @CanonPress  3 года назад +56

    Check out Doug's gameplan for cultural reformation, "Rules for Reformers" today!

    • @jamesjohnson6239
      @jamesjohnson6239 3 года назад +1

      565p 5yr

    • @Robato-yuh
      @Robato-yuh 3 года назад +2

      Thanks pastor Doug 🙏 have a great day

    • @3joewj
      @3joewj 3 года назад +1

      Pepe lew pew was fired for inappropriate and aggressive behavior towards female cats.😄

    • @robertcain3426
      @robertcain3426 3 года назад

      Check out God's plan. I hope for Doug they are the same. But I think not. Rev 17:16 for God's plan. The prostitute enacted a plan for years but will not stand. God's in control and will have his way.

    • @markferguson1338
      @markferguson1338 3 года назад

      God already has a plan on dealing with this,,,, acts2v42-47; Acts4v32-37

  • @gregshock
    @gregshock 3 года назад +10

    Even more than the dictionary, the battle is over who is in control of your mind. I guess, by extension, that must be true. Control over language is control over speech and mind and ultimately, action.

    • @amarleborgne9073
      @amarleborgne9073 2 года назад +1

      Controlled Language … reminds me of the Tower of Babel

  • @danman2001
    @danman2001 3 года назад +14

    Churches need to sing Psalms again. Do away with every trace of women worship leaders and pastors too. The Church needs to stop trying to be so secular and "cool." The Church is called out to be holy, not worldly.

    • @johnkoenig326
      @johnkoenig326 3 года назад +2

      "Back in the kitchen with you. And what did I tell you about wearing shoes??!!"

    • @lloydbraun6026
      @lloydbraun6026 3 года назад

      Watch James Delingpole’s latest video with a minister in the Church of England. They are going full woke with quotas of women and minorities regardless if they have the “calling” or not.

  • @akascotman
    @akascotman 3 года назад +27

    Problem in my country is relocation means emigration. Americans are fortunate to be able to move to different states without sacrificing their culture.

  • @jeremyogrizovich3247
    @jeremyogrizovich3247 3 года назад +11

    So glad I discovered this channel, thank you for your work.

  • @iBackshift
    @iBackshift 3 года назад +25

    They want you to be a mirror for their narcissism. The deranged thing about "these people" is it does not matter if you cheer them or give them heck, its about adulation "servile flattery" - you paid attention to them, regardless of "cheers or boo's". 2Ti2:23 shows who they are, shows what they ask/demand of you; the definition of narcissism is wrapped up in this verse.

    • @CornerTalker
      @CornerTalker 3 года назад +8

      oddly enough, in the KJV "But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes." and now our foolish disputes ARE gender strifes.

    • @iBackshift
      @iBackshift 3 года назад +1

      @@CornerTalker I had a loud laugh at that one. Albe'it was a scornful laugh at the truth you speak of. 2 thumbs up.

    • @larryclarke2119
      @larryclarke2119 3 года назад +1

      Spot on!

    • @polskigirl8547
      @polskigirl8547 3 года назад +2

      Narcissim has exploded in the world.....

  • @travis6694
    @travis6694 3 года назад +20

    Everyone is fleeting to Phoenix Arizona like crazy people. I’ve been here for 14 years and I’ve never seen it so busy before.

    • @juliephair5317
      @juliephair5317 3 года назад +3

      It is unreal !

    • @democratpro
      @democratpro 3 года назад +1

      Welcome your replacements with open arms. If not, you are raciss

    • @trevbarlow9719
      @trevbarlow9719 3 года назад


    • @travis6694
      @travis6694 3 года назад

      @@trevbarlow9719 haha ya

    • @SeanTemple68
      @SeanTemple68 3 года назад +2

      Where are you? I'm in Tempe. Been here since 1977 when I was in 3rd grade from Cleveland. And yes, this influx is INSANE! We can't even find a house to buy, and I'm not sure I want to throw (waste) the money in this ridiculously over-inflated market. When will it level off?

  • @johndowney8007
    @johndowney8007 3 года назад +8

    Stay strong in the LORD JESUS and the power of his Might HALLELUYAH AMEN

  • @JonJaeden
    @JonJaeden 3 года назад +21

    Most excellent. Digging out my old copy of "Idols for Destruction" for probably a third or fourth reading ...

    • @CornCod1
      @CornCod1 3 года назад +1

      Wow, read that 40 years ago when it came out.

  • @dontall71
    @dontall71 3 года назад +10

    Douglas MacArthur, "We're not retreating, we're advancing in another direction"

  • @Lightwait321
    @Lightwait321 3 года назад +29

    Amen! Done with the charade of secularism. There is always a god behind forms of worship. Everyone is trying to impose their morality!!!

  • @transparentzwindows
    @transparentzwindows 3 года назад +9

    Disappointed with Big Eva, (Tim Keller,TGC etc.). Full on Rope A Dope'd the church...

    • @jackjones3657
      @jackjones3657 3 года назад +3

      Spot on: Keller, Piper, Rick Warren and so many other "leaders" are enabling sin by refusing to call it what it is among their own congregants.

  • @lettyguerra371
    @lettyguerra371 3 года назад +3

    A Bible believing Christian is saying to his/her self that we need to share the Gospel, because the time is short! Time to get ready! We are believing the bible in these last days. I'm sure things are going to get worse as in the time of Noah. Its time to get serious about the great commission that Jesus commanded we do. There are a lot of confused angry people who have never heard The True Gospel, and about the love of God. We need to share in truth and love, and let the Holy Spirit work on the hearts. Forget politics and worldly ideas, because Jesus is coming soon!

    • @Kpopbfan01
      @Kpopbfan01 3 года назад

      Absolutely Letty! God is giving everyone an opportunity to repent and come to him. This is why this covid situation is huge. God's children are spreading the Gospel now. Once everyone hear the word it's up to them to accept the word. This is just the beginning. God is giving everyone signs and warning. Now is the time to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.

  • @christianhennessey1191
    @christianhennessey1191 3 года назад +2

    The enemy is after the word, as usual.
    Jesus ,The Word is Truth.
    The devils' word is lies.
    The division of the two is being made.

  • @duncescotus2342
    @duncescotus2342 3 года назад +3

    A few commenters latched on to a classic Wilsonian nugget of a phrase, "Church with a spine." Typical of Doug, humorous, astute, gently persuasive, fatherly, all of those kinds of things. He himself, a glorious asset to the Kingdom. I affirm that. Love the man. I don't love his Calvinism. It's holding him back from true effectiveness. Pray for him, people of God.

  • @williamlott7612
    @williamlott7612 3 года назад +22

    Anyone who has ever read Revelation should know things are going to get increasingly worse before things get better. Darlington, South Carolina

    • @carolcole570
      @carolcole570 3 года назад +2

      William Lott. Goodness William, I have read down thru the comments, getting more discouraged as I read. UNTIL I got to YOUR comment ! William, what do you think all these people are THINKING ? Are they not keeping up with Prophecy ? They sound as if they are from another planet . You and I know EXACTLY what is happening, and EXACTLY what is GOING to happen, all the way to when that trumpet blows for us to go up thru the air. Atlanta, Georgia

    • @williamlott7612
      @williamlott7612 3 года назад +5

      @@carolcole570 I’m not sure if they are thinking at all. Too many react based on their feelings and not God’s truth and sovereignty. I think that things will get a whole lot worse than today. When the persecution begins in earnest many will flee the church and those left will trust in God alone to see them through the peril. I believe that God is always in charge and that Scripture is true regarding the future. I personally don’t worry about the future as I know the One who holds the future in His hands. God bless.

    • @carolcole570
      @carolcole570 3 года назад

      @@williamlott7612. Amen and AMEN. I hope many will get plugged in to J.D. Farag.

  • @honeybear200
    @honeybear200 3 года назад +6

    I am asking for prayers concerning another Great Revival like The Welsh Revival only world wide. Please brothers and sisters pray for this with me so the HOLY SPIRIT can be poured out on the masses before The Master returns. Thank You, GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

  • @FisherOfPeople
    @FisherOfPeople Год назад

    The only problem Doug is that we’ve been going down for the better part of a 1000 years

  • @888karminaburana
    @888karminaburana 3 года назад +4

    The task of evil is to wake us up - when things go well we don't ask why. We start thinking and asking questions when things become really uncomfortable. Hard times are to the soul what the weigths that a body-builder.

  • @branded648
    @branded648 3 года назад +15

    Gods word said these day's would be like they are. You ain't gonna change that. Trust in the Lord is all you can do. He's coming back to get us who believe. 💯👀👍

    • @johnelliott5859
      @johnelliott5859 3 года назад

      said christians for the last two millennia.

    • @branded648
      @branded648 3 года назад +6

      @@johnelliott5859 You won't be mocking when it happens 😳👈🙃

    • @johnelliott5859
      @johnelliott5859 3 года назад +1

      @@branded648 why would you call a completely truthful statement "mocking". Christians have been saying that for the last two millennia. In fact, you could interpret the bible to indicate that Christ should have returned before his followers had all died.
      Why do you believe now is the time?

    • @branded648
      @branded648 3 года назад +4

      @@johnelliott5859 The Bible Clearly tells us what will be. We are witnessing what is mentioned through out the Bible before The Second coming. Those who believe will be kept from the hour of TESTING to come upon the whole WORLD. (Tribulation). This time will be for the House of Israel and Gentiles who refuse to Believe on the only begotten son of God. I pray that you take this seriously. There is only one way to The Kingdom of God. Through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Read it for yourself. Peace to you ✌

    • @johnelliott5859
      @johnelliott5859 3 года назад

      @@branded648 What about the millions of humans in history who never heard the message of Christ? Are they condemned to hell?
      I'm not sure about the bible clearly telling us what will happen. Most is allegory and open to interpretation. Not like the condoning of slavery and genocide which is clearly stated in the bible.
      I'll be happy making the most of this single life I have been fortunate to have and not worrying about an always imminent apocalypse.

  • @joyceharris9296
    @joyceharris9296 3 года назад +2

    The lust to govern.
    Than serve In a peaceful content nation.
    "Whose the editor of the dictionary"
    Soft Christians are broken devotees. Woke first but where is God Almighty in your list of devotees.

  • @mustangNJD
    @mustangNJD 3 года назад +11

    Wow. So good Doug. Thank you. I'm getting that book now, "idols for destruction"

  • @shannoncrawford7212
    @shannoncrawford7212 3 года назад +8

    Thank you for this presentation.
    Similar comment to one I made on a The Sword and the Trowel video the other day.
    This presentation has been a huge affirmation for me personally as to the direction that God has directed and guided me and our family over the past several years.
    I spent 20 years with a large corporation, and the last 8 years of that time in a leadership position with a high level of responsibility, and very good compensation.
    And as a part of that job, we moved away from where my wife’s family was located and to several locations throughout the US (one of which was Portland, OR).
    Although we always had the desire to be able to eventually relocate back to near her family (in NC).
    Unfortunately much of the relocation to NC is from the Northeast and not necessarily from people with similar worldviews.
    BTW, I grew up in Culdesac, ID. Both my parents and several of my siblings went to the U of I. I went to many FFA events at the U of I.
    Several years ago I was becoming increasingly aware of the nature of working in a corporate environment and how that did not fit well with my own personal leadership beliefs and common sense thinking.
    I made the decision to leave my position with the company and to purchase a bread distribution territory back in the area my wife’s family lived.
    I would consider it semi-entrepreneurship. As it is basically a franchise style business, but with a much simpler business model than typical restaurant franchises.
    It was a reduction in income, but still provides sufficient income that our family needs to support ourselves.
    And it is inflation and recession resistant.
    As your profit is based on a percentage of the amount/dollars of bread sold, so as prices increase through inflation so does your income.
    And bread is typically one of the last things off of the shopping list when people experience financial difficulties.
    And it provides several layers of protection against cultural decay and pressures to conform.
    My business is incorporated so my franchise agreement/contract is between my corporation (not me personally) and the parent company.
    And my business is contractually protected, without contractual obligations around personal beliefs/statements (as opposed to at will employment).
    Not that anyone will be completely protected from pressures to conform, as the attacks will likely come from all angles and aspects of life.
    I personally feel burdened about Christian leaders in secular businesses/corporations in the coming years, as they will likely have an additional layer of pressures against their convictions/beliefs.
    Not only will they likely be expected to conform to the “new” belief system/worldview, like all employees of a company.
    But they will also be expected to teach it and eventually hold others accountable who do not conform.
    Which may put many in a position of choosing to stand on their beliefs in the Word and losing their job/source of income. With no opportunity to try to “lay low” and weather the storm.
    I could see myself being in this exact position had I stayed with my former employer.
    And I hope and pray I would have had the strength to quit or be fired rather than conform and do their “dirty work.”
    But that may be a very difficult position/decision many corporate Christian leaders find themselves in soon.
    And lastly, but most importantly, God has led us to a wonderful church, that has been standing firm to the Word in the onslaught of ideologies around COVID and the woke/CRT agendas.
    The lead Pastor/Elder is a graduate of The Masters Seminary, and I see a lot of similar leadership qualities in him that have been evidenced in John MacArthur during the past year.

    • @shannoncrawford7212
      @shannoncrawford7212 3 года назад +1

      @Kizito Kanu
      Of course, and thank you for the prayers.
      As we are all going to need prayer, strength, courage, and wisdom as we navigate the upcoming years.

  • @joshuasy10
    @joshuasy10 3 года назад +5

    Man is spitting straight facts! Glory be to God and let us not be ashamed of his name! Was it not seen as a tragedy for Jonah to flee and enter the waters? But in the end there was rebirth and the saving if a city, these are all signs of the times ppl, stay strong, bolster your communities, prepare for the flip, and praise God!

  • @larrysmith2636
    @larrysmith2636 3 года назад +5

    The Church is, for all intents and purposes, dead and has been for quite some time. There are many who talk the talk, but few who walk the walk. Those few who walk the walk haven't set foot in a church in years. Have a nice day.

    • @consciousgentile5141
      @consciousgentile5141 3 года назад

      Exactly what Satan wants you to think.

    • @larrysmith2636
      @larrysmith2636 3 года назад +1

      @@consciousgentile5141 Although I do not agree with your assessment, thank you for the post. Have a nice day.

    • @jm1733
      @jm1733 3 года назад +1

      I absolutely agree 100 percent with that. You are correct

    • @reflectionsinthebible3579
      @reflectionsinthebible3579 3 года назад

      @@consciousgentile5141 It’s more true than false. There is not one church in my area that teaches correctly or does things the right way.

    • @consciousgentile5141
      @consciousgentile5141 3 года назад

      @@reflectionsinthebible3579 Does the Church preach from the Bible?
      Does the Church allow you to meet other believers?
      Does the Church encourage anti Christian teachings that defy the Bible?

  • @greatstuffs
    @greatstuffs 3 года назад +3

    Hey guys please pray for me my job is making the vaccine mandatory and I am not going to get it so I don't know what to do????

    • @pigjubby1
      @pigjubby1 3 года назад

      You have allergies. Get a doctor's note. You are allergic to falsehood.

    • @pigjubby1
      @pigjubby1 3 года назад

      Or, it might be the time to find a new job, and it may be better for you. Start looking.

    • @cherie4freedom794
      @cherie4freedom794 3 года назад

      You are protected LEGALLY! This vaccine is EXPERIMENTAL. NOT APPROVED BY THE FDA. GO to “pinball preparedness “ RUclips. He has a letter written by an attorney. Or you can Google : are mandatory COVID vaccines legal. They are NOT

    • @cherie4freedom794
      @cherie4freedom794 3 года назад

      Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is NOT LEGAL UNDER FEDERAL LAW

    • @cherie4freedom794
      @cherie4freedom794 3 года назад

      I meant can not be MANDATED per Federal law as it is experimental

  • @walktheworldproject7988
    @walktheworldproject7988 3 года назад +9

    Crazy use to mean something, these days everyone is crazy 🤪.

  • @michaelatkins9780
    @michaelatkins9780 3 года назад +4

    If you think that there's 10yrs left, I suggest you read Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Habukah, Mathew, Mark, Jude and Revelations. And pray like your soul depends on it.

  • @jeffevans3193
    @jeffevans3193 3 года назад +2

    These Men don't even know its not even close to being bad. If your of the mind of a secular your never going to wake up. You've surrendered to your world. Those in the protestant churches along with the catholics the latter day rain will awaken many not all and they will leave those churches which are fallen ones. Find Jesus now or suffer in the plaques thats your choice but do it now not latter.

  • @CornerTalker
    @CornerTalker 3 года назад +7

    This is not a "retreat." The relocation he is talking about (7:44 ) is a modern-day partition, just as India and Pakistan experienced decades ago. And we, too, will end up as two separate countries. The partition of America is an incidence of Christians finding their own place, and in this reflects the Christians that fled Europe.

    • @reedermh
      @reedermh 3 года назад

      I'm all about Texas reclaiming her independence. #Texit

    • @CornerTalker
      @CornerTalker 3 года назад

      @@reedermh Not me - I want the Gulf Coast, the Great Plains, and the Midwest up to Indiana to join her - Push for Partition.

    • @mumbles215
      @mumbles215 3 года назад

      The cabal will never allow America to split. Their agenda is to unite us under one banner, NWO, consolidation of nations.

  • @GabrielMartinez-su8di
    @GabrielMartinez-su8di 3 года назад +8

    This is great. Doug Wilson is such a blessing for the church.

  • @danielgeb2752
    @danielgeb2752 3 года назад +3

    Interesting point Wilson is making with the "sky is pink" theory if I can call it that.
    The situation is very bad over there in the United States. I think we haven't reached this point yet here in Germany but we are definitely on the way with the leftists.

  • @lpbl2004
    @lpbl2004 3 года назад +7

    Dr. Wilson, thank you for your wise advice. You are a wise and intelligent Pastor, and I affirm much of what you’re saying. I just wish that in the midst of this conversation, there would’ve been a call back to prayer and devout study and application of the Scriptures. We as evangelicals are so ignorant of who God is, and we need first and foremost get back to Him. This is just my humble addition, thank you.

    • @democratpro
      @democratpro 3 года назад

      Save your additions, humbly.
      Look with your eyes, not with your mouth